ironstakes · 7 months
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Naturalized Etho design sketch for my thing. I figure totems and maybe some armor can be jewelry but I'm working on that, hence the totem armband. More rambles under the cut.
I'm pondering about modded armor that the narturalized Hermits might be able to wear and I think that enchanted jewelry could be pretty flexible with connecting the minecraft mechanics to how Naruto's world works. Impulse is a gem merchant outside of Hermittown if you remember all the way back to chapter 1 and I think it'd be cool if I could tie that back in to minecraft logic. Plus it would mesh better with locations I've described like the marble bridge- what if the gems light up or ward away endermen or protect carved details from the elements? As of now Kakashi has no explanation for the opulence and with how capitalistic Hermits can be I need a reason for them to not have tanked the economy of the elemental nations. So the gems need to have some kind of function beyond tool making.
If you guys saw the (now kinda outdated) Grian design then you might have noticed that the workgloves are shorter... a lot shorter. I'm debating glove lengths and drew them short here but I'm considering giving Etho long gloves. Notice the marring on his arm- that's a redstone burn. My thinking is that redstone is dangerous to non-minecraft entity peeps and so the naturalized Hermits that work with redstone regularly would have larger, thicker work gloves to protect their hands and arms. I am toying with the idea of having gems in the gloves. I'm not sure what they'd do yet but gem gloves feel very modded minecraft to me.
The belt is pretty thick... but that feels minecrafty to me and I hate drawing the edges of well fitted shirts. So thick leather belt. The sticks with the gems in the tops (and the bottoms) are the modded tools (they are collapsible and the gems correspond to the material the tool/weapon is made of) and the book is basically an inventory, but can store more. The naturalized hermits may not be minecrafters at the minute but that's not going to stop them from emulating their normal selves to the best of their abilities.
I've been going back and forth on long v short hair designs for Etho and I've narrowed the designs down to two different possibilities... but one is still long and one is still short (this one actually). Ugh. I'm working on fleshing it out.
Etho doesn't have a red eye, he's got a "blind" eye. Basically with the mods of the Naruto world the replacement eye looks physically blind but is functionally a regular eye. They haven't figured out/haven't looked into how to change its color (yet). Why does he have a replacement eye? Well, that'd be because Etho had two eyes after being naturalized, the world recognized that's not what the real Etho looks like and put him in a position to get it "fixed" (and the same is true of other traits in this universe, like Scar's scars which were gained in the same event actually).
Similarly to the glove dilemma I'm trying to see if I can work in patterns onto the Hermit's sleeveless shirt things. But as I look into Naruto's design choices and such it seems increasingly unlikely; it'd be too distinct in-world. Originally Etho had a creeper-face pattern on his shirt.
But I am giving every naturalized Hermit ugly leather boots, no way around that.
Etho is 32 here and I want him to be just slightly taller or shorter than Kakashi... I haven't decided which.
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ironstakes · 7 months
HermitcraftxNaruto Kakashi-is-Etho oneshot draft. AKA it’s not polished and stuff
Title: I’m Not Myself (I might need some help)
Summary: Kakashi had complicated relationships, specifically with the face that wasn’t his and with blond hair.
To him these things were a tsunami of conflicting feelings that slipped through his mind like sand through his fingers.
Kakashi didn’t like mirrors. His face wasn’t right, it hadn’t ever been right, so he’d been avoiding his reflection for as long as he could remember. It was impossible to hide from himself, he’d discovered early on- water, glass, and metal all taunted him with a face that wasn’t right. So he’d covered it, hidden it away so he wouldn’t have to see it. And if nobody else could see his face? Well, that just worked in his favor.
Kakashi remembers learning the hell viewing technique.
Minato-sensei had suggested it, the low level genjutsu that would help him learn to cast genjutsu with Obito’s eye. Although he was a little nervous, he did his best to be rid of the sentiment. There was no room for nervousness in a ninja’s life. Still, despite his best efforts some apprehension rose within him as Minato-sensei cast the genjutsu.
What would he see, he wondered. Would it his father, tanto buried in his gut right up to the hilt? Would it be Obito, crushed beneath rocks? Rin, with Kakashi’s own hand speared through her heart? Minato-sensei facing his own demise?
Nothing seemed amiss, at first, and Kakashi took a careful hold of the genjutsu, ready to pull it apart at any moment. Minato-sensei was speaking, saying something about studying the technique’s mechanics, but he was throughly distracted by the dark figure hidden in the training ground’s tree line.
He waited until Minato-sensei had to go and then headed towards it.
Later, Kakashi would curse his younger self.
Standing in the shadows of the trunks towering over them stood a person he couldn’t quite see, but Kakashi could tell it was meant to be himself.
It was the first time he really saw the monster within him, the monster that wasn’t worthy of its father’s love, the monster that killed Obito and Rin. The monster had no compassion for the people nor did it care at all for his beloved village. It looked at him and Kakashi felt achingly hollow. 
It had never occurred to Kakashi that he’d be afraid of himself, but after seeing the shadow he wondered how he could have ever thought it would’ve been anything else.
He turned and ran and almost forgot to dispel the genjutsu.
It had been a rough mission. It was one of those high energy in and out operations that always pushed you to the limit. 
They were anticipating resistance but they were not prepared for an opposing team of ANBU to have been expecting them. This fact was disturbing for several reasons, and looking back Kakashi would question the mission parameters and even the objective. But not now. Now he dragged his dying teammate into the sectioned off emergency portion of the hospital, wondering if they were going to die. 
Still on high alert he was still taking in and analyzing everything he could. He heard the hurried footsteps of the medical personnel rushing around in all directions, the machines and the shouting as his unit poured in. The smell of hospital and the blood. The noise, the smells, the bright clinical lights- they were all so much after the mission.
A group of masked medics rushed in and took Squirrel from him. He watched them practically run his teammate out of the entry hall, all except for one. With a resigned mental sigh he followed the medic into one of the small private rooms where all returning ANBU were assessed. 
It was quick as always. After rigidly answering the basic questions about injuries, having a quick physical exam, and providing what information he could about his teammates’ wounds they released him.  
He didn’t remember navigating his way to his apartment, but once he was inside he checked his traps and then made a beeline for the bathroom. 
Firstly, he threw up. It wasn’t that he was unused to the violence or the gore but sometimes it reminded him of things he did mind a great deal about. That, and all the running didn’t help. 
After emptying his stomach he hauled himself to his feet and leaned over the sink. A pale drawn face, expression blank and slack like a corpse, stared back at him and he didn’t feel like he was even looking at himself.
Unable to stand his reflection, he turned his back to the mirror. He flushed the toilet and turned the shower on, waiting for the water to become as tepid as it could manage.   
While waiting for the water to warm up he tired to scrub the blood off. He gave up, it would never come off, and unintentionally found himself looking back at the mirror. He was surprised that his headband was up around his forehead instead of draped over his sharingan eye as it usually was. Now, if Kakashi was less tired, maybe a little less wired, he would have realized that his sharingan eye was closed. The world was overly bright and there was a keen sharpness to everything, but it wasn’t sharingan sharp.  
Maybe if it was he’d have seen the distinct lack of tomatoe in his reflection’s eyes, or maybe he’d have noticed that his reflection’s hair was certainly longer than his. He might’ve discovered that his reflection’s headband bore not the symbol of the leaf village he protected with his life, but something else entirely. He could’ve observed that, while his reflection wore a black long sleeved undershirt that was almost standard uniform, he wasn’t wearing a jonin flack jacket, or even any kind of jacket he’d seen before. He might’ve noticed that his reflection’s hands weren’t bloodstained, but speckled with both red and green. 
As it was he merely reached up to tug the headband down. His reflection did not follow. 
It took him a moment to process that. By the time he had comprehended what he saw it seemed too ridiculous to have happened. His reflection looked back at him, in uniform and bloodstained, and he decided to sleep in the next day. 
After stepping out of the shower he dressed quickly and reached for the door handle, intent on getting to bed. He began to turn the handle and paused. He looked up into the mirror and chuckled hoarsely. He knew he was alone, just him and his own reflection, but he ran rapidly through half the handsigns for a random jutu. His reflection copied flawlessly. Shaking his head, he opened the door and stepped out of the bathroom
Kakashi wasn’t hiding, per se, but he was certainly taking a breather. 
He was disheveled, drenched in sweat and blood and tears that weren’t his. Stifling a sigh out of longstanding habit he leaned back, squinting up at the too-bright sky. He lost himself in the endless blue and was struck with a train of thought he later deemed to be born of sleep deprivation and hysteria. 
Why couldn’t he fly? He could close his eye and feel the weight on his back, and knew instinctively that he would need to use his shoulders to control his direction and his legs for altitude. There would have to be something in his hands, because they felt too empty when he pictured flying, no, gliding really, and then it was almost as though he were living it. It was freedom. He could feel the warm sun on his back, hear the wind rushing past him, smell the sea and taste the cool, crisp air in his throat. He was going somewhere, to see someone he loved- 
He jolted out of the daydream, acutely aware that everyone he loved was dead now, dead and gone. He decided he needed to sleep.  
In dreams he would not remember he flew with another man, someone with bright yellow hair. He knew with the certainty of dreams that the man smelled like iron and flowers. 
“Hey!” he shouted, turning sharply but gracefully and taking off in a new direction over the ocean. “Last one there is a stack of rotten flesh!”  
He was laughing as he sped after his friend, the sun warming his skin and the company warming his heart. 
In his apartment he’d torn the mirror off of the wall so he could brush his teeth. The only glass besides the windows was the single piece in the picture frame of his genin team. His kunai were methodically cared for and tucked away in the dark were the light couldn’t glint off of them. He never took his headband off. 
And when he was forced to confront himself the mask was always there, his eternal backup. 
People whispered and speculated, or at least they did at first and then again every so often, about why. Why did he always wear the mask? Some thought it had to do with enhanced smell, and that was the most widely accepted reason amongst the upper ranks, that’s what was put in his file. His tracking specialties certainly didn’t hurt that particular speculation. The other theories ranged from the bizarre and unlikely to the creative and mundane. There were too many guesses and they were all wrong. 
Kakashi just hated his face. He hated it more than the Iwa nin that caused the cave in that took Obito away from him, he it more than himself for killing Rin, he hated it more than the nine tailed fox for destroying his home and killing his sensei and Kushina. 
He hated his face, and something inside of him was sure that it couldn’t possibly be his.
Kakashi was lounging in a tree, purposefully slouched and orange book held loosely in his hand. Around the field other jonin ambled and rested as Hayate and Yūgao’s blades clashed in an intense kenjutsu match. The sound of clanging of steel was nothing new to him, but for some reason, he felt as though the swords should have sounded different. He must have zoned out uncharacteristically because the next thing he knew, it was his and Guy’s turn to spar. 
“Huh? Were you saying something?” he wondered aloud to cover his lapse in attention, causing Konoha’s self proclaimed green beast to grin and exclaim on his hip attitude. He tried to concentrate, he truly did, but something was tugging at him. He lost. 
Kakashi didn’t pay attention to the rest of the matches. In fact, he departed nearly immediately. He sushined directly to his apartment, something squirming in his mind, something that wasn’t the humiliation of defeat. He dug around for a pen and a blank paper, a scroll, anything while his mind was hazy. 
The copy-nin came back to himself at three in the morning and blinked down at the carefully filled pages on his counter. 
He left them and slept.  
Kakashi didn’t look at the pile of papers until nearly a month later. He flipped through the pages carefully when he did, the contents familiar and foreign all at once.  
There were swords, long, thick swords that looked all wrong for a ninja to use. They were not like any kind of swords he’d seen before, and there looked to be three distinct hilts he’d drawn over and over. 
He straightened the papers and was debating what to do with them. Unsure, he flipped the pile topside down and almost turned away. Instead his eyes caught on the swords painstakingly drawn and detailed on the back. 
He sighed and sat down again, prepared to flip through the pages of swords again and wondering what had prompted him to-
There weren’t just swords on the next page.  
Lone eye sharpening, he took in the man he’d drawn over and over. Sitting on a hill, maintaining his gear, carrying lumber, practicing with a sword, shining his armor, sitting and surrounded by papers, a pencil in hand...
His eyes were supposed to be clear Kakashi could tell, and he had lightly colored hair, a little past chin length when it wasn’t tied back. He’d sketched the man frowning only once. He was otherwise smiling: a grin with a single dimple, a small, satisfied smirk, a slight upturning in the corner of his mouth as he thought. 
Kakashi knew he’d never seen this man before. He’d remember someone like him, if only for the bizarre armor.
The next page was similar only in that swords were somewhat involved; something about the woman with the striped top that he’d doodled told Kakashi that he knew her from somewhere too. She was bisecting an unearthly shadow-like creature with lengthy limbs, she was packing sand into a geometrically patterned box, she was taking aim at a shaped target, she was swimming nearby a one-eyed fish with spikes. Kakashi noticed that she was wearing goggles and his thoughts strayed to both Obito and his sensei’s son, who also had a pair now. Her goggles were more narrow than either of theirs. 
With a shake of his head Kakashi turned to the next page, and then the two were together. They were fighting each other with their swords, they were mixing sand and a powdery looking substance together in a cauldron, they were battling the long limbed shadows, then building a bridge and fishing.
All too soon there was a single page left. He turned it over and his heart leapt into his throat. 
The two of them were high in the sky, misty clouds swirling around them, and they were laughing. They had wings, the strange, beautiful wings that looked like a dragonfly’s but he knew felt like downy feathers. 
What gave him pause was that he’d drawn himself into the picture.  
His hair was longer and his uniform jacket looked thinner, but excepting that he looked like himself. Besides the wings, of course. Picture him had wings too, and he was flying with the man and women he’d drawn on the back of nearly every other page.    
Picture him was laughing under the mask, he could tell. A real, honest laugh.
He felt a sudden, irrational stab of anger. Who were those two? Why had he drawn them? Why was he laughing in the picture, in what world did he have the right to laugh? 
He squashed that last paper into a tight ball, crumpling it without thought, and threw the impressively small wad at one of his bookshelves. It bounced off of the side and rolled under the couch. 
Kakashi tore the other pages up one by one and burned them in the sink. 
Kakashi was battling two rain-nin, both males around his age donning full face gas-masks and tanks of toxins on their backs. He defeated them easily, trapping them in genjutsu and moving quickly to help his squad. 
Their opponents were taken care of swiftly, though the last one had been fast. Kakashi was, unfortunately, nicked by a custom kunai, though it was quite literally a scratch. 
But these were rain ninja and he’d be surprised if there wasn’t some poison coating the weapon. 
He downed an anti-toxin and they moved on, the clock ticking.
All seemed well until they were on their way back to Konoha. His squad was resting and Kakashi was resting too, eyes half closed and senses spread. 
When he opened his eyes it was to the blank white ceilings and the overwhelming stench of hospital. 
Poison, he was told, a new variant. 
“Nasty! Poison is the worst,” a foreign accented voice complained. 
Kakashi was too trained to bolt upright but he did anyway. 
An oddly dressed man grinned at him. “Hello, hello, hello! Long time, no see.” 
“I don’t believe we’ve met,” Kakashi said slowly. His face was bare but he had no urge to hide from this stranger, and that in and of itself was concerning. 
“Not in this life,” the man agreed. 
Somehow he knew the man wasn’t lying, but he refused to accept such a thing. Genjutsu? he wondered. Is that why I’m so relaxed? Or maybe, he glanced to the IV, there’s a drug? 
“Who are you?”
The man grinned, his purple eyes shining. “Zedaph, at your service. Well, sort of. If I was going to clean your room I’d have to find and retrieve my maid ensemble.” 
“Um,” Kakashi said. 
“And what’s your name?” Zedaph interrupted before Kakashi could finish processing the absurd previous statement. 
“Shouldn’t you know?” 
“Well nice to meet you, Shouldn’t you know! Nah, I’m kidding,” he said at Kakashi’s expression, and Kakashi was too used to the mask hiding his mouth, “I just assumed you had a new name.”
“I have an old one? What was it?” he wondered. 
Zedaph grinned and shook his head. “That’d be telling! It’s better you don’t know unless you remember it yourself.” 
“Hm.”  He knew that if he was in the right state of mind he’d have been thoroughly unconvinced. 
“So Zedaph,” he said, the name feeling right and wrong on his tongue, “why are you here?” 
Zedaph shrugged. “I dunno. A cry for help? Magic? I was going to ask you the same thing.” 
The hospital had long stopped leaving chairs in Kakashi’s room as they tended to meet unfortunate ends and Zadaph plopped himself gracelessly onto the bed. “Since neither of us know why I’m here, want to play I Spy?”
Kakashi actually paused to consider it, but his mind wasn’t entirely muddled. 
“You said not in this life, and then confirmed I have another name. So did I… reincarnate or something?” he questioned dubiously. Kakashi did not believe in reincarnation.
Zedaph laughed. “Reincarnation? That’s an interesting concept! No, no, this thing is similar? You’re still you, and I know this won’t make much sense but your actual you is sort of buried? Nay, he’s sleeping. Or on a vacation? You’ll understand one day.”
Kakashi decided that Zedaph had no idea what he was talking about. 
The blond continued to talk and his voice was comforting, and he was warm, and Kakashi would berate himself later for drifting off with a relative unknown literally right on top of him. When he was aware enough he alerted the proper channels and was reassured that there had been no such person and Kakashi was told that he must have been hallucinating, which was added to the list side effects of unknown poison. 
Kakashi begrudgingly accepted that explanation, for nothing else made sense, but the thought of having another life before this lingered in the back of his mind. 
The war had kept him busy, and then the post-war missions had run him ragged. Then the nine tails attacked and then-
-well, now he was here, in a mess of politics and neck deep in ANBU. He hadn’t seen his face in years. Not since he got rid of his bathroom mirror. It wasn’t on his mind so when he stopped at the moonlit river to wash the blood off of his chest plate to make himself a bit more presentable and he pulled the mask off with the intention of swapping it out for a cleaner one he froze, the distorted sight of his face peering up at him from the river.  
He felt the white hot rage explode across his body, every nerve singing with screams urging him to do something. Kakashi took several breaths and the cold air turned to shards of glass in his throat as his reflection copied his movements. He had half a mind to destroy the river as foolish and illogical as it sounded. 
But the longer he looked the more reluctantly intrigued he became. His fury never abated but he couldn’t tear his eye away from his hideous stupid face-!
He entertained thoughts of taking a blade to his head and carving it off of himself. This wasn’t his face, after all. Wouldn’t it be better if he got rid of this face? 
The haze he’d worked himself into receded as pain bit into him and Kakashi realized that he was pressing a kunai into his own temple, awkwardly positioned like he was going to shave bits of his flesh off as though he were woodcarving. 
He yanked himself away from the river and tumbled backwards with a lack of grace he’d not had since he was two.
Kakashi surveyed the village, or what was left of it. 
Pain had decimated everything. 
It didn’t feel as heart wrenching as he would have expected it to, but Kakashi just chalked his lack of emotional response up to battle fatigue, especially since he’d died earlier. 
He pressed his hand to his side and a fresh wave of pain crashed into him, almost knocking him off of his feet. If he didn’t get medical attention soon he’d be dead for sure this time. 
And would that be so bad? 
He was a failure as a teacher, a poor comrade, and no matter how Guy tried, Kakashi just was not a good friend. He was not happy, was barely a shell of a person. He’d been serving as a part in this well oiled killing machine for years, was it really so bad to just want to stop?
But they need you now more than ever, a part of his mind whispered.
They’ll always need you.
No, Kakashi thought mournfully, they wanted a tool. 
He sat on the rubble, a wall torn asunder, and let his blood drip onto the dusty floor.
Would he see his father again? Rin? Minato and Kushina? 
Would he see Obito? 
But what if he didn’t? Kakashi hauled himself to his feet and trekked to where his apartment building once stood. No one paused to give him a second glance. 
Finding what was once his was difficult. He located his book collection, ruined beyond repair, and some of his uniforms. He sifted through the debris and try as he might, Kakashi just could not find the picture of his genin team. 
He did find a crumpled ball of paper. Something tugged at him and he unfurled it, the picture he’d drawn years ago. 
Suddenly, finding the photograph didn’t seem nearly as important. Kakashi clutched the paper between his trembling fingers and a laugh echoed though his mind. 
He knew the man was something called a knight, and that the woman was a deft hand at the sword. 
The knowledge startled him, and unbidden the one sided conversation he’d had with Zedaph popped into his mind, specifically the part about the actual him being buried. He’d never made the connection between his random bouts of imaginative recollections and potential deja vu- they were memories, he knew now.
Kakashi sank to his knees, too tired to stand, and looked up at the sky. He really could fly, and he did at some point. The sky was open and freeing, refreshingly chilling, and he wished he could have flown, at least once in this life.
He smelled iron and flowers.
He laid down to die.
He closed his eyes.
And then he woke up. It was disorienting, to say the least, to be dying in the ruins of his home and then be standing with perfect health in an endlessly grassy field.   
“You aren’t okay.”
Kakashi spun around, reaching for weapons that weren’t there.
A short man in a baggy red sweater looked at him from eyeless sockets. Kakashi was unnerved slightly. Had… was he dead?
The endlessly flat world didn’t yield anything- there was no terrain, no buildings, and no clues. The only source of information stood in front of him. 
“Am I dead?” he asked.
“If you want to be,” the man said with a frown. 
Kakashi paused to consider that. Did he actually want to die? 
“What happens if I want to?”
The man’s mouth twitched oddly. “You come home.” 
“Home?” he repeated, a feeling he couldn’t discern crawling up his spine. Was he never going to see his precious people again? 
He asked.
“Mmhm,” the man hummed unhelpfully. 
Kakashi didn’t reply. 
“You don’t have to decide now. Time pretty much means nothing,” the man reassured at his apparent agonizing over the decision. 
And they waited and waited, and although they were standing Kakashi never grew tired. Eventually he asked, “Who are you?”
“I’m Grian. What’s your name?” Grian asked.
Kakashi narrowed his eyes. “You know me,” he accused.
“That other you,” Grian admitted, “not this you.”
“Who was I?”
“I don’t think I should tell you.”
“Why not? Why won’t you tell me who I was?” demanded Kakashi, frustration mounting. The feelings that had been haunting him, the phantom sensations of something from before, and the mystery of the drawing and Zedaph all connected to a past Kakashi who wasn’t even Kakashi. 
“There’s a barrier in your essence that basically allows you to be this,” Grian said, waving vaguely at Kakashi. “You won’t be who you are now you if too much leaks through. Knowing your name will tear it apart.”
“Maybe,” Kakashi said slightly peeved, “I don’t want to be me.” 
Grian was quiet. “Are you sure?” 
“You can’t go back. There’s no undoing this.”
His failures replayed in his mind, every one of them, and the ruined village and his father’s legacy and Sasuke and-
Well, Kakashi didn’t have anything waiting for him there. Naruto had Jiraiya and Sakura had Tsunade, and the village had more than enough competent shinobi- they didn’t need him, specifically. He’d be replaced. He took a breath and made his choice. 
“I don’t care.”
Grian tilted his head and then smiled slightly. He crooked a finger towards himself, beckoning Kakashi forwards, and he moved closer and closer until they were just barely touching, fingertips brushing the space just below Grian’s elbows. 
Grian stood on his toes and Kakashi tilted his head downwards. 
His name was a booming roar, a quietly whispered murmur that tore him apart and hurt worse than the two deaths he’d experienced that day. 
It was bliss.
Kakashi melted, melding with someone greater, something bigger. Something inhuman, someone the universe itself loved. Something that was the universe.
Clutching at Grian’s shoulders, he shuddered. Grian smiled widely, monstrously, genuine and delighted, and wrapped his arms around his friend.
“Welcome back ᒷℸ ̣ ⍑𝙹.”
He didn’t feel hollow anymore.
They say death changes a person.
Of course, the saying referred to witnessing death, to becoming acquainted with the smell and taste of it. As of late, it was holding true in a more literal sense.
Ever since Kakashi had died he’d been a bit… off. It was like something had broken; he was an entirely different person.
Killing had always left marks on people but now he was genuinely unbothered, if he decided to kill at all. If he were anyone else the lack of empathy would’ve gotten him flagged and benched, but he was one of- if not the best- ninja Konoha had. 
Most alarmingly, he stopped caring about everything else too. He forgot to feed himself and he forgot to sleep, laughing when people brought it up. He didn’t bother with the minimal social interactions he’d practiced before, though he suddenly seemed very fond of Guy. He even stopped going to the memorial stone and when questioned, was open and frank about his team and their deaths, recounting them like it was something he’d heard about and not something he’d experienced and struggled with for two decades.   
Kakashi had changed fundamentally, and nobody knew why. He was more whimsical than before and somehow even more emotionless. 
But he was still Kakashi, knowing things only Kakashi could’ve known. Sakura and Tsunade suspected some brain damage had caused the sudden shift in his personality, but nothing concrete was found to back that belief up nor disprove it. The working theory was that the building that had fallen on him and killed him the first time had caused the injury, and when Pain resurrected him, it had healed wrong. 
The mind was a tricky thing. It was so frail, so fragile. It could forget all too easily.
The soul never forgot.
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ironstakes · 2 months
Writing You Can’t Take it Back ch 16 and need some input.
I’ve got all sorts of ideas ranging from godhood to Jevin being a “summon” of “Asuma” from Kakashi’s pov, but the dynamic is something I can’t quite settle in my mind. I hope this poll will give me a more definitive direction!
If anyone has other ideas, feel free to let me know :)
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ironstakes · 8 months
In You Can’t Take it Back the hermits are designed by their world to be op, but aren’t really because they are not ninja. They can’t keep up with the speed of ninja, for one. But that can’t be their only fault.
As players they only have certain mobs to kill- creepers, horses, baby zombies, dragons, etc. but everything is a standard height and each mob has a specific hitbox. They are used to looking up 60° and shouting at phantoms or looking straight ahead and slashing at zombies. They know to jump to get critical hits and they like to move side to side with their whole face trained on their opponent. This is obviously not how fighting in Naruto works. Because of what they are used to doing their aim is all off. It is either too high or too low and they all miscalculate their reach because they are all used to everything having exact and regular dimensions, themselves included. Similarly they are bad at judging how much force to put into things. They’ve got it mostly figured out but sometimes they go a little harder or easier than they mean to.
They do have good form though. They unconsciously mimic the form and posture of their original bodies (which is naturally optimized) and that muscle memory from hundreds of thousands of years of fighting mobs remains ingrained in them. It’s just that the forms they have are not practical for their new world. Jumping does nothing and in general, moving your head is a good idea.
They are used to more stationary and predictable opponents, I’d say, when compared to ninja. 
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ironstakes · 1 year
YCTiB Moon Big and how the Hermits ended up in Naruto + wth is up with Kaguya. Also, plants.
Once again, this is for my hermitcraft x naruto crossover fanfic You Can’t Take it Back. This is, obviously, HUGE spoilers of the current fic and subject to change. Anyway, onwards, the ramble is a long one. So, as the first part of the title says, let’s start with MoonBig:
I’ve decided that there was a catastrophic server failure. After the moon crashed things were bad. One by one the hermits died off, alone or in small groups, except Xisuma who couldn’t die. A lot of the hermit’s deaths were unpleasant and as the admin, Xisuma felt echoes of all of them dying and losing their connections to his world and how their souls were drifting, waiting for him to make a new world as they were still tied to him and the season 8 world too. Between moon big and how he’d been under Evil X’s control all season, Xisuma’s not exactly at his best. I made a different post that mentioned server stability and Mumbo’s role as ‘CEO of the server’ before and I like the idea of Xisuma being in an admin-related unstable state right out of the season 8 gate. Regardless, Xisuma is stuck with a faulty connection to a dying world where his hermits are suffering and he can’t do a thing. 
Instead of creating a new typical minecraft world like normal he instead makes a smaller, finite world and because of the moon ordeal of season 8, creates it without a moon. The world is ‘modded’ and it’s easiest to farm and harvest plants for exp and to get resources in this world. In theme, a special tree grew at spawn and over time it would be overshadowed by the growth around it.
After guiding the hermits’ souls to the new forming world and waiting a bit Xisuma started to build a thing. It wasn’t really anything specific but it had a lot of rooms, some dedicated to the things they’d never get to complete in the season cut short, and after a while he stopped moving and stood, afk, and wouldn’t move for millions of years.
Time passes and eventually this world becomes recognizable as the Sage of the Six path’s era. A young pale princess named Kaguya who yearns for peace hunts down the god tree (unbeknownst to her, the spawn tree) and eats a chakra fruit to gain supernatural power, intending to use her abilities for peace and to be a just ruler.
At some point she stumbles into a ravine, perhaps subconsciously drawn to the root of her power. Deep below ground, buried beneath sediments settling atop it for longer than humans have existed in this world, is the thing Xisuma built. She wanders the rooms and finds him AFK but believes him to be a statue. She moves to wipe away some of the grime on Xisuma when she notices some color beneath the debris but the chakra she had from the spawn tree reacted with Xisuma, a player and the world’s admin. She saw snippets of things about Xisuma as her main powers were eye based, including the moon crash, a respawn, the impression of afk as a sort of stasis, and a primordial version of her world and she incorrectly deduced that Xisuma had destroyed the world with the moon in the past before creating the building as a temple of some kind and falling into a slumber.
Now throughly terrified of a creature that was certainly not human and had ended the world before she flees, and slowly she begins to accumulate more and more power, haunted by what she’d seen and determined to prevent another apocalypse by any means necessary. Her measures seem extreme to everyone and she begins to turn crueler as people turn their backs on her and lose trust in her, but no matter what she implies or says no one believes her about a slumbering god that could end them all. Realizing that she’d have to stand on her own against Xisuma should he ever awaken she strives to cast aside her humanity and become a god herself since it was the only thing she could possibly do to combat him without help. 
This leads to her lust for power and the ends justify the means ideals that give rise to her zetsu army, however her sons never learn that she was driven by fear, not greed. They fight her ‘corruption’ and seal her away, making a moon much to her horror- she then believes that Xisuma influenced them to do so and is preparing for another armageddon; he had corrupted her sons behind her back somehow, making her mourn that they’d been turned against humanity but as a ruler she understands sacrifice. She is determined to stop them by any means necessary even if they are her sons because the entire world isn’t worth ten thousand lives, never mind two. 
Xisuma meanwhile has no idea any of this has happened and is anxiously waiting for his hermits to be reunited (as they won’t ‘spawn’ in until certain conditions are right). He’s long overdue for some hugs, they’re long overdue for some bodies, and they all need to recover from Moon Big.
When he finally feel’s Scar’s soul tugging some hundreds of years later he stepped out of his crumbling build and was pretty upset to discover that the world formed a moon anyway.
Phew, finally done with this segment! I tried to keep as many elements as I could from the canon Naruto Kaguya storyline and tried to make them cohesive, like adding reason for Kaguya to go from kind to cruel as she had canonically and added an explanation that actually makes sense as to why she interacts as she does with her sons. Like, if she hated them for ‘stealing’ her power why would she get so teary in the final battle when Naruto and Sasuke reminded her of them? That didn’t make sense to me… same with her power lust conflicting with her supposed desires for peace. If she wanted to protect earth from the beginning, which was her reason for eating the chakra fruit, then why was she ‘kind’ at first with a milder approach? The reasoning for her temperament shift never checked out as the level of danger she was aware of never changed; nothing really prompted that huge shift in her as far as I’m aware. I mean, she is an alien in canon, she knows what her kind are capable of from the start so why the back and forth? Plus adding Moon Big and Xisuma purposefully making a moonless world explains why there wasn’t a moon initially as in Naruto canon the Sage of Six Paths creates it when he seals Kaguya away. I thought that lined up so neatly! 
Plus the naruto world being a plant based modded world explains the importance and power of plant based things in Naruto canon (wood release, the god tree, etc.) as well as the hermit’s obsession with plants… there are no exp grinders or deep mines that reach to nonexistent bedrock, no villager trading or iron farms: everything is plant based, hence their focus.
So yeah Kakashi’s going to have A Time. Seriously, how the hell is he supposed to piece this story together? 
I guess the plants will continue to whisper to him ominously for a while yet.
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ironstakes · 3 months
It's alllivvvveeeee!
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ironstakes · 7 months
Chapter 14 already! Now I can vanish for a month :3
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ironstakes · 7 months
What’s this? A new yctib chapter?
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ironstakes · 1 year
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mumbo's shirt says "redstone nerd" btw :p
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ironstakes · 1 year
My plot plans and ideas for You Can’t Take it Back. Spoilers, much spoilers!
Topic: hermits, clans and Konoha
Someone, a wonderful person, in the comments mentioned clans searching for their lost members. 
I love that remark and I actually have something planned around that from when I was plot sketching and so I’m happy people are already thinking in that direction! The idea came to me from canon and fanon and the countless fics I’ve read over the years, but in general people seem to accept that Danzo took more than a few clan kids. I wanted Kakashi, who was in Root in the anime (but not the manga if I recall correctly) to start looking into missing persons in the village after he meets Mumbo properly and then accidentally uncover missing children in connection to Root. This will obviously spiral into politics BUT I’m liking this idea for a few reasons.
I have a “Hatake revival” planned and blaming Danzo for the hermits popping out of the woodwork would be funny
It can be a great way for Kakashi to explain the variety of the hermits and I’m sure he’ll bullshit a reason as to why they aren’t trained
Blaming Danzo also has the benefit of giving me more wiggle room with Sasuke and more opportunities for his relationship with Naruro, and even with Kakashi. After all, they all are the last of their clans with newly discovered relatives. 
This will let me add Tenzo and Sai in earlier than canon and that will be fun. Ren and Tenzo will be chill but if you stir in Tsunade’s waffling abt becoming hokage and some clan politics… yum
Danzo has canonically worked with Orochimaru for the Senju cell implants and stuff, so this will only increase Kakashi’s paranoia towards Xisuma and co. and we love good old assumptions causing misinformation
Danzo’s fusion goals and success are a great way for Kakashi to connect Xisuma’s (apparent) second in commands, Cleo and Jevin, to body fusion. I want Kakashi to come to the erroneous conclusion that X’s been collecting the hermits to take pieces of each of them to create the perfect body and that will add an entirely new level of horror and high stakes to the situation
The above will also make Sakumo seem even more evil and cause Kakashi more emotional problems, which I want
I hope to get more input and inspiration from people and discussions, other fanfictions, art, shower thoughts, etc. and I continuously tweak ideas until they are posted but these are the current ideas I’ve worked out. 
Notes for the numbers
1- I’ll make a separate post for the Hatake revival idea 
4- the senju clan politics problem is still very rough and I might not do it at all, I’m still workshopping and brainstorming for that and have not decided on which direction to go
6- Cleo and Jevin seem like second in commands bc they are players so they can do stuff that the naturalized hermits cannot, plus the naruralized hermits are in hardcore mode while Cleo, Jevin, and Xisuma are in regular hard mode. This means that Cleo and Jevin will tell the others to back up and let them handle the deadly/dangerous stuff and after Moon Big and emotional problems, the others are inclined to listen hence the appearance of a chain of command. Will also be a seperate post, will be moon big part 2 as they are connected
7- Sakumo isn’t evil, he made the best choice he could have with the information he had that Kakashi hasn’t come across yet. Sakumo’s reasoning ties in heavily with the Xisuma and explaining Kaguya stuff I’ve got going on, will also be a separate post for people who want spoilers 
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ironstakes · 1 year
Here’s some stuff for my HCxNaruto crossover fic, You Can’t Take it Back. Spoilers! Beware!
So part of the concept for the fic is that most of the hermits have been ‘naturalized’ or born into the world as one of its indigenous lifeforms instead of being in the world in their true player forms. This means that they are going to have a variety of differences from their true forms i.e. how they look with their player skins and that they will be subject to different rules. They don’t cause the world to trigger a random tick speed, for example, and can’t use items like bone meal in the instantaneous way a player can.
I’ve been giving thought to the naturalization process and how it would change the hermits. Part of the mc lore is that the universe loves players and in the Naruto world, the ninja nations are the most powerful. There are many ways to become a strong ninja but the clan bloodlines are notoriously overpowered and give whoever has them a huge advantage. The world/universe would definitely give the hermits situations in which they get that advantage. That is the current (shared) logic for giving each hermit an ability or bloodline limit (kekki genkai). There is another reason, but I’ve decided not to spoil it for now. 
So then, who has what? 
Before that, I did also chart out the ages for the hermits. This is NOT related to the human people, just the characters! So my basis for the order and approximate spacing out of the ages was the upload date of the first mc video I could find on their channel, with five exceptions: 1) TFC, as the real human dude explicitly said in his first video that he stated playing mc for the first time on the previous Thursday in his first mc upload; I used that date for his character 2) Etho, whose age I adjusted to make sense for when Sakumo could have a first family according to the timeline. If I hadn’t he’d have been too old to be Kakashi’s brother 3) Xisuma, Cleo, and Jevin as those three were not naturalized. As they are still in their true forms I’m just giving them a blanket age of ‘thousands of years old’ for convenience. I know that mathematically seasons are roughly a century but I am purposefully making the hermits much, much older than that.
Having a body that’s a certain age in a certain place doesn’t mean that thousands of years of memories are gone. This leads to some strange behaviors and expectations from the hermits from an outsiders perceptive.
For reference, Kakashi is 25 when my story starts. We begin before canon, and he will be 26 when the canon timeline begins.
Without further ado, the fun part-
Jevin: thousands of years old - player
Xisuma: thousands of years old - player; Admin
Cleo: thousands of years old - player
Scar: 48 years old, Deiton or mud release (clan not named in Naruto canon)
Hypno: 46 years old, Ketsuryūgan which is hypnotism and blood/iron manipulation (Chinoike clan)
Bdubs: 45 years old, Rinnegan that he uses to grow plants; still has shreep powers but doesn’t know it… (in Naruto canon the obtaining the Rinnegan goes like this: a) it can be given to someone by a god or b) someone with a Sharingan and Six Paths chakra can activate it)
False: 43 years old, Shikotsumyaku; a bone bloodline that lets you grow out your bones and use them as armor/weapons (Kaguya clan)
Joe: 40 years old, chakra chains but pale blue white instead of gold; sealing in standard galactic (Uzumaki clan)
Cub: 40 years old, can phase through matter and change size to half size or double size (not from Naruto canon, based on Vex)
Ren: 38 years old, Mokuton aka wood release (Senju clan)
TFC: 36 years old, Byakugan with a specialty of locating and picking out earth materials (Hyuga clan) 
Beef: 36 years old, does know some of his clan’s medical techniques and has the unnamed clan bloodlimit that allows him to absorb chakra to duplicate appearance and also memory of a body (Rinha clan)
Impulse: 34 years old, no kekki genkai but has a condition where his body produces extra chakra (hyperchakra synthesis?, not Naruto canon)
Tango: 33 years old, has Koton aka steel release (Metero Konjiki is the only named individual in the Naruto canon with an inherited steel release, for the fic I will assume there is a Konjiki clan) 
Zedaph: 33 years old, he’s a very good sensor and animals, even summons are disinclined to disobey him (made up, not in Naruto canon)
Etho: 32 years old, white chakra (Hatake clan- this isn’t canon, rather fanon)
Doc: 32 years old, regrow allows the regrowth of limbs and advanced self-healing (not Naruto canon, made up based on true form Doc missing so many parts, the universe wants to keep him alive here)
xB: 31 years old, has Meiton or dark release which allows him to take chakra from others and control it (clan unknown / unnamed in Naruto canon)
Mumbo: 27 years old, has fully unlocked sharingan and no idea there are multiple stages (Uchiha clan)
Keralis: 27 years old, can induce genjutsu by hearing his voice (made up, based on Keralis having the Silkiest TM voice)
Iskall: 24 years old, Jiton aka magnet release, allows the user to make a magnetic field to manipulate magnetic items (not unique to one clan, seems decently widespread for a bloodlimit)
Stress: 24 years old, dual kekki genkai of Shoton and Hyoton or crystal and ice release respectively. (The Shoton is the bloodlimit of the Yuki clan and their descendants; the Hyoton is unique to one individual in the Naruto anime and there is never a specific clan associated with it)
Wels: 23 years old, can chakra bond with people; bond lets him know where his in-network people are and their general state of being + can infuse things with his chakra, including people, but this is a bind instead of a bond (bonds are mutual, binds are involuntary on the target’s part. Ability is made up, not Naruto canon) 
Grian: 20 years old, can turn to dust and possess people (Iburi clan)
Gem: 19 years old, is able to absorb and use natural energy (ability from Jugo’s clan, which is unnamed)
Pearl: 17 years old, has night vision + has an immunity to genjutsu (made up, not from Naruto canon)
Whew, that’s a long list. As you can see, Kakashi has plenty of reason to think Orochimaru has been collecting them… how else would so many people with unique traits and kekki genkai end up in one place? And this is on top of the zombies and skeletons generated by the players around Hermit Town leading him to suspect use of the reanimation jutsu.
Currently I’m pretty happy with this ability lineup. Ren’s going to appear almost eeirly similar to the First Hokage for those who remember him, so I’m looking forward to that. Mumbo and Sasuke are going to be a hilarious combo, and can you just imagine Joe with Naruto?? And then Joe vs Jiraiya? A poet and a writer, two seal wielders who are dangerous and creative in their own rights. I’ve also been thinking about what to do with Sakura- she wouldn’t feel drawn to anyone as she won’t have a ‘blood relative!!? Must Interact.’ moment. I’m thinking about having her hang out with Doc or Scar atm because that seems the most comedic. I’m still pondering that, however, and team seven forming and meeting the hermits is still pretty far off.
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ironstakes · 7 months
Kakashi spills his guts to his departed sibling. Then he gets that Tango tutorial and it's actually kinda enlightening.
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ironstakes · 8 months
You Can’t Take It Back Chapter 12 WIP
There were only so many people in the tiny town and Kakashi had matched a good chunk of of the names and faces already. Unfortunately, while he’d heard the name ‘Doc’ in passing he had yet to see who exactly that was. He had to find out. This information hunting, at least, was something he was familiar with. He was already integrated with the locals, now all he had to do was find someone and wait for an opportune time to ask questions.
… that would’ve been easier if he could find anyone. 
Previously he might have thought that the locals were spread out across the land and have wasted time trying to happen across someone in a field or similar work location. Now he knew better. He needed to head underground. With the architecture of the area he’d seen below and number of water transporting systems in general it seemed safe to assume that a non insignificant amount of time was spent tending to something below the surface. Returning to the hollowed tree that lead into the large underground area, he dropped into the chute from before. At the bottom he ensured he was alone and this time gave into the urge to scale up the side. From his new vantage point, the view was breathtaking. There was so much to look at. No hamlet nor town nor city had ever come close to the chaos radiating out from the cavern. The colors were bright and vibrant and dull and monochrome, the structures not carved into the rock were tall and thin and squat and robust; there was no set style, no unity, and yet everything seemed to meld and flow into its neighbor. Plants were dispersed generously between the buildings and they hung from the cavern’s ceiling, and they were even draped across some of the buildings too. Yet the place didn’t feel overgrown; it felt busy and lived in.
He hadn’t gotten a chance to appreciate it earlier. 
But from up here, something became abundantly clear, something that hadn’t occurred to him earlier. It felt lived in, but the streets were bizarrely barren. The size and amount of structures was disproportionate to the amount of people he’d seen around the settlement. Even if he’d added two dozen to their number there would still be that number of empty buildings thrice over.
Surely some must be storage and such, he rationalized. He hadn’t, after all, seen any barns or silos aboveground.
Using his altitude to his advantage, Kakashi turned to scan the stony streets for any signs of life and was rewarded when he spied Iskall sitting on the pristine steps of a tall, blindingly pale building accented with off white and rich cyan blues. It took no time at all to cross the distance and up close he could make out the conflicted expression gracing the other man’s face. 
That was as good of a conversation starter as any.
“You seem troubled,” Kakashi said by way of greeting.
Iskall didn’t startle, though his eyes did jump over to the suddenly-there ninja. Sighing deeply, he leaned back on steps and craned his head back to look up at Kakashi properly. “I suppose that’s because I am,” he chuckled humorlessly. “I guess you haven’t gotten a chance to speak to True, yet, since tournament is over and you sort of disappeared, dude.”
“Yeah, haven’t gotten the chance yet,” Kakashi replied. And he didn’t really intend to seek her out, not until the last minute. She’d be safer without him poking his nose into her life.
Iskall nodded and closed his eyes. “I was thinking about your brother, you know? I see a lot of him in you. I think it’d be nice to get to know you as well… if I do not then it’s not really fair to either of you, I feel.”
“I- Etho?” Kakashi asked, quite surprised with the turn the conversation had taken. 
“No, Etho is very unique and I’ve known him longer. And he has a <nametag>, too. I meant you and Gyusha.”
“They’re the same,” Wels had said, and only now was Kakashi comprehending that Gyusha was a part of this twisted community, that he’d been friends with these people. Did Wels see Gyusha in him? What about Stress? And he knew that kind of pain all too well- even now, whenever he had the assignment to guard Naruto, looking at the boy hurt because of how much Kakashi was reminded of Minato-sensei and his wife.
No one had ever looked at him and seen someone else they were fond of. It was a little disconcerting. What did they feel when they looked at him? He briefly wondered what True might’ve thought and quickly dismissed it.
“It’s alright if you don’t want to- I sort of dumped this on you out of the blue,” Iskall continued when Kakashi had been silent for too long.
“I asked,” Kakashi pointed out. 
“I guess you did,” Iskall conceded. “It’s still some pretty heavy stuff. Congrats, by the way, on your win. It was omega-epic.”
Kakashi picked his words carefully.  “Thank you. Glian was a tricky opponent.” 
Laughing a little, Iskall nodded. “Oh he is the sneakiest little troublemaker you’ll meet. He always creates problems, you know,” he mused fondly, “and then drags anyone nearby into it. It really brings us together, you know? Otherwise we’d live up to our name.”
“Inja,” Iskall grinned widely, almost involuntarily, as he spoke.
Inja. Hermits. 
Interesting, and also too obvious.
“You… call yourselves Inja then? Isn’t that a bit contradictory?”
“Maybe… I mean, it could be. I don’t think it is though.”
“I see,” Kakashi lied. 
Iskall snorted, as though he could tell, and changed the subject. Looking up and down the vacant streets, he asked, “Has anyone given you a tour yet?”
“Not really… I’ve been to the shrine though.”
Taking that as a cue Iskall stood and grinned. “Well then what are we waiting for? Welcome to the Underground.”
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ironstakes · 1 year
Was messing around, here's a quick hermitcraft/naruto crossover thing. Stills and explanation under the cut.
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This is for "You Can't Take it Back" which is (as mentioned) a hermitcraft/naruto crossover. As for this art... the Iburi clan all have dark hair but their kekki genkai was too good for Grian. I couldn't not. In the current draft of the next chapter there's a flip to his pov and a bit of lamenting that he can't use his eyes, hence my inspiration.
If he looks a tad pissed/evil, good! Grian is going to be one of, if not the biggest, obstacle in Kakashi's quest. And since Kakashi is the main pov people working against him are the antagonists (which everyone synonymizes with evil for some reason, so I figured I'd lean into that a bit).
I've been thinking a lot about what kinds of style everyone's designs would have because in the Naruto world each place has its own sort of theme or pattern when it comes to clothing. I wanted to be consistent with that. Overall I want to keep to a sleevless/short sleeve and high collar style with thick, clunky looking boots. I did this while thinking that they should be good for a lot of wear and tear. I was also messing around with the idea of work gloves for some of the hermits when I was sketching this so it ended up in the pic. Some of them (like Bdubs who has his moss cloak) will have more elements of their skins than others and it's based on a bunch of stuff I'm not going to bore the two people reading this with.
The next chapter is technically finished but I want to rewrite some phrases and segments because the part latter of the chapter doesn't feel right to me. I've been tweaking things slowly but surely. I can't wait to finally introduce Joe though, that's going to be a blast to write.
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ironstakes · 1 year
For the people wanting to do a think about this chapter I present Things I Want to Point Out (all from Tango’s exposition):
“And then there was the father. Sakumo and his wolf, Gin Obake… They were from a bigger village in the south east…”
“Sakumo was very intent on his kids doing ninja things…”
“She’d mentioned building to Sakumo once and only once. He didn’t take it well and doubled down on the knives and stuff. And what could a kid do in this situation?”
“Becoming ninja wasn’t about protecting them and it was going to kill them. So he didn’t know why exactly Sakumo was pushing the ninja-ness so hard with the border problems right?”
“…Sakumo maimed Scar and Etho, though Etho’s eye was an accident mind you…”
“…wolves and Xisuma showed up and killed half of them, Gin included. They threw down and whatnot, completely totaled the hamlet…”
And from the last chapter:
• ‘“Happy now?” Scar pouted, and that was certainly an odd thing to see on a man who had to be in his forties.’
• ‘A little mud? Kakashi thought incredulously. 
Scar had, without a single hand-sign, created a pillar out of earth and then turned it into a staircase.’
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ironstakes · 3 years
Tags I use
#HCxNaruto or hermitcraftxnaruto: what it says on the tin
#hermitcraft timeline project: A bunch of math stuff I was doing to make a Hermitcraft timeline
#Turfwar fangame thing: The rpg maker hermitcraft thing I sometimes do
#CastIronCrack: similar to sibling stuff but less about stories & more about anything products/posts that we do together
#digitalsketch: anything art related- sketches, fanart, og stuff, anything.
#fanfiction: fanfiction drafts, writings, and ideas/concepts as well as links to AO3
#sibling stuff: stuff regarding Cast & Crack, like stories or funny things
#thoughtful rambles: things from Thoughts & Ideas, other misc. things I consider, overlaps fanfiction and writing ideas
#writing: writings, excluding fanfiction
#tin foil hat time: speculations and silly ideas and outlandish theories. I’m all about The Good Story and with the power of fiction, anything is feasible 
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