#Hugh Wise
m-a-salter · 1 year
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Period Drama Appreciation Week 2023 | Day 1: Favorite adaptation | Sense and Sensibility (1995), directed by Ang Lee, screenplay by Emma Thompson
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sincerelymarner · 6 months
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daisy jones & the six, taylor jenkins reid
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ateriblewriter · 10 months
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"just go." the overwhelming fear of potentially hurting you took ahold of him and a strange feeling of panic pain hit him in the back of throat as the words left his mouth.
luke hughes often got this intrusive thought when picturing the future the two of you could possibly share together, he just never expressed it in verbal form. he thought he could get a handle on it, control the fear and maybe he could conquer it.
"what have i done wrong? please luke." your mind rakes through all the memories, sifting through all the happy times and the bad ones, trying to figure out why he ask you to do that. nothing came up.
"nothing. absolutely nothing." he took a shaky breath in through his nose, holding it in his lungs for a moment before letting the carbon dioxide exit the same way the oxygen entered.
"then why?" tears were starting to form on the water line of your eyes. you go to wipe them away but they appear back in a matter of seconds.
he loved you so much he was afraid he was going to hurt you. little did he realize that what he was doing now hurt you more than anything.
"because i love you." he whispered to no one in particular as he watched you walk out of his life when he didn't respond to the your previous line of questioning.
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
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save me hughesy save me
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parttimesarah · 9 months
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Michael Sheen as James the Mugger, Sean’s Show (22 Dec. 1993)
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antebellumite · 1 month
top 5 antebellum politicians, not including presidents
For the sake of not making this response boring, Im going to personally remove all three of the triumvirs from the running. All three of them are now in Spot 0. Benton and Hayne can be there too.
Which leaves five spots for...
John Randolph of Roanoke literally the MOST fascinating guy. Hes wilder than a herd of horses hoarse on meth. literally created a slur. he brought dogs into congress and stripped in the house of reps and got into verbal and physical fights. he dueled everyone to the point where his contemporaries commented that he should be in a straightjacket. he asked the cousin of the person he was dueling with to be his second in the same duel. he was a dramatic bitch who ordered a european badge of honor to be made for him in honor of that duel. he bemoaned that no one would care about him when he died. when he was near death he painstakingly made his way to the us congress gallery to hear henry clays beautiful voice one last time. whenever the wife of a congressmen he was insulting was in the gallery he doubled down on his insults. when he died he freed the people he enslaved but he did a piss poor job so everything just fell apart. he has tuberculosis but it was contained solely to his dick and so he suffered an inferiority complex and an inability to progress past puberty because of it. and also maybe he had klinefelter syndrome bc of a imbalance either ways, my name on discord is john randolph hrt not because i GENUINELY think he would support hrt, but because the fact that there is a CHANCE he would is still higher than the rest of his colleagues.
Henry Wise also the most insane guy of the time period. like jror, got into fights, but this was way more about slavery. he picked fights with jqa all throughout the gag war. surprisingly woke on several topics including thanksgiving and the rights of native americans. he says some of the funniest things ever sometimes. he thinks abolitionist is a slur. he became a general in the confederate army but got kicked out for being a bitch. somehow flip flopped between every. single. political. party. of his era. including almost becoming a republican near the end of his life. his irreverence for law and order is astounding. he bullied john tyler and literally everyone in congress. the fact that he was drinking buddies with franklin pierce and got him elected but also got pierces friend killed in the cilley graves duel is insane. the fact that in order to try and get henry clay the presidential nomination he literally bent his knee at hugh lawson white and did the equivalent of the uwu face is insane. the fact he more or less murdered john brown is insane. the fact that ralph waldo emerson said that if brown and wise were in a different life, they could have been friends is even more insane. like damn ralph waldo emerson now is NOT the time to be shipping abolitionist john brown and the slavery supporting secessionist governor of virginia who murdered him together. also not going to lie the fact that he never sought a pardon after his involvement in the confederacy is actually a breath of fresh air for this time period. go girl acknowledge that you are undeserving of a pardon or forgiveness for your crimes. i honestly cant do this guy justice without just telling you gto look at my #the field of blood tag. this guy. also i will not lie i did not actually understand his violent tendancies (which to his credit he wasnt like a maniac or anything ) until i saw his photograph. and uh yeah. shaking hands meme between jror and henry wise and the connecting factor is looking feminine and having a serious complex because of it.
Hugh Lawson White his hair. the way hes the only antebellum politician whos wikipedia page actually says what his personality and style was like. fascinating.
Charles Sumner hes such a loser. he deserved so much better. once he fell of a train. he was called his great impotency. he got caned one time and thats all everyone ever remembers about him. his main biographer did him SO DIRTY. he might be ace he might be gay. the hermaphrodite by julia ward howe is probably about the love triangle between julia him and samuel howe, julias husband. he has incredibly modern beliefs about things! hes funny and he has a three way benign rivalry betwen himself seward and douglas. he waxed poetic about daniel websters head and then felt betrayed by him. he once stroked his own head glumly. his eyebags. he got hit with a brick once. his handsomeness is the work of legends. hes awkward and gentlemanly and depressing and optimistic and so many many things its beautiful and he was beautiful and i love him so much! i love his friendship with mary todd lincoln and the way he was basically looming in abraham lincolns window every other night throughout the civil war.
William Plumer Jr. LITERALLY my guy!! his anecdotes are all so fascinating. the time he had a very dramatic meeting with daniel webster about Fate and Destiny. his involvement with preserving american history from the very beginning. just lovely and wonderful and i basically yassify him whenever i imagine him in my head. just wonderful. and these are basically all of them i think, though i like a lot of congressmen of this era.
Bonus, have a drawing of henry wise, a calhouny hugh lawson white for some reason, and fem plumer!
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didanagy · 11 months
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dir. ang lee
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nathalieskinoblog · 8 months
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ijustdontlikepeople · 11 months
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Barzy -> Nathan Scott walked so
J. Hughes -> Conrad Fisher could run
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donpishya · 3 months
Art request!
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I am so sorry for the long wait on this one...😞
The person who requested it was anonymous, so I hope the person who requested it will see this.
Right: Henry A. Wise
Left : Hugh Lawson White
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jt1674 · 8 months
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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Day The Earth Stood Still (1951)
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gtsypodcast · 7 months
Find Getting to Show You wherever you get your podcasts! (Ep. 2 Sense and Sensibility 1995)
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seeing patrick kane interact with quinn hughes during the off-season was not on my 2023 bingo card tbh
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garadinervi · 1 year
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de Volle Maan 22: 'Engelse en Nederlandse Rationale Tekeneingen', de Volle Maan, Delft, 1976 [Exhibition: Full Moon Gallery, Delft, July 10 – August 15, 1976] [Room & Book, London]. Cover Art: Kenneth Martin, Drawing Chance and Order, 1975. Works by Kenneth Martin, Peter Lowe, Gillian Wise, Norman Dilworth, Anthony Hill, Malcolm Hughes, Michael Kidner, David Saunders, Jean Spencer, Jeffrey Steele, Ad Dekkers, Jaap Van Den Ende, Gerhard von Graevenitz, Willem Lefeber, Peter Struycken, herman de vries
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