ninamilkovich · 7 months
even if u don't believe in macdennis ever being canon or in dennis having romantic feelings for mac u have to admit there's no world in which mac gets in a serious relationship and dennis is just ok with it
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jes12321 · 4 months
Obsessed with the idea of Fushiguro Toji and Gojo Satoru getting into a custody battle for Tsumiki and Megumi aind ending up with the classic MWF with one parent, TRS with the other parent and every other Sunday. Just think it’d be silly.
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nnato · 5 months
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r0nnietherat · 1 year
Had a dream last night that season sixteen was building to macden (Duh) and they even held a fucking screening in Hollywood for the finale of the season. Rob kept making jokes and nobody was laughing LMAO and then he yelled at the audience and Glenn had to step in and redirect him. But anyways the fucking finale ended with Mac getting married to some dude named I think Nathanial? AND THEY JUST DROPPED THE MACDEN STORYLINE LIKE IT NEVER EXISTED!!
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atelierwriting · 2 months
that’s MY misunderstood asshole war criminal opposite of a comfort character right there
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robobee · 5 months
I can sit and critique forever as I am the world's proudest hater but I do feel that a lot of the snark around Vengeful is just people crucially misunderstanding the point of the villains universe. it's fucking camp! everything is self aware and overdramatic and reads like a published (albeit very good) fanfiction. if you're in specific circles you absolutely recognise the tropes schwab is pulling from and the tongue in cheek references she makes and all of them are on some base level FUNNY. I don't think it can be read with 100% gravitas because as much as it is brutal and visceral and about extremely traumatized people desperately clutching onto each other because carrying on feels easier than trying something new, it is also a book in which the girlboss mafia leader queen gets taken out by a naked college quarterback . schwab likes nice and wrapped up endings and after dealing with stief and Muir it is a BREATH OF FRESH FUCKING AIRRRR
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boysareouttonight · 2 years
thinking a lot about how mac and dennis spend the entire time together and dont get sick of each other, its not just that they act like a couple but its one of Those couples that does everything together. they have breakfast together they drive to work together they work at the same place they have the same circle of friends they text each other when they're not together to check in they have movie nights they're probably the first person they see when they wake up and the last person they see before going to bed (if we consider they dont spend the night with the ppl they hook up with).
their connection is literally so special bc u have to really love someone to not get sick of them after so many years their little routine is the closest thing they're ever gonna get to an actual relationship and thats why they dont let it go bc they know how much it means for both of them. i mean dennis could've just asked mac to move out what is stopping him exactly? if they got together like tomorrow nothing would change between them except they would kiss and sleep on the same bed. they're literally partners
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dennisboobs · 1 year
we do a little ranting in the tags, as a treat.
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greensweaterdennis · 2 years
thinking about how Dennis would fucking melt if Mac called him “sweetheart”
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elisedonut · 4 months
I think Mrs. and Mr. Creevey's first names should start with an A and B respectfully
just because adhd runs in the family and I tend to give it to Colin and Dennis and I know that if I ever ended up with a girl whose name started with A and had a kid with her I would probably beg to name them something starting with a C
because its silly but subtle
people wouldn't notice unless you brought it up
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sunnykeysmash · 1 year
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Love VS submission, control and freedom/going wild
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thedeadtravelfast · 8 months
Shoutout to @goblins-riddles-or-frocks for getting me to do a tag challenge for the first time in like two millennia. So I thusly present "me-coded characters":
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@iceandbone because i DEF wanna see yours
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allycat75 · 5 months
Hey Boston Dumb Fuck! Watching the snippets of the jump scare videos from last year (commemorating the highlights if 2022, by the way, how sad!) I am reminded...
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They should make CharDee Macdennis 3 and it should be about Charlie and Dee teaming up and challenging Mac, Dennis, and Frank to the game for ownership of the bar.
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eggmeralda · 2 years
do you ever find a character that you just know your younger self would be obsessed with but not as much now, so you kind of become obsessed with them from the point of view of your younger self
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sunnytastic · 2 years
sure glenn looks good with short hair but he's going to need to wear a wig when filming because dennis would rather die than be caught with hair that short
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