#Brahms actor is James Russell
vigilante-izuku · 10 months
i feel like the boy 2016 directors did james russell SO dirty...i was reading an article about the whole mask situation and they were talking about the actor they originally wanted but couldn’t get due to schedules and the one they got (james russell) and they don’t even fucking MENTION his name.
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like...at least give him the recognition he deserves, damn...
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capybar00 · 9 months
Brahms and his owl
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surprise, surprise i made another draw-over after James Russell (actor who played brahms heelshire) posted a new picture on his instagram
here's the original picture for comparison heheh
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his instagram is justjims in case yall were curious, also, please don't comment or dm him weird shit.
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m00nb34r · 1 year
Brahms' actor
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Appreciation post for brahms's actor James russell , just look at this gorgeous and handsome man <3
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For those who are unaware, I have a tiktok of James Russell (brahms actor) threatening to strangle someone
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Unimpressed(?) Brahms
I dunno, I kept thinking of this as his “I’m tired of your bullshit” expression while I was working on it. Inspired by some photos of James Russell (Brahms’s actor) posted by @m00nb34r
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bhy0gurt · 1 year
El verdadero lore de Brahms:The boy (resubido al español)
Vi The boy 1 y 2 seguido, y creé una gran teoría sobre el verdadero lore de la película. Iré por puntos porque me cuesta explicarlo. -La muñeca sí tiene un espíritu (según yo) en la segunda película se ve a la madre de Jude viendo las noticias sobre casos de asesinato donde la muñeca estaba presente (antes de llegar a los Heelshires) los asesinos dijeron que escucharon voces provenientes de la muñeca, y por eso mataron (probablemente a quien no siguió las reglas) -El muñeco no tiene el espíritu de Brahms, ya que cuando el muñeco llama a Jude en el bosque, tiene voz de niño, no de hombre. -Brahms fue la víctima del muñeco. Aquí hay un error entre la primera y la segunda película, Malcolm dice que el muñeco llegó poco después de que Brahms muriera en el incendio, pero en la segunda muestran una imagen de los heelshires (con brahms) y el muñeco, así que llegué al conclusión de que la muñeca fue la causante de la muerte de Emily Cribs, a través de Brahms. Así como Jude casí mata a su primo por querer romperlo. -La muñeca sabía lo que pasaría. En la segunda película, Joseph nos cuenta que el muñeco va tras las personas que sufren, que saben que lo necesitan. Brahms ya era extraño desde pequeño, sus padres estaban estresados y cansados de él, así llegó el muñeco a su casa. Al igual que Greta llegó allí por sus problemas con su ex novio Cole, y al igual que llegó a Jude con sus traumas. -Las dos voces de Brahms. Creo que Brahms podría cambiar de voz ya que el muñeco ya se ha convertido en una gran parte de él, y podemos verlo por la máscara y la ropa. El muñeco quería hacer lo mismo con Jude, obligarlo a usar la misma ropa que él, usar la máscara, hacer que todos siguieran las reglas y vivir en la mansión de Heelshire (seguramente porque podría tener una familia allí). -El verdadero final. La primera película terminó con Brahms sin morir y nos damos cuenta de eso porque él repara la muñeca, podemos decirlo por su mano y la manga de su suéter. Pero, ¿por qué la segunda película no fue como supondríamos si Brahms todavía estuviera vivo?. He visto aquí que James Russell (actor de Brahms) no quiso volver a firmar con ellos porque no le dieron el suficiente reconocimiento. Ya me había dado cuenta que algo raro estaba pasando, era imposible que él no haya estado en ningún lado, ni lo han entrevistado, y no lo querían nombrar. Así que no tuvieron más remedio que cambiar totalmente la historia. William Brentbell (el director) ha dicho en varias ocasiones que existe la posibilidad de que salga The Boy 3 y que le encantaría que el verdadero Brahms estuviera allí. Viendo la 2da película se les hace difícil ponerlo, creo que solo lo podrían hacer si hacen "el origen de brahms" y ahí pueden explicar toda la historia detras del muñeco y Brahms Heelshire.
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lilclownfella · 3 years
Since knowing that Brahms' mask is CGI (along with his burns) I'm kinda disappointed that they didn't think of doing that with practical effects in the first place.
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bunnymustdieagain · 3 years
Me finding out James Russell is a voice actor for Red Dead Redemption 2: 😯
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It was a fun movie !!!!!! I barely undrestood what was going on, was working on the side. I'll have to do a rewatch. Not happy abt the ending. Would Much rather think of Harry as some mine ghost. If i even undrestood the ending right. I have no idea.
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ioddgirl · 4 years
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James Russell (Brahms Heelshire)
The Cutest Thing That I Ever Seen!!
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darklylucid · 3 years
Brahms All Cleaned Up
I keep seeing Brahms thirst posts today, therefore, behold James Russell, the actor who plays Brahms in the movie, or what Brahms would look like if he showered and shaved.
Enjoy :)
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capybar00 · 1 year
" Despite his criminal mind, this man is behaving well. His reward is the canoe, this time he can sit in the canoe for up to an hour. "
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Decided to do another one of these draw-overs just because they're fun, of course I referenced it off Brahms Heelshire's actual actor, James Russell!
(picture credit goes to ilincavalentina on instagram)
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Here's a link to an previous draw-over I did, but it's old and I did it on my phone so the quality is 📉
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slashersimpstuff · 2 years
To be honest I dont think James Russell (Brahms actor) will ever "get rid off Brahms", you can see on every social media of his - or even just something he's mentioned in - that everyone is like; Awe omg Brahmsie! I feel kinda sorry for him 🧍Please look him up, his other acting stuff is really interesting!
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Local wall virgin broods over unrequited love-more at eleven.
So I really wanted to practice my figure drawing and I got inspired by this picture of James Russell (Brahms’s actor) posted by @houseofheelshire​ . Anyway, I hope you all enjoy it!
Watercolor and ink drawing.
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bhy0gurt · 1 year
I watched The boy 1 and 2 often, and I created a great theory about the true lore (story) of the movie. I will go by points because it is difficult for me to explain it. -The doll does have a spirit (according to me) in the second movie Jude's mother is seen watching the news about murder cases where the doll was present (before arriving in the Heelshires) the murderers said they heard voices coming from the doll, and for that they killed (probably the one who didn't follow the rules) -The doll does not have the spirit of Brahms, since when the doll calls Jude in the forest, he has the voice of a child, not a man. -Brahms was the victim of the doll. There is an error here between the first and the second movie, Malcolm says that the doll arrived shortly after Brahms died in the fire, but in the second they show a picture of the heelshires (with brahms) and the doll, so I got to the conclusion that the doll was the cause of the death of Emily Cribs, via Brahms. Just like Jude almost killed his cousin for wanting to break it. -The doll knew what would happen. In the second film, Joseph tells us that the doll goes after people who are suffering, who know they need it. Brahms was already a stranger since he was little, his parents were stressed and tired of him, so the doll came to his house. Just like Greta got there because of her problems with her ex-boyfriend Cole, and just like he got to Jude with her trauma. -The two voices of Brahms. I think Brahms could change his voice since the doll has already become a big part of him, and we can tell from the mask and the clothes. The doll wanted to do the same with Jude, force him to wear the same clothes as him, wear the mask, make everyone follow the rules and live in the Heelshire manor (probably because he could have a family there). -The true ending. The first movie ended with Brahms not dying and we can tell that because he repairs the doll, we can tell by his hand and the sleeve of his sweater. But why didn't the second movie go as we would assume if Brahms was still alive? I have seen here that James Russell (Brahms actor) did not want to re-sign with them because they did not give him enough recognition. He had already realized that something strange was happening, it was impossible that he had not been anywhere, nor had they interviewed him, and they did not want to name him. So they had no choice but to totally change history. William Brentbell (the director) has said on several occasions that there is a possibility that he could be in The Boy 3 and that he would love it if the real Brahms was there. Watching the 2nd movie it is difficult for them to put it, I think they could only do it if they do "the origin of brahms" and there they can explain the whole story behind the doll and Brahms Heelshire.
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simptasia · 2 years
ah you can tell the people who draw brahms maskless who haven’t actually seen his actor james russell. cuz like he’ll have like thin eyebrows or small nose and it’s like,,, bruh. and like yeah brahms is pretty but like make him pretty in a rat way, james russell is a sexy giant rat and y’all need to accept the truth
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