thedragonemperess · 4 months
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goodieghosty · 1 year
Reading about the pool again and how Logan shows Janus and Remus especially nice alternate timelines to cheer them up. Has Janus ever asked him about a timeline where he and Virgil ever dated. Even if just for a little while? Cuz I'm now obsessed with onesided god anciet angst.
(I give you this long goofy drabble)
"Oh come now, Logan." Janus sighs, "You already know how this is going to end, so may as well get it over with and show me already. I don't have anywhere else I need to be for a good millennia or so."
Logan-God of Knowledge, Seer of All, Keeper of the Pool of Pathways-stands there with a mug of black coffee in hand. He knew he would need it. "Janus." He starts, but he also knows that what this scaled god says is true. "... very well."
This was better than the other outcome, he tells himself. Better than leaving Janus to sate his curiosity and getting distracted by the location of a divine weapon. That Janus was never himself after. Stuck in a never ending loop wherein he can't tell what's real or not. Poor man.
"... you mean it?" Janus sits up straight, eager. Like a child on Christmas.
"I wouldn't have said so otherwise. You will not tell the others what you see. Especially not Him." That isn't a threat. Or a condition. That's simply a fact. Logan knows it.
The pool is warm, welcoming. A light swirls around Janus once he steps in.
"I've set the path. All you need to do is let yourself float. And do remember, nothing is actually happening. You cannot change or do things a certain way. Also," he pauses, his third eye rolling in disgust. "I've already seen to it that you will not be experiencing any 'special activities' during this."
"Did you have to start doing that because of Remus?" He mused.
The silence was answer enough.
He's surprised to be reliving their first meeting. It's just as terrifying and exciting as the first.
"This was the start. In this path you did something he thought was... charming." Logan clearly didn't think so.
Before he could wonder what that could have been, Virgil growled. That same, deep, thundering sound that he knew so well. And what did this Janus do? He stood tall. Firm. Puffed out his chest-and he copied it.
To the best of his abilities anyhow.
"That's... embarrassing."
"Not to Virgil. Mind you he was still a tad feral at this point. But this is what started it."
"You can't be serious. Something so little?"
"Well, it did help that you had just gotten done with a war and reeked of blood and fear. Moving on."
There's a flurry of images now. Small, brief glimpses of tender moments. But things felt... wrong? Off. Somehow. He was sure that if he had lived these moments they would have felt nice. But there was something... weird.
"Wait-no, I don't remember this war." Janus looks up, confusion on his face. Logan is grim.
"That is because This Janus started it. To feed Virgil. It was... something done out of love, but without thought of the consequences. Or the people it would effect."
"To feed... but-Virgil would have never allowed that! He hates senseless war! Why-"
"Because he was always so Hungry. And you were sure he would waste away if he didn't have anything. And then... so much fear, all at once. He became gluttonous. You thought you were helping. But you only made him worse."
"Why... why didn't anyone try to stop me?"
"They did. But by then it was too late. Virgil was already teetering on an edge from the moment he came into being. Anything could have tipped the scales. In that path he became... something foul. He made all the rumors of himself true. All of them." Logan rubs his face. "That Virgil launched a war on the rest of the gods who didn't immediately side with him. All he wanted was fear. More fear. Humans were mere cattle to him. And you were just the hand that fed him."
"I am... sorry this wasn't what you thought it'd be. Not all of the paths are good. But I had to show you that one first, otherwise you would have done something really... bad."
"Oh... would it be troublesome to ask to see one of the good paths? If I promise not to do anything wild, I mean."
Logan pauses a moment, thinking it over, but then he nods.
He shows Janus a festival. One he chose not to attend. Here, he sees Virgil in his old armor, leaning against a pillar as he watches the people celebrating.
And then he sees himself, disguised as always, approaching him. He tries to trick Virgil, no doubt, but of course he doesn't fall for it. He can tell that he's only playing along. But his heart still skips in time to this Janus' when Virgil takes his hand to his lips. And only then does this Janus reveal himself by dropping the facade. Virgil's laughter is infectious. But Janus is sore about being found out, and feeling cheeky.
"If you had wanted to kiss me I would have preferred elsewhere." Is what he says, right before stealing himself a kiss, and then immediately rushing off into the crowd of people before he can find the consequences of his actions.
This would have been a good bit before Virgil met Orpheus, he wagers. He still has both arms. Which he uses to grab Janus when he's found hiding in an orchard. The two share another kiss.
There's a mighty big skip there, Logan appearing very flustered indeed. This makes Janus laugh.
"Ah, well. You, Virgil, and Orpheus later become what the kids call a 'throuple'. It's incredibly awkward for Ajax when he discovered that. And admittedly Orpheus did get a little ego boost when he found he had not one, but two gods falling for him. You have a child together. In this path. Very adorable. Raven hair and golden eyes. A little older than Remy. She would have became a goddess of War and Strategy. You call her-Janus." Logan stops in his rambling, watching as the god leaves the pool. And once he does Logan is once again able to use his powers to see what his intentions are. "Janus don't you think it's a little rude to ask your friends to-"
"Spring is near and you just filled my head with images of a little baby girl, whatever I do now is on you. And you know it."
"...." he sighed, "Ah, baby fever."
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starlocked01 · 4 years
Seldom All They Seem
Intrulogical Week 2020!  Unlike Soulmate September, I’m writing one continuous narrative for the whole week based around the prompts :)
Summary: Remus asks Roman for a favor. Janus is terrified that Roman agreed. They enlist Logan's help to pull Remus out before he's in too deep to wake up from this Daydream
AO3 Next
Chapter 1 Hesitancy- Into the Unknown
“I know you; I walked with you Once upon a dream I know you; the gleam in your eye Is so familiar a gleam And I know it's true that visions are Seldom all they seem But if I know you, I know what you'll do You'll love me at once The way you did Once upon a dream”
"I can't do this anymore, Ro," Remus paced back and forth across the creative side's room, nearly knocking over the tv by bumping the cabinet.
"Careful there! Also, you still haven't told me what it is you can't do and you've been pacing for over 20 minutes now," Roman hadn't invited his brother in and had been in the middle of a rather important birthday gift that he wanted to finish.
Remus whipped around to face Roman, "hypothetically, have you ever had feelings for someone and you know they'll never like you back so you go slowly crazy watching them talk to everyone but you?"
"Oh! this is about Lo-"
"Don't say it out loud!" Remus jumped and covered Roman’s mouth, "this is a hypothetical; I do not have feelings for any other side no matter how smart and attractive he may be," Roman pulled him off and retched.
"God! Why does your hand taste like muddy peanuts?" he swiped his tongue on the back of his own hand to wipe off the odd and unpleasant taste.
"I was making mud pies and eating peanuts yesterday, duh," Remus smirked before returning to his pacing.
"And didn't wash your hands… ewwwww Remus!" Roman conjured a toothbrush to wash his tongue and backed another two steps away from his brother, disgusted.
"Can we please focus here? I need to get away from all of this. No one likes me- you can't deny that- and I need your help to pull this plan off."
Roman looked quizzically at Remus, cocking his head to the side and putting a hand on his hip, "my help? Okay, what's the prank?"
"Roman, this is serious!" Roman looked in his eyes and knew he was telling the truth, "I know you don't like me so I wouldn't be bothering you about this if it wasn't serious."
Roman sighed, "you absolutely would bother me regardless, but okay, what do you want me to do?"
"Hide me in a daydream," Remus asked earnestly.
"A daydream? You can do that yourself."
Remus pleaded with his eyes, "yeah but my daydreams always go off track towards my usual brand of terror. I need a break so I need you to create the dream for me."
"I don't know… that seems risky," Roman stroked his chin in thought, "but I just might be able to pull it off."
"Thank You!" Remus tackled Roman to the couch.
"Get off! You've had too many of Patton's cookies lately; you're smothering me!" Roman laughed.
"Hey…" Remus frowned and rolled off onto the floor.
"Okay no, you're not fat, just more of you than the last time you tried to crush me," Roman grimaced.
"No wonder he's never gonna like me," Remus groaned, grabbing a pillow and smothering his face in it.
"I thought these unrequited feelings were hypothetical," Roman smirked, grabbing Remus' wrist, "up up! I'm not knocking you out on the floor."
Remus begrudgingly got up and Roman fluffed the pillows, stacking them all on one end of the couch. At Roman's insistence, he laid down and took a few deep breaths.
"Alright, if you need out before I wake you up, I'm creating a beacon at the edge of a lake so that when you touch it you'll get pulled out immediately. Otherwise, I'll wake you up in a few days," Roman instructed, laying a light blanket over Remus.
"It's gonna be weird not having complete control over this. I don't suppose you could make a strip club for me to perform at?" Remus grinned, trying to hide his nervousness.
"You'll still have some environmental control. But if you want a break, I'm not creating any of your usual shenanigans," Roman smiled, almost fondly over his brother.
"Okay… I think I'm ready," Remus looked hesitant but Roman gave him a soft smile.
"You'll be fine, now go to sleep," with that Roman placed two fingers on Remus' forehead and snapped his fingers. Instantly Remus was asleep and Roman sat there crafting the daydream. He wanted it to be immersive enough for Remus to keep his mind off his hypothetical crush and general unwantedness. He almost wished it wasn't like this so they could do things like joint daydreams and projects more often.
Three days later and Thomas had finally started to relax without Remus' contributions. Everyone, even Virgil, felt more at ease and couldn't really pinpoint why. Roman wondered why he hadn't done this for Remus sooner.
Six days later Thomas' friends began to worry. He wasn't completely himself, not as spontaneous. His humor was blander. They asked if he was sick and he just shrugged. Janus was perturbed by Remus' absence but wasn't sure where to look for him. He could sense something was off and likely had something to do with the obnoxious side.
"Where is he, Roman?" the snakish side asked with an annoyed grin.
"He who? You'll have to be more specific there are several of us," Roman grinned, focused on lunch instead of Janus.
"Your brother, of course," Janus sighed.
"Am I my brother's keeper?" Roman rolled his eyes, "he's fine. And safe. He asked for this so don't worry. He wanted a break so he's getting a break."
"A break from what? How is he taking a break?" Janus looked alarmed.
Roman rolled his eyes at Janus, "relax, snake-eye, it's just a daydream."
Janus’ eyes widened in fear, "you sent him into a daydream? Do you know how often I have to keep him from putting himself into those?"
"He's fine! My brother can handle it; daydreams are where we're at our best and strongest," Roman scoffed.
"That is exactly what you shouldn't be worried about, " Janus advanced on Roman, eyes burning with fear and anger, "how smart are you?"
"Smart enough to never listen to you again," Roman looked away, hurt but starting to worry, "he hasn't tried to come out yet and nothing abnormal has happened with his body so… he can stand to be in there a few more days."
"Yes, a whole week was definitely a good idea," Janus groaned, "please don't try to wake him up right now. Immediately. Or else."
"Or else what? You'll try to humiliate me again?" Roman shot back.
"This is absolutely about us right now. I know it's difficult, but please trust me. We need to wake Remus up before he's in trouble," Janus sighed, sinking out to go to Roman’s room without waiting for a response. Roman huffed and followed.
Janus was violently shaking Remus by the time Roman rose up mere seconds later, "easy! Look it's my daydream so I'll just end it," Roman bumped Janus aside and placed his hand on Remus' forehead.
He could tell something was very wrong. Roman couldn’t feel Remus at all.
"Well?" Janus asked impatiently.
"I can't wake him up now. I don't know what's wrong but I won't risk him disappearing with the daydream," Roman shook his head, "someone needs to go in after him."
"No. I refuse," Janus stated flatly without a hint of sarcasm.
"I wasn't going to ask you, cobra lie," Roman scoffed, "I know exactly who it has to be." ---- "What? You want me to go into a dangerous daydream that you cannot control and in which logic holds no sway? Janus, did you put him up to this?" Logan scowled, upset at having been interrupted while scheduling the next week.
"As much as I wish this were a prank, no I did not," Janus glanced too casually down at his gloves.
"Look, I know you don't particularly care for Remus, but you are the only one he'll listen to," Roman pleaded.
"Leave me alone, this is too important," Logan rolled his eyes and turned back to his work, "please shut the door on your way out."
"We're leaving. You're not going to help him. Remember, Logan, you didn't accidentally tell me your secret," Janus smirked.
Logan turned around slowly, "and why won't you go save your only friend, Janus?"
"Well, I'm not scared if that's what you're asking," Janus’ human cheek tinged red as Roman snorted, trying to hold back his laughter.
"Fine, if you're a coward I guess I will have to 'step up to bat' as the metaphor goes," Logan stood with a smirk, "but if Thomas suffers in my absence, just know you're both on the top of my list."
"Yes, fine. Thank you, Wonder Nerd-" Roman winced as both Janus and Logan glared at him "sorry, thank you, Logan. I appreciate your help, honest." Logan grunted in response and followed Roman and Janus back to Roman’s room.
He looked so peaceful, lying there in immediate peril. Logan would not allow himself to smile. It's not like he was ruled by emotions like the others. The way Roman explained it, he was the figurative and literal logical choice to send in after Remus.
And yet Remus looked genuinely happy without the need for extra blood or violence hiding behind his eyes. Was this so bad? Of course, it was that bad. He'd do what he'd have to, for Thomas, of course.
"Okay, how do we do this?" Logan asked quietly.
"Well, why don't you snuggle up next to him-" Logan glared at Janus, stopping him mid-thought, "what? It was a joke."
"Just lie down on the other half of the couch and I'll send you in," Roman pushed Logan towards the couch.
"And if something goes wrong you'll be able to pull me out?" Roman could see the fear of the unknown in Logan’s eyes.
"If all else fails, find the beacon. If I can manage it I'll pull you both out but the beacon is a fail-safe. Please, find Remus. I'm… worried for him," Logan nodded his understanding and sat down.
"I'll try," he stretched out across the couch and Roman knelt to lay his hand on Logan's forehead.
"Thank you, Logan."
Logan closed his eyes, heard the snap, and felt darkness overtake his thoughts, color and shadow swirling and becoming lighter until he was standing on a plateau overlooking a large landscape, a single figure in the distance on the edge of the hill.
Tag List: @fandersides1234567​ @sirprplsnail @bisexualdisaster106​ @intrulogicalweek2020​
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mother-snake · 4 years
🎶Guess whos back🎶 🎶back again🎶
It's me! With more Janus angst! Well, more fluff then anything... It's fluff (did you really think we could pass the 4 year anniversary of sanders sides and I wouldn't send something in?)
So!! The sides are having a huge party to celebrate 4 years. The living room is decked in all the colours of the rainbow. A mixture of all the sides music are playing through the speakers and all their favourite foods are set up. Everyone is in the living room, talking and dancing mostly but Virgil did climb on top of the fridge when Roman took out glitter. Well, everyone is in the living room except for a certain snake like side.
Janus didn't join the party. Hes still in his room in the mindscape. Not from lack of effort from the others. They knocked on his door for half an hour straight with no answer. So they just accept that Janus is going to miss this year.
At least all accept Patton.
Patton snatched Remus from the party and made him lock pick the door open. Patton opened the door slowly -so that if Jan was sleeping it wouldn't disturb him. Patton felt his heart drop when he saw the yellow side's room.
The walls were covered with scuffs and tears in the Victorian wallpaper, almost all the furniture was flipped and destroyed -burns coating some of the edges, Janus' prized record player was smashed to pieces and all of the light bulbs were shattered. Stuttering out a soft curse (holy smokes, fudge, sugar honey ice tea, etc) Patton summoned the others.
Instant chaos. Virgil immediately goes to "oh my god, Janus is dead. I need to pick up a larger work load. Thomas is never going to be able to lie again. Patton is trying to hold back tears and calm down Virgil Logan is looking throughout the room, deducing that there was a massive struggle, some things are burned but only in concentrated places and there is a small pool of blood by some shattered glass. The twins say that they feel some magic from the imagination in the room. The sides decide to follow the clues and go to the imagination to see if they can find anything else.
Luckily for them! The imagination works with a different time! 24 hours in the imagination is one hour irl. So they should be back for the party!!
When they enter the imagination the first thing they see is a bowler hat that is stained with blood and a set of foot prints. They follow it as well with picking up the hat.
Logan notices that the corner is burned and the blood is fresh -still wet and it hasn't darkened yet-
While walking they pay close attention to their surroundings and chat about what movies they want to watch when they get back to the party. The footprints are becoming scarce so they follow the occasional droplet of blood and torn piece of clothing.
They walk for hours with only the birds and setting sun to keep them company. They decide to stop and rest for the night when Logan almost falls in a hole that was hidden by the lack of light. Roman summons a few sleeping bags and sets up a fire while Virgil takes first watch. Switching throughout the night.
The next day continues more or less like it did the day before. Walking and talking.
This time ,after crossing a river, they find a yellow glove soaked in blood, some scales stuck on the fabric. If their hurry wasn't there before it was now. They quicken their pace even more. Leaving the forest they were in and moving into some plains, they thought they heard distant shouting.
"don't let me right now you monster!"
"you have no idea what I'm not capable of when I'm mad!"
"Sooner or later the others won't catch up with you!!"
All with the S' slurred and sarcastic tone that they knew oh so well. They walked up a hill to see Janus tied to a pyre, blond curls a mess and matted with dried blood, clothes torn and some scales torn off. They looked to the insane bastard that thought kidnapping the snake was a good idea to see not just one bastard. But over 30 bastards!!
Janus got kidnapped by a cult.
The cult was very stereotypical; black cloaks, a few sacrificed goats and white porcelain masks with painted scales on their face -wait a sec... Scales? Yes scales. Deceit has a cult devoted to him- and thats when it clicks for them. They want to sacrifice Janus to appease Deceit. This cult doesn't know that Janus IS Deceit. The sides face palmed when they realized how dumb these cultists are.
The cultists seem really annoyed with Janus' complaining so they gag him all while he was yelling at how he was going to skin these fucking people alive to make a skin suit -Remus was proud- but sadly. Threats don't mean much if you're tied to a pole and about to be set on fire. The people continue to prepare the dumbest sacrifice ever while the others try to figure out how to free Janus.
Virgil looks closer at the items the cultists have laid out. A spider corpse, an octopus tentacle, a bulls horn, a cats eye and a few crow feathers... This wasn't a Janus cult. This was a Dark Side cult. Virgil let out a heavy sigh and told the others his plan.
Remus and Virgil turned into their dark forms. Spider legs coming out of Virgil's back along with six more eyes sprouted, his hair also turned purple. Remus had oozing green tentacles rip from his back and his skin took a sickening green tinge, his white hair stripe also turned neon green. They teleported behind the cultists and let out animalistic growls.
The cult turned around to see the people they worshipped having a pissed off expression on their face and instantly knew they fucked up. They fell to their knees and begged for mercy all while Virgil chewed them out for kidnapping the actual Deceit -thats when that threat of a skin suit really sunk in- and how creepy it was to try to burn someone alive and to at least have some class when sacrificing someone- that went on for a while.
The other three snuck behind the cult and untied Janus, the second they untied his hands Janus ripped off the gag and turned into his dark form.
He grew six arms and his eyes glowed with a intense yellow. Golden snakes wrapped around his arms and then he let out a low hiss.
Janus sent the snakes to tie the cultists arms behind their backs and stepped down from the pyre. To be honest; every side there thought that Janus was going to murder 30 people and actually skin them, but that is NOT WHAT HAPPENNED!!!
No one expected Janus to yell at them like a disappointed mother for 2 hours straight and keep their mouths shut with his powers.
"-AND NOT ANOTHER THING! If you ignorant self centered pricks ever, and I don't mean ever, lay a single hand on another side again. YOU WILL ALL BE BURNED AT THE FUCKING STAKE!-" he went on for a while...
The ironic thing was that Janus was the youngest side so this was equal to hearing your toddler threaten arson.
After Janus was done he turned around and snatched his glove from the nearby table and changed back to his normal form all while mumbling about "some insane crazy assholes who fucking kidnapped me in the middle of scale care, fucking pricks." The other sides just followed him. Virgil and Remus changing back as they quickly caught up with Janus.
Remus could not stop laughing, Virgil was shocked that Janus could be a disappointed mother without having children, Roman was just amazed by the fact that the snake was still standing after some of those injuries. Patton wanted to give him a hug.... Ok multiple hugs... Fine he wanted to snuggle. And Logan? Logan just wanted to know more about the dark forms.
The walk was quicker back then it was to rescue the snake all while listening to Janus complaining that the pricks broke his record player and that they had the bloody AUDACITY to kidnap him! All they could think about was when Thomas called Janus the main mean girl and that they couldnt even deny it anymore.
When they made it back they patched up Janus and let him take a shower before sinking back out to join Thomas, who was just watching the office for the millionth time (pick another show sanders, I beg of you) he did perk back up when he realized that the sides were back. Then he saw the pissed off look on Janus' face... and he asked what was wrong. That set JanJan Binks off again as the others were getting a bit tired of hearing this again for the fifth time that day. So like how you distract a child.
They put on 'Chicago, the musical' and let the songs of Roxie Hart distract the snake. It worked, he shut up real quick!
The sides vowed to never let Janus get kidnapped ever again because that was.... An experience, that they DO NOT want to do again!
Thankfully the rest of the day went off well.
And that was an idea from 1am from someone who should be asleep! I was gonna make this angsty but all I could imagine was a pissed of Janus yelling at 30 adults.
I doubt you would want to use this but feel free! I hope this is as funny as my sleep deprived brain thinks it is!
(I'm sorry for any typos, it is very late)
(I got it! Just forgot to post it yesterday ^-^')
One, Yes. I love it. The beautiful angst... And ferral janus is something I absolutely die for.
(would say more but my brain has short circuited and I'm in boi, strict teach... But I'll put more later!)
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keeztickles · 4 years
•The Creative Lers Strike•
TW! Remus and Janus!
Ler!Roman, Ler!Remus, Ler!Logan for 2 seconds, Lee!Logan, Lee!Virgil, Lee!Patton, Lee!Janus/Deceit
Remus and Roman were both in Ler moods, and unlike anything they usually do, these two work together when it comes to tickling the shit out of the other sides. Get ready to die a million times from these little shits!
SMASH SMASH SMASH! "Guess who's hereeeee!" That was simply Remus with a tambourine, which he immediately threw to the ground.
"Remus! It seems the tickle tickle lers are out to play!" Roman's excitement could be seen from the moon and farther, maybe pluto saw the ler boi!
"Reeeeeeally now? I hadn't noticed!" Remus faked surprise, giggling immensely as he watched the other sides.
"Look at all those lees scattering, what do you wanna do about that?" Roman pointed out the scattering sides who were realizing what was about to happen to them.
"Who shall we attack first, dear brother?" Remus asked, crossing his arms, though the question was useless, as only one side was even in the room anymore.
~Virgil Segment!~
"Well despite being Fight or Flight, Virgie doesn't seem to be flighting." The twins simply jogged over to the emo who seemed to "accidentally" fall on the floor in his efforts to escape. Roman and Remus easily pinned him down.
"Another lee mood? Didn't I stomp that out yesterday?" Remus asked, one of his fingernails gently trailed down Virgil's stomach, making it start to spaz with trapped laughter. "Clearly our power combined makes all the giggly lees appear!" Roman deducted, he summoned a paint brush, and went after Virgil's ticklish neck.
They currently weren't planning on murdering him with tickles all day, they had 3 other little lees to catch, and all three of them were very good at pretending to be lers when they we truly very giggly lees! So the future is scarily exciting for the two creative twins!
Virgil continued his attempts to not let out any laugher, but his breaths got increasingly panicky as Remus's gentle fingers inched closer and closer to the current giggly sides belly button.
"The walker walks around the hole! Wondering how it came, he goes to the edge.."
"Remus NO!"
"And checks it out..."
"aND FALLS ONCE IT CAME!" Remus digged both of of his hands into Virgil's mystical belly button, while Roman's fingers trailed everywhere else, his neck, his stomach and sides, his thighs and feet, the two princes were having a ride, leaving verbal teases all over the air for the very laughable emo.
Though the teases were also excruciatingly flustering, since these cute twins were very creative! We love some unstoppable tickly twins!
"Look Virgil! Are you seeing how much your tummy is jumping? You must be loving this!" Remus cooed, watching the emo's stomach.
"Virgil! I've forgotten how much you loved being tickled! Especially on your cute little thighssss!" Roman cooed, delighted to find out that Virgil' blushy face became even more flustered.
"Tickle Tickle Tickle Virgieeee!" The two lers happily cooed as they smirked down at the laughing lee, who was getting closer and closer to his breaking point.
Roman looked to Remus, and they both nodded, completely stopping their attacks, they went to each side of Virgil's stomach, keeping their smirk up. "And now, for our final act.."
Virgil, in his out of breath state, tensed up, watching the boys with a large grin on his face. The two leaned down at the same time, creating a raspberry on both sides of his stomach, making the boy in question laugh like hell.
"AHAHOHHOHOHOSHIHIHIHITFUHUHCKKYOUGUHUHUHYS" Virgil basically screamed out a bunch of cursed, before finally reaching his limit. "SANDERSS!"
Remus and Roman immediately pulled away, rubbed away the excess ticklee feelings, and summoned a bottle of water for the now very exhausted boy. "You go start up frozen two! We gotta go catch 3 other cuties!" Roman affectionately left a kiss on Virgil's forehead, as Remus gently picked Virgil up, and left him on the couch.
~Patton Segment!~
The twins left the room, going to where they saw the other sides run off too. "Who's ready to be tickled! You can't run from it cuties!" They continued to sing teases as they searched for a few more minutes, finally, they heard a little giggle, which they immediately froze by.
"..That sounds like a Patton!"
"Absolutely, Padreeee! Come out and play! We'll find you soon anyway cutie!" Remus was completely joking, but Patton came out of the cupboard, completely red faced, he grinned softly, immediately raising his hands above his head.
"Awww! Do you want the tickles? I think he wants the tickles Remus!" Roman quickly went over to the boy, gently rubbing the father fingers neck with the tips of his fingers, making him let out soft giggles.
"Absolutelyyyy!" Remus wasted no time, immediately digging his fingers into Patton's thighs. Making Patton squeal loudly and fall into happy and giddy laughter, Patton immediately pulled himself to the floor, feeling his legs become shaky.
Roman chuckled softly as he quickly took the liberty of tickling Patton's neck and ribs, making the boy squeal in very ticklish delight. "ROOOHOHOHOHO!" Roman titled his head, giving Patton a silly face. "Whaaaaaat? I'm simply giving you what you clearly asked for! The tickly tickly tickles!" Roman cooed, leaving a small raspberry on Patton's neck, which made Patton into a happy snorting mess.
"Squeezy Squeezy! Squeezeeeeeee!" Remus happily sang, dancing slightly as he continued his attack on Patton's legs. "Dance your legs for me you pretty leee!" Remus smirked, gesturing to the kicking legs he was currently tickling the heck out of.
"Sanders!" Patton squeaked out, which the best beans immediately stopped their playful attack, retrieving water for the bean. He wanted soft tickles today, and that's what he got!
"You okay padre?" Roman gently asked, rubbing his back and happily helping him to sit up. "Yee! Thank you cuties for this experience." Patton giggled softly before taking a sip of his water. "Of course Patty!" Remus exclaimed, leaving a gentle kiss on Patton's forehead.
"Now, go join Virgil in watching frozen."
"On it!" Patton giggled, before jumping up and going into the living room.
The boys happily went deeper into the castle, knowing their next threat wouldn't be so easy to conquer. Remus had his slimy tentacles on standby, just in case they came into contact with 6 gloved hands.
But perhaps those tentacles were needed sooner then the duke thought.
~Logan Segment!~
Suddenly, the boys stepped into a room and were immediately caught in a trap, fully spread in the middle of the room, they yelped loudly, scanning around for Janus and sighing in relief when it was only Logan.
"My apologies, my dear twins, but you two are on a particular rampage that must be stopped." The teacher stood in between the two of them with a collection of items commonly used for tickling, Roman gulped.
"Logie you've been in a lee mood all week! I've literally seen you without shoes! That's a rarity bud!" Remus retorted, smirking as he saw Logan's face turn into a red tomato.
"Whatever sensitive feelings I obtained this week are currently meaningless, you two need to be dealt with." Logan stated simply, pulling up Roman's shirt, smirking at the trapped boy. "L-Logan! We can talk about th-THIS!"
Roman squeaked loudly, falling into happy and giddy laughter, quickly attempting to escape the bonds and attempted to protest in attempt in trying to keep his ler mood up, he knew Remus would save them. He just wondered if he was such a little shit that Remus would choose to save them after Logan was done with Roman.
"Awww, look at you now princey! Giggling up a very cute storm! If Virgil and Pat-" Logan squeaked as his hands were pulled away from Roman by some slimy tentacles, and was pushed to the floor.
"Y-You saved me?!" Roman let out a deep breath and looked at his brother in wonder, who was currently being untied by a tentacle. Remus rolled his eyes, rubbing his wrists after being untied. "Ro, this is our day, im not letting some bitchass nerd tickle you to death! Now! Let's tickle a little lee!"
Roman nodded, letting himself get out of the small lee mood he put himself in, and smirked as he felt his ler mood arrive back in full force. He gave the tentacle a small pat and dove to Logan's body, who Remus was already leaving very furious tickles on the teachers bare sides.
"Hi, bitch!" Roman affectionately cooed, kissing the laughing sides cheek before crawling down to Logan's feet, smirking as he summoned a feather. "So you decided you were gonna try to split us up, yes? Fat chance for that Logie! When together, the creative twins are absolutely unstoppable!" Roman cheered, giving a high five to his brother.
Roman leaned down, gently wiggling a feather on the ball of Logan's feet. He chuckled softly as he immediately heard a loud squeal of laughter followed by a very pleading nerd.
"Roman, R-Roman please don't, Roman im sorry!r-ROMAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHHAHAN!" The nerd squealed loudly, making both boys giggle softly. "Logie! I'm not even touching your toes! And yet your still screeching like a wounded animal!" Roman pointed out. "You must be reaaaaaaally ticklish Logie!"
"I'm nohohohohohohohohohohohot!" Logan squeals out, thrashing in an attempt to get the tentacle off of him, though to be noted, the tentacle, was able to be easily removed, Logan was clearly failing on purpose.
"Oh? You aren't? Then why is the usually stoic Logic laughing so much? you wouldn't mind if I tickled the tips of your feet then!" Logan's eyes widened in an instant before pleading as Roman took his hand away from the balls of his feet.
"Wait, roman please don't, I will do your laundry for a week, I won't criticise your writing, I will do the dishes without complaint, roMAN!" Roman glanced up at Remus, who had stopped his own actions and was just letting Roman have his own revenge, aw.
He smirked, and quickly started rapidly scratching Logan's toes, and the padded part of the foot, humming softly as the nerd under Roman went absolutely ballistic.
"SHITTTTTIHIHIIHIHIHIHIHIHIT!" The male screamed, giggling and laughing madly as he basically pleaded for his life. "PLEAHEHEEHEHEHEHEEHEEHEEHEESEEEUEHE!" Along with a favorite of Romans, "FUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHCK YOHOHOHOHOHOHOYOUOHUE!"
Truly, Logan was having an amazing time today, but sadly, all giggly men must have to end at some point! Logan endured a few more seconds of his favorite torture, before he practically screamed.
"SANDERS!" Logan called and Roman immediately stopped, and the tentacle disappeared, Logan happily took the water he was given, giggling happily from after giggles. "Thahahank you!"
"Of course you ticklish little cutie, go join Patton and Virgil, alright?" Logan nodded, and both the brothers stood up, glancing at each other. "Thank you guys!" The twins giggled and gave a loving nod before the nerd left.
"You know what comes next, right?"
"He's had all this time to prepare, why didn't we go for him first?
"Because Virgil is cute!"
[Janus segment!]
"-Boys, Boys, Boys, I believe it's time for you two to lay down and submit defeat, or else I shall personally show you how." Janus walked into the room, all 6 of his hands were out, and on show.
The twins spun around, immediately getting into defensive positions of both defensive and offensive.
"Janus! It is not us who shall be submitting ourselves to the tickle attacks today! It shall be you!" Roman made a grand gesture to hide his nervous insides.
"I'm afraid not, Roman, I have a few tricks up my sleeves, because you two are a mighty force for all tickling kind, if you truly wished to absolutely wreck someone, you could, you both are the creative people here, you could summon anything with a blink of an eye." Janus explained, stepping closer to the mighty twins.
"So with that said.." Janus clicked his fingers, and suddenly the twins didn't seem to have powers anymore. "Let's make this an even fight, shall we dearies?" Janus smirked at the boys, wiggling all the gloved fingers.
The twins turned to each other and gulped, but Remus smirked, pulling a button out of his pocket, he did plan for Janus and his mischievous tricks!
"Sorry Jan, but we are the creative twins, we have plans for your plans!" Remus giggles, tapping the button and immediately all 6 arms were trapped, as well as suddenly the twins had their powers back. "Thanks Logan!"
Janus immediately attempted to get out of the restraints, trying his hardest. "Now boys, let's think about this!" Remus rolled his eyes, summoning two small tentacles and placed them in one of the sets of armpits, Remus placed them in the least sensitive part so that the only thing that emerged from the now swirling tentacles was soft giggles and snorts.
Roman viewed the tied up snek man, and giggled slightly, placing a individually mobile feather on one of his scaley melt spots, before happily tickling both of his individual arm pits with scratches and pokes. "Aww Janus! You are so adorableeeee!" Roman cooed the the tied up loud snek man.
"You are way too soft with him, he can take it, trust me, I've lived with the bitch for 20+ years!" Remus grins and starts to mercilessly tickle the armpits he was given, grinning madly when Janus's squeals go up and octave or three.
Roman watches Remus and nods, copying his brothers actions along with his own spark of genuine roman love.
"BOYOHOHOGOHOHOHOHOHOYSSSSSS!" Janus calls in an attempt to plead for his freedom.
"No can do Jan!"
"You wanted to try to destroy us! We ain't letting that happen!"
"Never! Tickle tickle tickle Jannnn!"
"Aw he isn't even fighting back anymore!"
"That's absolutely adorable."
Immediately, the binds were down, the tentacles and feathers were gone, and immediate cuddles and water were given to the giggly side.
"You did amazing."
"Better then usual!"
"Anyway, lets go give the boys a lovely night of frozen, shall we?"
The two twins waddled into the living room, letting a small gigle out at seeing all the tuckered out lees.
"We will get you tomorrow."
"Sureeeeee, keep telling yourself that Virge!"
Oh boy, this is a long ass fic, I hope y'all like it-? Thank you for reading, pls reblog and like if u like it, thank u, I am new to the community, and im tryna be a nice human!
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spicycreativity · 3 years
Soft-Shoe Shuffle - Ch 3
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Chapter: 3/12 Additional Notes: See Ch 1 for more information. Read on AO3 under "WizardGlick." Any formatting/italics errors are holdovers from AO3 that I was too lazy to fix. Chapter Content Warnings: N/A; ask to tag Excerpt: "Oh, you know." Janus waved a hand like he'd thought about this a thousand times before and was merely playing the conversation out as light entertainment. "Does a person have a 'true' identity?" "As opposed to a false identity?" Patton laughed weakly. Janus smiled at him without showing his teeth. Talk about being out of one's depth. It wasn't endearing. "Actually? Yes." "Oh," Patton said, recoiling in surprise. "Really?"
When you are born, you're afraid of the darkness And then you're afraid of the light But I'm not afraid when I dance with my shadow This time I'm gonna get it right
Janus woke up to the feeling of rough, low pile carpet against his face. He lay still for a moment, waiting for the buzzing in his head to die down so he could work out exactly what had happened.
That was easier said than done. He couldn’t stop shaking, nor could he feel his lips or fingertips, and a persistent brain fog made it difficult to concentrate.
He’d fainted.
He opened his eyes to find Logan crouched next to him, one hand extended as though he’d hesitated in the process of reaching out to touch him.
“Janus?” Logan said, slowly and clearly. “Are you alright?”
“No, I’m dying.”
“Good to hear, I suppose.” Logan sat back on his heels. “Is telling the truth ordinarily so taxing on you?”
Janus wasn’t sure he wanted to answer that. “How did you know I was telling the truth?” he demanded, a little offended that Logan hadn’t even suspected that Janus might be manipulating him. He was the gatekeeper, the chessmaster; people were supposed to accuse him of lying.
“You hesitated,” Logan said.
“I hesitated,” Janus repeated, considering the implication of this. It made him want to hide his face. Perhaps he could implement a masquerade mask into his daily wear, something gold with Swarovski crystals.
“You don’t normally hesitate when you speak,” Logan said. “One might call you ‘glib.’”
Janus raised an eyebrow. “Why would they call me ‘glib’ when my name is Janus?”
“I believe spending time with Patton has begun to influence you."
A stab of panic did not squeeze Janus’ heart. “Don’t tell him I fainted.”
“I hadn’t planned on it. By the way, if you feel like you can sit up, you should drink something. I suspect you're dehydrated. The fainting spell was the biggest indicator, but your lips are also chapped. I was going to check your pulse, but I wasn’t sure if you would be comfortable with that.”
When he had processed what Logan had said, Janus nodded and sat up slowly, leaning on his second set of arms. Logan handed him a plastic cup with a bendy straw sticking out of it. Janus accepted it and examined the deep blue liquid. “What is it?”
“It’s Gatorade. Blue Cherry."
Janus took a tentative sip, then drained half the glass in one long swallow. He wasn’t embarrassed nor in any rush to leave, he just-- He was exhausted, that was all. He picked up his hat with his free hand and put it back on, pleased to see that his hands were steady. "It's been a hectic few days," he said, half to Logan and half to himself.
"You forgot to eat," Logan surmised. "I would have expected Patton to remind you."
Janus couldn't suppress an irritated twitch.  "He might have mentioned it in passing…"
"Ah." Logan smiled: a cautious, tight-lipped thing. "That's why you didn't want me to tell him."
"Yes, well." Janus finished the Gatorade and took a moment to self-assess. He felt less dizzy now. What else? "Logan?"
The bruises stood out against Logan's skin, blue-purple and sickly. Janus suddenly couldn't tear his eyes away from them. They even mimicked the shape of his crook.
"I'll talk to the others," Logan said. "I… I'm new to the idea of talking about, or even acknowledging feelings, but… You're right."
"Do tell."
The look Logan gave him was pointed indeed. "Refusing to acknowledge a weakness does not negate that weakness. It only makes things harder in the long run.”
"I'll keep that in mind, should I ever suspect I'm developing a weakness." Janus vanished the glass, since Logan had given no indication he wanted it back, and got to his feet. His head gave a little pulse of protest, but he forced himself to stay still until the room stopped spinning.
"I am curious," Logan said. "Did you actually have a question for me, or was that just a lie so I would let you in?"
"Why," said Janus, "is a raven like a writing desk?"
Logan's reply was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Logan? It's Patton. Again."
Janus held his index finger up to his lips.
Logan nodded.
Janus tipped his hat and sank out. He appeared in the living room and chanced a glance into the hallway. From this angle, he could only just see Logan as he opened his bedroom door to Patton. Janus quickly ducked back around the corner. He was a little too far away to make out words, but could hear the sound of conversation, then the sound of the door closing, then silence.
Janus smiled and sank down on the couch, knowing full well he would fall asleep if he allowed himself to close his eyes.
He knew he shouldn't. Even now, a small part of his brain screamed at him that he was in danger, that he was making a mistake with this show of vulnerability.
But exhaustion smothered him like a blanket, dampened the noise, pressed him down, down, down.
Janus closed his eyes.
Gentle noises emanated from the kitchen, the sound of quiet conversation.
Janus realized that he was now horizontal on the couch. Someone had draped a throw blanket over him. How… revolting . He wasn't a child; he didn't need--
He sat up and ripped the blanket off, cheeks blazing with heat. What was he doing ?
The idea that Patton and Logan had seen him sleeping was mortifying. Obviously Patton had been the one to cover him up, but the glass of Gatorade (complete with bendy straw) on the coffee table was obviously from Logan.
Janus took in a few slow, deep breaths. Then he picked up the glass and took a few equally slow, measured sips. There was no need to work himself up (even if his hammering pulse said otherwise). He was still in control. He was just a little shaky, which made sense, as the only things to enter his system in the past few hours had been coffee and Gatorade.
"Ah, Janus." Logan sounded far happier than he had when Janus had last spoken to him. Janus turned to look at him as Logan came around the side of the couch and perched on the very edge of an armchair.
"Logan." Janus inclined his head. Where was his hat? He spied it on the edge of the coffee table and put it on with a great show of nonchalance. "I take it you and Patton made up?"
"We had a conversation that greatly eased the tension between us, yes. He told me what happened between you and Roman."
Janus did not make a face, nor did he twitch irritably. "It was nothing, really. I'm sure he'll be over it soon."
"That's very optimistic of you, if a little unrealistic." Logan stood up. "Anyway. I came out to tell you that lunch is ready. I told Patton I was craving chicken soup. Coincidentally, chicken broth is high in sodium, fatty acids, and vitamins which contribute to cardiovascular health and recovery after instances of illness."
Janus couldn't help the smile that crossed his face, though he was quick to suppress it. Logan had lied for him.
If Janus swayed a little when he stood up, Logan was kind enough not to mention it.
It was warm in the dining room. Janus fussed with his gloves, trailing behind Logan. Just the idea of facing Patton made his heart flutter. How delightful. Remus may have been on to something after all.
But the moment couldn't be delayed forever, and soon Janus found himself seated at Patton's right elbow, trying not to be grumpy that he had set the table for five. It was an uncomfortable reminder of Virgil and Roman's animosity toward him, nothing more.
"Morning, Janus! Are you feline more alert after your cat-nap?" Patton asked.
Janus was spared having to come up with a response by Logan's interjection, "It's afternoon."
"Aw, it's barely a hair after 12:00!"
Patton laughed at his own joke and Janus realized with a heart-stopping stab of definitely-not-fear that he was out of his depth. As arbitrary as the line between 'good' and 'evil' was, the line had been drawn nonetheless and Patton had been the one to draw it. The curtain was still there, the tangible reminder that Janus had been seen and judged and sorted.
Now he stood in the light, in the space he had claimed for himself, and he had no idea who to be.
It was pure instinct to play along, to say whatever he thought Patton and Logan wanted to hear in order to draw them closer to serving his own ends. But what were they, now? What version of himself would Patton and Logan like best? Who was he, really?
His breath came fast and frantic, and he forced himself to swallow a few spoonfuls of soup in case it was his blood sugar making him so panicky.
"Janus?" Patton waved a hand in front of Janus' eyes. "You in there?"
Logan said nothing, but the furrow of his brow spoke volumes as he leaned in to get a better look at Janus.
"I'm," Janus said, "purrfectly fine." The next thing that slipped past his tongue would have been a mistake, except that Janus didn't make mistakes. "I was just thinking about the concept of self."
Patton didn't say anything, but he frowned thoughtfully. Probably trying to come up with a good philosophical cat pun.
Logan said, "Self?"
"Oh, you know." Janus waved a hand like he'd thought about this a thousand times before and was merely playing the conversation out as light entertainment. "Does a person have a 'true' identity?"
"As opposed to a false identity?" Patton laughed weakly.
Janus smiled at him without showing his teeth. Talk about being out of one's depth. It wasn't endearing. "Actually? Yes."
"Oh," Patton said, recoiling in surprise. "Really?"
"Per American philosopher Daniel Dennett," Logan said, and stopped with an abortive exhale. Janus tilted his head at him and Logan continued as though he had never hesitated, "there is no self. The entire concept of 'self' is a fiction invented by humans to help them make sense of their world."
Janus tensed his jaw. That was not what he had been getting at when he had broached the subject (had he been getting at anything?), but it seemed rude to derail Logan now, especially when he was in such an emotionally fragile state.
Well, if it meant not undoing all his hard work, Janus supposed he could approach the matter with (metaphorical) kid gloves.
"How can there be a false self if there is no self?" Patton asked, glancing between Logan and Janus with a frown.
"Dennett isn't the sole authority on the matter," Janus said, forcing himself to speak plainly.
Patton cocked his head like a confused puppy. For an unrelated reason, Janus' mouth went dry. "Then who is?" Patton asked.
"Often in philosophy, there are no objectively correct answers," Logan said.
Patton's look of befuddlement was a sight to behold. Janus wanted to reach over and ruffle his hair. It wasn't Patton's fault, after all, he had never had cause to engage with anything more morally complex than 'murder is wrong.'
Well, until recently.
"What about in terms of the static and the dynamic?" Janus said. Interrupted. It had been during a lull, yes, but compared to his usual push-pull approach, this was more akin to a sledgehammer.
His face heated up and he quickly slipped on a mask to cover what was no doubt an obvious blush. Pain pulsed behind his eyebrow, a relic of the headache he'd mostly left behind.
"What do you mean?" Logan asked.
"Better answer quick, before you sta-tick us off," Patton added.
Janus glanced down at his gloves, pretending to inspect the fingertips. "Is there a permanent state of the self?" He hastily added, "Assuming that the self does exist," to assure Logan that he had been listening earlier.
"If you asked David Hume--"
Janus pretended to look around in confusion. "That's funny, I don't remember asking for David Hume's opinion."
"Be nice," Patton chided.
Janus squinted at Patton, who developed a sudden fascination with the tablecloth until Janus looked away again.
"So, Logan," Janus prompted. "What do you think?"
"I think that there is not an objective correct answer. Were it necessary to have a working definition, then I suppose I would agree with Dennett's assertion that the self is an invention."
"I suppose that's why you brought it up first."
"On the contrary, it's because 'Dennett' comes alphabetically before 'Hume.'"
Janus couldn't help the laughter that exploded from his chest, couldn't even play it off. The joke was unexpected, nothing more. "And you, Patton?"
"Oh, um." Patton pushed his glasses up. "I don't really know if I'm qualified to talk about philosophy."
"Even if we promise not to judge you?" Janus purred, taking care to look Patton in the eye.
"Okay, um." Patton fidgeted with his spoon. "I guess the self is like a river?"
"Go on, Patton," Logan encouraged.
"It's always water, but sometimes it changes directions or does different things. The same river that floods a town can also provide drinking water."
Janus raised an eyebrow. "How insightful."
"Interesting," Logan said. "So in your interpretation, the self is both static and dynamic."
"I guess?" Patton said. "I'm still kind of confused."
"If you'd like, I could recommend you some reading on the topic. A surprising amount of Thomas' schooling included references to philosophy and critical thought."
"Oh, um. I don't know about reading, but maybe you could explain it to me sometime?" Patton glanced over at Janus like he'd just remembered he was there. "And you too, Janus, if… that sounds like a good use of your time."
"I'd have to check my schedule, but I'm sure I could reschedule my plans for world domination."
"I wasn't trying--" Patton put up his hands. "Was that mean? You just seem so busy all the time."
Janus only shrugged, wondering where this regard for his free time had been when Patton had made him play cards until 4:00 in the morning.
"Patton." Logan summoned his flashcards. "I believe Janus was ribbing you. 'Rib, verb, to poke fun at.'"
Janus nodded.
"Which reminds me," Logan said. "Why is a raven like a writing desk?"
"Oh!" Patton raised his hand. "Because they both have inky quills."
For a moment, Janus and Logan just stared at him.
"Get it?" Patton said.
"That's clever," Janus said, still staring at Patton.
"Also because they both produce flat notes," Patton said, unperturbed. "And Poe wrote on both, but I don't know what the Teletubbies have to do with anything." He laughed at his own joke.
After the wave of pun-induced exasperation passed, Janus was left only with a deep, warm fondness glowing gently in his chest.
In the three seconds before he realized what the feeling was, he quite enjoyed it. Then realization struck, and terror and shame with it, and he looked at his wrist despite the fact that he never wore a watch.
"I do still have work to do today," he said apropos of seemingly nothing. He didn't glance at Patton in a tacit request for permission before standing up.
"Oh," Patton said, the smile fading from his face. "Um, okay. See you later."
Janus nodded and strode off.
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