#High Risk Pregnancy
I think I might need a little extra support right now but I'm not really sure where to get it.
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pro-birth · 2 years
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cocoanmelaninsims · 8 months
Feeling good I got an episode out before labor. Blood pressure is still high and induction is scheduled for 3 days from now.
Having mildly painful contractions that are not consistent and I just need to distract myself with some YouTube videos because contractions plus a squirming baby divided by uncontrollable shaking equals no sleep for mama. Post some YouTube videos in the comments if you have any. Or link me your stories. It’s gonna be a long ass night. Bless my husband literally rubbing my belly and talking to me in between passing out and snoring lol 😂 I love my group project partner.
Currently watching a recommendation for Ashley Plays .
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Hi all, I am reaching out in hope of assistance with raising funds towards bills, around $200. I recently lost my job a few weeks ago, am waiting to start another and am currently undergoing a high risk pregnancy with lupus, as well. If anyone is able to help in any amount, I would be eternally grateful
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inevitablemoment · 1 year
“what’s the bad news?”
Word Count: 673
Warnings: Past possession, past dubcon due to identity issues, nausea, dizziness, fainting, hospitals, vomiting, pregnancy
Fandom: Ghostbusters
Pairings: Marie Spengler x Julian Matthews (OC Pairing)
I’m sorry that I’m a little late with this one, but I had some writers block, but not to worry. Here I am again, writing a new pairing, but this time, it’s one of my OC pairings; Marie Spengler (Egon and Cathleen’s second daughter in the universe were Cathleen didn’t get cancer) and Julian Matthews. If any of you want me to get into their backstory in an ask post, I’ll happily do it. I’m also introducing another OC-- Natalie Stantz, Ray and Willow’s middle daughter.
Marie took a deep breath as she laid down a wrench, hoping that it would help her stomach settle.
For the last few weeks, she kept having these bouts of nausea. Though she had only truly thrown up three times, she hated feeling like she had to vomit and yet nothing actually came up.
Even though she was afraid that touching her stomach would make the pain worse, she did so anyway. A small groan was able to escape from her throat without her having to move her lips.
Upon hearing her friend, Natalie looked over her shoulder from where she had been working on the Ecto with Trevor. The teenager followed suit, seeing his aunt visibly in pain.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
Marie turned in her chair to look at her nephew and friend, only to feel as if something had shifted in her stomach-- even if there was barely anything in there.
“Nothing,” she tried to lie. “I’m fine, Trev. I’m fine.”
“You don’t look fine,” Natalie pointed out, setting her tools down and wiping her hands on her pants as she walked over to Marie. “You look a little peaked-- and when was the last time you slept?”
“I slept last night-- we all need sleep,” Marie snapped.
“When was the last time you were able to sleep through the night?” Natalie asked.
Not for a while, Marie wanted to say.
Not since she had gotten the call that her father had died.
Not since she had to return to the town where she was a pariah.
And certainly not since some Eldritch dog took away all of her bodily autonomy.
The nightmares were came every night like clockwork-- for both her and Julian. But she was the one overwhelmed by guilt of dragging Julian into this mess in the first place.
If she had just ignored him that day when she and Callie were dropping the kids off at the summer school, then they would never have gotten mixed up with each other again, and he wouldn’t have been possessed, too.
“I’m fine,” Marie instead repeated, leaning by her hands against her worktable to help herself stand up.
“What-- where are you going?” Natalie asked.
“I just need to grab something from upst--”
Marie stopped talking; she had barely even taken a step and she was beginning to stumble. The words coming from Trevor and Natalie were indistinct and echoing in her head.
The acid in her stomach was beginning to creep up her throat, with the acid remaining in her stomach seeming to curdle up like spoiled milk. Her hand flew to her mouth, but it didn’t stop vomit from escaping her mouth in her stifled retches.
“Marie! Oh, my God!”
As Natalie began to instinctively take hold of her friend, Marie tried to reach for the table for support again. Before she could grab it, she began falling. Natalie caught her before she could reach the floor.
“Trev, buddy, call Julian and your mom and your grandma-- I’ll call an ambulance,” Natalie instructed.
Julian had rushed to the hospital as soon as Trevor had called him. Cathleen and Callie weren’t too far behind him. And both of them wasted no time asking Marie why she didn’t tell them how she was feeling, and numerous other questions.
And as much as he wanted to ask her the same things, he knew that she just wanted him there so he could hold her hand.
“So... what’s the bad news?” Marie asked the doctor.
“Well, your test came back from malnutrition and anemia,” Dr. Jasons began. “How long has it been so you’ve eaten something?”
“I... I’ve tried,” Marie answered. “But I... I keep feeling so sick that I can only get a few bites down at most.”
“Well, there’s an answer for that-- you’re pregnant.”
Pregnant? Marie wondered as her eyes widened. How can I be pregnant? Julian and I haven’t--
But the Gatekeeper and the Keymaster did, that familiar voice that had followed her since childhood reminded her.
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heartfucksmouth · 1 year
let's see if CVS has my damn insulin ready. I love that the doc was like "I'd like you to start it tonight" on FRIDAY lmao and it's now Tuesday and I still don't have it. I'll be on insulin for maybe 3 weeks before i give birth. that's probably not even enough time to really get a grasp on what dose is gonna help. jfc.
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dogtorari · 1 year
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My beautiful boy ! I am 22 weeks now and he’s just getting bigger by the day! I love these appts and seeing how much he’s growing! His skin is still a bit transparent and he’s still developing his features but he can suck his thumb now (which he did), he can breathe, taste, organs are developing further, and he’s kicking me a lot! He’s so active. In these pictures he is hugging my placenta and had his hand in front of his face. 🥹💙 I am so in love with my son. I can’t wait to meet him in 4 more months!
I love you my sweet Amari 💙 Forever and always. Everything I do now is for you.
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kp777 · 2 years
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In 6 years of trying to build our family the amnio was nowhere near the hardest thing I have done, but it was one of the strangest. Seeing a needle inside my uterus (and amniotic sac) via the ultrasound was amazing. So cool, but so weird. The procedure itself was more uncomfortable than painful and was over in less than 3 minutes. My MFM is a boss.
Today I am a little crampy and extra sleepy. The worst part though is not being able to pick up my girl. It's killing both of us. I should be off all restrictions tomorrow so it's only a short term inconvenience.
Now we just wait for results.
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High-Risk Pregnancy
What is a High-Risk Pregnancy ?
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"The biggest risks are those we take with our hearts," wise people once said. A high-risk pregnancy is the best example of this. A high-risk pregnancy is one that may result in medical complications for either the mother or the child. High-risk births can be effectively managed with continuous monitoring by a medical specialist and a well-designed birth plan. However, the countdown to the big day can be a rollercoaster ride, and it's easy to become overwhelmed along the way. Have faith in your husband. Allow him to bear some of the emotions you are feeling.
This is a joint beginning for you, and it's only fair that you both participate equally. Also, discuss your concerns and worries with your doctor. There is no one better to update you on your progress. If you are feeling especially burdened, talk to a psychologist; this could be liberating and allow you to focus on the important things, such as staying healthy during your pregnancy.
Why do high-risk pregnancies occur?
Factors that make a pregnancy high risk include:
existing health problems.
maternity-related health issues.
lifestyle elements (including smoking, drug addiction, alcohol abuse and exposure to certain toxins).
Age (being over 35 or under 17 when pregnant) (being over 35 or under 17 when pregnant).
What warning flags and symptoms indicate a high-risk pregnancy?
Vaginal bleeding or watery vaginal discharge.
Severe headaches.
Pain or cramping in the lower abdomen.
Decreased fetal activity.
Pain or burning with urination.
Changes in vision, including blurred vision.
Sudden or severe swelling in the face, hands or fingers.
You can consult Gynaecologist in Deccan to have a health assessment done. This will pave the way for any potential conditions to develop once you're pregnant.
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Shree Sainath Hospital is the most recommended and Best Maternity Hospital in Nashik. This hospital offers unbeatable Gynecology treatments. Experienced and passionate doctors are working to serve patients with the best care. We offer a wide range of gynecology services. We provide our patients a homelike atmosphere, where they can feel relieved and share their worries with our Gynecologist. We provide a comprehensive range of high-quality, world-class obstetrical and gynaecological services that a woman may require at various stages of her life.
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nashikborneo · 9 days
Nimai Borneo - High Risk Pregnancy Care in Nashik
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At Borneo Hospital In Nashik, Our dedicated team is committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate care to expectant mothers facing complex pregnancy conditions. We aim to create a caring environment for high risk pregnancy care in Nashik, using expertise and innovation to improve outcomes and provide top-quality care.
Introduction to High-Risk Pregnancies
A high-risk pregnancy involves increased health risks for the pregnant person, fetus, or both. These risks may be due to factors in the pregnancy, such as multiple births or preterm labor, or they may stem from preexisting maternal medical conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or lupus.
If you are looking for High Risk Pregnancy Care in Nashik then Nimai Borneo - High Risk Pregnancy Care in Nashik  is the best choice for you.
Contact Us :
Nimai Borneo - High Risk Pregnancy Care in Nashik
5th & 6th Floor, Shree Vallabha Nagar, Archit Sai Avenue, behind Old Chhan Hotel, Mumbai Naka, Nashik, Maharashtra, 422001, India
 +91 8669668651
Find Us On The Web :
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hospitalinnashik · 11 days
Nimai Borneo - High Risk Pregnancy Care in Nashik
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At Borneo Hospital In Nashik, Our dedicated team is committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate care to expectant mothers facing complex pregnancy conditions. We aim to create a caring environment for high risk pregnancy care in Nashik, using expertise and innovation to improve outcomes and provide top-quality care.
Introduction to High-Risk Pregnancies A high-risk pregnancy involves increased health risks for the pregnant person, fetus, or both. These risks may be due to factors in the pregnancy, such as multiple births or preterm labor, or they may stem from preexisting maternal medical conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or lupus.
If you are looking for High Risk Pregnancy Care in Nashik then Nimai Borneo - High Risk Pregnancy Care in Nashik  is the best choice for you.
Contact Us
5th & 6th Floor, Shree Vallabha Nagar, Archit Sai Avenue, behind Old Chhan Hotel, Mumbai Naka, Nashik, Maharashtra, 422001, India
+91 8669668651
Find Us On The Web :
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highriskborneo · 17 days
Nimai Borneo - High Risk Pregnancy Care in Thane
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At Borneo Hospital In Thane, Our dedicated team is committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate care to expectant mothers facing complex pregnancy conditions. We aim to create a caring environment for high-risk pregnancies, using expertise and innovation to improve outcomes and provide top-quality care.At Borneo Hospital In Thane, Our dedicated team is committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate care to expectant mothers facing complex pregnancy conditions. We aim to create a caring environment for high-risk pregnancies, using expertise and innovation to improve outcomes and provide top-quality care. Introduction to High-Risk PregnanciesA high-risk pregnancy involves increased health risks for the pregnant person, fetus, or both. These risks may be due to factors in the pregnancy, such as multiple births or preterm labor, or they may stem from preexisting maternal medical conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or lupus.
If you are looking for high risk pregnancy  then Nimai Borneo - High Risk Pregnancy Care in Thane is the best choice for you.
Contact Us :
Nimai Borneo - High Risk Pregnancy Care in Thane
Larkins 315, Namdeo Wadi Marg, Banacha Pada, Panch Pakhdi, Thane West, Thane, Maharashtra 400602, India
+91 8806668655
Find Us On The Web :
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heartfucksmouth · 1 year
today was a bit better and I saw some family for Easter. my BP readings stayed about the same (morning vs when I got home again) and I tried really hard not to eat a lot of carbs so my blood sugar didn't go insane. I think I went over still bc .. everything was carb heavy and i had almost no protein/fiber since all they had was ham and turkey and I don't like turkey much but I can't eat ham. There was tons of rice and potatoes and candied yams. I ate mainly salad and coleslaw lmao but I grabbed a good piece of lasagna bc my aunt makes it so good. diabetes sucks :)
we picked up our car seat and stroller (the Nuna Tavo + Pipa Lite) from my mom's house, and i love it. It's so lightweight but has awesome safety ratings. we're gonna install the LATCH base tomorrow and practice putting the system together and taking it apart.
I just spent way too long looking at pediatrician offices, and I'll have to double-check they take Medicaid. it's so confusing bc insurance won't add the baby to my plan until (clearly) he's born, but the pediatrician offices want to see him within a week and where I'm giving birth needs the pediatricians information when I'm going into labor. it's like, well, this doesn't really line up, but okay.
I'm tired, but I feel like I have so much to do. I'm 1/3 packed for our hospital bag - mainly toiletries and the baby's going-home outfit and an extra swaddle sack - and gathering paperwork. I just ordered a nice bathrobe which will be helpful.
my birth Class is also insane with the amount of information and the amount of homework we need to do during the week. my head legit feels like it's spinning most of the time. I thought info would help calm me down but I get such anxiety and feel this weird pressure bc I have to be induced and they do focus a lot on unmedicated/natural birth and like making labor + delivery some spiritual beautiful empowering experience., which I don't think I'll have. they have a lot of info on how to advocate for your needs which i appreciate, but my trauma basically convinces my mind that I'll end up being at the mercy of the nurses etc and idk. I want to be more confident about it but I'm mainly scared haha.
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dramritasaha · 22 days
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