#I’m trying not to talk up my ideas for 2x12 and 2x13 too much and set the bar so high I can’t even meet it up
paperstorm · 1 year
okay so re: all the Carlos angst from the 2x12 fire, do you think that because of the guilt he feels, he starts pulling away from tk and tk internalizes that?
Absolutely. He’s still learning how to talk about his feelings when he’s hurting, he’s still not very good at it yet, so he would definitely respond to all that hurt and guilt and grief by pulling away for a time.
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stahlop · 4 years
Once Upon a Time 2x15 “The Queen is Dead” Review
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Reviews 1x01 1x02 1x03 1x04 1x05 1x06 1x07 1x08 1x09 1x10 1x11 1x12 1x13 1x14 1x15 1x16 1x17 1x18 1x19 1x20 1x21 1x22 2x01 2x02 2x03 2x04 2x05 2x06 2x07 2x08 2x09 2x10 2x11 2x12 2x13 2x14
Well, Cora has certainly had her hands in the pot for a very long time. We find out that she not only killed Snow’s mother, but also orchestrated young Regina saving young Snow (which young Regina had totally called her out on in The Stable Boy and Cora had denied). And Mary Margaret has terrible birthdays. Too many people die on them. And we get confirmation that Neal has been alive for a couple hundred years, and the fact that he knows Hook and how to steer his ship, I think Neal has definitely been in Neverland for awhile. And Neal has a fiance, so thank goodness we’re not going to go down the Neal/Emma train that Gold was so into. Ew!
Summary: Mary Margaret and David rush to find Gold’s dagger before Cora and Regina find it. Hook makes his way to New York and manages to find Gold and stab him with poison. In the Enchanted Forest, Snow’s birthday celebration is marred by her mother’s sudden illness and Snow goes to great lengths to try and save her.
Opening: Library and Clock Tower
New Characters:
The Queen: She’s never given a name in this episode, maybe we’ll find out in the future. She’s a benevolent queen. She doesn’t believe they are any better than anyone else in the kingdom just because they’re royalty. Something she has to teach young Snow, when she becomes a little brat. It’s nice to see where Snow gets her heart from. She has a mother that not only teaches her what is right and wrong behavior, but also doesn’t let Snow get away with acting like most royalty would. The queen tells Snow that when they crown her with the tiara on her birthday, it will represent that she always holds goodness in her heart. They all look in the mirror and the the queen has some sort of attack, but tries to convince Snow that she is fine. She continues to tell Snow she’ll be fine, but then she starts coughing up blood, and Snow knows she won’t be fine. After Snow goes to see the Blue Fairy, she tells her mother she couldn’t save her because she wouldn’t take another life. The queen is visibly relieved to hear that Snow didn’t do something dark. She tells Snow that it wasn’t fear about killing someone else, it was strength. She’s very proud of her. Snow begs her to not to leave, but the queen says she’ll always be with her if there is goodness in her heart. And then she dies. That escalated very quickly, whatever she was poisoned with worked really fast, Leopold couldn’t even get home to see her before she died.
Character Observations:
Snow/Mary Margaret: Basically, we get to see that Snow was a brat at one point, and her mother taught her about goodness and treating people with respect, whether they were royals or servants. Snow is tested when her mother is dying by Cora pretending to be the Blue Fairy. She gives her a candle that would save her mother, but it would require killing someone else in the process. Had Snow not been taught goodness from her mother, she may have just killed a random peasant, but instead, she comes to terms with the fact that her mother’s life is no more important than anyone else's. Snow thinks she couldn’t do it out of fear, but her mother tells her it took strength. And then her mother dies and Snow mourns. The funeral is being held on the day that was supposed to be Snow’s birthday celebration (that sucks, my grandfather was buried on my mom’s birthday (her father) as it was the only day we could get the rabbi, so I get Snow’s feelings on this). Johanna gives her a pep talk about how the kingdom will get their strength from her, and Snow questions where she’ll find her strength now that her mother has died. Johanna lets her know she’ll still get it from her mother. Snow puts on a brave face for the funeral and leads her kingdom for the first time.
Mary Margaret is not having a good day. It’s her birthday and she does not like to celebrate her birthday. David tries to play it off like he had no idea it was her birthday but she’s not buying it. She finds a present that someone left for her. It’s her tiara and it’s from her old servant Johanna. Mary Margaret goes off to find her. She finds her gardening behind her house and they reunite. They bond over their shared grief of missing Mary Margaret’s mother. It’s almost like Snow is at least getting her surrogate mother back. They hear something in the woods, and wouldn’t you know, Cora and Regina just happen to be digging, looking for the dagger and talking about it, right behind Johanna’s house. Mary Margaret overhears them and specifically that Cora will make the Dark One kill anyone Regina likes. Mary Margaret goes to tell David (who she finds knocked because of Hook), and tells him what she overheard. Mary Margaret thinks she can talk to Regina and put some doubt about Cora in her mind. Regina meets Mary Margaret at Granny’s and she thinks Mary Margaret asked her to come to tell her about Henry. Mary Margaret comes straight out and tells her she knows all about Cora and the dagger. Regina tries to say what she does is her business, but Mary Margaret basically tells her that a war is about to happen and she needs to choose the side of good. Regina says she’s always been good; Mary Margaret added the evil part. Mary Margaret tells her what she’s doing isn’t good and questions why she’d go back to being like this after working to change. Regina says it got her nowhere and accused of murder. Regina tells her to stay out of her way. Mary Margaret reminds her that Cora doesn’t care about Henry, just about power, and she doesn’t care about Regina. Regina asks what Mary Margaret would know about mothers. Ugh! Poor Mary Margaret. Her mother died when she was young and then she never got to be a mother to Emma. Mary Margaret, David, and Mother Superior try to use fairy magic to break into Gold’s store, presumably to see if they can find the dagger, but he’s protected it and Mother Superior can’t get in with her magic. Mary Margaret makes reference to using dark magic like before, but Mother Superior has no idea what she’s talking about. Luckily, Emma calls David with the location of the dagger right at that moment. Mary Margaret and David find it attached to one of the hands on the clock tower and they are happy that they can now control the Dark One, but Cora and Regina show up to fight for the dagger. Mary Margaret practically rubs it in Regina’s face that good has won like usual, which, of course, means evil is about to triumph. Because Cora poufs Johanna in and Regina takes her heart. Johanna begs Mary Margaret not to give them what they want, but Mary Margaret can’t bear to have another mother figure die when she can help her. But then Cora says something that makes Mary Margaret realize that Cora was pretending to be the Blue Fairy when she was a girl. Mary Margaret wonders if her mother was actually sick, and Cora says she actually was, but Mary Margaret realizes Cora is the cause for everything. Cora then mocks Mary Margaret about not using the candle, and Mary Margaret wants to know why Cora did all this to her. Simply put, Cora wanted to make Regina queen. It’s nothing against Mary Margaret personally. The look Mary Margaret gives Regina at this point is really interesting. Like, Mary Margaret knows how awful Cora is by reputation, but she’s never realized the extent Cora went to put her daughter on the throne. She actually looks like she feels sorry for Regina at this moment. Cora puts more salt in the wound by saying if she doesn’t give up the dagger she’ll lose another connection to her mother. David tries to convince her that they’ll still win even if Cora has the dagger. Johanna tells Mary Margaret to let her go, but watching Johanna’s reaction when Regina squeezes her heart is too much to bear. Cora is still using her mother against her and it’s getting to be too much for Mary Margaret. She throws the dagger down for Cora and is hysterically crying at this point. Regina puts Johanna’s heart back and as they go to hug Cora throws her out the clock tower. Regina makes a comment about what good gets you before she and Cora pouf away. If I was Mary Margaret I’d probably be catatonic by this point. Too many bad things have befallen her. She is hysterically crying with David trying to figure out how to care for his grief-stricken wife. Mary Margaret and David bury Johanna and Mary Margaret is blaming herself and taking stock of the situation. Following goodness has cost too many lives. She runs through all the times she did the ‘right’ thing and what it cost them in the end. David reminds her that they still have time to get the dagger before Gold gets back to town and carry out justice, but Mary Margaret doesn’t want justice. Mary Margaret says they’re always trying to get others to change, but maybe she needs to change instead. She’s going to kill Cora!
Past Cora/Cora: And speaking of Cora, we all thought she was a real piece of work in previous episodes but she’s really pulling no punches in this one. Like What The Fuck! She purposely poisoned Snow’s mother, posed as the Blue Fairy to get Snow to doubt herself, and caused Snow’s horse to spook, all in hopes of making Regina queen. I’m surprised she didn’t kill off Henry, Sr, to try and marry the king herself. She’s closer to his age than Regina was. Either way, Cora seems to have a personal vendetta against Snow’s mother. This does not seem like a random royal that Cora decided to target to make Regina the eventual queen. Especially with her comment about Snow finding out what it's like to be the miller’s daughter and then saying she’s going to turn Snow’s heart black as coal and ruin the queen’s legacy. That is some pure rage right there.
Cora will do anything to get the Dark One dagger. She may have been playing the doting mother to Regina in the past few episodes, but she’s showing her true colors in this one. She and Regina discover that the location of the dagger is not where the map says it is. Cora says she can find it, it’ll just take a little longer. Cora and Regina manage to find it right when Mary Margaret and David find it in the clock tower. Cora conjures up Johanna as incentive for Mary Margaret to give her the dagger. Cora lets Mary Margaret know that it’s not good or evil that wins, but who has the power. David attempts to shoot Cora, but she magics his gun away (never bring a gun to a witch fight). Cora tells Mary Margaret to surrender the dagger because she’ll follow her mother’s advice at all cost since all she ever wanted was for her to be good. Mary Margaret realizes that’s what she said to the Blue Fairy and that the Blue Fairy was actually Cora. Cora does not deny it. In fact, she revels in this secret finally coming to light. All she wanted was for her daughter to be queen, and she’d do anything to make sure that happened. Cora uses manipulation to eventually get Mary Margaret to give up the dagger (using her mother and Johanna’s connection to her), and then Cora kills Johanna anyway, because she simply doesn’t care about anyone but herself. She and Regina pouf away. At Regina’s office, Regina is upset that Cora never told her what she did to make her queen. I mean, to be fair, young Regina would’ve been horrified to find out what her mother did, and since Regina banished her to Wonderland before the wedding, there was never really a chance for her to find out. Cora just brushes it off. She knows now. Regina also realizes that Cora set up Snow so that Regina would rescue her. Cora wonders what this means to Regina, now that she knows. Regina says it means Cora won, so what does she need the dagger for? Cora says she’s still all about helping Regina get Henry, and that by the time Gold returns, Mary Margaret, David, Emma will be a distant memory (what does that mean?). Cora strokes the dagger lovingly, which does not go unnoticed by Regina.
Regina: She is blindly following her mother which is really bad. I know part of it is that she’s finally feeling like her mother is taking an interest in her and not just using her for her own agenda, but by the end she’s starting to wonder if she’s wrong about that. We start with Regina digging where Hook told them the dagger would be. Regina doesn’t seem to be able to find it and Cora immediately wonders if Regina read the map right. They determine that Hook gave them the wrong location. Regina is frustrated but Cora says she can figure it out given time. Regina goes to meet Mary Margaret and assumes it’s about Henry. It’s not. Mary Margaret comes right out and tells her she knows she’s working with Cora and that they’re looking for the dagger. Regina immediately gets defensive and tells Mary Margaret what she does is her business. Mary Margaret tells her she’s willing to give her another chance to fight for the side of good. Regina is not having this conversation again. She thinks maybe she is good and it’s because of Mary Margaret that she’s known as evil, since she apparently added that to her name. Mary Margaret says the things Regina does are not good. Regina’s pissed because she tried to change, but all it got her was a bunch of people who were certain she couldn’t. She tells Mary Margaret to stay out of her way. Mary Margaret tries once more by telling Regina that listening to Cora is a mistake. Cora doesn’t care about Henry, just power and Regina says that power is how you get things. Mary Margaret says that Cora doesn’t care about Regina and Regina asks her what she knows about mothers. Way harsh, Regina. Cora and Regina show up at the clock tower at the same time Mary Margaret and David find the dagger. Regina follows her mother’s orders, taking Johanna’s heart so Mary Margaret will give up the dagger. When she finds out that Cora poisoned Mary Margaret’s mother and did it all to make her queen, the expression on her face is heartbreaking. You can see that she is struggling to come to terms with what her mother did while still maintaining the facade of being united with her mother. But she is shocked by this new information. The lengths her mother went through to make her queen. She later confronts her about this in her office. Notice how Cora takes the position of power by sitting at the desk. Regina figures out that Cora was also responsible for Snow’s horse spooking, setting her whole future trajectory (remember, she had asked her if she had anything to do with it in The Stable Boy and Cora had denied it). Regina says she won by making her queen, since that was what Cora always wanted for her. So what will having the dagger accomplish, especially since David and Mary Margaret now know they have it and they can’t make Gold kill everyone without blame? Cora basically says to trust her as she strokes the dagger, and Regina’s face definitely conveys that maybe Mary Margaret was right and Cora doesn’t care for her or Henry.
Emma/Neal/Gold: She and Gold are keeping their distance from Henry and Neal, as they are both mad at each of them. Emma is beating herself up over lying to Henry about Neal. Gold is confident that Henry will forgive her. Gold wants Emma to convince Neal to come back to Storybrooke with them. She says she already gave him his favor, but he says she’ll do it for Henry because he’ll want to get to know his father (and so he doesn’t run away to NYC like he did to Boston to find her). Emma says Henry will be happy with Neal until he lets Henry down, and she knows he will. Then he’ll understand that she lied to protect him. Gold compares her to Regina. Um, no. Regina lied to protect herself. She made Henry think he was crazy and insane. That is not what Emma is doing. Emma doesn’t feel like this is what she is doing either. Gold says she lied to protect herself. He says she wants a second chance with Neal, and no, ew, no. Emma cannot have carefully constructed these walls to want to get back with the guy who framed her and put her in jail. I don’t care what his reasoning was. Emma wants to know why Gold would think she’d want to get back together with Neal, and he says it’s the look on her face. Are we seeing the same look? I’m seeing a ‘I wouldn’t let that guy touch me again with a 10 foot pole look’, but apparently Gold is seeing, ‘How did you guess I secretly still desire my ex.’ Henry and Neal come back out with pizza and Emma asks Henry if he likes it, and he says he does, because it doesn’t lie. And poor Emma’s face just falls. Emma subtly talks to Neal about coming back to Storybrooke. Like how was Neal expecting this to work out? Henry has school and a family in Storybrooke. He can’t just stay in New York. Emma thinks from Neal’s apartment that he doesn’t have much going on, but Neal says looks can be deceiving. He tries to tell her something, but gets interrupted by Henry wanting to go on the subway. Neal and Henry go back up to the apartment to get Henry’s camera while Emma and Gold wait down by the buzzers, and Hook decides to attack right at that moment, stabbing Gold with his hook. While Hook villain monologues to Gold, Emma hits him on the head with the trash can. Neal comes down concerned and Emma tells him an old enemy found them. Neal recognizes Hook which surprises Emma. Neal gets Gold up to his apartment while Emma locks Hook up in a storage closet (should I be keeping a tally of how many times Hook has been bested since meeting Emma?). Emma says he had a map on him which means he sailed his ship into NY. She tells Neal it was cloaked when he wonders how he was able to do that. Henry is worried about Gold and goes to ask him if he’s alright (um, no, he just got a hook in the chest), but Gold goes all feral on him and blames him for the whole thing. Is Gold blaming him for coming back for his camera right then, or for bringing them to NYC in the first place? Because Hook would have waited until they got back and attacked him regardless. Neal wants to take Gold to the ER but Gold has figured out there was poison from another realm on Hook’s hook and he needs to get back to Storybrooke because there’s magic there. Neal suggests driving there, but Gold needs to get there fast, so he says they need to take the Jolly Roger. Emma doesn’t know how they’ll do that without a captain, but Neal says he can sail it. Gold realizes what that means, but Emma is still questioning how he knows how to sail a pirate ship. Emma wants to know how Neal knows Hook. Long story short, our world wasn’t his first and he’d be a couple hundred years old if he’d come straight here. Emma is trying to process the information that not only is Henry’s father from the Enchanted Forest, but is also a couple hundred years old. Emma’s phone finally charges back up and she sees texts from Mary Margaret and David. Emma tells Gold that Cora is after his dagger, and he doesn’t want to give up the location, but she emphasizes that they’re family now, so he needs to trust them. Neal and Emma go to get the car that will take them to the ship. Emma is surprised that Neal is doing so much for Gold, but Neal says there’s a difference between running from someone and watching them die.  He still doesn’t think reconciliation is possible. They get to a car and Emma hopes he isn’t going to hotwire it like back in the day, but he says it belongs to a friend. Neal wants to quickly get back to the conversation they were having before (and Emma seems a little nervous about it, like maybe he’s going to talk about getting back together), but now they’re interrupted by the person who owns the car and who is also Neal’s fiance, Tamara. Emma tries to keep a neutral face, but you can see there’s something else going on behind the mask she puts up. I’m hoping it’s relief that Neal won’t try to get back with her. I’ll even be happy with shock that Neal cleaned his life up enough that he found a woman willing to look over his conniving ways. I might be vomiting if it’s sadness that she can’t get back together with Neal.
What seems more plausible: Hook lied about the location of the dagger before he knew Cora was going to betray him, or Gold hid it again before he left town because Belle could no longer protect it in her amnesiac state?
Why is Regina digging to find the dagger? Can’t she or Cora just use magic to get it out of the ground (if it had been there)?
Why hasn’t Emma filled in the pieces to Henry about Neal? He already knows she was in jail and that he was born there. Has Henry not figured out that Emma and Neal were separated right before she went to jail? Shouldn’t Emma tell him why she went to jail in the first place? Or is she doing the ‘noble’ thing and letting Henry make his own judgements about Neal?
Why is the queen’s bedroom at the end of a large hallway with no doors? 
How is the cloaking magic on the Jolly Roger still working outside of Storybrooke?
We know that the Blue Fairy was Cora in disguise, but was Cora disguised as Johanna as well? How else would Cora know to pretend to be the Blue Fairy if she hadn’t put the idea in Snow’s head?
What would happen to the Gold’s power if he died of natural causes?
Where did Johanna come from in the scene where the queen dies? There is no one next to Snow and then Johanna is right there in the next scene.
Why did they hold the queen’s funeral before the king came home? Who made the arrangements?
The flowers Johanna is planting and that Snow leaves on her mother’s body are snowdrops.
When Johanna calls Mary Margaret, Snow, she tells her she goes by Mary Margaret in Storybrooke.
Snow was born during the harshest winter, hence why she was named Snow.
I know that the fashions in the Enchanted Forest aren’t equivalent to the ones on Earth, but the queen is wearing a dress that is more Dark Ages, and Snow’s big fluffy skirt is more Restoration, which is a good 300-400 years apart.
The queen never makes Snow apologize to Johanna.
Snow was so named because she was born in the harshest winter.
Regina is doing all the digging in the forest, Cora is apparently just supervising.
Henry has gone back to calling Emma by her name instead of mom.
Well, Neal has finally confirmed that he went to another realm first (most likely Neverland), and that he’d be a few hundred years old if he had (you’re still a few hundred years old technically). Which also means that Rumplestiltskin and Hook are a few hundred years old as well.
Regina’s horse is named Rociante which is the name of the horse in the novel Don Quixote.
Timeline Issues:
How did it become winter already? We established in Child of the Moon that it was most likely May (based on when sunset was). Into the Deep and Queen of Hearts both took place a few days after that. The Cricket Game was maybe a week later, so we’re into June now. The Outsider was also maybe a week later with In the Name of the Brother, Tiny, and Manhattan all taking place within a day or two. At the most, we could possibly be in July. But Johanna makes reference to Snow being born in the harshest winter and it’s currently Mary Margaret’s birthday, so unless they’re celebrating Mary Margaret’s cursed birthday, the timing doesn’t make sense (and I don’t think Johanna would know Mary Margaret’s cursed birthday, especially since she didn’t know her cursed name). Also, there is absolutely no snow on the ground and there would definitely be snow in Maine during winter time. According to Google, Maine gets snow regularly between November and February.
So, that was that. Cora has always been a manipulative bitch, she’s just more crafty and cunning than we gave her credit for. Regina is beginning to have doubts because of all the secrets Cora is keeping and because she can see her mother admiring the dagger and it’s power. Mary Margaret is keeping with the tradition of having mother figures die on or around her birthday. And Emma, Neal, Henry, and Gold will soon be on their way back to Storybrooke on the Jolly Roger.
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tarysande · 5 years
I can't remember if it was you or another Meta-Writer who touched (ha) on the subject of Lucifer and Physical Touch. I've been re-watching S2 and the stark difference between how he reacts to Mum's touches vs Chloe's vs his romantic partners is evident.
I know I’ve mentioned the subject, though I can’t remember off-hand if I dedicated a post to it (or just said I wanted to!).
I’ve been rewatching S2, too! 
The touch thing with Mum is … such a thing, and it’s established right from the moment he sees her again. She falls; he catches her (and they form a kind of reverse pieta, which is a neat image), but he still looks terrified because he doesn’t know why she’s there (and he’s scared of her, as he’s told Linda). It says something about Lucifer that he can’t just let her fall, though—no matter what’s between them, some part of him can’t reject her outright. 
This is a theme we come back to again and again throughout the season. He doesn’t want to take her back to Hell—so he figures out a loophole. He won’t let her get too close, though; some part of him doesn’t trust her and he doesn’t reach out to her. This is a huge defense mechanism–quite literally not letting her get close enough to hurt him physically, while letting down his guard enough emotionally and mentally—because that small rejected child inside him yearns for parental love and acceptance—that she can manipulate him using his huge emotional blindspot: Chloe.  
Mum’s manipulation—through the emotion and touch that Lucifer is lacking—starts right away, though. At the end of 2x02, she touches his hand; he removes her hand. But when she reveals the “truth” about why he was in Hell (and not killed by God—something we only ever have her word for, by the by, and which I don’t actually believe because of how obviously she’s pleased by her manipulation after Lucifer agrees not to send her back to Hell right away), she touches his arms and appeals to him with her tears and he, who is almost always shown having a soft spot for helping people (especially women) in trouble (Delilah, Chloe, etc.), lets her.
For the first few episodes of the season, Lucifer doesn’t pull away from Mum’s touch, but he doesn’t initiate it, either. He’s also visibly irritated every time she talks about humanity (she’s always dismissive) or Chloe or his job. Mum is really good at manipulating him except she doesn’t realize (or refuses to accept) how important the place and people are to him. If she’d flattered humanity instead of sneering at them, I think she might’ve won Lucifer over. 
In 2x05, there’s an absolutely HUGE, significant touch-moment after Lucifer’s killed Uriel. Mum gathers him in; he lets himself be gathered. More than that, he actually wraps both arms around her and clings (which we’ve basically never seen him do before). It’s a horrifying and gorgeous moment that shows so much without telling. 
But here’s something interesting: though the last image of 2x05 is Lucifer clinging to Mum, we see no interaction between Mum and Lucifer in 2x06. Worse, Lucifer is left to absolutely frigging tailspin into despair and a sniper-induced death wish while Mum turns her efforts to manipulating Amenadiel. All the Mum scenes in Monster focus on this. Her words are carefully chosen to point blame at God while making herself sympathetic. See how Amenadiel falls to her flattery; she tells him what he wants to hear. Essentially, she feels Lucifer is now on her side (with a huge side of guilt) so it’s time to move on to the next step of her plan. The use of juxtaposition in this part of the episode is brilliant. On the one hand, we have Amenadiel and Mum in the sunlit woods, Mum wrapping her two hands around Amenadiel’s one to symbolize their new alliance; on the other, Lucifer, visibly coming apart at the scenes playing sad music, hitting a sour note, and banishing everyone from his club, leaving him fully and entirely alone (as he’s already been banished from the case).
Mum doesn’t appear in 2x07—but we see a lot of Lucifer interacting with Chloe and Trixie, the found family that doesn’t want anything from him but his presence. There’s a really good contrast here, where the episode ends on a hug that is totally different from the one in 2x05. The light is shining bright; it’s daytime and there are no shadows. Chloe is the one who’s crying, but they are tears of gratitude because Lucifer has just said exactly what she needed to hear. Chloe is the one who clings to Lucifer; he hugs her back and there is tenderness and yes, the hint of love and the promise of a future—contrasted with Mum living in an unattainable past, and grief, and guilt. Even Lucifer’s “My apologies, Detective, I didn’t mean to hurt you,” is a direct contrast of how he felt he had no choice but to hurt Uriel (to keep Uriel from hurting her). 
2x08 is where Mum starts to misstep. First, she releases Azrael’s blade into the world, and Lucifer is angry. Then, she reveals her plans to “go home” and disparages Lucifer’s feelings about Earth being his home. In 2x09, though Lucifer doesn’t know it yet, she doubles down on what she wants instead of trying to understand what Lucifer wants: she tries to blow up Lux, she decides to blow up Chloe instead, she tries to get Linda to talk about Lucifer’s secrets. These are all unforgivable from Lucifer’s perspective, and she has no idea. Because she’s ultimately selfish—she wants her home, her sons, her power. She doesn’t actually care about what makes her son happy; she wants to use him as a weapon. (I’ve watched S2 about a dozen times by now; Mum distresses me more each time I watch it.) 
At the sit-in, Mum manipulates him again by feeding him a little truth and then saying exactly what he wants to hear: “I disagree with you whole-heartedly about wanting to stay here (true), but a mother doesn’t have to agree with her son in order to support him. So, what is it exactly I’m supposed to ‘sit-in’ (what he wants to hear).” Lucifer’s whole face changes and he replies, “Mum, you’re actually being a good Mum,” and he offers her his arm. Meanwhile, he has no idea she’s actively trying to destroy everything he loves to get what she wants.
Her actions in 2x10 do a lot of damage to Lucifer’s already reluctant trust. She admits she was going to kill Chloe; she disparages Chloe in the courtroom; she uses his honor about not lying against him. It’s like a How To Turn Lucifer Against You Forever playbook. And this episode gives us another absolutely gorgeous juxtaposition, this time in contrast to the juxtaposition in 2x06. This time, instead of alone and self-loathing in his club, Lucifer is with Chloe—the beginning of something, banter, warm firelight, wine, burgers and fries, truth, a hand-clasp, and near-kissing—contrasted with Mum and Amenadiel in her dark office, full-on scheming, having learned nothing, and again, doubling-down on using Lucifer’s weaknesses to turn him into the weapon she wants (the flaming sword; the rage against God; the rebellious boy).
By 2x11, Lucifer “just wants [Mum] gone.” but, once again, she employs the tactic of telling him what he wants to hear (that Chloe impressed her; that she’s beginning to see what Lucifer sees in her; that he just has to prove his worth to her) and using touch (grabbing his hand in both of hers) to manipulate him. Then, knowing that Lucifer will be listening through the one-way glass, she lays it on even thicker. (How heartbreaking is his smile when he thinks she’s being genuine?)
2x12, of course, is heartbreaking because Mum is using Lucifer’s feelings and her knowledge about Chloe as a miracle to … destroy her son. She wants him heartbroken so he’ll leave his “home” and play his part in her plans. (It always strikes me here that, although Lucifer lives his life paranoid of “playing a role” in his Dad’s plans or being a pawn of his Father’s—it’s Mum who unrepentantly uses him as a pawn in her game of chess.) Maze, when she realizes that Lucifer is happy—truly happy—for maybe the first time ever, immediately wants to protect him because she actually cares about him. Mum, however, pushes on. Lucifer’s reaction to her reaching out to touch him this time, though, is to sweep up his own hand and prevent her, with a sharp, “Don’t.” I think it’s telling here that the only time we’ve seen this kind of sharp, precise, knife-like movement from Lucifer is when he’s fighting someone. It’s a combat motion; it’s a defensive act.
2x13 encapsulates all the facets of their relationship, really. She doesn’t want to help him for the sake of “an insignificant human’s life”—proving that she still doesn’t understand the depth and importance of his feelings. She loves him enough to go to Hell to save him; I believe that’s the truest moment of love she ever shows him. It’s also why I believe he lets her have a universe of her own at the end instead of hating her enough to kill her. He grabs Mum and pulls her from her Hell—they’re both sobbing and both fighting and it’s so real and raw. But then, afterward, when Chloe is safe, he again defends himself from her touch using the short, sharp, cutting movements reminiscent of his fighting style. 
Her admission that she’s been manipulating and using him since the start is heartbreaking; it’s his worst fears come true. At the heart of Lucifer Morningstar is a terror of being lied to (so he doesn’t lie), manipulated (as his father did and may continue to do), used. And here, his Mum, whom he’s been trying not to trust and failing at time and again as she says the right things over and over (because he wants that love, he wants that reassurance, he wants someone to touch him without wanting anything in return, he wants to be good—seen as good—by those who brought him into existence, he wants to be forgiven) is telling him the unvarnished, knife-in-the-back truth: she is everything he fears most. He was right to be afraid when he sat trembling in a chair opposite Amenadiel; he was right to be afraid when he sat trembling on a couch opposite Linda.
It wasn’t a physical attack, though; it wasn’t like being smited and pushed into a Fall, no. It was so much worse. It was his own mother using his weaknesses against him and watching him bleed out because she needed to use the shell that would be left.
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just-a-dumb-gay · 5 years
I have an idea on how Handon could end and Hizzie could become a thing. (Warning: Long post)
And also a very rough half decent idea for how like all of season 2 can go. And the Hizzie part of season 3. (This is just hoping and assuming we'll get season 3 lol)
Now I'm thinking of season 2 having roughly 16 episodes again. So that's how im going to type this, just for a rough guestimates.
Okay so we know the magic of malivore is still active (because nobody remembers Hope) despite malivore APPARENTLY being destroyed.
So imagine someone remembers Hope. Said person (or people) then spend episodes 2x01 to 1st half 2x04 trying to find a way to get her out. Then the second half of 2x04 to 2x06 getting her out.
Even though she's out nobody remembers her other than said person (or people) that got her out. So 2x07 to 2x10 is then a somewhat peaceful time as they are trying to figure out how to make everyone remember Hope. Which they then succeed, but its kind of the 2x10 cliffhanger.
Now obviously trying to bring back and remember Hope wont be the only storyline going on. So 2x11 starts with us finding out they're plan to make everyone remember Hope worked. Then the rest of the episode is reunions and catching Hope up on the rest of the chaos going on.
In 2x12, Hope is helping out with other plotlines going on. Kind of a filler episode without much going on. Then the end of 2x12 is some confusing cliffhanger.
2x13 we then found out malivore isnt totally gone, bringing Hope out reveresed the magic. Kinda like how a normal stake to the heart kills an original vamp, but not permanently.
2x13 - 2x15 is then spent finding out malivore is actually up walking around again. Following leads and such to try and find out where it is. And at the end of the episode they're gearing up to go after him.
2x16 is then an epic battle pretty much. And the way malivore fights is by spitting out monsters. So they aren't fighting malivore as such, just the monsters it's puking.
There would probably be the twins, Hope and Landon, Ric and a vamp or 2. Probably MG and/or Kaleb. And to get everyone around, id think they'd be using that ugly car from the road trip episode.
- First quarter of 2x16 spent finding malivore.
- 2nd quarter spent going over a plan and everyone getting into position.
- 3rd quarter spent trying and succeeding at taking down malivore. Actually killing it this time.
- finale quarter. Everyone seeing to injuries and stuff like that.
They then find out Landon died during the whole fighting the monsters part. Hope is obviously upset, but doesn't worry too much thinking he'll come back.
So there's a small time jump (like a couple hours). The twins and Hope asleep in the car.
I'm thinking Josie asleep in the front seat after dozing off while talking to Ric who's nearby with Landon.
And then Hope and Lizzie passed out in the middle. Either one totally on top of the other simply cos that sounds cute. But most likely one has their head on the others shoulder or one lying down using the others legs as a pillow.
And MG and/or Kaleb just sitting in the back of the car minding their own business, maybe asleep too.
And Ric watching over Landon, waiting for him to come back.
Then, the last scene is Ric taking a closer look at Landons body before saying something like "You should've burst into flames by now." And boom season 2 ends.
Season 3 picks up immediately after, with Ric waking up Hope. Accidentally waking Lizzie at the same time.
So Ric explains Landon should've woke up by now and Hope grabs some research stuff they had about malivore that they brought with them. So the 3 of them sit beside Landon and have a look through it.
At first they cant find anything. Then there's a bit Ric explains he didnt understand, but now he does.
A bit explaining that the magic of malivore will dissapear when malivore dies. That magic including any abilities of malivores offspring. Meaning Landon became an ordinary human when malivore died.
So Hope is obviously upset, full on sobbing and everything. Ric is about to comfort her, but to his slight surprise Lizzie is quick to hug Hope. Obviously Hope and Lizzie being closer now and trusting Lizzie, she just collapses into Lizzie.
So after that, Lizzie becomes very protective over Hope. Doing everything she can to be near Hope, and everything she can to comfort Hope. Maybe even at Landons funeral, Hope clinging onto Lizzie's arm.
So Lizzie spends alot more time with Hope who constantly tries to push everyone away. Just puts up all the walls that fell down during season 1. Not wanting anyone to care about her because everyone that does winds up hurt or worse.
Lizzie is the only one who is stubborn enough to barge her way back into Hopes life (despite how cold Hope tries to be towards everyone).
When Hope is still trying to be alone, Lizzie would just sit somewhere in Hopes room and talk to her even though Hope is doing her best to ignore Lizzie in the hope she'll give up and go away.
Eventually Hopes walls start to crumble and they start to have short conversations in Hopes room.  And eventually that builds into going out and sitting by the lake, walking in the woods and visiting Landons grave.
Eventually, on one of their visits to Landons grave. Lizzie just looks at the gravestone before saying something like "Cant believe I actually miss you, Hobbit." without thinking. She's about to apologise but is surprised to hear Hope laugh a little. Not much of a laugh, like if you weren't listening you would've missed it.
So that happens. Then slowly but surely Hope becomes happier, mostly because of Lizzie.
They grow closer and we see Lizzies feelings for Hope become stronger, yet she decides not to act upon them because she doesn't want to be disrespectful towards Hopes love for Landon and give her a decent amount of time to mourn Landon.
Now I have 2 ½ ideas for their first kiss (and yes they are kinda cliche, but cute. So don't judge):-
1 - On one of their late night trips to sit down by the lake, they've got a big blanket wrapped around them both. Lizzie has her head on Hope's shoulder and Hope notices Lizzie starting to doze off. She lets Lizzie sleep for a while before deciding it's getting a little cold.
So she gently wakes Lizzie up and cant help but laugh at how cute tired Lizzie is.
Lizzie then says something but Hope doesn't notice cos she's to busy staring at Lizzie.
Lizzie then manages to snap Hope out her daze and Hope cant stop herself anymore and kisses Lizzie.
2.1 - They're out walking in the woods. Hope trips and Lizzie manages to stop her from falling. But the way she grabs Hope, when Hope regains her balance she's barely an inch away from Lizzie's face (or as close as they possibly can be considering the adorable height difference). And then they both stare for a moment before going in for a kiss at the same time.
2.2 - Theyre in the woods and Hope trips. Lizzie tries to stop her but instead gets dragged down with Hope and lands on top of her. Same thing as 2.1, they both stare for a second then kiss.
And then just a whole load more Hizzie couple cuteness and Hizzie endgame!
I got so carried away with this lmao. Legit took me like 2 hours to type it all (well, between texting and coughing alot so maybe more like an hour and a half)
I wonder if I should use this for my writing? Yeah im using this.
I know posting this here means some ass might steal my idea, but I have other ideas I can weave into this and bits that need changed to fit my writing so it wouldn't turn out the same anyways. Doesn't mean you can steal my idea though, DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!
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3x18: A Turning Point for Deckerstar
 In my opinion; ‘The Last Heartbreak’ was great. There was humor, drama, & I shed my fair share of tears by the end. It was seamless, everything flowed together perfectly; even with the 1950’s flashbacks. It gave me & a handful of others some serious Season 2 vibes. This might even go down as one of my favorite episodes of Lucifer. Not of all time of course; that spot is reserved for 1x09. Definitely in my top 5 though; but I digress. Above all, TLH laid the groundwork for what is sure to be some good/great episodes leading into the finale.
But as is to be expected, not everyone was satisfied. Many were shocked, frustrated, confused, angry, & maybe even heartbroken😉 by the events that occurred. Now I’m not saying I didn’t feel this way too, cause I’m still reeling from some of it. -wraps Trixie in a snuggy & gives her the biggest chocolate cake imaginable;. My precious alien loving baby.💖💕
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What I’ll be focusing on in this post is the pieces that led Lucifer & Chloe to make the decisions they made by the end of TLH. We have a lot of ground to cover, so get a snack ready cause here we go!
There’s an old saying that goes… “Can’t see the forest for the trees.” For those of you new to this phrase here’s a run down: When you are too close to a situation or “the tree’s” (3x18). You need to step back and get perspective. When you do you’ll notice there was a whole “forest” (S3) you couldn’t see before because you were focusing on “the trees”.
It’s very easy to focus on a singular moment(s) in a tv show, book, or movie. Whether it be negative or positive; out of anger, frustration, or joy. And when that happens, we fail to see the full story that is being pieced together for us. Not to say those pieces aren’t important, because they are. But just focusing on a moment that made you frustrated; “Ughhh why didn’t Lucifer stay with Chloe! REALLY?! A BRIDAL SHOWER IS MORE IMPORTANT! YOU DESERVE TO BE HURT!” isn’t very productive in my book. There’s a reason Lucifer turned down Chloe’s offer of coffee, & it’s not because he wanted to hangout w/ a bunch of inebriated bridesmaids. (Let’s put a pin in that for later)
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Now to clarify… I won’t be going over ALL of S3 in the lead up to TLH cause that’ll take wayyyy to long. I’ll just be shining a light on a few moments in TLH that I felt were given too harsh a criticism. And more specifically a certain devil that has a tendency to be misread… a lot. 
The most important element introduced in TLH is ‘frame of mind’. Each character (Lucifer/Chloe/Marcus/Maze/Amenadiel/etc.) is in a different head space throughout most of the episode. And each is handling this shift  in their own way. Which is a lot of emotions to cover in one episode & it is accomplished flawlessly, in my opinion. That being said, I’m just going to focus on Lucifer & Chloe because obviously. (With a little mention of M/C)
Chloe, is very much focused on the case at hand; which isn’t surprising to anyone. Although she had a seemingly good time at the Axara concert w/ M/C, in her mind & her own words it was “…no big deal.” In fact she doesn’t quite get why everyone else, especially Lucifer, is making it one. What throws her for a loop is M/C asking her out on another date later in the ep. Despite telling her a few eps back that he wasn’t “relationship material”. 
 Chloe’s subtle reactions during the sting are very telling. (highly recommend giving it a couple rewatches). At first she’s very open, complementing M/C on his rock collection. There is no way she didn’t giggle about this to herself later that night; & she definitely texted Linda & Ella about it as well. Also like to think in an alternate timeline Chloe & Luci laughed about this over that coffee whilst starring longingly into each others eyes…
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Anyways, eventually like w/ most of her interactions w/ M/C, Chloe becomes jittery. -At 1:57 M/C asks “Is something wrong”  The grossest part about this moment is the way he leans over her; dominating the space. Whereas Chloe’s body language is very closed off; no eye contact. Our detective is very out of her element. This isn’t the normal ‘uh I don’t know how to speak because my crush is right there’ vibe. It’s ‘I need to watch what I say cause I don’t know what they’ll do’ vibe. Yes Chloe has an attraction to M/C, but there’s a subconscious part of her that is unnerved by him. This is proven to me when she quickly gets out that they shouldn’t date because they work together & things could get weird. Only then does she make eye contact with him, gauging his reaction.
-2:16 M/C’s response: ‘You asked me out first Decker’.  EXCUSE ME?! What kind of ‘You started it first’ BS is this? That’s something I would say to my dad when my lil bro & I would get into fights as kids. ‘What are you 12?!’ - @psychicninja90​ -slow clap; Ugh!! It makes me wanna…
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-brushes self off; Now that I’ve gotten that out of my system…  At first Chloe is flabbergasted by this response, & dare I say a little disgusted. I feel like if Lucifer had said something like this her reaction would be vastly different. He would’ve said it teasingly & paired w/ a smirk. She would’ve served him one of her looks, shook her head, trying & failing to hide a small smile. Whereas M/C is blunt & accusatory; in that moment he might as well have said ‘I didn’t start this, you did. Don’t blame me.’  The detective handles this w/ a lot more decorum than I would’ve in that moment. Letting out a slight scoff, which is deafening. She confirms this accusation laid before her & ends this exchange by saying…
“I need someone who can let me in & I don’t know if that’s you.”
Before beginning any relationship, you need to be on equal footing w/ the other. Apart from love you need honesty, trust, loyalty, & most importantly communication. A person to help you through your inner struggles, & vice versa. Discovering things about yourself & the other person that nobody else knows. Giving yourself over to them completely; not because you’re forced to but because you want to. Being completely & totally transparent w/ your partner; no lies, no going backwards. 
 We all know how close Lucifer & Chloe came to being more than partners. And each time there was a hiccup; that being Lucifer’s walls. Our devil has had eons to construct them. The pain of being cast down from heaven, his mother & siblings seemingly shunning him. Punishing the guilty day in & out, dealing w/ the perceptions that people have created of him during that time i.e ‘The devil made me do it.’ It’s a lot to unpack, & despite him having been seeing Dr. Linda for almost 3 yrs, she’s barely scratched the surface. The fact that a character, as stubborn & arrogant as Lucifer, has sought out help for his problems is amazing. Coupled with the fact that he takes his therapy sessions seriously; or at least he does in his own way. It’s so refreshing, & truly one of my favorite aspects of this show. Gushing aside, Linda hasn’t been the only one chipping away at Lucifer’s facade. Chloe has given a few decent whacks at it as well.
“I’m not here for a case, I’m here for you… I thought you needed a friend.”
Chloe’s left the door open for Luci time & time again. Asking him what’s wrong. Letting him know if he needs anything she’d be here for him. Only to have him push her away when their relationship was developing into something more. To Chloe it feels as if Lucifer is stringing her along. That he’s immature, he’s not ready for a serious relationship, the list goes on. Even though Chloe’s grown to care so much for Luci, she’s not gonna wait around for him to figure himself out. She has Trixie to think about. And if she’s going to let someone be in her life, there can’t be any secrets between them. They need to be on equal footing with each other. Rely on each other, lean on each other, and everything else that comes w/ any healthy relationship. 
Despite how much Lucifer & Chloe have progressed up until this point, theirs still a lot that needs to happen in order for them to get back to where they were in 2x12. The most important being Chloe finally believing that he is in fact the devil. Now we the audience know that in the S2 finale & in 3x01 Lucifer was ready to bring Chloe into the fold. But then it was bye bye Mr. Crispy & hello wings! And thus the emotional spiral for Lucifer began…
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Lucifer in 3x18 is showing signs of jealousy & possessiveness. When confronted w/ Chloe & Cain’s interactions, he outwardly tries to portray himself as not caring. Even though inside we know he’s “totally freaking out”. The phrase of the day for him is multiple variations of “nothing’s changing”; he just want’s things to stay the same. Just him & the detective solving crimes & catching the bad guys, 
Before I go on, there’s a wonderful thread that I read by @agentmadani / @frankcastle on twitter where she talks about Lucifer & why he made the decisions he made in TLH etc. She pretty much summarizes everything I’m about to say here. So if you want something less long winded go check her out! Thanks again hun for helping me get my thoughts together!😊💞
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We can all agree that Lucifer has been struggling a lot this season. His loss of identity, his continuing struggle w/ mental health, wanting revenge, getting mixed up in a deal w/ the first murderer, there’s a lot. The one thing that hasn’t been focused on until now is his & Chloe’s relationship. Specifically the idea that Chloe’s free will is compromised due to her being a literal miracle sent down from dear old Dad. The idea that the woman that he loved was just another player in his father’s play was the final straw. 
“So none of it was real.”
This revelation was the catalyst to Lucifer leaving in 2x13, & coming back married in 2x14. He wasn’t about to sacrifice Chloe’s free will just so he could be with her. In that moment Lucifer decided to forgo his happiness in order to protect her from him. So he pushed her away & told her they were ‘just friends’; being partners is better than a relationship built on a lie. Which leads us to where we are now. In TLH Lucifer had a revelation when he confronted our ‘murderer of the wk’. 
“You don’t get to decide who someone wants to be with… and neither do I.”
In that moment Lucifer realizes Chloe’s free will is not being controlled by Dad. She has the ability to decide who she does & doesn’t want in her life, etc. Chloe is her own person; & more importantly she was not put in Lucifer’s path by his father. This is a moment we’ve all been waiting for… or at least I have. Maybe because it was done so subtly, I don’t think many of you picked up on it. And for those of you who are just catching up, your welcome! I’ll give you a moment to happy dance it out.
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All good? Ok, back to the post. So now that we’ve gotten past that speed bump, we should be in the clear for a Deckerstar reunion right?! …Well not just yet. See now that Lucifer knows Chloe has a choice, he’s not going to take that away from her. It’s like I said above, the last thing Lucifer wants is for Chloe’s consent to be taken away. She out of everyone deserves to have a say in what happens in her life. And if Chloe wants to choose a life w/o him in it, romantically speaking, then her wish is his command. Because the saddest part about all of this is there will always be a part of Lucifer that believes he doesn’t deserve Chloe. 
“You deserve someone as good as you because well you’re special & I’m not worth it.” 
As confident as Lucifer portrays himself to be, deep down behind that devilish smirk is eons of self loathing. He believes himself to be a monster, pure evil. Why else would his father cast him out of heaven? That’s how humans think of him; his own brother even deemed him as such so it must be true. Where Chloe is the good & light, he is the darkness & the damned. Never the two shall mix; if he has anything to say about it. So once again Lucifer removes himself from the equation, with the full knowledge that Chloe isn’t a part of his Dad’s plan. He just wants her to be happy. It just sucks that Cain is not the person Chloe deserves.
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Remember that pin I told you to make concerning the final scene between Chloe & Lucifer? It’s time I say we unpin it. Now that I’ve explained both of their frames of mind to the best of my ability, hopefully you can understand why Lucifer turned down that cup of java. Before he’s even reached Chloe’s door, he’s already made up his mind to let Chloe explore things w/ M/C. They’re partners & friends; they aren’t “a thing”. He doesn’t get to have a say in who Chloe has in her life, she does. 
As far as he knows, her feelings towards M/C are genuine. Lucifer had to sit & listen to her wax poetic on the radio about him. Ignoring the handsome comment, Luci doesn’t see himself as brave. The detective & he may have some things in common but not many. Which is something she’s pointed out in the past. Finally the veritable nail in the coffin, he (M/C) is a good person. At least in Chloe’s eyes; which is honestly the most frustrating part of this whole thing. Lucifer’s the devil, lord of hell, ruler over the damned. He makes deals, & shows people their greatest desires. But only for something in return; not out of the goodness of his heart. He punishes the guilty, but still people blame him for their wrong doings. So with all this stacked against him, the best choice in Luci’s mind is for him to bow out.
“I realize there’s room in your life for all sorts of relationships; even if it is with him….”
I have to give so much credit to Tom in this scene. I swear I was half expecting Luci to break down & cry, but he holds steadfast. You can see the torment playing out on his face. He doesn’t want to do this, but he has to if it means Chloe’s happy. The moment when he leaves, forcefully closing the door on his way out, is what really gets me. If he had stayed to drink that stupid cup of coffee; his resolve would be gone. Luci knew that if he didn’t leave, he would’ve never had the strength to do so again. There’s no doubt that although Lucifer was surrounded by gorgeous ladies that night, his heart was in that dining room w/ his one & only. Now I’m not saying Lucifer thinks Cain is ALL of those things Chloe claimed on the radio, because he doesn’t. We & Lucifer are well aware that M/C is a piece of garbage. This isn’t anything new. It’s what is said that is most important rather than who it’s referencing. In my mind Chloe was describing aspects of Lucifer that she loves. No one can convince me otherwise. Her looking at M/C during this scene, was & is what we call a misdirect. I mean she knew Lucifer would be listening & not M/C after all. Lucifer is a good person & he does help people; in his own way. He is brave (she just doesn’t know how brave), & of course he’s handsome. He’s all of this & so much more. I mean M/C has some nice arms, but you can’t beat this…
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HAHA YOU THOUGHT IT WAS GONNA BE SHIRTLESS LUCI! That would’ve been too easy.😘😜😏
Now I’ve made it known that I don’t believe for one second that Lucifer trusts Cain; let alone thinks of him as a friend. Despite Lucifer referring to him as such in 3x15. Tom Ellis described them as ‘frenemies’ remember. Do you know how many times I referred to someone as a ‘friend’ even though we weren’t? A fair amount; and that’s just what Lucifer did. Sometimes ‘friend’ is the simplest way to describe a relationship w/o over complicating things. I mean how else could’ve Lucifer related his query to Chloe w/o sounding completely off his rocker? Which leads to what Luci says to the killer upon interrupting him…
”Too bad, if you had started with him I would’ve let you swing.”
This wasn’t just said out of protectiveness over Chloe. Or even jealousy over M/C; which can’t lie, is hard for me to conceptualize. From my position it was said out of Lucifer’s willingness to harm Cain if the time comes. Need I remind y’all about that time in the surveillance van all those eps ago? M/C revealed to Lucifer that he unflinchingly put Chloe in harms way to get what he wants. Whose to say he wouldn’t do it again? This thought I’m sure is one of the main reasons Lucifer entered into that deal, besides revenge on Dad. Averting M/C’s attention away from the detective by any means necessary. He is Chloe’s guardian devil after all. Something else I noticed upon my second viewing of TLH is the amount of side eye Lucifer was giving Cain. To contribute these actions as just him silently judging the ‘old cop mentor’ bs would be an understatement. To me it was Lucifer scoping Cain out; being aware of his every move. He even asks M/C point blank why he’s been hovering around the detective.
“What happened to the whole wanting to die thing?” “I had a change of heart…”
Do you honestly think Lucifer is gonna take what M/C says at face value & roll with it. Then you don’t know Lucifer. He may have made a deal with this guy but he doesn’t trust him as much as he can hurt him. Which isn’t very much, unfortunately for us. And to the people claiming Luci led Chloe right into M/C’s manipulation knowing what that asshat is planning…
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This is Lucifer ‘All that I ask, is that you protect Chloe’ Morningstar we’re talking about here. Did you see how quickly Lucifer lost his shit when Chloe refused to leave during the bomb threat? This is the same guy who tackled a girl w/ a knife whilst Chloe was holding a gun 7ft. away. Luci has no chill when it comes to protecting his lady love. I’m sure if Chloe were to get a paper cut while reading a case file he’d rip it to shreds. That sounds extreme, but you know I’m right. He may not know exactly what M/C’s planning; if anything. But he knows that there’s always the possibility. Saying Lucifer’s just going to sit back & watch this happen doesn’t make sense. The second he catches a whiff that Cain is planning something that could put Chloe in harm’s way it’ll be on like Donkey Kong! 
“The thing about rocks is that they’re old, & they never change.” Guess who else is old & never changes? Cain. This is foreshadowing from the writers that Cain’s end goal is the same as it’s always been. All he’s done is shift his focus back to Chloe; again he believes her to be key to dying. Now we just have wait & see him complete this end goal. Or slip up & fail miserably.
Luci knows the risk he’s taking letting Chloe have this relationship w/ M/C; but it’s a risk he’s willing to take. He wouldn’t be doing this if he didn’t already think Chloe could take care of herself. As protective as Luci is, he knows she has a good head on her shoulders; she trusts her gut. She didn’t get to where she is now being coddled. Chloe was solving crimes, kicking ass, & taking names long before he showed up. It’s with that in mind that Lucifer leaves her w/ this word of advice.
“Just please, be careful.”
He’s says this, not only for Chloe to be on the look out, but to subtly tell her that so will he. If she needs anything he’ll be here for her. Just like how she’s always been there for him. In doing this, he’s left that door open for her; another piece of that formidable wall Lucifer’s built has fell away.
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(^^OW IT HURTS I’M SORRY!!^^) Now for Chloe’s side… She is very surprised by Luci’s house call, but as always she welcomes him in w/o hesitation. It makes me miss the days of the devil sneaking in to make her some breakfast, oh memories. Chloe doesn’t say much in this scene, but it still bares looking at. (0:29)  “Perhaps I was slightly insecure about Pierce moving in on our partnership.” ”Oh Lucifer, that’s not what’s happening.” This is a perfect parallel to everyone’s favorite beach scene in 2x11. thank you @boundtobeafraid​ for creating this; great minds think alike.😚💝
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Like in 2x11, Chloe feels instantly compelled to relieve Lucifer’s assumptions; or in this case worries. That nothing is really changing, that nothing & no one will ever come between them.  (0:56) “Do you want to stay? I can make coffee.” With this statement Chloe reveals to us who her heart belongs to… Lucifer. He’s her first choice, not M/C. She’s letting Lucifer in, letting him know that she’s willing to take their relationship to that next level. Then like clockwork, Lucifer refuses her offer; & closes himself off. His walls are up & as she well knows they won’t be coming down anytime soon. With this in mind, she decides to give M/C a call. Conscious of the fact that if Lucifer had stayed, she never would’ve given him a second thought.
“Okay, another time.”
…And there will be, just not yet. Wearing the bullet necklace in ‘Orange Is The New Maze’ is proof of that. It’s her way of telling Lucifer that he’s still important to her. Chloe’s heart belongs to him, no matter what she’s doing or who she’s with. And even though she’s seemingly moving on, there’s a part of her waiting for him to catch up.
Needless to say everything that has happened in the past influences what transpired in TLH. And more importantly, what has been set in motion in TLH will influence what ultimately goes down in the finale. It was a turning point. Not only was there an internal shift for our characters, for most there was an external one to follow. Most were painful & caused a few tears, but all of it had a purpose. With all stories you need to have the good with the bad, & everything else in between. For me, there’s a deeper reason to why this episode was called ‘The Last Heartbreak’. Although this may not be the last time our hearts will break this season; we’ve gotten through the brunt of it. You need to trust that everything will turn out right in the end. There’s a light at the end of this tunnel that we’re currently in, & I can see only one way for this season to end.
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There’s a reason we’ve all stuck around up until this point. There’s a reason I & many others have written post after post about this show. What the Lucifer writers/actors have cultivated here is something truly unique. And I know none of us want it to end before it’s even begun. So take a deep breath & breathe. Keep your eyes on the prize. I hope you enjoyed this journey I led you on; & that you gained some perspective on a few moments that you didn’t before. Would love to hear your thoughts & feelings on what I talked about here or anything else.Here’s hoping next time around I’m able to post in the lead up to the next ep & not the day before. Till then, I hope you have a lovely morning, day, noon, or night whenever you’re reading this. If you want to be a part of the post tribe just message me & I’ll add you to the roster.  xoxo Em Tribe: @psychicninja90, @mametupa, @boundtobeafraid, @ohmymorningstar, @aeruthien, @lux-i-fer, @lucifer-central, @ships-sailing-in-the-night, @frankcastle, @fire-mage-catril, @sanoiro
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alwaysaprille · 7 years
Is it just me or has Clarke lost a lot of the relationships she had with the delinquents? Her and Jasper's relationship completely dissolved even after he stopped being angry. Her and monty have barely interacted in the past 2 season. Her and Octavia have been done for a while. Like I feel Bellamy is the only delinquent that she has a relationship with anymore. Hopefully, next ep we will see some more of her and raven's relationship. But it just makes me sad bc Clarke has almost all her friends.
No, it’s not just you and I think there’s a reason for this that plays into Clarke’s overall Character/Story arc. Again, y’all come and ask questions not expecting meta and then it just....springs out of my head because you guys just say the absolute right things.
What you said made me realize that...Clarke has been alone since Season 2. Like, we talk constantly about Clarke and Bellamy being co-leaders and discuss why that’s so frustrating, but we’re thinking as the audience, which means we haven’t taken the time to put ourselves in Clarke’s shoes. 
Although we know that Clarke can always depend on Bellamy to make the big decisions with her, and that he in fact has always been there for the “lever pulling moment” (even in S3, the script tells us Clarke finds strength in the memory of Bellamy helping her pull the lever in S2), but for most of every Season, Clarke has been isolated from her strongest support system: her people (and specifically-Abby and Bellamy).
Most people, when they discuss Clarke, say things like “I really miss Season 1 Clarke!” and “When will Clarke get back to her Season 1 self?” And I’ve seen people say “She’s not that girl anymore because of all of the things she’s had to do!” but the key difference between Season 1 Clarke and Season 2-4 Clarke is that she didn’t have her co-leader by her side. 
See evidence:
Clarke and Bellamy interact in a leadership based capacity in every single episode of Season 1, with no exceptions (they also have their friendship building moments). Clarke also has the benefit of being surrounded by the Core Four in this season (Raven and Octavia also play key integral roles in this Season). Clarke is noticeably not bearing the majority of the burden, and so even as she makes heavy decisions, someone else made the decision with her (even closing the Dropship on Bellamy wasn’t a decision she made by herself, Miller was the one who told her they didn’t have time and that they had to close the door now.).
Let me be clear and say that this in no way means that Clarke is more likable when she is with a man. I’m saying that Clarke is less burdened in Season 1, more open and she shares that burden more equally with those in her Core support system. 
Season 1 ends with Clarke isolate from others and Season 2 picks up the same way, Clarke alone, in a white sterile room. And this should have been the first sign of what was waiting for us in regards to Clarke’s journey. Even as she is surrounded by the 47 in Mt. Weather, Clarke obviously holds herself (and her plans to escape) away from them. When she escapes, she doesn’t escape with one of her people, she escapes with Anya, a Grounder leader (clever bit of foreshadowing there). She is reunited with her mother and Bellamy for only 4 episodes before she agrees with Bellamy’s plan to go into the Mountain. As soon as she takes L/xa’s advice “Love is weakness.”, Clarke’s separation from her support system becomes even more obvious: 
She and L/xa literally spend 2x10 away from their people being chased by a giant gorilla. 
In 2x11 Clarke actually takes control away from her mother (”You may be the Chancellor, but I’m in charge.”) and in doing so she pushes away one of her strongest supports (Abby) while her other (Bellamy) is in the mountain. Raven (the third part of the Core Four) is still furious with her over Finn’s death, and Octavia (4/4 of the Core Four) is too concerned with Bellamy and Lincoln’s absence to be much help. 
In 2x12, Clarke and L/xa abandon their people to a bomb, an act which leaves Abby horrified by her daughter and Clarke even more alone on this leadership journey than she’s been before (save L/xa), because Raven is at Camp Jaha and Octavia is in TonD.C. 
In 2x13, Clarke is still only partnered with L/xa, a solitary leader. 
In 2x14, Clarke is still partnered with L/xa, a solitary leader. 
In 2x15, Clarke and L/xa attempt to open the doors, but ultimately fail (which is a large bit of foreshadowing). 
In 2x16, Clarke is back with a team (Bellamy and Monty) and they succeed at taking down the Mountain but Clarke leaves on a solitary journey. 
Everything about Season 2 tells us that Clarke does better, is successful, when she is operating as part of a team, not a solitary leader. 
In Season 3, we open with Clarke again, separated from her people, and she remains that way until the very last seconds of episode 3x10 (almost the entire Season), even when she is back with her people for brief moments, she’s still rejecting the idea that she can, and indeed needs, to lead with others. Again, it’s not until the finale of Season 3 where Clarke stops trying to make decisions and lead by herself, that she finally succeeds and is able to defeat A.L.I.E. 
We’re seeing it again in Season 4, Clarke is isolated, even as she is surrounded by her support system, because she has not released the lessons she learned from L/xa (primarily) and Dante (only a bit). 
L/xa, as a divinely appointed leader, was raised to understand that the final say is and always should be hers. She was raised to believe that she did not need to depend on others, and that, as a function of her position, all others were subject to her wishes. 
Dante, as president, is also someone who doesn’t seem to have a group of people that he reports to, or who hold him accountable. 
Ironically, both faced similar fates (their people turned on them, both killed by a gunshot). 
We actually see a bit of this happen for Clarke in Season 4 (when Monty reads the list and I suspect we’ll see it again in 4x11), because Clarke is not allowing others to lead with her, her people are turning against her. 
Clarke has not yet accepted that she is not a person who is capable of being a solitary leader (Bellamy actually played on this in 4x11, when he pointed out all the times “they” saved everyone). Clarke wants to save everyone (her mother calls her on this in the pilot episode) and in her mind, part of saving everyone is also protecting them (at least she thinks she is) from making the life or death decisions. 
But Clarke hasn’t come to terms with the fact that she’s never truly made a life or death decision by herself, she’s never done any of her biggest saves by herself, and every time she tries to lead alone, she fails. Clarke is a leader who NEEDS others. 
And I am so hopeful that we will finally see the culmination of what has been a 3 Season long, achingly painful arc. 
Good Character Growth is not linear, and sometimes it takes Seasons before it reaches the end. 
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Mr. Mxyzptlk
So 2x13 kinda sucked (a lot). This is my solution. Fits in canon with the rest of Eyes Like Kryptonite but the only things you need to know are that Supercorp is established and it's post 2x12 (assume they've been together since post 2x08)   
Let me know what you think! I wasn't sure I was going to get this posted today but then i got some nice feedback that spurred me on! so it definitely helps!
Read on AO3 -  http://archiveofourown.org/works/9100903/chapters/22132820   
"I'm so glad you're not in prison anymore." Kara snuggles in close to Lena under the blanket, a black and white movie playing on the television.
"You think you’re glad I'm not in prison, I’m really glad I'm not in prison." Lena's head falls over onto Kara's shoulder and she strokes her fingers through jet black hair.
"I'm sorry your mother got away though."
"Mmm, well J'onn said it was either save me or go after Lilian, so considering the circumstances, I'm glad you made the choice you did."
Kara leans forward to press a kiss against Lena's forehead.
"It wasn't even a choice."
They're silent for a moment, Kara's heart heavy as she thinks about just how close she was to losing Lena.
The characters in the screen play out a scene that Kara has watched a thousand times - could recite by heart if she were paying attention, but her mind is preoccupied with the memories of those final moments in Lex's lair.
"Thanks you again for believing in me." Lena whispers softly and if not for super hearing, Kara may not have picked it up at all.
"And I'll tell you again that are an amazing woman who has done so much good to combat her family's bad name. You deserve my trust, and everyone else's. Besides, I think the flowers said thank you enough."
She gestures a hand towards the white and red flowers taking up literally every inch of free space in her apartment. Lena lifts her head up off Kara's shoulder to look around, smirk growing as she takes the sight.
"I don't know, I think you could use a few more."
"You mean like the ones filling my office?"
Lena laughs a little and bites her lip, and Kara can't resist leaning in for a soft kiss.
"You deserve all the flowers in the world, Kara Zor-el."  Lena says when they finally pull apart, eyes tracing Kara's face like she wants to memorize every line.
"It's all over the gossip tabloids about you buying your reporter girlfriend thousands of flowers."
"Finally! Some good publicity! Maybe I should do grand gestures of affection more often - help stave off the bad press."
They laugh at that and Lena settles back in her arms.
"I'm shocked you read the tabloids to be honest."
"I don't usually. Winn sent me a few articles."
Lena giggles and the giddy sound makes Kara's heart soar.
"Winn reads the tabloids?!"
"Oh, he's the worst! Don't even say the name Kardashian around him if you know what's good for you! He didn't used to be as bad, but after I came out as Supergirl he was kind of my PR team -well, he was my only team there for a while- and so he kept up to date to make sure they weren't saying horrible things bout me."
"I guess now they're talking about your alter-ego too." Lena sounds almost sad, and Kara shakes her shoulder.
"There are worse things in the world than having tabloids speculate about my relationship with the most beautiful woman in National City."
"Oh, I'm sure." Lena doesn't quite sound like she believes her.
"There are!"
"Like what?"
"This one time, they got a picture of Supergirl eating a cupcake. There was icing all over my nose! Like how rude!!"
"I hope you know that it is now my life's goal to find that picture."
"Leennaa . . ."
"I won't show anyone, I'll just keep it for my personal records."
Kara groans dramatically and lets her head hit the back of the couch.
"I'm going to find some embarrassing pictures of you one day, and you'll regret it. I'll make a scrapbook."
In one smooth motion, Lena rolls over to straddle her hips.
"Sweetheart, there are no embarrassing photos of me."
She has to fight through the cloud of sudden arousal to form a complete sentence, but somehow she manages; thumbs rubbing circles on Lena's thighs.
"You're a giant dork, I'm sure there are lots of . . . what- what are you doing?"
Lena's lips pause the trail they're making down Kara's neck.
"Go on, you were talking about what a huge nerd I am."
"Dork!" She hisses when Lena's teeth nip at her skin. "I believe I used the word dork."
She can feel it when Lena smirks.
"My apologies."
"Are you trying to seduce me so that I-" She gasps, "So that I forget about my scrapbook idea?"
"Maybe." Lena licks her way up Kara's earlobe where she bites sharply.
"Is that a problem?"
"Nope! No, definitely not."
She slides her hands around to the backs of Lena's thighs and scoots her impossibly closer, maneuvering so that Lena has no choice but to capture her lips.
"I'm sorry, is this a bad time?" the voice startles them apart and Kara is sure that she looks a mess - with Lena's hands tangled in her hair and Lena's lipstick smeared across her lips and down her neck.
But there's some guy!
In her apartment!
And she knows she locked the door.
She think she locked the door.
Did she lock the door?
"Kara?" Lena calmly asks. "Who is this?"
She shakes her head.
"I don't-" She turns to the visitor. "Who are you?"
He offers a flourishing bow.
"Mr. Mxyzptlk, at your service."
“Kara?” Lena makes no move to get off of her lap.
“I’ve never seen him before!”
The man narrows his eyes at them and Kara begins to feel a tingle of unease. As gently as she can, she rises, setting Lena to her feet behind her.
“What are you doing here?” She asks the man in her best Supergirl voice -  a little hard considering she’s wearing puppy dog pajama bottoms and fuzzy socks.
“Why Kara Zor-El, I came to ask you to marry me!”
“Excuse you?!” She feels Lena stiffen beside her at the use of her real name and she reaches for the other woman’s hand.
“I- “ He seems at a loss as he glances around the apartment. “Well I was going to woo you but -“
He spins around, tossing his hands in the air.
“It appears there are already plenty of flowers . . . “ suddenly, he’s on his knees in front of her. “A ring, perhaps?”
There’s a sparkling diamond grasped in his fingers but she doesn’t even have a chance to respond before his eyes flicker to where Lena is holding tightly to her hand and he’s speaking again.
“And who are you?”
“Lena Luthor.” There’s a chill in her voice that makes Kara stand just a little straighter.
“Luthor, eh? I’ve heard that name before.”
“At least it’s a name you can pronounce.”
Kara snickers at that and Mr. Mxyzptlk frowns.
“Kara?” he questions.
“She has a point.”
His frown deepens.
“I have unlimited power,” He says confidently. “I could offer you the world."
“Kara has powers.” Lena offers.
“But together . . . .” He wiggles his eyebrows.
“I don’t know what planet you’re from, so maybe it isn’t obvious, but we’re -“ She gestures between herself and Lena. “Kind of a thing.”
“Right, well; not what I expected.”  He rises, glancing around the apartment once more. “Lovely flowers, really.”
He looks to Lena.
“You’re doing, I presume?”
She nods.
“I’ve never had this happen before.” He admits and Kara sighs.
“I think you should leave. Whichever way you managed to come in.”
He studies them for a moment before tilting his head.
“If you should ever get tired of Ms. Rich, Lush, and Beautiful, you should give me a call. Just say ‘Mxyzptlk’ three times in a row-“ he snaps his fingers, “I’ll be here like that.”
“Todeloo!” He calls, and with a twist of his wrist he’s gone, vanishing into thin air.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Mr. Mxyzptlk,” J’onn sighs from the screen of Kara’s laptop. “He’s a fifth dimensional being with the ability to manipulate matter around him.”
“How did he get to this dimension?” Lena asks from beside her on the couch.
“He just appears.” J’onn shrugs. “It’s kind of what he does - floats around to wherever he wants. We’re lucky he didn’t stay longer - absolute power like that . . .  could wreak havoc.”
“Why was he here?” She asks, feeling Lena’s fingers tighten around hers.
“No idea, I’m assuming based on what you’ve told me, that he wanted to marry Supergirl.”
Kara shivers with disgust.
“How do we keep him from coming back?”
“That,” Winn wheels his rolly chair into the frame. “Is where I come in. Analyzing the information from the air scans Lena took in your apartment, I’ve been able to isolate a specific radioactive frequency and if he pops back up within a hundred mile radius of the city, I’ll be notified.”
“Thanks, Winn.” She feels like she’s finally able to breathe again, .
“Oh, Kara- you’ve got a little something . . .” He gestures to his neck and her eyes widen as she reaches out to slam the lid of her laptop closed.
“Bye, Winn!"
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