2001hz · 1 year
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千禧曼波 Millennium Mambo japanese poster, dir. Hou Hsiao-hsien (2001)
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shihlun · 1 year
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Hou Hsiao-hsien during the shooting session of “Millennium Mambo” (2001) in Yubari, Hokkaido.
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speakingparts · 1 year
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Millennium Mambo 千禧曼波 [Hou Hsiao-hsien, 2001]
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e-yess · 2 years
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French poster of Millenium Mambo 千禧曼波 dir. Hou Hsiao Hsien (2001)
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cinemaronin · 2 years
千禧曼波 Millennium Mambo (2001)  directed by Hou Hsiao-hsien
video edit by Denis La Funk (Cine Ronin) https://www.youtube.com/c/DenisLaFunk
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iun-t · 2 years
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yingtan · 23 days
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SHU QI 舒淇 ─ Millennium Mambo 千禧曼波, 2001
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ueberdemnebelmeer · 9 months
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千禧曼波 / MILLENNIUM MAMBO 2001 | dir. Hou Hsiao-hsien
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schtrawberry · 1 year
personal astrology observations
[!] this is mostly an introspective view into my chart; in no way, shape, or form am i saying that any of this is fact or set in stone, nor am i saying that i am a professional astrologer. these are just presences that exist within my chart that i've felt manifest themselves in real life. simply put, take what resonates and leave what doesn't :)
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— sun in hard aspect to neptune can indicate having an (extremely) clouded view of oneself to the point of there being a huge gap in the way they think they're presenting themselves to the world to how they're actually perceived and viewed by other people.
[i have this aspect in square and i've noticed that people perceive me as more than i truly am (more financially-abundant, skilled, smarter than i actually am, etc.) and just make incorrect assumptions about my personality and who i am, in general. i feel that this might be due to the clouded nature of neptune versus the outward nature of the sun which has led to a social manifestation of the unclearness of my inner self and the way i display myself to the world, if that makes sense.]
═ another thing, i don't think people talk enough about how strongly neptune manifests itself in this placement, even among individuals with very little neptunian energy in their charts. daydreaming and just being not fully there plays a large part in who i am, and not even in a cute dumb blonde kinda way, more in an absentminded, head-in-the-clouds kinda way.
☰ sun in the tenth house 🤝🏽 being/wanting to be on a reality tv show!
[i swear as someone w this placement, i often find myself genuinely feeling like yes, if given the chance to do love island/too hot to handle/twenty-somethings/the bachelor— i 100% would.]
☱ mercury in hard aspect to neptune can indicate having a beautiful way w words but also not being able to explain things clearly?? can also manifest itself in just literally being difficult to understand at times, either due to the volume of their voice, way of speaking, or choice of words.
☲ moon opposition mars can exhibit deep emotional turmoil and not being able to handle one's emotions in a calm manner. i find that this manifests itself in the occasional emotional outburst (whether it's more crying or anger or both probably depends on both the moon and mars sign) but yeah— turmoil.
[i have personally experienced multiple events throughout my life where i've gone through public (embarassing, ik) emotional outbursts during stressful situations. luckily, my moon is in cancer so i'm more just a ball of tears, but this has been something that i'm still struggling to control, even as a twenty-one yr old]
☴ having a heavily-aspected chiron (multiple major aspects to personal planets, asc, and mc) and feeling rejected by your family and peers. chiron is the asteroid of wounds, hence a heavy presence in one's chart can indicate multiple emotional wounds involving one's parents, the same/opposite gender, along with inner and outer turmoil.
[tw: mention of suicidal thoughts i have chiron aspecting my sun, moon, venus, mars, and mc (most of them being hard aspects), and have felt suicidal for most of my life. i've never really fit in anywhere and have always been at odds with both the masculine and feminine energies in my life. if you have this placement as well, i genuinely hope you're doing well bc this energy is hard to cope w sometimes.]
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[`] film: 千禧曼波 millenium mambo (2001) dir. hou hsiao hsien
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beigeaes · 2 years
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Millenium Mambo (2001) dir. Hou Hsiao Hsien
千禧曼波 - 侯孝賢
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shihlun · 1 year
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Hou Hsiao-Hsien
- Millennium Mambo
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speakingparts · 1 year
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Millennium Mambo 千禧曼波 [Hou Hsiao-hsien, 2001]
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alinasiiri · 16 days
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ıllıllı⭐🌟 m͙y͙ c͙o͙m͙f͙o͙r͙t͙ 🌟⭐ıllıllı
— 千禧曼波 Millennium Mambo (2001 film)
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christoffersensvane34 · 10 months
經濟 亂釋放貢獻不是最好的解決方案
我在一分鐘內就搞定了,不是一聲巨響。 價格包括在屋頂飲用的 1.5 分升茶、咖啡或橙汁。 回來的路上,60公分寬的人行道上全是電線桿,每隔10米就有破舊或超現代的小商店、服務商、食堂。 沒看到有什麼多餘的,除非是平板大巴上的那對白人老夫妻(女男加起來250公斤左右),一樣的假指甲,我的腳趾甲塗了一樣的紫紅色,眉毛也做了造型。 今天沒有看到一個看起來無家可歸的歐洲人,更多的是混血家庭。 50 多歲和 60 多歲的男子與一名 2 歲的泰國婦女和一名 2-3 歲的孩子在一起。 他是我丈夫的朋友,他詢問過我的眼睛情況,但奧利弗的聲音不可否認是困倦的,但他仍然不能說凌晨四點他還在床上用麵包蟲餵一隻小刺猬,所以他假設他昨天很晚才回家。 “是啊,不過它一定是用了很大的力氣才從盒子裡出來的。 “是的,一定是這樣,”我點頭同意。 我說這裡確實有些騷動,雖然不是入室盜竊,但是報警系統已經瘋了,告訴我怎麼辦。 我掛了電話,我在想我是不是應該下樓去門口,而且現在已經快晚上11點了,如果鬧鐘不讓我回到公寓怎麼辦,所以我沒有去。 宜蘭 外燴 等了一會兒,我終於恢復了電力和煤氣,儘管顯示器一直在閃爍。 再融資的機器遊戲對千禧一代的女性有很大的幫助,所以多買一些。 確定大多數社會協會都是破壞性新聞的產物。 任何沒有自己目標的社區都被分配了一個外部上級,即 Az Est。
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在 Kalocá,工作機會幾乎沒有變化,在農村,對勞動力的需求有所下降。 仍然歡迎邊境獵人申請,人數不限。 代表機構決定今年提供 2050 萬福林,明年提供 1.14 億福林,用於購買公共照明用電。 11月底,市長將與內政部代表討論中央賠償問題。 當我注意到一輛汽車從花車的另一邊駛來時,我什至沒有從驚訝中回過神來,散熱器上的一面紫色和白色的小旗在風中飄揚。 汽車剎車了,Dózsa 的管理員 Jenő Pilisi 從車裡跳了下來。 Pilisi 曾在消防隊工作,後來發現他不是什麼都適合,連胃灼熱都無法撲滅,於是他被調到體育一線。 薩雷茲湖 - 水庫 - 它由 1911 年的山體滑坡形成,長 60 公里,深 550 米,如果它破裂,將沖走遠至土庫曼斯坦,摧毀其路徑上的一切。 北部,在和盞附近,是最富有的地區,主要居住著烏茲別克人。 左後衛 Podhola 提出了一個想法,如果 Halász 被釋放為演員,那麼他也有權利成為一名記者。 暫時,他的文章是由一位收入頗豐的老媒體老鼠寫的,只收一半的費用。 “有可能,但恐怕是因為情況本身太黑暗了。 我想說服他們,但徒勞無功,他們嘲笑我,對我進行最嚴重的侮辱,嘲笑我是調度員,甚至是金融專家。 應該指出的是,同一位泥瓦匠此前曾承諾僅在八個月的時間內修復其中一個 ts 鬆動的柵欄柱。 活動現場展示了Kalocsai明信片節目系列的冬季和早春節目。 上週,該地區的員工招聘廣告增加了十二個,現在求職者可以申請五十多個職位。 比賽現場,包括Kalocsa團隊的5名成員和他們的老師在內的40名衛生部門的學生興奮地等待著學術比賽的開始。 該規定的實質是,在有正當理由的情況下,客戶依法認可通貨膨脹和建築材料價格的大幅上漲。 Zsolt Gulyás 博士。 Gábor Herczeg 準將從 2023 年 2 月 28 日起撤回了他的任命。 據確認,加拿大、德國、捷克、斯洛文尼亞、斯洛伐克、羅馬尼亞和波蘭3支球隊的隊員將訪問Kalocs。 Ernő Kovács 曾擔任 Tiszakécske 市長 sixteen 年,直至 2014 年。 2014年,總理歐爾班維克托首次委託他擔任巴奇-基斯孔縣政府代表。 上週四上午,在上午 9 點 30 分舉行的理事會會議上,在閉門會議的框架內,自治委員會討論了 Kalocsa 市獎項的授予。
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umfilmibom · 17 days
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Mambo milenario
Hsiao-Hsien Hou
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yingtan · 29 days
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SHU QI 舒淇 as Vicky ─ Millennium Mambo 千禧曼波, 2001
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