pxstel-pxges · 3 years
dropbox containing linguistics textbooks
contains 34 textbooks including etymology, language acquisition, morphology, phonetics/phonology, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, & translation studies
dropbox containing language textbooks
contains 86 language textbooks including ASL, Arabic, (Mandarin) Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hebrew (Modern & Ancient), Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovene, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Thai, Turkish, Urdu, Vietnamese, Welsh
dropbox containing books about language learning
includes fluent forever by gabriel wyner, how to learn any language by barry farber, polyglot by kató lomb
if there’s a problem with any of the textbooks or if you want to request materials for a specific language feel free to message me!
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pxstel-pxges · 4 years
Scottish Gaelic has some fun Proverbs Here’s My Favourites
A’bhiast as mutha ag ithe na beiste as lugha (or ‘Big fish eat little fish’)
Bainne nan gobhar fo chobhar ‘s e bàlth, ‘s e chuireadh an spionnadh sna daoine a bha. (or ‘It is the milk of the goat foaming and warm, that gave strength to the past generations of people.’)
Cha bhòrd gun aran ach ‘s bòrd aran leis fhèin. (’A table without bread is not a table, but bread is a table on its own.’ If anyone can explain this one, please do.)
Cuir sin an clamhan gobhlach am measg nan cearc. (’That put the red kite among the hens’. Another one that needs explaining.)
Coinnichidh na daoine far nach coinnich na cnuic. (’The people meet each other but the hills do not.’ It means ‘There are some things/events that are impossible, like an encounter of mountains, but there is always a chance for people to meet.’)
Innsidh na geòidh as t-Fhoghar e. (’The geese will tell it in the autumn’. Meaning ‘All will be revealed in due course.’)
Is leigheas air gach tinneas creamh is ìm a’ Màigh; òl am fochair siud bainne ghobhar bàn. (’To heal all disease, take garlic and May butter; drink along with that white goats’ milk’. Explanation?)
Mu tha thu airson a bhith buan, na teid eadar an tè ruadh agus a’chreag. (or ‘If you want to live a life that is long, don’t die.’)
The fios aig an luch nach ‘eil an cat a ‘s tigh. (’If the cat is away, the mice play’.)
Triùir a thig gun iarraidh - gaol, eud is egal. (’Three things that come unbidden - love, jealousy, and fear’.)
The variant on the above: ‘Thig trì nithean gun irraidh, an ois, an gaol, agus an t-siataig.’ (’Three things come without being wanted, age, love, and rheumatism’.)
Tuig thus’ an t-eathar, ‘s tuigidh an t-eathar thu. (’Understand the boat and the boat will understand you.’ Explanation needed?)
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pxstel-pxges · 4 years
Japanese Braille (and why it’s easier than written Japanese)
Okay, so I thought I’d write a post about a topic that’s really close to my heart, being a Legally Blind person: Japanese Braille. 
There are 1.64 million people in Japan with an Uncorrectable Vision Impairments, 187,000 of which are listed as Blind.
Japanese Braille sounds really difficult, but in reality it’s not actually that hard! Especially once you get a few hundred Kanji in, learning Japanese Braille is honestly super simple. 
First of all, a note: Japanese Braille (99% of the time, at least) is completely phonetic; there’s no differentiation between Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji like there is in Written Japanese.
Additionally, it follows really basic patterns; with the exception of a few Punctuation-type characters, you basically only have to learn 21 basic pieces, as everything else follows basic patterns beyond that. 
First off, the vowels: 
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All other Syllables use these same Vowels, in the same places
Following this, there comes all of the Consonants
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Note that the vowels are in the exact same spot as in the AIUEO characters, just with an added mark for the Consonant.
Here is probably a good place to point out: Dakuten is marked by a single dot on the middle of the right side of the cell, placed BEFORE the character that gets changed by the Dakuten (Handakuten is the same, except the dot was lowered to the bottom right of the cell)
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You’ll note that this brings us up to 14 characters…. where are all the rest?
If you’re observant, you’ll note that Ya, Yu, Yo, and Wa and (W)o are missing from the chart here. That’s because these 5 characters break the rules, just a little bit.
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(Note that the Wi & We characters are only there for Ancient Japanese; don’t worry if you never learned them before, they’re gone from Japanese now)
Note that the -y- character there is placed BEFORE another consonant to make it a _y_ version of it (i.e. put it before Ka to make Kya), and that the -w- character is used to make all the irregular Little Characters (i.e. put it before Ha and you’ll get Fa).
There’s 2  more characters to learn, and they’re pretty easy. 
They’re made for doubling consonants, and doubling vowels respectively
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For example, putting a Sokuon before Ka makes Kka, and a Chouon AFTER A makes Aa
Anyways, that covers all the fundamentals of Japanese Braille, hopefully enabling even more people to make Blind Literacy possible, in an entire other language!
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pxstel-pxges · 5 years
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september 20, 2019
all my meetings this week have been cancelled, but i was able to take some notes for an online class in my favorite campus library!
song of the day: my favourite clothes - rini
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pxstel-pxges · 5 years
Korean Slang 유행어
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A post that we planned to upload a lot more earlier. Enjoy😊💕
갑분싸: 갑자기 분위기 싸해졌다
갑분띠: 갑자기 분위기 띠용
Both of these expressions basically mean the atmosphere/mood is (suddenly) ruined.
갑자기- Suddenly
싸해지다- to turn cold
띠용 - Sound expression (Ding, or wide eyes)
✎TMI(Too Much Information)
Basically means Too much Information. It's used when someone talks too much about unneeded information. (I hear this a lot because I talk about random history stuff so much Lol)
*존X =It's a curse but commonly used. If there's 존~ It means 'very' strongly.
for example, 존버 is 존X 버티다 which means enduring, standing your ground for a long time. (Kind of a game term when you stay in the game for a long time, like hiding. You may see this term a lot in games like battleground)
❥버티다: To endure, to stand your ground
a different, stronger (more hostile) form of "조작". It's used when someone lies, or hides a truth or forges the truth. Its origins lie in Starcraft.
❥조작하다: To forge, manipulate
❥조작: Forgery, manipulation
✎JMT (=존맛탱)
존X +맛+탱 (Jon-Mat-Taeng)
it means it's very delicious.
❥맛: flavor, taste
❥맛있다: delicious
띵작 looks like 명작. So this means 명작 (A masterpiece) This way of writing is common in slang like '커엽다'=귀엽다, '댕댕이'=멍멍이, and '댕청' =멍청.
❥명작-A masterpiece.
❥귀엽다 - cute
❥멍멍이 -puppy
❥멍청하다 - stupid
✎인싸 / 아싸:
인싸 =Insider
아싸 =Outsider
Basically 인싸 means a popular person with many friends while 아싸 means an 'outsider'.
✎극혐(=극히 혐오스럽다)
It means very gross. To further amplify the meaning you put '개' infront of it to make 개극혐. (Which means very, very gross) Usually '개' is considered not a very polited term and considered a curse word. When it comes in front of a word like 개싫다 (Very hate (it)) or 개같다 (It sucks) It's considered a curse word or not polite. however when used independently 개 means a dog.
❥혐오스럽다: disgusting.
❥혐오: Detestability, disgust, hatred
❥극히:greatly, extremely
❥싫다: To dislike
❥~같다: Like (similar to) ~
❥개: Dog
It means very fun.
❥꿀: Honey
❥재미있다: Fun, interesting
✎존잘 / 존예:
존X+ 잘생겼다/예쁘다
Means very handsome / Very pretty
❥잘생기다: Handsome
❥예쁘다: Pretty
✎문찐(문화 찐따)
It means someone who fails to follow the trend. Directly translated as 'Culture loser'. 찐따 means a loser.
❥찐따: Loser
✎현타 (=현실 자각 타임)
It means to kind of "Becoming aware of reality". For example, after finding out your test scores you could say to a friend,
"나 현타 왔다." meaning you realized reality.
❥현실: reality
❥자각: Self consciousness, awakening
❥타임 =Time
✎소확행 (=소소하지만 확실한 행복)
It means small but certain happiness.
❥소소하다: Small, trivial
❥확실하다: Certain
❥행복: happiness
✎팩폭 (=팩트 폭력)
It means pointing out facts to someone which sort of hurts them. For example, telling a friend that failed this test "You failed pretty bad on this test" is a 팩폭.
❥팩트 = fact
❥폭력: abuse
✎시강 (=시선 강탈)
It means something that catches your eye. For example, if your friend is wearing super flashy clothes today you might say "너 옷 완전 시강이다."
❥시선: glance/gaze
❥강탈: stealing, robbery
That's it for today! They're so much slang/shortened words Koreans use so we couldn't put them all on the list, but we'll make a part 2 quickly!
Since I'm kind of a 문찐 I had to consult all my friends to finish this one XD
-Admin Sun
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pxstel-pxges · 5 years
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got an exam coming up next week! i dove head first into linguistics and the english language this semester, despite not really taking any of those classes since sophomore year of high school. surprisingly, i'm doing alright with my courses, but here's to hoping i don't get too comfortable and slack off!
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pxstel-pxges · 5 years
Four-Letter Idioms 사자성어/고사성어
These four-letter idioms are Chinese characters put into Korean letters and these are the most commonly used ones! You do not have to memorise the hanja! The ones with a star next to them are the ones you’ll hear the most frequently out of this list! Enjoy! :)
죽마고우 (竹馬故友)- A friend you have grown up with
고진감래 (苦盡甘來)- Happiness comes at the end of suffering
환골탈태 (換骨奪胎)- Changed from bones out (someone who’s changed so much you can’t recognise them)
금의환향 (錦衣還鄕)- Coming home with silk clothing (returning after achieving something great)
노심초사 (勞心焦思)- Worrying
일석이조 (一石二鳥)- Kill two birds with one stone
다다익선 (多多益善)- The more the merrier
역지사지 (易地思之)- Put yourself in another’s shoes (think from their perspective)
화룡점정 (畵龍點睛)- Finishing the most important part of a tast
오합지졸 (烏合之卒)- Unorganised like crows (a group of people gathered with no rule or ruler so very unorganised and chaotic)
청출어람 (靑出於藍)- The student is better than the teacher
오매불망 (寤寐不忘)- Not being able to forget someone and missing them greatly
막상막하 (莫上莫下)- No difference between the two (No one is significantly better than the other)
If you liked this post don’t forget to like and reblog! :D  
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Vocab List: Dog Commands [REQUESTED]
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pxstel-pxges · 5 years
Language learning goal: To not include my native language nor English and still be able to list an impressive amount of languages I speak
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pxstel-pxges · 5 years
Japanese vocab: Valentine’s day
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バレンタインデー   -  Valentine’s day
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ホワイトデー - White day
マシュマロデー  - White day (Marshmallow day)
オレンジデー - Orange day or Partner day
彼女  -  かのじょ - Girlfriend
彼氏  -  かれし - Boyfriend
情  -  じょう  - Feelings, emotion, sentiment​,  passion, affection
感情  - かんじょう - Emotion, feeling, feelings, sentiment​
デート  - Date
プレゼント - Present
贈り物  -  おくりもの  - Present, gift
お土産  -  おみやげ - Present, souvenir
飴  -  あめ  - Candy 
キャンディー  - Candy, sweets
チョコレート   - Chocolate
義理チョコ  -  ぎりチョコ - Obligation Chocolate
本命チョコ  -  ほんめいチョコ  - True feelings chocolate
友チョコ  -  ともチョコ - Friendship chocolate
薔薇  -  ばら  - Rose ( It can also be written in katakana:  バラ )
花束 -  はなたば   - Boquet
縫いぐるみ  -  ぬ いぐるみ  - Plush
テディーベア  - Teddy bear
バレンタインカード  - Valentine’s card
心  -  こころ - Heart, mind, spirit
ハート - Heart
ロマンス - Romance
恋愛小説  -  れんあいしょうせつ -  Love romance, love story
恋  -  こい - Romantic love
愛  -  あい - Love, affection, care
恋愛  - れんあい -  Love, love-making, passion
愛する -  あいする - To love 
… が 好きです。 -  …  が すきです。- I like …. (You can use 大好き・だいすき if you want to say: I really like…) 
あなたが好きです - I like you
愛してる  -  あいしてる  - I love you
キスする - To kiss
キス - Kiss
接吻  -  せっぷん - Kiss, kissing
イチャイチャ - Flirting, making out
抱く -  いだく - To hug, to embrace 
寄り添う -  よりそう - To get close, to cuddle close together 
キューピッド  - Cupid
- Dzseni
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pxstel-pxges · 5 years
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4th semester of college started about two weeks ago. fall was way too busy for me, but it seems as if i haven’t learned considering i have one more credit hour than last semester.
oh well, we’ll get through this
song of the day: all night by astro
10 / 100 days of productivity
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pxstel-pxges · 5 years
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pxstel-pxges · 6 years
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For all those times you ask yourself, “Onyomi or Kunyomi??”
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pxstel-pxges · 6 years
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16.06.18 Here’s a spread based off of the theme I’m using for this account! It’s the #18 Mignon theme by @espoirthemes. (My attempt at drawing a bujo is truly saddening ;-;)
Bujogram: cotton__2am
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pxstel-pxges · 6 years
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16.09.2016 // High school has ended, all my friends are going to college and i couldnt get the score for med school at my nationals. yeah, i failed. SO WHAT? Let me tell you what, i’ll be at home studying for the nationals again but this time with strong steps, straight voice & determination. Oh and no school! Yay!
Its hard. Its hard to stay for another year. Its hard to see everyones college photos. Its hard to disappoint everyone including myself. Its hard to fail. So i need my community’s support. Can you please send me some motivation?
I love you all 🐱
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pxstel-pxges · 6 years
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Sorry for not posting as much Huehue 😅 anyway here are some of my Business notes I did today 🙃I have a job interview tomorrow which I’m not ready for so…..wish me luck?
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pxstel-pxges · 6 years
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d-4 until move out day
congratulations to me on getting through the first year of university! only two more exams to go!
song of the day: syndrome by ciki
9 / 100 days of productivity
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pxstel-pxges · 6 years
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finals week is here. most of my time this semester has been focusing less on the aesthetics and more just getting it all together
song of the day: just add water - cavetown
8/100 days of productivity
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