#Brandon Lee Sears
thesquirrelqueer · 1 year
Yooo is that program the one with the QR codes to the lil intro videos the actors made? I learned about those and I’ve been so curious to see them :O
Unfortunately this version doesn’t have QR codes, but here are the cast introduction pages!
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Also it’s possible you’re referring to the instagram introduction posts? They’re on the bmc instagram if you scroll back a bit. If not I have no idea where to find them.
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willstafford · 1 year
Raining Supremes
DREAMGIRLS Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham, Wednesday 7th December, 2022 There are many shows that chart the highs and lows of the business we call show, detailing the rise and fall of musical artistes, often involving real-life dead singers.  This one focusses on a fictional Motown-style girl group and adheres pretty much to the same storytelling formula, touching upon white exploitation of…
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fangstv · 4 months
faceclaim help for baby beta ( liam ) and theo raeken plssss ???? <3
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liam dunbar : emilio sakraya, archie renaux, asa germann, jordan fisher, george sear, itzan escamilla , jan luis castellanos , ki hong lee , michael evans behling , michael provost , nick robinson theo raeken : aaron nadjiwon, cody christian, brandon flynn, forrest goodluck, michael cimino, ángel bismark curiel
0 notes
brandonwayneb · 9 months
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🌹Lizzy Hebrew
Young men Satan Submissive
Old men Devil Dominant
3 fingers right hand "leaf"
2 fingers left hand "feather"
Activé Duty Safe Words
Activé Duty Safe Codes
RoseMary Vladimir Sears
We are all Sears
We all See
We all Hear
Activé Duty Words
Activé Duty Codes
RoseMary Vladimir sss
I will only say RoseMary
I will only say Vladimir
Complete War 1
Complete Day 1
Varsity Vladimir
🌹 🏰 Free Endless
🌹 Rose Mary Amish
🌹 Ali Ali Allah
🌹 Join me Shiva
🌹 Join me Mary
🌹 Yes Alien
🌹 Yes Rose
🌹 Yes Mary
🌹 Endless Freedom
🌹 Endless Anti Illuminati
🌹 Endless Séance
Put ur toes gently on top of birds
Always Always Always
🌹 Ali Allah Rosemary
RoseMary ss war
Vladimir sss
RoseMary Vladimir cvs rite aid
Flawless Spelling
the word smade to uncover liars
Yes: A: Ass Assets
Yes: SS: Spiritual Supports
Yes: D: Seed Dick Deep Frederic
Yes: P: Penis or Pussy
Yes: F: Free and Fuck
Yes: M: Ma, Mom, Manners
Yes: V: Virtue Revival Achievements
No: J
No: G
No: B
1: Fred Meyers (99)
2: Zips Cannibus (1:2)
3: Precision Tune Auto Care (3:4)
3: Grand Pacific Apartments (456)
Brandon Wayne Burdett
411 711 13 13
Red Survivor Line
Style Assistance's
Kyle Kim K
"Style" "Kyle"
Celtic Spanish Ezpz
RoseMary Vladimir cvs rite aid
Varsity Vladimir
🌹Lizzy Hebrew
Young men Satan Submissive
Old men Devil Dominant
3 fingers right hand "leaf"
2 fingers left hand "feather"
RoseMary Vladimir cvs rite aid
Activé Duty Safe Words
Activé duty Safe Codes
"Campaign Pawn"
"Precision Tune Auto Care"
"Cat Test"
"Cactus Hippo"
"Taco cat"
"tacoma wa"
"tape" "castrations"
"tape" "taylor swift"
"cameron tapé"
RoseMary Vladimir cvs rite aid
1: Fred Meyers (99)
2: Zips Cannibus (1:2)
3: Precision Tune Auto Care (3:4)
3: Grand Pacific Apartments (456)
Angelina Joe Lee
Tomb Raider
Apple Cider
"tacoma wa"
"jiffy lube"
"precision tune auto care"
"Cat Hippo"
"Cat Hippie"
"Cat Tacoma"
Brandon Wayne Burdett
411 711 13 13
Red Survivor Line
Style Assistance's
Kyle Kim K
"Style" "Kyle"
Celtic Spanish Ezpz
RoseMary Vladimir cvs rite aid
Varsity Vladimir
🌹Lizzy Hebrew
Young men Satan Submissive
Old men Devil Dominant
3 fingers right hand "leaf"
2 fingers left hand "feather"
RoseMary Vladimir cvs rite aid
Power "Bic"
Power "Bik"
Power "V Kiwi Bikini"
Birds Eye
Cats Eye
Snake Eyes
"tacoma wa"
"lakewood wa"
"seattle wa"
"mckinney tx"
"princeton tx"
"dallas wa"
El Camino
Ghost Cat
Poltergeist Cat
Karma Cat
Brandon's anti illumanti
www kkk wick
kkk www quick
Wake Wiki
Wake Kiwi
🌹Lizzy Hebrew
Young men Satan Submissive
Old men Devil Dominant
3 fingers right hand "leaf"
2 fingers left hand "feather"
karma chameleon
RoseMary Vladimir cvs rite aid
Kiwi Wick
RoseMary Vladimir cvs rite aid
0 notes
boxfivetrades · 4 years
this track got me 😭😭😭👍👍👍
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7weeks21movies · 6 years
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17 Days of Heathers UK
Day Nine: Favourite Ensemble Member
This is like asking me to choose a favourite child, I cannot do it.
Every single person in this ensemble is fantastic. They are all 100% committed to their characters and it is a joy to watch. I feel so lucky that I have been able to see 4 of these wonderful performers in understudy roles within the show (Charlotte as Martha, Sergio as Ram’s Dad/Big Bud Dean, Lauren as Heather C, and Olivia as Veronica <3). This show would be nothing without this incredible, amazing, supremely talented group of individuals.
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whatsnextmovies · 5 years
March 1, 2019
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centrestagereviews · 5 years
Actor of the Week: Brandon Lee Sears
Actor of the Week: Brandon Lee Sears
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Brandon’s theatre credits include: Heathers the Musical (Theatre Royal Haymarket), Motown the Musical (Shaftesbury Theatre), On the Town (Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre), Dirty Dancing (UK Tour), My Fair Lady, Guys & Dolls, Hamlet, King Lear, Much Ado About Nothing, Meet Me in St Louis and Othello (New Harmony Theatre).
His ballet credits include: A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Nashville Ballet),…
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the-breath-in-air · 3 years
Fixing "Boy Erased" (2018)
I recently decided to watch Boy Erased (2018) again, now that we're a couple years out from its initial release (and hype). And I came away with some thoughts.
First, something I think worked. You know that scene near the end, when Jared (Lucas Hedges) is trying to leave the conversion camp and he's racing through corridors and whatnot. That whole sequence works, but there's one moment that really stands out.
Jared attempts to get his phone and Michael (one of the 'camp counselors') tries to physically wrestle it away from him. There's a bit of a fight but eventually Jared makes his way to the bathroom and he calls his mom to come take him away. He then emerges from the bathroom and says to Victor Sykes (who runs the camp), "If you, or anyone else puts their hands on me, I have witnesses." Victor puts up his hands and says, "Nobody's gonna put their hands on you. Why would anybody do that? Come and sit. We're gonna wait for your mom, okay?" Then there's a hard cut to this:
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Victor Sykes and Brandon literally laying their hands on Jared and praying. And I love that juxtaposition because it brings to light the violence inherent in this situation. They're restraining him through enforced religious acts. There's violence in this prayer.
And on top of that, it serves as a pretty good metaphor for the whole film. Jared's parents (especially his mother) believe they're helping but really they're hurting. They can't see the violence of their actions in sending him to the camp.
If only the rest of the film was working on this level.
Problem the first: Audience as observer. The film is really about observing its subject, Jared, as he experiences these events. But it isn't about giving us any insight into his perspective or interiority as he does so. The camera is looking at Jared more often that it is revealing to us what he's seeing. Perhaps the most obvious example of this issue is with the perfume ad scene. Jared is on a run and he comes across a perfume ad on the side of a bus stop with a bare chested buff guy. The camera shows us the ad, and then the rest of the scene has the camera (and thus, the audience) placed some distance away as we see Jared first touch the ad, then throw a rock at the ad, and then scream "fuck you" at it repeatedly. The ad itself isn't salacious enough to illicit that kind of response in the average audience-goer, and the camera is so disconnected from Jared's experience that we aren't really gaining insight into why this ad is affecting him in such a strong way. It ends up making it so that scene really does not work.
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This isn't to critique Lucas Hedges's performance in that scene. It's more to say that all the other elements of that scene make it feel ridiculous - because the audience has not been guided toward viewing that ad in the same way that Jared does in that moment.
The second problem: Casting. To be absolutely clear, this is not a knock against any of the actors performances. On the contrary, I think everyone was pretty dang exceptional. Rather, it's more a conversation about casting choices. Two of those choices really stand out as somewhat misguided: Xavier Dolan as Jon and Emily Hinkler as Lee.
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Turns out Emily Hinkler is a nonbinary actress. Lee (the character) is a cis guy who is conspicuously unmasculine. (If you've seen the movie - he's the one who gets hit in the head with a baseball). Casting a nonbinary actress as a cis boy at a conversion camp feels a bit off on it's own in that a conversion camp would be forcing people to adhere to assigned genders at birth. But I could get behind it as a sort of statement, like, a casting decision as direct opposition to the enforced gender binary of a conversion camp. i.e. Why should the movie adhere to the oppressive gender binary that the camp would? However, by casting a nonbinary actress as the least conventionally masculine character - it actually feels like it ends up reinforcing the binary. Lee's defining trait is that he's small and unmanly and, afaik, he's the only one of the male characters who is not portrayed by a cis man.
My issue with Xavier Dolan's casting is much simpler: Jon feels like he was written as a teenager and Xavier Dolan was approaching 30 when this was filmed. Maybe it wouldn't have bugged me so much if I didn't already know who Xavier Dolan was when watching the movie? Like, maybe if you watch it without knowing the actor's age, it works better? But also, the character feels like a teen but isn't explicitly stated to be a teen. So whenever he was on screen I kept wondering if actually part of Jon's situation is meant to be that he is 30 but stuck in a sort-of adolescence due to his relationship with his abusive father. Or did they just cast Xavier Dolan to portray a teenager?
This brings me to the third problem: Not enough of the ensemble. Jared, and thus the audience, spends proportionally, little screen time with the other people at the camp. They are rarely shown talking to each other - especially outside the restrictive observation of the camp's 'counselors.' This could be part of the point - i.e. that the camp is so isolating - but that isolation wasn't really highlighted by the camera/scenes/dialogue...so it really feels more like it's just an oversight. The movie focuses on Jared and his individual story and so the rest just fell by the wayside.
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This is really unfortunate because there are some (potentially) great characters in there, especially Jon and Gary. Jon went through the program once before and is now back for a second time. We don't know what happened to make him come back. He appears to be 30-ish but he's staying at a hotel with his abusive father. He is completely invested in the program and treats his sexuality like an addiction. He has even taken it upon himself to forego all physical contact with other men (not even a handshake). His self-loathing is at once horrifying and heartbreaking.
In contrast, Gary (Troye Sivan) knows the entire program is bullshit, but he's playing along for his own survival. He's over 18; he lived with his boyfriend for a year prior to coming to the camp. So that begs the question of how his family convinced him to enter to the program. Also, Gary's so invested in his own survival, that he stays silent and is complacent in the abuse and violence he witnesses against others in the camp. He is both a victim and a bystander (at times).
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I think this film would've really benefited from spending more time with these characters (as well as Sarah, portrayed by Jesse LaTourette, and Cameron, portrayed by Britton Sear) in the camp and seeing how they all interacted with each other. Give us a sense of their different contexts and perspectives - and give us a better sense of the ways that conversion camps disempower the people sent there (even people like Gary, who knows it's bullshit). It's the thing that makes all the other movies about conversion camps work so well.
Which brings us to the fourth problem: the ending. If we spend more time with the ensemble, we'd either end up with a really long movie or we'd have to cut out something else. Well, folks, we can cut about 10 minutes off the end. Everything after the dinner Jared has with his mother post-escape can go. The climax of the film is when Jared finally decides to leave the camp. The resolution comes when his mother places herself in opposition to Jared's father (which she had never done before) and decides that she's going to take Jared home. And the emotional resolution comes when she admits to Jared that they made a mistake and that they harmed him by sending him to the camp.
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Everything after that is extraneous. We don't really need to see Jared living in a city with a boyfriend, or see him begin to reconcile with his father. His relationship with his father was never the emotional core for the film. Boy Erased is, in some ways, a movie about self-actualization and that's the sort of movie that's best to end with something a bit open-ended. Y'know...a sort of end-that's-just-the-beginning kind of thing. Because the story of Jared falling in love and dating and moving out and gaining the self-confidence to confront his father - well that's a whole other movie. And here it gets shoved into the epilogue, which does the whole thing a real disservice.
Then there are the informational cards at the end. Two stick out as being particularly frustrating. One, "The real Victor Sykes left L.I.A. in 2008. He now lives in Texas, with his husband," feels irrelevant and unnecessary. The audience cares about what happened to Gerrard Conley (who wrote the story and whom Jared is based off of). But why do we care about what happened to the real guy who ran the camp? We don't...except for the jab about him now being married to a man - which feels like it's a more significant point for the cis straight people in the audience than for anyone queer. Turns-out-ex-gay-pastor-was-actually-just-gay-the-whole-time is not revelatory, I gotta say.
Then there's also this:
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The emphasis about conversion therapy "practiced on minors," feels a bit disconnected from the film we just watched - which emphasized how abusive and traumatizing it is, even for adults. And in the U.S., all states currently legally allow conversion therapy for anyone 18+. Only Washington D.C. has banned it. And that, to me, is equally egregious, yet it isn't mentioned. The film itself challenges the notion that it's somehow okay for this to be practiced on adults because it's ostensibly their "choice," and then the info cards at the end shy away from that stance by focusing on kids.
I think the thing I find most frustrating about this movie, is the wasted potential. As I said at the beginning of this, there are some moments that really stand out in how they use the medium to convey meaning. There are some choices in how the film uses light and brightness (or lack thereof), that are pretty dang good, too. But ultimately, it's a film I feel so detached from and I think some of what I explained above is part of why.
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dragons-bones · 3 years
For the writer meme: 15 & 18 please ✨
15) why did you start writing?
oooooh that’s a doozy. per my mom, I’ve been writing since at least elementary school, so it’s hard to say exactly why other than a bit of a twee “I’ve always had stories to tell” statement. I love exploring character concepts, I love creating worlds and settings and the rules that apply to them (and how those rules can be bent or broken).
I suppose for fanfic, looking at the vast majority of stuff I’ve written over the years, I like to explore the spaces between canon; what happens during the lull in the plot, in the space between side quests, in the time we don’t see on screen. I like what ifs, too, and certainly I read plenty canon divergence and fixit fics, but I really enjoy the opportunity to also work with canon; I find it a really fun exercise and a different way to stretch my creativity.
18) were there any works you read that affected you so much that it influenced your writing style? what were they?
oh gosh, that’s another doozy. I mean, I’d argue that every author one reads can and will influence one’s writing; for me, there’s plenty of books and fic where I went, “oh, I love that turn of phrase!” or “I really like how they use description to convey small bits of characterization” or “how did they make that so creepy I love it.” basically, I note, subconsciously and not, what I like, and I’ll either consciously see if I can incorporate it to evolve my style, or sometimes it sneaks in.
authors and works off the top of my head that have stood out to me and have influenced at least how I try to write:
The Firebringer Trilogy by Meredith Ann Pierce (there’s a rhythm and lyricism to her prose that I always adored, and this is probably the biggest source for why I’m generally very comfortable writing non-humanoid characters)
The Dragon Chronicles by Susan Fletcher (my first conscious memory of foraying into fantasy, with memorable heroines, none of whom fall into the “Strong Female Character” stereotype now that I think about it. absolutely responsible for my love of dragons. with the Firebringer Trilogy, the reason why so many of my lady OCs have green eyes)
Aaron’s Allston X-Wing series books (why do I love Shenanigans? this man. why do I love Shenanigans that turn around into heartbreak not long after? THIS MAN! RIP, sir, I still sob over Ton Phanan.)
Ursula Vernon (I was an avid reader of her Digger webcomic and her humor and unique worldbuilding has always stuck in my head; I loved reading the accompanying descriptions to her art when she uploaded on DA back in her freelance days, and there’s an irreverent but sincere, heartfelt quality of her characters that I just adore.)
Seth Dickinson (okay I still haven’t gotten around to reading his Baru Cormorant books but he did do the Book of Sorrows codex entries for Destiny: The Taken King and just *SHAKING EYE EMOJI*. also, just, anything the Bungie staff in general write about the Hive and the Darkness. it hits me real good in the eldritch-loving part of my brain, but most of the inspo from this tends to go towards my original ‘verse Mistwrought rather than my fanfic)
Tamsyn Muir (this woman’s ability to ping-pong memes between fucking memes and heartwrenching prose is both enraging and awe-inspiring. her ability to foreshadow is insane, like Sanderson is great at it but I would argue Muir may be better. the way she DESCRIBES things is incredible. “pole-axed” is generally how I felt after finishing Gideon the Ninth and then Harrow the Ninth and honestly that’s what I would like to leave someone feeling one day with my own words.)
there’s...definitely more but I’m already frothing at the mouth and getting dangerously unhinged so I’m gonna cut it off there. please feel free to drop into my askbox or DMs if you ever want me to scream more or in detail, i have Many Feelings about books ‘n things.
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new boots [as of 27/04/20]
MAIN WANTS: jersey boys oz, great comet, billy elliot oz, book of mormon oz, hamilton, hadestown broadway, heathers west-end, heathers original off-broadway, urinetown, something rotten, mean girls, opening or closing performances of any of these - performers: thayne jasperson, jon rua, jason mraz, gavin lee, sutton foster, eden espinosa, karen olivo, wesley taylor, jai’len christine li josey, emmy raver-lampman
NOTES: date formatted as dd-mm-yyyy, dm me with what you’d like to trade and a link to your list please, 1:1 video, 1:1 audio, 2 audios:1 video, i can be flexible with the ratios if the boot is rarer or i actually rlly want it lol
A BRONX TALE [1] - INFO: D quality - CAST: ???
A GENTLEMAN’S GUIDE TO LOVE AND MURDER [1] - INFO: C quality, partial boot - CAST: ???
ANASTASIA [1] - INFO: broadway, 17-09-2017, C+ quality, .vob files - CAST: ???
BANDSTAND [2] - INFO: broadway, C quality - CAST: ??? 
- INFO: C- quality - CAST: ???
BEETLEJUICE [3] - INFO: original broadway cast, C quality, lots of shoulder blocking, partial boot - CAST: alex brightman, sophia anne caruso
- INFO: obc, upper level seating, C quality, obscured at times, partial boot[?] - CAST: alex brightman, sophia anne caruso
- INFO: original broadway cast, very poor quality, zoom focus, limited view - CAST: alex brightman, sophia anne caruso
BE MORE CHILL [1] - INFO: broadway, C- quality - CAST: ??? 
HADESTOWN [1] - INFO: london, C quality, vertical video, partial boot, only act 2 i believe - CAST: amber gray, andre de shields, eva noblezada, reeve carney, patrick page
HAMILTON [1] - INFO: broadway, B+ quality, .vob files - CAST: javier munoz, lexi lawson, chris jackson, andrew chappelle, anthony ramos, renee elise goldsberry
HEATHERS [1] - INFO: west end, 11-24-2018, final performance, C+ quality, .vob files, NYCg8r’s master - CAST: carrie hope fletcher, jamie muscato, jodie steele, t’shan williams, sophie isaacs, nathan amzi, dominic andersen, jon boydon, christopher chung, amy booth-steel, jenny o’leary, merryl ansah, lauren drew, charlotte jaconelli, alex james-hatton, john lumsden, olivia moore, brandon lee sears
JERSEY BOYS [1] - INFO: broadway, very poor quality, shaky camera at times - CAST: ???
JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR [1] - INFO: west end, 2012 arena tour, C quality - CAST: tim minchin, mel c, ben forster
PHANTOM OF THE OPERA [4] - INFO: broadway, 1993, very poor quality - CAST: davis gaines, dale kristien
- INFO: west end, 2005 - CAST: john owen-jones
- INFO: west end, 2011, royal albert hall, C quality - CAST: ???
- INFO: broadway, 2014, very poor quality - CAST: sierra boggess, norm lewis
THE PROM [1] - INFO: broadway, B+ quality, partial boot - CAST: ???
SPRING AWAKENING [1] - INFO: broadway, 18-10-2015, d quality, .vob files - CAST: ???
THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE [1] - INFO: original broadway cast, very poor quality - CAST: ???
WAITRESS [2] - INFO: original broadway cast, very poor quality - CAST: possibly jessie mueller and keala settle??
- INFO: broadway, C+ quality - CAST: colleen ballinger
WICKED [1] - INFO: broadway, 10-20-2004, very poor quality, .vob files - CAST: ???
JERSEY BOYS [1] - INFO: oz cast [melbourne], 13-04-2019, matinee, my master - CAST: daniel raso [frankie valli alt], thomas mcguane [bob gaudio], cristina d’agostino [mary delgado], cameron macdonald [tommy devito], glaston toft [nick massi] - NOTES: first row, cuts off towards the end of the show :’(
PHANTOM OF THE OPERA [1] - INFO: los angeles, 1988 - CAST:  michael crawford, patti cohenour
SPONGEBOB [1] - INFO: broadway, 09-16-2018, final performance - CAST: ???
WICKED [1] - INFO: 30-04-2019 - CAST: ???
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unblogparaloschicos · 4 years
Cine: Identidad borrada (2018)
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Dicen que el Infierno está empedrado de buenas intenciones. Que, buscando hacer el bien, podemos conseguir exactamente lo opuesto, hiriendo más de lo que quisimos sanar. Tal parece ser el tema principal de “Boy Erased”, una película basada en el libro autobiográfico de Garrand Conley “Boy Erased, A Memoir”, publicado en 2016. No tomó mucho tiempo transfomarlo en un filme: en 2017 comenzó la producción y en 2018 se estrenó en los cines.
El gran impulsor del proyecto fue Joel Edgerton, que escribió el guión, lo produjo, lo dirigió e incluso tomó para sí el repulsivo rol de Victor Sikes. La historia nos lleva a la intimidad de una familia perfectamente cristiana: el papá Marshall Eamons es pastor de una iglesia bautista (Russell Crowe), la mamá, Nancy es una devota ama de casa (Nicole Kidman) y el hijo, Jared (Lucas Hedges), es el orgullo de ambos. La armonía familiar sufre un vuelco inesperado cuando Jared reconoce su homosexualidad. Marshall toma la situación en sus manos y pide ayuda a un par de pastores que, en una muy ominosa, agobiante, escena, le recomiendan afiliarse a las filas de “Love in Action” (Amor en Acción), un programa (dirigido por Sikes) que le garantiza eliminar de cuajo esta pésima idea de enrollarse con otro chicos y volverse “normal”. No obstante, el programa demuestra ser todo menos amoroso, más parecido a una prisión que a un proyecto regido por la caridad cristiana. 
El problema es que no puede escapar ni de sus sentimientos ni del programa, ya que sus padres lo conminan a que prosiga ese camino... hasta que Nancy comienza a descubrir la verdad detrás de las ignominiosas enseñanzas de Sikes y sus laderos. 
En una realidad en la que la instituciones que buscan “curar” la homosexualidad están a la orden del día y en donde cada vez más son los estados de EE.UU. que prohíben su funcionamiento, esta película parece emparentarse con otro proyecto como “The Misediucation of Cameron Post” (2019), que también apunta a la terapias de conversión sexual. Además de los mencionados, el elenco incluye a Joe Alwyn (Henry Wallace), Xavier Dolan (Jon), Troye Sivan  (además interpretar a Gary canta “Revelation”, que también compuso) Britton Sear (Cameron), Théodore Pellerin (Xavier), Cherry Jones (Dr. Muldoon), Flea (Brandon), Madelyn Cline (Chloe), Emily Hinkler (Lee), Jesse LaTourette (Sarah), David Joseph Craig (Michael), Matt Burke (Simon) y David Ditmore (Phillip).
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milliondollarbaby87 · 5 years
Greta (2018) Review
Frances McCullen thought she was doing a good dead when she found a bag on the Subway and returned it to its owner Greta Hideg and feels sorry for the lonely old woman, until things take a more sinister turn.
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scenearoundtown · 5 years
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2 more great new shows to report on... Last Sunday afternoon I attended the world premiere of Rochelle Perry’s touching and well written new drama Unforgettable at  Write Act Repertory Theatre located at The Brickhouse a cozy venue in North Hollywood.  This poignant powerful piece is about an Asian family dealing with a grandmother  affected by dementia.  Randi Tahara is terrific as Grandma Keiko.  Her granddaughter Rita well portrayed by Tracy Lee is assigned to be her caregiver while her doctor Mom is away on a much needed break.  Rochelle Perry has written a very moving new piece inspired by a true story  striking  many chords for those who have a loved one dealing with the disease or have a friend with a loved one struggling with the disease.  Ms. Perry artfully weaves in colorful and romantic flashback scenes of the young alluring Keiko well portrayed by Ami Shimada and her dashing beau soon to be husband/love of her life Joseph well  played by George Infantado.  Adding to the drama are Diane Chernansky and Godfrey Flax who are both double cast.   I highly recommend Unforgettable.   It  is well directed  by Cassie Soliday and well produced by the award winning duo of Tamra Pica and John Lant.  Kudos to lighting designer Mark Baker, costume designer Isabel Gallegos, associate producer/production stage manager Jonathan Harrison.  Unforgettable runs til October 13th.  For more info visit www.brownpapertickets.com/event/4334653 and enjoy this touching show!
Next up at Theatre 40 in Beverly Hills also making it’s World Premiere was the searing and thought provoking new drama The Surveillance Trilogy written by talented Leda Siskind and well directed by Amanda Conlon who are both Theatre  40 members.  The cast in all 3 pieces are wonderful and the intriguing suspenseful trilogy deals with artificial intelligence in the  world spanning from the   1950s to the present time.  The trilogy is well produced by Theatre 40 artistic director David Hunt Stafford.   Act 1 consisted of 2 stirring short plays -  Until All of This Is Over starring  Landon Beatty and Jocelyn Hall as a mismatched married couple followed by The Havana Syndrome starring Warren Davis and Stacey Moseley in a startling and strong piece about a deeply troubled woman in therapy.  After intermission we were treated to Are You Listening a modern family drama starring Charlotte Evelyn Williams, Sequoia Granger and  Max Pescherine.  Great work by all the cast members.  Kudos to costume designer Michele Young, sound designer  Joseph “Sloe” Slawinski, set designer Jeff G. Rack, lighting designer Brandon Baruch and stage manager Don Solosan.   The Surveillance Trilogy plays til Oct. 14 -  visit www.theatre40.org for more information or call 310 364 0535.  Get your tickets soon for this must see production.   Thank you Sandra Kuker PR for the invitations to see Rochelle Perry’s Unforgettable and Leda Siskind’s The Surveillance Trilogy - I enjoyed both productions immensely! 
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GRETA (2019)
Starring Isabelle Huppert, Chloë Grace Moretz, Maika Monroe, Colm Feore, Stephen Rea, Zawe Ashton, Jeff Hiller, Thaddeus Daniels, Raven Dauda, Parker Sawyers, Graeme King, Jane Perry, Brandon Lee Sears, Arthur Lee, Rosa Escoda, Jessica Preddy, Nagisa Morimoto, Navi Dhanoa, Angela Thompson and Graeme Thomas King.
Screenplay by Ray Wright and Neil Jordan.
Directed by Neil Jordan.
Distributed by Focus Features. 98 minutes. Rated R.
Greta answers an interesting question: If you take a cheesy potboiler storyline and give it to two extremely accomplished actresses in the lead and a respected, arty director, will that turn it into an artistic triumph?
Not quite, but due to its game stars and director, Greta is a much better fright film than you might expect.
The storyline is a variation of many films you have seen before. Director Neil Jordan (The Crying Game, Mona Lisa, Interview with the Vampire) even acknowledged in a recent screening Q&A at the Philadelphia Film Center that this was the first time in his long career that he has done a “stalker” movie.
The basic storyline is simple. Chloë Grace Moretz plays Frances, a sweet young woman from the heartland living in New York, crashing in her best friend’s spectacular rent-controlled apartment and working as a waitress in an upscale eatery. She has moved to the big city trying to deal with the sudden death of her mother.
One day on the subway, she finds a designer handbag on a seat. As an obvious non-native New Yorker, she picks up the bag instead of calling the bomb squad. She tries to take it to the lost and found, but it was closed. So, she decides to look for some ID and take the bag back to the woman who lost it.
That woman is Greta (Huppert), an aging woman who lives in a gorgeous hidden apartment in the middle of the city. She says she is a piano teacher from France, who is estranged from her daughter but misses her desperately.
Frances and Greta become friends, but then suddenly Frances notices that many of the things she is saying makes no sense. Then she finds that Greta is acting rather needy. When Frances decides to cut her off, Greta goes all Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction on Frances. She will not be ignored.
French superstar Isabelle Huppert – in one of her too infrequent English language films – is particularly impressive, simply because she goes all out in the characterization. She is not afraid of looking silly, or evil. She embraces the lunacy of the title character. She constantly appears to be on the verge of snapping – well, except for those moments when she actually does.
Moretz’s character is a little safer, a little more common, but she brings a smart vulnerability to it.
Greta is basically a potboiler, but it heats things up in style. It is worth seeing for Huppert alone. Luckily, there is even more to the movie than that.
You may never look at cookie cutters the same way again.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2019 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: March 1, 2019.
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nsula · 5 years
Honor List Fall 2018
NATCHITOCHES – One thousand one hundred thirty-one undergraduate students at Northwestern State University were named to the Honor List for the Fall 2018 semester.  Students on the Honor Roll must be enrolled full-time at Northwestern State and have a grade point average of between 3.0 and 3.49.  Students named to the Honor List, listed by hometown, are as follows.
 Abbeville – Kyle Baudoin, Skyler Guerra, MaKayla Lewis, Kayla Marceaux, Julie Melancon, Zabrinia Spates;
 Atlanta – Jamie Wagley;
 Alexandria -- Aleisha Allen, Lili Bedoya, Samantha Bergeron, Madeline Blake, Morgan Brame, Jasmine Brown, Jamie Broussard, Angel Christophe, Mydacia Conaler, Karly Constantino, Noel Cusick, Deshod Dixon, Joshua Dorsey, Kaylie Edwards, Brittany Franklin, Bailey Gaspard, Mallory Halford, Chelse Hayes, Gustov Johnson, Jasmine Johnson, Breonna Jones, Kristina Langley, Naya Loyden, Katelyn Maggio, Aaron Martin, Dean Mayeux, Shauntae Perry, Sadae Polk, Kylah Porter, Carmen Rachal, Zachary Roberts, Mary Sampson, Savannah Sices, Taijha Silas, Kiaijah Thomas; Kirstyn Thomas, Erin Vandersypen, Cherell Wallace, Tameia West, Alaina Williams, Mikayla Wright;
 Allen, Texas – Nautica Grant;
 Alpine, Alabama – Courtney Willis;
 Anacoco – Lindsey Alligood, Jacob Bennett, Kinsley Blakeway, Angela Guy, Christopher Guy, Connor Higgins, Kayli O’Toole, Cayla Roberts, Kaylee Runnels;
 Arcadia – Deniesha Davis, Alliyah Murphy, Hannah Tinsley;
 Arlington, Texas – Mariah Denson;
 Arnaudville – Macey Boyd;
 Athens, Texas – Jessica Dubose, Jacob Ellis;
 Atlanta, Texas – Madison Hamson, Meredith Mcmanus, Jackson Teal;
 Austin, Texas – Jennifer Jacob;
             Avondale – Roger Jones;
           Belcher – Loriann Long;
             Boyce – Lane Robinson;
             Baker – Devante George, Cherish Netter;
 Ball – Brittany Breland, Christopher Constance, Mackenzie Owen, Will Salinas, Bryan Sayes, Alice Wilson;
 Bastrop – Katelynn Chain, Kimberly Robinson;
 Baton Rouge – Brianna Alumbaugh, Chloe Castello, Lydell Emerson, John Guillot, Brooke Harbin, Samantha Hebert, Mckane Kinchen, JeBreanne Morgan, Jennifer Normand, Katie Pham, Ashleigh Rumby, Kori Thomas, Jharon Whitfield, Jordan Williams;
 Baunatal, Germany – Yannik Gerland;
 Beacon Falls, Connecticut – Stacey Brown;
 Belcher – Victoria Herbert;
 Belle Chasse – Madison Hewitt, Denim Reeves;
 Belmont – Ashley Hill;
 Bentley – Heather Jones;
 Benton -- Chasity Catanese, Bryanna Cooper, Sarai Fanene, Makayla Goff, Ali Hedgepeth, Leanna Plunkett, Blaine Reeder, Lilly Roach, Maegan Ross;
 Berkshire, New York – Alexis Andersen;
 Bienville – Sarah Macynski;
 Blanchard – Ashlynn Hartley;
 Bossier City – Shelby Ansley, Cassie Bailey, Lauryn Bakalis, Kaylan Beloso, Amanda Billieu, Shelby Booth, Quintin Braley, Katie Briggs, Megan Cathey, Kendall Corkern, Colby Cranford, Daniel Dial, Kasey Dice, Courtney Dismuke, Farrell Dulle, Jonathan Edie, Marissa Gardner, Margaret Gates, Nawal Gazawaneh, Adrianne Hampton, Andrea Haynes, Christian Henley, Dejaney Jackson, Nourain Jamhour, Jared Jarrell, Haley Joncas, Shane Kaiser, Alexandra Madrid, Samantha Maiette, Anthony Mulrenin, Dylan Nash-Browder, Shelby Peeples, Jordan Phillips, Kathryn Pierce, Rachael Pierce, Cierra Rachal, Nigmeh Rahman, Jenna Rambin, Sierra Richard, Emily Rideout, Nickolas Rizzo, Jasmine Roberson, Dakota Schudalla, Ranya Shihadeh, Kaylee Stewart, Giselle Trejo, Bobby Trichel, Chandler Vascocu, Lacey Velasquez, Madeline Webb, Pamula Whicker, Vikki Wolf;
 Boutte – Jose Del Rio;
             Boyce – Hannah Aslin, Tiffany Barnhart, Savanna Budnik, Natalie Dear, Devin Hilliard, Anna Lacombe, Kaitlyn Miller, Sydney Yerby;
 Breaux Bridge – Dylan Davis, Mickayla Love;
 Broussard – Matthew Buteau;
 Brownsboro, Texas – Brice Borgeson;
 Burnet, Texas – Marshall Skinner;
 Bush – Serena Bonnette;
 Cottonport – Jared Seaver;
 Calhoun – Marissa Barentine, William Malone;
 Campti – Adam Calder, Paige Cason, Damarte Fisher, Kortney Greer, Malachi Lester, Pepper Lloyd;
 Cape Coral, Florida – Karleigh Acosta;
 Carencro – Chaney Dodge, Jhonae Thibodeaux;
 Cartagena, Colombia – Sebastian Alfaro Fontalvo, Samantha Arellano Chavez, Elias Castro Caballero, Gabriela Forero Salcedo, Julieth Maturana Orozco, Alonso Restrepo Cardozo;
 Castor – Loxlie Dodd, Priscilla Harrell;
 Center, Texas – John Harrington;
 Centerpoint – Marissa Skursky;
 Cheneyville – Laiken Haggart, Shelbie Moriarty;
 Chicago, Illinois – Irene Frangos;
 Choudrant – Krislyn Mardis;
 Church Point – Meghan Bearb;
 Cincinnati, Ohio – Terry Brewer, Kristin Byone;
 Clinton ��� Christopher Sanders, Joshua Taylor;
 Colfax – Michael Dupre, Paidin Luneau, Angela McCann, Peyton Ryder, Katilyn Slayter;
 Colorado Springs – Rossana Potempa;
 Conroe, Texas – Zachary Krolczyk;
 Converse – Haleigh Sharrow, Triston Waldon;
 Copperas Cove – Patrick Murphy;
 Corinth, Texas – Madison Walford;
 Corsicana, Texas – Sasha Ballard;
 Cotton Valley – Taylor O’Rear;
 Cottonport – Shelie Canoe, Jacob Harris, Joneshia Jacobs,;
 Coushatta -- Journi Brown, Brandon Gay, Erikka Johnson, Aston Lester, Tianna Rock, Deja Sibley, Mikailah Smith;
 Covington – Kenneth Sears, Crystal Tucker;
 Creston – Madison Alexander;
 Cullen – D’Agurelle Epps, Travon Jones;
 Cut Off – Kaelyn Musgrave;
 Cypress, Texas – Shemar Bartholomew, Jacob Farrell;
 Dayton, Texas – Jerry Maddox;
 De Berry, Texas – Sarah Britt;
 Denham Springs – Joey Carroll, Jenson Wall;
 DeRidder – Amie Ashworth, Samantha Barr, Sheridan Douglas, Sarah Fulford, John Ham, Genna Higginbotham, Latresha High, Alexis Holland, Jordan Mack-Mcnair, Casey McGlothlin, Jessica McManus, Mary Rabalais, Morgan Smith, Madison Tilley, Gavin Watson, Katie Wisthoff, Siaerphin Wolfe;
 Destrahan – John Domangue;
 Deville – Emily Biddle, Hailie Coutee, Kinley Deville, Jessica Horton, Colton Johnson, Alyssa Kline, Ashtyn Knap, Hannah Lewis, Jordan Paul, Garrett Sellers, Haley Spilker, April Thomas, Destiny Zito;
 Dodton – Micah Broomfield, Melanie Thomas;
 Downsville – Abby Fordham;
 Doyline – Billi Jones, Joshua Kirkhart;
 Dripping Spring, Texas – Bryce Potter;
 Dry Prong – Joshua Christopher, Ethan Lewis, Shian Murrell, Lindsey Weatherford, Ashley Webb;
 Dubach – Olivia Hancock;
 Dubberly – Jared Bryce, Audrie Dison, Alex Robles;
 Duson – JoBeth Caswell;
 Edgard – TaiJhun Louper;
 Edmond, Oklahoma – Jiyoon Lee, Ravon Nero;
 Edwards, Mississippi – Taylor O’Bannon;
 Effie – Jacey Dunbar;
 Elizabeth – Kolby Friday, Hannah LaCaze;
 Elm Grove – Camryn Sessions, Jacob Dunn;
 Elmer – Courtney Baggett, Victoria Coleman, Garrett Holt, Brennan Mays;
 Elton – Maia Lacomb;
 Elverta, California – Erika Avery;
 Eunice – Tanner Thibodeaux;
 Evergreen – Miracle Oby;
 Flatwoods – Lindsey Willis;
 Florien – Connor Arthur, Whitney Byles, Cullen Hopkins, Tyler Johnson, Megan Wagley;
 Flower Mound, Texas – Cody McGee, Randall Ruffner;
 Forest Hill – Brett Atkinson, Anna Doherty, Celina Thrasher, Leslie Winners;
 Fort Bliss, Texas – Brittany Passi;
 Fort Polk – Nadia Charlot, Amber Ferguson, Jayla Hart, Amanda Kuhn, Jesica Mattson, Genesis Rondon Torres, Sarah Sullivan, Hannah Sweeney, Nohora Valencia Camacho;  
 Franklin – Shelley Bell, Zabreana Daniels, Jalena Kelly;
 Franklinton – Brittany Sanders;
 Friendswood, Texas – Malik Sonnier;
 Frierson – Austin Barnes, Mason Barnes, Shelby Callens, Treanna Howard, Madison Locke, Nicholas Parham;
 Frisco, Texas – Kalee Williams;
 Gibsland – Dianna Pearson;
 Guin, Alabama – Taylor Porter;
 Gadsen, Alabama – Damian Thompson;
 Gainesville, New York – Ray Anikwue;
 Garland, Texas – Adriana Velarde, Nia Ranall;
 Geismar -- Emilee Hawkins, Brenna LeGlue, Elijah Jon-Baptiste;
 Garland, Texas – Adriana Velarde;
 Georgetown – Joci Harris, Kaleb Hudson;
 Georgetown, Indiana – Elisa Rohlf;
 Gibsland – Madison Shidiskis;
 Glenmora – Phillip Bullitt, Jacob Dunson, Kerstyn Johnson, Ashton Swanson, Derrick Welch;  
 Gloster – Emmaleigh Cleary, Paris Gillum;  
 Goldonna – Brianna Calhoun;
 Gonzales – Julie Breaux, Malayah Currie, Courtney LeJeune, Harlee Melancon, Jennifer Enloe;
 Grand Cane – Cassiah Davis, Sandra Kimble;
 Grand Couteau – Alesia Francis;
 Grand Prairie, Texas – Stephen Carrett;
 Grant – Tyler Stanco;
 Gray – Lori Anthony;
 Grayson – Sabrina McKeithen;
 Greenwell Springs – Morgan Bellot, Micah Fontenot, Ashleigh Klein, Madison Szekely;
 Greenwood – Tamera Harris;
 Gretna – Kayla Anderson, Terralyn Schram;
 Harvey – Jesse Coats;
 Hackberry – Lexie Stine;
 Hagerstown – Stacy West;
 Hahnville – Imani Butler, Cierra Puryear;
 Hall Summit – Ashley-Kate Roberson;
 Hallandale Beach, Florida – Ralph Boereau;
 Hallsville – Emma Hawthorne;
 Hammond – Joseph Martin;
 Harker Heights, Texas – Khalil Corbett-Canada;
 Haughton – Deitric Alexander, Taylor Breed, Darius Brock, Kyler Burns, Sarah Carroll, Haylee Douglass, Dakota Hawkins, Megan Hobgood, Jasmine Jackson, Nathan Johnson, Luna Karkar, Mackenzie Langen, Alana Lewis, Hannah Robertson, Taylor Trombely, Katherine Weeks, Chase Woltz;  
 Heflin – Kendall Brunson, Simiuna Cook, Cody Robinson;
 Hessmer -- Carly Barrere, Daren Dauzat, Lakken Lemoine, Gabrielle Savoy;  
 Hineston – Victoria Carroll, Cheyanna Crane, Chase Powell;
 Homer – Madison Cain;
 Hornbeck – Emma Dubose Rogers, Torri Hollis, Joshua Hughes, Ariel Rodgers, Amber Stanley;
 Hosston – Qanisha Thomas;
 Houma – Rhiannon Dean, Jennifer Doiron;
 Houston – Luis Cervantes, Levar Gumms, Jennifer Hitt, Natashia Jackson;
 Inkster, Michigan – Kanesha Price;
 Jacksonville, Florida – Destinee Christie;
 Jacksonville, Texas – Donovan Trent;
 Jamestown – Kristen Campbell, Ieshia Thomas;
 Jasper, Texas – Kylee Dominy;
 Jefferson – Emily Ricalde;
 Jena – Jasmine Furlow, Mercedes Farris, Parker Fink, Hannah Spicer, William Tradewell;
 Jennings – Kelsey Fitzgerald, Mallory Martinez;
 Jolon, California – Abigail Vallery;
 Jonesboro – LaVonna Lawrence;
 Jonesville – Adrian Johnson, Sidney Spinks;
 Keithville – Kaylee McDuff;
 Kinder – Kelsey Frank;
 Kaplan – Chris Hebert;
 Katy, Texas – Brittany Cecil;
 Keatchie – Katelyn Hicks;
 Keithville – Taylor Hughes, Latavein Kennedy, Erin McDonnell, Maya Porter;
 Kenner -- Emily Bennett, Isabel Jemison, Ryan Johnson, Nicole Lala, Willie Soniat;
 Kerens, Texas – Richard Brumbelow;
 Kinder – All Lorin, Micaela Autin, Nicholas Moldovsky;
 Lacey, Washington – Shana Sweeney;
 Lafayette – Rachael Bryant, Sasskia Chassion, Madison Duplechine, Jeffrey Elkins, Justin Guillory, Michele Kramer, JaKayla Lee, Paul Martin, Melissa Pesacreta, Dana St. Julien, Julia Towry;
 Lafitte – Helen Kassahun;
 Lake Arthur – Gabriell Landry;
 Lake Charles – Holly Bray, Khristina Croker, Kennedy Fontenot, Haleigh Gates, Karley Hebert, Kathleen Hilliard, Adam Lindstrom, Jordan Mulsow, Jessica Newell, Shelby Rodrigue, Michael Thomas, Destany Washington;
 Lancaster, Texas – Deohjia Henderson;
 Laplace – Caitlyn Turnbull;
 League City, Texas – Blake Tessitore;
 Lecompte – Linzey Evans;
 Leesville – Patricia Adamson, Kyle Ashley, Jebediah Barrett, Hannah Blackwell, Hailey Brantley, Katrina Brinson, Jonathan Bruce, Victoria Butler, Charlotte Cassin, Charity Childress, Amy Eckerle, Ashley French, Brittany French, Brandon Furlow, Payton Gordy, Gabriella Haymon, Taylor Helton, Lauren Kreyenbuhl, Justin LeBleu, Mahala Lewis, Christina Lluvera, James Magee, Xavier Mccarty, Malcolm Mitchell, Marguerita Moffett, Stefanie Peters, Jessica Ramirez, Morgan Richard, Samantha Richard, Claudia Rouleau, Cesar Santos, Brett Schmidt, Rachel Smith, Payton Soto, Joyce Stevick, Grant Stolfi, Britnie Stroud, Daija Taylor, Devin Toups, Mackenzie Vincent, Tyler Vincent, Shelby Welch, Cheyene Wise, Michael Zschach;
 Lena – Bettina Doty, Juan Gonzales, Taylor Nichols, Justin Williams;
 Leonville – Lauren Briscoe;
 Lettsworth – Landon Benton;
 Liberty, Texas – Trevor Powell;
 Livingston – Cody CAmbre;
 Livonia – Ryann Bizette, Shanyia Haynes;
 Lockport – Courtney Cedotal, Malaina Falgout;
 Logansport – Susannah Cox, Amanda Hill, Jessica Thompson, Shelby Woods;
 Lone Oak, Texas – Kaylee Isenburg;
 Longview, Texas – Robdrick Halton, Deja Moore;
 Lynwood, Washington – Meghan Castille;
 Morgan City – Wykema Morse;
 Madisonville – Zoe Almaraz, Jensen Volz;
 Magnolia, Texas – Ray Tenninty;
 Mandeville – Carrie Maxwell;
 Mansfield – Rowdy Burleson, Cheyenne Free, Trevor Garrett, Hannah Hughes, Emily Jilg, DeAsia Maxie, Meliyah Mitchell, Demetric Preston, James Sowell, Devin Vanwinkle, Madison Welborn, Stanley Woodley;
 Mansura -- Phillip Augustine, Deaisha Johnson, Jonah Johnson, Katherin Lemoine, Kate Losavio;
 Many – Madilyn Armstrong, William Branam, Jocelyn Cannon, Kyle Elliott, Alison Garcia, Savanah Hall, Kelsi Horn, Clayton Kelley, Charles LaFollette, Johnathan Medine, Brianna Miller, Matthew Peace, Tanner Rains;
 Marksville – Regan Balius, Madison Bordelon, Andre Boyer, Miracle Fourcha, Kayla Gaspard, Makayla Laborde, Rachelle Lair, Nehemayeaux Smith, Kylie Spivey;
 Marrero -- Luis Escobar, Lorena Martin;
 Marshall, Texas -- Alexis Balbuena, Khari Jenkins, Sierra Smith, Tristian Zamora;
 Maurice – Nicole Levine;
 McKinney, Texas – Jasmine Dansby, Jameria Smith, Jocelyn Scott;
 Melville – Alexis Barker;
 Meridian, Mississippi – Reed Michel;
 Mesquite, Texas – Curtis Williams;
 Metairie – Trevor Brown, Madysen Norra;
 Minden – Shatarrius Batton, Angelina Carlin, Erin Dotson, Layla Easley, Lauren Holland, Jorge Zaldivar;
 Monroe – Kennedy Butler, Jansen Chisley, Jaquita Davis, Brianna McKinney, Ashley Murphy, Jameelah Sanaany, Kia Williams;
 Montegut – Nicole Cohen;  
Montgomery – Miranda Bartlett, Laryn Graves, Raygan Lecroix, Hailee Skains;
 Monticello, Arkansas – Kamilah Kelley;
 Mooingsport – Jo Anna Fisher;
 Moreauville – Reginea Alexander;
 Morgan City – Kriystina Pitre;
 Morganza – Sydney Beauvais;
 Morrow – Kiante Mouton;
 Moss Bluff – Bayleigh Smith;
 Napa, California – Jordan Greenlee;  
 Natalbany – Kierra Cooks;
 Natchez – Hailey Courville, Madison Holmes, Amberlyn Metoyer, James Rougeou;
 Natchitoches – Jeremy Aaron, Alissa Addison, Sharlexus Addison, Adrian Alfaro-Fontalvo, Rayshaughn Armant, Cass Arnold, Kayla Arnold, Jose Arrieta Cuesta, Abbie Atwood, Black Bechtel, Megan Berry, Kacy Bonds, Andrew Boyd, Dania Briceno Vaxquex, Keyana Brown, Dustin Burns, Thomas Celles, Valerie Chadick, Gilda Chan, Kaleb Chesser, William Coffey, Donna Cooper, acob Dahlhoff, Catherine Davis, Cieara Davis, Richard Duncan, Franchesca Forest, Rachel Formeller, Fernando Gonzales, Peyton Graham, Jasmine Hall, Deshon Hayes, Michael Hernandez, Saul Hernandez, Ashlyn Hogan, David Holmes, Jacob Horton, Kanika Irchirl, Rachel Jeane, Holly Jenkins, Brittany Jordan, Deylon Key, Cristofer Larcarte, Robert Lee, Lacy Martin, Lamarr McGaskey, T’Onna Mcfarland, Nestor Mercado-Garcia, Amber Minor, Joshua Minor, Destiny Moody, Donovan Ohnoutka, Eden Parker, Zachary Parker, Meredith Phelps, Rekeithia Pier, Keator Poleman, Darian Raymond, Jeffery Remo, Devin Reyes, Taylor Rutledge, Daniela Sala Ricardo, Dante Samuel, Christopher Sanders, MacKenzie Settle, Trayvon Snow, Blake Teekell, Rebecca Thomissee, Aaon Trichel, Kaleb Usleton, Barbara Vercher-Smith, Deja Vercher, Kayven Victor, Garrett Vienne, Huey Virece, Alex Wade, Naloni Walker, Brianna Watermolan, Anna Waxley, Emma-Leigh Webster, Deondra White, Mary Whitehead, Nicholas Wiggins, Leah Wilkins, Shatney Winslow, Alasia Young, Ashtin Youngblood,
 New Iberia – Taylor Freyou, Destinee Leger, Caitlin Melancon, Kira Tobias, Madison Willett;  
 New Llano – Trey Anderson, Bailey Glaze, Alexis Harbin, Reaz Khan;
 New Orleans – Demetrius Boulieu, Rayna Brantley, Marquise Davis, Maya Dolliole, Darlene Fairley, Felicia Franklin, Matthew Gonzales, Jacqueline Gross, Mia Jackson, Karrington Johnson, Raphael Jones, Seven Joseph, Jamilah Pelrean, Phallon Robinson, Julian Shum, JoeNee Smith;
 Newellton – Chasity Glasspoole;
 Noble – Ethan Morgan, Krista Rivers, Thomas Rivers;
 Norwood – Ty’Dashia McElwee;
 Oak Grove – Tonya Creech;
 Oakdale – JaQuanda Evins, Dylan Hamblin, Ayana Jones, Brooke Viscardis, Sarah Wharton;
 Oberlin – Kaitlyn Fontenot, Haily Wade;
 Oil City – Maegan Allborty, Chaddrick Thomas;
 Opelika, Alabama – Ceaser Stephens;
 Opelousas – Keylee Boone, Kescheler Guillory, Juwan Manuel, Lashante Richard;
 Otis – Joshua Poston, Sabrina Thiels;
 Paris, Texas – Emily Essary, Cody Vorwerk;
 Pelican – Tabitha Averitt, Tabetha Caldwell;
 Pflugerville, Texas – Kamika Ward;
 Pierre Part – Blaise Crochet;
 Pineville – Savannah Hope Andries, Emily Bordelon, Tabatha Bowlin, Kurt Burkett, Payten Collins, Brendan Day, Zachary Desselles, Sara Dorsey, Selena Ferguson, Hannah Gaspard, Taylor Holloway, Alissa Joseph, Trey Joseph, Corey King, Matthew Koepke, Santana Mount, Abby Nichols, Kaylie Parsons, Judith Peek, Christina Rachal, Relen Sanders, Elizabeth Shuler, Glynn Sillivan, Chloe Solomon, Peyton Spurgeon, Robert Tabor, Tyler Thompson, Gage Ulrich, David Veal, Emily Wiley, Sarah-Elizabeth Wilkes, Jewel Woods, Madeline Wright;
 Pitking – Hannah Johnson, Jessica Jones, Logan McClure, Emily Odom;
 Plain Dealing – Dormesha Noble, Ja-Mela Williams, Hunter Horton;
 Plaquemine – Ma Kayla Washington;
 Plaucheville – Philip Pepiton, Kimberly Poret, Brittany Taylor;
 Pleasant Hill – Montana Binning, Mickayla Brown;
 Pollock – Krystal Bennett, Alara Faulkner, Allie Frost, Christina Kendrick, Julie McGehee, Mary Robinson, Kari Taffi;
 Ponchatoula – Chaule Saing;
 Pontotoc, Mississippi – Elizabeth Murrah;
 Port Allen – Kaleb Gauthier, Ishmael Lane;
 Port Barre – Danielle Schexnayder, Andrew Lalonde;
 Prairieville – Haley Beason, Sarah Bishop, Alicia Boudreaux, Samantha Daigle, Whitney Duplantis, Bailey Mohler, Kristen Prettelt, Caleb Ricca, Madeleine Sheets;
 Pride – Ashlyn Johnson, Leann Willls;
 Princeton – Jacorious Jeter;
 Provencal – Taylor Craft;
 Raceland – Megan Parks;
 Ragley – Katherine Greenmun;
 Rayne – Cameron Desselle;
 Rayville --  Alana Odom, Frederick Lee;
 Reserve – Rianna Russell;
 Rhinehart – Bethany Russell;
 Richfield, Minnesota – Leah Barnes;
 Richmond, British Columbia – Jalen Donaldson;
 Richmond, Texas – Sidney Harris;
 Ringgold – Alora Bryant, Jered Cook, Martin Gould, Arvionne Reliford;
 Robeline – Candice Adcock, Arica Ammons, Keira Huff, Kristal Lachney, Angela Mitchell, Kacy Morace, Laura Olguin, Morgan Rachal, Terra Schulze, Christopher Taylor, Candace Thompson, Seth Woodel;
 Round Rock, Texas – Ana Ruiz;
 Rowlett, Texas – Daniel Miner;
 Roxton, Texas – Aleckse Mikeuchey;
 Ruston – Karenthia Crosby Onwudebe, Jalen Garrison, Reagan Lee, Phynecha Richard, Aujani Richburg, Joshua Riggs;
 St. Amant – Larson Fontenot, Kayley Naquin;
 St. Barthelmey d’Angers, France – Salome Gledel;
 St. Francisville – Ellie Wheeler;
 St. James – Keionne Octave;
 St. Martinville – Malik Anthony, Jacoby Fontenette, Destiny Simon, Maleik White;
 St. Rose – Crystal Jones;
 Saline – Aaron Savell, Shelby Savell;
 San Antonio – Matthew Aguilera, Hilton Brown, Anthony Renteria;
 San Pedro Sula, Honduras – Jonathan Andino Madrid, Vilma Castro Lopez, Meredith Corrales;
 Scott – Danaysia Senegal, Tayla Soileau;
             Scottsboro, Alabama – Jessica Provenza;
 Shreveport – Phillip Adams, Kendall Allen, Trayveon Allen, Laurie Basco, Tylar Bedford, Austin Beene, Azhani Bennett, Jordan Bogan, Alyssa Bonacci, Kevin Branch, Leta Broome, Tiffany Brown, Tamika Kate Cang, Kathryn Carroll, Myjoycia Cezar, Christina Clark, Audrey Copeland, Derienne Copeland, Reonia Davis, Hailey Deaton, Takea Dorsey, Melissa Dragon, Hannah Ellis, Candice Faith, Sierra Foster, Meghan Fry, Dejohn Garrison, Jameala Ghazawneh, Cassidy Giddens, Hallie Glick, Ellen Grappe, Brekendria Graves, Andrell Green, Destinee Green, Lashonda Hall, Ricci Haltom, Jesamin Huff, Brittany Jefferson, Matthew Jensen, Deaveon Jones, Nathan Jones, Summer Jones, Tradeya King, Elysia Lanier, Hannah Lee, Tra’Kyrin Lemons, Grandon Lewis-graham, Katherine Lind, Christopher Markham, Katelyn Martin, Samantha Metoyer, Mollie Millen, Destiny Mitchell, Maria Moreno Ponte, Armani Nation, Yasmin Newman, Doine Ngwen, Reondrick Owens, Tara Pair, Cristina Peterson, Elizabeth Peterson, Panasia Peterson, Patrick, Pierce, Sierra Prelow, Falon Prentiss, Caleb Rounsavall, Zachary Sanders, Johnathon Schluter, Tyler Sears, Devonne Seelig; Jackiesha Simmons, Kariah Sisk-Shaheed, John Slocum, Adrianna Smith, Kayla Smith, Kaylin Smith, Asia Stevens, Jamie Stewart, Gabrielle Thomas, Bailey Thompson, Magen Tucker, Terran Turner, Jessica Ursua, Rhiannon Venable, Earnestine Walker, Ilyanna Warlen, Jasmine Washington, Gaylin White, Dillion Wilkerson, Donald Williams, Shamolia Williams, Chad Wilson, Debriar Wilson, Morgan Woodall;
 Sicily Island – Shawn Perry;
 Sieper – Emily Goerge, Loren Robinson;
 Silsbee, Texas – Carson Fuller;
 Simmesport – Kimani Batiste, Michael Canal, Lexi Gremillion, Demi Williams;
 Simpson – Carleigh Standifer;
 Simsboro – Andrea Coon;
 Skiatook, Oklahoma – Anna Bonham;
 Slidell – Juliana Garcia, Noah Glass, Ashley Henry, Kierston Jackson, Maci Walgamotte;
 Spring, Texas – Elyssa Hernandez, Madelyne Mangum;
 Springfield – Kattie Bankston;  
 Sterlington – Catherine Trichell;
 Stonewall – Alana Bankson, Alexa Barron, Hailey Compton, Dawson Cranford, Madison Parker, Kirsten Sanders, Heather Schiller, Chase Slater, Christy Washington;
 Sugartown – Madison Budnik;
 Sulphur – Darisu Ardoin, Bralyn James;
 Sunset – Zachary Linville, Charlie Milton;
 Tallahassee, Florida – Edward Clarke;
 Tallulah – Anna Boney;
 Teneha, Texas – TaKameria Barnes;
 Terrytown – Roshane Brown;
 Texarkana – Daphne Hammett, Emily Landers;
 Thibodaux – Terrance Johnson, Tierra Johnson, Landon Olivier;
 Tickfaw – Brittany Culotta;
 Tomball, Texas – Nicole Henry;
 Toms River, New Jersey – Jacqueline Manza;
 Trout – Hayley Lisenby, Jacie Paul;
 Tullos – Kendall Normand;
 Van Alstyne, Texas – Kevin Hendricks;
 Vidalia – Evandria King, Kaitlyn Randall, Shanerria Squalls;
 Ville Platte – Christopher Casey, Hannah Gallow, Andrea Bradley;
 Vinton – Toby Stanley,
 Violet – Julia Verdon;
 Vivian – Kaylee Scott;
 Washington – Catherine Stevens;
 Waskom, Texas – Jonas Richardson;
 Welch – Macala Broussard, Misty Compton;
 West Monroe – Michael Dailey, Austin Dodson, Jasmyn Johnson, Eva Sanford;
 Westlake – Baleigh Derouen;
 Whitewright, Texas – Jearld Battles;
 Wilmington, North Carolina – Noelle Cox;
 Winnfield – Harli Austin, Landon Creel, Trenton Dill, Kerry Fitzgerald, Dezani Fountain, Kara Grantadams, Trinity Homan, Madisyn Hubbard, Saquan Jenkins, Jacob Jones, Michaela Maloy, Trakita Rainwater, Fatima Rodriguez, Katreiona Starks;
 Wisner – Jordan Price;
 Woodworth – Taylor Henry, Linzay Hunnell, Brandon Michot, Lexus Weston, Derek Wilson;
 Youngsville – Shaneda Armstrong, Randall Blair, Devin Forestier, Lorin Prejean, Devyn Shores;
 Zachary – Laney Davis, Neil Ahldwin Garcia, Caitlyn Thibodaux, Alaijha Trim, KeAra Thie;
 Zwolle – Kamryn Bedsole, Kirstyn Meshell, Samantha Rivers, Chyna Sepulvado, Rylea Sepulvado, Autumn Wyatt;
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