#Idk what tags I use for these two goobers anymore
esoulix · 1 year
Broke: The 'I knew all along about your magic, it's stupid that you're afraid' trope
Woke: the 'I just found out about your magic and I made the unconscious but split second decision to love you anyways' trope
Bespoke: the 'I just found out about your magic, and it's going to be an adjustment. I love you but my feelings regarding Sorcery and Magic are biased and complicated as it has caused me much personal pain and fear. However, I must face the reality that I am either wrong about two things: You are a good and honourable person whose loyalty knows no bounds, or Magic is unequivocally evil. Obviously, as you are Merlin, I know which one I am right about. Please give me time to overcome years of conditioning to be wary and fearful of magic, and to slowly learn to love that which once caused me such pain and heartache, all for the sake of not losing you.' trope
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lampd-intheface · 5 years
sanders sides as witches
me: please... write what the people want... my lizard brain: witch au. now.
they all coincidentally live in the same apartment building? mostly becos there’s a ley line right through the building so there’s a lot of magical energy there
the rent is cheap too so that kinda helps
their apartment complex is in a more rural place so there’s a lot of trees and parks and stuff around them too
alongside being witches, the five of them are also just students at a nearby college
i mean, witchcraft brings in the bucks but witches have to have a plan b in this modern world, you kno???
becos they live on top of a ley line, a lot of supernatural trouble comes their way and so they just kind of try to deal with it a much as possible
patton, logan and roman know each other since they’ve been childhood friends and their families have been friends too
virgil and desmond (deceit) are kind of soloing right now which is a surprise becos they’re also helping with the supernatural disasters
i guess just so far??? virgil or desmond will like do something to help with a fae problem or with some wandering lycanthropes while patton/logan/roman had been planning on doing something???
patton: did you... do something about that one problem we talked about?
roman: no... i thought logan did?
logan: it was certainly not me
and it just never occured to the three that there were two other witches there
patton/roman/logan know virgil and desmond
it’s kind of hard to live in the same apartment building and not know each other
but they don’t know that the two are witches
virgil and desmond are kind of aware that patton/logan/roman exists and they kind of know that there’s something magical about them? but they’re not so much aware that each other exists?
which is weird becos virgil and desmond used to be childhood friends that just drfted apart becos of a stupid fight
to virgil’s knowledge, desmond is out in the world doing something
and to desmod’s knowledge, virgil goes to the same college but like... lives... somewhere else?
a very intellectual witch
he has floor to ceiling bookcases just filled with tomes and scrolls and spellbooks
when he’s in his room, books are hovering everywhere. he’ll waggle a finger and a book gently flies off of a shelf and into the space in front of him. sometimes there are multiple??? books??? at the same time??? in front of him??? and the books’ pages are flipping by themselves???
king of multitasking. he’ll be reading while writing while listening to music? he’ll be going through roman’s notes on a book while reading said book? or he’ll be researching through three or four different books at the same time? his multitasking skills are a type of magic all on its own
all of his books he gets from book sales or antique shops or like estate sales (where old houses’ contents are sold for a low price becos the owners can’t afford the estate anymore). logan kind of makes it a hobby to collect as much accurate magical literature as possible
roman and patton obviously tag along whenever they can, especially to the really fancy estate sales
his favorite kind of witchcraft is arithmancy (the practice of magic using numbers) and astrology (the practice of magic using celestial bodies). the arithmancy is becos he’s really good at it. the astrology is because he just. really loves. stars??? and the night sky??? and space???
like i said, childhood friends with roman and patton. so, patton and roman will oftentimes go to logan if they don’t know something not just becos logan is very intelligent but also becos logan’s room is basically a library of magic?
patton: hey logan--
logan, already levitating a book towards patton: i believe you’re looking for this book?
often, logan will also be found on the rooftop of the apartment building just stargazing and he’ll sometimes bump into virgil when he’s up there. as far as logan knows, virgil is just another student at the college he attends and both of them are just super into stars
he’s very good at spells on knowledge (gaining it or finding it or anything of the sort) 
roman is a very musical kind of witch
he has a lot of instruments in his room, most of which play themselves at times when roman can’t be in more than one place. roman will be playing the violin and his electric piano will be playing at the same exact time, accompanying him
patton, happily: *hears an entire orchestra through the walls* that silly ol’ goober is up to his musical shinanigans again!
logan, slightly irritated: *hears an entire orchestra through the walls* roman...
he has milions of scented candles in his room and he never really lights them unless necessary? he just loves smelling them. the candles he uses for rituals and stuff are usually unscented but they’re in fun shapes (like flowers!) because why not? 
idk he just has a lot of candles around???
he has the kind of voice that’s perfect for spells??? he’s super good at enunciation and just volume and his voice is so pleasant!!! it also kind of helps that he knows a lot of languages (french, italian, spanish, latin) and he’s on his way to learning more
roman has always had a fascination with the way words work and the power behind words. a lot of his spells are spoken and they end up very strong and sturdy
he could literally and metaphorically talk himself out of any situation
whenever logan needs help translating something, usually it’s in latin so roman helps with that a lot. it’s really nice when the two of them are just chilling together quietly, roman translating things while logan reads
roman also loves using magic to levitate, animate and even project things! people can’t physically touch his projections tho (which makes patton sad whenever roman projects a cute lil animal he can’t pet) 
his specialties are incantations and spells that require any drawing of any sort (like runes and spell circles)
whenever anyone needs a potion or some sort of concoction, they go to patton. need a treat for a fae? need some sort of potion for divining? just plain ol’ hungry? patton’s got you covered
his room is very messy but his kitchen is practically immaculate (in a sort of homey comfortable type of way). 
everything is sorted in all of the cupboards (which are overflowing and almost won’t close), the stoves are taken care of, his pots and pans and cauldrons are spotless
he prides himself in the large assortment of glass bottles and containers he owns. he tries to keep all of them clean but, sometimes, he’ll use one and then put it somewhere (not in the sink) and he’ll forget to wash it
it��s difficult for patton to get ingredients but some of it he just grows on his own. it’s not a perfect system but it’s decent. he can do the easy ones like rosemary, basil or mint. anything harder than that and he struggles with it a little. if he can’t grow it, he’ll find it somewhere else
he’s the type to buy those lil potted herbs at wholefoods or whatever and try to grow it but he only has a 50% successful growth rate and he always feels bad when the herbs end up dying
patton enjoys a lot of different magic but nothing gets him happier than mixing and cooking things up! logan and roman don’t understand it but patton just really loves it!
patton’s also a powerful empath so he’s very emotionally intelligent and can really strongly sense how people feel. he’s very good at comforting people too and cheering them up
he doesn’t force them to cheer up with a spell or anything. usually, he just listens and, really, sometimes, that’s all people need.
patton, when someone is upset: my friend distress senses are tingling!
unfortunately, being a powerful empath also means that, when the emotion is strong enough, he doesn’t just sense it. he feels it too. but he’s very good at sensing which emotions are his and which emotions he’s just getting from other people
patton’s specialties are obviously in cooking and in brewing (potions, concoctions, etc)
virgil is a very quiet witch
he keeps to himself a lot and just does what he needs to do without really asking for anybody else’s help. he’s self sufficient (though it doesn’t mean he’s happy)
virgil loves growing things. he has huge wire shelves in front of all his windows for all of his plants so they can get all the nice sunlight they need!
he’ll grow basically anything he’ll need for everyday potions and spells as well as succulents! he just loves all of his beautiful wonderful succulents! every single one of his plants has a name too!
virgil totally talks to his plants whenever he’s taking care of them and it’ll be just little things like how his day is going or things that are happening around him or how he’s really sorry when he’s pruning them
it’s very rare for a plant to die on him and, when that happens, virgil always knows that there’s something wrong (usually magic related)
virgil has a spell that’s basically a ball of light for those long winter months where his plants won’t get enough sun
herbology aside, virgil is also very talented when it comes to divination
he has a lot of decks of different kinds of cards and a bag of stones with runes on them. he can also read tea leaves and stars 
the reason virgil is alone often is because he believes he’s cursed. he brings bad luck to a lot of people he cares about and nobody ever believes anything he says about the future
that’s the reason he and desmond had a falling out. virgil was always so worried about bringing desmond bad luck that he ended up pushing desmond away
his specialties really are mostly divination (specifically cartomancy or divination using cards) and growing plants
very talented when it comes to creatures
he’s extremely intelligent and deals with the fae very well. he knows the fae court like the back of his hand and he knows the rules of the fae too
it kind of helps that he’s pretty much just as trickster-y as the fae
he’s very good at riddles too which he kind of has to be because the fae love riddles and rhymes 
desmond runs out of milk and honey on an almost daily basis and he has ingredients for fae porrige at all times just in case. sometimes, he’ll leave his window open and just leave a bowl of something on the window sill
he’ll make his own butter or cream (since the fae don’t really like industrially produced butter/cream) and he tries to buy organic milk and foods. he’s not too picky about it when he’s the one who’s going to eat it
he has two or three bird feeders but only one of them is really for birds. the others are for whatever flying creature wants a quick snack
you know he has a protective ring around the entire apartment building and that he wears iron rings just in case because, yes, he may be friends with the fae but he knows them well enough to know he should never put his guard down
he has two pet snakes (which he’s lovingl named flotsam and jetsam) and a fire salamander. he doesn’t call his fire salamander a pet becos he feels they have a mutually beneficial relationship. 
also there’s a brownie living in his apartment and they’re very good friends (but sometimes desmond will do stupid things and his brownie will get upset)
desmond has a pot he grows lavander in and he has named it virgil (after his dear friend virgil). he cast a spell on the plant so, if virgil is in danger or is hurt, that the plant will start wilting. it’s desmond’s way of keeping tabs on virgil
his specialties really mostly on the fae and how to deal with magical creatures
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norhimorovine · 5 years
About the Mun
Tumblr media
– one / NAME / ALIAS.
Dana or Danaan is my common username outside of FFXIV. Though I associate my art with my real name, Kira. Norhi is my FFXIV main, and so I often go by that name as well!
– two /  BIRTHDAY.
– three / ZODIAC SIGN.
Capricorn and Rooster! 
– four /  HEIGHT.
I’m 5′3″ or so? My driver’s license says that. But I got ppl who argue that I’m shorter.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
– five  /  HOBBIES.
Art! Writing! Or other artistic things - sewing, quilting, beading, scrapbooking, crochet, knit, embroidery, photography. I’m a jack of many skills and a master of zilch. I focus a lot on my drawing and writing though. And painting to some extent. My current phase is pour/fluid art.
Today I’m favoring pink, in the pastel range. It changes daily and with mood/mental health.
As a child, I’d have said the Laura Ingalls Wilder series. As a college students, I’d have told you Wheel of Time, or R.A. Salvatore’s Drizzt series. Now, I’m happy to get through short news articles without my adhd symptoms kicking my ass. Most recent paper book I read was Karamo, by Karamo Brown. But I can’t say that I have a stand out favorite right now.
Have A Nice Day by World Order
I had to look up a list of what films released to theaters this year. Last film I saw in theater was Spiderman: Far from Home. My mind has completely blanked on the last film I saw on tv, even though that was like... the day before yesterday. 
Since I got tagged for Norhi’s blog, I’m just going to do Norhi. (Honestly, we’d be here all day if I did all 8 of my balmung babies.)
Norhi is the ffxiv incarnation of a character I originally designed for WoW rp and in game play - a blood elf mage named Cinori. They’re not really quite the same character anymore, save for a few specific details.
Both characters were orphaned as kids, adopted by a lancer and his wife, bringing in a huge emphasis on found family. Both characters are intended to be sweet, kind personalities, with a practical-creative streak. And they’re both strong magic users.
This is where the similarities more or less end. Cinori was rescued from her first adopted parents, where Norhi was adopted by good parents from the get go. This led to Norhi finding her confidence and her place in the world a lot faster than Cinori. Cinori, even into adulthood, remained a generally shy person. Whereas Norhi is almost extroverted by comparison. This confidence led Norhi to become well traveled and very practiced in her learned skills, at a much earlier age than her counterpart. 
Cinori was also an enchanter, seeking to use magical essence to create innovative solutions to everyday problems. Sort of in an engineer’s manner of behavior. She was much nerdier, delving into books and math and spell theory.
Norhi, however, took on a more forest witch and traveling merchant, aesthetic, taking on botany and selling her plants, and potions, made by her husband. 
- eleven / GOD KNOWS WHERE IT WENT. god knows… (idk what this is, so i’m leaving it)(yay anime song?)
Well... @norhimorovine​ is Norhi’s name. cuz... i’m boring like that?
@danaan13​ being my main blog is more interesting actually. And also goes back to me and WoW! Okay, so! 
Wrath of the Lich King released death knights as a playable class. And I rolled a draenei death knight with amnesia, named Danaan. Which I got from vaguely misrememberings of a folk tale from a faerie book my parents had. The Tuatha de Danaan, I thought, was like some sort of death related faerie thing? Like... I don’t really remember what I was thinking. But I’ve since learned it is actually the name of a race of supernatural beings from Ireland, who were worshipped, but also believed in the goddess Danu. This article explains it all really well, I think.
Basically, I was a goober, and thought I was naming my death knight something neat about death, and in reality, I was half naming her after a tribe of irish faerie folk. Who might also be another analog for the Sidhe? 
Anyway, when I signed onto tumblr for the first time, my usual username was taken. So I used Danaan13 instead. And here we are!
Tagged by: @mostdangerouspotato
Tagging: @tea-and-conspiracy @haru-qwey & whoever else is interested. tag me if you do it!
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hi-im-bunny · 7 years
I was tagged by the lovely @alicexhightopp HERE WE GO!! Appearance: ✨5'5" ✨got dirty blonde hair with highlights and rose gold ends currently ✨ naturally dirty blonde ✨ WHITER THAN A NAPKIN ✨ green eyes ✨ freckles and acne ✨ i often wear pretty basic glasses and light make up ✨ my hair is freaking long i'm almost able to sit on it ( i gotta get a hair cut ) ✨ not the skinniest person in the world but i'm happy with my body, i'm average sized ✨ often seen looking like a hot topic employee Personality: ✨ I'm a Gryffindor so there's that ✨ i'm EXTREMELY SHY when meeting new people ✨ when around friends i'm one of the goofiest goobers ✨ i'm a freaking optimist most of the time ✨ i try to act like a grump sometimes but i'm just too darn happy when i'm around my friends ✨ don't go out too much but when i do leave my cave of a bedroom i'm either at school or at my dance studio Abilities: ✨ I can eat an entire pizza by myself ✨ i'm a dancer, currently on my 13th year of dance ✨ pretty good soccer player ✨ i can draw things halfway decently ✨ I can remember my preschool years but ask me about what we talked about in class the other day imma draw a blank ✨ I can give a pretty creepy ass death glare that scares all my friends ✨ I can put my leg behind my head Hobbies: ✨ Drawing ✨ Dancing around my room ✨Listening to music ✨ Collecting pop figures ✨ Shopping for random ass clothes and even more pop figures ✨ Full time fangirl in many fandoms Experiences: ✨ Had my first kiss at 14 ✨ Went to Disneyland in 2016 and met a whole bunch of characters ✨ Had the Mad Hatter tell me he likes me more than Alice during a game of musical chairs and claimed i'm the "new alice" since i'm blonde and was wearing blue that day ✨ once scored a goal from the halfway line on the soccer field during a game which ended up making us win and go to the finals ✨ Flew to Chicago and saw Hamilton ✨ Saw Book of Mormon and Lion King when the musicals came to my city ✨ Visited South Africa to see my dads side of the family and surfed Relationships: ✨ Currently single cause my boyfriend was a manipulative ass ✨ Lowkey dating a ton of fictional characters ✨ I have many friends from both dance and school (and some on here, yay) ✨ I love food (idek what i'm doing anymore lmao) My Life: ✨ I live in the hell hole known as Texas ✨ Currently learning how to drive so i can get my license soon ✨ Went to the hospital several times when i was little for stitches cause i was an accident prone little shit ✨ Broken my wrist and L4 in my back before ✨ I've been dancing for 13 years ✨ Currently a junior in high school ✨ About to help my brother move into college for his very first year Random shit: ✨Have two adorable doggos who i love so much ✨ Used to have three doggos but sadly had to have one put down in 2013, i was devastated ✨ My dad is from South Africa ✨ Got an iphone, laptop, mac book, apple watch, got a tv in my room ✨ I'm a spoiled ass brat 😂 ✨ I once ate half a cake in one day, it was my birthday DONT JUDGE ME 😂 ✨ My friend and i call eachother Tin Man and Scarecrow, and Mrs Potts and Lumiere (we played these characters in dance productions) Idk who i should tag so if you follow me and you see this go ahead and do it if you want and say i told yah to or something, or don't that's fine you can make your own choices imma stop talking now BYE ❤️
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