#Avielle brindamour
just-the-mage · 3 years
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iris-ymir · 3 years
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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕸𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖗 𝖌𝖔𝖊𝖘 𝕮𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖑𝖊𝖛𝖆𝖓𝖎𝖆!
@iris-ymir as Alucard, @evangeline-cross as Carmilla, @hangedemperor as Gilles de Rais & @umbralich as Dracula! 🦇
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zuriel-aluette · 4 years
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Storming the Antitower with magic and style! 💖
Totally OOC, but I couldn’t resist...they looked too cool together with their matching red, white, and black fits! Like a magical girl duo lol
White Mage Zuri and @evangeline-cross‘ Red Mage Avi!
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just-the-mage · 3 years
Shadowbringers spoilers below.
"Do not fail." And she was gone. Avielle caught the potion without even realizing it. Disregarding it entirely, she reached out her other hand fruitlessly, grasping at the air that 'Shtola had previously occupied. Her 'Shtola. Her light, her love, her guiding star that had led her faithfully through each and every one of the trials and tribulations the scions had met; from the day they had met in sunny Ul'dah to the depths of this gods-damned cave. Y'shtola was swallowed up by darkness, just as the worthless adjutant and a few falling rocks beforehand. Avielle stared blankly over the edge, unable to truly process what had happened. It couldn't be real. They had been through so much...too much, together. She would come back...right? Pull herself out of that bottomless pit, right as rain, wearing her trademark smirk.
But she didn't.
Deafening silence rang throughout the cavern, perfectly still as Avielle stared into the darkness, desperately willing 'Shtola to appear. Her heart thundered in her ears, almost drowning out Ran'jit:
"How noble. And pointless."
That was when it struck. Despair. A cold sweat, ragged, uneven breathing, a cold fire burning in her chest. She wasn't coming back. And the one responsible was standing directly behind her. A massive current of air rushed up from the pit past Avielle, but she paid it no mind. What was the point anymore? She was gone...and in a few quick moments, Avielle would be too. Rounding on Ran'jit, she tried to speak, but the words simply couldn't break free of her throat. The pressure in her chest was too great. All that came forth was a howl so filled with hatred that Ran'jit almost staggered back-but Avielle caught his hand. She knew what she would do now. Truly, she had known it from the moment 'Shtola had fallen. Curling black runes extended down her arm and onto Ran'jit's, burning skin as they crossed it. The man tried to pull free but found that he couldn't-the two were bound together by magic.
A death pact.
Avielle chanted, looking now directly into Ran'jit's eyes, her own filling with darkness. He could no longer see the vii who had once stood before him..all that was left was an avatar of hatred and rage who had one task remaining-to kill him. Avielle chanted.
She couldn't hear Minfilia as she stepped into the room, bewildered at the sight before her. Avielle chanted.
She couldn't hear anything at all.
"Avielle, NO!"
"At once!"
Avielle felt her prey suddenly ripped from her grasp, dragged from the binds of her magic by...Urianger? She could barely see through the darkness as she reeled, turning to watch as Ranjit flew out over the pit, only to be intercepted by Thancred, who quickly sent him hurtling down into the abyss. She couldn't move. She couldn't breathe. She thought she could feel someone holding her as she tried desperately to chant, to finish the incantation, to disappear herself. This, she was sure, was the only way to stop the pain, the emptiness, the despair that overflowed within her, threatening to pop her head like an overripe grape. She could feel it ending...and then...it barely registered, but a dull pain struck her face, and she stopped, just long enough to open her eyes to Thancred's panicked face looking down at her.
"L-let me go..I-I ca-can't..." She sobbed, her arms suddenly feeble as she tried to push him away.
"Avielle, stop, please!" He pulled her into a hug. "What are you doing? Where is Y'shtola?"
"Sh-she f-f-f....f-fell..." Avielle managed to stammer, ringing filling her ears. She couldn't breathe at all now.
"Avielle...Avielle!" Thancred's face quickly faded from her vision as she passed out.
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just-the-mage · 3 years
3. Scale
"Sometimes it feels like too much." Avielle whispered into the crook of Y'shtola's neck. The two lay intertwined in the bows of a tree overlooking Fanow, taking full advantage of a moment of peace following 'Shtola's return from the Lifestream. Morning’s speckled sunlight fell between the leaves of the overhead canopy, illuminating them both with flickering lights that moved calmly in tune with the breeze. Avielle could scarce believe that ‘Shtola was back. Every touch, every smile barely felt real, and Avielle was loathed to consider it anything more than a dream… Lest she wake, and lose everything all over again.
“Hm? What’s that, love?” Y’shtola replied, stroking Avielle’s long ears and smiling down at her mate, who was currently little more than a puddle of magenta hair and casual clothes. She was shocked to hear what Avi had done -- what she tried to do after ‘Shtola had fallen. She knew Avielle was reliant on her, emotionally… and the overwhelming amount of aether she was taking on had imbalanced her; but she would never have thought Avielle would resort to a death pact, of all things.
When Y’shtola jumped, it was partially a burning desire to save the people who had become her family over the past three years, but also an impulse. Complete and utter thoughtlessness. Acting without truly thinking. And understanding just how distraught and devastated Avielle became during her absence made guilt creep in like a spreading disease. She didn't truly regret her decision but, it hurt to know she hurt the one she loved so much.
The emptiness her partner had described felt familiar, and only then did she realize how utterly alone she had felt in her time on the First. Surrounded by people, and yet alone. Her mind dulled the pain eventually, but being separated from her mate for so long had left her listless in a way that had taken far too long to register.
"The scale of it all. The enormity of it. This… this fight… the endless fight against primals, against Garlemald, the Ascians… isn’t it just overwhelming sometimes?” Avielle sighed, planting a kiss on Y’shtola’s collarbone. “The pressure is so immense. So many lives are in our hands.”
“I understand… I do. I feel it at times as well…” Y’shtola said, looking up into the canopy. Though the light of day shone down on them, the night would come too, thanks to their actions in the Ravel.
“The pressure may be immense, but the results speak for themselves. Few, if any, have ever done what we have. You have shown such strength in the face of monsters I would have previously thought insurmountable. We all feel the pressure of our duty, at times, but if we don’t face evil, who will?”
Y’shtola repositioned Avielle, her lips searching the brilliant aether of her mate until she was softly kissing her brow, and then her lips. “When the pressure weighs heavy upon you, come to me. We will make time for small moments, amongst the chaos.”
“I ask the same of you, then, my love.” Avielle cooed, running her hand down Y’shtola’s cheek, and along her jaw. “Having you at my side makes me feel… exceptional. You make me feel the way the tales speak of the ‘Warrior of Light.’”
“I’m glad to hear that. It makes me happy.” Y’shtola closed her eyes again, relaxing into Avielle. She wanted to make this moment last as long as possible.
(For extra context see my previous entry)
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just-the-mage · 3 years
FFXIV Write 2021-Prompt #2-Aberrant
The sun over Ul’dah beat down on Avielle, threatening, as it always had, to burn her pale skin to a bright dalamud red. She adjusted her parasol, eliminating the small triangle of light that had appeared on her wrist. Scanning out across the desert in front of her, she checked her belt, from which a number of glass vials hung, jingling against each other with each step she took. Simple things, really-she had bought a few different types, unsure if any of them would truly hold voidsent blood. Though she had encountered a few of the monstrosities in the time she had spent with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, she hardly felt as if she were an expert on the subject. They came in so many different forms that it was nearly impossible to tell what kind of blood this creature would have. What if it was made of some awful substance that would burn straight through the glass? Then Avielle would be spectacularly out of luck.
A few minutes of trudging through sand later, she finally found herself looking directly at the unusual fissure in the ground Yayake had described to her. What could only be described as darkness seeped from the edges, and though the entrance looked to lead to an underground cavern; there was a…friction in the air around the fissure. The image of it wobbled as if it were a mirage, heat waves drifting up from a well-traveled Ul’dahn road as the sun reached its peak. Avielle inched closer, hesitantly drawing the small staff she used to channel her thaumaturgy.
“Heere kitty, kitty…” she whispered, letting the wand flare with aether. For a moment, all remained still, just as it had been before, the orange glow of Avielle’s wand illuminating what now appeared to be almost a physical barrier of nothing that hung ominously overtop the cave below her. Then, as though a crack had appeared in the world itself, a hand thrust itself through the nothing, straining and pulling, tearing at the nothing. Avielle scrambled backwards, trying to give herself some distance, a muffled ‘Shit!’ slipping from between her lips.
She was barely able to cast a line of lighting towards the portal before the nothing shattered and the beast was on top of her. The aberrant creature was bereft of skin, pulsing nerves and flesh exposed to open air. It’s howls as it snapped at Avielle were most likely of fury…and pain. Bestial claws ripped at the struggling viera’s arm, drawing blood that spattered over the desert floor. Avielle responded in kind with a blast of flame that struck the creature directly in the chest. It reeled, allowing Avielle a moment to breathe-and to actually see what it looked like. Dog-like, the monster was large as a wagon, appeared to be nearly blind, or at least lacking visible eyes. Rows of spines lined its back, most likely matched by rows of teeth in its maw. It screeched, pausing before it pounced back in, which was perfect. Avielle wove aether, her hand warming as she pulled the heat from the air around the voidsent. A swirl of ice bound it to the ground-and Avielle could feel her hand burning in response. She had botched the spell. Clutching her hand, she stumbled back and launched another fireball, searing at exposed flesh, and then another.
She was freezing now, her breath escaping her lungs as a pale fog as her body temperature dropped dangerously low. The voidsent screamed again, shattering its icy shackles and charging towards Avielle. She brought up her arm to defend herself, and the beast’s jaws closed around it. She felt the bone break as it clamped down. Letting out a scream of her own, she placed her free hand on its face, taking the heat from its body to adjust her own temperature. The monster bit down again, tearing at her flesh, and she was just…barely able to shove another fireball directly down its throat. She tapped her aether again, and the fire expanded, causing the voidsent’s head to pop, spattering Avielle with gore. Luckily, it wasn’t acidic. The wounded viera lay there, panting, freezing, and still half-way underneath her quarry. It was going to be a very long walk back to Ul’dah.
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just-the-mage · 2 years
What is your OC’s favourite kind of weather? Do they like watching it rain? Do they prefer a gentle sunshine? How would they spend the day with this weather?
Evangeline: "I l-love sunny days, more than anything. But more of a...spring sun? I don't like d-dry heat very much, it reminds me of..um...well, things that I'd rather not talk about." Evangeline said, tapping the tips of her fingers together. "I like the sun in Gridania during the spring, a-and a sunny day at the beach, where you can taste the salt...and the air is heavy with brine. I don't know why it's so pleasant to me, but it is." She smiled, sweeping her hair back over her shoulders.
Avielle: "My favorite days are often rainy...unless the rain betrays me!! I still love it, curling up with a book and listening the rain tapping on the windows while I'm reading. It's just so relaxing, especially if I have Raz with me. But lately, the rain has ruined way too many dates for me to love it quite the way I used to." Avielle pouts, crossing her arms. "If I put a lot of thought into a romantic evening, I don't want to get caught in a storm! It's a real mood killer."
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just-the-mage · 2 years
6. What does your OC think is the cutest thing in the universe? Kittens? Baby plants? Something else?
Evangeline: “W-well…I’ve always thought baby chocobos were very cute…and horses, my family in Dalmasca kept horses, and my mother made horseshoes as part of her job, so I spent a lot of time with them.” She fiddles with her hair, rethinking her answer. “Well, I guess I’d consider horses to be more beautiful than cute. Definitely baby chocobos, and…um…” She flushes bright red, hiding her face behind her hands to fruitlessly try to cover her reaction. “A-and…um…g-girls…”
Avielle: “Oh, kittens for sure! Especially the ones with too much fur for their own good. And…some fish? We have a fish tank at my house and we have some little fish that I think are really, really cute! Flowers are good, and deer, we see those a lot around Gridania. I think babies are cute too. Before I left my village I would help out with the babies at the nursery sometimes…they were really cute.” Avielle’s bright mood seems to fade, and she starts to look wistful, staring off into the distance.
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just-the-mage · 2 years
ಠ-ಠ: Do they like it when people touch their hair?
Evangeline: "H-hells...that's an interesting question to ask someone..." Evangeline absently takes a lock of her long red hair around her finger, twirling it without realizing she is.
"I-I mean...yes? It's just...I have a hard time letting people touch me in general if I don't know them too well. But if I'm comfortable with someone..." She gets a far-off dreamy look in her eyes, just for a second before it passes, and she is back to her normal self.
"If I'm comfortable with someone, I would like if they touched my hair..." She blushes, untangling the lock of hair from her finger.
Avielle: "Oh, I love when people touch my hair. Well...one person in particular mostly. If a stranger were to come up to me and ask if they could? I'd probably turn them down. But I love when my fiancée touches my hair...my ears...she pulls on my pigtails too, and that's really quite..." Avielle trails off, flushing bright red as she realizes what she just said.
"You know what? Forget I said that!" Avielle giggles awkwardly, hiding her face in her hands.
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just-the-mage · 3 years
LFRP-Avielle Brindamour
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Name: Avielle Brindamour
Age:  27
Birthday: Second Sun of the Sixth Umbral Moon
Race: Elezan
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Marital Status: Single
Server: Mateus
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Turquoise
Height: 5′11″(180cm)
Build: Curvy
Distinguishing Marks:  
Common Accessories: Earrings, usually lots of them.  She has each ear pierced in four different places, and will usually wear either hoop earrings or ear cuffs.  She is also usually wearing a necklace of some kind-nothing ostentatious though.
Profession: Con artist, Alchemist
Hobbies: Croquet, horseback riding, playing music (she plays the harp), and hunting (taken up specifically to appeal to specific men)
Languages: Common, and knows a bit of Old Elezan
Residence: Ishgard
Birthplace: Ishgard
Religion: None
Patron Deity: Llymlaen, the Navigator
Fears: Growing old, small spaces (she is claustrophobic), losing any of her limbs.  She pretends to be afraid of bugs and mice to appear more delicate.
Spouse: N/A
Children: N/A
Parents:  Gwendal L'éclatement (father),  Adrienne Brindamour  (mother)
Siblings:  Gauvain L'éclatement (younger half-brother)
Other Relatives: not specified
Pets: N/A
TRAITS ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Smoking Habit: Occasionally Drugs: None  Alcohol: Mostly at Social Gatherings
RP HOOKS ––– –
The Long Con- Avielle is, without a doubt, a con artist.  She chats up noblemen (and on very very rare occasion noblewomen), curls them around her finger, lets them fall for her, and then escapes with a fairly decent amount of money.  Have you been conned by her?  Interested in a partnership?  A noble perhaps looking for some conversation with an elezen who caught your eye?  This option may be for you!   
The Mixer- Alchemy is both a pastime and a profession for Avielle.     Do you need a love potion mixed? Perhaps some poison, for if the whole love potion idea didn’t work out? An herbal remedy for your injuries, if your target found the poison? Ask around the Brume...
Magic Initiate- Avielle is currently an Arcanist-in-training. She has a pretty good grasp of the basics, but is hardly a master of the craft. Are you a fellow student? Maybe even a teacher? This may be for you!
Astrologically Inclined- Avielle finds herself very interested in fortunes and astrology. She tries not to put too much stock in it, given that she is fully aware of how easy it is to manipulate people with something so simple as telling their fortune, but her fascination remains unabated. If you are a fortune teller, or similarly interested in the practice, you may share an interest with her...
If you want to contact me, feel free to send me an ask or DM me on tumblr at @evangeline-cross. My discord is available on request.
What I won’t do:
-Character death
-Straight ERP is a no for me, we have to be reeeeaaallllyyy close for me to even consider it tbh.
-No underage people...I shouldn’t have to say this.
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just-the-mage · 3 years
In the interest of trying something different:
Hi all-that is anyone that might still be seeing what I post. I’m going to try and participate in ffxiv write 2021 to see if I can eke out a bit of inspiration from somewhere, and maybe shake off the rust a little. It’s been ages at this point since I’ve written anything, and to be honest even though I want to, I’m finding myself excessively anxious at even starting anything. In order to shake things up, I’m going to be writing for a different character-Avielle Brindamour. This isn’t the same character that I have a profile for on my blog, I’ve scrapped that character. To give some basics on the new iteration:
Avielle is, as it happens, the Warrior of Light. A veena viera who found her way to Ul’dah in her travels, she felt a spark lead her to the thaumaturge’s guild where she took up a low-ranking position processing paperwork. It was there that she found herself called to a greater destiny, hearing the voice of Hydaelyn, possessing of the echo. She met Thancred, who she found to be rather sweet, if a bit of a womaniser; and Y’shtola, who made her heart beat a bit faster than usual, for some reason.
I’ll try and make a more in-depth backstory for her coming up, but I’m a bit stressed right now so I’ll leave it at that for the time being. Thank you everyone who is still reading!
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just-the-mage · 3 years
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Finally! took me forever to get my hands on this but it’s SO PRETTY! One down, so many more to go...
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