#I'm SoOoOoO tired of it it's such a dumb fucking take how do we have SO MANY POSTS AND ARTICLES ABOUT IT
berryvegan · 7 months
I wake up
I log on to the internet, really any platform
I see a NEW "vEgAn LeAtHeR iS pLaStIc" post
I sigh deeply and put down my phone
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pacifymebby · 2 years
Age gap crush anon back because I forgot to say that you totally do not need to be sorry for not replying to my anons right away!! I’m sorry you’re having such a hard time right now and I hope things get better soon!!
I also forgot to talk about how I’m super worried about if he wants me to meet his mom or even just if he starts to take me to meet his friends. Because I’m currently unemployed and out of school (I’m going back soon hopefully but I had to stop for a while). I’m totally unsure of what I want to do in school and with my entire life and I don’t want to embarrass myself. I’m just so embarrassed about my situation because he’s got a really good job and he’s a full on adult while I’m here unemployed and trying to figure out if I’m even smart enough to go to college or university. I just think my situation really makes our age gap stick out like a sore thumb. I know it’s stupid and that his mom is probably really lovely and wouldn’t judge me and that if anyone else did judge me it wouldn’t matter but I can’t help ruminating on these things. Ugh I’m probably just being over dramatic again aren’t I?
Thanks lovely, I'm doing a bit better mental health wise, I'm just up and down i guess. I'm working a lot and I'm tired and I miss B a lot haha. All in all I'm one sulky girl atm haha.
So also I'm living through your updates!!!
Okay I get this, I really understand actually because I'm coming to the end of my course and I'm getting a lot of people ask me what I'll do when I finish and honestly, my answer is that I will take on more hours in the care home and just try to do writing I guess? And it's not much of an answer and I don't feel like an adult at all.
BUT this is literally your 20s now ngl. It's everyone's 20s. Not to be morbid but the world has run in such a way that now your whole 20s is spent piecing together some kind of life, trying to become an adult when the generations above you keep burning the instruction manuals and rewriting the rules.
Not knowing what you want to do yet is not a weakness, it's an opportunity. You can tell people you're preparing to go back to school but that you're trying to work out what your best options are. You can say shit like, you don't want to waste time on a degree that won't lead you anywhere, you want to work out the best path to go down or whatever. There are adult ways of saying you don't know what you're doing trust me.
Have you spoken to ur man about any of it? Like when he was ur age he probably had fuck all clue what he was doing either and you never know he may be able to help guide you or at least offer you a little reassurance/encouragement or whatever.
Like with me and B I have this complex where I think he's soooooo much more intelligent than me because he's already got his degree and his masters and he got 1sts and he did amazingly well at them. And I did not get a 1st for my undergrad and idk I'm scared I won't get a Distinction for my masters. I'm constantly worrying about stuff to do with uni and at first I wouldn't ask B for help because I thought he'd think I was dumb but actually now he proof reads my essays and he's really good at helping me out with stuff, he gives me so much encouragement. It was the same when I was applying he read my application and guided me through the whole process.
I think if you tell him you're worried ur man will do the same.
You're not being dramatic though I totally get it, there's a lot of B's family I haven't met but every time I meet someone new I have the fear all over again. I also always think that like I'm so shy and awkward in social situations and I do just hide behind B, I think his family probably must think I'm not good enough for him or that it's weird we are together, but like they actually don't and it's all just in my head. And also, the same that you don't care what your family think of your man, you still like him anyway, your man will be the same. He won't care, he already likes you.
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foursdarkdays · 8 months
i like a girl lol
Sooooooooooooo ummm the title of this rant? would be "i like a girl" lmaooo Soooooo yeah theres a girl i kinda like?? its nothing serious tho but yeah i like her ig, she's not really my type tho but idk . She treats me so well i cant help it. i feel things lol. I keep checking my phone every second of the day (just did again) and it sucksssss. She kinda likes me back? atleast thats what she says . but idk i dont think so. The possibility is too narrow but yeah.
She has a boyfriend lol and its not like i care tbh cause its not like i wanna make her cheat on him something i mean she wouldnt and i wouldnt want her to. Also i know this isjust a phase for her and itll go away soon. for her or for me. Yk know i cant like someone for long especially if i dont see a possibilty of us dating. so yeah im gonna go with the flow rn. She told me that she had a crush on me since months tho but again ahh i dont think so. maybe shes overthinking . maybe she just wants to be my friend.
anywayyy soo im just going with the flow. we flirt a lot. we blush a lot. Thta bitch flirts with othets and makes me jealous lmao dumb fuck and i do the same bwahaah. sooooo yeahhhh i know after whatever this thing is ends im gonna be sad af for 2 weeks i think? cause we talk so much and its gonna be lonely. but again im a pro at moving on soooooooooo
7/10/23 (1:51am)
(im gonna keep adding the rants)
and the best thing about this is that i'm very well prepared for the heartbreak so im sure it wont hurt much lol im actually very sure about that. I always expect the worst in these things so its going to be chill. I'm sure shell come out of this phase soon and it will only be a memory for both of us. mostly in a good away tho. I'm not gonna take this too seriously and just have fun. you're flirting? okay ill flirt back. you're treating me well? ill do the same yeah thats it lol
i have a strong gut feeling that this is gonna end soon like 3-4 days? i dont know. lets see
7/10/23 (18:25)
Oh wow soooo it almost ended that day lollll but then yeah we kinda talked it out? Anyways i feel like something changed after that. I think in a good way? The obsession feelings decreased and maybe the good friendship feelings increased? I honestly have no idea and i should probably stop trying to figure it out lol. Anyway now I'm back and i think she doesn't like me anymore. Maybe I'm just over thinking? But lol nvm let's see how it goes
11/10/23 (2:05am)
Lmao bitch read this post. anyways im gonna act like no one knows about this account. Its soooooo scary i know i've told this before but its just really scary. See i have trust in myself that if IF something goes wrong ill move on fast, OKAY WHY AM I OVERTHINKING AGAIN. lets fuck this. SHES SO CUTE IM SO OBSESSED I HATE HER SO MUCH. ITS SO MUCH FUN TALKING TO HER. even though sometimes i really wanna push her off a cliff but its okay. I wanna write so much but im blank again wtf
14/10/23 (01:48am)
Why do i feel like she hates me now. Maybe she'll finally lose feelings. i mean yeah thats okay and understandable but it'll be too sudden so idk. I'm ready for anything at this point . I wanna text her but i guess ill give her space. I'll just distract myself and sleep. She has nooooooo idea about the amount of over thinking im doing rn. im so sure shes done with me and will never see my face again. lemme prepare myself. Thankfully im veryyy tired so ill fall asleep easily.
14/10/23 (9:22 pm)
i randomly have such sudden outbursts of love for this baby. i want to cup her face and kiss her whole face , i want to hug her to my chest and kiss her head and baby the fuck out of her. She's gonna cringe reading this (please dont). I want to like put our foreheads together and close my eyes and feel it yk??? i sound soooooo weird. Please dont be creeped out
15/10/23 (10;02pm)
I like her so much like so so so so so so much. Its very scary and i know for a fact that i will be hurt later but ugh its sooooo worth it. I'm sooooo happy with her. The feelings keep growing and i dont think im gonna let it stop. its okay ill let it grow. yoloooo sooo ahhhhh. We just had a pubg date sksksksk shes soooooooo ahhhhh. She flirts so confidently , i was panicking behind the pubg call sksknjiuck. anywaysssss ugh I want to kiss her sooooooooooooooooo bad like fuckkkkkkkkkk i wanttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!.
20/10/23 (01:13am)
Hiii so idk bro she says she's more obsessed with me but obviously i disagree. I think i really fell harder lol I mean it's scary af but anyways. Idk she can go for hoursssss without talking to me and be fine and me ? Lolllllll I try to text back whenever I can but she doesn't do that. Maybe I'm asking too much. Okay i should chill out fr. I don't wanna depend on anyone lol. I only want fun stuff here even though i know I'm kinda in deep but anyways it'll be okay. I know she's putting a lot of effort i shouldn't complain. I'm getting more than i deserve anyway. And I AM happy af. I just miss her i guess. I sound sooooo stupid. Ugh I hope she doesn't read this
21/10/23 (17:12)
(23/10/23) 1:40am
She didn't text me back today. But I'm gonna be understanding. I don't want to overthink. Not today . There are so many possibilities and i wanna listen to her . I really want to be understanding. Because i genuinely care . I didn't text her back till 2pm due to some valid reasons tho but anyway I feel calm now. I texted in our gc and she seen zoned but maybe she has her reasons . Let's see . I don't want to think about anything. I really hope she's alright .
It's like i want her to text me about her day and all but then I don't want to expect much i don't want her to do zyada also idk she's already treating me nicely and it makes me happy. Its honestly more than enough and I don't want to be greedy.
23/10/23 (19:12)
okay sooo ummm the reality is hitting me these days. I was okay being the side chick but its really hitting me lol. Its not like she makes me feel that way nahhh she shows that she cares. Its just that idk maybe im only stupid. she flirts with others and sends me screenshots and everytime she does that i lose little feelings. Even though she does that for fun idk. If she keeps doing this, i might actually lose feelings lol idk how to tell her that. I dont wanna bicker or anything i dont have the strenght and anyway she'll be like nooo i do it for fun only because im cool. **heavy sigh** nvm . but should i let her know? communication is good yk. i guess ill try tonight. if she doesnt fall asleep. Okay ill tell her that, rest is her wish lol .
oh yeah btw todays our 1 month anniversary???? ehehehehe
okay she fell asleep, shes really sick so i hope she feels better soon.
but anyway i keep feeling stupid lmaoooooo i need to stop feeling this way and accept it. Thats the only way lol
21:23 (30/10/23)
Wah its been long, soooo umm idk we kinda had a disagreement? i honestly dont know what that was but yeah im 1000% sure that it wasnt my fault. i took my time to write and explain everything but nah i guess shes mad at me? ofcourse she is. we didnt talk the whole day and its kinda driving me crazy but im trying to look normal. I wont text her first , not because i have ego or anything but because im not at fault here. She took things a little too far and i got triggered. But again i did explain her everything like why it triggered me and all because i didnt want any misunderstanding. But yeah shes mad at me for that? i honestly dont know what to do. is this the end of us? i dont want it to end like this. I'm not ready but i also wont text first. She needs to own up to her mistakes. I miss her. I miss her so much . please text me ughh .
its okay i guess. this is like a break for us i think i dont know how this will end up
lmao i got on with a lot of thoughts in my head but as usual im black again. sooo i cant stop thinking about her and its scaring the shit out of me. Atp im pushing myself to go out with friends and family just to divert myself from thinking about her lmaooo yeah its that bad. The worst part is even k-pop idols are not helping me this time. Its always her on my mind. But ill try my best to distract myself because i feel very one sided. Its prolly not but kinda is . idk. But i'm also behaving the same way with her ig? i talk about idols and behave like they're the only ones on my mind when its absolutely false. I'm sure its not the same for her tho. she really isnt that whipped for me lol. and thats okay. ill keep trying to calm myself down . BUTTT the more i try the more i think. What do i do?
05:36am (17/11/2023)
we had a talk yesterday and it hit a nerve, It hit a wrong spot and now idk what i feel anymore. It was hurting. My heart felt like it would explode. I felt too much that i dont feel it now. No i'm not over her. It'll take time for sure but something snapped for sure. I'm taking a break today, from her. I need to analyze my feelings and emotions and think. I need to be ready for whatever is about to come. and i will be, Im strong and i can do it.
I never spoke about this or wrote it here but i think i should now. I need to analyze my feelings and write it out. I like her. i like her a lot. It was all happy happy at first, just us flirting. It wasnt that serious. But it did get serious later. A lot of feelings got involved. I know i know that she has a boyfriend and that i am a second option. I know its genuine and she really likes me. But i sometimes i wish the other way around. Everytime she mentions her boyfriend, its like a stab in my heart and reality hits me. I get distant for a bit. idk if she notices. its not her fault tho, I cant talk to people about this because i know what they're gonna say. "its all your fault, you knew she was taken but you still chased her. its all on you. you"re stupid for even hoping or wanting something from a straight taken woman" oh dont even get me started on how much it hurts when she tells me shes straight. Its gives me mixed signals. she says she wants to kiss me, hold me and do things with me and then she says shes straight. see i know sexuality is not an easy thing, it takes a lot of time and courage and thinking to come to a conclusion and tbh its okay even if she doesnt, but i cant stop my feelings and my overthinking. what if she doesnt really like me and its really just a phase shes going through. because im confident about the way i feel. i like women, i like her, romantically , emotionally and sexually.
i want her. i want her so bad even if its for a month, i want to experience how it feels like to be in a real relationship with her but i know its impossible. Like that equation doesnt even exist.
yesterday night, when she told me she loved me. i couldnt say it back. I didnt have enough energy to feel things because my heart was already hurting. Thats why im taking a break from her today, Her calling me baby , princess and whatever cute things she does , its making me feel guilty. She shouldnt do those things for me, but i want it . i dont know what im typing honeslty. i just want her so bad but i know i shouldnt. i NEED to tone down now . from my side, ill take the love shes giving me, also reciprocate. but not more than that because even i feel guilty and shes going through things because of me, she says its worth it but is it? i know that one day both of us will move on from this. I'm pretty sure we're gonna think about this and laugh but right now i want her, But i also dont , But i do. lol.
14:04 (21/11/23)
Hi, lol. I feel so much for her. like so so so so much. what we have is so precious and important to me. i dont want to let her go. As a girlfriend, yeah i guess one day we'll have to part, but as a friend? i dont want to lose her. I may sound greedy but along with her girlfriend(idk what we are but lets pretend im her girlfriend) right now, i also want to be her second best friend. Is it too much to ask ? i mean i guess it is. It hasnt been that long but our emotional bond is too strong and idk if ill ever find it anywhere else. Even if i dooo ugh idk i just want her for a long time. Even after we break up and take our time off, i want her to talk to me. This may sound selfish but yeah. I still want her to come nag to me, complain about things and share her problems, emotions etc. Relationship issues, marital issues, friendship issues, work related issues, family issues, financial issue etc like literally anyyything. I want her to feel comfy with me, I will never force her tho. I just hope things turn out this way instead of us completely falling apart. Because if it breaks , im sure itll take more than 2 years for me to open up tp anyone again. After my last ex best friend , i really shut myself off and it was lonely. I do have friends and i know they are always there for me but i cant open up to them. emotionally. But with her i can. So i want her , need her for a long time. We may drift . life is unpredictable and people change so its okay but i hope both of us try our best. I know she said she ignores and ghosts her close friends when she feels something is off and then they drift apart but i want her to really try for us. Idk if it will be worth it for her but i want her to try because i know i will. unless she wants otherwise. lol why am i having such emotions today? this is the first time im feeling this way. with us i mean. okay ill stop now.
26/11/23 22:30
I think I'm in love lol idk I tried so much to not be 'in' love and to just love her but I think I failed at it. I'm even scared to admit it to myself because I'm a coward. I still don't want to admit it to myself. I love her so much . I feel so stupid for loving someone who loves someone else. I was never like this. What is wrong with me? Idk but can it be helped? No. I know I'll move on in the future and everything will fall into place but right now ugh i love her and I feel stupid af. Like really really stupid. I'm never telling this to anyone tho. They'll make fun of me lol. They won't understand. I myself don't understand anything. I'm giving away so much of myself and it's going to take a lot of time for me to get it back like after we break up. Anyways I hope she gets well soon. She must be in a lot of pain. It hurts to even think that she might be in pain ughhhh stupid**inserts my name* get it together.
Come back soon . I feel like a zombie without you
Lol I just looked at my instgram activity and was wondering why I had spent 4 hours on Instagram yesterday when we didn't even talk. Then I realised that we did. It has only been a day but it feels like weeks? Wtf? What is going on with me. I'm scared I'm so so scared.
28/11/23 (23:43)
Happy 2 months to us lol sksksk anyways I didn't miss her yesterday. Probably because I was dealing with my own shit . Doesn't mean I like her any less. I still care . I hope she feels better soon
30/11/23 (00:19)
I googled the recovery rate and the death rate of dengue and I'm more paranoid now. Maybe I'm crying too much because I'm sick . I cry a lot when I fever like it heightens whatever I feel and now I'm worried about everything. Myself , her ahhh.
This is way too scary. New fear unlocked. I don't wanna say it but ugh just the thought of your loved one not being there hurts lol. I think I'll never move on from it. Never. So dear universe or whoever is listening to me , you've been mean to me these days , there are only 2 things that I want the most right now. The most. And I'll do anything for it. 1. Her getting well soon. 2. I need freedom from my life . Which means moving away to another country. I need these so bad. I don't care if I don't die anymore. I know I've always wanted to die and that was the only prayer in my head but now no. I want these 2 . Please please please. I won't be able to take it please ahh I'm crying again. I'm never getting attached to anyone again.
It's December already, please please please I promise that if these two things happen, I WILL NEVER NEVER EVER think about killing myself again. I promise this. I really really really promise you. But , if not , then that's it. You know I've always wanted to die , ever since 2011, so I'm giving up on this if I get the things I want. Atleast the 1st one. I won't be able to live at all.
Why am I crying so much. It's too much to handle. I feel like the nerves in my head will tear open with the strain. Its been long since I cried so much . I know I'm over thinking but why can't I fucking stop. STOP. Okay I'll just sleep .
1/12/23 (00:05)
I didnt miss her at all these last 3 days but i think i miss her a little today. I suddenly think about her and feel like crying. This is not because i miss her but idk. I feel like every bad thing happened to me at once and my mental health is at stake. 1. her being extremely sick with that deadly virus? whatever it is. 2. My uni thing. 3 me falling sick as well. i cant control my emotions when im sick. especiallllyyyy fever. i feel so weak and that stupid fever aftertaste on my tongue is making me wanna puke. i think im sleeping a lot these days. like 16 hours a day or something, maybe physcial and mental exhaustion is catching up to me. fuck this life . anygays idk i hope something good happens please. i wanna cry again lol. crying feels nice all of a sudden . its all because im sick lol. i guess ugh idk fuck this
i slept on the couch yesterday night, i think ill do the same tonight lol. i always sleep on the couch when im sick i guess??? ah im sleepy again. prolly med effect. ill eat and sleep now. i hope my baby feels almost better tomorrow. wow im sleepy af all of a sudden . no energy i think ill fall off byee
01/11/23 (20:16)
Lol i haven't written in so long ahhh yeah idk it's going okay I guess. We were having a call on gmeet with another friend of mine and she spoke about her boyfriend today. Idk what happened to me and why it happened but I cried wtf? Like wtf?????? Idk what to do anymore. It's reality I know but it's hurting. I know I'm just a ummm what am I again? No one omg fuck this
03:20 (18/11/23)
i love you
22:36(uk time zone) 11/02/24
Ah i need you so bad but i yeah i should be understanding. I’ll be. But know that i need you so bad like emotionally but im not brave enough to text you .
15/02/24 1:14pm
I love you . It feels sad now . When i think about her, my brain makes me sad lol. Whenever i imagine fake scenarios with her my brain keeps constantly reminding me that im just delulu and nothing will ever happen. I already know that but lemme be happy? i keep thinking about the break up that will happen soon when she gets engaged. I know there’s time, there’s a lot of time but i can’t stop thinking about it. It’s like it’s always there at the back of my mind. I just wanna be delulu , carefree and happy. I don’t wanna think much okay bye
I hope you dont see this but I’m so sorry. There are so many thoughts running in my head rn. I feel like im ruining something perfect. i mean you and him. I know nothing will change , yall are the end game and i dont want that to change. But the guilt is hittinf me these days. Am i that bad? Am i that selfish? What am i supposed to do? Shouldi stop? I dont want to stop but i dont want to be so selfish. Am i really a homewrecker? fuck
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saintlike78 · 3 years
Hey love, u alright?
If have no problem here go one request; Marauders(without the rat) x Fem!Reader, the reader's first time in her subspace. How the boys know, and how they react (since this is the first time, and they probably don't know how to bring her back)
By; Cora🌈 (and my god, your writing it's soooooo perfect, really i'm in love)
Come back for us [Poly Marauders]
A/N: Cora, thank you so much for your request! Loved the “minus the rat” hehe. Writing this I kinda figured out that I’m not that good at writing subspace, but I tried for you… I hope you like it.
Pairings: Poly Marauders x Fem! Reader
Words: 2.1k
Warnings: NSFW! 16+, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, oral (male receiving and giving), subspace, degradation, praise, aftercare, dom! Remus, dom! Sirius, switch! James, sub! reader, mention of cum, polyamorous relationship, use of swearwords. As always lmk if I missed anything.
NSFW starts right under the cut!
“Such a dumb little cockslut,” Sirius grunted out, hips rutting against yours at a brutal pace.
“Dumb cockslut,” you echoed, voice dreamy and breathy, moans spilling out from deep within you.
Your eyes were glazed over, and your mind felt fuzzy, you could only concentrate on one thing and that was being good for your three boys. The sound of skin slapping, James’ gags, and all of your moans were filling the room with a lewd soundtrack.
You were under Sirius and beside you Remus’ cock was buried deep within James’ mouth, chasing his high as he fucked into his mouth with no remorse.
“You like that, you filthy slut? Like me destroying that pretty little pussy?” Sirius’s hand was around your throat, squeezing slightly to gain your attention.
“Y-y-es,” you moaned, eyes rolling to the back of your head.
“Yes, what?” Remus said beside you, not letting you forget your manners.
“Ye-s, sir… pre-tty pus-sy,” your voice was slurred, your mind not really there.
Sirius chuckled, “Ya fucked dumb, pup? Where’s that pretty little mind gone?
Your eyes found his, your mouth open and whines met his ears. Your eyes were wide, and Sirius let out a pleasurable groan, “you look so pretty and innocent, baby, but what are you?”
“A du-mb cockslut,” you answered without thinking earning a nod of approval from the raven-haired boy above you.
His thrusts sped up at the sound of Remus finishing in James’ mouth and grunting out “swallow”, which James quickly complied to.
Sirius’ hips stuttered as he emptied his seed into you causing you to moan at the sinful feeling.
“There you go, pup, taking it all so well,” he praised, your heart swelled inside your chest, Sirius’ praise always making you swoon.
He slowly pulled out, earning a whine from you.
James raised his head from his position in front of Remus’ cock and moved to be between your legs instead. “Don’t worry, greedy girl, you won’t be empty for long.”
You whined again, “I’m not greedy… I’m a good girl.”
“Yeah? Then show us,” James said and flipped you over on your stomach, lifting you to be on your hands and knees.
He slowly entered you, giving you no time to adjust before he started snapping his hips at a brutal pace. He let out a loud groan at the feeling of your slick walls filled with Sirius’ cum.
Your arms were shaking and the weight on them caused them to give away causing you to fall into the soft mattress.
James grabbed ahold of your arms pulling you up so your back met his toned chest; he wrapped his arms around your front, keeping you in place. Your head automatically fell back to rest on his shoulder as whines and whimpers left your mouth. James cooed and brushed his thumb over your sensitive nipples, “tired, baby?”.
“No… keep going,” you didn’t want him to stop, you wanted to please him.
Remus moved to be in front of you, grabbing your face and connecting your lips in a heated kiss. His thumb swiping over your cheeks in a comforting manner as he breathed in all of your whimpers.
Sirius was beside you know, laying and enjoying the show, but because he hates feeling left out used his own thumb to swipe over your aching clit and rub fast circles on it. If James hadn’t been holding you and Remus hadn’t been in front of you, you would have toppled forward, but instead, you just jolted at the sensation and a long moan left your lips.
“You gonna cum, baby?” James asked, but already knowing the answer as your cunt was squeezing and contracting around him.
You whimpered and nodded, “yes, please, can I?”
Remus looked into your eyes and smiled adoringly at you, “of course you can since you’ve been such a good girl.”
“Yeah, go ahead and cum around Prongs’ cock like the little slut you are,” Sirius’ answer was a huge contrast to Remus’s, but they both carried the same message, and you didn’t waste any time doing as they said.
Your eyes rolled back, and your body shook at the overpowering feeling of your orgasm, your cunt contracting and pulsing around James. Your vision blurry and starry as you felt James’ hips stutter and still as he finished as well, his cum mixing with your own and Sirius’.
He let you catch your breath, kissing your neck lovingly before pulling out. You fell forward into Remus’ grasp, clinging to him.
“Did so good for us, bunny,” he softly spoke as he caressed your hair.
“One more.”
“huh? You want more?” Remus looked confused between James and Sirius, you had already been going at it for quite some time and were obviously exhausted.
“Wanna be good for you, I can go more,” you spoke, voice very slurred as if you were drunk.
“You did do good… were done, baby, we’re all tired… gotta clean you up now and go to bed,” James said, stroking your back.
You lifted your face to look at Remus, your eyes filled with tears, “no, I can go again, I promise… please, I want to be good for you,” you were repeating yourself and your three boys could feel themselves starting to panic at your disheveled state.
“We can’t go again, pup, we’re all done… we can go again tomorrow,” Sirius spoke softly.
“You don’t want me anymore?” tears leaked out of your eyes as you sobbed out the words.
Sirius cooed and grabbed your trembling body, holding you tightly against him as you cried. “Of course, we want you, pup… we’re just tired… I promise we’ll go again tomorrow.”
“But y-you don’t w-want me now,” you whimpered into his neck, your tears wetting and cooling Sirius’ skin.
“We always want you, our pretty baby… if we could we wouldn’t stop, but we gotta rest now so that we can go again and again and again,” James said with a slight laugh.
“’kay, sleep and then we go again? Then I’ll be a good girl?” You said hopefully, only focusing on the promise of going again.
“You’re always our good girl, but please just come back for us,” Remus said.
You giggled at his weird statement, “I’m right here, sir.”
“You don’t need to call us sir anymore, bunny, you know that” Remus was less confused about what was going on, having read about this type of headspace that could sometimes occur, but still equally as clueless as to how to get you out of it.
“But you’re sir,” you argued, not understanding what he was getting at.
“Not anymore, pup… It’s Remmy, Jamsie and Siri,” Sirius said still confused as to why you were acting like this.
You ‘humphed’ but didn’t argue and didn’t remove yourself from Sirius – it would be bad if you argued.
“Let’s go take a bath… would you like that, Bunny?” Remus rubbed your back and coached you out of Sirius’ grasp. You nodded and let him carry you to the bathroom, as you clung to him like a koala. He set you down on the bathroom counter your face contorting in discomfort as the cool counter touched your overused cunt.
Remus started to fill the large tub with warm water to soothe your aching muscles, but still had to explain to Sirius and James what was going on with you, so he quickly thought of an excuse.
“Oh, I forgot a clean towel for you… I’ll be right back okay, bun?” He looked at you and you just nodded with a quick ‘kay’.
He quickly left the bathroom and found his two boyfriends on Sirius’ bed, both wearing sweatpants and talking quietly amongst themselves, trying to decipher your weird mood.
Remus went to stand in front of them, gaining their attention. “I gotta be quick, but I read about this in that weird muggle sex book I found… she’s just feeling a little subby and fuzzy, so we need to be really gentle with her until she’s not anymore, but I don’t know how long that’ll take… the book was quite vague about it.”
Both James and Sirius nodded and looked at each other.
“Can’t she just sleep it away?” James asked hopefully.
“No, I don’t think that’s a good idea… we need to make sure she’s completely back before we go to sleep,” Remus explained… worrying that you wouldn’t come back for a long time.
“I gotta go back to her,” Remus quickly said before grabbing a new towel for you and heading back into the bathroom.
“I’m back, bunny,” he said holding the towel up for you to see. The bathtub was completely filled, but the water was off.
“You took so long… so I turned the water off, but I sat right back down like when you left me,” you explained, hoping you wouldn’t get in trouble.
Remus placed the clean towel beside you and cupped your cheek with his large hand, “good job, bun… just had to tell James and Sirius something, but you’re such a good girl.”
The praise made you blush and lean into his touch.
He lifted you again and got into the tub with you. A long sigh left your lips as the warm water engulfed your body.
You laid against Remus’s chest, fatigue taking over your entire body as Remus washed it slowly.
James and Sirius made their way into the bathroom as well, sitting beside the bathtub on small stools they had acquired to keep you company when you were in the bath.
“Hi sirs,” you smiled, reaching your hand out for one of them to take.
James was the quickest, his quidditch skills showing as he grabbed ahold of your hand and kissing the top of it.
“Hi, baby… It’s just James now, my love,” he tried to again, but you just giggled and shook your head.
Sirius stood to get you a glass of water, hopefully clearing your head a tad.
“Here you go, be a good girl and drink up,” Sirius handed you the glass and you immediately complied, wanting to be good.
The water did clear your head a bit, but the fuzz was still swirling around and creating a static-like feel in your brain.
“So good, bunny… was that nice?” Remus gently took the glass from you and handed it back to Sirius, who put it on the bathroom counter.
“Mhmm, so nice… thank you, Siri,” you said closing your eyes and smiling, letting your head fall back against Remus again.
Sirius’s eyes widened and a smile took over his face at the use of his name. He shared a relieved look with the two other boys, glad that what they were doing was working.
The three boys sat and talked while you just smiled and relaxed, listening to them happily.
Finally, James clapped his hands together and stood to retrieve the towel Remus had gotten for you. “Okay, baby, let’s get you dried off.”
He opened the towel and Remus helped you stand and helped you out of the tub and into James’ embrace.
James dried you, whilst Sirius went to the bedroom to grab you a pair of panties and a shirt to sleep in.
Once dressed you still stood, walking over to Sirius and wrapping your arms around his torso. He quickly wrapped his arms around your body and gave it a squeeze, smiling happily and smugly at the two others who just rolled their eyes at him.
“How’re you feeling, pup,” Sirius whispered in your ear and kissing your temple.
“I’m okay, just tired,” you answered with a slightly suppressed yawn.
“Alright, let’s go to bed then,” he led you to the bedroom and towards his bed, but not forgetting to look over his shoulder to wink teasingly at your two other boyfriends because he shanghaied you into sleeping in his bed – you were just too tired to say anything about the situation.
He laid down first and waited for Remus and James to kiss you goodnight and also waiting for them to do the same to him.
Once they had, he opened the blanket for you and you happily crawled into Sirius’ warm embrace, snuggling close to him as he wrapped his arms around you.
“You feel okay… you’re not feeling fuzzy anymore, right?” Sirius whispered.
“Don’t feel fuzzy anymore, I’m okay Siri… sorry I was like that,” your voice was small and meek, feeling bad that you had acted like that.
“No need to apologize, pup… it was hot that you were so desperate for us,” he smirked and winked at you, causing you to roll your eyes.
“I love you,” you kissed his lips before closing your eyes.
“I love you too, beautiful girl.”
Tags: @dracosafety, @teenwolfbitches28, @justadreamyhufflepuff
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umiarumi · 3 years
fucking three houses | raphael kirsten
try to write serious raphael smut challenge (impossible difficulty)
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You grunted as your boots skidded against the grass, grimacing as the deer ran in an opposite direction. Watching it run into a distant flower field? You assumed that's what it was at least, otherwise completely clueless to what the hell those plants are.
Sighing, you cursed under your breath as another catch got away. Hunting for the monastery was never something you minded, yet, despite your upbringing, you weren't all too good at it.
You bit your lip before deciding to take after the catch. You weren't about to lose some good praise from Byleth just because of some dumb flower field! "Damnit, it won't hurt to try!"
You sprinted off into the flower field, ignorant of the sickly sweet smell of the pollen. It flew into the air as your nimble feet ran swiftly through the field. The pollen fell upon you and your hair, making you sneeze.
"Welp, no doubt they're flowers." You mumbled to yourself, eyes peeled open for any sight of a catch, as you exited the field, you crouched down to get a silent, low-profile scan of the place.
Funnily enough, it didn't occur to you how a certain tingle sent a pant down your spine. The way a rush of blood spurred through you.
"Nothing yet... damn, why am I so puffed?" You panted, wiping your forehead.
Chuckling, you got up and silently stalked the surrounding area. Raph could wait a while longer, but even though his love for food encouraged you, the sheer size of the dude didn't bring you too much hope.
"Well, everything aside, I still have the fish and herbs. Nothing like a bit of 'I tried!' To solve the day!" You cheered yourself up. Yet, that was when you noticed it.
You noticed the tingle which travelled down your spine, the bursts of heat rushing to your core, the pumping blood which seemed to heighten your senses.
"Then, what the hell did I run through..." You pondered. Trudging back through the field, memorising the appearance of the flowers. "I'll tell Manuela about these, if only we still had the other classes... Dedue or Ashe could've known something?"
As soon as you exited the other side, that oh so familiar pang struck you. You groaned as you slipped to the ground. "Fuck... what the hell?"
You crawled towards a tree, shielding your vulnerability. The sudden urge to satisfy and be satisfied was all too familiar to you now. Damnit! If only Claude or Ignatz were here, they wouldn't mind... surely.
"Ngh, damnit." You huffed, looking around the dense forest. You'd never been too much of an exhibitionist, and as undeniably hot as the thought of getting off in front of anyone was, you couldn't entertain it now.
God, it felt like you would die if you didn't satisfy yourself now. "Just... for safety... right?" You groaned, hand making its way down to your shorts.
You'd swapped out the armour for shorts considering the tiring activity, yet that useless information didn't plague you now. What was restricting you from getting your needs was.
Lifting your hips, you slipped out of your shorts and underwear. You moaned softly as your significantly colder hands met your heated pussy.
Your fingers delicately rubbed your clit, before diving straight in. You had no time nor interest in teasing yourself, you just needed release.
As you pumped your middle and index fingers in and out of your vagina, the only sounds of the forest seemed to be the birds chattering and the lewd sloshing of your cunt.
You groaned in annoyance, it wasn't enough. It wasn't deep enough, it wasn't big enough. You needed to be filled, it was such a base desire... why can't you fill it?!
"Hey, is that you pal?" The booming voice of Raphael called out to you.
You hissed a curse, scrambling to be at least somewhat decent, yet it was too late.
"Raphael, I-I can explain!" You interrupted him, his grin coming down onto your body before it faulted.
"W-Woah! You're naked! I'm sorry!" He yelled, and you quickly shushed him.
"Q-quieter please, Damn! I-I walked into some weird flowers... they made me... this way." You mumbled, panting at the emptiness.
He slowly nodded, looking over to the field you suggested. "And it's making you, uh, wanna do the dirty?" He asked curiously, laughing.
"Well, yeah." You bluntly stated.
"But, no matter. I'll deal with it when we get back..." You groaned, shifting to stand up.
"I can help you, ya know." He deadpanned, looking down at you. The sheer difference in size was only more noticeable in this situation. It made you wonder.
You don't know how you got here, men offering themselves to you... well, you weren't complaining.
"Y-you can...? You really don't mind?" You asked incredulously, heaving as you held his gaze
"Yeah, you're a friend in need and who am I to deny you! Besides, you are really pretty..." He blushed, looking away.
You would usually blush, but the heat on your face simply couldn't get redder right now.
"Then, Raphael... please."
And with your words, he leant over to pick you up. You gasped as you were lifted, body relieved as it was stripped of its constant tightening.
"Wow, you're already so wet. But, uh, could you help me warm up a little more?" He asked, looking down at the growing bulge in his pants. It wasn't even fully hard?! How the hell would that fit... no... no, you needed that in you. It didn't matter, he would be the one to satisfy you.
As he shrugged his slacks off, he grinned nervously at you. Your jaw hung open, he could hold a record with that thing.
"You don't mind if I use you, right?" He asked cautiously, asking for your consent.
"Please, do." You said, drooling at the anticipation.
He nodded, moving you up and down his dick, the wetness of your cunt giving him lubricant. The two of you moaned softly.
After a few repeated motions of this, he grew rock hard. You gulped, yet it felt more out of excitement than nerves now.
"You ready?" He asked, tilting his head. It was funny, even now he reminded you of a big puppy.
You nodded, biting your lip in anticipation.
And no sooner did you feel your back get slammed against the tree, did you feel the overwhelming filling sensation of Raphael bottoming out.
You moaned in unison, basking in the pleasure. Yet it only got better as he began to thrust, pushing you against the tree.
You opened your squeezed eyes to see the once nervous young man now a grinning, overarching figure,
The sight made you moan louder, and Raphael moved one hand supporting you to unbutton your top. As he tore your bra off, your face darkened impossibly further as your tits bounced out.
Raphael's gaze became transfixed on the routine bouncing and slapping of your tits, and so he thrust harder. You groaned, feeling yourself tighten.
"It's alright now, I'm gonna make you feel all better!" He groaned, slamming in and out of you harder. You could hardly even moan anymore, gasping in routine with his thrusts.
"Soooooo good, Raph!" You slurred, struggling to speak. He smirked at this, laughing as he thrust harder.
"You're so tight! But, you're a real good girl for fitting me in, nice and snug." He complimented, spurring you closer to your end.
You couldn't think, no... you didn't even want to. The overwhelming pleasure of Raphael's dick in and out of you was too much. Too good.
"You look so tasty like this! I'll have to try you some time!" He grunted as he stopped speaking, and as he felt you tighten around him, he got the signal.
The thrusting got impossibly deeper, harder and faster. Just how much stamina did he have?!
That was a stupid question, we're talking about Raphael here.
With a sudden, sharp, thrust you felt your cunt spasm. "Oh-Ooohhhh~" You moaned, body relaxing and tightening. Raphael bit his lip, apologising as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm. You couldn't let out a noise, the overstimulating pleasure all too much.
And at the extra tightening, Raphael let out a loud groan as he came, the spurts of cum filling you up, a fulfilling warmth encompassing you.
"Now, let's just make sure that pollen hasn't got you anymore... a few more rounds should help, and I'm not tired!"
"W-wait, more!?"
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my-mystic-messenger · 7 years
I want to know why you don't like Saeyoung, I actually didn't like him at first he seemed overrated, everyone hyped him up so much, and I thought his design was hideous. But now I like him bc I'm a naturally playful person who's also laid back, so I clicked more with his personality than the others. Although, the biggest turn off to me is that he's emotionally distant/ slightly abusive and coming from a home like that, I don't believe his problems/attitude are cured just bc he has a girlfriend.
Heyo dear anon! I haven’t gotten an ask actually directed to me and my preferences in a really long time so I was really excited when I saw this one pop up :O 
Honestly, there are a lot of reasons I don’t like Saeyoung. He’s not my least favourite route - that role goes to Jaehee and Yoosung - but he sure is my least favourite character. To explain, we only get to talk to these people for 11 very eventful days. That gives us just enough of an idea of what their character would be like in day to day life. I didn’t hate Seven’s route - since you know, it was super action filled and dramatic compared to Jaehee (most boring and bland route ever!) and Yoosung (compare me to Rika one more time I dare you) - but if I had to just hang out with Saeyoung on a normal day, something a little like for example the Christmas DLC, I wouldn’t last! 
Anyway, I already gave some arguments as to why I don’t like Seven in this post. 
To summarize:
1) He’s the ‘right’ choice
2) The story revolves around him
3) Way more content
4) No room for disagreement
For details on all of these, read the post. I elaborated on them in some detail. 
Now those arguments are pretty general, however I do have personal issues with his character as well. Funnily enough, I love his design. I actually liked his design better than Jumin’s when first seeing the playable characters which says a lot, because Jumin is my one and only.
I have OCPD. Now for anyone who doesn’t exactly know what that is, in short and simple it means that you are an extreme perfectionist. You have to have control over every situation, express your emotions in a very controlled manner if at all and are extremely orderly. I’m talking about sorting my books by author, category, colour and size and my clothes by colour and thickness/the weather I wear them to. My entire life is planned through and organized to the T. I am probably one of the most disciplined people you might ever meet…Saeyoung is the polar opposite of that.
His living situation says a lot about himHis ‘house’ is a disgusting mess and I wouldn’t last a day in there without wanting to pick up all the clothes and shit lying around to make it even remotely habitable. Not just that, but he’s a general mess when it comes to these things. I need everything to be structured and organized. He’s everything but!
So does the way he feeds himself…or doesn’tHis diet is repulsive and unhealthy as fuck. I don’t want to play his mommy that has to teach him how to feed himself properly but at the same time I don’t want my boyfriend/husband to eat like a 13 on his night alone at home. Heart disease much? No thank you.
His personality is fake as fuck as well as over the top and I don’t it at all. Something that people like to ignore is that this guy isn’t happy or playful at all. That isn’t Saeyoung, that is Seven. It’s a mask that he later on drops. Basically, we never really get to know Saeyoung, only Seven. Either way, this dude gives me a whiplash. He makes jokes as shitty as memes from 2009, constantly pranks people in such hurtful ways I don’t understand how anyone could find that funny and generally belittles other people for comedic effect. I don’t find him funny, I never laugh at his jokes and if I ever have to call him God707 (Napoleon complex much?!) ever again I might actually smash my head against a wall. He’s supposed to be quirky but that ain’t the good kind of quirky for me. What also bugs me about his humour is that it’s so thoughtless. A good joke can happen due to the right moment, but I generally prefer jokes that are somewhat planned and thought out, jokes you actually have to think about a little. For a genius he sure doesn’t think a lot.
His ‘depression’ is tiringOne moment he’s acting all happy go lucky, the next moment, however, some shit snaps and he turns into emoboy1996, constantly talking about death and how shit everything is etc. It’s tiring as fuck and just reminds me that his other behaviour is fake every single time. I had depression for many years, but I didn’t rub it in other people’s faces and I most certainly don’t make jokes about it. Wanting to kill yourself is some serious shit, the lowest any human being could feel, and he brushes it off and jokes about it off handedly. I find that to be disrespectful and frankly I question his ‘depression’ a lot of the times. I come from an abusive household myself so I know what kind of toll that can take on somebody. If he were to have depression I’d be happy to help him through it as best as I can, but with him it always feels so much more attention seeking than anything else.If he were truly depressed, he would ask for help properly, as in take it serious, or he’d suffer silently. His behaviour is short of erratic and ridiculous. Therefor, I can’t even take that serious about him, because he constantly joke about it. I know that recently it’s become ‘cool’ to have a mental illness and I literally saw a friendship goals post where two girls wrote how they were having a mental breakdown at the same time and apparently that was funny, but I just can’t laugh about shit like that. Frankly, to someone who actually still suffers and suffers on the inside as to not bother the people around themselves Seven and his bullshit behaviour are just a huge slap in the face. 
He makes a lot of dumb decisions and others have to clean up the mess for himTo me Saeyoung seems very thoughtless and undisciplined a lot of the time. Vanderwood has to clean for him, because he’s incapable. He can’t work because ‘there are other things on his mind’ that are more important than a certain commitment. Because he has bad memories of Christmas, he has to ruin it for the others. Keeping you away is such a good idea! Let’s break your heart on purpose and insult you while you’re at it, because that what he thinks is right and your opinion or feelings don’t mean square shit. Yoosung almost lost his eye forever, because Saeyoung can’t plan. His brother almost died, because Saeyoung can’t plan. You, Vanderwood and him almost died because he can’t fucking plan. Those are just a few instances, I could go on for hours. He acts very egocentric and rash as well as putting his wants and needs first a lot of the time. Not to mention that he seems incapable of taking anything serious or sticking to a deadline or deal. You can be laid back - heck I am laid back myself! - but at some point you have to be a grown-up and do the fucking tasks necessary to live like a normal human being. He fucks up even at the basics! Those are nasty traits to have. 
My head is a mess at the moment - University homework is killing my spirit - so I’m not as organized up top as I’d like to be, but all in all, those are some of the main reasons I don’t like him. It also doesn’t help that I find his voice soooooo annoying. I’m not a fan of Saeran’s voice either and I can’t stand whenever Zen sings, but otherwise the other voices have such positive impact on me while Saeyoung’s just drives me up the wall?
Jumin is like warm honey 
Jaehee is super soothing
V is soft and pleasant to listen to
Yoosung is sweet and excited
Zen is hot and seductive 
Saeyoung just sounds shrill and silly….
Obviously there are probably more reasons I don’t like him and probably a lot of them people won’t agree with and that’s fine! Everyone has their own personality and therefor prefers other traits. It’s all a matter of taste. Saeyoung just really, really, really isn’t mine.
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