quietrainfan · 9 months
Watched it yesterday and it was just so jarring seeing these looks on all the characters. Like the passage of time couldn't be more blatant. It's been three months since the last Sanders Sides video and it wasn't a story driven one, again. Then this one is six minutes long with more screwing around with the Sides with okay at best comedy. All of this time waiting and this is what it amounts to. I feel like Thomas didn't even try to integrate a lesson or continuity in this to even disguise that this video exists for the sake of it. (That's because well, exactly, yes.)
And also the indecency it takes to not label this Asides when it's so blatantly plotless? The results do not justify the time. And the saddest part is, is that it is just expected and unsurprising.
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WOW GUYS !! cant believe we've gotten part one of the finale !!! /s
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quietrainfan · 11 months
Honestly, I hate how genuinely the Incorrect Quotes made me smile and laugh. It just reminded me how much I adore most of the Sides and their interactions. And made it even more obvious on what I'm missing out on.
All due to the fact Thomas absolutely refusing to make any meaningful steady progress with his work with all the time taken. The deterioration was a long time coming but it seems he either thinks nothing has really changed or he's actively ignoring how things have gotten and is only listening to the fans cheering whenever even the tiniest stuff is dropped.
I do want to make more Unsympathetic content and I will. But there's not much point in doing so when everyone is so unenthused. The fandom is barren. And I don't blame y'all.
How can you keep your passion for a series when nothing is being distributed from it for ages on end and the creator makes vague announcements alluding to said content still being in the writing stage with zero communication otherwise? It's not easy. Borderline impossible. I feel bad for everyone who wants so badly to be engaged only to keep coming back to nothing.
I feel like I shouldn't have been happy watching that video- or have watched it at all. It feels like having any positive response is rewarding mishandled content creation and laziness. Along with the whole patreon can of worms. It just goes to show how much I actually do enjoy these characters but they are not being treated with care and it sucks that they are being used to string dedicated fans along.
Also, pardon the rudeness- but the beard is not working on these characters. It just isn't.
And it kinda makes the passage of time between actual episodes feel like a deliberate slap in the face. Even if it's not intentional. I support Thomas trying new things but it'd be great if they went alongside following through with the projects he's promised.
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quietrainfan · 1 year
No problem. ^^ It's a prevalent issue in a lot of fandoms, not just this one. I could go on and on about one character in particular that has become an eternal plague in the anime community. It is good to air out stuff every now and again.
i strongly believe that patton sanders, fans of patton sanders, and the general attitude towards patton sanders says A LOT about modern fandom “culture” and how toxic and uncreative it is becoming.
just to preface this post is absolutely no hate to thomas sanders. he’s an amazing creator and he can’t control how his fans interpret his work. moving right along!
in many fandoms, there are archetypes (typical roles that characters in media play), and there is nothing wrong with an archetype until the fandom prioritizes archetypes over characterization. a surface level example would be something like “prince charming from cinderella is a kind, sensitive man who doesn’t have the most common sense, but he’s got a big heart and a lot of love to share. but instead of creating fan work or headcanons or “kinning” that character with/because of those traits, the fandom just sees him as the one who saves cinderella. the savior. and that’s it.”
the big, number one archetype that modern fandoms have developed is “the uwu, smol, soft bean who is so innocent and can do no wrong.” an amplified and much more annoying version of the professional term “ingenue”. an ingenue (or ingenu) is a character in media who is very young and innocent, and tends to make big mistakes as a result of their youth and innocence. romeo and juliet are ingénus. anne shirley cuthburt is an ingénue. i like to argue that roman sanders is an ingenu but that’s a story for another time.
the difference between the “smol soft bean” and the ingenue is that it is clearly established in media that the ingenues are in the wrong, and despite their youth and innocence, their mistakes are present, front and center, and it is obvious to all that they’re in the wrong. of course, it isn’t always black and white. ingenues have been coerced by outside forces, or they’ve had turbulent pasts that have caused them to not know any better, but it is generally understood that these things are explanations. not excuses.
when fans talk about their “smol soft beans”, there is generally an attitude of superiority when it comes to them. “no no, that’s my wittle cinnamon role, they could never be a bully/abuser! they’re so clearly innocent and sweet!” when that character has indeed said and done awful things to others repeatedly. “my smol soft bean is always the victim and everyone else is always mean to them!” when that character clearly is not always the victim and is being mistreated by other characters as a form of retaliation or breach of trust. oftentimes, the modern fandom’s perception of a character overrides the actual actions of the character in the canon and i will explain why that’s problematic in the next paragraph.
this worlds generation has a huge, giant, collective victim complex. but it’s only natural. that’s just what happens when people go on the internet and see all of these “smol soft beans” being protected and adored, and their mistakes are being ignored. everybody wants that. deep down, everybody wants their mistakes to be erased, and for only the very best parts of them to be on display at all times. so they infantilize themselves, trying to make themselves act and look sweet and innocent and cute, so that way, they can never admit to being wrong. it’s a very imitatable behavior. one that people can emulate easily. and people do.
by now, you all may be like “but ez, what does this have to do with patton?” well, everything. patton is generally seen as the “smol soft bean” archetype in the sanders sides fandom, even though he has done an array of terrible things. here are just a few:
- he regularly ignores and teases logan, endlessly taunting the one singular vocabulary mistake logan made because he thinks it’s funny to make logan look stupid when intelligence is his entire livelihood.
- he guilt trips roman relentlessly and coerced him into making a huge mistake (choosing the wedding), and then when they all faced the consequences of roman’s mistake, patton distanced himself from it, and pretended like it was all roman’s fault that it even happened.
- he was one of remus’ biggest haters, insisting constantly on pressing him down and pretending he doesn’t exist. while all the sides essentially were remus haters (except eventually logan), patton was clearly the most prominent one.
- he infantilized virgil, even when virgil told him he was uncomfortable. he gave a false apology that he didn’t actually act upon, and he made virgil feel small.
again, that’s only a few, but those are some of the biggest ones. oftentimes, the fandom just IGNORES that these things ever happened, or gloss over them, even though they’re some of the most important lessons in the entire sanders sides storyline. people refuse to acknowledge such important truths because they want patton to be a “smol soft bean who does no wrong and is so innocent”.
and patton kinnies tend to take it a whole new level because they’re seeing this character that is being infantilized and reduced to nothing but the sweetest little gumdrop and deciding “i want to be that.” so they say that they kin patton without accepting the mistakes he’s made, or his controlling and abusive tendencies. they want to distance themselves from his mistakes, but capitalize on his innocence, which is an unhealthy way to look at things.
everyone makes mistakes. everyone is in the wrong. nobody is perfectly innocent.
and that’s why i hate patton sanders, the fandom’s attitude towards patton sanders, and pretty much all patton kinnies (unless they’re open about the completeness of pattons character).
please don’t dox me. thanks.
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quietrainfan · 1 year
Very well put, OP. One of the most frustrating things about fandoms is when people have one or more characters that they worship to the point where they absolutely refuse to admit has flaws and perceive any acknowledgement of them or criticism of the characters as an attack or someone just being a "killjoy".
I specifically adore characters that have immediately apparent gaping flaws and love them exactly for what makes them trainwrecks. I could never in good conscience sit and pretend they never did anything wrong because the characters I often love are literal freaking nightmares, lmao. I really depise characters like Patton and narratives (both canon and non) that surround them where you are just expected to like them or make excuses for any harm they cause because come on, they're the fandom favorite. And they are so sweet and soft- they don't know what consequences are (and we certainly won't teach them)- stop being such a harsh meanie. *glares at a certain hero fandom*
It just makes for such uninteresting and frustrating characters. Characters like Patton are boring. Squeaky clean (he isn't) with no flaws and just a baby with zero personality outside of cutesy shit to be bounced around.
Honestly, it's why I love the Unsympathetic content so much. It at least does something with those and creates scenarios that can be uniquely explored by taking things to the extreme. Or just on a base level- acknowledging a simple truth that someone you see as so pure can easily lead you towards the worst places without you even realizing it because you have such a favorable opinion of them- regardless if it is intentional or not.
i strongly believe that patton sanders, fans of patton sanders, and the general attitude towards patton sanders says A LOT about modern fandom “culture” and how toxic and uncreative it is becoming.
just to preface this post is absolutely no hate to thomas sanders. he’s an amazing creator and he can’t control how his fans interpret his work. moving right along!
in many fandoms, there are archetypes (typical roles that characters in media play), and there is nothing wrong with an archetype until the fandom prioritizes archetypes over characterization. a surface level example would be something like “prince charming from cinderella is a kind, sensitive man who doesn’t have the most common sense, but he’s got a big heart and a lot of love to share. but instead of creating fan work or headcanons or “kinning” that character with/because of those traits, the fandom just sees him as the one who saves cinderella. the savior. and that’s it.”
the big, number one archetype that modern fandoms have developed is “the uwu, smol, soft bean who is so innocent and can do no wrong.” an amplified and much more annoying version of the professional term “ingenue”. an ingenue (or ingenu) is a character in media who is very young and innocent, and tends to make big mistakes as a result of their youth and innocence. romeo and juliet are ingénus. anne shirley cuthburt is an ingénue. i like to argue that roman sanders is an ingenu but that’s a story for another time.
the difference between the “smol soft bean” and the ingenue is that it is clearly established in media that the ingenues are in the wrong, and despite their youth and innocence, their mistakes are present, front and center, and it is obvious to all that they’re in the wrong. of course, it isn’t always black and white. ingenues have been coerced by outside forces, or they’ve had turbulent pasts that have caused them to not know any better, but it is generally understood that these things are explanations. not excuses.
when fans talk about their “smol soft beans”, there is generally an attitude of superiority when it comes to them. “no no, that’s my wittle cinnamon role, they could never be a bully/abuser! they’re so clearly innocent and sweet!” when that character has indeed said and done awful things to others repeatedly. “my smol soft bean is always the victim and everyone else is always mean to them!” when that character clearly is not always the victim and is being mistreated by other characters as a form of retaliation or breach of trust. oftentimes, the modern fandom’s perception of a character overrides the actual actions of the character in the canon and i will explain why that’s problematic in the next paragraph.
this worlds generation has a huge, giant, collective victim complex. but it’s only natural. that’s just what happens when people go on the internet and see all of these “smol soft beans” being protected and adored, and their mistakes are being ignored. everybody wants that. deep down, everybody wants their mistakes to be erased, and for only the very best parts of them to be on display at all times. so they infantilize themselves, trying to make themselves act and look sweet and innocent and cute, so that way, they can never admit to being wrong. it’s a very imitatable behavior. one that people can emulate easily. and people do.
by now, you all may be like “but ez, what does this have to do with patton?” well, everything. patton is generally seen as the “smol soft bean” archetype in the sanders sides fandom, even though he has done an array of terrible things. here are just a few:
- he regularly ignores and teases logan, endlessly taunting the one singular vocabulary mistake logan made because he thinks it’s funny to make logan look stupid when intelligence is his entire livelihood.
- he guilt trips roman relentlessly and coerced him into making a huge mistake (choosing the wedding), and then when they all faced the consequences of roman’s mistake, patton distanced himself from it, and pretended like it was all roman’s fault that it even happened.
- he was one of remus’ biggest haters, insisting constantly on pressing him down and pretending he doesn’t exist. while all the sides essentially were remus haters (except eventually logan), patton was clearly the most prominent one.
- he infantilized virgil, even when virgil told him he was uncomfortable. he gave a false apology that he didn’t actually act upon, and he made virgil feel small.
again, that’s only a few, but those are some of the biggest ones. oftentimes, the fandom just IGNORES that these things ever happened, or gloss over them, even though they’re some of the most important lessons in the entire sanders sides storyline. people refuse to acknowledge such important truths because they want patton to be a “smol soft bean who does no wrong and is so innocent”.
and patton kinnies tend to take it a whole new level because they’re seeing this character that is being infantilized and reduced to nothing but the sweetest little gumdrop and deciding “i want to be that.” so they say that they kin patton without accepting the mistakes he’s made, or his controlling and abusive tendencies. they want to distance themselves from his mistakes, but capitalize on his innocence, which is an unhealthy way to look at things.
everyone makes mistakes. everyone is in the wrong. nobody is perfectly innocent.
and that’s why i hate patton sanders, the fandom’s attitude towards patton sanders, and pretty much all patton kinnies (unless they’re open about the completeness of pattons character).
please don’t dox me. thanks.
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quietrainfan · 1 year
I’m sick of all the fics where Patton is the one who’s screwed up or has to learn a lesson. I don’t read them intentionally or anything, but sometimes it comes up without being tagged for and I’m just tired of it. I’m ready for Patton to be the one calling the others out, the fandom has been calling him out since Putting Others First.
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quietrainfan · 2 years
I love this! Logan looks gorgeous!
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night sky
congrats on 100 followers @hyperfixated-homo! Couldn't resist giving your DTIYS a try <3
Please check out their DTIYS linked!! They designed logan's look here!
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quietrainfan · 2 years
Hi there! 💥 (if you're doing the writer ask game)
Hey there! Yes, I'm doing it. Ask me as many questions as you like.
I welcome criticism for my stories. It shows that others care enough about my work to tell me what I am doing well and where I need to improve. As long as the one giving criticism is being respectful, I don't mind them offering their own thoughts.
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quietrainfan · 2 years
kingdom/medieval aus would work so well with unsympathetic roman. roman locking people in the dungeons for the smallest crimes... roman killing anyone else who might inherit the throne... roman abusing his spouse and forcing them to go along with his schemes... it works very well
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quietrainfan · 2 years
Sending this into the void in case anyone wants to ask me anything.
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
✍ Do you have a beta reader?
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
🍷 Do you drink and write?
🍆 Do you write the spicy stuffs? If so, what's your most popular nsfw fic?
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
💖 What made you start writing?
💌 How do you feel about comments and feedback?
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
💲 Would you ever open commissions?
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
🏆 What's your most popular fic?
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
🎨 How do you feel about fan art of your stories?
📈 How many fics do you have?
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
💞 Who's your comfort character?
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
📚 Would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
💥 How do you feel about criticism?
🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
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quietrainfan · 2 years
No trouble. I absolutely love Unsympathetic Patton and love playing around with scenarios with him as the villain. It's a shame cause he'd make such a good villain, too. How many people do you know who insist they know what's best and enforce their own skewed morality on others? SO many people like that, and they're usually not very good people. There's so much to explore with his character but it's left at someone who can't improve but keeps on a smile like they own the place.
my unpopular tss opinions!!
1) patton is a good character but a terrible person. i love pattons character, but his actions to me are absolutely unforgivable. especially to roman. like hes guilt tripped roman, threw him under the bus multiple times, and continued to change his little “rules” and expectations for roman to the point where he cant keep up. its so obvious how desperate for pattons love roman is, and patton doesn’t even seem to care.
2) to add onto this, patton prioritizes new additions to the group and mistreats the people who have been at his side the longest. i have a whole other post about this so if anyone wants it i can send it.
3) in terms of who is more in the wrong between roman and janus, i would say janus is 75% in the wrong while roman is 25%. roman shouldn’t go off scott free, what he said about janus’ name wasnt okay, but janus has literally manipulated roman from the very beginning, since before he was even introduced. there’s a lot of baggage there. and janus said something that he knew would destroy roman while roman said something defensive and thoughtless. doesn’t make it okay, but its not nearly as intentional.
4) logan is nicer than patton. way nicer. and i think hes the most underrated character in the fandom.
5) honestly most of the sanders sides songs aren’t my cup of tea but the puppet one was really sweet. if only patton actually practiced what he preached.
6) to add onto number four, logan is the most selfless side with roman being a close second. i think logan shows a lot more morality than patton does and its a shame he doesn’t get appreciated for it.
to conclude basically im a patton hater lmao sorry not sorry 🕺
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quietrainfan · 2 years
I've always thought Patton would be a much better character if he was just a straight up villain instead of someone who is supposedly a good person constantly stumbling on owning up to his flaws and promises. I even think he'd be way more likable that way. As is it's just the series shoving that he's good while we've seen him actively being the opposite.
And yes, thank you, Logan is absolutely far nicer than Patton. He's come such a long way with validating other people's emotions that it's infuriating to watch all of Patton's non-efforts.
my unpopular tss opinions!!
1) patton is a good character but a terrible person. i love pattons character, but his actions to me are absolutely unforgivable. especially to roman. like hes guilt tripped roman, threw him under the bus multiple times, and continued to change his little “rules” and expectations for roman to the point where he cant keep up. its so obvious how desperate for pattons love roman is, and patton doesn’t even seem to care.
2) to add onto this, patton prioritizes new additions to the group and mistreats the people who have been at his side the longest. i have a whole other post about this so if anyone wants it i can send it.
3) in terms of who is more in the wrong between roman and janus, i would say janus is 75% in the wrong while roman is 25%. roman shouldn’t go off scott free, what he said about janus’ name wasnt okay, but janus has literally manipulated roman from the very beginning, since before he was even introduced. there’s a lot of baggage there. and janus said something that he knew would destroy roman while roman said something defensive and thoughtless. doesn’t make it okay, but its not nearly as intentional.
4) logan is nicer than patton. way nicer. and i think hes the most underrated character in the fandom.
5) honestly most of the sanders sides songs aren’t my cup of tea but the puppet one was really sweet. if only patton actually practiced what he preached.
6) to add onto number four, logan is the most selfless side with roman being a close second. i think logan shows a lot more morality than patton does and its a shame he doesn’t get appreciated for it.
to conclude basically im a patton hater lmao sorry not sorry 🕺
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quietrainfan · 2 years
Good friend, you can't do this to me...
...we need the matching set.
light janus?
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last but not the least, our favorite snake boy
and that makes all dark sides (well, almost all) in a lighter pallet, complete
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quietrainfan · 2 years
More like Janus breathed onscreen and everyone collectively decided he kicked down their door and drowned their pets.
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I couldn’t unsee this so I made it lol
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quietrainfan · 2 years
Friendly reminder that this blog is pro-choice and if you don’t think everyone should have full control of their own body, then kindly unfollow me right now and go to hell
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quietrainfan · 2 years
Artificial Heart!Patton being solo is all well and good. Just a creepy little guy with a fake heart of unknown origins. We love Patton being the only villain in this Unsympathetic Patton house.
Buuuut....Logan being the one who made him the artificial heart when they were younger has a lot of potential. I think it's no secret that Logan is the family's little scientist. So when he first met Patton, he wasn't....comfortable to say the least. He had to have something to control whatever this thing was. And if creating something for him happened to help Patton with whatever chaotic plans he has, then so be it.
So long as he's easier to handle. Logan enjoys experimenting anyway so the invention of the artificial heart was challenging and very, very rewarding. Cold Scientist Logan who couldn't care less about Patton's existence and literally creating something that'll make him less of nuisance- even slightly- just cause with a Chaotic Evil Jolly Patton who has fake emotions that pops into Logan's lab to give him "affection" and ask for favors occasionally. It's glorious.
So imagine the aftermath of Patton obtaining the Orange Side's nectar and rushing into Logan's lab.
"Logan!~ I have a brilliant new idea!", He tackles him from behind mid-experiment, nearly knocking a very delicate chemical out of his hand, "But I need to borrow your big meaty brain real quick to pull it off!"
Logan is not pleased by his presence but remains apathetic nonetheless. He simply asks what he needs so he can go back to work.
Patton giggles mischievously, "Oh, you'll love it! Trust me!"
He pulls out the container holding the Orange Side's nectar.
"See this?~ It's a little something I picked up in that...forbidden palace.", He cooed with a grimace, "This sweet tasting stuff is apparently our little guy's repressed vices. Turns out it's real dangerous to consume or use if you don't do it correctly, hmm? ....Got a clue what I'm hinting at?~"
"....You tasted it?"
Patton pouted, "Don't make that scary face. My curiosity has good intentions."
"Yeah, sure it does. Get to the point."
"Kay, kay! Mr. Impatience!~", Patton slung his arm around Logan's shoulder, "I was wondering...is it possible for you to replicate that cute little trinket you gifted me all those years ago? I think having some I can implant in the others might give me a bit more of an edge....and ofcourse, you a bit more entertainment.~"
"So, let me get this straight...you want to fill replicas of your heart- which I'm not even certain I can create- with that liquid you stole from the Dark Sides so you can use it to control discourse between the others? And you want me to somehow insert these replicas in them without them knowing?"
Patton nodded, "Uh-huh.~"
"Alright.", Logan took the container out of Patton's hand, "It sounds challenging. Absurdly so."
"Yay! You're the best, Lo!"
"Those 'hearts' you requested may have to be smaller than average.", Logan pondered, disregarding his praise, already starting the blueprints, "Considering your....imaginative requirements for this to work, I don't think implanting these will be a small order. I'll have to adjust some things. While also starting from scratch. .....So thanks for that."
"Oh, stop pretending you don't love this!", Patton pranced out of his lab, "I'll leave you to it!"
Yeah....so many scenarios can come of this. The possibilities are endless.
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quietrainfan · 2 years
Honestly, Virgil’s inflexible attitude is the source of a lot of the core issues Thomas and the others have. (Of course, the other half is Patton and they bring out the worst in each other. But this post isn’t about him.) So it’s not really a stretch to say that Virgil’s whole view on Janus is not only swaying the others but Janus himself.
Janus and Virgil theory
Content warning: religion, homophobia (mentioned), southern politics (mentioned)
Virgil is to blame for Janus’s reputation, despite Janus and Virgil having the same purpose:
Keep Thomas safe.
Think about it!
Thomas grew up in a catholic household. And we all know the Bible in most renditions is seen as saying being gay is a sin.
Thomas also grew up in the south; with raging homophobic ideals everywhere
So then, when he had to? He lied to keep himself safe. He lied because telling the truth about himself could’ve gotten him hurt or killed
So now, Thomas has a habit to lie when he doesn’t feel safe. Even though he doesn’t need to anymore, he still lies to keep himself safe.
And Virgil’s anxious about people getting angry about the lies. So now, Janus is trying to unlearn the behaviors he adapted to keep Thomas safe, while Virgil pressures him and calls him evil for trying to not get Thomas killed.
Virgil’s angry with Janus because as far as Virgil knows, there’s no danger in Thomas being himself.
Janus has been around much longer than Virgil, and that much is evident.
I hate the idea that Janus did something to make Virgil leave because that simply isn’t true. Janus was just trying to keep Thomas safe the only way he knows how.
And I think that’s why Virgil doesn’t like Janus.
Because Janus is stubborn and doesn’t know what else to do to protect Thomas. And every time he’s tried to learn, someone’s gotten hurt and blamed Janus for it.
So that would just send Janus deeper into his ways and thinking safety only comes if you hide certain parts of yourself.
It’s why he has scales, because he’s seen as a snake. Constantly lying or switching opinions-
But in reality? Janus might not even know how he feels anymore. Janus is only trying to protect Thomas the way he knows how to:
By lying.
But Virgil? He cares what other people think. He cares a little too much, and is worried about Thomas not being liked. And what do people not like?
Virgil has this vendetta against Janus because at his core, Virgil is afraid of someone hurting Thomas because of the lies. So he demonizes the act of lying to make Thomas feel bad doing it.
Which is why, Janus’s reveal was so dramatic. That’s why Janus chose to impersonate Patton.
Because Patton, is trustworthy. Patton is considered safe.
And Janus? He just needed that safety even for a moment to bring himself out.
And look what happened.
It was all ripped away simply because Virgil doesn’t like him. Because Virgil doesn’t want to even think about Janus’s perspective.
Virgil is the reason Janus has to duck and doge between corners and shadows, lie and escape and deceive others.
Because Virgil set Janus up for failure.
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quietrainfan · 2 years
hey, please rb this if you're an active tss blog (if you rb other content among it thats alright too!) and like if you want me to pm you and maybe be friends (this can be people who like tss or just people in general)
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