#♥︎ : fleur place
f-fleurweb · 2 years
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etincelleart · 2 months
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It's been two weeks since he's gone, I miss him ♥ It's still hard and weird to realize, I know he won't come back and despite that I keep feeling like I'll see him again, just like when I was away because of uni and came back to my parent's place to see him after some time
I's still hard to go the garden, it's so pretty and there are flowers everywhere but I know he's here and just knowing that he's there and not purring sleeping on the couch hurts a lot
Tu seras la plus belle fleur du jardin ce printemps mon chachat ♥ On mettra des violettes et ça sera beau
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la-isla-blanca · 12 days
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bonjour à tous ♥
toute la team, @erinye-stuff, nox et @romystigri est ravie de vous présenter la dixième version de la isla blanca aux couleurs printanières.
l'intrigue du mois; peu à peu, le printemps semble montrer tout son potentiel et le soleil se lève sur les ombres d'ibiza. pour palier à ces dernières semaines amplis d'angoisse et de craintes, la maire a donc décidé d'organiser un mois de mai très spécial pour rallier les foules et remettre quelques sourires sur les visages des habitants. la peur est désormais derrière les eivissiens qui se hâtent de découvrir les prochains événements. un grand pique-nique sera organisé très prochainement à figueretes et la fête foraine fait son retour à la marina pour le plus grand bonheur des petits et des grands tout au long du mois. pour ce mois si spécial, toutes les rues de l'île sont décorées aux couleurs du printemps, les fleurs ornent les places et la bonne humeur envahie ibiza toute entière.
– sur lib, nous cherchons à intégrer toutes sortes de personnages, toujours avec bienveillance. entre ombre et lumière, vous avez possibilité d'incarner une large palette de personnages, du plus sombre au plus doux. ✨
aucun minimum de ligne exigé sur le forum – un rp par mois. n’hésitez pas à nous rejoindre. 🌸🐚
lien du forum : https://laislablanca.forumactif.com/ discord du forum : https://discord.gg/TWnNCehXJG
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shalomelohim · 2 years
Sarah Liberman - Fire of Your Spirit (Esh Ruchacha) with subtitles
Clip tourné au Timna Park à 25 km au nord d’Eilat dans le désert du Néguev en Israël (vidéos disponibles sur YT). L’une des attractions de ce parc est la reconstitution grandeur nature du Tabernacle qui accompagnait les enfants d’Israël à la période de l’Exode.
♥ ♥ ♥
Tente de la rencontre avec les 12 pains de proposition (12 tribus) en 2 piles, donc 6 et 6 : 66, soit le nombre de livres dans la Bible annoncé dès le début.
“ Tu prendras de la fleur de farine, et tu en feras douze gâteaux; chaque gâteau sera de deux dixièmes. Tu les placeras en deux piles, six par pile, sur la table d'or pur devant [la face de] l'Eternel. Tu mettras de l'encens pur sur chaque pile, et il sera sur le pain comme souvenir, comme une offrande consumée par le feu devant l'Eternel.  Chaque jour de sabbat, on rangera ces pains devant l'Eternel, continuellement : c'est une alliance perpétuelle qu'observeront les enfants d'Israël. “ (Lévitique 24:6-8)
♥ Prions ensemble ♥ 
Ô Dieu Nous nous prosternons devant Ton Trône Nous élevons Ton Nom au-dessus de tous les noms Personne n’est comme Toi Adonaï parmi les dieux Mets sur nous le Feu de Ton Esprit Place en nous la Puissance de Ta Parole Remplis-nous de Ton Esprit Remplis-nous avec Ton Amour Place en nous Ta Puissance guérissante Remplis-nous de Ta Présence Ton sang nous purifie Ton sang nous libère Nous sommes libres Tu es grand et digne de louange Qui est comme Toi Adonaï Faisant des miracles Majestueux en Sainteté Merveilleux en Gloire
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dracossweetprincess · 3 years
- 💐 welcome to helena’s digital diary
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εїз :: a happy n safe place ♡︎🫂💐
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feel free to fill up my inbox anytime with anything at all, tell me about your day or rant about random scenarios :)
side blog - @harryslilfairy
world wide issues
shit you should care about
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golden trio era
| ♡︎ harry potter
| ♡︎ hermione granger
‎| ♡︎ draco malfoy
| ♡︎ ron weasley
| ♡︎ luna lovegood
| ♡︎ neville longbottom
| ♡︎ pansy parkinson
| ♡︎ fred weasley
| ♡︎ george weasley
‎| ♡︎ ginny weasley
| ♡︎ oliver wood
| ♡︎ cedric diggory
| ♡︎ lavander brown
‎| ♡︎ fleur delacour
‎| ♡︎ blaise zabini
marauders era
| ♡︎ lucius malfoy
| ♡︎ sirius black
| ♡︎ remus lupin
| ♡︎ lily evans
| ♡︎ james potter
i do not give consent for my work to be copied, modified or translated, they are mine and mine only <3
‎my blog is a safe space for EVERYONE 🤍
reblogs will be appreciated! <3
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lesamourslunaires · 3 years
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un petit instant publicité pour vous (re)présenter mon forum save the queens -- un rpg réel (city) basé dans le queens -- qui en est actuellement à sa vingt-neuvième version.
/ en cours actuellement - LEGENDARY CREATURES.
afin de vous mettre potentiellement l’eau à la bouche, je me permets de vous présenter l’animation qui a été mise en place en même temps que cette nouvelle version ; puisqu’avec le mois d’octobre s’en vient la fête d’halloween, un event solo savoureusement surnaturel a été concocté pour les membres. un indice sur cette animation ? les créatures légendaires.
avant-propos /
un event solo est un évènement commun mais à exploiter de manière personnelle. aussi, cette animation n'appelle à aucune interaction entre les personnages (pour le moment). chaque post sera individuel, et il ne vous sera nullement demandé de prendre en compte celui des autres (bien que vous soyez vivement invités à les lire, ne serait-ce que pour le plaisir). vous aurez néanmoins la possibilité d'exploiter cette intrigue via des rps en duo ou à plusieurs si le coeur vous en dit.
contexte /
[01] c'est à la tombée du jour, lorsque l'astre de feu cesse de lécher le doré de ta chevelure, que se meurt la jeune fille en fleur. tu te souviens avoir été objet de désirs, enviée de ces autres qui ne connaissaient de la beauté que ce qu'ils voyaient de toi - avant que le toi ne devienne laideur. monstruosité moquée dans les bestiaires, on ne distinguait plus de chair sous la peau grisâtre et décharnée de celle qui, au clair de la lune désormais pleine, s'apprêtait sans vergogne à dévorer celle des vivants. THIS IS WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE(COME) A MONSTER.
[02] quand la pénombre se dissipe, les yeux hagards ne distinguent plus qu'un homme qui n'est plus. seule la musculature exacerbée est restée, gonflée plus encore par la rage de l'animal sauvage qui l'avait possédé. et lorsque les crocs se dévoilent, que les griffes lacèrent l'air impur, c'est la peur qui t'habille, revêt ton corps de frissons au ressenti glacé. les chevilles tremblement, les guibolles se dérobent - et que coure l'enfant terrorisé(e) se refusant d'être proie (mais qui pourtant, le sera). THIS IS WHAT IT'S LIKE TO MEET A MONSTER.
[PROBLÉMATIQUE / et si tu devenais/rencontrais un monstre, que se passerait-il ?...]
explications /
pour cet event tout particulier, vous aurez la possibilité d’écrire un ou plusieurs rp(s) avec un point de vue au choix : soit vous êtes la créature, soit vous rencontrez une créature.
sur le forum, vous pourrez laisser le hasard décider aussi bien de votre rôle que de la créature autour de laquelle s’articulera votre écrit. néanmoins, si vous faites partie des plus frileux, vous aurez le droit de choisir vous-même d’exploiter cette intrigue comme bon vous semble.
pour de plus amples informations et davantage de détails, n’hésitez pas à vous rendre ici.
/ le mot de la fin.
un tas de scenarii et de préliens sont encore disponibles, et la partie invités vous attend si vous avez encore quelques hésitations. alors si le coeur vous en dit, n’hésitez pas à rejoindre l’aventure ; tous les membres se feront un plaisir de vous accueillir à bras ouverts dans la famille.
bonne journée/soirée à tous. ♥
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raitrolling · 4 years
Open Quadrants: Secondary Trolls Edition (Part 2)
just like the first masterpost i made for my main trolls, this is meant to be a starting off point for anyone who may be interested in shipping with my trolls, only for my secondary characters (obviously lmao). these trolls i tend to have less muse for than my main trolls, or they might have an inconsistent muse and i can only write so much rp for them at a time
like i said in the previous post, i only plot and reserve quadrants for friends + rp partners who ive done a couple threads with already so i feel comfortable interacting w. them ooc, but if we are friends/rp partners and u have an idea for a ship lmk!
and given how many secondary trolls i have, im splitting this up between two posts. this post covers amarys-fleure, while part 1 covers liiore-somerl
other posts: main trolls | secondary trolls (part 1)
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Amarys - 11.5 sweeps / ~24 years, Female, Lesbian
♥ - Amarys is a nice and chivalrous troll, the kind who will treat her matesprit like a princess and vow to never leave their side. She loves doing things for other people, especially people she’s close to, so expect her to cook dinner, run errands, and buy gifts that made her think of her girlfriend. She doesn’t really know what she’d want in a matespritship, but she hopes whoever she ends up dating likes having fun and would enjoy going out to the same places she does. However, Amarys is very, very dense. Romantic intentions very often fly directly over her head, so if you want to try romancing her, you’d have to be incredibly blunt about it or she’ll just think you’re being a nice friend.
♦ - When it comes to pale relationships, Amarys is prime material for the princely bodyguard type. Do you need a more confident troll to stick up for you and accompany you to places that might make you anxious? She’s your troll. Do you want someone who will attempt to give you advice but will probably just end up beating up whatever troll is giving you trouble? She’s your troll. Do you have a fantasy of being bridal carried by a pretty woman? She’s your troll. Do you want someone who will happily put her life on the line to protect you because your life is worth far more than anything else? She’s your troll, but also you should maybe try to prevent this scenario so you don’t end up with a dead moirail.
♠ - Amarys is excited by the prospect of getting a kismesis because she loves competition. It doesn’t matter what it is, a sporting game, a friendly sparring match, or even something as innocuous as racing someone to a random location, her competitive side is just begging for someone to challenge her. She’d prefer someone who is as active as she is, but won’t turn down a board game or video game challenge even though she’s bad at both. Although, given how oblivious she can be when it comes to romance, don’t be surprised if she mistakes obvious blackrom flirting for just some fun meaningless trash talk.
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Ananta - 10.5 sweeps / ~22 years, Non-Binary (Any pronouns), Pan
♥ - Ananta will claim that they don’t need this quadrant because they’re perfectly fine on their own, but that’s definitely not the case. They crave attention and affection from others, but consider that to be a weakness so they put up a front of being hostile and uncaring. They need someone who they can feel vulnerable around, and doesn’t mind them being clingy. They're thankfully not possessive of their quads, but they’d definitely keep asking them to stay for just one more round of video games in hope they’ll stick around longer.
♦ - Ananta has a bit of trauma over how their lusus disappeared one night, as much as they don’t want to admit it. They’d most likely be scared of their quadrants also doing the same, so they push others away as much as they can as they can’t be abandoned again if there’s no one around in the first place. Like their red quad, they’d want someone who they can let their guard down around, and be reassured that they’re not going to get ditched without warning. They also have an issue with lashing out as soon as they feel even slightly upset and being very unforgiving when someone does them wrong, so a moirail would have to be careful about not setting them off. Or if they do, find out how to get through to Ana and help them learn to forgive others again.
♠ - Ananta is a bit touchy towards their black quad, they enjoy a challenge but they’re sensitive to heckling. They’d prefer someone who would be okay with handling them with care, and figure out how to aggravate them without causing them to lash out. They’re not going to tell anyone how to do that, of course, that’s part of the challenge of dating them! Like their red quad, they can get clingy towards their kismesis out of fear they might leave them. Jokingly threatening to do so just to see their reaction is an instant relationship-ender.
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Rosato - 9.5 sweeps / ~20 years, Male, Gay Ace
♥ - Rosato is honestly a little disgusted with the idea of having a matesprit, because he finds the company of other trolls to be unpleasant. Although, he doesn’t have the energy to keep pushing away someone who is persistent, so at the very least he might learn to put up with hanging around someone who is interested in him. But at this point in time he’s not interested in this quadrant at all. Maybe try being friends with him first to see if he warms up to you, if you can deal with his attitude for longer than a couple minutes.
♦ - Above all else, Rosato needs someone to help him adjust to being a rainbowdrinker. The biggest hurdle is the fact he won’t believe you because everyone knows rainbowdrinkers aren’t real and he can’t be undead if he doesn’t remember dying, so it’d probably be easier to look out for him in more subtle ways. Maybe someone who can sneak some more blood into his food so he can get to proper sustenance he needs (other than eating paint…), or can think of other ways to help him without saying the forbidden word that starts with ‘r’ and ends with ‘ainbowdrinker’.
♠ - Rosato is equally as disgusted with the idea of having a kismesis, because the company of people who don’t like him is even more unpleasant. He’s very likely to immediately turn down anyone who is interested in him, because having to keep up some sort of rivalry sounds exhausting. At this point in time, the closest thing to a kismesitude that could probably work for him would be another rainbowdrinker attempting to make him act like a proper undead, albeit in a more harsh way than a moirail would. But still don’t expect Rosato to be receptive to the idea, and would probably just keep telling them to fuck off.
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Ariete - 11.5 sweeps / ~24 years, Female, Lesbian
♥ - Ariete is interested in looking for a matesprit, but since she tends to come on a bit too strongly towards anyone who shows interest in her, it tends to not go as well as she’d like. She gets attached to people pretty easily and tends to assume that if they like her then they must be good friends, even if they’ve only met once. That, and her obsession with historical objects and her own museum can be a little too much sometimes. She’d be happy with basically any girl who is nice and patient enough to deal with her attitude, and she doesn’t really have any other preferences. She’s just lonely and would like a friend (or girlfriend), pretty much.
♦ - Ariete doesn’t really know what she wants in a moirail, or even if she’d be a good moirail in return. Her tendency to say whatever’s on her mind can make her unintentionally insensitive at times, and she often makes the mistake of misjudging how close of a relationship she has with someone and treating an acquaintance the same way she’d treat a friend. However, she does have a good heart, and will try her best to do what she can for her pale partner.
♠ - A kismesitude would be somewhat difficult for Ariete to navigate, as she’s very sensitive to rejection and gets frustrated easily if people don’t like her. She’s used to not being liked so she puts up a front that she doesn’t care, but she secretly worries about it a lot. She might have trouble distinguishing other’s black feelings towards her with genuine hatred, so as much as she’d like a kismesis she’s a little nervous about it. Aside from that, she’s a very passionate troll who loves others who are equally as passionate, but with slightly different hobbies so she can learn more about things she wouldn’t think about otherwise. A rival museum curator or treasure hunter would be fun, as would a history buff or period drama enthusiast.
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Celise - 11 sweeps / ~23 years, Non-Binary, Bi (Male preference)
♥ - Celise has a thing for dangerous trolls. The nastier and more morally ambiguous, the better. That’s really their only preference for a matesprit and have no other desires for any other kind of troll in that quadrant. Be warned, they get obsessive over the target of their affections.
♦ - Celise doesn’t think they need a moirail because they’re a perfectly well-adjusted troll who doesn’t do anything wrong! … Yeah, no. Resorting to violent murder is not a good anger management method, and their constant denial of their flaws is not a healthy coping mechanism. Someone would need to put in a lot of effort to get this quadrant to work, especially because Celise genuinely believes they’re incapable of doing the harm they do. Expect to do a lot of talking to brick walls and then getting nothing in return.
♠ - Celise is interested in a black quad, but for the same reason as their red. They really love dangerous people and a kismesitude is the best way to get close to someone like that to observe their worst habits. Although, since they don’t really know how to court someone like that in a blackrom way, they’d be better off with a more traditional rival. A screenplay writer from a more successful company, a movie critic who reviews terrible niche horror films, or just someone else in the entertainment industry. Just be warned, they can get very violent when angered, which can make this quadrant potentially become unhealthy quickly.
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Sharle - 14 sweeps / ~29 years, Male, Pan
♥ - Sharle has a hard rule for all quadrants: He does not date fans or anyone related to his career. In fact, he’d rather not date anyone famous at all. He likes the idea of having someone he can come home to, away from the hustle and bustle of his life as a professional athlete. He’s more comfortable around the company of other highbloods because that’s all he knows, but wouldn’t be opposed to dating a lowblood if they don’t mind his awkwardness. Since he’s grown up with a rich lifestyle, he can be easily won over by more humble displays of affection.
♦ - Sharle doesn’t know what he’d want for a moirail, because short temper aside he feels like he’s a very stable individual. He’d like someone he could just relax around and learn what it’s like to live a more normal life, but he also feels like he could get that from having more friends outside the grid than specifically requiring a moirail.
♠ - Sharle doesn’t know what he wants for a kismesis either. He’s very competitive, but prefers to put all that energy into his racing. He also tries to not be aggressive towards anyone off the track, but that doesn’t mean he’s immune to getting riled by heckling or challenges.
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Belamy - 13 sweeps / ~27 years, Male, Demi Aro
♥ - As Belamy is aromantic, a matespritship (and any other quadrant) with him would be more of a close companionship rather than a romantic quadrant. Belamy is also incredibly picky and has impossibly high standards, so he’d expect perfection from the one who courts his red quad at all times. He’d be most critical of this quadrant because it’s probably the biggest status symbol one can have, so he expects to be impressed. He loves the idea of being courted, so go the whole nine yards.
♦ - Belamy is a professional therapist, if you count offering therapy advice to other trolls because he read a couple textbooks ‘professional’. As such, he thinks he’d make a great moirail to another seadweller. However, his advice isn’t exactly the best out there, preferring to tell people to just get over themselves and act like a proper highblood, if he’s not psychoanalysing their relationship with their lusus. He’d have a good dynamic with someone with an opposing personality to him, such as a bubbly but naive troll or an introvert who wants to get more involved with seadweller society. Who knows, maybe that innocence or quiet introspection will rub off on him so he can confront his own issues with his bitterness and bottled-up anger towards the rest of the world.
♠ - Becoming Belamy’s kismesis is easy. Just be an equally snooty seadweller who happens to bump heads with anyone with a similar personality to them and can take an onslaught of insults without much issue. Reawakening Belamy’s competitive side may either be the best thing to help solve his issues about his past, or could be a death sentence for whoever is courting him in the black quad, I genuinely don’t know how that would turn out. Just don’t bring up anything about his hand injuries, they’re a very sore spot for him.
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Linnae - 11 sweeps / ~23 years, Male (He/They), Pan
♥ - Quadrants are somewhat of a new concept to Linnae, he knows they exist and other people have them, but doesn’t know how one gets quadrants and what to do with them. He’s very embarrassed by his lack of knowledge of quadrants, so he’s very hesitant to pursue them in general. He’s quite intimidated by the idea of having a matesprit because a committed and loving relationship is something he’s never had before, and he has no idea what qualities he should be looking for in another troll. If he were to develop a crush on someone, he wouldn’t really understand what those feelings are.
♦ - Pale would be the quadrant that he’s the most receptive to, if only because he’s always seeking trolls he can depend on to help him with everything. A good moirail for him would be someone who can help him with his social anxieties but also encourage him to be more independent and confident in himself. He doesn’t know what he can provide for someone in return, but he would try to make an effort once he’s made aware of what his partner needs him to do. 
♠ - In all honestly, this quad is probably impossible to obtain. Linnae doesn’t have a hateful bone in his body, and the concept of a rival seems utterly foreign to him. He’d be most intimidated by this quadrant as well, since to him it sounds like it has the biggest chance of going wrong and turning violent. 
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Fleure - ~1000 sweeps / ~35 years (immortal / ageless), Male, Pan
♥ - Fleure has better things to worry about at the moment than the possibility of finding a matesprit, but he’s not entirely uninterested in the quadrant. He prefers trolls who are kind, but are also capable of standing up for themselves and don’t take shit from anyone. Contrary to his current self, he is surprisingly soft when courting another troll, but it’s difficult for him to find someone who will make him drop his guard and relax. Due to his age, Fleure would only be interested in dating other trolls who are at least a couple hundred sweeps old because they’d be closest to his relative age and maturity. 
♦ - Fleure definitely needs someone to help him find his bearings, whether than be a moirail or a trusted friend. He’s lost in a world that has advanced far beyond his own understanding, and while he is much more independent than his descendant could really use a guide before he ends up getting into genuine trouble. And while he is a very guarded troll and has no desire to open up about his trauma, he does very quietly crave the idea of someone wanting to break down these barriers and force him to tell them about everything. In return, he will do whatever he can to ensure his moirail is safe from all harm, as he greatly values the emotional closeness that comes with this quadrant. 
♠ - While blackrom may appear to be the easiest quadrant to court him in given his ornery personality, it’s the one he has the least interest in. He’s old and feels like he knows everything he’s capable of, and has lost the spark for competition with another troll. It’s still possible for someone to push his buttons in the right way, but since he doesn’t know what he wants it’d be difficult for those emotions to stick for long enough to convince him into pursuing the quadrant.
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drarryspecificrecs · 5 years
Hi. I'm looking for a fic.Both Draco and Harry are grownups, they're not friends. Suddenly they can't stay away from each other for long, because it's hurting them, like physically. It turns out that they are magically bonded, but they don't know why. It's long story. At the end they remembered that they were in love in Hogwart but decided to Oblivate themselves to keep each other safe. And Hermione knew about it and was probably a Secret Keeper and couldn't tell them?Can you help me? Thank you!
@cheesyfebruarychild asked: Heya, I was searching for a fic I read a long time ago. Harry is auror partner with Blaise Zabini, one day they go on a mission to check out a house or an abandoned place, it's supposed to be a normal one but suddenly Harry suspects there's something more to it. Something happens to Harry and He's taken to St. Mungo's where they tell him it's some sort of binding spell that someone cast.He feels like he needs to be around Draco literally itches to find him. Please help a sister out Thank you💜
Anon #1: Hi! Love your blog tons! I've been looking for this fic and haven't found it. D and H were together during the war. H is trying to find a way for D to go with them to search for Horcruxes. D, seeing how worried H is, decides to obliviate his mind. Hermione and Ron knew. After the war H is dating Ginny but feels that something is missing. In the end Hermione tells him the truth and D and H get back together. Hope you can help! Thanks!
Anon #2: Hi I was wondering if you know of a fic where Draco and Harry are in an established relationship/forced bonding, and Draco goes to the Burrow for Christmas and speaks fluent French to Fleur and her family. I think Narcissa, Andromeda and Teddy might also have been there but I can't remember. Sorry this is so vague. Thanks :)
ETA: Thank you guys for your help ♥
For The Greater Good by @jadepresley [E, 62k]
When Harry and Draco discover they’ve been bonded to one another, neither one of them is prepared for the secrets they slowly begin to uncover. Together, they learn that they can’t escape their past, or the things that have been left hidden there, and that sometimes the only way to move forward is to look back.★ H/D Erised 2017
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urionelle · 2 years
For the commander asks - 4, 5, 7? 👀
Oooohhh, let's goooo ♥ Spoilers ahead! 4) Fleur made small memorials in her home as tribute to Trahearne and Tybalt because they were very important to her and she considered them as friends. For others, she plants a flower for every person she remembers in her garden, like "this one's for Eir", "this other is for Blish" and etc!
5) Definitely Trahearne. He was with her since the beginning of the Pact and he was a present friend and close listener. It's important to mention they were never romantically involved! They had a very pure friendship that she misses a lot.
7) She hates it!! In fact, she joined the Order of Whispers to work without being perceived, always on the background, and trying to figure out how to solve things without causing bloodshed [it's still how she prefers to work]. So when she had to stood in front of armies and started to be recognized and praised and etc it really bothered - and still bothers - her. It's a relief the commander is mostly by themselves, tbh! Fleur never asked to have "power", she just wanted to be useful. She likes helping and it's hard for her to imagine someone else at her place, but she struggles a lot with it. Gladly she has the help of her partner to deal with these bad feelings♥ Now I think she understands that to be able to make the world a better place she must carry this burden, but she doesn't do it alone!
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f-fleurweb · 2 years
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ㅤ ᘐ ︶︶ ❜ ๑ ˚ ̟ ᘎ︶︶︶⊹ ˚ ̟ᘐ ︶︶ ❜ ๑ ˚ ̟ ᘎ︶︶︶⊹ ˚ ̟ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ: ⋆ : ( ♱ ) ° . ㅤㅤ ( 𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐢 .𝐬 ㅤㅤㅤㅤ꙳⸌♡⸍꙳ ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ᘐ ︶︶ ❜ ๑ ˚ ̟ ᘎ︶︶︶⊹ ˚ ̟ᘐ ︶︶ ❜ ๑ ˚ ̟ ᘎ︶︶︶⊹ ˚ ̟ㅤㅤ
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f-fleurweb · 2 years
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𓆦 🩰 : ° . * + ° se parece com você
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só se for o temporal, mexe tudo que te vê 𓆦 🍹 ° . *
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mina-anim · 3 years
MINA Hair - Maya - The Saturday Sale
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Maya for The Saturday Sale!! The Saturday Sale is a sales event that takes place in the creator's MainStore. Items are marked 50L to 75 L on Saturday (and Sunday). All event color packs are 75L!!! And the styleHUD is on sale for 50L! Maya is a beautiful long silky hair style with great volume! In the color HUDs you find a handy Colorpicker to fine tune the colors to your liking. The optional StyleHUD includes 4 different Strand choices that can be colored separately from the main hair color! The strand colors can be found on the Main HUD, on a separate tab. This hair is fitted and each pack has additional sizes; Standard, Standard Size M, Lara Petite, Lara Petite M, Bigger Breasts and Bigger Breasts M. The StyleHUD is sold separately. ✚ Color Pickers on HUD to adjust colors to your liking ✚ Style HUD The Saturday Sale, October 16 ✩ TAXI to MINA ♥ Mina ➠ MINA Flickr Group ➠ MINA Facebook ➠ MINA Instagram ➠ MINA Marketplace ➠ MINA Mainstore Credits: Head - Lelutka Fleur Body - Legacy Skin - Tres Beau Clothes - Kaithleen's Janice Pencil Dress (also at Uber) Tattoo - .: Vegas :. Hairbase - Lelutka Hairbase 004 Eyeshadow - Izzie's - LeLutka - Dark Sou Read the full article
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