#🎩ic~The Greatest Villain Mastermind; Ratigan~🎩
Pride Month - Sexuality Headcanons
Hi!!! This blog isn't dead I just am incapable of writing consistently or even like. Ever. Muse comes and goes. And I've been thinking some so I wanted to say; I ship with chemistry. Which means that if characters have a good dynamic, I'll probably ship them. However, with that being said, they obviously have their preferences! There can be exceptions because I'm here to have fun and am also very into romance but here we go.
Under a read more cause its a lot.
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Basil is gay. Attracted to men. But does he really fully grasp that? Absolutely not. He's a gay mess. (It takes a specific kind of woman to catch his attention if any.) But he is very much male leaning. And he's not picky, he just has little to no clue how to showcase affection beyond bullying/bantering with them until he wants to kiss them so bad it makes him look stupid. Any time Basil manages to be smooth or charismatic, he's actually just imitating what he's read in books that he thinks someone would enjoy. Any true attempts at romance will be awkward and very fumble-ly at first until well into the relationship.
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Dawson leans towards females, but he doesn't mind men. He's a soft guy and just wants to be doted on some. It's easier for women to catch his eye, but considering the way he was raised he does have a hard time accepting that he can like men. It's just a product of his time. He's a lot older than most of the cast in the movie after all, but after coming to terms with it he shares it privately among his closet peers and Basil accepts him with open arms. Yes his only friend is Basil don't judge him.
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Miss Kitty is big into sexual expression. She doesn't really have a preference between men and women, its just men seem to be more interested in her. She's a hopeless romantic and it's gotten her hurt many times, so she's much more reserved while not performing. But she's tougher than she looks so don't worry about it so much.
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The man you've been waiting for, Ratigan. He's bisexual! Very much male leaning, but he can honestly charm anyone he sees fit. It's a part of his excellent manipulation skills. And if he can tell you're into him, you're fucked. Because he's not the healthiest partner to have. He will use your own feelings against you to twist you around his little finger. Actually getting him to like you back means you... Have to not like him. Stay strong and pretend to be uninterested so he'll be interested. If you seem different, that's what is going to catch his attention. He's definitely the most difficult of the group to actually write shipping wise, but that also makes him the most fun. He knows the effect he has on people and that's why he takes such a keen interest in Basil; even if not romantically, he is the most different man he's ever met. And he offers the challenge that he doesn't know he even seeks out...
Uh. Thanks for reading about them. Sorry for inactivity.
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A list of Secret Talents
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Basil’s secret talents: Whittling, acting, imitating voices, singing, dart and knife throwing, photographic memory, teaching criminology and english (certified for both), excellent aim, ribbon dancing, fluent in many languages, quickly identifying patterns, can wake up at any time he wishes without the use of an alarm clock, lying on the spot, pickpocketing, and playing most instruments.
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Dawson’s secret talents: Dancing, writing, drawing, painting, bird calling, sharp shooting, on the spot diagnosis, giving advice, map making, and great sense of direction.
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Olivia’s secret talents: Remarkably good eye sight, speaking backwards, animal call imitation, reading terrible handwriting, reading at a level much higher than her age, excellent communicator, and has decent cooking abilities.
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Ratigan’s secret talents: Sewing, identifying fake jewels and other expensive items, photographic memory, quick mental math, fluent in multiple langauges, can move around silently and swiftly despite his size, identifying worth of products with a glance, and fashion skills.
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Lady’s secret talents: Gardening, finding good deals while shopping, wine tasting, flower arranging, and excellent DIY skills.
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Miss Kitty’s secret talents: Fashion designing, baking, juggling, photography, modeling, piano, advertising, business handling, persuation, and critical thinking skills.
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Ms. Judson’s secret talents: Making clothes, caring for children, has a good sense of manners, teaching, nursing, sewing, writing in calligraphy, and event planning.
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What do you guys like to do on a rainy day?
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“Why, play violin of course! That is if you are referring to the days we don’t have a case going on. Basil and Dawson don’t rest until a case is solved! Rain or shine!”
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“I wish the bloke was joking… Can’t get a nap in when he’s onto something… But I usually read or write on rainy days. I’m working on a novel in my spare time.”
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“I hate rainy days… But papa usually lets me play with the new toys he’s working on as long as I’m very careful with them.”
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“Plan my revenge, of course. But I do that even if it isn’t raining…~”
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What are your guys' favorite childhood memories?
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“Well, that’d be one Christmas morning where my mother had scraped up just enough money to get me a beginners Chemistry set… I still have it in my closet somewhere.”
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“When I was younger, my father took me out on a camping trip where all we did was tell scary stories and roast marshmallows on the fire! I always look back on it fondly…”
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“The day my mother gave me my bow! Her and father had taken me to the park before she got sick, and she bought me this at a craft sale!”
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“My childhood is not something I enjoy thinking about…”
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Hey, this if for all your muses. What is your favorite food?
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“I quite enjoy raspberry scones with a side of cream cheese.”
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“Well, I’m not very picky… But my favorite snack is Mrs. Judson’s cheese crumpets while reading!”
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“Mm, well, I enjoy the finer tastes… Caviar, fresh garden foods, imported cuisine…”
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“When I was younger, my father taught me how to make meatballs! They were very good, but we can’t afford them anymore.”
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What's one of your hobbies? (Anyone)
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“Playing Violin for me.”
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“I do enjoy curling up with a good novel…”
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“Other than plotting Basil’s demise… I enjoy drawing up elaborate death traps for my enemies. Especially Basil.”
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“I like to play with the dollies my father makes for me!”
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Out of curousity, what is your favorite cheese? (To all muses )
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“I enjoy brie now and again.”
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“Why, Monterrey Jack!”
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“Cream Cheese!”
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[For everyone] What kind of books do you like to read the most?
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“I do enjoy mystery novels, but I always figure out the ending before I get there.”
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“I enjoy reading history novels on certain events of war. Reminds me of my job…”
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“I’ll admit… I’m a sucker for fairytales and fantasy! Being a King has always intrigued me…”
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“I enjoy reading about little cartoon animals! From one book I learned that I should always share my toys so that I can make everyone happy, just like Papa tells me!”
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Tag Dump
It was very hard to believe that this username wasn't taken...
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"You absolute fiend." (Obviously to your Ratigan because I just REALLY want to meet him asdfg-)
 “My dearest Basil, oh how your insults ring the most beautiful notes into my ears~!”The larger rodent chimed as he circled the mouse detective, like a vulture examining his prey. He had led the mouse right into one of his ingenious schemes and into a trap. It had caused the mouse to wake up strapped to a chair, the mastermind walking two fingers across his shoulders from one to the other. The man clearly had no sense of personal space... After all, he considered Basil an old friend... Maybe even more, but this was hardly the place for such talk~
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“Come now; you get a front-row seat to witness my scheme unfold! I would say you owe me some gratitude... For not ending you here and now~” He patted the mouse’s cheek, rather roughly, before stepping away and adjusting his suit.“Soon, all of London will be under my control... Then the world! And you’ll be there with me to witness it all~ Oh, can’t you just see it?” As he spoke, Ratigan’s tail jabbed Basil in the stomach roughly just because he could.
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chibify your muse!
tagged by: @champagneandcaviar tagging: anyone who wants to!
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"How EXTRAORDINARY!" The rodent looked giddy as he circled his doppelganger "Such remarkably SIMILARITY! Though you do not seem to be QUITE myself, though, the way you hold yourself, the style, the mannerisms, it can only be ME!" / From Ratigan to Ratigan? 83
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 “Well, thank you! Someone as handsome as yourself could only be someone who was of my own nature! Just look at you!” He bowed slightly and gestured to the other Ratigan.
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 “We could be twins! Imagine the combined forces of the two of us to take over London! Or, more importantly after, the world~!” Ratigan tapped his chin, and let out a giddy chuckle.
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 “Tell me, would you be interested in a partnership of sorts?~ We could take the world by storm... And I can only imagine the look on a certain detectives face at seeing the both of us together~”
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Quite The Predicament
Starter for @gamblealife​
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 Being as it was, in the darker parts of London, there was the lowlives of the city. Every city has it’s criminal underbelly, but this one... This was organized crime on a huge scale. While the life of a thief did pay, there was always someone who wanted more. Who wanted the most. Who needed the most. To prove that without a shadow of a doubt, they are the best. In this particular instance, a rodent was the case. This rodent in particular was bloody massive. One that if you looked at the wrong way, could snap you in half if he chose to do so. He, of course, left getting the hands dirty to the lower henchmen that would bow at his feet if he gave the command.
 So that was who managed to hit Stephen over the head, tie him up, and drag him alllll the way to their slice of paradise within an empty beer barrel that was decorated with glorious jewels and assorted furniture with extravagant R’s all carved within them. This particular mouse was extremely hard to get ahold of, since he was a ‘secret agent’ of the works. It proved to be a difficult task in tracking him down and bringing him to the lair, but here he was! A white furred mouse in the streets of London always stuck out like a sore thumb, so transporting him via a carriage was best. Quite a bumpy ride...
 When the mouse would wake, very much bruised but not quite broken, awaiting him would be a dark room. Lit by candles on the walls, but dimly so. Across him him was a larger than life rat, puffing a cigarette through a fancy stick, seeming to simply be waiting for him to show any signs of life. He seemed to be getting impatient for it though, as his foot was tapping rapidly against the floor. It was a soft thump, but still, annoying. The rat was sitting in an elegant chair, opposed to the one Stephen was very tightly tied to. Time for the show to begin.
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Hey, Ratigan. What would YOU do to Basil if you were to have sex with him?
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 “What... I would do?...”
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“Oh... Oh ho ho!”
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 “Just the... Mere thought! Oh hohohohohoho! I’d give him exactly what he’d ask for... And more... And more... Until all his little thoughts consumed him and he became dependant on my very existence to be satisfied...”
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I'm sure Ratigan would enjoy that show lol
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 “My life isn’t centered around pleasing that Sewer Rat.”
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 “I would enjoy the show...~”
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A headcanon I’ve developed for Ratigan, along with proof (and a very supportive friend of mine hyping me up to talk about it. <3)
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