singalongpoppet · 3 months
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It's my 4 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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singalongpoppet · 3 months
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singalongpoppet · 3 months
Personally, my roman empire are all those fighting in the trenches. That's right, the bisexual men.
I've always had a soft spot for this forgotten identity of the skittles squad.
If you see one in the wild, give them some food, validation and space to acknowledge the love you just showed them.... so maybe throw the food from a distance (unless it's a hot bowl of soup)
AND FOR SHAME COMRADES. Part ways with your Jean jackets for those who need it most. They might need it to keep warm from all the nicotine attacks.
I love YOU, bisexual men. Love those genders, feel those (hopefully mild and manageable) gender envy, and LOVE YOURSELVES.
God's speed and rock on freaky dudes.
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singalongpoppet · 3 months
Good Omens won Best TV Comedy Drama Comedy.co.uk Award!!! WAHOO 🥳🥳🥳❤❤❤
Neil: Okay. I am Neil Gaiman, and I want to thank the British Comedy Guide and all of the readers who voted for Good Gmens to be the Best TV Comedy Drama of 2023. We're all thrilled. All the actors, all the people who made it, and me. And now I have to go back to toiling deep in the salt mines to make you Season Three so you can find out how the story ends. And thank you again. We're chuffed.
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singalongpoppet · 4 months
Idk how tumblr works reblogging it as a manner of saving it on my page
Fluffy Good Omens fanfiction masterlist
huge thanks to @heller04, @turquoisedata and @smoxensweetpea from Garden of Eden server for this list of super fluffy angst-free ineffable fanfics🥳
legend: one shot, shorter fic, longer fic, series, a f*cking saga
Temporary Tattoo by cyankelpie - Crowley's snake tattoo wandering around, a lot of people love this one
Anthony J. Crowley, Retired Demon and Airbnb Superhost by TheOldAquarian - the title says it all and it's freaking hillarious
Put Out The Fire by Aleakim - a spell makes everyone fall in love with Aziraphale the moment they see him, except for Crowley, 'cause... you know
I Slithered Here From Eden by Cryptand_Bismol - "yeah, you probably should have kissed him sooner"
air conditioned, love unconditional by fractalgeometry - Aziraphale is a ceiling fan and Crowley is an air conditioner
where the lights burn low and you're only mine by hopelessromantic549 - they move into a cottage and Aziraphale is trying to be rational
Texts from an Unknown Number by GaryOldman - first of the Wrong Number AU series, human AU, Azi's text does not end up where he wanted it to
Family by Association by otherhawk - Warlock finding his nanny
snake time by RosePetalsAndRain - snake Crowley getting cozy in the bookshop
Getting a Wiggle On by Kedreeva - Crowley leaves Azi fake eggs to babysit...
is it that we are dying? by NeverNooitNiet - Aziraphale has to help a dying demon escape from a church in England, 1349 EDIT: put here by mistake, it's sad but with a happy ending!
Press My Petals To Your Heart by ranguvar82 - miscommunication queens talk with flowers
I want it to be an "us" by Mimisempai - first of the Ineffable Growing Love series, S2 fix-it
Fifty Ways to Kiss Your Partner by ICarryDeathOnMyWings - literally fifty types of kisses, how adorable is that, "Fluffy as heck, y'all."
Tangled Up by No1fan15 - just fluff I guess
The Duality of Grief and Forgiveness by SealandRocks - the others arrange a dinner so the ineffable idiots can finally talk
right in front of me by raphvfx - Azi and Crowley finding out about the Good Omens book
Scare me goodnight, my love by The_Rogue_Bard - Crowley being Aziraphale's sleep paralysis demon
The Coffee by Ghostofafruit - Crowley does not like Metatron's coffee
How to Woo a Demon by Bookwormgal - after Armegeddidn't Azi wants to admit his feelings but he just can't do it the normal way, can he
Starting A Trend by somethingscarlet13 - they wanna get married
In the bleak midwinter by HolRose - human AU, a rather confused middle aged bookseller bumps into a handsome red-haired man in black
Miracle me a house by IneffableDemon - After the Amrmageddidn't, the Almighty wants them to play house
Clear As Day by HopeCoppice - Crowley actually knowing Azi's filing system (not a good thing)
Let It Snow by inffablenerd - stuck in the bookshop because of a snowstorm
This Strange Sweetness by KannaOphelia - they admit they're a couple, also there's a pear
Find Out How Much Love The World Can Hold by ineffablefool - Azi starts saying "I love you" at the end of phone calls
The Whole Truth by Aethelflaed - a cursed tome in the bookshop
Forget-me-not by gothikmaus - Five times they erased each other's memory after accidentally confessing their love, plus one time they didn't.
Putting the Endearment in Dear by JoyAndOtherStories - Azi calling everyone my dear, including Crowley
Unrequited by Arielavader - Crowley being a jealous bitch
Happily Ever After by IneffableToreshi - snake Crowley can't change back + ineffable stupidity
Fortune Cookies by PlantsJustWannaHaveFun - Anathema's Armageddidn't afterparty with a bit of future telling
Please tag the authors so they know their work is appreciated❤️
Note: I have not yet read them all but I will be making an AO3 collection as I'll be going through the list
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singalongpoppet · 4 months
If I could rant for just a moment
I've been thinking of my nieve as of late, barely half a year old and somehow wormed her way to my heart.
I've never really felt this way towards infants, but I love when she comes by, I like it when I can make her smile, pick her up and show her things around my house when she and her mom stop by. I think about how I wish her all the care and support and freedom to live as she pleases and how much I trust her parents to deliver that to her. I think about doing my best to be there for and do cool things with her. But idk if I want tp be part of her life.
I go by a different name than the one my family knows and trans masc. I don't have the energy to explain explain people and my solution so far has always been to just leave the space. It feels incredibly selfish, but if I make sure to distance myself from her rn, she'll never really know about me and I don't have to go through the pain of being misgendered. I'd rather be a missing relative than an aunt.
I hate the feeling, cuz I've always related to kids more than adults, as a kid myself, and I'm sure it would be a hard concept for her to grasp in the future but I don't wanna add confusion to this lovely child's life.
Idk what to do, maybe go to therapy? Idk if anyone will read this and I don't care much about. Just felt like saying something.
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singalongpoppet · 4 months
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“You never see unicorns anymore,” Crawly grumbles, watching another collection of dusty donkeys trudge into town.
“Well, obviously not,” Aziraphale replies, rolling his eyes.
Crawly directs a frown at him.
“Obviously?” he repeats, eyebrows raised in a question.
“You were there, Crawly, you know perfectly well why not.”
Crawly blinks, which doesn’t happen very often.
“You’ve lost me.”
“The Ark?” Aziraphale tries, hoping to jog Crawly’s memory. “You remember, one of Noah’s ran off, they didn’t have time to find another before the rain started…”
Crawly frowns.
“What does that have to do with anything?”
Aziraphale peers at his face, looking for the trick, the joke, the setup. All he sees is honest confusion. It’s his turn to blink.
“Crawly,” he says, somewhere between disbelief and a rather unangelic delight, “you do know why he had two of everything, don’t you?”
Crawly shifts defensively in his seat.
“Assumed it was one of those daft instructions sent down from on high, you know, one Ark, two of each animal, three of each kind of fruit, whatever—”
Aziraphale starts to laugh. He can’t help himself. Crawly scowls at him and hunches his shoulders.
“What? What’s so funny, angel?”
Angel. Crawly called him that in Eden, before Aziraphale thought to give him his name. He doesn’t know why he’s doing it now. Perhaps it’s supposed to be an insult. It doesn’t really have a lot of bite to it, if so.
“You’ve really never— all right, all right, don’t look so cross, I’ll tell you, I’m just— surprised, that’s all.” Aziraphale takes a sip of the fermented beverage the humans in this village have invented. It’s got potential, he thinks. “It takes two of them to breed, Crawly. Male and female.”
Crawly stares at him so blankly that Aziraphale has to bite his lip against more laughter.
“Please tell me you’ve at least noticed the physiological differences between the sexes—”
“Yes, yes, I know about that,” Crawly interrupts. “And what they get up to with those bits. You mean they’re not just for leisure activities?”
“No, they’re rather fundamental to the whole reproduction thing, in fact. The, ah, recreational applications are just a side-effect.”
“What, really?”
“But humans are always—”
“Well, that’s why there’s so many of them these days.”
Crawly looks absolutely dumbfounded by this revelation, and more than a little outraged.
“What about birds?” he demands. “They just lay eggs whenever they want to, don’t they?”
“I believe mating is still required beforehand.”
“What about fish?”
“I’m fairly certain that the same rule applies.”
Crawly stares into his clay cup, lips moving slightly as he tries to come to terms with this whole concept. His expression tilts suddenly into something that unexpectedly yanks on Aziraphale’s heartstrings.
“Oh,” he says quietly. “So no more unicorns, then.”
“No,” Aziraphale replies, no longer laughing.
“I’d have got it back for them, if I’d known,” Crawly mumbles.
Yes, Aziraphale thinks, surprised by his own certainty, you would have, wouldn’t you?
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singalongpoppet · 4 months
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cquackity getting dressed in the morning
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singalongpoppet · 4 months
But even from aziraphale's view you can always see how difficult it is for him to say the crowley is part of the bad guys or that they're not friends (Michael sheen I wanna ritualistically sacrifice myself to you like odin to gain your acting skills)
Cuz he so doesn't believe in it. But the years of heaven propaganda is ever present in his mind.
I feel like aziraphale, in the begginging and when shit hits the fan, wanted to revert to before he knew crowley properly because it would makes things so simple without it being muddled in "shades of grey". But he can't, what he cannot say in words he does in action ( for the most part:( ). He trusts that crowley can catch on his subtext and crowley does, because he was asked to trust
healthy disagreement tip by crowley
[Hello, it's the good omens mascot here, for legal purposes can I please state here that I do love Aziraphale as a character it's simply that this post is about Crowley so no one eat me, okay? It's been a week since I finished GO, I'm not stable enough for discourse]
I noticed that Crowley doesn't ever insult Aziraphale as a person. (Have I missed anything?) Even when they're fighting, Crowley is careful to disagree with decisions that Aziraphale is making, views that Aziraphale may have, but he never implies that Aziraphale is in any way lacking as a person.
The only instance when he ever seems to insult Aziraphale is when the angel refuses to come with him to Alpha Centauri after Crowley drives up to him and apologises. He asks how Aziraphale can be so stupid.
But he says it in such a way that it's very clear he isn't calling Aziraphale stupid, or that he even remotely thinks that about him. He's calling Aziraphale's decision stupid. And he makes sure there's no misunderstanding about this.
In the middle of this disagreement, before he says anything about stupidity, he first tells Aziraphale he's clever. With the endearment added. And he's being entirely sincere about it.
You're so clever, angel.
But he doesn't stop there. He says it again.
How can someone as clever as you--
and only then does he talk about the decision
--be so stupid?
And to me that's just. That's such healthy behaviour? Obviously both of these idiots are constantly shit at communication, but Crowley is very, very clear about this. His 'insults' to Aziraphale are always thinly veiled compliments about how he's all good and has the moral high ground, and during their fights, Crowley still never puts Aziraphale down.
The world is about to end, the timer is ticking, Crowley is scared and frustrated and they've had a massive fight where Aziraphale insisted that they're not friends and there was no our side, and Crowley is stretched to his limit with stress.
I'm sure a lot of us would say things we didn't mean in those circumstances. Even in casual situations, we say things like don't be stupid or why are you being an idiot, and that's mostly okay, if everyone knows that it's not meant seriously.
Aziraphale does that, he says things like you're the bad guys and we're not friends, banking on the knowledge that Crowley will not be hurt and will understand why.
But Crowley, even under that high stress situation, a fight with everything at stake, doesn't call Aziraphale stupid, even though no one would have thought twice about it. It's a manner of speaking, Aziraphale would know what he meant, etc. He still doesn't do it.
He takes the time to remind Aziraphale twice that he is clever, so clever, and then begs him to realise that the decision is stupid. He's so careful, so respectful, even in the literal apocalypse.
During the final fifteen, too. He never implies that Aziraphale is of the same material as Heaven, or even that he would make a bad leader. Even before he says that he, Crowley, doesn't need Heaven, he first says You don't need them.
It's just something that would make a lot of inevitable fights in any kind of relationship so much healthier. To know that even though you are fighting, you are loved. Even though the other person disagrees with you, they respect and admire you as a person.
Not judging the person, as Heaven loves to do, but judging the decision or the view.
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singalongpoppet · 4 months
You've been awake during day light hours too, you're so chronically online.
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singalongpoppet · 4 months
Poems the escape me #5
O, the surgeon's blade autonomous arbiter o' named men hasting towards mine own well-worn cradle
For e'ry breath that left mine own churning shell thy fair edge hardened damascened o'er countless forgotten souls
Thee cut mine own precious saints their own insightful preacheth now, a listless bastard hum
O thee handless, pillaging blade! steps in constant rhythm withal mine own shadows thee, a droning pulse around mine own throat a blink for e'ry one o' mine own stareth
Thy alabaster glint shineth an oath it promiseth me a warm nameless grave
Mine own cache is akin to hot butter thee render the speecheth unknowable clear memorieth now asunder mine own cathedrals, a pile o' stoneth
Thee aim withal surgical precision at the center o' mine own brittle spine
Ill heave and run mine own selfhood in vain
None o' this shall e'er have been proclaimed, but by the surgeon's blade, the final edge
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singalongpoppet · 4 months
Poems that escape me #4
The night sky seems to loom as its diurnal hours pass and marches her mindless babe of frore to smother the living fast
Above her brood’s tantrums her mum tears spill forth the mirth of every starlit eyes bane of yonder dying earth
Alluring, dancing patterns rime o’er the cusps of life eyes deluded by vibrant stars yet our mouths defy with strife
Vain yet able; mind of man protects the vessel in cloth we huddle near dying embers our fingers like droning moths
We thaw in tepid stories the smoke paints an endless tale the ”sane” recalls beneath the snow the hope of a springing vale
In every misty breath hangs a reverent pray’r
Gaze on the horizon the desolate dark skies one of us will live to see our cardinal sun, rise
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singalongpoppet · 3 years
words preceding unfortunate events
Can we give karlnapity a round of applause for being one of the healthiest relationships in DSMP? Like genuinely?
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singalongpoppet · 3 years
Poems that escape me #3
You stand before me, armoured in the richest of black
Our identical arms entangled in a warm embrace, We pitter patter our feet, to the melody of the wind
you glide along with me, through the soft silver halo, of the night
Little pearl like flowers, budding at our steps
Eternally in this whimsical twilight, you complete my words with your faceless human form; answers to my questions, held in your silent gestures and the pitter patter of our feet
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singalongpoppet · 3 years
Poems that escape me #2
I’ve seen my brethren weep, their hearts’ a jewel broken, they fall to their knees, their sleeves out of cards, their well kept secrets thrashed open;
yet as their bodies give in, and their eyes lack in cun, i hear the unanimous melody we all hum;
for you see, within our being, lies a force crystal clear, the soul is enough, my dear.
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singalongpoppet · 3 years
Poems that escape me #1
Dancing in the wind, under silver moons, chirps of my calls, all huddled in a brood
Drenched in yearning rhymes, written through hollow feathers, I send my beating heart, to you, encased in petal letters
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singalongpoppet · 4 years
I feel like people are too harsh on the Dule of Selburn
While he is still a annoying character in the sense of a bad construct to the flow of the plot in some parts, he as a part of the story is quiet reasonable. Let me tell you why :
1) he is clingy to Helen because I’m his aristocratic world filled with dull women of not wit or personality; who simply want to kiss to his arse because of his social ranking, he finds Helen refreshing and admirable. She also reminds him of the late countess of Carlston ( I’m sorry I have forgotten the name ) and he feel like it’s his responsibility to not loose her again in Helen. To top it off , of course he is clingy to Helen cuz why would he let her stay with the Earl of Carlston the man who had stolen his first love, killed her ( according to the rest of the people of course), and a total outsider to the niche society. And especially at the time of their wedding one of their most important days together (according to him) to go wander off with Carlston and his posse into the grim parts of London?
2) he constantly tells Helen to not fight or go into dangerous situations because he feels like it is his job to do it on behalf of her not only as helens gaurdian but as a gentleman. You must also realise that this story takes place in the regency era in England where not only would it be dangerous for the crowd to see the earls’ daughter engaging in questionable activities ( accusations raising from mentally deranged to witchcraft), at the time this would be considered rash and uncouth for a lady to conduct herself this way.
3) we must remember that the true Gerard Selburn has long been dead and that this is the work of the grand deceiver to trap lady Helen and seperate her from Carlston. The Duke is not to blame here but the monster that has possessed him is.
Thankyou for you time
I hate Duke Selburn so much?!! Like he’s so clingy and he keeps telling how Helen can’t protect herself, I want to kick his ass I swear to god
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