#Apartments facing Burj Khalifa
shapoorjiproperties · 10 months
Imperial Avenue by Shapoorji Properties in Downtown Dubai is a 45-story residential tower with exclusive 2 and 3-bedroom residential apartments and extravagant 4 & 5-bedroom penthouses for sale in Downtown Dubai, UAE.
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caesariawritesstuff · 1 month
(Arkham!Riddler x Fem!Reader)
● Ao3 ● X ● Retrospring ● Read on Ao3 ●
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He was on the TV. Again. That irritating voice of his, like always, grating on your every last nerve. Knots twisted in your stomach and you glared at the screen, which Edward Nigma, the Riddler, had somehow managed to take over, broadcasting his face all across Gotham. Green question marks danced in the background behind him, illuminating your apartment in an ominous green glow.
“Listen up Gotham!” he cried. “All across the city, I’ve left a series of carefully crafted conundrums for you to solve.” He laughed, high-pitched and full of ego.
You rolled your eyes, rage rising up from your belly and spreading through your veins like wildfire. Already, you were drowning out the sound of his voice, you absent-mindedly reached for your remote to mute his ever-annoying voice. God, didn’t this guy have anything better to do with his time? With an angry huff, you snatched up your phone and hopped onto social media, only to find a thousand other Gothamites expressing their same distaste for the Riddler. Any man as obsessed with Batman as he was had some serious issues. Many Gothamites were using some rather choice words to complain about the interruption of their regularly scheduled programming, and you couldn’t help but laugh at a few of them.
Turning your attention to your own page, you wrote, Can’t this guy get a life? He needs a serious reality check. His ego is bigger than the Empire State Building! With one button, you sent the post off into the vast void of the internet.
Almost immediately, a dozen people began commenting on your own post, words of agreement flooding your screen. But as you watched more and more come in, one in particular got your attention. The profile image was of one single, green question mark against a black background.
And your brain is smaller than an ants, the commenter had replied.
You rolled your eyes. Of course, it was just another Riddler fanboy coming to jump to his defense. Gotham was ripe with plenty of those. But just as you were about to set your phone aside, a second comment from the same profile caught your eye.
If you want a better insult, I suggest using the Burj Khalifa. It is the tallest building in the world, but of course, your pea sized brain wouldn’t have known.
You frowned, cheeks burning. Your brain was not pea sized! Another dozen insults suddenly came your way, and you chewed on your bottom lip. Anxiety twisted in your belly, and even though people were jumping to your defense, the onslaught of creative insults continued to come at rapid speed. Quickly, you deleted your original comment and raised your eyes to the screen, relieved to see Riddler’s broadcast had officially ended.
Good, you thought, even if the insults still got under your skin, as anger rippled inside your bones. With an angry huff, you stood and headed to bed.
The next day, you found yourself walking through Gotham on your way home from work. But as you weaved your way through the trash-riddle streets, a strange feeling crept over you. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up on end, goosebumps crawled along your flesh. The sudden sensation that you were being followed washed over you; glancing over your shoulder, you checked the streets, but saw nothing – at least, nothing out of the ordinary. You took a quick swing right, down an alley you always cut through to get to your apartment, when you saw it: a small box sitting on the ground, purple with green question marks on it.
“Oh no—” you said, but before you could even turn to run, the box suddenly opened, expelling a cloud of green gas. You coughed, eyes watering at the smoke filled your lungs – and everything went dark.
When you finally awoke, your limbs were stiff and achy. Your throat was scratchy and you struggled to prop yourself up, looking around at the shadowy room you found yourself in. Blinking the sleep from your eyes, you managed to prop yourself up and look around the room. Darkness lingered in the corners, and you saw nothing in the distance – other than the simple fact you were inside a cage.
“Shit,” you whispered, pulling yourself to your feet. The room suddenly illuminated in a green haze, as the shadowy corners were lit up with question marks covering all the walls. You ran forward, wrapping your fingers around the iron bars; the space between them was too thin to squeeze through.
“So, you’re the one who said I have an ego the size of the Empire State Building,” a familiar, annoying voice suddenly came over the intercom.
Crap, you’d know that voice anywhere. The same one that came over the TV only the night before. Irritating and grating on every single one of your nerves. You searched the room, but between the ominous green glow and shadowy corners, it was impossible to tell where he might be.
“Let me out of here!” you yelled. “What do you think you’re doing?”
He let out a bored sigh. “Isn’t it obvious? You really have no sense of making your own conclusions, do you? And for your information, I don’t have an ego.”
Right. Of course not. Any man who hacks into Gotham’s TVs and broadcasts himself for everyone to see can’t possibly have an ego. With a shake of your head, you turned, examining the cage, only to discover that there were three podiums lined up one by one on the other side.
“All right,” you said. “What am I supposed to do?”
“I thought I’d run a little experiment,” he replied. “Since you’re clearly in need of some intellectual stimulation, I’ve prepared three riddles for you to answer. If you can answer them correctly, you go free. If you can’t, well…you’ll see.” A low chuckle escaped his lips.
Your skin bristled at his threat, face draining of all color. This couldn’t be happening – it couldn’t be. You squeezed your eyes shut, desperately hoping to wake up from this nightmare, but when you opened them, you were still in the same spot. Okay – deep breaths. The only way to get out of here was to answer the riddles. That was his MO, right?
You braced yourself and turned to the first podium, examining it. In bright green writing was a riddle, along with three buttons labeling multiple choice answers. Okay – so that was a good thing. He was going easy on you, giving you a chance. Maybe he thought you were too stupid to answer them without some level of guidance.
“I am easy to lift, but hard to throw. What am I?” he asked.
You studied the choices: Feather. Paper. Ball. “Uh…” you wondered, the word slipping out of your mouth.
“Tik-tok,” he said, his tone laced with impatient and condescending.
Your palms grew sweaty, your heart pounded in your ears. You swallowed, throat scratchy and dry as panic filled you. You had to choose – in case something happened – in an instant of pure terror, you slammed your hand down on the button for paper…but it immediately flashed red.
“Wrong!” he cried. “What a disappointment. Now, next riddle. What is full of holes but still holds water?”
Examining the next choices, one in particular caught your attention. Oh! A sponge. You clicked the button and sighed in relief when it turned green.
“Well, well, perhaps you do have some shred of intellect,” he said. “But lucky for you, that was one of the easy ones.”
Of course he had to rub it in your face that you got the “easiest” one right. Looking around the cage, you mumbled, “I’m not stupid, you know.”
“Of course you are, my dear. Otherwise you wouldn’t have gotten caught. You wouldn’t have taken the same route you always do through that alleyway back to your apartment. At least take some effort to analyze your surroundings as you walk.”
You paused, his words washing over you. Wait…what? “Have you been spying on me!?” you cried, unable to contain the horror in your voice.
“Wait – no, of course not!” he cried, defensive and frantic. “I checked the surrounding security cameras near your apartment. That’s all.”
“So you were spying! That’s creepy! Don’t be a Peeping Tom!”
He sighed. “You haven’t forgotten my name already, have you? You do know the correct term would be “Peeping Edward”. You really are daft.”
There was a sudden, long pause that washed over you when you realized just what he’d said. In such a sarcastic tone.
“Wait,” he said, suddenly realizing what he’d said. “That’s not what I meant.”
You couldn’t help it – something inside of you broke. That utter hatred and irritation for him snapped, making room for the laughter escaping your lips. Your shoulders shook, unable to contain yourself as the sound poured out of your mouth. Warmth flooded your veins and you held onto the iron bars, resting your forehead against them.
“Wait, wait, wait!” he cried. “Stop laughing. That feeble mind of yours couldn’t possibly find humor in what I’ve said.”
Despite his protests, you couldn’t stop. You slid to your knees, ribs aching as the laughter continued. You couldn’t believe you felt this way, as if all the anger had suddenly disappeared and been replaced by something else entirely. A pounding in your chest, a fluttering in your heart.
A yellow glow suddenly filled the room, and you looked up to find a door on the other side open. Edward Nigma strolled inside, wearing cargo pants and a wife beater covered by a button down clad with question marks. His cheeks were flushed, red creeping up his throat, as he stormed over to the cage.
“Silence!” he cried. “We’re not finished here yet, remember? You still have one more riddle to solve.”
As you caught your breath, you wiped your eyes and managed to control yourself. Oh, right. You were still trapped in the cage. But no longer did you feel fear and hatred and irritation…instead you felt something else. A heavy beating in your heart; you met his eyes, blue and stern. Your cheeks warmed at the sight of him. He was more handsome in person than you expected. Your face flushed and you looked away shyly, not wanting to meet his eyes.
Oh no…this couldn’t be happening.
“Now,” he said, clearing his throat. “One last riddle. Or has your tiny brain already forgotten?”
“No,” you said. “I haven’t.” You turned your attention back to the third podium and glanced down at the green lettering.
I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?
Three choices: Map. Space. Painting.
You hesitated, heart hammering against your ribcage. Not because of nerves this time – not because your life was on the line – but because he was watching you. Your every movement. Hesitantly, you clicked the “painting” button and it immediately flashed red.
He sighed. “You really are stupid.”
You spun around on your heels. “Wait – please give me another chance!”
“I don’t do second chances,” he said, but as he spoke, he pulled a key from his pocket and slid it into the keyhole, unlocking the door. The iron bars swung open and he stepped aside, gesturing for you to leave.
You watched him hesitantly. “You’re letting me go?”
“You really are lacking in any kind of survival instinct, aren’t you? I’m setting you free and you’re not even running.” He raised his brows, a bored and disappointed look crossing his face.
Perhaps you should be, but you didn’t want to run. You were far more interested in taking the time to watch him a little longer…your blood raced hot, and a nervous lump formed in your throat that you tried to swallow. You suddenly couldn’t take your eyes off him: the toned muscles of his arms, the small patch of curly chest hair, the sweat dripping down his brow…
“Why are you just standing there?” he asked, brows furrowed. “You’re a hostage – act like one!”
“Sorry. Well, I just don’t understand why you brought me here and now you’re letting me go,” you said.
He sighed. “Because I was bored, and I thought you would make an interesting experiment, but alas, you failed my tests. And since I’m feeling generous, I’m allowing you to go free. See? I told you I don’t have an ego. Now you can run online to your little friends and tell them just how generous I, Edward Nigma, the Riddler, am. Now go. Before I change my mind.”
A small smile crept across your lips. With a shake of your head, you wandered out of the cage and past him, catching a whiff of musk and sweat and him. Heart thundering against your chest, you turned and stood on your tiptoes – and planted one kiss onto his cheek. He suddenly stilled, as if short-circuiting, before you pulled away and raced out of the hideout before he could decide to kill you.
And the next time he came on the TV, you’d make sure to savor the moment.
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hapireads · 1 year
The Queen of The Damned Review
This series has again kind of stumped me. I can't really say 100% whether I enjoyed or disliked this novel. It's a mixture of both experiences I guess?
First and foremost, the best and worst thing about this novel was Lestat's presence. The best aspect of this was that Lestat was written just as perfect as ever. His cockiness, whimsy and dramatic flair did not falter for even a second! (Calling himself the James Bond of vampires was wild and hilarious, especially because it's TRUE) The worst aspect was that there was so very little of it. Most of the novel switched between other people's perspectives and, well, I simply did not care for that. Don't get me wrong, I liked a ton of these characters, but I am simply not interested in their lives.
However, I will first delve into the character perspectives that I enjoyed. ARMAND AND DANIEL! DANIEL AND ARMAND! My eternal loves. The Devil's Minion chapter made this entire novel worth it for me. What a fucking trip! It was so disgustingly sweet to see how open Armand always was in his love for Daniel, even if he is a psycho little gremlin. Comparing this single chapter to the entire of IWTV novel would be a trip and a half, as the representations of the romantic relationships in them are so incredibly disparate. From Armand calling Daniel his "beloved" multiple times, to Armand giving Daniel an amulet with a vial of his blood on it to protect him, to Daniel actually wearing it, to the explicit declarations of desire, love and lust, I was enamoured with this portion of the novel. It was really interesting to see how their relationship began as it was entirely twisted and entirely ROMANTIC. Armand chasing Daniel all over the place, scaring him half to death and then showering him with material care and eventually the declaration to end all declarations: "I love you. If I hadn't grown to love you, I would have killed you before now, of course" (92), followed up by "You are mine, beautiful boy" (93), GOD SEDATE ME. Armand you saucy bastard. I don't even want to delve into Armand having Daniel teach him about technology or shaving Daniel's face for him, I will burst out into fucking tears. God will have to wrench Armandaniel out of my cold dead hands.
A little interlude: The explanation of Armand's 'Night Island' on page 100 was really interesting to me. Armand has created this material haven of his own, with glass elevators which 'reach the heavens'...a little similar to Louis' apartment in the Burj Khalifa (in the show), no? Anyways, just some food for thought.
Moving on, I really was not a fan of the red-head twin dreams everyone was having. The storyline was interesting but having all these different characters have those dreams simply was boring to me, and the fact that the relevance of it wasn't revealed until the very end was borderline annoying. I particularly disliked Jesse and her experience with the Talamasca and her family. While I find Maharet and Mael to be exceedingly interesting vampires, I could not bring myself to give a shit about Jesse nor her mortality and it went on for so! damn! long! It felt unnecessary to me honestly.
Now, I didn't particularly like Khayman, but I did find him diverting in many instances. Like, why was he so obsessed with 'goodness' and Lestat? I mean, I get it on some level, because who isn't into Lestat, but the fixation seems interesting. Has there never been a vampire who was concerned with their morality before? I'd be interested to learn more about Khayman.
I think it time to move onto the character of interest in the novel, the Queen of the Damned herself, Akasha. I was simply, not a fucking fan. I know that might be a bit of an unpopular opinion but I simply could not understand her at all. Why the fuck was Lestat the only vampire who could wake her? Why was she so obsessed with Lestat when she didn't even know him? Why did she randomly decide to commit genocide? I mean, I really did understand some of her reasoning regarding her choice to eliminate males specifically, but at the end of the day I could not stomach her indiscriminately massacring all males (which were almost all in impoverished, third world countries??). I feel like maybe there should've been more build up to her character, I probably would've liked her a lot more. I especially despised her character during Maharet's flashbacks. (I hate royalty for a reason and Akasha fit into that reason a little too well).
Moving onto the ending of the novel, DAMN! Anne Rice strikes again. She seems to be an expert in starving the audience of any Louis and Lestat content for hundreds of pages, till the point that you forget they were even a couple, and then catching you off guard with the most bone achingly, disgustingly endearing descriptions of the two and interactions between them. What the hell do you mean Louis asked Lestat, "You're not going to leave us, are you?" which his voice was sharpened by distress? What the hell do you mean Lestat asked Louis, "Do you love me?" What the hell do you mean Louis said "Yes"? What the HELL do you mean Lestat took his Louis for his first ever flight and it was a beautiful experience for them both. Anne Rice FREE ME FROM THE SHACKLES OF LOUIS AND LESTAT. PLEASE.
P. S. I also really enjoyed the random references to Louis' Interview With The Vampire book, which he published in the series. I love that they Rice continuously goes back to the fact that the novel was entirely a product of Louis' bias and, therefore, it is almost a work of a fiction, with a 'hero' (Louis) and a 'villain' (Lestat). I feel as though a lot (!!!) of show specific fans fail to acknowledge that Louis' bias plays into the entire representation of the first season (which is based on the first novel).
Overall, I give The Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice a 7.5/10.
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friendsaqua · 3 months
What adventure activities do you enjoy in Dubai?
Dubai is known for its luxurious lifestyle, skyscrapers, and stunning architecture. However, beyond the glitz and glamor, this Emirati city offers a plethora of heart-pounding adventure activities for thrill-seekers. From jet skiing on the crystal-clear waters of the Arabian Gulf to parasailing high in the sky while taking in the breathtaking views of the city's skyline, Dubai is a paradise for adrenaline junkies. One of Dubai's most popular adventure sports in dubai is banana boat riding, an exhilarating experience that promises fun in the sun and a splash of adventure.
Jet skiing in Dubai is a must-do activity for those seeking an adrenaline rush on the water. With its calm waters, warm climate, and stunning coastal scenery, Dubai provides the perfect setting for jet skiing enthusiasts. Several rental companies in Dubai offer jet ski services, allowing visitors to zip around the coastline at high speeds and enjoy panoramic views of the city's iconic landmarks, such as the Burj Al Arab and the Palm Jumeirah. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced rider, Jet Ski rental dubai is an unforgettable experience that will leave you with lasting memories of this vibrant city.
For those who prefer a more leisurely but equally exhilarating experience, parasailing in Dubai is the perfect choice. Parasailing allows you to soar high above the city and take in panoramic views of the coastline and the sparkling waters below. As you are harnessed to a parachute and towed by a speedboat, you can enjoy the sensation of flying while feeling the warm breeze on your face. Parasailing in Dubai is a thrilling adventure that offers a unique perspective of the city and its stunning surroundings.
One of Dubai's most popular water activities is banana boat ride dubai, a fun-filled adventure that promises laughter and excitement for the whole family. A banana boat is an inflatable raft shaped like a banana that is towed by a speedboat, providing riders with a bumpy but thrilling ride on the water. As the speedboat picks up speed, the banana boat bounces and twists, offering a fun and adrenaline-pumping experience for riders of all ages. Banana boat riding is a great way to cool off on a hot day and enjoy the beautiful coastline of Dubai while having a blast with friends and family.
Apart from these water-based activities, Dubai also offers a wide range of land-based adventure sports catering to all thrill-seekers. From dune bashing in the desert to skydiving over the iconic Palm Jumeirah, Dubai has something for everyone looking to get their adrenaline fix. Dune bashing in a 4x4 vehicle is a popular activity in Dubai, where visitors can experience the thrill of driving over sand dunes at high speeds and navigating the rugged terrain of the desert. With experienced drivers guiding the way, dune bashing is an exhilarating adventure that allows you to experience the beauty of the Arabian desert up close.
For those seeking a more extreme adventure, skydiving in Dubai offers a once-in-a-lifetime experience that will leave you exhilarated and awe-inspired. With breathtaking views of the city's skyline, including the iconic Burj Khalifa and the artificial Palm Jumeirah, skydiving in Dubai & parasailing in dubai is a truly unforgettable experience. As you free from thousands of feet above the ground, you will experience an adrenaline rush before your parachute opens, allowing you to glide gently back to earth while taking in the stunning views below.
In addition to these adventure activities, Dubai also offers a wide range of other thrilling experiences, such as zip-lining over the Dubai Fountain, hot air balloon rides over the desert, and scuba diving in the clear waters of the Arabian Gulf. Whether you are a water enthusiast, a thrill-seeker, or an adrenaline junkie, Dubai has something for everyone looking to add a dose of excitement to their visit.
In conclusion, Dubai is a city that offers a wealth of adventure activities for those seeking an adrenaline rush and a break from the ordinary. From jet skiing and parasailing on the waters of the Arabian Gulf to dune bashing in the desert and skydiving over the city's iconic landmarks, Dubai promises an unforgettable adventure for thrill-seekers. Whether you are looking to soar high in the sky, splash in the water, or explore the desert landscapes, Dubai has something for everyone to enjoy and create lasting memories of their visit to this vibrant city.
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blackstonegulf · 5 months
The Affordable and Best Areas to Rent in Dubai Based on Salary Ranges
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Dubai, with its iconic skyline and vibrant culture, is a city that attracts people from all over the world. Whether you're moving to Dubai for work or seeking a new adventure, one of the first decisions you'll face is where to live. Dubai offers a wide range of housing options, from luxurious apartments in upscale neighborhoods to more budget-friendly accommodations in emerging areas. In this blog post, we will explore the best areas for 2-bedroom apartment rent in Dubai based on different salary ranges, helping you make an informed decision about your new home.
High Salary Range (AED 20,000+ per month)
If you have a high salary, Dubai offers some of the most luxurious and upscale residential areas in the world. Here are a few of the best options:
a. Palm Jumeirah
Known for its iconic palm-shaped islands, Palm Jumeirah is home to some of Dubai's most extravagant villas and apartments.
Waterfront living, private beaches, and stunning views are the norm here.
Rent for a 3-bedroom apartment can range from AED 150,000 to AED 300,000 per year.
b. Emirates Hills
A gated community with beautifully landscaped surroundings and exclusive golf course views.
Home to luxurious villas with spacious living areas.
Rent for a 4-bedroom villa can start at AED 300,000 per year.
c. Downtown Dubai
If you prefer an urban lifestyle, Downtown Dubai offers high-end apartments with breathtaking views of the Burj Khalifa and Dubai Fountain.
Rent for a 2-bedroom apartment in this area can range from AED 150,000 to AED 250,000 per year.
Mid-Salary Range (AED 10,000 - 20,000 per month)
For those with a mid-range salary, Dubai still offers plenty of comfortable and attractive neighborhoods. Here are some options:
a. Dubai Marina
Known for its scenic canals and bustling atmosphere, Dubai Marina offers a wide range of apartments with various price points.
Rent for a 2-bedroom apartment can range from AED 80,000 to AED 140,000 per year.
b. Jumeirah Lakes Towers (JLT)
JLT is a family-friendly area with numerous parks and lakes.
Rent for a 2-bedroom apartment in JLT typically starts at AED 75,000 per year.
c. Barsha Heights (Tecom)
Located near Dubai Internet City and Dubai Media City, Tecom offers affordable apartments and easy access to business hubs.
Rent for a 1-bedroom apartment can start at AED 50,000 per year.
Low-Salary Range (AED 5,000 - 10,000 per month)
Even with a lower salary, there are still areas in Dubai where you can find reasonably priced accommodations:
a. International City
Known for its diverse community and affordable apartments, International City is a popular choice for expats on a budget.
Rent for a 1-bedroom apartment can start at AED 30,000 per year.
b. Discovery Gardens
A well-planned community with budget-friendly apartments and a variety of amenities.
Rent for a studio apartment in Discovery Gardens can start at AED 25,000 per year.
c. Al Qusais
Located in the eastern part of Dubai, Al Qusais offers reasonably priced apartments and easy access to public transportation.
Rent for a 1-bedroom apartment can start at AED 35,000 per year.
Ultra-Low Salary Range (Below AED 5,000 per month)
If you're on an ultra-low budget, it's essential to find the most affordable areas in Dubai:
a. Al Nahda
Al Nahda is a budget-friendly residential area with modest apartments and convenient amenities.
Rent for a studio apartment in Al Nahda can start at AED 18,000 per year.
b. International City (Dragon Mart)
A subsection of International City, Dragon Mart offers some of the most economical housing options in Dubai.
Rent for a studio apartment can start as low as AED 15,000 per year.
c. Deira
Deira, one of Dubai's oldest neighborhoods, has a mix of low-cost apartments and vibrant street life.
Rent for a studio apartment in Deira can start at AED 20,000 per year.
Dubai is a city of contrasts, offering housing options for residents with varying salary ranges. Whether you're earning a high income or living on a tight budget, there's a neighborhood in Dubai office space that can suit your needs. Keep in mind that rental prices can fluctuate, so it's essential to do thorough research and consider your priorities when choosing the right place to call home in this dynamic and diverse city.
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havenhomes · 5 months
The Sterling at Business Bay
The Sterling at Business Bay
The Sterling by Omniyat is a luxurious residential project located in the heart of Downtown Dubai, near Al Asayel Street, which offers easy connectivity through an interconnected road network. Residents can easily access numerous key landmarks and tourist areas including the iconic Burj Khalifa, Dubai Ice Rink, Dubai Mall, Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary, and more.
Lodj's specialized team provides end-to-end property management services, from guest check-in to check-out and everything in between, allowing investors to relax and enjoy a stress-free solution while the team takes care of their properties.
The Sterling, developed by Omniyat, is a luxury residential project offering stylishly designed apartments ranging from studios to 3-bedroom apartments with penthouses. It provides a high-quality lifestyle with first-class facilities and amenities.
Amenities at The Sterling include landscaped gardens, a gymnasium, a swimming pool, mailboxes, a recreational room, 24-hour concierge service, a beautiful garden, retail facilities, and more. The project offers beautifully designed apartments in Downtown Dubai, featuring studios, 1, 2, and 3-bedroom apartments, exclusive townhouses, and penthouses with views of the Burj Khalifa.
The Sterling consists of two stunning towers located in the Burj Khalifa area of Downtown Dubai, connected by halls forming the lobby, retail areas, and elevated gardens. With smart interior designs and stunning architectural facades, The Sterling has become a prominent tower glowing in the city center at night.
The project includes 25 floors featuring a selection of studios, 1, 2, and 3-bedroom apartments, exclusive townhouses, and elegant penthouses, all offering fantastic city views and vistas of Burj Khalifa, Mohammed Bin Rashid City, and the Creek.
Special amenities in The Sterling include beautifully chrome-finished lobbies, apartments equipped with designer furniture, high-quality materials, windows allowing abundant natural light, controlled access, full concierge services, and amenities including lounge areas, state-of-the-art gym, swimming pools, and spa.
Conveniently located in the vibrant Downtown Dubai neighborhood, The Sterling is less than 7 kilometers from the Dubai International Financial Centre, 11 km from the Trade Centre, and 10 minutes from the future Dubai Design District. It offers easy access to the world's largest shopping center, Dubai Mall, exclusive designer stores like Chanel, Dior, and Louis Vuitton, and is close to Al Khail Road for easy access to various Dubai destinations.
Features of The Sterling include:
Located in the heart of the Burj Khalifa area.
Stunning views of the Burj Khalifa, Mohammed Bin Rashid City, and the canal.
Exclusive pool, recreational areas, and elevated gardens.
Facing community gardens by the main developer.
Numerous amenities and facilities.
Beautiful interior designs with top-quality materials and fittings.
Easy access to Sheikh Zayed Road, Al Asayel Street, and Al Khail Road.
Minutes away by car from the Dubai International Financial Centre, Trade Centre, Dubai Mall, and Dubai Design District.
Breathtaking views of the Burj Khalifa and Downtown Dubai.
Luxurious furnished apartments equipped with all appliances and home automation systems.
Well-painted gypsum ceilings, soft LED lights, marble stone flooring, and stone kitchen countertops.
Equipped with 3 passenger elevators and one service elevator for each tower.
High-quality finishes in shared and interior spaces.
Dedicated amenities for each tower (landscaped gardens, gymnasium, swimming pool, mailboxes…).
24-hour concierge service, retail stores.
Dubai #UAERealEstate #The_Sterling_at_Business_Bay
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dubaiproperties · 6 months
EMAAR Parkland   :  Represents Exclusive Lifestyle In Dubai
Due to significant investments in infrastructure, banking, vacationing, producing goods, commerce, and substantial oil exports, Dubai, the second-largest Emirate in the United Arab Emirates, has gained international recognition. Investment in real estate rose gradually, particularly among UAE citizens, until 2002, when international expatriates were granted the right to own real estate.
The Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA) was established in 2007 to improve efficiency and transparency in Dubai's real estate market. The Dubai government has amended and enacted new legislation to encourage international investors to consider Dubai as a long-term destination. Various legal moves demonstrate Dubai's inclusiveness of all demographics within its population.
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When it comes to growth, experience, and prestige, EMAAR offers park-facing apartments that allow residents to live a life that counts. Therefore, EMAAR Parkland is the greatest alternative for a profitable real estate choice.
Benefit of living at EMAAR Parkland Dubai
Layout of the Floor
The concept is that you have unlimited access to this area and even every corner comes to the correct use, and this is what its floor plan demonstrates to have 100% room. The site is well created on the new floor plan to get the greatest command over this space where even the designs are nicely exhibited.
The Website
This EMAAR property is mostly covered in lush greenery, which helps to provide a pollution-free atmosphere and even a cheerful place to live. It's thought that living in such a setting is a great way to maintain a connection with nature.
The location boasts stunning views of the Dubai Hills Estate and Dubai Marina, which are always accessible. Its proximity to a spotless world championship golf course provides a perfect setting for stimulating, and many other features make this property a great choice for any home seeker.
Located in Dubai Hills Estate is Parkland by Emaar. Because it is a family-oriented neighborhood with all the amenities and necessities for a luxurious lifestyle, one may be able to observe strong appreciation in their current houses.
The well-known neighborhood of Dubai Hills Estate, one of the key areas of MBR city—often referred to as the next downtown—is home to EMAAR properties. With easy access to daily necessities and everything that makes life better and easier, along with a well-developed commuting system, this neighborhood is a great place to live. Because of the strong appreciation that has been observed in this region and the community's specific location on Al Khail Road, which provides further connections to all areas of Dubai, this site is perfect for investors.
Five minutes. Dubai Hills Shopping Center
15 minutes. The Burj Al Arab
Twelve minutes. Meydan Raceway
Twelve minutes. Emirates Mall
15 minutes. Dubai Mall
15 minutes. Burj Khalifa
12 Min. Dubai Marina
20 Min. Dubai International Airport
In summary
This leads us to the conclusion that relocating to Dubai is a smart choice that addresses your lifestyle and investment needs. If you intend to buy Dubai Hill Estate in EMAAR Parkland this will be an extremely profitable move. 
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architectphd · 9 months
A Proposal for Cooperative Investment in Architectural Projects
In today's dynamic world, the construction and architectural industries are continually evolving, with innovation and sustainability becoming increasingly essential. With urbanization on the rise and infrastructure development in high demand, there's a growing need for strategic partnerships and cooperative investments to create iconic and sustainable architectural projects. This article explores the benefits of cooperation in investment for architectural endeavors and presents a compelling proposal for collaboration.
The Power of Collaboration
Collaboration has always been a driving force behind groundbreaking architectural marvels. Some of the world's most iconic structures, from the Sydney Opera House to the Burj Khalifa, were the result of partnerships between visionary architects, investors, and construction teams. These collaborations demonstrate the immense potential that lies in combining expertise, resources, and creativity.
Shared Vision and Expertise
One of the primary advantages of cooperative investment in architectural projects is the ability to bring together individuals or entities with complementary skills and resources. Architects, engineers, real estate developers, and financiers can pool their expertise and financial capacity to realize ambitious projects that may have been otherwise unattainable. This synergy allows for a more comprehensive approach to design and execution, resulting in buildings that are not only aesthetically stunning but also functionally efficient and sustainable.
Risk Mitigation
Investing in architectural projects can be inherently risky due to the complexities involved, including regulatory hurdles, construction challenges, and market fluctuations. By forming cooperative investment partnerships, the risk can be distributed among multiple stakeholders, reducing the burden on any single party. This diversification of risk helps to safeguard investments and ensure the project's long-term viability.
Leveraging Resources
Large-scale architectural projects often require substantial financial resources. Cooperative investment enables stakeholders to access a more extensive pool of funds, making it possible to undertake ambitious projects that might otherwise be financially prohibitive. This access to resources can facilitate the incorporation of cutting-edge technologies, sustainable building practices, and innovative design concepts that can set a project apart.
Sustainability and Innovation
In the face of global environmental challenges, sustainability has become a key focus in architectural design. Cooperative investment can drive innovation by encouraging the integration of eco-friendly technologies and materials into projects. By prioritizing sustainability, investors can not only contribute to a better future but also capitalize on the increasing demand for green buildings.
Proposal for Cooperative Investment
If you are interested in exploring cooperative investment opportunities in architectural projects, here's a basic proposal to consider:
Identifying Project Opportunities: Begin by identifying architectural projects that align with your interests and expertise. These projects should have the potential to deliver both financial returns and societal benefits.
Building a Consortium: Reach out to potential partners who bring unique skills, experience, and financial resources to the table. Architects, developers, construction firms, and financiers can form a well-rounded consortium.
Project Feasibility Study: Conduct a thorough feasibility study to assess the project's viability. This should include market analysis, financial projections, and risk assessments.
Legal Framework: Establish a clear legal framework for the cooperative investment, including profit-sharing agreements, decision-making processes, and dispute resolution mechanisms.
Project Execution: Once the consortium is formed and the project is approved, work collaboratively to bring the architectural vision to life. This includes design, construction, and ongoing project management.
Monitoring and Evaluation: Continuously monitor the project's progress and evaluate its performance against predetermined benchmarks. Make necessary adjustments to ensure success.
Cooperative investment in architectural projects offers a path to creating remarkable, sustainable, and financially rewarding developments. By bringing together diverse expertise and resources, investors can mitigate risks, leverage innovation, and contribute to the betterment of society. The time is ripe for visionary individuals and organizations to collaborate and shape the future of architecture through cooperative investment.
If you are interested in exploring such investment opportunities further, consider reaching out to potential partners and embarking on a journey to build iconic, sustainable architectural landmarks that will leave a lasting legacy for generations to come. Together, we can build a brighter and more inspiring future through the power of collaboration.
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creatiview · 1 year
[ad_1] Dubai is glamorous, luxurious, and indulgent. It’s a city of skyscrapers, shopping and sunshine, where big business rubs shoulders with sun-seeking tourism. Dubai has always been known to push the boundaries when it comes to infrastructure development. With structures like Burj Khalifa, Burj al Arab and the Dubai mall; the skyline of the Emirate has grown farther than that of Manhattan. This slick city is famous for its soaring skyline, but that’s not the only thing to capture the world’s imagination about this bustling city. One of Dubai’s most ambitious projects has been the construction the city’s impressive man-made archipelagos, a land reclamation project that has seen millions of cubic meters of sand dredged from the Persian and Arabian Gulf’s floors, before being sprayed and “vibro-compacted” into shape (using GPS technology for precision) and surrounded by millions of tons of rock for protection. Perhaps the most recognized of the man-made islands is the Palm Jumeirah, and that’s where we started out Dubai stay. The world famous Palm Jumeirah is located one kilometre from Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai’s main arterial road, and consists of a trunk, a crown with 16 fronds and a surrounding crescent island that forms an 11 kilometre long breakwater. The crown is connected to the mainland by a 300 metre long bridge, and the crescent is connected to the top of the palm by a subsea tunnel. The unique island is home to glitzy hotels, fancy apartment towers, upmarket global restaurants, and some of Dubai’s top luxury resorts, including Anantara The Palm Dubai Resort, a luxurious five star resort located on the quieter, eastern crescent of the iconic Palm. With views looking over the bay to the Palm Atlantis on one side, and across to the glittering Dubai skyline on the other, Anantara The Palm is an Asian-inspired sanctuary, that seems a world away from the hustle and bustle of the city. There’s an air of Siam-style sophistication here, and surrounded by lush gardens, the hotel’s buildings could be mistaken for a collection of small Thai temples. 293 beautifully appointed rooms and villas are designed with contemporary Asian flair and surrounded by gardens full of colourful flowers. With 400 metres of private beach, this is the perfect place to indulge in an exclusive beach escape, while still enjoying the excitement of a global city. Here, you can get into the Dubai action, or get away from it all. Clustered around three azure, temperature-controlled lagoon pools, water takes centre stage at this resort. Lagoon Access Rooms are perfect for keen swimmers, with steps leading directly from private decks straight into the inviting water. Three small, Thai style, boats criss-cross the lagoon pools dispensing cocktails, cold towels, fruit and water – the perfect treat in the Dubai sun. Alternatively, with its pagoda-roofed swim-up bar and a crescent of sea-facing sun loungers, the main infinity pool is a lively affair. Those searching for action, can choose from various water sports on the beach or visit the gym. You’ll also find tennis courts, a games room and various water sports on offer, and for the youngest visitors, a children’s club and playground are on offer. The hotel operates long-tail boat rides to and from Barasti Beach (17km away) and a complimentary shuttle service to the Mall of the Emirates (just over 19km away). If that sounds like too much action, then I’d suggest relaxing in the onsite spa or visiting the resort’s Turkish hammam. The nearest Dubai attractions are the Aquaventure Waterpark and The Lost Chambers Aquarium at Atlantis. The Dubai Marina, The Walk, the legendary Burj Khalifa and various malls are only a 25 minute drive away. Art lovers should visit Alserkal Avenue, a cultural district housing contemporary art galleries, and for families, Children’s City science centre and Splash ‘n’ Party Kids Waterpark. If you don’t want to venture far from the hotel,
the Palm’s boardwalk is right on your doorstep and is popular for its views of the Dubai coastline and the sail-shaped Burj Al Arab hotel. Come sundown, you’ve five restaurants to choose from, serving delicious dishes from around the world – world-class Asian dining in the Mekong Restaurant, Mediterranean cuisine in the oceanfront Beach House, or rustic Australian dishes are served at Bushman’s Restaurant and Bar. Crescendo serves up an international buffet and the Lotus Lounge offers light bites and afternoon tea. Mai Bar serves cocktails and beverages throughout the day, and Revo Café offers fresh coffee and pastries. If you really want to get away from the hype of Dubai, Anantara offer the ultimate escape – the Anantara World Islands Dubai Resort, located on its own island just four kilometres, and a 25 minute boat ride, from the Palm. Just like the Palm Jumeirah, the World Islands are an archipelago of 300 small, artificial islands, formed into the shape of a world map. Constructed from 321,000,000 cubic metres of sand, and 386 million tons of rock, the development is surrounded by an oval-shaped breakwater island. Anantara World Islands is the first luxury resort in the World Islands development, and is located in the South American continent. You’ll get a whole new perspective of Dubai from here, as you look back on the city’s dramatic skyline from your island paradise. This is a peaceful place, with your own private beach just steps from your room – a place to come to when you feel the need to escape the city. IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you are reading this article anywhere other than on A Luxury Travel Blog, then the chances are that this content has been stolen without permission. Please make a note of the web address above and contact A Luxury Travel Blog to advise them of this issue. Thank you for your help in combatting content theft. Start your day, by the beach, coffee in hand, as you watch the sun rise from Helios, the Mediterranean restaurant, where breakfast is served on an outdoor beach terrace that offers impressive Dubai cityscape views. The food is great and you’ll likely find yourself returning here for lunch, happy hour or dinner – informal dining with your feet in the sand. If Indian and Arabic cuisine is more your style, then Qamar Restaurant offers oceanfront views to accompany their aromatic and delicious dishes. To work off all the delicious food, perhaps try the island’s running/walking track or the fitness centre. Alternatively, beach volleyball, stand up paddle boarding, jet skis, banana boats and a golf driving range with a difference will keep you busy. However, if you really want to immerse yourself in island bliss and feel your tensions melt away, head for a pampering spa treatment or rejuvenating massage. Dubai definitely delights and with Anantara’s The Palm Resort and World Island Resort, can be both an ultimate city break and a beach vacation destination – the best of both worlds. (function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_GB/all.js#xfbml=1&appId=349160008507614"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); [ad_2] Source link
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Bluewaters Bay is a new launch luxury residential apartments property from MERAAS Properties Developers, located at Bluewaters Island Dubai UAE. The project offers 1, 2, 3, and 4-bedroom apartments for sale in one of the most prime Real Estate location Address in Dubai. The built-up area of 1 BHK Flat in Bluewaters Bay ranges between 801 Sq.ft to 1257.44 Sq.ft  or 74.50 Sqm to 116.82 Sqm, the sales offer Price of 1Bedroom Flat starts at AED – 2,560,000 onwards and offers flexible payment plan options for investors. This is an off-plan under construction water-facing residence with best-in-class amenities and facilities, that is expected to be completed and handover by Q3-2027. Meraas Bluewaters Bay Real Estate offers large size 2 and 3 Bedroom Homes of sizes varying between 975.42 Sq.ft to 2347.82 Sq.ft or 90.62 Sq.m to 218.12 Sqm. This is a high-rise building comprising of TWO Towers and once completed the project will have 672 residents housing complex with well-designed floor plan layouts of different dimensions and sizes.
Most of the Apartments in Meraas Bluewater Bay come with large Balconies and a private Terrace, Investors buyers looking for a Sky Villa Duplex Penthouse purchase in this Island, the project offers 5 Bedroom Penthouse with a 180-degree view, large bedrooms and double height ceiling dining room, that comes with a saleable area of 6907.84 sq.ft. Meraas Blue Waters Bay Island offers attractive prices and flexible payment plan options. The Project location Address is well connected to JBR, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai Knowledge Park, Madinat Jumeirah Living, Jumeirah Beach Hotel, Palm Jumeirah, Burj Al Arab, Dubai Marina, Business Bay, Downtown, Burj Khalifa and Ain Dubai
Looking to Investing in Bluewaters Island Meraas Residences, the project offers 4 Bedroom homes with an area 2994.95 Sq.ft or 278.24 Sqm. Buying housing property in Dubai is one of the easiest processes for localities and NRI’s. The documents required are buyer’s Passport and Booking amount to start with. You can visit our Sales Center to have a personalized experience about the apartments, also We can share more details about the project availability, floor plans, master layout, sale offer price, and Booking details. Our Sales team can arrange for an online meeting, and presentation of properties for sale in platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet or Microsoft Teams.
Discover more
Call: +91 9986614410
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shapoorjiproperties · 11 months
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Indulge in the epitome of relaxation and luxury at Imperial Avenue that is best Residential Projects in Dubai. Immerse yourself in the tranquil waters of our infinity pool, while soaking up the breathtaking skyline views of Dubai. Experience the perfect blend of serenity and sophistication.
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shaankaz · 2 years
Sobha Crest Grande Hartland Apartments Dubai Walkthrough Video
Sobha Hartland Crest Grande Apartments Dubai
Sobha Crest Grande luxury 1 to 4 Bedroom Apartments Property for sale in Dubai from Sobha Realty located at Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum City, Sobha Hartland Dubai. The Project offers 1, 2, 3 & 4 Bedroom residences of sizes ranging between 726 to 2203 sq.ft saleable area. The cost price of 2 bedroom flat starts at AED 1.964 Million onwards and 3 BHK apartment pricing starts at AED 3.164 Million onwards. One of the most interesting part of the project for investor is Sobha’s Flexible 60/40 Payment Plan, Pay 60% During construction and 40% on Possession.
The apartments comes with Covered car parking, Fully fitted Kitchens, Bedroom wardrobe units. This Property in Sobha Hartland offers amazing views from the apartment balcony and an investor or buyer have multiple options to choose from. Some of the homes for sale in dubai faces Burj Khalifa, Dubai Downtown, Water view, Hartland, Amenities, Ras Al Khor Sanctuary and Canal Views. This is an off-plan under construction residential apartment property for sale in Dubai from Sobha Realty.
Buy Sobha Crest Grande Property and enjoy a classy, elegant, and cosmopolitan island lifestyle, with resort-style relaxation surrounded by untouched nature and soothing waterways. Sobha Crest Grande offers a stunning views of the Dubai skyline and the world’s largest tower. These 1 to 4 Bed Spacious Apartments are centrally located in Dubai.
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shisnhou · 3 years
your shinsou headcanon had me rolling 😭😭😭 could you do something like getting drunk with dabi and katsuki (separately) or either them or their s/o having to take care one another while they’re drunk (separately) pretty please? i’m sorry if it’s not clear! english isn’t my first language :(
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pairings: dabi x gn!reader, bakugo x gn!reader
genre: fluff
content warning: dabi manga spoilers! intake of alcoholic drinks, sappy drunk men, not proofread, typographical errors (to be fixed later)
note: hello pretty anon, i hope this was what you’re looking for! and no problem, i understand what you want, but i’m not sure if this is the kind you wanted do tell me if it’s something different! thank you for the request ;)
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— i am a firm believer that dabi has an alcohol tolerance as high as the burj khalifa
— even if he doesn’t get drunk-drunk like everybody else, he gets very tipsy and clumsy, basically borderline drunk
— he won’t hurt anyone when he’s ‘drunk’, instead he’s very flirty and sappy towards anyone
— so when the league knew he was in with the alcohol , they immediately pulled you from wherever you were and warped you into the bar
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you’re dumbfounded, to say the least. everything that had just happened, occurred in a blink of an eye. you were just standing at you apartment living room about five seconds ago and now you’re in the league’s bar.
“what the—”
“dabi needs your help! damned burnt bitch is drunk, you better do something.”
you snap your head to the direction of the masked man. his hands positioned in front of him as one finger points at the hunched man at the bar counter.
“is that dabi?” you question, not quite sure what you’re looking at due to the dim lights of the bar. “and what do you mean help?”
“(y/n)-chan! dabi is drunk and no one wants to deal with him because he’ll be so gross!” toga says. running towards you with a smile on her face. her hands open wide, now wrapping around your waist. “will you please help us?” she says with her twinkling eyes.
you’re baffled, to say the least. a snort leaves past your lips. you’ve always been proven that dabi was never the man who ever tolerated alcohol, his tolerance is high off the charts, so to hear that he actually is down? excited might just be an understatement.
“alright i’ll help you, you two can go now. have a great night.” you tell them, ushering them to go down the halls and leave you to deal with the drunk man himself. and once they’re out of sight, you turn on your heel, a smile now forming on your face.
“and now to help you.” you walk towards him, making sure your steps are light to avoid him noticing you. you can use this as your golden opportunity! make sure that he doesn’t—
“i know one of you assholes are in here, don’t make me do something because i,” he pauses, whipping his head back and pointing at himself. “am not in the mood to kill.” he finishes.
your face falls, your wishes of playing around with his stability now popped like a bubble. you’re now nearing him with the not most amused face, fingers now digging unto the hem of your shirt.
“oh? hello there, doll. what brings you here?” his face turns amused when he spots you walking towards him. he opens his hands wide for you, “come on and give your boyfriend a hug, maybe a kiss too, yeah?”
you physically and mentally stop at your tracks, not sure if you heard or saw that right. but you’re proven wrong when dabi has his hands open, lips churned upwards as he awaits for you to come near him.
“what?” you breath out.
he grins, dropping his hands, now opting to pat his thigh as a sign for you to take your respectful seat on it. “come here?” he almost pouts and you almost die on the spot.
“who the hell are you?” you instantly question, hands now infront of your chest, threateningly showing off small sparks of your quirk. “you are definitely not dabi.”
“but i am dabi?” he asks, hair turning lopsided and eyes looking rejected. even from a distance you can see his cerulean eyes stare at you with desperation, his scarred hands dropping to his sides. “come on doll it’s just me!” he exclaims, getting his butt off the chair.
“your dear old boyfriend touy—”
before he can finish his sentence, which he will for sure regret later, you run towards him and slap his mouth with your hand. “don’t go around saying shit like that!”
but instead of a conscious look, you’re met with his teasing eyes. it takes you a second to then realize that he meant to say it on purpose. “you’re so concerned about me, you really do love me, don’t you, doll?”
you roll your eyes at him while he grins and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you flush against him. his eyes closed as he sways you side to side. “mm, you smell so nice.”
“dabi, please.” you say, but you make no effort on pulling him away, instead allowing him to hold you closer. “it’s late, you should go sleep.” you mumble.
“don’t wanna go to sleep.” he says, bending close to you. his fingers now carding through your hair as the other hand holds you by the small of your back. “just wanna spend some time with you, like this.” he says before pressing a kiss on your forehead.
you smile at your boyfriends uncharacteristic act. the way he hums underneath his breath as he sways you side to side, hand interlaced with yours as he basks in the moment.
it’s not everyday that you see him act like this, so you too, take in the moment. his face not tense as per usual, him visibly enjoying himself with you at the moment.
“hey (y/n)?”
“yes dabi?”
“i love you, very much.”
you grin, grabbing him by his collar and pressing your nose against the tips of his. “love you too patch face.”
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— i’ll start this off by saying that katsuki bakugo cannot hold his alcohol because he’s quote-unquote a good boy.
— he wreaks havoc when he’s drunk, will not hesitate to throw hands at anyone who tries to help him or something
— will not hesitate to say the sappiest thing about his s/o when asked nicely because he loves you so much
— definitely doesn’t care if you’re somebody he knows or not— because he recognizes nobody when he’s on it— he will not hesitate to rip you to shreds if you ever so lightly try to imply that he’s a lightweight
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you bite down on your lip anxiously as the door creaks open, the breath you don’t realize you’ve been holding in, now released as the smell of alcohol hit your senses. your fingers tracing against the wooden lines of the wooden door as you slither into your house, silently pushing the door close when you make it in.
just before your patrol could end kaminari and kirishima spammed you with texts saying that they ‘need your help right now’. you can only guess what they were doing for them to spam you with texts like these, and when you saw that it involved your fiancé, you immediately let someone switch with you and leave to go back home.
“hah?!” you hear loudly and you can instantly guess the owner of the obnoxiously loud voice. “me? a fucking light weight?! get your ass here and let’s see who’s a fucking light weight!”
you make your way past the doorway, keeping your eyes peeled as you walk towards the spacious living room. “bakugo, you should really not yell it’s like eleven—”
“are you telling me to do shit human charger?! come here and let me knock some sense into your fried ass brain!” you can hear kirishima and kaminari heave a deep sigh, probably not noticing your entrance as they try to keep the blond stalled.
“sorry, i didn’t make it that fast you guys can go, i can take care of him.” your voice let out surprised gasps then relieved sighs. kirishima smiles tiredly at you, too tired to say anything while kaminari gives you a side hug. “i already called mina to pick you guys up, so don’t worry about that, just wait out there.” you say, softly tapping their backs.
they smile appreciatively, walking past you towards the door as they release the tension off their body with relieved noises. however with their happy noises comes loud yelling from the blond gremlin. “where are you two going?! wha- who is this?! is this a stripper?! you fuckers i have a fiancée!”
you certainly can’t miss the way he’s thrashing around, backing away as he tries to regain his composure. “listen here you- you- whatever you are. i am a loyal man, understand that? l-o-y-al, if you don’t understand that you can pack your shit and leave!” you snort at his words, contented that he even is still able to let his logical thinking surge through. “there’s the door!”
“oh, katsuki...” you trail, slowly moving towards him with a contented smile. “it’s just me—”
“me who?!” he says loudly, eyes slowly closing themselves but he harshly persists to keep them wide open. “go— go away! i don’t want any of you shit fuck heads! i want my— my comfort person!”
his poor yet sweet choice of words make you grin and snort at the same time. lowering yourself to his level, watching as his eyes fall closed while his lips turn into an adorable pout. “you’re sleepy aren’t you?” but on the short end, you receive no reply.
he doesn’t use his words, opening his eyes. he studies his figure, eyebrow raised as he eyes you up and down respectfully. “you look familiar.” he says, slowly allowing himself to stop thrashing around.
“really?” you ask, grabbing your phone, making sure to capture this moment and tease him with it the mornin after. “how am i familiar to the oh-so-great pro-hero dynamight?”
he lets out a ‘tch’ with his crimson eyes rolling at you. “shut up will you. just take it as a compliment that i’m even saying you look damn familiar, way too familiar even.” he says, barely mumbling the last part as he starts looking away from you.
“will you elaborate then? i just want to know how i look familiar to you? do i remind you of someone you care for?” a blush creeps up to his cheeks, his already tinted ears now growing brighter. the smile on your face grows wide as you zoom in at his face, trying to capture that adorable look on his face.
“would you like to know?” he snickers, voice a bit distant. “just go leave and close the door when you get out. i’m waiting for someone.” he finishes, taking another swig of his bottle only to get dumbfounded when it gives nothing.
“i’ll only leave if you tell me who that someone is.” you tease, and he looks at you. red eyes staring at you with a deadpanned expression, though you can see the excited look on his eyes. “will you tell me then?”
he heaves a sigh, dropping the bottle at hand and turning to face you. “if anyone ever hears about this you’re dead to me, understand you damned extra?” you eagerly nod at him ready to hear what he has to say about you.
“there’s this person in my life— who will not be mentioned—” he glares, making sure you don’t spill anything to someone else. “—they take care of me a lot. they give the best hugs, they give the warmest kisses— or is that the other way around? whatever. anyway, they always know how to make me happy, making me my favourite food even if i don’t mention it. they always make sure to give me an extra treat for lunch or make sure to wash my clothes, we even clean together! which is a plus, because not everyone is like that.” he pauses to catch his breath, a smile unknowingly now on his face. “i love them so much, but if you tell anyone that i will murder you.” he makes sure to add.
your heart grows all fuzzy and soft, melting like custard. you stop recording him, now placing your phone back to your side. “awe, katsuki is that how you see me?” you say.
his brows furrow deeply when he now recognizes that voice, that smell, and the way you coo at him for saying the sappiest thing ever. “(y/n)?!”
you grin at him, inching close and pinching his cheeks, “you’re so adorable, kacchan!”
“i was only saying it because you asked! d— damn idiot.” he breaths out. “you’re lucky i love you.”
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content belongs to @shisnhou on tumblr! do not repost, copy, use, or modify!
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whimsical-ness · 4 years
Felon | 12
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◇ Link to Masterlist
◇ Baekhyun & Kyungsoo series: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | ?
◇ Genre: Cop! Ksoo, Criminal! Baek, Crime! AU, inspired by Dhoom 2
◇ Summary: As your life takes a dangerous turn when you get caught between a criminal and a cop, you begin to question how thin the line between good and bad really is.
◇ Word Count: 4.7k
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The silence held a suffocating grip over your heart as you nervously gripped your hands together, unable to stop them from shaking.
Kyungsoo had spoken barely two sentences to you over the past three days, and his coldness towards you was turning your insides numb. The icy tension between you had only been slightly alleviated by the arrival of Jongin, who had seemingly decided to see your—now pretty much fucked up—plan to the end, no matter how fucked up it had turned out to be.
But the silence was still painfully obvious even with him there, as the three of you were seated around a table in the dim light of one of the hotel’s restaurants.
You couldn’t even look Kyungsoo in the eye without feeling as if you were frozen to ice, and so you kept your eyes trained to your shaky hands as you fumbled with them in your lap.
Jongin cleared his throat in a pointed manner, and you bit your lip.
“Right. Okay. I guess I’m going to have to take charge here then,” he said, looking wary. 
Neither you, nor Kyungsoo, chose to reply to this.
Jongin let out an exasperated breath. “Look, I don’t know what exactly happened between the two of you, but if we’re going to catch this asshole, we’re going to have to work together.” He paused then, his eyes flitting between the two of you again, almost pleadingly.
“Y/N...?” he said finally, raising his eyebrows. “Will you just, I don’t know, tell us everything you know? We can go from there.”
You swallowed thickly. You could feel Kyungsoo’s chilly gaze on you, and you forced yourself to not look at him and keep your eyes on Jongin instead.
“I-I’ve already told you everything,” you mumbled, your mouth feeling dry. “Like I said, he wants to steal some coins from the exhibition—”
“And he conveniently left out the date he planned to do this, did he?” cut Kyungsoo’s rough voice, and you stopped speaking, feeling your skin burn. “Or is this just you attempting to save his neck?”
You flinched, and Kyungsoo’s lips thinned in a cruel smile. 
Jongin made a noise of confusion. “Kyungsoo, man, what are you—”
“No, it’s fine,” you said, your voice brittle. “I can’t help that it sounds that way, does it? But I’m telling the truth. He didn’t tell me the entire plan.”
Kyungsoo’s eyes glinted as you looked right at them, somehow feeling a spark of courage flow through you. Yeah, you’d fucked up. But you weren’t about to let him accuse you of something that you truly had no knowledge about.
Of course, he didn’t need to know the secret part of you that was immensely relieved that you in fact did not know the entire details of Baekhyun’s plan. 
The less you knew, the less danger you were putting Baekhyun in.
Because you were not going to let him die. That much, you knew for certain. You couldn’t let him him die. Not at Kyungsoo’s hands, or Jongin’s, or yours.
His face flashed through your mind, then, sending a stab of pain through your heart. The anguish that had torn his features apart, the way his eyes had shone with hurt, with anger, with heartbreak. 
The way his lips had felt against yours as he’d kissed you that last time, leaving you feeling as if your soul had been ripped from you.
When you shivered unconsciously at the memory, Kyungsoo didn’t even look surprised; the look in his eyes enough to remind you that he knew the exact barrage of emotions that were suffocating you, and that you were the only one responsible for them.
“Fair enough,” breathed Jongin, snapping you back to the topic at hand. “In any case, the exhibition is only on for another three days. If there hasn’t been a break in or outright robbery reported yet, it means he hasn’t tried yet. That gives us these next days to stay on guard, if anything—”
Before Jongin could continue, the jarring buzz of a phone cut through the air. With a start, you realized it was your own, and with slightly fumbling fingers, you pulled it out of your bag.
The name lighting up the screen made your blood freeze.
“I-It’s—” You couldn’t even complete the sentence, and Jongin sucked in a breath. “You’re fucking kidding me.”
You looked up at Kyungsoo blankly, your heart twisting in your chest. Your question was silent, but a jerk of his head gave you his reply.
Answer it.
You could barely breathe as your thumb shakily slid across the screen, your heart jumping to your throat as after a short pause, a clear voice cut through.
“Didn’t think you would pick up, sweetheart.”
Baekhyun’s familiar drawl made all your hairs stand on end as you tried to comprehend the fact that it was the first time you were hearing his voice in days. 
I love you. And you broke me.
Your heart constricted as the words he’d spoken to you that dreadful night echoed through your mind for the thousandth time. The unspoken I love you too that you hadn’t been able to say.
You couldn’t even trust yourself to say anything back in the present, not when Kyungsoo was staring daggers at you and when Jongin was biting his nails nervously.
“I don’t think we have anything to say to each other,” interrupted Baekhyun, his voice silky smooth. “Do you mind passing the phone over to your boyfriend, though?”
You swallowed thickly. Without a word, you handed the phone over to Kyungsoo, who’s jaw had tightened almost imperceptibly. 
“Reconsidering your response to my offer, Baekhyun?” said Kyungsoo, with unmistakable malice lacing his words. “Unfortunately for you, it’s a little too late.”
He was answered with a low chuckle. “Quite the opposite, actually. I’ve been thinking, you see. And I thought we could make things a little more interesting.”
You were biting on your lip so hard the skin there was threatening to tear.
Kyungsoo’s nostrils flared. “And how do you propose we do that?” he growled.
“You must be getting very angry by now,” mused Baekhyun. “Waiting, trying to anticipate my next move. Wondering why I haven’t stolen yet. Surely your girlfriend has given you all the details?”
You held a breath.
“I’m going to steal those coins, Officer Do,” said Baekhyun after a pause. “And I’m going to steal them from right under your nose.”
Jongin sucked in a breath sharply. “What—”
“Tomorrow,” cut Baekhyun’s voice darkly. “Tomorrow, I steal the coins. I thought I’d let you know so that maybe this time, you’ll be a little more prepared.”
You were blank. It was taking a lot for you to remain calm, but everything Baekhyun was saying was threatening to tilt the precarious balance over.
Even Kyungsoo looked thrown for a split second, but then the indifferent coldness was back on his face.
“You’re playing with knives here,” he said calmly. “Make no mistake, there won’t be much time for negotiation when we come face to face tomorrow. You’re dead the moment I see you.”
Your heart started to beat infinitesimally faster, the words leaving your mouth before you could quite stop them. 
“Kyungsoo, stop.”
The icy glare he gave you then was enough to make you want to crawl under the table.
You heard a low chuckle from the other side of the phone. “Trying to stick up for me, sweetheart? A bit too late for that now, isn’t it?”
You blinked, your eyes starting to burn.
“Both of you. Stop,” you said, feeling a sudden surge of confidence, from where, you had no idea. "This is madness. N-No one is being killed. I'm not letting it happen."
Kyungsoo raised his eyebrows. "You don't make the rules here. I think you're forgetting."
You grit your teeth. "I know what I said. No one is dying. So the two of you can either continue to spout this shit we know isn’t going to happen, or, we can actually come to a conclusion in a rational and reasonable way.”
A few seconds passed where Kyungsoo and Jongin just stared, while Baekhyun was silent on the other side of the call.
“Right,” you said releasing a breath. “Baekhyun. If you want to steal those coins, do it. Tomorrow, you said? Then do it tomorrow. We’ll be waiting for you.”
And before anyone could say a word else, you grabbed the phone and cut the call.
Even as Kyungsoo got up and stormed out of the restaurant, and as Jongin shook his head in disbelief, and as you were left with your heart flipping over in dread...for once, you felt as if you had done something right by ending that phone call.
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“I’m not the brightest guy but I’m also slightly offended that neither you nor Kyungsoo have bothered to tell me what exactly is going on.”
You blew your hair off your face, avoiding answering Jongin as you instead looked around the circular area of one of the higher up floors of the Burj Khalifa.
“Hah,” muttered Jongin. “Okay, have it your way. It’s not like I risked my life flying all the way here to help on this case or anything.”
You sighed. “I’m sorry. But it’s probably best for you to not get involved. I don’t want to fuck up someone else’s life too.”
He raised his eyebrows. “That bad?”
“Trust me. You don’t want to know,” you replied, leaning back against the cold interior walls. “I’m surprised I’m even being allowed to be here right now.”
It was true. You had expected to have to beg Kyungsoo to let you be at the Burj Khalifa awaiting the robbery. There was no chance he would have allowed you to be a part, not after everything.
But to your complete astonishment, he hadn’t said a thing. And now here you were, patrolling the area outside the exhibition with Jongin, while Kyungsoo guarded the precious coins.
There were also five other police officers stationed around the floor, along with around a dozen others you were aware were positioned throughout the building on certain floors.
The entrance itself was guarded by police is disguise, so for Baekhyun to enter and not be seen was going to be very, very difficult.
But this was Baekhyun, always a step ahead and always slipping away. 
One thing was for certain...there could be no mistakes this time.
You gingerly ran your fingers over the side of your thick jacket, tracing the gun concealed within it. The bulk of its weight rested against your chest, a heaviness adding to the already heavy pressure in your heart.
You felt as if you were present in a dream. Here, waiting for man you loved, a gun in your jacket, ready to have him arrested. 
And just a few metres away from you, another man...waiting to kill the man you loved...a man whom you loved too.
You wanted to be a million miles from where you were, but there was no way out. You had to be here. You had to stop the bloodshed you knew was going to happen, even though you didn’t know how to. 
“You think he’ll really show?” asked Jongin, snapping you out of your thoughts. You nodded, a lump forming in your throat. “I know him. H-He’ll be here.”
Jongin let out a long breath. “It’s been two hours since we’ve been here, what the hell is he—what the fuck is that?”
You whirled around to face him, your senses on high alert immediately. Jongin had a look of disgust on his face, his eyes trained towards the floor.
You followed his gaze, your eyebrows furrowing as you struggled to identify what he was staring at. It was small and black and...was crawling? 
An insect. Bug, of some sort. 
Your nose wrinkled automatically, and you took a step back. Bugs had never been your strong suit.
“Why the fuck is there a bug in the Burj Khalifa?” snorted Jongin, flicking it away with his shoe. “You’d think they’d have their pest control issues in place.”
You shrugged, about to reply when, impossibly...you noticed two more. 
Two more small black creatures, similar in look and size to a common spider or cockroach were crawling around the corner of the lifts. 
Jongin made a noise of disgust. “Now that’s just pathetic.” 
“What on earth—”
Three more, then four, then five, scurrying across the room. Now they were catching the attention of tourists, and a couple screeched and stumbled away from the bugs, looking just as confused as you felt.
Something went off at the back of your head. A warning signal, a sudden jolt that told you something was wrong. 
That this was not normal.
And just as you felt this jolt, your ears were met with more screams, this time coming from inside the History of Money exhibition hall.
Jongin flashed you an alarmed glance. Within seconds, the two of you rushed to the exhibition entrance, mentally bracing yourself for whatever was to come.
What you could only describe as chaos was beginning to unfold. Countless black insects were all over the floor, crawling over people’s shoes and making them jump and exclaim. Many of the artifacts had been abandoned, with people trying to stick to the corners to avoid the pests on the ground.
To your surprise, the exhibition hall was occupied by groups of little children, all uniformed with small backpacks, their innocent faces growing frightened as they began to see more and more of the black insects scuttle across the room.
You saw Kyungsoo then, swearing under his breath, as he attempted to move through the throngs of kids. He caught sight of you and Jongin, and raised his arms, waving them in a forward movement.
Get everyone out.
You swallowed, wincing as you side stepped a bug making its way towards your feet. You squinted, trying to catch a closer look, and to your surprise, the insect looked almost shiny. Reflective...like metal.
“Everyone, stay calm!” thundered Jongin, successfully getting the attention of the teachers in the room. “We are going to evacuate this hall.”
“Come on,” you said urgently, moving to guide a startled looking elderly couple. “Make your way towards the exit, please.”
Your mind was spinning. A sudden outbreak of odd looking insects? How often did that happen at one of the most famous buildings in the world?
“I’ve called security!” yelled a disguised police officer, over the constantly rising noise levels of the hall. “They’ve sent word to their exterminator service. They’re on the way!”
The teachers had managed to organize screaming children into single file lines, which Kyungsoo and Jongin were leading out of the exhibition. 
Just as you were about to go towards them, a panicked thought flashed in your head. The remnants of a memory, of something Baekhyun had said to you.
A distraction. The kind that will have everyone evacuating the room.
This wasn’t a coincidence. 
Your heart started thumping in your chest, your legs feeling shaky as you made a beeline towards the display of coins, ignoring the fact that Jongin was yelling at you to help the children. To your immense relief, they were still there, glinting in their glass case under the lights of the room.
“I’m coming,” you breathed, taking a final glance back at the coins. “Jongin, Kyungsoo, listen we can’t—”
“Please evacuate this hall!” came a booming voice. “Make way for the exterminators!”
Before you could say another word, building security guards were ushering you out of the room, ignoring Kyungsoo’s and Jongin’s protests. “We’re the police!” Jongin as saying, indignantly. “Those artifacts are at risk.”
“The only thing they’re at risk from right now is getting damaged by insects,” grunted a burly faced security. “Let the exterminators do their thing.”
You watched helplessly as a group of masked people in white hazmat suits began cordoning off the area, some of them already bringing out their sprays and other equipment to kill the bugs.
“Kyungsoo,” you trembled, turning to him. “Those bugs...they didn’t even look real to me, they looked like they were fake, manufactured metal things—” 
You broke off, feeling nervous. Telling Kyungsoo these details made you feel like you were further incriminating yourself. But what if this hunch was true?
“B-Baekhyun had told me that he was planning a distraction,” you said finally.
His face went dark. “Then this is exactly what it is. I’m going back in there.” He stormed towards the workers in hazmat suits.
You gnawed at your lip, feeling increasingly uneasy. If this was the distraction Baekhyun had mentioned, it meant the robbery was already underway. 
But then where was the thief? 
“He’s already here,” you said, making Jongin look at you in concern. “Jongin, he’s already here.”
Jongin frowned. “But that’s impossible. We’ve been checking IDs, screening people before they even enter the building—”
“The last time we thought that worked and that the place was empty, Baekhyun was already in the museum,” you cut, reminding him of the very first trap the police had tried to set, and how they’d failed. 
Jongin shook his head. “We searched every floor, all the toilets, restaurants. He wasn’t there. And he can’t have entered through the entrance of the building because we’ve already checked everyone.”
“The coins are still there,” you murmured. “But something’s wrong, I just know it.”
“If he shows up now he’ll be surrounded,” pointed out Jongin. “There’s police officers on nearly every floor, and the place he actually wants to get to has been cordoned off by exterminators.”
You knew Jongin was right. The exhibition hall was off limits right now. Even Kyungsoo was being turned away again, the irritation starkly displayed on his face.
“The only people getting in and out of there are exterminators,” called a security  guard behind Kyungsoo. “Can’t risk these bugs spreading through the entire building!”
And just like that, you froze.
Your blood started to rush suddenly, your heart missing a beat as the thought clicked into place.
You locked eyes with Kyungsoo, and as you looked at each other, you realized he’d thought of the same thing.
“The exterminators,” you breathed. “He...must be one of the exterminators.”
Kyungsoo’s face had gone very dark.
“Y/N, I need you to leave. Now.”
“What?” you stuttered, completely taken aback. “W-Why?”
“You can’t be here anymore. Jongin, take her back down to the building entrance.” Jongin was looked bewildered, but Kyungsoo was calm. 
Your heart was beating erratically. But still, you stated, equally calmly, “No. I’m not going to let you do it.” 
This is why Kyungsoo hadn’t protested against you being there. He’d planned all along that when the whole thing was going to get messy, he was going to make you leave. Having you there until now was just so that he knew your whereabouts.
So that he knew you weren’t somehow with Baekhyun.
Kyungsoo’s eyes were hard. “I don’t think you get to call the shots anymore.”
“We don’t have time for this,” you snapped. “As we speak he could already be leaving the building and no one will know because he’s disguised.”
“She’s right,” said Jongin. “You both have got to leave your personal...issues behind right now. This our last chance to—”
“YOU, there!” shouted Kyungsoo suddenly, and your blood ran cold as you saw that two exterminators were making their way towards the elevators, their backs towards you. 
“Stop, right now!”
But they didn’t.
You didn’t wait another second during which Kyungsoo would have stopped you.
Without a glance towards him you ran towards the pair of them, your steps rushed as you made your way across the floor. You could hear Jongin right behind you, but you didn’t dare look.
“Wait!” you yelled breathlessly, even as they stepped into the lift, too seemingly busy in conversation to pay any attention.
It was too late. The doors were closing.
And then by some miracle, you crashed between them just as the doors were about to meet, wincing in pain as your arms were caught between the metal.
The doors opened again, then closed completely, and you stared as you saw Jongin and Kyungsoo disappear behind them. With a jolt, the lift began to move upwards, and you barely had time to gather yourself when you felt a fierce grip close around your arm.
You whipped around, coming face to face with a masked worker, unrecognizable except for the eyes, visible through protective goggles.
Eyes you knew too well.
You could hardly breathe as you looked at him, as he shook his head imperceptibly, as if to say, don’t move. Don’t speak.
You couldn’t have done either if you’d tried.
It was like seeing Baekhyun again had rendered your body numb; numb to everything but him.
You barely heard the sound of the elevator opening, barely noticed the other exterminator exiting. You barely noticed that it was just the two of you inside the lift that began climbing even higher up the tallest building in the world.
You wanted to speak, wanted to say something, anything. But what would you say? Apologize, beg for his forgiveness? Confess that you’d fallen in love with him and that you wanted him, that you no longer cared that he was a criminal, a felon?
As he looked back at you, his eyes glinting with unknown emotions, you felt the sharp stab of fear, too, realizing the situation you were in.
“Kyungsoo will be on his way,” you whispered, your mouth feeling dry. “Y-You have to get out of here.”
The lift stopped again, and this time, Baekhyun pushed you through the doors as they opened, stepping out behind you.
With a start you realized you were on the observatory level, the one you’d visited all those days ago with Baekhyun.
It was almost completely empty, with the last few people making their way into the lifts heading downwards, ushered by a security guard.
He looked at you suspiciously, but Baekhyun waved him off. “Police officer,” he said, his voice muffled behind his mask. Accompanying me to check for anything unusual...other than the bugs of course.”
The security guard nodded, shrugging as he got into the elevator with the others.
As soon as they were gone, Baekhyun began to move.
He flung off the goggles, the mask, unzipped his hazmat suit and stepped out of it. He shook his head, making his hair ruffle untidily.
You felt frozen to the spot, your legs as heavy as lead.
Baekhyun looked at you then, quirking his eyebrows. “Are you planning on letting me go?”
You suddenly became very aware of the concealed gun inside your jacket.
As if he read your mind, he began to chuckle.
In two strides he was in front of you, and before you could protest, he roughly opened your jacket. You watched helplessly as he smoothly slid the gun out, twirling it between his fingers.
“Your boyfriend will be very angry if he realizes you didn’t even try and stop me, Y/N,” he purred, an awful sort of smile on his face. “Let me make it easier for you.”
His eyes didn’t leave yours as he gently took your shaking hands, enclosing your fingers over the gun and it’s trigger. 
Your eyes stung with unexpected tears as you shook your head, even as Baekhyun came closer, so that the muzzle of the pistol rested at his chest.
His hands didn't leave yours around the handle, his fingers urging yours tighter around the trigger. 
“Go on,” he said quietly. “Shoot.”
“Stop,” you whispered, trying to break away from his grip. But he was strong.
“You can redeem yourself,” Baekhyun said in a low voice. “Kill me, recover the coins. Officer Do will forget everything. He’ll come running back to you.”
He was taunting you, and his words burned.
“You have to leave,” you said, your voice breaking. “How long do you think it’s going to take before they watch the CCTV footage and figure out you're here on this floor?”
Baekhyun shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. Because when they find me, I’m going to be dead.”
A chill ran down your spine. “Wh—”
“Shoot, Y/N,” he hissed, and you felt sick with misery, taking a few steps back.
“Why are you doing this?” you whispered. “I can’t do it, you know I would never hurt you—”
Baekhyun laughed, a horrible laugh that rang through your ears and ripped at your heart.
“Hurt me?” he snarled, his dark eyes flashing. “I think you’ve already done more than that, sweetheart. A bullet would be merciful.”
You flinched, tears now spilling onto your cheeks. “Please.”
He stared at you hard for a few long seconds. “You know what the saddest fucking thing is?” he said softly. “I still care about you. Fuck, I’m still in love with you. Crazy, huh?”
No, you wanted to say. Because I’m in love with you too.
You swallowed down the growing lump in your throat, moving your fingers from the trigger slightly when you noticed his grip on you had loosened.
“Please go,” you said shakily. “Go before Kyungsoo sees you, before you’re caught. He could kill you.”
”And you would care?”
You stared at him.
“I-I lov—” you couldn’t even complete the sentence.
Baekhyun said nothing in reply, instead letting go of you completely, to your relief. He turned away from you, unzipping the backpack he’d thrown to the ground.
You watched as he pulled out a thick and bulky vest and strapped it around his torso. You realized with a start how he was dressed, in a sturdy black jumpsuit and odd looking shoes on his feet. He was now slipping his hands into gloves.
He glanced at the lifts. “Great, your boyfriend is going to be here in less than 30 seconds.” You followed his gaze and felt your heart freeze as you saw that indeed, the lift was quickly approaching the 124th floor.
“W-What are you doing,” you stammered, as Baekhyun shrugged his backpack onto his shoulders, putting a different pair of dark glasses back over his eyes.
He ignored this question as he strolled towards the large glass panes that overlooked the entire city. In the blink of an eye he was nimbly jumping onto the steel railing, and he turned to look at you, his eyes glinting in the afternoon sunlight.
“So this is goodbye,” he said simply, and your heart flipped over. 
“Don’t move,” you said, as firmly as you could. “I don’t know what you're planning to do—”
And with that you heard the lift doors open. 
Almost like a reflex, you lifted your arms, pointing your gun directly towards Baekhyun, who began to laugh.
You weren’t going to shoot him. But for Kyungsoo, it had to be believable.
“Shoot, goddamnit!” you heard Jongin roar from somewhere behind you. But his voice sounded far, far away.
In this moment, it was just you and Baekhyun, your eyes locked onto each other, your heart aching for him, your mind acutely aware of what he was about to do and praying if you did this, it would stop him.
It was now or never. 
You pressed down on the trigger.
The world seemed to move in slow motion, even as you heard the first crack of the bullet whizzing through the air, aimed not at Baekhyun, but rather to the panes on one side of him. 
It shattered the glass with a horrible sound, making him flinch. He had reached for the very edge of the top of the panel, and you knew he was going to try to pull himself up over it.
But then there was another terrible crack.
You turned, gasping as you saw Kyungsoo firing the shot, his face terrifyingly calm.
The second bullet soared through the air unforgivably, aimed directly at Baekhyun’s heart.
You screamed, but the sound died in your throat.
Because the weapon never found its target.
The bullet crashed into the panel, glass flying everywhere. 
But even as shards were scattered through the air and the sun blinded your vision, the fearful sight was clear and made your blood run cold. Baekhyun had lifted himself up over the panel after all.  
And without a single glance back at anyone, he jumped.
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A/N: A whole year and a half later and here we are. For those of you that are still here and waited patiently, I cannot express my thank you enough. The constant support and sweet messages encouraged me and motivated me and I finally did it!! And its all thanks to you guys <3
As always your thoughts mean more to me than ever before so pleaseeeee do leave them for me to read xx also lets hope I can keep up this Inso and finish this fic hahaha
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DUBAI 2019 [August 26th, 9:00PM]
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Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 T/W: smoking, smutty Words: 3638
True to your word, you’d shown him all of Dubai in the ways that it was meant to be seen—at night. Of course, the crowds never did recede but it was easier to go unnoticed with you manoeuvring him through less packed areas.
More than any other city you’d been in, Dubai reeked of luxury. Fancy sports cars were on every corner, most of the crowds were decked in designer from head to toe and the buildings were taller than any you’d ever seen. One would have to drive quite a bit out of the heart of the city to find areas inhabited by the average middle-classes.
Places that no common tourist guide would ever take anyone.
And so you did. You drove Baekhyun to all your favourite parts of the city, revelling in the awe on his face as you lead him all over downtown.
It was easy to lose yourself in a city like Dubai. Much like New York, it was easy to be caught up in the hustle, a lifestyle where you merely drove from your apartment to the workplace and back, using what little of the weekends that you’d had to yourself to just stay in your bed.
But after three months of living in such oblivion, you ventured out on a Friday night. You drove alongside the beach, wanting to see where the ocean ended or where the land began. And in true Dubai fashion, you hadn’t realised how long you’d been driving.
Until you’d seen the first glimmer of the sun’s rays as it filtered through the dark sky.
There weren’t many places that were dark in Dubai since almost all the roads were lit with the faint yellow streetlights but as you drove along the beachside, you’d wandered too far from the city’s bright lights and closer to the murky darkness that seemed like an abyss as the shore and the ocean merged into one black void.
But then the sun had risen far in the distance, a narrow streak of the first bright ray almost blinding you as it crept over the coastline.
You’d gotten out of the car and watched the sunrise then as it cascaded over the city.
It was slow at first, almost tentative as it leapt over the still waters and you watched as the ocean turned teal again, sparkling with every hit of the sun’s rays that then reached out farther to the skyline and brushed against the peaks of the skyscrapers in the distance.
You can recall how you’d immediately thought of Baekhyun then, sitting down on the sand as you felt the warmth slowly envelop you. You were reminded of all the cities, all the times you’d seen him, all the countries.
But the sunrise reminded you of Paris. Of that afternoon at the hotel after you’d both confessed, of the way he’d taken you into his arms and kissed you. Of how you’d been crying, feeling a cold numbness almost set into you until he’d wrapped you in his ethereal warmth, basking you in his sunshine.
You took him into the heart, driving along the highway that bordered the same Corniche beach.
You’d rolled down the window and watched Baekhyun as he leaned his head back in his seat, eyes closing at the rush of the cool wind against his face. He held your hand over the gearshift, smelling the salty ocean and at one point, you were certain that you could even taste it in the air.
“It’ll be nice to see the sunset here,” he’d murmured and you’d tightened your grip on his hand, closing the windows when the car had slowed as you drove back to the main streets. You let go of his hand to grab his mask and handed it to him, saying, “Sunrises are pretty, too.”
“You don’t like sunsets?”
“I like sunrises more,” you’d shrugged as you turned to the alley behind the restaurant, driving into an empty parking spot. “They remind me of you.”
Baekhyun blinked then, cocking his head in confusion as you unlocked your seatbelt and grinned at him.
“Never mind,” you answer his unasked question, taking the hat off his head. “You can take off the mask. Let’s go have dinner.”
Baekhyun seems wary as you lead him up the familiar wooden stairs by his hand, noticing his spooked expression as he looked around the slightly dark restaurant. You finally reach the glass doors of Trance, pushing them open and smiling when you see the familiar face.
“Zahid,” you call out and he looks up from his phone at your voice, a grin mimicking yours as he stands up to greet you warmly.
“I was starting to worry, Y/N,” he admits, shaking your hand fondly. “You haven’t been here in a long while.”
“I’ve been busy with work,” you confess apologetically before swatting his arm jokingly. “I’m here now to make up for it, aren’t I?”
He shoots you a look, feigning a mock-impressed expression as he says, “Yes, it’s always a pleasure when a guest buys the entire restaurant for four hours.”
You grin as you mouth a genuine ‘thank you’ before pulling your boyfriend by his arm forward, switching to English as you say, “Zahid, this is my boyfriend, Baekhyun. Baek, owner and co-chef of Trance, Zahid.”
“Ah, hello, nice to meet you,” Baekhyun greets, holding out his hand and bowing slightly by habit.
Zahid smiles widely as he takes his hand. “EXO’s Baekhyun, I’ve heard so much about you! I must admit I never listened to Korean music until she told me about you but I really like it! I was there for the fountain show, Power!”
“He was,” you agree, laughing and raising your arms when you could tell Zahid was about to attempt the choreography. “Okay, please don’t embarrass me.”
“But that’s my job!”
“No, your job is to cook for us and run this place that I just paid a lot for,” you retort, rolling your eyes playfully as you grab Baekhyun’s arm. “I’ll be at my usual booth.”
The air is cooler on the rooftop, the wooden floors slightly echoing against every step that you take. The rooftop lounge is wide and spacious with modern furnishings and sleek interior designs. The red and blue moody lightings gave a relaxed and an almost seductive vibe with the dark colour scheme of the restaurant. A cluster of Moroccan-styled pendant lamps are placed at the corners to casting the intimate mood lighting softly over the plush cushions and sitting booths.
Overlooking the banister around the lounge is the breath-taking view of the Dubai skyline. Trance was not on an extremely high floor that overlooked the buildings but there wasn’t really any place from which you could look down at towering Burj Khalifa—except maybe from a plane.
Nevertheless the view was impressive and you knew the Baekhyun felt the same as he stared off into the distance, the city lights reflecting in his eyes like a cosmic galaxy as you lead him to your usual booth at the corner.
“When’d you start speaking Arabic?” Baekhyun mutters as you take off your jacket. He blinks, looking down at the plush couches of the sitting booth, caught off guard.
“Okay, so,” you start in explanation, feeling excited. “I know you expected a fancy restaurant with tables and chairs but this is a lot better—it’s a rooftop shisha bar. The non-smoking restaurant area is downstairs and this is for shisha mostly. Now, okay, listen, I know—” You raise your hands in a calm-down gesture when his eyes widen at your words. Slowly, you say, “I know you haven’t done this before so I thought you could try it because honestly, there’s no better place to do it. No one is here nor can anyone come in because I’ve reserved the whole lounge for the rest of the night for utmost privacy.”
“But,” you continue, giving him a small smile, “I also know that you’re sensitive to smells which is another reason why I booked the entire place actually so that other people smoking won’t bother you. But if you don’t want to try it at all, we can just eat out here because honestly—” You throw your arms open to gesture at the expanse of the sky above you, stepping close to the banister to gesture at the sparkling city below.
“—the view is fantastic,” you complete, grinning at him.
Baekhyun leans back against the banister across from you, crossing his arms with an unreadable expression as he asks, “How long have you been coming here? It must be often since you’re really close with the owner. Also when did you start smoking?”
“Not as often as I’d like to, and no, we just struck up a conversation once and got along fairly well.”
“Y/N, he knows me. You introduced me as your boyfriend.”
You throw your hands up in exasperation. “Okay, fine, we’re kind of close! He’s a great guy and trustworthy, so just believe me, please. You know I wouldn’t tell about us to any random person.”
Baekhyun stares at you in silence, raising an eyebrow when you don’t continue. “Okay. I believe you. Now answer the smoking question.”
You sigh, slumping your shoulders as you shake your head at him. “Relax, Baek, I’m not doing it often. I just come here when I’m stressed because it honestly is relaxing.” You hesitate before crouching to grab your coat from the couch, ready to leave but Baekhyun takes your hand, pulling you down.
“All right, fuck it, let’s do it,” he relented, sighing and giving a small smile when you start bouncing with excitement. He holds up a hand, loudly stating, “Buuuut please get something that doesn’t give me a headache. I have to shoot tomorrow.”
“Yeah, yeah, don’t worry!” You nod excitedly, calling over the familiar waiter. “I’ll get something mild.” You think before teasing, “Maybe cucumber—”
“Bye,” Baekhyun deadpans, starting to get up and you grab his arm, laughing as you pull him back onto the couch. You sink back into the plush couch after ordering, relaxing into Baekhyun’s side as you watch him stare at the waiter in fascination when he walks back in with the shisha vase in his hand.  
You sit up straighter as he sets up the vase on the crimson Persian carpet between the two of you, stirring the coal atop the plate before handing you the hose. You thank him softly and Baekhyun turns to you as you remove the plastic wrapping around the mouth-tip to insert it at the end of the hose, hearing him ask what you just said.
“Thanks,” you responded, looking up at Baekhyun as the waiter leaves.
“No, say it in Arabic, the way you just did.”
You smile slightly before enunciating, “Shukran.”
“Shukran?” he repeats softly, eyes on your mouth to imitate you and your own gaze drops to his, grinning as his lips form a pout.
“Yes, shukran,” you whisper, unable to stop yourself from pressing a light kiss before pulling back and giving him a teasing smile. “Do you like it when I speak Arabic?”
“I like it when you speak any language,” he replies huskily, leaning forward and pausing when he notices the hose in your hand. “Okay, why can’t I smell it? How mild did you ask it to be?”
“It’s not something you smell that strongly, Baek, it’s not weed,” you laugh at his worry, placing a hand on his knee comfortingly. “Give it a minute. Just relax and just watch me, okay?”
You lean back and raise the hose, wrapping your lips around the brightly-coloured tip and inhaling slowly. Baekhyun watches you carefully with hooded eyes, gaze darting to the base of the vase, watching the liquid bubble slightly as you inhale and remove it from your mouth, a puff of smoke escaping your parted lips.  
Baekhyun is leaning back against the couch, watching you with wide eyes. You raise an eyebrow at him and he asks, “I want to be repulsed by this so bad but why the hell am I turned on watching you do that?”
You laugh, shaking your head as you hold out the hose to him. “Do you want to try it? It’s fine if you don’t—”
He grabs the pipe, cutting you off. Gently, you instruct how to do it and you watch as he hesitates before following your words. You watch as he blows a puff of smoke and give him an impressed look as you cheer, “Hey, you did it! And you didn’t cough!”
“Why is that smooth?” Baekhyun demands like he’s offended as he stares down at the pipe. “And what is that flavour?”
“What do you taste?” You grin, leaning back on the couch.
“… something fresh,” he answers, looking at you in bewilderment. “Like the beach. Almost like mint but it isn’t.”
“It’s called Spring Breeze. Do you feel relaxed?”
“Yes, very, and I hate it.” At your confused expression, he explains, “No, I love how relaxed I feel and I hate how much I love it.”
Beaming widely, you call over the waiter to order dinner as Baekhyun gets more comfortable with the pipe, smoking and puckering his mouth to attempt blowing circles.
“Okay, hon, relax,” you chide, taking it from his hand to slow him down. “It’s not vape, you can’t do all the cool tricks with this.”
“What can you do then?” Baekhyun questions, sitting back to watch you take your turn.
You pause before taking another puff and then lean forward until your face is hovering a few inches away from his. Locking eyes with his, you lift the pipe and inhale deeply, feeling the fresh almost minty-cool mist settle on your tongue and lower it only after a few seconds. Slowly, you exhale from your nose, causing thin tendrils of wispy smoke to drift down your nostrils.
Baekhyun leans forward, inhaling the sweet-smelling smoke as you breathe it out and you feel his fingers on your arms then, pushing you against the couch. You make a muffled noise of surprise upon being pressed against the plush velvet when he closes the distance between your mouths, a smoky mist still around your faces as you taste the coolness of the shisha on his lips, his tongue. An intense sensation of arousal rises deep within you and you can’t help but moan softly into the kiss, melting in his arms like putty.
“Does this get you high, Y/N?” Baekhyun mutters against your skin as he presses kisses into your throat. You whine out a protest to his question when you feel a sting as his teeth bite down slightly on the soft flesh.
“It does give a buzz, though,” you admit breathlessly and Baekhyun pulls back to look at you lazily smile up at him with half-lidded eyes, swollen lips and a reddening neck.
“Does it get you horny?” He asks, voice husky with arousal and you feel his hand hike up the hem of your dress, resting on your thigh.
“From past experiences, no,” you answer honestly, raising your finger to trace the defined cupid’s bow of his lips. Baekhyun’s eyes dilate slightly at your touch and you whisper, “Pretty sure that’s not the shisha and just my red lipstick doing things to you again, Baek.”
He doesn’t respond as he grabs your raised hand by the wrist, lowering it and bringing his own fingers to your mouth. You hear his breath audibly catch as your lips part almost with a mind of their own to allow his fingers slip inside easily.
Choking slightly from the way you’re sitting back, Baekhyun’s other hand comes around your neck to tilt your head up enough and he pushes his two slender digits in almost all the way to his knuckles.
“Yeah, it’s the lipstick,” Baekhyun agrees as you suck lazily, rolling the tip of your tongue on the underside of his fingers and he groans at the sensation. His other hand quickly dives in between your pressed knees, roughly parting them and you gasp aloud, arching up from the couch when you feel his hand dive in between your thighs. His eyes meet yours with disbelief as his knuckles press against your clothed core, asking, “Why’d you wear underwear?”
You narrow your eyes at him, wrapping your hand around his to yank his fingers out of your mouth, a trail of saliva connecting his fingers as you reply, “Because I dressed for dinner and not sex.” You straighten on the couch and tug down your dress, much to Baekhyun's dismay, continuing, “Also, this country is kind of strict about its rules against PDA so you might want to—Baek, the waiter's coming, get your hand off my ass.”
You elbow him on his side, glaring as you shove him back when the waiter walks to your table. You grab the shisha's pipe that had been temporarily forgotten on the carpeted floor and grab a tissue to busy yourself while wiping the mouth-tip, unable to meet the waiter’s eye—especially since you noticed his expression as he entered the lounge that was a dead giveaway that he definitely knew what the two of you were doing even though you stopped right as he walked in.
Your messy hair and flushed face most certainly did not help.
He placed the meat platter down along with a plate of the traditional Arabic bread and the condiments.
Exhaling the puff you just took, you turn to him to explain the delicious meal you had laid out in front of you but he was pouting, eyes narrowed as he sighs loudly.
“I still can’t believe you wore your panties,” he stated with annoyance.
“I have literally only skipped wearing it that one time at the Milan club, Baek!” You exclaim with a laugh at his childish pout. “Shut up and listen to me about the meal now.”
You smiled as you saw Baekhyun immediately grab the pink-coloured fizzy drink in the tall glass, sucking on the straw and humming in content at the sweet liquid.
“It’s strawberry mint mojito,” you explain, taking it from him to sip a bit. “It complements the shisha flavour.”
True to the consistent Baekhyun that you knew, if there was one thing that could have him distracted enough to not be groping you—it was food.
There weren't many moments in your life that you remembered or cherished closely in a way that they’re still crystal clear when you recall them again years later.
In fact, you could count them on your hands.
The adrenalin rush you had at the Incheon airport, heart pounding louder in your ears than the intercom announcements about boarding your flight to Paris as you decided to run, once and for all.
The sky as you stepped out of Roissy Airport and looked around Paris for the first time with hardly any money in your pockets but a luggage of scrapbooks filled with designs.
The exact time, location and outfit you were wearing when you got a call from Sylvie’s assistant as she told you that they’d received your portfolio and Madame Sylvie herself was interested to have you as her apprentice.
Seoyeon’s elated expression as she sat beside you when you handed over the signed contract to the Chamber of Commerce in Paris for officially opening your first place of business.
The way you’d practically collapsed as you received an invitation to present your work at your first Paris Fashion Week.
Baekhyun’s gaze at the power room as he stared at you in the dark like he was seeing you for the first time, a look in his eyes that to this day you couldn't describe—the one that changed everything, the gaze that lead to your undoing.
The way you’d burst into happy tears for the first time in your life when Baekhyun had walked back into your hotel room at Paris while you were crying, the way he’d kissed you and you’d felt like you had the sun in your arms.
The way Baekhyun had felt, the way he’d sounded against your chest as he hugged you on the floor of his dorm room while misquoting Frozen after almost two hellish months apart.
And now, as you laughed at Baekhyun's stories of the boys, you stared at him with a heart fuller than your stomach, despite all the kebabs and koftas you’d just had.
This. This right here would go on to be another memory that you’d remember as clear as ever—the sweet smell of the shisha hanging over the two of you, the soft Arabic music that Zahid had left playing in the background, Baekhyun’s sparkling eyes that were prettier than any skyline, his warm lingering touches dancing across your skin, his loud boisterous laugh that you could hear echo heartily around you without fearing anyone else hearing or seeing because you’d been wise enough to finally create a private paradise in a big world that always seemed too small for both of you.
Hours after you’d cleared all the plates on the table and were laughing at his story about Jongin being clumsy again, you both fell into a comfortable silence and your eyes met over the table.
And you knew. So did Baekhyun although you were sure he’d blame the shisha for its ‘buzz’ later.
“Hey,” he said, taking your hand that was atop the table. He stares deeply at you without saying a word and you smile.
“I know,” you reply with a nod, your voice soft. “Me too.”
Baekhyun’s eyes became crescent moons from how hard he grinned at you and you tighten your grip around his fingers, feeling him squeeze back.
My sunshine, mine.
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dubaiproperties · 2 years
Emaar Crescent Dubai: New property in Dubai Creek Harbour
Dubai is a city of fashion and class where everything is well planned and executed to bring the cream of the crop developments to attract the visitors from all over the globe. And today, it is considered as the second home destination, where the top builders- EMAAR, SOBHA, DAMAC & more, where we have been showing strenuous efforts to conceptualize the best properties in Dubai.
So if you have plans for investment in Dubai then nothing could beat the new project “EMAAR Crescent” in EMAAR Creek Harbour because it brings a wide range of apartments, better location, pool of services and lots more benefits that make it one of the top projects in Dubai.
This housing comes with the merge of 1,2 and 3 bed apartments offering a captivating view of water bodies to maintain harmony and peace. For other benefits, the project is crammed with heaps of modern amenities-Gym, Swimming pool, Jogging track, Kids play area, Salon and Barbeque.
So, with all these services it brings families together to socialize and indulge in different activities which work as the best option after the sedentary lifestyle which we all are facing in the present time.
Everything over here is best in class where you can experience the lifestyle you expect.
Emaar Crescent Dubai is the part of Dubai Creek Harbour which is one of the prime communities of Dubai planned by EMAAR to create a complete living ambience where better social infrastructures and business opportunities promise better living ambient.
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It is a freehold community
Offers 100% ownership
Laced with water bodies to create pleasing ambient
The amalgamation of villas and apartments
7.3 million Sq. m. area for residential projects
Apart from the inside benefits that a community offers, now let us talk about the location advantages of Dubai Creek Harbour :-
 Burj Khalifa- 13 min
 Dubai Mall- 13 min
 Global Village- 26 min
 Palm Jumeirah- 27 min
 Dubai International Airport- 16 min
So its location promises you better connectivity as everything is stone’s throw away, so without taking much time one can get into different places of Dubai.
So this property works brilliantly for the single or joint family as EMAAR Crescent Dubai offers the merge of 1, 2 and 3 bed apartment where one can get the right living space. And most importantly, when EMAAR is there then it adds extra value to your investment with better ROI and luxury lifestyle with all modern benefits, so there is nothing that could make EMAAR Crescent your wrong choice.
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