Reylo Mermaid AUs
Horizon to Horizon by Avdal (M)
Completed? No.
Word Count? 47,419
When Kylo found the dying mermaid washed up on the beach, he knew there was only one right thing to do: kill it before it could kill him.
And yet… he found himself oddly unable to lift his sword against her. There was something about the beautiful being that captured him from the moment he saw her. Maybe that was why he took the girl back with him, hiding her in his watchtower even if it meant putting both their lives under the greatest of risks.
By The Still Waters by TeaFiend (E)
Completed? No.
Word Count? 10,558
Ben Solo utterly and completely falls in love with the lonely mermaid of Lake Jakku.
Sirens by SageMcMae (E)
Completed? Yes.
Word Count? 21,532
When her kind frequented the oceans, mermaids spent hours polishing their scales and knotting their tresses with beads and shells to attract a mate. Rey can't imagine such a tedious thing. She has no interest in a mate. Not that it matters since she is the last mermaid.
One morning she wakes up to find a small offering left outside her home. She catches only a glimpse of alabaster and obsidian before the creature dives into the murky depths of the deep sea. On the edge of the drop-off, Rey is left with a choice: Stay in the light or follow into the dark.
Live by the Sea, Love by the Tide by Twin_Kitten (E)
Completed? Yes.
Word Count? 4,369
Rey and a few other mermaids escape the clutches of Unkar, and stumble into the territory of another pod of mermaids. Ben's pod.
In the Depths of the Abyss by Nelsbels (M)
Completed? Yes.
Word Count? 1,357
Rey is an Oceanographer, a scientist specialising in marine biology, and is employed by a private research institute called the Rebel Alliance. A keen diver who is eager to discover the hidden secrets of the vast ocean, as 95% of the deep sea has not yet been mapped nor explored despite the fact that salt water covers 70% of the planet’s surface.
Setting out on a new expedition to the Mariana Trench for the first time, which is the deepest part of the ocean, Rey and her group of researchers encounter new life forms in this abyss, except it does not go as planned.
In those dark depths she finds more than she bargained for and is forced into a world plagued by conflict. A realm she will not be getting out of unscathed, if at all.
In the depth of the sea lies an entity as old as the earth itself. It lays dormant for centuries, only to wake when its chosen enters the world. It awaits in the darkness to infect the one destined to tip the scales of war and bring balance to the seven seas once more.
The Undine call it the Force.
Siren's Song by DragonWhiskers (E)
Completed? Yes.
Word Count? 22,541
Can Rey withstand the allure of the Siren's Song as he calls to her from the deep?
A Treasure Worth Keeping by Mantabel (E)
Completed? Yes.
Word Count? 20,127
Kylo Ren is a fearsome merman prince. He has no liking for his kind, which leads him to have a curiosity for the many other creatures that inhabit the ocean. When he find a stranded sand dweller on an island, he sees nothing more than to keep her to himself. She will be the best mate for him.
Under the Ocean by hispreciousthing (G)
Completed? Yes.
Word Count? 1,417
In this mermaid AU, Rey has dreamed of the ocean her entire life. Then, when she finally is taken off her desert planet and to a world of oceans, she is unable to help herself and jumps into the water. The only issue being that she cannot swim. Drowning, she accepts her fate. That is, until a mysterious creature appears.
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me reading another soulmate au at 3 am like
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Reylo Hogwarts AUs
Sixth year by Ever9437 (M)
Completed? Yes.
Word Count? 107,070
This was supposed to be Rey Kenobi’s perfect year at Hogwarts: Ravenclaw prefect, seeker, all N.E.W.T classes, and lots of spare time to hang out with her friends Finn and Poe. That is, until she’s paired up in Potions class with arrogant Slytherin Ben Solo, nephew of the school’s headmaster Luke Skywalker and best-friend to her mortal enemy. With an overload of homework, strained friendships, and a new dark-haired distraction, Rey is in for a stressful school-year like no other.
Nocturnal Studies And Other Peculiar Magic by WaterlilyRose (E)
Completed? Yes.
Word Count? 37,256
Hogwarts was the first home Rey ever had. Now she has a chance to return as a grown woman to be the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher.
She cannot tolerate the Potions Master and former Death Eater that she duelled and scarred so many years ago. Yet unity must be upheld.
Gryffindor and Slytherin will unite in ways never before.
If You Win This by gr8_rach (T)
Completed? Yes.
Word Count? 2,860
“Let’s play some sodding Quidditch already—I mean, honestly if we sit here waiting for Rey and Ben to f—” BB’s loud gasp covered the terribly obscene word, “—we’ll all die of old age!”
The Last Hog at Hogwarts by mylevelance (G)
Completed? Yes.
Word Count? 14,180
Rey is attacked by death eaters out in the open and Finn (kind of) saves her. Her life changes forever when he brings her to Hogwarts to (kind of) hone her natural skill. Ben Solo (kind of) tries to hate this scrappy girl from a home so different from his own. Finn (kind of) keeps his feelings for Poe quiet. Rose is (kind of) a teenage fairy godmother. When it comes to Ben, Rey needs a little help from her friends. Kind of.
Tell me, Atlas by DeathStarryNight (M)
Completed? No.
Word Count? 16,906
Rey is a Hufflepuff. Ben is a Slytherin. Everyone knows they hate each other. Who could not, when they're always spitting acid in the hallways? But sixth year dawns darker than ever before. With the new threat of Snoke looming in the background, Rey and Ben find themselves paired as unlikely partners and Rey suddenly realizes that there might be more to Ben Solo than she originally thought. As the Death Eaters call, will it be enough to turn him away from the dark side before it's too late?
Tell me, Atlas, what is heavier: the world or its people's hearts?
Nominis by Oh_Snapcrackle (E)
Completed? No.
Word Count? 14,592
He must feel her gaze because it doesn’t take long before one of his eyes slowly cracks open. There is a twinkle to it, a little hint of mischief that makes her stomach somersault.
“Solo, close those eyes. Remember what we discussed about meditation.”
Ben’s smile falters. A flash of anger ignites in his eye, and it’s so different from the warmth she saw a second before. She watches as his hands ball into fists and his jaw clenches.
All of this because his uncle spoke to him?
She shuts her eyes, knowing Skywalker is sure to look at her next.
“And you, too, Miss Niima. Don’t let my nephew derail your practice.”
He has a reputation. It’s not a good one.
When Professor Skywalker partners Rey with the notorious Ben Solo for occulmency lessons, something goes wrong (or very right) and now their minds are bridged. Between sharing thoughts, inconvenient astral projections, and bedsharing Rey starts to learn that while Ben Solo deserves the reputation he has built, he also deserves the opportunity to change.
AKA: The force bond Harry Potter style.
Unwritten Oaths by reylocalligraphy (T)
Completed? No.
Word Count? 35,247
“I'd rather be dead than ever stuck in a room with Ben Solo,” Rey hissed.
Six years later, Head Girl Rey Johnson finds herself stuck sharing dormitories, meetings, a bathroom, and a hell of a lot more with Head Boy Ben Solo, her sworn enemy at Hogwarts. She discovers that her eleven-year-old self was quite wrong - in fact, she’d actually love to be stuck in a room with Ben Solo.
If only Ben wasn’t such a stuck-up, scruffy-looking nerfherder every time he opened his mouth… and that damn school-wide fan club of his would stop following him everywhere…
Floricorpse by nite0wl29 (G)
Completed? Yes.
Word Count? 2,118
Never ask what could go wrong on Halloween in Transfiguration class. Ben and Rey are about to find out first hand.
Rey and Her Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Year by Bakubitch (T)
Completed? Yes.
Word Count? 52,756
Rey is eleven when her dreams come true and the Sorting Hat calls out “Gryffindor!”
Or: The Reylo Hogwarts AU no one asked for.
To: Professor Rey Niima's Husband by kuresoto (T)
Completed? Yes.
Word Count? 1,749
There are a few rumors going around in Hogwarts.
Spiraling Steam and Broomstick Wood by jitterygummy (T)
Completed? Yes.
Word Count? 30,716
Sixth year Hogwarts student Rey is focused on winning the next Quidditch match, but while brewing amortentia, she realizes she has feelings for rival player Ben Solo.
The ORDER of ASTER by violetskies (rainingiris) (M)
Completed? Yes.
Word Count? 4,040
Five years after the Third Great Wizarding War, Rey Niima enters the public spotlight and attends the Memorial Ball. She clings to her best friends as she is forced to hear speeches about the Rogues, Leia, and Han from people who never knew them. She cringes when the reporters harass the guests of honor. Poe is an auror and a brilliant one at that. Finn works in the Ministry to promote Civil Rights. Rose is a leading botanist. Yet no one asks about those things. Let the past die. Poe clenches his fists when they sneer his name. Finn makes a valiant attempt to change the subject. Rose holds Rey’s hand and urges the brunette witch to leave. Rey can’t keep running away. Let the past die. Those words ram into Rey’s mind. She wants to forget about that horrible night. About the stench of death. About the blood on her hands. About the dull brown eyes. Those eyes that haunt her every nightmare. Let the past die. Rey finds that she can’t. And she is not the only one.
Chaos reigned. by Orlaith  (M)
Completed? Yes.
Word Count? 13,142
“You leave me no choice but to take points,” Professor Calrissian said. “Fifty points from both Gryffindor and Slytherin,” he stated.
“And a month’s worth of detention.”
Rey’s eyes darted to the end of the corridor. Students parted and the head of Gryffindor, the Transfiguration professor, and Ben Solo’s father now stood in front of the pair. Rey looked at the ground. She had no problem getting in trouble, in fact she frequented it. But disappointing Han was too much for her.
“Ben. Rey.” The man tried to make eye contact, but both avoided his gaze. This is ridiculous.”
The girl stood there with her green hair, and the boy with his Dumbo ears, stewing in their anger.
Rey raised her eyes only to glare at Ben, and she found the same look mirrored in his eyes.
Limerence by Lenti (G)
Completed? Yes.
Word Count? 3,043
The saying “opposites attract" is a popular wisdom in all universes. And, who could be greater polar opposites but a Slytherin and Gryffindor?
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Reylo Archaeology AUs
Careful What You Wish For by ZigguratRolsovitch (E)
Completed? No.
Word Count? 13,535
Rey Nimma is a down on her luck vagrant who dreams of a better life. Han Solo is looking for someone to to help him find his missing son. Rey sees this as her chance at a better life for her and her friends and perhaps even a way to win the heart of the man she admires... but all is not as it seems and this more-than-she-bargained-for adventure may be her last.
Of War and Tinder by BellaRosa2187
Completed? Yes.
Word Count? 29,966
Finn and Rose are taking an archaeology course with Professor Holdo, Poe's advisor, and end up with Phasma for a T.A.
Rey matches with Ben on Tinder, whose profile was set up by Hux as a prank. How will this all play out?
The Repatriationists by leoba (E)
Completed? Yes.
Word Count? 11,460
Rey has become involved with an underground group that returns cultural objects to their peoples of origin. She pulls in Ben Solo, her on again / off again lover, to help with their latest job.
Army of Darkness by ReyloRobyn2011 (E)
Completed? Yes.
Word Count? 28,133
Ben and Rey, along with their six year old son, return to Egypt on a mission to reclaim stolen artifacts that are being sold on the black market. Their son, Atlas Solo, mistakenly awakens the ancient God Atum when he explores the Great Sphinx of Giza. Together they have to go up against yet another deity, this one the God of creation. Along with some familiar faces, the Solo’s are tasked with reclaiming stolen artifacts, excavating new sites, booby trapped temples, run ins with criminals, and going up against ancient deities.
Fortune and Glory by ReyloRobyn2011 (E)
Completed? Yes.
Word Count? 56,646
Dr. Ben Solo is an archaeology professor at NYU. His top three students and his world famous archaeologist father are going to Cairo, Egypt, for an expedition.
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Reylo Tabletop Gaming AUs
What's Your Damage? by Enterprisingly (E)
Complete? No.
Word Count? 20,243
Rey joins Ben's Dungeons & Dragons group and their characters – Kira the Half Elf Cleric and Kylo the Tiefling Oathbreaker Paladin – start falling head over heels for each other. Which would be fine... if Ben and Rey could stop arguing long enough to enjoy the ride.
But as their lives intertwine and the lines between fantasy and reality begin to blur, they discover that it’s all fun and games until someone actually falls in love.
Rolling the Dice by MizuPhoenix (E)
Complete? No.
Word Count? 111,832
Ben Solo, - or DM Kylo Ren Just out of a shitty break up with Bazine Netal has sworn off women to focus on his gaming. He and his friends get together on Roll20 to run another D&D campaign. Apparently Poe did not receive the memo that he was not supposed to invite his n00b friend into the game. All to make his boyfriend happy. And she’s a girl. Now he has to interact with her. Because Poe plays dirty. Great. Just Great. Not like he has a rule now or anything! He ran away from that beautiful nerd angel he met in his favorite game shop for a reason.
Rey was just looking for a nice way to spend her Friday evenings. So when Poe, her best friend’s bf told her about Friday night D&D she was thrilled. Though she had no idea how to use Roll 20. She had grown up playing with dice and paper. She did not even realize this was a locally based game. Nor that the attractive shy guy she met the other night at her local game shop was her soon to be DM. Still there were worse ways for a broke college student to spend her Friday evenings.
the monster manual by frak-all (or_ryn) (M)
Complete? No.
Word Count? 111,832
"The map. Where is it?”
“I don’t know,” Rey says, lying through her teeth.
“Ah, but you do. You know something, Scavenger. Don’t bother denying it.”
Rey considers the man across from her a long, hard moment, then turns to Poe. “Yeah, I’m going to ignore him and start rifling through my pack for dinner.”
“Sure,” Poe laughs. He glances across the table. “That all?”
Ben Solo narrows his eyes. “Insight check.”
Dungeons & Dragons AU: Kylo Ren is a Vengeance Paladin with an overly involved backstory, Ben Solo is the worst kind of roleplayer, and Rey is just trying to figure out how this whole game works without strangling anyone.
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wow i’m so excited for the new Stare Wars movie! 
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Reylo: Player One by ElleRen31  (M)
Complete? No. 
Word Count? 50,081
Working for a large video game company sure does have its perks. When Rey is sent on assignment to the E3 convention in Los Angeles , she thinks it's just another day on the job. She doesn't expect to have a memorable run in with a tall and handsome man on the demo floor. A man who just happens to be employed by one of the rival video game companies. Can the star-crossed lovers overcome long distances and their competitive work environments? Or will it be Game Over?
Smiles and Shoulders by MissCoppelia (E)
Complete? Yes. 
Word Count? 8,248
"Rey had just turned to head back to her desk, water bottle in hand, when she saw Ben Solo walk in. Just who she wanted to run into after an unpleasant morning of being poked and prodded by her gynecologist.
Ben Solo was part of the First Order team that had come along when Resistance Games recently merged with First Order Entertainment. He was made project manager of the combined Quality Assurance team, Rey’s department, which meant he helped document and assign the bugs that made up each QA tester’s workflow. He was grouchy, and he usually sent important bugs last minute or just horribly documented, making everything harder for the team, especially during sprints. Over the three months they’ve been working together, she’d called Ben out on his terrible practices repeatedly, and each time he’d just challenge her to get the work done or steal his job.
Which is why it surprised her now when she saw Ben give her a quick once over and his cheeks turned red..."
let's grind to the next level by murakamism (M)
Complete? No.
Word Count? 10,369
Rey is single, but all of her friends aren't. It's hard not to be bitter when it's constantly shoved in her face. Okay, maybe she isn't bitter. Maybe she just wants to play a prank on them. But when this prank involves her online friend turned gaming buddy, things don't go according to plan.
Looking For Raid by Polkadotdotdot (E)
Complete? No.
Word Count? 41,919
Kyl0R3n is a Cyborg tank. Lightbeam is a Monk healer. Almost every night they chat together, raid together and occasionally hit the battlegrounds of the internationally popular MMO Star Republic
Ben Solo is an architect. Rey Jackson is a structural engineer. Both work together at New Order Construction and can be seen frequently at each others throats.
If only they knew...
"Anyone could be anyone behind a screen and keyboard..."
Play To Win by Enterprisingly (E)
Complete? Yes.
Word Count? 161,669
Ben Solo – aka KyloRen – is a professional gamer, playing the first-person-shooter StarKiller for the internationally ranked eSports team, The First Order. He’s made a name for himself as a ruthless competitor with a ferocious temper and top-notch skills that can’t be beat. That is, until a mystery player named ReyOfLight begins thoroughly trouncing him whenever they cross paths.
What follows is the unlikely story of a rivalry that turns into a friendship that turns into… something else entirely. All while the eSports community watches with bated breath and popcorn in hand.
Triggered by LostInQueue (M)
Complete? Yes.
Word Count? 10,682
Ben Solo takes gaming very seriously, stalking his prey until they give up for the night, streaming his successes on Twitch, dressed as Kylo_Ren. Stress of his day and gaming itself throw him into ridiculous rage fits that are recorded for all to see. Gamers follow this wacko just to see what he’ll do next, that is, until Rey and her friends turn his world on its head.
The Game by RyokoYuuki (E)
Complete? Yes.
Word Count? 16,236
Rey is an aspiring lawyer, her true love is gaming. When her co-op partner Kylo Ren decide to finally meet, he shakes her to her core and everything she thinks she knows about relationships comes crumbling around her feet.
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