#Desilijic kajidic
sw5w · 5 months
Anakin Looks Back
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:14:59
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yeehawhijack · 17 days
Everyone wishing echo a happy Mother’s Day but what about mama the hutt (member of the Desilijic kajidic) in the clone wars who was a core memory in my childhood I’ll never shake
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jedimordsith · 2 years
Crazy Long Excerpt
A very long additional excerpt that follows this for @virusq because it contains Tapper, Talon, and Mara. 💜
“I’d offer you a drink,” Tapper explained, sitting two spaces down from Luke’s. Leaning back, he propped one ankle over the opposite knee and hooked an elbow casually over the back of his seat. “But I know the Boss will, and he’ll be stocked with better than we’ve got here.” 
“Tell me about him,” Luke leaned forward slightly, attentive. “Your associate spoke highly of him, but she was a little sparse on detail.” 
Quelev took on a pained look. “Sending Jansih might not have been putting our best foot forward. Though I’m sure the Boss has his reasons.”
Luke wondered if Tapper knew Mara’s real name – and what all his boss might know that prompted him to send Mara as his emissary. 
“Captain Karrde is a good man,” Quelev continued, seriously. “The kind your Republic would want running this sector.” 
“I have it on fairly good authority,” Luke said, dryly, “that they’d rather have an appropriately elected New Republic official in that role.” 
The smuggler’s laugh reminded Luke of Lando. “I’m sure they would.” He eyed Luke shrewdly. “But you and I both know they’re years away from that being a possibility. We also know that the Imperials,” he waved a hand as if to indicate what remained of the Empire, “aren’t coming back any time soon, either. Which means that the mess devolves into long-term anarchy – or someone with the right approach takes over.” 
“And what about when the Hutts decide they want their territory back?” 
Quelev’s brow furrowed. “They already tried.” 
“How about I give you the short version?”  
By the time Mara docked them, Quelev had managed to give Luke a concise – and, he was sure, heavily edited – summary of the Desilijic kajidic’s drama in the short years since their fearless leader’s ignoble death. Rotta the Hutt, Jabba’s son – and Force if that giant, arrogant slug having a son wasn’t a bizarre thought – was only 37 standard years old. In the eyes of his people, he was little more than infant, completely unfit to rule. Zorba, Jabba’s father, had made a short-lived play for leadership the year after his son’s demise. His long record of failed dealings, squandered funds, and incarceration, however, had long since eroded whatever authority he’d once held. What remained of the kajidic had turned its attentions elsewhere, disinterested in the fractured remains of Jabba’s holdings. 
Luke took copious mental notes, knowing he’d have to file some kind of Intel report or he’d never hear the end of it from Leia. How much of it would be possible to corroborate, however, he had no idea. 
“Welcome to the Wild Karrde.” 
Luke followed his host out into an enormous and clearly heavily modified cargo hold. “Corellian?” 
“Action VI,” Quelev nodded. “Not much to look at, but reliable.” 
“CEC makes good ships. A friend of mine has a YT class freighter.” They stepped into a lift. “We wouldn’t have won the war without it.”   
“Our fleet is diverse,” Tapper punched a button and the lift started to ascend. “We’re growing strategically.” 
“So you can hold the sector.”
The lift bumped to a stop and Quelev led him out, down a corridor and into another lift. There was nothing of particular interest in the intervening space, but Luke noted that the ship – like the vehicle he’d seen Mara use – was clean and well-maintained. It reminded him of the Rebellion – they’d never had the newest or the highest tech of anything, but they’d treated every piece of equipment like gold, spending every spare moment over-maintaining whatever they could. More than once, that frugality and diligence had saved his life. 
“Here we go.” On the Command Level they took a quick right and a quicker left. Quelev pressed the announcer at a door, and then stepped aside. “Captain Karrde would like to speak to you alone.”
Luke nodded and crossed the threshold. A tall, dark-haired man stood waiting for him. Luke guessed he was roughly Han’s age, with a strong, angular face and striking blue eyes. Lean and muscular, he was impeccably dressed. Of far more interest to Luke, however, the deep well of stillness that seemed to surround him. 
“Jedi Skywalker.” Karrde walked forward with a feline grace and extended a hand. “I had not expected to ever have the pleasure of making your acquaintance.”  
“Captain Karrde.” Luke shook his hand. “It was brave of you to invite me. Not everyone does.” 
Karrde’s lips curved amusement. “One doesn’t need courage when one has proper information, Master Jedi.” 
He turned away, and Luke used the moment to glance around the room. “Office” seemed like an insufficient word for the uniqueness of the space. It simultaneously reminded Luke of Leia’s office, a Battle Cruiser’s War Room, and the suites he, Han and Leia had been ensconced in on Bakura. The interfaces were minimalistic but military-grade tech, subtly laid out in precise and efficient tactical placements. The floor was covered in a large, plush rug of repeating and oddly soothing geometric patterns. The furniture and art were spare but obviously selected by someone with an aristocrat’s eye. 
“Hot chocolate?”
The question brought Luke’s attention back and he watched, curious, as Karrde lifted a carafe and poured a thick brown liquid into a delicate china cup. 
“I’m afraid Baron Calrissian’s typical varietal of chocolate is hard to come by in this sector, but I believe you’ll find the one I’ve substituted a reasonable alternative.” 
“Thank you.” Luke accepted the cup and seat that Karrde offered, opposite his own in a small but surprisingly comfortable seating circle. He lifted the cup to his lips and was pleased to find that the chocolate was not only the perfect temperature, but had the distinct tang of blue milk. “You are exceptionally well informed.” 
“Information is my business.” Karrde eyed him over his own cup, which no doubt contained something stronger. “And my information says that in addition to liking chocolate, you have qualms about the transfer of power on Tatooine.”
“I’m not sorry to hear the Hutts are out of the picture,” Luke clarified. “But I can’t condone a gang war that puts civilians in danger.” 
“With respect, Master Jedi, Mos Eisley is a cesspool of crime and vice. Civilians are in danger every day, simply from the routine activities of the majority of its occupants. My agent’s activities are barely a drop in the bucket. Unlike the rest of the violence, however, ours is strategic, controlled and serving a higher purpose.” 
“A higher purpose.” Luke couldn’t entirely keep the disdain from his voice. “That sounds like the Empire.” 
“Refusal to acknowledge the inconvenient realities of the galaxy sounds like the Republic,” Karrde returned, mildly. “The first simple truth of the matter, Jedi Skywalker, is that your people cannot and will not take control of your home world for years to come, if they ever do. The second is that Tatooine hasn’t run without a keeper in millennia and the chances that it will spontaneously decide to do so are statistically improbable, to put it generously. Someone needs to hold the reins, and I am the least objectionable of your current choices. Moreover,” he added, conversationally, taking another sip of his drink, “I may be amenable to negotiating with your Republic down the line, if and when they should take a viable interest in the sector.” 
“If you have this so well laid out,” Luke asked, “why involve me at all?” 
“If you hadn’t been caught in the recent incident, I wouldn’t have. When you were, my agent made a compelling case that we should attempt to reach an understanding. She seemed to feel that there was a possibility that in a well-intended but under-informed response, you might turn your wrath upon this organization. As it is my responsibility to protect my people, it seemed appropriate to extend an invitation to avoid such unpleasantries.” 
Mara. Luke couldn’t be sure, now, if she’d known so much about him because of who she’d been or because of who her boss was now. 
Luke frowned. “You’re aware, of course, that I’m here on personal business. I carry no formal authorization to negotiate or condone anything that happens here on the Republic’s behalf.”
“I am aware, yes.” Karrde waved the disclaimer away. “But if you do not intervene, no one else will. I am willing to bet a great deal on that.”
There was no part of this Luke liked. Well, he liked the hot chocolate, but that wasn’t relevant. The simple truth was that he wasn’t in a position to get invested and that interfering with Karrde’s arrangements wouldn’t improve Tatooine’s situation. 
“You have me an impasse,” he said, at length. “I’ll leave you be, for now. But if there are further casualties while I’m here, we may revisit this issue.”   
“Of course, Master Jedi.” Karrde gave him a look and Luke got the impression that there some kind of intricately weighted scale in his mind, evaluating factors Luke couldn’t grasp. “Karrinna can remain a point of contact for you. If you need anything between now and when you return to the Core.” 
That… was either an extremely lucky shot in the dark or uncomfortably insightful. What does he know? 
There was no way to know. All he could say was, “Thank you.” 
Five minutes later he was back in the docking bay, Quelev apologizing that he couldn’t see him back to the surface, something had come up. 
“If you keep to the hold, you can avoid Jansih’s lack of manners,” Tapper shot a glower at Mara. “She’ll see you safely back to Mos Eisley, despite herself.” 
“BGF, he’s a Jedi,” Mara snapped, shoving Tapper’s shoulder hard enough to unbalance him. “And a pilot. He could knock me out and fly himself down half asleep and blindfolded if he felt like it. Get off the ramp and let us get moving.” 
Luke suppressed a chuckle at the smuggler’s offended expression and nodded politely at the man as he followed Mara up the ramp into the shuttle. She locked it down, then gestured toward the seats. “Help yourself.” 
He didn’t, following her instead toward the bridge. “I thought I could sit with you.” 
“Whatever.” She slid into the pilot’s seat, pointedly ignoring him as she revved the engines and took them out. 
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captcarolmarvl · 4 years
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original characters [2/?] | star wars universe | attributes chart | aria lenahki
species: cathar | chiss | cyborg | dathomirian | devaronian | dug | duros | ewok | gamorrean | gand | geonosian | gree | gungan | human | hutt | jawa | kaminoan | klatooinain | kubaz | mirialan | mon calamari | mustafarian | nautolan | meimoidian | ongree | ortolan | pantoran | pa'lowick | rakata | rattataki | rishii | rodian | selkath | sith | sullustan | talz | togruta | toydarian | trandoshan | tusken raider | twi'lek | ugnaught | umbaran | weequay | wookie | zabrak | zeltron 
alignment: light side | nuetral | dark side 
occupation/professions: architect | archivist | beastmaster | bio-engineer | blacksmith | bounty hunter | cartographer | collector | counselor | cryptoslogist | cyber-strategist | datatech | doctor | engineer | financial | fixer | flight instructor | gambler | gatherer | gladiator | handmaiden | hazmat | herbalist | hermit | historian | imperial factory worker | imperial hunter | information broker | jedi | jedi hunter | jockey | journal clerk | journalist | junk boss | law enforcement | legal | librarian | medical | mercenary | military | miner | officer | operative | philosopher | pilot | portmaster | programmer | racer | rigger | sales | scavenger | scholar | scout | sculptor | secretary | security | slicer | systems analyst | system designer | tailor | tax collector | teacher | tour guide | training officer | travel agent | treasure hunter | weapons master 
affilitation: rebel alliance | galactic empire | jedi order | hutt cartel | old republic | new republic | sith order | separatist confederacy | mandalorians | black sun | trade federation | neutral | inter-galactic banking clan | techno union | commerce guild | corporate alliance | retail caucus | nightsisters | nightbrothers | royal house of hapes | ssi-ruuvi empire | rogue squadron | green group | red squadron | blue squadron (rebels) | blue squadron (clones) | gold squadron | naboo security | republic senate | 501st legion | 327th star corps | 212th attack battalion | 41st elite corps | wolfpack | breakout squad | lightning squadron | shadow squadron | slick's squad | flame squad | coruscant squad | senate guard | freedom fighters (ryloth) | pantoran assembly | pantoran gaurd | podracers | hondo ohnaka's pirates | death watch | sugi's mercenaries | desilijic kajidic (jabba) | hutt grand council | hutt cartel | cad bane's bounty hunter crew | dark jedi | gray jedi | the krath | dark council | jedi council | confederacy of independent systems | the ones | imperial navy | alliance of free planets | galactic alliance | the resistance | sith order 
home world: tatooine | coruscant | naboo | hoth | kashyyyk | dagobah | bespin | mustafar | alderaan | geonosis | yavin | yavin 4 | kamino | mon calaramri | mandalore | corellia | dantooine | cato neimoidia | malachor v | polis massa | mora band | ryloth | nal hutta | onderon | ithor | taris | tython | florrum | byss | ossus | haruun kal | exodeen | felucia | belsavis | dromund kaas | ilum | korriban | makeb | nar shaddaa | ord mantell | quesh | tython | voss | nevarro | arvala 7 | sorgan | jakku | mirial | pantora | dathomir | endor
abilities: force power | alchaka | art of movement | ayna-seff | force bond | force call | cleanse | cleanse mind | corpse vision | dampen force | dark energy trap | dreambubble | force concealment | force familiar | floating meditation | force clouding | force focus | force generation | force healing | force in balance | force jump | force orb | force projection | force push | force pull | force scattering | force scribe | force stasis | force form | hassat-durr | hyper tunnel | ice image | force immersion | insight | life bond | mind probe | mind walking | mind-touch | phase | progenitor's call | psychometry | restful-sleep-in-danger | sand levitation | sever force | shatterpoint | sith alchemy | sound mimicry | stonepower | beast taming | tapas | telekinesis | time-drifting | time-stream | waveform | force choke | force lightning | force rage |force drain | consume essence | deadly sight | enhance force sensitivity | force corrupt | force crush | force destruction | force phantom | force net | force shadow | force slow | force insanity | force scream | thought bomb | memory walk | darkshear | transfer essence | midi-chlorian manipulation | sith emperor's ritual | alter enviroment | battlemind | beam of light | combustion | cure disease | cure poison | droid disable | electric judgment | force blinding | force enlightenment | force light | force meld | force persuasion | force stun| force valor | hibernation trance | malacia | mind trick | morichro | plant surge | protection bubble | revitalize | tutaminis | wall of light | slicing | knife combat | synth-weaving | tech-savvy | mechanics | diplomacy | mixed martial arts | expert pilot
other: female | 24 years | dark hair | gray eyes | scarred left arm | dual-weilding lightsabers
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patmosboy · 4 years
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Speeder Bike: The incredibly fast speeder bike chase through the forests of the moon of Endor was one of the most thrilling segments of Return of the Jedi. As the official Star Wars toy licensee, Kenner must have loved it. After all, it allowed them to produce a fairly cheap action figure toy based on what was a key vehicle in the film. Jabba the Hutt Playset: The Jabba the Hutt Action Playset consists of Jabba himself, his throne, and Salacious Crumb. Jabba’s toy throne also functions as a dungeon. The throne has gates, but when you open them (by turning two of the Abyssin Ornaments at the front) you can see a dungeon with skeletons and vermin. Normally Jabba sits upon his throne, so there is no escape for the poor victims. One of the Abyssin Ornaments has a cord that allows you to chain a figure to the throne. Jabba himself is really well-made. He’s detailed, he’s got great looking eyes, and he even sports his Desilijic Kajidic tattoo on his right forearm. His head and tail can move when you move the other part. His arms are also movable. Jabba the Hutt Dungeon Playset (EV-9D9, Amanaman & Barada): Available only at Sears during the Christmas seasons of 1983 and 1984, the Jabba's Dungeon Action Playset was a re-worked version of Kenner's Droid Factory of 1979. However, the plastic base of the Jabba's Dungeon set differed from its earlier counterpart in both color and minor detailing. Its crane element also included two hooks whereas the Droid Factory's boasted only one. Jabba the Hutt Dungeon Playset (Klaatu, Nikto & 8D8): Another Sears playset was the Jabba the Hutt Dungeon that reused the plastic base of the Kenner Droid Factory Playset (see part 1). The base was painted gray, but it still had a (slightly modified) crane. The holes in the base for the droidparts have disappeared to create a more realistic looking dungeon. Quite frankly, the playset doesn’t look at all like Jabba’s dungeon. A dungeon designed like the one in the movie was planned to appear in the Micro Collection line, but due to the unfortunate failure of this series, it never made it past the prototype stage. #StarWars #ReturnoftheJedi #Kenner #SpeederBike #JabbatheHutt #JabbatheHuttDung https://www.instagram.com/p/B7fdD_BBU8x/?igshid=10rsksxdfns1m
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Greedy, ambitious, and slovenly - such are the Hutts, the premier criminal masterminds of the known galaxy. From their region of space in the Outer Rim, the Hutts' malice oozes into every crack and crevice of the galactic underworld.
Massive sluglike creatures, Hutts are only vaguely humanoid, their lumplike heads resting atop bloated torsos with tiny arms, tapering into long muscular tails. Slimy saliva perpetually drools from their gaping mouths. Hutts are universally obese, sometimes the point of immobility; as a rule of thumb, the more corpulent the Hutt, the more prestige he enjoys from his peers. Hutts are hermaphrodites and reproduce asexually at certain points in their lives. Though they are genderless, most Hutts present themselves as male to other species; Hutts who are pregnant or still raising a child tend to present themselves as female, and may or may not continue to do so later in life if it suits their fancy.
Hutts organize themselves into kajidics, social units that are part tribe or clan and part business syndicate, always with extensive criminal operations. The average Hutt views itself practically as royalty, even those who are mere underlings in their superiors' syndicates. A small number of working-class Hutts, called Huuns, form an underclass of laborers and clerks, but the vast majority of the Hutts' work is done for them by members of slave races hailing from worlds in Hutt Space, including the Weequays, Niktos, Toydarians, and the Hutts' evolutionary cousins, the t'landa Til.
Hailing from a vast portion of the Outer Rim known simply as Hutt Space, the Hutts originated on the planet Varl, from which they built a powerful, warlike empire long before the rise of the Old Republic, but a civil war between clans destroyed the Hutt Empire from within and left Varl a radioactive wasteland. Following the loss of their homeworld, the Hutts conquered the planet Nal Hutta ("Glorious Jewel" in Huttese) and reorganized their civilization along mercantile lines, quickly becoming the bedrock of galactic crime.
As of the Galactic Civil War, Hutt Space is nominally part of the Empire, but the Emperor allows the Hutt clans to rule themselves, and Imperial governors in the region are largely figureheads paid off by the local kajidic. The largest and most powerful syndicate is the Desilijic clan, headed by the fantastically wealthy Jabba, based on the planet Tatooine. The Besadii clan, headed by Durga on Nal Hutta, is only slightly less powerful. The two clans have had numerous bloody clashes.
HUTT CR: 6 XP: 2,400 LE Large aberration Init: +2; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +14 __________________________________ AC: 19, touch 7, flat-footed 19 (-2 Dex, +12 natural, -1 size) hp: 75 (10d8+30 HD) Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +8; +6 vs. mind-affecting Defensive Abilities: Strong-willed; DR 5/-- __________________________________ Speed: 15 ft. Melee: Tail slap +12 (1d8+7) Space: 10 ft.; Reach: 5 ft. Special Attacks: Crush, devour, swallow whole (4d6 acid damage, AC 16, 7 hp), trample (1d8+7, DC 20) __________________________________ Str 20, Dex 7, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 17 Base Atk: +7; CMB: +13; CMD: 21 (can't be tripped) Feats: Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Nerve-Wracking Negotiator (DC 20), Persuasive, Street Smarts Skills: Appraise +16, Bluff +16, Diplomacy +20, Intimidate +20, Knowledge (local) +20, Perception +14, Sense Motive +18 Languages: Common, Huttese, three local languages SQ: Criminal training, powerful tail __________________________________ Environment: Warm swamp or urban Organization: Solitary, pair, or syndicate (1-2 Hutts and 10-30 followers of various races plus 1 5th-level lieutenant for every 10 followers) Treasure: Triple __________________________________ Criminal Training (Ex): Hutts are taught the basics of criminal enterprise and negotiation from childhood. Hutts treat Appraise, Bluff, Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), and Sense Motive as class skills. Crush (Ex): A Hutt that successfully tramples a Medium or smaller opponent can end its movement in that creature's space, using its vast bulk to crush them. The crushed creature must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 20) or be pinned, automatically taking bludgeoning damage during the next round unless the Hutt moves off them. If the Hutt chooses to maintain the pin, it must succeed at a combat maneuver check as normal. Pinned foes take damage from the crush each round if they don't escape. A crush attack deals 2d8 damage plus 1-1/2 times the Hutt's Strength bonus (2d8+7 for a typical Hutt). The save DC is Strength-based. Devour (Ex): Although it lacks a bite attack, a Hutt can attempt a swallow whole attempt against a Medium or smaller creature it has grappled, with a -4 penalty. The creature does not take bite damage while being swallowed. Powerful Tail (Ex): A Hutt's tail slap is a primary attack that deals 1d8 damage plus 1-1/2 times the Hutt's Strength bonus. Strong-Willed (Ex): Hutts are immune to spells with the emotion descriptor and receive a +6 racial bonus on mind-affecting effects.
Another Star Wars creature in anticipation of Starfinder. Mechanically, my take on the Hutts was largely informed by the wurmling from the Red Steel campaign setting.
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