serostuffsmh · 1 year
Happy Valentine’s Day! 💖🫀🖤
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Happy vals
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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Morro Bay Harbor, CA (No. 3)
Morro Bay is the name of the large estuary that is situated along the northern shores of the bay itself. The larger bay on which the local area lies is Estero Bay, which also encompasses the communities of Cayucos and Los Osos. The city of Morro Bay is 20 km (12 mi) northwest of San Luis Obispo and is located on Highway 1. Los Osos Creek discharges into Morro Bay.
According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 10.3 square miles (27 km2), of which, 5.3 square miles (14 km2) of it is land and 5.0 square miles (13 km2) of it (48.63%) is water.
Source: Wikipedia
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jaguarmen99 · 2 years
74 衛星放送名無しさん sage 2022/09/22(木) 21:26:57.76 7YDmur0j0国民「誰かが動くだろう」これか?89 衛星放送名無しさん sage 2022/09/22(木) 21:27:59.69 xM/S+/nO0>>74指を指して「そこのアンタ!助けてくれ!」ってやらないとダメなんだよな111 衛星放送名無しさん sage 2022/09/22(木) 21:29:41.84 g2p7j+k70>> 89それな。事故も名指しか指差ししないと動いてくれないという113 衛星放送名無しさん 2022/09/22(木) 21:29:48.63 E3Q/ZdlVM>> 89他に誰かいると誰もやらないらしいな139 衛星放送名無しさん sage 2022/09/22(木) 21:31:41.06 4cGtddA20>> 113やらない人は誰かがやっててもやらないけどね167 衛星放送名無しさん sage 2022/09/22(木) 21:32:59.99 7YDmur0j0>> 139事件の報道とかテレビで見てると助けずにスマホでずーっと撮影してる奴らいるけどそいつらは良心無いのかって思う193 衛星放送名無しさん sage 2022/09/22(木) 21:34:22.99 Tqn9mAmV0>> 167昔、紫雲丸の沈没の時、マスコミがずっとカメラ回してて、それ見た市民がマスコミはカメラを回すだけで助けにいかないのかと非難したという235 衛星放送名無しさん 2022/09/22(木) 21:36:55.52 xgm2AdOQa>> 193新宿のバス放火事件も、偶然に居合わせた報道カメラマンが撮りまくっていたら・・・・その事件で妹が死んでいたとか
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strawbxrryaxolotyl · 23 days
just finished a 15 hr fast! gonna try to eat under 600 calories today.
sw: 113 lbs/51.26 lbs
cw: 107.2 lbs/48.63 kg
gw #1: 105 lbs/47.63 kg
ugw: 95 lbs/43.09 kg
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chavitardeja · 1 month
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furnitureshoppingday · 3 months
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Portable Clothes Lint roller R ... Price 48.63$ CLICK TO BUY
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beautyandcareshopping · 3 months
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100ml Natural Organic Rose Hip ... Price 48.63$ CLICK TO BUY
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atletasudando · 5 months
Anthony Zambrano y su ofrenda en los Juegos
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Fuente: RunningColombia ¿Qué hace un genio dos minutos antes de inventar una obra maestra? ¿Qué hace un joven feliz que representa al Atlántico, que ha demostrado en Juegos Intercolegiados, Nacionales, Panamericanos, Olímpicos y Mundiales cuánto puede correr y convertirse en medallista de los 400 metros, una prueba muy complicada del atletismo, que necesita inteligencia táctica, decisión, valor, piernas de acero y una capacidad de resistencia a la velocidad? Y cuando las cosas salen como las había planeado, Anthony Zambrano hace lo que le gusta al público, lo mete en la prueba y los hace parte de la victoria. Ante de la llegada, al sentirse ganador, señala a la tribuna y gesticula en los últimos metros, mueve las manos de lado a lado, hace ademanes y pasa la meta, con un tiempo de 46.19 segundos. Y hace el avioncito, va a la tribuna y se lo dedica a su esposa, a la gobernadora del Atlántico, a la ministra del Deporte. “Se los prometí y se los cumplí”, dice con una sonrisa, porque él, medallista mundial y olímpico, sabe que cuando tiene sus mejores sensaciones, pocos pueden seguirle el paso. Un minuto antes, en el momento de la partida se da unos pequeños golpes en las piernas, como pidiéndoles que respondan y que no le jueguen una mala pasada. También golpea su cara con las palmas de sus manos para activarse, y con la seriedad máxima de un atleta en plenitud, que sabe exactamente lo que va a hacer para ganar y que nadie se lo va a impedir, sale y corre. Y lo hace. En la curva de los 200 metros está donde nadie se atreve a estar, rezagado con respecto a Jhon Alexander Solís, quien salió fuerte y a quien tenía como referente. “Todo lo calculé, él fue mi guía”, relata. En la entrada de los últimos 100 metros aceleró a fondo, a un ritmo frenético y se volvió inalcanzable. “Anthony ha vuelto”, destaca orgulloso. El antioqueño Yilmar Herrera (plata en la prueba) y Raúl Palacios (bronce) solo pudieron ver su dorsal trasero. Mientras celebraba antes de finalizar. “Estamos vivos, felices, demostrando que somos los mejores en los 400 metros”, recalca con esa seguridad que lo caracteriza, como si confiara que los 45 segundos, que tiene que superar para lograr el tiquete olímpico, los pudiera batir sin mayor esfuerzo. Y es que Zambrano cuando está en todo su nivel, es inspiración. Con esa medalla de oro le cumplió a su departamento y sigue siendo inspiración para muchos jóvenes, que desde que empiezan a competir en los Juegos Intercolegiados sueñan con seguir sus pasos en la pista. “Soy inspiración para muchos y lo único que puedo decirles es que trabajen por sus sueños”, destaca. Pero a su vez hace un análisis profundo de lo que fueron los últimos años para su carrera. “A los más fuertes, Dios les pone las más duras batallas”, afirma como intentando filosofar un poco y dejar claro que Anthony Zambrano está de vuelta y listo para grandes cosas. Incluso, quizás arriesgó la posibilidad de hacer la marca de clasificación para los Juegos Olímpicos (45.00), el celebrar como celebró, pero él quería vivir ese momento especial y disfrutarlo con su gente. Resultado de los 400 metros planos: - Anthony Zambrano, Atlántico, 46.19 - Yilmar Herrera, Antioquia, 47.02 - Raul Palacios, Risaralda, 47.03 - John Alexander Solís, Valle, 47.32 - Manuel Fernando Henao, Quindío, 48.13 - Luis Eduardo Arrieta, Antioquia, 48.25 - Oscar Santiago Leal, Santander, 48.39 - Silvio Andrés Agualimpia, Antioquia, 48.63 Read the full article
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digital-dream-artz · 6 months
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tomoevo4wo4 · 7 months
664: 名無しさん@ドル箱いっぱい (ワッチョイW cf82-gwp+) 2023/09/22(金) 19:15:48.63 ID:4wSBloDR0 車椅子の婆さんが手落ちにビビっておもむろに立ち上がってそれにビビったわ 続きを読む Source: 鈴木さん速報
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jaguarmen99 · 2 years
673 名前:おさかなくわえた名無しさん[sage] 投稿日:2022/05/31(火) 11:16:39.70 ID:AL5ZhUiK [1/3]隣町のおっさんに不倫疑われた時が修羅場俺 30代前半俺長女 幼稚園年中おっさん 30代後半おっさん長女 幼稚園年中おっさん次女 未就園児ある日、俺仕事終わりに会社の駐車場で二人組の男に話かけられる男1「俺さんですか?」俺「はい、そうですが何か?」男2「お話したいことがありまして、お時間よろしいでしょうか?」何の話かはここではちょっと…って事で近くのファミレスでと言われ自分の車で男たちの車に着いていったファミレスにはおっさんが居て男たちは俺の横とおっさんの横に座った写真を見せられたおっさんの長女、次女、嫁、そして俺長女の写真写真見てびっくり!俺長女とおっさん次女そっくりだった俺長女とおっさん長女が同じ幼稚園で、運動会の時に俺長女を見たおっさん腰ぬかすほど驚いたそう俺長女は残念なことに俺そっくりだったので俺長女にそっくりなおっさん次女も俺にそっくりだったおっさんは俺とおっさん嫁の不倫を疑い興信所を使い俺のことを調べていた(男2名は興信所の調査員だった)676 名前:おさかなくわえた名無しさん[sage] 投稿日:2022/05/31(火) 11:50:48.43 ID:AL5ZhUiK [2/3]身に覚えがない俺は知らぬ存ぜぬを繰り返したがおっさんは信じないだんだんとエキサイトしてきたおっさんを調査員が宥めたりしていた俺もいい加減頭にきたのでDNA鑑定でもなんでもしろよ!と強く言ったときハッとなって俺「アンタと次女のDNA鑑定はしたのかよ?」お「いや、してない」俺「まずはそこからだろ?それでアンタの子じゃなけりゃ俺が鑑定してやるよ身の潔白を証明するためにな」お「いやしかし妻に何と言ったらいいのか…」俺「そんな事は俺の考える事じゃねえだろ!それを確認もしないで興信所やとったのか?(調査員に)アンタらも確認しねえで俺のとこ来たのか?」調「いや、我々はあなたの身元調査と本日の立ち合いの依頼をされただけでして…」俺「とにかくアンタが鑑定しろ!結果次第では俺も鑑定してやるよ!住所も職場もわかってんだろ俺は逃げねえからよ結果は報告しろよ!」おっさんに言ってファミレスを出た679 名前:おさかなくわえた名無しさん[sage] 投稿日:2022/05/31(火) 12:19:48.63 ID:AL5ZhUiK [3/3]後日、俺の携帯におっさんから着信(携帯の番号まで調べられてたw)近所のファミレスで会うことになったいきなりおっさん謝罪お「この度は大変ご迷惑をおかけしました!次女は私の娘でした!俺さんにはなんとお詫びしてよいか」検査の結果、おっさんと次女はほぼ間違いなく親子だとの事封筒を差し出してきてお詫びの気持ちだと言うが受けとらなかった実際俺長女とおっさん次女を並べたら10人が10人、姉妹だと思うだろうって位似てたしおっさん長女と次女は全く似てなかったおっさんの気持ちも分からんでもなかったのでその場で飯を奢ってもらって終わりにした鑑定は興信所の紹介で嫁に言わないでしたそう鑑定の費用と興信所の費用の総額を教えてもらってびっくり!原付バイクが2台買える金額だったよそれからしばらくしておっさん次女が小学生になるころには俺長女よりおっさん長女に似てきたと写真を見せられたで、それっきりおっさんの前途に幸あれ
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motorsportverso · 9 months
Rally De Araucaria 2023-Dia 1-Resultado
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Creditos Imagens Rallybr
Top 10
1-22-Milton Paligiosa\Vinicios Anziliero-Mitsubishi EVO X-EMA RACING,Rally 2 -58:48.63
2-9-Juliano Sartori\Rafael Sartori-VW Polo MR-Sartori Rally Team,Rally 2- 59:16.81
3-23-Luis Stedile\KZ Morales-Renault Clio RS Rally 5-UB Rally ,Rally 4, 59:44.81
4-11-Mauricio Neves\Leandro Ferrarini-VW Gol G8 TSI-ProMacchina Motorsport-1:01:18.69
5-27-José Barros Neto\João Remor-VW UP TSI-Artesani-Rally 5, 1:04:17.95
6-52-Heitor Pavesi\Thiago Osternack-VW UP TSI-ProMacchina Motorsport-Rally 5, 1:04:29.78
7-30-Luiz Afonço Polli\Luis Felipe Eckel-Peugeot 206-Polli Racing,Rally 5, 1:05:23.67
8-7-Marcos Tokarski\Andrey Kapirsky-Peugeot 207 F1- Yokohama/Motorocker, Rally 4, 1:05:59.77
9-37-Luis Debes\Antonio Debes-Renault Sandeiro RS-Octanas Motorsport,Rally 4, 1:06:13.77
10-3-Vitor Hugo Boff\Rafael Lodea-Peugeot 206-RTONE, Rally 5, 1:06:14.26
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csleeze444 · 9 months
Save $48.63 on Cuisinart CGMT-300, 65” x 36, 65" x 36", Premium Deck and Patio Grill Mat, 65" x 35" at Blidz!
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research--blog · 11 months
Cell Culture Market Worth $48.63 Billion by 2029
According to a new market research report titled, ‘Cell Culture Market by Product [Consumables (Media, Reagents, Sera, Cell Lines), Equipment (Bioreactor, Centrifuge, Cell Counter)], Application (Bioproduction, Cancer Research, Stem Cell, Diagnostic), End User (Pharma, Academic) – Global Forecast to 2029,’ published by Meticulous Research®, the cell culture market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11.7% from 2022 to 2029, to reach $48.63 billion by 2029.
Download Free Sample Report Now @ https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=4788
A major factor contributing to the growth of this market is the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases. Hence, research studies are carried out for the treatment of these diseases. The drug development-related research studies involve cell culture techniques. Furthermore, the aging population increases the chances of age-related chronic diseases, further driving the market growth.
Additionally, there has been an increase in the adoption of single-use technology due to its advantages compared to other conventional technology, such as pre-sterilized condition, no post-process cleaning of the system, and less contamination. These factors further propel the demand for cell culture products.
Additionally, the growing adoption of 3D cell culture and the growth potential of personalized medicine are expected to offer significant growth opportunities for the players operating in the cell culture market.
The cell culture market is segmented by product [consumables (media {cell culture media, by physical form–dry powder media, liquid media}, {cell culture media, by type–off-the-shelf media, custom media}, {cell culture media; source-chemically defined media, serum-free media, classical media, xeno-free/animal component free, other cell culture media}), reagents (growth factors and cytokines, cryoprotective reagents, antibiotics/ antimycotics, cell dissociation reagents, buffers, balanced salt solutions, attachment and matrix factors, other cell culture reagents), cells and cell lines, sera (fetal bovine serum, other sera), cell culture vessels (cell culture dishes, cell culture plates, cell culture flasks, roller bottles, other cell culture vessels)) equipment (cryopreservative containers, refrigerators and freezers, biosafety cabinets, incubators, sterilizers, bioreactors, microscopes, centrifuges, cell counters, water baths, other equipment)]; application [bioproduction (monoclonal antibody production, therapeutic protein production, vaccine production, cell and gene therapy)], diagnostics, cancer research, drug screening and development, stem cell research); end user (pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, academic and research institutes, diagnostic laboratories); and geography (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and MEA). The study also evaluates industry competitors and analyzes their market shares at country and regional levels.
Speak to our Analysts to Understand the Impact of COVID-19 on Your Business: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/speak-to-analyst/cp_id=4788
Based on product, in 2022, the consumables segment is estimated to account for the largest share of the cell culture market. The segment is also expected to register the highest CAGR during the forecast period. The major factor contributing to the segment’s lucrative growth is the adoption of cell culture techniques for various applications in the life science sectors such as cancer research, stem cell research, bioproduction, and diagnosis. Hence, the recurrent use of consumables for research studies and production facilities.
Based on application, the bioproduction segment is expected to register the highest CAGR during the forecast period. Bioproduction includes monoclonal antibody production, therapeutic protein production, vaccine production, and cell and gene therapy. These applications are gaining popularity due to their effectiveness in treating diseases. Moreover, vaccine production was at a higher rate during the pandemic. Due to their effectiveness, an increase in approvals for monoclonal antibodies was also observed during the pandemic, contributing to the growth of this segment.
Based on end user, the pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies segment is expected to register the highest growth rate during the forecast period. The major factor contributing to the growth of this segment is the rise in R&D spending of these companies for drug discovery and developments, vaccine production, and cancer cells. Additionally, these companies use cell culture products to produce biomolecules, further leading to market growth.
Based on geography, Asia-Pacific is expected to register the highest growth rate during the forecast period. Major factors contributing to the growth of this segment are the expansion of the biopharma and pharma companies in the region, an increase in the funding for research studies, and the growing number of clinical research activities.
Some of the key players operating in the cell culture market are Merck KGaA (Germany), Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (U.S.), PromoCell GmbH (Germany), Cytiva (U.S.), Lonza Group Ltd (Switzerland), Corning Incorporated (U.S.), Becton, Dickinson and Company (U.S.), HiMedia Laboratories (India), Sartorius AG (Germany), Eppendorf SE (Germany), FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation (Japan), Agilent Technologies, Inc. (U.S.), Getinge AB (Sweden), Miltenyi Biotec B.V. & Co. KG (Germany), and Solida Biotech GmbH (Germany).
Quick Buy – Cell Culture Market Research Report: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/Checkout/94004198
Scope of the Report:
Cell Culture Market, by Product
Cell Culture Media Market, by Physical Form
Dry Powder Media
Liquid Media
Cell Culture Media Market, by Type
Off-the-Shelf Media
Custom Media
Cell Culture Media Market, by Source
Chemically Defined Media
Serum-free Media
Classical Media
Xeno-free/Animal Component Free
Other Cell Culture Media
Growth Factors and Cytokines
Cryoprotective Reagents
Antibiotics/ Antimycotics
Cell Dissociation Reagents
Balanced Salt Solutions
Attachment and Matrix Factors
Other Cell Culture Reagents
                    (Other cell culture reagents include chelators, antioxidants, sugars, vitamins, stains, and dyes)
Cells and Cell Lines
Fetal Bovine Serum
Other Sera
                    (Other sera include newborn calf serum, chicken serum, goat serum, rabbit serum, pig serum, mouse serum, sheep serum, rat serum, and horse serum)
Cell Culture Vessels
Cell Culture Dishes
Cell Culture Plates
Cell Culture Flasks
Roller Bottles
Other Cell Culture Vessels
                    (Other cell culture vessels include pipettes, tips, cuvettes, and tubings)
Cryopreservative Containers
Refrigerators and Freezers
Biosafety Cabinets
Cell Counters
Water Baths
Other Equipment
               (Other equipment includes scales, weighing balance, and pH meter)
Cell Culture Market, by Application
Monoclonal Antibody Production
Therapeutic Protein Production
Vaccine Production
Cell and Gene therapy
Cancer Research
Drug Screening and Development
Stem Cell Research
Cell Culture Market, by End User
Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies
Academic and Research Institutes
Diagnostic Laboratories
Cell Culture Market, by Geography
North America
Rest of Europe (RoE)
Asia-Pacific (APAC)
Rest of APAC (RoAPAC)
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Download Free Sample Report Now @ https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=4788
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brandedcities · 1 year
Call for Action volunteers back on site, but they haven't stopped working for you
Linda Flynn is a PGW customer who pays her bill online. The issue arose when she meant to pay $48.63 for her monthly bill but accidentally typed in $4,863. But the Call for Action volunteers were able to help.
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