Me: *playing the lostbelt 6 in the ch29*
Me : *crying* please Beryl ! I don’t want to fight you ! I love you I love you so much , you are my everything, my whole life I don’t want you to die ! please…
Beryl : *pats my shoulder* hey hey baby what are you talking about ? I’m right here beside you , you’re just play the flashback of this stupid lostbelt , the day when we fought , *sigh* I’m glad this lostbelt is gone !
Me : oh ! ..oh yeah you’re right phew ♡ I was fused sorry , ah I’m so glad you’re fine and here with me 💗 .
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tittyblade · 1 year
@st0necold-miracle приветик
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veone · 1 year
obviously i don’t agree with everything yoonie did but it’s really bothering me how people like berie came out to call her a bitch and were really hostile purely because they were upset abt yoonie criticizing their past shitty actions. its really gross and they’re just taking away from the anti-blackness convo to shit on another black person and prioritize themselves (u don’t have to answer, just venting)
What can we accept from someone who got mad and had their “friends” continue speaking on their behave because someone made a another cc master list. Like their the only person who want to make fat sims in the community.
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anxious-witch · 4 months
Okay, okay, fine I am doing analysis of Damon Baker's photoshoots 😂
That said, since a lot of people already analyzed Kris' and since Bojan's has less picture, I am gonna start with his. Also obviously, this is totally subjective, I am not claiming this is one true or absolutely correct analysis, just my thoughts on it.
Under the cut bc this will deff get long
So I cropped the pictures so I can analyze them separately
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To start off with these two, because I think they were put like this bery purposefully. On the left, we have Bojan with his arms crossed, his expression is, the reminiscent of "The Fallen Angel" by Alexandre Cabanel (I apologize, someone else already did a comparison but I can't find it rn, feel free to tell me in the replies and I'll tag you). Bojan looks almost angry, his crossed over arms showing he is closed off and the spikes on his biceps emphasizes that. It literally feels like a warning sign. His eyes are downcast, as if he is looking down on something or someone. He is something to look at, but not touch, if you don't want to get hurt.
Then we have a smaller pictures right next to his one, that's almost exact opposite. It feels like we caught him in a momen where he was not meant to be seen. His face look tortured, like he just cried or is about to cry. His hair is messy in a way that doesn't feel like it was on purpose, but rather as if he messed it up during his inner turmoil. There is also a cigarette, which implies he is taking it to calm himself. His eyes are pointed upwards, as if he is seeking guidance from someone above him.
I feel like, for me, from storytelling perspective, these two pictures put together like this hint at Bojan's struggle with anxiety.
He is trying to appear tough and untouchable, the way he feels he has to be, but he is struggling internally. This is overall theme of the shoot, I think.
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Next we have this shot of his outfit. My first thought when I saw this was "this looks oddly rugged for Bojan". And I do stand by it. The shirt is half undone, half tucked into his pants, but half outside in the back. Like he got dressed in a hurry. Like he doesn't care or perhaps doesn't have the energy to care about how he is appearing. And then, tbe belt buckle with a broken heart. I think, that's the core element in this particular picture. Especially in comparison to Kris' heart necklace. Despite the rugged clothes, there is something fragile underneath all that. His heart.
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Then we have this one. And it's such a stark contrast than the previous three, I was genuinely shook. In this one, Bojan is openly vulnerable towards the camera, towards the viewer. Not looking up or down, but directly to the camera. Also the detail that @theraggedygirl11 pointed out about him wearing Damon's "safe sweater" broke me. It's almost as if he is saying, "look, this is how I am when I am allowed to be safe. This is how I am when I am not suffering".
What a contrast to the above outfit! The open shirt only poised as fake vulnerability, when a truly vulnerable Bojan isn't showing off his skin at all here, but rather his face. His emotions, all on display.
Another thing that strikes me as amazing in this particular picture (can you tell this one is my favorite?) is that his pose looks comfortable and his hair falls gently to the side, freely showing off his gray hairs, that are especially visible in black and white.
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Then at last, we come to these three, all in color. Unlike Kris, who had water, Bojan has fire as his "element" in this photoshoot. Fire is passion, light, warmth. It entices you, and it's much more noticable at first. But it can also burn you. There is also a reason why we say we "burn out" as well. Bojan holding a literally lit match in his mouth is such an amazing imagery.
We all know that magic trick of a man extinguishing a match in his mouth, for the entertainment of all. Putting himself in a very vulnerable position. Lips, mouth and tongue are so soft, especially compared to fire that burns. And is that not in a way, exactly what Bojan does? He pours out his heart while he sings, leaving it to the crowd to decide if they are entertained with his preformance. And surez ither do it too, but I think we can agree he is the most on display.
The way he is looking at the camera first, as if waiting for a reaction, and then as the fire gets closer, his eyes close too, as if he is too scared to look.
Just....augh, I love the way Damon Baker showcased his personality through these and how he expressed so much through just a few pictures. Also, please feel free to add your own thoughts, I love hear other ppl's opinions on things like these
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d-targaryenshoe · 2 years
Symbols Of Strength • Daemon Targaryen
Word Count: 1525
Summary: Giving birth to your first babe when your husband is not in the kingdom is never easy, is it?
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As you sat at the long table that was decorated with all different sorts of food and spices that would fill your stomach in delight, to start your day.
You were eating for more than just yourself, since you were carrying the first child that would join your marriage to Daemon Targaryen.
Slightly pushing your fork into the egg yolk that was laying on your plate, you saw the orange substance flowing between your baked bacon strips, losing your appetite as you were watching your food.
"Do you not crave anything on this table?" Alicent leaned her elbows on the table, folding her hands and looking at you in a venomous manner. "People have had a lot of time, making sure you would have a great meal."
"I would like it if you would calm your tone towards my sister, no one called you an obstacle when you married our father, your grace," Rhaenyra spoke.
"Alicent, would you mind?" Viserys glared at his wife, starting to cut his bacon.
"No, father, let her be, all bite but no action towards me." You smirked at the dark-haired female, taking a sip from your water before placing your hands on your bump. "Because of what? Because I got married to the man that was betrothed to you?"
"You do not know anything about love or true desires." Alicent clenched her jaw, tightening her grip on her knife.
"Se iksin nyke beri naejot daor gīmigon skoros ao drējī desire, ondoso mirre gods, ābra (And am I lucky to not know what you truly desire, by all gods, woman). You placed your hand on your fathers, kindly smiling at him as if nothing happened.
"You may be Queen, you may be my wife and mother of my children, but you do not ever approach my daughters in this way." Viserys snapped at Alicent as she pushed her chair back and left the hall.
"Father, do you mind if we go and pay a visit to Syrax?" Rhaenyra stood up from her chair, holding a hand to you, supporting your back. "Or would you rather have us stay here?"
Viserys shook his head, smiling at the two of you, waving his hand dismissively. "No, not at all, you go and pay a visit to the beautiful beast, y/n, you should take some time to rest since Daemon is going for a ride with Caraxes."
You chuckled, intertwining your arm with Rhaenyra's, kissing your father's cheek. "I do not have any rest if Daemon is around either, father."
You and Rhaenyra turned your backs as you started to walk out of the castle into the cave where Syrax was to be found most of the time.
"Syrax, ao gevie dyni (Syrax, you beautiful beast). Rhaenyra whispered, slightly walking towards him, placing her hands on her neck before taking your hands and placing them under her own. "It's as easy as that."
You smiled at the huge beast, rubbing your hands on her neck, feeling her roar under your hands, you looked at Rhaenyra before both of you chuckled. "Such a weird yet satisfying vibration."
"Yes, it is indeed, how was the babe when the maester visited last week?" Rhaenyra asked, putting her hands behind her back. 
"Gevie riña, such iā gevives (beautiful girl, such a beauty)." You walked towards Syrax her head, holding out your hands, waiting for her reaction before she stepped closed, making the ground shake slightly. "There you go."
"Did the maester do anything special, gave you any remedies for the pain you've been experiencing?" The younger sister asked again, placing her hand on Syrax's head. "Y/n, for all gods I'm your sister."
"I'm scared, sister, I'm scared to fucking death. Because I do not know how this will end. Will I end up like our mother or will I live? I do not know." You sighed, taking your hands off Syrax, cradling your bump as pain struck your abdomen.
Rhaenyra placed her hand on your back, pushing your hair out of your face as you were staring down at the ground, looking down at a huge amount of water and a few drops of blood. "Rhaenyra..."
"Oh fuck, we must find the Maester, a few attendants, and Daemon, we must find Daemon, no I must find Daemon, I have to bring you to your room of course..." Rhaenyra chuckled nervously, grabbing your hand as her other arm was wrapped around your waist.
"Please, stay calm, so am i." You muttered, entering the huge gate from the castle, releasing Rhaenyra's hand as you release a sigh, feeling another pain entering your body. "Go search Daemon if he has already landed with Caraxes, I'll be fine."
Rhaenyra nodded her head, kissing your cheek before running off, onto finding your husband meanwhile you just screamed. "Maester Mellos and midwives are to be send in my room!"
As you stood in front of the stairs, you took a deep breath in as you already knew this was going to be painful, walking onto a high stair with a babe inside of you that was wishing to come out.
Stepping onto the stairs you bit your lip, breathing in and out before someone placed a hand on your back, helping you lead on the staircase. Well, Maester Mellos, you certainly do fulfill your duties."
"Of course, Lady Targaryen." The man answered as the both of you walked into the room where three midwives were already waiting for you to arrive. 
As a pain struck you once again you bowed forward, screaming out in pain, before a midwife strolled over to you, undoing the buttons of your dress.
Accepting the midwife's hand you stepped out of the dress, waddling over to the bed that you shared with your husband that was now dressed in white sheets.
You lay down in the bed, closing your eyes before you feel a cold towel placed on your forehead before you hear the door being opened.
You opened an eye, noticing Rhaenyra walking in but without your husband which made the nerves slightly get to your heart in worry.
As a pain struck your abdomen, you took a breath in and out, reaching out for your sister. "Is he back yet?"
Rhaenyra nodded, holding your hand and kissing your knuckles, softly smiling at you. "He had just arrived, almost lost his mind when I said the babe was on its way."
The both of you chuckle before you squeezed Rhaenyra's hand in pain, leaning your head back, hoping this torture of pain would be over soon enough.
"Lady Targaryen, I must apply some pressure to the belly, this might be unpleasant." The Maester spoke, placing both of his hands on your belly before applying pressure
You screamed it out in pain, releasing Rhaenyra's hand but grabbing the sheets instead. "Nyke jorrāelagon ñuha valzȳrys kesīr, nyke daor gaomagon bisa mērī (I need my husband here, I cannot do this alone)."
"Aderī mandia (Soon sister) " Rhaenyra whispered, removing the hairs that stuck to your forehead from the wet towel. 
"Lady, you must start to push." A midwife spoke as she placed your legs in the correct position, holding an elbow under you as another midwife changed the towel with a new one. 
Taking a deep breath you placed your chin on your chest, applying all the pressure on your abdomen even though the pain you felt was unbearable, losing this child would be even worse.
"Open this fucking door if you do not wish to be eaten, crushed or burned alive by my ruthless dragon." As you heard the voice behind the door, you sort of relaxed, knowing he would be here to see the birth of your first child.
"I'm sorry, Prince, but the Maester commanded me to-" 
"He commanded you what? To keep the father of this babe out of the room? Let me be with my wife." Daemon pushed the knight out of the way, walking towards you as you were pushing the best you could. 
Feeling a pair of lips on your forehead you smiled, placing your hand on his cheek, forbidding yourself to get emotional for seeing him at this moment. "You're here." 
"I am, you're not in this alone, we're in this together." Daemon placed his chin on top of your head, placing a hand on your back as you gained power enough to push again.
"Lady Targaryen if you could just wai-"
"Fuck waiting, I'm in pain." You groaned, pushing with all you got before you felt a huge release, staring up at Daemon when the room went quiet for a few moments.
A baby started crying, making you bust out in tears, opening your arms out for your newborn child, smiling up at Daemon before placing your lips on his.
"It's a boy." Maester Mellos spoke, smiling at the two of you, handing Daemon a knife to cut the umbilical cord.
Cutting through the cord, Daemon smiled down at the newborn, placing his lips on his son's head, looking into your eyes. "We already had a name did we, dearest wife?"
You nodded your head, leaning your forehead against his. "Rhaelar Targaryen."
TAG LIST: @babygirl-4986 @tsundere-cherry-girl @newtsniffles @sweetybuzz25 @moonmaiden1996 @ali-r3n @eddiemunson17 @bookish-time-travels @ayamenimthiriel @1-800-isabellapotter
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grandlinedreams · 6 months
Hiii, long time lurker first time requester here!! (on anon bcos tumblr is my safe place, I hope that’s okay :3) I was wondering if I could submit a request before you close them? 💕
I love how you write lighthearted scenes with Law, it’s always the perfect balance of comedy while staying true to his character! So, may I propose: the fake relationship trope with Law x reader?? Yknow the iconic scenario when two characters who are definitely not dating find themselves in a sticky situation so the reader pulls the ‘oh this is my boyfriend/girlfriend’ card completely out of the blue and the other person just has to kinda go along with it so as not to blow their cover?
Idek how that would even come about in a scenario involving Law but I just know he would be so exasperated but still committed to going along with it hehe
Anon your mind is 😙👌🏼 chefs kiss I love that trope and I hope that I made it work well bc i wanted to go the humor route but decided that the Kaz/Inej coding of reader and Law needed some more food so ㅡ
[heads up!: spy!reader, reader is not specifically gendered but they do wear a dress, angst, Law's a lil dumb okay]
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The party is beautiful. 
Soft orchestral music plays over the soft din of conversation, the sway of couples in lavish clothing and practiced weaving of staff through the clusters of socialites, trays of food held aloft and offered at various intervals.
Flute of champagne in hand, you watch from your place near a pillar, half-studying the people around you, half watching the fizz of tiny bubbles in your glass. 
"Not much of a dancer?" The speaker's tone is light and conversational, and when you look over, you half-recognize the man now standing next to you. He's the grandson of the man hosting this entire soiree ㅡ and you turn towards him.
"Unfortunately no," you answer with a demure smile, then dip your head to look through your eyelashes, tapping the rim of your glass against your lip. "I'm waiting on someone." 
You know his type, playing right into the invisible appeal as his gaze flickers, then brightens as he offers you his arm. "Perhaps I can at least offer a dance in the meantime?" 
Your smile widens just a little, the careful bat of your eyes. "Perhaps you can."
Your flute is set down in favor of tucking your arm into his and allowing him to sweep you out further onto the floor with the whisper of your dress against your legs. It's heavy and far from what you're accustomed to, but worth the extra beri for the way you fit right in amongst the others.
The press of his other hand is warm against your back, just shy of touching exposed skin ㅡ and you welcome the touch of dizziness from the champagne to keep from balking at the idea of him touching you. 
"This person you're waiting for," your partner says as he leads you through a graceful arc past another couple, "shame on them for keeping such a lovely creature such as yourself waiting for so long."
Your skin crawls, even as you laugh softly. "I assure you, they'reㅡ"
"There you are." A familiar voice makes you turn, finding sharp gold eyes focused on you, then your partner. Trafalgar Law looks less than thrilled about much at any given moment but right now, he looks livid, jaw taut as he watches you and your partner scramble for something to say.
"My apologies," your dance partner says, his expression shifting to mask his discomfort at Law's sudden appearance. "I take it that this is your…"
"My boyfriend," you answer smoothly, sheepish and apologetic as you disengage your arm from his and step towards Law. "It was lovely to dance with you. But if you'll excuse us for a moment?"
You don't give him or Law a chance to answer, grabbing the latter's hand to pull him with you as you hurry away as quickly as your dress and situational awareness will allow you. You're still working, after all, even if Law showing up has potentially jammed a wrench into the cogs. 
What is he even doing here? You want to demand answers, furious that he'd decided to show up unannounced ㅡ like he doesn't trust you. That alone both stokes your fury and douses it in cold water, an odd juxtaposition that ultimately just makes you feel sick.
Law lets you drag him down the hallway, the hard click of your shoes against the marble floor, studying the bounce of your carefully styled hair, the way the jeweled end of your hairpin sways with your movement. 
You'd been lucky enough to weave your web of deception strong enough to secure yourself a place to stay close to your target, and you let go of Law's hand in favor of fussing with the door before yanking him inside.
Law watches your shoulders sag with visible relief as you shut the door, then turn towards him. "What were you thinking? I had this under control." 
He knows. He knows you're more than capable of handling things like this, have proven yourself time and time again ㅡ he doesn't need to check in on you. But he doesn't want to admit the real reason, that he'd been jealous of someone else's hands on you, touching you the way he should be. 
Of course he'd never admit that, he'd rather take it to the grave with him than offer the open wound of vulnerability when he isn't sure you'd return his feelings. 
"You know what?" You say when he's quiet for too long, tone sharp with hurt wrapped in exhausted disbelief at his actions, "I don't want to hear it." 
He should apologize. Tell you that he hadn't meant to almost blow your cover, that he hadn't been thinking ㅡ but instead he watches you cross the room with the rustle of your dress, trying to clean up the clutter of just hours before.
"I just wish you'd trust me," you say, and Law can tell that it's more than just tonight that's bothering you. 
"I do trust you."
You scoff, silence broken by the hard click of plastic cased cosmetics that you toss roughly back into your bag and then reach to tug the pin out of your hair. "Could have fooled me."
Your tone is scathing, all raised hackles and sharp teeth ㅡ remnants of the wild thing you'd once been and in some ways still are. You, for all your sharp edges and uncomfortable truths, still find a way to nestle in his chest, tuck yourself in his heart in ways that terrify him. 
Your huff of frustration breaks Law out of his thoughts to find you struggling with the zipper at the top of your back, and he crosses the room without thinking.
The silent bat of his hand against yours makes you stiffen, hands moving to the bodice of your dress as he pinches the key of the zipper between his fingers.
"I do trust you," he repeats softly. He struggles, the drag of the zipper teeth agonizingly slow. "I apologize if I haven't made that clear." 
You stare at the mess of your bed. "I don't understand what the issue is, then." Your words are a knife you know how to wield and do it well, tight grip on the hilt and sharp tip at proverbial underbelly. "You do your job, I do mine. It's simple."
And yet it isn't. As much as Law wishes that it were, it's far from it. Because he cares about you, cares for you in ways he's trying so hard not to. 
The slow gap of your skin exposed, soft and unguarded that entices him, makes him want in ways he knows he shouldn't. You should pull away, demand he leave, that you'll see him later when you return to the Polar Tang. 
You don't. Instead, you let him pull the zipper down further. And maybe, if he were a different man, that would be enough. 
It isn't. 
The ghost of his fingers against your back makes you stiffen, but you don't discourage him. They slide along the slope of your shoulders, make an invisible path he entertains the brief fantasy of following with his mouth.
And maybe he could, maybe you'd let him ㅡ after all, you'd told those party goers he was your boyfriend. It'd been hasty, quick thinking on your part, but brilliant ㅡ as always. You never miss a beat, always thinking ahead. What he admires about you is the same thing that drives him crazy ㅡ you're always ahead of him, even in this. He knows, and is aware all he has to do is meet you in the middle.
He pulls away. 
"Do you regret allowing me to join your crew, Law?" Your voice, ever that blade, slices through the uncomfortable silence to twist deeper into the ache of his chest. "If you do, this is the perfect time to tell me to leave. I'm sure you can come up with something to tell the others."
You're offering him an out. A way to escape this complicated tangle, let him deflect and deny until you're nothing but a distant memory and a handful of reminders left around the Polar Tang. He should let you leave. 
"I want you," he says instead, and he means to follow that up with something, but it falls flat in the now stilted gap between you. 
You exhale. "You want me." 
You turn towards him, moonlight against the slope of your neck, the dip of your collarbone. Your eyes gleam, flashing with emotion. "And how would you have me, Law? Fully clothed, head turned so our lips can never meet?" 
That knife slips between his ribs and up, punctures his heart, lets him silently bleed out between every breath. He's reminded that you don't wear the boiler suit, your clothes unadorned with his jolly roger ㅡ a reminder that he does not own you (nor does he want to. He just wants you to stay.), and you are not his. But you could be, you tell him silently. You need him to meet you in the middle. That's all.
Something in your face shifts, breaking in his silence. "I will have you without armor, Trafalgar Law, or I will not have you at all." 
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writingoddess1125 · 4 months
Among the Red Lights
Zoro x FemReader
⚠️ Warnings: ⚠️ Angst, Sex Workers
Support me on Ko-Fi
Main Masterlist <<<
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Amidst the vibrant chaos of the red light district, Zoro's sharp eyes scanned around for a bar not wanting to stray far from the group either- especially with Usopp so close to watch him.
The swordsman who wasn't amused at him and the crew needing to travel through the district of this particular village, however he didn't complain nor judge. Simply annoyed at it all- Mainly Sanji damn near drooling the whole time.
Glancing around, seeing if anything caught his eye he stopped mid step..
There sitting on the balcony of a Oiran was a women, he could see the red of the lanters bathing her form and how the moon haloed around her delicately painted face, he couldn't help but stare in awe. While a time in this district wasn't what he wanted, he could appreciate her. That was till more light hit her face and details began to be shown- his eyes narrowing as he stepped closer to the building.
Discerned the figure that stirred both recognition and warmth in his chest. There, dressed in the exquisite garments of a Oiran, was (Y/N) – an old acquaintance from a time when dreams were still untainted by the harsh realities of life. Remembering training with her in his youth and finding her skills as elegant and graceful as a dance.
As he approached, memories of shared laughter and innocence flooded Zoro's mind, contrasting sharply with the sight before him. Usopp went to stop him, till he saw his gaze up at the women on the brothel balcony.
"(Y/N)," he called out, his voice cutting through the lively ambiance, as if a spell was being broken at his words.
Her eyes painted in kohl and red met his, revealing a mix of surprise and a tirdness that hadn't been there before, having not heard her own true name in many years.
"Roronoa-san," (Y/N) acknowledged eyes widening at him being there, her voice carrying the weight of unspoken stories. The elegant attire adorned her, yet failed to conceal her form underneath with some Beri they were ment to be easy to peel off like paper- something that made Zoro's heart feel heavy and uneasy.
A heavy silence hung between them before Zoro mustered the courage to speak, his concern evident. "Is that really you? What happened to you?"
She sighed, a bittersweet smile playing on her lips. "Yes, it's me. Life took unexpected turns, and this is where I've ended up. It's not what I envisioned either." She admitted, looking down at herself from her seat on the balcony.
Zoro's gaze remained intense as his mind raced, "You don't have to live like this. Come down, we can find a different path – a better one."
(Y/N)'s eyes, a mix of gratitude and kindness, met his. "My choices led me here, Zoro. I appreciate your care, but.. it is far too late for me, my path I walk on my own even if it's different from what we once dreamed."
"Then we can buy your freedom" He argued, anger starting to build in his chest.
"My price is too much for any one man to Buy-" She continued but Zoro glared up at her, an anger he thought he had once grown out of coming out of him.
"What can they possibly have that makes you sell yourself!- staying in this hell hole and letting all those use you! You were a great swordswoman! Not some some-!" He yelled up at her, Waving around at the brothels that surrounded him.
"Prostitute?" She finished, watching the way he winced at her words.
(Y/N) smiling down at her robes sadly, messing with the fabric of her dress for a moment. "My child Zoro.. They have my child"
Silence filled the air after that, Zoro looking to the side as the weight of her words settled on his frame.
"Your?-.. Child?"
She nodded softly at his confirming words, taking a heavy breath.
"He was sick... Sick with a illness no one could afford.. So I did everything I could to afford it. So now, this is now I pay my debt. This is but a small price, for his life"
Zoro stared at the ground he stood on. His head bowed in shame at his anger towards her-
"I understand..." Zoro said softly, looking away from her in saddness. (Y/N) giving a sad smile, before reaching around her neck to pull something from her necklace.
Plucking one of the last remaining fragments from a life she once desired. She tossed it down to him, his hands quick to catch it- Staring down at the small gold pendant, he recognized it well. It was the symbol of the Dojo they had grown up in, it was gifted to each of them on their 12th birthdays.
"Bring it with you Zoro... So a small peice of me may explore and experience the adventures I dreamed of with you"
The swordman nodded at her, clutching the pendant close to his chest as he stared up at her form basking in the moonlight.
"I refuse to forget you.. I'll come back one day to rescue. So we can explore this world together"
Zoro declaired as he backed away, Usopp who had witnessed it all leading the swordsman away from (Y/N) who looked up to the moon the last bit of freedom in her life as tears rolled down her painted cheeks.
"Mourn me instead.. For I truly died long ago and there is nothing left to rescue except my legacy"
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wordsbymae · 1 year
but what about some jealous past fling of farmer meeting little mouse👀 they're bery sensitive and such a hateful person can hurt their fragile feelings. farmer can't let anyone else hurt them, can he?
Thank you for sending this through!! The other character is VERY rude and makes Mouse very insecure so please be warned! The reader cries a bit.
You only just started hanging out with the farmer again. Not really of your own accord. It just happens that when you were off to the market the farmer was as well, and well, you were far too polite to disregard his offer to drive you both.
You were, however, under the impression that you would both go your separate ways before meeting back at his truck. However, the farmer was hell-bent on following you around. To the point of stuffing his hand down your back pocket, or his arm slung around your shoulders. He would even whisper in your ear when he wanted to talk to you, lips brushing against the soft skin of your ear or cheek.
You were terrified others would misunderstand, think you two were more than friends. You wanted that truly, but you've been trying really hard to move on. And well, all this wasn't really helping.
Most were disinterested or looked upon you with fondness as what they thought were two young lovers strolling the farmers market.
There was one, however, you looked upon you with scorn and envy.
The farmer was a known playboy, running through the available (and sometimes not) lovers of the town thrice over. However, after calling your name on numerous occasions and not having the good manners to apologise or really even try to hide the fact he was imagining someone else (he even told a few to be quiet when they tried to dirty talk, can you blame him? talking would just ruin the illusion.), he was blacklisted and no one, except maybe some travelling through, would go home with him.
For most, if not nearly all, of his past lovers, it was a regrettable, albeit somewhat humiliating experience, but they were either imagining their own love lost or really couldn't give a damn. However, for one poor soul, it was like a shot through the heart. While they were not in love with the farmer, they were quite close to it, and the situation left them seething. Yet, like all infatuated young lovers, it was not the farmer that wronged them. No, it was that pathetic little mouse.
How could someone like them, steal him from them? They were nothing compared to them. Clearly, the farmer was blinded by all the baked goods that little rat was stuffing down his throat. But it wouldn't be too hard to chase them off, they were called mousey for a reason.
You had finally been able to escape the farmer's clutches. Of course, it was just him needing to go piss. He even tried to drag you into the bathrooms with him. But thankfully you were able to convince him you would be waiting right outside.
With a deep inhale you fell to the bench below you, hands picking at the loose threads of your clothes.
You were troubled.
You had spent so long wishing and pinning over the farmer and now that you practically have him in your hands, it just didn't feel right.
On paper it seemed wonderful, all your dreams coming true, but you couldn't deny that something was amiss. Like something bad was just around the corner.
"He finally got tired of you huh?" came a snicker from behind you.
Your head turned around, sure that a separate conversation that you were not intended to be part of was occurring.
Instead, someone stood staring down at you. A cruel smile on their lips. You recognised them, but from where you weren't too sure.
"Excuse me?" you questioned, confusion clear on your face.
"The farmer, stupid. who else?" they harshly replied, walking around the table to stand directly in front of you, arms crossed and a sneer crossing their attractive features. It was always troubling to see someone so gorgeous look so horrible.
"I'm sorry, I don't quite.."
"Did he leave you when he realised that you weren't gonna fuck him? That you are nothing but a lonely, boring, frigid prude. Don't know why he ever wanted you in the first place."
Their tone was harsh and rough. You sat still and bewildered. Mouth open slightly. Hands clenched.
"Fucking you would be like fucking a dead fish. Bet you would just lay there mouth open wide, all cold and clammy."
You're mouth shut with a snap.
"I don't..." you tried. Clearly, something was going on, something you didn't understand. Why were they being so cruel?
"He must be real desperate if he's sniffing after you. Don't know how he would stomach it. Looking at a face like yours"
A breath was stolen from you. You, like most, had insecurities, you often battled with them in secret but never were they so openly thrown in your face.
"He would have to fuck you from behind, or maybe put something over your face. That's the only way he could get off. Otherwise, one look at your ugly face would have him soft " A cruel laugh left their lips, just as warm tears fell down your cheeks.
"Aw poor little mousey's crying! Was it something I said? I was just telling the truth. You deserve nothing less" A cold smirk formed.
"Stop it," you said, head bowed and tears falling. You were right, something was a miss. Of course, the farmer wasn't really interested in you, he was just desperate.
"Or what? huh, mousey? what are you gonna do?"
"They ain't gonna do nothing. But I'll break your fucking neck" sneered the farmer, pushing the offender back, the farmer taking defence in front of your hunched figure.
"Look I was just-" came a whimper. It was cut off with a growl
"You were just getting the fuck out of here before I get my shotgun and blow your shitty, pathetic head off"
"There's no need to be so violent" they scoffed. "It wasn't so long ago that we were friends, more than that even" their voice lowered into a soft plea. That's where you knew them from. Your heart sunk at the memory of them waltzing up your farmer's steps to his front door.
"That's long gone, and for good reason. Why you going after them any way they ain't done nothing to you"
"Are you serious?" they scoffed. "They're the reason I was humiliated! Do have any idea what it's like to be called someone else's name? To be rudely told that the person you were fucking was thinking of some stupid, ugly bitch the whole time!"
A gasp flew out from you and you stared at the back of the farmer and watched with fear as his hands clenched in fury. A moment passed and you could barely see the other person's face fall into fear.
The farmer took a step forward and leaned into their ear.
You heard nothing. But their face told all. With a gulp and flash of eyes your way they left.
The farmer turned back to you and his face went from one of anger to worry.
"You alright there mouse?" his hands made their way to your cheeks as he crouched in front of you.
You sniffed, and eyes darted to his and his thumbs wiped the offending tears away.
You gave a small nod, he didn't look very convinced and for good reason. A mere second later and you burst into tears.
"They were so rude" you heaved, palms racing up to brush tears away.
"Ah darlin'" he whispered, discomfort written on his face. He wasn't used to comforting crying people. He sat next to you, and with some force squashed you against his side. Arms wrapped tight around you. You would hug the farmer back, but your hands were squished against his chest and was very clearly not letting you go.
"How can someone be so mean?" you sobbed. You hated crying in front of others, but the cruelty and the disbelief someone would say those things just forced it all out. Not to mention the insecurities bubbling away inside you.
The farmer just sat, mouth pulled tight in a straight line, hands slowly and hesitantly patting you.
"I'm not a dead fish" you mumbled. Determined to prove those nagging thoughts wrong.
"What?" came the farmer's reply, head tilted down to look at you.
"They said having se-, that sleeping with me is like sleeping with a dead fish. That I would just lay there, mouth open and everything!" you sniffed.
"What else they say" His tone was stone cold, devoid of emotion, but a silent furry could be felt
"No, its ok, I don't-"
"Tell me"
His voice left no room for argument.
"They, um, said that you must be desperate if you were hanging around me, that you just want to..."
"Just want what?"
"Sleep with me" you whispered, scared that he would just laugh and tell you that yeah, that's exactly why he was hanging around you.
"Anything else?"
"Oh yeah" you sniffed, hand rubbing your nose, "they said that if you did try to sleep with me, that my face would..." you trailed off, tears coming back to the surface. This time the farmer didn't push. "That my face would make you soft and that you would ha-have to fuck me from behind or cover my face" you whispered, scared to reveal how much those words had wounded you.
A silent moment passed
"I'll kill 'em" he stated, releasing you and jumping to his feet before heading in the direction the cruel person went.
"Wait!" you plead. You also jumped up and grabbed his hand. Grasping it in yours. He turned to you with pure hatred on his face.
"They don't deserve to live after saying something like that. Especially to someone, as kind and as sweet and..... and as pretty as you. It ain't right" he huffed, clearly uncomfortable about having to say all those nice things about you
You tried to hide your blush, reminded that this all started because he called your name late one night while buried in someone else, thinking of you.
"Thank you, but I think that I- that I just wanna go home. Can you please take me home?" you begged
The farmer fell even further in love and obsession. Your doe eyes gazed at him in perfection. His murderous intention was lost in them.
"Of course little mouse, I'll take you back to yours" He replied, hand still grasped in yours. His thumb rubbed the soft skin under his rough pad.
"Actually, can I go to yours? Just until I feel a bit better. I don't really wanna be alone" you whimpered.
"Sure thing darlin', anything for you." he rushed.
Maybe he won't have to use the barn after all.
Taglist: @floraroselaughter
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the-fluff-piece · 10 months
A Delicate Dance of Swords, part 3
Previous parts:
Part 1
Part 2
Also check out my masterlist!
So after open communication from the last part didn't work, Zoro tries to play the game romance novel style. The ship stops at a small island and replenishes their supplies, giving him the perfect opportunity to seduce you like a true romance hero! He also drives you insane because he is just hot and a total idiot. Still sfw and funny fluffy! CW: Y/n gets a bit hurt and is in pain
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"Land ahead!" Namis voice could be heard all over the ship.
"We need supplies" Sanji chimed in.
"Lots of meat!" Luffy screamed.
"And medicine" Chooper added.
"But most of all, we need cola! We only have enough for a tiny coup de burst, we have to restock." Franky reminded everyone.
Everyone gathered on deck. Zoro's cheek was still a bit red, but he looked cocky as ever.
Nami was handing out money and to-dos: buying supplies, ship parts for repairs and all of the other necessities on sea.
"I will have some of my own business to attend to" Zoro said mysteriously.
"No, you have to do some shopping as well. Next island is far away, we have to split up and get lots of stuff." She shoved a shopping list into his face. "And you can carry a lot of stuff."
Their eyes met for an unnerving moment. "So it's settled, Zoro will go and get barrels of cola for the ship." Luffy's matter of fact order came through to Zoro and he snatched the paper from namis fingers. "Ok, just that, than I have some private business."
"Whatever. And take y/n with you so you don't get lost" she said and tossed you a purse with beri. "They are counted, change comes back here, understood?" She wagged her finger like a mom.
"Why do I have to go with him?" You said with a pout, remembering what he said to you earlier.
Zoro seemed pleased. "Let's get that cola!" He growled with unexpected enthusiasm and took your hand, leading you to the wrong side of the ship, opposite of the dock. You looked at him. He looked at the sea, puzzled. You kick his muscular ass in the ocean as revenge.
"Hope you manage to find the harbour or I will have to ask Sanji to help me carry the barrels" you teased and strode off.
"Oi, for what was that???" You heard his protest as you reached dry land. You waited a few minutes for him to crawl out of the harbour, completely soaked. You were smiling at him maliciously as his own scowl turned to a mischievous grin. "You wanted it" he announced - getting rid of his coat. "Guess I'll have to go like this". His bare chest was as formidable as always and the glistening water didn't help. Small, glinting drops were caught in his chest hair and made him sparkle like a stripper. Goddamn that man and his perfect body! You thought as you closed your mouth again and tore your eyes of that hot mess. "Let's go to town" you said and moved away from him. Seconds later his huge, wet hand caught yours. "I don't want to get lost. You will have to guide me" that evil smile was there again as he enclosed your hand in his iron grip. "Nami said so."
Grunting angrily, you made your way to the city centre with a dripping, half naked muscle man practically fused to your hand. It was a shame - the city was built on a hill with beautiful, narrow streets and terraces full of flowers. The people on the island wore colorful clothing and showed lots of skin - no surprise with the hot weather. You could already see heads turning and hear admiring whispers from the surrounding women as Zoro followed you through the small streets with its beautiful houses.
You looked around for some kind of shop and asked where to get the supplies. A slightly shocked clerk gave you directions to a place where you could get the quantity the ship needed for fuel. He wrote it down on a slip of paper that you stuffed into your back pocket.
"Alright Zoro, up the hill, there should be a store that sells whole barrels and not just bottles."
"Aye, my lady" he said with a low voice.
What's up with him, has he made it his life's goal to irritate you? His hand was still firmly closed around yours, it had to look like you were a couple holding hands. You just hoped no one of the crew would see you.
Determined to get it over with, you made your way through the small streets like the clerk told you, with Zoro following you like a sexy shadow. His thumb had begun to stroke your hand, only unnerving you more. In fact, it distracted you enough that you walked into a dead end. Great. You tried to get the paper out of your pocket, but it was hard with just one hand.
"Zoro, I need both hands for a second, let go" you wiggle your imprisoned hand around. He doesn't let go.
"I'll get it" he said, his hand already moving to your trousers, you try an evasive manoeuvre but he pinned your hand above your head to the wall of the alley. It wasn't painful, but you felt that there was no escape. His good eye was fixed on your face as you felt his hand caress your hip before diving into your back pocket, searching a bit too long for your taste, his thick fingers searching around and stroking your butt cheek in the process.
"Got it" he held the description up between his fingers and you took it, awkwardly fumbling the folded paper open with one hand. This was ridiculous. He was so close now you could feel the heat radiating off his exposed torso, so close you could make out the texture of his tan skin in enough detail to make your mouth water. Why does this brute idiot have to be so hot?
"So, where are we going? Or do you want to stay here a bit?" His voice was a low whisper as he inched his body closer to yours, already moving to place his leg between yours. The shift in his posture made all of the muscles in his torso dance under that sunkissed skin. Your heart began to pound - it felt like a great idea to just let him do what he obviously wanted to - but his strange little speech about your lacking body made you mad, especially when he presented himself like a perfectly chiseled statue. The memory of your hand on his scars came crashing back into you mind. But all that hotness, all that beautyful strength, it was worth nothing if he was not genuine. If he was not meaning it, only playing with you for fun, this wasn't worth it.
Just as you wanted to ram your knee into his crotch, he moved to place his hand on the wall just next to your head, effectively trapping you between him and the wall in a delicate cage. His hand, however, came in a bit too fast and forceful and before you could stop him you heard the impact of his steel hard fist with the wall, bits of brick and dust rained down on you.
"Oh fuck sorry" Zoro shouted through the hole he had made, apologising to the now surely traumatised family, whose living room now had an additional opening.
"I'll fix that!" He frantically screamed.
"We'll send in our builder, he'll have that fixed in no time" you added through the whole, making a mental note to tell Franky to come by.
He immediately backed off, although he didn't let go of your hand. "Uhm, let's go" he growled through gritted teeth. You finally got the chance to study the paper and find the right way.
You made your way up the hill where the store should be. The way lead up a cliff and had a beautiful view of the beach and ocean below. A light ocean breeze refreshed you as you looked over the water.
"So when's sunset?" Zoro asked from behind you.
"In a few hours?" You answer.
"Like 1?2?" He asked again.
"More like 4 or 5. Why?"
"Nuffin'" he mumbled and tugged at your hand. "Let's go a little slower." Unable to pull his weight, you slowed down.
"I'm tired"
"You're not tired, you can run for hours. This was a slow walk."
"Let's just take our time..."
"Why do you want to wait until sunset? Is it this business of yours?"
"You are curious"
"We can complete our assignment, get back, and you'll have all the time in the world to get back here until the sun sets." You turned around to look at him. "Than you can attend to your business."
"Fine." He moved at normal speed again and seemed to decide to quit this strange demeanor and did his best to get the barrels on a cart and pull the whole thing through the city and back to the ship as fast as possible.
But even with the barrels in the ships storage rooms - you just lend that cart and had to bring it back - again with Zoro in tow. What a nuisance. He seemed lost in thought, though, like this strange business of his was so distracting. Once again you passed the cliff with the breathtaking view and you couldn't help but look out to the sea. Your mood has significantly increased since Zoro quit his strange behavior.
Without further incidents, you gave the cart back and were done for the day. You relaxed and walked down the path again, already looking forward to a delicious dinner on the ship.
"You can attend to your business now" you told Zoro.
"I'm heading back to the ship." with a wave you went down the road.
"Oh great, I will get right to it" Zoro answered and walked beside you.
He looked at you with that unnerving stare again. You stared back.
He gave you a confident grin.
"Oopsie!" He said before he - clearly deliberately - let himself fall towards you, catching you with his hands around your waist and burying you underneath him. It was like being knocked out by solid stone. Lots of it. Fuck, that guy was heavy! As you fell onto cobblestone, you felt your ankle twist - sharp pain shot through your leg as this massive hunk of a man landed on you and put your body through a bit too much force.
You barely registered his face landing in between your breasts as you screamed "OUCH FUCK" and just kept cursing because of the pain, tears shooting into your eyes.
"Oh my god what happened? Did I hurt you?" He said, panic in his voice as he knelt over you, his hands hovering helplessly over your body.
"I didn't mean to hurt you!" He assured you.
"Well you broke my leg you giant, stupid....meatball!" Your head was spinning with the sharp pain and unable to give you a better insult. Zoro moved to examine your leg, and, upon remembering that he didn't know much about medicine, picked you up, which caused you to scream again.
You cursed and cried in his arms as your unsupported injury dangled in the air, causing him to lay you down again. "Why do you hate me???" You demanded, screaming.
His face absolutely fell apart and rearranged in an expression of utter panic.
"I don't hate you!" He shouted.
"Then why do you hurt me? Why are so mean to me all day? WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU?" all the frustration and pain broke through and big tears dropped from your eyes in a stready stream.
"I didn't want to hurt you! And I didn't want to be mean. Fuck, I don't hate you - I fucking love you!" Zoro was now close to tears, too, and he howled the last part as if it caused him pain. His big hand tried to cath the tears from your eyes, as if that somehow helped.
"I love you! I was trying to get you to like me back all day, it was the perfect plan. I thought you wanted this!" He shoved his hands into his haramaki and for a second, you feared that he would whip his dick out.
Instead, he held up a messy conglomerate of dirty paper. On second look - it could almost be mistaken for a book. An antique one. The pages were dirty and looked like they had been soaked more than once, the cover was almost unreadable- until you noticed the picture.
"You little fucker stole my book?" Rage was taking the lead now as you snatched it from his hand, staring at the sorry pile of paper in disbelief.
"Why do you have my book?" You asked angrily.
"You obviously love that shit! I just wanted to give you what you wanted!" Zoro pleaded.
You looked through the pages. Some were marked: the bandit king is teasing the princess, telling her that she is flat as a pancake. Another marker, he's trying to protect her and makes her hold on to him tightly in a crowd. He pinned her against a wall and they...
Realizing what this idiot's head has produced, you have to laugh.
"You just did what was in the book and expected it to work?!"
"You looked so happy reading it! You obviously like that stuff." he explained miserably.
"Yes Zoro, I like to read it. Not live it." You tried to explain to this hot idiot.
"Isn't that the same?" Zoro asked, already kind of realizing that he made a mistake.
"No! I don't want to be chased by assassins while relying on a guy that I don't trust! It's only suspenseful and sexy when I can read that while relaxing in my chair!" you scream the obvious at him.
"Oh." He seemed to think hard. But at least he acted like the old Zoro you knew again.
"I am sorry" he said, kneeling in front of you. "I am sorry that I was a stupid...meatball" he said, already goofing around again.
"Apology accepted" you said.
"So...we good now?" He asked relieved.
"We still have some things to talk about" you said.
"Yeah, maybe." Suddenly he appeared more like an insecure boy than a grown swordsman. He couldn't look you in the eye, fumbling around in his hair.
"So yeah, I like you. A lot. I think your figure is just perfect and that you're really cool" he chose his words carefully and talked slowly. It wasn't a great speech or an original confession, but the words were all his and that was all you needed.
"I like you, too" you confessed. For the first time in days, the tension between you two dropped and he showed you an honest, happy smile.
"So, can I kiss you now?" He already leaned forward and pursed his lips.
You nodded and enjoyed the feeling of his lips on yours as he carefully held your head in his hand. He was far more cautious than you would have expected, clearly holding back. His hot lips cautiously brushed against your and just the tip of his tongue danced between your mouths. Since he was into sexy games now you softly bit his lip, teasing, asking for more. He moaned and got more passionate - but you had to stop him as he started to give the rest of your body more attention.
"Zoro" you whispered as his tongue trailed down your neck, "we're still on a street. Maybe we should go back to the ship. And my ankle still hurts."
With a frustrated moan, he stopped and picked you up, taking great care to prop up your ankle against his arm. Lifting you up was nothing to him, his hands carried you as surely as the thousand sunny did.
"I learned from this book of yours that waiting can be hot, too. Although I hate it right now" he growled into your ear.
You chuckled. "Didn't you want to watch the sunset?"
"Fuck that sunset. Let's patch you up and get dirty, that book has some crazy ideas I want to try out. Like what they're doing when she bathes and there's some hot stuff she does to him when they..." his voice trails of and his face got a lewd expression.
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So that's part three! In the next Part, Zoro will further explore the sexy ideas the books give him - getting a bit more 18+. Or do you people have other ideas?
And here are the dear people that left nice comments on the previous one so I tag you
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writing-yarn-goblin · 7 months
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Today’s the daaaaaaay~
This is my contest entry for my lovely friend @swampstew
Anime: One Piece
Pairing: Bartolomeo the CannnibalxFem!Reader
Relationship: Established
Costume: American Gothic by Grant Wood https://artsandculture.google.com/asset/american-gothic/5QEPm0jCc183Aw?hl=en&avm=2
Word count: 2,023
Please enjoy!~
Warning: slightly suggestive
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"Hello, fiends and friends!
You've been cordially invited to Buggy's Spooktacular! A fun party for all to enjoy! Drinks, games and contests with prizes!
Need to change? No problem! We have changing rooms at the ready!
Costumes are mandatory as it serves as your admission ticket. Those without costumes will pay a 6,000 Beri fine (hourly) in order to enjoy party.
See ya there, Jackasses!"
If there was something that you liked, was costume parties. They were a fun way to make friends, business and plans. You were looking forward to seeing your friends and other captains in this party as well. You knew a certain rubbery captain was invited and that made your appearance all the more mandatory.
"Hey, Doll-Did ya' see the invite?" You heard a certain green haired punk say as you gently placed the invite on the kitchen counter. It was early morning and you had spent the night at the Barto Club doing a lot of...special activities with its captain, Bartolomeo the Cannibal. He had curled himself against you, chin on the top of your head as you brewed him and yourself coffee. He took it black with a teaspoon of sugar. You took it mostly black, but wouldn't be against of spicing things up and adding things you'd want to like like different milks and sweetners from time to time.
"Think the costume contest will be a breeze?"
"Hell. No. Eustass Kid went as Terminator last year. I expect everything and anything moving forward." You grunted, making Barto chuckle and bent down enough to kiss your cheek, ready to take a sip from your brew.
"Welp, good thing is we can't repeat costumes." You mumbled softly, sipping your coffee. The morning carried on quiet as usual, you tending to a few documents and Bartolomeo tending to his crew. The party was a few islands away in two weeks. So you figured that you'd be able to craft something in such little time.
But this made it hard.
You were having trouble deciding what you wanted.
You had both stayed at a crossroad.
"I think we should go funny."
"I think we need to spooky it up."
There was no middle ground.
'Both is good' you thought. Smirking at the possibilities and getting ready to move on with your day.
You had to do a couple stops at a fabric store and then to a costume shop. You were going to need all you could get.
A few days went by and now you were doing his measurements.
"Hold still, Sasquatch."
"You're being a bossy bitch, Honey-bunch."
You groaned, you knew this was going to be a problem. He was fidgety and so were you.
"Okay, sit down and stay VERY still and- shit, how are you tall even when you're sitting down!?"
You could hear the giggle he was trying to contain. Your distraught was giving him joy and you groaned.
He really thrived in riling you up.
"By the way, Luffy called-"
"HE DID!?"
"...yes. He asked if we were coming to Buggy's and I said yes." You finished. This was true and you knew this little trick will be your saving grace from not poking him with a very sharp needle.
And there he went.
Focused on getting through this costume fitting just so he could impress his favorite person in the world.
Strawhat Luffy.
The more days passed, the party's stress was already getting to you. So bad- that you've accidentally poked him, 34 times, with the pins and needles in your hand. Thankfully, Bartolomeo learned his lesson on sitting perfectly still.
Until half hour ago, when he was getting very fidgety.
"Stay. Fucking. Still."
"I'm trying, but your hands are really close to my dick and it makes it hard to stay firm in place."
You were at your wits end. You'd gladly hump the ever-lasting grin out of his face until he was whining and panting against your ear, asking to please let him cum with that comment just so he would flip the switch on you and pin you down against whatever surface, just for him to ravage you until he was spent but now wasn't the time get kinky. Especially when you had very sharp scissors in your hand.
Close to his crotch.
"Stay fucking STILL."
"Then stop fucking poking me, Pinhead!"
The bickering didn't end.
It just got worse.
The moment you finally had everything measured and pinned to place, disaster strikes.
In the form of a Marine attack.
You were livid. It was a surprise attack and Bartolomeo was using a sea prism cuff because he didn't want to accidentally hurt you by conjuring up a barrier. He was trying to be careful with the very sharp objects on his body and scrambling to get the keys for the cuff as you readied yourself with any weapon you could find to defend yourself with.
The attack was a surprise but you were merciless.
The way you bent and stretched, leaned and crouched- were a sight to be seen. Contortionist as you were, you could make your mark flawlessly from any angle in the weirdest of positions.
'Fly like a butterfly, fight like a tank.' Was something Barto thought of you the moment the fight started.
You were going to have to be more careful moving forward. As a person of interest, you held information that would sink the pirate captains and meet their fate with Davey Jones.
Once the Marines were left useless and discarded, you all went on route to Buggy's coordinates.
The party would start soon and the blue haired clown wasn't known for his unmeasurable patience.
You remembered that costume changes were permitted so you both decided to make another costume. This one being for after the competition and for some...extra-curricular activities you both could enjoy in case the party was a bust.
Best be prepared, right?
Once the evening settled in, you received a transmission from another ship on your course, warning you of weather conditions worsening once you passed the threshold for the summer islands.
Meaning there was a hurricane passing through and you had no island to dock yet.
You advised Bartolomeo to do a slight detour, safety first. He agreed that it was first and foremost so he tried to sail towards the last island he could find before the storm worsened and bared the weather.
Once everything was set, protected and everyone was inside: you were in bed, all snug and ready to bare the weather in Bartolomeo's arms, asleep.
It was a week before the costume party and it was fully got in your nerves.
Nothing wanted to come out right.
The scissors broke.
The wigs weren't ready.
The shoes were damaged- everything that wasn't supposed to happen, happened.
It didn't help that you and Bartolomeo were bickering like an old couple. You were hours from porting on the island Buggy mentioned on the invite and you felt like the world was against you.
Most of the party goers were already on the island on business or just because they could lounge a little.
The days moved on until they neared the day of the party and, no thanks to life, you were behind. So behind, that this was your third all-nighter. Your hands hurt, your eyes were unfocusing and you were drifting and waking up in shock as you were working with the final costume details.
Only to notice only tiny problem...
The costume you were supposed to be wearing was too big and Barto's was too small for him.
Which led you to a funny yet horrible realization:
You have to tell Bartolomeo that he's going to be the prettiest girl in the party.
Just as you were going to fix the costume, he strolled in with a cup of coffee for you and a scowl.
"You need to break, babe."
"You need to shut up, sweetheart."
It didn't help that you were cranky. A few minutes had passed and you sniffled.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you." You mumbled, eyes still focused on your work as you put down the scissors and the needles down.
"I gotta tell you something though...l accidentally made my costume your size and your costume, my size..."
The silence that followed was a little unnerving but before you could look at him, he had already placed your mug down and was inspecting the costume you had worked on.
"I get to be a chick and you get to be my pops?"
You nodded, lips forming a pout as he just smirked at the costume.
"What's the backup costume?"
"Skeletons. We'd glow in the dark."
"Perfect. After the contest is over: we change into this, we get piss drunk and make out, alright?"
Happy with what you're hearing- you nodded and stood up from your seat. There were urging him to sit down and once he did, you climbed up his lap kissed his lips silly. His hands were wrapped around you and nuzzled his nose with yours when the kiss ended.
The days moved fast once more and it was the day of Buggy's party.
You were now doing Bartolomeo's hair as he patiently waited for you to finish. You had clipped his hair carefully and then pulled in his wig cap to place the soft blonde wig on his head. Clipping the back of the wig in a pretty bun with a divide in the middle of the wig. You contoured his edges to where the wig started and we're thankful that he was without eyebrows.
He had nude make up on, his septum was inverted and away from the public's eyes, the tattoo under his right eye was barely visible- he almost looked like a normal person.
Save for the fangs and the height, that is.
Once he was with makeup and thin eyebrows, clothing him was easy. He carefully slipped on a soft linen long sleeved shirt with a rounded collar, black long-sleeve ankle-high dress with the white cuffs poking out of his sleeves. A thin wine colored vest with little dots and curls and a wavy hem.
And finally, an old broach he had stolen a long time ago.
Once he was ready, it was your turn.
You had to, unfortunately, wear a bald cap. You had secured all your hair neatly inside a wig cap and then placed the bald cap on your head. You had meticulously made faded hair on your cap, on the sides. You also made wrinkles on your face and had fake circular glasses perched on your nose.
The white cotton shirt with thin green strips was at least more breathable than the wigcap. Finishing your look with light blue jean overalls and black blazer.
"Hey, I got us something to hold up for pictures."
You looked at Bartolomeo curiously as you watched him stand up and pick something up from the floor.
You giggled.
It was a big, gold picture-frame.
"You would have to kneel to even think of getting a picture."
"That's what chairs are for, my honey."
You grinned. Both of you looked so convincing in your outfits that it would take a second look to Barto to recognize who he was.
"C'mon, let's head over to Buggy's and get this over with. I already wanna change into the back up and make out with the prettiest blonde in a dark corner." You mumbled, packing a little satchel with the glow in the dark skeleton costumes.
"That's pretty Freudian of you." Bartolomeo quipped as he pinned you against the door before leaving, lips near to yours as you gave him a frown. "Bald cap and all- you look good enough to eat. Right. Now."
With a firm push he stumbled back, laughing as you grabbed him by the hand, him holding the frame in the other, and made your way down to the party.
"And now you made it gross. C'mon- I wanna get this party started!"
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silvers-d-me · 2 years
Where has my Underwear Gone? OP Edition
Shenanigans on the Red Force. Bad Shanks! Wicked Bad Naughty Shanks!
Notes: Nicknames are used, Sunshine, Darling, etc. Probably smut. Yeah smut. AFAB reader so female parts are mentioned as well as that dick tho. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. Crossposted on AO3
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You searched through your chests of clothing with increasing frustration. Shirts, pants, sashes, skirts. Things to sleep in, things to sunbathe in, things to swim in. Shirts stolen from the love of your life and captain, Shanks. Stupid capes you didn't want to admit you actually liked. Stockings, hats, what Shanks lovingly referred to as 'ho wear,' that fancy coat you stole from Beckman. Not a thread, scrap, lace, or remnant of your underpants.
Your expensive, made to order, finely woven, unbleached cotton underpants. Cut to your specifications to protect your delicate bits from chafing in your preferred leather trousers, underpants. Only made by two tailors at the far ends of Emperor Shanks' wide territory, underpants. Completely missing from every chest, trunk, and drawer dedicated to clothing in the wide cabin you shared with your captain.
The captain you suspected was behind this Mystery of the Missing Underwear.
"SHANKS!" You bellowed your sweetie's name as you hit the main deck of the Red Force. Around the ship your crewmates froze, shoulders hunching against the strident tone of your voice. "Where are you, you sneaky thieving greedy pirate!" Sweeping your gaze across the deck, not a set of eyes met yours. Everyone was suddenly Extremely Busy fiddling with ropes, retying sashes, peering out into the distance with exaggerated concentration.
"Uh huh. Well GOSH I guess the Boss is GONE what a SHOCKING SURPRISE!" Once again you eyed your crewmates. Bonk Punch was ostentatious tuning his worn guitar, brows (or where he should have had brows) furrowed in peering concentration. Limejuice, Hongo, Yasopp, and Rockstar were huddled around a broad barrel playing Liar's Dice, drinks to hand and Definitely Not Noticing You. You turned in place, hands resting on your hips and quite close to the hilts of the twin long knives that always rode there. Lucky Roux was in the galley, cooking or hiding.. Gab and Building Snake were on maintenance..  one of the young apprentices was busily scouring stains out of the main deck, another was sitting in the shade of a sail practicing knots.. No Shanks, and oddly no Monster. Hmm.
Bootheels tapping you made your way to stand by the boy. You could actually hear him gulp when you slid a glance his way. Big wide eyes under a floppy bucket hat met yours. "Kid. Everyone sure is busy today. How are those knots coming?" You knelt on one knee, reaching out to inspect his work. Under your breath a mutter of "a hundred beri if you tell me where to find Boss" was met with a startled glance at you then up towards the back of the quarter deck. "Fine work, Kiddo, keep it up."  You stretched, squinted up at the warm sun, ran your fingers through your hair, the very essence of Nonchalant Pirate. Who you? You were just hangin' out, nothing suspicious here. Quietly you worked free from your boots and set them down as soundlessly as you could manage, then climbed carefully up a stack of crates -- you were pretty sure it was all booze --  to slip over the polished handrail and onto the quarterdeck.
Yep, there was your one true love, Redhair Shanks, Chief of the Redhair Pirates, a man with a bounty of over a billion beri, the man who could cause entire crews of bloodthirsty violent men to faint from his simple presence. Shanks, famed for his generosity and charm, and for the way he treated those under his care. Shanks, on the way to becoming an Emperor of the Sea, ruthless in his intentions and implacable when moved to fury. Shanks, two out of three sheets to the wind and it was barely past noon. He sat in an honest to gods chaise lounge. That's what the man who had given it up as tribute called it, anyway. It was oversized which was fortunate, a pretty red-toned wood making up the sweeps and lines of the piece, the cushions a plush deep amber with gleaming bronze hardware holding it together. Pity Benn had nailed it to the deck but such was the way of furnishings on the everchanging and temperamental seas of the Grand Line. A spare sail had been rigged up to form a pleasant shelter while still affording the lounge's occupant truly breath taking sea views. Not so much of area directly behind Shanks' luxurious perch which was exactly where you landed, crouched on almost entirely silent feet to seize your lover in a surprise grip. Who were you trying to kid? This was Shanks. He'd probably known what you were going to do before you decided to do it.
"There's my Sunshine!" Shanks had set down his sake cup to slide his big hand around the back of your neck, planting a warm but somewhat uncoordinated kiss to the side of your face as he 'helped' you over the lounge to sprawl on his lap. You glared up at him, huffing at the hair than now slid over your face in your less than graceful position. Shanks literally beamed at you, his eyes almost closed with the sincerity of his flashing smile. This was one of the best sides to Shanks, all warmth and affection and goodwill. He called you Sunshine but you called this particular mode Sunny Bunny Shanks. Not today however. "I thought I heard you calling for me," said Mr. Innocent as if you hadn't been shouting his name loud enough to be heard over a gale. "What can I do for you, my darling? Moon of my night, flower of my heart?" He brought your face to his and kissed you gently between each compliment, sweet from the melon-flavored sake he preferred, a trace of salt from the sea air, and the taste that was uniquely Shanks. No! No distractions! Bad shanks!
"It's no use trying to distract me, Shanks. Bad Shanks!" This as you batted away his hand from the tie that held your Honestly Truly a Pirate Shirt closed, saying the words from your internal dialogue. "You don't deserve titties!" That brought an actual gasp of horror as his hand stopped momentarily, ruddy eyes widening as much as possible at such a terrible thought. You struggled to sit up and get up out of his lap but appalled as the no titties comment had made him, he hung on to your waist and really.. it was surprising what he could manage with that half an arm. "You are a greedy bad stealing greedy bad man. Where are all of my underpants? The real ones not the thongs or those strings you and Benn thought counted as actual panties. Where are my panties Shanks??" 
Oh yeah, floated through the pirate captain's buzzy brain. She did find out, who figured that? Oh Benn had. Pfft, stupid Benn. Shanks started mouthing at the soft skin of your throat both to distract you and because he just loved the taste and feel of you.  The press and soft suck of his lips and the scratch of his stubble had you stuttering, he super loved that so much. Now his mouth wandered up your chin to latch to your lips, maybe he -was- greedy with the way he suckled at your plush lower lip until your mouth parted in a gasp and he could slip his tongue inside. Mmmmm so much better, and who needs panties? Not us. He listened to your protests as your shirt was undone and somehow, without you registering it, slipped off and tossed away, giving him access to your breasts. Shanks took advantage of that opportunity gladly, deftly sliding you under him into the firm cushions, their smooth satiny texture adding to the sensations causing your skin to shiver. Warm mouth to one breast, tongue teasing gently then pulling hard to make you cry out and arch against his sculpted chest; the other breast in his large capable hand, the callouses of sword play and hauling rope just rough enough to make you wriggle against the two contrasting pleasures. You both still had pants on, for the love of loot, and you were no longer in control of this conversation that wasn't actually happening.
Shanks was a force of nature. Whatever he turned his considerable mind and implacable will to received his full attention, and like most of the world, you were simply pulled into his aura and clung on for dear life. He loved you, he truly did, he cherished and valued you, he respected you. All of those strong emotions communicated to you not just in his murmurs of adoration but in the way he touched and teased you. Shanks was a romantic and while he had every intention of bringing you to undone pleasure and ruin beneath him, it wasn't to conquer and pillage. You were his pirate queen and his greatest treasure and he loved little more than bringing these cries of pleasure and shock from your panting mouth, as he was now.
"Sh-shanks!" You hands on his shoulders didn't actually do anything to his large frame or the wonderfully solid press of his weight against you. "I'm not.. I'm not done fussing at you!" Your protest was a weak pro form at this point as his lips moved to plant firm kisses down your stomach. Ding dong you are wrong, suddenly you were laughing and the blush staining your face wasn't just from lust as Shanks blew a loud raspberry against your twitching skin. That was one of the best things about sex with Shanks: he never lost his sense of joy. Of course he never stopped being a cunning pirate either since the raspberries were a distraction for him to strip you of your trousers, slick as anything. His shoulders were simply too large for your thighs to do anything but spread wide for him, and he absolutely did that on purpose, scooting down the lounge to smile fondly at your exposed pussy like it was his best friend. (It sort of was.) You twisted your fingers into his profoundly red silky hair and pulled hard to make him look up at you. "Shanks for real! I need those underthings. They keep me from getting chafed and sore when we're running around fighting. I don't want sore skin there!" It was your last chance to put any kind of sane reason into his airy head.  Those slanted eyes, their light red hue that always entranced you, caught on yours for a moment and you saw that thread of clarity run through the sake and sex haze that was piloting 99% of his brain.
"Oh no, we can't have that," the pirate agreed far too easily. He nudged your thighs even wider apart and bent to brush the softest of kissed against the skin in question, soft and stubbly caresses to the tender skin where the line of said panties would sit. "Poor Sunshine, we have to take good care of you." He hoisted your leg over his shoulder and bent to his task. A lingering swipe of his hot tongue against your folds had your grip shifting from demanding to simply finding something to cling to, skillful strokes of that wicked tongue leading into gentle nips at the your hooded pearl. Shanks had spent the last dozen years manwhoring up and down the Grand Line and he was very pleased to put the talents he'd gained to good use. Alternating between swirling his tongue around your swollen clit and biting into it tenderly, he had you straining against his face as your first orgasm rolled right on through and over you, holding you to him as your body tensed and shook. So beautiful. He used that moment to shuck out of his pink-with-pineapple-print-breeches off and kick them away. Then he slid his fingers along your thigh and over the clipped curls of your mound, parting the wet pink folds as he placed a kiss on your other thigh. He couldn't help suddenly sucking a span of your flesh into his mouth with hard pull, biting onto it to leave mark to match the ones littering your throat and chest like a leopard's rosettes. Your cry of surprise and enjoyment choked off when he slid two thick fingers into, savoring the way your tight muscles gave just a little as his digits stretched and pressed into your cunt.
"I'm so sorry for any offenses I've committed against this pretty pussy, Sunshine." He timed the strokes of his fingers to his words, sounding so sincere that only when your opened your eyes to glance at his face did you see the lust and power glowing there. "How will I ever make it up to you?" As if the steady stroking and the curl of his fingertips wasn't apology enough. Your hips twisted against his body, hands both pushing at his shoulders and pulling them closer as he worked your tensing frame up towards another giddy peak, the sheer gravity of the man pinning you under him. "What can I ever do to make it up to you?"
"Just fuck me already!" Quite a bit of exasperation and fondness both from you as you dragged at Shanks, pulling his face up towards yours. His laughter was loud and bright, vibrating through your chest as he settled atop you. One thing about this damned fancy couch: he could lean his quarter arm comfortably and prop over you with no accidental acrobatics. His mouth grazed against your panting one, tastes of sake and yourself in the long tender kiss you shared. "Anything for my pirate queen." You felt the thick tight head of his cock nestle against the flutter of your eager hole then sink in, bit by bit, the familiar ache and stretch just delicious and making that heated juncture the absolute center of both your attention. Shanks held his breath, eyes closing as he buried himself in the welcome sear of your cunt. It was nearly communion, the way you locked into each other, muscles shivering and nerves fizzling with delight, skin sliding against skin as once again you and your lover tried your best to become one being.
Then he started to move, hips thrusting smooth and sinuous, one hand gripping your thigh to pull you into the exact perfect angle to grind against that one spot perfectly. Every time his dick wedged solidly against the end of your silken tunnel the little cry you gave made him swear and move a little faster, the glide of thick hard flesh into hot slick flesh becoming a wet slap as your pussy flexed around him, your arousal just adding to the sensations of Shanks pulling you towards climax, Shanks' mouth at your throat and lip and ear,hoarse voice muttering curses amid the string of praise and your name falling with love into the heated scant space between you. Your hands were all over him, tangling in his sweaty hair, smoothing down his neck, gripping his shoulders, nails dragging down his gleaming skin, hands kissing down his straining back to clasp his hips hard and urge him to more, more.. when your greedy hands clapped his ass loud enough to be heard over the pants and cries he muffled a laugh in your hair and moved faster, stronger, fucking you into the lounge like he meant to drive you through to the deck. One particularly sweet thrust spilled you right over into an intense peak, Shanks holding on for dear life as your body writhed and tensed in its bliss. Shanks shuddered above you then in you, hard pumps of hot seed flooding you as you pulled Shanks into orgasm as well, joined bodies straining to pull tighter and shove away. One climax slid into another as overstimulated nerves were pushed past endurance with the rocking of your locked forms, waves of sparking joy all-consuming.
Several moments of your hearts racing together, pace gradually returning to normal as your breathing eased, sweat-stained skin cooling in salty ocean breeze. This was when Shanks was unfailing sweet and tender, no matter how high the alcohol content of his bloodstream, kisses all over and strokes down your cheek, holding your jaw so he could murmur endearments into the corner of your lips. His weight was so good pressing you down, your legs tangled with his heavier ones, just feeling everything as your bodies relaxed from the incredible high you'd just shared. "Mmm. Shanks." Your soft voice in his ear made him shiver, hand fondling one of your breasts like his favorite sake cup. "Amazing as that was, and it was amazing, I still need my clothes back." The pirate sighed against your throat.
"Do you just hafta have underpants?" His words were muffled and just a bit plaintive, almost whiny. You laughed and hugged him, kissing his temple and gently pulling at the silky red that gave your crew its name. "Fraid so, lovey. Time to man up and give me the panties." Shanks lifted up to pout down at you, somehow still boyish for all his power and the fact he was bare-ass naked and still buried in your cunt.
"All right all right. I'll get Monster to fetch them from where he's got them hidden in the shrouds."
Your voice rang out again, this time filling the air not with passionate cries of love but one word in that gale-shattering tone.
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lousirs · 2 months
i shit u fucking not I swear that the uglydolls fandom was dead as fuck IM GLAD THERE'S AT LEAST A BERY SLIGHT RESURGENCE !!
haha, quite true! i wish i was there back in 2019/2020 where most people were still active, but alas x)
this community is small, but any sort of art or edit or fic is always a pleasure to see ^^ (so thank you to those who are still active, or those who linger around)
(side note... but it also seemed like people began to remember this film for a second because people were drawing lou with velvet and veneer)(they were like "OMG LOU!!!" and "UGLYDOLLS!??!" xD)
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onlyjaeyun · 1 month
I have so much to say but I NEED to say this…
I saw you said that a lot of people wanted you to have Snowflake be strict with Hoon.
But… the scene you wrote…
It was perfect.
I never wanted that (the “strictness”) I’ll be honest. I never wanted her to be super hard on Hoon… And truly when you have been in relationships with real people…well. They aren’t perfect. They mess up. You mess up. And it’s not ideal sometimes.
The scene you wrote was literally so perfect. Flawless. It was absolutely excellent. It was real. Raw. Beautiful. Sometimes you just get too tired…sometimes you just don’t want to wait anymore to be happy.
Sometimes the person you love does something wrong. And you don’t need to make them wait for forgiveness. You don’t need to make them earn it. In a relationship YOU will inevitably do something wrong too… Can you imagine how terrible it would be to have your remorse and genuine apology met with a list of requirements—after you have both suffered…
No…that isn’t what anyone really wants in a relationship. And it certainly wouldn’t have fit Snowflake and Hoon because…at the end of the day there is real and abiding love between them…and doing all of that…it isn’t who they are. After spending so long pretending that they aren’t each other’s person… the punishment has already been delivered. They had to live without each other for 10 years. No one is promised tomorrow. Life changes and takes and gives without warning.
I wouldn’t waste another second away from my soulmate by having him atone… What purpose would it serve? She knows his heart already.
Life is its own atonement. It is already hard without us making it harder.
True love is such a gift and theirs was so strong that it survived 10 years of them trying to kill it.
No. I’m glad you chose to do it the way you did. Because real love isn’t about “being strict”…and “making sure he pays for what he did”… Forgive me but… such things are often petty and immature…
It’s about healing and restoration and moving forward and changing and growing for the better… and it was all there in that absolutely perfect scene you wrote.
Don’t bother with what people want from you Zadie—or what their expectations are of the story you want to tell. Those are you characters. You know them. You love them. And your instincts as a storyteller—as someone who understands people—are unparalleled. I’m so glad you followed your heart on this.
viola, my love, my partner in crime, my ride or die, my adoptive older tumblr sister ☹️🤍
you never fail to make me tear up with your asks and feedback and basically everything you text me and i cant evenr thank you enough for it. your support is literally everything to me and i hope you know you've helped me through some tough times on here 🥺🤍😭✨
it always feels like you know exactly what to say to esde all those worries in my head because i was definitely worrying about if i had made the right decisions, so reading this definitely made me feel even more secure in my decisions and choices.
i wholeheartedly agree with everytjing you've said and i honestly couldnt have said it better bc you always hit the nail on the head with your analysis. this is bery important to people who have doubted CH!hoonyn's reactions and the development in their relationship so thank you for putting it into words and tkaing that burden off of my shoulders.
i love and appreciate you so so much 🤍
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pithyorangecurd · 1 year
I think the untouched part of jmart is the fact that their relationship is a result of the lonely. Like, seperating the fact that martin and jon are avatars themselves is lame. Martin's not fully there, but neither was Jon season 3, and we saw just how much he was still very much part of the eye. Gertrude never became a true avatar, but everyone still called her the archivist, and she still had to feed eventually.
Martin, where he was going, was still bery much part of the lonely, and by the time jmart was even feasible Jon was so very very lonely. The lonely in Martin would endlessly call for what misery Jon felt, and Martin rejecting Jon would make it all the worse for him. But the lonely is an almost soothing fear, while it makes it worse, it makes him want to be the one to figure it out- SAVE him.
Theres no way s1 jmart was happening, and no way s2 jmart was happening even s3 jmart was like. Jon barely cared about him. S4 comes around and hes finally completely alone, except for Martin, and Martin's not there, and there's an eye in his head that wants to see him. Like, that's smth fun for me. Jmart would never happen if Martin weren't so lonely, I hardly think Jon would notice it except to be like :( when Martin stopped showing up if it weren't for the fact that Martin was actively becoming an avatar in front of him, and the eye wants to see, and it translates to Jon being lonely, and the lonely feeding off of how miserable Jon is becoming as he's being constantly rejected.
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nikethestatue · 6 months
merhaba, nasılsın? Kafamın içinde dönüp duran düşünceleri seninle paylaşmak istedim. Bugün instagramda bir elucien ile konuşuyordum ve kendinden emin bir şekilde sarah'ın elain ve lucien'i başından beri planladığını anlatıyordu ve bende kendime kitabın tam olarak neresinde ikisin planlandığını sordum çünkü bana göre en başından beri ikisini birlikte hiç düşünmedi. Çünkü elain ve lucien'in eş oldukları ortaya çıkmadan önce feyre öngörüsü var. Sarah öncelikle elain ve azriel fikrinin tohumunu ekiyor sonra elucien'in eş oldukları ortaya çıkıyor. Lucien başından beri elain ve azriel'in hikayesine drama katmak için var çünkü arka planda gelişen ilişki elriel. Önce rahat ve anlayışlı bir arkadaşlık geliştirdiler sonra daha fazlasına arzuya dönüştü ve sonunda rhys'ın müdahalesiyle bir yanlış anlama durumu içinde kaldılar. Elain ve lucien ise ilk gün birbirlerinden ne kadar rahatsızlarsa bugün hala aynı şekilde rahatsızlar. İkisi arasında gelişen ve değişen bir hikaye yok onlar stabil. Bunu anlamanın nesi bu kadar zor bilmiyorum ama bazen çok çocukça buluyorum bu kavgaları
Question translation:
Hello how are you? I wanted to share with you the thoughts going around in my head. I was talking to an elucien on instagram today and he was confidently explaining that Sarah had planned Elain and Lucien from the beginning and I asked myself exactly where in the book the two were planned because in my opinion he never thought of them together from the beginning. Because there is Feyre's foresight before it is revealed that Elain and Lucien are spouses. Sarah first plants the seed of the idea of ​​Elain and Azriel, then it turns out that Elucien is their spouse. Lucien is there from the beginning to add drama to elain and azriel's story because elriel is the relationship that develops in the background. They first developed a comfortable and understanding friendship, then it turned into a desire for more, and eventually they were left in a state of misunderstanding due to Rhys' intervention. Elain and Lucien are still as uncomfortable with each other today as they were on the first day. There is no story developing or changing between the two, they are stable. I don't know what's so hard to understand, but sometimes I find these fights so childish.
Hi! So firstly, it's not even true that SJM planned Elucien from the start. In an interview, she stated that initially, she planned Nesta to be with Lucien, but realised that the pairing wouldn't work.
I think that SJM might have considered Elain and Lucien as a possibility--and maybe of the antis like to say that 'SJM changed her mind about Elriel!'--but I think that she changed her mind about Elucien.
At some point, she might have thought that ELucien might work out, but I think that she changed her mind, and really decided to develop a different storyline--that of choice, of bond/duty vs love, of why a bond might not work, and of what truly matters, which is the buildup of love and affection and relationship.
Setting up Lucien and Elain and having them be together in the end due to a bond isn't really saying anything about the nature of relationships or the nature of choice. SJM showed a few bad relationships, that even though people are mated, it doesn't mean that there isn't a need for something more, for something genuine. THat's why in all her mated pairs, relationships always develop outside of the bond--Feysand, Rowaelin, Quinlar, etc. Even with someone like Elorcan, and it's only a supposed bond, but they still built their relationship first, and then, if there is a bond, then that's good, but it really wouldn't matter all that much. The foundation is there.
Elucien have no foundation. They have a bond. And as we can see, it didn't make a difference for the two of them. Free will is still a thing and in Feyre's words, love would trump a mate bond.
I think it's important not to forget Azriel in all of this. Azriel feels great affection, desire and maybe even the beginnings of love towards Elain. Regardless of her bond. It's also important to acknowledge his choice and that he can't fight what he feels regardless of her 'taken' status. The mate bond doesn't just impact the couple, but those around them as well. I think in this case, we have Azriel who's been suffering for the past year, denying himself and not acting on his affection towards Elain. And I think that's that where it's going to get interesting--that's where the triangle is. Love/duty, expectation, politics, external forces, feelings. It will be very interesting but I have a feeling that SJM is firmly #teamelriel and not #teamelucien
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commonguttersnipe · 10 months
Hi! I wrote up a backstory of how Ernie's Praline's parents met up with each other and stuff, for some reason:
George Praline (born February 1928) grew up with his mum, dad, grandparents and 5 siblings in his childhood home in a little village in his home country of Scotland. He's confident, a bit loud & especially loves to party in true Scottish fashion! He also loves anything to do with wildlife, such as looking and studying woodland creatures (i.e snails, beetles, etc) and plants.
Bernice Praline, nee Bernice Boffins , (born March 1930) grew up with her mum and dad, who both are of upper middle class status, in a semi-detached house somewhere in the city in England. Bernice, whilst she is a bit of a quiet person who likes reading books (both fiction and nonfiction), she does like to socialise a bit and loves to tell stories to people, and she also loves biology. She also loves hanging out with her best friend Beryllina/Bery (she's based on the Graham Chapman Penguin Pepperpot, btw).
Anyway, George and Bernice met each other at a party in a city club in late 1950 (around autumn/winter time). Bernice was at the club with her friend Bery, who the former told her parents she was out at her friend's house but secretly went to the club. George was at the club as he and his Scottish mates were traveling up and down the country and visiting places. George & Bernice met at the pub stand in the club, they both started a bit of playful banter and a bit of chitchat, before talking a bit more intimately. Then, Bernice was lightly dragged by Bery to the dance floor to, well, dance. George catches up to them both and politely asks Bernice if she would like to dance with him. Bernice hesitates for a bit, but then accepts and they both dance the night away.
After this, both George and Bernice get into a actual relationship with each other. They start off slow at first, but both are now comfortable with each other. They both meet each others parents to introduce themselves and their relationship. Then the parents of both George and Bernice meet, and whilst there is a bit of tension between the parents, they both set aside their differences and have a fun time.
Then, in 1951, George proposes to Bernice, she accepts, they both get married in the autumn of that year, everyone at the wedding has a great time. George and Bernice but and live in a humble terraced house. They have baby Ernie in 1952/53. The End.
Phew! What do you think? If it's bad, then I apologize for this very bad fanfic! Thanks for reading this large paragraph though!!
I adore this!!! I love how Bery got involved!
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