#Forgive my sins plz XD
mushroom-for-art · 2 years
Another drawing of the Xatt ocs I made cause they're shaped, bun one still needs a name rip. She Sploot. Idk if they have beans but I thought it'd be cute meanwhile Xep is just lonk and very off incorrectly proportioned here to ruin other Xatts lives like the weird hare shaped beast she is. Full credit to @chocodile who owns the Xatt species
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softyoongiionly · 5 years
Fear and Dumplings: Chapter Fifteen
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Confronting your fears for a final grade sounds unappealing but, with Yoongi as your partner, things might not be so bad.
Summary: You’re in your final semester at University when your Abnormal Psychology professor assigns you a partnered project surrounding your greatest fears. Lucky for you, your partner just so happens to be a cute boy named Min Yoongi.
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Underground Rapper! Yoongi, Soft!!! Yoongi, Fluff!!!, College! Yoongi, Sub! Yoongi
Word Count: 10.1k ( this is unedited for now)
A/N: hello its 4am and, Im dead inside but, I love soft yoongi so much. I hope this makes you happy :)))) This chapter was really supposed to be about Jimin’s showcase but, there is a lil spice and a whole lot of Suga (ha, get it?) at the end. Please please please let me know what you think, it means the world.
Warnings for this Chapter: overwhelming tension as we wait for the winner of the showcase to be announced, language, alcohol use (stay safe kidz), like an insane amount of fluff and friendship, smut (18+ only plz).
Chapter 15: Park Fairy and Professions
So, you think you can make it out of Yoongi’s studio aka the place where you’ve realized you’re most definitely falling for the one and only Min Yoongi aka Agust D aka THE CUTEST MAN ALIVE???
You can!
Well, barely…
After the conclusion of yet another round of morning sex, you finally pry your greedy hands off of Yoongi’s body and, force yourself to head home to freshen up before Jimin’s show.
Yoongi hadn’t been very fond of the idea but, the logical side of him knew that the two of you couldn’t stay cocooned together forever.
(even though he would have been totally fine with that)
He walked you to your car, flipping Seijin off as he berated him from the front desk and, placed at least 5 shy kisses onto your mouth after opening your car door.
Home boy was thoroughly whipped…
But I mean…so we’re you.
Because, now that you’re sitting on your couch in nothing but your towel, you can’t help but allow a drunken smile to invade your mouth.
While you might have erred on the side of caution a month or two prior, you can’t help but, free fall into the mushy pit of emotion that’s currently taking over your brain.
It’s nothing you can avoid anymore. You’ve been trying for quite some time.
You’re hopelessly, recklessly, falling in-
Saved by the bell…
You giggle, your heart warming at Jungkook’s open display of (aggressive) affection.
He’s come along way.
BROS FOR LYFE: I’ll be there! Even though getting beheaded by Jungkook doesn’t sound like a bad way to go…
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): when he sends out death threats for you <333 I can’t wait to see you kookie, I miss you so much. Are you guys staying the night?
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): I’m definitely staying the night. I don’t know what Tae is doing.
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): and given that he ate my leftovers last night, I don’t care what he’s doing :D
BROS FOR LYFE: the ultimate sin
BROS FOR LYFE: tae, I’m surprised you survived through the night…
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): The leftovers were unmarked, aka they were fair game
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): also, yes we’re staying the night but, we have to leave early in the morning because we have finals to study for
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): kookie never said he missed me back so, he might not have a place to stay tonight -_-
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): we spent four hours on facetime last night (while Taehyung the Traitor was taking candy (my leftovers) from a baby (me) ) talking about how much we missed eachother
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): I can’t be gross in the main chat but, you know I miss you a lot
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): good point <333 I love u
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): Y/N is Yoongi coming tonight??? I really want to meet him
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): I love you more jagiya
BROS FOR LYFE: *cries in genuine love and happiness for two of my best friends finding that good ol fashion true love*
BROS FOR LYFE: He’s coming <333
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): is he? He’s a cool guy, I feel bad that I didn’t talk to him more but, I got distracted
BROS FOR LYFE: all of you were distracted that night smh but, yeah he’ll be there
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): forgive me; I was confessing my undying love for Jimin
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): and I was trying not to murder the group of co-eds for swarming my man like a bunch of fucking vultures ^-^
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): and I was uh…you know…getting laid
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): see Y/N, Tae has no excuse…
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): he’s just awful :-)
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): you were also getting laid??? At least I actually met Y/N’s new boyfriend
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): excuse you, I was making love…
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): Kookie (◕‿◕✿)
BROS FOR LYFE:  There’s no hard feelings, yoongi and I were unbothered
BROS FOR LYFE: we all got laid that night XD
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): did she just
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): I’m so proud :’’’)
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): we’re getting distracted though
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): tonight is about the one
BROS FOR LYFE: True that
BROS FOR LYFE: Park Fairy, we are so excited to see you dance tonight! I already know that you’re going to blow us away but, I am not prepared for how hard I’m going to cry.
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): I hope I make you guys proud, having you there means the world to me
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): hi, can you stop saying nice things? I’m in public and, I don’t need strangers seeing me cry
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): He’s cried twice already…once at the gas station and, once at mcdonalds
BROS FOR LYFE: Jimin, we’re already so proud of you…like? You’re literally so talented. We’ve been proud since you won the 7th grade talent show. WE WORE MATCHING T-SHIRTS
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): ahhh yes, how could I forget? You made Taemin cry lol
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): he was really good
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): I was just…you know…
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): isn’t he a pornstar now?
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): is he?!?!
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): can 100% confirm that he is a pornstar
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): how do you know?
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): well this was fun! Love you jagiyaaaa! We’re about to go through a very windy tunnel!
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): underground!
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK):  I can’t hear you *static sound*
BROS FOR LYFE: did he just
BROS FOR LYFE: type out…static sound?
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): I’m going to kill him  (◕‿◕✿)
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): lol Jungkook has left the chat. We do have to get back on the road though. We love you guys, see you soon : )
BROS FOR LYFE: Love you guys! Drive safe through all of those windy underground tunnels lol
As usual, a conversation with your best friend’s never ceases to leave a massive smile on your face.
Those three were good for the soul.
There were a few things you’ve been neglecting for the past two days. One of which was currently howling at your feet.
Marizpan is a fickle creature, as most cats are but, she’s exceedingly affectionate during times like these.
Times when she wants something
She rubs her tabby body against your legs to summon your attention and, immediately you oblige, picking her up and placing her on your lap.
“Hi…did you miss me? I was gone for one whole night and, I nearly died without you…” You lament, giggling as she offers a grumble in response, rubbing her head against your hand as you scratch gently behind your ears.
Another howl comes from Marzipan’s throat as she glances anxiously towards the kitchen:
She wants treats…
Of course.
“I can’t believe, after all of these years, that I actually believed you genuinely wanted affection…” You admonish her, smirking fondly as she grumbles again, eyes still trained on the kitchen.
“Fair enough, come on…” You giggle, patting her butt before the two of you stride towards the cupboard.
Marizpan’s insatiable hunger is satiated for now and, upon surveying your living room, you decide to tidy up a bit.
There was quite a bit of nervousness swirling around your stomach at how tonight would go. If Jimin wins his showcase, the odds of him being hired into his dance company of choice would literally skyrocket.
You know that’s his ultimate goal. It has been ever since you met him and, you wanted to see him succeed so badly. Watching Jimin evolve into the dancer he is today has been a truly incredible experience.
All of your friends have become amazing people and, you couldn’t help but smile to yourself at how lucky you are to have them in your life.
Yoongi meeting your friends was kind of a big deal and, you’re trying your best to downplay it. You wanted them to meet at Kappa’s party because, it would have been a less formal setting. In all honesty, you kind of knew that your friends would disappear and do their own thing so, it was a cop out to have them meet there in the first place.
Having them all formally meet on such an important night probably wasn’t the greatest idea but, given that it was Jimin’s suggestion, you figured he was more than ok with it.
There was a gnawing thought in the back of your brain that begins to remind you that the reason you care so much about Yoongi meeting your friends is because well…
You’re in-
Yoongi: Hey, what time should I be there tonight?
The abrupt buzzing on your thigh was a welcome distraction; your incoming texts seem to have impeccable timing.
You: Jungkook said to get there a half hour early so, maybe like 7?
Yikes, the butterflies are in full blown chaos mode and, all Yoongi has done is send you a text.
Yoongi: Ok sounds good.
A few seconds pass before another text comes through.
Yoongi: you left your bra here by the way
You: Ugh I knew I forgot something…
You: Would you mind setting it aside for me? I’ll get it the next time I come over.
The butterflies ricochet uncomfortably in your stomach as you respond with the assumption that you would be coming over again.
Yoongi: ok :-)
Yoongi: thank you for coming to the studio last night
Yoongi: I feel a lot better today
A small smile curves onto your mouth, his little smiley face with the nose are YOU KIDDING ME???
You: anytime <3
You: thank you for trusting me with your emotions; I know that shit isn’t easy.
Yoongi: idk, you make it pretty easy
Yoongi: I gotta keep working but, text me when you’re there so, I can meet up with you guys
Yoongi: have a good day <3
You: I will <3 you too!
Once again, Yoongi has a way of making you feel on top of the world but, saying only a few words. It’s always so genuine, which is why it strikes such a chord in you.
You never understood why people would want to spend all of their free time with one person until you met Yoongi. Obviously, keeping things realistic, you know that isn’t possible. But, you’re fully in that cupcake phase. If you had your way, you’d spend every day with him at this point.
It’s absolutely disgusting.
For Jimin’s showcase, your outfit choice was simple: just a patterned dress and, some boots. As Jungkook said, tonight is about the one and only PARK JIMIN.
But, you still wanted to look nice, as this night is so incredibly important.
Taehyung and Jungkook called you earlier in the day to let you know they had made it to Jimin’s apartment. Jimin, of course, had already left for the showcase to warm up and, get into his costume.
Yoongi had also texted you 10 minutes ago letting you know that he was leaving his house and, at that, your stomach had swirled once again with excitement.
As you’ve done so many times before, you bid Marzipan an enthusiastic farewell which, of course, isn’t reciprocated.
She’s kind of a rude girl.
But, anyway, off you go.
The ride to your university is longer than usual due to an unscheduled stop at a nearby station but, you make it to the center of campus in less than 20 minutes.
The school is swarming with students, which is obviously unusual for this time of day but, the annual showcase is one of the biggest events of the entire year. So big in fact, that there are several media outlets there to cover it.
You can’t be bothered with that kind of excitement because, you’re dealing with a very different kind of excitement that literally explodes in your gut the moment you see him.
Yoongi is standing by the fountain, dressed in a light blue button up, a chocolate brown pair of cuffed chinos, and dress shoes. His faded hair is combed neatly towards the front of his face and, you swear you’re literally going to melt right here, in the middle of campus.
There isn’t a need to feel shy anymore but, you don’t want to make a scene.
Not in public anyway…
“Hey I’m sorry to bother you but, you look so familiar. Do we have like…class together or something?” You inquire casually, resisting the urge to smile as his gummy smile immediately makes an appearance.
He saw you coming but, he chose not to look up from his phone, still holding on to some level of chill.
“Uh no sorry, I’ve never seen you in my life…” He replies, smiling but, not looking up from his phone, his cheeks flushing as he spots your dress out of the corner of his eye.
“So weird…” You muse before, hooking a finger underneath his chin to bring his gaze towards yours, “I feel like I just saw you this morning though…”
Yoongi thinks you look beautiful and, he kind of wants to proclaim it loudly to the entire quad but, of course, that isn’t his style. Instead, he keeps his smile intact: gums and all, and replies.
“Hm actually, now that I’m looking at you, you do look kind of familiar…”
He’s already itching to kiss you; emotions really are a sickness.
“Maybe this will jog your memory…” You murmur before leaning and pressing your lips against his, immediately wishing that there isn’t a crowd of people surrounding you.
Yoongi’s hands come out on instinct to rest on your hips, cursing himself for already missing the feeling of your lips.
“Do you remember me now?” You whisper, pulling away, one of your hands coming up to cover Yoongi’s.
He blushes, nodding wordlessly, still sort of lingering against your lips, “Y-Yeah…”
“WeEELLL hello there! Hi, yes we are here now so please stop being gross!”
You giggle, reluctantly pulling away from Yoongi’s mouth before turning towards the boisterous voice.  
Jungkook and Taehyung are approaching from the huge crowd of people and, you feel Yoongi tuck into your side obviously nervous. They draw attention from a group of girls also loitering by the fountain and, sometimes you forget how unbelievably attractive your best friends are. Taehyung is wearing a maroon button up that’s casually tucked into a pair of the tightest black pants you’ve ever seen and, Jungkook is dressed in all black (dress shirt and pants) along with a tie that LITERALLY HAS JIMIN’S FACE ON IT.
We love a supportive boyfriend.
“Uhmmmm hi??? Where did you get that tie and, why didn’t you bring any Jimin merch to share with the rest of the class?” You inquire, brows raised in expectation causing Taehyung to snicker and shake his head.
Jungkook scoffs, the two of them now standing right in front of you and Yoongi, “This is exclusive. Boyfriends only. Yoongi-ssi it’s good to see you again…” Jungkook bows his head slightly, shaking Yoongi’s hand and, Yoongi accepts it graciously, bowing his head as well.  
At this, you raise your brows, not expecting Jungkook to whip out the honorifics but, you can tell it pleases Yoongi by the small smile on his lips.  
“It’s good to see you again too, your tie is great.”  
Taehyung follows suit, shaking his hand and bowing before speaking, “Yoongi-ssi do you speak Korean?”  
Your ears perk up at the unfamiliar language and, immediately you see Yoongi smirk, “I do yes, it’s my first language.”
Jungkook snickers, “Interesting. So what I’m hearing is, we now have a way to communicate without Y/N knowing.”
Narrowing your brows, you nudge Yoongi, “What are they saying???”  
Yoongi smirks, turning quickly to press a kiss to your cheek, “Don’t worry about it…”
“Yeah Y/N, the adults are talking…” Taehyung chuckles and, you feel yourself roll your eyes in response.  
“Yah this is going to be fun…” Jungkook chuckles causing the other two men to join him.
With a roll of your eyes and, a groan at the back of your throat you, slide your hand down Yoongi’s forearm before interlocking your fingers with his, “You guys suck...”  
Yoongi thinks he’s going to melt due to the fact that you are now holding his hand but, he plays it off by snickering along with your friends.  
You don’t miss the way his thumb runs over the back of your knuckles whilst he still maintains the smirk on his face, “Did you not know that you’re best friends spoke Korean?”  
“Obviously I knew but, they only ever speak it at their parent’s house. I didn’t think they’d use it for mischief...” You grumble, nudging Jungkook as he wraps his arm around you, leading all of you towards the performance space.  
“How else do you expect us to intimidate your new boyfriend? If we said it in English, you’d know and ruin all the fun.” Kook explains, very matter of factly, still smirking as he keeps Yoongi and Taehyung entertained.  
“Excuse you, I don’t ruin the fun, now you’re just spreading lies...” You admonish, nudging Jungkook even harder, swaying slightly before leaning into Yoongi for support  
“You would ruin this specific type of fun.” Taehyung corrects, “we have to make sure Yoongi is a certified Bro...”  
“A certified Bro?” Yoongi inquires, brows furrowed in confusion.
Taehyung’s statement and Yoongi’s subsequent confusion make you giggle and, you nod to your cell phone in response, “We made a group chat on Discord like 7 years ago called Bros for Life and, we’ve kept the same name ever since so, that’s how we refer to each other…”
With a nod, Yoongi acknowledges your explanation, thinking it over before turning to Taehyung as the four of you walk closer and closer towards the entrance, “What are the qualifications to becoming a bro?”
Jungkook snickers as your face falls once again, “You’re off to a great start Yoongi-ssi, your willingness to annoy Y/N is impressive.”
Yoongi chuckles, nodding and, although your curiosity is eating you alive and, you want to smack Jungkook for enjoying it so much, you feel warmth blooming in your chest as you see Yoongi interact with your best friends.  
Also, hearing Yoongi speak Korean is…you know…hot.
“You speak in a dialect too, which makes you cooler, where are you from?” Taehyung fishes out his wallet, pulling four tickets out as you approach the beginning of the line.  
“Daegu, you sound like you’re from Gyeongsang too…”  
You recognize the word ‘Daegu’ from his otherwise mystery sentence and, you come to the conclusion that they are likely asking Yoongi where he’s from.  
Taehyung’s face goes wide with excitement, slapping Yoongi on the back a bit too hard, “Yahhh I am, I left when I was ten. Y/N your man is doing well so far, we’re from the same area back home.”
The end of Taehyung’s sentence reaches your ears and, you turn towards Yoongi to catch the blush on his cheeks.   
‘Your man’ Yoongi thinks, he likes the sound of that.
“Oh yeah that’s right Tae, I forgot you were from Daegu too...look at you guys, having things in common already…” You smile, averting your gaze towards the entrance to the auditorium.
It’s been awhile since you’ve seen Jimin dance. You’d gone to a smaller showcase earlier in the year and, although it was fucking fantastic, you have a feeling that whatever you’re about to experience is going to blow you away.
“Tickets?” A chipper voice draws your attention as the female student extends her hand towards your group.
Taehyung gives her a polite smile before handing over the tickets and, upon checking them out the girl’s face seems to light up.
“Sorry but, are you guys here for Park Jimin?”
You and Yoongi glance at eachother before Jungkook pipes up, “The one and only…he’s my boyfriend…”
Jungkook isn’t one for talking to strangers so, the fact that he is so willing to announce his relationship to this unsuspecting girl is kind of cute.
The girl smiles, her cheeks flushing a bit as she nods, “Oh well…congratulations um, I was just asking because, Mr. Park has a reserved seating area at the front of the auditorium. He also instructed me to tell you that he loves you very much and, if I see Jungkook, which I’m assuming you’re Jungkook…” She laughs and, gestures to Jungkook, “…to tell him that…” She pulls a piece of notebook paper from her pocket, reading intently, “ ‘ To my Kookie Monster, if you aren’t wearing anything with my face on it, I will probably die of a broken heart also, you look really hot, I can’t wait to let you hit it from the back later, lots of kisses, Love your little Mochi…”
The letter causes a great flush to come over Jungkook’s cheeks as  he desperately wishes Jimin had even an ounce of shame. You and Tae are in a full blown fit of laughter that Yoongi actually joins at some point but, not without blushing first.  
“Anyway…” The girl giggles, ripping off a portion of your tickets before gesturing to a tall man with a headset, “Soobin will take you to your seats, enjoy the show…”
“Oh he will…” You tease, your laughter still dying down as Jungkook audibly groans, trudging behind you like the angsty teen he really is.
“Shut uuuuuup.” He grumbles which only fuels the teasing more.
“Yah, Kookie Monster really? I thought you guys were Jeon-Z and Jimyonce?” Tae jests, pinching Jungkook’s arm.
He shrugs off Taehyung’s touch, a smile threatening his lips because, while yes it was pretty embarrassing, Jungkook secretly enjoys the attention.  
“We still are…” He affirms before, an uncharacteristic smirk comes over his lips, “…that’s just what he calls me in bed…”
At this, your brows go up but, Jungkook just keeps walking, pushing playfully past Tae who also sports your same astonish expression.
“Kookie monster is a weird sex name…” Taehyung murmurs in your ear whilst attempting to following Jungkook to your seats.
You giggle, shrugging your shoulders before subtly pulling Yoongi a little closer to you, knowing he gets nervous in larger crowds, “Don’t kink shame them, they are young and in love…”
“That’s no excuse.” Taehyung smirks, shaking his head as Jungkook proudly takes his seat front and center, frantically waving the rest of you over.
Still smiling fondly at your friend, you turn towards Yoongi, only to find that he’s already looking in your direction.
“Are you ok? I’m sorry, I didn’t even think about the crowd…”
Yoongi just smiles ( :] ), shaking his head, “No need to be sorry, I’m good…”
You raise his hand, pressing a kiss to the backs of his knuckles, which of course makes him want to keel over and die in the middle of the performance space.
“Ok good, let me know…” You assure him as the two of you sit down, the bustling of the room growing increasing louder as more and more people file in.  
Yoongi nods, still smiling fondly at you before, his dark eyes flit towards the stage. What you don’t notice is the quickening of his heart, which occurs every time you do anything remotely endearing.
This, unluckily for him, is very often.
As the room begins to settle, you see Jungkook pull out his camera, puttering around with the settings to make sure everything is ready for Jimin’s performance. The nerves bubbling in your stomach begin to grow, knowing full well that your best friend is backstage getting ready to put on the show of his life.  
You notice the various talent scouts around the space, stiff looking people nursing clipboards between their hands and, a panel of judges at the center of the room, looking just as pedantic.
��What number is he?” Taehyung leans over Jungkook to whisper to you but, Jungkook pipes up before you have the chance to speak.
“18. It’s his lucky number…” He nods with his response, his dark eyes eagerly scanning the stage.
You and Tae smile fondly at him before glancing knowingly at one another.  
Jungkook looked nervous, probably more nervous than you’ve ever seen Jimin. He’s likely spent many nights speaking with Jimin about the importance of this night and, Jungkook being the supportive, loving person he is, wants nothing more than to see his boyfriend succeed.  
“I think Jimin said there are 20 dancers in his category and, then a short deliberation period before they announce the winner.”  You affirm, patting Jungkook’s thigh, which has been bouncing up and down for the past few minutes, “Are you ok?”
He glances at you, nodding, his eyes holding a bit of apprehension, “Yeah, I’m just nervous for him. I know he’s going to be amazing but, I just want them to know that..” He nods to the panel of judges assigned with essentially sealing Jimin’s fate as a professional dancer, “He told me that he’s been promised so many things if he wins, like contracts and stuff, it’s just really important that he wins. I don’t know what would happen if he didn’t…I just want them to see how amazing he is…”
Jungkook’s concerns are mumbled in such a way that indicates he only wants you to hear them, not wanting to appear nervous to the rest of the crowd.  
“It would be impossible for them not to see how amazing he is. He’s going to light up the entire room, you know he will…” You smile, rubbing Jungkook’s thigh gently and, he leans into you, placing his head on yours momentarily before turning and placing a quick kiss on top of your head.
“I know, I know, thank you…he’s going to crush these amateurs….” He mutters into your hair, causing you to giggle at his brashness.  
“Into smithereens…”  
With a grin, Jungkook pulls away, trying to reign in all of his difficult emotions as the lights around the room begin to dim.  
The noise lingering around the room comes to a complete halt as the host for the evening meanders onto the stage. Dressed in a bright pink suit, you decide that he looks vaguely familiar but, you can’t quite place his face.
“Good evening ladies and gentleman, welcome to the 10th annual Crystal Cornucopia, the nation’s leading collegiate dance showcase. I’m your host for the evening, Kim Jong-in but, most of you probably know me as Kai. It’s pleasure to be back here on the 10th anniversary of this amazing event that launched my career not too long ago.” He smiles brilliantly at the crowd as applause erupts at the end of is statement.  
Ah yes, you remember now. Kai was an alumni of your university who subsequently actually lost to Jimin during Jimin’s freshman year showcase. However, things apparently worked out for him because, according to Jimin, Kai went on to join a very prestigious dance company after graduation. Knowing this gave you some comfort because, although Jimin losing the showcase was unlikely, it was still possible.  
“We have 50 incredible dancers tonight from three of my favorite styles.” Kai continues, adjusting the shiny lapels of his suit, “20 amazing contemporary performers, 20 hip-hop performers and, 5 stunning pairs of ballroom dancers.”
“Tonight, not only do we get to witness months of hard work and dedication but, we also get to witness the championing of the year’s best collegiate dancer.”  
At his words, the crowd cheers again, and you smile at the thought of your best friend twirling on stage to receive his much deserved trophy.
Kai continues his intro speech, giving the room a rundown on basic etiquette and, instructions for meeting with the dancers after the show.  
“First up is June Lee!”  
The hip hop category is first and with it, comes a lot of excitement and, older members of the crowd shooting disappointing glances at the stage.  
During a small set-up break between performers, you lean over to Yoongi, who seems to be enjoying himself, “Is Hoseok performing tonight?”
Yoongi smirks and shakes his head, “I told him when he transferred that he should sign up but he said, and I quote, ‘hyung dance competitions are way too mainstream and besides,  they would ban me immediately for being too sexy on stage.’ “
You laugh quietly, leaning into him as you do, “Fair enough, that’s why I didn’t join too, you know, cause it’s too mainstream or whatever…”
He raises his brows at that, “Oh yeah? That’s why you’re not in the competition?”
You attempt to get a straight face and a quiet voice as you reply, “Definitely yeah…I would have given Jimin a run for his money…”
Before Yoongi has a chance to return your banter, Jungkook casually turns to you and whispers, “Stop lying to your boyfriend Y/N, trust is the most important thing in a relationship.”
Whilst you gawk at him, Yoongi erupts in a quieter version of his rickety laughter and, you’re actually happy Jungkook is telling jokes, even if it’s at your expense. 
“Why would you expose me like that? I thought we were friends….” You lament, face full of mock offense as the two men continue chuckling.  
The chatter once again dies down as the next performer enters the stage.
Although you were thoroughly enjoying the performances as they were incredible, you were only there for one reason and, that reason was:
Park fucking Jimin.  
“Up next, we have three time national champion, Park Jimin, number 18!” Kai’s voice echoes throughout the room and, your stomach literally drops as the curtains are pulled open to reveal Jimin’s set.  
Several dancers had mini set-ups and, if you remembered correctly, they only had 30 seconds to put up and take down their props; Jimin had been stressing out over whether or not he’d be able to do it.
Of course, he pulled it off.
Your breath catches in your throat as soft periwinkle and yellow lights illuminate the stage revealing Jimin curled up inside a shiny looking bubble filled with flowers. His pink hair is ruffled playfully atop his head as his pearlescent lycra suit clings to his figure. Only, it’s not just the suit this time, he’s also sporting a diamond choker, paired with diamond earrings and, perhaps the most stunning addition of all, are the beautiful fairy wings adorning his back.
“Park Fairy…” You whisper, trying to control the massive smile that’s taking over your lips. Yoongi squeezes your hand encouragingly, knowing how emotional this moment is for you.
Jimin looks up at the top of the bubble as his song starts playing, it’s a song called Serendipity and, its one of Jimin’s favorites. As he touches the bubble, it seems to curl away and disappear around him, allowing him to move freely about the stage.  
And move freely he does, Jimin takes the stage gently and, then all at once. Twirling and twisting, hitting every single move perfectly, smiling brilliantly as he does, relishing in the attention the audience is giving him.  
“He’s so beautiful…”  
The unfamiliar words draw your attention for just a moment as you take in the sight of Jungkook crying beside you, adoration pouring out from his smoothed out expression. You don’t know what he said but, you lace your fingers with his anyway and, he obliges quickly without taking his eyes off of the stage. Taehyung isn’t doing much better but, he’s keeping it together for the sake of filming the performance for Jungkook.  
Your attention is pulled back to the stage as you catch Jimin leaping into the air before intentionally collapsing back to the ground, arching his back as he does. His movements, his expressions; everything about his performance is the epitome of beauty and elegance.  
Jimin’s dance seems to be about a fairy taking flight for the first time, given that he acted unsure in the beginning and, is now leaping and bounding across the stage. His expression grows softer and softer as he twirls to the bubble to grasp at a single pink rose.  
“Let me love, let me love you…”  
The song chimes behind him as he rushes to the front of the stage, his eyes glossy as he meets Jungkook’s loving gaze.
“Let me love, let me love you…”
Jimin mouths the words as he does his final move and, with the conclusion of his dance, he tosses the flower into Jungkook’s lap, which of course he catches with one hand, laughing lightly as he does, despite his tears not slowing.  
Jimin smiles softly, glancing between the three of you and, you can tell he’s reigning in his own emotions as he takes a deep bow for the audience.
The four of you stand up along with the rest of the room and, clap until your hands are sore. As you take your seats, Jungkook pulls you into a tight embrace, tucking his face into your neck.  
“He did so good, oh my god he did so good…” He whispers, still practically sobbing and, Tae sends another knowing smile your way, wiping his own tears with the back of his hand.
“Park fucking Jimin...” You affirm, smiling through your own tears as you rub a hand over Jungkook’s back, kissing the side of his head.
Sniffling, Jungkook pulls away, chuckling and shaking his head as he wipes his tears. His face is overcome with emotion, consumed with love for his boyfriend.  
“I feel bad for anyone who has to follow that...holy shit...” Tae chuckles, sniffling whilst placing a hand on Jungkook’s shoulder.
The two of you agree with him and its then you notice how quiet Yoongi is being, quickly turning towards him, wiping the last bit of tears lingering in your eyes.  
But of course, ever the collected one, Yoongi merely smiles, his thumb coming out to brush underneath your right eye, collecting another tear, “You’ve gone soft Y/L/N...”
You know he’s joking but, you snap your teeth at him anyway, a move that causes him to snicker and jerk his hand away, “Shut up.”
“Easy...easy...” He admonishes, but softness quickly returns to his eyes, “he was amazing. Definitely the best dancer I’ve ever seen.”
“Damn right he is.” Jungkook pipes up, still crying but, it’s much less intense and, his demeanor causes the three of you to chuckle fondly.  
“Be nice to me, I’m fragile...” You grumble, pouting your lips and, Yoongi, having never seen you really pout before, thinks that he’s going to explode.  
“C’mere...” Is all he says though because, you know, he’s gotta keep it low key but, he lifts his arm, encouraging you to huddle him next to him for the remainder of the show. “I’ll hold you until it’s over, since you’re so fragile.”
And of course, you oblige, smiling triumphantly as you snuggle up next to him.  
Tae and Jungkook smirk knowingly at eachother now and, while a large part of them really wants to tease you, they can’t exactly ignore how happy they are for you.  
You’ve never had anything like this before and, they know it.  
The rest of the show passes by fairly quickly but, the same couldn’t be said about the period of the judge’s deliberation...
“Oh my god are they done yet?????” Jungkook whines, slumping back against his seat.
Taehyung chuckles, patting his shoulder reassuringly, trying to deny his own nervous feelings, “Relax Kook, I’m sure they’re almost done, it's been awhile.”
“Awhile?” He bolsters, eyes widening as he gestures wildly to the backstage entrance, “It’s been a million years, are they trying to give me a heart attack?”
You’ve taken solace in Yoongi’s side, playing with his fingers, feeling soft as heck, the usual.
“I can’t imagine how Jimin must be feeling right now, he’s probably so nervous.” You murmur to Yoongi, not wanting to rile up Jungkook anymore.
Yoongi’s free hand rubs your shoulder tenderly, his chocolate eyes riddled with concern, “I know, I feel for him. It will be worth it when he wins the whole thing though.”
A smile pops onto your mouth, as you cuddle closer to him, selfishly wishing the two of you were curled up in bed together, instead of awkwardly on two theater seats.  
“I can’t wait to see the look on his face Yoongi...when he wins, he deserves it so much...” Your voice is even lower now, smiling gently at the thought of it, excitement stirring in your lower stomach.
“You’re a really good friend to him...” He muses, still rubbing your shoulder, “wait I think someone is coming out_”
You don’t have the time to react to Yoongi’s comment because, the lights are up and performers are flooding the stage. It only takes a second for you to spot the man of the hour: Park Fairy, IRL. After knowing Jimin for so long, you can tell he’s nervous; his plump is tucked between his teeth, the normally soft shape of his eyes are drawn tight with tension but, he still takes a moment to look towards the four of you to send a watery smile and, a small wave your way.
Jungkook tears up all over again mouthing ‘i love you’ in his direction, which causes Jimin’s thin smile to illuminate a little more as he mouth’s the same three words back to him.  
This was it.
Four years of work all leading up to this moment.  
You can feel your heartbeat berating the underside of your sternum as Kai takes his place at the center of the stage.  
“Hello everyone! Are we excited to hear who the winner will be?” He cheers, the audience reciprocating but, the tension in the room is clear. “The judges appreciate your patience as they had a lot of amazing performers to evaluate tonight but, they have just given me this golden envelope with their decision so without further ado...”
Kai opens the golden envelope, his eyes widening slightly as he sees the results and, at this point Jungkook has locked your hand in a vice grip, doing the same thing to Tae’s other hand, his body literally shaking with nerves.
“Ladies and gentleman, tonight you are witnessing history...” He begins, glancing towards the performers before finally revealing the winner, “because tonight, Park Jimin will become the ONLY collegiate dancer to win the Crystal Cornucopia FOUR YEARS IN A ROW.”
“LETS FUCKING GET IT!!!!” Jungkook bellows and, thankfully he is mostly drowned out by the crowd as you also jump to your feet.
You drag Yoongi up as the entire theater rises to their feet.  
The room is going wild.
And Jimin, well, he’s sporting the expression you hope he would. He’s beaming, he’s teary eyed and, shaky as he stumbles toward Kai, graciously accepting the trophy before bowing towards the crowd.  
He did it, he fucking did it.  
Park Fucking Jimin
You had never been more proud.
“My baby!!!”  
Jimin’s twinkling voice fills the lobby as he rushes out in his street clothes, his fairy wings sticking out of the duffel bag on his shoulder.
Jungkook immediately breaks out in a huge smile, running towards him to catch a leaping Jimin in his arms.  
They kiss for a moment, crying and smile into eachother’s mouths, as Jungkook bounces with his boyfriend in his arms.
“I’m so proud of you my love, I knew you’d do it, you’re so amazing yeah? You know that right? I love you so much...”  
Before you can ask the content of Jungkook’s proclamation, Yoongi’s raspy voice can be heard beside you:
“I’m so proud of you my love.”
“I knew you’d do it.”
“You’re so amazing yeah? You know that right?”
“I love you so much.”
You know he’s only translating for you but, at the last sentence you turn towards him, catching the softness in his eyes.
Well fuck, that definitely didn’t sound like a translation.
Yoongi smiles sheepishly but, Jimin is already bounding into you, pulling you into the kind of hug that only Jimin can give.  
Your attention is pulled towards him, squeezing your arms around his shoulders, kissing his cheek over and over, “PARK FAIRY??? REALLY??? DO YOU HAVE NO REGARD FOR MY FEELINGS???”
He snickers, overjoyed by the events of the evening, hugging you just as tightly, “How else would I pay homage to my best friend hm? I did a theme for Tae last year and, I let Jungkook plow me anytime he wants so, how else would I repay you???”  
The ridiculousness of his statement thankfully doesn’t travel past your ear lest turning Jungkook into a pile of dust.
Sniffling, you pull back, cupping his beautiful face in your hands, “I’m so fucking proud of you...you did it Minnie, you won.”
Jimin tears up again, smiling at you whilst he nods, “I’m so happy I made you guys proud, it’s all I want...”
Taehyung approaches then, placing a fat kiss on Jimin’s cheek, “Good, then we don’t have to get you anything for Christmas then...”
His voice is paper thin though, you can tell he’s trying not to cry.
“TAE...” Jimin exclaims, turning to the side to jump at his other best friend.
Taehyung’s boxy smile makes an appearance then, wrapping Jimin in a bear hug.
“We’re so proud of you...”  
Fondness is the only thing flowing through your veins until Jungkook butts in, flustered by the lack of attention.
“Ok, I want him back now thank you, any other physical contact will cost you $60,000 an hour...” He grumbles, tucking Jimin back into his grasp.
Jimin accepts it though, relishing in the attention, “Yahh are you whoring me out now?”  
Jungkook smirks, kissing his cheek, “Mmm you’re right, I’d never share this body...”
Taehyung’s face turns up in disgust and, Yoongi shakes his head, chuckling to himself at the sight of you growing flustered for information.
“Trust me, you don’t want to know this one...”
Before Jimin and Jungkook fuck in the middle of the lobby, Jimin’s face lights up with realization, “Oh my god Yoongi, I’m so sorry.”
He rushes over, pulling Yoongi in for a hug, smiling sweetly at him, “It’s so nice to meet you, thank you for coming...”
Yoongi blushes of course but, he reciprocates the hug, “Thank you for having me, your performance was amazing and, uh, we’ve met before actually...”
Jimin’s face wrinkles in confusion as he pulls away, leaving his hands on Yoongi’s shoulders, “Really? When?”
The memory comes back to you too,  a newly crowned Agust D, Jimin hanging out of a taxi cab....
“Outside of Glacier, you might not remember though...you were um...”
“...hammered.” You giggle, finishing Yoongi’s sentenc.
“Ohhhh that’s right, shit I’m sorry Yoongi...” Jimin chuckles.
He waves him off, “No worries, we’ve all been there, it’s nice to meet you again. Congratulations on your win...”
Jungkook quickly pulls Jimin back towards him, carrying his duffle bag on his shoulder.
“Thank you Yoongi. It means a lot that you came.” He smiles, kissing Jungkook’s cheek before eagerly looking towards the door, “Let’s get out of here, the dancing queen needs to EAT!”
And with that, the rest of you chuckle, leaving the performance space feeling on top of the world
Jungkook had made reservations at a fancy KBBQ place downtown but, after several rounds of meat and Soju, Yoongi had insisted on paying.
The dinner went exceptionally well, Yoongi had continued to click with your friends, their inhibitions loosening up with a bit of alcohol. Jungkook and Jimin were hammered by the end of it but, Taehyung stayed sober enough to drive them home. Oddly enough though, Yoongi only had two shots of Soju. You know Yoongi doesn’t drink all the time but, according to him, he really enjoys drinking. However, you decide it really isn't that important so whilst waving goodbye to all of your amazing friends, you decide to drop it.
Yoongi’s long fingers lace with yours, pulling you close to him in an attempt to shield you from the cold, “Aren’t you freezing?”
You smile, graciously accepting his touch as you nuzzle into his chest, “Yeah I am, I should have checked the weather, or brought a jacket...”
“Mhm...you’re gonna get sick...” He scolds playfully, rubbing his hands up and down your arms to keep you warm, “were you gonna go home after this?”
A smirk is placed against Yoongi’s chest, “I don’t knowww...why?
He chuckles at your tone before, untucking your face from his chest, smoothing a thumb over your cheek, “Come sleep in my bed with me.”
The alcohol and meat has roughed up his voice a bit and, that paired with his slightly suggestive expression has you feeling some type a way.
“Is that code for something?”
Yoongi just smirks, leaning over to whisper in your ear, “It’s code for: I miss you in my bed...you can take that however you want...”
Forward Yoongi isn’t something you’re used to but, holy shit, you’re not complaining.  
A kiss is placed on Yoongi’s lips and, he surprises you by catching your lower lip between his teeth, his big hands sliding over your hips to rest at your lower back. He smirks into your mouth before releasing it, still lingering into the kiss. There is a catch in your breath but, Yoongi doesn’t comment on it-
He just lets it go straight to his dick.
“Are you good to drive?” You whisper against his chin before placing a kiss there, keeping your lips on his skin as he responds.
“Yeah, I’m good, I didn’t drink that much...”  
His voice has also dropped to a whisper, not able to ignore the way your lips make him feel.
“Will you...” You begin, slowly trailing your lips down over his neck, relishing in the way he shivers for you, “take me home with you then?
Neither one of you can pinpoint what has you so riled up, the only thing you know is that you’re thankful you’re in a deserted part of the parking structure.
Yoongi’s head leans back against the side of his car now, his teeth gnawing on his lower lip, “Don’t stop...”
“Don't stop?” You inquire teasingly, brushing your lips against the sensitive skin of his neck, placing fluttering kisses down over his Adams apple, “But Yoongi, we’re in public...”
His grip tightens on your hips, pulling you closer to him as his eyes flutter shut, “Y-yeah I know but, my car has tinted windows...”
Yoongi is full of surprises tonight and, although it’s a huge part of your character to wonder why, the night last few months have been the best of your life so, maybe it’s time to just go with the flow.
“I remember...” You smirk still, recalling the first time you and Yoongi were ever intimate.
With his eyes still closed and, your lips still on his neck, he smirks, his hands sliding down the length of your outer thighs before his fingertips barely brush the skin at the bottom of your dress, “I’d hope so, I’ve never gotten over the image of you coming all over my lap...”
The movements of your lips, halt as your breath catches in your throat, Yoongi’s wanton mouth and fingertips going straight to your core.  
“ ‘may I sit Min Yoongi?’ ‘May I ride you Min Yoongi?’ I almost came in my jeans for you, right then and there. But I’m so glad I didn’t.” He continues, his fingertips trailing up further and further, tickling at the tender skin of your bikini line, brushing over the bottom of your panties.
“I could have gotten you hard again...”  You offer, your breathing picking up slightly when his fingers brush the top of your pussy. Yoongi open his eyes now, catching your gaze in his dark one, lips still quirked in a smirk.
“It wouldn’t have been the same though...I wouldn’t have came so hard for you a second time,” He insists, leaning in towards your mouth, “and you deserve everything I’ve got don’t you? Deserve anything you want...”
It’s safe to say that Yoongi’s dirty talking is obliterating you slowly and painfully, his eager fingers and, slight boost in confidence turning you on more than you’d expect.
But, he still knows his place and, if he’s forgotten it, you have no issue reminding him...
Two can play at this game.
“Baby?” You practically coo, holding his gaze as long it takes for you to brush your lips against his, your legs spreading slightly to encourage his touch, “you’re making me wet...”
Yoongi feels his dick twitch inside of his pants at the tender tone of your voice and, that paired with the access to the soft skin of your inner thighs is enough to make him swell painfully against the seam.
“Y-yeah? Really?” He’s a little breathless himself, the bit of smugness he has is still lingering but, his desire for you, his desire to let you take control is growing stronger. With a finger curved underneath your chin, he brings your lips a little closer, “Can I make you wetter?”
He seals his request with a plush kiss against your mouth, his hands coming out from underneath your dress to hold onto your hips once again. You’re nodding as the two of you kiss at one another, not quite able to think of a witty response, not with Yoongi being this bold.  
Without breaking the kiss, Yoongi uses the sensor on his keys to unlock his car, which of course doesn’t work until after the 7th try.
“Piece of shit.” Yoongi chuckles and, you follow suit, leaning into him still even as he opens the door to his backseat, ushering you inside.
His car is freezing so, you’re thankful when he starts the engine and, gets the heater running. Although, you’re more thankful when he returns to the backseat and, places the warmth of his body over yours.
“I’m sorry it’s so cold, it will warm up in a second...” He regrets his split decision to bring you in here, not wanting you to be uncomfortable while he takes care of you.
“It’s ok, you’re warm.” You whisper, smiling and kissing him harder, your hands pulling his body completely over yours. Yoongi just grins, his hands resuming their place on your thighs, squeezing gently at the flesh there.
He takes his time, unwinding you slowly, kissing around the curve of your jaw, suckling and nibbling at your skin, wandering fingers slowly pushing your dress over your hips. He kisses down your throat now and, you feel him hesitate a moment before taking your flesh between his teeth, groaning lightly into your neck. The motion sends your hands out in front of you to brace against his shoulders and, it hurts but you have to admit, you like the pain.  
“So pretty for me...”  
Your lips part as you hear his native tongue tumble past his lips, the tone sultry and unmistakably Yoongi but, his accent makes him sound slightly unfamiliar.  
You don’t want him to stop talking.  
“I think about this all the time...” He’s careful to place a few soothing kisses over the mark he left, nuzzling against the base of your neck before continuing his descent down your body, “kissing you everywhere...from head to toe...tasting you, drowning in you...”
You feel hypnotized, completely captivated by the sound of Yoongi’s voice: raspy and sounding like the bottom of the ocean. The only thing you can do is keep your hands on him, touching over his body gently to insure him that you’re letting him take the lead.
Your dress has been pushed up for a moment but, Yoongi is just now taking the time to take in the sight of your panties: tart cherry red and made entirely of lace.  It’s safe to say, you’d hoped this moment would come when you slipped them on this afternoon and, by the pained look on Yoongi’s face, you feel you’ve made the right choice.
“You really don’t let a man breathe do you?” He’s back to English as he continues pushing your dress up your body until you’re able to lean up and, push it over your head, revealing the matching bra to go with your panties.  
“Not when my man likes getting choked so much...” You smirk, running your fingers through his hair and, tugging on it a little.
Yoongi melts at the sensation, groaning again before burying his face in your chest, nipping playfully at the skin there, “Oh she’s calling me her man now huh? Playing dirty...knowing that shit makes me weak...knowing that I’d give anything to be hers...”
He keeps his Korean to himself and, uses English to convey a much less intense response, “Your man?”
A rather coy smile takes it’s spot on your mouth but, despite your sudden nerves you nod anyway, rubbing a thumb over the apple of Yoongi’s cheek, “My man...”
Yoongi feels his heart threaten to explode in his chest at your genuine expression. Leaning down, he captures your lips once more before nudging your nose and, pulling away slightly, “I swear I could die happy right now, just looking at you, you have no idea what you do to me...”
“Is that ok?” You check, obviously unsure what he’s actually responding.
You’re definitely going to finish your Korean lessons, that’s for sure.
Yoongi is kissing back down your bottom again, paying special attention to the curves and dips of your body, his hands making their way to the sides of your underwear, “More than ok...”
He doesn’t trust an eloquent response right now because, he’s too focused on his main objective: making you wetter.
“You’re so handsome...” You muse, playing with the ends of his hair, encouraging him to continue exploring, “I swear there is no other guy out there that can make me wet just from looking at them but, here you are, my man, ruining my good panties...”
If you aren’t mistaken, you think you hear a low growl at the back of his throat but, there is no time to asses because, the next thing you know, you feel Yoongi pulling down your underwear, “Do you want me dead is that it? Do you want me to fall apart?” He spreads your legs, allowing the cool air of the car to hit your center, which is swollen and practically dripping. “Because I would...for you. I’d break into tiny little pieces but right now_” An almost mischievous glint takes over his eyes as he begins kissing down the middle of your stomach, letting his lips and soft breath replace your skin with goosebumps. He stops right over the lips of your pussy, the warmth of his breath fueling the throbbing of your neglected clit, “...its your turn to fall apart...” He kitten licks over your lips before smirking and, adding_ “on my fucking tongue...”
Using his fingers to spread your lips open, Yoongi begins placing teasing licks all over your clit, kissing and sucking and, teasing the fuck out of your aching cunt. He’s eating you out like he’s never tasted anything sweeter, like it’s only thing he’ll ever eat. It’s sending you into a shockwave of pleasure, your nipples hardening against your bra painfully but, Yoongi’s oral skills literally fuck with your ability to remove it yourself.  
He makes an ‘O’ with his lips, suckling gently at your clit, increasing the pressure over the next minute or so, one his fingers teasing at your dripping entrance.  
“Does it feel good baby? Am I eating it right?” He coos, sucking on your clit three harsh times in succession, each bit of suction causing your toes to curl.  
“Mhm...your mouth Yoongi...oh god_” You breathe, a moan catching at the end of your sentence, hands reaching down to find something to grab onto.
Yoongi notices, smirking into your cunt before his hand reaches up to place yours in his hair, “Hurt me...hurt me while I make you cum...”
You quickly oblige, tugging on his brown locks, the stinging pain causing him to whimper into your pussy and, when you see his eyes squeezing shut, you know he’s trying to hold off cumming in his pants.
“Yoongi...I want you...” You whisper, eyes threatening to roll back as he sucks at your clit again.  
Your statement gets to him as it’s not often that the roles between the two of you are switched but, he doesn’t think the power switch does anything for him. It’s more so that he gets to see you being vulnerable for once, it makes him feel like you trust him.
“I’m right here.” He coos, licking up the length of your pussy, savoring the flavor of you.
Tugging at his hair, you shake your head, pleading with him, “Please? Inside...inside of me...”
Yoongi can’t deny you anymore, his emotions starting to get the better of him as he pulls away from your aching center. You don’t waste anytime, sitting up quickly and peeling his shirt off, touching and kissing all over the expanse of his bare chest.
He really is the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen.  
Long fingers comb gently through your hair as he kisses any part of you he can reach: your shoulders, your chest, your cheeks, your ears. Every inch of you.
Unclipping your bra is the last step before Yoongi lays you down on the backseat, placing a kiss on your mouth, “This is the only way I can tell you right now because, I am terrified you don’t feel the same way but, I’ll show you and, you’ll know...” His voice is shaky and, you desperately wish you knew what he was saying, “I’ll fuck you like I love you because I do...I love you Y/N.”
With that, he slides into you, his dick arching perfectly against your g-spot which is already swollen and, sensitive. Your lips connect with Yoongi’s as you settle into the kind of rhythm that isn’t meant for lasting a very long time.  
Through a few moments of soft kisses and, gentle pants, Yoongi leans back, his eyes eagerly scanning over your figure as your first orgasm hits you. He tucks his face into your neck, fucking you through your release, trying to hold off on his own, “Do you know how beautiful you are? I swear I could cum just looking at you...so pretty and so perfect and, you have no fucking clue...”He’s almost whimpering at this point, his hips pumping into you with all he’s got. “That’s why I give it up to you jagiya because, you deserve it. You think I get on my knees for just anyone? Fuck no...just for you...because I love you...”The truth is, the night in the studio had changed him and, the truth is, the main reason he wanted between your thighs tonight was because he realized something: in the midst of all the chaos, seeing you with your friends had been the icing on the cake:
Yoongi is in love with you and, tonight, he wanted to make love to you.  
The pleasure between your second (yes, second) and, final orgasm is so intense that you don’t feel qualified to speak anything else other than Yoongi’s name which, thankfully only pushes him closer and closer to the edge until he’s nearly there.
“Y/N...baby...I’m really close.” He warns, still out of it and placing sloppy kisses all over your face and neck, barely hanging on by a thread.
And you plan on snipping that thread with the one thing you know will make him cum instantly, “Come for me angel...”
With a tightening of his figure, Yoongi spills everything he has inside of you, continuing to kiss all over you as he does, whimpering your name against the rapid beat of your heart.
“I love you...” He whispers shakily before slumping over onto your body, clinging to you as he does.  
Through the heavy breathing and sweet nothings whispered at one another, you wait a beat or two before uttering the one Korean phrase you are whole-heartedly familiar with.
“I love you too”
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thefatedflowerchild · 4 years
🦵🤠🦵 he movin’! He groovin’! (Plz forgive my sins)
I... I cant even be mad XD
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