#{thanks for tagging :) }
ellelans · 3 months
15 questions for 15 friends.
I was tagged a while ago by @tideswept - thank you so much hon!
1. Are you named after anyone?
My great-grandma.Her name was Leia (which is your usual Jewish name btw,she was not named after a princess lol) and so I kinda have two names-Ellena and Leia.I obviously go by Elle online.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Two days ago.Just a reaction to a very hard week,the worst part of it was that I was with my boss on zoom call.Tho maybe its not the worst part-he understood how frustrated I am over the whole situation and I hope he will help.
3. Do you have kids?
No.I am a great aunt tho.
4. What sports do you play/ have you played?
What is sports lol
5. Do you use sarcasm?
See the anwer above.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
If we are talking about physical appearance-their hair and hands and since I relly love boobs,yeah boobs lol.
7. What's your eye colour?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings.First of all I dont watch horror or scary movies/tv and I do love happy endings :)))
9. Any talents?
Are you kidding me I have a lot of talents lol.Seriously tho I am an artist,you cant realy see it because all I do is edits on tumblr but I have been doing art all my life.Makeup art,body art,jewelry and gems/minerals,stuff like that.
10. Where were you born?
Country that doesn't exist anymore.
11. What are your hobbies?
I love perfumes and am a fragrance adict and collector,an avid traveler,I love fandom as a hobby and reading.
12. Do you have any pets?
I have 3 cats-Tiny who is a 12 years old little calico,a 4 years old gentle giant called Gray (he is recently adopted) and my dear Bagheera who is obviously a black cat and she has been with me for last 7 years.
13. How tall are you?
178cm or 5'10.
14. Favourite subject in school?
Literature and English.
15. Dream job?
After working for 30 years my dream is to never work again lol.I would probably enjoy doing something if I didn't had to worry about finances and cost of living-but you gotta be rich for that.
tagging: @queer-crusader @littlerosetrove @elenaazra @grapenehifics @thetorontokid @old-long-john @unspuncreature @zwergenmaedchen
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captainpissofff · 10 months
Tagged by the amazing @alkibiadessuperfan with the most lethal historical memes 💀💀
Hardcover or Paperback?
Paperback so I can shove them up in my purse
Bookstore or Library?
Bookmark or receipt? BOOKMARK
Stand alone or series? tsk this one is tough...I don't like to be cliffhanged ... Don't mind both Stand Alone
Nonfiction or fiction? UUGHH BOTH !! but lately Non fiction..
thriller or fantasy?
under 300 pages or over 300 pages?
children’s or YA? young adult, I need to simp legally 💀
friends to lovers or enemies to lovers? ENEMIES !!! Imagine the shex omg 💀💀💓💓💓
read in bed or read on the couch? Bed so I can sleep and dream
Read at night or read in the morning? Morning so I can escape lmao
keep Pristine or markup?
Cracked spine or dog ear? Hate both lmao but i'll go for dog ear lesser damage.
I tag @fokindiabolical @buttsology @jiruchan @suselinasusel @requiescat-in-pace-bastardo @diobrandass@deadletterpoets @assassinscreed-aesthetics @jaegerline@the-arachnid-queen
(No pressure at all but would really love to know your answers)
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nepotisim · 11 months
“🎶✨ When you get this, you have to write down 5 songs you actually listen to and post them. Then send this (ask or tag) to 10 cool ppl✨🎶”
I was tagged by @dedskum ! Thank you bby!
@cinamun @cavernsofdarkness @falllforfiction @shandykey @umber-cinders @bri-rawr @bbrrambo @servospawn @tau1tvec @crsentfairy @missatan @trendyarthoe @based-god @nomieindecisi @pehmea
Oop, forgot to add @gleamer
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caneviim · 1 year
pinterest game <3 i was tagged by @rueyam 🤍
Rules: Go to pinterest and type in “[your name] core aesthetic” and create a moodboard using the first nine images. No need to reveal what your name actually is!
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I tag: @apoetsparacosm @4yourheart @nxlxk @wolfiesady @thewalkingblvck @sevgipitircigiiii and who wants to🫀
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crestfallercanyon · 8 months
🍂Weekly Tag Wednesday🍂 Thank you for the tag, @ohkate ! I wasn't expecting this — been a while since I’ve done a tag game.
Suppose this is as good as a time as any to kind of introduce myself to this fandom I've ducked into, too, haha
Name: crest (not my actual name but that's all you get folks)
Age: mid twenties
Favorite color: dark or silvery green
What emoji best describes your current mood? 😌 it's the end of a long week, but it's been a nice evening thus far.
What season is it where you are right now? Autumn, a bit rainy where I'm at. It’s nice.
Were you up before or after the sun this morning? Before. It stays dark late, but I was also up early.
Are you currently in possession of a pumpkin? No.
Do prefer to carve or paint your jack-o-lanterns? I've carved them, and I enjoy that, and I love having a candle flicker inside. However, I think I'm a better painter, and it's less mess, so probably paint.
Do you have a favorite pumpkin-spice flavored treat? If so, what is it? I actually do like a pumpkin spice latte, no whip though. it's just a nice cozy drink.
What's your favorite season and what's your favorite pie that you associate with it? I used to say autumn, but I think it might be winter -- what I would call true winter. Frozen lakes and blistering wind chill. I understand to most people this sounds fucking awful, but it makes you feel alive when you step out onto a frozen day and get hit by that cold, where you can walk on dark water because it's frozen solid, and the air itself is crisp and makes your fingertips red, and the world is so quiet but echoes the most smallest of sounds, and the wind hums a tune with its chilly air. I adore true winter.
We're having a pot-luck, what are you going to bring? If you need an entree, then I'll make jambalaya, it can feed an army. More of a side? Either pączki bread or chocolate chip banana bread.
It's chilly outside and you need a hot drink in your hands, what are you drinking? either a cup of coffee with a tsp of brown sugar, or earl grey tea with a touch of milk.
Will you be wearing a costume for Halloween? Is it ready? Probably not. I have earrings I've made, I'll wear those, but I also have a job where dressing for halloween would be entirely inappropriate, so.
Finally, what's something you've made or done recently that you're proud of? Um, I joined my community band, and I’m excited to get to playing an instrument again. It’s been a few years, and I was nervous I’d be terrible, but it’s coming back!
Also know I’m late for Wednesday, but hope it’s okay.
I'll tag a few people, but it's an open tag for anyone who wants to participate, and no one has to participate! enjoy your weekend everybody--
@its-tea-time-darling , @hamartian-cathexis , @qlala , @blue-summers , @michellemisfit
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margotgrissom · 5 months
Tagged: @cannibalspicnic
Last song: Not sure what song was on the radio in the car earlier. On my phone Elle King's "I told you I was mean".
Favourite colour: Black
Relationship Status: Single and unwilling to mingle.
Last Movie/Show: Thanksgiving (2023), Longmire
Sweet/Spicy/Savoury: Most often savoury but depends on the mood.
Last thing I searched: Toyota Aygo (to show my client the difference between the older model I drive and the newer model my Mom has)
Current obsession: Deadloch (the show), You are Good (the podcast), my cats, and trying to find some shelving or maybe an open cupboard to replace the weird spice rack situation I currently have in my kitchen.
Tagging: @xlittlerubyx @the-neurotic-zen-master @ceebee-eebee @doctoraliceharvey @trammelsb
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elenaazra · 3 months
15 questions for 15 friends.
I was tagged @ellelans thanks, it was fun
1 Are you named after anyone?
No, my name was just popular the year I was born. But maybe this is for the best, where I was born, naming a child after someone is not the best omen
2 When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday. I watched the final episode of Black Sails and literally couldn't stop
3 Do you have kids?
No, and I wouldn't want to have my own. But I have many nephews and godchildren.
4 What sports do you play/ have you played?
Running at school. Perhaps I would do this now, but my injury does not allow it.
5 Do you use sarcasm?
I'm like Stiles Stilinski - sarcasm is my only defense.
6 What's the first thing you notice about people?
If we are talking about appearance, hands. Oh and the voice.
7 What's your eye colour?
8 Scary movies or happy endings?
A happy ending. I'm willing to put up with some drama if everything turns out okay in the end
9 Any talents?
Pretending to like my clients when they act like assholes.
10 Where were you born?
In the really beautiful city of Gomel, this is eastern Europe
11 What are your hobbies?
I collect Funko and read. I'm on Tumblr, does that count?
12 Do you have any pets?
Now I have a cat Murzik. Many years ago, my companion, my “child” and the joy of my life, the cat who had been with me for almost 15 years, died of old age. This wound will never heal, but soon I plan to honor her memory by getting a tattoo of her cute little face.
13 How tall are you?
158 cm it's 5.1
14 Favourite subject in school?
15 Dream job?
Here I agree with my beloved ellelans - never work. but I think I would like to work in a bookstore or a store with some kind of merch.
tagging @lovecolibri @yelenasbuddie @newmania1212 and anyone who wants to do this
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15 Questions
yay love doing this! thanks for tagging @tough-n-dumb
Were you named after anyone?
well technically no, but my actual given name is inspired by my sister's name. Andrea - my internet alias is inspired from aurora borealis (please don't ask me why, my 13 yr old brain can't explain to you then and neither can i explain to you now)
When was the last time you cried?
last saturday? i think.
Do you have kids?
nope not at the moment, but all of their names have been thought of -laughs to myself-
Do you use sarcasm?
yea, sometimes not intentionally. I think i say things ironically more.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
hmmm the way they speak? but also their calves (i'm weird i know)
What’s your eye color?
quite dark brown
Scary movies or happy endings?
scary movies. definitely not scary movies with happy endings.
Any special talents?
staying up late (past 2/3am) and still waking up at 8am but pretty sure it's taking a toll on me and probably just the very innate ability to feel absolutely shitty about myself all of the time
Where were you born?
What are your hobbies?
reading? recently hadn't continue knitting for a while but knitting. and watching tv
Have any pets?
no, not at the moment anymore.
What sports do/have you played?
i hated sports so no. but if bowling counts, then bowling?
How tall are you?
i use metric system so 1.66m
Favorite subject at school?
biology and geography, i still can remember quite a bit of biology (because I still kind of need to think about them from time to time) but almost forgot all of my geography.
Dream Job?
hahahaha i think i want to branch into catering/party organiser? still cooking but just for parties and not for annoying customers in a restaurant setting.
tagging: @tortoisesshells @theburnbarreljester @digitalmoss @minnesotamedic186 and whoever that wants to do this because idk??
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ladyswillmart · 10 months
9 People Tag
I was kindly tagged by @roxas--munchkin, thank'ee!
Last song: Voulez-Vous Danser by Ace of Base
Last Movie: NBC's 1985 made-for-TV/pilot-that-crashed Covenant, starring Jose Ferrer, Michelle Phillips and Jane Badler. Best described as a kind of Dynasty From Hell (like, Actual Hell), it's about the power struggle of a wealthy family who has been passing down this vaguely defined Power of Evil from generation to generation. It's pretty cheesy and very very weird but it does have two things going for it: 1.) Kevin Conroy is in it, and 2.) Kevin Conroy is in it. I know that's technically the same thing twice, but... I mean, it's Kevin Conroy so whaddya want. 🤷‍♀️ Anyway, it originally aired August 5, 1985 as a "special movie event", in actuality a potential pilot for a television series—this was a common practice in the 80s, but obviously this show didn't work out. Unfortunately I didn't know all this when I watched it the first time; I thought it was like a multi-part movie or miniseries kinda deal (like Nutcracker with Lee Remick, another cheeseball TV movie favorite of mine) and after watching it, I actually really wanted to see the conclusion; I was absolutely crushed to learn that it doesn't have one! In any case, I like to watch it on its anniversary every year. It's not a great movie by any means but there's something inexplicably compelling about its heady combo of 80's decadence and MST3K-caliber thriller movie sensibilities. Also, did I mention that Kevin Conroy is in it...?
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Currently watching: Uhh. Do SpeedGaming's Zelda 1 Randomizer Tournament videos count?
Currently Reading: Tolkien's Return of the King.
Last Thing Researched For Writing Purposes: I haven't really been writing at all lately; you could say I'm taking a break. LOL Instead I've been doing doll stuff, but this also requires its own research. In this regard, I guess the last thing I researched was doll wig-making. I'm going to try making my own wefts from the mohair that I got. Actually it's already in a wefted format but after making a trial wig I've decided it's a little too thick for this scale so I'm going to be using this mohair to make even thinner wefts. Also I'm going to try making a wig cap out of glue and gluing on the wefts (opposed to a fabric cap and sewing), as I think this might work better for a doll with shorter hair (and in Arlen's case, hidden human ears/felted cat ears).
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angelabowermicelli · 1 year
Getting to Know Me
Rules: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
I was tagged by @starsuncounted, my beloved. Thank you! <3
Relationship status: single ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻 (and thriving)
Favorite color: PINK 🌸🎀🩰
Song Stuck in My Head: I Don’t Want to Miss It by Ellie Holcomb (a BOP)
Last Song I Listened To: Atlantic City by The Band (on my Spotify Discover Weekly- surprisingly good)
Three Favorite Foods: guacamole, soup, baba ganoush 🥑🥣🍆
Last Thing I Googled: [my state] invasive plant species
Dream Trip: Ireland for sure!! (also Disney World, Mexico, etc.)
Tagging: @dangerously-human @is-it-mungojerry-or-rumpelteazer @scarlettfailfox @noitspronouncedgif and anyone else if you'd like to do this/haven't done it recently!
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havatnah · 2 years
Last Line Tag Game
I was tagged by @thatcrazycrowgirl to share the last line I wrote. First of all thank you for that tag, honey. Is that tag because I mentioned that I was writing a story for that one setting I mentioned? Anyway. I'll share the last proper line I wrote, leaving out that jumbled last line for the outline/notes, which actually is the last I wrote but since it's just jumble and probably with incorrect grammar too I'll share this 'masterpiece' with you:
Rules: share the last line you wrote in your wip and then tag as many people as there are words on it.
And that she will; for the sake of the brotherhood, for the sake of her family.
Tagging: since I don't know many here and those I know, probably got tagged already please forgive for double tagging: @nemo-of-house-hamartia @giuliettaluce @celestialgaea @kiatheinsomniac @mazikomo
And of course, everyone who reads this and likes to share
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flourdove · 1 year
wip last lines game !!!
-thanks for tagging me @childotkw !! this comes a little late but i finally got a wip to share :33
rules: share 7 (or more) lines of a WIP you've been working on
this is a little oc wip in the uglies universe heehaw: - It is ubiquitous to check whether your allies are robots. When you have lived the past five years under an unspoken plague of AI; it has become a nagging reminder at the back of your head that it is near impossible to distinguish people from avatars. People have adapted to it, their caution coming and going in waves. However, they’re all aware that they’re under the scrutiny of their own city. Another fault of the mind-rain – back when people got a surge at 16 and was turned unimaginably beautiful, but also stupid - and Tally Youngblood, it seems. Diego wouldn’t need to mimic people at all if everyone just stayed dumb and pliant, no matter how sense-missing that way of thinking was. Her failed attempts at restoring order (or chaos) had made no visible changes to Diego’s course in development. Despite that, the streets seem rather inconspicuous even so late at night. At least to visitors. Neon signs and streetlights reflect off the roads and music being blasted from a party a block away, still able to be heard. A few teenagers scurry past in crazy surges, probably headed to a party, impossible to tell apart drunk from sober. But hadn’t snake fingers been out of style ages ago? The youth is simply fashion-missing, they decide. A figure curbs the corner, Northwood St, Petrian Mansion rings in their head. They don’t bother with Diego’s navigation, not that it’s needed. That atrocious music tells it all. - THIS IS not good at all + the address name is horrible but i’ll fix it to something that sounds nicer later !! @thistlemurder @the-writings-of-a-mushroom :3 thistle and skippy ! and anyone else who sees this ! guys please don’t judge me im begging you
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Thanks for the tag @quodekash !!!!
Show your homescreen/lockscreen
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TXT my absolutely lovely chaotic bunch i absolutely love these guys to bits. The Temptation album concept pics have to be some of my favourite ones from them!
And i changed my homescreen recently to this slight edit of a fanart of the current League T1 roster, I've followed Faker on and off for years but this current roster is such a fav of mine, has so much talent, (now please just win some finals so that ppl stop devaluing you) and such unique personalities, I'm hoping they win their competitions this year. Go Zeus, Oner, Faker, Guma, Keria!!!!!!
Last song I listened to
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The MSP ost still features heavily on the songs i listen to daily, and I'm on a bit of a old disney-esque movie mood these days so the soundtrack from Cinderella stories is also in my recently listened these days (for all the movies were kinda basic, the soundtrack WAS GOOD)
Last photo I took
was of some flowers from my rooftop garden, though the last pic i saved was this pic of sassy pouty phuwin posted in the replies of the absolutely hilarious post of pond posting a screenshot of phuwin posting a pic onto his close friends insta stories and pond exposing it lol
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i added that pic too from the post because it's kinda cute (phuwin responded today by posting a childhood video of pond's onto his twt)
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Anyone who wants to do this is free to!
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fanchlebu · 1 year
I was tagged by @girlcavalcanti. Thanks!
nickname: they don’t really stick with me and that’s unfortunate. but maybe that’s better. I don’t want to be majster or smth
sign: capricorn
height: bellow 1,7m but I still believe
last thing I googled: stańczyk computer
amount of sleep: too little
dream job: comic creator (both artist and writer) or artist so famous that people would kill for my drawings (so I wouldn’t have to do commissions) or philosopher or lego tester. or a wizard. girl can dream
movie/book that summarizes you: hard one. I asked my friends and one of them said metropolis (so let’s say it’s because I am a little bit overambitious)
favourite song: let’s say Radio by Rammstein but that’s not true since I don’t have a one favourite
favourite instrument: acoustic guitar because I could play badly on it long time ago
aesthetic: in terms of wearing none. BuzzFeed quiz says it’s dark academia. I don’t agree but whatever
favourite author: why are this questions so hard. Stanisław Lem if I have to pick one
random fun fact: I had to learn how to do vulcan salute. I stretched fingers of one hand by force using the other one. And I did that before I watched any star trek episode because I’d a felling I would become a fan
I tag @opia-jpg, @klarcia, @duck-duck-newton and @chalpurnia
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sullustangin · 1 year
Tag game! Getting to Know You
Tagged by @tiredassmage
Tagging @starknstarwars, @inqorporeal (since you confessed to liking tag games, you’re forever doomed), @vexa-legacy annnnnnd @shymikka
3 Ships:  Theron x Smuggler (mine ranks high for obvious and selfish reasons, hehe), Batman x Wonder Woman (JLU cartoon, not live action dynamic), and  Miss Fisher/Jack Robinson. 
First Ship:   Weirdly, it was probably Spock/Zarabeth from not only the original Star Trek series, but AC Crispin’s books about their theoretical son. I think I was 11?  I haven’t thought of the ship in ages, though.  Spock was my first character that I latched onto, so I ran through all his ships at one point, including Kirk/Spock and Spock/Saavik  (which I sorta plotted a whole fic for that has never come to fruition). But it’s like how an 11 year old in the 90s ships things.  FF.net and AO3 did not exist, and I visited the Beanie Baby website daily with my mother’s supervision. 
Currently Consuming:   Tazo cha tea mix with a cup of milk and 2 pieces of sourdough with strawberry Jam.
Currently Watching:   At this second?  Pete the Cat, specifically a couple of eps that convey difference is good.
Last Movie:  Oh, geez, probably Miracle on 34th Street in B&W.  I don’t consume film like I did in college, which was many movies a week (as a film student, this wasn’t a surprise)
Last Song:   Bella Ciao, electroswing version from 2019 (I think)
Currently Reading:  Honestly, a world history textbook to try to give my course more coverage beyond the main Cold War. I’m trying to work in more Africa and South America.  I’m sad I had to drop the Space Race (again, Star Trek fan), but that really is too much time about USSR vs US that could be spent elsewhere.  I know, super boring. 
Currently Craving:  Popcorn.  It’s a trigger food for my UC.  I’ve tried the air puffed substitutes for popcorn...and nothing compares to that dreadful artificial butter which is the best taste in the world if you’re in the mood.  Which I am, sadly.
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mcrubs · 2 years
@successperezident tagged me to post my 5 favorite songs right now
billy woods ft. Elucid - Magadalene
Elucid - Spelling
Mach-Hommy & Tha God Fahim Ft. Juju Gotti - 30 Stone Grouper
Steve Lacy - Bad Habit
Donna Summer - Try Me I Know We Can Make It
I'll tag @rhymewithme @ztahcsslaskcihcsregnalsnebel @katranada @urban-hieroglyphs @lean-and-spill @n0turavg @jamiefoxxhairline1 @sexdrugscoffee
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