#I guess I'm a little bit on that King/Collector shit
haystarlight · 1 year
King (about The Collector): He is not a woman, he is not a man
King: He is something you will never understand
King: But he would die for me
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lollytea · 1 year
opinions on the collector??!!!
I LOVE him!!! He seems to have such a skewed concept of morality, which is not his fault, but he clearly means well. He's a little confused but he's got the spirit!!
The way the Collector treats those they consider friends/family is so telling of who they are at their core. Like....he treats King a lot better than I imagined he would. Not that I ever saw the Collector as a malicious figure, just....a little kid who was never taught how to play nicies. I figured they'd treat King more like a toy than an actual companion and throw a tantrum if King didn't cater to their every whim. However, this episode made it clear that this isn't the case at all. The Collector is nothing but polite and friendly with King and is even way more respectful of his boundaries than I expected him to be.
The Collector doesn't demand to sleep with Francois. They ask. Because Francois is King's toy, not his. And when King expresses discomfort with that, he pouts a little but doesn't push it, asking for a compromise instead. He doesn't want to fight with King because King is his friend and he loves his friend!!
The fact that they let Odalia stick around is also very telling. Mamadalia. Who the fuck came up with that title? I know it wasn't the bitch herself. It could have only been the Collector who decided to start calling her that. They want a mommy!!!
They're just a baby!! They're scared of being alone!! They like bedtime stories!!! They want to play and make friends!!!
I think the Collector's idea of right and wrong is also very interesting. Because it's not like he's not aware that there's any difference. He's very insistent about being nice and everybody else being nice but he can't really grasp the concept that what he's doing isn't nice. In his own words, he's just "playing pretend" and as long as he's not physically hurting anybody, it's fine. And like....fair. This isn't even because they're an omnipotent godlike entity, this is just because they're like six. That's just how six year olds are. As naturally sweet as a little kid is, empathy can be a complex matter to wrap their head around and it takes a bit of maturing before they can fully understand it.
I think it's so cute that he seems utterly enchanted with Eda, even to the point that they are very nitpicky about Terra's inaccurate depiction of her. "A cool aunt vibe who pretends to be all coldhearted but actually cares a lot!!" Like?? Okay so Eda is his blorbo. (Not gonna go into how this description of her basically confirms that he can at least somewhat understand the complexity of people.) She's probably his favourite protagonist in all King's stories and he's clearly eager to meet her.
It's interesting that they're obviously jealous of Luz but not Eda. I guess it's because they fulfil different roles in King's life and Luz's is more similar to the Collector's, while Eda's is parental. I'm pretty sure they're hoping Eda will take them in too, just like she took in King and they can all be one big happy family.
Also I can't keep watching that scene where Moldy!Raine manipulates him because it makes me scream and bite and cry. The way their little heart breaks when they're led to believe that King wants to hurt them.
("That didn't sound....very friendly... :(" STOP IT!! STOP!!! HE'S BEEN HURT AND BETRAYED ENOUGH BY PEOPLE HE TRUSTED!!!)
(Also "You're fibbing!! You're definitely fibbing!!!....right....?" I can't take this shit anymore man. That's just a baby. A little baby....)
The final scene in the special was so fucking ominous because the Collector got angry. But what kills me, what totally destroys me, is that seconds before they got angry, they were sad.
The Collector is a very interesting character. He's sweet and he's vulnerable and there's clearly a lot of lore bubbling under the surface and I'm so excited to see how his story ends. I hope he gets a happy ending.
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FTF thoughts
hookay FTF thoughts here we go! It's long so it's under a read more hah! There are parts about FTF I liked but a lot...also not really. I will say as a disclaimer I do understand that due Disney cutting the show things changed and things that were planned or set up had to be altered or dropped entirely. But there are so many choices in terms of writting and some personal biases from the crew that really just make me wonder "BUT WHY" Philip! Augh again an episode where he spends doing....nothing. Though this is more a general complaint of mine in the series over all esp now I've watched trough toh a couple times is that as a villain Philip doesn't really do all that much. Anything intresting he does do is either cut short, or we only learn about it via flashbacks/background info. I know Dana said she hates writing him and it shows! Which is honestly a shame because even if you dislike him, he's not just a cut and dry villain there's a lot of substance to him. And it's really sad to watch that go to waste.
I DID like the scene with Ghost Caleb, I had theorized for a long time that he was being haunted by the ghost of his brother/previous GGs and it's nice to see I was correct about that. And him saying "Oh, shut up." to them was funny, AND I WAS RIGHT ABOUT HIM HAVING ONE FINAL GRIMWALKER, but sadly much like anything intresting it wasn't meant to be. And now he's possesing Raine.
Which I apolgize for anyone who likes Raine, I really don't. And I'm sad that I don't but Raine just has such little substance, take away the fact they're Eda's ex and...there's not a lot there. Now of course Raine isn't the only character who suffers from this issue but Raine is more in your face because being Eda's ex means they're supposed to be more revelant but there's just not a whole lot there. Raine roleplayers I beg of you, PLEASE help me like Raine! I know they have potential but the show will not provide!
And to close my thoughts off on Philip so far, I'm sad they're just having him do the same thing, all signs point to him going to restart the draining spell, which kinda makes the whole DOU thing feel pretty moot. Sadly the way things are just makes so that there is just not a lot they can do with him in general. I've been expecting him to die by the end of the show since Hollow Mind and I figured he was going to kick the bucket by the end of King's tide so they could give all the attention to the collector (we'll get to him next). But guess he'll still be there for the finale. Regardless RIP Philip Wittebane, you were a great villain but you wound up being wasted.
Now onto The Collector....
Oh boy. Now given he was included because of the cut I was already a little iffy on him since Philip WAS already a great villain for the show, but ok fine, lets see what they'll do with him.
OOF. They pretty much declawed him instantly, compare to how TC acts in season 2 vs how he is in FTF. We got some intresting tidbits such as the collectors having been an entire species, who as their name suggests collect. But if something prevents them from collecting they'd go nuclear and kill everything, except we are shown TC doesn't like this. Which honestly is stupid as hell given HE LITTERALLY HELPED PHILIP TO PLOT GENOCIDE, but no, he gets excused of that because he's "uwu baby" ugh. I am willing to bet that the collector who caught the owl beast will be a different collector and not the one we know (it was a nice nod to see the Owl beast act up when seeing the collector, poor creature was tortured basically)
I also wasn't impressed by the Weirdmageddon but watered down. (The bit with Terra was funny) And Odalia...well she's there...yay? They said they were going to go ham,but fail at going ham F
So The collector so far is just a watered down Bill Chiper and not even a good one at that.
Huntlow, fucking hate it, sorry not sorry. As a trauma survivor I'm honestly so tired of the trope that we need romance to be "fixed" I don't give a shit if "Plus sized girls should see they can get the hot guy too" as a plus sized person, there are different ways they could've done that. Body positivity is important yes but this isn't the way to do it. Did we really need half the episode spend on Boscha and Kikimora? I don’t think so Stringbean? Her design is hella adorable but her being a “shifter” just feels like fan service to me, since many people have been speculating what her palisman was going to be Dana just said “Oh, she’ll be ALL the things so nobody is wrong” they should’ve just been her base snake form. woof, I really don’t want to be so negative but it’s hard to ignore bad writing when I see it, to quote what someone said in my discord server “So far, TTT and FTF really just feel like nothing more than afterthoughts” and honestly, I agree. I will be excited to watch the Finale in April (provided Itunes doesn’t fucking leak it again) but my hopes are all but gone, I don’t have much if any expectations 
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taxes-and-laundry · 2 years
Okay. Okay okay okay. Wow that was an episode.
Still don't know how the Emperor knew about the plan.
The symbol in King's nursery was a symbol to hide him from the Collector. Even after the Collector was imprisoned, King's dad still feared him somewhat.
And like christ, the Collector is crazy powerful! Did anyone else say "oh shit!" when they straight-up moved the moon?
Also Luz is home and took the gang with her! Damn, she's gonna have a lot to explain to Camilla. Also calling it now, they're gonna have to go back to that conspiracy theory guy to try and track down some way to make a portal. Maybe they'll track down whoever led the Wittebanes to the Boiling Isles in the first place.
Speaking of the Wittebanes, Belos saw Flapjack, shouted "Caleb" and hulked out, which seems to confirm that Caleb was his brother's name and Flapjack was his Palisman.
Also loved that little Amphibia cameo.
And like. The coven heads saw their mistake in the end, but it doesn't make a difference. Even all together they're no match for the Collector. The only person who can stop them is King, let's just hope he can keep them occupied long enough to figure out how to reimprison them.
And can we take a moment to talk about just how many Golden Guard masks there were? Shit.
And no one died! Except maybe Raine but I'm sure they're fine (speaking of no one dying, I wonder how that little bit of Belos that made it to the human realm is gonna fare. Personally i think Belos is done as a villain, but we'll just have to wait and see)
Anwyas all this is actually making me a little more worried about the specials. If the writers aren't very careful it's gonna feel incredibly rushed finding a way for Luz to get back to the Boiling Isles, rescue everyone else, and find a way to reimprison the Collector in just three hours. I mean at the very least the gang doesn't even get to spend any time on earth, which is a damn shame, there's a lot of great story possibilities there (here's hoping we at least get a reasonable timeskip so that Gus can live out some of his dreams in the interim). Like shit, Amphibia waited half a season to solve their reverse isekai, and for good reason. These things need to last if we want them to feel important. If I had to guess, unless they've come up with something real creative, the writers are probably gonna spend more or less one special on each of the points I mentioned above, which could work provided the action is properly paced.
Sorry for rambling, I guess I just needed to get my thoughts down
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shijiujun · 4 years
hey so uh, it's 110% Not Your Job, but can i ask for like a crash course on these chinese bl series that are everywhere around me but i don't know them. like i'm familiar with the untamed or however many names it has but i'm seeing two or three more???? help please if you can thank you
hello!! oh no worries, i happened to be looking for a distraction too so this was timely hahaha although it’s a pretty broad question since there are so many new live adaptations coming out (and some which have already come out which are featured as bromances), but let me see if I can like round this up for you a little. 
*i may be giving you a bit more than you need or like irrelevant stuff, but i guess i’m bound to hit something hahaha
Okay so the chinese BL series you’re talking about is The Untamed, and since you said you’re familiar I won’t get into it in detail, BUT just for like flow’s sake:
The Untamed (Chen Qing Ling) is based on the danmei (BL) novel written by MXTX, called Mo Dao Zu Shi (and yes however many like English translations to this title there is), or MDZS for short. You watched the live-action, and there’s like a lot of other versions of it e.g. the anime, the chibi anime, audio dramas etc. etc. the list goes on. In case you still haven’t seen any of those, just glance through this masterpost made by @the-social-recluse​ - In any case, right now everything is sort of already out EXCEPT:
MDZSQ - chibi donghua, cutest shit you’ll ever see
More MDZS merch 
Some teasers from MDZS mobile game which has been one year and developing
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Now moving on to other BL series floating around so frequently - MDZS is the second book that MXTX wrote. So there’s SVSSS (The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving-System), which is also called lovingly by others in the fandom by Scumbag System/Villain in short, this is MXTX’s first danmei novel. Right now if you’ve seen this on Tumblr, it’s the anime (donghua) version - 10 episodes only for Season 1, available on WeTV with subs, finished airing like a few weeks ago. Translations of the novel are definitely out in full somewhere.
An absolute mess, but an organized one
Tried to do a manhua but failed
Everyone thought the donghua wouldn’t air on time either (it has a history of dropping development halfway) but it did
Would probably be the most entertaining if ever dealt with a live-action
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And then there’s arguably, the most beloved child out of all three novels (at least right this moment) - TGCF (Tian Guan Ci Fu, or Heaven Official’s Blessing). This is the third and so far last (???) danmei novel MXTX has written, main pairing invented love. Strawhat-wearing scrap collector smiley angel with devoted kid-turned-adult-turned-ghost-king who follows smiley angel for like many years because he loves him. Anyway, if you’re seeing this, once again on Tumblr a lot, it’s the donghua version you’re seeing. Still airing, I think we’re midway through the whole season, the yelling starts Saturday (Asia time zone) and then extends into Sunday, sometimes Monday.
There’s like a god-tier Eng translation in full for TGCF by Suika
There is a manhua for this as well, only like 45 chapters in, but the time Jan/Feb 2021 rolls around, the donghua would have overtaken the manhua progress on the storyline HAHAHA
Apparently the director/production team who did CQL/The Untamed managed to get the rights to filming its live-action, but heh nothing much about that just yet aside from casting rumours and fans worrying that the casting will be done wrongly and also that they won’t be able to do justice to the story.
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Alright now that we’ve more or less cleared MXTX and what everyone is hyping over (for good reason), let’s move on to the other CHINESE BL stuff you could be seeing (although I feel like you might not actually be asking about this), and these will all be live-actions (I’m also only clearing SOME of this year’s stuff, so none from before 2020, don’t ask me why I didn’t leave Guardian or SCI up here):
✨✨✨ Already aired, done and dusted or maybe ongoing, just ones I see on my dash and notifs so I definitely am biased ✨✨✨
The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty (Cheng Hua’s Fourteenth Year) - Many episodes, much bromance, base novel is gay af, but live action is cute af. Read more here and full translation is not yet done I think
My Roommate is a Detective - THIS IS A SPECIAL MENTION. NOT BL. Doesn’t even have like a book to go along with it, it’s just I’ve seen people getting into this again and creating content, so idk, imma just leave this here. It ain’t BL but it got the most glaring BL-esque relationship I’ve ever seen in my life. You’ll get what I mean if you watch it
The Lost Tomb Reboot - AGAIN another special mention, because many handsome young-ish men who you know, head into tombs, much bromance. Based on a huge series of novels, totally not BL, but as always with like a lot of men put into one story, ships happen. This year as well, in case you’ve seen it floating around
✨✨✨  Upcoming Chinese BL live-action adaptations, confirmed + casting + filming. You may have seen some of these because like posters were recently released etc. - As far as I know these are all slated for 2021 ✨✨✨
Faraway Wanderers (Tian Ya Ke) - A danmei novel by Priest, filming wrapped up, should be airing soon. Leads are pretty cute, although I’m sure they’ll turn this bromance. One of the male leads is known for a lot of period web dramas, and Gong Jun, the other male lead, is known for more contemporary modern dramas, but damn Gong Jun’s jawline
Winner is King (Sha Po Lang) - Another danmei novel by Priest, filming wrapped up recently as well if I recall? Posters recently released, and this is arguably Priest’s most famous and popular danmei
Immortality (Hao Yi Xing) - A super popular danmei novel called 2ha or The White Husky and His White Cat Shizun by Meat Bun. Filming also... wrapped? I think, because posters came out the next day and everyone from Earth to Pluto went mad, definitely one you should look out for next year spring i think, but I’m pretty sure there’s gonna be a hell lot more teasers, posters etc. coming up and then half of danmei Tumblr will probably go into cardiac arrest
The Society of Four Leaves (Zhang Gong An) - Ehhhh I think this hasn’t yet been filmed but casting was recently confirmed (contentiously).  Concept posters are up though. This technically isn’t classified officially as a BL. There are no CPs officially in the novel, but apparently it’s very like idk flirty etc., also slated for next year
*There are a few more by Priest, e.g. Liu Yao, but no concrete news that I’ve seen (by now like at least 60% of her danmeis either have a live-action contract or a donghua contract or both lmao)
✨✨✨  Upcoming Chinese BL donghua adaptations (2021-ish). All by Priest✨✨✨
*Throwing this in just as a by the way thing, because these are also recent news (these two weeks). There might be more but I haven’t seen anything yet personally :D
Imperfection (Can Ci PIn) - Space AU, the novel won like two national literary awards if I recall like last year? Anyway a brief trailer recently came out last week I think, and main lead is handsome af, and once again it’s space and space wars so it’s pretty cool
Silent Reading (Mo Du Zhe) - Novel is called Mo Du, and honestly I think the donghua has been like teasing fans for like idk years, but it looks like we’re finally getting to the donghua as the team previewed the first ep like... two weeks ago live to an audience? Modern crime thriller thing, there’s a masterpost going on Tumblr
Lie Huo Jiao Chou - Another Priest fan favourite, a historical + modern danmei combination. Much angst from what I’ve seen, but donghua teaser looked good also, released also last week
anyway hopefully some part of this or at least one part answers your question? if not, just send me another ask or like, DM me hahahaha
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nukaworld · 7 years
Nuka world would be fun if they were capable of writing grey morality but also if it was a bit like a settlement where leading a gang and shit actually gave you any sense of power or agency other then if you killed everyone or were evil for no reason but like Bethesda made it so instead from a cool storytelling standpoint we get funny glasses. I haven't played it I'm just going by what ive seen you say and what ive seen/read to base this off
I mean I don’t want to be called out for hating on Nuka World so I have to put a disclaimer here that I replayed Nuka World like three times and all of what I say comes from the place of sadness over what it could have been rather than me just shitting on Bethesda. With that out of the way:
Yeah basically ugh that whole settlement thing was very weird because it leads you to believe that you will become some raider boss asshole and run with gangs, when in fact you sort of become a feudal lord. I mean no wonder I call Tracie, “raider princess” jokingly, that whole “raider queen” thing isn’t far fetched. You basically aren’t a raider anymore, you attack few settlements, you ask the people to leave or kill them, and you set up shop there with the gangs. See them as your Lords and Ladies. Then you set up supply lines and the other settlements sent a portion of their supplies - caps, food, armor, weapons - to the raiders group in that settlement. So this is more or less how medieval societies worked. You are the main ruler, you have your tax collectors and you kinda run the Commonwealth like a monarchy. WHICH ISN’T A BAD THING IF THE GAME ACTUALLY THOUGHT ABOUT IT. There was like a huge opening to make some social commentary on this one, especially how you can draw a lot of fun parallels with regressive societies and such. 
So at this rate your raider gangs, aren’t raider gangs. You can be a raider without really killing a single person. And the funny thing is, Gage and Shank are totally in on this, they are less of raiders, more of glorified businessmen if anything (Shank being that CEO and Gage being his sort of insider into the life, muscle kinda guy) and you come in as being the public figure - king, queen, whatever monarch title of your choice you want. And see if this was intentionally established it does make for a more interesting plot.
Before you establish your gangs in the Commonwealth, the Commonwealth doesn’t really have any kind of leadership. It’s really every man for himself, build your own little shack and farm your 5 tatos sort of system. There is one city thats a trader outpost, there are few towns with their own leadership and the rest is no mans land. The Minutemen are good, but they are essentially a militia, so they don’t exactly lead shit, they work I guess on donations? Or maybe Preston is just too nice and his superiors used to milk the settlements we won’t know, but point being they just protect the people and keep the Commonwealth free and not united - which is in a way good and bad.
And with Nuka World, Shank and Gage are the only two assholes with some idea how to form a primitive form of society. And also they are at this point not raiders, they are assholes but they realize killing people at random won’t get you a steady supply of resources and you will have to keep travelling - which is what Gage criticizes but he is also trigger happy himself that doesn’t make sense but I digress. They don’t go one step ahead where the gangs of Nuka World will guard the settlements that will produce for them and give them a % of the things they produce as well as the income. Also that collar slavery thing is weird, I am pretty sure that could’ve been handled a lot better.
“But Maria that doesn’t make you evil, people wanted evil!” well um I don’t think being a feudal lord makes you good, like you exploit your own people and threaten them with death and violence if they don’t listen to you also I am pretty sure you enslave them too on top of it. You are a bad guy, you just have a system to back you up. 
Edit to add since I forgot to say what I’d do to fix this: Basically I think that what we have is raiders being sort of like slavers, what would be fun to have is either have them be slavers, kill/persuade the leaders (Mason, Mags and William, Nisha, Gage and Shank) to leave or side with us, become sort of like a feudal lord over our settlements with whoever remains with us (so people can have the cool king/queen aesthetics) or kill everyone and establish Nuka World as a Minutemen and Trader outpost. 
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