#Buy Bike Insurance
Why is Bike Insurance Important?
In today's fast-paced world, two-wheelers have become an integral part of our daily lives. Whether you use your motorcycle for commuting or as a source of adventure, it's essential to understand the significance of buy bike insurance. In this article, we'll delve into the various facets of bike insurance, shedding light on why it's crucial for every rider.
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irishais · 11 months
Me with $20 in my bank account: this is fine I'll make it to payday and then it'll be fine!
My car registration renewal, sliding into my emails like that ex you can't shake: 👀
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the-fuckery-factory · 11 months
I have so many things I want to achieve and live for but so little time
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investoptionwin · 1 year
A lot can go wrong in our lives, which is why we carry insurance policies. But how do you know you are getting the best deal or are covered in the ways that you need to be? Follow the tips and guidelines below to make sure that you are covered.
To save money on travel insurance, start by looking at what you may already have covered. Most homeowner and renter policies cover theft of property; many credit cards offer accidental death while traveling if you used the card to pay for the trip. Some even offer car rental insurance and extra baggage protection. If you are a small business owner, you must make sure that you have all of your insurance needs covered, to protect you and your business. One thing that you should have is E&O insurance, which is better known as Errors and Omissions business coverage. become an insurance agent protects your business from customer lawsuits. Look for insurance bundle packages to save you money. You can get both car and motorcycle insurance for a rate that is fixed. Many insurance companies will offer several kinds of home insurance packaged together. Make sure to only purchase insurance that you must have. Health insurance, car insurance, renter's insurance, pet insurance, travel insurance. All of those things are necessary and they insure one's peace of mind. It is easy to think that paying a minimal monthly amount is ridiculous, but when something catastrophic happens, insurance saves the day. Insurance will save one's car, another driver's car, items in one's apartment, cover the bills for a sick pet, reimburse one for a trip that got cancelled because of bad weather, or pay medical bills. Purchasing insurance is necessary and it should factor into everyone's budget. One hundred dollars every month is far easier to handle than one hundred thousand because something unexpected happened. You've probably heard the phrase about 15 minutes can save you 15%, but you might find that by spending just a couple of minutes on the phone with your current insurance provider can also save you money. When your insurance coverage is nearing the expiration date, call your insurance provider and ask them for a re-quote on your policy. They will have the incentive to give you the most favorable pricing in order to retain your business. Since they already have all your information, it probably won't take 15 minutes and you can save time and money. Insurance premiums can vary from location to location. They will also depend on the age of the person, claim or accident history, and several other things. To get the best rates on any type of insurance you want to be sure that you are inside each company's guidelines to minimum premiums. Insurance coverage is a very important thing for those who own property, valuable items, or have motor vehicles. It ensures that if any damage is done to your property or the people using your property is covered under the insurance company. This can mean a lot when you need money to cover your losses. Check up on your coverage every year. Get quotes from several agents to see if they can offer you lower rates. These types of things that you do not need to pay for can end up costing a significant amount over time, so review your policy to be sure it is correct. Do not settle for a pet insurance company with delayed coverage. When you purchase the insurance, you should be able to hang up the phone knowing that your furry loved one is covered should anything go wrong. Immediate coverage should not cost anything extra. If it does, the company you are dealing with may be disreputable. Never allow a pet insurance company to charge you a cancellation fee. If you find out that your pet's insurance company is a shady one that you do not want to deal with, tell them you refuse to pay fees to cancel your service. They may try to force you, but don't back down, and they will remove it. Your insurance needs are unique to you. Understanding how insurance policies work and how they relate to you is essential. Using the information laid out here, you should be able to make the changes that you need to, in order to keep yourself and your family, safe and protected.
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bankwire · 2 years
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Factors affecting Two Wheeler Insurance, Reasons to Buy Bike Insurance Online, Save on Bike Insurance Premium https://bankwire.in/banking/bike-insurance-premium/
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bimabucket · 2 years
Health Insurance for Senior Citizens: What You Need to Know
There is no room for doubt that the elder citizens are more prone to diseases and health risks than the younger people. With medical expenditures soaring at a rapid pace, it has been a real concern for elderly persons as well as their family members. If you are a son or daughter to an elderly couple, would not you be worried about their health? So, what do you think is the best way to assure the security of their health as they age further? Well, buy health insurance online to be assured of that.
Health insurance policy is the ideal solution when you want to take care of the health of elderly parents and buying it online is preferable to purchasing it offline. Prominent insurance companies like BimaBucket offer affordable and comprehensive policies and hence, you can choose the most feasible plan according to your budget and parents’ health conditions.
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Here, in this blog, we have explained the reasons to buy health insurance for your elderly parents.
Why to buy health insurance online for senior citizens? Reasons at a glance
Afford the rising medical costs
There have been continuous advancements and technology integrations in the medical sector to provide better treatment and healthcare services. While this has been definitely a boon to us and raised our quality of life, the downside is the higher costs for the services. Besides, the inflation further resulted in rising costs of medicines, treatment and hospitalization. This makes it necessary to buy a health insurance policy for your elderly parents so that you do not have to stress or give out all of your savings when a medical emergency arises.
Prone to critical illness
Age factor plays a major role in the health condition of a person. An older person is always prone to critical illnesses like heart diseases, diabetes, kidney problems, etc. than a younger person. When you buy a health insurance policy, it will cover the expenses for the treatment of those critical illnesses. It will be a big relief since such treatment goes on for a long time.
Annual health check-up
Even if your elderly parents look hale and hearty, wouldn’t you consider taking them for an annual health check to ensure their good health condition?  The insurance policy will also cover the costs required for regular health screening and will hence save your out-of-pocket expenses.
Daycare treatments
Some health conditions like kidney problems, eye problems, cancer, etc. are common in senior citizens. Treatments for these include daycare treatments such as dialysis, cataract operation, and chemotherapy which requires only 24 hours or less for the patient to stay at the hospital or daycare centre. The health insurance will cover any type of daycare treatment too!
All the hospitalization expenses required for treating any severe health condition of an elderly person are explicitly covered under health insurance. Everything including room/bed charges, doctors’ fees, surgeon fees, medicine costs, diagnosis costs, ICU charges, etc. will be covered. Sometimes, it can cost up to a few lakhs if the patient’s condition is serious but the insurance will save the family from draining their savings. Therefore, you or your parents will never have to panic when a health emergency occurs and hospitalization is required.
With these reasons, it might be clear why you need to buy health insurance online for your parents. The earlier you buy it, the better it is. In the early years, when your parents’ health is free from any complexities and you go with making any claim, you can earn no-claim bonuses. It will be an additional benefit for you. If you need any help in buying the insurance policy online, contact BimaBucket, a top-rated insurance company in India that offers widespread policies for health insurance and have trained POSPs or insurance advisors to guide you.  
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engeorged · 7 months
Please Feed the Bears
Words and concept by @fillthattank and @engeorged
Artwork by @badoobers
Having spent four years in teacher training college and 8 years working in shitty schools, Dan was done being a teacher. Like most of his colleagues, he loved the kids and teaching, but the red tape was killing him. He was still spending hours and hours every evening lesson planning, marking and setting goals. Even just engaging with parents through the new app the school had imposed took an hour a night now. He was done.
The job had taken his whole life. He didn’t have a social life any more, he didn’t have time for friends, let alone dating. He used to be hot! Six pack abs and thick biceps left over from his rugby days, but late night pizza orders and rushed meals whilst sat in his sofa marking had put an end to that. He wasn’t unfit as such, (he still cycled to work!) but he had a definite little pot belly now with a jiggle when he walked and his ass was forcing him to buy jeans two sizes too big.
He’d begun to put aside a little money each month to go travelling and it was now time to cash in. He gleefully handed in his resignation and booked his tickets. He was going to fulfil a life long dream and tour America. His money wouldn’t last long but he’d be able to get a little cash in hand job every few months and settle down for a bit and that should last him. All his mates did it when he was training and he was beginning to feel like he had missed out, so now was his chance. The morning of the flight came and he felt so free and so excited! He’d sold everything he had accumulated in his shitty flat, gotten rid of his bike and the keys to the flat. All he had in the world was shoved into his backpack. The world was his oyster.
Three months later
The bubble burst two weeks into the adventure when he was robbed on a metro in New York. All his cash and bank cards were gone. When he had phoned his insurance company, they had gone bust overnight and so there was no payout. He refused to phone his parents. He was 30, that would be so humiliating. And they wouldn’t be gracious about it, they had already told him this was a childish idea to go travelling on a whim like a teenager. They’d probably give him money to come home, where he’d end up living in their house for a few years whilst he did supply teaching jobs in horrific schools. No thank you, he’d sort this out himself. He got a job for a few months, cash in hand with no questions asked, doing deliveries for a pizza place in New York which gave him enough money to travel west and a constant supply of free pizza. Sure it was on the bus, and sure he’d put on a few more pounds but at least he’d done it himself. He arrived in what the bus driver called ‘Butt Fuck Nowhere’ ready to work.
He booked himself into a cheap and sleazy hotel. He had enough money for one night which meant he needed to find himself a job fast. After making a few enquiries he found the only real place to work for foreigners was in a massive theme park just on the edges of the town. He hiked his way there and found the employment office and made his case. In lieu of a formal interview, the guy looked him up and down and made his assessment. Dan was 6’5 and so being tall, tall, he would be the park's main mascot, Buster. Buster was a big bear and the costume was huge, with loads of room inside. The only upside was that his face wouldn’t be entirely covered by the costume. Instead there was a little hat with bear ears he would have to wear.
He would have to do a trial before he was offered the job for real, and the eventual pay would be $15 an hour, which didn't seem like a lot. Whilst Dan signed the contract, the boss called for his helper who was a short burly guy in his late twenties called Mitch, with a gravely voice that made it sound like he smoked 40 a day. Mitch’s eyes perked up when he saw Dan.
‘He’ll do!’ Said Mitch, his eyes hungrily taking in Dan’s face and height.
‘Hey!’ Said Dan, holding out his hand. Mitch shook it enthusiastically.
‘Hope you’re hungry!’ Said Mitch
‘What?’ Said Dan, a little confused but he began taking off his clothes ready to get into the costume. He was about to pull it on when Mitch stopped him and pushed him over to a pair of scales. ‘Step on’ Mitch encouraged him.
‘I’m a little husky at the moment!’ Dan replied nervously
‘That’s not a bad thing.’ Mitch replied as he took the reading from the digital scales.
‘Hang on? Why did you need that?’ Dan asked, realising that that was weird.
Instead of replying, Mitch just held out the costume. Dan slid it on, pulling his arms through the holes. It wasn’t as heavy as it looked and was a little baggy round his middle but it seemed to fit ok.
‘Why did you need my weight?’ He tried again as he did the zip up, but he was bundled out of the office and into the park without an answer
It was early, but already, Dan could see people walking around. He wasn't entirely sure if they were fellow employees or visitors. They weren't wearing any uniform, but they looked like adult men. Way more adult men than he'd expect at a theme park.
Years of teaching had killed most inhibitions and fear of embarrassment within Dan, so he jumped up and down, danced a bit, acted like he thought a man in a bear-suit was expected to act.
"Hey, it's Buster Bear!" he heard someone say.
Dan turned round, and waved. It was a group of guys, six he counted, looking around 30. A big variety of heights and builds, though they all looked pretty hairy.
One of the guys came running towards him.
"C'mon guys, let's bust the bear!' he said, to the others.
When the guy arrived, Dan didn't even have time to talk. The guy shoved a hot dog right into his mouth. Dan was a bit shocked, but started chewing. It wasn't a bad hot dog.
No sooner had Dan swallowed that another guy shoved a hot dog into his mouth. Dan was even more surprised, but hey, the customer is king, and he was kinda hungry anyway, so he chewed and swallowed.
The six guys proceeded to shove a hot dog each into his mouth. He wasn’t expecting that at all but as he was on probation he didn’t want to challenge it. His minder stood to the side happily watching and not saying a word. Was this a thing here? It didn’t take long but he ended up eating six hot dogs in a short space of time.
This first guy moved to feed a second one but Mitch stepped in. ‘You know the rules, big guy. Let someone else have a go. Move along now!’
Admitting defeat the six guys moved on laughing and patting each other on the back. When they were at a safe distance he turned to Mitch ‘What the hell was that?’
‘Did no one tell you?’ He laughed. ‘It’s just a cute thing we have here. When you see Buster bear you have to feed him something. It’s just for fun! You’ll get used to it!’
Dan was so confused. It was one thing giving the bear a small thing but he’d just eaten six whole hot dogs and he’d been on the job for 15 minutes! Also why were they grown ass men? Theme parks are for kids right? He wasn’t even sure what question to ask first. He opened his mouth to ask something and found a churro in it. Two young bearded guys had snuck up behind him. They happily began feeding him a big churro each. Dan was starting to feel pretty full already but he really needed this job. He’d have time to ask questions in a moment. So he played along. Rubbing his furry tummy and chewing he ate a churro from each of them.
As they walked away, clearly happy he heard one of them comment about how hot he was which gave him a little rush of pleasure, followed by a touch of embarrassment.
Turning to Mitch he formulated his question ‘Where are the kids?’
Mitch looked at him like he’d said something crazy inappropriate and just shook his head. ‘Dude this place is for adults only! Now look lively. Here comes another group of customers.
Totally confused, Dan turned and saw four guys coming towards him with huge bellies and carrying buckets of loaded fries. Before he could say anything, a chubby hand stuffed a fist full of fries into his mouth. They were hot and salty and covered in bacon and cheese and so good. He could ignore the full feeling with fries as tasty as this. A few fistfuls in, and the dudes started fighting over who got to feed him the next lot.
‘Bro wait your turn?’ The lead guy said in a thick southern accent.
‘This is my turn dick face?’ Replied a guy who looked like he could be his brother, shoving him out of the way with his fat ass.
Dan found himself amidst four angry fat guys who’d clearly had a few too many beers and his teaching skills suddenly kicked in.
‘Boys, there’s plenty of room in my tank, now just keep the fries coming!’
It calmed the situation a bit but still was a little tense. A few of the guys were squaring up to each other and getting riled up. Guided by Dan the fries were soon put away turn by turn into his filling tank. Pacified and pleased with themselves the men staggered away punching one another on the arms as they went.
The four buckets of fries on top of the hotdogs and churros suddenly weighed heavy on Dan's stomach. He belched loudly and gave his belly a rub. ‘How come you didn’t intervene man?’ He asked Mitch
‘You seemed to be handling those dumb asses pretty well yourself?’ Mitch laughed back
‘I thought it was one thing per person? You said that was the rule?’
‘Yeah but they had the golden buckets. They paid extra. They can feed you the whole lot if they want!’ Mitch explained. ‘Let’s keep going, bud!’
Dan uncomfortably followed on behind Mitch, feeling the heavy food settling as his stomach set about the task of digesting. Over the next hour or so they encountered several more guys, all keen to feed something to Buster. Dan played the part, eating up the burgers, candy apples and handfuls of popcorn. All the food they seemed to serve at this place was full-on junk food. It didn’t hurt that it all tasted so good. The pace was fast but not too bad. He felt like he was keeping up. He’d always had a big appetite and would often find himself eating his feelings when he was back in school. And he needed this job. He couldn’t bring himself to contact his parents. There were just two more hours of the trial left, he could do this. He was beginning to notice that the costume was feeling a little claustrophobic. It felt super roomy when he put it on but he was feeling the material clinging to his skin a bit now. It was super hot inside too. He could really do with something to drink. He would look for some dudes with beers or something if that was allowed.
The next encounter he had was two good looking college bros with backwards caps and muscle tees. Unfortunately they didn’t have beers but they fed Dan a funnel cake each. He’d never seen one of these before but the sweet dough tasted amazing. Afterwards though he began to feel a little uncomfortably full. The last few bites were a little hard work. He could feel grease and the pressure of food in his packed stomach reaching a slightly more painful place. When they had gone he asked Mitch if he could take a ten minute break. Mitch reluctantly agreed but said he couldn’t take the suit off. He took him behind one of the rides where they found a little bench. Dan eased himself down and instantly regretted sitting. The pressure reached a peak which made him wince and stand back up. Tentatively, he sat back down and leant back on his arms. Under the suit, he arched his back to give his belly space to expand. Mitch grinned. ‘Ready to give up yet?’
‘No man, I’m good’ Dan lied.
‘There’s pockets!’ Mitch offered smiling still
‘What?’ Dan was feeling a little light headed with how full he was feeling and he didn’t really know what Mitch was talking about.
Mitch leant over and pulled a small zip down on the side by Dan's hip. ‘If you need to give your belly a rub, there’s a small pocket. Trust me on this. You need all the help you can get before the lunch rush!’
The prospect of a lunch rush was something Dan would need to deal with in a few minutes but for now he eased his hand into the side of his costume and felt the warm flesh of his distended furry belly. He couldn’t trust himself to think back over how much food was in him, it would just make him queasy. For now he just closed his eyes and gave his tight belly a good rub.
‘Come on buster!’ Mitch said after a too short amount of time. ‘You need to be back on the tarmac!’
Begrudgingly Dan stood, admittedly feeling a little better after the rub. He could almost feel the food redistributing itself as he moved.
‘Hang on, What did you mean lunch rush?’ He asked his guide as they walked.
Mitch just smiled. ‘Happy hour!’ He repeated cryptically.
Leading the way, Mitch took Dan back into the park where they made their way to an area set up next to a steep roller coaster. A little food hut decorated to look like a large picnic basket was serving food to a long queue of guys, all who started cheering as they saw Buster Bear approaching. This made Dan's stomach lurch a little. That was a lot of guys buying food. ‘Should we keep moving?’ He asked Mitch nervously.
‘Why would we do that? This is your chance to prove you deserve the job.’ He pointed at a large wooden throne just next to the clearing. ‘Take a seat’
Reluctantly Dan shuffled towards the chair and sat down. It was surprisingly comfy and the position of the seat meant that he was nearly stood up which put no extra pressure on his already packed belly. He gulped as he realised that the design was probably on purpose.
One by one the men left the queue and joined a new one in front of Dan. They all had their fast food clutched in their hands ready to feed Buster. Mitch leant in and whispered into Dan's ear. ‘If you can survive this, the job's yours. And did you read the small print?’
Dan shook his head nervously. ‘No?’ He admitted, looking to find a way out of this. There was no way this was worth $15 an hour.
‘At the end of the day we weigh you and you get $50 per pound you put on. You get a bonus for the more food you eat!’
That changed things for Dan. He really needed that cash. He’d nearly used up the last of his money staying at the motel in town and without this job, he’d not have enough for the next few days. A few hundred dollars could really come in handy right now. He could eat a lot? What’s 10 lbs of food look like? That’s $500 dollars. Surely that could be doable? He set his jaw and nodded to Mitch ‘let’s go’
The stream of food that followed was unreal. Each guy shoved one thing into Dan's open mouth and he chewed and swallowed like his life depended on it. Corn dogs, tacos, hamburgers, onion rings and fries all disappeared down under the fur of the costume into his hidden but rapidly expanding belly. He didn’t allow himself time to consider how much food there was or how he was going to feel afterwards, he just kept the thought of the dollars ringing in his ears. Ice cream and donuts, beers and sodas all sucked down into his filling tank. The guys queuing were loving it and Dan was fully playing the part of a greedy bear. Growling and snarling as their sweaty palms pushed the calorific food into his mouth. Mitch’s face slowly turned from a smiling sneer, laughing at Dan's fate, to one of admiration. He’d been with a lot of Busters and Dan was eating like one of the best. He’d spent many an afternoon with a sorry dude in a bear costume throwing up into a bin after a shift but this guy seemed to be an absolute eating unit. Towards the end of the happy hour though he started being a little worried. This guy had eaten a lot. Like, too much. Even with the bear costume on he could see that his gut was beginning to push against the fabric.
As Dan was being fed a large chicken tender the bell went to signal the end of happy hour. Dan looked a little confused as he snapped out of his feeding frenzy. The rest of the guys in the queue all shared a collective groan as Mitch told them that the bear needed to head back to his cave for his nap whilst Dan looked on, totally dazed. As Mitch shooed away the queue, the volume of food inside Dan’s belly suddenly made itself very known. He felt the skin over his belly stretched and tight and the pressure that had built up inside him became very apparent. He had never in his whole life felt as full as he did right now. In the distance he heard Mitch talking to him. He wasn’t sure what he was saying but he nodded and allowed Mitch to help him to his feet. The new weight in front of him made him stagger a little at first as he felt the food lurch inside his belly balloon. A large belch escaped and he found himself laughing. Mitch led him through the park round the back, fortunately not encountering any more punters eager to offload some more food into his aching gut.
Coming round a little bit he found himself back in the offices, just him and Mitch, who was looking at him in a concerned way. ‘I said are you ok bud?’
Dan belched again in response. ‘I think I’m ok? I ate a lot.’
‘Yeah. You did.’ Mitch nodded in agreement. ‘You wanna take off the costume?’
Dan nodded. He went to undo the zip but found the fabric was restricting his movement. Mitch fished around under his neck and pulled the zip down to the bottom of his ribs. The rush of cool air was like heaven as he peeled his arms out of the costume. He went to pull the zipper down but his bloated midsection was now an obstacle. Pulling it out, he managed to get the zip to slide down to the underneath of his belly which pushed itself through. Dan looked up into the mirror on the wall opposite. Shocked, he saw the full extent of his four hours of being stuffed by random strangers. His belly was enormous. The furry skin stretched tight over the mass of food contained inside. Round and expansive, his belly looked like it had been photoshopped. His gut had completely filled the baggy costume.
‘Holy fucking Mac and cheese balls’ Mitch exclaimed reaching over to give his belly a poke. Even his heavy handed push hardly made a dent in it.
‘It feels like I’ve swallowed quick drying cement!’ Dan complained. ‘Help me out of this fucking thing!’
Mitch pulled the costume down round his ankles, headbutting his engorged stomach by accident. ‘Shit man, sorry!’ He said rubbing his head
Standing there in just his pants Dan couldn’t quite believe what he was seeing. He was enormous. His furry belly and body made him look like he was still wearing the fat bear costume.
Mitch nodded at the scales. ‘Wanna see how much we owe you?’ He asked
‘I’m gonna bankrupt you!’ Dan managed to joke as he stepped on.
Mitch whistled, clearly impressed. ‘Fuck me man. You’ve done well there today! I’d have to check but I’m pretty sure that’s a company record!’
‘Tell me man!’ Dan pleaded.
"We owe you $850 man! You’ve eaten 17 lbs of food!!’
Dan nearly passed out with shock. Taking another look in the mirror his distended belly looked like he was pregnant. Sticking out from under his ribs it rolled down in a wide curve till it tapered in where the ghost of his Adonis belt framed the underside.. All he wanted to do right now was sleep this off
‘You’ve definitely got the job!’ Mitch reassured him. ‘See you again tomorrow?’
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If you want to continue Dans story yourself you can head here where you will find a chat bot programmed to be Dan at the end of this story!
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urbancripple · 10 months
To able‐bodied people, wheelchair users have a certain mystique. They’re constantly asking us about how our bodies do or don’t work, whether we can have sex, why we haven't just killed ourselves yet. But despite their intrusive questioning, there is one area that ableds seem to be absolutely certain about: the existence of ultra‐convenient readily‐available accessibility modifications and mobility aids.
As wheelchair users, how many times have we been told to “put some chains on that thing!” As we struggle through the snow? How often is it suggested that we get a hand‐bike so that we can cycle to work like our coworkers? If I had a nickel for every time someone suggested I attach some tried‐and‐true motor to my chair, I’d have enough money to pay someone to invent it.
People are constantly sending me links to articles and videos to supposed life‐changing mobility aids that can climb stairs or move over rough terrain. They tell me that things can’t be that difficult with a constant stream of new, convenient doo‐dads being put out in the world. Hell, when discussing how difficult it is to find a single‐story home in Seattle (existing or custom), the suggestion was made that I simply build a multi‐story home but also put an elevator in.
Here’s the thing though: has anyone, wheelchair‐user or otherwise, actually seen any of these so‐called solutions in person? The stair‐climbing wheelchair? The magical snow tires? The super fast motor? I haven’t. As for the elevators and hand bikes, I can count the number I’ve seen on one hand and I’d need way more fingers and toes to show you the price tag.
Despite their near non‐existence or insurmountable financial cost, people keep telling me I just need to “get me one of those…” and continue to cast my existence and the problems that come with it in a mythical light.
An elevator for your house starts at around six‐thousand dollars. If you want one that doesn’t look like the rickety stair‐lift at your local Eagle’s Club, it’ll cost you upwards of sixty‐thousand.
The price of an average, entry‐level bike is four‐hundred bucks. If you want an accessible hand bike, you’re going to start around a grand.
Custom wheelchair tires can vary anywhere from two to five thousand, often times costing more than the chair they’re attached to.
That stair climbing chair? Eleven grand. Want something that’s a little more “every day”? That’ll cost you seventeen grand. Just need a motor for your day chair? Six grand and it weighs fifteen pounds.
Now, some folks might be thinking “sure, it’s expensive now, but the price will come down as technology improves and more people buy these devices”. But with an employment rate of roughly 7 percent (before COVID) and rules governing the amount of money disabled people on SSI can have in the bank (no more than two-thousand dollars), most wheelchair users can’t even save up to buy one of these devices. And no, insurance won’t cover any it.
A lack of accessibility is not something we can just “tech” our way out of and disabled people should not expected to purchase access to a world that everyone else gets for free. Talking about mobility aids you’ve never used or seen when someone is trying to explain to you the barriers they face in their day to day life due to a lack of accessibility isn’t helpful, it’s dismissive. Quit doing it.
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Hi! Imma do something rare and actually make content, but its 11 at night and i just had a brain worm
for those of you that don’t know, i work at an accounting office. we do taxes. it is tax season. and now im thinking abt how AGSZC does taxes and what their papers are like and im inflicting it on the rest of you even if its gibberish
Angeal: A godsend. Keeps his forms in order and filed properly, calculates everything else himself like a good man. Papers honestly aren’t too bad, maybe 10-12 just because of his career/insurance plus his doubtless donations to charity, but aside from that. straightforward and done at his kitchen table
Genesis: A fucking NIGHTMARE. no doubt pays someone else to do it. and for fucks sake, i know he invests. constantly and consistently and probably in anything he thinks stands the slightest chance against shinra on the market. his 1099-B is a mess and definitely Not Totaled, so his is the bullshit you have to insert one. investment. at. a time. He’s the type that keeps fucking calling too, I can just tell. but, aside from the 1099-B, he’s probably got simple stuff as well. probably several 1099-INTs from several different bank accounts, maybe a couple 1098s floating around from vacation houses or some shit.
Sephiroth: Does his own. In ridiculously early. Makes almost no personal purchases so hardly has anything to pay. I can’t imagine not having a last name or not knowing his birthday doesn’t end up a legal problem somehow, so he likely has to walk directly into a damn tax office to say hey this is me and this is my shit no, someone isn’t stealing my identity. has one singular document and it’s his W-2. Which is. Fucking astronomical. Like, the number doesn’t even look right. His paycheck as a SOLDIER isn’t taxed, so he doesn’t really get much back on his refund. The only first without a healthcare /insurance form because why tf would Sephiroth have healthcare? What’s he gonna do, get sick?
not getting into how doing his own taxes was definitely a fight between him and Hojo at some point and ended up getting hashed out in a board room. Hojo didn’t like him having the autonomy of filing for himself instead of being claimed ad Hojo’s ‘dependent’. Sephiroth deadass threatened to go to court abt it. The President told Hojo to suck it up so they didn’t have to deal with scandal, Hojo wouldn’t tell Seph his birthday to be difficult, and here we are
Zack: Panicking. Late. Doesn’t know if his forms came in the mail, doesn’t know where he put them most of the time. Scrambles around for a fuck ton of receipts, ultimately has to request Shinra send him his shit again. DEFINITELY pays someone else to do it. W-2, 1095-A, 1099-C(s)(he has several debts i can feel it i love him but he screams bad financial decisions), probably some shit for his bike too. He customs it so I can see him listing some parts he buys for it as work expenses. Jokingly puts some money he gave aerith for flowers and what he spent to make her wagon as donations to charity and it actually goes through because the church is still considered a legal entity. Definitely has to pay late fees.
Cloud: Pays Tifa to do it. Filing for both of them is a nightmare cause all their shit burnt in Nibelheim, so once Edge gets right with the WRO they have to do all their paperwork from scratch and get reassigned SSNs. He genuinely has a fuckton of paperwork from doing the Strife Delivery Service. Luckily, only ‘employee’ he has is Tifa, and even then she doesn’t do things regularly aside from pick up the phone. Doesn’t make his business an LLC until he’s literally forced to due to his number of clients and someone trying to sue him for damages. 1099-NEC for TIfa for sure, then once he’s an LLC, some yearly maintenance to keep legal. Mileage and gas expenses go CRAZY on his self employment form, I fucking bet. I bet Cloud’s handwriting is shit tho. Tifa’s at her desk counting up his gains and losses for fucking ages because his fives look too similar to sixes. Eventually she wrangles him into installing some shit on his phone that counts it up, if only to cure her headache. Funnily enough, he does get veteran benefits from what’s left of Shinra’s shit, reparations of sorts, but he doesn’t keep it. All goes to charity, so that ends up in the books too.
alright, that was unnecessarily in depth and way longer than i planned. good night LMAO
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phantomrose96 · 1 year
Yknow I don't think I've... talked about the absolute smorgasbord of shit what's gone wrong with my condo since I moved in so
day 0 - hadn't moved in yet, was just moving items over, turned the sink on for just a moment. turns out the tube feeding into the sink faucet was full of holes (how???) and this caused a never-ending leak under the sink. the standing water rotted the baseboard under the sink
still day 0 - said leak and water accrual dripped down and damaged downstairs neighbor's ceiling ($$$). she has to call me to tell me about it.
I have to get a plumber out there next day (still not living there yet! empty place! I have to take off work). While waiting for plumber, I discover heat's not working.
Go to basement to investigate boiler. Seller didn't fix the issue they claimed they fixed.
Plumber looks at sink. Declares it full of holes. Says he can come back in a few days to fix it.
(Plumber postpones, then flakes. I chase down a different plumber.)
Plumber 2 says the issue is with the garbage disposal, not the faucet. Can come back x days later to work on that, and the boiler.
Plumber 2 comes back x days later (I have to take off work again), says "oh the disposal was messed up but also the faucet has holes." Says he can come back maybe the NEXT day with a new faucet
Oh also the smoke detector in the back hall is low battery beeping and I don't have a battery for it. It's constant, every minute on the minute.
I bike to a hardware store and buy a faucet and a battery ($$). Get lost on the way home. (All of this back and forth is by bike. I live in the city and do not have a car.)
Plumber replaces the faucet ($$). I replace the smoke detector battery but it's still beeping. Dozens of more stupid minutes later of going up and down and up and down stairs and dragging my big stupid ladder around, I realize it's the carbon monoxide detector which is hidden behind the door I need to open to even get to the back hallway.
Plumber services the boiler ($$$)
I move in. I have a less than great time emptying everything from my apartment, which doesn't have plumbing issues. On a bad foot to start.
Travel for Christmas. Come back. Now the first floor back-hall smoke detector is beeping. (At least I have a fucking battery. Get my big stupid ladder down the back hall, knock every wall on the way down, and replace that battery).
I get first month's heating bill (I'd been living there for 10 days if even.) $334. Jesus christ. Likely due to the boiler issue.
Electricity goes out for the evening, same day as I get this bill from the gas and electric company, because fuck you I guess.
Homeowners insurance log in doesn't work. I haven't received my bill, which I need to pay.
Radiators bang in the middle of the night. Something something about them being old or not level or full of ghosts. Cool I don't need to sleep or whatever.
I've received no correspondence from the bank about my first mortgage payment. It'll be due Jan 1st, which is a holiday, so I reach out early. They say it's in the mail.
I monitor my mail every day. I receive no mail. I contact again. I reach out to my old apartment building in case it's there (they can't tell me). I sign up for a bank account with them online. I jump through various hoops to discover the bank has my address wrong. The address of the place the mortgage is on...
They had the mortgage address right. They had my home address as identical to the mortgage address but with one number missing. No one noticed. They'd been sending my stuff to a non-existent address, or the back of a college warehouse, I haven't quite figured it out.
I jump through more hoops to pay my mortgage payment with a check in the mail (I had to go buy stamps and an envelope) (late, but they assure me there's no penalty, but are you sure.)
^This has all been about 2 weeks. btw.
(I get a therapist, and find my way to being seen by a psychiatrist, which I guess is good but jesus is it $$$. Still figuring out how to use my stupid HSA)
People on floor 1 move out. They've got contractors in constantly renovating the place top to bottom. I get all their paint fumes.
Sound proofing doesn't exist, turns out. I hear my downstairs neighbors' conversations. I hear their tv. I hear street conversations. One night it was pouring rain and I was woken up by the sound of something banging against the house. Like genuinely banging. I go outside and investigate - it's a car idling with their windshield wipers going. Windshield wipers. Why would that be audible. Walls made of paper.
Floor 1 contactors leave the back door open one night. Luckily I wasn't storing anything in the back hall and had the door to my interior locked.
I receive my next month's heating bill. $689. I call the gas company and they shrug. I call the plumber and he shrugs. I turn the heat way down cuz I don't know. I dunno. Something's wrong with the boiler but it just got serviced so I dunno. I have to call someone else.
Speak of the devil, cones appear immediately outside my building declaring there's going to be gas line work. For a month. They start with the jackhammers at 8am every weekday. It's gonna be a month. I miss the windshield wipers.
We have a weekend of arctic freeze. -30F windchill. I go down to the basement Sunday morning to do laundry. Floor 1 contractors have outdone themselves by leaving a window open. Pipe had burst in floor 1 and was pouring water down into the basement, totally flooded.
I have to call the plumber, and flag the Floor 2 people about it and they at least find the master water shutoff. I'm dealing with the plumber and I have no water for half the day and no laundry for me.
I want to lie down in a marsh for a bit.
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𝙲𝚑𝚛𝚢𝚜𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚖 · · · · 𝙸. 𝙰𝚞𝚐𝚞𝚜𝚝 ║ ⓒⓗⓐⓟⓣⓔⓡⓔⓓ
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𝙲𝚑𝚛𝚢𝚜𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚖 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 || 𝚗 𝚊 𝚟 𝚒 𝚐 𝚊 𝚝 𝚒 𝚘 𝚗 || 𝚏𝚒𝚌 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 | PAIRING(s): Joel Miller x fem!OC/reader
| RATING: explicit material | 18+ | CHAPTER CONTENT: POV switching, toxic family dynamics, allusions to and depictions of mental/emotional/financial abuse, high functioning alcoholism | WORD COUNT: 3.3k
| CHAPTER SUMMARY: When your friend shares some exciting news, you fear this is yet again someone in your life who will move on and leave you behind. Joel reflects on how far he's come in life after running into an old family friend.
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“Here’s a nice tip for you, sweetie,” Mrs. Baker chirped with a bright smile. You watched her wrinkly, dry finger scoot a shiny half dollar across the counter towards you. You fixed your expression into a million kilowatt smile of gratitude. “Oh, that’s so kind of you, Mrs. Baker, but we can’t accept tips.” You’d told her this every week for the past several months – every time she came into the grocery store where you worked.
“I won’t tell if you don’t,” she giggled with a conspiratorial wink. You felt rather certain of that, if your growing suspicions about the state of her memory and mental clarity was anything to go off of. The fact that she was still making these weekly trips by herself was enough to make you uneasy, and the fact that she was the one driving herself here presented an entirely new level of concern.
It was one of the few reasons you’d managed to compile when you were looking for ways to cheer yourself up over having nothing but your old cruiser bike for transportation. You were nowhere near what you needed in savings to even begin thinking about affording a car and all the expenses that came with it. All the progress you’d made previously had been wrenched from you when your dad had found the jar hidden in your closet. It had made him feel vindicated in his “random searches” he liked to conduct on everyone’s rooms. It gave him some sense of justification whenever something cropped up, no matter how rare it was.
But, hey, at least your door hadn’t been beat off its hinges like Calum’s had. And, hey, maybe by the time you can finally afford a car, insurance, gas money, license and registration fees ….. well, maybe you won’t have to worry about encountering Mrs. Baker on the road. You feel a little guilty the moment you think it and feel even more guilty as you shrug and take the half dollar from her. “Thanks, Mrs. Baker,” you say quietly.
You tuck the coin into your jean pocket that doesn’t have the hole at the bottom and finish loading her groceries into her cart. You laugh to yourself when she just starts walking off - you assume the direction of her car. You hope she can remember where she parked it. Your coworkers and boss Jeremy were never as patient with old, confused ladies offering you insulting bits of change in exchange for bagging up all their groceries just the way they like, loading them up into the cart, following them to their car, and offloading everything into their trunk. You always pointed out that it didn’t really take that much time away from your duties and probably made a big difference for someone like Mrs. Baker to have that sort of help. Jeremy would always roll his eyes and mutter something about “not my circus, not my monkeys.” You were just glad Mrs. Baker always came when it wasn’t very busy. 
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The 17 minute bike ride to and from work was shaved down to a clean 14 with a bit of encouragement from the gloomy clouds rolling in behind you. It’d been a wetter than usual summer according to the weatherman, and it was expected to continue into the fall and maybe even winter. Combined with the fast approaching daylight savings, you’d be in for a wetter, darker commute. Bad news for someone who relied on a bike for transport, but you tried not to dwell on it. You’d just have to divert some of your secret savings and buy a heavier coat, one close to the color of the lightweight one you already had so hopefully your dad wouldn’t notice a new purchase and demand an explanation.
“Dad, I’m home!” you call out. No answer, but that was typical. After all, it wasn’t him who was required to announce every movement in the house. You walked into the kitchen to find him hunched over the table with the paper. You carefully place the six pack on the middle of the counter, casual and unassuming as though it hadn’t become a learned habit after too many times of you having to deal with him running out. His eyes drift up from his work and land on the offering.
“What’s that?” he asks as if he doesn’t already know. You aren’t sure what the trap is or what you’ve done wrong, but you also know there’s no other option than to find out what grievance you’ve committed.
“Just saw it on my way after clocking out,” you lie. You had to double back across the store to pick it out. “Couldn’t remember if there was still some in the garage or not,” you lie again. There was plenty in the garage, but “plenty” in your terms and “plenty” in your father’s terms didn’t always align. Better to play it safe than have to bike in the rain to replenish his stock.
He leans back in his chair now, having decided what exactly he’s going to take issue with. Because it’s always something. “You got a real talent for just throwin’ money away,” he sneers.
You steady yourself as you wash your hands at the sink. Slow movements. Nothing challenging in your response. He loved to lob these decentering comments at you, a sort of puzzle you weren’t really intended to be able to solve. The takeaway was always meant to be that “the obvious” was right there and shouldn’t have to be spelled out for you, but you were just too dense to figure it out. His statement was vague enough that it could be taken multiple ways, all of which inevitably pointed to some failure on your part. At least you always knew that was going to be factored into the answer somewhere.
Was he saying you weren’t good with money because you’d bought more beer when there was already some in the garage? Was he saying that spending money on full priced beer was like throwing your money away? Was he saying that spending money on something frivolous like alcohol was a waste in and of itself in the grand scheme of things? You decide to go with your first interpretation. It felt safest.
“I guess there’s some out there then? I couldn’t remember, sorry.” Accepting some of the imminent blame was sometimes enough to soften the edges of whatever was going to be launched at you. Sometimes it backfired and just added to the fire: you can already see how you deserve this censure, so at least you understand your shortcomings are why this conversation is having to happen in the first place.
“Ever heard of buying in bulk?” he huffs. As if he didn’t stock up every other week at the wholesale store regardless of if it was on sale or not. “Price per unit?”
“Oh, yeah,” you respond in feigned recognition of your so-called error. “Sorry, dad. I guess the 24 pack is just sort of hard to balance on the bike. I’m always nervous it’s going to fall off the handlebars when I get the bigger sizes.”
As if your difficulties getting to and from work were of any concern to him.
“So you acknowledge that you were paying the unspoken price of convenience,” he drawls. Ah, of course. The two birds one stone approach of insulting your efforts and inflating his authority as economic manager. The idea that you would pay a few more cents per unit to make things easier on yourself, to not have to worry about dropping and busting all the cans of beer because you couldn’t balance them. “At least you can admit it.”
He drifts forward again to his work, numbers and charts and graphs that you don’t understand and wouldn’t be explained to you even if you asked. The reprimand had been the short, simple kind. You quietly walk from the kitchen, place the beers in the garage fridge, and head down the hallway to your room. You lighten the load of your backpack and work shoes. The rain pelts gently against the window and is a full on staccato against the pane by the time you get out of your uniform and into your sweats. Getting ahead of the situation – making the call to get more beer without being asked or ordered to do so – had been worth it. You sigh and stare out the window. Thank goodness it was going to be a day where you’d played your cards well enough to come out mostly unscathed. Thank goodness today had been worth it.
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The only upside to sweltering August days in the middle of Texas was that contracting jobs slowed a little bit. Sure, interior renovations were still in full swing, but it gave that tiniest bit of reprieve for all the decking, roofing, and sweat-dripping-off-your-balls-it-was-so-hot sort of work that he only ever scheduled for in the “cooler months.” It was the closest thing to downtime he had all year round, even though it was mostly spent on office housekeeping. Catching up on clients and completed jobs. Fostering those relationships so they’d sign Miller Contracting on for another project. Building enough good will and enough happy clients that word of mouth could not only sustain business but had helped it grow steadily over the past decade.
Joel hadn’t ever been much into religion except for Easter Sunday growing up when his mom would give him and Tommy so much chocolate they had barfed it all over the backyard more than once. Yet, he couldn’t help but think about how blessed he felt. He and his kid brother were doing well for themselves. He just wished his parents were around to see it. It would make him happy to show them all their love and hard work had eventually paid off. All those tumultuous teenage years of Tommy getting into all sorts of trouble and Joel winding up a young father without much of a plan on how to support his sudden family. They’d only been witness to the very beginning of their comeback kid storylines, and he’d kill for 5 minutes to show them he’d managed to make something of himself and made sure Tommy was okay, too.
The icy wall of air conditioning smacked Joel right in the face the moment the grocery store doors opened. As nice as it felt to be out of the heat, the jarring change of temperature was something he’d never gotten used to in all his years in the South. He made his way to the convenience section and nabbed a lemonade. He plucked another from the spring-loaded tray just before heading towards the checkout. He wasn’t sure what Jordan liked to drink since he never seemed to have anything except water to offer anybody. At least this way it wouldn’t be so obvious if Joel showed up with a lemonade for both of them.
The wall of heat smacks him in the face this time, along with the blaring sun. He squints and holds a hand to the sky to block some of the blinding rays. He hears the rattle of a cart coming his way and glances over. There’s that cute neighborhood girl he’d see every now and again if he was lucky. He doesn’t remember much about you from when he first moved in – other than that whole strange thing with your mom. He tries to remember your dad’s face in his mind’s eye. Something sort of stony and serious conjures into view. He wonders if he’s just imagining it wrong because your face is never like that. He must be thinking of someone else.
Regardless, he couldn’t remember any of your names. He used to be better at stuff like that. When you smiled at him, he returned it with one of his own and headed towards his car. Yeah, definitely couldn’t have been imagining your dad’s face correctly. No way the snobby frown of a man that came into his head was possibly related to you with your shy but deliberate smile. How on earth someone so insanely gorgeous could only find work at a grocery store was beyond Joel. He wonders if you were even aware of how much money you could probably rake in as a bartender around these parts.
“Is that Joel Miller?” a frail voice calls out.
Joel looks over to see none other than Mrs. Baker. “Well howdy there, Mrs. Baker,” he calls back. He walks over to her four door and wonders how on earth she’s still a licensed driver. She’d been friendly in the church with his mom especially, and even as a kid he was never too impressed with her driving skills. He dreads to think what they are now, multiple decades later.
“How are you, sweet boy?” she asks, all warm and bubbly. He grins back and shrugs.
“Just keepin’ busy. You know how it goes, Mrs. Baker.”
“Well that’s better than the alternative, I guess. Gotta pay the bills somehow.”
“Ain’t that the truth,” Joel chuckles. He glances over to your retreating back as you push the noisy cart back into the store. “You got these folks so wrapped around your finger they deliver your groceries straight to your car, huh? You always were a charmer.”
Mrs. Baker joins him in a light giggle and taps his forearm. “Now now, Joel, I think we both know who the real charmer is between the two of us.”
“Hey, gotta pay the bills somehow,” he laughs in an echo of her words. Her smile widens at his teasing banter. “And, uh, your kitchen still workin’ good for ya?”
She nods and squeezes his hand. “Oh yes, it’s just as lovely as the day you finished it. You boys always do such good work.”
“Thank you, ma’am. M’glad to hear it.”
He edges around to open the door for her, partly to play his role as Southern Gentleman but mostly to get out of this conversation quicker so he wouldn’t be late for his next appointment with Jordan. She thanks him for his gesture and gives a little wave and brief goodbye as he heads to his work truck. If he made all the lights, he wouldn’t be late. 
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“But there’s something else, and, I’ll be honest, it’s sort of a big deal.” Kenzie was practically vibrating in place. Her high energy was the fun, infectious kind more often than the grating, off-putting kind. You weren’t sure how she maintained such enthusiasm when all she ever seemed to have was good things to share. Wouldn’t you get tired being so happy and excited constantly? It sounded exhausting in a different sort of way, but maybe it was a good thing.
She had a perpetually sunny outlook thanks to her perpetually privileged life, but you didn’t want to rain on her parade by saying things like that. After all, who were you to take away from someone else’s joy? Not to mention she was probably the only actual friend you had these days after all your high school friends had gone off to college or took up actual jobs and move out and got roommates or got married.
Kenzie was just busy and self-centered enough to not really pry too much into your life. It was a dynamic that worked for both of you: her with a constant audience for all her triumphs and growing life experiences, and you with the comfort of never having to say much about yourself or your home life.
“Well are you gonna tell me or are you gonna make me guess?” you tease.
“Uh, definitely not gonna make you guess because you seriously aren’t even gonna believe this,” she whisper squeals.
You have no doubt whatever wonderful thing she’s about to share is very much believable. Good things happened to people like Kenzie. It was never much of a shock when another ray of sunshine came bursting through the clouds of her life. You only wish that some of that “luck” could rub off on our own life. You raise an expectant eyebrow when she doesn’t say anything.
“Okay, so–” she peeks over her shoulders from where you’re both knelt on the ground stocking canned goods “–I’m applying for this paid internship thing my professor recommended me for.”
Your brow scrunches. You thought paid internships were something that existed in the old days when you could still smoke on airplanes and down a vodka martini 5 months pregnant without anyone batting an eye.
“I know, I know, internships are sometimes blegh, but it’s like a legit office and nice company and everything” she explains, wholly misunderstanding your expression. “It’s not like those old offices off the Milton exit.”
You don’t even know what she’s talking about, but you take her word for it. “Oh okay, cool.”
“Yeah, so I’m basically, like, a shoe in for the job since my professor wrote my recommendation. It’s not a full-time thing yet since I still have another two semesters, but over winter break I should have some opportunities to have something more like a real job.” She cringes at her choice of wording. “Sorry, not that the grocery store isn’t a real–”
“–I know what you meant,” you interrupt. “Keep going.”
She shoots you a grateful smile and launches back into her tittering announcement. “So anyway, yeah, if this all goes alright then I basically already have a full-time job set up once I graduate. Can you believe that?”
Yes, you can believe that. “That’s so crazy!” You shake your head and give her a big grin. “I’m sure that has to feel amazing, Kenzie. That’s so awesome, seriously.”
She was a few months out from graduating with her degree in marketing. Or was it communications? You can never seem to remember, and you’re too far into the friendship to keep asking clarifying questions like that. Anyway, it didn’t matter much which one it was since she had pretty much already landed herself a “big girl job” with matching “big girl pay.” The ever present and nagging voice in your head reminds you that she is younger than you and already so much more successful than you’ll probably ever be.
“Hey, y’all both don’t need to be in canned goods. One of you go see what Erin needs help with, huh?” Jeremy scolds from the end of the aisle.
Kenzie rolls her eyes at you with her back to Jeremy. “Alright. You got it, Jeremy,” she replies in a chipper voice. He stomps off as she promises to text you later with the rest of the details. You give her a quick side hug from the ground and tell her again how great the news is.
You stew in it for the rest of your shift. It turns and spoils in your mind no matter how much you tell yourself you should be happy for her and not so focused on yourself all the time. By the time you make it home, it was impossible to ignore the reminders that this was yet another person in your life that you were bound to grieve once they moved on from their station in life and did better for themselves than what they had here. First your mom. Then your brother. Now one of the few people who you’d managed to befriend since graduating high school.
You were left behind. Again.
You were never going to make anything of yourself like everyone else seemed to do.
You were going to be stuck in this place for the rest of your life.
You do your best to control the hectic breaths that start squeezing your chest, but you’re well into a full blown panic attack before you can even pinpoint when it started.
This was going to be the rest of your life, and there was nothing you could do about it.
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waltwhitmansbeard · 4 months
time for part 3 babey
what cars would the bells hells drive?
orym: orym does a ton of research into vehicles before buying one, bc he wants the top safety features but also enough room for his friends but also not something so big that he becomes a hazard on the road but also everyone's phone needs to pair so they all can take turns being the dj but also he'd like a hybrid so it's good for the environment. he ends up with a sensible suv (green, ofc) that he takes very good care of, except for the glovebox, which belongs to fearne and quite frankly it's none of his business what's in there.*
fcg: i'm so sorry but they are a tesla bro, just an absolute elon musk fanrobot. he's convinced ai is going to save the world and if a few errant children need to be run over to get us there, well, then, where were their parents?
imogen: yes, imogen has a massive, heavy-duty pick-up that she uses to haul her horse trailer, but her everyday car is an old, slightly rusted chevy, one from the 50s with the wooden bars along the sides of the bed. it's red and the fender has seen better days but imogen does enough work on it to keep it running.
laudna: laudna has the bike that margaret hamilton uses at the beginning of the wizard of oz. let me be clear. she doesn't have a bike like the one margaret hamilton uses. she has the bike. no one knows how she got it, or how much it cost, and she can barely pedal it bc she has no leg muscles to speak of, but the children whisper whenever she passes on the absolutely ancient thing.
chet: an olllllllllllllllllllld chrysler town & country, one with wood paneling, of course, real wood, not that vinyl shit. he keeps it in excellent condition by not actually driving it anywhere but instead bumming rides from his friends. one time dorian looked at it and chetney threatened to gouge his eyes out.
fearne: fearne doesn't drive. fearne is driven.**
ashton: ashton doesn't drive. ashton despises cars and car culture. this is a public transport bitch. they know every single bus driver, their names, their routes, how long they've been driving. he knows the turnstiles you can jump and the ones that are monitored. they'll tell you the stories of all the graffiti in the subway system, and only half of them are made up, but you'll never figure out which half.
dorian: he tries to pretend he doesn't have far and away the nicest car of all the hells, but there's only so much you can do to hide a bright blue camaro. he likes to go fast and make a lot of noise, which is helpful, bc he is literally never on time. he pays the price whenever he shows up twenty minutes late with an obnoxious starbucks order in his hand by being absolutely razzed by the rest of his friends.
(vox machina) (mighty nein) *the glovebox is fearne's bc shotgun is always fearne's. even if fearne isn't in the car. the seat next to orym belongs to fearne at all times in all situations. no one else may sit there under penalty of fearne's big, sad eyes and incredible tits. **but fr can you imagine fearne behind the wheel of a car?? i'm an excellent driver!! she insists as she knocks over her third mailbox of the day. just an absolute menace. could NEVER get insurance. orym let her drive ONCE and immediately went to update his will.
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techploration · 4 months
Self driving cars are an inevitability at this point.
Not just assisted, but full autonomous driving. And it is going to fundamentally change our relationship with cars and transportation in general.
People are going to stop buying cars. The whole sales pitch of everyone buying their own self driving car is ludicrous— it fundamentally misses the opportunity that self driving actually presents.
Owning a car sucks. Having constant immediate access to transportation is a form of autonomy.
Both those things can be true. A car has to be maintained, insured, parked, replaced, protected, fueled— this whole laundry lists of responsibilities to maintain access to self directed transportation.
What about all the perks of having a car, but none of the hassle? That’s what a self driving car offers. A car when you need it, where you need it, without having to worry about everything else that goes along with owning a car.
Because you won’t own the car.
How much time do you actually spend driving? How much time is your car just sitting there? Why worry about and pay for a car you’re not driving?
Your car is going to be a subscription service
Uber is already testing this basic model, but in a world of self driving cars it makes perfect sense. You don’t own a car. You have a Car Subscription, which means there is a car there to drive you when you need— scheduled in advance or on demand. You pay for different subscription levels (pay per mile, unlimited, luxury, etc)
A personalized public transportation
People will realize owning a car is actually a burden, and a fleet of self driving cars that take themselves for servicing and refueling is actually a world easier.
There are going to be two major downsides
First, you are going to be tracked. Not just where you’re going but what you’re listening to and riding with on the way there. Think about it— you will not be able to anonymously go anywhere
Owning a car will become suspicious— an expensive luxury that offers anonymity. It will be like having a pager in the 90s— associated with doctors and drug dealers. Bikes and motorcycles will thrive in the ‘socially acceptable non tracked transportation’
Second major issue will be ads
The double edge sword of a self driving car is that it frees you up to do other things.
You think you are going to get to sit and enjoy life uninterrupted by ads during your morning commute? Your Hulu and Netflix are already synced— you buckle your seatbelt and your episode picks up where you left off. Spotify is connected. Your use profile instantly tailors the ride to your tastes
Just watch a couple ads first
You can always pay extra to go ad free. You’re just sitting there anyways. Also means they can finally get rid of billboards (or at least move them to inside the car). Short on funds? Watch ads your whole ride for a discount.
Even shorter on funds? Well, we reached your destination, but the doors won’t unlock until you finish watching this two minute ad (and no closing your eyes)
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sihtricfedaraaahvicius · 11 months
Note: part 5 of the Mechanic fic. this is just a little short chapter, but hopefully it will please you all the same ;)
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4
Warnings: very suggestive! 18+.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: You have been in France for one month already. Your job kept you busy 24/7 and you desperately missed that hot mechanic you had managed to make your boyfriend before you left.
wordcount: 1,8k
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'I don't care where we are or what time it is, I'm taking what's mine, whenever I fucking want it.'
Sihtric: can I see you? Sihtric: I really need to see you… Sihtric: I miss you Sihtric: PLEASEEEEE call me Sihtric: now??? Sihtric: I'm going to video call you now okay???
'There she is,' Sihtric smiled as you appeared on his phone, 'hey, pretty lady.'
'Hey,' you chuckled, feeling yourself blush at the sight of his mismatched eyes, 'I'm so sorry I haven't been able to call or video chat much, babe. It's been crazy here.'
'I know, don't worry,' he said and laid back on his bed, 'everything going okay?'
'Yeah, it's fine, but how are you? Your hair's getting longer,' you chuckled, 'I like it.'
'Thanks, thinking of shaving it all off,' he teased, 'but things are not bad here, except that I've been in a lot of pain actually,' he grimaced.
'What?' you jumped up, 'why? What's wrong, honey?'
'It's this… aching, you know?' Sihtric said, 'I called the hospital already, but they can't do anything'
'What? What do you mean?'
'It's like… this pain,' he continued, 'I mean… damn, lady, you took a piece of my heart when you left.'
'Sihtric!' you yelled, angry but relieved, 'stop scaring me like that!'
'Sorry, baby,' Sihtric laughed, 'missing you, sweet stuff, that's all. Is your flight back booked already?'
'Yes, I took care of it yesterday. I'll be back in exactly twenty eight days!'
'Can't wait to have you in my arms again,' Sihtric smiled weakly.
'Me neither, love. I hope time goes fast. How's therapy going?'
'It's going,' Sihtric said, 'still got one crutch. I can walk small distances, slowly. It's not much but it's something.'
'Really?' you smiled, 'that's so good. Proud of you, babe! So you'll come running when I arrive at the airport?' you joked.
'I wish,' Sihtric chuckled, 'I would if I could. But, hey, about that… the doctors advise me to pick up work again, and Finan is drowning in work, so I'll start next week. Just a few hours a day, you know? But I probably won't be able to pick you up from the airport. I don't have a car and Finan can't take any more hours off. I'm really sorry, baby.'
'Oh, no, that's okay,' you said, 'don't worry. It was really sweet that Finan dropped me off at the airport, but I can get back on my own.'
'Promise it's fine?' Sihtric asked.
'I promise,' you smiled, 'what other news have you got?'
'Hmm,' Sihtric hummed, 'oh! They found the prick who hit me and drove off.'
'What?! Are you serious?'
'I am, my love. And he's facing some time too. Apparently he was drunk behind the wheel that night.'
'Oh my god, Sihtric…'
'I know, baby,' he said, 'just don't think about it, okay? I survived.'
You nodded with a soft smile, 'I know. I'm happy to hear they found him.'
'I'm going to take all that bastard's money,' Sihtric huffed, 'you know, for physical and emotional damage.'
'What about the motorcycle, I never asked, was it insured?'
'Of course it was insured, lady,' he smiled, 'everything's fully covered.'
'Good,' you smiled.
'Yeah, can't wait to buy a new one.'
'What?' Sihtric frowned.
'You want to get a new bike?'
'Of course,' Sihtric shrugged, 'why wouldn't I?'
'Well… you… I mean…'
'No, no,' he said, 'look, I've been riding bikes before I was even allowed to. I'm not scared and this wasn't my first crash. Yeah, it was my first bad fucking accident, but it's not going to stop me.'
You looked at your screen, not knowing what to say, but Sihtric knew you were upset.
'I know you're worried, I get it,' he said, 'but you can't change my mind about this, I'm sorry, baby.'
'I know…' you sighed, 'when do you think you'll get a new one?'
'Soon. Hey,' Sihtric said and licked his lips, 'I love you, lady.'
'I love you too,' you smiled shyly.
'Come back home soon, okay?'
'I will.'
'I promise.'
'No French mechanics I need to be worried about?' he teased.
'Absolutely not,' you laughed, 'but maybe that guy at the bakery…'
'Hey!' Sihtric chuckled, 'watch it, lady.'
'Or what?' you taunted.
'Or I might be facing some jail time too,' he laughed.
'Oh, please,' you rolled your eyes.
'I've been working out again, lady,' Sihtric winked, 'you don't know what I'm capable of.'
'Oh, really?' you smirked, 'show me.'
'You want me to show you?'
'Well, I haven't seen your body in weeks,' you hinted.
Sihtric grinned, tilting his phone slightly so you could see his covered torso. And he slowly snuck his hand under his shirt, shoving it up, exposing his abs.
'Oh,' your face flustered, 'looking good, handsome.'
'Yeah?' he smirked, 'want to see more?'
'A little more,' you dared him.
But there was no daring Sihtric. The mechanic was a flirt, and a confident one at that. Always had been. He knew he was good looking and he knew you liked it. So he had no trouble setting his phone back against a pillow, so you could fully see how he took off his shirt and then seductively ran his hands down over his muscular body as he bit down on his lip with a smirk.
'Sihtric, stop,' you giggled.
'Are you sure?' he smiled, one hand sliding down into his sweatpants, 'hm?'
Your eyes grew big, 'Sihtric!' you yelled, almost dropping your phone.
'Come on, baby,' he licked his lips, 'don't tell me you don't want some of this?' he winked and lowered his sweatpants.
Your breath hitched upon seeing Sihtric move his hands over his hard cock, still trapped in his boxers, and you couldn't keep your eyes off your screen.
'Are you really,' you swallowed hard, 'I mean... do you really want to have v-video … sex?'
'Yeah, why not?' he smiled, 'only thing we can do now, right?'
'I- I guess,' you instantly became nervous, but you were so aroused upon seeing his almost naked body, you couldn't deny the feeling in your core.
You quickly ran to your bed and got comfortable, and so did Sihtric, as you both stuffed a few pillows against the headboards of your own bed and sat back.
'Uh… now what?' you chuckled nervously.
'It's my first time doing this too, lady,' Sihtric smiled softly, 'I guess… hm, take your shirt off for me?'
You set your phone on your nightstand and wasted no time lifting your shirt up, but Sihtric interrupted you fast.
'Hey, wait,' he chuckled, 'take it off slowly for me, baby?'
You did as he asked, slowly revealing you wore nothing underneath your shirt, and when you looked back at your phone again, you saw Sihtric's sly smile was wider than before.
'Hm,' he hummed, smiling, slowly working his length just out of view for you, 'what I'd give to massage those right now,' he chuckled as he looked at your breasts.
'You mean like this?' you teased, cupping one breast and massaging your own flesh slowly for him.
'Oh, babe,' Sihtric moaned, his eyes intensely focused on his screen, 'yeah, just like that…'
'Hey, you can't just hide all the fun for me,' you frowned.
'Oh, you want to watch?' he laughed while raising an eyebrow, 'you're cheekier than you let me believe, lady.'
You shrugged with a grin, and Sihtric tilted his phone slightly, and you immediately tensed up when seeing his tattooed fingers work his hard cock as he watched you.
'Oh my god,' you sighed, a little lightheaded, 'you're so hot.'
'So are you, lady,' he purred with a wink. 
You were so desperate for his man, and you slid your fingers inside your body. Ever since the first time you set foot in that repairstore, you were ready to drop your panties for him. And you've had a few moments together, but you still hadn't had sex with him, and it was torture.
'I wish I could suck you off right now,' you moaned, remembering how nice that was for both of you.
'Mhm, me too,' Sihtric sighed, 'I can't wait to fuck you when you get back home again, lady.'
'Yeah?' you teased, working yourself as you watched him, 'you think you can handle me?'
'Oh, lady,' Sihtric smiled as he hummed, 'you don't know what I was like before we met.'
'Tell me,' you breathed, 'tell me what you are like.'
'I don't know if you can keep up with my sex drive,' he smiled and exhaled sharply upon seeing your eyes darken on his screen, 'if I'm in the mood, lady,' he husked, 'I'll find a way to get you right there and then. I don't care where we are or what time it is, I'm taking what's mine, whenever I fucking want it.'
'Oh my god,' you whispered, your walls clenching around your own fingers.
'Will you allow me to do that with you?' his voice became more hoarse with every word he spoke.
'Y-yes,' you moaned, 'fuck, I'm close, Sihtric.'
'Me too,' he let out a low groan, 'tell me how you want me to take you, lady. When you're back home, when I'm ready for it.'
'Fuck,' you hissed, 'I don't care baby, anywhere. At work, at home, on the fucking street, I don't care! I just want you so bad,' you cried as your climax approached, 'I wanted you to fuck me in the garage the first time you brought me home.'
'Yeah?' he growled, 'I wanted to, believe me,' his own pace quickened, 'I wanted to bend you over my bike so bad that day, baby. I would've fucked you so good, hm,' he breathed hard.
'Fuck!' you yelled, your climax abruptly taking over when you heard his soft humming along with his heavy breathing, and the thought of being fucked, bend over his motorcycle was too much, and you almost dropped your phone, 'jesus fucking christ,' you laughed.
'I can't believe you finished before I did,' Sihtric complained, teasingly, 'come on, give me some dirty talk,' he laughed, 'finish me off, lady.'
'You know I'd like to finish you off right now,' you purred.
'Yeah?' he bit down on his lip.
'Yeah, I'd suck you good. Taking you all in my mouth,' your voice deliberately more raspy than usual, 'I'd suck your cock real slow, handsome.'
'Ah, please,' he groaned.
'And maybe,' you grinned as you moved one hand up to your breasts, 'I'd let you fuck my tits, babe, would you like that?'
'Fuck!' Sihtric growled, 'yeah, I'd like that, baby. Oh, fuck!' he moaned loudly, struggling to keep his phone steady as he came with a heavy grunt.
You chuckled as Sihtric was trying to catch his breath, and he quickly brought his phone back up so you could see his face and half of his torso. You both couldn't help but laugh when you looked at each other again.
'I miss you,' Sihtric said when you both finally stopped laughing.
'I miss you too, so much, you have no idea.'
'Come back home, baby, I'm waiting for you.'
'I'm counting down the days, Sihtric, I really am.'
'So am I,' he smiled softly.
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bimabucket · 2 years
Guide to Buy Bike Insurance Plan Online
If you are someone who has just bought a bike or plans to buy it, this blog is the right page for you have come.  Bike insurance or motor insurance is mandatory for people who own a two-wheeler.
Holding of an insurance plan is made mandatory by law in order to bring a sense of responsibility in the bike owners or bike riders and remind them about the safety of the other vehicles or people on the roads. If you want to buy bike insurance plan online to abide by the law and ensure yours as well as others’ safety on the road, here we have provided essential facts to guide you on it. Take a look.
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Types of Bike Insurance
If you are willing to buy a bike insurance plan, the first thing that you should know is the type of plans available. It will help you to choose the right insurance policy or plan, according to your needs or financial capability.
There are mainly 3 types of bike insurance plans.
Standalone Own Damage Cover: This type of two-wheeler or bike insurance covers only the damages caused to the insured bike or two-wheeler. The damages might occur due to any incident, natural or man-made. Natural incidents such as floods, earthquake, etc. which caused loss of the bike or significant damages can be recovered soon by the owner from the insurance company. Similarly, damage caused due to man-made incidents like theft, vandalism, terror, etc. can be recovered. However, since this plan only covers the insured bike’s damages, this plan has to be bought with other plans which cover third-party liabilities.
Third-party Liability Cover Insurance: This insurance plan forth as the result of the Motor Vehicles Act, which states that any damages or loss suffered by another person or a third party by a bike must be liable. Thus, this type of insurance policy must be bought which the standalone own damage cover insurance. It will provide coverage for the losses caused to any third party including injury, car/bike/property damage, disability, etc. 
Comprehensive Bike Insurance: The third and the most popular type of bike insurance is the comprehensive insurance plan which provides coverage for both own vehicle damages and third-party damages, caused due to any natural calamities or man-made incidents. Under this type, the insurance holder can have targeted coverage in case of some particular instances in the form of some add-ons. A few add-ons are Zero Depreciation and Roadside assistance cover.
How to Buy the Right Type of Insurance for Your Bike?
The easiest way is to purchase bike insurance online. You can check the website of the insurance company from which you wish to purchase or contact an agent. Enter your bike number or model and get appropriate insurance in just a few clicks. It is convenient, fast, and hassle-free and also maintains transparency about the policy.
Key Takeaway
If you are willing to buy bike insurance plan online, this short guide will help you make the decision and purchase the most appropriate plan. If you want to drive your dream bike without any tension, then the first thing to do is to safeguard it with insurance along with safeguarding yourself with a helmet and proper riding gear.
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