#I need to change my theme to goth rave at this point as well I’ve been too lazy to do so
the-purple-painter · 4 months
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jcmorrigan · 4 years
Can you explain a little about each of your OCs fashion taste and maybe add a pic of the epitome of their style? I want to see which one is most like my own fashion preferences (if I wasn't too lazy to dress up lol)
All right, what I’m going to do is the rapid-fire. I’m gonna tell you names and what they dress like, since you were interested in finding out who matched, and then you (or anyone else) can ask further asks about anyone who looks interesting one at a time and I will GUSH
Venley (protag hero): Wears deep blues (but not navy). Likes swishy skirts, flowing sleeves, and layering. So much layering, especially leggings under short skirts.
Sophira (hero): Has a style I like to call The Worst(TM). Wears non-complementary colors. Patchwork sweaters and miniskirts. Loves rainbow tie-dye. Will not take fashion advice from Axeline and this is going to be the death of Axeline
Axeline (hero): Mostly sticks to red palettes with long coats and corset lacing but will try anything once.
Siademina (hero): Likes to pair cute blouses with bouncy short skirts. Tends to wear warmer colors or pastels.
Zefiraduc (hero): Purple and glitzy. She wants to be a famous pop star and dresses like one.
Arain (hero): Blacks and reds. If the outfit can allow her to blend pants with something skirt-ish, like a side panel, it’s an extra bonus. Always wears the fantasy equivalent of a baseball cap to go with it (and has emo bangs AND a huge ponytail).
Ailuen (hero): Mostly dresses in comfy things, tees and jeans, but when she wants to go all-out, she will pick a pink prom dress with ruffles and sparkles. A nice compromise is if she puts a fancy pink blouse over the jeans. During the planned arc where she becomes a Lawful Evil for a while, wears a white military uniform.
Alivain (deuteragonist villain): Mostly likes red, but occasionally blue or purple. Is a villain and dresses like a villain. Outfits are very bright and flamboyant. I’m toying with an “evil circus” aesthetic for the entire team and have written down some of him acting as the ringmaster, so go ahead and add a red ringmaster’s uniform to his most-worn. I also want him to have gloves with little claws built in at one point. Capes. And he wears high heels because he likes to feel tall and glamorous.
Versafina (villain): All black all the time. Lots of leather. Prefers pants vastly over skirts because she’s a dancer/martial artist who needs the mobility; also she just doesn’t like the femme aesthetic so much. Though she does enjoy wearing the highest of high heels specifically because training in them makes her more balanced and agile, and if she takes them off, you are dead where you stand.
Phantasia (villain): White cocktail dresses. Swanky and glamorous. Usually more pencil-skirt style or form-fitting than anything that has ruffle. Slits that show off the leg are a fave style of hers. High heels for her too.
Zangary (villain): I’m not entirely happy with his design, but for now, I have him in kinda generic dark clothes with an ostentatious long lavender jacket and a black wide-brimmed hat.
Dweixyn (villain): Pink minidresses/blouses and skirts. Has a favorite trench coat that has pink lining on the inside and is darker on the outside. Always wears sunglasses, even indoors and at night, for the aesthetic and no other reason. High heels for her too.
Belador/Belladore (villain): They’re kind of a rave-themed villain so I imagine lots of mesh tops and glow sticks.
Yridel (villain): I’m not entirely sure what her style is, but it needs to show off her cybernetic limbs. That is a must.
Sherida (villain): A form-fitting red bodysuit with a black motorcycle helmet that prevents you from seeing her face. Heavy-soled boots. Steal aesthetics from Vanitas Kingdomhearts? Me? Nooooo
Lirian (villain): “Sun” palettes, with pinks and yellows and reds. But also blue sweaters and skirts (dull in hue). I toy with one of her quirks being wearing ballet shoes everywhere she goes but I’m not sure if that’s silly.
Rachneira (villain): Wears lots of black. Not just a Goth but THAT Hot Topic Goth.
Tomagi (villain): Pink sundresses, particularly with gold lining.
Calpurniko (villain): Jumpsuits, overalls, beiges and dull colors, white tees, anything she can get dirty and not cry over.
Diamandian (villain): White lace. He is cis male but comfortable enough with his masculinity that he adores ruffles and lace hems. Has a matching white parasol and a white top hat.
Maraya (villain): Victorian-esque dress...blue?...and a big ol’ black cloak that hides her appearance. Her design is still kinda under construction because I started out going one direction and then made a hard left on her character
Anastasios (villain): Tunics and breeches. Greens and browns.
Kaxhalen (villain): He is an alien warlord so I’m trying to design a silver extraterrestrial battlesuit but not sure how to make it look unique
Osmend Osmodias (villain): Shiny golden suits. Fedora that’s pulled down to cover his eyes.
Orianelle (villain): black leather that shows a lot of skin. Tanks and shorts that bare midriff. Tall black boots with heavy soles.
Siersyrei (villain): Navy blue and that’s about all I know for now, though there are reasons I’d like her to have a skirt with shorts underneath.
Clancette (B-team hero): When in civvies, wears a lot of pink “kawaii” clothing. Jackets over tanks. Lots of pins with the fantasy equivalent of Sanrio characters. Rainbow stockings. As a Magical Girl, is associated with the color pink and element of wind; her outfit has a short and wide ruffly skirt and any way a breeze can be implemented into the design is welcome.
Xar/chelyna (B-team hero): When in civvies, he wears button-down shirts and blue pants. As a Magical Girl, she is associated with blue and water, so skirts that are long and wavy and any ocean motifs. Also enjoys a blue top hat.
Loveleigh (B-team hero): Both civvies and Magical Girl clothing are red/fire-associated. Likes slinky skirts and low-cut blouses.
Fernamele (B-team hero): Both civvies and Magical Girl clothing are yellow/lightning-associated. Another pop star wannabe who dresses in glitz and glitter, with swishy short skirts.
Zelladane (B-team hero): Civvies are sweatshirts, jeans, and heavy rubber boots with a lot of dirt built on them from her gardening. Magical Girl clothing is green/plant-associated, but with pink accents. Any piece that’s green with pink flower decorations on it automatically makes me think of her.
Aoliaoma (B-team hero): Undecided on civvies, but her big character quirk is that she seems perpetually sleepy, so I could see her just forgetting to change out of her full-length pajamas that are probably black satin. As a Magical Girl, her association is black/the void, and she has a short dress meant to look like that of a traditional witch, with a pointed witch’s hat on top.
Ravenille (antihero): Denim jackets and pants. Lots of denim. Silver face piercings and LOTS of them.
Arisia (antihero): I specifically see her in a blue tank top, a brown skirt/shorts and chain mail overlays. Anything with chain mail makes me think of her. Also, tall heeled boots. She might also wear a mask made of chain mail that covers the lower half of her face.
Lunisia (antihero): Pink. Skirts with leggings beneath. Quirky shoes, like black patent-leather with buckles.
Rhodelton (antihero): The ugliest yellow jacket you can imagine over a T-shirt and jeans.
Phaeley (minor character, could be moved to antihero squad): Black tanks and long skirts. Slightly Goth but not that much. Always wears a black newsboy hat.
Sylvisa (minor character, could be moved to antihero squad): Almost exactly Versafina’s style except more masculine. I should probably refine his.
Dashorra (minor character): Anything that’s split right down the middle as black/white is fair game.
Victorique (minor character): Shiny silver dresses with long skirts.
Isisa (minor character): White toga and gold hair ornamentation.
Phil (minor character): Is literally a sentient pile of green slime and never wears clothes, but if he did, it’d be business suits with tacky striped ties.
Tristabelle (minor character): I usually picture her in a dark blue low-cut dress with a loose, flowing skirt, but I feel like it needs refinement.
Madwyn (minor character): I usually picture her in a form-fitting black cocktail dress, but I also feel like this could be more special.
Diceanne (minor character): I usually picture her in a pink bodysuit with gold accents that lacks sleeves or legs, so I kind of want to do something with this and the concept of tackling the issue of revealing clothing and sexism and how much choice is had in the matter so I guess her final outfit will come to me once I’ve got the arc in mind
Beccatrice (minor character): I usually picture her in a white toga, but unless she and Isisa are part of the same order or class or something, I should probably make hers different.
Sharamantha (minor character): Brightly-colored overalls (pink, green, purple) over white tees. Sneakers.
Eudarmence (minor character): Shiny gold gowns. Any shiny gold gown. Also likes shiny gold hair ornamentation. Has to be the shiniest thing in the room.
Ilyènne (minor character): Either yellow dresses with loose skirts or this specific pink blouse with a huge ostentatious ribbon on the chest that I got in my mind’s eye once.
Riaudne (plot-device character): Pink-and-silver dresses. She’s royalty, but I want to play with her culture not being Eurocentric, so I want to shake up this design somehow but I’m not yet sure how
Aelistene (plot-device character): Brightly colored minidresses (mint green or deep purple), likes hair ornaments.
Magnus (Lawful Evil villain): All white all the time. Looks very regal - jackets, waistcoats. Very masculine as well.
Janiel and Tjeron are both mooks of the Lawful Evil faction and will eventually renounce their ways, but I have literally never pictured them in anything other than military uniforms that I originally designed as black but now have changed to white for symbolic deconstruction reasons
The following characters are still under construction to where I’m not sure of their fashion style at all: Valencindri (villain sidekick), Dr. Hope Lessness (villain), Mercy Lessness (villain sidekick), Lainnhartt (villain), Soligeo (villain sidekick), Khairic Kajé (antihero), Aerokai (antihero), Tredwulfall (antihero), Burqueley (antihero), Liodax (minor character), Ririko (minor character), Ayali (minor character, possibly antihero), Lilianet (minor character), Spectra (minor character), Prettiza and Kyista (minor characters who have to wear the same outfit), Rewnoki (minor character), Delena (minor character), Jaydrey (minor character), Mejame (minor character), Shananadel (minor character), Veline (Lawful Evil), Keiandra (Lawful Evil), or Oquian (Lawful Evil).
I hope this has helped you figure out whose style you match and also see how many freaking characters I have designed and I don’t intend to stop until I have enough to fill a huge fantasy world but then I’ll probably keep going anyway because my mind is apparently hooked on designing now
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 169: Shut Up and Dance
Previously on BnHA: Aoyama creeped on Deku in the middle of the fucking night. A petrified Deku went to take a closer look only to find that Aoyama had left a weird “I KNOW~~” message spelled out on his balcony with fucking cheese. The next day in Cementoss’s class the kids resumed working on special moves. Deku got all brooding and thought about how he couldn’t beat Overhaul even with his absolute max of 20%. Then Aoyama got his attention and carved a possibly-suspicious-or-maybe-just-weird French message into a chunk of rock with his navel laser before collapsing in pain. Deku took Aoyama to rest for a bit and asked him what the cheese message meant. Aoyama said that Deku was like him -- someone who possessed a quirk that didn’t really suit his body. Aoyama himself is unable to control his navel laser without the aid of his support belt. He saw Deku as a kindred spirit and was trying to cheer him up since he knew he was starting to feel frustrated. And thus a new sparkly bond of friendship was born.
Today on BnHA: The kids randomly discuss how great Mina is at dancing and how great Jirou is at music stuff. Later that day, in a pure coincidence, Aizawa announces the upcoming cultural festival. Despite the recent string of villain attacks, the school has decided to go ahead with it as a way to hopefully help the stressed-out student body. 1-A gets to work determining what program their class will do, with people suggesting everything from petting zoos to cafes to “a banquet for students of darkness.” Momo and Iida narrow down everyone’s ridiculous suggestions, but they’re unable to settle on a final program, and Aizawa gives them one day to figure it out. That evening the kids gather in the fanfic dorms and Iida says they should come up with something that will help the other students de-stress. Todoroki of all people suggests that they host a dance party with live music. Jirou is a bit nervous about performing in front of everyone, but with her classmates’ support she agrees to do it. Let the Band AU arc begin.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 195 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
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holy shit, I fucking love it. the colors! the (possibly unintentional) Wicked reference! MY LEADING LADY OCHAKO
and it looks like she’s wearing some of Mei’s gear. are we going to see any of these upgrades in her actual costume, or is this all just for the sake of a pretty cover? ah well, either way I love it
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lord I can’t even begin to imagine what a U.A. culture festival might be like. somehow I can’t quite picture them doing the typical cafe theme lol
oh my god you guys
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you guys. ever since she got a bunch of bullies to dance with her in the middle of Kirishima’s flashback I’ve been wanting more of this lol
Deku is analyzing her moves, and it’s only just now occurred to me that this might be part of a new technique of hers and not just her spontaneously breaking out into a dance battle in the middle of the locker room
(ETA: nope just dancing. Mina is the best you guys)
lol now Deku says he wants to try and Mina’s volunteering to show him!
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(ETA: this arc is a gift in so many ways)
oh hey Kaminari is casually hyping up Jirou’s hobby without any prompting!
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is he trying to embarrass her or does he genuinely think it’s cool? OR MAYBE BOTH. WHY NOT. I REALLY DO SHIP THE SHIT OUT OF THIS DAMN TRIO NOW, DON’T I
he’s saying that her bedroom looked like “a music store” that one time they all went to see it
and he looks genuinely impressed, so I think it’s not teasing at all and he does in fact really think it’s cool
he says she must be a music pro and he’s asking how often she practices
and she’s getting all blushy and threatening him with one of her earjacks lol
he seems confused d’aww
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(ETA: nice little bit with Kouda here which is followed up on later when he encourages her to perform and says it’s a skill well suited for a hero. I adore this sweet little friendship they have since taking that final exam together.)
she’s just shy, the way that some people are about the parts of themselves that are really personal. that means it’s really important to her and she’s maybe not fully ready to share it just yet
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the class is losing their minds
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take her to the festival. let her come visit. omg. I will die of joy if that happens
(ETA: I did, in fact, die of joy)
so now the class is trying to figure out what to do
Kirishima is asking if it’s really okay “for us to be so carefree” at this particular juncture
Kiri were you not listening to a word I just fucking said. YES. y’all need to fucking relax for once in your damn lives
Kaminari is SHOCKED and is all “Kirishima you’ve changed, huh?”
but Kiri says it’s a valid concern though with all the villains running amok right now
Aizawa says that’s a fair point, but U.A. doesn’t revolve solely around the department of heroics
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look at this Department of Management asshole acting like he’s going to get as big of a role in the series as Shinsou or Mei. haha you wish buddy
Aizawa says that this year’s festival will be made less public though, and will only occur within the school
well, good. honestly if y’all tried to pull more shit like the sports festival again at this juncture I would be raising some eyebrows, believe me
so they’re going to be deciding on their theme today! yaaaaay omgg
I’m going to take a wild guess here and predict that it will be something music related. since we had breakdancing Mina and music prodigy Jirou earlier. and also I’m really going to be needing that dancing Iida, you guys. I’m not kidding. we need to get on that stat
so finally Iida is taking charge, and tbh he was being remarkably restrained up till this point because I was expecting him to do this much earlier
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he’s telling everyone to raise their hands if they have a suggestion
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this class is full of passion
naturally the first suggestion is of course the classic
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maybe if this was EVERY ANIME EVER. but this is BnHA! we can do better guys, come on!!
and we’ll just ignore Mineta
Ochako is suggesting a mochi shop! oh! I’m remembering that new years illustration now and I would love that tbh. but I don’t think that’s what we’re gonna end up with
look at all of these other ideas though
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I love the idea of crepes and I’m already sad that they won’t end up going with that
Kouda’s idea is also amazing. and Kiri’s is super original
and Tokoyami’s I first read as “banquet of students” and I thought, that’s odd. I know he’s goth but I didn’t think he’d be out here suggesting cannibalism
but based on Kami’s stare, yeah, I’m pretty sure we’re gonna end up doing the music thing. CLASS 1-A DISCO. U.A. RAVE. AW YIHHH
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can you guys pick out which suggestion was Bakugou’s. it’s pretty easy tbh. study hall duhhhhhh
I actually love that the ideas we didn’t actually see can be so easily traced back to their originators. Deku’s hero quiz. Shouto’s soba house. Tsuyu’s “frog music chorus”, whatever that is. Ojiro’s martial arts performance. and so forth
Momo is now ruthlessly putting an end to the charade of diplomacy and erasing the ones that are “inappropriate or unrealistic” and “the ones that I don’t really understand” lmao
now the kids are getting back at the two reps by shooting down their own suggestions
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and she’s combining the food themes into one, over Satou and Shouto’s protests that soba and crepes would “clash”
now things are getting out of hand
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aaand the bell is ringing
Aizawa’s walking out and telling them all to make a decision by tomorrow morning
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oh damn
so now it’s nighttime in the fanfic dorms and 40-year-old Iida Tenya is in his relaxed business casual clothes watching youtube videos
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I guess the rest of the gang must be here even though we’re not seeing them yet, because there are speech bubbles talking
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I swear to god that boy really does go to bed at eight fucking pm every damn night. but why, though?? does he lie awake broodingly into the wee hours of the morning? does he go to bed early in order to wake up at the asscrack of dawn to work out? or does he just need the extra sleep because he’s a growing boy who runs at full steam shouting and blowing things up all day long and it’s just exhausting to be him? like, all three of these seem plausible to me lol
and then of course there’s the beloved fandom headcanon of him having PTSD and dealing with lots of nightmares too, and while we have really seen nothing in canon to hint at that, I’m obviously not going to dismiss any theory with that much Bakugou angst potential completely out of hand lol
but I think it’s probably the second and third one mostly tbh
as for the intern group, are they taking supplementary classes to make up for what they missed while they were out interning? that really is a lot of work, huh. no wonder the school decided to put an end to those for now
anyway, so Iida says that now that he’s had more time to think about it, he thinks they should come up with a theme that would assist the other departments in letting off some steam since they’re stressed out
that’s actually so thoughtful and pure
so Momo (at least I think it’s her?) is saying that in that case, they shouldn’t bother with a food theme since the U.A. kids are already accustomed to Lunch Rush’s food and it’s really hard to top that
so now they’ve narrowed it down to just a few options
they’re shooting down the petting zoo as “unsanitary”, wow. wow guys. so you don’t think that getting a bunch of cute baby animals for everyone to pet would help them to de-stress, huh. kay. I see how it is
oh my god
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of all the people to end up suggesting this idea, he’s honestly the last person I would have expected
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why is he the cutesttttt
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oh my god. I will take this thought bubble of Bakugou and Todo getting lit in the club and I will keep it in my heart forever
Sero is objecting that it’ll be stressful (for them), but Mina says she can teach them all how to dance
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yes look at him he has clearly mastered it
Mineta is now stepping in and saying that if they’re gonna turn class 1-A into New York’s Hottest Club then they’re gonna need some sick beats
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lol she’s going red again and is all “uh, what?”
Hagakure’s jumping in with the encouragement!
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but she’s getting all shy again and says it’s just a hobby
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and now Kaminari’s having a flash of insight!
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god I ship it. he’s just so genuinely nice and encouraging. class A’s dumbest, sweetest boy
and now Kouda is also running over and says that it’s a skill that can put a smile on people’s faces and for that reason he does think it’s heroic
god this chapter is MomoJirouKami heaven and I’m on cloud fucking nine
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not if you don’t want to, I guess? though ngl that would be amazing
so with that, class A’s program is decided!
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um. is this supposed to be important to the plot? who tf is this
(ETA: lol it both is and it isn’t. it’s relevant to the arc, but this arc is probably the least plot relevant in the series. though that doesn’t mean it’s not a complete and utter delight)
I have no idea which bonus page goes with this chapter lol. so I’m just gonna skip it for now
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hmel78 · 4 years
In conversation with Andy Jackson ...
73 DAYS AT SEA (2016)
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At the mention of ‘Pink Floyd’, people often, perhaps immediately, identify with a certain sound - you could argue that there’s nothing throughout the annals of modern music that quite matches it. Over the past 35 years, of most things pertaining to ‘Pink Floyd’, that sound has been shaped and polished to perfection with the help of Andy Jackson.  As senior engineer at David Gilmour’s studios, he has also worked on all of Gilmour's solo recordings / multimedia projects ( as an engineer and/or co-producer) since 1984. 
Andy Jackson’s talents, however, do not rest solely with ‘Pink Floyd’ - he has also worked with artists such as ‘Heatwave’, ’The Strawbs’, ‘The Boomtown Rats’ (most notably mixing their hit "I Don't Like Mondays"), ‘Incredible Kidda Band’and goth rock group ‘Fields of the Nephilim’– he was also guitar player in the live band version of ‘The Eden House’. Originally trained in the sound engineering profession by producer/engineer James Guthrie, at Utopia Studios,  Andy served  as his assistant for several years, and began work as an engineer for Pink Floyd in 1980 - assisting in the recording of the performances of “The Wall” at Earls Court ; He was also the Front of House engineer on the band's 1994 world tour. Jackson also engineered Roger Waters' first solo album “The Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking”, and worked Front of House on the subsequent tour in 1984.  As Guthrie's assistant, Andy worked on the film soundtrack recordings for “The Wall” and the studio album “The Final Cut”.  When Guthrie relocated to Los Angeles, Andy became the band's primary engineer beginning with “A Momentary Lapse of Reason”, and then “The Division Bell”;  receiving three Grammy Award nominations for Best Engineered Album - for ‘A Momentary Lapse of Reason’ - and Best Engineered / Best Surround Sound album - for ‘The Division Bell’.
In collaboration with engineer Damon Iddings, Andy remastered the majority of the bonus features material on the Immersion editions of “The Dark Side of the Moon” and “Wish You Were Here” for the "Why Pink Floyd...?" reissue campaign ; plus the material recorded for the soundtrack to the band's 1992 auto racing documentary film “La Carrera Panamericana”, as well as engineering, producing, AND playing bass on two of the tracks on their last album “Endless River”, in 2014. Inbetween times, Andy continues to work on his own solo albums - his debut “Signal To Noise” received nothing but rave reviews, and his latest release “73 Days At Sea” looks to be achieving more of the same. We caught up with Andy, on one of his rare hours off ...
HR : When we spoke in 2014, about your debut album “Signal To Noise”, you hinted that one day there may be a second offering of songs - and here it is! “73 Days At Sea”. It’s a truly incredible album Andy, are you happy with it? Andy Jackson : Thanks! I’m sure for anyone involved in any creative process, there’s always a degree of doubt - could it be better? Having said that, I’ve learnt over the years that there is a point where you have to put it away, accept that you are into microscopic changes that no one but yourself will perceive. I feel pretty comfortable that the album was the best I had in me at that time.  The next one will be better! HR : What came first this time, the music or the lyrics?
AJ : One of the things that I decided last time, on ”Signal To Noise”, was that I wouldn’t record anything that wasn’t finished being written, having seen at first hand (many times) the pitfalls of recording backing tracks with no idea what the song is vocally.   That is, after all, the single most important element.  I didn’t change my opinion about that this time.   There again, I can’t say necessarily that anything came first. I tend to knock around lyrical ideas & musical ideas independently, and at some point it becomes clear that one particular lyric belongs with a particular piece of music. Then the evolution starts, when the two things become interactive.   I do allow myself to start on a piece without the lyrics necessarily being totally finished, not least of all, all sorts of minor tweaks are needed once I actually start to sing them, just to make them scan well. HR : Across both albums, some of your song writing is quite personal - although I’m sure many listeners will connect with your philosophy, and the snapshots of your life experiences that are shared in the songs. Do you listen to them and hear your heart on your sleeve, or do you just hear some really great music? AJ : I’ve tried writing from other perspectives, but it always feels like I’m being dishonest.   I don’t think that, that is something that can’t be done - Plenty of great writers write about things outside themselves, I just don’t find that I can do that.  ‘The Gyre’ is a good example - I originally wrote it from a totally different perspective, but in the end it felt contrived, and I needed to write it from the perspective of ‘me’.   The ‘me’ isn’t necessarily totally me, but I just like writing in the first person.   Drownings is a bit of a departure that way, that has bits written as other people, but even then, I needed to totally get under their skin to do it, including a section which I ‘method improvised’, ad lib’d in character.
It’s in my nature to listen to the music primarily, but if I’m going to write lyrics I want them to be worthwhile, I want to be able to read them as if they are someone else’s and to like them.
HR : Has making the recordings somehow aided your own ‘journey’? AJ : Absolutely.   It’s in the act of making them, of doing things that are difficult, that the value lies. “Nothing worth having was ever achieved without effort” -Theodore Roosevelt. HR : The songs on “73 Days At Sea” are linked by a theme - primarily the ocean ... Was the inspiration down to a lifelong affinity with being beside the sea - say, a love of eating ice-cream in the salty air -  are they musings, or is there a deeper connection?
AJ : As I allude to on the album notes, it comes from spending a bit of time working next to the sea at David Gilmour’s studio. I kept feeling a sense of nostalgia when ever I left there, as if it were somewhere that was significant in my past, which it isn’t. I wrote about that in a song (Type 1 error) and found that I kept making reference to the sea in lyrics, without necessarily realising I was doing it until afterwards. I thought about a suite of songs linked by the sea, but it kept getting bigger & bigger, until it became the whole album.  I went down onto the beach one day & recorded the waves, which made a lovely link between songs.  There is no huge significance to it really, or maybe there is on an unconscious level, I can’t know ... HR : Do you have a favourite track on the album? AJ : Same answer as everyone gives – they’re all my babies!   I actually have a fondness for the segue of songs that start the album, that’s the original ‘sea suite’ and works well as the Soft Machine Volume 2 inspired idea.  ‘The Gyre’ was the last one I wrote & recorded, and is probably the most sophisticated musically, so I’m proud of that one too.  The best one is always the next one though, so you’ll have to wait for that! HR : “Drownings” is nothing short of a masterpiece ; some may pick up on a bit of  a ‘Pink Floyd’ vibe - would you embrace that comparison? AJ : People are inevitably always going to hear ‘Pink Floyd’ in what I do.   I often wonder if chance had meant that my career was most associated with, say, ‘Genesis’ or ‘King Crimson’ or even ‘Steve Hillage’, if people would say I sounded like that.  Frankly I don’t worry about it, I just make music I like.
HR : I’m curious about the significance of the dates, detailed alongside the lyrics in the booklet ...
AJ : The dates in ‘Drownings’ really serve to help understand the chronology in the song.  I thought of Part 1, Part 2 etc (although not in that order), but I like the dates as it makes it like diary entries. I also ended up with having 2 of the sections being the same date, but from different perspectives, which I like, what 2 different people are thinking at the same time.  The specifics of the dates are arbitrary, although I did look them up to make sure they were all mundane dates, so they all feel like rainy Tuesdays.
HR : “Signal To Noise” was a complete solo effort, but you invited some guest artists to perform on “73 Days At Sea”; namely David Jackson from ‘Van Der Graaf Generator’, and  Anne Marie Helder from ‘Panic Room’, who both feature on ‘Drownings’ - did you envisage their involvement from the beginning? AJ : No, it evolved as I was making the song, and for different reasons.   Once ‘Drownings’ became written from the different perspectives of the people in it, it became obvious that I needed to have a female voice to sing the female role (there is a version with me singing it, but it’s a bit ridiculous).   Anne-Marie came about just because I knew her work and thought she’d be good, so I asked her, simple as that.   David Jackson was just because I have always been a huge fan of his playing, and thought it’d be great to have him on the song.   If he’d said no I wouldn’t have got a different sax player, it was specific to David.  Again it was just a matter of asking him.   I definitely envisage doing something with David again, on the next album probably ...
HR : Did ALL of your guitars make it onto this album? AJ : No they didn’t this time. It was a much more limited palate than I used before, somewhat deliberately.   Pretty much one electric (which was new for me, a PRS with P90s), one for slide, a 12 string electric and one 6 string and one 12 string acoustic.  No real reason, just keeping it simpler this time, there’s a bit of trying to give it a ‘band’ feel to the album, even though it’s 4 incarnations of me. HR : The cover artwork on both “Signal To Noise”, and “73 Days At Sea” are pieces by Michael Bergt, and they’re an absolutely  perfect fit -  how did you come across his work? What is it about his art that you admire? AJ : It was a chance find when I was doing Signal to noise.  I googled for ‘Sisyphus’, while writing the lyrics to ‘One More Push’, and the painting that I used on the cover for that album came up. It immediately struck me as perfect for the album cover, so I emailed Michael and asked him.  He was more than happy for me to use it, and for a very minimal price.   It seemed obvious to go back to him again for 73 days at sea.  If anything, I think that one is even better & more appropriate.   One fluke is the balloon in that painting, I already had the instrumental piece called ‘Ballooning’ (in fact that’s a very old piece of music & was always called that).  Couldn’t be more perfect!   I should mention the ‘barbie on the beach’ picture, which I love, was kindly provided by you!!
HR : [laughs] Indeed! I feel very honoured ...
AJ : I had a conversation with Anne-Marie about the fact that, as ‘cottage industry’ artists, we end up doing our own artwork, with no Storm Thorgerson type bringing in brilliant ideas & craftsmanship.  Makes the whole thing even more ‘mine’ though.
HR : Totally - and it is perfect. I think you get a real sense of how much of YOU has gone into the whole album ;  the sound, and the way the physical copies look. Both of them  - you should be incredibly proud! Since we last caught up, you’ve worked on David Gilmour’s latest album “Rattle That Lock” -  it’s quite an eclectic album, was it demanding to record?
AJ : It was a slightly odd album to work on. The way David works these days, he does a lot of work of putting the songs together on his own. We’ve set up the Brighton studio so he can come in & tinker and record anything he likes.  I get brought in when we do the ‘serious bits’.  This was doubly unusual inasmuch as we broke off this album to do ‘Endless River’, so it was a couple of years between my first stint on it, recording drums with Steve, to the final overdubs and mix. In the middle, David had built the album, so I came into half finished songs that I didn’t know.   One of the issues that many ‘big stars’ have is that no one is prepared to tell them that anything they do is no good.   That’s not a problem for me, we’ve worked together for 35 years now.  He really needs someone to be able to say yes/ no do it again, let’s drop in this bit and so on, which is a role that I do for him. As ever, with Protools sprawl, the toughest thing was that in the end some of the songs were 120 tracks or so, just because it’s so easy to defer decisions. Took a bit of sorting out!! HR : What projects have you got lined up for the coming year - are you planning  a 3rd solo album? Any live shows?
AJ : Well I’m halfway through a stint on a project I can’t really talk about. Let me just say it’s a whole heap of archive recordings for a well known band who I’m associated with!
As for my own music, when I get the time I’ll start on my next project. I want to explore a particular dynamic I have in mind. I’ve often thought that in recording or rehearsing situations I’ve been in, either working with others or as part of a band, sometimes someone will play something that I think is great, and that everything else should be built around that thing, to let it be the most important thing. Too often I see that idea lost, buried under other people’s opinions or lack of vision.  As, with my own music, I am in the position of being able to make all the choices, I have the opportunity to absolutely follow my vision.   I’m going to try a methodology of working with other people (such as David Jackson) and giving them the chance to be the defining element on something (by being ‘first’).  Hopefully this way I can get an album that is made of extraordinary things.
Live shows, I don’t know.  It’d need to coalesce into a band really for that to be viable. I’d like to do it one day, but who knows when.
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[Andy spotted one of my more bizarre photos one day, and it features within the inlay booklet artwork of 73 Days At Sea]
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 15
1401. Do you like your movies and books to be more lighthearted or serious? depends on my mood. but usually light hearted. 1402. What's more important, first impressions or lasting impact? first impressions. i kinda lose interest if the first impression sucks. 1403. Order these areas of psychological health from what you need the least improvement in to what you need the most improvement in: physical, emotional, social, intellectual, environmental, spiritual spiritual, environmental, social, intellectual, emotional and physical. 1404. Do you react appropriately to things and control your feelings? i’d say so. 1405. Do you have stable relationships? yes.
1406. Do you need to be in a relationship to feel good about yourself? not at all. but it’s been so long that idk what i’d be like alone. 1407. Which is the most clear and concise, your thoughts, your speech or your writing? Which is the least clear and concise? most clear: thoughts. least: writing coz i never write. 1408. Are you always trying to learn new things? not all the time. 1409. Do you feel at peace? not yet. 1410. Do you have strong morals and ethics that you believe in and adhere to? yeah. 1411. Are you over or under weight? over. 1412. Do you think of the needs of all humanity or just the needs of yourself and those you know? tbh me and those i know. after i fix myself, i can start focusing on the needs of others. 1413. Do you recycle? yes. 1414. Are you active in your community? not at all. 1415. Are you sensitive to the needs of others? not really? 1416. Do you dress up to go to the mall? haha omg no. it used to be a huge thing back in high school, but i couldn’t care less these days. 1417. Have you ever been on anti depressants? nope. 1418. Name a part of your body. Give that part of your body a name. heart. heart lol. 1419. Is fourteen your lucky number? nope. 1420. What could make you lose respect for someone? having them do something unforgivable. 1421. Is ignorance really bliss? i don’t think so. it could lead to a rude awakening. 1422. What can be described as 'even better than the real thing'? not sure. 1423. Are you jealous that dog can lick their own genitals? If you could do that would you ever leave the house? no and yes. 1424. What's in your wallet right now? driver’s license, debit card, credit card, membership cards, receipts and coins. 1425. Do you write letters that you never send? nope. 1426. Do you ever get the feeling people are laughing at you? sometimes. 1427. Who's the one person you'd like to drop a house on? haha idk. 1428. Have you ever been swept off your feet? i guess. 1429. Tell me why you don't like Mondays: because i have work. 1430. In the Harry potter series the books seem to be getting darker and more serious with each new release. Do you like this change or do you prefer the story to be light? i thing the change suits the development of the story. i’d lose interest if the entire series was light hearted. 1431. How often do you update your diary? weekly. 1432. What do you mostly write about in your diary? my schedule. 1433. How many quizzes and/or surveys do you have in your diary as entries? oh, i didn’t know the question was regarding like a blog lol. 1433. How many forwards does your diary contain? - 1434. What is your writing style like? - 1435. How honest are you in your diary? - 1436. Why do you write in your diary? - 1437. Do you have a comet cursor on your diary description? - 1438. Do you ever chat online? only on fb messenger to people i know personally. 1439. Have you ever met someone from online? How'd that go? no. at most i’ve met mutual friends online but they still lived locally. 1440. What's your favorite horror: Movie? umm, i don’t have one. Book? goosebumps haha. 1441. Have you ever caught a mistake in a movie? yes, plenty of times. as a kid moviemistakes.com was my jam haha. 1442. Have you ever seen that munchkin who supposedly hangs himself in the Wizard of Oz? If yes, how/when should someone look for it? only in a buzzfeed post. 1443. If you had to give yourself a letter grade (A, A-, B, B-, C, C-, D, D-, F) for things how would you grade yourself on: Happiness: B- Being a decent human being: B Being serene (calm, peaceful): B- Kindness: B- Anger management: A- Creative thinking: C Modesty: A- Being an original: A- Knowing yourself: A- Being true to yourself: B Getting along with others: C Liking yourself: D Admitting your flaws: B Self improvement: D- 1444. Are you kinky? haha no. 1445. How would you feel if twice a week you could wake up next to the person you love? pretty good! 1446. Out of all the people you know who is most likely to be one of the great minds of our time? hmmm. not sure. 1447. Have you ever been to: Church? yes. Temple? yes. A bar? yes. A house party? yes. A rave? yes. A goth club? no. A punk show? no. A hip hop club? yes. What sounds like the most fun out of that list? a bar. 1448. So far, have you changed around any of the questions on this survey? haha no. what’s the point? 1449. Are you crying on the inside? no. 1450. Are you afraid of the future? kinda. 1451. What will you dress up as this year for Halloween (if you celebrate it)? nothing. 1452. Do you think of some people as not worthy of being your friend? yep. lol. 1453. If you won $1,000 every week until you die, would you still go to school? Would you still get a job? i’m done with school. and yeah i’d still work. 1454. What's the most difficult job you can think of? anything outdoors and strenuous on the body. i couldn’t imagine working outside in the heat during summer. 1455. If you could decorate your room with any theme you wanted what would you pick? i’d leave it the way it is. pretty simple. 1456. Of the following bands which would you be most likely to check out? roxy music (70's glam) the magnetic fields (current indie rock) kraftwerk (experimental electronic rock) <--- this one i guess. 1457. You and your boy/girlfriend have been together 6 months or longer.... One day s/he wants to go to a strip club with his/her friends to hang out. It's guys/girls night out and you aren't invited. Would you be upset by this? tbh if he told me in advance and was completely honest about it i don’t think i’d get upset. but to be fair, my boyfriend has never been to a strip club so idk what i’d feel. 1458. Can a person avoid dying if he or she does not believe in death? um i don’t think so. 1459. If someone sings songs that they don't write and they don't play any instruments or mix the songs or have any creative input at all..Are they a musician? i used to think about this a lot and yeah i guess they’re still a musician. 1460. What do the following stand for: html? something link lol idk. faq? frequently asked questions. fao? no idea. imho? in my humble opinion. hiv? something virus? aids? idk. r&b? rhythm and blues. 1461. What does the world owe you? happiness. then again, i’m in control of that. 1462. Do you read plays and books or just get the cliff notes? when i was in school i did both. 1463. What do you want to get out of life? happiness pretty much. and a family. 1464. Do you know what is really important to you? yes. 1465. What trend has been getting on your nerves lately? idk. 1466. Do you forgive yourself when you make a mistake? yeah, i just consider it as a lesson. 1467. What tiny little very small thing has made you hugely happy? days off work. 1468. Can you read body language well? i think so. 1469. Do you look people in the eye when you talk? yes. 1470. Do you notice if they aren't looking you in the eye? yes. 1471. Are you alert to opportunities? sometimes. 1472. Puppet Yoda or digital Yoda? neither. 1473. Do you look like the person you want to be? no. 1474. Do you behave like the person you want to be? yeah i guess. 1475. Some children were asked 'how would you make your marriage work?' One child, Ricky, age ten, said: 'Tell your wife she looks pretty, even if she looks like a truck.' Is this good advice? no lol. i’d rather my partner be honest with me. 1476. Do you visualize your goals and dreams? yes. 1477. 4x + 3 = 15  What is the value of x? literally haven’t done algebra in years. is it 3? 1478. Do you keep yourself organized? yes. 1479. Does anyone really win an argument? haha only in their minds. 1480. Have you ever had champagne? yes. 1481. Do you strive for perfection? no. i just thrive to be successful. 1482. Name one thing you understand. myself. 1483. Whatever it is are you afraid of it? yes. 1484. Do you dislike being told what to do? yesssss. 1485. If you had a cat would you have it declawed? i’d never get a cat. 1486. Do you prefer lobster, clams, or crab meat? tbh i like them all. 1487. What do you think about guys who don't wear underwear? omg i don’t know any guys who don’t lmao. 1488. What do you think about girls who don't wear bras? it’s fine. 1489. Do you ask for what you want? sometimes. 1490. What are you against? bigots. 1491. How many notes does your diary have? - 1492. Ace of Base or Enya? neither. 1493. What makes you feel awkward? socially awkward situations. 1494. Have you ever been to teenopendiary.com, and if yes, how does it compare to opendiary.com? lol this must be soooooo old. 1495. If you were going to switch to another diary website, which one would you go to? - 1496. Do you believe that certain books should be removed from high school libraries? depends on the contents. 1497. How do you feel about gay and lesbian marriages? i’m all for it. 1498. Can you rearrange the letters in your name to form any other words(check here if you aren't sure http://www.wordsmith.org/anagram/)? haha no. 1499. What is the sexiest moment in a movie? idk. 1500. Do you have a favorite stand up comedian? i don’t have a fave.
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yas-surveys · 7 years
1. Do you like your movies and books to be more lighthearted or serious? - i like both
2. What’s more important, first impressions or lasting impact? - lasting impact
3. Order these areas of psychological health from what you need the least improvement in to what you need the most improvement in: physical, emotional, social, intellectual, environmental, spiritual - spiritual, environmental, social, intellectual,emotional,physical
4. Do you react appropriately to things and control your feelings? - fek, i haven’t been able to appropriately react to serious stuff nowadays, im being such a stubborn bitch, fek
5. Do you need to be in a relationship to feel good about yourself? - no
6. Are you always trying to learn new things? - yeah
7. Do you feel at peace? - right now? half???
8. Are you over or under weight? - neither
9. Do you think of the needs of all humanity or just the needs of yourself and those you know? - all
10. Do you recycle? - yeah
11. Are you active in your community? - not rly
12. Are you sensitive to the needs of others? - yeah
13. Do you dress up to go to the mall? - sometimes when i’m not feeling lazy
14. Have you ever been on anti depressants? - no
15. Name a part of your body. - right hand
16. Give that part of your body a name. - cindy
17. Is fourteen your lucky number? - no
18. What can be described as ‘even better than the real thing’? - dupes? lol, dreams
19. Are you jealous that dog can lick their own genitals? - oh god
20. What’s in your wallet right now? - money, cards, pictures, coins, receipts,
21. Do you write letters that you never send? - yeah
22. Do you ever get the feeling people are laughing at you? - at this point though, i don’t really care
23. Have you ever been swept off your feet? - no
24. Tell me why you don’t like Mondays: - oh god, i just want extra sleep y’know. petition for weekends to be extended + i have music on mondays and i hate music!!! & the teacher lol
25. In the Harry potter series the books seem to be getting darker and more serious with each new release. Do you like this change or do you prefer the story to be light? - i haven’t read it yet, sue me but i will
26. How often do you update your blog? - nowadays, i have been so busy and swamped with school works, i haven’t been able to go on that much
27. What do you mostly write about in your blog? - i have different kinds of blogs
28. How many quizzes and/or surveys do you have in your blog as entries? - 134
29. How honest are you in your blog? - depends but other than that 100%
30. Why do you write in your blog? - for my feelings and thoughts and opinions
31. Do you ever chat online? - yeah
32. Have you ever caught a mistake in a movie? - yeah
33. Have you ever seen that munchkin who supposedly hangs himself in the Wizard of Oz? - what?
34. If you had to give yourself a letter grade (A, A-, B, B-, C, C-, D, D-, F) for things how would you grade yourself on:
Happiness: - B-
Being a decent human being: - A-
Being serene (calm, peaceful): - B
Kindness: - B
Anger management: - C-
Creative thinking: - A-
Modesty: - B
Being an original: - B
Knowing yourself: - A-
Being true to yourself: - C
Getting along with others: - A
Liking yourself: - B-
Admitting your flaws: - B-
Self improvement: - D
35. How would you feel if twice a week you could wake up next to the person you love? - oh gwad, i would feel very nice and comforted
36. Have you ever been to:
Church? - yeah
Temple? - no
A bar? - i mean, idk, if i should consider it as a bar
A house party? - yes
A rave? - yes
A goth club? - no
A punk show? - no
A hip hop club? - no
37. What sounds like the most fun out of that list? - a house party / rave
38. So far, have you changed around any of the questions on this survey? - no
39. Are you crying on the inside? - right now? no but i mostly lmao
40. Are you afraid of the future? - yeah
41. What will you dress up as this year for Halloween (if you celebrate it)? - halloween is not a big deal here but prolly alice or 11 lmao
42. Do you think of some people as not worthy of being your friend? - yeah(?)
43. If you won $1,000 every week until you die, would you still go to school? - hell no, that’s actually a lot and i still can save a lot too
44. Would you still get a job? - no
45. What’s the most difficult job you can think of? - there’s a lot
46. If you could decorate your room with any theme you wanted what would you pick? - blue and white and mint green
47. Of the following bands which would you be most likely to check out?: roxy music (70’s glam), the magnetic fields (current indie rock), kraftwerk (experimental electronic rock) - the magnetic fields
48. You and your boy/girlfriend have been together 6 months or longer…. One day s/he wants to go to a strip club with his/her friends to hang out. It’s guys/girls night out and you aren’t invited. Would you be upset by this? -  well i feel like he would let me know and i think he knows that it won’t be my thing so i’m kind of okay about it???? idk lmao
49. Can a person avoid dying if he or she does not believe in death? - no
50. If someone sings songs that they don’t write and they don’t play any instruments or mix the songs or have any creative input at all..Are they a musician? - well, i mean, a musician means they can play an instrument (from google lol)
51. What do the following stand for:
html? - hyper text mark-up language
faq? - frequently asked questions
fao? - ????
imho? - in my honest opinion
hiv? - human immunodeficiency virus
aids? - acquired immunodeficiency syndrom
r&b? - rhytm & blues
(oh wow, i’ve learned a lot of acronyms lmao)
52. What does the world owe you? - equality
53. Do you read plays and books or just get the cliff notes? - read
54. Do you know what is really important to you? - happiness
55. Do you forgive yourself when you make a mistake? - oh my god, no, i would take it with me for so many years
56. What tiny little very small thing has made you hugely happy? - when someone remembers you by the things you tell them for example, you told a story to someone and they’re talking to another set of friends and something was mentioned that made him/her remind of u 
57. Can you read body language well? - sometimes
58. Do you look people in the eye when you talk? - yeah
59. Do you notice if they aren’t looking you in the eye? - yes OH MY GOD
60. Are you alert to opportunities? - sometimes????
61. Do you look like the person you want to be? - no
62. Do you behave like the person you want to be? - sometimes
63. Some children were asked ‘how would you make your marriage work?’ One child, Ricky, age ten, said: 'Tell your wife she looks pretty, even if she looks like a truck.’ Is this good advice? - yeah
64. Do you visualize your goals and dreams? - yes
65. 4x + 3 = 15. What is the value of x? - 3
66. Do you keep yourself organized? - yeah
67. Does anyone really win an argument? - depends on what kind of argument it is 68. Have you ever had champagne? - no actually 69. Do you strive for perfection? - prolly 70. Do you dislike being told what to do? - i mean, if it’s for my own good then yeah sure but when it’s not then what makes u think you can? 71. If you had a cat would you have it declawed? - you can do that? 72. What do you think about guys who don’t wear underwear? - brave  73. What do you think about girls who don’t wear bras? - tired  (it’s been a year and this is still funny 2 me) 74. Do you ask for what you want? - yeah, ???? 75. What are you against? - animal abuse 76. What makes you feel awkward? - when you thought someone was waving ‘hi’ to you but they weren’t 77. If you were going to switch to another blog website, which one would you go to? - wordpress or wix 78. Do you believe that certain books should be removed from high school libraries? - why are they there in the first place then 79. How do you feel about gay and lesbian marriages? - it’s FUN 80. Can you rearrange the letters in your name to form any other words(check here if you aren’t sure http://www.wordsmith.org/anagram/)? -  Rage Mart,  Gamer Art
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