#‘lady lance’ *sobbing aggressively*
sunspearesque · 26 days
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she is truly her daddy’s daughter… i will never get over this
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pallases · 6 years
Keith and Krolia Headcanons
•After it registers that Krolia is his mother, Keith’s first reaction is a brief moment of shock, followed by anger
•The thing is that it’s not actually anger though (or rather, not only anger, but that’s what it comes off as)
•It’s just the way it comes out. In truth he feels unbelievably confused and disoriented.
•Why did she come back for me? Why is she accepting me now? Why was she gone all this time? Why?
•It’s a whole lot of hurt that he thought he managed to bury after all these years of being alone, but now that he’s face to face with her everyone comes surfacing back up and he doesn’t have time to deal with so many feelings and it all manifests itself as extreme aggression
•”You vanish entirely from my life at a random point and then suddenly come strutting back in to drop a bomb like that? Where were you all this time? What were you doing? What was so important that you abandoned—“
•He catches the voice crack and storms out of the room before the tears can come
•Krolia is left there standing for a moment in complete confusion because ??? the mission??? come back??? but then it catches up to her just how he must feel and she feels the blood drain from her face and now she’s physically calling out to him to wait
•Once they get back to the Blades after the mission he heads straight to his room, leaves the rest to Krolia alone, stares at the wall for a bit before it comes rushing back to him and he breaks down
•Krolia finds out where his room is from another Blade and is about to go in there to explain everything to him but she hears his sobs
•She knows it’s not her place to be comforting him when she came in out of nowhere, so ignoring the splintering of her own heart she turns away
•He tells the other Paladins about her right away, hating to procrastinate, but it’s clear to everybody how abrupt he’s being on the topic and why
•His voice sounds flat and emotionless to his own ears but he doubts at least one person watching can’t see the tightness of his jaw, the tensing of his shoulders, the faint puffiness lingering around his eyes. He wishes they couldn’t though
•Everybody reacts appropriately, aka “wait but this is so sudden what” but Keith doesn’t have the energy to go through the whole story, not to mention he doesn’t even have it yet considering he’s still hiding in his room and hasn’t spoken to Krolia since
•He just tells them he’ll be fine and then clicks off, the last expression he sees being Lance’s worried wide eyes because he knows Keith can be brusque but not usually to this extent
•After that it takes Keith quite a while to warm up to Krolia
•The first week is filled with cold glances, flinches, shifting gazes, and narrowed eyes
•The second week is filled with slightly more welcoming body language, but still very little conversation; Keith throws himself into every mission he can, trying to drown out his problems with his work
•On the third week he cracks, and Krolia finally gets the chance to explain her absence and tell him about everything that happened
•Fourth week, Keith accepts what she says and they manage to bond a bit over their similarities and what they like to do, and Keith tells her about his friends
Keith: “you’ll like them all except maybe Lance sometimes he annoys me to the point that I wish I could shove him up against a wall” Krolia, internally: “hmm in what way do you mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)”
•Fifth week, he lives up to his earlier statement and brings Krolia to meet the Paladins, Coran, Matt, etc
•Everyone’s really wary of her at first but she ends up visiting a lot and soon becomes an aunt of sorts to them all
•I mean it gets to the point where Keith comes up to the Paladins and Pidge accidentally says “is Aunt Krolia coming?” and Keith blinks because he doesn’t even call Krolia “Mom” yet and here are his friends referring to her as their aunt lmao
•Coran gets super offended over this nickname for her because he’s Uncle Coran and this lady comes waltzing in and adopts such a similar title so much quicker than he did
•He complains constantly about it to Allura at first
Coran: “I simply don’t understand Princess“ Allura: “understand what” Coran: “how they could betray me like this” Allura: “they’re not betra—“ Coran: “how could they betray me like this”
•He also interrogates Krolia at every chance he gets on any possible intentions she has for this group
Coran, shooting eye daggers at her and leaning forward: “so what makes you think you’re qualified to be an aunt” Krolia, folding her arms shooting daggers right back: “what makes you think I’m not”
•Eventually though he warms up to her and they become an absolutely iconic duo
•They’re practically inseparable, always talking on the sidelines while the Paladins discuss strategy or joining in themselves
•They tease the Paladins about their crushes all the time and discuss it together to no end
Coran, sipping tea from who knows where: “did you know my favorite Paladin has a crush on your favorite Paladin” Krolia, raising her eyebrows over her cup: “what do you take me for it’s so obvious that I knew before I even saw them interacting”
Coran, in a failed attempt to subtly let Krolia know about Hunay: “so Hunk how’s Shay been have you two been up to any fun lately have you gone out lately how’s Shay been” Krolia, swooping in through the doorway from where she was eavesdropping: “who’s Shay”
•Sorry I just had to explore this wonderful concept of Coran and Krolia‘s relationship I should probably stop now
•She also loves teasing them about their jobs and hobbies
Krolia, leaning over Hunk’s work and smirking: “shouldn’t those be double-modulated” Hunk, closing his eyes and giving a heavy sigh: “I thought you were my friend”
Krolia, watching Lance train and cupping her hands over her mouth: “YOUR STANCE IS OFF” Lance, dropping his sword: “and how would you know Miss Kogun” Krolia: “my last name isn’t even Kogane that pun is invalid”
•Wow this post strayed so far from its original purpose um let’s go back to Keith and Krolia
•Once he sees that his friends like Krolia, Keith finds it a lot easier to act more welcoming toward her
•They were already establishing a closer bond but Keith always seemed pretty closed off anyway, not rude or anything but y’know just Keith
•At some point Krolia asks if he remembers her at all from before she left and he says no
Krolia: “but I cradled you in my arms” Keith, giving an involuntary snort and coughing to cover it: “sorry yeah go on”
•Keith gradually becomes more comfortable around Krolia and starts to see her as a mother figure, although he still calls her Krolia for a long time
•When he calls her mom for the first time, it’s because she refuses to let him go on a mission that she thinks it’s too dangerous for him
Krolia: “no Keith you’re not going off just to get yourself killed that’s ridiculous” Keith: “BUT MOM“ Krolia, after staring at him for half a minute in pure shock and silence: “if you think that finally addressing me as ‘mom’ is going to make me budge you’re wrONG” Coran, popping his head in: “was that a voice crack I heard my dear Krolia”
•But after that Keith can see how happy being called Mom makes Krolia so he tries to let it stick
•He still slips up a lot but doesn’t only pull out the Mom card for blackmail I mean he’s not evil
•They’re a broken family, but each day is a day of mending
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eledritch · 7 years
enjoy this absolute mess I wrote while watching 
Episode 1: 
"Maybe not from the front" *explosion* HUNK ILY also is that an innuendo 
"I'll have a pizza roll" 
Keith's angry storm off from the table :( 
"Exiled brat" 
"Your own aggression is your undoing" foreshadowing to when lotor fights Keith?? 
"I remember what a thrill it was to meet him for the first time" OK LANCE
Episode 2: 
"Keith would be the worst leader of voltron" (Keith doesn't argue) 
"*scoffs* are you joking" KEITH SMILED 
Hunk: "Keith, make me a sandwich, stat! Yep, you heard right, I'm the leader now, dang it!" 
Lance: "this is your moment" "how long are we gonna let Lance stay in there" omg :'( 
"But I'm not you. I can't lead them like you" 
Lance: "get some alien diversity on the team" 
"This ones for you, Shiro" 
Zethrid getting excited to blow shit up 
Keith: "be careful with red!" 
Pidge: "wow we're really kind of a mess" 
Hunk: "yes awesome!!!" GOOD KIND SUPPORTIVE BOY
"On Altea we wear pink to honor our fallen warriors" BC FUCK YA GENDERED COLORS 
Episode 3: 
Keith: everyone stay out of my way! Lance: great. Great leadership. 
"I'm not really feeling that voltron feeling" HUNK 
"They'll be blind - no offense, Narti" is Narti like evil toph bc yes please 
Keith listens to Lance!!! 
Hunk being scared of the green lion 
Allura: "what would Lance do? *immediately starts flirting with blue*" 
Keith: "look I'm glad we're all makin fun of lance" 
Allura: HUNK, IM A LEG!! 
Keith learning leadership skills :'D 
 Episode 4: 
 Hunk: "ready to abort immediately" 
Pink haired Altean chick can kick me in the face (commander hira) 
Hunk: "you mean...slave labor" CALL THEM OUT 
Sven saving Lance's life like in the original BLESS UP SPACE HOSPITAL 
"I love this reality!" & I love you, Slav 
Episode 5: 
operation kuron????? kURO???? 
ahahaha his hair looks like a troll doll's when he's upside down 
This skintight black under armor is a real Look for u Shiro 
o no it's the bumpy whale of terror don't fall for it shiro tHAT IS NOT A WHALE 
@ the showrunners can Shiro ever, maybe, idk, CATCH A FUCKING BREAK 
does it have tentacles tho 
Why does Lotor have the same smirky eyebrow face as Lance 
*lotor delivers a severed arm to haggar* "but I am not my father" you, uh, you sure about that buddy 
Episode 6: 
Hunk's thumbs up omg 
Allura with a whip is my everything 
"hey, Keith? How many times are you gonna have to save me before this is over?" "As many times as it takes" BE STILL MY HEART 
lance: "you're lookin better!!" his wide eyes I die 
Shiro looks so much like Mako oh my god SO YOUNG LOOK AT THAT SHARP BOY 
Keith's face when he says "leave the math to pidge" I dieeeeee 
"A little mouse shower" *rapid electronic beeping* hunk is a gift to this world 
actual married couple k&s saying stuff in unison 
"this might be the worst post but it's MY post!" LOL THROK 
season 3 more like constantly walking into traps DO Y’ALL EVER LEARN
 what kind of title is King Groggery the Infirm 
Lance: "I got you, buddy!" *lil dopey Keith smile* 
Zethrid: "I'm going to enjoy crushing you" I'd enjoy it if you crushed me please 
"I'm proud of you Keith" ugly sobbing 
Lotor you sneaky lil bitch 
Episode 7: 
"Oh dear" Alfor u cutie 
"That's what I keep you around for Zarkon" "well perhaps a bit of discipline erosion would do you good zarkon" CONSTANT ALFOR FLIRTING OK
Space Cat Kova Haggar was a cat lady I die Honerva ahhhhh 
Is. Is Zarkon flustered LMAO 
BABY HELMET allura better have that helmet still 
Ok but why is allura's mom basically just her....could y'all have been any lazier with the design 
"I'll stick with being your right hand" ok but....have the black and red lions/Paladins always had a close relationship 👀 
This monster thing is some princess mononoke shit 
can I marry trigel just asking for a friend 
Ok Zarkon actually being sweet and holding Haggar's hand wtf cute......Also they have a sweet ass bed just sayin 
"I only hope it is not too late to heal the rift in my planet...and our friendship" soft zarkon, nice 
Are the creatures like the corruption in the quintessence??? 
RIP planet daibazaal damn thanks alfor 
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swiftwind3 · 7 years
Lance Week Day cINCO
Prompt: Blue
jeez my brain was fried for this week smh cannot believe i couldn’t come up for stuff for the prompts…must be some pre-college fever…heh. anyway
[Un]Surprisingly, Lance is a cat guy.
The cool of the living room faded away as a child Lance screamed.
“I hate you!”
His siblings’ darkened looks were the last thing he saw as he turned and fled in a fury.
“You asked for it, spoiled brat!” His elder brother stood from his place on the couch, only to have his sister yank down on his wrist and save him from a small, flying sandal.
“Leave me alone! ¡Maaamííí!” Lance wailed, scurrying upstairs.
“Mom’s not home!” His sister yelled from below. “Calm down—we’ll give you the TV!”
“Like hell we will—” His brother raged.
“Shut up!” She hissed. “Lance, come back down!”
But Lance was already hanging from the cement balcony rail, a stunt he often pulled when he wanted to get out of the house and avoid running down the stairs. In this case, he wanted to avoid being beat up and tied down by his siblings. The boy plummeted and landed firmly on the balls of his feet, taking off with the inertia under the grueling rays of early afternoon. He disposed of his lone sandal as he ran, dropping it who-knows-where. His selfish siblings would make him pick it up later, but for now, he would run to the bay.
As he sped down the slope near his home, the dirt beneath him quickly turned to hot sand. Lance panted heavily as he stumbled further, shoving through young palm trees and batting away at mosquitoes and other bugs. The small bay lay open before him, the blue-green water splashed undisturbed, rolling up on the sand, devoid of anyone and anything. It was deserted.
Good. Lance could deal without people asking him if he was lost or something. In a flash-over of emotion, he kicked up sand, grunting and muttering high-pitched obscenities with a breaking voice.
They wouldn’t let him do anything! They wouldn’t let him talk, they wouldn’t let him play, they wouldn’t let him watch TV with them or even have a snack! Lance was beginning to see the downsides of sleeping through breakfast.
He wiped at his eyes, not caring of the sand getting on his face. With a pout, he stomped to the foot of a tall palm and plopped down, shoulders hunched.
With barks echoing overhead and the roaring of the wind filling his ears, Lance forced his breathing to slow, whimpering as he swallowed annoying sobs and sniffles that might alert anyone nearby. He felt sweat roll down his back and patted it dry through his shirt. Slowly, but surely, the beach lulled him into a sense of relaxation. As he leaned back, he rubbed his stomach. Despite his complaining stomach, he knew his mother nor father should be too long from getting back home. He remembered Mom yesterday, saying how she’d be back quickly from running some errands in the morning, just in time to cook lunch. His dad said something about errands, too. But he’d be back most likely while they were eating lunch.
There was a rustle next to him and Lance stiffened. It was something small, too light to be a person. With childish caution, the boy flinched as the tiny muzzle of a kitten poked out from out of the bush beside him.
“Un gatito!” Lance gasped to himself.
The kitten’s head had poked out, watching Lance with wide eyes. Lance immediately focused on everything near the cat’s face, avoiding eye contact. He then began to blink at it, a hope escalating in his chest. His goal was to pet the kitten.
He blinked slowly, not looking directly into the kitten’s eyes. Direct eye contact with a cat meant aggression. Lance didn’t want to scare it, he wanted to love it. Maybe he could—
They’ll just say to put it back where it came from! They might even throw it back out if you take it inside!
With a heavy sigh, Lance shifted his legs and looked away from the kitten. What was the point of trying to get close to it if Lance wouldn’t be able to enjoy the simple act of petting it? Well, he could pet it, but then his siblings would be like, “You touched a stray cat? What the heck is wrong with you? We didn’t say you could do that!”
Something nudged against his side and Lance jolted to find the kitten kneading into his shirt. It was grey—no…blue, maybe; a pretty mix between those two colors. Its eyes were closed, an obvious sign of contentment to Lance. He giggled, slowly bringing a hand to the kitten’s head. No stopping him now.
At that, the kitten flinched away slightly, as did Lance. The boy brought his hand further to the animal, hopefully transmitting his means well enough. Slowly, the kitten sniffed around his hand, and with a with a loud mewl, it nuzzled his palm.
A sense of pure completion rushed through Lance and he grinned wide, letting out a small, “Yes!”
Not even a few minutes later, the cat was on him, purring so loudly Lance kept glancing around to see if anyone was approaching them. He absentmindedly continued to scratch the cat, glancing around as he reached behind its ears and under its chin. The boy could keep petting the furry creature for years if he wanted to. The grey-blue kitten continued to sprawl on his lap, nosing Lance’s hand in the direction it wanted him to go.
A voice suddenly wafted into Lance’s ears and he froze. He didn’t mind the slightest when the kitten nipped him for stopping, but he was sure he had heard his mother calling for him.
“Lance!” The call came again, not too close to him, but close enough to be heard over the salty wind. “¡Ya hablé con tus hermanos! ¡Sube a comer!”
Glossing over his mother’s knowing voice, the boy’s mouth watered, and a mild twinge in his stomach saddened him. Carefully, he wrapped his small hands around the cat’s front legs and placed it on the sand.
“Sorry, kitty, I gotta go…”
The kitten mewled loudly again as Lance stood. He wasn’t good at goodbyes of any kind. Wait, maybe he could sneak some food—
The blue-grey kitten rubbed against his legs, its tiny tail bent at the tip. Lance cooed to himself, pushing away the notion of just stuffing the kitten into his shirt and sneaking into the house. His mother would probably have his head, too. He doesn’t remember her being a big fan of cats.
Well, the idea from earlier was still an option. The boy stepped away as soon as the kitten moved towards the outer part of his legs, a spot where he wouldn’t trip over it. With slow blink, Lance began to walk away, hissing to himself at the kitten meowed behind him.
Don’t follow me, don’t follow me, don’t follow me! I’ll bring you some scraps! Promise!
Lance glanced over his shoulder to find the kitten simply sitting where he was just a few moments ago. The young cat blinked at him, and Lance couldn’t help but believe that it was crying.
Don’t worry. I’ll come back…
“Hey, Beautiful.” Lance greeted his giant Blue Lion.
The mechanical beast purred loudly into the conscience of her pilot, welcoming him and quickly reciprocating his joy at the simple greeting. The Blue Paladin settled comfortably into his seat, enjoying its feel.
“Allura told me to have some more bonding sessions with you, and who am I to ignore two pretty ladies? Anyways, time to play Twenty Questions! There’s gotta be a better name for this… How about ‘Let the bonding begin’? No—no…sounds too…eh. Well, anyway. So, did you know I love kittens? I’ve always loved kittens, ever since I was a little kid, really…”
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pitchblackveins · 5 years
R Here! I can't believe how fed we all are. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on the new single! 2 hours! I also live for the lady heroes. I really recommend Legends because Sara Lance owns my soul. Did you like Supergirl season 4? My faves are Scarlet Witch, Supergirl and Batgirl. I also relate more to Tony Stark than possibly any other fictional character. My fave villains are pretty much any of the over the top Batman villains, they are all campy and ridiculous and I love. Message 1/2
R here for message 2/2 My favorite single is Blank Space but Speak Now is also my favorite album. My top five songs are Clean, NYD, Last Kiss, Never Grow Up, and Blank Space. I was lucky enough to have Never Grow Up as my secret song for rep tour and I have never sobbed so hard in my life. Have you ever seen her on tour? Favorite TS Lyric?
Hi R!!! Good morning! (i’m assuming good morning! what time zone are you in?) Wow, waking up with new music is surreal. did you stay up? what are your thoughts?? I’m a little nervous to share my thoughts because I think this is probably an unpopular opinion––but I don’t *love* YNTCD. I love that taylor is getting more political and i love that she’s standing up for her ladies and gays, of course, and I’m proud of her for doing that! But I guess I was kind of hoping for something that hinted at the side of the album that wasn’t as aggressively pop-y as Me!––she spent a lot of the livestream talking about how it was going to be this wide-ranging, romantic album, and I guess I had hoped that was what we we’re going to see with this new single. I thought she’d gotten all her angry energy out on rep, I guess? She keeps saying this album is way more personal and singer-songwritery, and that’s the album I’m really looking forward to. But also if you love it don’t let me rain on your parade!! it is a fun bop for sure! what are your thoughts??
maybe I will have to watch legends! i’ll try and get around to it. i loved supergirl season 4! i thought it kind of floundered at some spots in the beginning of the season but by the second half i think we got some of the best content in a while!! i’m SO here for alex’s new relationship, the lena reveal is smashing my heart but i also think it was so well done, i loved the casting and the music cues for lex (like wow) and i thought they handled being political while also staying in their universe really well, to the point where they were sending a strong message but not seeming too heavy-handed (like last season with the gun control ep). 
i love tony in concept and from comics!! i feel like in phase 3 of the mcu they started to overpower him and lose track of his character a bit which was rough. i really loved him in infinity war though, i feel like he was finally kind of true to himself again. i hope we get a scarlett witch movie! she never gets enough time. 
i saw taylor for red in greenville nc, and for 1989 and rep at metlife! honestly the three best nights of my life probably. have you seen her other than rep? my rep surprise song was wtny (which makes sense bc it was her first night at met life) but i was jealous of nights 2 and 3 who got enchanted & fearless, cuz those are two of my all time favs. favorite lyric is really hard! i have to think on it and get back to you because i have a lot. whats yours?
this is super long again, sorry! and i accidentally published it with just “hi R!” at first so hopefully you see this version. i hope you have an amazing day! 
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sarah--writes-blog · 7 years
Maybe a fic where Lance is coming down with the space flu or something with all of the crappy symptoms (nausea/vomiting, fever, headache,) but he doesn't want to let the team down so he tries to go practice anyways. Cue Lance passing out during training and Keith being a flurry of frustrated and worried and at first Lance is freaking out but eventually Keith just tries to take care of him.
The Blues
A/N: A lot of notes on this one, sorry.
So halfway through writing this, I got a fever. I also don’t feel like I’ve gotten used to writing Lance yet. So take it with a grain of salt.
I always pictured that unless it was a simple cold, Lance would be really bad at handling illnesses. They sap his energy and his charm, and he hates being incapacitated like that. So when he’s hit with all these things, along with the loneliness of being away from Earth, and feeling like a seventh wheel, his emotions just go down. I kind of drifted from the prompt, I’m sorry. But I really like the way it turned out!
Finally, I had to take a sharp turn when THIS POPPED UP so it took longer than normal but I really wanted to incorporate this beautiful thing that has graced the Voltron fandom.
The paladins could live without some earth commodities. They adjusted to the Altean food, they accepted wearing their armor while they washed their one pair of clothes, and they tolerated the strange music that Coran and Allura would play over the entire ship when they missed Altea. But for the humans, there was one thing they couldn’t tolerate.
“We’re going back to the space mall and getting toothpaste.” Shiro decided, leaving no room for argument.
Within an hour, the paladins compiled a list of necessities they would purchase. Toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, razors, new clothes, different types of food, all the things on Earth they always took for granted. Coran insisted that they had the equivalent of some of those things on the ship, but everyone rallied to get Earth deodorant. Pidge threatened to take the wheel herself if Allura didn’t turn the ship around.
As the castleship grew closer to the space mall, the paladins began to get excited. The shopping list grew from necessities to the things they started to missed as well. But the Red Paladin noticed that something was off. Lance was being oddly quiet. He threw out only basic suggestions, like fingernail clippers and combs. Keith scoffed at his lack of participation.
“What, you don’t want a friend for Kaltenecker?”
Lance shrugged and muttered that getting a cow - even if it was free - was probably a bad idea because they had little means to feed it. Even though the Blue Paladin’s alarmingly realistic comment surprised everyone, they continued to make the list. But Keith was left with suspicion. Something was definitely wrong with Lance.
Keith considered calling him out on it. It was important for them to be open with each other about things. But he remembered Lance’s tendency to get homesick every so often and figured that it was probably best not to bother him about it.
The castleship was half an hour from the space mall. Keith managed to duck out of Coran trying to disguise the paladins again and headed towards the training deck. He spent a lot of alone time there, both training with his bayard and being alone with his thoughts.
But he found that he wasn’t alone this time. As he turned to remove his jacket and tighten his gloves, Keith spotted Lance. He was propped up against the far wall, eyes closed and breathing oddly heavily. A thin sheen of sweat covered his face. Did he really train that hard since the last time I saw him?
“You alright, Lance?”
Lance’s eyelids shot open and he stood up fast, “Yeah, fine! Just getting some extra reps in before we hit the space mall. Gotta be lookin’ good for all those alien ladies out there.” He laughed weakly. A menagerie of emotions crossed Keith’s mind for a split second, but he pushed them away.
“Right. Since you’re here, I’d rather spar against a human than the robot thing. Are you up for it?”
Lance nodded a little too fast. He went to take a step forward but stumbled over nothing from what Keith could see. He barely caught himself and came up looking even paler than before. He lazily put up his fists, looking like he was about to fall over.
“On second thought, maybe you should sit down…” Keith suggested, positioning one of his hands as if to guide the weary paladin to a chair. Lance pulled back and held his fists higher.
“No, I’m fine! Let’s go, Keith!”
Keith frowned at the aggression, but shrugged, “Whatever you say,” and put his fists up as well.
It took three steps for the Red Paladin to beat Lance, if you could truly call it ‘beating’. It took two steps for him to get him in a headlock, one step to let him go, and a second later, Lance flopped to the ground. His body made a disturbingly loud thump as it hit the ground - he hadn’t just landed on his knees hard. He flopped over in such an awkward position that Keith almost screeched. He fell next to Lance’s side and rolled him onto his back.
“Lance! Lance wake up!” As Keith grasped Lance’s shoulders to wake him, he couldn’t help but notice the heat rolling off of him, “Lance!” Fear settled in his stomach.
Did I just kill Lance? It was just a headlock! I didn’t even hold him that hard-
The paladin under him groaned and his eyes fluttered open. Keith’s panicked expression loomed over him, mouthing words that he couldn’t hear. He had never seen Keith look so afraid before. Just as the words started to come into hearing range, a headache shot through his head like a bullet. Everything was suddenly too bright and too loud, though Keith was the only one talking. He wanted to be back on Earth. He wanted to be back home with his family. He wanted to be useful for once, and being sick was not the way he was going to do it. He could feel the tears welling up behind his eyes, and tried his best not to let them show.
Keith was finally able to breathe when Lance was responsive. He lifted Lance’s head and placed it on his own lap, then took off his glove and placed the back of his hand on Lance’s forehead.
“God, Lance, you’re burning up. Why did you say you were good to fight?”
The only response Keith got was a shiver and Lance putting his hands over his face. Keith was about to ask what on earth he was doing when a choked sob came from Lance’s throat. He rolled onto his side and buried his face into Keith’s leg, grasping the dark jeans as his body trembled.
Keith was frozen for a few good moments before thoughts returned to his mind. Half of them were screaming nonsense about what to do for his feverish crying friend, but the other half worked a bit better. He placed his hand gently between Lance’s shoulder blades and could feel the shivers run down his spine.
“Hey…Lance, it’s alright…” he said in the softest voice he could manage, “It’s okay. I don’t…understand? What’s going on here…but…” He stopped himself, seeing that the words did nothing. An ache wiggled its way into his heart. He knew something was wrong. He knew it, he saw the signs earlier that day.
I should’ve said something.
In one fell swoop, Keith scooped up Lance below the knees and around the shoulders, leaving his gloves and jacket in the training room. Lance curled around his middle and tucked his head into Keith’s collarbone, tears still streaking down his cheeks. With careful maneuvering, Keith managed to call the elevator and pushed the intercom with Lance’s foot.
“Hey, Shiro?”
“Keith? What is it?”
“Lance is really sick. He passed out and he’s burning up, I’m taking him up to his room.”
Keith felt Lance’s muscles clench up under his hands but still listened intently to the team leader.
“What?! He was fine this morning!”
Lance pressed his fist to his mouth, “Keith…”
“I know, that’s why I’m worried! What, Lance?”
“…my stomach…” his muscles tensed up again.
“I’ll meet you in the room - get him there fast.” The Black Paladin signed off, and Keith could focus his attention. Lance had gone ghostly pale and wrapped his other arm around his middle.
“What about it?”
“…don’ feel so good-” His voice caught on an ominous hiccup, and Keith cringed.
“I swear to god if you puke on me, I’ll drop you down the elevator shaft,” he didn’t like how brittle his voice came off, and quickly changed his tone, “Just…just hang on a bit longer. We’ll get to your room soon. You’ll be alright.”
Lance took a moment to swallow hard, then nodded. The saving grace of the elevator doors opened, and the paladins descended.
Keith was able to get Lance hovering over a trash can in his bedroom before he started gagging. Each retch seemed more and more painful for the Blue Paladin. Sweat gleamed off his forehead as his body shook. Keith couldn’t tell if the shaking was from the stomach muscles spasming or the fever chills. In either case, worry kept creeping into his head. He let his face fall from the normal stoic expression as he ran his hand up and down Lance’s spine.
“C’mon Lance….just get it up, you’ll feel better…”
Just as Lance started to vomit up his minimalistic breakfast, Shiro opened the door and walked in. Keith looked up, and for a split second, Shiro could read all the fear he had for Lance in his eyes. It flickered away quickly, but Shiro understood it well enough.
The Black Paladin kneeled in front of Lance, holding the trash can in the right position. With his arms free, Lance wrapped them around his middle and continued to heave.
“When did he pass out?” Shiro asked, trying to take his attention away from the vomit so close to him.
“Just a few minutes ago. He wanted to spar with me, and I guess he just got tired? I’m not sure. He just passed out…” Keith answered. He really didn’t like the unsteadiness to his voice, but he couldn’t take it back now. Lance coughed weakly, spitting the last of the bile in his mouth into the trashcan. He slumped against Keith in exhaustion.
“Alright. I’m gonna get you two set up and get the others to the mall.” Shiro sighed. He took a washcloth from the bathroom, soaked it in water, and delicately placed it on Lance’s forehead.
Keith’s eyes widened, “Y-you’re not staying here? With Lance?”
“The last time I left you guys alone at the mall, you were chased out by Galra Mall Security and came back with a cow. An earth cow. From a space mall. We won’t be gone long. I’m sure he’ll just fall asleep,” Shiro turned his gaze towards Keith, “You take good care of him while I’m gone, okay?”
It was a little-known fact that Keith could find things very fast. From Hunk’s screwdriver to Pidge’s glasses to one of Allura’s mice, he was able to locate objects with a startling accuracy. So it only took him a few minutes to come back to Lance’s room with Altean medicine, three different blankets, and anything else he thought he might need while watching over Lance. For a while, he felt prepared. He could handle this for the few hours that Shiro would be gone.
But then Lance’s tears started again. And Keith was hit with the sudden realization that he had no idea how to handle this.
“Lance….Lance, it’s okay…what are you so upset about…?”
It took a few minutes before Lance’s fever-ridden brain could get the words out, “Everything hurts, I feel really sick….and I wanna go home…”
This sent him into another bout of sobbing that ending in dry heaving.
Each minute felt like an hour. Keith did all he could for Lance - back rubs, extra blankets, iced washcloths, he even tried to melt the food goo into something like a soup that Lance might be able to stomach easier.
But the Blue Paladin wasn’t improving. He couldn’t even keep water down, his temperature seemed to be rising, he was an emotional wreck from the fever, and worst of all, he couldn’t sleep. Keith had to wrangle a strange mix of helplessness and frustration. He wanted to strangle and hug Lance all at once.
It reached the point where Keith’s anger got the better of him.
“Lance, why can’t you just start getting better?! I’ve been doing all I’m supposed to! Do you know how many times you’ve almost thrown up on me?! Do me a favor and JUST SLEEP!”
The moment the words left his mouth, he regretted them. Lance blinked a few times, hurt plastered all across his face. He shrank from Keith’s hand and turned to face the wall. It was worse than if he’d started crying again.
“…sorry…” he muttered.
Keith’s heart shattered.
“Lance, I…”
What could he have said? The words were already out there, and he couldn’t take them back. Lance trembled in the corner he made for himself, not looking like he would turn back anytime soon.
“…are you still cold?” Keith found himself asking. All the blankets were already draped over Lance, but he was still trembling. Keith got no response.
With all the gentleness he could muster, the Red Paladin took off his shoes and laid down next to Lance, “Come here. Take my body heat.”
Lance hesitated, but he eventually flipped back around and latched onto Keith’s body. The both of them sighed, and Keith adjusted the washcloth limply hanging on Lance’s forehead.
“I miss Earth too…” he said quietly, “I miss our sun. And the clouds.”
“I miss the rain…”
“Yeah…” Keith looked down, “I’m sorry I yelled.”
“I’m sorry I’m such a handful when I’m sick…and I’m sorry I get really homesick…”
“You’re not a handful. I’m just inexperienced and I’m used to just looking out for me. And I’m not…good at comforting.”
Lance settled in a little closer, “You’re doing a good job right now…”
The Red Paladin’s shattered heart started to piece itself together. It beat a little harder than he thought it would when Lance pulled himself closer.
“Shiro said you should try to sleep.”
“I can’t…everything hurts too much…”
“Try? Your body’s gotta be exhausted.”
Lance nodded slightly and closed his eyes.
Keith wasn’t sure what came over him. With Lance finally relaxing against his chest and exhaustion settling in for both of them, the words just slipped out of his mouth.
“Was is you who spoke the words,
That things would happen but not to me,
Oh, things are gonna happen naturally…”
He froze in complete terror. He made it very clear to himself long ago that he would never sing in front of anyone else. He begged, even prayed that Lance had already fallen asleep, but he had no such luck.
Lance shifted, tucking himself even closer to the heat source, “That was nice….don’t stop…” he slurred, very close to finally dozing off. Keith put his hand on Lance’s back and took a breath.
“And taking your advice, I’m looking on the bright side,
And balancing the whole thing…”
Shiro found both the paladins asleep in Lance’s bed, snoring softly.
Within a few days, Lance recovered from his illness well enough to function on his own. Memories of his down time faded in and out, his fever taking most of them when it left him.
“I had such weird fever dreams. And some of them felt realistic, I can’t really tell what happened or not,” he said over dinner.
“What did you dream about?” Shiro asked.
“Well, there was when Pidge’s skin turned green. I’m pretty sure that one was a dream.”
“Definitely a dream,” Pidge confirmed.
“Shiro bought us all pajamas at the mall. His had a cat face on the shirt.”
Hunk almost choked on his food goo with laughter, “No, that was real.”
“Kaltenecker got shot out into space but managed to survive? Cause she’s a space cow or something?”
“And I think Keith sang to me? And it was actually really good.”
The rest of the paladins turned to Keith. Fork still in his mouth, he felt his face start to turn red, but he tried to suppress it. “Definitely a dream. I don’t sing.”
Lance knew better. He heard the same song in the showers late at night. He tried not to make it a habit, but he’d find himself sitting outside bathroom, listening to the Red Paladin while everyone else was asleep. The words gave him the same warm and hazy feeling he had when he first heard them.
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