when is some fifteen year old on tiktok gonna make a good luck babe edit of sam and frodo tho???
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So I'm having thoughts about LOTR. Specifically the ending. And the fanfiction that rewrites the ending. Bear with me.
So we all know that LOTR ends with Frodo leaving Middle Earth and going to the Undying Lands, right. And we all know that he does this because all the events of the story have had such an impact on him that they've left him quite traumatised and not really able to live life the way he used to. And we can probably all guess that this is a reflection of how Tolkien may have thought about his trauma after fighting in the First World War.
The ending makes sense considering the time the book was written, because in the 1940's and 50's, people didn't know as much about mental health and disability as they do now, and there weren't as many ways to help people manage disabilities other than institutionalising them or like. Giving them cocaine or something idk. So it's reasonable to assume that because Tolkien didn't see many ways that people could live with disabilities and be happy, he couldn't write them into LOTR and instead basically just put Frodo in Middle Earth's equivalent of Heaven and said "there you go, you're all better now".
I like this as a sort of tragic ending. I mean, you can't deny that someone being so drastically changed by an experience means they can't enjoy the things they grew up with is pretty tragic. The ending does make sense. But I kind of hate it.
I don't think it was written badly or anything, and I'm not trying to dismiss Tolkien's experiences that influenced this ending. My issue with it is that, when you look at it through a modern lens, it has vaguely ableist connotations. Specifically the idea that disabled people (Frodo) can't live full lives and be happy in the real world (Middle Earth) and can therefore only be happy when they're "cured" or when they die and go to Heaven (the Undying Lands).
Now obviously LOTR is an old book and it's important to consider the time it was created when analysing it, as you would do with any other piece of classic literature. A lot of old books have some outdated language and concepts in them, simply because that was normal back then. And until very recently, we probably wouldn't have thought the ending of LOTR was in any way problematic. And it might not have been, because it's not really the fact that Tolkien wrote that ending that's an issue; it's the fact that the way the world worked back then made it near impossible to even think about any other ending.
Since the book was written, though, there have been a lot of advancements in science and research into disabilities, and there are now much more effective ways to treat and manage them. There's medication and therapy for physical and mental issues, and there are lots of accommodations that we can and should put in place to make life easier for everyone. Back in the 1940's, Tolkien wouldn't have had these things, and therefore didn't consider them to be options when writing about what happens to Frodo at the end of the story. But now, we do have them, and it's this progress that has discredited the idea that disabled people can't be happy in the real world, and subsequently made LOTR's ending seem outdated by today's standards.
Now this is where the fanfiction comes in.
LOTR readers these days, who are aware of the progress we've made as a society and the new ways people view and treat minorities, often write fanfiction that puts things into Tolkien's universe that wouldn't have otherwise been there because of when the books were written, from openly queer characters to characters living good, happy lives with disabilities. And I think this is a good thing and it's really nice to see, especially in regards to Frodo's disability. I like seeing people work out how he might accommodate himself in the world of Middle Earth, and how the other characters would help him with that. I like that sometimes people have to get creative when figuring out how he would cope with trauma and chronic pain, because obviously Middle Earth doesn't have a lot of the things we have in the real world.
I like that we can finally give Frodo a chance to recover in a more realistic way than just sending him to the afterlife. I like that we can finally allow him to live.
A lot of Tolkien purists complain about new adaptations and fanfiction because "it's not what Tolkien wrote so he wouldn't like it". First of all, why do we still care about the opinions of a man who's been dead for over fifty years? What are you going to do, summon his ghost to haunt all the fanfic writers? Hold a seance to find out exactly what he thinks? Good luck with that.
Second of all, I honestly believe this is something he would approve of. He went on living after the First World War, but he didn't get to live with the disability accommodations we have today. And because he didn't, neither did Frodo. We can't give Tolkien the life many disabled people have now, but we can give it to his tragic hero. We can make his story a little less tragic. And if Tolkien was here now, of all the tropes we're using in LOTR fanfiction, it wouldn't surprise me if "Frodo stays in the Shire" is one he could get behind.
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Still one of my favorite posts of all time read all the prev tags pleeeeasse they’re so good
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that fall was so… homosexual
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Headcanon that even though Frodo is tall for a hobbit, he's very light because he's also really skinny, so it's really easy to pick him up and carry him. And whenever he's arguing with someone (usually Merry or Pippin because they're a couple of little shits) and they get fed up with him they'll just pick him up and turn him upside down or sling him over their shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
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No but for real tho. I need an edit of sam and frodo to guilty as sin
frodo baggins is a highly decorated member of the tortured poets department
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I want to apologize for my last post about the lord of the rings crew with mental illness diagnosis. I should not have taken something so serious to write headcanons about and I’m truly sorry if I caused any harm. Lesson learned and thank you for the feedback.
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 3, Poll 14
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Hebe Harrison-Doctor Who Big Finish
She's a wheelchair user, and in my heart she is bi.
She is hands down the best disabled rep I can think of. She doesn't take shit from ableists and neither should you!
Fun fact from the mods: her VA also plays Shirley Ann Bingham in the main(?) Doctor Who.
Frodo Baggins-The Lord of the Rings
Frodo & Sam are very homoerotic. As JRRT knew and loved several openly gay authors, one of his closest friends was suspected of being gay, and with other historical events of the time, you can’t convince me it wasn’t at least a little bit subconsciously on purpose. Frodo, of course, has ptsd and probably some form of chronic illness due to the lingering effects of his nazgul wound.
Frodo carried the weight of the world on his shoulders and was forever changed by it. The literal devil’s soul was constantly around his neck, always tempting him, growing stronger by the minute, twisting him and torturing him mentally. He didn’t know how his journey would end when he offered to take on the burden of destroying the most evil object in the world, but he chose to do it anyway. And he was forever ruined by it - so much that he never truly came home, not really. And once he was home, life was so thoroughly ruined for him that he could not stay. There is one other known account of this happening - Arwen’s mother, who was captured and tortured for years by orcs, and while her body was healed, her mind could not be, and she, too, sailed away. Do you understand that? Frodo’s journey was on the same level as *being captured and tortured for years on end.* He is probably the gayest non-canon confirmed character I have ever come across, queer-coded through and through, and his ptsd was enough that he could not come home, and had to sail to paradise to find peace. He deserves everything.
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Samfrodo art I never got around to finishing, posting today since it’s ROTK’s 20th anniversary!
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Fellowship Marriage and Wedding Headcanons
Aragorn + Arwen
As we see in the movies and books their wedding is a very big to-do in Gondor. Arwen has a great eye and has picked out excellent design choices. If Aragorn had his way they would have been married in a small ceremony in Rivendell outside years ago but also Elrond saw to it that didn’t happen
They very much co-lead and have a fairly equal relationship. I say fairly because ultimately Arwen always has the last say
Aragorn genuinely and intensely worships his wife and will not hesitate to bring her or her opinions up at any given time.
They fuck A LOT. Aragorn absolutely knows how to please a woman and enjoys doing so
Sam and Frodo
Yes they’re married, no he didn’t go to the undying lands, no Sam doesn’t marry Rosie what are you talking about?
I think it would be wildly funny is they got married at Bilbo’s birthday party- but realistically I think they got married in Rivendell on their way back from the quest.
When Sam becomes Mayor he appoints Frodo as his deputy so they can work together
They have a very affectionate and loving relationship to the point where other hobbits (Merry and Pippin) get annoyed by their gratuitous displays of PDA
They have sex like once a week but cuddle everyday
They’re very protective of one another
Eowyn and Faramir
I’ve said it before I’ll say it again, Faramir is a trans woman-they are lesbians
Have a very equal relationship although Eowyn appears more dominant (and kinda is)
They share political power very equally though
They both are scared to be parents but also really want kids: spoiler alert they had nothing to worry about they are excellent parents
Eowyn is very open about sex and will discuss it or go at it in semi public spaces, Faramir is more shy so Eowyn respects this but encourages her to be more confident
Pippin and Diamond
They met at the strip club where Diamond is a dancer
They instantly fell in love
They are super devoted to one another
They are ALWAYS going at it and have evidence of their sex life displayed around their living room-this makes guests very uncomfortable
Pippin takes pole dancing classes to impress Diamond. He also takes her to the male strip club so “she can enjoy it”
His parents are a little disappointed but they keep it to themselves because they’re just happy Pippin finally settled down
Merry and Estella
I hate to say this but their marriage is low-key arranged. Merry’s dad wanted him to get married and Estella’s family wanted connections
At first they kinda like eachother and get along but Estella rapidly becomes annoyed with Merry’s constant being high and having Pippin over
She eventually divorces him. He goes to crash on Pippin’s couch for an extended stay
Eventually he goes back to Buckland. Estella gets rich off the divorce
Merry is happy with his bachelor lifestyle and has plenty of various boyfriends and girlfriends over the years. He teases his friends for being “tied down”
Legolas and Gimli
Their wedding is held in Dale in an attempt at neutrality but a fight breaks out between the dwarves and elves at the reception and they sneak away
They love to travel together
They have tried everything. And I mean everything. They never run out of ideas to spice up their sex life
They do sleep in separate rooms though because Legolas kicks and Gimli snores
They do not want kids but like being the weird uncles of everyone else’s kids. They don’t want the responsibility
Credit for the Diamond is a hobbit stripper headcanon goes to @diplomatson thank you my friend for that excellent idea
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Completely agree about Eomer. Poor Eomer I always forget him! Yeah he does not know and will never know his sister smokes weed.
Haha when I wrote that I was thinking of Frodo as Sam’s spouse (I have chosen to ignore the ending of RotK permanently) but I agree that it works for Rosie too-makes sense about her having seen too many stupid drunks to want to go anywhere near it.
The Fellowship of Mind Altering Substance
Mostly just drinks straight whisky
If forced by Arwen to have a cocktail he will have a whiskey sour or an old fashioned
He can hold his liquor
Brings a flask to important feasts this annoys Arwen to no end
Enjoys getting high but not everyday likes to do it with friends preferably Gandalf or Faramir NOT the hobbits
Has tried a lot of drugs in his day but doesn’t really do any anymore
Drinks shitty beer like Heinecken or Bud Lite
Smokes camels but not in front of the hobbits
Doesn’t do drugs and looks down on people who do except Faramir because “its medicinal for him”
Oh boy where to begin
He knows a lot about wine from his dad but pretty much just drinks dessert wine
And fruity cocktails
Party drugs guy
Likes to do hallucinogenics in the woods
Pretends he smokes weed but doesn’t actually like it
Knows a lot about beer and drinks it in public
But really likes fruity cocktails and drinks them at home with Legolas
He’s a bong and hookah smoker-really into that hashish
Has done hallucinogens in a spiritual context
Drink of choice is Absinthe
Has done all the drugs
Loves his weed though
Also likes mushrooms
Drinks Mike’s Hard Lemonade and boxed wine
Weed coniseur
He has a massive bong collection
Likes to hit Pippin’s vape
Has experimented with other drugs
Vape rig everywhere kinda guy its strawberrybubblegum flavored
He drinks shitty alcohol: white claw, smirnoff iced, bud lite seltzer
Does weed but with a dab pen
Has done molly, ketamine, and LSD
Sam drinks like craft beers and ciders
Is really into his local microbreweries
Not a big smoker for either weed or tobacco but enjoys a pipe now and then
He grows really good weed but more as a planting challenge than for himself
He sells a lot to Merry
Trip supervisor
Frodo is too anxious for most things and they fuck with his meds
Pre quest Frodo was a cider and fruity cocktails gay
He doesn’t drink or smoke afterwards they both make him anxious
He does micro dose on shrooms mecidinally thought
Has done ketamine in a medicinal context
Doesn’t drink
Smokes weed but mostly medicinally
Smokes weed with Faramir
Drinks mead and beer
Goes out drinking with Sam since they’re both married to people who are sober
Likes a good wine he knows what’s good
His favorite cocktail is a margarita he’s a tequila bitch
Used to smoke tobacco til he adopted Frodo
Still smokes weed though
Has a glass or wine with dinner
Used to smoke as a teenager for rebellious reasons
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spinningalbinoturtle · 2 months
Completely agreed
I’ve personally decided that you actually become immortal in the undying lands. I simply will not accept anything else. Sam and Frodo and also Gimli and Legolas all get to live happily ever after forever and that’s the end of it. I’m really in denial. I can’t remember what’s canon anymore.
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spinningalbinoturtle · 2 months
Love the fact that we know gay icons Ian McKellen and Annie Lennox ship Sam and Frodo and put that stamp of influence on the movies. Good for them. They did us all a public service
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spinningalbinoturtle · 2 months
How they get around
In an airport
Frodo is freaking out the whole time and does the special assistance. He takes a valium as soon as he gets on the flight
Sam chats with the special assistance people and is super together. He is kinda nervous flying so takes one of Frodo’s valiums
Pippin is banned from every airline. He always shows up late with drugs on him. Him and Merry are super annoying on the plane they talk loud, snack the whole time, play video games at full volume etc
Merry always gets pulled over for smelling like weed but he likes the patdowns and petting the dogs
Aragorn thinks his diplomat privileges allow him to take his knifes they don’t. He puts on his headphones and reads a boring non fiction book on the plane and talks to no one
Arwen likes to go shopping suitcase half full on the way there but needs a new one on the way homes. She watches a movie and chats with the stewardess
Gimli fights with the tsa about his axe. Him and Legolas talk shit about other people on the plane they also get wasted
Legolas is always late but has to stop for iced coffee
Boromir is uncooperative with TSA and requests a female agent for the pat down. Snores really loudly and hits on the flight attendant
Faramir and Eowyn-show up really early Faramir is nervous Eowyn is prepared and always buys a shitty romance book and reads it to Faramir on the plane
Bilbo gets absolutely shitfaced on the plane and Gandalf naps next to him
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spinningalbinoturtle · 2 months
The Fellowship of Mind Altering Substance
Mostly just drinks straight whisky
If forced by Arwen to have a cocktail he will have a whiskey sour or an old fashioned
He can hold his liquor
Brings a flask to important feasts this annoys Arwen to no end
Enjoys getting high but not everyday likes to do it with friends preferably Gandalf or Faramir NOT the hobbits
Has tried a lot of drugs in his day but doesn’t really do any anymore
Drinks shitty beer like Heinecken or Bud Lite
Smokes camels but not in front of the hobbits
Doesn’t do drugs and looks down on people who do except Faramir because “its medicinal for him”
Oh boy where to begin
He knows a lot about wine from his dad but pretty much just drinks dessert wine
And fruity cocktails
Party drugs guy
Likes to do hallucinogenics in the woods
Pretends he smokes weed but doesn’t actually like it
Knows a lot about beer and drinks it in public
But really likes fruity cocktails and drinks them at home with Legolas
He’s a bong and hookah smoker-really into that hashish
Has done hallucinogens in a spiritual context
Drink of choice is Absinthe
Has done all the drugs
Loves his weed though
Also likes mushrooms
Drinks Mike’s Hard Lemonade and boxed wine
Weed coniseur
He has a massive bong collection
Likes to hit Pippin’s vape
Has experimented with other drugs
Vape rig everywhere kinda guy its strawberrybubblegum flavored
He drinks shitty alcohol: white claw, smirnoff iced, bud lite seltzer
Does weed but with a dab pen
Has done molly, ketamine, and LSD
Sam drinks like craft beers and ciders
Is really into his local microbreweries
Not a big smoker for either weed or tobacco but enjoys a pipe now and then
He grows really good weed but more as a planting challenge than for himself
He sells a lot to Merry
Trip supervisor
Frodo is too anxious for most things and they fuck with his meds
Pre quest Frodo was a cider and fruity cocktails gay
He doesn’t drink or smoke afterwards they both make him anxious
He does micro dose on shrooms mecidinally thought
Has done ketamine in a medicinal context
Doesn’t drink
Smokes weed but mostly medicinally
Smokes weed with Faramir
Drinks mead and beer
Goes out drinking with Sam since they’re both married to people who are sober
Likes a good wine he knows what’s good
His favorite cocktail is a margarita he’s a tequila bitch
Used to smoke tobacco til he adopted Frodo
Still smokes weed though
Has a glass or wine with dinner
Used to smoke as a teenager for rebellious reasons
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spinningalbinoturtle · 3 months
Social Media headcanons
Has an official Instagram and Facebook accounts as a head of state. He also has a private account that his friends follow him on: strideranger alternatively strangerranger or rangerdanger on tiktok. His insta consists solely of pictures of his horse, Arwen and occasionally videos of cool plants or wildlife. He captions thing like an old man. His Tiktok is tracking tutorials and again nature videos. He hates twitter and isn’t on it.
All the social medias his names include princeofmirkwood, andmybow, and legolocks. Has over a million followers in insta, tiktok and twitter. He posts lots of glammy photos of himself in the woods and tutorials of how to keep your hair and makeup intact in the battlefield. He also edits slow mows of himself shooting orcs. Doesn’t have Facebook because he claims its “for old people” despite being the second oldest member of the fellowship Posts his random thoughts in twitter and gets like thousands of retweets every time
anmyaxe, lordofglitteringcaves, gimlet, are some of his names. Posts angry rants on twitter and faceboo. Regularly gets into internet fights with trolls. Posts videos on tiktok of his various stone projects and his workout routine (the latter gets a lot of views) Everyone loses it when he and Legolas team up for a “elf braid vs dwarf braid” youtube video. Oh yes he also has a very popular youtube channel where he explains how to of various craft trades.
Has made foolofatook his name for everything and also a hashtag. Huge on twitter and twitch, he also has insta and tiktok and a youtube channel with Merry. Said Youtube is very popular and involves pranks, media reviews, and him and Merry doing stupid shit
Does a lot of work on the channel with Pippin. Also has a twitch and twitter. Insta king people think he’s really cool. He is the kind of person who shares his progress on candy crush and duolingo. Tried to make merrychristmas his username but it was taken and so went with theweedprofessor. His tiktok is more popular than Pippin’s but Pippin’s twitter is more popular
Not huge on social media mostly got it because his friends peer pressured him into it. Has facebook and always says happy birthday to people on it but gets annoyed by all the politics. His instagram is samnotsowise alternatively gardeningamgee. Its super wholesome, lots of pictures of his plants and pets and him and Frodo. Sometimes he’ll post a poem
Frodo would be on tumblr tho. Username is bagginit on insta and frodoninefingers on twitter which he never uses. His tumblr is ringringhello. He also has insta but rarely posts anything except occasionally a picture of Sam. He has a linguistics Youtube channel where he talks about elvish history and language. Actually the most political on social media this is because Frodo has a very strong moral compass and wants to get the word out about important issues.
He’s a twitch streamer I’m sorry. He also has twitter at hornofgondor. Likes everyone of Merry and Pippin’s videos and posts and reposts them with captions like “love these guys!!!” Mostly shares memes on twitter and facebook very much dad vibes
Posts weird shit that no one understands on facebook and instagram at thegreywizard
He has facebook and likes to tag his relatives in things that he knows will annoy them. Other than that he just posts memories of Frodo like the proud parent he is Like every birthday he’ll post something really sweet and sappy like “so proud of the young man he’s become”
He gets in trouble on twitter sometimes but not nearly as much as Thranduil
Insta and tiktok at stewardstew. Mostly posts pics of his cats. Reposts everything Eowyn posts. Likes to uplift his friends. Answers citizen questions on official gondor accounts very warmly. Also shares memes
She has a podcast and everyone has been a guest at some point. She highlights inequalities in middle earth. Lots of reposts of feminist events and programs. Badass pics of her with her sword on her insta and tiktok. She does lots of tiktok challenges. Her username is iamnoman on tiktok and eowinner on instagram
Like legolas is all over insta posts lots of glammy photos in the woods as well. But she also shares a lot of Eowyn’s posts. Posts lots of inspirational quotes and stuff. Is really into yoga and posts about that as well. Her name on all social medias is evenstarwen
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spinningalbinoturtle · 3 months
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Rivendell: Frodo in The House of Healing and Bilbo in the Hall of Fire ♥ (I prefer drawing landscapes over interiors ...but I wanted to give it a try *_* )
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spinningalbinoturtle · 3 months
Obsessed with the fact that Sir Ian McKellen showed both Sean Astin and Martin Freeman explicit fanfiction and fanart respectively of their characters while filming lord of the rings and the hobbit. Absolute king shit. Love that he just did that.
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