#Astralis Arc
ciphers-fr · 5 years
Astralis: 1- Eltanin
The first part of my story for the Sornieth Zodiac Event! 
Even in the early morning, the Clan Tempestas Clamanti was a flurry of activity.
The just-risen sun had yet to scrape over the dizzying high walls of the Great Tempest mesa and the Clan’s territory was still cast in darkness; still, dragons flitted amongst the gardens or picked their ways through the desert-dried earth and air. Some were just arriving from traveling throughout the night night, ready for foretold comfort and rest. Others were trying to get a start on the day’s business before the high-noon heat set in: whether it be helping tend the Oasis, training for when they went before the Stormcatcher for exaltation, or just getting to the next point in their journeys. Chaotic to a level, but in a way, beautiful. Like the buzz of a beehive, knowing that sweet honey lay at the end.
From the little lip of rock above the mouth of the Lair, Eulalia watched it all. Only a small respite, really, before she would be facing another day of leafing through endless papers, reading whatever reports might come, and helping train whoever asks of her. All the duties and more of a clan heir.
The petite Mirror clutched the steaming mug in her claws all the closer. Time seemed to have been flying by lately. So much had been happening… And yet it also passed unbearably slow. Every crest bookended by the doldrums of her work. When was the last time that she had a real moment of rest to herself? Eulalia lifted the cup, the sweet scent of the strong herbal tea curling around her as she took a deep drink.
A clearing throat interrupted her reverie. A supercell— one of the passers-through of the Clan— from what she could spot over the rim of the mug. They were familiar, too, one of the handful of longer term visitors staying down deep in the Grotto. The dragon shuffled their feet on the ground below Eulalia before lifting their head to call out: “Uh, excuse me? Miss?”
“Yes, what might it be?” Eulalia answered, setting down her mug.
The dragon looked away for a second and ruffled their wings. They turned back, “Hate to bother you right now, but there’s something we think you should know about.”
A silent sigh. Eulalia cast a wanting glance at her tea, perfectly honey-sweet. It’d probably be lukewarm and have no less than two insects skittering across its surface by the time she was finished with this. But she wouldn’t dare disrespect the dragon with slurping her way through their words.
She hopped from the ledge, flaring her wings to land daintily on the sand and rock below her. Two quick steps and she was standing in front of the supercell. A dip of the head to the larger dragon and she asked: “Is there a problem? A request?”
“A problem. One of your familiars kinda… attacked us? For no reason.”
“Oh dear,” Eulalia blanched.“Is everyone okay?”
This… wasn’t good. The potentially aggressive familiars should have been kept safely away from other dragons. Unless a wild one managed to get in unnoticed— which seemed far fetched, those types normally kept their distance— then there had to have been a breakout. But when?
“Luckily, no,” the dragon said sheepishly. “One of the others saw and pulled me out of its way.”
Eulalia nodded in relief. “Thank the deities. If you can, do you know if this particular familiar has been seen roaming before?”
The dragon turned their head back to the gardens. “We’ve been seeing them rustling around in there for a few weeks, but they always kept to themselves until now.”
“I think,” the dragon’s face screwed up. “I can’t remember exactly. Days have really gone by fast, huh?”
She took a step back, picking through the dragon’s words. “Did… did you say there were multiple of them?”
“Yes, miss. Dunno how many, exactly. Maybe a half dozen?”
Scratch that. This could be very bad. An unknown number of potentially dangerous beasts had been lurking in the heart of the territory for weeks. This was no escaped familiar by any means of thought. And while the Clan had no issue with sharing space among the native flora and fauna, incursions would be good for no one. For the beasts’ and dragons’ safety alike, they would have to be relocated. 
First, they would need to figure out exactly what they were dealing with.
“I appreciate you coming to me with this information,” Eulalia spoke softly. “But if you would come with me, there is someone else that you should tell, too.”
Her tail flicked stiffly towards the Lair and the dragon nodded. Together they padded in and descended into the labyrinthian tunnel system, the cooling tea forgotten.
When it came to the myriad of beasts that roamed Sornieth, Eulalia was, sure, knowledgeable. But in reality, she only scraped the surface: what they consumed, which of the common ones made good familiars, which to avoid. The practical information. For the true strange and expansive lexicon of every creature that crawled, swam, or flew (Or some peculiar combination thereof), there was one dragon in the Clan to turn to. Her (At least, in spirit) sister. 
She just had to find her.
It shouldn’t be too hard, though. Eulalia practically had the schedules of each Clanmember memorized. Those who kept one, at least. And to her fortune, Ciphers kept a rather regular one. Eulalia gestured the supercell into a long room just off the main passage. 
The first familiar roost was still quiet this early in the morning; only the sounds of stirring fur and feather and sleepy, sighing beasts drifted through the air. It was also where the small Imperial padded down the rows, sending quick looks over the familiars as she went to fetch breakfast for the rowdy Nochnyr prancing at her side.
It was the early riser in the pair, not her, and Eulalia counted on that. 
“Ci?!” she called carefully, trying not to disturb anything. “Could you come here?”
Ciphers bobbed her head without ever looking back. She tossed something unidentifiable to her jaw-snapping monster and, with a yawn, walked back up to the pair. 
“Yeah?” Ciphers was bleary eyed and still the better half of asleep. 
Eulalia looked to the supercell and found them a half-step behind her, looking like they were chewing at the inside of their cheek. “There may be a nest of… something in the Oasis that needs to be moved. I cannot be sure of what myself, but this one here has seen it.”
The dragon coughed and launched into an explanation. They weaved a tale of strange little beasts that they and others saw prowling through the Clan’s gardens. One with a too-large mouth. Another with a tangle of horns sat atop its head. A third with wiggling growths spurting out along its spine. Each one was a little bit more uncanny than the last, but all had a certain hazy quality to them, like they weren’t quite solid. And they had kept to themselves until that morning. Eulalia listen patiently but confused, it all went over her head. Ciphers, however, sat a little straighter and looked more awake with each description.
When the supercell had quieted, the Imperial was tight mawed. “Thanks for telling me. I’ll try to figure something out as soon as possible... But if that’s everything,” Ciphers briefly looked at Eulalia. “You can go.”
Eagerly, the dragon turned and dashed from the room.
“Well?” Eulalia asked.
For a second, Ciphers paused, wracking her brain. She then leaned down to whisper to her sister in a low voice, “I don’t know for sure, but I don’t think those are supposed to be here.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, without seeing them for myself, I can’t know exactly,” Ciphers looked out the corner of her eyes. “But those sound like conjurings of some sort.”
Eulalia thumped her tail against the ground. Why would something— someone— send scouts to watch over them? And more importantly, why choose such gastly forms for it? “Do you think it could be spies?” 
“Maybe,” Ciphers answered with a twitch of her wings. “Or someone trying to scare away all the supercells from here. Or both.”
The Clan heir ran a claw down her snout. “We need to investigate this. Quickly.”
“So we’re being spied on,” Ambigram concluded tersely.
“It is a possibility, yes,” Eulalia corrected the white Imperial. Ambigram, the medical apprentice in the Clan, was known for trying to cut to the chase, but more often than not creating an extreme jump to a conclusion. “But we do not know for sure.”
“Exactly,” Ciphers added. “It could just be some familiars. I—“ her voice petered out— “never actually saw them.”
Eulalia and Ciphers had gathered everyone that could be found and/or spared to the Vault. It was the only room that was both large enough for multiple dragons to gather and safe from wandering eyes and ears— supercells were barred from entering. The risk of word getting out and rumors spreading and growing out of control was not a risk they were willing to take.
From there, they had laid out what occurred.
“If you aren’t sure, then why are we here?” Khione snapped, creating a chorus of chatter.
“Because,” Eulalia’s voice cut through the din, “something has happened that could be a danger to this Clan, and we must find out what.”
Just as quickly as it began, the discourse stopped. The Clan heir shot a sharp glare at the Ice ambassador as she continued, “As I said, a supercell was nearly attacked. Who knows what may happen if we let this continue.
“We need to see if there are any clues to point towards exactly what this is,” her voice softened. “If you have the time to spare, we need help searching the territory and beyond.”
Artemis, the Clan’s huntress, was first to raise a claw. The Nocturne bounced on her heels instead of speaking, but the question was clear enough.
“Of course, Artemis, you are free to search the outerlands. Khione, if you could go with her? To make sure nothing is missed.”
The icy Wildclaw half-frowned, but acquiesced. She was always soft when it came to her friend.
Eulalia relayed the rest of the plan: “Stratos, you and Ambigram should speak with the harpies. Ask if they had seen anything, and if they will keep a watch. Offer use of the Rocs if you must. Everyone else… look where and when you can. Adjourned.”
As the majority of the dragons rose, Eulalia leaned towards her mate. “Have you… heard anything?”
“No,” Pandora whispered back. The Bogsneak’s fins flattened against her head as she turned to the jar curled in her tail, like her unseeing stare could force the cryptic riddles to again be chanted in her ear. “In fact, the Speakers have spoke nothing new for many days now. Only the same tales I have already head.”
Eulalia pulled back with a sullen look. She watched as her Clanmates— her family and friends— dispersed, murmuring to each other over where they should look. They are good dragons, she tried to comfort herself with the thought. Whatever it was that was stirring, they could handle it. Worse things have happened, right?
But her self-placations lingered bitter in her mind. All her normal assurances were failing. Someone more knowledgeable than her being unsure; no odd whispers to suggest the future; nothing. When had she become so reliant on others? Eulalia was the heir; others should be relying on her to know exactly what will happen.
The fear of the unknown festered in her chest.
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halcionic · 4 years
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dead doves do not eat [there’s beauty in the dead]
cherri opening a document how many times can she write about the same thing and get away with it. as usual ! gen. taglist and transcript under the cut!
gen. taglist: sorry for the double tag today!! i am just full of thoughts!!! it is the last one of the day tho!  @sprigofbasil @astralis-elysian @overlap @adaparkwrites @anihillations @alicewestwater
[ black text, highlighted with a light pink, on a medium purple background ]
you’re a dead dead dove in the middle of the summer heat along an old country road that’s never been paved 
and you’ll never be discovered there till the coyotes find your body and even then you’ll be far too still to care because you’re rotting rotting rotting from the inside out and you have been since you were a child 
a pretty bird on the cusp of greatness crashing into the sea with the salt water like a poison down your throat ‘cos no one ever told you what it was like to crash, birdy, dove, you were never a good girl 
the gravel on the road burns against your back and you wonder, briefly, is this is what it’s like to die but you’ve died before and dying is such a long process, isn’t it? it eats away at the parts of you still trying to live and reach sun-kissed salvation but it starts with your brain, eating and eating and eating but never is it full, it always takes; death is a maggot and you’re a spoiled fruit lying across a field of wheat 
who does death fear, joan of arc? the boy amongst the thorns or the girl strewn across the field, a galaxy of stars among the creatures of the night. a glittering bloodbath across the moonlight because oh, no one taught you to be gentle, no one taught you how to peace back together your ribs from the pieces you broke them in. 
you’re some kind of disaster; a dead dove and a spoiled fruit and a dying girl and, oh, it was beautiful once. a soaring bird amongst the clouds, a shining pink fruit swaying in the breeze, a pretty girl smiling at the boy in the marketplace and it’s not enough, it’s never enough; you have been rotten from day one and the mirrors shatter across the remains of the field long after you’ve left it. 
do you ever leave? have you ever left anything? can you leave anything? or are you doomed to be the girl in the field, alone and broken from the pieces of yourself you’ve torn apart?
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kastle09 · 4 years
The Art of Commentary Storytelling (Part 1 of 2)
This is the first non-Street Fighter piece so bare with me.
Like a lot of these blog posts, there are always caveats I have. I am still very much an amateur commentator. I've been lucky enough to cast at a couple of our Australian major tournaments for SFV as well as being apart of the short lived Gfinity AU series.
From those experiences I've been able to talk, learn, and found inspiration from a lot of very talented people who have been doing it for far longer then I have and are much better and more experienced then me.
Along those lines I wanted to touch on one aspect that I tried to develop and learn very early and something that I will always gravitate to before I cast at events which is telling the story.
Sports and esports are entertainment by nature and as the commentator you are the narrator, so a lot of the principles that they use in other entertainment mediums to captivate an audience carry over greatly.
The “and then...” mistake
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Something I watched a couple of years ago were the South Park creators, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, talk about how they write episodes. It revolved around the idea that your story should not be dragged along aimlessly. Instead every story point (or beat) should have the words “Therefore” or “But”. If instead your beats have the words “and then...” you're in big trouble. A story that goes:
“this happens …
 ... and then this happens...
 … and then this happens...” The reason its dull is because it could be a list that can be placed in any order. Yes sometimes on the mic especially in hype moments you can absolutely let the action tell the story itself (Thats the art of dead air which could be its own essay).
But especially for play by play casters, who feel its up to them to talk through the action, simply linking beats together can go a long way because the audience don't jump around trying to follow you. Getting to tell a story that goes:
“This happens...
… and therefore this happens ...
… but this happens...
… and therefore this happens...”
Because each beat drives the next bit of action,  it will be easier for an audience to be able to understand why a players actions had repercussions or understand how they were able to get themselves into a winning position.
The first thing you might want to say is “But how do you tell a story where you don't know what happens, UNTIL IT HAPPENS?!”
You are right in that nothing is scripted, but you can also set yourself up to have “outs” or different directions to take and explain the action and this is why I think “Therefore” and “But” is a really good tool because they can apply directly over to conflicts in game
Lets say we are following the story of this player and use his story as our first beat, any positive contribution he makes can easily snowball into a “therefore”. For example:
“dev1ce has to be careful, (beat) WHAT A SHOT onto kennys! (therefore) mid now open for Astralis”
“Tokido, he's looking for that poke,(beat) NICE! gets the whiff punish! (therefore) Meter to work with, whats the mixup?”
And conversely if they mess up or get beaten in the exchange thats an easy place to insert a “But”
“dev1ce has to be careful, (beat) THATS WHY (But), Kennys trying to keep G2 alive on this map.
“Tokido, he's looking for that poke, (beat) BEAUTIFUL again from Daigo! (but), Tokido is in trouble, he's running out of time.
Knowledge will give us what to say, “Therefore” and “But” will give us the way to say it.
Pacing curve
A few years ago, I watched an episode of Extra Credits on Pacing and In that video they described a pacing curve, measuring the level of  engagement over time in relation to Star Wars: A New Hope.
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What's important to consider here is that pacing is a succession of peaks and valleys. It is not a line that grows exponentially upwards nor is it turning everything up to 11 and trying to keep it there. This is true for every entertainment medium: Movies, Novels, Plays, Comedic stand up, Video games, they are all about keeping levels of engagement to aim for a curve in exactly the same way.
Think about when you eat your favourite chocolate. Great for the first bite or two. But the more you eat the less fulfilling it becomes and suddenly you start to need eat a lot more to have the same level of satiation.
You need to give the audience periods of rest in between periods of hype. If you don't, one of two things can happen.
1. The audience becomes so overwhelmed It becomes exhausting to keep up.
2. It becomes so routine that you can no longer differentiate between what’s actually a good play, and what's normal.
Remember that if you push everything as hype! Then nothing will be hype because the audience no longer knows what hype is any more.
Think about any survival horror game you have ever played. The building up of tension before the scare is equally as important as the scare itself. Equally is getting them to climb down from that tension so you can scare them again.
Another conclusion that EC demonstrated is that this pacing curve comes at every level. The piece holistically of course but also applies to levels and funnels down to single moments in games. When I personally have to prep for casting the 3 things I think about are Story in the Arc,Story in the Series and Story in the Game
Okay its a two parter but the 2nd part is available right now so go check it out. There I will elaborate more on The Arc, The Series and The Game.
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feliciasink · 7 years
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme originally from Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things I have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on my blog.
So this past two weeks have been crazy with work, work and more work. Worked 9 days, no big deal there. But because of the weather 3 days were cancelled. So it would have been 12 days. From which I did work a night on the King’s Night festival and the next day at noon I was fresh again in the ice cream salon =] I was so happy that these last two days were a lot better weather-wise. On most days I wore a tank top, long sleeve shirt, my work polo, a soft shell jacket and a work jumper. And guess what, I was still shaking from the cold.. I so hope that the weather is going to get better in the coming time. I’m done with the cold and the coughing that comes with it.
I will do my perm on my model from a week and a half ago again next Wednesday. It didn’t take, sadly. But we’re going to try it again with stronger perm liquid =] Let’s make this work!!
But for all things, a new month is starting, so let’s rock it!!
This weeks posts:
Most Anticipated Releases May 2017.
Coming next week:
The Masterpiecers [Masterful #1].
April Wrap-Up.
May TBR.
Sunday Post #40. May 7
So I finished reading The Gender War by Bella Forrest. I’m really excited to read The Gender Fall, but have some other books I MUST read first hahahahaha. After that I read the second book in The Chronicles of Koa by K.N. Lee, it’s called Dark Prophet. I can’t wait for Lyrinian Blade to be published really soon =] I also read XODUS by K.J. McPike, it’s the first book in the Astralis series. It’s a really cool story!! Last book I finished in the last two weeks is Extinct, the third book in the AM13 Outbreak series by Samie Sands. Again, can’t wait for the next book, in this case to be published. Fun and awesome fact: I’m gonna be a character in the series!! That’s so superdupercool =D
So I’m currently reading Flame in the Mist by Renée Ahdieh [I GOT IT EARLY THROUGH NETGALLEY WOOHOO] and re-reading the Red Queen series =], currently reading Queen Song, but will probably finish this tonight haha.. and continue on with Steel Scars and Red Queen. Want to know why I’m re-reading it? Go check my Haul ;]
Goodreads Reading Challenge 2017 update: 33/100
The Backlist Reader Challenge 2017 update: 14/50
Sadly no more Beckett and Castle for me ='[ I didn’t want it too end, I’m gonna miss them a lot. It truly is one of my favourite series.. Goodbye for now, will watch it again in the future. I do that with my favourites.. Like Buffy and Charmed =]
Because I love these series:
Monday Apr 17, Castle S7E7: Once Upon a Time in the West
Monday Apr 17, Castle S7E8: Kill Switch
Monday Apr 17, Castle S7E9: Last Action Hero
Monday Apr 17, Castle S7E10: Bad Santa
Monday Apr 17, Castle S7E11: Castle, P.I.
Tuesday Apr 18, Castle S7E12: Private Eye Caramba!
Tuesday Apr 18, Castle S7E13: I, Witness
Tuesday Apr 18, Castle S7E14: Resurrection [1]
Tuesday Apr 18, Castle S7E15: Reckoning [2]
Tuesday Apr 18, Castle S7E16: The Wrong Stuff
Tuesday Apr 18, Castle S7E17: Hong Kong Hustle
Wednesday Apr 19, Castle S7E18: zat Close Range
Wednesday Apr 19, Castle S7E19: Habeas Corspe
Thursday Apr 20, Castle S7E20: Sleeper
Thursday Apr 20, Castle S7E21: In Plane Sight
Friday Apr 21, Castle S7E22: Dead From New York
Friday Apr 21, Castle S7E23: Hollander’s Woods
Friday Apr 21, Castle S8E1: XY (1)
Friday Apr 21, Castle S8E2: XX (2)
Saturday Apr 22, Castle S8E3: PhDead
Saturday Apr 22, Castle S8E4: What Lies Beneath
Saturday Apr 22, Castle S8E5: The Nose
Saturday Apr 22, Castle S8E6: Cool Boys
Saturday Apr 22, Castle S8E7: The Last Seduction
Saturday Apr 22, Castle S8E8: Mr. & Mrs. Castle
Sunday Apr 23, Castle S8E9: Tone Death
Monday Apr 24, Castle S8E10: Witness for the Prosecution
Monday Apr 24, Castle S8E11: Dead Red
Monday Apr 24, Brooklyn Nine-Nine S2E17: Boyle-Linetti Wedding
Tuesday Apr 25, Castle S8E12: The Blame Game
Tuesday Apr 25, Castle S8E13: And Justice for All
Tuesday Apr 25, Castle S8E14: The G.D.S.
Tuesday Apr 25, Castle S8E15: Fidelis Ad Mortem
Wednesday Apr 26, Castle S8E16: Heartbreaker
Thursday Apr 27, Castle S8E17: Death Wish
Thursday Apr 27, Castle S8E18: Backstabber
Friday Apr 28, Castle S8E19: Dead Again
Friday Apr 28, Castle S8E20: Much Ado About Murder
Saturday Apr 29, Castle S8E21: Hell to Pay
Saturday Apr 29, Castle S8E22: Crossfire
Sunday Apr 30, Gotham S2E13: A Dead Man Feels No Good
While writing:
Sunday Apr 30, CSI S3E2: The Accused is Entitled
Sunday Apr 30, CSI S3E3: Let the Seller Beware
Sunday Apr 30, CSI S3E4: A Little Murder
With my boyfriend:
Saturday Apr 29, Last Man Standing S2E6: Circle of Life
I FINALLY GOT IT WOOHOO. I GOT KING’S CAGE BY VICTORIA AVEYARD. THE BEAUTIFUL HARDCOVER IS SO PRETTY NEXT TO MY SIGNED EDITION OF GLASS SWORD. I was really bummed I couldn’t buy it in February, I so wanted to get a first edition. But I was lucky and I did receive a first edition!!!!!!!! Now all I have to do is find myself a first edition hardcover of Red Queen from Harper Teen. I really want to get the whole series in first edition =] =]
And to top everything off, I will receive two more books next week =] yay me!! My first haul since the release day of Carve the Mark – okay, besides the Divergent Exclusive Booklet I got with the pre-order terms from the publisher ;]
One of the two books coming next week is easy to guess. Let me know which book you think I’ll be getting in 2 days!!
In case you’ve missed these:
Most Anticipated Releases May 2017.
Sunday Post #37. April 16
Rebel of the Sands [Rebel of the Sands #1].
Candidate [The Black Mage #3]. #TBRC2017
Sunday Post #36. April 9
Sunday Post #38 & #39. April 23 & 30 The Sunday Post is a weekly meme originally from Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share News.
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heroes-hq-blog1 · 5 years
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Astrological magic. By tapping into the mystic energy surrounding astrology and their ruling planets, the user is able to wield cosmic magic. As this is a celestial magic, a user is able to use basic magic at all times, but the more powerful and offensive strengths lie with that which is directly empowered by zodiac houses.
ALIEN PHYSIOLOGY. Though she looks human, Astra is an entirely different species, and as such there are difference between her body and that of those born on Earth. ( + ) She has enhanced strength, endurance and speed compared to a mortal. ( + ) She has more durable skin and can handle prolonged exposure to extreme heat and cold.
ASTROLOGY MAGIC. Largely akin to any other magic, this is simply drawn from and powered by the celestial bodies and astrology. ( + ) Divination. A result of her magic, in the same way that horoscopes are researched and written by astrologers, Astra is able to interpret the future through the movement of celestial bodies through zodiac houses. This works quite well when interpreting for individuals, particularly when they have a singular topic they want to address (romance, career, health, etc). She can access this power at all times. ( + ) Magic telekinesis. The bulk of the power falls under this umbrella. By manipulating magic energy, she is able to lift, move, compress, etc objects. She is also able to use this for a kind of flight, though it’s not true flight, and instead created by propelling magic towards the ground or through the air to shift her position. ( + ) Magical energy blasts.
( + ) ZODIAC EMPOWERMENT. What is most notable about Astra’s powers is the changes they undergo. For the month of each zodiac sign, she is able to empower herself and embody them. The powers are different for every zodiac, but often include at least one physical aspect (eg. horns in Taurus season, feline physiology in Leo season) and manipulation facet (poison generation in Scorpio, earth manipulation in Capricorn).
ALIEN PHYSIOLOGY. ( - ) Her body has a tough outer skin because of the very weak and vulnerable innards that all of her species posses. She is extremely perceptible to ingestible poisons - even slight dosages meant to subdue rather than kill could prove fatal to her. Her internal organs are so susceptible to mortal food that she even throws up quite easily. ( - ) Though it does not happen, when she catches a cold or flu, it goes beyond that of the effect on a mortal and can become far more serious, lasting a long time and sapping a great amount of her strength. ( - ) An attack that does manage to penetrate her skin can cause severe internal damage.
MAGIC FLAWS. ( - ) This is always limited to the user’s personal knowledge and skills. Lack of use may result in weakening of powers. ( - ) Due to Astra’s physiology, her magic differs from that of a humans, and as such it lacks things that other magicians or wielders of magic might easily possess. This is not the type of magic that allows her to broaden her skills by use of spells, potions, etc. No amount of practice will make this available to her. ( - ) In order to draw more power for magical attacks, she must raise herself closer to the atmosphere/stars. While this may get her greater power, it makes aim far harder. ( - ) Her magic is simultaneously like part of her body and another thing entirely; it must be upkept with great care. Her mental state and connection to the stars heavily influences the power of her magic. She must always maintain a clear and solid mental state in order to have a relationship with her magic, and this takes meditation and worship. ( - ) Magical energy blasts sap a great amount of her power, and can only be used in short spurts.
DIVINATION FLAWS. ( - ) Astra is unable to see the future - this is not at all a version of precognition. She does not receive visions of what is to come, nor can she see as much even after meditation.  ( - ) She is not yet strong enough to divine a feeling or future about a large group – that would require a better relationship with the stars. ( - ) She cannot use it to interpret what move someone may do next in a fight, or predict an action/movement, and it takes her several minutes to determine what the stars are telling her. It is more a sense of what is to come, a vague and broad feeling, than anything else. While answers will be accurate, they are not specific. In many ways, this subset of her magic is more of a party trick, as it has absolutely no use in battle, is not particularly strong, and has no ability against an opponent. Mostly it’s just for fun!
ZODIAC EMPOWERMENT. While it may appear interesting to have rotating powers due to the zodiac, this can present huge issues for her. ( - ) She has absolutely no ability to choose which zodiac’s powers she harnesses, but is 100% beholden to the season Earth’s sun is in. ( - ) Only one zodiac’s powers may be used at a time. ( - ) The zodiac powers she has may not be useful or even effective against the person(s) she is battling or the needs she has. EG. trying to drown someone with water manipulation in Cancer season will do nothing against someone with aquatic physiology – at which point her zodiac empowerment is nigh useless. ( - ) To be honest… some powers are rather… stupid. And yet again, she can do nothing about it. Using Cancer season as an example once more - the sign of the crab. The water part might be great, but who needs pincher grip? What’s she going to do, hold someone tightly to death? ( - ) Similar to the latter point, certain zodiacs may have overall stronger power sets than others. ( - ) Rotating through power sets means she has less time to practice them all, meaning it takes her a greater amount of time to wean out more skills or greater power volume.
THE BIG DEFECT. ( - ) There are two factors that weaken Astra’s powers on Earth: the differing atmosphere, and the farther proximity to the stars from which she draws her powers. As her home planet more directly drew energy sources from the Cosmos and Earth does not, she is significantly less powerful on Earth than she would be among other planets in the universe. Catch her grumbling about this at all times.
She’s born where the stars are clear and within arm’s reach. A colony held so tightly to the bosom of the stars, it’s said that those born there swallow the magic of celestial power within their first breath. On the planet of Sostrar, a princess is born and raised without knowing her father because that is the way it is always done. Men are not among the things found amidst the palace of Sostari royalty; only queens and their kin, daughters and warriors and scientists. But still the child is raised by two forces: her mother, and the Cosmos. To be a Sostari is to know there is little difference between these two things: there are myths of how their people came to be, Valkyries that swallowed bits of stars and spat out starborn children, but the truth of the matter is that the truth does not matter.
And so the girl vows to be as consuming as all the constellations she prays to, as large and awe-inspiring as the celestial forces they pray to. Young as she is, her dreams swell and grow every day, weaned by the tales of justice, honour, and magick fed to her nightly by her mother. She pictures in her head what it is to be great, grand, the most powerful of them all, the way all young heroes in the making are ought to do. She is not the best yet, but she plans to be. These fantasies make her precocious yet determined, and the ladies of the kingdom merely chuckle at her ardour as she thrusts wooden practice swords into marble beams and floats above the gardens dictating to those that pass by. She adores nothing more than her home, that place where beauty and warfare meet, and in turn she is adored.
It is Mother’s decision to send her to the mortal plane. Girl-child protests, whines (despite nearly reaching a century of age, she is no closer to a woman now than she has ever been), and puts up as much fight as she dares to noble queen-mother. But the ruling does not bend: should she wish to be as great a warrior as she plans, she is told, a princess must do more than stand on her own self-contained achievements. To be welcomed among the warriors and rulers of her planet, she will have to test herself against the mightiest heroes of all the realms in the place where they all gather. And so the star-women descend from their place in the Cosmos, walking hand-in-hand to prevent the younger from escaping back up into the firmament.
The princess is given a form that better resembles that of the mortals, feels as her powers lessen from this new dirt-stacked plane so far from the ethereal, watches with resentment as she becomes more like them. With time the bitterness fades, smooths and alters into an understanding; it takes years for her to settle to their customs, and no less time for the world around her to adjust to her peculiarities. Still she says and does what she likes, blunt like a bat carved from aether, but she finds her place. An alien she may be, but foreign to the world she no longer is.
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blogdarkmatter · 5 years
Los Nominados a los Video Game Awards 2018
Este año God of War y Red Dead Redemption 2 son los juegos con más nominaciones, seguidos de Spider-Man y Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.
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Definitivamente no hay muchas sorpresas dentro de las nominaciones aunque seguro que no a todos les parecerán justas o correctas. ¿Cuál de tus juegos favoritos no está entre los nominados? ¿Quién crees que se lleve el premio al Juego del Año?
Recuerda que los Game Awards se transmitirán el 6 de Diciembre a partir de las 7:30 PM (Hora del centro de México) y podrás verlos a través de YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Mixer, Steam TV, PlayStation 4, Xbox Live y otros medios aún por confirmar.
A continuación puedes ver la lista completa: 
Game of the Year
Recognizing a game that delivers the absolute best experience across all creative and technical fields.
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey (Ubisoft Quebec / Ubisoft)
Celeste (Matt Makes Games)
God of War (SIE Santa Monica Studio / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Marvel’s Spider-Man (Insomniac Games / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Monster Hunter: World (Capcom)
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Rockstar Games)
Best Ongoing Game
Awarded to a game for outstanding development of ongoing content that evolves the player experience over time.
Destiny 2: Forsaken (Bungie / Activision)
Fortnite (Epic Games)
No Man’s Sky (Hello Games)
Overwatch (Blizzard Entertainment)
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege (Ubisoft Montreal / Ubisoft)
Best Game Direction
Awarded to a game studio for outstanding creative vision and innovation in game direction and design.
A Way Out (Hazelight Studios / Electronic Arts)
Detroit: Become Human (Quantic Dream / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
God of War (SIE Santa Monica Studio / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Marvel’s Spider-Man (Insomniac Games / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Rockstar Games)
Best Narrative
For outstanding storytelling and narrative development in a game.
Detroit: Become Human (Quantic Dream / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
God of War (SIE Santa Monica Studio / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Life is Strange 2: Episode 1 (Dontnod Entertainment / Square Enix)
Marvel’s Spider-Man (Insomniac Games / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Rockstar Games)
Best Art Direction
For outstanding creative and/or technical achievement in artistic design and animation.
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey (Ubisoft Quebec / Ubisoft)
God of War (SIE Santa Monica Studio / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Octopath Traveler (Square Enix / Acquire / Nintendo)
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Rockstar Games)
Return of the Obra Dinn (3909 LLC)
Best Score / Music: Presented by Spotify
For outstanding music, inclusive of score, original song and/or licensed soundtrack.
Celeste (Matt Makes Games) – Lena Raine
God of War (SIE Santa Monica Studio / Sony Interactive Entertainment) – Bear McCreary
Marvel’s Spider-Man (Insomniac Games / Sony Interactive Entertainment) – John Paesano
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom (Level-5 / Bandai Namco Entertainment) – Joe Hisaishi
Octopath Traveler (Square Enix / Acquire / Nintendo) – Yasunori Nishiki
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Rockstar Games) – Woody Jackson
Best Audio Design: Presented by Dolby
Recognizing the best in-game audio and sound design.
Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII (Treyarch / Activision)
Forza Horizon 4 (Playground Games / Turn 10 Studios / Microsoft Studios)
God of War (SIE Santa Monica Studio / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Marvel’s Spider-Man (Insomniac Games / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Rockstar Games)
Best Performance
Awarded to an individual for voice-over acting, motion and/or performance capture.
Bryan Dechart as Connor in Detroit: Become Human
Christopher Judge as Kratos in God of War
Melissanthi Mahut as Kassandra in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
Roger Clark as Arthur Morgan in Red Dead Redemption 2
Yuri Lowenthal as Peter Parker in Marvel’s Spider-Man
Games for Impact
For a thought provoking game with a profound pro-social meaning or message.
11-11: Memories Retold (Digixart / Aardman Animations / Bandai Namco Entertainment)
Celeste (Matt Makes Games)
Florence (Mountains)
Life is Strange 2: Episode 1 (Dontnod Entertainment / Square Enix)
The Missing: J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories (White Owls / Arc System Works)
Best Independent Game
For outstanding creative and technical achievement in a game made outside the traditional publisher system.
Celeste (Matt Makes Games)
Dead Cells (Motion Twin)
Into the Breach (Subset Games)
Return of the Obra Dinn (3909 LLC)
The Messenger (Sabotage Studio)
Best Mobile Game
For the best game playable on a dedicated mobile device.
Donut County (Ben Esposito / Annapurna Interactive)
Florence (Mountains)
Fortnite (Epic Games)
PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (Lightspeed & Quantum / Tencent Games)
Reigns: Game of Thrones (Nerial / Devolver Digital)
Best VR / AR Game
For the best game experience playable in virtual or augmented reality, irrespective of platform.
Astro Bot: Rescue Mission (SIE Japan Studio / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Beat Saber (Beat Games)
Firewall: Zero Hour (First Contact Entertianment / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Moss (Polyarc Games)
Tetris Effect (Resonair / Enhance Games)
Best Action Game
For the best game in the action genre focused on combat.
Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII (Treyarch / Activision)
Dead Cells (Motion Twin)
Destiny 2: Forsaken (Bungie / Activision)
Far Cry 5 (Ubisoft Montreal / Ubisoft)
Mega Man 11 (Capcom)
Best Action / Adventure Game
For the best action / adventure game, combining combat with traversal and puzzle solving.
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey (Ubisoft Quebec / Ubisoft)
God of War (SIE Santa Monica Studio / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Marvel’s Spider-Man (Insomniac Games / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Rockstar Games)
Shadow of the Tomb Raider (Eidos Montreal / Crystal Dynamics / Square Enix)
Best Role-Playing Game
For the best game designed with rich player character customization and progression, including massively multiplayer experiences.
Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age (Orca / Square Enix)
Monster Hunter: World (Capcom)
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom (Level-5 / Bandai Namco Entertainment)
Octopath Traveler (Square Enix / Acquire / Nintendo)
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (Obsidian Entertainment / Versus Evil)
Best Fighting Game For the best game designed primarily around head-to-head combat.
BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle (Arc SYstem Works)
Dragon Ball FighterZ (Arc System Works / Bandai Namco Entertainment)
Soulcalibur VI (Bandai Namco Studios / Bandai Namco Entertainment)
Street Fighter V Arcade (Dimps / Capcom)
Best Family Game
For the best game appropriate for family play, irrespective of genre or platform.
Mario Tennis Aces (Camelot Software Planning / Nintendo)
Nintendo Labo (Nintendo EPD / Nintendo)
Overcooked! 2 (Ghost Town Games / Team17)
Starlink: Battle for Atlas (Ubisoft Toronto / Ubisoft)
Super Mario Party (NDCube / Nintendo)
Best Strategy Game
Best game focused on real time or turn-based strategy gameplay, irrespective of platform.
The Banner Saga 3 (Stoic Studio / Versus Evil)
Battletech (Harebrained Schemes / Paradox Interactive)
Frostpunk (11 bit studios)
Into the Breach (Subset Games)
Valkyria Chronicles 4 (Sega CS3 / Sega)
Best Sports / Racing Game
For the best traditional and non-traditional sports and racing game.
FIFA 19 (EA Vancouver / EA Sports)
Forza Horizon 4 (Playground Games / Turn 10 Studios / Microsoft Studios)
Mario Tennis Aces (Camelot Software Planning / Nintendo)
NBA 2K19 (Visual Concepts / 2K Sports)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 (PES Productions / Konami)
Best Multiplayer Game
For outstanding online multiplayer gameplay and design, including co-op and massively multiplayer experiences, irrespective of game genre.
Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII (Treyarch / Activision)
Destiny 2: Forsaken (Bugnie / Activision)
Fortnite (Epic Games)
Monster Hunter: World (Capcom)
Sea of Thieves (Rare / Microsoft Studios)
Best Student Game
Awarded the best student project created at the high school or college level.
Combat 2018 (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences – Norway)
Dash Quasar (UC Santa Cruz)
JERA (Digipen Bilbao, Spain)
LIFF (ISTART Digital, France)
RE: Charge (MIT)
Best Debut Game
Recognizing a new independent studio that released its first game in 2017. Winner selected by fan voting.
Donut County (Ben Esposito / Annapurna Interactive)
Florence (Mountains)
Moss (Polyarc Games)
The Messenger (Sabotage Studio)
Yoku’s Island Express (Villa Gorilla)
Best eSports Game
For the game that has delivered the best overall eSports experience to players (inclusive of tournaments, community support and content updates), irrespective of genre or platform.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Valve)
DOTA 2 (Valve)
Fortnite (Epic Games)
League of Legends (Riot Games)
Overwatch (Blizzard Entertainment)
Best eSports Player: Presented by Omen by HP
The eSports player judged to be the most outstanding performer in 2018, irrespective of game.
Dominique “SonicFox” McLean (Echo Fox)
Hajime “Tokido” Taniguchi
Jian “Uzi” Zi-Hao (Royal Never Give Up)
Oleksandr “s1mple” Kostyliev (Natus Vincere)
Sung-hyeon “JJoNak” Bang (New York Excelsior)
Best eSports Team
The eSports team judged to be the most outstanding for performance in 2017, inclusive of multi-team organizations.
Astralis (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)
Cloud9 (League of Legends)
Fnatic (League of Legends)
London Spitfire (Overwatch League)
Best eSports Coach
Bok “Reapered” Han-gyu (Cloud9)
Cristian “ppasarel” Bănăseanu (OG)
Danny “zonic” Sørensen (Astralis)
Dylan Falco (Fnatic)
Jakob “YamatoCannon” Mebdi (Team Vitality)
Janko “YNk” Paunovic (MiBR)
Best eSports Event
ELEAGUE Major: Boston 2018
EVO 2018
League of Legends World Championship
Overwatch League Grand Finals
The International 2018
Best eSports Host
Alex “Goldenboy” Mendez
Alex “Machine” Richardson
Anders Blume
Eefje “Sjokz” Depoortere
Paul “RedEye” Chaloner
Best eSports Moment
C9 Comeback Win In Triple OT vs FAZE at ELEAGUE Major: Boston 2018
G2 Beating RNG at the League of Legends World Championship
KT vs. IG Base Race at the League of Legends World Championship
OG’s Massive Upset of LGD at the DOTA 2 Finals
SonicFox Side Switch Against Go1 in Dragon Ball FighterZ at EVO 2018
Content Creator of the Year
Dr. Lupo
Favorite Moment of 2017
Ready for 2018’s show? Help us decide the top moment from 2017, pick your favorite below!
Carol Shaw (Industry Icon)
The Game Awards Orchestra (Performance)
Hideo Kojima and Guillermo del Toro (Moment)
Josef Fares (A Way Out)
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Game of the Year Award)
Ha sido un año muy interesante y con grandes juegos y esperamos grandes sorpresas durante el evento. ¿Qué anuncio te gustaría ver en los Game Awards 2018?
Source: The Game Awards
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zechleton · 7 years
What I Watched This Weekend: Short but Sweet Edition
It was time for League of Legends to take a back seat as far as my viewing habits are concerned and, although I did catch bits and pieces of LCS playoff action, it was Starladder that really served up a treat.
In previous weeks I’ve gone through LCS games one-by-one but there was so much CS action over the course of last week it would be far too time-consuming to do that.  Luckily the final was exceptional.  Even if the rest of the matches had been boring (which is far from the truth), the final between Astralis and Faze would have made up for it.
The various stories and subplots going into the game have been done to death but suffice to say there were a lot of them.  Starladder nailed all of the sporting tropes you care to name right down to the classic upset win.
Astralis, the best team in the world, went into the final on the back of a somewhat comfortable win over Navi.  Faze, on the other hand, were pushed hard by Hellraisers, who had done a great job of being the tournament’s dark horse.  Indeed, the Eastern Europeans had already beaten Faze earlier in the event and were writing their own arc.  There’s wasn’t quite the happy ending they wanted, however -- that was reserved for Karrigan and co.
I’m gonna keep it short this week for personal reasons, but do yourself a favour and go and watch the final if you haven’t seen it.  The tournament was chock-full of great games but the grand final topped them all.
Meanwhile in LCS: what the fuck?!
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intacodez · 5 years
Todos los ganadores de los Game Awards 2018
Esta noche se ha tenido la gala de los The Game Awards 2018 donde God of War y Red Dead Redemption 2 han arrasado en las premiaciones, con el primero coronándose como juego del año.
Aquí debajo encontráis todos los nominados a cada premio y en negrita los ganadores:
Juego del año
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey (Ubisoft Quebec / Ubisoft)
Celeste (Matt Makes Games)
God of War (SIE Santa Monica Studio / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Marvel’s Spider-Man (Insomniac Games / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Monster Hunter: World (Capcom)
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Rockstar Games)
Mejor juego con actualización regular
Destiny 2: Forsaken (Bungie / Activision)
Fortnite (Epic Games)
No Man’s Sky (Hello Games)
Overwatch (Blizzard Entertainment)
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege (Ubisoft Montreal / Ubisoft)
Mejor dirección de juego
A Way Out (Hazelight Studios / Electronic Arts)
Detroit: Become Human (Quantic Dream / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
God of War (SIE Santa Monica Studio / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Marvel’s Spider-Man (Insomniac Games / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Rockstar Games)
Mejor narrativa
Detroit: Become Human (Quantic Dream / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
God of War (SIE Santa Monica Studio / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Life is Strange 2: Episode 1 (Dontnod Entertainment / Square Enix)
Marvel’s Spider-Man (Insomniac Games / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Rockstar Games)
Mejor dirección artística
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey (Ubisoft Quebec / Ubisoft)
God of War (SIE Santa Monica Studio / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Octopath Traveler (Square Enix / Acquire / Nintendo)
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Rockstar Games)
Return of the Obra Dinn (3909 LLC)
Mejor banda sonora (Presentado por Spotify)
Celeste (Matt Makes Games) – Lena Raine
God of War (SIE Santa Monica Studio / Sony Interactive Entertainment) – Bear McCreary
Marvel’s Spider-Man (Insomniac Games / Sony Interactive Entertainment) – John Paesano
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom (Level-5 / Bandai Namco Entertainment) – Joe Hisaishi
Octopath Traveler (Square Enix / Acquire / Nintendo) – Yasunori Nishiki
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Rockstar Games) – Woody Jackson
Mejor diseño de sonido (Presentado por Dolby)
Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII (Treyarch / Activision)
Forza Horizon 4 (Playground Games / Turn 10 Studios / Microsoft Studios)
God of War (SIE Santa Monica Studio / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Marvel’s Spider-Man (Insomniac Games / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Rockstar Games)
Mejor actuación
Bryan Dechart como Connor en Detroit: Become Human
Christopher Judge como Kratos en God of War
Melissanthi Mahut como Kassandra en Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
Roger Clark como Arthur Morgan en Red Dead Redemption 2
Yuri Lowenthal como Peter Parker en Marvel’s Spider-Man
Juego de más impacto
11-11: Memories Retold (Digixart / Aardman Animations / Bandai Namco Entertainment)
Celeste (Matt Makes Games)
Florence (Mountains)
Life is Strange 2: Episode 1 (Dontnod Entertainment / Square Enix)
The Missing: J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories (White Owls / Arc System Works)
Mejor juego independiente
Celeste (Matt Makes Games)
Dead Cells (Motion Twin)
Into the Breach (Subset Games)
Return of the Obra Dinn (3909 LLC)
The Messenger (Sabotage Studio)
Mejor juego móvil
Donut County (Ben Esposito / Annapurna Interactive)
Florence (Mountains)
Fortnite (Epic Games)
PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (Lightspeed & Quantum / Tencent Games)
Reigns: Game of Thrones (Nerial / Devolver Digital)
Mejor juego VR/AR
Astro Bot: Rescue Mission (SIE Japan Studio / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Beat Saber (Beat Games)
Firewall: Zero Hour (First Contact Entertianment / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Moss (Polyarc Games)
Tetris Effect (Resonair / Enhance Games)
Mejor juego de acción
Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII (Treyarch / Activision)
Dead Cells (Motion Twin)
Destiny 2: Forsaken (Bungie / Activision)
Far Cry 5 (Ubisoft Montreal / Ubisoft)
Mega Man 11 (Capcom)
Mejor juego de acción y aventura
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey (Ubisoft Quebec / Ubisoft)
God of War (SIE Santa Monica Studio / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Marvel’s Spider-Man (Insomniac Games / Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Rockstar Games)
Shadow of the Tomb Raider (Eidos Montreal / Crystal Dynamics / Square Enix)
Mejor RPG
Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age (Orca / Square Enix)
Monster Hunter: World (Capcom)
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom (Level-5 / Bandai Namco Entertainment)
Octopath Traveler (Square Enix / Acquire / Nintendo)
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (Obsidian Entertainment / Versus Evil)
Mejor juego de lucha
BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle (Arc SYstem Works)
Dragon Ball FighterZ (Arc System Works / Bandai Namco Entertainment)
Soulcalibur VI (Bandai Namco Studios / Bandai Namco Entertainment)
Street Fighter V Arcade (Dimps / Capcom)
Mejor juego familiar
Mario Tennis Aces (Camelot Software Planning / Nintendo)
Nintendo Labo (Nintendo EPD / Nintendo)
Overcooked! 2 (Ghost Town Games / Team17)
Starlink: Battle for Atlas (Ubisoft Toronto / Ubisoft)
Super Mario Party (NDCube / Nintendo)
Mejor juego de estrategia
The Banner Saga 3 (Stoic Studio / Versus Evil)
Battletech (Harebrained Schemes / Paradox Interactive)
Frostpunk (11 bit studios)
Into the Breach (Subset Games)
Valkyria Chronicles 4 (Sega CS3 / Sega)
Mejor juego de deportes y carreras
FIFA 19 (EA Vancouver / EA Sports)
Forza Horizon 4 (Playground Games / Turn 10 Studios / Microsoft Studios)
Mario Tennis Aces (Camelot Software Planning / Nintendo)
NBA 2K19 (Visual Concepts / 2K Sports)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 (PES Productions / Konami)
Mejor multijugador
Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII (Treyarch / Activision)
Destiny 2: Forsaken (Bugnie / Activision)
Fortnite (Epic Games)
Monster Hunter: World (Capcom)
Sea of Thieves (Rare / Microsoft Studios)
Mejor juego creado por estudiantes
Combat 2018 (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences – Norway)
Dash Quasar (UC Santa Cruz)
JERA (Digipen Bilbao, Spain)
LIFF (ISTART Digital, France)
RE: Charge (MIT)
Mejor primer juego de un estudio independiente
Donut County (Ben Esposito / Annapurna Interactive)
Florence (Mountains)
Moss (Polyarc Games)
The Messenger (Sabotage Studio)
Yoku’s Island Express (Villa Gorilla)
Mejor juego de eSports
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Valve)
DOTA 2 (Valve)
Fortnite (Epic Games)
League of Legends (Riot Games)
Overwatch (Blizzard Entertainment)
Mejor jugador de eSports (Presentado por Omen by HP)
Dominique “SonicFox” McLean (Echo Fox)
Hajime “Tokido” Taniguchi
Jian “Uzi” Zi-Hao (Royal Never Give Up)
Oleksandr “s1mple” Kostyliev (Natus Vincere)
Sung-hyeon “JJoNak” Bang (New York Excelsior)
Mejor equipo de eSports
Astralis (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)
Cloud9 (League of Legends)
Fnatic (League of Legends)
London Spitfire (Overwatch League)
Mejor entrenador de eSports
Bok “Reapered” Han-gyu (Cloud9)
Cristian “ppasarel” Bănăseanu (OG)
Danny “zonic” Sørensen (Astralis)
Dylan Falco (Fnatic)
Jakob “YamatoCannon” Mebdi (Team Vitality)
Janko “YNk” Paunovic (MiBR)
Mejor evento de eSports
ELEAGUE Major: Boston 2018
EVO 2018
League of Legends World Championship
Overwatch League Grand Finals
The International 2018
Mejor presentador de eSports
Alex “Goldenboy” Mendez
Alex “Machine” Richardson
Anders Blume
Eefje “Sjokz” Depoortere
Paul “RedEye” Chaloner
Mejor momento en eSports
C9 Comeback Win In Triple OT vs FAZE at ELEAGUE Major: Boston 2018
G2 Beating RNG at the League of Legends World Championship
KT vs. IG Base Race at the League of Legends World Championship
OG’s Massive Upset of LGD at the DOTA 2 Finals
SonicFox Side Switch Against Go1 in Dragon Ball FighterZ at EVO 2018
Creador de contenido del año
Dr. Lupo
The Game Awards 2018
La entrada Todos los ganadores de los Game Awards 2018 se publicó primero en Noticias.
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halcionic · 4 years
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so i, perhaps, write really long chapters and have realized i need to start giving these better, more accurate names. i decided they are going to be categorized in “chapter x” and “chapter x.5″. oh. and uh... some bonus content! easily my best lines - 
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transcript & gen. taglist + bassline batteries taglist (ask to be +/-) under the cut!
gen. taglist: @sprigofbasil @astralis-elysian @therealblackparade @adaparkwrites @dioramic @alicewestwater
bassline batteries taglist: @acatwithmanyfandoms @writingbyjillian @lousyloved @writeurheartout @vanheys @cruelsvmmers 
[ first screenshot ] 
“Uh… No. If I was a cop I’d be arresting you already, yeah?” 
“You look like you’d call me a slur in a Home Depot, so I’m just checking. Who are you lookin’ for, and why?” 
Stef didn’t blame the person for being suspicious, but still, it unnerved him. “Uh… I’m looking for my little brother. Mama’s gonna freak if he isn’t home soon and I need to study for finals so I can’t be worrying about him.” 
“Yeah, our mama, okay? Anyway, have you seen him? His name is Marco, and he’s a fucking bi - er, he’s not the nicest, about yay tall?” Stef gestured an inch or two above his head with a flat palm, smiling awkwardly as he described his lanky brother.
Marco was, in fact, far taller than that, but Stef wasn’t ready to admit that. 
The person rolled their eyes. “I heard he was leavin’ with that other kid last night.” 
“Leaving?” It was Stef’s turn for one-word sentences, but his wasn’t mocking. Fuck, please say leaving meant going out for some actual pizza or something, fuck, fuck, he couldn’t deal with that. 
He couldn’t. 
The person nodded, and Stef stopped them before they could explain, asking their name. “Uh, Jet Star. They/Them. Anyway, yeah, I heard he was leavin’. His friend was drivin’ and he was sitting on the side of the truck bed shoutin’ shit into the street.” 
“Sounds like him,” Stef swore under his breath, because that did sound like Marco. Marco was the type to burn his bridges and not care about what he left in his wake, and… And was he leaving Stef in his wake? “Have they come back yet?” 
“What do you not get about leaving?” 
[ end id. ] 
[ second screenshot ] 
“You do? How?” Of course, Stef would need to clarify before he took any advice from a near-stranger in heart-shaped sunglasses, and… What seemed to be a black leather jacket solely held together by various patches. 
While he received no answer for the question, Jet answered in a different way. “Kobra’s a little, you know. Touched in the head, you might say, kinda crazy.” 
“Yeah, he had a Joan Of Arc phase in middle school, get to the point.” 
Jet gave an exaggerated eye roll. “Whatever. Anyway, he’s a little off his rocker when it comes to making sane decisions and things like that.”
[ end id ] 
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feliciasink · 7 years
March, April, and May Wrap-Up.
March, April, and May Wrap-Up.
Damn, I’ve really spent too little time on my blogs these past few months =o.. Of course, my job has a lot to do with that. The restaurant business is getting busier every day, especially with us in a tourist area. On some days I work shifts of 11 hours or more, these days will only get longer with the weather improving and the summer holidays approaching. Luckily, I’ve got my ‘short’ days too,…
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