napkinreligion · 5 years
Let’s Get Metaphysical
It may be more useful to say that a metaphysical statement usually implies an idea about the world or the universe, which may seem reasonable but is ultimately not empirically verifiable, testable or provable.
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Aristotle originally split his metaphysics into three main sections and these remain the main branches of metaphysics:
Ontology (the study of being and existence, including the definition and classification of entities, physical or mental, the nature of their properties, and the nature of change)
Natural Theology (the study of God, including the nature of religion and the world, existence of the divine, questions about the creation, and the various other religious or spiritual issues)
Universal Science (the study of first principles of logic and reasoning, such as the law of noncontradiction) 
Aristotle's Law of Identity, the Axiom of Identity, states that to exist, an existent must have a particular identity. A thing cannot exist without existing as something, otherwise it would be nothing and it would not exist. 
“I think; therefore I am”... What do you think? Do you think?
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Question everything, even what you know to be true...
more about the Basics of Philosophy  
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You don’t have to think like us, just think... The Napkin Religion follow on Facebook
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napkinreligion · 5 years
Delaware Humanist
If you live in Delaware come join our discussion group on Facebook. Click Here 
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napkinreligion · 5 years
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napkinreligion · 5 years
Religious Freedom? No Child Abuse.
50 Bills 50 States is the largest campaign in the world endeavoring to protect LGBTQ youth from conversion therapy.
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Conversion therapy is the pseudo-scientific practice of trying to change an individual's sexual orientation from homosexual or bisexual to heterosexual using psychological or spiritual interventions. We need to let kids be kids. Sexuality and gender like every other part of our biological make up developed and should not be disturbed to meet some archaic religious ideological belief.
Join The Trevor Project in their endeavor to end conversion therapy in every state because lesbian, gay and bisexual youth from highly rejecting families are more than 8 times more likely to attempt suicide than youth from accepting families. 50 Bills 50 States is the largest campaign in the world endeavoring to protect LGBTQ youth from conversion therapy.
The risks of conversion therapy extend far beyond its ineffectiveness, and the time and money wasted on “therapies” that don’t work. The American Psychiatric Association has clarified that “the potential risks of reparative therapy are great, including depression, anxiety and self-destructive behavior, since therapist alignment with societal prejudices against homosexuality may reinforce self-hatred already experienced by the patient.” The Pan American Health Organization, a regional office of the World Health Organization, concluded that conversion therapy, “lack[s] medical justification and represent[s] a serious threat to the health and well-being of affected people.”
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napkinreligion · 5 years
Is it we the believers...
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In light of the New Zealand mass shooting, I hear Muslims and Christians a like calling for peace...
I'm not saying all the violence in the world is caused their religious ideologies, but the world would be a better place if their was no religion... Electing someone a religious ideologue to our political system is a big mistake. The republican party is inundated with evangelical fanatics, maybe some Russian operatives too... or the Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar in the democratic party who because of her religious ideology, is bringing anti-antisemitism to the party... Seems like a vote for the republican party is a vote for evangelicalism and a democratic vote for, oh hell i have not idea what they stand for yet, but seems to be more for human rights... I don't know if we need a third party, seem like a good idea, but one thing is certain if we keep electing people with strong religious ideologies we will be forced to wake up every morning and praise either Yahweh or Allah... Want to stop the violence, ban religion. Want a more far and human government, VOTE SECULAR!
Find us on Facebook too ... Click Here
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napkinreligion · 5 years
America was build on freedom not religion
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In a recent Gallup poll 54% of Americans said they would vote for an atheist (which is up from previous polls), and 58% would vote for a Muslim, while 90% or more of Americans would vote for a black, a woman, Catholic, Hispanic or Jewish presidential candidate. This is a country where half of the population rejects evolution, making Americans credulous, uninformed and vulnerable to political manipulation. Many religiously-motivated referendums will be appearing on ballots, which is used as a way to lure "religious right" voters to the polls. The religious right remains dogged in its religion-based attacks on the separation between state and church, specifically citing scripture and doctrine to target women's rights, reproductive liberty, health care reform, gay rights, and marriage equality. Never in our history has there been a greater need for engaged, informed secular citizens to stand up for freethought, family and freedom.
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napkinreligion · 5 years
The Future of Feminine
Being masculine or feminine hasn't a thing to do with being male or female...
Masculine and feminine are two fundamental qualities in nature. The physical nature of the universe happens between polarities, and one dimension of this polarity is masculine and feminine. When I say masculine and feminine, I am not talking about male and female. You may be a woman, but you may have more masculine in you than most men. You may be a man but have much more feminine in you than most women.
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napkinreligion · 5 years
Religious Mindset
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The Religious Mindset is a very dangerous thing and it can be easy to get stuck there. This is where one feels they have to perform to every prerequisite and demand that are placed on them. In a performance mentality, personal identity and God-given purpose can be suppressed as the person begins to be a carbon copy of his/her leader. This is dangerous. Not only does he/she walk in a false identity but he/she often becomes a showboat filled with pride finding their validation in the applause and cheers of the crowd. One with a religious mindset has a tendency to go through the routine of religious acts without a Kingdom purpose tied to it. They will go through the motions but no fruit is ever produced; no goal is ever obtained. They do it because their religion says do it,
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napkinreligion · 5 years
Male/Female It's A Genetic Thing
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What is gender? It's defined as a state of being.How can someone's state of being be measured? It can't because it has variables, in the sense of someone's height.Can it be defined as male and female? I think not.
That would mean ALL men are equal to each other and ALL woman are equal, but that is not true. Using gender to describe reproductive differances, would be the same as using hight to describe the difference between males and females. 
By definition, gender would be better identified as masculine and feminine. A male could be feminine, as a woman could be masculine. Not all men are tall, not all women are short.
Gender and sexuality really have nothing to do with being male or female. However, what does is how we reproduce. Therefore, to be medically and scientifically correct, reproductive equality would be a more appropriate term to use then gender when describing genetic differences between human beings. Genetic Equality would be more correct. 
Everyone has seen the sunrise right? Yet we all know the sun doesn't move. What we're actually seeing is the rotation of the earth. If we keep using gender to describe someone's sex, when we know it is scientifically incorrect, then men will always be seen as being masculine and women feminine. Which is just as much an illusion as the sun rising and setting.
Let's take a closer look. By definition a male is of the sex that produces small, typically motile gametes, especially spermatozoa, with which a female, who produces an egg, may be fertilized or inseminated to produce offspring. That's a male, now what's a man? An adult human male. Being masculine has nothing to do with being male. However, by definition, being able to reproduce has everything to do with being male or female.
So, if someone is unable to reproduce regardless of their genetic makeup, can they be referred to as a male or female, a man or woman? Not by definition. At one time we believed the Earth was flat, we found out it was round, and we redefined the maps so as not to be confused. Maybe it's time to redefine man and woman...
Look at it this way. Someone is NOT biological male or female, because our biology is a combination of systems created by our genetic make-up, they would be genetically male or female. 
If you do think gender and how someone reproduces is synonymous with one another, then be careful if you go sailing off into the sunset because you'll fall off the edge of the Earth...
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Socially it seems women are the only ones that suffer the abuse of men. Try being a feminine male. So if by Gender Equality you mean masculine/feminine, not male/female, then I'm all for it. 
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napkinreligion · 5 years
(Washington D.C., February  12, 2019) – American Humanist Association (AHA) leaders applaud the introduction of House Resolution 123 and Senate Resolution 63, also known as the Darwin Day Resolutions. Introduced by Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) and Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), the resolutions commemorate the birthday of famed biologist Charles Darwin, February 12, as a national celebration of evolution and science while opposing the teaching of creationism in public school science classrooms.
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napkinreligion · 5 years
Religion is like a penis, it's okay to have one and take pride in it. But when you take it out and wave it in my face it becomes an issue
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napkinreligion · 5 years
Be weary of any belief or ideology that promotes division between you and your fellow human beings. 2 ideologies that come to mind are Christianity and Islam. I don't like judging people but based on their actions they are the most hateful people on the face of the Earth.
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napkinreligion · 5 years
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napkinreligion · 5 years
To those who believe in me. Try to do good in this world. Not out of fear of hell or the rewards of Heaven. But, because it feels better not to be an asshole.
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napkinreligion · 5 years
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napkinreligion · 5 years
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napkinreligion · 5 years
How can educated people be believers? What's unbelievable, is that we keep electing these people to public office. ??
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