#FC Shenanigans
A Note To All Employees
To: You fucking lunatics All Gage Acquisitions Employees From: Healer Mathye Bishop
Subject: Immunizations By this point, it is probably common knowledge amongst you maniacs everyone that in four months’ time, the adventurer core of the business will be heading out on a new venture to Tural—the New World.  As the entire country is unknown to us Eorzeans, I’m sure many of you will be engaging in new and wonderful experiences with the locals and the native wildlife.
(I fully anticipate some, if not all of you are going to get horribly eaten or maimed.)
To that end, it is now a requirement that every single one of you get updated immunizations for all known Eorzean diseases, and for the more notable illnesses of Tural. 
I repeat.  It is now a requirement. I am not asking.  The medical team is not asking.  Gage is not asking.  Dark is not asking.
“But whyyyyy???” I hear you whining.  I shall tell you why.  Unlike Ilsbard, and unlike Doma and Hingashi, there has not been that much interaction between us Eorzeans and the people of Tural.  Which means we are more than likely to be very susceptible to their illnesses, and they are more likely to be susceptible to ours.
For the dumbasses: We can make them sick and they can make us sick.
Which means as representatives of our landmass as a whole and for our various nations, we must set a good example.  This means everyone getting their shots.  This also means practicing basic medical courtesy should we get over there and someone gets sick but that’s a different lecture for another day.
There is no getting out of this.  This comes from Gage and Dark respectively.
I understand there are many who are afraid of needles.  That’s fine.  That can be worked with.  I understand there are many of you who hate me and would like to fling my corpse out of a window.  That is fair.  There are others on the medical team who can help you.
Expect notifications of when you can come in for your first round of immuizations.
Also if any one of you come near me with Valentione items I will also beat you into a bloody pulp.
Blessings of the Twelve/have a nice day/whatever the fuck motivational thing gets you going, I don't fucking care.
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autumnslance · 6 months
When You Check the FC Discord Over Lunch Break...
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...And see this sort of image from your local housing decorator, you get curious.
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Aeryn's certainly spooked!
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sae-mian · 7 months
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the FC has been very cuddly of late (*´▽`*) so have a mini collection
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ladyofvoss · 5 months
A Perfectly Reasonable, Plausible Conclusion
Special thank you to @scrollsfromarebornrealm, whose Augustine and Sebastian belong to! As well as @saesama, who Klynt belongs too!
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Thalia's activity for the afternoon consisted of furiously pacing back and forth in her Free Company room. She was far too preoccupied with a certain issue rattling around in her brain.
Sebastian Astralyas was out of his damn mind.
Grilling her over Augustine like this was some sort of interrogation. And who was he to look so smug? As if any mention of this 'Brucie' of his didn't have him looking at either her or Klynt with murderous intent.
If he was allowed to keep his affairs close to vest, so was she.
And what was that about? Trying to find some correlation between their sparring session and Augustine finding himself at a brothel?
For all she knew, that could have been his plan for that day anyway, and he was simply sidetracked by their sparring match.
'Which to some Ishgardians can be considered foreplay.'
Thalia pinched her nose with a frustrated sigh as Sebastian's words pinged around in her head again. Maybe she should send a letter to Guydelot and Sanson, telling them that Sebastian would love to learn about the bardic arts under their tutelage after all. Just to spite him.
'At least I didn't make him break church vows', came more of his words to memory.
Thalia huffed.
Fine. So she liked Augustine. So she found him considerably attractive. It was hardly news. If what Klynt said was anything to go by, she wasn't the first. She wouldn't be the last. And there was no indication that the sentiment was shared, despite Sebastian's insistence to the contrary. And even if there was, so what? What would that even mean exactly?
It'd mean you'd have to do something about it, said a sing-song voice in her head that sounded suspiciously close to Klynt's.
Twelve damn them both. Assholes.
The idea that Augustine broke some sort of vow of celibacy simply because she had gotten him worked up from a single fight was ridiculous. Ludicrous. Absolutely unheard of.
The fact that she had even developed a crush on him based on his Bloodsands persona felt.....wrong. Especially now, having actually had the chance to know the man behind the shield.
How was she any better than the numerous onlookers who sought out the Bloodsands for entertainment? He had sought them out as a means to escape from his horrid family and life back in Ishgard.
Not to mention, spat a nastier voice in her mind that wasn't Klynt's, how would it look? He'd gotten away from nobility in Ishgard, and you'd burden him with your silly little crush? You, a daughter of nobles?
Running her hands over her face, Thalia turned on her heel and marched to her desk, pulling out a sheet of paper, an inkwell, and her quill.
This whole matter was going to be settled one way or another. She would meet with him again. They would get on like they usually did, and the whole thing would be put to rest.
And if it wasn't, well.....she'd cross that bridge when she'd get there.
Pen in hand, she scratched out a quick note, trying to keep her words as casual as possible.
I'm sorry to hear about your injury during your time in Coerthas. If you're up for it, we could have another friendly sparring session to work out any stiff muscles you gained from bedrest.
If you're stuck in the infirmary, I'm willing to wager you've gone a bit stir crazy. And if not, well, you owe me a rematch anyway.
When you're fully recovered of course. I'm in no hurry to get on your brother's bad side.
Regards, Thalia
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lettersnorth · 6 months
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G'lewra had no issue being guided out of the burning clinic by Linn, the summon following after them as it danced above their heads. "I'm going to beat up whoever threw a fireball at us! Rude!" The little fairy spoke and even huffed while crossing her arms. It was a tiny voice but had an attitude behind it.
"Marceline, that's not something to worry about right now, dear." The Seeker looked to Aislinn with a worried look. "What happened out there?" There was a hint of concern wondering what other damage had been caused to the house or if someone else had become injured. What if she hadn't been there for them....what if someone had died?
"Did the children get out?"
Aislinn's normally sure hands held a slight tremble as she checked over G’lewra. Noting the sight, she paused, hearing a rumble of a long-gone voice in her head. ‘You just keep breathing. Never let 'em see your hand shake. That's the trick.’ It was a metaphor that had turned literal. She slowly clenched and relaxed her hands until she could make the trembling stop.
What had happened out there? “We were attacked.” She told G’lewra. “Some…cultists the Company’s been dealing with? I didn’t get the full picture before they started in.” She had been away too long. Then this. Her mouth turned down in a harsh frown. “Dark magic if you ask me.”
She glanced over her shoulder, doing a quick count of the people being deposited onto the lawn by those able to rush into the broken house and get them out. “Most.” She murmured, a flicker of guilt moving through her chest. Deep down she knew she was the person who could rescue the people she cared about and then, she could turn her back on everyone else. Doing otherwise wasn’t heroism. It was just a bad equation that didn’t balance. 
But children. Children were different. They didn’t ask for any of this. They didn’t sign up for the mercenary life. “Rising said some of the children got out with someone she knew. Leo and Kaya are looking for Nyscera and Coroh. There are tunnels under the house. I’m sure they’re there if Rising hasn’t found them. Right?" Nymeia be merciful. What a mess this was.
G’lewra’s voice was soft as she called the Hyur’s name, usually calling Lin either 'Dear' or 'My child', Lewra needed to make sure she caught the red-head’s attention.
The Seeker nodded to Linn's hands, and took a small step forward so her open hands could hover just underneath Linn's. Offering them if the other medic needed them to ground herself.
"Never worry about showing emotion in front of me, I will never judge you. I'm quite sure with Nyscera's quick thinking she got the children and Coroh out safely. If they used the tunnels they'll be safe, and will possibly smell like dirt for a little bit." Even after being trapped in a room that had been on fire not too long ago somehow the Seeker was still able to be calm about everything that happened. "And I'm right here, I have already told you I'm not going anywhere, my child. You got me out of there, and by the twelve if that door didn't open you'd have blasted it open somehow. I'd have done the same for you."
G'lewra offered a comforting smile, she did look a little disheveled and had smudge marks on her face but she was alive nonetheless!
The sound of Aislinn’s full name was enough to snap her attention back to G’lewra. She glanced down at the Seeker’s offered hands, hesitation and uncertainty warring behind her eyes. She was one of Heartwood’s officers. The Company needed the stoic, pragmatic and assured Aislinn right then. Not the one that might crumble at the sensation of a caring touch. 
“I know you wouldn’t judge me.” She murmured to Lewra, lifting her eyes up to look into the Seeker’s own. G’lewra had never judged her, no matter what dark secret she had poured out at her feet. “But they would.” She jerked her chin to the rest of the company members slowly collecting on Heartwood’s lawn. 
G’lewra agreed that Nyscera and Coroh had likely made it to the tunnels instead of trying to fight through the flames and Aislinn took comfort in that fact. Lewra also took the time to reassure the hyur that she was alive and safe, no doubt understanding how terrifying the alternative had been for someone who was all too accustomed to losing anyone she dared to hold close. Aislinn hadn’t lost her. She said so with a smile. 
Aislinn nodded, taking a breath and gathering calm about her like a cloak. This was backwards. She had just pulled G’lewra from a burning building. It wasn’t the Seeker who should be reassuring her but the other way around. 
“I want you to rest here for a minute. I’m going to check on the others and see what sort of injuries we might be dealing with. I’ve got my field supplies that should be able to patch up everything but the worst case scenarios.” Her eyes flickered to where Yahki’ra had been but in the chaos must have been taken elsewhere. “We’ll check the tunnels. Then we’ll figure out what to do about the clinic. One thing at a time.” 
"If any were to judge you for showing emotions as any normal person should be able to, they'll deal with me then." G’lewra still held that smile but there was a faint glimpse in the Seeker's ruby gaze that could be compared to the fire that had consumed the Heartwood estate. A mother’s will to protect their own. G'lewra may be a kind soul but she wouldn't hesitate to go after someone if they dared insult her children.
"But yes, I'll rest, go do what you need to do and I'll be here when you're done. I'll go sit.....hm." She looked around the house, and chaos of the yard.
"This way!" The little red fairy tugged on the Seeker's ear to pull her summoner to a safe spot. Trying to direct the woman towards the large tree by the house to rest as Aislinn asked.
"Never fear, Miss Red! I'll make sure she rests!" Marceline gave a salute to Linn then continued tugging on Lewra's ear.
As the Scholar and fairy walked away to their little spot Aislinn would feel a sudden chill run down her spine, a faint ominous dark glow coming from the gem that sat on the bracelet G'lewra had given her to speak to the connection between the two. But in the blink of an eye it was gone. Did it actually happen? Or perhaps adrenaline was still coursing through the woman's veins, and making her see things. Even when she looked at G'lewra the Seeker seemed fine, nothing out of the ordinary. But it might be something to keep an eye on.
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vasheden · 8 months
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FFXIV is a very serious game y’all
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nascentfllame · 2 years
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We had some serious luck with our free company’s weekly Map Night last night, starting and (and ending) with clears of Excitatron 6000. Some other highlights included:
So many Labryinthos maps. SO MANY.
Someone sending me a /tell after the first map to apologize for opening my doors in the dungeon since he thought it was his map. (In his defense, our maps had the same coordinates.)
Someone else dropping an AOE on my head during the second run of the Excitatron boss.
Me deciphering my fourth map only to get ANOTHER Labryinthos map. (I think Nald’thal was getting back at me for those /dotes in our last Aglaia run...)
The lovely gposes are by the wonderful @haurchie_simp on Twitter.
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keicordelle · 11 months
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Sometimes a family is a mother, a father, their two hyuran children, their pet cat, and their pet cat's pet fairy (and also apparently a mouse in the middle of it all because I’m dumb)
Bonus formal portrait mode (we lost one of the hyur, don't worry about it)
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amalia-stargazer · 1 year
Lots of pondering going on here
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apexarrow · 2 years
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Based on a convo in discord and also this video
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And here we have a fine example of the dragoon displaying it’s natural behavior, which is to claim rooftops for their nightly perches.  This particular dragoon is a solitary male, and as of yet there have been no challengers or opponents over his territory in this part of the ward.
@driftward @saesama
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autumnslance · 1 year
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Trying to explain to the grumpy bro why letting one's girlfriend wear one's shirts is good and adorable.
Also she is going to take them anyroad, you may as well learn to enjoy it.
More Gage Acquisitions inspired shenanigans for @scrollsfromarebornrealm
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pinkyqil · 4 days
I'm sorry
Lucy bronze x ona batlle x r
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Summary: childhood bestfriend to lovers to strangers
Warning: just toxic bestfriend, jealousy issues to many spelling mistakes for me too care for at this point in life
You and Lucy had always been together 24/7 has you both grew-up together like the childhood friends you're. Never letting go of one another. Always following each other, most people would think that you both were together.
"You've always felt attracted to lucy. Because of the way she treats you, always taking care of you getting the stuff she knows you'll need and most of all dealing with your massive sassy princess attitude.
Back in 2020 where she played for Manchester city around the covid out-break. You both decided to moving in together, always needing each other's company. After a while of living with lucy she finally confessed her feelings which you felt the same way.
Making you both finally official has most of your friends have been anticipating the moment.
You and lucy relationship had been going amazing. a little fights here and there but nothing to serious that would go way too far. Until she announced that she'll be leaving to play for Barcelona meaning you'll both have to do long distance until she comes for break or international duties.
Which you were okay with until now you've both been arguing way more recently all you ever wanted was for her to make more time on her busy schedule but she couldn't has they've been having game after game. Making you upset which would start random yelling match from the phone's.
"Another yelling match". said ona
lucy and ona had gotten really close for the past months. that she been playing for barca has she was found by her in the locker room crying from one of your arguments. Since then they've both gotten really close
"Yeah it just getting way worse and I don't think I know what to do".lucy said
"lucia I think we both know what you need to do" replied ona.
"but ona you know I can't I love her too much to do that she's been through everything with me all I want is to is too fix the holes in our relationship but nothing seems to work".
"I know but you can't keep pushing it like that do what best for both of you". ona told her while holding her hands.
That night you got a call from lucy which you weren't expecting.
cause it would have been really late for lucy which meant she was definitely up thinking about something but what she told you honestly couldn't comprehend.
She was breaking up with you over the phone from 1,137.96 kilometers away from each other that night you cried your heart out from the heavy feelings to now feeling empty.
You lost the love of your life the person that made you smile gave you whatever you needed that assisted you without asking you lost her.
And now feeling broken pices that no one could ever pick up again you hated this banging pain.
It been months since you're break up with lucy some people could've seen it from a distance but other's likewise.
it came shocking to both families who were sure that you both would have worked it out and get married in the future.
But they were wrong cause now she was with ona.
Ona is a pure soul nothing compare to you. you've tried hating her but couldn't the girl was way to nice for her own sake everyone around her loved her which you couldn't get that much what was so special about her but not you.
The last time you saw Lucy was around her vist back to england but instead of as lover you both we're now mere strangers who were once deeply inlove.
A/n : this has honestly sleeping in my drafts for the longest of time and I just got it done there's probably a lot of mistakes cause it wasn't proof read yet but other than that hope y'all enjoy this and don't forget that my request are open
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maisonbelligavi · 3 months
What makes me feral about this entire interaction is how freaking random it is... The fact that out of nowhere and absolutely for no reason I can fathom Jude decided to pull Gavi close and then grip his neck is so hilarious lmaooo.. and then Pablito decided to reciprocate Bellingham's impeccable sportsmanship by smacking his ass like his very life depended on it, send help 😭😭... All of it is deliciously random and I sure as hell ain't complaining. 👩🏾‍🦯
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zingaplanet · 7 months
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"They're like, what's the word, -an old married couple- or something"
- (Roy Keane, probably)
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windydrawallday · 9 days
WHO is the tiny sparkling you drew with marauder lockdown because they're so cute
You are talking about Shrike! The Lockdown x Prowl fan child that belongs to my buddy @sug4r-melon ! If you have more questions regarding Shrike (and her grow-up shenanigans), I recommend tackling Melon's ask box uvu/.
Fun Fact I learned from chats with Melon about how Lockdown and Shrike get along: Because of her nature of not being forged... she is considered a living "biohazard" threat by other cybertronians (like how they treat organic lifeforms).
Lockdown of course takes advantage of it (and the kiddo enjoys it, she is a good actress x'D).
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Business can't stop now that there's one more tank to fuel!
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