#Gabi's big headed ass is mention a couple of times
incompleteth0ts · 3 years
My first Fanfic on here and it's already Angsty. But then again the AoT Fandom wouldn't be itself without it.
Warning: (Canon) character death, heavy mourning, season 1-4 spoilers, guns (mentioned), Jean and Connie are a lowkey OOC(sorry)
My mom made you a blanket.
Three days. It's been three days, nine hours, forty minutes, and fifty-two second since Sasha died, it's also been that long since Connie has gotten a decent amount of sleep.
It was still so painfully hard to believe that Sasha Braus, top ten in the 104th cadet training, was dead. So childishly disrespectful to Sasha's legacy as a soilder; killed by a brat no older than he was when he had first meet Sasha himself.
Turning to the right he caught sight of a familiar empty bed, freshly made as if no one had slept in it to begin with which is in fact very true.
It's been a week since he's last slept in his own bed at base, either sleeping in a bunk in the airship or sleeping in Jean's bed since coming back home knowing he won't mind since he's been at his mother's house handling his grief in the warm embrace of family.
God, Connie misses his family even more than he misses Sasha. With Sasha's death there was a faint feeling of understanding. (No understanding wasn't the word none of them would ever understand why she had to die) Sasha was dead and couldn't come back no matter how hard Connie and Jean cried, cursed, and screamed she wouldn't come back.
But Connie's mother she could come back if she were to eat a Titan shifter (Eren) she could come back and hold him again, tell him false lies of everything is going to be OK, and that Sasha is in a better place, but even though the solution is just a couple blocks away from him he can't grab it, instead he's force to except the fact that almost all the people he has ever loved are gone.
The door to Connie and Jean's shared room opens quietly, though it didn't matter since Connie's has been awake for an hour by now.
"How was your visit to your mom's house Jean?" Jean Kirstien. One of the most important people left in his life. Lord, what depressing ass thought. Connie's only friend, a horse.
(There's a small voice in the back of his head that reminds about the others that are somewhere in the base that he also considers friends)
Jean's holding a brown tote bag filled with what looked like a variety of things. Jean not expecting Connie to be awake had answered in the dumbest way possible.
"You're awake?" Oh Jean boy, how we love you so. "Yeah, I've been up for a bit now, what about you? Never answered the question Jeanie."
There's small air of youthful teasing the kind that was always around when they were younger and didn't have to worry about anything other than what they were gonna eat the next day and when the next expedition was.
Jean walked towards his bed with light footsteps and places a brown tote bag by the foot of the bed and sits by Connie's feet patting his leg. "It was good, I had been planning to visit her soon anyways so better now then never."
Connie took his time to study Jean's appearance. His hair had grown nicely over the pass four years, not surprising though, Jean has always taken pride in his appearance, ever since they were cadets. He was waiting simple clothes, orvas simple as clothes got when it came to Jean's sence of fashion. He wore a white button shirt and gray suit vest, and a pair of slacks Connie swears he's never seen Jean go a week without wearing at least once.
"My mom said that next time I come over I should bring you." He has eye bags. Or to better phrase it he has even darker eye bags, but its not like he can talk when he's eyebags are just as bad, being apart of the military will cause you to gain things you wouldn't normally gain when getting a job.
"Really now? Mama Kirstein just couldn't handle not seeing her favorite son for so long, huh?" Instead of humoring Connie, Jean grabs the bag and hands it to Connie. "Ma, said to give these to you and the others."
Inside the bag was six neatly folded blankets, all of them looking homemade and warm. "The one on top is yours." Connie reach his hand out and grabbed onto the top blanket pulling it out to examine it.
It was knitted and dual colored, brown and grey; brown and grey; brown and grey, over and over again till it was big enough to wrap around Connie's body, in one of the corners Jean's mother had stitched on a patch on with the words 'Connie Springer' in thin black lettering.
Connie rubbed his face against the soft material. It smelt of lavender and pine, similar to the way the village would smell during spring and his dad would let him and his younger brother and sister explore the woods to pick freshly bloomed flowers for mom.
Damn Mama Kirstein, I could kiss you right now.
"If your thinking about kissing my mom I'm going to take the blanket back." Jean reached out the take the blanket back but stopped when Connie jerked back a little to hard as if he was actually scared Jean would take the blanket back.
"...ease don...like home." What? "Connie a can't hear you move the blanket if your going to talk." With another attempt at moving the blanket Jean figured it was just be easier to move it from his face than to take it away completely.
Bad choice.
Connie was crying which wasn't a new sight he'd seen Connie cry plenty of times, during their time as cadets (but who could blame him Shadis is terrifying anyone would at least tear up around him at some point in their lives), he remembers Connie crying silent tears for his mom turned Titan when he thought no one was looking, the night Sasha died Jean was confident the only reason the others wouldn't be able to hear Connie and Jean's heavy sobs was because everyone else was busy doing the same.
But not all those tears were bad. Connie and Sasha both have laughed themselves to tears multiple times, Jean usually being the the one to get stuck in between the two when that would happen, but this type of crying was different. It made Connie look younger somehow, and it reminded Jean of just how young the two of them were not even twenty years old and constantly risking their lives for hundreds of strangers.
"Con, what's wrong? You-you know I was just kidding right? Come on Connie. Tell me whats wrong." What wasn't wrong, his family got turned to Titans, Sasha's dead, Eren betrayed everyone and is trying to start the rumbling, Marly and Paradise civilizans hate the survey corps, everything was wrong.
"Do you not like the blanket? You know if my mom found out she'd drag you all through town by your ears." Connie laughed because how the hell could he not love this blanket, and how the hell could he not love Jean. Stupid, self-absorbed, mama's boy, Jean, who would risk it all for his friends.
"No. No, I love it. It's just- this blanket just smells like my village. How was she able to- how long did it take to make all of these." Connie aggressively waver his hand in the direction of the bag full of the rest of the blankets. "Mom had said it took her a couple of months to do. She said with all the money and souvenirs I've been sending her she was able to make them."
What a mama's boy. "Well let her know that the effort was 100% worth it, because these things are perfect."
And Connie meant it. He truly, truly meant it.
"Well that's good to hear. Now let's get going." Jean got off the bed, grabbed the bag, and offered a hand to Connie. "Going?" Connie grabbed Jean's hand allowing himself to be pulled up momentarily dropping the blanket. "Yeah we have to drop the rest of these off. I just thought it would be good for you to get out for a bit even if it's just to run chores and see friends. That's not to much right?"
Connie sat and stared at Jean's calloused and large hands that have been used to slay Titans and humans alike yet still seem so nice to hold. Reaching up to grab them was like a cup of water after a hot day. It was the first time in the past three days, 10 hours, thirty-seven minutes, and four teen seconds, that Connie felt like things might actually work in his favor even for just a little bit.
Based on the way everyone's faces look as they received their custom made blankets (Red for Mikasa, a pink looking futon with yellow cat like faces on it for Armin, Levi's was a dark shade of grey with two dark green stripes in the middle, Hange's was a shade of brown that reminded him of the coffee mom would drink after she adds milk.) They felt the same way.
The official day of Sasha's funeral was even more painful than Connie had imagined it to be. Sasha's family, what was left of the Levi squad, and Niccolo were gathered. Everyone there was crying minus Hange and Levi who were far to use to death by now.
Connie couldn't find it in himself to look at Sasha's body, everything was feeling all to real right now, the cold rain, the constant shuffling as people walked to and from Sasha's bady to give there final goodbyes and I love yous, the last person to walk uo being Jean since he had chose to stay by Connie's side through out the service.
The walk to Sasha's coffin felt to long and quiet, the gifts in Jean's hands felt like weights, but somehow just like that he was looking at Sasha for the first time in over three days. Sasha was beautiful. She wore her scouts uniform, the same one she wore to Historia's coronation, she held a bouquet of Sunflower, Lilac, Hyacinth and Gardenias, cerise of he family. Her old scout jacket folded by her feet from Mikasa, a recipe book of all the foods she liked from Armin, a metal of honor from Historia, a Purple hyacinth from Levi, and a Chrysanthemum from Hange.
Jean felt frozen yet hot at the same time when he went to pick up the first thing in his arms he thought it might as well have caught fire. His finger tip felt unbelievable warm and sweaty. Connie's gift was the first to gently be placed down. As silly as the gift looked upon first glance but Jean knew better, far better.
It was a picture of Connie and Sasha. Yes. A picture the two of them took it together when they had first landed in Marley. Sasha had been blurred out and unclear and Connie seemed to be focused on something outside of the cameras view.
When the both of them had came out the building holding their sides and out of breath Connie had explained that Sasha had sneezed the moment the photographer snapped the picture making her look like a quick blur of black and white.
The last item that Jean had to give was the blanket.
"Hey Sasha, my mom made you a blanket," He felt as if he could hear and see everything all at once. "She was planing og dropping them off herself, but we all came home early and I had went to see her," How was was it that even in death she looked so beautiful. "Sasha. I'm going to miss you." Jean probably would have started crying if he hadn’t already emptied himself outta his moms house.
No longer wanting to stall more than he already has Jean carefully lifted Sasha's head and layer the blanket under it. "Sasha, when you get to heaven do me one last favor and find Marco, he's going to be so exited to see you again."
Placing a sweet farewell kiss on Sasha's forehead Jean back away from the coffin and stood back at Connie's side.
The bedroom was cold, but luckily Connie's body has always run a little high so being under the covers with him was a nice contrast to everything else.
"Jean. Do you think Sasha will be okay by herself? I mean I know she's a strong person but still. What if she gets lost, or lonely without us?"
Connie's head was heavy on Jean's shoulder as they laid side by side by the fire place. It's been eight hours since Sasha's funeral had ended and Connie was taking it as well as you can after watching your other half get buried.
"I don't know Connie, but your right Sasha is a strong person and she'll be fine, just like I know you'll be fine too."
Connie looked up at Jean in obvious confusion. "What I mean Connie is that you're strong and something like this isn't enough to tear you down. You've lost your Mom, your village, your siblings, friends and comrades yet you still fight and that is absolutely amazing, Connie. You need to give yourself more credit for everything you do."
Connie was crying heavy and loud sobs on Jean's chest and Jean was more than willing to let Connie weep all the tears he had held in from the funeral onto his night shirt.
With Jean by his side, the remaining members of the Levi squad on his team, and his new brown and grey blanket wrapped around him Connie felt like things might just get better. Cause it was like Jean said Connie was a fighter and he'll continue to fight for his family, the Levi squad, Jean, and especially for Sasha.
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3rensgf · 3 years
stupid/annoying, but endearing, things they do in a relationship eren, armin, jean, connie, erwin, levi, reiner, bertholdt, porco, zeke, colt, hanji, mikasa, sasha, annie, pieck
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word count: 2.3k
warnings: one mention of sex in erens, reader uses makeup in jeans, mentions of injuries and dilf!reiner in reiners
notes: this is a gn!reader. there are mentions of makeup being used, but i feel like any gender can use makeup. it's not even anything serious like a beat face. just some lip gloss n mascara. chapstick too but thats not makeup. it's just one line, so you can skip over it if you would like to!
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✩ eren bites you. its not even in a sexual way, he just likes to bite. they’re like a second form of kissing to him. you could be chilling together on the couch watching a movie, and he’ll just chomp on your shoulder. even when you were trying to focus on something, he swings by, bites then leaves. eren has no shame, so he does it in front of your friends too. you could be having a normal conversation with mikasa and he’ll just bite you, then the two of you carry on as if it was normal. it’s not normal. but you love it. sometimes you bite him back too. but only in private.
✩ armin gives you random things he finds. armin likes to go out and explore, with or without you. when he comes back after an adventure you opted out of, he always has something for you he found. a rock, a seashell or a cool flower are just some of the things he gets for you. if he can’t find something, he finds a gift shop to get you something instead, saying, “well, (y/n), i did find it in the gift shop.” he always looks so proud giving it to you, rambling about the story of how he found your gift. you have a small box tucked away with all the treasures he gives you.
✩ jean steals your things. whenever he comes over, he likes to mooch off your possessions. if he’s spending the night at your place and needs a shower, he’s using your shampoo, conditioner and body wash. if his lips are chapped, he swipes your lip balm to use on himself. one time you even walked in on him trying your mascara and lip gloss. another time he had your clothes on his giant frame. but he always replaces whatever he uses, venmoing you within the next few days with some cash and a sorry note. “sorry for using ur lip balm baby, buy some more <3” with $20 attached to it. you tell him that lip balm doesn’t even cost that much, but he tells you to treat yourself to lunch with the extra money.
✩ connie makes plans without letting you know beforehand. at 3am, you are woken up by an influx of messages and calls from your boyfriend. in your sleepy state you go to answer him, only to be told to get dressed and come out. he’s right outside of your house and hungry. you remind him it’s very early in the morning and you both have class. “but i’m hungry and craving burgers,” he repeats. you have no choice to get in the car with him. this can happen throughout the day, not just early in the morning. one time he whisked you away in the middle of your online class because he didn’t tell you he bought tickets to a movie showing in 30 minutes. the memories you share on these spontaneous dates are always your favorite ones with him.
✩ erwin buys you whatever you like in bulk. it’s not even an exaggeration when you say bulk. you mention one thing to him, and the next day there are boxes upon boxes sitting on your kitchen counter. “these oranges taste pretty good,” you mumble to yourself as you peel your 2nd one. erwins sharp ears hear this, and first thing in the morning he’s off to buy multiple bags of your supposed favorite oranges. it takes you days, sometimes weeks, to finish whatever he decided to buy you. you always tell him he doesn’t need to buy so much, but he never listens. though, you always appreciate how attentive he is to your likes and dislikes.
✩ levi cleans up for you and ruins your organization. it’s always a blessing when someone else decides to take on the burden of cleaning for you, and you thought you hit the jackpot with a boyfriend who loved to clean, clean, clean. but it could get annoying when you suddenly couldn’t find anything you placed anywhere. if you’re anything like me, you’re messy but organized. you know where things are. when levi comes to clean, he places things where he thinks they should go. you’re sent on a wild goose chase looking for your pencil case, only for it to be in a completely different drawer than the one you usually kept it in. despite this behavior, it’s always nice to come home from a long day from school to see your desk organized. what was once a mess of papers and other supplies have been filed into their correct places, the table wiped down from any lingering coffee stains and your supplies being organized in a way so you knew where everything was. sometimes there’d be a plate of fruit with the note, “good luck on your exams,” written in your boyfriends neat writing beside it.
✩ reiner coddles you too much. whenever you express any sort of discomfort, reiner is always rushing to your side. “are you hurt? do you need medical attention? how many fingers am i holding up?” he asks, checking you for any cuts or bruises. thank you, honey, but i’m fine. just bumped into the counter. despite that, he’s dragging you over to the bathroom to fix up your imaginary injuries. you always find it a bit much when you’re fine. it’s during the times where you’re actually hurt where you learn to appreciate it. he’s so gentle cleaning your cuts, kissing them softly once they’re dressed. you wonder if he’d be like that with your future children.
✩ bertholdt is too nervous around you. it’s been years since the two of you got together, and he still refuses to make eye contact with you. his hands get sweaty and shake when you attempt to hold his hand. he always stumbles over his words when speaking to you as he tries to find the right words to say. he even blushes when he introduces you to other people as his significant other! you remind bertholdt over and over again that he doesn’t need to be so shy around you. but you cant help but coo over him showing up for your date, flustered mess and thrusting flowers into your hand. “they reminded me of you,” he said quietly, refusing to meet your eyes. you giggle and press a kiss to his hot cheeks.
✩ porco is too cocky for his own good. he’s always parading around the house, boasting about his latest achievements. he beat colt in a video game colt was a supposed god in. he can throw a baseball farther than zeke. he can run faster than pieck. if he’s taller than you, he's always making fun of you for being shorter than him. if you’re taller, you’re not exempt from his wrath either. he’s boasting about how he’s perfect height to not hit his head on doorways. he never goes as far as to hurt your feelings, always knowing when to stop. though he has a big ego, he would let it crash and burn just to see you smile after beating him at smash bros. you laugh and taunt him, happy you beat him in one thing. he doesn’t mind, instead watching you with a soft smile on his lips and love in his eyes.
✩ zeke forces you to work out with him. and it’s not like in the afternoon to help you stretch out. it’s not light yoga or a couple minutes on the treadmill. no, this man wakes you up at ass crack in the morning to take you on a 5 mile hiking trip. you barely have any time to register what is happening around you before you’re already standing at the start of the trail with your gear. “come on! we can’t slack off!” he says, clapping his hands together. the sun is beating down on you and your feet hurt, but this man doesn’t let you stop for a break. “we’re almost there,” he says. your complaining goes out the window when he shows you the view at the top. its one of the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen. hiking up long ass trails to see beautiful views with your boyfriend was so worth it in the end.
✩ colt accidentally turns your dates into babysitting sessions. you show up at his house with the promise of a good time, only to be met with a guilty looking colt and his little brother falco behind him. “sorry,” he says sheepishly, “gabi got sick with the cold, so i couldn’t drop him off there. i hope you don’t mind him staying.” you hide your disappointment behind a wide smile, nodding enthusiastically as to not hurt either of their feelings. you just wanted to spend some alone time with your boyfriend, and it would have to wait. hanging out with falco wasn’t actually that bad. the three of you had an amazing time together, watching tv, playing games and even baking together. if you hate kids, you can’t bring yourself to hate falco; he’s just the sweetest boy you’ve ever met. you and falco are already asking colt when the three of you can hang out again when you have to go back home.
✩ hanji is always talking. you don’t discourage them from talking about their interests. they’re very passionate about the things they love, and can’t help talking about them. its like the scene where hanji kept eren up all night talking about titans. when you’re trying to focus on something or go to sleep, hanji is just yapping away. you’re honestly amazed at their ability to never run out of things to say about the most mundane things. hell, one time they talked for an hour and a half about a building color they saw when they were out one day. but hanji just looked so happy when talking. their face would break out into a huge grin, and their arms would fly around as they told their story. it was too cute for you to tell them to stop.
✩ mikasa hovers too much. every corner you turn, every place you go to, mikasa is following. she claims she’s not clingy, but in reality she is. it’s like a cat who hates affection, but needs to be in the same room as you at all times. you don’t mind her following you into the bedroom or living room or kitchen. you had to draw a line when she tried to follow you into the bathroom. even when you’re out, she’s always following you around. you tell her it’s okay to break off from you and spend some time by herself, but she always shakes her head and follows you to your next destination. you’re always grateful for her hovering when a group of drunk people try hitting on you, whistling and telling you they’ll give you a good time. but one look at your girlfriend who showed up from out of nowhere, and they’re running away with their tails between their legs.
✩ sasha eats your food. she can’t help it. she likes to snack. she’s always hungry. and you get that. to stop things like this from happening, you have separate places to keep your food. just so sasha and you have your favorite snacks and takeout separated. you respect the rule, but your girlfriend seems to lose her reading skills when hungry, one too many times you have walked in on her with her hand deep into a bag of your chips, something you’ve been waiting to eat all week when you were supposed to watch that new horror movie on netflix with her. you huff and puff and retreat to your bedroom. sasha comes back after a few hours, looking upset with tons and tons of snacks in her arms. “i’m sorry i ate your chips,” she frowns. she sets down all the food she got on your bed. “i got all these snacks you liked as an apology. and 3 bags of your favorite chips.” you could never stay mad at her cute face.
✩ annie complains about spending time with you. “i like my alone time,” she says, brushing you off when you asked why she didn’t want to watch a movie with you. some people were introverted, preferring to spend time by themselves rather than with someone else. you were like that too; you had your moments where you didn’t feel like being around your girlfriend. but it became an annoying problem when she constantly shot down your attempts to hang out with you. when she finally agrees, she’s always finding something to complain about. but during important dates or when you’re not in the best mood, she’s always the first to remind you or initiate a hang out/date. she shuts her mouth and enjoys her time with you, not one criticism or groan leaving her lips. she would never admit it, but being around you made her so happy.
✩ pieck is always sleeping. you have to wait a few hours to get a text or call back from pieck because she’s always dozing off somewhere. “sorry sweets,” she yawns into the mic, “was taking a nap. need something?” good luck trying to reach your girlfriend during an emergency. when you come home with takeout for dinner because neither of you wanted to cook, she’s sleeping at the dinner table. when you’re watching a movie she wanted to watch, she’s snoring away, curled up at the end of the couch. during lectures you share together, she has her head in her arms and has the audacity to ask you for your notes in the end. and it’s not like she’s not getting enough sleep, no. she gets her recommended 8 hours of sleep and then some. it’s nice to have a sleepy girlfriend, though, when you’re dead tired from living. you drag your feet into the bedroom to see her about to take her nth nap for the day. she notices your zombie-like state and opens up her arms for you. the two of you cuddle and nap together, sleeping the stress away.
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3rensgf © 2021 ; do not repost or translate my work.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
3 things you’ve done today:
Slept in for the FIRST TIME IN YEARS. I feel incredible.
Had a dream about my celebrity crush and told my sister all about it as soon as I was properly awake.
I guess this next entry counts since I was doing it at 2 AM, but I started watching The Raincoat Killer on Netflix. 
3 things you’ve purchased recently:
I got a box of sushi last Thursday because my overtime that night was just downright cruel lmao. I made it grand and got the box with 30 pieces because I know I goddamn deserved it.
A couple of vape pods.
Blackhead pore strips not because I have blackheads but just because I wanted to experience placing it on my nose and peeling it off HAHAHA. A stupid impulse buy for sure.
3 things you’ve eaten today:
Again, all these entries are from earlier last night since I’ve barely done anything this morning but:
Chicken fillet ala king from McDonald’s
French fries, also from McDonald’s
Tuna spread canapes
3 movies you enjoy:
When it comes to movies I want to watch simply to have a good time, Love Actually takes the cake. That movie just makes me so happy lol.
Toy Story
The Proposal
3 of your favorite bands:
HONNE - if they count?
BTS - again, if they count haha. I’m not a very big band person these days.
3 songs you enjoy:
I’ll make it one song for each group I mentioned so it’s easier:
Pool - Paramore
loving you is so easy - HONNE
3 things you wish for:
That weekends can be longer than two days
That I can travel to a different country, or different countries, soon
That cooking came natural to me
3 things you’re wearing:
My Sowozoo pajamas ahahaha
My hairtie on my wrist
3 things on your mind:
What time I should go to the mall so I can buy a new phone charger cord, because my old one just died on me last night precisely when I was at 1%. I magically, MAGICALLY was able to find an angle that worked and I managed to get it to full charge, but I wanna be safe and just go to the mall and get a new one just so it’s out of my worries.
What time my mom will be back home, since she took my car out.
That my shoulders and lower back are currently bothering me.
3 of your favorite smells:
A freshly-cleaned hotel or resort room
Bacon and eggs being cooked
Coffee shops
3 words to describe how you feel now:
Well-relaxed - I got 8 hours of sleep and have forgotten how refreshing it feels. I only got 3 or 4 hours each night for this week in particular.
Hungry - Another reason why I already wanna head to the mall, so I can get something to munch on. Most likely will land in a Starbucks.
Relieved - Because it’s the weekend.
3 things you like about yourself:
It’s not a good trait to have, but I like that I’m a workaholic lol. But I like getting things done and hitting targets, so it works out for me even if I barely get any sleep and end up doing the work of people I find slow.
My memory is excellent so I get to remember what my friends are into or currently interested in, and bring it up at random moments to make them happy.
That I am finally able to give back to my parents.
3 unpopular opinions you have:
I cannot stand fruits in most contexts. I can drink powdered fruit juice and eat the mangoes in sushi, but I don’t like having them by itself.
I wouldn’t like, neglect them or anything if faced with one, but I’m not the biggest fan of cats and have always preferred dogs.
Liking balut is surprisingly such an unpopular opinion so let’s place it here as well.
3 things you enjoy doing:
Bea reintroduced me to diamond painting a couple of weeks ago when she brought her work-in-progress to Zambales. I had thrown out my own set a while back since mine had come from Gabie, but doing it again with her and Kata made me realize how much I miss it. I might buy one for myself before the year ends.
Going to a restaurant I haven’t tried and having their offerings.
Watching BTS videos until the ass crack of dawn.
3 of your favorite photos (or memories):
Continued...12ish hours later lol. Most recently, my Zambales trip with my bosses-slash-friends. It was my first out of town trip that I paid for myself and one that lasted for more than a day, so it definitely serves as a milestone.
Paramore show, 2018.
Finding out I passed UP. That night was bittersweet too, I guess, because I couldn’t celebrate it with my grandpa who passed away a few months before the results came out. But it’s a happy memory nonetheless.
3 things in your room:
I have a mug of mocha coffee beside me. It’s my second cup for the day sooooooo just hoping my palpitations in a few hours won’t be too bad.
I got a cute little Jimin-themed foldable fan as a freebie from the K-pop merch shop I frequent! I dunno where to place it in my room yet but for now, it’s here on my work desk.
I’m not actually sure what you call it but I have a tub of menthol rub(?) for my shoulders and back that hurt...pretty much 24/7 now lol.
3 things that scare you:
Turning out awful at anything I’m supposed to be good at.
Fire. It’s why I can never get to start on cooking huhuhu so much fire involved :(((
Bea recently talked about how PR is not a very sustainable career, i.e. you rarely see any mid-30s to 40-something people doing PR...so that kinda set me into a crisis. Like what WILL I be doing in 20 years? It’s just nerve-wracking to think about.
3 things that you find attractive in a person:
Being low-maintenance. I cannot deal with divas, i.e. too picky with food, gatekeeping when it comes to things like movies, music, etc.
Taking the initiative to help me with the smallest of tasks, unasked.
If they are comfortable with silence. Some people feel the need to fill it all the time and keep small talk going, and sometimes that’s just exhausting.
3 places you have traveled:
South Korea, albeit very briefly.
3 of your favorite flowers or plants:
...That’s it, really.
3 facts about your current life:
I worked overtime 4 out of 5 days this week, leaving me completely burned out. I was so happy to be completely lazy on the couch today.
I am currently eating shawarma alongside taking occasional sips from my coffee.
I’ve stopped going crazy on merch expenses because I’m finally eyeing getting insurance and a new phone, since my screen is DYING by the day.
3 books you’ve read recently:
I don’t really read anymore.
3 things you are planning to do this summer:
You mean by next year? I imagine just being drowned in work again lol.
I hope I get to squeeze in a trip, though.
...But to be honest, I have nothing set in stone this early.
3 games you enjoy - any type:
I'm obsessed with Rhythm Hive these days. I’m talking 6-hours-a-day-every-weekend obsessed.
Grand Theft Auto, but I never actually do the missions lmao. Open world games in general are fascinating to me and I always wanna see how much I can do.
Mario Kart.
3 facts about your appearance:
I have bangs that are way too long at this point, but I’m trying to grow them out so I can finally get rid of them. 
I currently have a dingdong on my left cheek, but I’m expecting it to go away in a day or two.
I had a really bad fall earlier this week (I was getting out of bed one morning and was too groggy to tell that my left leg was in the middle of a crazy pins and needles attack, so the moment that leg landed on the floor I dropped straight on my knee, hard) - which first appeared as a bruise, and ultimately ended up as a wound. Thankfully it’s starting to itch now, which means it’s on its way to healing. 
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emmabodt · 5 years
Mission Success: Chapter 13
The minute Reiner finished saying goodbye to Bertholdt, he immediately rushed to his house, carelessly knocking into a few people to whom he profusely apologized as he went. He just couldn't wait to go home.
It only took him a few minutes to reach the front door of his house. When he got there, he quickly calmed himself down. Reiner wanted to surprise his mom, but he could only do that if he was quiet. He quickly thought back to the times when he lived here. It was half after noon, so his mother was probably washing up from lunch.
He quietly opened the door and shut it behind him, being careful not to make any noise. The smell of his home hit him like a rock. Sure enough, his mom was doing the dishes; he could hear the splash of water coming from the kitchen. Smiling, he slipped out of his boots and headed towards the kitchen.
She didn't hear a thing as Reiner carefully tiptoed across the floor. When he reached his mom, he gently wrapped his arms around her. She squeaked breathlessly, obviously frightened.
"What are you-!?"
"Hi mom," he whispered, hugging her a little tighter. She froze, then slowly turned her head to see slightly wet golden eyes. Her own green ones went wide.
"Reiner?..." she whispered, turning around fully to gaze up at her son. He was so big, so tall... Her eyes immediately filled with tears that spilled down her cheeks.
"Reiner! You're home! My little boy is home at last!" Karina gripped his shirt with her hands as she started to sob.
"M-Mom! Don't cry! Please, don't cry!" Reiner said gently, leading her over to the nearby dinner table.
"Reiner! I was so worried about you! You left, and didn't come back for five years! I thought my little boy had died!" His mom continued to wail as he knelt down in front of her.
"Mom, I'm okay! Look at me, I'm right here, safe and sound," said Reiner with a smile, trying desperately to comfort his mother. She pulled him into another hug.
"Oh, Reiner. It's so good to see you again...."
"Same here." When they pulled back from the hug Reiner looked towards the living room.
"Where's everyone else?"
"Oh, Marissa and Gabriel took Gabi to the market to get ingredients for dinner," said Karina, sniffing and wiping at her tears with her fingers." They should be back so-"
"Auntie Karina! We're back! And we brought back dinner!" a little girl's voice yelled. Moments later, fast booted feet could be heard racing toward the kitchen." Mom and Dad got stuff for stew..."
The little brown haired girl trailed off when she saw Karina's tear stained face and the burly blonde in kneeling front of her. She gently put the bag she was carrying on the floor.
"Auntie Karina?... Are you okay? Did the big blonde oaf hurt you?" She turned her ferocious green gaze to Reiner." If you hurt her, you'll pay for it!"
"Gabi! Be nice! Don't you know who he is?" Marissa, a woman with long brown hair, had a hand pressed to her mouth, trying hard to supress giggles. Gabi indignantly turned to her mother and pouted.
"No, I don't. Why should I know someone who makes people cry?" Gabi sassed. By this time, Gabriel had joined them, and everyone was trying their best not to laugh.
"Gabi, you should probably take a look at the band on his arm," her father whispered, pointing at the red armband. Gabi followed her father's finger with her eyes before widening them, staring at the blonde "oaf".
"REINER!  YOU'RE BACK!" The next thing Reiner knew, he was being tackled to the ground by his side 9 year old cousin. He fell over on his ass while Gabi strangled him in a hug.
"Whoa! Okay, Gabi, you're a little big to jump on me now!" Reiner chuckled, hoisting the nine year old over his head. She immediately giggled and started wriggling, trying to break free of his grip. So started their little wrestle, Gabi trying to climb on Reiner while he fake tried to gently push her off of him.
Gabi had been just a tiny little four year old when he had left all those years ago. He still remembered how she had cried and grabbed onto his leg when he had told his family that he would be leaving for a mission. For the next two weeks, she had doggedly followed him around, crying and begging him not to leave. She would even crawl out of her own bed to come sleep with him. On the day that he left, she had been so upset that she had cried herself to sleep before he even departed.
"Alright, you two, that's enough rough housing in the kitchen. I need to start on our dinner," said Karina. Reiner quickly subdued Gabi by picking her up and setting her on his shoulders. She let out a happy squeak and wrapped her hands around his eyes.
"Sorry, Mom," he said cheekily, carrying the little girl into the next room as best as he could manage with no eyesight. Gabi giggled whenever he bumped into a wall, and thanks to him taking off his boots, Reiner managed to stub a toe. The following curses set his cousin shrieking with laughter.
"Reiner! Language!"
"Sorry, Mom!" Reiner grimaced, taking Gabi's hands off of his eyes. With his newly restored vision, he quickly navigated himself to his old room. It was practically untouched by the years; his bed was still perfectly made, his chest of clothes had collected no dust, and his old leather satchel hung on the end of the bed. He carefully set Gabi down as he took it all in.
"Wow...nothing in here has changed..."
Gabi, who had calmed down a little, nodded." Auntie Karina would come in here every few weeks to clean and make sure everything was in place."
Gabi nodded." Yeah, she really missed you. Sometimes, late at night, I think she would come in here and cry. You guys were gone a lot longer than everyone expected you to be."
Reiner sat down on his now tiny bed, pulling up his legs." Yeah... Things didn't really go as planned, that's why..."
Gabi hopped up and sat next to him before looking up at him with the eyes he knew all to well.
"Reiner... Will you tell me about your time on the island?"
The blonde chuckled and looked down at his feet as he mussed Gabi's thick brown hair." Sorry, no can do. Everything on the island is classified."
Gabi stuck out,her lips in a pout." You can tell me, you know. I'm going to be Warrior Candidate soon."
Reiner blinked as the words sunk in." Wait, what?!"
Gabi smiled at him." I'm signing up for the Warrior Program!"
"Really? Why?" Reiner was trying very hard to not show his concern.
"Because! I want to be like you!" The blonde felt something inside him crack, and knew that Gabi could not become a Warrior, under any circumstances. She did not need to become anything like the broken man that he was.
Reiner stared at her for a minute before sighing." You know, you don't have to become a Titan to be like me."
Gabi pouted again before Reiner forced a chuckle and stood up." Come on, let's go see if we can help my Mom with dinner."
Gabi thought about for a moment before shrugging her shoulders." Okay."
"Reiner! I can't tell you enough about how thrilled I am that you know how to cook!"
Reiner looked up from his empty bowl and smiled at his mom." Well... I picked up a couple talents on the island. Everyone cooks their own food there."
"What kind of food do they eat!? Do they eat guts and hearts?!" Gabi asked, looking at him with wide eyes.
"Of course not! The peo-Devils...on the island... They were...well...they ate a lot of bread and potatoes." Reiner stared intently at his spoon. He was finding it really hard to not talk about his friends on Paradis. He knew he would put his family in danger if he dared to open his mouth, not to mention endangering Bertholdt and Annie's families, too. Hell, he'd be putting Krista in danger, and that was more than enough to keep his mouth shut. He would do anything and everything to keep her safe, as he promised both Ymir and himself.
"...Bread and potatoes?..." Gabi asked, looking confused. Reiner shook his head.
"Island information is classified, Gabi. That is about all I can tell you."
Gabi pouted and crossed her arms. Her mother placed a loving hand on her arm." Now, now Gabi, be agreeable about this. It is probably a hard topic for him to talk about as well. He did spend five years there with those awful demons. He could be hurt inside."
Gabi's eyes blew wide open as she looked at Reiner again." I'm sorry, Reiner..."
He gave her a comforting smile." Don't worry about it. I'm fine."
Gabi was about to say something, but Karina spoke first." It's incredible how much you've grown, Reiner," she said softly.
Reiner's stomach twisted into a knot. Oh no...here it comes...
"You're so strong and big now... I almost didn't recognize you. My son has gone from a boy to a man, and has helped all of us Eldians get a better future. Your father would be so proud of you, Reiner."
Reiner shut his eyes and forced a smile through the painful tug in his chest. He couldn't let his mom see the pain she had caused." Thanks, Mom..."
"You look just like him, you know. Same eyes, same build, same everything. The only difference between you two is your blonde hair. You got that from me."
Reiner nodded mutely before standing up and gathering his dishes." It's getting late... I should go to bed soon. I have to get back to H.Q. early tomorrow."
Everyone over the age of twenty nodded their heads as they stood and collected their own dishes.
"Marissa, you put Gabi to bed. I'll help Karina with the kitchen," said Gabriel, taking his wife's bowl. Reiner put his own in the sink and hastily left the kitchen to get to his own room.
Gabriel had lent Reiner a pair of his nightclothes since there was no way he could fit in his old ones. He quickly changed into them and flopped down on his too small bed, listening mindlessly to the sounds of his house. As great as it was to see his family again, he just couldn't forgive himself for what he'd done. Slaughtering thousands of innocent people just so he could hope for a whole family? Taking the Armored from someone who was better for it just because he wanted to prove he was worthy of something he knew he couldn't have? It just...wasn't right. It wasn't fair.
"Reiner...what's that weird face for?"
He quickly lifted his head to see Gabi standing in the doorway, her hair all over and sleepily rubbing her eye.
"Oh, hey. I didn't see you there, Gabi. What are you doing this late?"
The sleepy girl yawned as she started padding across the floor." I can't sleep, and it looks like you can't either."
Reiner quirked an eyebrow at his cousin as she climbed on the bed." Aren't you a bit too old to sleep with me?"
"No." She plopped herself next to him and curled up, using his shoulder as a pillow. She was out in seconds, easing into sleep so fast Reiner couldn't help but smile. He carefully wrapped one arm around her and covered her with a blanket with the other.
"Good night, Gabi," he whispered. Turns out sleepiness was contagious, because a few minutes later, the blonde Warrior slipped into sleep.
Word Count: 1986
Next chapter, Brother Bonding, will be Zeke and Eren. 
Has anyone figured out the Marleyan guards' names yet?
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God, Your Mama & Me
A wonderful combination of anonymous requests:  “I don’t feel so good” with Sylvie finding out she’s pregnant and “I bet it’s a boy.”  “I bet it’s a turtle.”  (However, the second request is for a baby girl... so...)
Without further ado... “God, Your Mama & Me”
Thank you to the amazing people who create these pics that I find on google!  You’re the best!
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Antonio looked up at the clock.  He was only a couple hours away from going home.  He checked his phone.  It had been over 7 months since he’d seen Sylvie.  Well, he’d seen her, but they hadn’t really talked since Laura had come in and blow everything they had to smithereens.  He’d been regretting what he’d said to her, but at the same time, he knew that she deserved so much more than he could ever offer her.  He sighed.
“Yo!  Antonio!”  Gaby’s voice made his head bolt up from the paperwork on his desk.
“Gaby?”  Antonio got up and adjusted his tie.  “What are you doing here?”
“You texted me... remember?”  She held up her phone.
“I didn’t mean come here, now.”
“Antonio... what’s going on?”
“How’s Brett?”
“You know, you could just call her.”  Gaby sat at the chair across from his desk.  “Where’s Laura?”
“Gone to talk to her lawyer about her daughter.”
“So, back to my partner... why don’t you just talk to her?”
“I’m not exactly sure on how to start that conversation, Gaby.  I’ve been thinking about it for months now.”
“I’m still trying to figure out what the hell happened between you two.”  Gaby crossed her arms.  “You two were sickly in love... how the fuck did your ex get between you two?”
“No, ‘Tonio... talk to me... we haven’t had secrets in our lives since forever... talk to me.”
“Laura... she messed everything up... Sylvie was pissed...”
Gaby rolled her eyes.  “You think she should’ve taken what your ex said about her with a smiled.  Our whole house heard what that bitch said to her...”
“I’m not saying she had to take it... I fucked up.”
“Then, that means, you have to fix it.”  She pointed at him.
“Is she... you know... moved on?”
“Not really... look, Antonio, I love you... you’re my big brother and you’ve always been there for me... but lately, you’ve been a moron.  Sylvie said that you’d check in on each other once things settled down.”  Gaby sighed.  “I also know that I’ve had to listen to my partner cry when she thinks no one can hear her.  This whole thing broke her.”
“Gaby... You think I wanted to hurt her?”
“I really don’t know, Antonio... you told her that you couldn’t be with her... that you couldn’t give her what she deserved.”
“I have a psychotic ex-wife who seems to think she still runs my life... I have a job that isn’t exactly relationship friendly... I...”
“Stop.  Antonio, just stop.”  Gaby put her hands up.  “You left CPD, you run your own squad for the State’s Attorney... that’s gotta be more relationship friendly than Intelligence.”
“Then, here’s my solution.  Call Sylvie up... ask her to go for coffee.  Talk to her.”  Gaby stood up.  “Stop acting like a teenager who’s to afraid to talk to his crush.  She still cares about you.”
Antonio stood up.  “I still car... I love Sylvie, Gaby... I just... I never got to tell her.”
Gaby’s jaw dropped.  “You what?!”
Antonio throw his hands in the air.  “I. Love. Sylvie.”
“Then why the fuck didn’t you say that instead of, ‘I’m not good enough’?”
“Because I’m a fool.”  Antonio groaned.  He hit the filing cabinet.  “I’m a fool.”
“You off soon?”
“A couple hours.”  Antonio answered.
“She’s got a Zumba class right now... she’ll be home after 5.”
“And you know this how?”
“Because I was supposed to go over there for a girls’ night with Stella... I think Stella and I will go to Molly’s and you should go over there and talk to her.”
“No, Antonio.  Listen to me for once.  Win that woman back... so you both can be happy.”  Gaby had turned to leave but stopped.  “And don’t let Laura fuck anything else up.”
Gaby walked out as Laura Nagel walked back in.  She looked to her partner.  “Don’t let me fuck what up?”
“My ex Laura, not you.”  Antonio sighed.
“Your sister came here to give you relationship advice?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Antonio, men are clueless unless women draw them a roadmap for the relationship... I’m taking this has something to do with Sylvie.”  Nagel sat at her desk and slid her purse into one of the desk drawers.
“You never got over her.”
“I know that.”
“Then, what are you gonna do about it?”
“I’m going to go talk to her tonight.”
“Uh huh... looking like you’ve slept in your suit... and like you haven’t slept in a few months.”
“What do you propose?”  Antonio was intrigued.  
“Go home, shower, change... try and look like you want to fix things with her.”
Antonio looked at his reflection in the window.  “I do look like hell.”
“Go home, Dawson.”  Laura said.  “Then, maybe when you come back from your weekend off, you won’t be as much of a pain in the ass.”
Antonio grabbed his coat and his brief case.  “Sure.  Thanks, Nagel.”
“Go, Dawson... please...”  Laura shooed him out of their office.
Sylvie was just getting out of the shower when she heard knocking at her door.  She looked at the clock.  “Damn it.”  It was just after 5, Stella and Gaby were now there and she wasn’t ready yet.  “Come in... I’ll be ready in 10.”  She called out.
She went back to getting ready.  She’d picked out her outfit but had forgotten it in the living room.  She made sure her towel was wrapped tightly and headed to get her dress.  She wasn’t even looking up.  “Sorry, guys.  I’ll be right...out.”  She stopped as she saw that it wasn’t Stella or Gaby standing in her entryway.  “Antonio.”  Her breath hitched.
“Uh, hi... Sylvie.”  Antonio looked down at his feet.  “Um... Gaby... said that you guys were... supposed to have girls night.”
“Yeah.”  Sylvie pulled her outfit up to cover herself.  She didn’t know why she did it, Antonio had seen her before.
“Look... I don’t know what to say... other than I’ve been a fool.  We said we’d check in on each other... and I shouldn’t have waited this long.”  He took a careful step into her apartment.  “I really would like to do that check-in... especially since I know Gaby and Stella won’t be coming tonight.”
“Oh... um...”  She thought about it.  “How do you know what Gaby and Stella are doing?”
Antonio walked up towards her and lifted her chin.  “Gaby told me to come tonight... and I know I shouldn’t have waited this long.”
“Antonio... either of us...”
“Gaby told me, Sylvie... that...”
“She’s heard me crying...”  Sylvie concluded.
Antonio nodded.  “Sylvie, I let my ex-wife get between us... I shouldn’t have let that happen... I shouldn’t have been so angry with you when you were the one who had every right in the world to be mad at me.”
“Sylvie... I... I wanted to fight... but I thought that what I was doing was right.  For you.  I could live with the pain, but knowing I hurt you, that is something I can’t live with.”
Sylvie could tell that Antonio had been hurting as much as she had.  His voice always betrayed his emotions when he spoke to her.  “Antonio... um... give me 5 minutes... I’ll get dressed... then we’ll talk.”
Antonio nodded.  “Okay.”
Sylvie quickly made her way to her room to finish getting dressed.  She quickly ran a brush through her hair and took a deep breath.  She wasn’t sure what this check in was going to result in, but she knew damn well she was going to speak her mind this time.  She’d been miserable since that night and she wasn’t going to let him think otherwise.
3 months later...
“Sylvie!”  Antonio called out.  “Babe, we’re going to be late.”
“Antonio, we’ve gone on dates before.”
“Yeah, then we had a break... and now we’re back together, and I have a very special date planned and I really would prefer not being late.”  Antonio looked at his watch.  “Please.”
“I’m just looking for my shoes.”
“Sylvie... they’re by the door.”
Sylvie came out of her bedroom.  “You’re a peach.”
“No, I’m anxious.”  He laughed.  “Let’s go, please.”
“I’m coming... yeesh...”  She shook her head as she slid on her shoes.
“Sylvie... it’s the first time I’m meeting your parents... I’d really prefer not have them think that I live on ‘Island time’.”
“Antonio... they’re just my parents.”
“Sylvie, I love you... and I’ve hurt you... pretty sure they’re gonna be questioning that and our relationship...”
Sylvie groaned.  “You’re making this into a way bigger deal than it needs to be.”  She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.  “We’re making our relationship work... at our own speed... no interruptions... My parents only care if I’m happy.”
“Are you happy?”  He whispered.
“Very.”  She kissed him again.  “Now, can we please go?  You’re the one dragging your butt now.”
They arrived right on time.  That was probably because Antonio had used the sirens on his truck.
“You do know that was an abuse of power.”  Sylvie chastised him as they were seated.
“Sylvie, it’s your parents... the last thing I wanna do is make a horrible first impression by being late.”
“I like this one already.”  An older man’s voice said.
“Daddy!”  Sylvie jumped up from her seat.
“Hi, sweetheart.”  Mr. Brett kissed his daughter’s cheek.  He extended his hand to Antonio.  “You must be that dashing Detective that’s stolen our baby’s heart.”
“Antonio Dawson, sir.”  Antonio shook his hand.  “It’s a pleasure to meet both of you.”
“Pleasure’s all ours.”  Mrs. Brett hugged him.  “Now, what’s good to eat here?  We’re starving... that airplane food should be illegal.”
Antonio chuckled.  He was with them there.  “I agree 100%.”
The server came and took drink orders.  Antonio ordered a bottle of wine to come with their meal.  The beginning of their conversation consisted of finding out how Sylvie’s brothers and sister were doing as well as her niece and nephew.
“Antonio, what is it that you’re doing now?”  Mr. Brett asked.  “Sylvie mentioned some career change?”
Antonio took a sip of water.  “Well, I was moved up to working with the State’s Attorney’s office for a while... but I wasn’t feeling as fulfilled as when I was working with the Chicago Police... a little while back, they needed someone to go undercover that hadn’t been involved in that particular case... I went in and ultimately, we got the bad guys.  I was offered my old position in Intelligence back... so I did.  It’s been an adjustment, but it’s definitely where I’m meant to be.”
“Is being a detective more dangerous than a state investigator?”  Mrs. Brett asked as she closed her menu.
“Depends on the day.”  Antonio replied.  “My days off are spent with Sylvie and my children.”
“Sylvie mentioned that you have a son and a daughter.”  Mr. Brett said.
Antonio nodded.  “Yeah, Eva and Diego... Sylvie’s amazing with them.”
“What about their mother?”
Antonio was about to reply but Sylvie cut in.  “Daddy, enough.  It’s over... the past... we moved on.”
Mr. Brett arched an eyebrow before conceding.  “Okay, sweetheart.”
Antonio was relieved that he hadn’t had to deal with that question.  He knew that Sylvie’s parents were probably upset over Laura’s shenanigans and they should be.  He had a daughter, so he understood how he’d feel if a guy put Eva through that.
The server arrived and took their orders.  Sylvie got up and excused herself to go to the ladies’ room.  This particular situation made Antonio anxious.  He hadn’t expected to be alone with Sylvie’s parents just yet.  He wanted to talk to them alone, but now that he was alone with them, he didn’t know what to say.
There was an awkward silence before Mr. Brett spoke.  “Antonio... I know that your job is difficult and whatever happened before now is the past.  My daughter has chosen to move past it... but that’s a little harder for us.  Hearing our little girl cry because of what happened between the two of you... you’re damned lucky I was recovering from a knee replacement.”
Mrs. Brett put her hand on her husband’s arm, cutting him off.  “What is your end game, as my grandson puts it, with this relationship?”
Antonio turned to make sure that Sylvie wasn’t headed back to the table.  “Um, well... I didn’t know when else I would be able to speak with you... or how tonight would go... but...”  He reached into his jacket and pulled out a small velvet box.  “I love your daughter.  I was a fool to not see it earlier... and I was a jackass to put her through what I did.”  He paused.  “But I don’t wanna lose her... I want to spend the rest of my life with her.”  He took a deep breath.  “I guess... I guess what I’m trying to say is... I would like your blessing to marry Sylvie.”
Mr. and Mrs. Brett exchanged glances.  Mr. Brett looked Antonio in the eye.  “You planning on running away again, if the going gets tough?  Or is that ex of yours comes to ruffle some feathers?”
“No, sir.”  Antonio said.  “I’m not planning on running anywhere.  I plan on running home to Sylvie and whatever family we choose to have at the end of every day.  I love her.”
Mr. Brett nodded.  “Then you have our blessing... hurt her again though, and it won’t end too well for you.”
“Thank you.”  Antonio heaved a sigh of relief.  “Thank you so much.”
“I know that Sylvie is happy with you.”  Mrs. Brett said.  “She’s told me every time I talk to her.  I am curious though, it’s only been 3 months since you’ve been back together... isn’t it a little soon to be proposing?”
Antonio understood her her concern.  “Yeah... it may be... but, I want her to know how serious I am about this relationship.”
Mr. Brett cleared his throat.  Antonio looked back to see that Sylvie was making her way back to the table.
“When exactly do you plan on asking?”  Mr. Brett whispered.
Antonio hadn’t had a plan.  He was about to answer when Sylvie came back to the table.  Antonio got up and held out Sylvie’s chair.  Once she was seated, he knelt next to her and took out the box.
Mrs. Brett gasped and grabbed her husband’s hand.
Antonio looked into Sylvie’s eyes.  “Sylvie... I love you and I have for some time now.  I was a fool before, and I don’t ever wanna lose you again.  There won’t always be good days, I know that... but I want to share every day with you for the rest of my life.  Good or bad, I want to be with the woman I love.”  He opened the box.  “Sylvie, would you do me the incredible honour of being my wife?”
Sylvie’s hand flew to her mouth.  “Antonio.”  She whispered.
Antonio held his breath.  He prayed that he hadn’t been to brash in asking now, in front of her parents and an entire restaurant full of strangers.
“Yes.”  Sylvie nodded.  “Yes, I’ll marry you!”
Antonio gently took the ring and slid it onto her left ring finger.  It was a perfect fit.  He got up and brought her into his arms.  “I love you.”  He kissed her.  “I couldn’t wait another day.”
The restaurant had erupted into cheers and whistles.  The server returned with a bottle of champagne as a gift to the happy couple.  A toast was made and Antonio and Sylvie were on cloud 9.
2 months later...
“Antonio?”  Sylvie called from their bedroom.  “Do we have any gingerale left?”
“We went through it all yesterday.”  He poked his head into the bedroom.  
“I don’t feel so good.”  She moaned.
“Still?”  He sat on the bed and draped a cool, damp cloth across her forehead.  “You don’t have a fever.”
“I feel like I’m dying.” 
“I’ll head out go and get some gingerale... do you think it could be the takeout from last night?”
“I don’t know... you ate it too.” 
“I’m Dominican... we tend to have stomachs of steel.”
“Care to trade.”  Sylvie started heaving and bolted from the bed to the bathroom.
Antonio’s heart ached as he heard her in the bathroom.  “Babe, I think I’ll go to the pharmacy instead... get some anti-nausea meds.
“Okay.”  Sylvie said weakly as she flushed the toilet.  “Can you help me get back to bed first?”
“I think you may be better staying there until I come back... in case you have to get sick again.”  Antonio said gently opening the bathroom door.  “I don’t like the idea of leaving you alone.”
“I’ll be fine... just leave my cell with me.”
“Okay.”  Antonio grabbed her phone off the nightstand.  “I’ll be quick.”  He kissed her forehead.
Sylvie nodded and leaned against the bathtub.
Antonio bolted down the steps and out the door, crashing to Gaby in the process.  
“Where’s the fire, Antonio?!”  Gaby exclaimed.
“Sylvie’s sick.”  Antonio answered.
“Okaaaaay...  Where... are you in such a rush to?”  Gaby caught her breath.
“Pharmacy.”  Antonio pulled out his keys from his pocket.  “I need gingerale, crackers and Gravol.”
“Okay... I’ll... I’ll go check on her.”  Gaby said.  “Where is she?”
“Master ensuite...”  Antonio headed to his truck.  “Thanks, Gaby!”
Gaby sighed and headed inside.  She headed straight to Sylvie.
“Is he gone?”
Gaby nodded.  “You sure you wanna do this without him?”
“I don’t wanna get him riled up over nothing.”  Sylvie sighed.  “Did you bring it?”
Gaby reached into her purse and pulled out the box.  “Are you ready for this?”
Sylvie stared at her future sister-in-law.  “Better now than when he gets back.”  
Gaby just stood there.
“Uh, a little privacy?”  Sylvie asked.
“Right.”  Gaby went and sat on the bed.  “Let me know when you want me back in there.”  She knew that Sylvie wanted to handle this in her own way, but she also knew her brother.
“Okay, you can come back.”  Sylvie’s voice was barely audible.
“You did all of them?”  Gaby commented.
“Can’t be too careful.”  Sylvie whispered.
Gaby sat next to her and put her arm around her.  “It’ll be okay.”
“We’re just planning the wedding... the kids are getting used to having a step-mom... I...”  Sylvie put her head to her knees.  “We haven’t even talked about babies... or having some of our own.”  She started to weep.  “We were just taking it all one day at a time.”
Just then, Sylvie’s phone buzzed.  Sylvie turned it off.  “5 minutes are up... we’ll...”
Gaby helped her up and they went over to the sink.  One by one, Sylvie flipped the tests over.
“OH GOD!”  Sylvie exclaimed.
Gaby patted her shoulder as all 3 tests were positive.  There was no denying it considering one had a blazing pink plus sign, another two solid, bold pink lines and the digital one clearly read ‘pregnant’.  “Sylvie... breathe.”  Gaby instructed her.  “You’re not breathing.”
“I’m pregnant.”  Sylvie whispered.
“Yeah.”  Gaby, for the first time in a long time, was at a complete loss for words.
“Oh, God... what... what do I...”
“Sylvie?  Gaby?  I’m back!”  Antonio called up.
Sylvie gasped and looked to Gaby.  “Hide them!”
Gaby swept the three tests into a plastic bag and hid them under the sink.  They were just coming out of the bathroom when Antonio got into the bedroom with gingerale.  
“Any better?”  He asked, handing Sylvie the glass.
She shook her head.  “No, not really.”
“Uh, Gaby... could you... give us a minute?”  Antonio asked.
“Uh, sure.”  Gaby nodded.  “I’ll be in the kitchen... making her some tea...”
Sylvie took a sip of the gingerale.  It felt good.  “What’s up?”
Antonio wasn’t sure how to say what he had to so he just blurted it out.  “I talked to the pharmacist and he said you should do one of these.”  Antonio pulled a pregnancy test from his back pocket.
“What?”  Sylvie was in shock.  “Why were you talking to the pharmacist?”
“I needed to ask for the Gravol... which, is why he recommended the test... supposedly Gravol isn’t good if you’re pregnant.”
“Antonio... we... we haven’t even talked about that being a possibility yet... we’re planning the wedding and getting Eva and Diego used to this... I mean, Eva is supposed to be moving in with us... like... are we really ready for a baby.”
“Sylvie, I know that we haven’t talked about this... but it’s a very real possibility unless you have something to tell me... like not being able to have kids...”
“No... no... That’s...”  Sylvie sighed.  “I don’t need to do the test.”
Antonio’s eyes widened.  “Why not?”
“Because... your sister brought me some already... I... I had thought about pregnancy being an option already... and I was scared to talk to you about it.”
“Why, baby?”
“Because... your kids are teenagers... we’re just starting out... we’re not married yet.”  Sylvie was rambling.
“So... none of that really matters... I just want us to be a family... our family... and I don’t want you to be scared to talk to me about this stuff... I love you, Sylvie... no matter what.”  He hugged her tightly.  “Did... did you do the tests?”
Sylvie nodded, the tears were flowing again.
“Babe, why are you crying?”
“I... I don’t know.”  Sylvie said.
“Sylvie, where are the tests?”
“Under... the sink.”  Sylvie was starting to hyperventilate.
“Babe, breathe... okay... just breathe...”  Antonio quickly went to get the aforementioned bag and pulled out the tests.  “They’re... all... we’re having a baby?”
Sylvie nodded and sniffled.  “Yeah... and I’m happy and terrified and I don’t know... Antonio.”
He hugged her tightly, kissing her forehead.  “Sylvie, I love you... and this... this baby is a product of that love... and sure, maybe he or she isn’t planned, but we’ll love them no matter what.”
“You mean that?”
“Sylvie, I do.”
“What about the wedding?”  
“Do you want to be Mrs. Dawson before the baby is here... or after?”
Sylvie wiped her eyes.  “I had always hoped to be married before having any kids.”
“Then we’ll move it up... hell, I’ll marry you right now.”
“I’m a mess.”
“You’re beautiful.”  He wiped a tear away.  
“Could... do you think we could put it together for the end of the month?”
“Sure... Anything for you, babe.”  He smiled, gently placing his hand on her still flat belly.  “Any idea on how far you could be?”
Sylvie shrugged.  “I have an idea.”
“Care to share?”
“I’m guessing that night... you proposed.”
“That was two months ago, Sylvie.”
“I haven’t really been paying attention to my cycle, Antonio... Stress from moving and stuff was my guess as to why I didn’t get a a heavy period... probably... that was... well... whatever... I’ll book an appointment with an OB and we’ll know exactly how far I am.”  She looked into his eyes.  “Are you happy?”
“I am... because I’m with you and we’re having a baby together.”  
It didn’t take long before Sylvie was able to get seen by a doctor. 
“Are you sure you wanna come?”  Sylvie braided her hair.  “It’s just a first meeting and confirming what I’m pretty I already know.”
“Sylvie... it’s our baby... and if Natalie is planning on doing an ultrasound, I’d like to be there.”
“What about Voight?”  She said.  “Won’t he get suspicious?”
“No, because I told him you were getting checked over because of that really bad food poisoning you had.”
“He bought that?”
“Well, why wouldn’t he?”  Antonio pulled on his shoes.  “Other than Gaby, no one else would suspect a baby.”
Sylvie sighed.  “When are we going to tell people?”
“At our wedding.”
“We haven’t even sent out invitations... no one but Gaby knows.”  
Antonio kissed her.  “Stop worrying so much... Gaby and I have a lot of it figured out and no one will know any different.”
“Do you honestly think our friends, and family, will believe that they’re coming to a fancy dinner when it’s actually our wedding?”  Sylvie was having a hard time believing it because Gaby had a reputation for not being able to keep a secret.
“Gaby knows that if she blabs, that things will not end well for her.”  Antonio said.  “Babe, all we need is our family and friends to be there and for us to say ‘I do’.”
“Okay, well... Gaby promised to come with me to look for dresses after the appointment.”  Sylvie smiled.  “Still can’t believe we’re pulling this all together on such short notice.”
“Anything is possible if we put our minds to it... let’s get going before we miss this appointment.”
The drive over was filled with conversation about who would stand with them as witnesses for the wedding.  For Sylvie, it was an easy choice.  She had already asked Gaby.  Antonio was the one struggling with who to choose.  He had to think on that a little more.
“Antonio... the light’s green.”  Sylvie said.
“Yeah... sorry.”  Antonio pulled into Chicago Med’s parking lot.  “Let’s go and see how our little one is doing.”
They checked in and Natalie appeared with another doctor and nurse, April Sexton in tow.  “Antonio, Sylvie...  Nice to see you.”  She closed the door behind them.  “So, wanna explain the super secretive text?”  She asked Sylvie.
Sylvie nodded.  “Just... this is way on the hush hush... no one else can know.”
“Our lips are sealed.”  Natalie nodded.  “This is Dr. Kierra Richards.  She’s an OB... as you requested... So you wanna tell me, or are you gonna make me guess?”
“She’s totally pregnant.”  April laughed.  “Look at her.”
“I figured as much.”  Natalie shook her head.  “I just wanted to hear her say it.  Why else would she need an OB?”
“Okay, so that cat’s outta the bag... can... you know... get on with the exam.”  Antonio’s heart was racing.  He hadn’t been this anxious in some time. 
“Antonio, you have two kids already... what’s with the nervousness?”  April asked.
“Uh, well... my kids are teenagers... so, this baby thing... it’s like starting over again.”
“Well, how about I get some blood drawn so we can figure out where Sylvie is in her pregnancy and I get an ultrasound going?”  Dr. Richards smiled.
April drew a couple tubes of Sylvie’s blood and ran it to the lab to get hCG levels read.  It was one of the best ways to determine how far along in the pregnancy that she was.  
“Let’s get you to lie down and lift your shirt a bit and push down the band of your jeans... we’ll get started.”  Dr. Richards pulled an ultrasound unit over next to the exam table.  “Detective, you can stand on that side there.  Nat, you wanna be my extra eyes... just make sure everything is what I’m seeing.”
“Gladly.”  Natalie smiled.  “Let’s see this little one.”
Dr. Richards started the ultrasound.  “Okay, so here’s the uterus...”  She hit a couple of buttons on the machine.  “And there... is your baby.”
Antonio’s jaw dropped.  “That little jelly bean?  That’s our baby.”
“Yep...”  Dr. Richards adjusted a couple nobs.  “And this... is their heartbeat.”
The room was filled a wub-wub sound.
Sylvie’s eyes began to tear up when she heard it.  “Awe... oh my God.”
“Everything I’m seeing is great.  Healthy pregnancy... baby’s growing well...”  She turned off the ultrasound and wiped the jelly off Sylvie’s abdomen.  “How far along do you think you are?”
“I’d guess about 8 weeks...”  Sylvie said.  “I’m thinking it was right around the time we got engaged.”
“Size says that you’d be off... a little.”  Natalie smiled.
“How little off are we talking?”  Antonio asked.
“I’d say she’s closer to 12 weeks.”  Natalie said.  “Just based on the size and the heart rate.”
April reappeared.  “hCG levels.”
Dr. Richards looked them over.  “Based on these numbers, Natalie’s right.”
“So, what... you’re saying she was pregnant before we got engaged?”  Antonio asked.
“By this, I’d say yeah, that’s right.”
“How didn’t I know?”  Sylvie asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“You could’ve had implantation bleeding and mistaken it for a real one... you may not have been paying as close as attention as you thought... does this change anything?”  Dr. Richards asked.
“No... just... wow.”  Sylvie looked to Antonio.  “I’m gonna start showing by the time we get married.”
“When’s the wedding?”  Natalie asked. 
“Um.”  Antonio hesitated.  
“Antonio, come on.”  Natalie said.  “We’re all friends here.”
“We... no one knows that we’re moving the wedding ahead.”  Antonio said.  “We... we have it that they think they’re coming to a party at the end of next month... but it’s actually going to be our wedding.”
“Ah.”  April smiled.  “Well, as long as we all get invites, your secret is safe with us.”
“Deal.”  Sylvie said.  “Um, can I get a copy of that scan?  Gaby knows and, well... she’ll wanna see her little niece or nephew.”
“Sure thing.”  Dr. Richards replied.  “Be right back.”
Sylvie was getting dressed.  So far, she’d been able to hide the slight bump that had begun to form.  Eva had moved into their house.  Diego was trying to do the same, but because of his age, it was a lot harder.  Laura was playing hardball in court, but both kids knew about the baby and both were excited.
“Uh, Sylvie?”  Eva knocked on their bedroom door.
“Yeah, Eva, come in.”
“Aunt Gaby is here.”
“Oh, right... we have to go pick up the dresses for the party.”  
“So...”  Eva was wringing her hands together.  “When are you guys telling people about the baby?”
“Soon.”  Sylvie smiled.  “Do you have to work tonight?”
Eva nodded.  She’d taken up babysitting for one of the neighbours after school to help put money aside for college.  “Yeah, they said it may be an overnighter.”
“Okay, just call me or your dad to let us know for sure.”
“Deal.”  Eva hugged Sylvie.  “I’m really excited for this party.”
“As am I.”  Sylvie laughed.  “Okay, so here’s some money, in case your dad forgot to fill the fridge for your lunch today.”
“Thanks.  He seems a little distracted.”
“He is.  Between Intelligence, you moving in, the baby and wedding planning... he’s got a lot going on.”
“When is the wedding?”
“Um, after the baby.”  It had been the story they’d come up with.  They couldn’t risk the surprise being leaked.
“Oh.”  Eva sounded a little disappointed.
“You wanted it before?”
“I just want you and Dad to be married before Mom messes things up anymore.”
“Eva, your mom can try as she may, but it won’t happen.  Your dad and I are making this work.”
Eva hugged her.  “Good, because I really like you.”
“And I like you too, but you should finish getting ready for school... I’m gonna go run those errands with Gaby and I’ll see you later.”
“Okay.”  Eva headed to the kitchen to eat breakfast while Sylvie headed to the door where Gaby was waiting.
“Where’s Antonio?”
“Voight called him in last night.”  Sylvie sighed.  “When is this morning sickness going to be over?”
“Who knows.”  Gaby chuckled.  “Come on, don’t wanna keep Dr. Richards waiting.”
“I still can’t believe we’re going to be doing all these announcements on Saturday.”
“Is Antonio going to make the appointment?”  Gaby slid behind the wheel.
Sylvie shrugged.  “Depends.  Voight’s starting to get suspicious.”
“Ah.”  Gaby headed towards Med.  “Well, it’s not like you guys are finding out the sex until Saturday anyhow... I’m the only one who’ll know.”
“Yeah... I know.”  Sylvie had wanted to wait until delivery, but that argument resulted in the compromise that after the ceremony, they’d announce the pregnancy and Gaby would release the appropriate colour confetti and glitter.
Her phone began to ring.  “Antonio?”  Sylvie asked.
“Hey, babe.”
“You can’t make it, can you?”
“No... not without having Voight and Burgess grill me.”  Antonio was whispering.
“Okay... well, we’re almost there.”
“I wish I could be there, Sylvie.  I really do.”
“Antonio, it’s fine.  It’s only a couple days away.”
“I know.”  There was a pause.  “I bet it’s a boy.”
“Well, I bet it’s a girl.”
“I bet it’s a turtle.”  Gaby said over the two of them.
Antonio groaned.  “Tell my sister not to ruin the surprise.”
“I will.”  Sylvie giggled.  “We’re here.  I’ll see you tonight?”
The big day was here.  Everyone that had been invited thought it was strictly their engagement party.  Matt had been brought in on the secret to stand next to Antonio.  They had set up chairs for the ceremony.  Gaby and Sylvie had taken a large arch and decorated it in fairy lights and flowers.  A tent was set up down the way from the ceremony site.  After that was all done, Antonio went to Matt and Gaby’s to get ready while Sylvie and Gaby got ready Antonio and Sylvie’s.  
“I can’t believe we were able to find a dress that hides the bump and still looks awesome.”  Sylvie said as Gaby did up the back of the dress.
“I can’t believe that no one else has clued in on this.”
“Well, thank God April went to get my parents from the airport.”  Sylvie laughed as she put the earrings Antonio had bought her in.  “She won’t blab.”
“True.”  Gaby did up Sylvie’s necklace next.  “Wow.  Sylvie, you look amazing.”
Sylvie looked in the mirror.  Her hair was part up with small flowers weaved through the tiny braids that shaped a crown.  The rest of her hair was flowing in loose curls.  She got up.  “Okay, let’s head over there... this all goes down in an hour.”
“Hey, it can’t start without the bride.”  Gaby laughed, grabbing the bouquets.  “Let’s go.”
Antonio was pacing.  No one knew what was going on yet.  They’d all gathered in the hotel lobby.  He was going to make the announcement soon.  Well, he’d make the announcement after Sylvie, Gaby and Sylvie’s parents were in place.  He watched as Diego was fidgeting with his tie.  “Diego, I know you don’t like it, but...”
“I know Dad... I may as well get used to it because it’s what we’re wearing for the wedding.”
Antonio chuckled.  “Exactly.  Go find Abuela... you and Eva will be sitting with her for a bit tonight.”
“Sure.”  Antonio shook his head as Diego took off to find his grandmother.
Matt approached him.  “They’re here.”
“Is everyone else?”
“Everyone that had an invitation.”  Matt answered.
“Then... let’s get this show on the road.”  Antonio handed Matt his boutonnière. 
Once they were ready, they made their way to the stairs.
“Uh, Mr. Brett... Sylvie wanted to see you.”  Gaby caught Mr. Brett before he headed to the bar.
“Oh, right now?  She’s here.” 
“Yeah.”  Gaby led him to the small cloak room off the lobby.  “Sylvie, I have your dad.”
“Come in.”  
Gaby opened the door and let Mr. Brett in.
“Sylvie, what’s with...”  Mr. Brett froze.  “Sylvie, what’s going on?”
“Um, well... we’re getting married... tonight... right now.”  Sylvie smiled.  “Surprise.”
Mr. Brett took a minute to process that.  “Right now?”
“Yeah... would... would you walk me up the aisle?”
“Oh, sweetheart, of course I would!”  He hugged his daughter tightly.  “Why didn’t you guys say anything... we would’ve helped...”
“Daddy, everything is getting explained tonight, I promise, but right now, I’d really like to get married.”
“Sure thing, darling.”  
Gaby pinned a boutonnière to Mr. Brett’s lapel.  “There.  Ready?”
“Definitely.”  Sylvie was beaming.  She hadn’t thought this day would get here, but it was.  “Let’s do this.”
The guests followed the hotel staff as they instructed them to move out to the garden area.  There were murmurs and whispers as they sat.  No one knew what was going on.  They sat on either side of the makeshift aisle.  
Soon, soft music filled the air.  Heads turned as Antonio walked up the aisle.  He was soon followed by Matt and Gaby coming up, arm in arm.  They took their places.  
Antonio cleared his throat.  “Um, you guys are probably wondering what’s going on... and well, you’re all here to be witnesses to Sylvie and my wedding.  We’re getting married tonight, right now... so...”  He motioned to someone off to the side.  
The music changed and the doors to the hotel swung open.  People turned and stood as Sylvie and her father made their way down the aisle.  Once at the arch, Mr. Brett placed Sylvie’s hand in Antonio’s and he went to sit next to his wife.
One of the judges that Antonio had worked with while with the State’s Attorney’s office came forward and began the ceremony.  It wasn’t long before they got to the important part.  
“Do you, Antonio, take Sylvie to be your wife, in sickness and health, the good and the bad, for richer or poorer, all the days of your life?”
Antonio grinned.  “I do.”
“Sylvie, do you take Antonio to be your husband, in sickness and health, the good and the bad, for richer or poorer, all the days of your life?”
“I most certainly do.”  Sylvie brushed a tear from her cheek.
“The rings?”
Matt pulled the rings from his jacket.
Antonio repeated after the judge and slid Sylvie’s ring onto her finger.  Sylvie quickly followed suit.
“Well, without further ado, it is my great pleasure to announce, that by the power vested in me by the great city of Chicago and the state of Illinois, that you are now husband and wife.”  He grinned.  “You may kiss the bride!”
Antonio pulled Sylvie into his arms and kissed her deeply, dipping her in the process.  Cheers and applause erupted in the hotel courtyard.  Once Antonio and Sylvie came up for air, the judge announce.  “It is my pleasure to present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Antonio and Sylvie Dawson!”
Once the applause died down, Antonio took the judge’s mic.  “We’d like to thank you all for being here.  I know you probably were all expecting a little more notice for the wedding, but... Sylvie and I have another announcement to make.”
Sylvie leaned in.  “Now, this isn’t the only reason we’re getting married, but we’re having a baby.”
The guests went quiet before erupting into shouts of congratulations.  Their excitement was cut short as pink and purple confetti and glitter rained down over them.
The guests looked around in shock.
“I guess we should be more specific... we’re having a girl.”  Antonio chuckled.
“Told you so!”  Gaby laughed over the guests as they all rushed towards the newlyweds to congratulate them.
The stars began to come out as the sun had set.  The couple and their guests made their way to the tent to continue in the celebrations.
“I’m so happy.”  Sylvie said as they danced their first dance.
“So am I.”  He kissed her.  “Just know, I’m so outnumbered now.”
“You’ll survive.”  She giggled.  “Are you happy?”
“Happier than I’ve been in some time.”
“I love you, Detective Dawson.”  She blushed.
“I love you, Mrs. Dawson.”
Sylvie had gone to 51 to visit and to have an impromptu baby shower thrown by their friends from the CFD and the CPD.  Antonio was working one last shift before the baby came.  They were halfway through one of Trudy’s games when Sylvie groaned, grabbing her belly.
“Sylvie?”  Gaby hadn’t left her side.  “You okay?”
“Yeah, just Braxton-Hicks... Dr. Richards said I’m nowhere near ready to deliver.  Still a couple more weeks.”
“You’ll tell us otherwise... right?”  Trudy asked.
“Definitely.”  Sylvie nodded.  She was certain there was no way that she’d be going into labour yet.
Another hour or so passed and Sylvie went up to get more punch when she gasped, dropping the glass.  “Oh no.”  She looked down.  “Oh, no.”
“Sylvie, what the hell?”  Joe Cruz asked as he came into the kitchen.  “Butterfingers?”
“Um.”  Sylvie gulped.  “No... that... that’s not punch...”
“Then...”  Joe’s eyes bulged before he shouted.  “Gaby!  Casey!  Sylvie’s water broke!”
Chaos ensued as they tried to convince Sylvie to have Gaby and Chout take her in Ambo 61.
“I am not going in the ambo... someone else drive me.”  Sylvie was determined to not be in an ambulance as a patient any time soon.
“Sylvie... please.”  Boden tried to negotiate.
“No.”  Sylvie said before doubling over as a contraction hit.
“Okay, that’s it.”  Boden said.  “Severide, Casey... get her in 61, now.”
Sylvie couldn’t fight them as they got her on the gurney.  Gaby looked to Boden.  “Antonio’s on a case.”
“I’ll send Squad to find him.  You worry about getting her to Med.”  Boden went to get Severide to find Antonio.
Gaby got in the back of the Ambo with Sylvie.  “Chout, move it!  Now!”  She grabbed Sylvie’s hand.  “It’s gonna be okay.”
“I’m not having the baby in the back of this ambulance.”  Sylvie breathed through a contraction.
“No, you’re not.”  Gaby laughed.  “We’re almost at Med.”
“What about Antonio?”  Sylvie didn’t want him to miss this.
“Kelly and Squad are looking for him.  Boden called Voight to try and get a hold of him.”
Antonio was heading back to his truck where Burgess was waiting when sirens pierced the air.  His head spun around.  “Uh, Burgess... what the fuck is Squad 3 doing here?”
Burgess shrugged.  “No clue.  I haven’t heard about any call outs.”
“Antonio!”  Kelly jumped out of the truck.  “Antonio, you gotta come with us... now!”
“What?  Why?”
“Sylvie’s in labour... they took her to Med.”
Antonio’s heart stopped.  “Burgess... take the truck back to my place... get the go bag that’s by the door and the car seat!”  He tossed her the keys before climbing in the Squad truck.
They got to Med and Antonio hopped out as the truck slowed to a stop.  He raced up the stairs to the Maternity ward.  He crashed into April on the way up.  
“Woah, Detective!  What’s the hurry?”
“Uh...”  Antonio was hyperventilating.  “Sylvie... Baby... brought here.”
“Yeah, I know... slow down, breathe and I’ll take you to her.”  April led him to one of the rooms.
He went in and saw that Gaby was by Sylvie’s side.  “Baby!”
“Antonio!”  Sylvie exclaimed.  “Oh thank God.”
He took her hand and kissed it.  “I’m here... I... I uh, sent Kim to get the bag and the car seat... and hopefully she can pick up the kids... crap... I didn’t...”
“I’ll call her.”  Gaby said.  “You make sure she focuses on her breathing.  Doc says it won’t be much longer now.”
“I was scared you wouldn’t make it.”  Sylvie whispered.
“I’m here.  I didn’t miss Eva or Diego being born, not gonna stop with their little sister.”
Dr. Richards came into the room.  “Okay, Sylvie... I’m gonna check you now.  We may not have time for that epidural you wanted.”
“You’re progressing a lot faster than I thought you would, considering this is your first baby.”
“Oh.”  Sylvie leaned back against the pillow.  “Okay...”
“Well... this baby is coming now... so, let’s get Dr. Manning in here and we’re gonna start to push.”  Dr. Richards told April.  “Sylvie, next contraction, push.”
An hour later, a tiny cry pierced the air.  
“Okay, Sylvie, stop pushing.”  Dr. Richards said.  “Okay, she’s here.  You’re beautiful little girl is here.”  She placed the whimpering newborn on her mother’s chest.  “Congratulations.”
Sylvie looked down at their daughter.  “She’s perfect.”
Antonio kissed Sylvie’s forehead.  “She is, and so are you.”
“Detective, wanna do the honours?”  Dr. Richards handed him the scissors to cut the cord.
They took the baby to clean and weigh while Sylvie was being checked out and delivered the afterbirth.  Sylvie was exhausted and dozed off by the time April returned with their daughter.
“Here you go, Daddy.”  April smiled.  “7 pounds even and 20 inches.”
“Wow.”  Antonio said as April placed his baby in his arms.  “She’s beautiful.”
“Your family is here.  They’re eager to meet her.”
“She needs a name first.”  Antonio said, putting his pinky into his daughter’s hand.  She grasped it tightly.  
Sylvie’s sleepy voice caused them to turn.  “Grace... Grace Gabriela.”  She smiled as Antonio came closer.  “Isn’t that what we’d decided on.”
“Yep.”  Antonio kissed his wife.  “You need to rest.”
Sylvie nodded and dozed off again. 
Antonio looked to April.  “I’ll go tell the family.”  He gently carried his daughter to the waiting room.  A hush came over their friends and family that had been waiting.  “Everyone, meet Grace Gabriela Marie Dawson.”
Once everyone had gone, Antonio went back to Sylvie’s room to let her know that they’d have a bunch of visitors the next day.  Sylvie fed Grace and then Antonio took her so that Sylvie could rest some more.  He went to the window and saw the stars twinkling in the night sky.  He looked at his sleeping daughter.  “No one will love you more than God, your mama and me.”  He kissed her tiny cheek before laying her in the basinet and going to the chair next to Sylvie’s bed to sleep.
A/N:  Okay, so that is so much longer than I had planned, but hey!  It’s done.  Please let me know what you think.  Pretty sure this is the longest Brettonio story I’ve done to date.
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firesong-writes69 · 7 years
My New York Comic Con Experience (Or the time I called in Gay to Class)
Whew. Thank you all for your well wishes and excited messages the other day, cheering me on as I traveled to the NY panel! I was a mess but talking with you all helped keep me sane for the most part. I have So. Much. To. Tell. You! 
(Prepare for a really long, rambling mess of a post, but by now you all are used to the things I upload on this blog, haha! :p) 
So, here goes. I spent the night before packing for the day, and I suppose I over-packed, bringing two water bottles and a whole sandwich for lunch. And a packet of gum. And like, a dozen protein bars. I read online that it’s always good to bring your own food to these types of conventions because it can get EXPENSIVE. Not to mention, for those of you who have social anxiety like I do, waiting on line with a bunch of other hungry people is nerve-wracking. But at least I got to share the protein bars with my traveling buddies, so that was nice. 
I’m only ten minutes away from New York by train, and a round trip ticket costs $8 dollars. I’m glad I took the train and not the bus because when I looked out onto the main route to NY, there was bumper-to-bumper traffic. Having been born in New Jersey I’m used to this, but I know for someone who came from the South it would have been hard to handle. Pro tip for traveling on trains: always ask the train conductor before getting on if it goes to your appropriate stop. Beware of express trains, sometimes they completely miss it. Also, don’t stand in the middle of the hallway between the door and the next car while the train is moving, it’s fucking terrifying bro. 
So there I am, ready to go with my fully-packed backpack and on my way. I pull out my phone and decided to tell you all that I’m almost there, typing “New York Comic Con: Or Bust!!!” and guess who fucking reblogs it. @hotladypants had me shook for the entire ride. It was great. 
It wasn’t hard to find my way to the Javits Center because I just followed the crowd of people in cosplay, and made it there on time. Whenever you go to a big convention, don’t be shy to ask the people in uniform questions. They’ll help you if you’re feeling lost/overwhelmed. There’s also a quiet room at Comic Con to hang out in if you need a break--which is smart. I was told that it’s going to be an hour wait before the Javits Center opens so I relaxed on line, talking with the people around me and admiring how cool everyone looked in their costumes. A family of Pikachu’s walked past, Max and Chloe from Life is Strange blessed me with their awesome selves, a young family from Texas dressed up as Star Wars characters (the mom was Rey, the kid was Yoda, and the grandmother was Kylo-Ren, I WISH I TOOK PICTURES) and a couple dressed up as workers from the company Cinnabon. But I had a good time waiting. The kid taught me about Star Wars, when I painfully admitted that I haven’t seen a single movie, but he was gracious and told me what a lightsaber was. 
When I finally made it onto the main floor, my mouth dropped open at the GIANT ASS RWBY POSTER HANGING. Like, holy fuck. it looked glorious. I then contacted @nootvanlis and asked her if she was there, and I excitedly hurried down to 1A24, where the panel was, and met her! I can confirm she’s a beautiful person and so nice. I introduced myself as “mynameisnikki” and she recognized me, haha! :’) Hanging out with her was @princesshollis, who is also super rad. I had a fun time talking with them both and we all shared stories as we waited to get in. 
There were two panels going on before Carmilla’s, so I don’t remember much of them. I took a cat nap. Is anyone a fan of the movie Die Hard? :/ 
When creampuffs started to pour into the room I started to grow nervous and excited. There was so much energy and love in that room and I couldn’t help but look at everyone with awe, struggling to believe that like, holy fuck... this was going to happen. This was happening. I made it. 
Why didn’t anyone tell me that your heart was going to stop when you saw Elise and Natasha for the first time? That you felt like you couldn’t breathe? That you see your life flashing before your eyes, you are suddenly blinded by how beautiful they both are? I swear I fell over on my chair the moment they ran in, holding hands, and I was already crying. Did anyone else notice the halo surrounding them both or was it just me? I was probably so hyped I was hallucinating. 
I was sitting in the front row next to Gabi and Linds, and I didn’t fully register that I was in Natasha’s direct line of sight until AFTER the panel. I was so in shock by both of their beauty that I couldn’t remember where I was. Or how to speak English. They usually have that affect on people, right? Like I’m not the only one? 
I wish someone told me that trying to stay calm during a panel was easier said than done. My hand had a mind of its own, shaking like a fucking leaf, and I felt bad because I needed someone to hold it the whole time! I now finally know what everyone’s talking about when Elise and Natasha have their “moment”. The way they look at each other. Smile at each other, like no one else is in the room. “Oh, there are other people here.” Says Natasha, and the noise that came out of my mouth WAS NOT HUMAN. MY EYES WERE BLESSED. 
Another wild thing that happened was I think Natasha noticed I was on the verge of either falling onto the floor and dying or crying of laughter, and I caught her staring at me for a solid two minutes. Feebly, I gave her a weak smile and something between a wave/thumb up, AND SHE FUCKING WIGGLED HER EYEBROWS AT ME. LIKE BABE. YOU KNOW I’M ABOUT TO HAVE A PANIC ATTACK WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT. GAAAH. 
When it came time for audience Q and A’s, I’m not sure what came over me. All I knew was that I wanted to say something, anything, and if I didn’t I would never forgive myself. So I ran over to the mic so fast, which I am certain I time traveled because no way do I ever move that fast in real life. I’m glad I had my folder in my hand and I was ready to give them my present. 
There was so much I wanted to say. I wanted to say, “Thank you, Carmilla. Thank you for giving me a home.” BUT I ENDED UP RAMBLING ABOUT HOW GAY I AM LIKE AN IDIOT. WHY DIDN’T ANYONE TELL ME THAT ASKING A QUESTION TO YOUR FAVORITE HUMANS WAS LIKE GOING FOR A JOB INTERVIEW??? Oh my god, now all of you are going to see how I fumbled at the panel. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to take up so much time, honest! I’m just glad I remembered about the gift I wanted to give and anxiously blurted out, “I have something to give you!” And Elise excited said, “Yeah, we’ll take your art!” I think I peed myself. And I think I repeatedly said, “Oh my god. Oh my god. I’m going to cry.” But I don’t remember, it’s all just a giant blur in my head right now XD Natasha was so excited to have it, guys. She told me, “I’m looking forward to reading this. Thank you so much! Come to the meet and greet later so I can talk to you, okay?” 
Natasha is a fucking gift. A GIFT. 
I walk back to my seat in a daze, and everyone is cheering, and I just turn to Gabi and repeatedly asked, “WHAT JUST HAPPENED?”  and, “DID I JUST DO THAT.” 
I was a mess. A hot, blubbering mess. But it was... oh my god, it was honestly the greatest experience of my life. I waited on line for the meet n greet, still an emotional mess, but everyone was so warm and welcoming and comforted me, which I appreciated so much! I felt like I seemed more calm and collected when I finally went up to them and said, “I’M SORRY I DON’T HAVE A COHERENT MIND RIGHT NOW BUT I LOVE YOU BOTH SO MUCH SORRY FOR BEING A MESS BEFORE.” And Natasha assured me that everything was fine, and she said, “Thank you for sharing your story with us. That was very brave.” And you want to know what I fucking said? 
“Yeah, no. That’s totally cool man.” 
.... *repeatedly slaps head* 
If anyone needs me, I’ll be over in the corner. Crying in gay. Wearing my pride flag. Wishing that I could relive yesterday over and over. Thank you, Carmilla. Thank you for everything. 
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gabpezold-blog · 7 years
TAGGING ➝ Danielle Harper, Gabriela Lopez.
LOCATION ➝ Dani’s car, pet store, then the Harpez residence.
TIME FRAME ➝ 1/18, afternoon.
NOTES ➝ Gaby tricks Dani into them getting a new puppy.
Dani had been stressing out more than she was willing to admit lately. When she and Gaby agreed to keep their relationship to themselves; she was more than fine with it. As time went on, she didn’t really care about who knew. She wasn’t trying to make these huge announcements, but she liked calling Gaby her girlfriend; rather than her roommate. Being out as a couple had been great. For about five minutes. One stupid fight and a break up (that only lasted one fucking day) and everyone had something to say about their relationship. It was bad enough when someone was saying she didn’t deserve Gaby. It sucked, but it wasn’t like she disagreed. Then someone said she was too good for Gaby. That one made zero sense to her, because she knew that definitely wasn’t true. Then there was the one that said they had feelings for Gaby. It bothered her a lot and she definitely made that known. Then she made her feelings known again when the less memorable Hudson made his stupid joke. She was in her head about it, so she decided that she needed to calm down and start acting like she didn’t care. One of the reasons she decided to dye her hair was because she had been tired of the pink, but also because it gave her something else to do. It was a pain in the ass, but it was so worth it when Gaby saw her. That was the exact reaction she had been hoping for. It was fun for sure, but with the new color and her super hot girlfriend, she couldn’t help but want to show off a bit. She asked Gaby to join her for lunch, purposely grabbing her hand in front of the cameras. She wasn’t doing it for the cameras, but there was a time where she wouldn’t dare do that in public. It didn’t hurt that she liked to show off a bit. Now the two of them were heading home, Dani driving her car and Gaby in her passenger seat. “You know, I won’t be surprised if the two of us holding hands is all over the internet later. I mean, since that is so new worthy.” She laughed, rolling her eyes playfully. “I hope you didn’t mind?”
Gaby was definitely enjoying this contrast from how things had been last week when she and Dani had broken up, if it could even really be considered a breakup. Despite people trying to put in their unwanted two cents all the time, things had been better between the two of them than ever, at least in Gaby’s opinion. She knew Dani had been stressing out about the things people had been saying, though, and she hated that her girlfriend had to deal with that, but there was nothing she could do about it. All she could do was show her that she was hers, and that she didn’t want or need anybody else. This all had been why Gaby had wanted to keep she and Dani’s relationship just between the two of them, but the urge to show the other girl off had been too much for her to resist. Gaby would never date someone she wasn’t proud to be with, and Dani was definitely no exception. She loved getting to show her off, and hadn’t been even a little bit upset when cameras had swarmed them outside of the restaurant like they usually did and her girlfriend had grabbed her hand. It made Gaby smile, in fact, and she’d enjoyed their cute little lunch date. She was pretty sure she’d have the same smile permanently etched onto her face for at least the rest of the day, and it still hadn’t gone away as she sat in the passenger seat of Dani’s car, looking out the window and thinking about how happy she really was with her. She glanced over at the other girl when she spoke, though. “Honestly, I think I’ll be surprised if we ​don’t​ end up all over the internet later. My girl and I are a big deal,” she joked, winking at her girlfriend. She shook her head in response to the question. “No, of course I didn’t. When I said we should keep this between us, it was because I didn’t care about anybody else’s opinions. I mean, I still don’t, but people are trying to give us them anyway, so hiding this is pointless. Besides, I like showing you off.” She smiled a genuine smile, letting Dani know it really was okay, before allowing the outside world to pull her focus again, a sign outside of the upcoming pet store with something about puppies practically making her face light up. “Babe!” she all but yelled, then realized that that was a little enthusiastic, and cleared her throat. “Uh, could you pull in here? We’re running low on dog food,” she lied, flashing a smile at her girlfriend and hoping she bought it.
Dani had never agreed to keep their relationship a secret for any reason other than wanting her privacy. The both of them knew what it was like growing up in the public eye. Everyone was always in your business; as if they were the most interesting people in the world. Honestly, Dani would appreciate the fame more once she’s earned it. Being the daughter of famous actors didn’t mean anything. It just meant that her parents made some crappy movies before popping out a few kids. Once she earned fame the right way; she would probably still hate it sometimes, but at least she would be known for something she actually accomplished. It wasn’t like that now. Not that it actually mattered. Whether she liked it or not, this is what she had to deal with. It wasn’t always so bad. She could handle a random picture and a bogus rumor about her and someone she’s never even met. It was laughable, in fact. The only thing that actually bothered was when people made comments on her relationship. It wasn’t as if she felt like anyone was a threat, because she certainly didn’t. After their so called breakup, she learned that the two of them were better off together. It was clear that it’s what they both wanted. She just couldn’t handle the fact that someone was actually trying to hit on her girlfriend. She was naturally possessive. So possessive in fact that she might not even mind that story on the internet. Let everyone see that she was with her girlfriend. That’s not why she asked for the date, but she had to admit that was a bonus. “That’s perfectly fine with me. I have absolutely nothing to hide.” She shrugged, acting as if it wasn’t a big deal. Which it shouldn’t have been, but for some reason it felt like it was. “I like showing you off, too. I like being able to tell everyone that you’re mine.” She smiled back. As much as she liked being home with Gaby, she liked doing things like this. Not that they couldn’t before, but everyone knew they were friends and roommates. It was better as girlfriends. “What?” She asked, raising her eyebrow at the girl beside her. She seemed very excited for some reason, so when she mentioned dog food, Dani was more than a little confused. “Um, yeah...” She trailed off, doing as her girlfriend asked and pulling into the pet store.
Gaby was a very private person as far as the media went, and would usually try to ignore the cameras if she saw them, but for some reason, she just really didn’t care whether they caught she and Dani doing girlfriend things together. All of her family knew, and now she was sure all of her friends did, too. It just wasn’t worth keeping a secret anymore, especially when it was something that didn’t deserve to be hidden away. “Neither do I,” she grinned, pleased that they were both on the same page. For all of their differences, they really did tend to agree when it came down to important decisions like this; firstly about keeping things between them, and now about going public. Anything was fine with Gaby, as long as she got Dani. She also really liked hearing that her girlfriend liked showing her off too, although it wasn’t like she didn’t know it already. Dani was quick to jump on anyone who said anything even the least bit inappropriate to Gaby, and made sure to let them know whose girlfriend she was. Of course, ​she​ also knew whose girlfriend she was, which meant she knew that Dani wasn’t about to let her go look at puppies, because Gaby would for sure end up falling in love with at least one of them and demand they brought them home. Her quick thinking dog food thing had obviously confused Dani, but at least it had worked, and Gaby smiled to herself as her girlfriend pulled into the parking lot. She literally just wanted to go play with the puppies, so once the two of them had climbed out of the car—Gaby grabbing Dani’s hand right away like it was the most natural action in the world—she led them into the store and directly past the dog food. Whenever they had actual puppies or kittens in these places, they were kept towards the back in what Gaby could only describe as semi-nice cages with glass panels over the front rather than bars. Keeping hold of Dani’s hand, Gaby tried to remain nonchalant as they walked, but couldn’t help the audible “aww!” she let out upon seeing the little black puppy. Singular. Just one puppy. “Babe, look!” she said, pouting as she looked at her girlfriend, then crouched down in front of the cage, looking at the ball of black fur that sat alone. “I think all of his brothers and sisters are gone and he’s left all alone. That’s so sad…” She looked up at her girlfriend with wide, sad eyes that could beat out even the puppies.
Dani was happy that the two of them could agree on this, although it didn’t exactly surprise her. She and Gaby were like night and day, but so far they seemed to agree on things when it came to their relationship. Fuck Ashley for saying they were toxic. Fuck anyone who had anything to say, really, but especially that bitch. Dani may not be an expert on these kind of things, but she knew for a fact that she was willing to do anything for Gaby. She had known that for a long time; it just became more obvious the longer that they were together. If she hadn’t been so in her head, she would have known what her girlfriend was up to right now. It was weird that she had seemed so excited about dog food, but Dani let it go and just went along with it. It’s not like it was that weird, since Gaby had two dogs at home. That’s what she thought when the other girl took her by the hand, leading her inside. It took Dani longer to figure things out than she was willing to admit. The second they walked by the dog food, she gave her girlfriend a playful glare. She was definitely sneaky. It was a good thing Dani found it cute. Still, she knew what her girlfriend was doing and she was going to have to say no. There were already two dogs at home. They didn’t need another one. That’s exactly what she had planned on telling her, but then she looked at Dani with those sad eyes. It wasn’t going to work. Nope. It was cute and all, but no. “Yeah, babe. It’s so sad.” She said, looking away from Gaby and at the puppy. “I’m sure someone will take him home, though. He’s a cutie.”
Gaby knew that, despite her tough exterior, Dani really was a big softie at heart, so she knew that all she’d have to do was get her to the puppies, then she’d totally melt. Or at least she hoped she would. From the corner of her eye, as they were walking, Gaby could see the way Dani was glaring at her, but at least she wasn’t trying to drag her away, so that was something. By this point, although it might’ve been a little unfair, Gaby knew how to get around Dani and get what she wanted. She knew the looks to give her, and knew the one she’d gone with had to have been doing something, because Dani had to look away from her. She just needed to get her to look back, that was all. “He is, he’s so cute!” she gushed, letting go of her girlfriend’s hand and kneeling down in front of the glass. The puppy didn’t exactly look sad so much as excited that there were people here to see him, but still, Gaby just really wanted to hold him. “Look at the way he’s jumping up at the glass,” she said, looking up at her girlfriend with those big, sad eyes again, her lips pushed into a pout once more. “Will you go get one of the attendants for me? I need to cuddle him. He looks like he could use a little company right now. I promise I’m not going to try to sneak him out of here with me or anything, I just want to hold him.” She looked up at her girlfriend once more, “Please?”
Dani knew exactly what her girlfriend was doing. Now that she really thought about it; she wondered if they even needed dog food at home. She had to admit that Gaby was good at getting exactly what she wanted, so she’ll give the girl her props, but Dani couldn’t see them getting another dog. She had never even been a dog person before she lived with Gaby. They kinda just came with the territory, but she had grown fond of them overtime. And it’s not like she hated puppies. For goodness sake; she wasn’t a monster. She just never had a pet herself and never really wanted one. The way Gaby interacted with the puppy through the glass showed Dani that she wasn’t walking away any time soon. That was fine, though. It didn’t hurt for her to just look at the dog. Then she was asking for an attendant and Dani knew that holding the puppy was a bad idea. “Babe, seriously? As soon as you hold him, I know sneaking him out is exactly what you’ll want to do....” She trailed off, sighing when she saw that sad look on her girlfriend’s face. Damn Gaby for being the cutest person to live, ever. “Fine.” She said, leaving Gaby to go find someone to help them. It wouldn’t hurt for Gaby to hold the puppy. It was kinda sad that he was by himself. He probably could use the company. It didn‘t take long for her to find a girl who worked there, so she explained what they needed and headed back to the back. She stood back, letting the woman get the dog for Gaby. If she wanted to hold it then fine, but Dani wasn’t about to be suckered into it.
Gaby hadn’t exactly planned on coming in here and walking away with a new dog. They had two at home already, and Gaby adored both of them. They were like her babies, and she was completely content with them being her only pets. She was a sucker for a cute puppy, though, and really had just wanted to come in here and play with them. It was the fact that there was only one left that’d really done it, and now she really couldn’t imagine walking away without it. Dani was completely right, especially since she already wanted to take him home with her, but she wasn’t about to let up now. She just kept on looking up at her girlfriend with the same expression, though she couldn’t help but grin when she gave in, leaving Gaby alone with the puppy as she went to find someone to help them. “Hi, gorgeous,” she said softly through the glass, smiling at the excitable puppy. She had no idea if it was a boy or a girl, despite the way they’d been referring to it as a he. “You want two big sisters?” She glanced behind her, making sure Dani was out of earshot, before turning back to the glass, “Because between you and me, you’re totally coming home with us.” She continued talking to the puppy until Dani came back, followed by one of the store assistants. It was obvious by the way she looked at them that she knew who they were—people would always get this starstruck look, but try to play it cool. Gaby didn’t really care about that right now, though. She just wanted to hold the puppy, and carefully took him from her as soon as the attendant had unlocked the cage and picked him up, holding him out to her. “Oh my gosh, you’re even cuter up close,” she laughed, turning her face as the little dog licked her. “Babe, you have to hold him. Look at that little face! Is he a he?” The attendant let her know that he was, in fact, male. “Ohh. We have two girls at home,” she explained to the lady, while holding the puppy out to her girlfriend, “Dani, he really wants to say hi to you.”
Dani didn’t even notice that the woman was staring at her and Gaby. That happened more often than not, so it wasn’t like she wasn’t used to it. The only thing she was actually concerned about was how cute her girlfriend was being with the puppy. Dani could think of plenty of reasons why they shouldn’t get another dog. What if they don’t get along? What if they don’t give them enough attention? (Doubtful with how much attention they would get from Gaby alone, but still a valid reason.) What if they just can’t handle three pets? Two of which were technically Gaby’s and not Dani’s, but she lives with them and took care of them when Gaby couldn’t. That would happen with the third one, too. Not that Dani had any issues with it. She didn’t have a pet growing up and never really wanted one, but she would be cool with a dog if they didn’t already have two. However, no matter how many reasons she had, she knew that her girlfriend would be much more convincing. Unfortunately for Dani, Gaby knew exactly what to do to get what she wanted. That’s why she was glancing around the store, trying to ignore what was clearly happening in front of her. She had already made up her mind. She did not want another dog. She was going to say that to Gaby as she held out the puppy for her to hold. She would if he wasn’t cute. Okay, so she just wanted to hold the dog, okay? That didn’t mean she wanted to take him home. “He’s really cute, babe.” She said, sounding completely uninterested as she took the puppy from Gaby. It wasn’t like she didn’t like the dog, but she wanted her girlfriend to see that she wasn’t going to change her mind about it.
Gaby knew that holding the dog was a bad idea. She’d already gotten attached to him in the less than five minutes they’d been in here, but at least she would’ve been able to pull herself away. Of course, she would’ve had to give the people at the pet store her number and have them update her when someone had taken the dog home, but that was neither here nor there. Now that she was holding him, though, his little fluffy tail wagging and his tongue going wild as he licked her face, she knew there was no way she was leaving without him. She just had to get Dani on board, because as much as she wanted the dog, she also wasn’t trying to make big decisions that would involve her girlfriend without having Dani agree to them, even if she did so begrudgingly. There was no way Dani was going to be able to say no after she held him, though. Gaby knew what her girlfriend was doing, she knew she was purposely trying not to pay attention, and forcing herself to sound disinterested. “I know. He loves you already, he’s trying to lick you,” she said, stepping closer to her girlfriend and their puppy. Uh, ​the​ puppy. “How old is he?” Gaby asked the assistant, looking at her for a second, then going back to looking at the puppy, a huge smile on her lips as she petted him. The lady spoke, explaining all of the details about him, including the fact that he was one of five, and the only one still here. Gaby’s lips instantly puffed out into a pout as she looked at her girlfriend, her eyes widening and growing sad again. “Did you hear that, babe? He’s the last one. He’s all alone,” she said sadly, keeping eye contact, “Please can we take him home? He’d have such an awesome life. Someone else might take him and they wouldn’t love him as much as we would.”
Dani wasn’t even trying to deny that the puppy was cute. It was very cute, in fact. Even more so when he tried licking her face. He certainly looked happy to be getting so much attention. It probably sucked for him to be in there by himself. Dani knew how much it sucked to be lonely. She even frowned slightly at the thought of putting him back and leaving. Nope, no. That was a bad thing to be thinking. Then she would want to take him home and she still had good reasons not to. Not that she actually remembered any of them at the moment, but she remembered them sounding good at the time. “Yes, baby, I heard.” She said, holding up the puppy and looking at him. Now she hated the thought of leaving him even more. As if that wasn’t hard enough, her girlfriend finally asked what she knew she wanted to ask. “We already have two dogs at home. Are you even sure we can take care of another one?” Okay, so it wasn’t the no that she wanted to say, but it wasn’t exactly a yes. They weren’t here for a puppy. Well, maybe they were since they weren’t getting dog food, but still. They couldn’t take a home a puppy. They had enough. Or so she kept telling herself. She sounded less convincing in her mind now.
Gaby knew she didn’t exactly need her girlfriend’s permission to get another pet. Rosie and Coco were her dogs, and she’d gotten them before Dani had even moved in, so she hadn’t had a say in those. Still, they’d been part of the whole house package, and that had never included adding another puppy to their home. Gaby knew it wasn’t fair for her to just shrug and say she was going to take him anyway, which she really wanted to do. But she wouldn’t, this had to be something Dani agreed to. She was waiting for her girlfriend to flat out refuse, so when she didn’t, Gaby’s brows raised a little. It wasn’t a yes, but it also wasn’t a no. “Yeah, but they’re no trouble. They’re tiny, and they barely take up any space. And this little guy right here is super tiny, too, aren’t you?” she spoke the last part to the dog, petting behind his ears and speaking in a baby voice. She cleared her throat and begun talking normally again as she looked at her girlfriend. “He’s used to being around other dogs. He had four others around him before, right? Now he’s all alone. And Rosie and Coco are so good with other dogs at the dog park. Plus, they keep each other company. It’d just mean more company for them. The more the merrier, right?” She said, eyes wide again as she touched the other girl’s arm delicately. “Please, baby?”
Dani didn’t know why she was even putting up a fight here. It wasn’t even really a fight, she had just made her feelings about having another pet clear. Or she thought that she had, at least. She realized that she hadn’t exactly said yes or no here, but that was besides the point. The point was; she was at least trying to make her feelings know. She certainly acted like they were leaving here without the dog, but she knew as soon as Gaby saw him that she had fallen in love. It didn’t help that the puppy was cute and looked really excited to see someone. The poor thing was here all by himself. Even though Dani was sure someone would take him home, her girlfriend may have had a point when she said he would have an awesome life. Again, she wondered why she was even putting up any sort of fight. Especially when her girlfriend gave her that same, sad look she’s been giving her. That along with the way she touched her arm and Dani was done. How was she even supposed to say no? At this point, she didn’t even want to say no. It was obvious that Gaby really wanted him and who was Dani to say no? Her girlfriend would either take him anyway or be upset, and since she wanted to feel like she had some say, she just sighed and nodded her head. “Alright, alright.” She said, smiling at Gaby and then at the puppy. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to have one more pet in the house.”
Gaby was always going to get her way and she knew it. She was pretty sure Dani knew it, too, so it wasn’t like it was a surprise for either of them that they ended up leaving the pet store with the puppy, as well as a bunch of new puppy supplies. The still unnamed little black dog had rode on Gaby’s lap the whole way home, and kept trying to climb up her shirt which was the cutest thing. She was way too preoccupied with him to really talk to Dani throughout the ride home, and instead proceeded to talk to the newest member of their family in one of those goofy baby voices she always used when talking to Rosie and Coco. However, she made sure to keep leaning over periodically to kiss her girlfriend on the cheek, since she’d just earned herself major points by allowing this new dog thing to happen, and she promised herself she would definitely be rewarding Dani for it tonight. Eventually, they were pulling up outside of their house, and Gaby scooped the puppy up in her arms carefully, being sure to keep hold of him tightly enough that he couldn’t jump and make a run for it before they’d gotten him inside. “Okay, sir, are you ready to meet your big sisters? Rosie is a sweetie, but Coco’s a total butt sometimes. I think they’re going to love you, though,” she grinned, holding him protectively to her chest as she climbed out of the car, then looked back at Dani who was left to grab all of the new puppy things they’d bought and to unlock the door to their house.
Dani wasn't at all surprised when they left the pet store with a new puppy. She didn't even know why she bothered trying to say no, when she knew there was no way it wasn't going to happen. Maybe she wanted to get a point across? Although, when she thought about it, she didn't even know what that point was. Oh well. At least she didn't actually mind having a new puppy around. In fact, if it made Gaby as happy as it already had, then she would say that it was worth it. Especially when she would lean over and kiss Dani on the cheek. It was such a simple action, yet it made Dani smile every time she did it. Her girlfriend had turned her into a complete sap. The kind of sap that she herself would make fun of, so she wasn't about to admit it anytime soon. At least not to anyone else. She could admit it to Gaby, because they both already knew that. When they got home, she smiled as her girlfriend talked to the puppy. They were really cute, so that was a plus. As Gaby stood their with the puppy, she rolled her eyes playfully as they grabbed everything else they just bought. Dani had never had a pet before, but she couldn't imagine they needed more toys and beds than some people had. The new puppy better appreciate the awesome life Gaby talked about him having before. Despite having to carry things for the dog she didn't even want, she couldn't help but smile as she made her way into the house. "You're lucky I like you so much." She teased as she walked past her girlfriend, rolling her eyes once again when she realized she had to open the front door. At least she was able to do that quickly, walking in and expecting Gaby to follow. She wondered how the dogs would react to a new member of this little family. It looked like she was about to find out.
Gaby felt kind of bad that Dani had been left to carry everything, especially since they’d bought a whole bunch of things, some of which the puppy probably didn’t necessarily ​need​, but Gaby hadn’t been able to resist buying for him. She’d said he was going to have an awesome life, and that meant being as spoiled as Rosie and Coco were, after all. She couldn’t help with bringing everything in, though, since she had an excitable little creature wriggling in her arms, and was grateful once Dani had opened the door for them, since she wasn’t trying to have him run free. “And both me and this little guy like you so much,” she smiled at the other girl, wanting to lean in and kiss her, but she thought better of it since they both had their hands full and clearly needed to get inside. As soon as Dani’s key entered the lock, Gaby could hear the two dogs barking wildly at the other side of the door, causing the new puppy’s ears to prick up as if to ask who it was. Gaby knew the girls would have no problem with him, but she made sure to keep him securely in her arms as they walked into the house, the two dogs jumping up at her legs to try get a closer look. “Hey, you guys need to calm down, you’re going to scare your new brother,” she said to them, petting the puppy as she carried him through to the living room; the other two following closely behind. Gaby sat down on the couch with the puppy in her lap, holding him with one hand so he couldn’t run away, and using the other to pet him as the other two dogs jumped up onto the couch beside her to get to him. They both sniffed him curiously. “You like him? He doesn’t have a name yet, but he’s here to stay, so you guys had better be nice to him.”
Dani wasn’t exactly thrilled about having to carry everything, but she wasn’t going to be the one to bring in the puppy. She isn’t even the one who wanted him. He was cute and all, so it wasn’t all bad, but they both knew that Gaby was the one who actually wanted him. Dani was just suckered into it by her super cute girlfriend. It would be a pain in the ass, if she actually minded. It was a good thing that she didn’t. As the dogs jumped all over the place, Dani was grateful that she wasn’t the one holding the puppy. It was cute when it was her girlfriend being ‘attacked’ by the dogs, but she didn’t want that. All she wanted was to put everything down, so she walked into the living room and placed the bags on the floor as she sat on the couch. They could always put that stuff away later. For now, she was watching her girlfriend with the puppy and other dogs. They didn’t seem to be upset about having another dog in the house. They just seemed curious. Gaby was right when she said they got along with other dogs before, though, so she wasn’t exactly worried about that. She was mostly curious herself to see how they would react. “Oh, yeah. We should probably think of a name for the little guy.” She said as she continued to watch them.
Gaby hadn’t been worried about introducing the dogs to one another, since the puppy had apparently just been sharing his cage at the pet store with four other dogs, and Rosie and Coco were always great with others, and with each other. In fact, she’d gotten them both at separate times, and they’d taken no time at all to adjust to each other, so she was sure this would be the same. They were definitely curious about him, though, and this was the first time she’d seen him not wriggling or barking since they’d gotten him. He just sat in her lap and looked at them, sniffing each dog back. “We should. You should come sit with us, though. I haven’t gotten the chance to kiss you in, like, an hour. Cheek kisses are nice and all, but I want those lips over here,” she said through a smile, looking up at her girlfriend. A part of her wanted to make sure Dani wasn’t mad at her, though the other part really just wanted to kiss her.
Dani wasn’t at all interested in sitting with her girlfriend and the dogs. Not that she didn’t want to be with her girlfriend, of course. She may have been a little annoyed with the way things had played out at the pet store, but only because she knew that Gaby was going to get her way. She was fine with it, though. She wasn’t mad or anything like that; she just didn’t want the dogs jumping all over her. Especially the new one. At least she knew that Coco and Rosie wouldn’t pee all over her, but she didn’t know that for sure with the new dog. That was really gross and she definitely didn’t want that to happen. Still, when her girlfriend asked her to, it’s not like she could possibly say no. Especially when she said they hadn’t kissed for an hour. She didn’t mention the fact that they could have been kissing if they hadn’t made a their stop at the pet store, because that made it seem like she was mad and the last thing she wanted was to start a dumb fight. That would be stupid, since she wasn’t actually mad right now. “You’re right.” She smirked, moving closer to her girlfriend and pressing her lips against hers. The dogs seemed to occupied with each other to jump all over them, so she was thankful for that. She didn’t need them all over her when she was trying to kiss her girlfriend.
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purplesurveys · 5 years
For a change. I love Internet people for never running out of survey ideas.
Just say what you think of (doesn't have to be one-word answers) when I mention these. Quick, simple, just for fun. Curtain: I remember a story JM told us of when he nearly burned his house down when he was younger - he was flying paper airplanes but not without lighting the tips on fire. One of the planes landed on the curtain and I think it burned that particular room pretty bad or something. Door: I have a door to my right at the moment. It’s brown and I know my dog is waiting outside because I can hear his paws. Shoe: We went shoe hunting yesterday for Joacky, because he wanted a pair of the Nike Cortez. It’s widely popular in the PH right now so even though we visited like 7 shoe stores yesterday, we weren’t able to find one in the color that he likes. Pants: I finally got a pair of mom jeans yesterday and I can’t wait to wear it for school. I’m tired of wearing the same bottoms. Wig: I attended a workshop a few months ago where the speaker disclosed that she has leukemia, and she took off the wig she had been wearing the whole time to show us her head. I also remember the RuPaul Stans part of Twitter because they say ‘wig’ all the time...
Makeup: Kate made me her subject last Thursday and she played with my face and put makeup on it. Ended up feeling really pretty because she did a pretty awesome job. Instagram: I snubbed Instagram for the longest time but thought that a ‘one-pic-for-every-day-of-the-year’ dump account wouldn’t hurt, so I made one of those for 2019. My photography skills are absolutely nowhere to be found, and my gallery is super haphazard, but I really want to make an effort to store memories this year. YouTube: Hmm first thing I thought of was PewDiePie. I subscribed to the dude when he had like 60,000 subscribers eight years ago and only had a couple of Amnesia montages up. I always feel like a proud momma/early bird whenever I remember how far and how big he’s gotten since. Life: Exhaustion, mainly. It’s gonna start snowballing by next year when I graduate. It’ll be nonstop from there - facing the prospect of coming out to my parents, graduating, getting a job, getting my first credit card, moving out, paying bills...it’s all very exhausting, exhilarating, exciting, and overwhelming to think about. Chili: Gabie and I had Japanese for early dinner last week, and I was a little weirded out by the restaurant because each seat had a red chili pepper on the placemat? I’m talking every damn seat in the place??? Idk if it’s some sort of good luck charm for the owners but it made things very slightly unsettling hahaha. Cherry: There was a WWE Diva named Cherry like ten years ago who had the gimmick of a 50′s chick, I think...I was never quite sure what her character was supposed to be, but she had roller-skates every time she went to the ring and would sometimes wear outfits with polka dots so I thought she was pretty cute.   Neil: Armstrong. Haha I was going through Reddit awhile ago when I saw a video of Buzz Aldrin punch a dude who went up to him and said that the moon landing was a hoax. Not exactly Neil Armstrong but still a good story. Drive: I like watching car chases. It’s almost...therapeutic when the suspect crashes or loses control of his car and finally gets caught. Murder: I never got into How To Get Away With Murder. It’s too fast-paced for my life. I feel like I’m the only person who doesn’t understand legal concepts because so many people are able to catch up with this show even if Viola Davis speaks a thousand words a minute and they’re all really deep words??? Idk HAHAHA. I watched like two episodes and felt super dumb after. Ice cream: OMG I hate a la mode desserts. I’d eat anything, but I wouldn’t eat two separate things with different textures. Get your ice cream away from my brownie. Water: I can’t wait to go back to the beach. Hard: Hammer? It was the first image to pop up in my head. Anne: Harry Styles’ mom is named Anne hahaha the Directioner in me jumped out, sorry not sorry. Cow: There’s this video that went viral a few months ago of a girl who was playing the accordion; all of a sudden this adorable herd of like 15 cows come running up to her and just intently watch the kid. Wholesome af. Frog: Frog legs are served in some Philippine provinces. Tastes like chicken. Cheese: My lactose intolerant ass will grate half a block of cheese (exaggeration, but you get the point) for my spaghetti. That’s the only way to enjoy pasta. Bowl: Can’t really think of anything except that bowl cuts look so cute on babies hahaha. Television: Is something I never use nowadays unless I’m staying over at a hotel. Other than that, I cannot tell you the last time I held a TV remote control to change the channel or something. Skull: There’s an episode of Friends where Phoebe brings home a skull and nonchalantly sets it on the table where Monica, Rachel, and Chandler were hanging out. Chandler goes, “Pheebs...skull?” Phoebe says, “Yeah, it’s my mom’s,” and Rachel shrieks until Phoebe clarifies that her mom owned the skull, and that the skull wasn’t of her mom. Underrated segment. Rachel’s mini-meltdown was hilarious. Seasons: I had to watch Rent for film class several months ago. Terrible movie. Cemented my dislike for musicals. This is what I remembered because afaik this is the musical that has the minutes song. Language: I can speak two and can understand some archaic/modern Spanish because they conquered us for 300 years and subsequently ruined my country. Trump: McDonald’s. An international embarrassment. Chocolate: We found this AMAZING Chocnut spread at the mall yesterday. I had my initial doubts - I thought it was gonna taste like a cheap Nutella rip-off. But it tastes exactly like Chocnut, just in the most perfect spread-y form. I plan to finish the entire jar just with a spoon. Stove: I’m terribly afraid of using any and every kitchen equipment because I have a big fear of setting the house on fire. I only ever use the stove when I’m deathly hungry and I have to make something by myself. Toy: My family recently went to a kid’s birthday party that had giveaway bags with toys inside, but seeing as we’re all teenagers now who had no use for it, it was earning dust in the house. Now, the Philippines is abound with street children so when we went out yesterday, my mom gave the bag to a couple of kids who were knocking on our car. I know I’m not supposed to romanticize the situation, but they had the biggest smiles when they realized what they got and I saw them playing merrily at the side of the street and even invited some other kids to join in. Again, not glamorizing it - I’m just happy they were happy. Video: I could never run out of things to watch on YouTube. It’s one of my favorite websites, especially when bouts of depression have to happen. Kiss: It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this? It was only a kiss, IT WAS ONLY A KISS. Glass: The glass section of department stores always creeped me out. One wrong move and you can knock a whole shelf down, and the ‘You break it you pay for it’ signs all over the area don’t help at all. Light: Light and queen come together in this survey and all I remember is Lightning McQueen. Queen: ^ Moon: Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Moon river, wider than a mile, I’m crossing you in style some day.  Blue: My organization’s color is blue, so I have a soft spot for blue. Cream: I like soups that are creamy. I say this because my sister had ramen yesterday and it was so oily and salty and fatty and creamy and ugh I loved it. Dead: The Misfits. They’re more horror than death, but still. Purple: My great-grandma loved the color purple and I remember when her house used to be peppered in purple stuff. All her dresses were purple. I’m fairly sure it was the reason why it was my favorite color as a kid. Lace: Underwear, hahaha. Cardboard: Gabie was munching on sunflower seeds when I picked her up last week. I’ve never tried those, so I asked for some and I said it tasted like cardboard. I’ve never eaten cardboard but I would imagine that that’s what it tastes like. Elephant: Majestic. Deserves to be saved and properly cared for. Harry: One of my fave members of the royal family. He’s so precious. Leather: Is bad. Paisley: Isn’t there a country singer with this name? Italy: Pasta and stuff. Joey Tribbiani. Immature: I saw the gun girl Kaitlin-something on Twitter because she got viral again for a dumb-ass tweet she made. She posted pics of herself in the snow and tweeted “Look at all this global warming,” like seriously America??? Wtf do they teach y’all in your schools?????? Crime: Raisins in cookies. Angel: I had a friend named Angel - talked about her a lot in old surveys. She migrated to Canada when we were 12 and I haven’t seen her since. We do follow each other on Twitter but all she tweets about is K-pop so I had to put her on mute. Great memories with her. Boil: When I read this tweet aloud in my head, what I did think of was Charles Boyle from B99. Key: Key lime pie. Never tried it, but I’m always down to try anything. Sacrifice: The Catholic schoolgirl in me remembers the crucifixion because textbooks and teachers would overuse the phrase, “Jesus sacrificed his life for our sins” or “God sacrificed his son to save the world,” and all those cheesy lines. It’s as though the Bible’s favorite word is ‘sacrifice.’ Larry: Punk and AJ’s dog is named Larry Talbot. Dog: ^ Psychology: I took one psych elective last semester, but the prof was average at best so it didn’t really win over the course as a whole to me. Psychology was one of my ‘what-if’ courses so at the start, I was excited about taking it - but the class that I had was just so boring and the prof gave tests that were way too hard for otherwise fairly easy topics, so I quickly ran out of enthusiasm for the class. Rag: I hate touching rags. Especially wet ones UGH. Sun: Hate it, unless I’m at the beach. Lips: My friends dragged me to the makeup section of the department store last week and there were rows upon rows of lipstick testers. As someone who’s never purposely browsed for makeup, I ended up swatching like 20 shades on my wrist and looked like a five year old who doodled all over her whole left arm. Cage: The UFC ring, because it looks like a cage. Alarm: I had/have several alarms set on my phone throughout today to tell me to start working on various deliverables. For example, I had an 8 AM alarm to work on my J 196 paper; then from 8:30 AM I had an alarm to compose letters that I needed to write as my org’s secretary; then at around 10 AM, my alarm was for finishing up my readings for Kas 154 (short for kasaysayan, which means history). Official: I have a batchmate from high school who just got engaged...she was honestly one of the weirder ones back then so as much as I didn’t want to judge, it was hard to take it seriously at first, but it’s whatevs. I have no business in her life and I’m happy she’s happy. King: I finished my history readings this morning and there were so many mentions of kings. Lost: That show. The general consensus is that they ended the show crappily, but other than that I know nothing about it. Dating: There was once a dude who joined a dating show. Ended up being a serial killer. I forgot his name though. Balm: I was at a Korean store yesterday and saw an array of lip balms and glosses. I was never much of a makeup girl but the collection they had was just so cute, it made me think if I should start investing in makeup as well hah. Tomato: Ketchup is my second least favorite condiment after mustard. Game: Hmmm I downloaded a bunch of new game apps on my phone because I recently realized that I’m so boring??? and I only have social media on my phone??? I got ten new apps to make my phone more alive haha. Lotion: Is slimy, but smells nice and makes my skin smooth and look better. I got two hand creams for Christmas last year and it was then that I knew I was getting older because I was genuinely excited to try them both out. Expensive: Everything is. Powder: Reminds me of babies. The smell calms me down so well. Cross: I was shopping for clip-on earrings yesterday and there were several designs with crosses on them, which just reminded me of Christianity and it kinda peeved me for like 3 minutes lol. History: My favorite subject. I’ve never been so excited to be dumped on with such a thick stack of readings until this semester. Sex: Haven’t had it in a bit, too busy. Rainbow: We watched a film called Rainbow’s Sunset, which was really promising because it told a story about two men, both very old, and are lovers. In a traditional, conservative, poisonously Catholic country such as the PH, it’s a very bold move to produce a feature film that tackled such a horrible, taboo, horrifying thing (please note the sarcasm/mockery). We didn’t escape the guffaws and the loud ew’s whenever the two leads would kiss, which was sad. 
Anyway that’s not my point and what I really want to say is that the film was ultimately terrible, it was terribly-executed and it portrayed gay men in such a cheesy manner which in the long run, probably contributes to the continuing negative image of LGBT people in the Philippines. Gab, the bigger film buff between the two of us, felt so offended by how bad the movie turned out to be lol. Bay: Bayley, from WWE. She was a huge star like 3 years ago, but I think the bookers ultimately fucked her character up and now she’s stale. I feel so bad. Seth: Seth Rollins, also from WWE. Also very attractive. Pepper: I had okonomiyaki for lunch yesterday and there was like a thicker chunk of pepper that made it to my plate. Didn’t particularly enjoy that bite. Necrophile: Katie Vick. Google it to believe it. Wrestling is fucking dumb. Gravel: Funnily enough I do have a memory for gravel. Akeelah and the Bee was one of my favorite movies growing up; I watched it so many times that I had chunks of dialogue memorized at one point. One of the first scenes had Akeelah joining her school’s spelling bee, and one of the kids spelled grovel as g-r-a-v-e-l. He couldn’t understand why he got it wrong so the judge had to tell him that the word ‘grovel’ actually exists and what it means. Deep: I had a mental picture of the ocean when I read this word, so there’s that. Stephen: Hawking. Bucket: Chum Bucket. Hahaha Spongebob forever. England: Rugby? Grown: I always use the term ‘grown-ass’ haha. Spell: Spelling was one of my favorite activities in grade school and I would always score the highest in spelling exams. Kind of led me to my favorite job of proofreading/copyediting, really. Bark: My dog barked at nothing for five whole minutes a couple of days ago and it was hilarious. I shot two minutes of it. Long: Trees? Fan: Pamaypay, or hand fans in English.
Australia: First things that came to mind were the Sydney Opera House and Vegemite. Iron: Gabie’s nose bled last week. It wouldn’t stop flowing out of her nostrils and it smelled like rust for a good 15 minutes while she was trying to wash all the blood off, so it didn’t exactly help my case as someone who’s squeamish to death at the sight of blood. Melt: Chocolate. Beanie: Too warm for this country’s climate. Wax: Candles. Vigils. Burning your finger. Staying up all night to pray. Catholic school. Disease: Zombies. Resident Evil. Cannibal: The band Cannibal Corpse. Tried to get into them because Punk listened to them but it was too heavy for me. Flight: Airplanes, flights, vacations, away from everyone, nothing to worry about, good food, fighting with my siblings for the window seats. Porn: People be having weird fetishes sometimes. The thumbnails I see on websites...some of y’all crazy. Pot: I thought about how college life is so crazy. People would sell brownies or cookies with weed in them IN SCHOOL, meanwhile I still don’t even know if weed and pot are the same or if they’re two different things ohmygod HAHAHAHA I’m so sheltered wow I’m hopeless?????? Style: Taylor Swift and that subtle shade to Harry. People were shookened five years ago. Floss: Pork floss is really good. Star: There was a local celebrity who recently tweeted a pic, supposedly of a tiny tiny star that was beside the moon at like 5 AM, and she was asking what it was. Someone replied that it was Venus and explained what she just saw for her. Super cool. Nate: I don’t know anyone named Nate. I DID, however, remember the Naked Brothers Band. The older brother is named Nat, so it’s close enough. Soft: Pillows are soft. Orange: Hayley Williams’ hair 11 years ago. Witch: Philippine superstitions and how crazy and obsessive Filipinos can get. My mom, one of the most rational, no-nonsense people I know, scolds me every time I mock witchcraft or what we call ‘kulam’ cos she believes something will happen to me if I do. I’m all for honoring our mythology and traditions but sheesh, not to the obsessive extent. Mound: Ants. Root: Gabie used to watch this show where she shipped two girls named Root and Shaw. Oil: Massages. Hot: Deserts. Disc: Childhood, blowing on it to make it work, double-sided discs for longer movies, if a disc had scratches expect it to die soon. Soil: Plants. Planting trees. Muddy. Ugly: That scene in Spongebo where Patrick tells the story of the ugly barnacle. “Once there was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everyone died. The end,” which didn’t help Spongebob who at the time was feeling super ugly hahahahaha. Sugar: Maroon 5. Also, my grandma used one particular jar for sugar throughout my entire childhood. It’s plastic, it’s clear, and it came with a red-orange lid. I’d often eat sugar on its own so I saw that jar quite a bit and it gives me a sense of nostalgia. I’m not so sure if that’s still the jar being used in the old house. Bone: Ribs :( Been craving for some. Sigh: Air??? I don’t know. Throne: Game of Thrones. I had to watch a 26-minute documentary of a GoT production for my broadcast management class. It’s insanely hard. So much respect to everyone involved in its prod. Calendar: I’m secretary for my org, which means that I always have to update everyone about our calendar of events. Carpet: Fancy. Flesh: The Walking Dead. Cement: Dangerous. Vow: The movie with Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum. One of my guiltier pleasures. Sweet: Desserts. And now I’m hungry.
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