ssun-showerss · 1 year
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(Long process run-through under expansion! vvv)
Hi there! This was an old can badge that I painted over. If you want another example, here's Uriel from ORV.
0. In general, I wanted a black-and-white design, something that had clean lines and contrast. It would also be different compared to the other badges I've painted so far, so that was exciting for me.
1. The first design I came up with was a black background with the Punisher in white, then WW on top of that. I also drew it out digitally to map out the b/w easily but ended up hating it cause I couldn't get his torso and proportions right. The design was also a bit too complicated to paint out, so I ditched it. It still looks cool in my opinion, maybe one day I'll finish it on the tablet just for the sake of it.
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2. The circle shape of the badge reminded me of the center dial of Punisher, so my next two designs were based on that. Design 2 is the top half of the third image in this post, with WW's hand.
3. My final design: Just the center dial skull, with embellishments inspired by WW's manga cover.
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4. Materials used are Posca black, white acrylic and Micron pen black. Painting took about 3 hours with me going over mistakes with my white paint so much I felt like crying! Also my pencil sketch couldn't rub off, so I either tore my hair out concealing it with more white paint or forced myself to look the other way. Delightful.
5. Generally, Poscas won't run after they've dried. Micron potentially running scared me a bit, so I sealed the badge with Krylon varnish before adding a thin layer of resin. Honestly, I regretted putting on the resin at first cause it glossed over the badge and removed its ruggedness, and also added this light blur to the lines (think of it as looking at an image underwater). So I wiped off the resin and left just a thin enough layer so that the varnish could be double protected but the texture would still show through.
And here's the final product! Thanks for taking the time to read through this post, feel free to drop me a message if you want to try this out and have questions!
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moko1590m · 6 months
「苦労はしない方がいい」っていうより、 怨念ため込んで、癒しのためにその怨念が大爆発、みたいな人生になったら後が大変だよ、って話。 怨念爆発人生みたいな他人ともかかわらない方が身のため。 曲がった道に付き合う義理はない。   トライ&エラーで学習していくこと自体はふつうのこと。エラーがいちいち大打撃にならないように工夫や回避は頑張った方がいいし、 変な忍従で抑圧を溜め込んでいくことは避けた方がいい。
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akira-trygroup · 1 year
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縁あって『司法書士の伊藤先生』と仲良くさせて頂いております。県内に2020年9月に開業され、司法書士業界では若い30代の先生になります。経営されている皆様は司法書士の先生と短期間のお付き合いではなく、長期的なお付き合いをする場合が多いかと思います。もし(不動産登記)(会社設立/商業登記)(相続関連業務)(簡裁訴訟代理等関係業務)(成年後見業務)などの項目で司法書士の先生と相談したい、探している、変更しようと考えている、などあればご紹介させて頂きますのでお気軽に連絡ください。伊藤先生は話しやすく、最新の法律知識、お客様重視の最前線で活躍する先生になります。 武井 /#TRYグループ/#TRYキャリアコンサルタント/#トライグループ/#トライ/#ジャパンホールディングス/#武井電機工業/#武井電機/#武井輝/#社長/#代表/#代表取締役社長 /#若社長/#経営者/#経営者とつながりたい/#経営者仲間/#事業家/#スタートアップ企業/#コンサルタントと繋がりたい /#伊藤啓佑/#伊藤事務所/#とちぎ訪問司法書士/#司法書士/#司法書士受験生と繋がりたい/#民事信託士/#伊藤司法書士/#司法書士試験/#司法書士事務所/#行政書士勉強中の人と繋がりたい/#行政書士事務所/#行政書士/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CqZwAgqO1IE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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trexboy76 · 1 year
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가끔 #공복 만 피할 정도의 #탄수화물 #섭취 가 필요할 때 밥 대신 #타피오카 티를 즐겨 마신다 時々#空腹 だけを避けるほどの#炭水化物 の#摂取 が必要なときにご飯の代わりに#タピオカ #ティー をよく飲む #공차 에는 전용 앱은 없지만 #라인 을 통해 주문을 할 수 있었던 것을 최근에 알았고 오늘 첫 시도로 프리 #드링크 티켓도 받았다 #ゴンチャ には専用アプリはないが、#ライン を通して#注文 できることが最近分かり、今日の初#トライ で#フリードリンク の#チケット ももらった。 #버블티 유명 체인 공차는 #모바일 오더도 도입 안 하다가 #커피 체인 S가 타피오카 #토핑 을 #시작 하면 망할 거야라고 그동안 단단히 #오해 를 했었다 #バブルティー の有名チェーンのゴンチャは、#モバイルオーダー も導入していないままで、#コーヒー チェーンSがタピオカの#トッピング を始めると滅びちゃうぞと、これまでしっかりと#誤解 した #gongcha @gongcha_japan (ゴンチャ 栄オアシス21店 (Gong cha)에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClD97wRpDXh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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angelpartner-blog · 1 year
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・ 🏨ペットホテル🛏 お預かり中の🐶ロンちゃん💓 ・ ランでたくさん走ったので、お部屋に戻ってお水も飲みました🙆‍♀️ ・ コロコロに入ったフードの残りを楽しそうに食べて、最後の1つが出てこない〰️と私に訴えてきて可愛いです💕 ・ 諦めてお昼寝してます💤 ・ 後ほど…お迎えお待ちしております😊🎶 ・ ・ ・ #シェルティ #シェットランドシープドッグ #ロン #看板犬 #ドゥードル #オーストラリアンラブラドゥードル #al #トライ #トラ #ドッグラン #トリミングサロン #トリマー #ペットホテル #ペットホテルお預かり中 #ショートステイ #エンジェルパートナープラス #angelpartnerplus #エンジェルパートナー #angelpartner (Hirakata) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck-MbKEPz7Z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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humvnmgn · 1 year
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Personal proyect! With my friend Tenkah, we try to remember a show that may or may not have existed. https://www.humanmgn.com/essayeencore
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spray-poka · 2 years
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[CH] In the Cups. Mozzarella ▲Try▼Cooking Created by Chika Hagoda
"Don't forget this smile. " "Don't be stingy with the cheese! "
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yasuhirockhow · 1 year
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blaqsbi · 7 months
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yes-keita · 1 year
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痔 だった →エールクリニック八幡平 →トライ薬局 東八幡平病院は、勝手に出禁中 だもんで #八幡平市 #滝沢市 #二戸市 #一戸町 #雫石町 #岩手町 #雫石  #エールクリニック八幡平 #内科 #外科 #消化器内科 #内分泌内科 #クリニック #診療所 #トライ薬局 #東八幡平病院 #薬局 #調剤薬局 #だもんで  (Hachimantai-shi, Iwate, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmnMahlh3Iy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hairyarmjp · 5 months
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maristelina · 8 months
Milgram Side W
⚠️This is secret content available only through purchase of physical Milgram Novel 2 + Milgram manga books from Animate. Please buy the novels to support Milgram! Please don't reblog!
"Do you want to hear about the previous guards?"
「あぁ、何かの参考になればと思ってなめるか? ジャッカロープ。」
"Ah, are you considering on helping me by giving some references? Jackalope."
The warden Es, as I had observed for the past few days, is truly excellent.
They are eager to gather information, while holding deep and keen insights. Es possesses wide knowledge and diverse values.
理想的な看守と言って良い! ——まぁ、今回のミルグラムはそういう風にデザインしたのだから当然といえば当然なのだが——それでも、ここまで上手くいくとは 思っていなかった。
It's fair to say Es is an ideal warden!——Well, it's only natural since that's how I designed this Milgram experiment——but still, I didn't think it would go this well.
Their only flaw is their mental instability -- But even that is unavoidable given the current structure of the experiment.
Even now, looking straight at me with their large eyes, they are trying to adopt even the slightest new perspective. My heart flutters every time I'm gazed at by those eyes.
"Hmm, I can't remember a warden who's made a lasting impression on yours truly…" (TN: "オレ様" means "my esteemed self" but it doesn't sound great on EN imho so I translated it to something closer to its original meaning.)
Milgram Prison is an undertaking that has been repeated over and over again.
Through repeated trial and error, the rules and format have been optimized to reach it's current form.
In other words, it's a history of failures but there aren't many among the stone faced guards who have left a lasting impression. (TN: I have no idea what "石守" Ishimori is referring to. It seems like a character but based on my list, I can't find anyone that fits it.)
"Right. The only one who comes to mind is the guy who killed all the prisoners before the trial."
"...That's not helpful at all."
Es frowns in discomfort. Just the reaction I was expecting.
「看守と囚人 くものと裁かれるもの。絶対的な上下関係が出来上がる中で、そうなっちまう看守は珍しくねぇ。まぁ皆殺しはレアケースだが······数人手にかけちまうなんてことはまぁある
"Warden(s) and prisoners, the one(s) who imprison and the ones who are judged. In a relationship with such a clear hierarchy, it's not rare for some warden(s) to go off the rails. Well, killing everyone is a rare case, but taking out a few isn't unheard of."
"I don't approve of that approach."
「そうかそうか。 お前は暴力反対派だもんなぁ~」
"I see, I see. You're against violence, huh~"
「当たり前だ。 元々そのつもりだが――」
"Of course. That was the intention from the beginning—"
Es visibly grimaces.
"If you consider the current conditions in the prison, it should only reinforce your conviction, shouldn't it?"
"It's not an unreasonable argument."
In this iteration of the Milgram experiment, it's that one prisoner's violence that has significantly changed the situation.
Es formed a cooperative relationship with one of the prisoners. Contrary to Es's intentions, that prisoner acted almost as if they were a substitute warden, meting out vigilante justice through violence on the guilty prisoners.`Es formed a cooperative relationship with one of the prisoners.
During previous Milgram experiments, it's not uncommon for prisoners to have confict with one another. But a prisoner taking on the role of a warden is unprecedented.
My, oh my, this is incredibly amusing.
"….As a warden, I want to understand them. Violence isn't necessary for that."
"Hmm, aren't you getting too attached to the prisoners?"
"……That's not the case."
"No, I'm not saying it's a bad thing. A warden's stance is their own choice."
Strong attachment to the prisoners is one of the defining characteristics of Es this time around. At times, Es appears to hold a fondness for the prisoners, as if they were like a parent, sibling, or friend.
Even though Es didn't directly harm the prisoners, it's likely they deeply regret that their choices led to the prisoners getting hurt.
Looking at the downcast Es, whether it should be called a flashback or not, the face of a single warden comes to mind.
Their appearance couldn't be more different. The image of her flowing, feminine long hair is the polar opposite in terms of impression and yet—.
"……Ah, I see."
「オレ様が直接見てたわけじゃねぇんだがな。 オレ様の部下が担当してた看守に、お前に似たヤツがいたんだよ。ちと思い出しちまった」
"I didn't directly oversee her, but one of my subordinates was in charge of a warden who reminded me of you. Just crossed my mind."
Like the current Es, that Es also valued relationships with the prisoners despite being a warden. What they both share is a strong curiosity about people.
Looking at Es's face, they appear puzzled as they look this way.
"Jackalope… you had subordinates?"
"Hooh, I'm pretty important, you know. You should feel grateful that I'm personally overseeing you now and then."
"Huh, so even in a rabbit society, there are bosses and subordinates."
"I'm not a rabbit. I'm Jackalope."
Back then, in comparison to the present Milgram, it was following an imperfect format and rules that, in my opinion, lacked elegance.
担当のジャッカロープも監視役として中途半端だった。甘く、ぬるい。 ミルグラムの公平性を保つには不十分であった が――あぁ、そういえばあの女は結局どうなったんだったか。よく覚えていない。
The assigned Jackalope was also lacking as a supervisor. They were lenient and lackadaisical. They were insufficient in maintaining Milgram's fairness, but—ah, come to think of it, what happened to that woman in the end? I don't recall it very well.
"Resemble me… in what way?"
"What's this? Is it bothering you?"
"Because, Jackalope, aren't you angry?"
"How unusual. You who are always nonchalant."
I'm surprised by Es's words. Both that Es can read my expression, and that without realizing it, I held such emotions about that particular Milgram experiment that it even showed on my face.
There wasn't any particular problem with that warden herself.
The issue lies in the series of events that she triggered.
ミルグラム史上 屈指の汚点である、あの事件も元を正せば彼女がきっかけだった。
If we trace back to the source, she was the catalyst for that incident, one of the biggest stains in Milgram's history.
"…………Don't go causing unnecessary trouble for me, okay?"
I muttered, feeling a slight unease in Es's curious expression.
[The End]
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yorithesims · 2 months
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サイトお手入れの続きを…と思っていたのに何してるんやww ふと、PLAY01で作ったパンツ下ろしポーズを寝転ばせてみようかと思い立ちトライ。指一本一本がものすごく手抜きのままやけど、まぁまぁの出来という感じかね。
しかしそんなことよりも!!!! 背景はともかく最後の一枚のさ! しーちゃんのおっぱい最高すぎん!?!? (^ω^ ≡ ^ω^)ウォオオオオオオ
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yoooko-o · 5 months
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angelpartner-blog · 1 year
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・ 🏨ペットホテル🛏 お預かり中の🐶ロンちゃん💓 ・ 今日は朝から雨だったので、VIPルームでゆったりしてから午後になってランに出て走りました💨💨💨 💩も出てスッキリなロンちゃんです🐶🎶 ・ ・ ・ #シェルティ #シェットランドシープドッグ #ロン #看板犬 #ドゥードル #オーストラリアンラブラドゥードル #al #トライ #トラ #ドッグラン #トリミングサロン #トリマー #ペットホテル #ペットホテルお預かり中 #ショートステイ #エンジェルパートナープラス #angelpartnerplus #エンジェルパートナー #angelpartner (Hirakata) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck-HrNKvEoy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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leomacgivena · 5 months
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Xユーザーの中国と北朝鮮の国境の漁村民さん:「旅行とかで余った外貨を、Suicaにチャージしてくれる自動両替機がJR駅構内にあったので、初トライ。 昔のタイバーツ🇹🇭紙幣を入れたら、1380円になった。ちょっと得した気分。」
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