#Flower X Thor
Wish list for CBS ghosts season 4
Make Patience a recurring antagonist for at least 2-3 episodes before that story gets resolved and she gets regulated to a background character.
Patience character to be 50% good religious farm girl, 50% crazy witch. She also needs to have a wicked(ly cool) ghost power
More of Isaac loving dinosaurs
More solo development for Isaac
More of Isaac and Hetty's awesome friendship
No Nigel for a while. I do not like him. He did a lot of things in his and Isaac's relationship that are textbook abusive partner behavior.
I think it is about time for Jay's restaurant to start up, and I would like that to actually become pretty successful/profitable. Mostly because I would like Sam and Jay to have a bit more disposable income to do things around the manor, and I know the B&B is unlikely to become super busy next season (unless the show is ending , which I really do not want).
The difference in treatment between the above ground ghosts and basement ghosts to be addressed. I know after season 3 that they aren't going to move them all up stairs. But it would be nice if Sam and Jay could like furbish the basement , and then more Basement ghosts than just Nancy got invited to come upstairs for games or discussion.
Just to be clear I still want Nancy to keep making her frequent visits up stairs and hang out with the man 8. I just also would not mind seeing Stuart or another nameless basement ghost standing or walking by in the background on the occasion.
Explore Pete's power more. He does not need to hop on a plane and go across the country or anything, but let him keep going out into town and having adventures. Also let him keep going on dates with other random ghosts outside of the house.
I know that Pete&Alberta will probably happen at some point in season 4. The thing is though while that ship was cute in season 1, the way the ship was handled in season 2 soured it like milk to me. Both characters need a lot of development, and separate explorations of what they want out of a relationship, before I can ship them again.
H-Money is still a couple I kinda like. I do not expect them to get back together in season 4 (Please not another season that is fully devoted to coupling up all the character), but I would like them to start scheming together again. Let them figure out how to interact together as friends, and build a stronger foundation to eventually, in season 5 maybe, try again.
I have heard people suggest that Pete's power could maybe be extend to getting the other ghosts through the barrier if they are like holding onto Pete's hand. I want this. Now I know Sass will want to visit a Pizza Hut, and Issac a dinosaur museum, but I would say the most important thing to do with that would be to take Thor and Flower over to the Farnsby manor to visit Bjorn and his girlfriend Judy. It would also be cool if there was a lesbian ghost living there they could set up Nancy with. Since Nisaac is on a "respite" and queer representation (preferably healthy queer representation) is important.
Everyone remember in season 2 when we learned about Flower's super protective, formally MIA, army vet brother : Rob. You remember how the show's staff said they would love to have Rob come to the B&B for a visit, and were already considering actors who could play him? I want this episode. Also if you cannot directly tell Rob his sister is a ghost on the property, then can Trevor or Alberta use their powers to help Flower send a message to Rob. To say that she still loves him. I cannot deal that both siblings spent like 50 years thinking the other hated them when neither did. It is to sad.
It would be cool if we could also have Ira visit once too. I know Flower did not love him like she did Michael or does Thor, but he was still someone who was a big part of her life for a while, and knowing her cannonly had a large impact on his. Maybe we find that while he has done charities in her memory, trauma over watching her be killed by a bear has also lead him to sponsor bear hunts or poaching. Flower is horrified. Then Sam and Jay have to spend his visit looking for a way to convince him that is not what Flower would have wanted.
Four standard episodes for each season are a Halloween episode, an episode where Bela visits, one where Stephanie wakes up, and one where Crash appears and is slightly relevant. I have no idea what to do for an episode with Crash, but for the others
-Ghost animals on Halloween
-Home theater night for ghosts and guests on the night Stephanie wakes up, complete with all the drama of set up and shenanigans that going to the movies encores.
- Bela is broken up with Eric, she does not even like him. This time her and Jay's parents come with her for the visit. Bela wants all the latest gossip surrounding the ghosts, but they have to tip toe around the parents. Jay's dad does not fully support the B&B even without the knowledge that it is haunted, and Sam does not want to give her mother in law another reason to suspect that she might be crazy.
Owning back to the "Can Pete take the other ghosts off the property" theory, can Thomas Woodstone be a ghost who died visiting a neighbors property. We have no reason to see Elias again since he has decided to stay put in Hell. But Thomas reappearing could be interesting for both Hetty and Alberta. If he does show up though I want the twist to be that he is actually severally cognitively impaired (think Lenny from oMaM)... I mean the man was from an inbred family, played with lead based toys as a baby, had a cocaine addict mom, and a father who was a lot of things. He could not have been all there. Also address more on if Earl ever actually cared for any of the people he was two timing (again development that needs to happen to make Alberta want to go from dating an Earl to a Pete).
A Sasappis based episode that is not his death story. I feel like he needs at least one more episode exploring what his life alive was like, to be appropriately gutted when we learn about his secret death.
Actually maybe we can hold off on Sass's death and Hetty's ghost power until season 5. let's keep the element of mystery in the show for a little longer.
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marvelousgeeksbackup · 2 months
Ghosts Season 3, Episode 8, “Holes Are Bad,” is a heartwarmingly balanced episode that brings revelations and reminds viewers how special and well-rounded these characters are. Written by Sophia Lear and directed by Jude Weng, it effortlessly touches on sacrifices as a theme by carrying out long-kept secrets. 
Flower is officially back, and as much as the episode centers around her return, it’s also a monumental showcase for Hetty Woodstone’s growth, giving both Rebecca Wisocky and Sheila Carrasco the kind of beautiful scene that many have likely wanted to watch for a while. Flower and Hetty are often on opposite sides of a coin, but what we see here intricately brings to light the thread that binds all these characters into one place. It isn’t their curse or Woodstone Mansion itself; it’s a love and care for each other that surpasses all of that.
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buffyfan145 · 1 month
Really enjoyed the season finale of "Ghosts" last night and what it set up for season 4!!! 😀 Spoilery thoughts behind the cut.
I had a feeling Isaac was going to end his engagement to Nigel but didn't think that'd happen at the wedding. It made sense though as he wasn't ready for marriage yet. Though now he's also been taken by Patience so that's going to be an interesting storyline next season. Curious who's going to play Patience too. Then I'm so happy about Flower and Thor getting engaged. I actually do ship them and while I have other poly ships in my other fandoms I was glad in this case they ended it with Nancy as I noticed in the writing even in s2 that it was proving to Flower she could just love one person and be in a monogamous relationship. Also happy that Pete's back too and does have a limit on how long he can leave the property. Nice to see the actress Allegra Edwards, who played that girl Pete was with on vacation, was the same one who plays Ingrid on "Upload" which also deals with the afterlife in a different way too. Surprised Carol is still there too and she's marrying Baxter. LOL I too thought she'd move on so I guess she'll be in s4 too. And now the wait for s4 this fall.
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vandal-flower · 10 months
Like Father, Like Daughter
Ror men with a daughter who is strong like them.
Requested Characters: Thor, Hercules and Shiva.
Notes: It's been a long time since I wrote for Shiva. Quite refreshing.🧉
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Ever since she was born she had tried to hold Mjölnir, as it was the heaviest thing known to Asgard. (I would too.)
Though many disapproved, saying she could get hurt, Thor allowed her to. "It's a learning experience.", he said.
Though she failed picking it up entirely, she was able to at least move it a bit.
As time goes on, your dear sweet baby girl has the strength of her father.
Ask her to move mountains and she'll do it in an instant.
There was a time she pulled Loki's cheek so hard, he felt as if his face might be ripped off!
In other words, he's proud of her.
"Thor darling, please keep an eye on our daughter, I fear something might happen."
"Don't worry, she'll be alright."
Many thought the daughter of Hercules would be sweet and kind.
Though not wrong, none of them would expect she would have the strength of her father!
Carrying uncle Ares at the age of 900. Winning against Hades in an arm wrestle at the age of 1000. You know the drill.
Her bright and sweet personality makes others think that she's not that strong.
But, oh boy. They were wrong. (So wrong.)
Her temper usually gets her strength out of control.
But don't worry, you're dear husband Hercules will save the day. Even if it means a quarter of the Heavens is destroyed.
"Herc, you have to make sure she doesn't accidentally hurt someone!"
"Don't worry my love. As long as I'm here, all is well."
He knew this would happen, the whole pantheon knew! (Damn.)
You all weren't surprised when she took more of her father than you. From personality, style and now, strength.
Prankster and problem child at heart, her father helps her escape from your eyes.
You scold both of them for the destruction she's caused.
But as the god of destruction, he makes an excuse for her.
His three other wives must hold you back from smacking sense into the both of them.
Although it's all fun and games, you can't help but blame Shiva for his influence.
"Shiva, explain what the both of you have done."
"Nothing much, c'mon you gotta stop overreacting!"
Still working on requests, just slow.
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slayqueeningtbh · 7 months
me: (on the brink of delusion waiting for more genv crumbs)
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Please reblog if you can?!
@missielynne @fallowtail
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cbsghostsdaily · 19 days
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Thor x Flower ↳requested by @imdefyingmavity
tutorial credit: x + x
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maybege · 6 months
bingewatched this series "ghosts" (which btw everyone should watch it is absolutely hilarious and so wholesome) but now i am thinking of an au in which paz and reader are both ghosts from a different time stuck on the same property and just absolutely falling for each other?
(i am thinking paz as a warrior from olden times and reader as a kindergarten teacher that got stabbed at a haunted house event?)
paz's ghost superpower is that he can actually touch and talk to cats for the very selfish reason that i need paz to look for and hold the cat so he can offer reader to pet the little fluffy thing 🥺
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thor and flower are so autistic-for-autistic i love them
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weltato · 1 year
don't mind me, just over here thinking about all the relationships in Woodstone Manor so far
they are my new top ships for the day
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coal15 · 5 months
Ghosts deserve more attention
Or rather, Ghosts. I've spent two last weeks binge watching the US and UK versions, then re-watching my favorite scenes on youtube, and I don't think either of them gets enough online fandom love. So I'm going to write a fic set in the US version. Not that I think it's better than the UK one, I actually like them both equally. It's just that I haven't gotten any fleshed out story ideas for the UK version yet, whereas with the US version I've somehow gotten an entire fics' worth of story in my brain without even trying. So I'm going to write the whole mess down and hopefully have it posted either this week or the next. I hope my fellow Ghosts fans enjoy the result. (obviously I've never written for these characters before, really hoping I don't screw it up)
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moonah-rose · 2 months
Dunno if I'll write it but I have a CBS Ghosts prompt already bolling.
We know that when Flower gets rescued they're not gonna give her any trauma to have to deal with being trapped down a well for months. It's a comedy! More of a comedy than the BBC, which I think might have touched on it same as they did Robin's isolation. But either way what I predict is they'll have Flower's goldfish memory make it so that once she's free she doesn't even remember being stuck down there and it will be like it never happened.
So the prompt I've got in mind is basically her revealing to Thor in private that, no, she does remember, yes she is pissed that no one came to find her and it might have broken her a little bit...emotional hurt/comfort basically.
Gonna wait until the episode airs because if they surprise me by not ignoring it then might not need to write it.
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strideofpride · 1 year
I completely agree with you about trevor and hetty yes!!! do you have other H-Money thoughts?
Um I feel like "I think they should keep fucking raw" really encapsulates my thoughts on them lol
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 9 months
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boo! surprise bitches! i'm doing kinktober this year! finally doing it! bet you didn't see that one coming, did you hehe 🕸
there is a good mix of both short and long stories coming your way throughout this (and i will also still occasionally post other fics this month that aren't related to this). also, a handful of these fics are darker in nature, thought it was fitting for halloween, so remember to read the warnings, if there's something that's not for you then please, as always, be kind to yourself and don't read the story.
masterlist | join my taglist
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day one | sore
stepbro!sirius black x cheerleader!reader + dubcon massage
day two | don't smile
steve rogers + throat fucking + size kink
day three | stuffed
devil!eddie munson & angel!steve harrington + tentecles + double penetration in one hole
day four | a little fashion show
best friend!stiles stilinski + lingerie
day five | stay still
peter parker + bondage
day six | hold up, let me record this
jj maybank + tittyfucking + sextape
day seven | the palace guards
guards!poly!marauders x princess!reader + secrets relationship
day eight | it’s practically like we’re down there with them
mob boss!bucky barnes + exhibitionism
day nine | keep that pretty mouth shut
tommy shelby + keep quiet quickie
day ten | I couldn’t find it in me to wake you
poe dameron + somno thigh fucking
day eleven | I just want you a little longer all to myself
matt murdock + secret office sex
day twelve | nothing more than a toy
rafe cameron + using you like a toy to masturbate with
day thirteen | I still got a few rounds left in me
boxer!steve rogers + bathtub sex
day fourteen | open your fucking mouth
dark!wild west cowboy!joel miller + gun kink
day fifteen | tiny
miguel o'hara x fairy!reader + extreme size difference
day sixteen | the wall between us
cult member!steve harrington + fem glory hole + breeding
day seventeen | be a rebel, be bad, stay here and cuddle with me
spencer reid + aftercare
day eighteen | pleasant pile of pillows
brother's best friend!james potter + pillow humping
day nineteen | ring ring
sam winchester x reader x bf!dean winchester + phone sex + cheating
day twenty | window
perv!neighbour!billy russo + voyeurism
day twenty-one | say yes
fiancé!bruce wayne + possessiveness
day twenty-two | i can think of something better than that
bucky barnes + anal
day twenty-three | double check
dark!professor!ben solo + power imbalance + manipulation
day twenty-four | maroon
vampire!remus lupin + biting + blood kink
day twenty-five | i want you
pirate captain!miguel o'hara + sex as payment
day twenty-six | teamwork
pro football team!avengers (bf!steve rogers, bucky barnes, pietro maximoff, clint barton, sam wilson, tony stark, thor odinson) + gangbang
day twenty-seven | my little flower
din djarin + fantasy au + cockwarming
day twenty-eight | hysteria
doctor!aleksander morozova x hysteria patient!reader + historical au + fuck machine
day twenty-nine | can't fight the moonlight
werewolf!bucky barnes x gf!reader + predator/prey + monsterfucking
day thirty | magical mimic
eddie munson x witch!reader + magical mutual masturbation
day thirty-one | you can’t put it in
stepbro!peter parker + halloween pussyjob
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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vandal-flower · 1 year
Is That My Prince Charming?!
Ror/Snv men as your Prince Charming meeting you.
Characters: Thor, Hermes and Hercules.
Notes: Hello, fill my inbox.
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• The Silent and Bored Prince Charming.
• Many praise his strength and saving people, but that doesn't matter to him.
• He wants his boredom to be cured, and boy did you cure it. (Good on you!)
• He thought you were just some random person in distress who just needed saving. Turns out you cause stress. (Not intentionally I hope.)
• When he ran into you, he was surprised to say the least.
• You were captured by a giant, but started interrogating, questioning his morals. Thor didn't have a chance to fight the giant before it ran off.
• That was off to a good start. (👍)
• Thor later took a liking in you, taking you on adventures. But he couldn't help his feelings blossom for you.
"I don't know what it is, but I want to know more about you, more than anyone else."
• The Aloof and Calculating Prince Charming.
• He's always behind the scenes, planning ahead of his enemies, but not taking any credit of it.
• His smile always makes some wonder what he is up to. (Me too.)
• He found you in places you shouldn't be, and let you off the hook.
• The two of you would meet up more than often, this is due to you somehow getting in some mess.
• He finds it hilarious when both of you meet up in these messes. (His laugh is very beautiful.)
• He is always one step ahead, yet sometimes you're two steps ahead of him.
• His aloof and cunning persona breaks down when it comes to you.
"You always surprise me, one way or another. One day, I'll also give you a surprise of your own."
• The True and Heroic Prince Charming.
• His smile is bright and never gets tired of helping others. It's his duty! (He's a good Boi.)
• Many wish to marry the prince, but he rejects their offer before they could even ask.
• You just so happen to make him want to ask you.
• He doesn't know what it is, maybe the fact you left a shoe behind when you ran off.
• He's willing to search far and wide just to return your shoe. (How chivalrous🤭)
• You would never expect him to have some kind of puppy love for you. And it doesn't seem he wants to let go now.
• He's willing to fight anyone for your hand in marriage.
"I don't care what the others may think of me, I only care about you and you only."
Who is your Prince Charming?
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bones4thecats · 6 months
Adopting Their Fallen Enemy's Child (PT.1) ~ RoR/SnV x Child! Reader
Type of Writing: Poll Result Characters: Thor, Shiva, & Child! Reader Name: Adopting Their Fallen Enemy's Child (PT.1) Original Poll Link: Here Other Parts: (PT.2)
A/N: I actually really liked this idea on the poll I made, and I hope it turned out as good as I imagined it! Enjoy!!
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🌩️ Your father was the Lü Bu, the Flying General himself, and when you heard from the Valkyrie named Brunhilde that he was set to fight in the first match of Ragnarok, you gave him the best support he could’ve asked for
🌩️ You sat alongside his army, with his strategist, Chen Gong, sitting next to you, trying to keep you from jumping down and attacking the God of Thunder yourself
🌩️ When Chen Gong and the others sacrificed themselves, stating their loyalty to you father, you stood there in shock and tear-filled eyes as Thor looked at you, seeing a child without anyone left
🌩️ He felt guilty, but this was what they wanted, they wanted to join their lord, and while he initially wanted to just leave the area, he walked up to you and shocked the Gods and Humans as he kneeled down and hugged you
🌩️ After that day, you stayed by Thor’s side, he reminded you so much of your father it would make you cry
🌩️ Thor may not be the best person when it comes to comforting, but he tries his best when it comes to you, Lü Bu was the one person who could stand a fight against him, and because of this, he would try training you to be just as strong as your father and him
🌩️ He honors your father with you. Every day on his birthday, and on the days of each of his soldiers, including Chen Gong, you would walk into a field in the forest located in the Chinese section of Valhalla, you would both hand off flowers and lay them on the graves you and him had made
🌩️ The words he said to you when he comforted you that day are words that you will never forget
“ Your father was an honorable man, I hope you know that. And because of the honor he possessed, I will take you in as my own. I believe it is something that your father would’ve wanted. “
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🪩 He believed that Raiden was the one opponent he would remember the rest of his life, and when he saw the now-deceased rikishi stare at a young child with the two Valkyries, he froze
🪩 The man was a father, just like him
🪩 But while his child could handle loss of someone easily, you appeared to be around a young teen, this must’ve been one of the hardest things you ever had to witness
🪩 Shiva looked at you and back at the crumbling Raiden Tameemon, guilt filled his heart, which was something he hadn’t felt for such a long time, why did he feel guilty? He just won and brought honor to his pantheon!
🪩 Watching as you ran down and tried hugging the remaining pieces of your father just got him staring back at his wives and son, and when he saw how saddened their eyes were then they looked at you
🪩 The God of Destruction walked up to you and you jumped back when his one arm reached out to you, and that action made the Humans cry out for him to not hurt you
🪩 He kneeled down and since he was just on fire, the heat that radiated off of him made you hold your head away from him
“ Look at me, young one. “
🪩 You looked up at him and saw how his eyes shimmered with guilt, making you look at where your father once stood and back at the man who caused his demise
🪩 Shiva held is one arm back as you tried helping him stay standing when he slumped over in pain, after all, losing three arms doesn't exactly make anyone, including Gods, feel very good
🪩 Once you came to visit him with his wives and son, he saw how you carried yourself around him, not with resentment or fear, but with care and gentleness, making him smile
🪩 Whenever he rested, you laid next to him, you were like another child of his, and when he offered to take care of you in the Hindu Pantheon, it made you jump up and down and hug him and his wives as they agreed to taking you in as their own
“ Your father was one of the best fighters I have ever met in my thousands of years of life. And… seeing you look so painfully at where your father once stood, I just, I knew you had to have someone there for you. Would you do me, and my wives, the honor of joining our family? ”
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