#Coincidentally I've been thinking a lot about that concept lately
shinidamachu · 23 days
You know what I always wanted? An episode where Kagome actually manages to give in to the Darkness in her heart and it would be up to Inuyasha this time to snap her out of it and bring her back to her senses (paralleling how she always manages to bring him back whenever he goes into full demon mode), kinda like the 1st movie or the Tsubaki arc but like better because this time it wouldn’t just be Kagome’s body under the control of another but her mind as well due to giving into all her insecurities regarding Kikyo.
Honestly? This is such a good concept that it deserved to be its own freaking arc. The potential for angst and character development is insane. The parallels with Inuyasha, the parallels with Kikyo.
"You really are my reincarnation, walking the same path I did" except Kagome is walking her own path, based on her own decisions, because of her own feelings and then dealing with the aftermatch of her own actions after Inuyasha manages to bring her back.
I think it's brilliant because Inuyasha was always so terrified of Kagome dying on him that he doesn't really worry about all the other ways he can lose her. Or rather, he does, but it's never really explored in a serious or satisfying manner.
And the irony of it all? Like, Kagome being the one constantly afraid Inuyasha would forget about her if he goes full demon, only for her to turn the tables? Cinema.
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p0th · 10 months
ik im probably rlly late to the party but what is objectum, like is it a role play thing, is it a coping thing? I need someone to explain it to me like im 5 bc i genuinely just don't understand what it is lol
So the literal definition of being objectum is someone who's attracted to inanimate objects, whether that be platonic, romantic, sexual, or somethin else. However, looking at it with only its literal definition doesn't really account for the intricacies that such a label brings.
I just want to point out that while some people see objects as alive (the label for that being POSIC), others dont. Animism is also a similar term for where people percieve inanimate things as having souls. Personally, I dont see my object as alive, but do sometimes use gendered terms to describe them and feel comforted by their presence. People can also be objectum and be attracted to actual people too.
Being objectum is also more common in autistic people. Object personafication is a common trait seen in autism and other disorders and i can see how that can lead people to being objectum. Though I have never been formally diagnosed with anything, i am probably neurodivergent & maybe that has a part in me identifying as objectum idk!! Theres a study on autism in objectum ppl here if u want to glance over it: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-56449-0
For me, I started using the objectum label coincidentally around the time I started finally figuring out that i was aroace and not attracted to real people. I realized that the love I feel for my friends is equivalent to the love I feel for my hobbies and interests which was also the same love i felt towards certain objects. I drew this out cuz i think its a lil confusing how im saying it LOL. Theres also a thing called "conceptum" which is the attraction to concepts which I think i actually fall more into, but I just go by objectum because it is more general.
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You know how people will swear they have this great relationship with nature? How they feel so so connected to plants and how they love watching the ocean and how they wish they could live outside forever because the forest is a part of their flesh and blood? How they feel more alive feeling the earths fresh air and how nature teaches them things they never even knew about themselves? okay, so, why is this normal to say but once u turn it around into something that’s an object it is insane talk!! I feel like there's this interesting dynamic where its okay to be super attached to nature but kinda weird to be super attached to inanimate things but i think i am rambling & getting off topic!!!
Personally, I dont really have objects that im attracted to in the same way I would be attracted to a human. It is very broad for me. Others though, have certain objects that they really like and thats fine. For me, going by that label just makes me comfortable even if i dont fit into the literal definition. I like computers in general, not just my own personal computer. Objectum for me is just another way to say that my love for inanimate things can be just as great as my love for animate things. Theres just so much complexity and nuance in it that it is hard to describe unless you've experienced it yourself.
As for it being a coping thing, I've heard some people say its a result of not being able to trust people due to past trauma, but i dont believe that's necessarily true for the majority of people and not too good to generalize. Ive grown up surronded by friends and in a loving environment and am able to maintain relationships with living people, but also use the label of objectum because it makes me comfortable.
I can very much see how someone can look at someone saying theyre attracted to objects and just cringe a little bit and thats okay LOL. At this point, I have been exposed to so many concepts -being online so much and surrounded by so many diverse people- that i just dont even pay it mind. But, I know a lot of people have literally never heard of this label before and are just weirded out by it. I think honestly people need to think about the limitless potential a relationship can be when in the hands of such a complex being as a human. At the end of the day though, it doesn't hurt anyone but its also okay to be a lil unsure of it as an outsider. Just be kind to others!!
Im sorry if this is a bit of word vomit, if u cant tell i got a lil too into it & my thoughts tend to be rlly scattered LOL. thank u 4 the ask & plz let me know if u need any clarity on anythin cuz i know i am very hard to follow at times !!!
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ruleofbirds · 3 months
Kia Ora, Te Ao!
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Hello, World! It's official - Robbie has a tumblr now. Absolutely unfathomable. Honestly, it's mostly because it was this or Wordpress (or a more obscure indie dev forum) and this seemed the most accessible and quirky. I'm sure this won't lead to another awful endless scrolling habit. Any advice for the visual side of things is warmly received! I want this blog to be a fun part of the week, because a lot of fun will be had developing RoB. Just realised that acronym happens to be my name. Could be worse.
Okay! Now that the initial ramble into the void is out of the way, it's time to get into the c o n c e p t.
This tumblr is a devlog for my NZ ecosystem simulator currently titled "rule of birds", which I will be working on for the next 8 weeks as part of Blackbird Foundation's "Protostars" program. This means a weekly check-in with the other creatives in the program, the organizers at Blackbird, and a post for all of you here.
I'm breaking this week's post into 3 sections just to cover the bases;
01.1 -a bit about my creative practice and how it led to this project
01.2 -a discussion of "flocking" in programming (using p5.js)
01.3 -a discussion of NZ natural history
So here's the intro post, where I ramble about myself for a sec.
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So! basically, I specialize in spatial design, I love working with anything nature-related, and I want to make a video game.
Lately I've been on a tangent based around art in NZ's cultural context - the design principles behind whakairo (Maori woodcarving) and how their composition conveys meaning, how histories of spirituality, tribal and colonial relations affected design, and my own art interpreting my natural surroundings with photography and charcoal drawing. I can neither confirm nor deny whether there will be an art zine compiling a wee bit of this work on the community table at the Whanganui Zinefest this Saturday.
That tangent branched off into a focus on natural history that's the keystone of rule of birds. My motivation for focusing on an ecosystem simulator is to articulate a basis for the sort of games I want to come out of Aotearoa. The sim will be the proof of concept - and I suppose this blog will be the manifesto.
I feel like there's a massive demand for games exploring NZ history - like, imagine a big-budget maori-led release set in pre-colonial time, with all the unique aspects of survival, resource management and day to day activity that involved - or an assassin's creed type action game based during the time of Te Kooti. It goes unsaid that Kupe is one of the best parts of Sid Meier's Civilization VI - iykyk.
What I think separates a good game from a great one is how alive the virtual world feels - rather than being led through an a-to-b progression of events presented in the same visual style I've seen countless times before, if the world can react in a dynamic way, and the details in the background are crafted to feel organic and immersive, I'm going to want to stop and wander off the beaten track that an objective marker may be pointing me towards.
The last game that caught my attention in this way - and coincidentally the one that made me want to put my coding knowledge to the test with gamedev - was, of course, Rain World. To everyone who knows me, I'm sure you're surprised I've made it three paragraphs without bringing this game up. I'm not going to go into too much detail here, because there is *a lot*, but key points are you are one creature among many scavenging for food in a brutal biomechanical ecosystem, hibernating between cycles of cataclysmic rain, and the game plays like basically nothing else due to how the coded behaviour of every entity in the world follows its own logic that has much more to do with its own survival than the experience of you as a player.
Here's a nice little illustration of the physics behind a movement-sensing tentacle monster, to give a sort of discrete example - but the creatures that act according to behavioural karma systems and the dynamics of how the different lizards scuffle and coordinate with each other is worth looking into too, if this is your thing.
(Source: GDC, Curious Archive)
Now, I really want to jump into some of this behavioural coding stuff, so I'm just going to move on to collecting things for the next post - hope this has been an interesting read! if you somehow found this page in your tumblr algorithm, welcome! I'll also be posting bits on the instagram page @robbiek_devlogs and you can check out my other work on my main insta @robbiek_art
Hei kōnā mai,
Robbie K
Next up: simulation in coding, natural history research post #1
Next week: Adventures in Godot Engine!
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basedkikuenjoyer · 7 months
Remember Remember the Fifth of November
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Remember, remember the fifth of November. We're soon to cover a lot. I see no reason, why Sorbet's malfeasance should ever be forgot.
Seriously...we get our biggest RA origins chapter on Guy Fawkes Day? Rad even if purely coincidental. We also have this quiet peculiarity. Something that's been brought up here before. The cover page is just part of the main story? Yes, request apparently but it's a natural fit. That's new. Even Pudding was cluing us in on a past happening pertinent to an event. Watch stuff like this, the "rules" of the narrative breaking down. It's also really, really cute. Where are those fish ending up? Okay, let's get to the real meat of this. You can probably guess from the chapter title...
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I'm the Mickey to your Minnie, you're the Tigger to my Winnie...Ginny! I'm...dating myself with memes aren't I? Ginny has become a fast, fast favorite. This was already a thing too, but seeing adult Ginny I get what people mean. There's a certain sensibility to being Bonney's mom...but she does look like another skrunkly glutton on Egghead more than anything. York is a clone, this has dark implications. Please don't be too cruel to new blorbo Oda. I'm gonna add her to the figure collection I promise.
Seriously though...how many of y'all get that Ginny is exactly what I've been on about? Forget Kuma's whole taking on burdens thing and being a goddamn blaring echo of the Crane Wife story. I can make this easy now. Ginny is what it would look like if you plugged Nami's character into the "quartermaster" role I've used Kiku as a guidepost for.
We're already past the point of teasing about lack of subtlety so I don't know what to say anymore. This flashback is making a big to-do about someone who fits the bill for the exact archetype straddling the present story around two foils. Doing it in a way that could lead back to a darker scene from Vegapunk's past. If that wasn't apparent enough,
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Really driving the point home with Sorbet. Just like Goa & Gray Terminal. Just like Bakura & Okobore. These two were the tentpoles of the lawless waste being kicked around. Marco, Toki, Yasu, Kiku & Tsuru...pay attention when a core theme of the previous arc comes up like that. Especially that beat about marriage and Ginny's suitors. If that wasn't all enough, there's one element here I can't shake:
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Look at Kuma's chest, the faint blackening...does it kind of make you think of Luffy's scar? You see it in the eyes too, we're not used to seeing adult Kuma with normal features for him. His expressions...it's a concept we've talked about a lot. This late in the game you notice when a character gets visual traits usually reserved for the protagonist. Kuma does this a fair amount, and the whole story sorta does have the same tone as like...if Luffy & Uta grew up together. Or if he stayed in Okobore with Kiku for a few years even. As much as I love the Revolutionary lore, this has me going absolutely crazy right now.
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aromanticbuck · 4 months
Okay, no. You have to tell me about bruises verse mouse/Thomas ward, I am dying.
Yes, of course! I think about my collection of spoiled rich boys (and Matt) a normal amount!
Bruises 'Verse is an AU I developed back in my Marvel/Agents of SHIELD era set after everyone gets out of the Framework? But s5 and the whole time travel/space arc doesn't happen?
As per usual, under a read more because I can't shut up about anything ever
The very short version is that Leo Fitz leaves SHIELD to process all of that trauma, as well as the fact that Radcliffe is his biological father (anyone who followed me in that era knows my URL was holdendadcliffe, it's my favorite theory, I still think about it daily), and in a year moves to the PNW (some smaller town outside of Seattle, far enough from the city that he doesn't have to worry about anything, I was undecided on the details) and becomes a middle school science teacher. There, he also runs into his... they aren't exes, because they never defined their relationship, but they did go on a date before Leo got dragged into joining the field team with Jemma. He's my original character, his name is Matthew Scott, he's a good boy who has a medical degree but decided to give up on that dream and become a librarian, completely coincidentally, in the same small town that Leo ends up in.
I wrote a whole fic about it, but before his death in s3, Grant Ward (I love him, okay? I can and will write essays about him *Jay voice* in fact, I have. many times.) wrote letters for a few people in his life as a sort of... apology? He was really obsessed with the concept of "closure" in early s3, and I leaned into that while writing and developing this little universe. And those letters got left to Thomas, with the instruction to deliver the rest of them. He kind of just mailed off the others because *gestures to SHIELD and how they treated him* but he had to track down Leo because he didn't really leave a contact address with SHIELD and purposefully dropped off the radar because he also wants nothing to do with them.
And when Thomas drops off that letter for Leo, they kind of become friends? Thomas, who was floundering to get his life back after SHIELD disrupted it, who didn't want to go back to working at the bank they found him at because it's not a Safe Place anymore. So, he also moves to that little town, and does the first thing he can think of, which is going through the police academy and having a stable job so that he can hang out with friends (honestly, just Leo and Matt at that point) and pay rent and all that fun adult stuff that everyone hates.
Lately, I've been thinking about a lot of AUs where Mouse finishes his tour with the Army and returns to the States but doesn't go back to Chicago? I have thoughts about him going to Georgia, continuing his connection with the military and using it to get a job doing tech for them. I have thoughts about him going to Los Angeles and becoming a firefighter (the 911 crossover AU is NOT thought through yet don't ask about it for at least another week) or becoming private security or something for rich start up entrepreneurs. Things like that.
It occurred to me, a few months ago, that he could have also relocated to that same small town, and become a teacher (I especially thought about it after rereading @kitthekazoo's Community Garden fic, because teacher!Mouse my beloved) at the same school that Leo teaches at!
I just thought it would be funny if the tech boys with parental trauma and other causes of PTSD became best friends??? And Mouse and Matt would get alone great (tired homosexuals who are kind of over being dragged to the bar every week, because Matt is sober and Mouse is trying to avoid anything that might become a slippery slope for a while until he fully adjusts to being in Not A War Zone), and then... Thomas is kind of his type???
Detective? Complicated relationship with his brother? Pretty eyes?
Mouse is simple and I respect that.
Bonus: Matt and Tommy rolling their eyes when Leo and Mouse start talking about their students and completely forget that their boyfriends are there because they're unhinged little science nerds
I love the concept of smashing my blorbos together in a chaotic AU and seeing what my brain does. In this case, my brain said "boyfriends!" and now Mouse gets to actually date a detective and have friends and a life outside of that little cage he was in for most of his run on CPD, and I get to make him happy!
Fun fact: Tommy is a piece of shit (affectionate) and definitely calls Matt "Mascot" because Leo made the mistake of introducing him as "Matt Scott" and, uh... the joke was too easy he had to make it
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calronhunt · 8 months
Do you have any more to share about how the new magic system works in your new Raphael story!! The idea that magic reflects the user symbolically is really interesting and i'd love to hear more about that.. (I coincidentally read a book recently-ish where characters had superpowers that were a reflection of the user and i've been so into that concept lately as a result LOL.. symbolism tastey)
YEAH!!! (also hmu with what that book is called cause I love this kinda shit so much)
I don't usually write magic systems because im worried about getting bogged down in the details and mechanics so I'm going super general and what I find fun. Everyone's magic is different, and it can change and warp as someone lives. I think thta as children everyone's magic manifests in the same way (not sure how quite sure how just yet) and as they come into their own person it gets personalized to that specific person. Raphael's emerged as small blue flames because he felt small but had a lot of energy and fire inside him. It warped and changed from trauma to reflect on his body as that's where most of his trauma concentrated. His ability to still summon the small flames if he tries really hard is due to him still having that spirit deep down.
The other thing that I wanna explore is that corrupted magic isn't like, inherently harmful. Its just the same as when magic initially changes, its just a reflection of what the user has gone through in life and who that person is. I know that sounds like im calling Raphael a monster because of his beast design, but it only looks like that because that's what Raphael sees himself as. Raphael isn't able to control his corrupted magic because he supresses it and refuses to understand it. It's a monster to be locked away and not thought about. He doesn't want to accept that that's him.
And just because I'm not sure when I'm going to talk about it, Lionel's magic as a kid used to manifest as small yellow flowers sprouting out of his hands. To again symbolize how small he felt and how fragile he was. I would need to really draw what his magic manifested after full corruption though. Both of these he's locked out of due to the churchs repression spell however
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bookdepositori · 1 year
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Hey y'all, haven't been on here in a bit. These past few months, I was working on my senior project and I just graduated with my BFA last week. On top of being busy with that, I had multiple classes that regularly assigned me with readings, so I haven't have much freedom with what I've been reading lately and haven't been posting as a result of that. Just to break the ice with posting again, I'm going to write some quick thoughts about all of the graphic novels I read during Spring, all of which are memoirs coincidentally.
Gabrielle Bell - The Voyeurs
Of everything here, this is the one book that wasn't assigned reading from a professor. Bell has been a long-time inspiration to me and I felt like it was a good idea to dig deeper into her work while I developed my senior project. This is also my first time reading Bell since I got my first published essay by writing about her work.
This might have been a bit of a downer read while finalizing my degree in sequential art. Much of this book focuses on Bell's struggles with monetizing her work despite how much respect she has earned in the industry. What's worse is that many of her criticisms of the comic industry are ones I deeply agree with. I sort of felt like I was in an echo chamber of my own pessimism while reading sections of this book, lol.
Though this book really struck me with its visual storytelling. The opening sequence could have been a really great 3-page short story thanks to how it presents you with such a striking concept and image as soon as you open the book. Then all throughout the book, despite the visual simplicity and static page compositions, Bell consistently creates active environments and character that fully take advantage of the comics form.
This isn't a new observation, but I'm always so captured by how introspective Bell's writing is. I especially love all of the scenes in which the subject of Bell's autobiography work is brought up. The book presents you with a lot to think about concerning the nature of the autobiography. Questions that are very interesting to think about when paired with Bell's brutal honesty regarding her more negative personality traits, lol.
Lynda Barry - What It Is
Despite my long-held interest in her work, this is my first time actually reading a full Lynda Barry book. I absolutely plan on looking deeper into her bibliography in the near future. This is a book that I think was really important to read while in the last semester of my art education.
This book is very abstract in nature and its lack of consistent narrative makes it stand out against other graphic memoirs. The one central subject of this book is the concept of images. What is an image? How do images work? Why do images make us feel?
This was an incredibly unique and engaging read that made me ask a lot of questions that were very important for this moment in my life. I just wish this wasn't and assigned reading so I could've read it at a more relaxed pace. This is definitely one to re-read.
Maia Kobabe - Gender Queer
I whole-heartedly believe it was really important to read this book as well as other books that are currently being challenged on a large scale in this country. Though, unfortunately, as a narrative, I was left a little unsatisfied with this book.
I think it's really great that this book exists. I think its really good for young queer people to be able to recognize themselves in media as that is something that has been historically denied from them. I also really respect how honest Kobabe is about eir sexuality and eir sexual development, I could never be this intimate with my readers. Though, as a narrative, I feel like this book wasn't as introspective as it could have been. While I do think it's good to have representations of transition like this, I feel like this is probably a book that won't hold as much relevance in a future where more trans narratives are readily available.
After reading this book, I felt like I didn't know much about Kobabe other then eir relationship with sexuality and gender (and trashy fan fiction, which I actually do appreciate). Which is fine, this is literally a book called "Gender Queer", though the discussions of sexuality and gender within the book are simply just personal experiences without much in the way on introspection or interrogation. That's also fine though, I don't feel like I have a very nuanced perspective on my own sexuality in full honesty, though as a narrative I felt like this was lacking both as a discussion about queerness and as a gateway to conversing with Kobabe. I think this book maybe could have benefitted from Kobabe reflecting on these experiences for a couple more years and developing a deeper perspective on them.
Junji Ito - Cat Diary: Yon & Mu
This was the one re-read of this selection of books. This was something I first came across during my teenage binge of all of the Junji Ito books I could find (thanks Alfredo).
Reading this now, I admittedly didn't get too much out of it. I do still really appreciate this book and it's my go-to example for how much visual expression can influence a reading experience. There's undoubtedly a mountain of web comics you can read that feature very similar subject matter to this book, but this one stands out for *how* it communicates that subject matter to the reader. Visual storytelling is the ultimate factor in comics. One story can be told an infinite numbers of ways through variations in visual storytelling and this book is a testament to that.
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spilledreality · 8 months
The Stormcrow Fallacy
Hey Adam,
Sent a reply via Substack's automated email system. Re-trying through your proper email address (and doxxing my real name via academic email!) just in case the last attempt didn't get through. If you're just too busy to respond, no hard feelings, and I promise not to keep following up.
I've been discussing with friends lately what we've called the Stormcrow fallacy. In Tolkien—an author who, as a young literature student, I thumbed my nose at, but have lately come around to considering one of the great literary modernists & WWI novelists—Gandalf, because he consistently shows up in advance of, and brings news of, misfortune, is often mis-identified as bringing that misfortune with him. (This identification leads to his nickname of Stormcrow.) I'm loath to call things fallacies, as behavioral economics persistently misuses that term when labeling (what in my view are simply) heuristics. But this does seem to be a basic logical error of confusing correlation with causation—one which leads to e.g. a lot of suppression in bureaucracies of coming trouble. (See also Feynman on the Challenger disaster.) There are a ton of similar failure modes, right, that boil down to mistaken causal attribution? "Cargocult" being a favorite example of geeks worldwide.
Anyway, I particularly liked your informal description of consciousness as a Stormcrow, as the intern who only shows up when something breaks. Everything I've been learning about cognitive science & phenomenology the past few years seems to point in this direction. (Heidegger's ready-to-hand vs present-at-hand concept is one of the more concise illustrations, but see also William James on habit, or ideas in predictive processing about what sorts of errors might propagate to the highest level of the stack.) And, like Stormcrow, like Gandalf, what this consciousness appears to do is manage the hard problem of triage, of prioritization. Which is also, not coincidentally I think, a problem associated with wisdom. Wisdom and consciousness both, as I understand them, are means of adjudicating various priorities which demand resources (including but not limited to attention), across a body, a family, or a geopolitical unit. Hence the historical premium on wise father, wise king, etc as an adjudicator of a social ecology who maintains and restores equilibria. (Hence the association of wisdom with "perspective"—a temporally or spatially or interpersonally zoomed-out view.) This wisdom often operates through a "feel for the game" which cannot be verbally justified. (Not surprising given this is how humans solve many of their complex, high-uncertainty problems.) But its implicit function mimics the search for Pareto optimality, which is why it is so frequently characterized by ideas like moderation, balance, and tao-like navigations of Scylla and Charybdis for a sweet spot ("Goldilocks zone").
Yours with much appreciation and interest,
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belphegorbillickin · 3 years
Okay, but I can definitely imagine Barb/Dia doing that. It seems like quite a possibility. But wasn't dying mc's own fault though? Like,, Barbatos did warn,,, unless he knew this was gonna happen and mc was DUMB AND STUPID enough to show up to everyone like: "hi." and possibly be dumb enough to get killed. Idk lol I forgot this part.
But what you said about Beel, I really like that. I think you even mentioned belphie guilt tripping you in your yandere hcs, and trying to make you completely depend on him?? I like those possibilities. Mammon though,, too soft. Like you said, they've robbed him a lot. He could have had so much potential to be a dark character. Similarly Levi omg.
The brothers are the embodiments of the 7 deadly sins, yet, tbh, I haven't seen too much of this side of them. At least, not like how'd I expect. Leviathan, for eg. Envy. I don't recall seeing his sin playing out anywhere except in the TSL Quiz thingy. I mean, it's been toned down a lot for someone who's the literal embodiment is envy. Idk I just don't feel he's like that? As from what I found: Envy (Latin: invidia), like greed and lust, is characterized by an insatiable desire. It can be described as a sad or resentful covetousness towards the traits or possessions of someone else. The struggle aroused by envy has three stages: during the first stage, the envious person attempts to lower another's reputation; in the middle stage, the envious person receives either "joy at another's misfortune"(if he succeeds in defaming the other person) or "grief at another's prosperity" (if he fails); the third stage is hatred because "sorrow causes hatred".[38]
Envy is said to be the motivation behind Cain murdering his brother, Abel, as Cain envied Abel because God favored Abel's sacrifice over Cain's.
They toned him down a little too much?? If this game has actually been inspired by demons and the 7 deadly sins, they could at least make them similar to the demons, at least in some way. I'm not that far into the game yet, but so far that I've played, I haven't seen much. As for a demon who is the embodiment of envy... I wish to see more. Levi is capable of A LOT.
Similarly, Satan. I sometimes wonder why is he even called the Avatar of Wrath when we hardly see it?? The only time I remember is him losing his calm during the whole body swap event. The fact Satan got mad at us refusing a pact actually made me think that he was the sin "wrath", but idk now. And the way it was said that "every smile is an act", I really like that concept too. But I don't think I've paid much attention to see where it played out. Sigh now Satan simps for cats like,,, please show me your dark/evil side sir.
The way you said Barb and Dia took part in a torture dungeon, I want to see more of that too. If they're demons, wouldn't they have caused SOME sort of bloodshed in a way? Especially if they're the strongest demons. Killing humans, eating them, or I even like to think doing the same to their own race. Torturing... Seems like something that every demon's blood would contain lmao, I'm not answering questions bye.
And I believe so too. The human seems like a pawn... I feel the demons would use humans for entertainment and their own purposes, while keeping up the facade of loving them. It's easy, since demons are manipulative. In that case, losing the human whether by their own hands or not would go like: "Oh well, that's unfortunate. Time for another human."
But if they REALLY did love you, I feel they'd still be manipulative. Like you said. Corrupting/spoiling the human so much to the point that they'd just HAVE to depend on them. I feel they'd also have yandere tendencies, or be "protective". Like, then I feel they really wouldn't want to let you go, despite knowing how much it can ruin your innocence.
I also don't like how everyone is after mc like "uwuwu master". The human is still a weakling despite having pacts, plus, the pacts aren't even demanding the human's soul or anything. I don't get why they let mc walk over them when they are CLEARLY much stronger? If I were a demon I'd do the opposite lmao. Making the human seem as if they are controlling me, but it's the opposite. I don't think a mere pact can change the fact that the demon's stronger,,, esp if the pact didn't demand the human's soul/life/whatever.
Also, thank you! Things got better for me :)) and also,
💫✨💕send this to ten bloggers you think are wonderful. keep the game going 💕✨
Ofc you don't have to do this, but I got this, and it really made me happy, so here ^^
Oh btw in lesson...56 I think?? Just gonna tag this as a spoiler, but where for whatever reason Satan was "Sully" and the angel Lucifer asked him whether he liked books, let me just say I haven't even played it that far yet, but Satan going, "...Every book here is precious."
It's been a while since I've thought in-depth about the whole time traveling thing tbh, but couldn't Barbatos generally see the outcomes of the world?
We went back because they wanted to know who opened it, but considering Diavolo's the ruler of hell who turned Lilith human and Barbatos is basically the ruler of time & practically the universe I believe they already knew Lilith did it since it had to be "blood related" basically.
Barbatos also knows he can stitch together timelines and get of "extra" MCs essentially, so I believe he'd take that into account. I'm not saying MC getting killed was 100% part of the plan, but that they didn't care of MC was traumatized because they knew they could bring them back if necessary.
Imo the real goal wasn't to find out who did it, but to avoid breaking the family's bonds and devotion to Diavolo. The way it worked out was incredibly convenient and "coincidentally" a huge upgrade for Diavolo that kept the status quo and made him look good (or at least better) to Belphie and Beel without making Lucifer choose.
We see that kind of repeat later when Diavolo withdraws from the play because he was worried Lucifer wouldn't be as loyal. That's also why Lucifer gets that warning from Barbatos.
I think a huge part of why Levi's characterization is like that is because not enough people like him enough to tolerate it tbh. Even Mammon and Lucifer stans complain about the other characters hogging screen time and a lot of them admit to feeling bad for other fans. Levi is pretty much always second to last popularity wise.
I think he'd actually be more liked if they focused more on the jealously instead of making almost every interaction otaku/Ruri-chan related, but it's a bit too late now. I really, really hate how they just pretend otaku culture always existed and that's all Levi ever was. Like at least make him have an obsessive personality and be hyperfixated on novels instead of talking manga in an era before Japan even existed. It's so unbelievably lazy and really takes me out of the story.
Another problem is we only really see him interact with family or people that could enact severe consequences like Diavolo & Barbatos or people protected by the exchange program. He never gets a chance to shine or be cunning. The closest we get is things like him purposefully trying to ruin Christmas for random people online in his Christmas card. I think if he genuinely got jealous of MC and some random demon he would summon lotan almost instantly.
It's especially painful knowing what we had & being so excited to get more only for all of that to get dropped.
In an early devilgram, Be You, Satan gets jealous and feels bad about not having much unique to him and Lucifer comforts him in his own way when the others make it worse. Mammon is the most empathetic though ofc. They also talk about horror movies and Mammon says he doesn't find them scary (& the way it's framed sounds honest, idk if it's a retcon or a lie,) and Satan says "I'm sure we've all witnessed plenty of real-life horrors worse than anything in the movies."
Then when Lucifer asks for a time when he was really angry Satan first casually then gleefully talks about torturing a family to death because a kid set him up to get scolded by their parents. Meanwhile the brothers act wary of him and worry about him getting out of control while Lucifer tells everyone to take cover for their own safety with a smile. Satan happily talks about them begging for their lives and says he wishes they saw it too.
Levi also says he hates hearing about people being happy, but likes hearing about the negative things. While Asmo and Mammon are freaking out he also calls Satan cool. Which shows at least a little bit of his envy for once. Satan also says just the aura of his rage is usually too much for humans which is also interesting.
But back to Diavolo and Barbatos, I don't hate how the whole torture thing isn't super open, it makes sense imo, but I would like to see hints of them hiding it. Especially if Satan or even attic Belphie was the one you could go to to learn more about it. If anyone would defy Diavolo for that it'd be them trying to bring Lucifer down with them, or even just Satan rewarding the hunt for knowledge and not understanding the human psyche fully.
Imagine if instead of a paper thin lie about being human we got a Belphie manipulating us by pretending he was locked up because he was against hurting humans and the whole exchange program was a scam? Or at least if he told us things no one else would about Diavolo that were true so we wouldn't trust him and etc. That's the angle I'm going with in my fanfiction at least, the original story is just so lazy and boring imo.
Yeah I'm not a huge fan of how they handled pacts either, especially considering they don't even get MC's soul. It's way too one-sided to the point where I don't believe someone like Satan would ever offer it, even if the first offer was a trick and he'd get your soul or something. I agree on the whole manipulation thing too, like how is it partnership if one side has complete control over the other?
Even just making it so that demons can fight against if they really don't want to do something like harming each other and having it corrupt MC would make it a million times better.
And that's so sweet, thank you! You've made my days a lot brighter too. Not much makes me happier than infodumping and complaining about Obey Me rn lol.
I really liked Satan's line there too, although I did wish he had more a reaction to everything tbh. That whole section felt a bit too easy imo though, like I kept waiting for it to all go to shit or something. I am glad they went back into more story-based chapters too. I hope they keep that trend and expand on it.
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