#Donna told The Doctor how she regretted declining the offer to get to the tardis only to later having to experience pompeii
non-man049 · 11 months
Doctor Who companion: “I’m gonna go on adventures with The Doctor, the excitement and thrill of adventure and discovering something every day is like no other! I’m going to drop my life to be with him :)”
The episode right after: 
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discoscoob · 3 years
New York | Loki x Female Reader
Loki (Marvel) x Doctor Who
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The TARDIS lands in New York City, leaving you and Loki to worry how the citizens might react to seeing the God wandering around the city he once attacked.
Part Seven | Part Nine | Chapter Index
Words: 5.1k
Warnings: angst and injury
Read on AO3
You had just finished getting dressed for the day, when you fell back into your bed, which Loki had yet to leave. You rested your head on his naked chest and listened to the rhythm of his heartbeat, as you basked in the heat of the warm morning sun which radiated through your artificial window. 
 Your arm wrapped around his stomach, which gently rose and fell with each breath and it fascinated you that this extraordinary, immortal being, who was resting in your bed, inhaled air through his lungs and had a regular heartbeat just like you or anyone else. 
 You picked up his hand and he let you examine it as you held it in the air with your own. He had four slender fingers and a thumb, his nails were neatly trimmed and his palm was scattered with creased lines, which you traced with the tip of your pointer finger, Loki’s hand twitched slightly at the ticklish feeling. You trailed your finger all the way down to the back of his narrow wrist and over the blue and purple lines of his veins, which decorated his pale skin in the shape of lightning bolts.
“You’re so... ordinary.” You softly thought out loud.
 “Thanks?” Loki answered, his tone dripped with offence and sarcasm but you could tell it was lighthearted.
 “No, wait. That came out wrong. I don’t mean it in a bad way,” you reassured him, “It’s just... fascinating.”
 Loki hummed in acknowledgment and you intertwined your fingers and let your hands rest over his stomach.
 Ever since your recent trip to the 1920s, one specific thought had occupied your mind. The Reverend’s transformation into his true form had reminded you that, despite how ordinary Loki may have appeared to look, there was another version of him being suppressed by magic, his Jotun form and true identity. 
 “Loki, can I ask you something?” You tentatively questioned.
 “Mhm... anything.”
 “What do you really look like?” 
 “What do you mean?”
 “When we were inside the volcano in Pompeii, the Doctor scanned you with his sonic and said that magic was suppressing your true form.” You explained and you felt Loki’s body stiffen ever so slightly beneath you and from under you ear, you could hear that his heartbeat had increased its pace.
 “Why... would you want to see that?” Loki slowly asked, he didn’t understand what desire you would have to see that part of him.
 You propped yourself up on your elbow and looked down at him.
 “Wouldn’t you want to see my true form if our roles were reversed?” You asked him, you don’t doubt if you had another form, Loki would wish to see it and if he imagined that, maybe it would help him understand your interest in his.
 “That would be different.” Loki decided after thinking about it.
 “How so?”
 “Your true form wouldn’t be...” Loki’s eyes drifted off with his words as his face twisted in disgust.
 “Wouldn’t be what?” You nudged him.
 “It’s just not something you would want to see, trust me.” He tried to gently explain.
 “I’m sure that’s not true–“
 Loki cut you off by snapping your name and your lips immediately fell into a straight line as you stiffened, “just- just leave it.”
 You tilted your head downwards and let your eyelids cast over your eyes as the tension left your body with a sigh. You rolled off the bed, muttering something about how the Doctor would be landing the TARDIS somewhere soon and you would meet Loki in the control room after he got dressed, before you swiftly slipped out of the room.
 Loki brought his palms up to his face and let out a groan of frustration as soon as the door shut behind you, immediately regretting how he handled the situation.
 Meanwhile on the other side of the wall, in the corridor, you were mentally beating yourself up. You should have noticed that he wasn’t comfortable with the idea of showing you his true form and respected his boundaries. 
 You already knew that no matter whether Loki was in his Asgardian or Jotun form, you would not see him any differently and you wanted him to understand that but you didn’t want him to feel forced to show you a part of himself he obviously had trouble accepting.
 With your head hung regretfully, you pushed yourself off the corridor wall and made your way to the control room.
 Your auntie called your name as soon as she saw you enter the control room, you looked up and saw her face splitting grin as she approached you.
 “The Doctor is going to let me fly the TARDIS!” She told you, barely containing her excitement.
 “Are you sure that’s a good idea? I mean, he barely even knows how to fly this thing, never mind you.” You worried.
 “Hey!” The Doctor poked his head up from behind the console, clearly offended. 
 “It’s a health and safety hazard that this thing doesn’t have seat belts.” You continued.
 “Well, there’s a rail,” the Doctor nodded his head to the rail that surrounded the centre controls, “and there’s handles around the console.” He demonstrated their sturdiness by pulling on one of them only for it to snap off and send him stumbling into the rail, which he managed to catch himself on. “As I was saying... there’s a rail,” he patted it, “very sturdy.”
 “This thing is falling apart.” The Doctor commented to himself as he threw the broken handle over his shoulder, you heard the sound of metal clink as it landed somewhere beneath the platform which the console was on. 
 “Right, Donna, over here then” He called her over and she clapped her hands with excitement as she jogged around the console to where the Doctor instructed her to stand. 
 As he began muttering instructions to her, you decided to grab a tight hold of the rail, not trusting the handles on the console.
 “I can’t believe I’m doing this!” Donna stated, the pitch of her voice rose with her enthusiasm and disbelief.
 So far there had been minimal turbulence and you were beginning to think she might actually be a better pilot than the Doctor.
 “Oh- oh, careful.” You heard the Doctor mutter as he pulled out a small hammer and hit it against the console before he switched a leaver, which caused the TARDIS to let out a whirling sound.
 “Left hand down. Left hand down!” He urgently instructed your auntie, as soon as she pulled down the leaver in her left hand the TARDIS jerked harshly, if it weren’t for your tight hold on the rail it would’ve knocked you off balance. 
 “You’re getting a bit close to the 1980s!” The Doctor fretted as he watched the monitor.
 “What am I gonna do, put a dent in them?” Donna rolled her eyes.
 “Now, pull that down gently. Gently!” The Doctor stressed and the TARDIS shook violently as the sound of wheezing filled the room, which informed you it was landing, but rather harshly due to Donna’s amateur piloting.
 “I did it! Did I do it? I did it, right? I landed the TARDIS?” Donna cheered joyously.
 “You did it!” The Doctor confirmed, looking just as surprised.
 “Doctor, that was a bad landing, even for you.” Loki critiqued the Doctor as he entered the control room, dressed in a navy blue button down with the shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows and tucked into some dark suit trousers.
 “It was me.” Donna proudly corrected him, despite his negative criticism, and he raised his eyebrows, forming slight creases below his hairline.
 “Well, Doctor, if you’re going to let anyone fly this thing it should be me. I can be a very skilled pilot.” Loki suggested.
 The Doctor shrugged. “Yeah, I don’t see why not. You can have a go on our next trip. Then maybe you could have a go.” He looked at you and your eyes widened like saucers.
 “Oh, no. No, thank you. No, I don’t trust putting all your lives in my hands.” You swiftly declined. 
 “Fair enough.” The Doctor grabbed his long brown trench coat off the seats next to the console and pulled it on. “Let’s go see where Donna crash landed.”  
 “No! No way! I landed in New York City?” Donna span around and looked up in awe at the skyscrapers that reached beyond the point her eye could see. “Doctor, we’re in New York City!”
 “Yup, I can see that.” The Doctor remarked as he followed behind her with his hands tucked into his trouser pockets, he glanced around the busy street which was filled with people who were far too busy to even take a second glance at the blue police box which had materialised out of nowhere.
 You and Loki shared a nervous glance as you stepped out last, both knowing what the other was thinking without even saying it. You weren’t sure what year it was, although you could already guess it was the modern day from the fashion and the vehicles which were stuck in traffic on the road nearby. 
 If it was any time after Loki’s attack, he might be easily recognisable and goodness knows the kind of panic it might cause if he is seen wandering around the streets of New York. On top of that, Donna and the Doctor still weren’t aware of Loki’s past and this would not be the most ideal way for them to find out. 
 Loki kept his head down, hoping that if the commuters didn’t notice the TARDIS, they wouldn’t notice him as the pair of you caught up with Donna and the Doctor, who by the sounds of it were already planning a trip on one of the topless tourist buses, dread filled you at the mere thought.
 “That would be lovely, but we don’t have any money, do we?” You reminded them, feigning disappointment. 
 “Not to worry, I have the psychic paper, remember?” The Doctor pulled his wallet from his suit pocket and waved it in front of you and you had to quickly turn your glare into a smile.
 “Yeah but, buses give me motion sickness.” Loki quickly interjected. 
 “You never get motion sickness on the TARDIS.” Donna looked at him sceptically. “If anything’s gonna give you motion sickness it’d be that thing.” 
 “Funny that, isn’t it.” Loki shrugged, pretending to be as baffled by it as she was.
 “How about the observation deck of the Empire State Building instead.” The Doctor offered.
 “I don’t really feel like doing touristy things. Why don’t we head back to the TARDIS and go somewhere else? We have the whole universe to explore.” You suggested.
 “Are you all right?” Donna squinted her eyes at you. “You want to go back in the TARDIS and likely end up getting chased around by aliens? After the last few trips we’ve had, don’t you just wanna have some fun? This is New York City, what’s the worst that could happen here?” 
 As if on cue, the sound of a sonic boom carried through the streets and from the top of one of the buildings, that towered above the rest, an electric blue beam shot directly to the sky and parted it to form a worm hole which revealed the depths of outer space. 
 Like an endless swarm of flies, dark figures which you could not identify, flew out of the portal in all directions. There appeared to be another figure already combating the invasion, as it launched tiny missiles at the hostile threat, resulting in several explosive clouds to form midair but more creatures continued to arrive.
 “You’ve got to me kidding me.” Donna groaned. “Can’t we go anywhere, just once, without either an alien invasion or someone getting possessed?”
 Around you, people either stopped and stared at the battle in the sky above them or were already running in the opposite direction, some people were exiting their cars which were caught in the traffic jam and abandoning them without a second thought as they ran away in search of safety.
 “Is that...” You spoke low enough just for Loki to hear and when you looked at him he appeared as though he was about to be sick as he nodded in confirmation.
 You flinched with a yelp as one of the creatures crashed landed on top of one of the abandoned yellow taxi’s, crushing it beneath its weight. The sound of the car alarm echoed off the surrounding skyscrapers as the onlookers who hadn’t immediately ran, screamed with terror as they trampled down the street in a crowded herd, while you were glued to the spot alongside your auntie, Loki and the Doctor. 
 “What is that thing?” Donna’s face twisted with horror as she looked upon the motionless creature on the dinted roof of the taxi.
 “Chitauri.” Loki answered as he began backing away. “We must leave. It’s not safe. More will come.” 
 The Doctor looked conflicted, as though he didn’t want to abandon the city without trying to help but with another glance up to the worm hole, he seemed to realise that the situation was out of his depth.
 “Loki is right, return to the TARDIS!” The Doctor raised his arms to his sides and encouraged you all to start running, not that you needed to be told twice. 
 Loki grabbed your hand and lead the way, it wasn’t far, the blue box was in sight just at the very end of the now empty street which you were running down.
 The sound of emergency sirens, car alarms, distant screams and explosions surrounded you and heightened your distress, but you tried to block it all out and remain focused on the TARDIS, which grew closer with every step, and the feeling of Loki’s hand secure in yours.
 Every few seconds you glanced behind you, just to ensure that your auntie and the Doctor were safe and keeping up. 
 You were barely a few meters away from the TARDIS when one of the Chitauri landed in front of it, blocking your path, the concrete beneath its feet cracked from the impact of its land and you and Loki slid to a halt as it pointed its weapon at the pair of you. 
 Without hesitation Loki shot a burst of magic at the creature out of the palm of his hand and sent it flying straight into the doors of the TARDIS, where it slumped lifelessly to the floor. 
 You let out a breath you hadn’t realised you were holding as you let your tense muscles slightly relax, unfortunately you couldn’t enjoy the feeling of relief for long as Loki’s magic had attracted more of the Chitauri. 
 You couldn’t get into the TARDIS without moving the body in front of the doors and with the Chitauri beginning to surround you, pausing to drag the body out of the way would only make yourselves easy targets. 
 “Run!” You heard the Doctor shout above the noises of a city and you all retreated as the Chitauri shot lethal lasers towards you. Loki pulsated a wave of his harlequin magic towards the vicious aliens, knocking several of them into the walls of the surrounding buildings with so much force, the brick crumbled against their back as they flopped to the floor. 
 In the next street you ran into, several police cars gathered in the middle of the road, the officers crouched behind the open doors of their cars and pointed their handguns to the sky and shot aimlessly at the army overhead, needless to say, they weren’t providing much help.
 The Doctor paused in the middle of the road, civilians were running in all directions. Some ran into buildings in search of safety, others ran out of buildings in fear of getting trapped. The Doctors eyes were wide beneath his wild eyebrows as he looked up and down the street. 
 “We need to find a subway! Get underground!” The Doctor shouted.
 Your eyes caught sight of three pods which were flying in a V like formation as they began swooping down towards the street. You started backing away, until you realised that the one front and centre wasn’t being rode by a Chitauri. The person dressed in golden armour with an emerald green cape which screamed for your attention as it fanned out behind him and wearing a helmet designed with large horns, was Loki. 
 Your Loki’s eyes filled with terror as soon as he realised his past self was heading straight for you and he immediately began running towards you. While for you, it was as if time moved in slow motion, as you swear that the God flying above you looked you dead in the eye, sinister chills shot down your spine as his stare lacked any of the softness, care and adoration which it usually overflowed with whenever your Loki looked upon you. Before your eyes could even catch sight of it, a laser beam from his pod was shot directly at where you stood. 
 Your Loki reached you just in time to push you out of the way of the explosion it caused upon impact with the ground and the force of the blast launched both your bodies across the street. 
 You were the first to crash against the concrete and Loki landed after you. He had managed to prepare for the fall with his arms braced in front of him so when he landed above you, his hands were on either side of your shoulders, holding up his upper body so he didn’t crash down straight on top of you.
 He heard your auntie cry your name, as she rushed to your side and Loki hesitantly repeated it as he gently nudged your shoulder, you were curled up on your side, next to the curb and your face was hidden from view by your hair. 
 Loki’s stomach filled with nerves so strong they caused nausea, at the thought of how you might look at him once you turned over onto your back. He would never forgive himself if your eyes widened with fright as they looked upon him, since you had just witnessed his past self shoot a lethal blast directly at you, he feared it might permanently damage your perception of him.
 Guilt was already drowning his heart in his chest and it floated in the rising levels up to his throat which choked around it as he struggled to pull air into his lungs. 
 He was already remorseful of his actions on this day but now he had just witnessed himself attempt to hurt– or rather, kill you. The thought of you coming in harms way had bile rising from Loki’s stomach, the thought of himself being the one responsible for you getting hurt caused an unbearable amount of guilt to stab through his heart so hard it caused physical pain.
 “Why isn’t she moving?” Donna’s voice pulled him back to reality.
 He had saved you, he pushed you out of harms way. You were just scared and you needed to be reassured that you were out of danger. Loki gently nudged you again, softly calling your name.
 “I’m so sorry. You’re safe now, my love. I won’t hurt you, I promise. Please forgive me.” Loki whispered to you. 
 “Loki, she’s not moving.” Donna repeated, the panic was evident in her voice as she called the Doctor over.
 “Darling, please open your eyes for me.” Loki had been so concerned by the thought of how you might look at him once you laid your eyes on him, but now he realised he didn’t care at all how you looked at him he just wanted to see you open your eyes. He didn’t understand why you weren’t. He had saved you from the explosion, he had protected you from harm.
 “Loki,” He felt the Doctors hand rest on his shoulder and he shrugged it off, “let me look over her, I want to help.”
 Hesitantly Loki shifted so he was no longer leaning over you and instead kneeling by your side.
 “Oh my god.” Loki heard Donna gasp, as a sob crawled from her throat. He looked up at her, where she stood by your feet and then back down to where her eyes were fixated.
 There was blood smeared on the edge of the curb just above your head, Loki hadn’t noticed it before, since his eyes were only focused on you and Donna hadn’t seen it either because Loki had been blocking her view. 
 The Doctor cautiously rolled you onto your back and that’s when Loki saw the right side of your face. You had graze marks across your chin and cheekbones but what pierced ice cold panic straight through his bloodstream was the large injury on your temple. 
 The Doctor began sliding his arms under your back and your legs. 
 “What are you doing?” Loki worried and the Doctor paused his movements and nodded to a deserted alleyway that was just across from them.
 “I’m going to move her off the street, it will be safer there.” He explained and Loki nodded in agreement and let the Doctor scoop you up. Loki wanted to be the one to carry you, but he wasn’t sure you would appreciate that since the only reason you were in this state in the first place was because of him.
 “Will she be okay? How bad is it? Can you fix it?” Donna fretted, her eyes were brimming with tears as she tenderly placed her palm on the crown of your head as she walked beside the Doctor. He remained silent, not answering any of her questions, he wasn’t going to promise her anything until he could properly examine you. 
 The Doctor carefully placed you back on the ground, once you were in the safety of the secluded alley. He reached into his coat pocket as he knelt beside you and pulled out his sonic screwdriver, he scanned it over you to get a diagnostic of the damage caused to your body. 
 As he did this Donna knelt on your other side, holding your hand and whispering to you that everything would be okay, although it was mainly to comfort herself. Loki kept his distance and watched on with tear filled eyes, constantly playing back in his mind how he could’ve saved you differently so that you wouldn’t have suffered a head injury as the blast launched you to the floor. 
 “She’s alive.” The Doctor confirmed and Donna sobbed with relief as she whispered to you that she knew you would be okay and praised how strong you were but the Doctor’s face remained solemn and it didn’t take long for Donna to pick up on it.
 “What’s wrong? You said she’s alive, that means she’s okay, right? She’s going to wake up.” Donna looked at the Doctor with so much hope, just wanting to hear him reassure her that you were going to come around but he remained silent. “Doctor, tell me she’s going to be okay.” She demanded.
 “She has a subdural haematoma.” The Doctor explained grimly.
 “What...” Donna’s voice trembled with the force of her cries.
 “There is a bleed on her brain, it would require emergency surgery to fix it.” 
 “Then what are we doing in an alley?” Donna gulped back her sobs. “We have to get her to a hospital!” 
 Loki sniffed back his tears and harshly wiped his eyes with the back of his wrists, realising that wallowing in his own guilt wasn’t going to fix anything. 
 He approached your unconscious body and knelt above your head, as he reached both his hands out to place them over your scalp, Donna reached out her own hand to stop him.
 “What are you doing?” She worried. 
 “I can heal her.” Loki promised and Donna’s eyes swam with hope as she retracted her hand with a nod and let him continue.
 She went back to whispering words of reassurance to you and herself as she cradled your hand to her chest, while Loki cradled your head. 
 Slowly a green essence surrounded his fingers and began to sink into your skull, Loki closed his eyes to concentrate on where he was focusing his energy. It was a very tricky and delicate task, he was used to his magic being more chaotic rather than gentle and precise, so it required a lot of focus. He blocked out the sounds of the battle taking place beyond the alley, he blocked out the sirens and alarms and he blocked out Donna’s whispers until he was surrounded by silence and it was just you, him and his magic.
 Once he was certain he had removed the bleed from your brain, repaired the rupture and fixed any damages he could find, he placed a sleeping spell over you in order for you to recover. He was carefully withdrawing his magic from your skull when a force hit him hard in the centre of his chest, at first he just jerked but he managed to maintain control over his magic and was able to carefully retract it from your mind.
 Once the green essence had absorbed back into his own fingertips, he opened his eyes and tuned back into reality. Donna was panicking as her eyes bounced between his wounded chest and the opening to the alley, while the Doctor was trying to help her remain calm.
 Loki looked down at his chest and saw an arrow imbedded in it, nothing that could cause him any severe damage, but he vigilantly watched the rooftops which were visible to him from his position, searching for a particular archer. He was about to pull the sharp weapon from his chest when his limbs began to feel limp and heavier than usual. 
 Suddenly he was no longer able to sit up and his back collided with the rough ground and he quickly realised that the arrow must have been coated in a toxin which entered his bloodstream and rendered him immobile, as much as he tried to fight it, it were as if his bones were made of mjölnir.
 “Loki, did you truly believe that changing your attire and hiding in a dark alley would make you unnoticeable?” A deep voice caught the attention of Loki, Donna and the Doctor.
 “Thor, you are astoundingly boneheaded.” Loki groaned from the ground.
 “Now, now, brother. No need to insult my intellect just because you’re wounded by the fact I outwitted you.” Thor spoke in a condescending manner.
 “I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you have not outwitted me, not even close.” Loki boredly replied.
 “My Lady, I assure you’re safe now. What did Loki do to your friend?” Thor ignored his brother and addressed Donna who had been staring at him with a slack jaw ever since he had made his presence known. 
 “He uh... He healed her.” Donna answered in a dumbfounded state.
 “Healed?” Thor slowly repeated with a tilt of his head. 
 Before he could ask any further questions, his attention was stolen by a doorway shaped portal which materialised near the back of they alley. A man wearing a brown suit stepped through it, followed by two armed officers dressed in black combat uniforms.
 The Doctor glanced over his shoulder once he heard the sound of footsteps echoing off the narrow walls and immediately recognised the man. 
 “Oh, Loki,” Mobius sighed as he stood over him. “What did I tell you about using your magic? I suppose I should be grateful as it has made my job a lot easier, the boss has been on my case all week about finding you. I was this close,” he held up his pointer finger and thumb a hairline away from each other, “to getting fired. So honestly, I’ve never been more glad to see your face. That injury isn’t fatal is it?” He pointed to the arrow in Loki’s chest. 
 “I am beginning to wish it was.” Loki groaned as he stared up at the fair haired man who stood over him before the two officers grabbed each of his arms and dragged him to his feet.
 Once he was stood to his full height, Mobius walked up in front of him and secured a collar with a small red light on it, around his neck. Loki growled and used what little strength he had to try and shake it off, but it proved useless.
 “Hey!” The Doctor and Thor shouted towards Mobius at the same time.
 “What authority do you have to arrest my brother.” Thor demanded.
 “Let him go!” The Doctor ordered.
 As soon as Mobius saw the Doctor again, his face paled and he commanded the officers to swiftly move Loki through the portal, as they did the God growled and yelled threats the entire way, trying to conjure his usual strength back into his bones and muscles.
 “I don’t want any trouble, I’m just doing my job.” Mobius held up his hands as he looked between the Time Lord and the mighty, armour clad warrior wielding a large hammer.
 “I can’t let you do that.” Thor said as he began swinging the hammer in his fist like a helicopter propeller, which caused his crimson cape to wave majestically behind him.
 Mobius’ eyes widened with fright as he muttered something about how he doesn’t get paid enough for this, before he leapt through the portal and it vanished behind him just before Thor’s hammer could reach it and instead it went crashing through a brick wall and into the building behind the alley. 
 “Loki has been taken.” Thor suddenly spoke and for a moment Donna and the Doctor stared at each other as they wondered who he was talking to, until they saw his face twist with confusion and realised he was listening to someone through a discreet communication device. “Stark tower... but he was just here... damn it, Loki.” He cursed as he held out his hand with an open palm, Donna and the Doctor flinched as his hammer came flying back to him, smashing another hole into the brick building it previously went crashing through.
 “Oi watch it! You nearly knocked my block off!” Donna complained. 
 “Apologies, my Lady.” Thor distractedly expressed his remorse as he once again began propelling his hammer, Donna ducked down, leaning her upper body over your sleeping form in an effort to protect both you and herself, while the Doctor stepped backwards with his arm raised in front of his face.
 All of a sudden, Thor shot off the ground and into the air like a rocket and Donna and the Doctor craned their necks to follow him with their eyes until they could no longer see him. 
 “I just wanted a nice, normal trip for once.” Donna sighed before she looked down at you, “She’s going to be devastated when she wakes up and realises Loki has gone.”
 “We’ll get him back.” The Doctor said determinedly.
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pan1c1ng · 5 years
Wrong Time
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Pairing: Nine x Reader (sort of), Mentions of Rose and Thirteen
Plot: After Rose Tyler declined the offer of traveling in space with the Doctor, he went and moved on with his life. Traveling through time and space, saving people and well, being the Doctor. Until he lands back on Earth and runs into someone from his very distant future; someone he hasn’t met.....yet. What if this person helped change his mind about traveling alone without his bad wolf girl?
Word Count: 1,754 (yikes)
Authors Note: This is based on a theory that I very much fell in love with. I can't find the original post in which said theory is discussed, but if you know then please let me know so I can tag it! I thought it was a really good idea for a fic. This is my first Doctor Who fic, so please let me know if I should continue on with writing them! Also, Nine just needs more love. Thanks for reading!
Gif Credit: @spaceandtimegifs
     The Doctor you had been traveling with was very different than the one that you had just run into. She had mentioned before that she had been a man before and that her species could change every cell in their body when they died. So all that you understood. But it was still weird calling this man ‘The Doctor’. The only similarity you noticed was the northern accent and the eyes as old as the universe. This man had large ears and a very oversized leather coat. But, you had to admit, he was very handsome. You ended up in the wrong year with your Doctor and then somehow ended up alone as the TARDIS dematerialized with the Time Lady still inside. But he didn't know any of that, you thought it would be better if he didn’t know who you were, yet.
     So there you were the two of you. Running down a street in London, hand in hand in immediate danger. For you, this was just another day in your life. Running with the Doctor, trying to save every person that you can. But for this Doctor, he was very suspicious of how well you were taking all of this. Any other stranger would be asking him all these questions about who he was and why they were running towards danger instead of calling the police and ‘Doctor Who??’. But not you. You were so calm, and that concerned him. Reaching the unfamiliar yet familiar looking TARDIS, you already expected what others wouldn't on the first meeting with this spaceman. Though the interior was a bit of a shock at first. “Yes, I can already tell what you’re gonna say. It’s bigger on the-” “-inside. Yea I get that bit.” You cut the Doctor off mid-sentence as you looked around in awe at the old interior. “I like it. I don't know, seems a bit more you.” You spun around the console room as you examined the new terrain. Looking back at the man, he leaned his hands against the main console and looked at you with a cocked eyebrow. Pulling the lever to make his ship sail. “Yea, I think so too. Fantastic isn’t it?” This cheeky smile appeared on his face. Almost like a switch of moods. In a way, it scared you how easy it was for him to do that. The Doctor you knew seemed to always be in this cheery mood. You looked at him with so much wonder. He was so brand new to you. Definitely not the same person. Gender aside and all that. His whole demeanor was different. 
     Hours had passed and victory was all yours. The creature had been sent back to its home planet under the command that it should never return to the Earth. You and the Doctor sat in a small cafe at six o’clock in the morning, the sun rising over the city. The golden hour. You both had warm cups of coffee sitting in front of you with a small loaf of banana nut bread for the two of you share. The Doctor shared stories with you about his past adventures. Some of which you had heard loads of times. Others were like brand new symphonies to your ears. But the ones you had heard, there were added details. The story was the same but it sounded a bit more honest with this voice. This different demeanor of your best friend. Silence fell between the two of you before the Doctor spoke up. “Travel with me.” The Doctor said. You looked up from your cup of coffee with little expression. His eyes looked so tired and so sad, but also had a small glimmer of hope and yearning. You smiled, thinking of the first time your Doctor had said those words to you. How nervous and scared you were, yet excited and curious. You felt those things now, but you somehow also felt a feeling of sadness. “I haven’t told you who I am, Doctor. You know my name of course, but who I am is far more important.” His mood seemed to change.
     “I can’t travel with you. Well, not this you. I’m someone from your future, Doctor. Very distant future. Basic story; something bad is going to happen to the planet, you come along, you meet me, we save the day, we start traveling together.” He sits back in his chair, arms crossed and eyebrow cocked. “So, how are you here. If you’re supposed to be with....me? Have I abandoned you?” The Doctor’s voice turned to a higher pitch with his last question. “No..Yes...I really don’t know. The TARDIS landed here, I stepped out first and then it dematerialized. You were still inside, but I know you, Doctor. You’ll be back soon. I’m not stuck here. You always come back.” He looked sad in a way. “If I don’t, then will you travel with me. You’re brilliant. I can’t wait all that time. I don’t want to.” He said. Your breath hitched. He didn’t seem confident in your Doctor’s reappearance, and that made you fearful. But you contemplated it. How else would you get home? “If that were the case then yes. In that situation, if you didn't return, then I would travel with you.” He smiled slightly, but it wasn’t a happy smile of relief or gratitude. His smile showed sadness and regret. 
     A couple of minutes had passed by. This new version of your best friend was growing on you, and a small part of you didn’t want to leave him. He seemed lonely as if he was waiting on the edge of his seat for someone to come along. Your Doctor didn’t tell you a lot about her past, but you did ask once in a while if there was anyone else. Anyone other than you, which of course there was, but the look on her face when she talked about them was not the reactions you were expecting. It was mostly an overall look of sadness and regret. But she came around to you one day. You knew about Donna, the one who forgot. You knew about Martha, the one who left. And Rose. How she talked about Rose was something that stuck with you. You didn’t know why. But it did prompt you to ask your next question. “Where’s Rose?” The Doctor stopped sipping his drink and looked up at you. He looked confused. “How do you know about Rose?” “You talk about her sometimes. You talked about her when you were....you.” He paused again, putting his cup down and crossing his arms against his chest.
     “She said no. She was one of the few that did. I can’t go and change someone's mind like that now can I?” He talked about the situation like it was no big deal. But you knew another side of that relationship. You knew the Doctor loved that wonderful blonde woman. “Yes, you can. You have changed my mind so many times. So who’s to say that you can’t change hers?” His eyes narrowed. He wasn’t buying the plead to go back to her. “Doctor, the way you talk about her is nothing to push aside-” “Rose Tyler was just a girl that I met-” “Not to you!” Interrupting each other was something you both did well. “That girl made you happy, Doctor. Being with her made you feel something. You never said it in so many words, but I’m quite good at reading people. It’s one of my many talents.” You sat back in the booth, picking up your coffee mug and taking a sip. “I haven’t felt anything in a very long time, Y/N. How is a shop girl going to change that?” He shakes his head and looks out the window of the diner. The streets were starting to fill with people and cabs now. His focus was drawn back to you as you grabbed one of his hands. “Why don’t you go and find out. You’ve got a time machine. Use it.”
     An hour or so passed. You had gotten a call from your Doctor saying that she was on her way to you. Now you were at a meeting place with your new and old friend. “So, no chance of staying with me?” He looked down at you with a small smirk plastered across his face. You rubbed his shoulder gently, a reassuring gesture. “There are so many people out there who come before me. Good people that you haven’t met yet and some that you already have. The day when we cross paths again will come. And I promise we’ll go on so many adventures together. But until then, you know what to do.” In a way, you were sad to leave him. You had grown quite fond of this man. The faint sound of the TARDIS could be heard down the street. You turned towards the direction of the machine. He gripped your free hand, the way a child does with his mother when he doesn’t want her to leave. You turned back around and gave him a hug. “Thank you for being my Doctor.” You closed your eyes as the words made your throat tighten with emotion. You let go of each other. Making your way back to the TARDIS, his voice called out for you. “Y/N!” You stopped and turned to face him. “That man you’re with. Whoever he is. Just tell me, is he happy? Finally? Am I ever going to be happy?” He didn’t sound so sure of himself. But you smiled. “Oh Doctor, my Doctor. Believe me, she is absolutely...Fantastic.” His expression changed from unsure to surprised to happy in a matter of seconds. You turned back towards the ship, pulling the spare key out of your pocket. Reaching the door, you glanced back one more time to see him, but he was gone. You smiled to yourself once more before disappearing into the time machine.
     The Doctor made his way back to his TARDIS. Once inside, he pulled levers, pressed buttons and set a date and time for a destination. 2005. Seconds after Rose Tyler declined his offer. The TARDIS landed within a minute or two of travel. The nineteen-year-old girl turned back around to the sound of the ship that she had just become so familiar with. The Doctor poked his head outside the door. “Oh, did I mention it also travels in time.”
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