#Elswick Works
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Rare Tish Murtha photos
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auredosa · 3 years
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Adrian Astoria - Savior of the Spiral (2/2)
Name: Adrian Astoria
Schools: Fire (Primary), Death (Secondary), Sun (Tertiary).
Profession: Student (and later alumni) of Ravenwood School for Magical Arts, Savior of the Spiral, disciple of Grandfather Spider, C͜ab͜a͠l̀ initiate, and chronomancer apprentice.
World of Origin: Wizard City
Parentage: Adrian’s parents, merchants of Wizard City, are often away on trips across the Spiral for business. Up until he moved into the Ravenwood dorms, he mainly lived with his uncle, who also graduated from Ravenwood. His parents care little about his affairs and put the majority of their trust in Adrian’s uncle to raise him. 
While he’s in Marleybone tracking down Malistaire and Meworiarty with his friend, Elena Elswick, his parents are supposedly killed in a mutiny on a return trip from Skull Island, but their bodies are never recovered.
Current Occupation: Adrian is a disciple of Grandfather Spider. He’s also a member of the Cabal, and is trying to become a chronomancer. Nobody knows that he’s currently in Mirage, much less that he’s part of a power-hungry doomsday cult. He wants to learn “chronomancy” so he can undo the mistakes that he and Elena Elswick made during their final year at Ravenwood.
As of recent, he’s gone as far as causing trouble in Wizard City as revenge for what they made them do. He wants Elena to recognize their wrongdoings, too.
Personality: Prior to his third and final year at Ravenwood, Adrian was resourceful, vigilant, and charismatic. In his preteen years, he helped his uncle make ends meet by making tiny wage from trading and bartering with the local townspeople. 
The community recognized his hard work and he quickly became a beloved figure, making new friends and finding people he could trust. He and his uncle shared a close bond, and Adrian never had a reason to feel “abandoned” or “cast aside” by his parents. 
After defeating Malistaire, he felt conflicted, angry, and vengeful. He believes what he did was wrong, but also recognizes there are better people to blame than himself. The adults that helped him along were the same people who began to view him as some kind of limitless hero instead of a kid who still needed guidance. 
He can’t understand how everyone else has seemed to move on after the horrible tragedy that occurred across the board. He wants to make things right again-no matter the cost.
Hobbies and Interests: As a student, Adrian liked exploring Wizard City and discovering the many secrets it had to offer, bartering with merchants and traders, and sneaking away on sky ships to see the world. The only reason he never left Wizard City was because he wanted to learn magic at Ravenwood.
Currently, he enjoys causing mayhem and chaos in Caravan and Aggrobah, taking long strides in the Akali Burrows, and stealing from unsuspecting citizens. The child in him never died, and the child in him is angry that he never really got to be one.
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caseywaseyx · 3 years
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Patricia Anne "Tish" Murtha was a British social documentary photographer best known for documenting marginalised communities, social realism and working class life in Newcastle upon Tyne and the North East of England.
Photograph names/dates:
- Youth Unemployment, 1981
- Juvenile Jazz Bands, 1979
- London by Night, 1983
- Elswick Kids, 1978
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hannahwaterman · 3 years
Documenting 2: Visual Research
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Martin Parr 
Martin Parr is an English documentary photographer who is best known for his photography of the tradition of the Great British Holiday. He is probably my favourite photographer in the world, as I love how honestly and candidly he captures life. He has had around 40 solo photobooks published, and has featured in around 80 exhibitions worldwide. When asked about the art of documenting people through photography, and the ethics involved, he said the following: 
“I think that all photography involving people has an element of exploitation, and therefore I am no exception. However it would be a very sad world if photographers were not allowed to photograph in public places. I often think of what I photograph as a soap opera where I am waiting for the right cast to fall into place. In more recent years I have photographed much closer where bits of people and food become part of the big picture, and one advantage of this is that it means people are less recognisable.”
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Tish Murtha
Tish Murtha was a Northern English documentary photographer who took black and white photos to create a record of youth unemployment, juvenile jazz bands, kids in Elswick in South Shields, and a series of photos of London by night. Her work is very striking and raw, the black and white photography really adds a sort of grit and solemness to her photographs. 
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Francesco Faraci
Faraci is a Sicillian street photographer. I think his work is really beautiful and raw, and much like a contemporary version of Tish Murtha’s work. 
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Jason Florio
Jason Florio is an English documentary photographer. This photoseries is called Destination Europe, and it shows the journey of refugees from Libya to Europe. He has done several documentation projects all around the world, and Destination Europe was one that won him a Magnum Photography Award in 2017. These photos are seriously effecting - they are beautiful and devastating, and tell a story brilliantly. This is documentary photography with a real purpose and meaning. These photos are heartbreaking.
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Keir Edmonds 
“Berlin-based English urban sketching artist Keir Edmonds keeps a visual diary that illustrates his life as an expat in Germany’s capital. Believing that “you have to put in 10,000 hours to get really good at something,” the self-confessed “Englishman lost in Berlin” carries a sketchbook and pen everywhere he goes. From local architecture to summertime canals and graffiti-covered streets, his growing portfolio captures the undeniable charm of the city.
Edmonds started keeping sketchbook journals in 2015 with the goal to improve his skills in observational drawing.”
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Sam Winston
Sam Winston is an artist based in London, who says his “practice is concerned with language not only as a carrier of messages but also as a visual form in and of itself”. He is known for his typography and his abstract illustration, having worked with some of the biggest art galleries in the world.
These images are from a project he undertook called 7 days - “a long durational studio work where the artist lived without sight for seven days and nights. Repeatedly transcribing five sentences the image created is without any visual reference.”
Sam says, “The idea of going ‘under’ or without images fascinated me. I had read of yogis spending years in complete darkness and psychologists running light deprivation studies but for me the question was - what landscapes are available to the artist when they are only given an internal view for seven days?
Biologically speaking the absence of daylight triggers large hormone imbalances in the pineal glad located in the centre of the brain. This gland normally releases melatonin which is the hormone that regulates sleep - and with this out of balance - you will quickly find yourself operating outside of conventional time.”
This method of abstract documentation is something I find very intriguing. As a designer, you have information input into you and it is your job to translate this meaningfully into the world. If we restrict our outputs and inputs, and put ourselves under strictor creative parameters, then as creatives we we surely find a way to make great work through the power of thinking ourelves out of those restrictions.
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1. ‘A durational work where a pencil line records the length of every exhalation. The length of each line marks the length of time it takes to exhale. These marks were recorded over a 15 hour day without break. “The premise is deceptively simple - marking either an exhalation or inhalation with a pencil line - the length of the duration of a breath. Yet the cumulative effect of this action is a map that reveals a unique bridge between our unconscious and conscious functioning. It is also a refocusing of attention to our dependent relationship within the aerobic world.”
2. ‘An on going series of collages looking a various components of drawing. Each image contains one complete pencil.“This is the beginnings of a process looking at the materiality of the objects that inform artistic practice.  By literally exploding, dissolving and collaging broken down artists tools we reveal their history and legacy. Whether the pencil graphite is from mines in China or the New Mexican cotton farms that make rag made paper - each artwork is a testimony to a globalized economy and the unseen geography of the tools by which we make art. “‘
3. ‘Birth day is an project that charts the 183,600 lives that come into being on the planet over a period of 12 hours. The participants draw circles to remember loved ones and also register their names in writing. In this way the public are asked to connect their own personal narrative to the much broader theme of population growth and decline.“By the time you’ve read this sentence three people have been born into the world.From observing this process I have noticed that the moment a person draws a circle (and it has a name) the artwork stops being about statistics and becomes a wall of brothers, sisters, mothers etc - in this particular case representing 260,000 lives that are born and die in 12 hours.”’
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The text of Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet was read and categorised into three emotional states – passion, rage & solace. Once theses these three categories of text were typeset & printed they became the material for three the hand cut collages. The final work is the combined print of the typeset category and the hand cut collage.
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Nathalie Miebach
Boston-based conceptual artist Nathalie Miebach weaves colorful, complex sculptures using rope, wood, paper, fibers, and data from weather events. Two of the artist’s recent series explore the impact of storm waters on our lives and on marine ecosystems, with variables like wind and temperature (and the harmony of the composition) often informing the rainbow of colors used to translate the data into a three-dimensional structure.
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Priscilla Coleman
Priscilla Coleman is a courtroom illustrator. This is a dying art and in the UK there are only four official courtroom illustrators left. “It’s as if you’re memorising for a test,” she tells It’s Nice That. “You forget the details so you have to write something that will trigger your memory. Once I had to draw a line of airline hijackers, and they all had black hair but different hairstyles. One had long sideburns so I wrote Elvis, one was skinny so I wrote ‘skeleton man’, for others I wrote ‘potato nose’ or ‘fried hair’ or for another, I wrote the name of an ex-boyfriend he reminded me of! People’s faces are fascinating.”
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Scott Elmquist
This man is a very inspiring documentary photographer. The last image above is an extremely powerful photograph to me. It shows black youth playing basketball under the defaced statue of a coloniser. Amazing. Above that is part of his Americana documentary photography series, capturing rural midwestern America and it’s communities. 
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biointernet · 4 years
The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla
The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla This book is dedicated to Nikola Tesla and to the scientists and engineers who continue to forge ahead with an open mind into Tesla Technology. Special thanks to Oliver Nichelson, John Ratzlaff, Mark Seifer, Leland Anderson, Mark Carlotto, Metascience Foundation, Moray B. King, Col. Tom Bearden, Keeley Net, The International Tesla Society, Steve Elswick, Toby Grotz, the Unarius Academy of Science, the Stellar Research Institute, Electric Spacecraft Journal, the Tesla Book Co. and all who publish on Nikola Tesla.
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Nikola Tesla TABLE OF CONTENTS First Biographical Sketch (1691)The First Patents (1666 to 1606)Experiments With Alternate Current Of High Potential & High Frequency (1691)More Patents (1689 to 1900)Transmission of Electric Energy Without Wires (1904)Tesla's Amazing Death-RayThe Most Unusual InventionsThe Last Patents (1913 to 1928)Tesla & the Pyramids of Mars Appendix: Supreme Court documents on The Dismantling of Wardenclyffe Tower Bibliography: A list of Tesla books in print (& out of print) Chapter 1 ORIGINAL 1690'S BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH While a large portion of the European family has been surging westward during the last three or four hundred years, settling the vast continents of America, another, but smaller, portion has been doing frontier work in the Old World, protecting the rear by beating back the "unspeakable Turk" and reclaiming gradually the fair lands that endure the curse of Mohammedan rule. For a long time the Slav people—who, after the battle of Kosovopjolje, in which the Turks defeated the Serbians, retired to the confines of the present Montenegro, Dalmatia, Herzegovina and Bosnia, and "Borderland" of Austria— knew what it was to deal, as our Western pioneers did, with foes ceaselessly fretting against their frontier ; and the races of these countries, through their strenuous struggle against the armies of the Crescent, have developed notable qualities of bravery and sagacity, while maintaining a patriotism and independence unsurpassed in any other nation. It was in this interesting border region, and from among these valiant Eastern folk, that Nikola Tesla was born in the year 1857, and the fact that he, to-day, finds himself in America and one of our foremost electricians, is striking evidence of the extraordinary attractiveness alike of electrical pursuits and of the country where electricity enjoys its widest application. Mr. Tesla's native place was Smiljan, Lika, where his father was an eloquent clergyman of the Greek Church, in which, by the way, his family is still prominently represented. His mother enjoyed great fame throughout the countryside for her skill and originality in needlework, and doubtless transmitted her ingenuity to Nikola; though it naturally took another and more masculine direction. The boy was early put to his books, and upon his father's removal to Gospic he spent four years in the public school, and later, three years in the Real School, as it is called. His escapades were such as most quickwitted boys go through, although he varied the programme on one occasion by getting imprisoned in a remote mountain chapel rarely visited for service; and on another occasion by falling headlong into a huge kettle of boiling milk, just drawn from the paternal herds. A third curious episode was that connected with his efforts to fly when, attempting to navigate the air with the aid of an old umbrella, he had, as might be expected, a very bad fall, and was laid up for six weeks. About this period he began to take delight in arithmetic and physics. One queer notion he had was to work out everything by three or the power of three. He was now sent to an aunt at Cartstatt, Croatia, to finish his studies in what is known as the Higher Real School. It was there that, coming from the rural fastnesses, he saw a steam engine for the first time with a pleasure that he remembers to this day. At Cartstatt he was so diligent as to compress the four years' course into three, and graduated in 1873. Returning home during an epidemic of cholera, he was stricken down by the disease and suffered so seriously from the consequences that his studies were interrupted for fully two years. But the time was not wasted, for he had become passionately fond of experimenting, and as much as his means and leisure permitted devoted his energies to electrical study and investigation. Up to this period it had been his father's intention to make a priest of him, and the idea hung over the young physicist like a very sword of Damocles. Finally he prevailed upon his worthy but reluctant sire to send him to Gratz in Austria to finish his studies at the Polytechnic School, and to prepare for work as professor of mathematics and physics. At Gratz he saw and operated a Gramme machine for the first time, and was so struck with the objections to the use of commutators and brushes that he made up his mind there and then to remedy that defect in dynamo-electric machines. In the second year of his course he abandoned the intention of becoming a teacher and took up the engineering curriculum. After three years of absence he returned home, sadly, to see his father die ; but, having resolved to settle down in Austria, and recognizing the value of linguistic acquirements, he went to Prague and then to Buda-Pesth with the view of mastering the languages he deemed necessary. Up to this time he had never realized the enormous sacrifices that his parents had made in promoting his education, but he now began to feel the pinch and to grow unfamiliar with the remittance from home; and when the mathematical expression for the value of the lag assumed the shape of an eight laid flat on its back, Mr. Tesla became a very fair example of high thinking and plain living, but he made up his mind to the struggle and determined to go through depending solely on his own resources. Not desiring the fame of a faster, he cast about for a livelihood, and through the help of friends he secured a berth as assistant in the engineering department of the government telegraphs. The salary was five dollars a week. This brought him into direct contact with practical electrical work and ideas, but it is needless to say that his means did not admit of much experimenting. By the time he had extracted several hundred thousand square and cube roots for the public benefit, the limitations, financial and otherwise, of the position had become painfully apparent, and he concluded that the best thing to do was to make a valuable invention. He proceeded at once to make inventions, but their value was visible only to the eye of faith, and they brought no grist to the mill. Just at this time the telephone made its appearance in Hungary, and the success of that great invention determined his career, hopeless as the profession had thus far seemed to him. He associated himself at once with telephonic work, and made various telephonic inventions, including an operative repeater; but it did not take him long to discover that, being so remote from the scenes of electrical activity, he was apt to spend time on aims and results already reached by others, and to lose touch. Longing for new opportunities and anxious for the development of which he felt himself possible, if once he could place himself within the genial and direct influences of the gulf streams of electrical thought, he broke away from the ties and traditions of the past, and in 1881 made his way to Paris, Arriving in that city, the ardent young Likan obtained employment as an electrical engineer with one of the largest electric lighting companies. The next year he went to Strasburg to install a plant, and on returning to Paris sought to carry out a number of ideas that had now ripened into inventions. About this time, however, the remarkable-progress of America in electrical industry attracted his attention, and once again staking everything on a single throw, he crossed the Atlantic. Mr. Tesla buckled down to work as soon as he landed on these shores, put his best thought and skill into it, and soon saw openings for his talent. In a short while a proposition was made to him to start his own company, and, accepting the terms, he at once worked up a practical system of arc lighting, as well as a potential method of dynamo regulation, which in one form is now known as the " third brush regulation." He also devised a thermo-magnetic motor and other kindred devices, about which little was published, owing to legal complications. Early in 1887 the Tesla Electric Company of New York was formed, and not long after that Mr. Tesla produced his admirable and epoch-marking motors for multiphase alternating currents, in which, going back to his ideas of long ago, he evolved machines having neither commutator nor brushes. It will be remembered that about the time that Mr. Tesla brought out his motors, and read his thoughtful paper before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Professor Ferraris, in Europe, published his discovery of principles analogous to those enunciated by Mr. Tesla. There is no doubt, however, that Mr. Tesla was an independent inventor of this rotary field motor, for although anticipated in dates by Ferraris, he could not have known about Ferraris' work as it had not been published. Professor Ferraris stated himself, with becoming modesty, that he did not think Tesla could have known of his (Ferraris') experiments at that time, and adds that he thinks Tesla was an independent and original inventor of this principle. With such an acknowledgment from Ferraris there can be little doubt about Tesla's originality in this matter. Mr. Tesla's work in this field was wonderfully timely, and its worth was promptly appreciated in various quarters. The Tesla patents were acquired by the Westinghouse Electric Company, who undertook to develop his motor and to apply it to work of different kinds. Its use in mining, and its employment in printing, ventilation, etc., was described and illustrated in The Electrical World some years ago. The immense stimulus that the announcement of Mr. Tesla's work gave to the study of alternating current motors would, in itself, be enough to stamp him as a leader. Mr. Tesla is only 35 years of age. He is tall and spare with a clean-cut, thin, refined face, and eyes that recall all the stories one has read of keenness of vision and phenomenal ability to see through things. He is an omnivorous reader, who never forgets; and he possesses the peculiar facility in languages that enables the least educated native of eastern Europeto talk and write in at least half a dozen tongues. A more congenial companion cannot be desired for thehours when one "pours out heart affluence in discursive talk," and when the conversation, dealing at first with things near at hand and next to us, reaches out and rises to the greater questions of life, duty and destiny. In the year 1890 he severed his connection with the Westinghouse Company, since which time he has devoted himself entirely to the study of alternating currents of high frequencies and very high potentials, with which study he is at present engaged. No comment is necessary on his interesting achievements in this field; the famous London lecture published in this volume is a proof in itself. His first lecture on his researches in this new branch of electricity, which he may be said to have created, was delivered before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers on May 20, 1891, and remains one of the most interesting papers read before that society. It will be found reprinted in full in The Electrical World, July 11, 1891. Its publication excited such interest abroad that he received numerous requests from English and French electrical engineers and scientists to repeat it in those countries, the result of which has been the interesting lecture published in this volume. The present lecture presupposes a knowledge of the former, but it may be read and understood by any one even though he has not read the earlier one. It forms a sort of continuation of the latter, and includes chiefly the results of his researches since that time. Read the full article
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needcaffeine · 6 years
Parade celebrating the Centenary of the Blaydon Races
Parade celebrating the Centenary of the Blaydon Races by Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums Via Flickr: Grand Parade passing along Scotswood Road, celebrating the Centenary of the Blaydon Races, 9 June 1962 (TWAM ref. DS.VA/9/PH/3/8). Vickers Armstrongs were involved in the Parade. ‘Workshop of the World’ is a phrase often used to describe Britain’s manufacturing dominance during the Nineteenth Century. It’s also a very apt description for the Elswick Works and Scotswood Works of Vickers Armstrong and its predecessor companies. These great factories, situated in Newcastle along the banks of the River Tyne, employed hundreds of thousands of men and women and built a huge variety of products for customers around the globe. The Elswick Works was established by William George Armstrong (later Lord Armstrong) in 1847 to manufacture hydraulic cranes. From these relatively humble beginnings the company diversified into many fields including shipbuilding, armaments and locomotives. By 1953 the Elswick Works covered 70 acres and extended over a mile along the River Tyne. This set of images, mostly taken from our Vickers Armstrong collection, includes fascinating views of the factories at Elswick and Scotswood, the products they produced and the people that worked there. By preserving these archives we can ensure that their legacy lives on. (Copyright) We're happy for you to share this digital image within the spirit of The Commons. Please cite 'Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums' when reusing. Certain restrictions on high quality reproductions and commercial use of the original physical version apply though; if you're unsure please email [email protected].
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Documentary Photography Research
Elswick Kids- Tish Murtha
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Elswick Kids is a series took by British photographer Tish Murtha in the 1970s which she captured by walking the streets and photographing the working class district in Elswick. In her general work Murtha aimed to capture an inside view of marginalized communities which I believe that this photo series related to. In this specific series I also believe Murtha is trying to show the poor conditions in which the children were playing and living in which was an area surrounded by trash and graffiti, which shocks the viewer (especially the more modern viewers).
Toy Stories- Gabriele Galimberti
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Toy Stories is a series by Italian photographer Gabriele Galimberti which he traveled the world for over 2 years for. Galimberti would often play with the children prior to taking the photo before finally photographing the child with their toy/s. Galimberti did this in order to capture the joy that the children would get when showing off their toys, whether it was just one lone toy or a whole collection. You can often see this joy in the photo through the childrens faces, such as in the above photo where the boy has a huge grin on his face. I think this series makes the viewer feel reminicent of their childhood, which I think makes this series work even better as it reminds the viewer of the pride/ joy the viewer might have felt with toys from their own childhood.
Kirsten Lewis
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This photograph was taken by american photographer Kirsten Lewis is a family documentary photographer, meaning that she spends up to 72 hours with a family in order to document their daily lives, for example in this photo there are two children messing around with a shopping cart in the middle of a shop. I think that this photo, as the previous photo, makes the viewer reminiscent of their childhood as it may remind them of when they were doing such things with friends or their family.
Artists With Disabilities- Leon Borensztein   
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Artists With Disabilities is a series by polish born photographer Leon Borensztein in which he would capture artists with their work with the photos being taken in the studio. The series is also in Borenszteins book One is Adam, One is Superman which is dedicated to Borenszteins daughter who also has disabilities, which could be something that inspired Borensztein to create this series. I think that this photo makes the viewer feel happy for the artist as they seem very proud of the photo, which is what I think Borensztein inteded for this series.
Where Children Sleep- James Mollison
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Where Children Sleep is a series by Kenyan photographer James Mollison in which he captured portraits of children and their bedrooms. In order to do this he photographed the child in the studio before photographing their bedroom. Mollison photographed this series in order to address social issues surrounding children's lives, photographing both children from all types of situations. This photo makes the viewer feel bad for the child due to the situation in which he is living in, which in my opinion makes the photo work better as Mollison photographed the series to show these sorts of issues.
Alexander Conrady
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This photo was taken by photographer Alexander Conrady when he was photography children in poverty in the Philippines. In these photo series, many of the children photographed would spend their days high on a drug called Paglipad as the drug would be more available to them then food. Conrady hoped that these photos would help bring awareness to the issues that people such as these children face. In my opinion this photo makes the viewer feel sad for the people photographed, especially when paired with the context of the series as they know the struggles these people are going through, which I think makes this photo work better and is intentional due to the purpose these photos had.
Emmy Andriesse
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This photo is by dutch photographer Emmy Andriesse which was taken in 1945 during the dutch hunger winter. Andriesse had attempted to capture the poverty and misery during the hunger winter, which I think she had done well in this photo as you can see the pain and sadness in the children’s faces, which in turn makes the viewer feel sorry for the children.
Gun 1- William Klein  
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This photo was taken by american photographer William Klein in 1954 when Klein was attempting to capture New York's vibrancy and grittiness for a vogue magazine article, however the photo got rejected before Klein published the photo itself. For this photo Klein asked the two boys to pose where one of the boys faces got a very angry expression and he posed like stereo typical criminals at the time with the gun being pointed at Klein. In my opinion this photo looks more as though it captures youth violence at first glance, as it may scare the viewer or concern them as to why the child is acting in such a way, therefore making the photo slightly less effective.
Downtown Eastside-  Claire Martin
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This photo is from the 2007 series Downtown East Side captured by photographer Claire Martin, photographing the people living in Vancouver’s downtown east side slums. In the photo there is the women name Rose looking quite lonely whilst surrounded by birds, who also told the photographer that the birds are her lonely friends. The photo may make the viewer feel sorry for the lady due to how lonely she looks, which is I believe what Martin intended for when she was photographing the woman in order to show this loneliness she felt.
Tradition-  Dr Maria Tomas-Rodriguez
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This photo was taken in Senegal, West Africa by Dr Maria Tomas-Rodrigues when she was offered to meet the boys who were in their second stage of their circumcision ritual as a welcoming gesture when she had been visiting. In the photo, which was originally in colour however cropped and transformed to black and white, you can see the boys secluded in an area with poor conditions which in my opinion shocks the viewer as they wouldn’t expect children to be put in such conditions.
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shovelrise85 · 2 years
Astro-Raj Has Cricket Prediction By Cricket Astrologer
That’s right, a playing tennis shoulder exercises pamphlet you are able to print and keep to you in your playing tennis case or even to have at your PT clinic. A Downloadable PDF of Personalized Treatment Plans You Can Easily Print for the Customers! Which in turn could cause you pain. It is more prevalent for playing tennis shoulder to affect individuals within their prominent arm (so pain could be experienced when you look at the right arm by a right-handed individual). Bigger heads, generate more power and have a larger nice place. As a result, City have actually obtained back once again to back Premier League’s. Doing this can help you establish your weight to damage to get back to doing all of your thing. Gymreaper elbow sleeves are a great option for leisure trainers with an extremely cool design and you receive a pair of wrist wraps included. This turmeric health supplement from PuraThrive is a superb choice. When sports or tasks need movements that creates comparable forces through the wrist, forearm, and shoulder (for example., wrist expansion with effect causes and intense, high-velocity pronation) this problem can form. When you hit the baseball and create this power, you will do therefore in a protracted wrist place. Whenever you’re backhanding a tennis move, your extensors are again completely thrilled while you contact the ball.
Now think about what number of times you move or serve the baseball in one single match… Now think of providing. I may create a rise of disapproval off their people by saying this just who may have discovered anything positive from it, but I think its just best to rest whenever possible, accept it, and live with it, as healing seems to remain a mystery. You will have a significantly better concept of which club and swing makes the elbow flair up. Let’s say you may be playing tennis and doing a forehand swing. 메이저 놀이터 provides is similar to hefty rackets. Australian staff won the ODI World Cup 4 times, Asia and West Indies cricket teams 2 and Pakistan and Sri Lanka won 1 times in the cricket history. For the longest time, Minecraft permitted for entire landscapes to be molded, however there is no furnishings to be found in this vast world of opportunities. The games had been created in numerous procedures and had been well organized and regulated, that they had plenty of referees to check the most suitable flowing associated with battle and quite often they were also worn in numerous uniforms to recognize the opposing factions, they certainly were practiced both indoors and outdoors and there were additionally frameworks particularly made for the games on their own.
There are a number of playing tennis elbow exercises that one can do to avoid injuries along with heal and cure injury. This method may help bring your circulation in addition to nutritional elements to your aching location, therefore, increasing the healing process. This system will further motivate blood circulation to the location, an ongoing process that brings diet and helps with recovery. I shall look at both kinds of playing tennis elbow workouts in this overview, both preventative and strengthening/recovery exercises. The time he does not spend over analyzing all things nerdy he's focusing on his application to be the liaison towards the Justice League. When you’re about 2 weeks out from your damage, you could start to ramp things up and reconstruct your power. This post-acute stage can last anywhere from 7-14 days. The Tigers tend to be hoping to improve on last year’s 7-22 finish but will need to do so minus the senior management of Dakota White, Dallas Cook, Michael Elswick, and Alan Munoz who have finished.
A non-sport example is a motor vehicle auto mechanic just who use wrenches from day to night also provide the propensity to develop playing tennis shoulder. Once that permanent pain begins to relieve, you’ll would you like to work in a couple of brand new strategies while continuing use of those anti inflammatory supplements. Continue steadily to go on it effortless and avoid majorly provoking your discomfort. Use ice from the location (for a maximum of a quarter-hour at a time) and go on it simple for 24-72 hours dependent on how extreme the pain is. Apart from the level of compression, you might also need to just take a closer glance at the overall durability of this sleeves and braces. Monopoly, danger, Scrabble and Trivial Pursuit happen mainstays whilst the go-to choice for game evenings for a long time now, and it’s easy to see the reason why. Many individuals has booked resort hotels and flights early before these were able to verify Euro 2020 passes, but that doesn’t mean you can’t however enjoy the environment of watching baseball in Ireland, with a great amount of places to enjoy the big event.
Inside this show you will discover all you could perhaps wish to know about tennis shoulder and tennis elbow exercises. Pull ups, chin-ups and press ups can help enhance your arms with diverse grips target all of the gripping muscles of the forearms, plus build up your elbow flexing muscles. If you must do activities that flare up the location, you can try benefiting from kinesio taping done to help support your muscles and muscles. This list includes just those seniors going to large schools which can be an element of the West Virginia Secondary Schools Activities Commission. The competition had been related to the 2018-19 UEFA Nations League, offering countries a secondary path to be eligible for the final event. 4. What does restring suggest? The first step is always to make sure that horizontal epicondylitis is really what you’re coping with. It’s important to think about your kinetic string as a whole and not just address particular dilemmas once they arise, but make sure you’re improving form and purpose on a more impressive scale. If pressing causes pain when you look at the lateral epicondyle region, it’s a positive indication for tennis elbow.
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auredosa · 3 years
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Elena Elswick - Savior of the Spiral (1/2)
Name: Elena Elswick
Schools: Ice (Primary), Life (Secondary), Moon (Tertiary).
Profession: Student (later alumni) of Ravenwood School for Magical Arts, Savior of the Spiral, Disciple of Grandmother Raven. She and Adrian are two years ahead of Ophisa and Megan’s class.
World of Origin: Wizard City
Parentage: Her father, originally from Avalon, is a member of the Wizard City guard. Her mother works in the Pet Pavilion. They were a normal, healthy family, until Elena was tasked to stop Malistaire Drake at the demand of her teachers and the supposed “will” of Grandmother Raven and Grandfather Spider.
Since Elena has returned to Wizard City, her parents don’t treat her the same. They’re half proud of her, and half terrified of her newfound powers. Elena chose to save them the trouble of having a “hero” for a daughter and told them she had been called to live in Wintertusk and become a scholar and disciple of Grandmother Raven.
Current Occupation: Elena is currently living in an isolated estate in the remote mountains of Wintertusk, where she receives counsel and further training from Grandmother Raven and the church of devoted Raven disciples.
She’s trying to learn new magic far beyond her capabilities to both pass the time and become strong enough to be a true “hero.” She doesn’t want people to know where she is, or what she’s currently up to. More than anything, she never wants to see Adrian again.
Personality: Prior to her third and final year at Ravenwood, Elena was mild mannered, sympathetic, and rational. She did a fine job in her classes and rarely caused a stir at school. Between her and Adrian, she was always the cooler minded. On some days, she could be found trying to tame new pets or delve into the secrets of Monstrology.
After defeating Malistaire, she became antisocial, uncaring, and unusually reserved. She truly doesn’t know if she could have done anything different, and this inner conflict scared her into putting up an uncaring facade for others. Elena wants to put everything behind her and be relieved of all accountability for her actions. She didn’t sign up for this, and she doesn’t want to care any more.
Hobbies and Interests: As a student, Elena enjoyed raising pets, stargazing, and even delving into Monstrology, astral myths, and magic. She helped her mom in the Pet Pavillion and was the go-to guru for pet raising amongst her friend group.
Currently, Elena has few leisure activities and is only interested into becoming more powerful so she can put the failures of her past behind her. She still enjoys stargazing and tries to pray to any and all deities in the Spiral to find some kind of peace.
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clayelements · 6 years
Amy Elswick; The Independent Artist
A Profile, by Suzanne Adams, Clay Elements
What is the life of an artist and what does it take to be successful? Amy Elswick has the answers.  
I met with Amy at her renovated, spacious studio/home on East Chestnut in Louisville, KY.
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Amy's Appalachian heritage includes parents, aunts, and uncles who took the opportunity to explore and learn at Berea College. She used her years at Berea to work in the ceramics studio as a production potter where she could experiment with numerous clays, glazes and techniques. Amy began as a Spanish major who subsequently found that clay "fit her hand like a glove".
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In addition to pottery making, Amy learned pottery selling at Berea. The Craft Marketing Program taught students to use craft as a career. She sold her student work through the college gallery and learned basic marketing techniques.
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Imagine a young potter who also had the dream of promoting exchanges of the arts throughout the Americas (remember her studies of Spanish cultures). Amy traveled to the American southwest to test her role in the local environment. She returned to her hometown Louisville ready to make pottery that connected her traditional Appalachian background with the clay works of Pre-columbian pottery and architecture.
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Take a look at Amy's website clayhousepots.com and you will recognize that her imagination takes hold when she uses clays, glazes, brushes, and carving tools. She consistently produces dinnerware, gondolas, platters, drinkware, bowls, and vases.
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Amy's work includes sensitively carved vases, fluid spiral patterns painted on inviting bowls, gondolas with surface treatments that are as intriguing as the food within. Notice the earthy, restful glazes that are reminiscent of colors in the Kentucky mountains.
In short, Amy Elswick makes pottery for lovers of the expressive range that only clay and glaze can create.
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Amy's work has evolved into large hand built vessels made to hold such items as magazines and fireplaces accessories. Her architectural mirrors are particularly strong in ceramic form and pattern.
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Asked what she plans to do in the future, Amy presented a large (approx. 6 ft. by 2.5 ft.), nicely carved ceramic relief of Louisville's downtown profile, mounted on a lighted glass background suitable for fronting a counter or bar in one of Louisville's commercial establishments. I like the way she thinks.
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We shouldn't leave this profile without mentioning Amy's marketing skills. As a young potter, Amy worked for two artists who sold pottery and art nationally, at high prices. Three years with Dana Major and Serge Isupov provided her with the knowledge that pottery is a business that requires organization, confidence, and a practical, energetic work ethic. It even requires that the potter become artful at packaging ceramic works.
Amy's business is one in which she makes gallery connections at national wholesale markets, such as the American Craft Council show. She reliably fills orders by first determining how much money she needs to make at a show or gallery, then outlining production methods and outcomes that succeed in fulfilling her plans on time.
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We see in Amy Elswick a potter who knows the business front and back; a potter who is a model for anyone with the passion to combine creativity with ceramic technique to produce forms that exemplify a sincere personal philosophy. We in Louisville are fortunate to recognize her as a successful, Independent Artist. Thank you, Amy.
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historicalfirearms · 6 years
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Carden-Loyd Two-Man Tankette
The Vickers-Armstrong company built the first Carden-Loyd Tankettes in 1926, they were based on a design by the Carden-Loyd tractor company. They had a crew of two and were intended to act not as tanks but rather as machine gun or mortar carriers. 
The early Carden-Loyd Tankette pictured above has a two man crew, a driver and a gunner, with a MkIII aerial Lewis Gun mounted in one of three slot in tankette’s front armour. Other variants had .303 Vickers guns mounted on the chassis. The Carden-Loyd Tankette, designed by Sir John Carden and Vivian Loyd, went on to inspire a number of other foreign tankettes, including the Soviet T-27, the Italian CV-33 and the Polish TKS. 
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A MkVI Carden-Loyd towing a 3.7 QF Howitzer MkI (source)
The Tankette concept first emerged during the inter-war period, theoretically creating a small, nimble, infantry tank capable of supporting advancing infantry or scouting ahead. Many countries including Britain, France, Italy Poland, Japan and the Soviet Union developed them before 1939.
While many tankettes mounted machine guns or even small canon and were often fully enclosed, the Carden-Loyd Tankette pictured above is open topped and has more in common with the Universal (or Bren Gun) Carriers that followed it. 
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Carden-Loyd Carriers pictured at the Elswick Works, Newcastle, c.1930 (source)
The Carden-Loyd was built in various Mks with the final MkVI being the most successful. It weighed 1.5 tons, was just over 8 feet (2.5m) long and had 6-9mm of hardened steel plate armour. It could reach up to 30mph, extremely fast compared to earlier light tanks, but its rudimentary suspension meant it was extremely unpleasant to travel in over rough ground or long distances. The Carden-Loyd Tankettes also had the distinction of being part of Britain’s short-lived, but influential, Experimental Mechanised Force with some Carden-Loyds acting as a reconnaissance element. 
The Carden-Loyd’s legacy is the influence they had on international tankette development and the foundations they laid for the later Universal Carrier which proved an invaluable vehicle during the Second World War. 
Images: 1 
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Military Vehicles, I.V. Hogg & J. Weeks, (1980)
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norfolksouthern · 6 years
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On March 17, 1968, Larry Batten began his railroading career with Norfolk & Western. This week, Larry (pictured left) received his 50-year pin from Division Superintendent Jonathan Elswick. Larry currently works as a foreman in the Barney Yard at Lamberts Point in Norfolk, Va. Thanks, Larry, for being part of our family. We appreciate you. #family #team #transportation (at Norfolk, Virginia)
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eplingillustrations · 4 years
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Working on more pages for author Dwight Shueler. This is page 25. Colorist on the project is Gabriel Elswick. Storyboard, rough pencils, defined pencils, ink, and scan. I love the process of creating pages!! https://www.instagram.com/p/CE7SSJ9MJ02/?igshid=5ozo0xom5zdj
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alan55eng · 4 years
North MB Lowes donates 15 gallons of paint, helps humane society
Ryan Elswick, who works at of Lowe's Home Improvement #603, saw the post from the Humane Society and immediately reached out. “It's no ... from Google Alert - home improvement news https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.wbtw.com/local-news/north-mb-lowes-donates-15-gallons-of-paint-helps-humane-society/&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjY2ZWQ1ZjljNDQzZmRhODQ6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AFQjCNECOKQAYCDLorcM_S-sHH7SCImJsw
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feministdad · 4 years
North MB Lowes donates 15 gallons of paint, helps humane society
Ryan Elswick, who works at of Lowe's Home Improvement #603, saw the post from the Humane Society and immediately reached out. “It's no ... from Google Alert - Home improvement news https://ift.tt/3du3gOG
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hollyeccles · 4 years
I found this set of images showing the freedom of children in the 1970s and it was called the Elwick Kids, it shows the children playing outdoors and life before technology was developed. Tish Murtha is a  British social documentary photographer, who was best known for documenting communities, social realism and the working class life in Newcastle upon Tyne and the North East of England. The way this collection of images have been captured is really eye-catching because it shows how different life was back in the 70s compared to now with all the technology etc. 
I love the way freedom is shown throughout all these images and I think this is something I might take into consideration with my work showing my freedom as a child. This could be another personal touch to this idea because most children have a lot of freedom and not knowing about what life will bring them. However, I do not want to get distracted by showing the idea of childhood memories. 
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