#Go east of edmonton
churchstayalberta · 2 years
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Peaceful time at the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village just 60mins from Church Stay Alberta.
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sad--tree · 1 year
ngl my dudes i just had. the single worst flight of my life
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There’s apparently been a rumour going around that @sciencetynan, the person that runs this blog and has been running it since I created it in 2014 has left the blog and @el-shab-hussein has been running it.
This is not true. He has been helping me run the blog for months by queuing articles along with @politicsofcanada and 1 new member @sowbug , particularly with regards to issues surrounding Palestine (as he is Palestinian).
I have always had complete control on what gets posted on this blog and no one is controlling or taking over the blog. I just needed blog helpers as I was dealing with wrist injuries and then once that got better I got a part time job 3-5 days a week with a long commute so I needed help getting the articles I selected queued. I allow him to make posts as well about protests going in, but they’ve been vetted by me.
Hopefully this clears everything up. I’m sorry that the situation around Israel and Palestine has created conspiracy theories and lies that I now have to debunk.
Let me assure you that I have always been Pro-Palestinian, and that I have personally sent dozens of Pro-Palestinian articles to my blog helpers to be posted. This isn't an agenda from any of my blog helpers. The last time this conflict erupted and I took this stance I was flooded by zionists in my asks accusing me for being anti-Semitic for criticizing the Israeli government for violating International Law.
These are from before I had blog helpers: 2021:
There's lots more if you search the blog for Palestine.
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hugheses · 1 month
9-13-19: From No. 1(s) to another
Jack Hughes has a large support group, which extends outward from his parents, brothers, a large family with several members based on the East Coast and plenty of mentors in the hockey community who are connected to him through his father or his own journey. His general manager was once his father’s agent. His coach spent six years at the unique hockey factory from which he just came. He spent a few weeks playing on the same team as the veteran goaltender in Slovakia at the world championships, and his coach was also on the staff there. There’s also this interesting tidbit about the roster — he has two teammates who were also the No. 1 pick in an NHL Draft. Great players can talk about their experiences and veterans have seen it all, but this specific part of Hughes’ experience would be hard for all but a small fraternity of players to relate to. Taylor Hall and Nico Hischier have been through an NHL season as the most recent No. 1 pick, the most intriguing 18-year-old in the league. Hischier did so with the Devils two years ago. “I actually just saw him the first time (Thursday) to be honest, but I’ll try to do my best to help him out wherever he needs me,” Hischier said. “I want to do exactly the same thing that the other guys did to me. I thought I felt really welcome in that team. Everyone was treating me well but was treating me like a normal player as well so I’m done trying to do all that as well.” Some of Hall’s experiences as a rookie with the Edmonton Oilers might be similar to what Hughes will face this season. Hughes is a much-hyped American prospect, but he spent much of his childhood living in Toronto. The Canadian media will likely treat him as a son of Toronto and an honorary citizen, so some of the attention could be similar to what Hall experienced as a No. 1 pick north of the border. “I think if I look back to my rookie season as an 18-year-old, and all the hype and all the talk, I would say, ‘Try to enjoy it as much as you can,’” Hall said. “Expect a little bit of failure, expect to come out of some games just with your tail between your legs a little bit and the season is not going to go perfect so there’s going to be some ups and downs. You’re never as good as you think, you’re never as bad. From there, I think it’s just growing as a player, as a leader, as a person and knowing that eventually when you’re 20, 21, 22 you’re going to be one of the faces of the franchise and how are you going to be when you’re that.”
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battle-of-alberta · 11 days
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Finally introducing Marion (Sherwood Park) after months and months of teasing! She represents a bedroom community east of Edmonton that "technically" is one of the largest cities in Alberta... or would be, if it was actually a city.
Your first fun fact is that Marion was originally going to be named Campbelltown, but since there were too many Campbelltowns across Canada, Canada Post forced her to change it to avoid confusion. She's much much younger than most of the other munis being founded in 1953.
More fun facts below!
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Like Mac, Marion represents a "hamlet" in a very large service area, which means she can reap the benefits of being both rural and urban at the same time while also benefiting from living in Ed's shadow too.
I think generally the relationship between her and Ed is "he's scary! one time, i actually had to go to his house and nearly died!!"
where Ed is like "I don't know what her deal is or why she freaks out whenever I'm around" (meanwhile Edith trying to explode her with her mind)
She's just masc enough that Mac doesn't feel intimidated by her and they're best buddies. Her other close friends are other satellite communities such as Stab St. Albert and Spruce, etc.
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The Strathcona County Website boasts their own Raisin Sour Cream Pie Recipe, which is sooo mid-century 'Berta lol. Back in the 50s, Marion had much longer hair, but found the upkeep too difficult and sheared it all off some time in the last few decades.
Refinery Row occasionally makes national meme news, I remember seeing some "THIS CITY IN CANADA LOOKS LIKE THE EYE OF SAURON" type clickbait on blogto or some such thing that I can't find now, and apart from not being a city, we immediately clocked the location from the photo. It just looks like that sometimes. Don't worry about it. :)
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Like I say, don't worry about it!
Was doing a lot of newspaper research in the late 80s/early 90s and a plastics plant explosion was front page news for a while, so this was on my mind.
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stereax · 7 months
I seek your wisdom, o wise one.
Exactly how screwed are the sharks, the flames, and the oilers?
You can't see me but I am RUBBING MY HANDS IN DELIGHT at this ask. Nothing I love more than talking about why teams suck. As always, meet you under the cut! 💜
(Also, sorry this took so long! Had to make a presentation on the Chinese Super League for sports diplomacy and it siphoned my will to live.)
Do I have you? Great! Okay. Let's go one by one.
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I, for one, never got the hype behind the Flames. Every pundit in the entire NHL was saying "Oh, the Flames are going to have a massive bounceback year, last year was a down year for everyone!" And now look at them. 3-7-1 to start the season with a mere 7 points in 11 games.
Spoiler alert: Trading your best forward in points production to literal Satan for a single corn chip is not going to help you be competitive. Who'd'a thunk it?
In addition, there seems to be a major coaching problem. On theory, this team should be solid. Maybe not top of the league good, but solid enough to make a wildcard spot at least. But you watch the systems at play and they just don't work with the players. For instance, Huberdeau is an east-west player being forced to play a north-south system. He can't do what he does best, make plays, because the current north-south system simply won't allow it. Firing Sutter was supposed to fix this locker room. It only seems to have made the problems worse. Christ, Zadorov is apologizing to the fans because they're playing that shittily.
How screwed are they? Probably a solid 8/10. Markstrom seems to have bounced back, but the team in front of him has not, tanking his save percentage because the defense simply cannot defend. We're being treated to a classic Huberdeau and Kadri Disappearing Act (2-4-6 and -12; 1-4-5 and -12). Mangiapane and Andersson have both gotten suspensions already for no god damn reason. All extension talks (Lindholm and Hanifin chief among them) have been suspended. It's chillingly possible this team will have to sell big at the deadline to get any value out of their expiring UFAs - and then what? You've got a few good pieces (Cary, Sharangovich, Wolf) that can lead your retool, but you've also got anchor weights in massively underperforming contracts, like the aforementioned Huberdeau's, that come with no-move clauses and are just such bad deals that even if those clauses were waived, who'd take them?
I think if you told anyone in July that the Edmonton Oilers were going to start their season 2-7-1 in 10 games, you would be laughed out the door. And yet.
I do have to preface this by saying yes, McDavid was out for several games, and when you're without the best player in the NHL, it gets tougher to win games. But fuck, man. The Devils are now down BOTH their top six centers for the foreseeable future and yet they're still managing to win games. You know why? DEPTH SCORING. Something that the Oilers have not had since seemingly the 80s. If your game plan revolves so strongly around one guy, chances are you'll be fucked anyway if that guy goes down.
Also, Campbell cannot stop a beach ball in net. Skinner isn't much better. How much of this is the defense and how much is just the goalies sucking? Unclear, but it is NOT a good sign. Although the Oilers mostly work under "outscore your opponent before they outscore you", you want to be able to make SOME timely saves. Neither tendy is giving any hope recently.
And all this can ultimately be traced back to Ken Holland fucking this team over with contracts. Nurse did not deserve that much. Kane is questionable at best. Campbell? Christ. And then you have no cap room to sign actually decent bottom sixers and then wonder why they're getting shelled. Why is Sam Gagner, a random legacy Oiler on a league minimum contract, on your second line? Make it make sense!
The thing is - you CAN win if you have a few guys getting paid the big bucks. Just look at Vegas for an example of that. You CAN'T win if you have a few guys getting paid the big bucks and almost no depth beyond your top line where you stack McDavid and Draisaitl to try to get SOMETHING going. You can't doubleshift those two across the entire lineup. I know, it sucks.
How screwed are they? I'll give them a 6/10. We're seeing the "or bust" part of "cup or bust". Can they turn it around? They have McJesus. Anything is POSSIBLE when you have McJesus. But it's not looking pretty, at all. I bet they end up in the wildcard hunt, or close to it. Just enough to maybe make the playoffs but too exhausted to do anything else.
Remember, Draisaitl's contract is up after 24-25. McDavid, 25-26. Will they want to stay in this garbage fire? If one, or God forbid both, ask to be traded, this team better channel the early 2010s and tank hard.
And now we reach the ultimate lolcow. These guys STINK. 0-10-1 in 11 games. .045 points percentage. The only point they managed to get was because Blackwood stood on his motherfucking HEAD in game 2.
But then you have contracts like Hertl, Vlasic, and Couture, which you can't move and which will weigh down the franchise for years while it tries to rebuild. What are you going to do with them? How will you get rid of them?
What's the problem? More to the point: What isn't??? There's zero star power on the entire roster. The defense doesn't know how to defend and the offense can't score against a Shooter Tutor, much less an actual NHL goalie. The goalies... they're trying! I think! Give them credit. And Quinn's trying, maybe, to coach? But when do you kick his ass to the curb too, just to try to put some life back into that lineup? That is the world's deadliest team. It's like hockey is a punishment to them!
FanDuel is running bets on when they will finally win their first regular season game. That's how ass they are. I wish I were kidding.
On top of all this, the locker room seems like it's going up in flames. Remember the Nucks' 10-1 beating of the Sharks? Kahkonen, the Sharks' tendy, got injured after the sixth goal, when Kuzmenko ran into him. Kuzmenko and the Canucks made sure Kahkonen was alright and that it wasn't a major injury. The Sharks? They just went back to the bench!
This unironically is probably the worst team in my lifetime, and maybe for decades before I was born too. They're just so BAD. There's no redeeming reason to watch Sharks games at all except to laugh at the Sharks as they get 10 goals dumped on them.
How screwed are they? 10/10*. I'm sorry, but fucking Zetterlund is leading your team in goals. ZETTERLUND. I cannot name ONE player on that roster who I would send to an All-Star Game. Maybe Blackwood, if he doesn't crumble into fucking dust first. And knowing how injury prone he is, he just might.
But this is a 10/10 with an asterisk. And here's why: * They WANT to be bad. The worse they do this year, the better their chances for Celebrini or whoever is the first overall. That's the idea of the Shark Tank. And if that's the goal, it's being executed perfectly.
There you go, anon! Hope this helps! If you have any more questions, feel free to drop into my inbox! 💜
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sapphyreopal5 · 1 month
Hello love. Anything new on Jensen?
Hello Anon thank you for the ask. I know that Jensen's been awful quiet about the stuff he's said to be working on with the "if things go as planned, it's gonna be a busy year" comments he's made in recent months. I know I speculated on another post when someone here on Tumblr posted about a photo where Jensen was spotted with Justin Hartley, his wife Sofia and a man named Jason Checcini that he may be on his way to go film The Boys, which reportedly started filming April 8 according to this site (although we all know that filming dates can be pushed back). This post was made April 7, 2024.
However, after seeing another post that posted today April 18, 2024, I do believe that he may not only possibly be filming The Boys season 5 but he may have also landed a role on Justin Hartley's show Tracker. Tracker reportedly films some in the Vancouver area, according to IMBD.
Being who I am, I decided to look up the tour dates for the artist she mentioned seeing in her post where she says she met him in Vancouver. According to Ticketmaster.com, the tour dates for Noah Kahan are as follows:
What cities will Noah Kahan play on his upcoming tour? The We'll All Be Here Forever Tour will take Noah Kahan across North America in the following cities: 03/26 – Vancouver, BC @ Rogers Arena  03/28 – Calgary, AB @ Scotiabank Saddledome  03/29 – Edmonton, AB @ Rogers Place  03/30 – Saskatoon, SK @ SaskTel Centre  04/02 – Winnipeg, MB @ Canada Life Centre  04/06 – Toronto, ON @ Scotiabank Arena  04/07 – London, ON @ Budweiser Gardens  04/09 – Ottawa, ON @ Canadian Tire Centre  04/10 – Quebec, QC @ Centre Videotron 04/13 – Montreal, QC @ Centre Bell  04/14 – Toronto, ON @ Scotiabank Arena 04/16 – Toronto, ON @ Scotiabank Arena 05/20 – Asheville, NC @ Harrah’s Cherokee Center  05/22 – Asheville, NC @ Harrah’s Cherokee Center   05/24 – Nashville, TN @ Bridgestone Arena 05/25 – Nashville, TN @ Bridgestone Arena   05/28 – Cuyahoga Falls, OH @ Blossom Music Center  05/29 – Burgettstown, PA @ The Pavilion at Star Lake  06/04 – St. Louis, MO @ Hollywood Casino Amphitheater – St. Louis, MO 06/05 – Bonner Springs, KS @ Azura Amphitheater  06/07 – Saint Paul, MN @ Xcel Energy Center  06/08 – Saint Paul, MN @ Xcel Energy Center 06/11 – Dallas, TX @ Dos Equis Pavilion  06/13 – Woodlands, TX @ The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion presented by Huntsman  06/14 – Austin, TX @ Moody Center  06/18 – Chula Vista, CA @ North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre  06/21 – Hollywood, CA @ Hollywood Bowl  06/29 – George, WA @  Gorge Amphitheatre 07/01 – Ridgefield, WA @ RV Inn Style Resorts Amphitheater  07/03 – Wheatland, CA @ Toyota Amphitheatre  07/05 – Berkeley, CA @ Greek Theatre - UC Berkeley  07/06 – Berkeley, CA @ Greek Theatre – UC Berkeley   07/09 – West Valley City, UT @ USANA Amphitheatre  07/13 – East Troy, WI @ Alpine Valley Music Theatre  07/15 – New York, NY @ Madison Square Garden 07/16 – New York, NY @ Madison Square Garden  07/18 – Boston, MA @ Fenway Park 07/19 – Boston, MA @ Fenway Park
As you can see, the Vancouver concert took place on Tuesday March 26, 2024. The photo post with Justin Hartley, his wife and Jason was posted on Sunday April 7, 2024. Remember, this is just me speculating at this point along with everyone else but I do think it's possible Jensen has gotten a couple roles or is at the very least spending some time in Canada "networking". That's really all I have for you at the moment Anon but I hope this is at least somewhat useful or some interest to you otherwise.
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msmargaretmurry · 7 months
Leon looks SO SAD AND HOPELESS 😭😭😭 god can someone get him to a good home, please, this is ASPCA crying puppies levels of sad this is definitely not also in service to my not-so-secret desire to have him and Ratthew on the same team being really good at hockey and terrible at skating together
i mean you would think that a team that got to draft four first overalls in six years and also leon draisaitl would have been able to put together a team that's not incredibly depressing by now, but, alas: the oilers. (i mean, we are only ~10 games in, they could still turn things around, but my god it looks dire right now.)
i feel like this has to be extra frustrating now compared to leon's early nhl years, because he came on to a legitimately bad team that he was supposed to help fix, and for the last few years it has seemed, like, pretty fixed? they've been making the playoffs, they made it all the way to the wcf! where did all the progress go? woof.
the thing is that leon seems to really adore his teammates so i do feel a little bad fantasizing about separating him from them but i ALSO don't trust edmonton not to decide that he's the weak link and run him out of town, given the number of times they've done that to other players! obviously i love pondering concepts and scenarios that land him on matthew's team but in reality the panthers have, like, negative cap space 😂 you need some real fanfiction magic to make that happen. (which, to be clear, i am fine with. all of you, please feel free to go write with fanfiction magic.)
anyway his contract is up after next season and while i am generally assuming he'll stick with with his bff connor i am also so interested to see if he does make a free agency move. (connor's is up the season after leon's and i am similarly just so curious to see what goes down. like i assume they'll discuss it and it's either gonna be they both stay or both go but WHO KNOWS. if either of them goes you know it's gonna be like when tavares left long island and islanders fans were burning his jersey in the streets. which would be VERY funny.)
sorry, anon, i feel like you did not send this ask to listen to me ramble about contracts and cap space. thank you for indulging me. he has indeed been SO sad and grumpy lately. someone should kiss him on the mouth about it.
anyway if leon does decide he wants out of edmonton i know a perfectly nice east coast team that's probably about to have a brand new $9.2m in cap space (sob) (don't look at me)
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hopetorun · 1 year
“it’s almost just like how it was before” for the made-up fic title meme!
my first thought for this was actually leon goes to tampa futurefic but the @msmargaretmurry did this in a response for the same meme so i'm going to take this in a different direction.
our story starts in buffalo, new york, on june 24, 2016. draft day. auston matthew goes first overall to toronto, and patrik laine goes second overall to winnipeg. and then, instead of what actually happened that day, it goes the way people thought it would: jesse puljujarvi goes third, to columbus. and edmonton, picking fourth, takes the guy whose nameplate they already have velcroed to an oilers jersey: matthew tkachuk.
so matthew trucks his way up to edmonton, with aspirations of adding "winger for connor mcdavid" to his resume. now i'm gonna level with y'all: the oilers made me very, very mad in the summer of 2016 and hockey in general made me very, very made in the fall of 2016, so i've memory holed a lot of the details of the next couple of years. but luckily i'm not writing this story for real, so i can fudge and slur my way through that part!
matthew's career trajectory in edmonton isn't all that different from in calgary -- he's good pretty much from the jump, and with some ups and downs improves as he gets older (and a little calmer). he does get to add winger for connor mcdavid to his resume, but he ends up sticking mostly on the second line, as one of leon's wingers. there's a lot of reasons for it, but in part it's because it just drives the other teams bananas. annoyingness/60 off the charts. and matthew and leon are both having a blast the whole time.
i don't think they click instantly when matthew shows up in edmonton in 2016, because matthew's a hotshot, high draft pick, legacy, the whole nine yards, and leon's still feeling a little insecure about his place with the oilers. at least matthew's not a center.
so they don't click instantly, but it comes pretty quickly. matthew's a friendly guy, when he's not antagonizing every flames player on the ice (which frankly leon thinks is very funny), and he's smart about hockey, and a fun guy to hang out with.
and so we get a few years of the mcdavid-draisaitl-tkachuk era in edmonton. a lot of goals, and maybe not as much defensive responsibility as everyone wishes, a lot of people on twitter and capfriendly's gm tool getting stressed about the contract math. and they're right to be stressed about the contract math -- that's a lot of high-end offensive talent to have stored up, and it's gonna get pricey.
and then it's the 2021 offseason. matthew's already been a holdout, and he got his deal but everyone knows the next one won't be any easier, and mcdavid and draisaitl have their long-term deals but they're only going to get more expensive. they've been swept two years in a row in the playoffs. the front office wants results, and cap flexibility (that flat cap is already hurting). so matthew gets traded.
now, i don't think he and leon ever dated or anything at this point, but they were kind of dancing around the possibility for a while. another few years, or maybe one good solid playoff run, and it would've happened. (and by it i do mean falling into bed without actually talking about anything, but they would've talked eventually. both of them are too soft and serious about important things.) so for leon, matthew is this possibility. someone he almost got to have. it haunts him a little, when he lets it. and he misses the camaraderie he had with matthew, and how well they clicked on the ice. but that's just the business. he makes new friends and finds new guys to click with on the ice, and sure none of them make his heart beat too fast in the same way but he shouldn't be looking for boyfriends amongst his teammates anyway.
they keep in touch, a bit. it's hard with the grind of the season, and the time difference (matthew's on the east coast now) that doesn't even get any easier in the summers. leon fills up the space matthew took up in his life with other friends. more time with connor. other teammates. a dog. (it's a hassle, without someone living with him, but he's got a very generous neighbor and a big backyard and money to burn on fancy kennels if he wants.)
leon dates someone else, eventually. pretty seriously, living together kind of stuff. it is easier to deal with the dog this way. he learns just how annoying it is to play against matthew, and he tries not to laugh when matthew stares him down. the two of them get dinner with connor when the oilers are in raleigh (hey, we're playing the it almost happened game here anyway) and talk about the oilers circa 2017 experience. none of them win cups, but matthew gets the closest. leon determinedly isn't jealous, and sends him a nice text when the canes wash out in the conference final. again. but you know, it's not like leon misses him daily or anything. just at odd moments, when a play breaks down and he ends up with the puck, and he spins to find matthew on the ice, because matthew would've seen the same thing he did. and matthew's not there. matthew hasn't been there for years.
he doesn't ever ask if matthew's dating anyone, and matthew doesn't volunteer the information. he thinks it'll sting too much to find out, even though he is dating someone, and he hasn't told matthew about it.
matthew finds out, though, at an all-star game down the road. they're both there, and leon's boyfriend is too, and leon doesn't even introduce them. matthew's just saying hi to everyone, the way he does, and leon's boyfriend says leon invited him, and from the look on matthew's face, he doesn't even have to say boyfriend because matthew's got it all figured out. that shouldn't bother leon, and it bothers him a hell of a lot. (matthew's dated people too, but no one seriously enough to do something like this, and leon is right that he'd be hurt if he found out.)
leon signs a contract extension in edmonton. thinks about the possibility of retiring as an oiler. gets dumped, because his boyfriend gets tired of the late nights at home alone. the core of players he was striving for a cup with in edmonton is slowly breaking up. early-ish retirements. trades. the usual stuff. and leon wants to win, and he's starting to think that isn't going to happen in edmonton.
there's two years left on his contract and, well. he's looking, a bit. eyeballing other teams, looking at where he thinks he might be able to help the most. he has a full NTC, now, and the oilers won't be happy if he asks to be moved, but he thinks they'll make it happen. he can be flexible, a bit. he's good enough to command a decent return. connor will forgive him. he'll resent it, the freedom that his presence has given leon to do things like bail on the oilers when the going starts getting tough again, but he'll get over it. the deadline is creeping up now, and the oilers could still make the playoffs but it's looking more and more like they won't, and on the other side of the continent matthew's still -- well, he's not tearing it up like he used to, but he's putting together a decent season on a competitive team. and leon's jealous.
so he finally puts in the request. feels a little guilty but not enough to not do it. this is a business. he wants to win. he's won everything else, individually. maybe they've even won the president's trophy once or twice. but he wants a cup. the cup isn't the first thing he thinks about when all the chips are down and he's going to be matthew's teammate again.
it takes some getting used to, when it actually happens. matthew doesn't just plop back onto leon's wing and learn to read his mind all over again. matthew's an established guy on the team, he's already got a line. leon's playing a bit of wing, a bit of center. leon knows better than to have expected everything to just slot back into place but there was a stupid part of him that kind of wanted it anyway. it was so easy before! and now matthew's got a whole life here and leon's the interloper.
i think from here leon spends a while being in his feelings about it. not wanting to push too hard and upset the balance of this team, because they're winning. they're playing well. it feels good. but then the team's 2c gets hurt and he ends up slotting in, matthew on his wing again and oh, oh, that's the thing they used to have. leon is totally swept up in it, and along with it the crush he used to have on matthew. the thing that always felt like it could happen is still there, simmering under the surface. leon feels it when matthew slams him into the boards in a hug, and he feels it when matthew compliments him in a scrum and he feels it at the bar after the game, drink in hand and matthew leaning in close and grinning too wide.
it's not the same, exactly. they're both comfortably into their thirties now. older. more settled. matthew has a house in raleigh, which he never did in edmonton. even leon, uprooted midseason and in a new area, feels older and more stable than he ever did at 22.
they still don't act on it. matthew thinks leon got over it. leon doesn't want to rock the boat. but leon can't stop himself from pushing a little. touching when they don't need to. knees pressed together on the plane.
matthew does realize leon isn't over it somewhere in here. he's not an idiot. he knew what the vibes were back in edmonton, and he knows that leon's hand on his back at the bar isn't platonic. but leon doesn't push, and matthew's careful about these things. and they're winning, winning so much. winning in a way they weren't when they played together before, and it feels incredible.
gonna go big romance here and say this one ends when they win the cup. neither of them's on the ice but they pile off the bench together when the buzzer sounds, and after they've had their turns with the cup -- it feels even better than leon thought it would -- and after the night has finally wound down, leon grabs matthew by the wrist the way he's wanted to since matthew was 20 years old and so transparently trying to make everyone like him.
matthew comes toward him easily, until they're nearly touching, and leon finally, finally kisses him.
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locke-writes · 20 days
Hockey Fast Facts
In which a series of random hockey facts are presented to teach the history of the NHL
The NHL was founded on November 26th, 1917 and was founded after the suspension of the National Hockey Association
Initially the NHL only consisted of 4 teams for the initial 1917-1918 and all four were based in Canada. The only still active team is the Montreal Canadiens who have often been referred to as the Habs.
Although there were a few teams who joined the NHL after that first season in 1917, none of those teams are still in existence. The second oldest team in the NHL are the Boston Bruins who first joined in the 1924-1925 season. That season consisted of 6 teams in total.
Divisions were first introduced in the 1926-1927 season and consisted of the Canadian and American divisions although one team from New York was included in the Canadian division. Today there are four divisions: the Atlantic, Metropolitan, Central, and Pacific divisions.
You may come to hear of people referring to some teams as part of the ‘Original Six’. This is in reference to the six teams that made up the NHL from the 1942 season through the 1967 season. The teams in question are the Boston Bruins, Chicago Blackhawks, Detroit Red Wings, Montreal Canadiens, New York Rangers, and Toronto Maple Leafs.
The 1967-1968 team introduced 6 new teams to the NHL and creating the East and West Divisions of the NHL. The Original Six were made a part of the Eastern Division with the new 6 teams making up the West Division. Although the divisions would change in seasons after, the East and West Divisions would eventually return and are still used to this day.
Many teams came and went but by the 1974-1975 season, a total of 18 teams were active in the NHL. This season brought change to the NHLs game structure with the introduction of teams being split into Conferences and then Divisions. The Conferences were: Prince of Wales Conference (holding the Adams and Norris divisions). And the Campbell Conference (holding the Patrick and Smythe divisions)
The 1979-1980 season saw a total of 21 teams in the NHL as the WHA (World Hockey Association) disbanded. The four teams were the Winnipeg Jets, Edmonton Oilers, New England Whalers, and Quebec Nordiques. Only the Jets and Oilers are current teams.
The 1993-1994 season saw a change in title to the Conferences and Divisions as well as teams rearranging and landing in different divisions. The Eastern and Western Conferences with the Atlantic, Metropolitan, Central, and Pacific divisions is the current format to this day. However from the 1998 season through the 2013-2014 season there were 3 divisions per Conference.
No hockey was played in the 2004-2005 season due to an unresolved lockout. As such no Stanley Cup was awarded and what is engraved on the Cup for this instance is ‘Season Not Played’
For the most part that brings us to how the league stands today. There were a few more team expansions which bring up the total number of competing teams to 32 but that’s basically league history
Note: I am planning some info posts about the teams where I’ll go more in depth on aspects like expansions, important players, etc. Wanted to keep this post fairly straightforward and as short as I could for the time being!
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Protesters displayed Palestinian flags as they marched and chanted through downtown Edmonton Sunday afternoon, raising awareness of new plans by Israel's prime minister that critics say will negatively impact the country's democracy.
A wave of protests worldwide erupted after Israel recently introduced new punitive measures against the Palestinian people and civil society, in addition to proposed changes to the justice system.
Moussa Qasqas, Canada Palestine Cultural Association spokesperson, said Israel's new hardline government is continuing to try and repress Palestinian history and culture. [...]
He explained how many Palestinians in the Middle East are now instead splitting watermelons during demonstrations since the colours resemble those on Palestine's flag.
"It seems for us in Canada as something so impossible that in your own country, in a country where connection to your land is so important," he said, "that you aren't allowed to have that connection."
"We are not going to stand for that and raise the flag." [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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nikkeisimmer · 3 months
Legacy Progress is Minimal
Having run smack-dab into a brick wall in regards to any sort of writing to further The Chikamori Legacy, I'm finding that the only thing I can do is to just go back to the chapters I've already written and screencap as much of that story as I can in-game.
A lot of the problems begin when there isn't the custom content available to match the story ideas I have in the game, or the lot size prevents me from doing the type of buildings I want to in-game.
Where I live, we have a mall called Metrotown.
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THIS...is Metrotown. It's frickin' huge. The only way I would be able to picture this kind of lot is if we were able to do a 600x800 lot and with the Sims 3 max size lot being 64x64 yeah...nope...can't be done. If I wanted to do West Edmonton Mall in a Sims 3 "Edmonton" world, it would be even worse, since WEM is even bigger than Metrotown. In fact Metrotown is only the seventh largest shopping mall in Canada.
I was 16 when Metrotown opened. I knew a time when this particular mall didn't exist. This mall opened in 1986. Yes, I know...that makes me very OLD in comparison to the majority of people playing the Sims. After 5 decades on this planet, and a brain that is getting tired, I don't know if I'm capable of learning how to do the things that would get me to the point of being able to create the things I want to create. That would involve learning how to mesh, learning how to code in a way that would enable that particular cc to do what I want it to do in game. These are things that, unfortunately, are now beyond me in mental capability.
Part of my story is IN this mall. Yeah...there's ways around it, Maybe I can make sections of the mall and use it like a set that I can film in utilizing a save JUST for that purpose.
“What the hell are you doing?” Haruo groused at a driver who had managed to change lanes only to have to slam on his brakes to avoid impacting the rear of the car in front of him who had stopped due to the traffic snarl. That particular driver ended up locking his wheels due to the snow on the ground and slid about ten feet before managing to stop the car, just before he was about to impact the rear bumper of the car in front of him. About an inch of space separated the two bumpers. River was shaking her head at the audacity of that particular driver. Haruo rolled down the window of his own car, before exploding on the other driver giving him the finger, “Snow reduces traction, ya mental midget.” River started laughing at Haruo’s acidic derogatory comment towards the other driver’s driving abilities and his mental acuity. “That idiot nearly rear-ended the other guy.”
Somehow they managed to get to Metrotown without Haruo completely losing his shit over the stupidity of other drivers; River noted that Haruo effortlessly avoided situations that would potentially end up with other less-capable drivers into a major accident. His steering was confident and he made lane changes only when necessary. Plus he’d gotten a set of Nokian winter tires for his vehicle which ended up being the best purchase he’d made, they negotiated the snow-covered road with a surety that he wouldn’t fishtail or slide unless he did something extremely stupid. They gripped the road like there was nothing on it. He eased his vehicle into the 2nd level parkade and parked near the Chapters entrance. Upstairs was the Rainforest Cafe, but he wasn’t interested in going there at the time.
The two headed to the first level food court that was in the Metrotown section of the mall. “Oh...there’s the Manchu Wok right over there.” River told him as they walked over. The four item meal was around §19.00 and Haruo paid for two of them. They went to sit down at a table. There were vendors ranging from Western and Chinese to Greek and East Indian foods and the mix of aromas in the air from the food vendor stalls was dizzying as they partook of their meal. Once they were finished, they wandered the mall from one end to the other, arm in arm. It was the one of the largest malls in Canada at the time and by the time they were finished walking around, their feet were aching. After grabbing a drink from Orange Julius, they headed back to the car. The sun was nearing the horizon and Haruo checked the time. It was 4:30 in the afternoon. In the lengthening darkness, Haruo and River got into their Mercedes and pointed the nose back towards downtown Vancouver.
So, yeah, there is a lot of text that needs to be illustrated by screencaps. It gets rather frustrating because sometimes the emotions and gestures I want to represent in my story don't have the custom content poses that should be available or I want a specific pose that hasn't been created yet. So unfortunately, I have to make do with either what EA offers or come up with something close that someone else has created. It would be so much nicer if I could master poses so that I can create the scenes I want to screencap.
And that desire also meshes into other things. Like I want this F-14 (fully colored properly with the proper logo n' everything)
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For my Tosh "Animal" Nakamura sim, my OC from JAG. No he's a full-time F-14 naval aviator, not a part-timer like Harm (the main character in JAG). This is his plane, Fast Eagle 101, Texas Gal after his beloved Meg Austin.
People say, "oh, it's easy...just rip it from FSX (Flight Simulator X), drop it into Blender, clean up the bones, then convert it to a format that's usable in Sims 3 as an object." Yeah, my head is spinning right at the point of "Drop it into Blender."
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I'm absolutely clueless. But if I want that...I need to learn HOW to do that, right? So...where to start? ~sigh~
In the meantime I get to use stuff like Sandy's (at ATS3) McDonald's food items and restaurant decor to make a lovely little McDonald's that I can utilize...since it appears to (as in real life) be my go-to fast-food restaurant if I'm (or my sims are:) hungry.
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Yes, that's River McIrish - it just so happens she has the same life-backstory as my real-life wife. So since we can't use self-made sims for our legacy spouses. Well, River McIrish was as good a choice as any to come to Haruo's side as his girlfriend, soon-to-be fiancée and spouse-to-be.
Well, hopefully my errant muse problem gets solved soon and I get to get on with my legacy.
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battle-of-alberta · 6 months
Did you know that Alberta and Saskatchewan were once originally going to be one province named Buffalo?
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for the purposes of this ask we are ignoring that Buffalo has become a bit of a buzzword for right wing western separatist parties :T; I wouldn't say it was "originally" going to be a combined province, it was just an idea that the wealthy and powerful ranchers across the southern districts really liked because it would help fuel their dream of turning the entire thing into grazing land for cattle.
Maddy did originally live in the district of Assiniboia and was sort of added to Alberta at the last minute, which is why she wasn't paying any attention to the battle to become capital of Alberta at all. Nowadays, the city of Lloydminster is the "closest" to Saskatchewan by virtue of literally being the only city in the country to span two provinces. There is a mural there to celebrate the 2005 centennial of the two provinces called Buffalo Twins.
We may not live together (as central Canada was too afraid of our potential combined awesomeness... surely) but our neighbour to the east is always borrowing our stuff anyways. Like our tendency towards austerity cuts, or Edmonton's entire lacrosse team >:'T tsk!
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bropunzeling · 1 year
“like a bookmark in my heart”
so they hook up once, at the all-star game. well, hard not to. in person, when they're not battling it out, matthew is young and brash and surprisingly funny and unsurprisingly attractive, and leon knows when he's been an asshole unfairly (even if he doesn't know how to admit it out loud). also knows how to read an offer. pretty easy, in the end, to head back to the hotel together. they have a good time.
and then they don't do anything like it after that. sure, they play hard, chirp each other, all the normal stuff, but like, matthew doesn't seek him out again, and leon doesn't offer, and it's fine. it was one night, and it was a good night, but that's all it was.
time rolls on. the oilers beat the flames and then get swept. matthew goes to florida. they don't have each other's number, or anything. matthew's friendly enough at all-star games, but then again, he's friendly with everyone until puck drop.
they lose in the second round. leon gets dealt to the east somewhere, one of the only guys without a total nmc. hurts to get pushed out, pisses him off, actually, but lights a fire under him, too. so he didn't win with edmonton. he can win here. he loves connor, but maybe this is a chance to prove his worth on his own.
a run of decent seasons with his new team. couple second round exits, couple conference finals. he's dating, ready to be settled. gets married. gets divorced a few years later. no one's fault, but it doesn't make things easier. he's trying to put down roots, but it's been hard going. he wants a cup, and he wants to feel like he belongs in a place, and lately he hasn't felt that way. it's been a few years. he's ready to move along.
florida's interested. they got to the cup final leon's last season with the oilers, lost in a heartbreaker. lost some guys after that, but kept most of the core. matthew's still there, because of course he is. leon doesn't know the guy that well -- swapping blowjobs in a st. louis hotel doesn't mean much -- but it makes sense to him that matthew would settle here. he looked better with a tan than he did with chapped lips from alberta winters. there's questions, about if they'll play well together, but it's different without the battle to make things sharp. matthew's a friendly guy. leon thinks he can make it work.
barkov is there for the press conference, obviously, but matthew is too. welcomes leon to the team and sounds like he means it, makes a crack about leon having to wait his turn for an A. it's all friendly. collegial. easy, easy. leon was right to think he can make it work.
and that's all it is -- friendly, teammates, everyone was right when they said matthew wasn't so bad -- until it's a month or two into the season, and they're at a bar, and leon looks across the table where matthew is laughing and the light is just right and something he'd buried so deep that he thought it was dead blooms in his chest and cuts off all his air, and oh, shit. maybe once wasn't enough.
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cellythefloshie · 1 year
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IMAGINE: Breaking the Rules for Tyler Seguin *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ road wife edition ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Celly’s 300 Follower Appreciation Requested by @starshine-hockey-girl
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This blurb features an Original Character, Ella, who was the first Road Wife in the Road Wife Series. If I were to ever write a Road Wife Prequel series, these would be the major events. TW//Mentions of the pandemic as this would have taken place in the bubble. 
-Ella had been fortunate to be allowed to travel with the team to Toronto, and later Edmonton for the bubble 
-it was the only way for the teams to chase the Stanley Cup
-and Ella was one of the few media personnel to be allowed to come
-but it wasn’t without some extra push from the Lightning
-Ella was essential to their regular season success before the pandemic consumed the world
-so they weren’t going to leave Tampa without her
-Toronto had been lovely
-spending each night with a different Bolts players as they took on the east for the eastern conference championship title 
-first, they tackled Columbus
-where they were forced to remember the sweep that had taken them out of the playoffs the year before
-they had won the series 4-1
-then they played the Boston Bruins
-making quick work of them as well in a 4-1 series
-it was the Islanders that gave them the most trouble as they forced a game 6
-where the bolts would win the eastern conference title before travelling to Edmonton for the Stanley Cup final
-their competition: the Dallas Stars
-they had been an unexpected competitor as they had to play Colorado and Vegas who were favourites to win the cup
-but there was no ignoring the star power of the team
-especially when Tyler Seguin was so easy on the eyes
-he had caught her attention the moment she arrived at the hotel
-the Stars had the luxury of being in the same hotel for weeks already while the Bolts would settle in
-but he had very much made himself at home
-Ella would catch sight of him when the teams were ushered into their respective halls for their meals
-or on her way to the pool or weight rooms - areas reserved for the teams and their staff during their stay
-and he very much had eyes for her too
-each time he’d see her it left him smiling
-and leaning over to say something to his teammate that she could not see as his lips were concealed by his mask
-he didn’t approach her until after game 3 of the series when the bolts were up 2-1
-he had noticed something in her
-it attracted him
-but he also noticed that it attracted the bolts team
-she had a unique dynamic with all of them and it left him curiously
-Ella had been in the gym alone when he had come in shamelessly shirtless to
-and she did her best to ignore him
-but her eyes were drawn to how the sweat travelled down his body
-and she found herself changing her routine just enough to draw his attention to her body
-a seductress, she had a refined talent
-one that she had been working on for months as the road wife for the bolts
-but it always helped when she had already sparked someone’s attention
-Ella had only meant to tease him
-a subtle and cruel punishment for catching his stare 
-but it was difficult for her to ignore him
-he was easily the most attractive man on the Stars, and maybe even the league
-she knew it
-he knew it
-and he flaunted it
-she quickly became the one that was staring
-it was only then she noticed just how relaxed he was in the gym
-and that his choice of exercise was focused mainly on his upper body
-“holy shit, you’re injured” she blurted out before she could stop herself
-“nice to meet you too,” he scoffed and she couldn’t tell if he was amused or annoyed
-“I’m sorry I-”
-he brushed it off
-and the two of them made the proper introductions
-“you must be pretty important if they let you travel with the team-”
-“the most important only after the goaltender”
-“oh, you’re a cocky one, I like it. What do you do?”
-“that’s classified”
-and he’s laughing and that’s when she realized just how close they had become throughout their conversation
-he had abandoned his equipment and seated himself on the bench across from her
-she could practically feel his knee against her own as he sat leaned in close
-and she could feel her self-control begin to dwindle
-Ella could feel his warmth
-and the scent of him was intoxicating to her senses
-worst of all any fraternization with another team’s player was forbidden and it made him all the more tempting to her
-“i really should go”
-Ella quickly excused herself and did her best to push all thoughts of him to the back of her mind
-which was easier said than done when she was restricted to the bubble
-where ever she went he seemed to be there
-and then came game 4 
-there was no ignoring him there
-every time he was on the ice her eyes were on him
-and when the Stars scored, and he had a hand in it, he was looking to her
-not even Ella’s camera could hide her from him as she looked through the lens
-he knew exactly where she was
-and when the bolts had one 5-4 in OT, he was quick to find her in the hotel lobby
-“we almost had your boys there-”
-she met his flirtation with a smile but was quick to wave him off
-“I’m sorry, I’ve got some work to do-”
-he followed her to the elevator, his hand reaching for hers to stop her from taking it up all the while slipping a copy of his room key into her hand
-“come and find me once all your work is done”
-her stomach was up in her throat as she slipped the card away and went off to her appointment with Brayden Point
-Ella’s mind was lost on Seguin the entire time
-thinking of the key card that was hidden in the pocket of her pants 
-and it wouldn’t escape her
-not until she was done with her appointment and had ended up at his door
-when he answered he was wearing nothing but a pair of grey sweatpants low on his hips
-and she was quick to draw back the mask she wore and close the space between them
-initiating a kiss
-his hands were quick to find her body, guiding her back into his room and only lingered away to push the door closed
-Ella stumbled back with him
-her hands stripping off her own clothes
-and she felt the rushed air of his swearing against her lips as he left the lingerie she still had on from the appointment with Point
-and she smiled because she know he’d think he put it just for him
-but it left her wishing she had
-Ella had been the road wife since the games in Sweden
-and she had lost a lot of herself since then
-she didn’t get to indulge herself in many things, having to abide by so many rules
-aside from the ones she selectively broke
-she served the men who played for the team
-but in the moment with Tyler’s hands on her body
-and his mouth on hers
-Ella felt like she had control of something for the first time in a long time
-and she wasn’t going to let that moment pass without taking full advantage of it
-she let him guide her back toward the bed
-falling back on it and looking up at him breathlessly
-he was hard for her
-desperate to be fucked after spending weeks abstaining from anything but the occasional handjob
-and yet he hesitated
-his injury
-“how bad is it?” she asked him slowly
-“this could be my last shot at the cup”
-his voice was broken as he spoke
-the injury could be career-ending
-and yet he fought through every game 
-because that’s what you did for the stanley cup
-“my hip”
-she crawled up the length of the bed and took the waist of his pants in her hands carefully
-Ella guided them down so that they pooled around his ankles
-and it didn’t surprise her when she found that he was not wearing underwear beneath
-he stepped out of them carefully as her hands took hold of his hips
-she kissed along his hipbone slowly, dragging her lips along the angles before moving over to the other
-then she guided him back down onto the bed so that he was comfortable among the pillows
-silently she over to straddle him
-she was going to be as quiet as possible to assure they weren’t caught
-Ella began to roll her hips slowly, careful as not to hurt him and coaxing Tyler into a further state of arousal
-arching forward she whispered in his ear, “just relax, let me-“
-the friction was enough to soak her panties with her own arousal-
-the wetness seeping down over his stiff cock
-Tyler grit his teeth as he lay back on the mattress,
-his hands coming up to grip the swells of her hips
-she pressed up onto her knees just long enough to push her panties to the side
-then Ella teased him with her wet entrance
-gliding it from balls to tip and leaving him glimmering with her arousal
-his fingers gripped her hips tighter, trying to guide her down into his cock
-but Ella made him wait
-she kissed his neck and chest slowly 
-her hand reaching down between the both of them to grasp at his cock
-she stroked it slowly, her wetness the perfect lubricant for each stroke
-Tyler cussed out under his breath as she pressed the tip of his cock to her entrance 
-his hips jutted up, silently begging her to take him into her core
-smirking, she obliged oh so slowly
-with her hands braced against his chest she rode him
-and kept him pinned to prevent him from exerting himself
-the last thing she needed was for him to injure himself further
-one of her hands left his shoulder to rub at her clit as she took him in as deep as she could muster
-but that wasn’t enough for Tyler 
-while he was getting closer with each rise and fall of her core around his cock he wanted her to writhe in pleasure
-strong hands lifted Ella from him before guiding her over into her hands and knees
-she opened her mouth to protest but he hushed her quickly 
-then as she were on all fours in front of him he slipped his cock deep inside her
-he fucked Ella hard, his hands gripping her hips and ass tight
-the side of her face was pressed firmly into the bed and she bit her lip to fight back moans
-Tyler was hitting even deeper now, reaching her body’s limit as the tip of his cock kissed her limits with each thrust
-Ella wanted to cry out in pleasure but she was forced to draw in a pillow and bite down on it hard
-only did he seize his movements when he felt her walls flex around him and he came deep inside her
-Ella and Tyler were both left panting
-and as he pulled out of her, he cussed at the sight of his seed
-she had broken so many rules by going to his room
-but she didn’t stop there as he lay out beside her
-and sleep took them both
-come morning Tyler awoke to the sound of her phone vibrating
-instead of waking Ella up he reached out to silence what he thought was an alarm
-only to find a series of reminders of our pregame appointments with 
-and he’s curious
-Ella must be the team's physiotherapist or masseuse 
-which meant she would have a record of their injuries
-and she knew about his so it was only fair
-so he clicked the topmost appointment
-and was shocked to find the terms and conditions of sleeping with one of the players
-her voice was dreamy as she sat up
-but it only took seconds to wake up fully when she found him looking through her phone
-“so this, this is what you do?
-Ella found herself stuttering unsure of what to say in fear of his judgment but he was quick to put her at ease
-“this is fucking brilliant-”
-and then she pleaded with him
-“you can’t tell anyone”
-and he didn’t
-until game 6 when McDonagh interfered with Seguin on the play
-and his emotions high, came the trash talk 
-he looked straight had Ryan and told him “I fucked your wife”
-it left Ryan stoic
-he wanted to react
-but he knew he couldn’t
-not when there was already so much on the line
-this was the game they could win it all
-and they were not going to let the series become 4-3
-while he told the players on the bench when Tyler had said to him the Bolts locked it down and went on to win the game 2-0
-they would end up winning the series 4-2
-and because of her indiscretions
-Ella didn’t get to enjoy a single moment of the Tampa Bay Lightning becoming Stanley Cup Champions
-upon landing in Tampa, Ella was relieved of her wifely duties 
-and after the acquisition of Carter Verhague by the Florida Panthers Ella became the inaugural road wife for the team in south Florida
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msmargaretmurry · 7 months
Matthew curls/slutty collarbone-appreciating anon again - BOSTON!!! Home of another rat king! My home! (Not living there at the moment, but I miss it so, if you’ve seen Letterkenny/that one episode with the two dudes from Newfoundland getting all melancholy and homesick when Newfoundland is mentioned, that is me rn. No hard feelings re: Ratthew et al. knocking out Boston, though, I was still cheering for my slutty rat boy in the final.) I hope you and all of the other scholars are having an excellent time! Are you attending/watching any games? Don’t know if the Bruins are home or away tho, I haven’t been to the Garden in years, it’s such a fun venue. Bummed the PWHL team won't be able to play there, but I get it, schedule's packed. (Much as I love Boston, I will readily admit that the fans are… eh. Basketball is probs the best of the bunch.)
Matthew is only escalating his slut phase and I am living for it, that French girl lounging, Matthew is not beating those submissive and breedable accusations (or at least the breedable ones, he’s down for a fight first, if someone wants to wrestle him down and sink their teeth into the back of his neck and hold him there he/I will not be opposed, you know.) And you know, in a post-trade Matthew/Leon scenario, what’s a rat boy to do when he’s surrounded by men who want to fuck him up/probably also fuck him, when his former ?? hookup/fuckbuddy/fuckenemy/boyfriend/baby daddy (????) is all the way in Edmonton, not flirt with them? And of course when you’re a bitchy tank who only gets to play his… whatever Ratthew is to him, best not to think about that, twice a year, you’re not gonna not seize the opportunity/nearest storage closet to chew him up a little. It’s just not done.
I am very here for this vampire AU and neck/throat appreciation/biting. I am also generally here for Matthew the problem child and/or Matthew the generally good and together child whose one moment of rebellion is bringing home a nightmare boyfriend and/or Matthew with daddy problems or at least an adrenaline/danger kink whose constitution is incapable of not goading hot vampire into trying to bite him. And hot vampires cannot be blamed, he is flashing an irresponsible amount of collarbone as is.
hello again anon! yay boston!! absolutely one of my favorite cities. i am home now and even though i love home i am missing it already. just a lovely place to spend a lovely long weekend with lovely friends (whom i also miss already 😭😭😭). i am, i'm sorry to tell you, anti-boston sports (me being an east coaster NOT from boston, i feel like this shouldn't be a surprise), but y'all do always seem have a handful of players i love anyway, and even i must admit fenway is one of the most fun ballparks i've ever been to. the bruins sadly were not in town, but we went to the bc vs. denver game on saturday, and on sunday we schlepped out to worcester for a railers game, and both of those were very fun 💞
but onto the more important topic: our beloved rat boy. a concept related to your original ask i am currently mulling over is one where they are Totally Just Frenemies Who Occasionally Sleep Together (they used to be rivals who occasionally slept together but leon is not going to call anyone who plays in florida a "rival") which means that matthew can fuck whoever he wants. and does. and tells leon all about it while they hook up, and for some reason comes out of these hookups looking like leon tried to eat him alive. perhaps he will need to invest in a tshirt that he hasn't mutilated so that he can talk to the media in the days afterward without showing off all the teeth-shaped bruises he seems to have acquired. surely this all means nothing. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
i have a couple of other asks about the vampire leon extended universe so i am going to save my thoughts about THAT for answering those so i can stick them all in their own tag 😅 thank yoooouuuu for the ask though!! 💖
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