expelliarmus · 9 months
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mizgnomer · 7 months
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New Radio Times cover featuring David Tennant and Catherine Tate as the Fourteenth Doctor and Donna Noble.
Also - my post of all of David's Radio Times covers has been updated to include it here: [ All DT's Radio Times Covers ]
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biboomerangboi · 6 months
The fact that Doctor Who didn’t negate how important Donnas friendship is to the doctor. She’s home to him. If the meta crisis didn’t happen she never would have left and now that she had a family it was so clear she was torn between never wanting to let the Doctor go because she loves him and is worried for him and her clear love for her daughter and now she gets to have both. The doctor called his daughter his niece. He lives in their house he’s Donnas brother and soulmate and they are growing old together (along with probably joining unit and taking the tardis out for joyrides they pretend are smoke breaks)
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catabasis · 6 months
now that they finally have time to talk, i'm thinking of Donna catching the Doctor up on everything that's happened to her in the 15 years he's missed, telling him everything about Rose and the trips the family has made and funny anecdotes about Wilf, Shaun and Sylvia, and maybe some gossip about Nerys and some of her friends. eventually the Doctor would start opening up, telling her about all the places he's visited since they last saw each other, all the people he has met and lost, all the joys and wonders he's experienced, as well as all the horrors and heartbreaks. Donna would listen, and she would hold his hand and give him a little squeeze when she feels he needs it, and offer her shoulder when the Doctor can't hold the tears anymore. she would hold him and kiss his head like he had done to her at the edge of the universe, and she would reassure him that he's not alone, she's there, she's got him, and he doesn't have to carry all that burden on his own anymore. then, after a moment of comforting silence in each other's company, Donna would say something like “do you want to watch the Paddington films again?” and the Doctor would laugh, and he would wipe away his tears and say “i would like that very much”
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hopefullydreaming · 6 months
okay so I don’t have coherent thoughts bc when do I ever but, I just keep thinking about doctor who and how like, bringing David and Catherine back allowed a reset?? of sorts?? so ncuti can be this fun doctor not carrying so much weight and yet it’s still not all brushed over and like probs will be addressed but it’s not going to be as dark a character as 10 maybe?? and also we get to finally see a happy ending for the doctor and companion which is stunning and beautiful and just. yeah. it’s just rlly rlly NICE like idk what else to say I know some people are like there’s no need to bring them back it’s mediocre it’s fanservice it’s not enough fan service well IT WORKED FOR THE TRANSITION AND THE EMOTIONAL IMPCT AND WAS UN AND THATS WHAT I WANTED SO THERE
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
at some point i am going to have to force even to go back and deal with donna & tentoo & rose & all and everything they ran away from. and that will probably involve them losing tentoo’s chameleon arch watch by giving it back to its rightful owner, whether she chooses to open it or not. and that is. not going to be a very fun or stable time for them.
#this part is v vague and fuzzy because i want to watch the rest of 12 & 13 and finish the doctor/donna specials before i set anything in#stone about it. but i think i need to rearrange some things in the timeline here vis a vis when the doctor is also forced to go back and#deal with his baggage.#i dont think 14 exists in even’s universe for this reason. and for the reason of tentoo kind of taking on his role? the human part of the#doctor who can stay with donna & with rose.#she’s also trans to me because i love trans!tentoo. her name is johanna. i think it’s pretty. i make a singular exception to my rule of#never changing characters names when i trans them.#but i think. what im getting at here is that this cant be a happy ending. not so cleanly. its more bittersweet.#like i think this version of the story. what i have so far. donna does remember. (tentoo doesn’t but that’s because she’s become her own#person. the doctor is who she came from but she isn’t just the doctor anymore.) and rose knows her doctor is out there and loves her but#she has her wife at home.#and even. oh even. you can’t hold onto a heart that’s not yours forever. you have to give it back.#this. i think. is a moment of respite and recovery for the doctor. and a really really low point for even. however this works out.#its not perfect but there’s kindness in it. and there’s a home to go back to. if they can bear it. both of them.#but like i said. this is all preliminary based on what i might play around with here. and how watching more of the show changes my ideas.#but i think. whatever revelations come in 13’s arc. i think in even’s universe they have to come after donna. i’ll find a way to make it#work.#but mostly right now the important thing is forcing even to give up the watch because why would i let them have one single comfort object <3#dw oc
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aq2003 · 5 months
[takes a long drag from cigarette] keyleth would kin the doctor doctorwho
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sporadicfrogs · 5 months
oh no I'm thinking about journey's end and Donna begging the Doctor not to make her go back
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cube-cumb3r · 6 months
no but the bigeneration is truely only fun if its actually just the One doctor looping back around and that 15 does actually retain all the memories and experiences of 14, even ones that 14 hasnt yet. and there isnt ACTULLY 2 doctors theyre still the one guy at different points in their life.
coz the things that rtd is saying in some commentary things concern me...
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"OUR genocide <3"
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imaginita-est-omnibus · 5 months
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spacetimepieces · 6 months
So after my brain stopped screaming joyfully while running around in circles, something I noticed about Fourteen is that he's not exactly Ten. This was a little surprising, given how chock-full the 60th is with Ten catchphrases, RTD-era references, and rhymes of memorable high-emotion Ten moments. But there's two things missing.
One, the flashbacks. Both Nine and Ten had times where they shut down completely and the sound faded into the background for a few moments. Then they'd return to reality, pretend nothing happened, and zoom onward.
Fourteen doesn't do this. No flashbacks.
Two, the manic episodes. I'm not sure this is exactly the right phrase, but there were times when Ten would babble in a way where it came off to me like he wasn't actually in full control of his actions. Not the happy babbling or the genuinely explanatory babbling, but the babbling as a futile, usually panicked attempt to distance himself from overwhelming emotions or to ignore a terrible reality.
Fourteen doesn't do this, either. Even when he thinks he's about to have to personally kill Donna, he's in full control of himself and his actions.
I mean, it makes sense. Ten regenerated from a dude who was hanging onto his sanity with gritted teeth and a white-knuckled grip. Fourteen regenerated from the chillest incarnation ever.
I'm not saying Fourteen hasn't recently been through Some Shit, obviously, but it does make sense that a DT!Doctor would be much stabler coming from JW than CE.
I don't really have a conclusion for this. Just something I noticed.
Something that, in your inevitable fanfiction, Donna would probably notice, considering she was the only companion who seemed to recognize these moments for what they were.
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doctorhoe · 1 year
I'm obsessed with how in doctor who so often love is portrayed as a selfish emotion. like rose distancing herself from her mother and boyfriend and risking their happiness to be with the doctor. like the ninth doctor letting the dalek out of it's cage to safe rose. like rose's little "so?" when the doctor tells her that coming into her universe would mean that their universes would collapse. like the doctor wanting to keep the master in a cage with him because he can't stand the thought of being alone. like the tenth doctor wiping donna's memory against her expressed wishes because he can't let her die. like the eleventh doctor wanting amy to stay with him instead of rory knowing that that would mean that rory dies alone. like river risking every living thing in the universe suffering and dying because she will suffer more if she has to kill the doctor. like clara demanding the doctor not die, not for his sake but because she does not want to be there when he dies. like the doctor asking "what about me?" when clara tells him to make sure no one will suffer because of her death. like bill allowing the monks to control earth to save the doctor.
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afirewiel · 5 months
I've been seeing a lot of discourse about Rose and Tentoo on my dash lately and I thought I'd add my two cents. I have never been a fan of that ending for Rose. "He's Ten but human! He has Ten's memories!" That argument would hold a lot more weight if it weren't for the fact that earlier in the same season there was a clone of Martha who had Martha's memories and yet acted completely differently than Martha, showing that she was in fact not Martha but her own person. In the "Almost People" arc in season 6, we get a copy of Eleven with his memories, who again acts unlike Eleven and is his own person. In one of the new specials, we get copies of Fourteen and Donna, who also have their memories but are not them. So this whole "memories are what make the person" argument in Tentoo's favor just falls flat.
He had Ten's memories and yet still committed genocide. An act Ten was enraged at him for. So clearly they are in disagreement here, so Ten's memories didn't seem to do him any good as he still chose to do something Ten did not approve of. And why would anyone, least of all the Doctor, leave the woman he loves with a man who had just committed genocide!? It makes no sense to me for him to do that. If anything, one would have thought the Doctor would want to keep Rose as far away from Tentoo as possible after that.
"You changed me. You made me better. Now you can change him." Excuse me, Doctor, but it is not Rose's job to change him! She doesn't owe it to you, to him, or to anyone else to make make him better. She made you better by influence, not because she actively went "I can fix him." And expecting her to, is just wrong and that is not the healthy basis for a relationship.
The biggest reason, however, that I don't like this ending is that Rose wasn't given a choice. Ten didn't let her choose between him and Tentoo. He didn't tell her that Tentoo was human and then asked her if she wanted to stay and live her life with Tentoo. Nope. He told she was going to. "But she kissed Tentoo!" Only because he was the one who told her how he felt about her. Ten purposefully avoided answering her. And even after she kissed Tentoo and realized that Tardis was leaving with Ten and Donna in tow, she chased after them and looked heartbroken when she realized they were gone. Even RTD and Billie Piper have said that the ending was a cope out and that Rose wasn't given a choice. That if she had been, she would have chosen to return to the Tardis with Ten and Donna.
Perhaps if we had gotten a spin-off show about Rose and Tentoo's life, I could have warmed up to this ending, but we didn't. Instead all we got was Ten losing her again (this time of his own choosing) and then immediately losing Donna afterward and him being all alone. So yeah, not a happy ending in my book. If you like it, that's fine. I for one just cannot.
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synodic-lupine · 10 months
Nine and Ten's arcs go hand in hand as a collectively great PTSD narrative imo. I think Ten's wishy-washiness about relationships and inability to fully open up to Rose is often characterized as plain old fear of commitment yet I see that as a progression to another presentation of PTSD. When we first meet Nine, he seems like he's halfway to planning on how to get himself killed. He meets Rose, he heals, he changes, he grows. Then he regenerates into someone with a desire to live and the seeming capacity to just be happy. At the same time, he regenerated for and because of Rose. Recovery that hinges on one person is a tricky thing. When you're with that person it can feel like there's no more work to be done, like you're totally 'fixed'. Every moment with that person feels like the best thing in the world... which makes it significantly harder to open up about anything trauma related. When you're feeling high on a person's presence why would you ever want to think about the bad things? THEN because he finally properly wants to live, The Doctor gets hit with the realization that living a full life means losing Rose in the end and it's downright intolerable to him. It makes him push and pull and act like a bastard sometimes. We get glimpses of who he is without her in the moments when she's threatened. He loses his damn mind any time she's threatened- he gets that crazed look akin to Nine in Dalek more than anything. This is also in contrast to how Nine used to react to Rose being threatened, where he used to still be able to keep it reined in. THEN... he loses her for real and he backslides majorly. We see the effects in Turn Left, that if Donna hadn't been there he would have died right after saying goodbye to Rose. He's more or less back where he started as Nine in the beginning of series one, looking for a way to die. He lives though, and has to accept that no, he's not perfectly recovered and keep on working on it. He opens up about things in ways we saw him struggle to in series 2. Though he's more callous in series 3 and 4, he seems to struggle more with relating to humans, his bastardous tendencies pop up more. He's also a freaking disaster man in series 4 with the number of times he offers or tries to give up his life for others. He DOES make recovery progress through series 3 and 4, just is slow like in real life. All of that makes JE make sense to me in that this is a man who is experiencing turbo PTSD triggering. He pushes everyone away all at once, because maybe being alone will hurt less than losing people after all. Even after all that in the end when he is dying he says he doesn't want to go. He was born into wanting to live and be happy so of course he doesn't want to go.
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prettyevermores · 5 months
tolerate it (part two)
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( fourteenth doctor x reader )
a/n: i’m back again, i think this ending can been seen as a loophole for a pt3 but i’m not so sure if i’m gonna do one just yet.
part one
Your Doctor pulled away from the long fifteen minutes of pure passion and emotion you two had been sharing. His hand snakes around your waist, holding you at the small of your back; he smiled down at you. He was happy to be home, back to be with you. You placed a hand on his chest, feeling his dual heartbeat letting you know that he was truly there and most definitely real. He was real and not just some severe delusion you had been trapped in. A weight had been lifted off your shoulder, a weight that was holding you down for those five years. 
Breaking the loving and comforting silence, you begun laughing and he looked at you with a puzzled expression. “Sweetheart? What’s the matter?” he asked softly, caressing his hand down your arm and an eyebrow raised.
“It’s just, I thought- I was closer and closer to loosing my mind each day you weren’t with me” You said through your joyous laughter. Despite you nearly loosing your mind and that being a serious matter.
“I’m here now, so you don’t have to loose your mind anymore” He whispered, pressing his lips against yours in a brief kiss before continuing speaking “I have someone you’ll want to see”
He dragged you out your house as you wore your usual clothes but donning your beloved bunny slippers that have seen better days. 
He was taking you across the road, to a house. But not to any house. The house of Donna Noble, one of your best friends. He knocked on her door, his hand intertwined with yours, to say you were nervous and excited to see Donna again was an understatement. You can hear her before you even see her reach the door.
“How many times do I have to bloody tell you! You don’t need to knock!” The voice of Donna Noble booming down the hallway as she walks to the door. “Just come in!” She says as she locks eyes with you. Her face turns into a big grin and you smile back widely.
“Donna Noble” You giggle as she brings you into a tight hug, the older woman holding onto you tightly as The Doctor slips past you both and heads into the kitchen. “I never thought I’d see you again Don!” You sigh happily, you have both your people again. 
After catching up with Donna again, chatting and gossiping over coffee like you two always used to do in The TARDIS kitchen. The Doctor pops his head in from Donna’s Garden and smiles at you both before talking “Are you two coming outside or what? You can’t gossip all day” He chuckles, knowing exactly what you two were doing 
“Yeah we’re coming spaceman” She waves her hand for him to go away and turns back to you with a cheeky smile. “It’s like nothing’s changed but it has. hasn’t it?” She asks you.
“Yeah, I know exactly what you mean Don” You smile softly at her.
“Now help me get all this food outside you!” She laughs, handing you with a tray of food Sylvia has cooked for everyone. You follow her lead and take the last bits outside. Then finding your place next to The Doctor on the outdoor couch at the table. He puts his arm around your shoulder to pull you close to him as he mid telling a story to Mel, Rose, Sylvia and Shaun. You notice there is a spot missing at the table, another one occupied for Wilf, Donna’s beloved grandfather. You wonder who it is. Then someone makes there way through the kitchen and into the backyard.
It’s Dr Martha Jones. The other doctor you had befriended a long time ago on your travels with The Doctor. “Sorry I’m late everyone! The traffic was awful” She spoke rushing in to give everyone a hug, The smile already on your face grew more and she hugged you and sat down opposite you.
Your sunny afternoon was filled with joy and happy memories of everyone together. You and Martha reminiscing about the time you got separated from Donna and The Doctor, nearly ending up in a war with The Hath but instead befriending an injured Hath then loosing them. 
After a while, The Doctor whisked you away back to your house, it wasn’t long before he pushed you up against your front door and smashing his lips onto yours. Your arms at the back of his neck, tangling in his hair. You swear, every time you kiss The Doctor, it gets better than the last time. This time it was magic. However, the stolen kisses you had in Donna’s kitchen were something that is told in history books. 
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