#ALSO my twelveclara ones
ahsokatanoe · 5 months
hopefully i can make time to create an aesthetic (a mix of this and this) sydrichie gifset just in time for my birthday (valentine's day). also i need to make a post explaining my four sydrichie playlists on spotify omg
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tardxsblues · 1 year
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Doctor Who | 8.11 Dark Water
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agentark · 5 months
trying to enjoy my silly little time traveling sci-fi show while clara and the doctor say the most devastating things to and about each other every other episode like my god
If the Doctor is still the Doctor, he will have my back.
Clara, I'm not your boyfriend. // I never thought you were. // I never said it was your mistake.
Please, just...Just see me.
Do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?
Clara, I'm terribly sorry, but I'm exactly what you deserve.
There was one other man. But it would've never worked out. He was impossible.
When do I not see you?
Die with whoever comes after me, you do not leave me.
I don't care about your rules, or your bloody survivor's guilt. If you love me in any way, you'll come back.
Immortality isn't living forever, that's not what it feels like. Immortality is everybody else dying. She might meet someone she can't bear to lose. That happens, I believe.
I let Clara Oswald get inside my head, trust me, she doesn't leave.
Longest month of my life. // It could only have been five minutes. // I'll be the judge of time.
I will die, and no one else here or anywhere will suffer. // What about me?
Everything you're about to say, I already know. don't do it now, we've already had enough bad timing.
Don't run. Stay with me.
I was lost a long time ago, she was saving you.
If you think because she is dead I'm weak, then you understand very little. If you were any part of killing her and you're not afraid, then you understand nothing at all.
The day you lose someone isn't the worst...it's all the days they stay dead.
I'd know you anywhere.
What were you bargaining for? // What do you think? You.
If she says so.
I had a duty of care.
People like me and you, we should say things to one another.
Look how far I went, for fear of losing you.
You said "memories become stories when we forget them." Maybe some of them become songs.
hand in unlovable hand
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cowlovely · 3 months
Twelveclara || What If I Forget Your Face — Centaurworld (<- link leads to youtube version!)
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fourteenfifteen · 4 months
i’m unexpectedly extremely into the new katy kirby album it’s really good
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cascigarette · 2 months
twelveclara for ship bingo. you did reblog the tardis sex post, you brought this on yourself. tell us ur thoughts about them.
you're damn right I reblogged that post and I will gladly tell you my thoughts anon
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I feel like their wholeeee dynamic is "my therapist told me to stop fucking you" except neither would go see a therapist in a million years and what they're doing is not physical sex it's like. psychological mind games that they can't get enough of
they should DEFINITELY get weirder with it. tardis telepathic sex is just the beginning of it. also they give me "we keep getting married and then divorced" vibes
it's funny I watched the transition from 11 to 12 live when I was a teenager and subsequently saw clara with both of them and I remember the first episode of twelve being like nooo it's like they broke up and then like barely an episode or two later it's like oh. lol. lmao even
(also the whole "clara I'm not your boyfriend" thing is funny when you keep watching cuz it's like yea no yall aren't dating. something much worse is happening here (affectionate))
and ofc the end of clara's arc. oof. OOF. forcing one of them to forget the other bc the UNIVERSE depends on it? my heart
I also just like both of them individually especially later in s9 <33 anyways thanks for the ask and letting me rave about them 💖💖💖
ship bingo
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inkandarsenic · 24 days
My thoughts on the new episodes:
- love the info dumping right off the bat therapy really did wonders for 15
- “Most of the universe is knackered, babes” ok 1) 15, i love you so much, and 2) why do I get the feeling that the reason most of it is knackered is because of you, bestie?
- “Why did I run?” That’s what you do babe. It’s like your whole thing. please don’t ask dumb questions
- ruby reminds me so much of rose and it is 1000% because of the way that Space Babies parallels End of the World so hard
- Ok so getting the feeling that it’s less “the therapy worked wonders” and more “we’re pretending that it worked wonders” because a lot of this conversation is feeling like 15 is masking his true feelings
- space babies crack me up, the cgi to move their mouths was weird and the babies themselves looked so confused to be there at all times it was great
- Ngl him scaring them more than once and then laughing a little feels very on brand for the doctor
- Ruby continues to confuse me, who are you Ruby Sunday, I want answers. very excited to see where this story arc is going
- societal parallels punching me in the face I love it this show is so back
- Ok saying you’re an ugly bug is a lot less effective when you’re Ncuti Gatwa and your past incarnations have always been attractive
- Eric the perpetually confused looking baby I love you
- this monster is very much reminding me of the sleep-sand monsters from that one twelveclara episode, sleep no more
- 15 babes I swear to god throwing yourself into open airlocks because you’re relating too hard to the monster of the week better not become your thing
- love him telling ruby “no going to meet your mom” immediately like babes does not want a repeat of the Father’s Day disaster with rose
- THE SCAN OF RUBY??? some things truly never fucking change
- ngl i feel like playing the banned chord that invites the devil in is a Bad Idea
- the maestro is terrifying. why are they making eye contact with me I don’t like that
- oh wow the first time the theme song has ever made me uncomfortable
- I love that 15 looks physically pained by the music that’s being played
- the notes that Paul says and the theme that plays? Reminds me of the piano notes at the end of the Doctor’s theme from way back in series 1 with Nine, sounds very similar
- oh Ruby you sweet summer child you haven’t been traveling long enough to recognize that tone
- here’s a thought: do you think maybe the Doctor is one of these celestial pantheon beings? That they would have been like the Toymaker and the Maestro if they hadn’t been abandoned in this universe?
- I’m really starting to hate 14 for inviting the Toymaker into the universe again. He just had to invoke superstition at the edge of the universe.
- ah yes the age old tradition of breaking the TARDIS
- the doctor hearing non-diegetic music has many implications I refuse to think about right now
- RTD never fails to have unsettling villains
- so Ruby seems to be the new impossible girl, which is appropriate because she looks so much like Clara
- “the one who waits is almost here” what does that mean. we’ve met the embodiment of play and now music, who else are we going to meet?
- musical number at the end feels so Disney
- also did anyone else notice that the Harbinger kid was back at the end? Does anyone else think that’s going to come up again?
I love that we’re diving into and learning more about the Toymaker and his whole pantheon of celestial beings but do you know what this would be an absolutely perfect point to reintroduce?
I’m gonna link the post where I rant about it here but please someone say they agree with me
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starmocha · 1 month
In a new post, list the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I just stumbled upon this and wanted to do it for funsies. I mainly write Sess/Kag under the pseud Tsuki no Tennyo, but I haven't written anything in like 1½ year on account of my house was destroyed by a fire and I had to deal with insurance bs for one full year lmao (hello yes, I did not abandon my stories, but the Universe had abandoned me 🥲)
Also, uh, this is just some of my "interested" wips. I didn't include "active" wips on account of I want them to be surprises. Also didn't include abandoned wips on account of I'm not active in those fandoms anymore for whatever reason.
Inuyasha (all Sess/Kag)
untitled sess realizes kag is a cat person
untitled sesskag 72-hour fake relationship weekend fic thing
untitled sesskag alice in wonderland horror fantasy-esque
untitled bonded forgotten promise sesskag
untitled sesskag robbing as couple au
untitled spy assassin au
untitled sesskag shitty restaurant shift
untitled sesskag wifi stealing neighbor
untitled sesskaginu ramen sushi feud
untitled meeting in tokyo flashback fic sesskag
untitled modern au falling in love
untitled unrequited love sesskag series
untitled everything the same except kag never traveled back in time
untitled 3-part sesskag baby fic
untitled terrible uncle inu
untitled my sunshine sequel
untitled my sunshine xmas midquel
untitled sesskag otome parody
untitled slice of life conversation
Hellhound - prologue
A Full Nest
You & I
Moonlight Flower
Wisteria Memories, Moonlit Secrets
Empty Gold [yakuza au]
3-Part SessKag Past Present ish
Untitled Tactics inspired
Several Shades of Sadism
5 Times Chiaki Tries to Cockblock + 1 Time You Cockblock Him
5 Times Toma Missed Jokes + 1 Time He Understood
7H crossover
Mutsuki + Bros
Rei & brothers
Café AU
mc makes bento
guilty toma
jealous toma
Painter of the Night
Neighbors + Cat AU
the path to hell
Seungho calling Nakyum “Lord”
Doctor Who
blow a kiss, fire a gun
i will get you love drunk
we got the keys to open paradise
untitled 12clara end of time
untitled 12clara slice of lfie au
untitled twelveclara acceptance thing ish
Girl Meets World
and my life is sweet like vanilla is
red dress on, high heels off
doc, there's a hole where something was
you can tell them you are mine
we'll be looking for sunlight
untitled joshmaya forgets to breathe
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friendamedes · 8 months
genuine question the other night at the horde of transvestites you were going insane so uh. was Steven moffat the first guy to do an explicit romance between the doctor and the master on the show? how do you feel. about Steven moffat. about that
SO - i am always going to be insane about twissy, yes. i guess the notable thing would be that steven moffat DIDN'T do an explicit romance between the doctor and the master except for the fact that he did?
(this got very i'm-not-reading-all-that-but-sorry-that-happened so i shoved it under a cut.)
in "dark water"/"death in heaven" they're set up as a romantic relationship: there's two kisses (one non-consensual on the doctor's part, the other initiated by the doctor after learning missy's identity) and missy tells the doctor "two hearts... and both of them yours" while it's dawning on him that she's a time lord. (lady.) throughout s9 missy refers to the doctor with ironically fond terms like "my boyfriend," and she's clearly doing a Bit, but it's also so blatant that one imagines it must be purposeful.
the next time she shows up, in "the magician's apprentice," clara mentions that she's clearly displaying romantic attraction and missy outright denies the idea. of course, missy's not a reliable source, but it's so definitive and harsh that one must assume she's not just doing a bit! steven moffat seems to actually be rejecting the idea that the twelfth doctor and missy have a romantic relationship, and in s9 onward there's no use of the word "boyfriend," no spoken allusions to a romance (...more or less), and no more kissing.
but it gets TRICKY, right? in "the magician's apprentice," the twelfth doctor plays "pretty woman" on the guitar, a song which is generally interpreted as being directed at clara - but the script up on writer's room indicates the song was originally supposed to be "hey mickey." i've always taken that scene to be a little flirty, ESPECIALLY with "pretty woman"! and, like, smoffat didn't seem to have intended to write a romance between 12 and clara in s8, but it remains true that a strong layer of subtext implies that clara is cheating on danny with him however metaphorically or emotionally; it's not the only way to read the season, but there's a lot of support, and it's definitely not a difficult conclusion to come to.
missy blurs the line between traditional ideas of "friendship" and sex (being friends with mortals is cradle-robbing, she insists!) and several of her & the doctor's s10 interactions are charged in a very particular way (the takeout, the end of eaters of light, etc) which is present in the text even if it's denied or unintentional.
so like, yeah - there is no Canon Twissy except for the fact that there is Canon Twissy. it's MESSY. i think that smoffat has bought into heteronormativity and is writing from his own weird perspectives on nuclear families, so he's going to think of romance when there's a man and a woman onscreen together! i think that there's a history of homoeroticism from the doctor and the master that he's writing in the context of! for all i know, he considers missy's interpretation of "friends" to encompass romance or sex! or maybe he just considers their relationship a punchline - i haven't asked him, and to some extent, his intention is irrelevant, and to another it's very relevant for our purposes. twelveclara is explicitly romantic to me whether or not the writers of the show seem to think it is! twissy is in a similar boat!
TLDR: it's very difficult to define whether or not twissy is explicitly romantic, lol! so WHO KNOWS!
and here is where i put the disclaimer that i am well aware relationships outside of binary ideas of friendship vs. romance/sex exist. i absolutely DO think that the doctor and the master have a lot of different sorts of feelings for each other, some of them human and some of them time lord, and most of them difficult to sort into neat little boxes. but also, irt steven moffat's writing, that man doesn't know the word "queerplatonic." there is certainly support for queerplatonic or non-normative relationship readings in dr who; i don't deny that, but i'm addressing the text in the world that it offers rather than delving too far into extrapolation and headcanon in this ask (or at least trying to). for the love of god i'm in a queerplatonic relationship myself, don't come after me for this one.
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sorry for the hiatus, i got super busy and also had a mental health moment. consider it the culmination of the absolute devastation of saying goodbye to twelveclara AND twissy in round fucking one, among many other valiant straights
some updates and announcements:
for all consequent rounds of this tournament, i will be drawing free propaganda for anyone who can rb this post linked here with a receipt proving they've given to any of the listed funds or orgs. the linked post contains the specifics, but if you have anymore questions, feel free to leave a comment or send me an ask.
we will continue with the final block of round 1, which i believe was the lowest popularity tier according to the pre-tourney polls. you'll find the polls for each round using the tagging system in my pinned. i will continue posting the propaganda you all sent me in the asks as i post relevant polls.
i'm also gonna try posting one poll a day when starting round 1 back up. this is partially gonna be for my convenience and also because it means we get one result per day in the consequent week, which sounds fun and easier to manage to me
i think that's everything that i need to update you on, but if you have anymore questions, let me know!
i will update the faq as needed! fair warning, it may take me a minute to get back in the tourney groove. that said, rejoice! the end of round 1 is imminent!
many happy heterosexual returns!
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moonshynecybin · 6 months
Taking the ama very seriously, so ... top 3 doctor who companions and top 3 reincarnations bc I need to know this
i’m doing this as a set do NOT separate frequently bought together. okay with the understanding i love them allll so so much:
1. tenrose. invented love to teenage me. most likely era to appear actually physically on my blog. ninerose also up there they are a beautiful lesbian couple and inseparable from tenrose imo.
2. eleven and the ponds were the team i started watching at so i do love them :D not much to say i don’t rewatch it a bunch but they give me so many nice nostalgic feelings… amy pond the woman that you areeee. lowkey the funniest outside of donna but she DOES clear them in that regard. unfortunate moffat stuff present here but. whatever honestly it’s so fun !! there are vampires and romans and pirates i like it.
2. twelveclara bc they are SO fucked up. just rewatched their seasons ans like. the actual episode plots are meh but their relationship is so genuinely insane. she like. CHEATEDDD on the soldier boyfriend of hers. FULL emotional affair that everyone is well aware is happening it’s so crazy. voted companion most likely to dogwalk the doctor in some weird sex power thing they BOTH deny is happening. also kind of lesbians to me. twelve is so swaggy he deserved better dumb one off episodes tbh
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thealogie · 7 months
appearnly series 10 of doctor who is a hugely mixed bag. I WILL SAY!!! series 10 feels super RTD era idk what it is about it i think its just the companion and doctor dynamic?. they also do a weird thing where they tie up all plot lines at the end of series 9 and start fresh in series 10 its like so obvious moffat wanted series 10 to be like a starting point for new viewers LOL but def makes the series feel lighter and sillier at least the start of it. also nardole is there ig
I know I said I probably couldn’t keep watching after s4 but I really don’t think I have another one in me. I’m gonna enjoy my twelveclara and then peace out!
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aroacee-of-spades · 2 years
Finally doing an introduction post thing
(used to be drowninglnstars -> aro-ghosts -> newaronantics-> nightdiety -> reclusory -> aroacee-of-spades)
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(banner above isn't my own)
Helloo! My name is Nyx
(if u don't wanna read everything just read the words in bold, that would give u a decent understanding of this mess of a blog)
any pronouns (fuck gender i live on pure vibes)
i'm aroace isn’t that cool??
(sexual attraction?? romantic attraction?? platonic love??? who knows?? probably a secret fourth thing.)
the only other thing anybody needs to know abt me is that i am the definition of 'trainwerck'. this blog is nothing but chaos.
This is my main blog
Main fandoms are currently (ones in red are current hyperfixations, italics are fandoms i interact with the most):
doctor who (twelveclara fan 1st human being 2nd)
neil gaiman works (mostly good omens & the sandman)
horror podcasts (malevolent, tma, wtnv, the red valley, ethics town, woe.begone, sherlock & co, etc)
musicals (hadestown, EPIC: the musical, falsettos, newsies, etc.)
percy jackson & the olympians (the entire universe -including the show)
arcane (more on this when s2 comes out!!)
interview with the vampire (and other various vampire literature/shows)
bungou stray dogs (also many other animes but specifically bsd)
and who the fuck knows what else I obsess over new stuff every week
there is no order here I will be crying one minute and blorboposting the next. 
i am, unfortunately, an artist, hopefully there will be more art on the tag: #my art bullshit
I also like talking about BOOKS and FILM and ART and it's easy to pick up on what my interests are if you scroll around my blog a bit (if anyone has a book/film rec feel free to share w/ me i love recommendations, so sooo serious, pls, just go into my asks and recommend it!!).
CW: i swear a lot, mentions of trauma sometimes (both of characters and me) and untagged media (i will usually tag warnings)
[don't rb this]
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prpfs · 7 months
Looking for some Doctor Who roleplay. The Bold is who I want to play.
- Clara/Rose
- Clara/Martha
- Clara/Bill
I have a few ideas for Clara / Companion pairings, some individualised by each era.
I also like the idea of them encountering a splinter of Clara, them getting close, the splinter dying to protect the Doctor and then encountering another. But as I said, there are lots of ideas to play on!
- Martha/Rose
- Clara/Twelve
TwelveClara is my favourite Doctor Who pairing so please give me your Twelve. I have a million thoughts we can bounce off each other.
- Psi/Any Doctor
Psi from Time Heist is one of my favourite one episode characters. I'd love to expand on a timeline where he went on to travel with the Doctor, leading to a romantic bond.
- Jack/Ten
Would love to set this during the time on board the Valiant but I am also open to slotting it in at any point.
Propose some other ships to be! I’m open-minded and will hear you out.
Whatever pairing we decide on, I would love for us to be able to come up with the plot together equally!
I'm a 21+ writer who is literate and writes multi-paragraph to Novella style responses in the third person. GMT Timezone and a regular responder hoping for the same. That said, real life always comes first to me and I deeply respect my roleplay partner and their time.
I have zero limits and l'm a huge fan of angsty stories with darker themes (taboo is fine with me) but I also like fluffy scenes. I'm OOC friendly too!
I love writing side characters and there are so many to choose from in this world!
Like and I'll reach out to you for your info 💙
like and they'll get back to you
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findroleplay · 7 months
Looking for some Doctor Who roleplay. The Bold is who I want to play.
- Clara/Rose
- Clara/Martha
- Clara/Bill
I have a few ideas for Clara / Companion pairings, some individualised by each era.
I also like the idea of them encountering a splinter of Clara, them getting close, the splinter dying to protect the Doctor and then encountering another. But as I said, there are lots of ideas to play on!
- Martha/Rose
- Clara/Twelve
TwelveClara is my favourite Doctor Who pairing so please give me your Twelve. I have a million thoughts we can bounce off each other.
- Psi/Any Doctor
Psi from Time Heist is one of my favourite one episode characters. I'd love to expand on a timeline where he went on to travel with the Doctor, leading to a romantic bond.
Whatever pairing we decide on, I would love for us to be able to come up with the plot together equally!
I'm a 21+ writer who is literate and writes multi-paragraph to Novella style responses in the third person. GMT Timezone and a regular responder hoping for the same. That said, real life always comes first to me and I deeply respect my roleplay partner and their time.
I have zero limits and l'm a huge fan of angsty stories with darker themes (taboo is fine with me) but I also like fluffy scenes. I'm OOC friendly too!
I love writing side characters and there are so many to choose from in this world!
Like and I'll reach out to you for your info 💙
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findyourrp · 7 months
Looking for some Doctor Who roleplay. The Bold is who I want to play.
- Clara/Rose
- Clara/Martha
- Clara/Bill
I have a few ideas for Clara / Companion pairings, some individualised by each era.
I also like the idea of them encountering a splinter of Clara, them getting close, the splinter dying to protect the Doctor and then encountering another. But as I said, there are lots of ideas to play on!
- Martha/Rose
- Clara/Twelve
TwelveClara is my favourite Doctor Who pairing so please give me your Twelve. I have a million thoughts we can bounce off each other.
- Psi/Any Doctor
Psi from Time Heist is one of my favourite one episode characters. I’d love to expand on a timeline where he went on to travel with the Doctor, leading to a romantic bond.
Whatever pairing we decide on, I would love for us to be able to come up with the plot together equally!
I’m a 21+ writer who is literate and writes multi-paragraph to Novella style responses in the third person. GMT Timezone and a regular responder hoping for the same. That said, real life always comes first to me and I deeply respect my roleplay partner and their time.
I have zero limits and I’m a huge fan of angsty stories with darker themes (taboo is fine with me) but I also like fluffy scenes. I’m OOC friendly too!
I love writing side characters and there are so many to choose from in this world!
Like and I’ll reach out to you for your info 💓
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