#Fort Wayne Fire Department
aroundfortwayne · 2 years
2023 Civil City Budget announced
New Post has been published on https://aroundfortwayne.com/news/2022/09/26/2023-civil-city-budget-announced/
2023 Civil City Budget announced
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Fort Wayne Indiana’s fiscal health is in a strong position as Mayor Tom Henry and City Controller Garry Morr today announced the proposed 2023 budget for the City of Fort Wayne.
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lazaruspiss · 8 months
Historic Gotham: Part One
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Fort Dumas: Thanks to their deep roots in the Royal Navy, the Kanes gained clout after the Seven Years War. They raised companies full of frontier mercenaries by recruiting former enemies, including the Dumas Family. When the Kanes sold them on Gotham City as a bulwark against evil, the Dumas, descending from a long line of holy warriors dating back to the Crusades, didn't just buy into the idea - they put all their focus into building a physical symbol of it. The Miracle of Fort Dumas was a turning point in the American Revolution, and just added to the Dumas mythology. The Fort's been a national landmark ever since, but this is still Gotham City: The busloads of tourists don't visit as often, and the locals know to avoid the place altogether. Of course the Dumas family's still around and still has their hands in every dirty war where they can turn a profit. Note: Make a substantial donation to restoration fund. Scans indicate caverns under cliff; could reinforce for water-borne operations?
I remember when Bruce was investigating the possibility of having multiple Batcaves around the city. Shame he never went through with it. - J. T.
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Gotham City Cathedral: The Gotham Cathedral is the largest church in Gotham City and was the city's first supermassive structure. It was designed by Cyrus Pinkney in the 1840s and took almost thirty years to finish. It was officially completed in 1877. Pinkney was a very religious man and imbued the cathedral with designs that would "cast away evil spirits", like the gargoyles located around the church. He's also responsible for the design and construction of the mansion that later became Arkham Asylum. The Gotham Cathedral became such a renowned landmark that its style - dubbed the "New Gotham Style" - was recreated by various architects for other buildings across the city. This is also where my parents' funeral took place before they were brought to the Wayne family crypt at the Gotham City cemetery. I haven't gone inside since.
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Gotham City Fire Department: The Gotham City Fire Department was established in the 1800s and was then known as the Gotham Town Fire Brigade. It was privately run and was composed of a small group of volunteers who patrolled the streets for signs of fires. At the onset of the Industrial Revolution, many factories opened their doors in Gotham, but due to a lack of volunteers and resources to protect the new warehouses, the fire brigade was turned into a government-run institution. This allowed the newly formed fire department to widen their efforts to the rest of Gotham. The GCFD puts out thousands of fires every year and are almost always accompanied by GCPD officers when responding to emergencies, as they are ill-equipped to deal with the city's criminal gangs, who are responsible for over 70% of all fires in Gotham.
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City Hall: The original City Hall occupied Gotham Town's former Courthouse and was the site of the signing of the city charter in 1836. A statue was built in the adjoining plaza to honor Bartholomew Wycliffe, Gotham City's first mayor. The new building features a modern bas-relief wall design at street level, which portrays key moments from Gotham's foundation. As Batman, I tend to stay far away from City Hall, but as Bruce Wayne I've had to visit many times to acquire permits for various projects. City Hall has been the site of multiple riots through the years, like the one of 1840 that eventually led to the creation of the GCPD. This, in addition to the arrival of meta criminals, has forced the mayor to increase the building's security. It has been equipped with reinforced doors and windows as well as a safe room in the basement, where the mayor can retreat in case of emergency.
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brookstonalmanac · 16 hours
Events 6.4 (before 1940)
1411 – King Charles VI granted a monopoly for the ripening of Roquefort cheese to the people of Roquefort-sur-Soulzon as they had been doing for centuries. 1561 – The steeple of St Paul's, the medieval cathedral of London, is destroyed in a fire caused by lightning and is never rebuilt. 1615 – Siege of Osaka: Forces under Tokugawa Ieyasu take Osaka Castle in Japan. 1745 – Battle of Hohenfriedberg: Frederick the Great's Prussian army decisively defeated an Austrian army under Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine during the War of the Austrian Succession. 1760 – Great Upheaval: New England planters arrive to claim land in Nova Scotia, Canada, taken from the Acadians. 1783 – The Montgolfier brothers publicly demonstrate their montgolfière (hot air balloon). 1784 – Élisabeth Thible becomes the first woman to fly in an untethered hot air balloon. Her flight covers four kilometres (2.5 mi) in 45 minutes, and reached 1,500 metres (4,900 ft) altitude (estimated). 1792 – Captain George Vancouver claims Puget Sound for the Kingdom of Great Britain. 1802 – King Charles Emmanuel IV of Sardinia abdicates his throne in favor of his brother, Victor Emmanuel. 1812 – Following Louisiana's admittance as a U.S. state, the Louisiana Territory is renamed the Missouri Territory. 1825 – General Lafayette, a French officer in the American Revolutionary War, speaks at what would become Lafayette Square in Buffalo, New York, during his visit to the United States. 1855 – Major Henry C. Wayne departs New York aboard the USS Supply to procure camels to establish the U.S. Camel Corps. 1859 – Italian Independence wars: In the Battle of Magenta, the French army, under Louis-Napoleon, defeat the Austrian army. 1862 – American Civil War: Confederate troops evacuate Fort Pillow on the Mississippi River, leaving the way clear for Union troops to take Memphis, Tennessee. 1876 – An express train called the Transcontinental Express arrives in San Francisco, via the First transcontinental railroad only 83 hours and 39 minutes after leaving New York City. 1878 – Cyprus Convention: The Ottoman Empire cedes Cyprus to the United Kingdom but retains nominal title. 1896 – Henry Ford completes the Ford Quadricycle, his first gasoline-powered automobile, and gives it a successful test run. 1912 – Massachusetts becomes the first state of the United States to set a minimum wage. 1913 – Emily Davison, a suffragette, runs out in front of King George V's horse at The Derby. She is trampled, never regains consciousness, and dies four days later. 1916 – World War I: Russia opens the Brusilov Offensive with an artillery barrage of Austro-Hungarian lines in Galicia. 1917 – The first Pulitzer Prizes are awarded: Laura E. Richards, Maude H. Elliott, and Florence Hall receive the first Pulitzer for biography (for Julia Ward Howe). Jean Jules Jusserand receives the first Pulitzer for history for his work With Americans of Past and Present Days. Herbert B. Swope receives the first Pulitzer for journalism for his work for the New York World. 1919 – Women's rights: The U.S. Congress approves the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which guarantees suffrage to women, and sends it to the U.S. states for ratification. 1919 – Leon Trotsky bans the Planned Fourth Regional Congress of Peasants, Workers and Insurgents. 1920 – Hungary loses 71% of its territory and 63% of its population when the Treaty of Trianon is signed in Paris. 1928 – The President of the Republic of China, Zhang Zuolin, is assassinated by Japanese agents. 1932 – Marmaduke Grove and other Chilean military officers lead a coup d'état establishing the short-lived Socialist Republic of Chile. 1939 – The Holocaust: The MS St. Louis, a ship carrying 963 German Jewish refugees, is denied permission to land in Florida, in the United States, after already being turned away from Cuba. Forced to return to Europe, more than 200 of its passengers later die in Nazi concentration camps.
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batboyimagines · 4 years
Cold-blooded part two [Damian Wayne x Male Reader]
You will want to read the first part of this! And another note, I feel it’s important to say I haven’t actually seen the movie this is loosely based off of? I only know it’s vague plot. So heads up, this will definitely be deviating from that plot!
“So first things first, I’m gonna need supplies for this.” Your dad says.
You, Dad, Robin, and the rest of the Teen Titans have regrouped in the living room. After much planning and replanning, there’s finally a plan.
“I’m going to have to swing by an old flame’s to get some extra muscle for this ritual we’re setting up. It’s not made for a single person to do.”
“My ma?” You ask. Dad makes a constipated look.
“No,” He says, “her name is Zatanna. She’s helped the Justice League before and I’m sure she’d be willing to help them now.”
“Oh, okay.” You say sinking back into the couch, arms crossed. Though you know they’re in danger, you still feel a bit weird about helping them out. It’s a bit ridiculous, only Wonder Woman and Aquaman really have ties to the gods. And Aquaman’s not in any danger, so you don’t have to worry about him.
But you know your Ma, and you know how bitter she is over what they did to her. Which is totally fair. It’s just that you’re not sure how she’d feel about you saving one of the god’s pet projects.
“... and that’s that. So, when do we need to leave?” Your dad finishes. Oh shoot, you spaced.
“It would be best if we went right now.” Nightwing replies. He pushes off the wall and his team follows suit, readying to depart. Your dad turns to you.
“Listen, bud, do you think you’ll be fine holding down the fort while I’m gone?” He asks. You hesitate.
“Uh, actually, I was wonder if... I dunno, I could come along?” Your dad reels a bit.
“Kiddo, this isn’t a safe ‘Bring your kid to work’ deal, this is dangerous. You could get hurt.”
“I know, but I feel weird hanging out here while you’re not around. And I’m a bit worried that some rando could come to the door and I won’t know what to do. Also I’m an all magic half snake being with unknown powers sooo.” 
Your dad thins his lips, looking thoughtful.
“Really, Dad, I’ll be fine. I’ll stick out of the action and whatnot and if I think I’m in any danger I’ll run as far as possible.” You plead. “I’ll have my phone with me? I know how to call now.”
“... alright. But you stay out of trouble.” He relents. You push to your feet with a grin and go to get your coat.
Under your breath, you hiss, “Hell yesss.”
The great thing about living with a magic user is that they have the best modes of transport. In your somewhat short life, you yourself haven’t traveled very much. When your mother is exiled and has no way of getting off her small prison of an island, you tend to not go anywhere. 
Being passed between your Ma and your Pa is a pretty recent development. This is the most traveling you’ve done in your entire life, and the option to go to different places is still a marvel to you. Really, the average person can just walk down a street, hop on a train, and go to an entirely new place, no fuss? What a concept.
An exciting, and sort of terrifying, concept.
“I’ve got a short cut to hers down in that alley,” Your father explains, leading you and the Titans through the empty streets, “though I try not to use it much.”
“Why not?” You ask from his side, shivering a little and shrinking into your coat. Though you’re thankful that early mornings mean that only the occasional jogger is awake, they are unfortunately very cold. And you are part snake. With cold blood.
“We didn’t exactly part on good terms.” 
“Are you sure she’ll help us?” Koriander asks.
“Oh she will, she’s not my biggest fan, but she wouldn’t leave you lot to the wolves just because she doesn’t like me.” He finally comes to a stop in front of the alley. You, more focused on not letting your teeth chatter, bump into his back. 
“This is it right?” You say, muffled into the collar of your coat. Man, you wish you brought a scarf. 
“Sure is.”
The alley is a dead end, entirely ordinary and bland. There’s not even a dumpster shoved against one of its grimy brick walls. 
But your father walks in, as if it leads somewhere, and you and the Titans follow. As you approach the bricked end, you expect your father to do, well, something to open the wall or whatever. But no, he just walks straight through the bricks.
You blink a bit. Since you’ve come to the modern world, you’ve been getting into video games. Shitty, old video games that your Pa bought from a thrift shop in panic before you had arrived for the first time. And your father walking through the bricks sort of reminds you of when you clip through walls.
Even so, you don’t want to be left behind. So even though that looked really weird, you walk through too.
The other side is much darker, and much, much grimier. And the air is stuffier. Your eyes water and you hack a bit.
“You alright there bud?” Your Pa asks in concern, laying a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“The air here sucks!” You wheeze, blinking  tears from your sensitive eyes. 
“I agree.” Robin grumbles from your side. Looks like the Titans made it through fine as well. Your father raises an eyebrow.
“This is your city, isn’t it?” He asks. His city? 
“Just because I protect this wretched place, does not mean I enjoy breathing it’s polluted air.” Robin gripes. Nightwing makes an amused face at that. 
“Whatever,” Pa shrugs, “Zatanna’s down this way.”
Down that way, a quaint, hole in the wall magic shop glows. Back home with Ma, your light sources are either the sun, fire, or a magical doodad that somehow wound up in your possession. So no matter how many times you see light bulbs or neon lights, you don’t think the marvel will ever wear off.
The door rings a cheery jingle as your Pa pushes it open and you hit a wall of hot air when you enter. You revel in its heat. Living with cold blood is such a drag. Sometimes you miss the warm beaches of your mothers prison, though the nights leave warmth to be desired. 
After soaking in the warm air, you take a moment to survey the inside. It’s... a bit cluttered. And dusty. For some reason, magical items are always old and it seems like old things are always a little dirty. 
You brush a finger on one of the wooden tables displaying merchandise, yep, that’s some dusty stuff alright. You stick your tongue out. It smells dusty too. And like books and perfume. Flowery perfume. You hate flowery perfume. You tuck your tongue back in your mouth and grimace. 
It’s one of the worse human inventions. One time Dad came home from what you gathered was some sort of fling, stinking like someone’s nasty perfume. Though you sort of feel guilty for it now, you couldn’t stick around in his presence for more than two minutes. 
“Zatanna! You in?” Your father calls out into the maze of tall shelves. If you’re not imagining it, he’s making his voice just that bit more obnoxious. 
Robin looks at you and catches your eye. He makes a face at your father’s behavior that has you stifling a snort.
“Zataaaaannaaaaaaa, aaaare yoooou heeeeereeee?”
Wow, he’s laying the annoying on thick.
“Yes! Oh my god, I’m here!” A dark haired woman gripes as she appears through the shelves.
“Zatanna! My good friend,” your father grins, “how’ve you been?”
“Great, until you waltzed back into my life.” She says flatly.
“Good, good, anyways,” you zone out at your father says things. 
You’re distracted by the displays of magical items that you’re not totally sure are real. There’s not doubt in your mind that this Zatanna lady is a magic user, she totally is, but would she actually sell magic items? That stuff is no joke, your Ma’s told you plenty of horror stories about magic gone wrong. And you fell asleep in the middle of half of those!
“See something you like?” Oh shoot, she’s talking to you.
“Uhhh,” fuck, how do you respond? Well, there’s nothing catching your eye you guess, “uhm.. no?”
“It’s just that you seem so interested in the display,” she says amusedly gesturing towards the general space you just staring at.
“Well, I was just wondering if any of this stuff is real, cause, magic stuffs... dangerous usually.” 
“I have real items, but I keep those in the back. This stuff is for the common folk.” 
“Oh cool.”
“So,” Zatanna turns back to the others. You take that as a sign to go back to spacing out. 
Heaters are awesome. They’re the best invention of the modern world, in your humble opinion. All the hot air is coming from a vent in the wall next to you. You scooch in front of it. Hot airrr, hell yeahhh. This rocks. You could stand right here for hours.
“C’mon kiddo, we’re off.” 
Dejectedly, you trudge to the open door, where your Pa awaits. Ugh, that chilly breeze is not welcoming. 
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iecusoft · 3 years
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Iecusoft LLC is pleased to announce the formation of Iecusoft Security Services. Iecusoft LLC is pleased to announce the Joint Venture with Baron Investigative Group a 35-year-old bonded, insured, licensed security and private investigations company head quartered in Fort Wayne Indiana. Iecusoft LLC has developed strategic purchasing relationships with the DOD, DHS, 48 State Governments, hundreds of municipalities across the nation, and now offers armed and unarmed security services to Federal and State Entities. Effective 10/04/2021 Iecusoft Security Services offers: Full-Service National Security for Federal Contracts. - Armed Security - Unarmed Security - Construction Security - Roving Security - Vehicle Based Security - Physical Security - International Security - Crisis Management Security - High threat Security - Employee Termination Security - Personal Protection/ Executive Security Security Guard Manager License State of Florida• License Number: M 1600025• (Issued and maintained for 20 years) Security Guard B License • License Number: B 200099 (Issued and maintained for 20 years) Security Guard D License• License Number: D 2001219• License Number: D 1918129 (Issued and maintained for 20 years) DI Instructor License: Chapter 493• License Number: DI 2600124 (Issued and maintained for 20 years) Concealed Weapon License • License Number: W 8900600 License Number: WY1675526 (Issued and maintained for 20 years) Private Investigator License License Number 1700226 License Number: 20800342• Law Enforcement Fire Arms Instructor (Issued and maintained for 20 years)• Member of National Sherriff Society Complaint with Department of Agriculture
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mulderspice · 4 years
tw for graphic image: if you would like to consider donating some for medical bills for this young man who lost his EYE and broke several bones in his face at a protest in Indiana after having a tear gas canister improperly fired at him by the Fort Wayne Police Department. his cashapp and venmo @ can be found below the tweet
as well as an official fundraiser created by his mother here
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dd20century · 3 years
Trailblazing Hollywood Architect Paul R. Williams, Part Two
Read Trailblazing Hollywood Architect Paul R. Williams, Part One.
Paul R. Williams’s Early Commercial Works
By the 1930s, Paul R. Williams’s architectural career had taken off, he was hiring more staff for his firm, and he had built an impressive portfolio of private residences, yet like all architects, Williams yearned for important commercial contracts (3). In 1926, he had collaborated with Norman Marsh to build the Second Baptist Church in Los Angeles, that would later become an important site to the civil rights movement in that area (7). One of Williams’s first solo commercial commissions was designing the interiors for the Beverly Hills Saks Fifth Avenue department store in 1938 (6). The following year he built the headquarters of Music Corporation of America (MCA) also in Beverly Hills (8). The clients hired Williams for their project because they envisioned their offices to look more like an English Georgian Revival style home than a typical office building of the time (3). He also designed the Arrowhead Springs Hotel in 1940. In 1941 Williams took on an international commission designing the Hotel Nutibara in Columbia (8).
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Paul R. Williams, Music Corporation of America Building (1938), Los Angeles, CA. Photo credit: Maynard L. Parker. Image source.
During World War II Williams closed his architectural office in order to take on work for the military. “In 1942 Williams designs 125 housing units for the Army at Fort Huachuca,” 8 and over the following years he worked with the Allied Architects on the Roosevelt Naval Base Project.  Also during the war years, like European architect Jean Prouvé, Williams became interested in providing low-cost pre-fabricated metal housing. Williams established the Standard Demountable Homes Company of California in the mid-forties. The firm built mainly “Quonset-style homes [which] quickly fell out of favor after the war” 8.
Williams’s Post-war Buildings of the Mid-Century
After the World War II Williams teamed up with architect A. Quincy Jones, who had worked in Williams’s office in the years before the war. The two architects worked on several “projects in Palm Springs, including the Palm Springs Tennis Club (1947) and the Town & Country (1948) and Romanoff's on the Rocks (1948) restaurants” (6).
Williams’s most notable post war works include, the West View Hospital (1947), his 1949 additions to the Beverly Hills Hotel, the Al Jolson Memorial (1951), renovations to the Knickerbocker Hotel in Los Angeles (1954), the Frank Sinatra House (1955), and the Founder’s Church of Religious Science (1960).
During the 1950s Williams began a lifelong friendship with the popular comedian Danny Thomas when Thomas commissioned Williams to work on renovations to his existing home. When Thomas shared his vision of a children’s hospital open to all children regardless of race or religion that would offer free care, Williams was whole-heartedly on board. He designed the hospital gratis as an act of love for his dear friend (3). Saint Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital was built in Memphis, Tennessee in 1962, but was demolished in the early 1990s to make way for a larger more modern hospital (3).
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Paul R. Williams, St. Jude’s Hospital Rendering (1961), Memphis, TN. Image source.
In 1960, Williams joined the Los Angeles Airport (LAX) planning and design team (1). He was not, however, the architect of the airport’s iconic Theme Building as many believe. It was designed by Gin Wong of Pereira & Luckman but [a] photo by Julius Shulman cemented the urban myth (5).
Paul R. Williams published two books on residential architecture: “The Small Home of Tomorrow (1945) and New Homes for Today (1946)” (5). He also wrote the essay "I am a Negro" first published in the 1937 and reprinted in Ebony in 1986 (5).
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Architect Paul R. Williams in front of the LAX Theme Building in Los Angeles, CA. Williams is erroneously credited with the design of this building. He served on the LAX planning and design team, but did not design this structure. Photo by Julius Shulman. Image source.
Paul R. Williams’s Contributions to the African American Community
According to Paul R. Williams’s grandson Paul Hudson, Williams was instrumental in working on behalf of Los Angeles’s African-American community and in supporting its leaders and businesses. For his Golden State Life Insurance Building (1949) he commissioned two murals depicting the struggles of African Americans in United States history. A memorial to Williams was built in that building when it underwent a restoration in 2005 (3).
In 1946 along with Dr. H. Claude Hudson, Williams founded the Broadway Federal Bank. Its mission was to loan mortgages to African-Americans, and enabled many African-Americans to realize their dreams of home ownership. The bank also provided the financing on the 1960 Stall Case Study home designed by Pierre Koenig. Due to the house’s experimental nature, the owners could not obtain funding through traditional banks (3).
Williams’s Housing Project Work
Although Williams is best known for his mansions for movie stars and film moguls, he did design low-cost housing. Williams worked with another African-American architect Hilyard Robinson on the first federally funded public housing project in the Unites States Langston Terrace,  Washington, D.C. in 1938 and later on the Pueblo del Rio project (1941) in southeast Los Angeles. Williams also designed, Carver Park, a segregated development in Henderson, Nevada. It opened in 1943. “Many of the units were destroyed between 1994 and 1999” (5). Williams was the Chief Architect on the The Hacienda Village Housing Project, other architect who collaborated on the project were Adrian Wilson, Richard J. Neutra, Walter Wurdeman and Welton Becket (5).
Paul R. William’s Endangered Legacy 
In 1973 after a five-decade long career Paul R. Williams closed his firm and, he  retired (6). He spent his final years devoted to his family and to causes supporting the African-American community. He died on January 23, 1980; his friend Danny Thomas gave the eulogy at Williams’ funeral (3).
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Paul R. Williams, Frank Sinatra House (1956), Los Angeles, CA. Destroyed. Image source.
Williams received many tributes and awards for his work during his lifetime among them, “the AIA Award of Merit, the NAACP Spingarn Medal, and USC’s Distinguished Alumni Award. In 1957, he became first African American to become an AIA Fellow (1). He was “posthumously awarded the AIA's 2017 Gold Medal, America's highest honor for an architect. Williams is the first African American to receive the AIA Gold Medal” (1). In 2020 a documentary about his life and work aired on PBS (3).
Tragically all of Williams’s business documents were destroyed in 1992 in a fire at the Broadway Federal Bank in the riots that took place in Los Angeles in the aftermath of the verdict in the Rodney King trial. Luckily, Williams’s blueprints and drawings had been saved by his granddaughter Karen E. Hudson who had borrowed them from the bank to do research on her grandfather’s career (3).
While several of Williams’s buildings have been placed on the National Register of Historic Places (6), an astonishing number of important buildings have not survived; notable among them are the Ambassador Hotel (1), the Frank Sinatra House, Perino’s Restaurant, the Sunset Plaza Apartments (3), the Claude A. Wayne House (1926), The George S. Seward House (1928), E. L. Cord House, aka Cordhaven (1932), The Lucy and Desi Arnaz Ranch (1941), The Tevis and Colleen Morrow House (1948) (5), La Concha Motel (1961) in Las Vegas, Nevada.
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Paul R. Williams, La Concha Motel (1961), Las Vegas, NV. Destroyed. Image source.
LA Conservancy, (2020). Paul Revere Williams,  FAIA (1894-1980), https://www.laconservancy.org/architects/paul-r-williams
Budds, D., (13 December, 2016). The Overlooked Legacy Of Pioneering African-American Architect Paul Revere Williams, Fast Company (online), https://www.fastcompany.com/3066503/the-overlooked-legacy-of-pioneering-african-american-architect-paul-revere-williams
Public Broadcasting System, (6 February, 2020). Hollywood’s Architect [Documentary Film]. https://www.pbs.org/video/hollywoods-architect-3prwsa/
Brane, K.D, (15 January, 2020). Paul R. Williams, Black Listed Culture, Issue 2. https://blacklistedculture.com/paul-r-williams/
US Modernist, (n.d.).  Paul Revere Williams,  FAIA (1894-1980), https://usmodernist.org/pwilliams.htm
Wikipedia.com, (10 December, 2020). Paul R. Williams, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_R._Williams
Wikipedia.com, (12 December, 2020). Second Baptist Church (Los Angeles). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Baptist_Church_(Los_Angeles)
Paul Revere Williams Project, (n.d.). Education | Timeline, https://www.paulrwilliamsproject.org/education/timeline 
For Further Reading
Hudson, Karen E. (1993). Paul R. Williams, Architect: A Legacy of Style. New York: Rizzoli. p. 240. ISBN 0-8478-1763-6. LCC NA737.W527 H84 1993
Hudson, Karen E. (1994). The Will and the Way: Paul R. Williams, Architect. New York: Rizzoli. pp. 64. ISBN 0-8478-1780-6. LCC NA737.W527 H85 1994
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covid19worldnews · 4 years
COVID-19 Daily Update 11-2-2020
The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) reports as of 10:00 a.m., November 2, 2020, there have been 792,475 total confirmatory laboratory results received for COVID-19, with 25,235 total cases and 458 deaths.
DHHR has confirmed the death of a 71-year old female from Grant County. “We are deeply saddened by this news, a loss to both the family and our state,” said Bill J. Crouch, DHHR Cabinet Secretary.
CASES PER COUNTY: Barbour (188), Berkeley (1,709), Boone (415), Braxton (76), Brooke (253), Cabell (1,559), Calhoun (36), Clay (65), Doddridge (72), Fayette (799), Gilmer (65), Grant (200), Greenbrier (215), Hampshire (146), Hancock (244), Hardy (109), Harrison (688), Jackson (420), Jefferson (634), Kanawha (3,894), Lewis (115), Lincoln (268), Logan (805), Marion (425), Marshall (451), Mason (183), McDowell (132), Mercer (816), Mineral (250), Mingo (669), Monongalia (2,378), Monroe (267), Morgan (161), Nicholas (193), Ohio (649), Pendleton (79), Pleasants (36), Pocahontas (73), Preston (227), Putnam (1,001), Raleigh (880), Randolph (431), Ritchie (56), Roane (115), Summers (142), Taylor (174), Tucker (67), Tyler (58), Upshur (279), Wayne (630), Webster (38), Wetzel (232), Wirt (56), Wood (748), Wyoming (364).
Please note that delays may be experienced with the reporting of information from the local health department to DHHR. As case surveillance continues at the local health department level, it may reveal that those tested in a certain county may not be a resident of that county, or even the state as an individual in question may have crossed the state border to be tested. Such is the case of Greenbrier and Roane counties in this report.
Please visit the dashboard located at www.coronavirus.wv.gov for more information.
Free COVID-19 testing is available today in Berkeley, Braxton, Cabell, Doddridge, Fayette, Hampshire, Harrison, Jackson, Jefferson, Kanawha, Lincoln, Logan, Marshall, Mineral, Mingo, Monroe, Morgan, Ohio, Ritchie, Roane, Taylor, Tyler, Upshur, Wayne, Wetzel, Wood, and Wyoming counties.
Berkeley/Morgan Counties, November 2, 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM, Hedgesville High School, 109 Ridge Road N., Hedgesville, WV AND 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM, Musselman High School, 126 Excellence Way, Inwood, WV AND 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM, Spring Mills High School, 409 Campus Drive, Martinsburg, WV
Braxton County, November 2, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM, WV National Guard Armory, 1072 State Street, Gassaway, WV AND 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Burnsville Volunteer Fire Department, 237A Kanawha Avenue, Burnsville, WV
Cabell County, November 2, 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM, Cabell County Health Department, 703 Seventh Avenue, Huntington, WV (flu shots offered)
Doddridge County, November 2, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM, Ritchie Regional Health Center, West Union Location, 190 Marie Street, West Union, WV
Fayette County, November 2, 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM, J.W. and Hazel Ruby WV Welcome Center, 55 Hazel Ruby Lane, Mt. Hope, WV
Hampshire County, November 2, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Slanesville Ruritan, 6458 Bloomery Pike, Augusta, WV
Harrison County, November 2, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Harrison County Health Department, 330 West Main Street, Clarksburg, WV (by appointment; call 304-623-9308)
Jackson County, November 2, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Jackson County Health Department, 504 South Church Street, Ripley, WV AND 7:00 AM – 11:00 AM, Sandyville Senior Center, 29 Gilmore Drive, Sandyville, WV AND 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Ravenswood Senior Center, 511 Washington Street, Ravenswood, WV
Jefferson County, November 2, 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM, Page Jackson Elementary School, 370 Page-Jackson School Road, Charles Town, WV AND 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM, Shepherd University, 301 N. King Street, Shepherdstown, WV AND 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM, Sam Michaels Park, 235 Sam Michael’s Lane, Harpers Ferry, WV
Kanawha County, November 2, 12:30 PM – 4:30 PM, Kingdom Life Church, 405 First Avenue South, Nitro, WV (flu shots available)
Lincoln County, November 2, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, Lincoln County Health Department, 8008 Court Avenue, Hamlin, WV (Walk-in testing)
Logan County, November 2, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Man Fire Department, 110 North Bridge Street, Man, WV AND 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Cora Volunteer Fire Department, 28 Aldrich Branch Road, Logan, WV
Marshall County, November 2, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, Marshall County Fairgrounds, 714 Myrtle Avenue, Moundsville, WV, *enter from 12th Street AND 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Limestone Volunteer Fire Department, 216 US Route 250, Moundsville, WV AND 2:00 PM – 7:00 PM, Sandhill Elementary School, 169 Sandhill Road, Dallas, WV
Mineral County, November 2, 1:00 PM– 5:00 PM, Mineral County Health Department, 541 Harley O Staggers Dr, Keyser, WV AND 2:00 PM– 6:00 PM, Mineral County Fairgrounds, Route 28, Fort Ashby, WV AND 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Mineral County Airport, 165 Terminal Loop, Wiley Ford, WV
Mingo County, November 2, 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM, Williamson Health & Wellness, 173 East 2nd Avenue, Williamson, WV (under the tent) AND 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM, Delorme Bible Church, 1876 Route 49, Edgarton, WV AND 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, Beach Creek Volunteer Fire Department, 4198 Beach Creek, Matewan, WV AND 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, Chattaroy Volunteer Fire Department, 1 Firefighter Lane, Williamson, WV
Monroe County, November 2, 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM, Monroe County Health Department, 200 Health Center Drive, Union, WV
Morgan County, November 2, 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM, Warm Springs Middle School, 271 Warm Springs Way, Berkeley Springs, WV
Ohio County, November 2, 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Valley Grove Volunteer Fire Department, 355 Fire House Lane, Valley Grove, WV AND 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM, West Liberty Volunteer Fire Department, 1333 Van Meter Way, West Liberty, WV AND 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Wheeling Island Fire Department, 11 North Wabash Street, Wheeling, WV
Ritchie County, November 2, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM, Ritchie Regional Health Center, 135 South Penn Avenue, Harrisville, WV
Roane County, November 2, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM, Roane County Family Health Care, 146 Williams Drive, Spencer, WV (flu shots offered)
Taylor County, November 2, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM, First Baptist Church of Grafton, 2034 Webster Pike (US Rt. 119 South), Grafton, WV
Tyler County, November 2, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Sistersville Volunteer Fire Department, 121 Maple Avenue, Sistersville, WV AND 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM, Wetzel-Tyler Health Department, 425 S. 4th Avenue, Paden City, WV AND 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM, Tyler County Senior Center, 504 Cherry Street, Middlebourne, WV
Upshur County, November 2, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, Hodgesville Elementary School, 918 Teter Road, Buckhannon, WV AND 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM, Buckhannon Upshur High School, 270 BU Way, Buckhannon, WV AND 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM, Banks District Volunteer Fire Department, 206 Rock Cave Road, Rock Cave, WV
Wayne County, November 2, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, Wayne County Health Department, 217 Kenova Avenue, Wayne, WV, Pre-registration: wv.getmycovidresult.com AND 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Prichard Volunteer Fire Department, 1255 Round Bottom Road, Prichard, WV AND 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM, Kenova Police Department, 1501 Pine Street, Kenova, WV
Wetzel County, November 2, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM, Wetzel County 4H Grounds, 1821 Mountaineer Drive, New Martinsville, WV AND 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM, Hundred High School, 3490 Horney Highway, Hundred, WV AND 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Valley High School, 4 Lumber Jack Lane, Pine Grove, WV
Wood County, November 2, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Church of Christ Latter Day Saints, 2515 Capital Drive, Parkersburg, WV AND 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM, Parking Lot by Blennerhassett Hotel, 315 Market Street, Parkersburg, WV AND 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM, South Parkersburg Baptist Church, 1655 Blizzard Drive, Parkersburg, WV
Wyoming County, November 2, 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM, Old Board of Education, 19 Park Street, Pineville, WV AND 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Herndon Consolidated School, Route 10, Bud, WV AND 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Huff Consolidated Schools, 374 Lizard Creek Road, Hanover, WV 
For more testing locations, please visit https://dhhr.wv.gov/COVID-19/pages/testing.aspx. New sites are added every day.
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aroundfortwayne · 2 years
Allen County Health Commissioner Dr. Matthew Sutter to retire in July
New Post has been published on https://aroundfortwayne.com/news/2022/04/19/allen-county-health-commissioner-dr-matthew-sutter-to-retire-in-july/
Allen County Health Commissioner Dr. Matthew Sutter to retire in July
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Today, Allen County Health Commissioner Dr. Matthew Sutter announced plans to retire from public service later this year.
0 notes
argyle-s · 6 years
Rating: Mature
Read at Ao3
Start at the Beginning
Kara turns herself in to the National City Police Department. Maggie does her job. Leslie makes a statement. Miranda Crane is herself. Cat writes an article.
Thanks to @ifourmindbeso for her great work as a beta. Any remaining mistakes are entirely my own.
Chapter 34 -  The Illusion of Truth
National City News Special Report Trevor Paxton Reporting Live From National City Police Headquarters
“For those of you just joining us, I’m standing outside National City Police headquarters where, if rumors are to be believed, National City’s resident superhero Supergirl is being held in connection to a brutal Thanksgiving day attack on former CatCo radio personality Leslie Willis.”
“Motivation for the attack appears to be comments Willis made on air Monday during her show. The comments prompted a tense on-air confrontation when Supergirl showed up at CatCo headquarters in response to the broadcast. During the confrontation, Supergirl accidently outed herself as a lesbian. The incident prompted CatCo to fire Willis, many believe in an attempt to appease the so-called Girl of Steel, but it would appear that Willis losing her job wasn’t enough to satisfy Supergirl, who allegedly broke into Willis’ home around noon yesterday, and beat her so severely she required emergency surgery. Supergirl then turned up at the hospital and kidnapped Willis out of the intensive care unit and disappeared.”
“The real twist here is Supergirl apparently turned herself into authorities at around four o’clock local time this morning, arriving at Police Headquarters in what witnesses describe as a flash of light, along with a woman who matches Leslie Willis’ description.”
“Those close to Supergirl, including CatCo CEO Cat Grant and Daily Planet reporter Lois Lane have maintained that Supergirl did not attack Willis and took Willis from the hospital in order to provide her with lifesaving medical care possible only with the technology Supergirl brought with her from her homeworld. Wayne Enterprises CEO Bruce Wayne and Themiscyra Enterprises CEO Diana Prince, who recently announced a partnership with Supergirl to introduce a cancer vaccine derived from Kryptonian medicine, both issued statements earlier today in support of Supergirl.”
“Maxwell Lord issued a statement saying that this incident proves that Supergirl and Superman represent a danger to all the people of Earth. Lord, as you may recall, is currently under indictment on charges stemming from a bombing attempt that resulted in an explosive going off while Supergirl tried to carry it away from the intended target.”
“At this point, the only people who know the full story are inside Police Headquarters, and all of National City waits with bated breath to find out of Supergirl is a hero, or a villain.”
“Reporting live from National City Police Headquarters, this is Trevor Paxton for National City News.”
Kara let out a sigh as she drummed her fingers on the table. It was getting close to seven o’clock, and she was starting to worry. Maggie hadn’t arrested her when she’d arrived at Police Headquarters. She’s simply lead her to an interview room and asked her to wait while they questioned Leslie. That had been three and a half hours ago. She didn’t understand what was taking so long, unless Leslie had decided that destroying her and Cat was more important than getting back at the man who attacked her.
Even leaving aside the time crunch she was under, Kara was starting to worry about how much damage the delay was doing. She wanted to take out her phone and check the social media feeds, but the interview room was shielded. Her phone would go right through the shielding, but she didn’t want the cops to know that, so she’d ordered Konex to go radio silent unless there was an emergency. That meant she couldn’t talk to the public before she was released, but if something didn’t happen soon, the damage might not be reversible. If public opinion turned against her, the Alien Amnesty Act would be dead in the water, which meant the pardons for Astra and the Fort Rozz prisoners would vanish and J’onn would lose control of the DEO.
“Be ready to move,” Alex said, her voice coming through Kara’s earbud. Before Kara had time to react, the door opened to reveal Maggie and Leslie.
“Come on,” Maggie said.
Kara didn’t argue. She recognized the tone in Maggie’s voice. She’d heard it too many times during the war and it always meant shit was well and truly about to hit the fan. Kara was on her feet and at the door in an instant. Maggie nodded and started leading them through the station.
“Whatever happens, keep going,” Maggie whispered, her words so soft that Kara never would have heard without her super hearing. “When we get outside, there will be a group of reporters waiting. Head straight for them, but don’t say anything, and be ready to protect Leslie.”
They almost made it to the front of the station before anything happened, but not quite.
“Sawyer,” a man yelled. “What the hell are you doing?”
“My job,” Maggie answered, never breaking stride.
“The Captain said to wait,” the man yelled.
“I know,” Maggie said as she pushed the front door open. Kara and Leslie followed her through, and sure enough, there was a veritable mob of reporters waiting for them. Maggie didn’t slow down, even as several cops followed them outside, and Kara never let herself get more than a pace behind, until Maggie stopped, two steps above the nearest reporter.
“Good morning,” she said. “I’m Detective Maggie Sawyer of the National City Police Department Science Division. As you can see, I have Supergirl and Miss Leslie Willis here with me, and I’m pleased to say, the rumors regarding yesterday’s events are all completely unfounded. As you all know, Miss Willis was attacked yesterday in her home. Evidence at the scene led us to believe the attacker might have been Kryptonian, and given Monday’s events, we were forced to consider Supergirl a person of interest in our investigation.”
“Last night, following several hours of surgery, doctors informed Cat Grant, who was acting in her capacity as Miss Willis’ medical proxy, that Miss Willis would very likely not live through the night. Miss Grant was able to get in touch with Supergirl and asked if she could help Miss Willis. Supergirl arrived at the hospital, and Miss Willis was transferred into Supergirl’s care with full permission from Miss Willis’ legally designated medical proxy.”
“Supergirl took Miss Willis to her home where she has access to Kryptonian medical equipment capable of treating Miss Willis’ wounds. Once Miss Willis was awake and well enough to travel, Supergirl brought her here and Miss Willis was able to provide us with enough information that we could positively identify her assailant.”
“At the direct request of the Federal Agency currently involved in the investigation, we are not releasing the suspect’s name at this time. What I can tell you is that the suspect is a known anti-alien extremist responsible for the deaths of at least ten Federal Agents, a civilian contractor, and at least eighty-five aliens. Federal authorities believe, and the National City Police Department concurs, that the attack on Miss Willis was a carefully planned action designed to discredit Supergirl and undermine support for the Alien Amnesty Act.”
“Finally, in order to dispel any allegations that Miss Willis statement was given under duress, or as some have claimed, is the result of mind control, the Federal Agency involved has eye witness testimony and video footage which confirm that Supergirl was attending a holiday dinner ten miles away from Miss Willis apartment at the time of the attack. The names of the witnesses, as well as the video footage, will not be released to the public due to concerns that those witnesses might be targeted by the same person responsible for the attack on Miss Willis.”
“I am not taking any questions at this time, but Miss Willis has asked for the chance to make a public statement.” Maggie stepped back, and almost as if they had rehearsed it, Leslie stepped forward.
“I gotta say, I’m absolutely freaking insulted that you people honestly thought Little Miss Sunshine here took me down. Seriously people, what the hell? I mean, I still think the adorkable thing is a load of crap, and don’t get me started on the fashion disaster that is her suit. Hell, I can’t stand her, but even I know she’d never do something this colossally stupid. Much as it pains me to admit it, Blondie saved my life. So, this is me, saying thank you to her. And to the son of a bitch who tried to kill me yesterday, let me just say, choke on it, asshole.”
The reporters started shouting questions at Leslie and Maggie both, but Maggie just reached up, taking Leslie by the arm and steering her towards a black Suburban that was parked at the end of the line of news vans. Kara started to follow, but Alex’s voice coming through her ear bud changed her plans.
“Get out of there, Supergirl,” Alex said.
Kara didn’t question it. She just kicked off lightly, drifting up into the air, then shot up, breaking the cloud layer.
“What the hell’s going on?” she asked.
“Not now,” Alex said. “I’ll fill you in as soon as possible.”
“Okay,” Kara said.
“Supergirl, this is President Marsdin. Can you hear me?”
“Yes,” Kara said, wondering why the hell Marsdin was on the DEO channel.
“Do you have a plan for dealing with the situation at CatCo?” Marsdin asked.
“I think so,” Kara said. “Unless something has changed in the last few hours.”
“A lot has changed in the last few hours,” Marsdin said. “Agent Danvers will brief you as soon as possible, but right now, I need you focused on making sure Cat keeps her job. Pull out all the stops.”
Kara frowned as she dropped back down through the cloud layer and landed on the roof of the CatCo building. She really wanted to know what the hell was going on, but everyone was avoiding giving her details. They were probably worried about security, which made sense, but she didn’t like it at all.
“I’m at CatCo now,” Kara said. “I have a nuclear option, if necessary, but there’s a lot of potential for blowback.”
“What kind of blowback?” Marsdin asked.
“The kind that involves a lot of people asking how Cat Grant’s assistant has enough money to buy a Media Conglomerate with a Market Cap of eighty billion dollars.”
There was silence on the line for a few seconds, before Marsdin responded. “Do I want to know where you got that much money?”
“I may have given a tier three artificial intelligence my E-Trade password over a decade ago,” Kara said.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Marsdin said. “Is that even legal?”
“Well, it’s not *illegal*,” Kara said. “Technically, it counts as an Automated Trading System. It’s just a really advanced one.”
“How much money do you have?” Marsdin asked. “No, wait. If I don’t know, I won’t have to lie to congress about it. Go nuclear. We’ll worry about any blowback later.”
“Understood,” Kara said. “Supergirl out.”
Kara checked to make sure the blinds in her office were closed, then stepped inside and used super-speed to change into her work clothes and switch her hair back to auburn. Once she was changed, she sat down at her desk, fired up her computer then sat her phone on the desk bringing up the holographic interface. Once the computer was up and running, she slaved it to the phone and connected to Konex.
“Konex, you there?” she asked.
“Yes, Lady Kara,” Konex answered.
“I need a status on acquisition plan zero,” Kara said.
“We currently hold fifty-seven percent of CatCo shares, spread across three hundred and twenty-one different holding companies.”
“Perfect,” Kara said. “How long to consolidate stock holdings?”
“Thirty minutes,” Konex said.
“Begin,” Kara said. “Estimated money necessary for Tender Offer?”
“At current market value plus ten percent, thirty-eight billion dollars.”
Kara looked at the current net worth of the accounts that had been built up for her over the last seventeen years, checking the numbers in her head before she finally gave the order. “Initiate the Tender Offer and execute the Blindside protocol,” Kara said.
“Yes, Lady Kara,’ Konex replied.
Kara sat back and took a deep breath. She’d planned for this moment for a long time. She just expected it to be after the Earthquake, during Dirk Armstrong’s takeover attempt. Doing it now was a problem. It meant she wasn’t going to hear about Adam from Cat, so explaining how she knew about him was going to be tough. Of course, if Cat ever found out about the binder in her desk drawer, that wouldn’t matter, because she’d be too busy filing a restraining order to care.
What Kara didn’t understand was what was happening. The board’s attempt to oust Cat didn’t surprise her. It had Armstrong’s fingerprints all over it. But Marsdin’s insistence on making sure Cat stayed in place was strange. She knew that Cat and CatCo had both been huge supporters of Marsdin during her first campaign, and that Marsdin had built her case for the Alien Amnesty act on the back of CatCo Magazine’s Supergirl issue. That meant Cat getting booted from CatCo might hit Olivia’s re-election campaign hard, but this seemed more immediate.
Kara ran a quick search including Cat and Olivia’s names. The first article to pop up hit Kara like Darkseid’s Omega Beams.
The Metropolis Star Online Friday November 27th, 2015 President Marsdin is responsible for the attack on Leslie Willis. By Guest Contributor Miranda Crane.
When I was a little girl, the idea that aliens might visit Earth was the thing of science fiction. No one knew for sure if aliens existed. Little did we realize that even then, there were aliens hiding among us, studying us. Aliens that run the gamut from hideous monsters, to creatures who can invade our very minds. Some of these aliens are so powerful that people might look at them and consider them gods.
It was one such alien who made their presence among us known. A little over fourteen years ago, Superman caught a plane falling out of the skies over Metropolis. At the time, it seemed like a miracle. Then, just three days later, he told Lois Lane that he was from another planet. That humans weren’t alone in the universe. Many hailed this as another miracle, unable to understand the cost that would be extracted over the next decade and a half.
In the time Superman has been flying through the skies of Metropolis, that city has seen an unending stream of monsters and aliens rain down death and destruction. And this is not limited to Metropolis. Look at the damage to Coast City, Baltimore, Detroit, Portland and Los Angeles when aliens go up against the Green Lanterns who operate out of those cities. Other cities have been plagued as well. Dakota City, Seattle, New York, Atlanta, Gotham, Gateway City, Hub City. The list goes on and on.
Nowhere is safe from this rain of monsters, falling from the stars. Monsters who arrive unwanted and uninvited, who cling to the dark edges of society, and bring crime, death and destruction everywhere they go. We have more than a decade of experience that where aliens go, they carry trouble with them, yet some claim that these invaders are nothing more than refugees. Poor souls washed up on our shores, wanting only a safe place to live.
President Olivia Marsdin has long been a vocal peddler of this lie. She ignores the fights which leave cities devastated and our brothers and sisters dead in the streets. Instead she talks of amnesty for aliens. She talks of forgiving them for invading, of offering them citizenship, and allowing them free and unfettered access to our cities, our places of work, or schools.
And then, just a few weeks ago, like history repeating itself, a plane fell out of the sky, and an alien caught it. This time, instead of looking like a young man, this alien looked like a young woman, but she wore that same symbol on her chest. The one they both claim is a symbol of home and unity, but has come to represent death and destruction.
Cat Grant, often referred to as the Queen of All Media, chose to throw away reason to embrace this alien. She named her, called her “Supergirl”, and peddled a sob story about a child, cast into space to protect her infant cousin, only to get lost along the way. Cat Grant held up “Supergirl” as someone who only wanted to help, and to pay back the supposed sacrifices of others.
Cat Grant sold that story so well that President Marsdin was drawn in. Not that it would have been a hard sell, given Grant and Marsdin were roommates in college, and given Marsdin’s known love of “Supergirl’s” cousin. So taken in was Marsdin that she twisted arms and burned political capital she could ill afford to force through her Alien Amnesty act in order to grant pardons to people who were known criminals on “Supergirl’s” own planet. Many of them not just criminals but known terrorists.
And when one soul had the courage to call “Supergirl” out, to name her for the fake she is, what happened? Cat Grant fired Leslie Willis to appease “Supergirl”, but that wasn’t enough. Oh, no. “Supergirl” attacked Willis in her own home, and when it turned out Willis survived the attack, “Supergirl” walked into the very hospital when Willis was receiving treatment, and kidnapped the woman, carrying her off to who knows what fate.
Some might lay the blame for this horrible act on “Supergirl”, and indeed, she does bear the lion’s share of the blame. But I say the blame doesn’t end there. If Marsdin weren’t welcoming these monsters with open arms, this might not have happened. If Marsdin had locked “Supergirl” away as the criminal invader that she is, Leslie Willis might never have been attacked.
And what if Willis is alive? What then? It’s possible she will turn up alive and well and pointing the finger squarely in some direction other than “Supergirl”. But if that does happen, can we ever trust her word? “Supergirl”, by her own admission has access to technology that can load information directly into someone’s mind. How can we ever be sure that any story Willis tells, if she is even alive, will be the truth, and not what “Supergirl” twisted her mind into believing?
Enough is enough. President Marsdin is a traitor who colludes with invaders and Cat Grant is her willing accomplice. We may see some small measure of justice this morning. The CatCo board of directors is holding an emergency meeting, and word is, they are going to remove Cat Grant, that they are going to silence the voice of one of these traitors. It’s a good start, but not enough. I say it’s time and past time to impeach Marsdin, to strip her of the office she has desecrated and try her for her treasonous actions.
Kara sat there for a moment, feeling herself shaking with anger. The time stamp on the article meant it had been published just a few minutes after she and Leslie had arrived at NCPD headquarters. It may have had Miranda Crane’s name on it, but it positively reeked of Lilian Luthor, and the most infuriating thing was the way it cast doubt on Leslie’s statement. There would never be a way for her to completely refute the idea that she’d tampered with Leslie’s mind. People would always wonder.
She glanced at the clock. Two hours and fifteen minutes. She sat an alarm to give her time to get to the board room.
“Konex,” she said.
“Yes, Lady Kara.”
“Do we have sufficient funds to execute Acquisition plans one through five?” Kara asked.
“Affirmative,” Konex said. “However, if executed, we will not have sufficient capital for acquisition plans six, seven and nine for at least eighteen months. Also be advised, under current anti-trust regulations, plan five and plan eight are mutually exclusive options and odds of FTC approval for plan ten without extra-legal incentive is below two percent if plans one through three have already been carried out.”
“Understood. Execute one through five. Prioritize progress on seven and nine. Liquidate all stocks associated with eight and ten in a manner which maximize return, then reinvest profits to accelerate progress on six, seven and nine.”
“Yes, Lady Kara.”
Kara picked up her phone and dialed Lucy’s number.
“Hey, Kara,” Lucy said when she picked up.
“Hey, Lucy,” Kara said. “You busy at the moment?”
“Very,” she said. “Why?”
“I need some legal paperwork done about an hour from now, and as I recall, you are licensed to practice in California.”
“I am,” Lucy said, “but right now, I’m knee-deep in writing provisional pardons for the President to sign. I have to have them done, and an executive order drafted in less than four hours.”
“Damn,” Kara muttered. “Okay. Good luck. I have to go.”
“Good luck yourself, Kara. See you soon.”
Kara ended the call and sent Kaldur’ahm a text message.
Kara: Are you still with Cat?
Kaldur’ahm: Yes. We’re in a secure location.
Kara: I need Cat here, now.
Kaldur’ahm: We’re at least forty minutes away.
Kara: Your phone has a transmat beacon. Tell Konex to send you to my office.
Kaldur’ahm: One moment.
It took about two minutes before the room lit up with the flash of a transmat, but once the flash died away, Cat and Kaldur’ahm stood in front of her desk. Kara stood up and walked around the desk, slipping her arms around Cat and hugging her as tightly as she dared. She was a little surprised when Cat hugged her back.
“Thank you,” Cat said.
“You’re welcome,” Kara said. She let go and stepped back. "Jackson, can you do a coffee run?”
“Of course,” he said. “Breakfast as well?”
“Please,” Kara said. She waited as he left, then turned back to Cat. “I’m almost afraid to ask, but are we going to go back to pretending today?”
“No,” Cat said firmly. “I don’t think I could if I wanted to.”
“You could,” Kara said, “but I’m really glad you don’t want to.”
“I’m sorry,” Cat said.
“For what?” Kara asked.
“For not being able to protect you,” Cat said. “I tried, but the board smells blood, and they will burn everything you’ve built to the ground to get rid of me. Doesn’t matter how much it will hurt them in the long run.”
“Cat,” Kara said, “I’ve known this fight was coming since the day I started here. I’m prepared for it. The same way I prepared for the Tribune layoffs. The question is, do you trust me?”
“Yes,” Cat answered, without a moment’s hesitation.
“Do you have a lawyer you can trust? One who’s good with corporate law, but doesn’t work for CatCo?”
Cat nodded. “Of course.”
“Good. Call them, tell them to get here as fast as possible. Then, I need your help with something.”
“With what?” Cat asked.
“Miranda Crane,” Kara said, and watched as Cat’s eyes lit up.
“Oh, that I can do,” Cat said, voice dripping with malicious glee.
Supergirl @SupergirlZorEl 27 Nov 2015
@MirandaCrane Saw the article. This is about the “Kissing a Martian” thing, isn’t it?
Miranda Crane @MirandaCrane 27 Nov 2015
@SupergirlZorEl It’s about you attacking an innocent woman in her home. You’re a vicious animal, and you don’t belong here.
Supergirl @SupergirlZorEl 27 Nov 2015
@MirandaCrane I didn’t attack anyone, unless you count a chocolate pecan pie. #thepiehaditcoming
Miranda Crane @MirandaCrane 27 Nov 2015
@SupergirlZorEl Tell that to Leslie Willis.
Leslie Willis @livewire 27 Nov 2015
@MirandaCrane Yo, she-bitch. Turn on the news once in a while. Krypton Barbie saved my life.
Supergirl @SupergirlZorEl 27 Nov 2015
@livewire Awww… That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me. See @CatGrant , I told you people can change.
Cat Grant @CatGrant 27 Nov 2015
@livewire @SupergirlZorEl yes, I can see the difference.
Miranda Crane @MirandaCrane 27 Nov 2015
How can we believe anything @livewire says? We don’t know what @SupergirlZorEl did to her.
Krypton Barbie @SupergirlZorEl 27 Nov 2015
@MirandaCrane I stopped a hemorrhage in a blood vessel deep inside @livewire ‘s brain. (I’d make a joke about kissing her booboo better, but people would write fanfic)
Leslie Willis @livewire 27 Nov 2015
@SupergirlZorEl You know you want some of this. @CatGrant she was totally hitting on me. #calledit
Krypton Barbie @SupergirlZorEl 27 Nov 2015
@CatGrant I’m starting to think @MirandaCrane has a point. I may have left @livewire ‘s brain in the oven too long.
Miranda Crane @MirandaCrane 27 Nov 2015
@SupergirlZorEl quit trying to turn this into a joke. You and your kind are a violent, perverted infestation on our world.
Cat Grant @CatGrant 27 Nov 2015
@MirandaCrane Yes, because giving away the cure to cancer was such a violent thing to do
Krypton Barbie @SupergirlZorEl 27 Nov 2015
@CatGrant well, I did murder a few pharmaceutical companies’ bottom lines with that #askmeificare
Miranda Crane @MirandaCrane 27 Nov 2015
@SupergirlZorEl Do you think people won’t realize you’ve messed with Leslie Willis’ mind? Assuming that really is Leslie Willis, and not some alien taking her place.
Krypton Barbie @SupergirlZorEl 27 Nov 2015
@MirandaCrane What makes you think I’ve messed with @livewire’s mind?
Leslie Willis @livewire 27 Nov 2015
@SupergirlZorEl @MirandaCrane Yeah, She-bitch, I wanna hear this too
Miranda Crane @MirandaCrane 27 Nov 2015
@SupergirlZorEl On Monday, she called you a fake in front of the entire world, and today, she’s acting like your friend.
Leslie Willis @livewire 27 Nov 2015
@SupergirlZorEl @MirandaCrane Oh, hell no. Sunshine is still way too perky for me. But if clearing her name pisses off the motherfucker who attacked me, I’m good with that.
Supergirl @SupergirlZorEl 27 Nov 2015
Why do I feel like my twitter feed jumps to an R rating every time @livewire shows up?
Leslie Willis @livewire 27 Nov 2015
@SupergirlZorEl because I swear more in one day than you have in your entire life.
Supergirl @SupergirlZorEl 27 Nov 2015
@livewire You only think that because you don’t speak Kryptonian. #ourcursesarebetter
From Facebook Supergirl Zor-El Friday, November 27th, 2015
This has been an odd week for me. In the last five days, I accidently outed myself to the world, I’ve been accused of orchestrating a conspiracy against Maxwell Lord, I’ve been accused of violating Leslie Willis’ right to freedom of speech, then I saved her life, only to be accused of attempting to murder her, kidnapping her and then brainwashing her. And that’s just the stuff I can talk about in public.
I admit, I prefer the weeks where I get to rescue puppies, go to parties, and dance with pretty girls. Sometimes, doing the right thing is hard, and thankless. Sometimes, when you do the right thing, you make enemies of small, selfish people. Sometimes, you don’t even have to be doing the right thing. Sometimes, existing is enough.
Don’t misunderstand. I love being Supergirl. I love this city. I look out at it sometimes and am overwhelmed with wonder. Every light that shines through every window tells a story. A family playing board games. Two girlfriends having a candle lit dinner. A girl doing her homework. A boy drawing in his sketchbook. A mother nursing her newborn. A father reading a bedtime story. And every time I help one of you, a bit of your light becomes a part of me, and it helps fill that hole that Krypton left inside.
I love it, but on days like today, the weight of it sits heavy on my shoulders.
Growing up, I always knew, even before Kal-El was born, that as a daughter of the cadet branch of the House of El, I would not inherit the responsibility to lead it. I had simple dreams. I dreamed of family, of a life in the Science Guild, learning the wonders of the universe. My Aunt’s stories of her life in the military were exciting, but I never wanted to be a soldier or a warrior. I wanted to live, to hold my children in my arms, and perhaps, if I were lucky, to help discover some new truth about the universe.
The day Krypton died, I became the Head of the House of El. I was of age, and my cousin wasn’t. I felt the weight of ten thousand years of tradition, and an unimaginable burden of responsibility settle on my shoulders. The greatest, and most immediate of those responsibilities, I failed to meet when my ship was knocked off course causing me to arrive here twenty-four years late. I woke from my journey only to find that Kal-El was grown. But the discharge of that duty changed little. It is still my duty to make this world a better place. It is still my duty to protect my House and my Family. It is still my duty to protect the memory and heritage of Krypton.
I do not carry those responsibilities grudgingly, but proudly. I have worked hard, even before my public appearance a few weeks ago, to achieve those ends. They give me a purpose and a goal. They give me hope that Rao had a reason for including me among those who were spared when my world ended.
But there are those who hate me, for no other crime than existing. Those who fear me, fear my family, fear my fellow refugees, for no other reason than we are different. It is bigotry, and it is exhausting. It comes closer to draining me of hope than any task laid in front of me.
When Leslie spoke on Monday, when I heard her hurtful words, I reacted in anger. Not because I had any particular care for her opinion of me, but her words turned me into a weapon for bigots to use to beat down those like me. Having lost so much to hate and bigotry in my life, I could not let anyone do that.
And now, someone else is trying it.
I know who attacked Leslie Willis. I cannot give his name, because I have been asked by law enforcement not to, but I can tell you I have met him before, and he has taken from me before. The first time was ten years ago. He came for me, but someone else sacrificed themselves and went in my place. He’s a vile man, full of hate and bigotry, disgusted by anything different. He is small, weak, and full of fear. He is a coward and a murderer, and even ten years ago, he was a pathetic excuse for a man.
Even more pathetic is his motive for attacking Leslie Willis.
In the weeks since I caught that plane falling out of the sky, I have traded on my new-found fame and on the reflected glory of my cousin to work towards helping people like me. Refugees, washed ashore on this world. People who live among you but are held apart and treated as less. I have played to the press, sold my memories, used my private moments to buy sympathy and compassion for my fellow aliens. I have offered cures for disease in exchange for tolerance, and other technology in a bid to secure our rights and freedom.
Some would call this cynical and manipulative and they might be right, but what choice do I have? What choice did you give me? I arrived here, and I had to be hidden away behind forged documents and a false identity. When I was discovered, the only thing that kept me from a dissection table was a good man trading his life for mine. Another good man, an alien like myself, has spent a decade risking his life every day to make sure the protection that was bought at so dear a cost held until I could defend myself.
When I could no longer hide, no longer work from the shadows, I chose to stand so tall, to speak so loudly, that everyone would have to listen and take note.
But the man who attacked Leslie Willis is a coward. He was a coward ten years ago when he tried to drag a scared, frightened little girl from the home she’d only just found. Because he is still a coward, he chose to attack me with fear, lies and deception. He tried to kill Leslie Willis and lay the blame on me, in an attempt to poison everything I have worked for.
He is a coward, and he is being cheered on by other cowards. Cowards like Miranda Crane and Maxwell Lord. Cowards who would throw thousands of innocent lives on the fire for no other crime save an accident of birth.
I hope and I believe they are the minority. A small number, whose voices are made loud by the strength of their fear, hate and greed, and by the depths of their pockets. I chose to believe that the people of Earth are better than that. I chose to believe that the people of Earth are filled with the love and compassion I have been shown so many times since I arrived here. I chose to believe that the people of Earth are worth all the help I have offered and hope to offer them in the future.
Now, it’s time for you to decide.
Do you believe I attacked Leslie Willis? If I attacked her, what sense would it make for me to save her life? If I attacked her, why has she identified someone else to the police as her attacker?
Which is more likely? The scenario that Miranda Crane and Maxwell Lord, both known for their public hatred of aliens, have spun in the media? Or that the attack on Leslie Willis was an attempt to discredit me and turn public opinion against me and my fellow aliens?
I have faith that all of you will find that you already know the truth.
CatCo.com Friday November 27th, 2015 The Mistakes I’ve Made By Cat Grant
What you are about to read may be the last thing I ever write for the company which bears my name. If that sounds like a dramatic way to start an article, well, I’ve never claimed modesty to be among my virtues, but it is no less than the truth. In less than two hours from the time I begin this article, I will walk into the boardroom, and I may very well be removed as CEO. I can’t say the decision would be entirely unjustified.
Given that, I want to take this chance to do something I rarely do. I would like to apologize, publicly, and without reservation, for a chain of mistakes I’ve made that lead up to this point.
The story begins with a plane falling out of the sky on a dark, stormy night. Unlike other such disasters, this one did not end in tragedy. Instead, a figure rose up out of the darkness and caught the plane, carrying it to safety. That night was fourteen years ago, and that figure would come to be known as Superman.
That same night, fourteen years ago, a reporter was grabbed off the streets and stabbed in the stomach by a police officer. She survived and walked fourteen city blocks through one of the worst storms in National City’s history, to collapse in the Emergency Room of National City Memorial. After thirteen hours in surgery, and four weeks in intensive care fighting off sepsis, that reporter would write an exposé that would bring down a congressman, a Deputy Mayor, and hundreds of policemen and mobsters across four cities. It would also fuel the growth of her small media company into the powerhouse that CatCo Worldwide Media would become.
I was that reporter, and that was one of the worst years of my life. I saw a story that had nearly killed me passed over for Lois Lane’s puff piece on the public arrival of Superman. I found my husband cheating on me when I went home early to give him the news that I was pregnant. And one of my best friends was killed covering the war in Afghanistan. I was hurt, bitter and disillusioned. All of my dreams of turning CatCo into a household name were coming true, and they tasted like ash in my mouth.
That’s when I met Leslie Willis. I bought out a small radio station in Nevada. I had never listened to it and didn’t care to. I only wanted a broadcast license for the CatCo radio network that included Las Vegas. The only reason I bothered to meet with Leslie at all is because the station manager begged me to give her a chance instead of firing all the local talent outright. So, I sat down and listened to tapes of her show, and despite myself, I was impressed. Then I met her face to face, and I realized how much talent and untapped potential there was. I saw a younger version of myself, just starting out, with the world in front of her.
That’s when I made my first mistake with Leslie. I saw so much potential there, and the small part of me that still believed in making the world a better place wanted to nurture it, to be her mentor. She’d have done better if I hadn’t. Leslie needed a mentor, someone to put her on the path to greatness, but I was the wrong choice. I was too wrapped up in myself and my own pain to do what was right for her. I taught her all the wrong things, and as long as she brought in the ratings, I rewarded her and protected her from the consequences of her own actions.
Somewhere along the line, I realized I’d made a mistake. I realized I’d nurtured all the wrong things in Leslie. I’d let her become mean and cruel, and all the things I hated when I looked in the mirror and saw them in myself. I saw it, but I had no idea how to fix it, and I made my second mistake. I ignored it, and I ignored her, because she reminded me of my failure.
Then, history decided to repeat itself. One dark night, a plane fell out of the sky, and a lone figure rose up to catch it, and in the aftermath, I found a brilliant young girl, full of promise, standing before me. But this girl was different. This girl wanted my help, but she demanded better. She demanded I live up to my potential. She held me to a higher standard. One I should have held myself to.
And I failed her. I failed her because I let my mistakes with Leslie splash onto her. I let my mistakes put everything she is working to accomplish at risk.
This is an apology to them both. I am apologizing to Leslie for all the times I failed to help her become the amazing person she should have been, and I am apologizing to Supergirl because my mistakes gave her enemies a chance to drag her name through the dirt.
But I want to set the record straight. Contrary to what Miranda Crane and Maxwell Lord have claimed, Supergirl did not attack Leslie Willis. She only found out about Leslie’s injuries when I called her, and she only took Leslie from the hospital on my request as Leslie’s medical proxy. Supergirl has done nothing but help, and Crane and Lord’s attempts to use this vicious attack to try to destroy her says far more about their character than hers.
Maxwell Lord’s reasons for attacking Supergirl are obvious. Aside from being scared of aliens, Supergirl’s actions brought to light Lord’s long history of criminal behavior. His attempts to discredit Supergirl are the actions of a desperate man trying to save himself from a life sentence he richly deserves. Both the National City Tribune and the Daily Planet have posted numerous articles this past week detailing Lord’s corruption and disregard for human life.
As for Miranda Crane, her motivations are every bit as self-serving. Her anti-alien stance is well known, and dripping with the rhetoric of bigotry and fear. But that’s just the surface. Crane has long been an opponent of President Marsdin, and sought to undermine her at every step, and it’s commonly believed Crane is intending to run for President next year. If that’s the case though, there is one dirty little skeleton in her closet that destroying Supergirl’s reputation would help deal with nicely. Her long association with Lex Luthor which included gifts and contributions to both her campaign, and a super pac which supported her. Senator Crane has similar relationships with both Maxwell Lord and Simon Tycho, which could prove every bit as embarrassing if the current allegations against them result in convictions. Allegations supported by mountains of evidence, which could very well be thrown out if Supergirl’s reputation was destroyed.
As this article clearly illustrates, I am not above making mistakes, but my faith in Supergirl isn’t one of them. I look at her, and the words she’s chosen to love by, “Hope, help and compassion for all,” and I want to believe she means them, and so far, Supergirl has given me no reason to doubt means those words. Then I look at the words Miranda Crane uses. She says she believes Supergirl, a woman who has done nothing but help, is a “vicious animal” and a “violent, perverted monster,” and so far, Senator Crane has given me no reason to doubt that she believes those words.
Supergirl has shown time and again how far she will go to help make the world a better place. She exposed herself, shared her past, her pain, her grief, her culture and technology, and all she has asked in return is for her and those like her to have the right to exist.
Ask yourself how far Miranda Crane is willing to go in support of what she believes, and then decide which of them is telling the truth.
“Cat, are you sure you want to publish this?” Kara asked.
“Is there something wrong with it?” Cat asked, her usual bravado in place, though Kara could tell it was paper thin, just by the slight quiver in her voice that anyone without super-hearing would never have noticed.
“No. It’s wonderful. It’s just… It’s very personal, and I know how private you are.”
“And what you wrote wasn’t personal?” Cat asked. “I know you blame yourself for what happened, but if anyone here is to blame, it’s me. I made Leslie what she was. I created the conflict in the first place. And if you are going to lay yourself bare to fix it, how can I do any less?”
Kara stared at Cat, completely floored. She’d known how much potential for goodness there was from experience. She had loved Cat, almost from the moment they met, but so much of that were the tiny peeks of goodness and compassion she’d seen lurking under the prickly exterior. She’d worked so hard the first time around to bring that out of Cat, but this time around, it was almost effortless, and she wasn’t sure what the difference was. But the woman across from her was *her* Cat. The one she’d been friends with, right up until the end.
“Okay,” Kara said. “Okay. Post it, and let’s go save your company.”
Cat smiled at her and reached for the mouse.
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Events 6.4
1411 – King Charles VI granted a monopoly for the ripening of Roquefort cheese to the people of Roquefort-sur-Soulzon as they had been doing for centuries. 1561 – The steeple of St Paul's, the medieval cathedral of London, is destroyed in a fire caused by lightning and is never rebuilt. 1615 – Siege of Osaka: Forces under Tokugawa Ieyasu take Osaka Castle in Japan. 1745 – Battle of Hohenfriedberg: Frederick the Great's Prussian army decisively defeated an Austrian army under Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine during the War of the Austrian Succession. 1760 – Great Upheaval: New England planters arrive to claim land in Nova Scotia, Canada, taken from the Acadians. 1783 – The Montgolfier brothers publicly demonstrate their montgolfière (hot air balloon). 1784 – Élisabeth Thible becomes the first woman to fly in an untethered hot air balloon. Her flight covers four kilometres in 45 minutes, and reached 1,500 metres altitude (estimated). 1792 – Captain George Vancouver claims Puget Sound for the Kingdom of Great Britain. 1802 – King Charles Emmanuel IV of Sardinia abdicates his throne in favor of his brother, Victor Emmanuel. 1812 – Following Louisiana's admittance as a U.S. state, the Louisiana Territory is renamed the Missouri Territory. 1825 – General Lafayette, a French officer in the American Revolutionary War, speaks at what would become Lafayette Square, Buffalo, during his visit to the United States. 1855 – Major Henry C. Wayne departs New York aboard the USS Supply to procure camels to establish the U.S. Camel Corps. 1859 – Italian Independence wars: In the Battle of Magenta, the French army, under Louis-Napoleon, defeat the Austrian army. 1862 – American Civil War: Confederate troops evacuate Fort Pillow on the Mississippi River, leaving the way clear for Union troops to take Memphis, Tennessee. 1876 – An express train called the Transcontinental Express arrives in San Francisco, via the First Transcontinental Railroad only 83 hours and 39 minutes after leaving New York City. 1878 – Cyprus Convention: The Ottoman Empire cedes Cyprus to the United Kingdom but retains nominal title. 1896 – Henry Ford completes the Ford Quadricycle, his first gasoline-powered automobile, and gives it a successful test run. 1912 – Massachusetts becomes the first state of the United States to set a minimum wage. 1913 – Emily Davison, a suffragist, runs out in front of King George V's horse at The Derby. She is trampled, never regains consciousness, and dies four days later. 1916 – World War I: Russia opens the Brusilov Offensive with an artillery barrage of Austro-Hungarian lines in Galicia. 1917 – The first Pulitzer Prizes are awarded: Laura E. Richards, Maude H. Elliott, and Florence Hall receive the first Pulitzer for biography (for Julia Ward Howe). Jean Jules Jusserand receives the first Pulitzer for history for his work With Americans of Past and Present Days. Herbert B. Swope receives the first Pulitzer for journalism for his work for the New York World. 1919 – Women's rights: The U.S. Congress approves the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which guarantees suffrage to women, and sends it to the U.S. states for ratification. 1920 – Hungary loses 71% of its territory and 63% of its population when the Treaty of Trianon is signed in Paris. 1928 – The President of the Republic of China, Zhang Zuolin, is assassinated by Japanese agents. 1932 – Marmaduke Grove and other Chilean military officers lead a coup d'état establishing the short-lived Socialist Republic of Chile. 1939 – The Holocaust: The MS St. Louis, a ship carrying 963 German Jewish refugees, is denied permission to land in Florida, in the United States, after already being turned away from Cuba. Forced to return to Europe, more than 200 of its passengers later die in Nazi concentration camps. 1940 – World War II: The Dunkirk evacuation ends: the British Armed Forces completes evacuation of 338,000 troops from Dunkirk in France. To rally the morale of the country, Winston Churchill delivers, only to the House of Commons, his famous "We shall fight on the beaches" speech. 1942 – World War II: The Battle of Midway begins. The Japanese Admiral Chūichi Nagumo orders a strike on Midway Island by much of the Imperial Japanese Navy. 1942 – World War II: Gustaf Mannerheim, the Commander-in-Chief of the Finnish Army, is granted the title of Marshal of Finland by the government on his 75th birthday. On the same day, Adolf Hitler arrive in Finland for a surprise visit to meet Mannerheim. 1943 – A military coup in Argentina ousts Ramón Castillo. 1944 – World War II: A hunter-killer group of the United States Navy captures the German Kriegsmarine submarine U-505: The first time a U.S. Navy vessel had captured an enemy vessel at sea since the 19th century. 1944 – World War II: The United States Fifth Army captures Rome, although much of the German Fourteenth Army is able to withdraw to the north. 1961 – Cold War: In the Vienna summit, the Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev sparks the Berlin Crisis by threatening to sign a separate peace treaty with East Germany and ending American, British and French access to East Berlin. 1967 – Seventy-two people are killed when a Canadair C-4 Argonaut crashes at Stockport in England. 1970 – Tonga gains independence from the British Empire. 1975 – The Governor of California Jerry Brown signs the California Agricultural Labor Relations Act into law, the first law in the United States giving farmworkers collective bargaining rights. 1977 – JVC introduces its VHS videotape at the Consumer Electronics Show in Chicago. It will eventually prevail against Sony's rival Betamax system in a format war to become the predominant home video medium. 1979 – Flight Lieutenant Jerry Rawlings takes power in Ghana after a military coup in which General Fred Akuffo is overthrown. 1983 – Gordon Kahl, who killed two US Marshals in Medina, North Dakota on February 13, is killed in a shootout in Smithville, Arkansas, along with a local sheriff, after a four-month manhunt. 1986 – Jonathan Pollard pleads guilty to espionage for selling top secret United States military intelligence to Israel. 1988 – Three cars on a train carrying hexogen to Kazakhstan explode in Arzamas, Gorky Oblast, USSR, killing 91 and injuring about 1,500. 1989 – In the 1989 Iranian Supreme Leader election, Ali Khamenei is elected as the new Supreme Leader of Iran after the death and funeral of Ruhollah Khomeini. 1989 – The Tiananmen Square protests are suppressed in Beijing by the People's Liberation Army, with between 241 and 10,000 dead (an unofficial estimate). 1989 – Solidarity's victory in the 1989 Polish legislative election, the first election since the Communist Polish United Workers Party abandoned its monopoly of power. It sparks off the Revolutions of 1989 in Eastern Europe. 1989 – Ufa train disaster: A natural gas explosion near Ufa, Russia, kills 575 as two trains passing each other throw sparks near a leaky pipeline. 1996 – The first flight of Ariane 5 explodes after roughly 37 seconds. It was a Cluster mission. 1998 – Terry Nichols is sentenced to life in prison for his role in the Oklahoma City bombing. 2010 – Falcon 9 Flight 1 is the maiden flight of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, which launches from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Space Launch Complex 40.
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ruminativerabbi · 6 years
Strangers and Citizens, Parents and Children
Because we are all different people coming from different backgrounds and carrying along different kinds of cultural baggage, we Americans are naturally going to respond in different ways to the phenomenon of families caught trying to cross the southwest border illegally being separated when parents are incarcerated in prison and their children are handed over to the Department of Health and Human Services to be watched over or, at least ideally, placed in foster care until their parents’ cases are adjudicated. And even thought the President’s executive order of earlier this week appears intended to ameliorate the situation with respect to future families, there are apparently no plans to reunite families already separated. Nor is it clear precisely what the effect of the President’s order will be even if the courts to uphold its legality with the respect to the now-famous Flores decision of 1997 according to which children may only be kept in detention for a maximum of twenty days. In other words, the fire is slightly less hot than it was earlier in the week, maybe, but the pot is definitely still in serious danger of boiling over.
For me personally—as well, I’m sure as for all Jewish souls like myself whose lives are lived out against the backdrop of the Shoah and its aftermath, the sight of crying children being forcefully taken from their parents and sent off to be detained in special facilities set up to house them is not only emotionally upsetting but viscerally repugnant.  More than 2,300 children have been separated from their parents since the zero-tolerance program went into effect in May. Some, the fortunate ones, have been placed in foster care. (This number includes 239 children, some as young as 9 months of age, who have been sent to the New York area.) Of some of the less lucky, we have heard lots: the 1500 boys housed in that Walmart store in Brownsville, Texas, for example. But of the others of those being housed by the government, we have heard almost nothing other than some vague references to at least three “tender age facilities” where babies and toddlers are being kept.
Of course, children in our nation are routinely separated from their parents when their parents are incarcerated after being sentenced in court to prison. But in such cases the parent facing incarceration has the time to arrange for the child to be looked after and cared for, and the possibility of the government losing track of where exactly that person’s child is being housed is nil. Yet that appears too to have happened in this case, as admitted the other day by Steve Wagner, an official at the Department of Health and Human Services, when he testified in the Senate in April that his agency had lost track of 1,475 children who had been apprehended crossing the U.S.-Mexico border on their own and subsequently placed with adult sponsors of various sorts. These are specifically not children taken from their parents. But it does not bode well for those who have been taken from their parents’ watchful supervision in these last weeks since the zero-tolerance policy has gone into effect.
The whole situation feels intractable. But while some aspects of the situation feel like details in need of working out—how exactly to determine any specific individual’s application for refugee status, for example—the question of whether the enforced separation of families, including families with very young children, should be permitted under any circumstances does not feel that way at all to me. In the end, either we are a nation that can countenance doing irrevocable harm to children or we aren’t.
One of our Shelter Rock physicians, Dr. Steve Goldstein, showed me a remarkable essay the other day published by the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University under the directorship of Dr. Jack P. Shonkoff, the director of the center. The essay, entitled “Excessive Stress Disrupts the Architecture of the Developing Brain,” explains how subjecting a child to toxic levels of stress can actually affect the child’s brain in ways that may well be irreversible even should the child be eventually restored to a stable, caring environment either with his or her own parents or in some other setting. You cannot, it turns out, simply subject a young child to traumatic levels of stress and then suppose that the child will return to normal later on when things calm down. Some damage, it turns out, risks to be permanent.
I have to say, I felt bowled over by reading this—amazed both at how little I knew about the topic and also by the fact that this information, at least so far, has largely failed to inform the whole discussion about the question of separating children—most of whom don’t speak English and who barely understand what it happening to them—from their parents and incarcerating them in facilities that were neither built nor designed to house children and which are staffed by overwhelmed officials unable to communicate even poorly with most of the children  in their charge. (To read the essay, click here. It’s only seven pages long and it will affect your thinking on the matter dramatically. For Dr. Shonkoff’s most recent statement about the potential damage to children forcibly separated from their parents, issued just the day before yesterday, click here.)
And then there was Attorney General Sessions’ remark the other day that he perceived himself to responding to, of all things, a biblical mandate in pursuing the zero-tolerance policy that leads to the separation of children from their parents.
The Attorney General was speaking to a group of police officers in Fort Wayne, Indiana, when he first mentioned the biblical passage that he identified as the source of his motivation to punish the children of illegals (or, more precisely, would-be illegals) with separation from their parents, specifying to the officers that he had in mind the passage from the New Testament that opens the thirteenth chapter of Paul’s Letter to the Romans. Leaving aside the question of why a federal official would base himself on a passage from Christian Scripture rather than the Constitution when determining policy, the choice itself is an interesting one. The text in question reads as follows:  “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.”
Those lines have their own place in our nation’s history. They were used by loyalists to argue against the colonial Americans who were preparing to go to war to gain freedom from Britain in the eighteenth century. And they were last cited in Congress in 1850 in support of the Fugitive Slave Act, possibly the most odious piece of legislation ever to be enacted by our American Congress. But my question for the Attorney General is not about his grasp of history but, since he opened the door himself, about his personal beliefs: does he really believe that there are no governments at all other than those that God in heaven has established? I don’t think so. I doubt any of my readers do, particularly those who endured life under the Nazis (who did not, after all, seize power violently but who came to power after winning the most seats in the Reichstag in the election of 1932). And I can’t believe Attorney General Sessions thinks that either.
As it happens, I know a few biblical verses myself. My Bible imagines a slave escaping from a brutal master and says, “You may not return a fugitive slave to his master after he has escaped from that master and sought refuge with you.” My Bible imagines people naturally inclined to mistrust foreigners and says, “You may not oppress or make anxious the stranger for you yourselves were strangers in the land of Egypt.” My Bible features two Egyptian midwives, women with neither power nor status, refusing to harm Israelite children merely because the king of Egypt has commanded them to do so, and says of them, not that whatever the government commands is by definition just, but that “God granted great favor to the midwives and made them the matriarchs of their own burgeoning clans” in recompense for having resisted the government’s command to harm children.
That “…for you yourselves were strangers in Egypt” trope repeats over and over in the Torah. All instances are interesting, but one stands out in particular to me: “The stranger shall be to you as the citizen, and you shall love the stranger in your midst just as you love your fellow countrymen for you were strangers in the land of Egypt just as surely as I the Lord am your God. Do not pervert justice!” I suppose we all have our favorite verses. 
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indianadeathcleanup · 2 years
Professional Hazmat Clean-up Fort Wayne Indiana
Biohazard Cleanup Fort Wayne Indiana
The cleanup of crime scenes, including blood and biohazardous substances, is known as crime scene cleaning. Its also known as biohazard cleanup, as crime scenes arent the only places where biohazard cleanup is necessary. Companies also clean homes following floods or meth lab outbreaks. Cleaning is performed on-site rather than in the house.While theres no real science behind what to do when you encounter a biohazard, there is some advice to follow when cleanup has already occurred. First of all, dont try to save money by disposing of biohazardous materials yourself. If you throw these biohazards away, they will most likely find their way back into the environment. Theres also no sense in trying to clean up an area before it becomes inhabited by humans; otherwise, youll have to start over from the beginning, cleaning up the biohazard cleanup area all over again. It could cause property damage worth hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars.Once biohazard cleanup has been completed, remember to thoroughly decontaminate any area that was previously contaminated with blood or another biohazard. Contaminated areas should be swept, mopped, or vacuumed to remove any biohazardous materials that may have remained behind after cleaning. Remember to wear protective gear such as gloves and respirators while cleaning biohazards and to wash your hands thoroughly afterward to avoid passing on these hazardous materials to others. If no remnants are left, decontaminate the area and dispose of it properly by using safe chemical cleaners. Chemical spills should always be cleaned up by trained professionals in the appropriate fields.
Biohazard Cleanup Fort Wayne Indiana
Cheap Crime Scene Cleanup Fort Wayne Indiana
Crime scene cleanup is quite simply a specialized field of health, environmental, and engineering practices that requires the careful handling of biohazardous materials that may have been present at a crime scene. These materials may be blood, drug waste, or any number of other biological hazards. For example, if an area is used for human burial, it may be contaminated with human remains or could contain traces of anthrax. Cleaning up involves removing dangerous substances such as chlorine and mercury from the swimming pool or dental fillings.Crime scene cleanup teams are usually comprised of technicians and supervisors, along with support staff like cleaners, security officers, or investigators. They are responsible for cleaning up biohazardous substances from crime scenes, and any blood or other biohazardous material. These cleaners are professionals who perform these tasks in an orderly manner. Many cleanup firms also provide a follow-up service for their clients. This includes analysis and cleaning. Numerous companies offer Crime scene cleanup Fort Wayne Indiana services to local fire and law enforcement departments, as well the general public.Cleanup companies may utilize different methods for cleaning biohazards on a crime scene, such as using high-pressure equipment, or hot dry cleaning, or even hot water extraction. These techniques all employ various means of disinfection, removal of biohazards, and cleansing. Many crime scene cleanup companies will use hazardous materials for the cleaning job, especially if the area has been affected by a biohazard. As a rule, however, most crime scene cleanup companies only use bio-disinfectant chemicals to kill any remaining living things that were exposed to the criminal activity. Disinfectants are also used to remove odours and poisonous fumes.
Decomposed & Unattended Death Cleanup Services in Fort Wayne Indiana
Crime scene clean up is often a contentious term applied to total forensic clean up of body fluids, blood, and other possibly infectious materials from a crime scene. Its also known as forensic cleanup, since most crime scenes arent even a portion of all the places where biohazard cleanup is required. These cleanups happen all across the country and world, so if you ever need a job cleaning up a crime scene, its always good to know what other jobs might be out there. Theres plenty of work for a professional death cleaner, but its not something that anyone goes into without experience.For many companies and individuals, death cleanup and crime scene clean up are essential to protecting the living and restoring order. Biohazardous materials and material could be dangerous to humans or living creatures if the soil is or becomes polluted by a natural catastrophe or another disaster. People should not be curious if they find strange mushrooms growing in damp areas in their bathrooms or gardens. For professional help, people should contact a biohazard company immediately. Whether a flood cleaned up the substance in time or if a natural disaster devastated the area, a biohazard cleanup company should restore the area to normal quickly and properly.It is important to ensure that there are no accidents when it comes to death cleanup. It should be left to professionals who know how to safely remove hazardous materials from areas that might cause harm to you and your family. A death cleanup company will have the right equipment and the right knowledge to safely remove any dangerous pathogens, bacteria, or parasites from your home or place of business. The company will have the experience and training to clean up any decaying organic matter, sewage or blood stains on walls and floors. You can trust them to use safe bio-hazardous cleaning techniques and methods to dispose of hazardous materials safely and restore the original condition.
Fort Wayne Indiana After Suicide Scene Cleanup
If you have suicidal tendencies, or believe that you do, it is time to find out what a suicide cleanup might involve. This help is available from many sources. You can find help from a local church, a social service organization or church. Some schools offer counselling about suicide and drug and substance abuse.Many people find it difficult to deal with someone who is suicidal. Knowing that others are there for them and will not hold them responsible can be one of their greatest challenges. There are many resources available to help you and your friends, including social media, the internet, counseling services at schools, and online. Writing, poetry, and art therapy are all ways to help with Suicide cleanup Fort Wayne Indiana.Suicide cleanups can be organized by encouraging other people to help a suicide victim. This is usually done by parents, teachers, or community members. This is done to demonstrate that the individual does not have to feel isolated. In fact, it may make them feel more comfortable reaching out for help. A school nurse even has designed a curriculum around suicide cleanup that can be implemented to students school libraries.
Blood Spill Cleanup Crew in Fort Wayne Indiana
It is not uncommon to have blood cleanups in buildings and homes. You must ensure that your building is free from blood stains and other undesirable spillages. Blood spillages can occur for many reasons. Blood spills happen regularly, and they can be cleaned up easily if the damage is contained within the area of the spill. In spite of this, it is still necessary to call in a professional company to do a thorough blood cleanup.Vinyl, tile, non-ceramic flooring, vinyl and laminate are the most common surfaces that require blood cleanup. First, remove all blood using special blood cleanup sponges or pads. After the blood has been removed, the cleaning materials should already be mixed with hot water. If possible, the contaminated area should be covered; however, bare floors can be treated using diluted bleach. This concentrated bleach is extremely powerful and should only be used in an area that is absolutely safe.You can use bleach in many different situations. It is useful for cleaning up spillages on floors and carpets as well as cleaning countertops after eating. While the ultimate goal of blood cleanups is to remove as much blood from the affected area as possible, its not always easy. https://indianacleanit.com/indiana/crime-scene-cleanup-fort-wayne with bleach is likely to be required if the blood spillage was on porous materials like ceramic tiles or carpet. Solid materials can also be contaminated. Carpeted floors must be scrubbed and resealed to remove any remaining blood.
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csuworldrecord · 2 years
Man in Critical Condition Following Shooting on Chatham Drive
Man in Critical Condition Following Shooting on Chatham Drive
FORT WAYNE, – (CSU) The Fort Wayne Police Department is investigating a gunshot that left a man in serious condition early Tuesday morning on Chatham Drive, near Lafayette Street. Only after 4:30 a.m., police respond to the 6200 block of Chatham Drive on reports of shots fired. When they arrived, they unearthed a guy with obvious gunshot wounds. Medics transported a victim to the hospital with…
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usa366 · 3 years
4 found dead in Fort Wayne home after report of shots fired
4 found dead in Fort Wayne home after report of shots fired
FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WISH) — Deputies and emergency medical crews found four people dead Monday night in a Fort Wayne house. Allen County Sheriff’s Department responded to a report of shots fired about 9 p.m. Monday at the house in the 7100 block of West Cook Road. That’s between U.S. 33 and O’Day Road, about a mile northwest of the Fort Wayne city limits. A witness got out of the home, and police…
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aroundfortwayne · 2 years
Fort Wayne Fire Department welcomes 20 new firefighters
New Post has been published on https://aroundfortwayne.com/news/2022/09/02/fort-wayne-fire-department-welcomes-20-new-firefighters/
Fort Wayne Fire Department welcomes 20 new firefighters
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Twenty firefighters were welcomed to the Fort Wayne Fire Department in a graduation ceremony last night at the Public Safety Academy.
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