bartonbones · 1 year
fully obsessed with how the restaurant itself continues to act up in response to carmy's mental illnesses. it's like okay if you want to suffer in a prison of your own making i'll open the door for you <3 fuck you for the neglect carmy into the fridge you go
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dykeyaoi · 22 days
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Doki Doki designs
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averseunhinged · 1 year
so, i've been working on this series for about a year. it's more or less the result of my nerd rage over how off the TVDU's historical timeline is and how enormously bizarre anyone who lived thru a millenium, starting in 10th c north america and somehow (???) returning to Europe not that long after, would be.
24/7 sylvia plath is technically a prequel, i guess, tho it wasn't originally supposed to be. i thought that was going to be straight sinister klaus and this was supposed to be secret good blorbo klaus, but oops it's actually the same klaus and he's both.
this part isn't smutty literature, but the part before it sure is, so it's still slightly horny.
Klaus let himself remain, trapped between chilled tile and the spray of warm water, weak-limbed and loose-spined, and waited for some other emotion to wash away the drifting, warm satisfaction of coming with his hand on his cock, her scent in his nose, and blood in his mouth, teeth in his own arm. There should have been something. Some sort of grief. Of shame. After a millennium of protecting them, whether they cared for his methods or not, his brothers were dead. He and Rebekah were at resentful odds. Elijah wanted nothing to do with Klaus, and most of the time he wasn't sure he wanted anything to do with Elijah. There would be no hybrid army, unless the cure could be found and administered to Elena, but even then, the whole enterprise was less and less enticing by the day. Silas was at large and plots against Klaus were afoot. Tyler Lockwood was running, but instead of setting the dogs on him, Klaus was relieved the boy was out of Caroline's immediate sphere.
And Caroline.
She made him merciful. She made him forgiving. She made him weak and was a weakness that could be used against him. They were all lucky Caroline was too closely enmeshed in the area and local community, both human and otherwise, for Damon or a vengeful Stefan to have killed her outright. Perhaps a few months ago, when he had merely thought her lovely and captivating, he might have been satisfied by gifting the brothers a few decades of torture for daring to take away something that broke through the monotony of endless years.
Now, it would be a bloodbath. Klaus hadn't turned his humanity off in centuries, not since Katerina escaped the ritual altar by grace of his foolish brother's soft heart and a hangman’s noose. But the thought of Caroline and her wealth of glorious possibility permanently taken from him sent a dangerous creeping chill through his bones and blood, into tensing muscle and pulling sinew, before he could banish it. With no-one and nothing left to him, he would kill indiscriminately. Start a war in her name, in the memory of her face, an even more macabre Helen of Troy.
He should have been shamed, he supposed. For knowing he'd carve her memorial in destruction rather than the bright things she would prefer. Impossible things without her, not that she understood that yet.
He should have felt shame for giving into the weakness Mikael tried and failed to torment out of him. Always fanciful, even in a time when dreaming was too frivolous to entertain, Klaus remembered the way firelight flickered on village girl cheeks. Remembered being captivated by the riotous chaos of wildflowers, colors he only dreamt of having the means to replicate.
Remembered the warmth of Esther's hand cupping his cheek.
He should have felt ashamed of getting himself off to thoughts of an unwilling woman, the memory of her blood in his mouth and the ravaging thrill of her teeth in his arm, the way it made his breath hitch and his hips stutter from the sudden, fierce pleasure the first time he healed her. Perhaps he would have, but like always, those thoughts were followed by the way she’d clung to him, asleep before her fangs had even disengaged. The monster in her subconscious should have cringed from Klaus instinctually, sensing the more dangerous predator, not purred like a contented cat, neatly tucking her into his lap, her nose against his throat. She hadn’t stirred at all, even when he’d laughed her name, quiet and familiar.
It wasn’t until late morning found him in his own bed that he realized he'd left his jugular open to her.
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alchemistys · 5 months
genuinely mindboggling that they tried to get hanbin a 3 year sentence -- the same time that fucking SEUNGRI got???
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escapaldi · 9 months
so it's been a year since i was unceremoniously fired from my last job and in honor of the indeed algorithm suggesting i look into a different position in the company i finally wrote the long-ass, scathing review that's been brewing and festering inside me for 365 days
will it get rejected? probably. do i care? no. it's off my chest now. all i hope is that if it does get published, it helps someone not work there.
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tortoisesshells · 1 year
Customs and Duties, Chapter 28: “Enough Ground To Stand On”
In which Nellie makes further preparations for her smuggling plots, while her friends and loved ones urge her to consider (or reconsider) her strange friendship with Commodore Norrington,
“Have you taken leave of your senses?” Daniel Hendricks hissed, darting a glance at the cabin door.
Nellie Treat, feeling gawky and vulnerable in her son’s clothes, stepped back and leaned against the door, as though she were a barricade in herself. It was a foolish impulse, but then, as Hendricks had so helpfully pointed out, she was behaving like a fool – and the sun was not even above the horizon. She put a finger to her lips, and, as quietly as she could, hissed back: “What if he’s still out there?”
“Did he see you?”
Hendricks groaned, dragging both hands down his face.
“What was he doing here, anyway?”
“I am supposed to deliver a letter from his hands to the Governor of Jamaica – you heard it arranged, Mrs. T!”
“How was I to know he’d be here before dawn?”
“He’s not employing me because I’ve a reputation for honesty, why would Commodore Norrington be consorting with me in broad daylight?”
Read the Rest on AO3!
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ofpd · 1 year
was barricade day a thing before tumblr. it wouldve been so fun to learn of reagan's death on barricade day fr
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whlskr · 2 years
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Tbh I'm not feeling this one.
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lovphobic · 2 years
buddy has so many years of love and snuggles and tears stored in his little body... i respect him more than anyone else
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h0n3yk1tt3n · 3 months
11 17 21
11. Favorite flower
I'm not very active in the Flower Fandom so it's not something I've really thought about... orchids and lilies are nice
17. Piercings you want
Not being able to remove my earrings for a year (because the backs were stuck so tight) after getting my ears pierced at age 7 ruined me for getting anything else pierced lol
21. Random fact
I have lived with no less than 2 cats for my entire life. I have maxed out at 10 twice, in 2008 (Sergeant Pepper, Dizzy, Cupcake, Boots, Sara Fina + foster kittens Squirt, Sleepy, Chubby, Jane, Punkin a la punk + pumpkin) and 2022 (Sara Fina, JoanZee, Seamus, Hammy, Copper, Stormie, Laz, Misty Rose, Badass "Joey" Joe, Spider)
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gloriousmishaps · 11 months
me within 15min of waking up: yeah i could go for a nap
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waterbearwasteland · 1 year
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dischoarse · 2 years
Babies in Airplanes discourse reminds me of the scene in fight club where they're discussing oxygen masks and the improbability of surviving a crash because the fact that you legally have to have a child in its own seat in a car but you don't in airplanes speaks volumes.
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phoenixphire24 · 1 month
Ooh tell me about the 18mo crew and how it’s complicated 👀
I am not immune to the CarCar train. I have this idea of writing from Carter’s POV as he’s recruited in Cairo by Wilde and the two develop a relationship; then Wilde asks for Zolf, who slowly replaces Carter; and finally leading to them finding Barnes, who Carter is desperate to form a connection with because he’s become the third wheel whether or not Zolf and Wilde realize it. All layered with angst and sexual tension and messy feelings.
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firelightfoxes · 10 months
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FINALLY back home!! here's a lil summary of how we did:
day 1 - 8/19 - second place in her class (12-18mo bitches). went up for RWB but no love unfortunately!
day 2 - 8/20 - fourth in her class
day 3 - 8/21 - fourth in her class again
she showed amazingly on her first day but on the second day, when she was on the ramp, another handler backed into the ramp and almost elbowed her in the face and that kinda ruined her vibe. so she didn't stand very well for her exam on day 2 or day 3. but like!! we drove 17ish hours and were staying in a (very scary) hotel and i was stressed constantly so i definitely wasn't expecting her to be at her best, and that's okay! i'm happy that we got out there and helped represent the breed :)
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frances-baby-houseman · 8 months
My friend and her 18mo daughter came to stay with us this weekend, and it was GREAT bc she has been my friend for 30 years!! but it was also EXTREMELY INTENSE. She runs on a much, much later schedule than I do, and it was very stressful to me! Her baby's normal bedtime is after BOTH of my kids. We are just early people! I put my kids to be when they are eating dinner! And she was like, well I don't get home until 430 so I don't know how we'd eat before 7. I get home at 430 and we eat at 6. What!! What are you doing in that time!!
She is also kind of aggressively anti-tv, and y'all know how much I love tv. I need my shows to recover from the week! And she brought a baby with her! And my house is not baby-proofed for her baby! And also I am just not as into watching kids as she is, which is fine but I did feel like I need to be less laissez faire with her kid than with mine. And like, yes my kids lay on the couch watching tv and eating chocolate lucky charms before school! it very much works for us! And adam had a cough so I ended up sleeping on the couch both nights and joe was so thrown by "that baby" being in his house and he cried and cried at drop off, which he NEVER does. Same, buddy! it was intense for me too!!
Also this sounds like a lot of complaints but actually the ONLY complaint is I should have said no to hosting when I realized one of the nights she'd be here was a school night. It was great and fun until then but it was extremely rough entry into the week.
But on the good side, it was great to see my friend! thirty years of friendship!!
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