pringorr · 4 months
It's not misdirected when society considers that a person born female is a woman. Trans men are the target of misogyny because they were born female. Even when transgender women experience misogyny, it's perpetuated based on the assumption that they were born female. It's trans women who face misdirected misogyny.
society if transmen would talk abt the misdirected misogyny they experience when its not a reactionary argument to transmisogyny
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pringorr · 10 months
hey. as a transmasc the way you're talking about transfems isn't cool and it isn't justified.
I see what you are trying to do and it's misguided and dissappointing. I could argue specifics but there are others who are better at that than me so I will leave it to them.
We already have people speaking on transandrophobia (or whatever you want to call it) who want to work with the rest of the trans community collaboratively. You could be joining them in respectful conversation with transfems.
I will say that this movement you're trying to start is always going to be fringe, unpopular, and derided. The rest of us will view you as an embarrassment and refuse to organize with you.
Separatist movements are never very popular and that is for a reason: we are always going to have transfem friends, family, and partners. We are always going to exist in community with transfems and many of us are always going to love them. I know it can be hard to see but most of them feel the same way about us.
I'm not trying to be mean. But I hope you delete this blog and stop trying to solve intracommunity issues through lateral aggression.
I want to start firstly with this; if you came onto my page expecting to try and get me on my belly in front of others, then you are talking to the wrong creature. My page and, more importantly, posts were not designed to appeal to the sensibilities of ATEs. I’ve been proven time and time again that ATEs refuse to understand anti-transmasculinity/transandrophobia or have an elementary level understanding of it that boils down to “trans bois r bois!!! uwu”.
If my being “misguided” has been backed up with screenshots and personal testimony of ATEs, and especially ATE trans people showing deep contempt for us is somehow dissapointing, then i’m (not) sorry. I’m obviously very open for a dialogue, though i take it no one would remotely consider having me wherever this would take place.
I’m aware that many other pages are discussing anti-transmasculinity/transandrophobia/transmisandry, i’m merely adding to the conversation with my own theories. I don’t care if i have more than 10 transmascs following my movement; this isn’t about numbers for me, what i’m doing is processing my injustices in a way that i can hope that many transmascs can hopefully understand as well as be granted a new perspective. As you probably know, transmascs aren’t even allowed the grace to create theories that centre around our own oppression. I’m here to at least attempt to provide that. And so what if people refuse to organise with me? It’ll just prove me right.
Of course you’ll continue to have transfem partners/friends/family, as far as i’m concerned my host has two transfem partners and many transfem friends himself. However unlike him, i’m not gonna waste my time with empathy that isn’t even gonna be returned (he’s also big into this “solidarity” stuff).
I appreciate the concern, but i’m staying. I don’t care if my movement will be unpopular or fringe or if i’ll be considered a pariah, that means dick all to me.
~ Caracal.
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pringorr · 10 months
"trans women face way more sexual violence than TME trans people"
That's not true. Learn to shut the fuck up and educate yourself before speaking over us and downplaying our oppression.
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"Non-binary participants who had been assigned female at birth were most likely to report sexual violence (66.1%) followed by trans men (54.2%) and non-binary people assigned male at birth (44.5%). Whilist trans women least commonly reported sexual violence (36.%)"
Most reliable data on this subject show the same trend.
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pringorr · 10 months
not as a whole, but enough for me to say ''trans women'', even when they are not directly using concepts like ''tme'', they are expressing the same idea. I'm not judging them just based on how people act on Tumblr (and other platforms) it's a mix of both online and non-online interactions i've had with them that shaped my views about transfems. I've also had transfeminine people who have shown understanding about the problems we're going through, but that didn't stop them from seeing afab trans people as part of an antagonistic group.
believing in transandrophobia has nothing to do with thinking that trans women are a united front of people who want to make trans men’s lives miserable. People who want to present the conversation like this is the only reason that somebody would believe in transandrophobia have no intention of having a good faith discussion. when I say a trans woman is not intuitively going to know all of the experiences that I have had as a transmasc that is not me saying that she is my enemy, or that she is attacking me by not being omniscient and knowing every avenue of how my oppression as a trans person affects me.
part of creating compassionate community spaces for us to be safe with each other includes listening to each others experiences and the way that they differ. I as a trans person with a uterus am going to have different fears and concerns for my own safety than a trans woman is and we can talk about those differences without at any point trying to say that one of us experiences misogyny and the other doesn’t. there can be an intersection of misogyny and transphobia experience specifically by trans women and there can be an intersection of misogyny and transphobia specifically experienced by trans men and those two things don’t need to be competing ideas or involve demonizing other trans people as an oppressing force taking your rights away
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pringorr · 10 months
And while you hold this conciliatory, non-antagonizing position, trans women are inventing in their circles new concepts and theories positioning afab trans people people as their class enemies ("TME" etc..). The contrast between what both groups say towards each other is embarassing.
believing in transandrophobia has nothing to do with thinking that trans women are a united front of people who want to make trans men’s lives miserable. People who want to present the conversation like this is the only reason that somebody would believe in transandrophobia have no intention of having a good faith discussion. when I say a trans woman is not intuitively going to know all of the experiences that I have had as a transmasc that is not me saying that she is my enemy, or that she is attacking me by not being omniscient and knowing every avenue of how my oppression as a trans person affects me.
part of creating compassionate community spaces for us to be safe with each other includes listening to each others experiences and the way that they differ. I as a trans person with a uterus am going to have different fears and concerns for my own safety than a trans woman is and we can talk about those differences without at any point trying to say that one of us experiences misogyny and the other doesn’t. there can be an intersection of misogyny and transphobia experience specifically by trans women and there can be an intersection of misogyny and transphobia specifically experienced by trans men and those two things don’t need to be competing ideas or involve demonizing other trans people as an oppressing force taking your rights away
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