#If you're confused about anything (or want context and don't want to go digging through my blog) feel free to ask!!
woolmasterleel · 2 years
Wrote a short little thing about Sophia and Demi.. Had to change some things about their story, such as Demi being unaware that he is a fungus, I felt it worked better for his god complex if he was aware that he was this dangerous fungus (❁´◡`❁)
This takes place a while after Demi is aware of his new state, so he’s a lot calmer and more in tune with human emotions (sort of)! Hope it’s a fun read!
Please ignore any typos, I’m too tired to edit..
  “Quite the peculiar human, she is…“ He hummed, gently stroking his feathered wings, “I will ask her the most pleasant of inquiries, yet receive nothing in response.”
  “M-my apologies Mr. Excleorn, sir… Dr. Synthaelda is…"
  Demiascareous chuckled, “now now, I understand. She is a solitary woman.”
  “Ha… y-yeah…” the worker scurried out the door, leaving Demi alone.
  “Well,” Demi softly brushed his levitating hand across his feathered hair, “how disappointing. Seems as though I am not a fit conversation partner.” He shook his head, spores fluttering gently around him, “no matter, there is always the next visitor.”
  He folded his uppermost set of arms neatly in front of him, staring intensely at the door. Demi waited, form unwavering. Having no concept of time, Demi remained still for hours.
  “Heart rate is 37 bpm, just lower than the average heart rate of a sleeping person. Though, you are hardly human, I suppose that isn’t compatible.”
  Demi jerked his head, swiftly twisting his form around.
  “And now it’s 98 bpm. Interesting.”
  “Haven’t the decency to come in through the main door?” Demi scoffed, irritated by his moment of vulnerability.
  Demi shook his head, turning away.
  “They told me you were in such a good mood a few hours ago. Are you upset that I’m standing above you? Oh, the mighty god of lies is beneath a mere human? The tragedy of it all.”
  “Sophia, don’t be so ridiculous, I am only-“
  “I don’t believe we are on first name basis,” Sophia spat, “listen to me, if your existence wasn’t so incredible, I’d pull the plug on you right now. Lose the attitude.”
  Demi moved to face her again, “I did not ask to be ripped from the Earth. I did not ask to be contained in this form. I did not ask to receive the means to communicate with humans. You and your followers disturbed my peace, yet you expect me to respect you?” He slammed a hand on the platform below him, “I was once deemed the largest threat to mankind. Now what? You’ve imprisoned me in this form, all for your own-“
  “Have you forgotten about the amount of workers you’ve infected here? I owe you no respect whatsoever, yet I do. It’s only fair that you give me the same.”
  Demi straightened his posture, “excuse me?”
  “A fungal sample labeled D3M-1 was obtained from the mounds of mushrooms which covered this place. Its behaviour was immaculate. Seemingly mindless yet extremely intelligent all at once. So fixated on its goal that it hardly needed to think, adapt.” Sophia pulled down on a lever, releasing the massive IVs from Demi’s form, “this specimen was extraordinary. I became obsessed. I spent countless hours studying this fungus, it’s properties, it’s past. This sample, this fungus, was extremely dangerous, able to plant itself in the mind of the living to achieve its goal.”
  Demi tilted his head, “and yet you’d be so foolish enough to tamper with me?”  
“Yes. That’s the life of science. My extensive studies have allowed me to develop an antibody which counteracts your… infectious spores.”
  Demi moved his face closer to Sophia, “that is all fine I suppose, however, explain to me why-”
  “You are still aware of your time as an organism living in the Earth. It just so happened that the sample I took from that cluster was the main source of it all…” Sophia gestured to the orange mushrooms that had begun to climb the walls, “therefore, you are the one who dictates where to spread your… well, you.” She narrowed her eyes at him, “now stop growing mushrooms in this facility. I didn’t pick you so you could make a garden out of this laboratory. ”
  Demi simply started at her for a moment, finally swatting away any extra spores which fluttered around. “You certainly love to interrupt me,” he said.
  “You no longer need to be hooked up to all this machinery,” Sophia hummed, disregarding his statement as she reeled in the IV tubes, “however, if you do leave this facility, do not leave the island. The last thing I need is the higher ups knowing about your existence.”
  “Soph- ah, Dr. Synthaelda… I suppose I should thank you for what you have given me.”
  Sophia sighed, “and now you’re getting soft…”
  “Would you rather I continue to snap at you, then?”
  Sophia rolled her eyes, “you’re only a little less annoying than before,” she moved closer, placing her hands on the railing, “still, I would say this experiment is a resounding success. I sincerely hope you are able to learn more with this new form of existence.” She spun around, stepping towards the exit, “good day to you, Mr. Excleorn.”
  Demi watched her carefully as the door closed, shaking his head once she was out of sight, “I have a feeling she still isn’t too fond of me…” His shoulders dropped, “though... why do I suddenly seem to care?”
  “Dr. Synthaelda, we have-“
  “Please, not now.”
  “But Doctor, this is an urgent matter, we need you-“
  “Can’t you see I’m in the middle of something?” Sophia spat, tossing her tools aside to face the worker, “out with it.”
  “Subject D3M-1 is gone.”
  Sophia rolled her eyes, “yes, I told him he was allowed outside for a moment.”
  “N-no, we mean he’s gone, missing, we can’t find him anywhere! There are no traces of the roof being opened, we don’t understand how he could’ve gotten out…”
  “There are no traces of him leaving or breaking out of the facility-“
  Sophia threw off her gloves, grabbing a nearby microphone, “Motherboard, initiate lockdown now and scan the premises for Subject D3M-1.”
  “Attention all personnel. Please be advised there is a lockdown in effect. Subject D3M-1 of containment 0 has escaped, remain in your current location until you are notified that it is safe to move.”
  Sophia sighed, “what an absolute pain,” she turned to the worker, “go to the lounge and stay there, if you happen to see anyone infected, you know the protocol.”
  The worker nodded, “y-yes Doctor!” She then scurried off.
  Sophia turned back to the nearby computer, typing furiously. Her eyes flicked from each screen to the next, studying them closely.
  “There are no traces Subject D3M-1 outside the facility. There are minor detections inside operating room 0-A. Shall I initiate extermination protocol?”
  “No, just keep the doors locked until I get there. Let me know if he moves again.”
  “Very well, Doctor Synthaelda.”
  Sophia removed the large syringe from her hostler, cautiously making her way to the operating room. She placed a hand on the biometric door lock, awaiting for it to open.
  “Seems as though I have some more studying to do,” Sophia said, slowly entering the room with the syringe in hand, “Mr. Excleorn, please explain to me how you, a forty meter tall entity, managed to get into this room and not destroy everything?”
  “Ah, Doctor, would you be willing to lower the syringe first?”
  “No,” Sophia scoffed, “now come out.”
  “Very well… I can assure you that I will not-“
  “Shut your trap and show yourself.”
  Sophia eyed the cabinets which the voice sounded from, keeping her weapon still as a figure slowly peered out from behind.
  “What the fuck.”
  Sophia stomped over to the figure, viciously pointing the needle tip towards his face.
  “Peculiar, isn’t it?”
  Sophia simply started at the now-human man. It was undeniably Demi; his hair mimicked the colours of his head feathers, his eyes gave the same demeaning stare, his voice, while no longer echoing with each word, resembled the more masculine voice of the tall entity. His skin, while far less grey, still resembled dusted stone. The once divine entity now appeared as a simple old man, fragile form wrapped haphazardly in a spare lab coat.
  Sophia’s eyes flicked to the hand he held up in defence, noting the eye shaped marking in his palm. Sighing aggressively sighed, putting away her large syringe, turning away from Demi. “Get up, sit on that operating table,” she demanded, swiftly organizing scalpels. She grabbed a microphone, “Motherboard, lift the lockdown. Notify everyone to avoid operating room 0-A.”
  Sophia tuned out the announcement which followed, focusing only on the tools in front of her. She moved the tray closer to the operating table, where Demi was now sitting, his hands folded neatly in his lap. She stared at him for a moment, then abruptly threw herself into a nearby swivel chair.
  “Before I start dissecting you,” she spat, “tell me how you’ve changed your form.”
  “Ah… you see, I’m not so sure myself.” Demi smiled, “I was hoping you’d find the answer.”
  Sophia sighed, standing back up. Grabbing a pair of scissors, she carefully cut strands of hair from Demi’s head. Without a word, she carried them carefully to the opposite side of the room. After preparing an analyzing solution, she dipped the hair samples, placing them in a machine to finishing the analyzing.
  “Such wonderful technique…” Demi laughed, “you’re very talented.”
  Sophia jerked her head at him, narrowing her eyes, “shut up.”
  Demi dropped his smile, shaking his head, “come now Dr. Synthaelda, I went through all this effort so I could learn more. That is what you wanted, correct?”
  “So you do know how you managed this.”
  Demi, now realizing his slip up, shook his head again, “no no, my apologizes… yes I intended to obtain a human state, however I am unsure as to how it worked…”
  Sophia simply stared at him, “right, sure…” she turned back to the machine, “ah, okay. You don’t have real hair, it’s some form of mycelium, or at least a structure very similar… though it is incredibly strong compared to real mycelium. I’ll have to run more tests.”
  Demi nodded, “I’ll assume my skin isn’t real skin either, then? Perhaps something similar to the skin on those mushrooms? It does make sense given how, at least I would assume, my new state of existence isn’t so different from the little mushrooms I used to sprout.”
  Sophia slowly turned to Demi, confusion in her stare, “now where did you learn to make such a hypothesis? Albeit it is quite a simple one, but still.” She moved closer to him, “you, being a clueless entity in terms of the world of science. You don’t even have a brain… how?”
  Demi grinned, “I just listened to what you had to say. Overtime, I started to piece together what you and the other lab workers have said… it all started making sense.”
  Sophia grabbed his shoulders. For once, her eyes were vacant of anger, replaced with wonder. “Tell me what else you’ve learned.”
  Demi, caught off guard by her sudden closeness, “well… you’ve been measuring my heart rate, however… I wouldn’t have blood, correct? Of course that doesn’t mean I don’t have some sort of blood substitute which would need a pumping mechanism…”
  Sophia stood up, staring beyond Demi.
  “I… I did it. It worked.” She suddenly held onto Demi’s shoulder’s again, “I was right. I…” her hands began to tremble, her eyes filled with tears.
  Demi, alarmed at her sudden vulnerability, held onto her, “Doctor, what’re you doing…”
  Sophia couldn’t help but laugh slightly, “it’s called crying, Demi,” she stood up, wiping her eyes, “you’ll learn about that and so much more.”
  Demi blinked, his eyes lighting up, “I’m certainly looking forward to it.”
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Don't what the context is, but I'm craving Diana and reader for TTT. I feel it in my bones.
Heat flooded your body and you weren't sure if it was arousal or shame as long, calloused hands grazed the stretchmarks on your belly. The Amazon was practically perfect. If it weren't for the olive tone of her skin and the warmth of her touch, you would swear she was carved from marble.
And here she was, kneading the softness of your flesh. Digging into your hips and bottom. Practically purring as she buried her face in the soft, doughy stomach that no amount of crunches could seem to eviscerate. Seemingly oblivious to how much she was supposed to pretend it wasn't there.
From the moment she'd managed to get you out of your clothing she'd been gentle. Petting and kneading. Pressing kisses softer than raindrops on old scars, cellulite, and stretchmarks. Her silence only broken by her sighs and thoughtful noises when she stumbled on something that made your breath stutter... Or soft tutting when she batted your hands away from touching her.
But having her touching your belly was too much. And when you pull away, the shame winning out when she smoothed her hands down tenderly and you felt flesh ooze through her fingers- the need for her to keep touching you. To feel the heat that burned through her, vaporized.
She let you go. Watching, wondering how it had all gone wrong as you grabbed the nearest thing- a crumpled t-shirt- and struggled into it as you groped for a pair of discarded jeans. "Sweetheart?"
You can hear the confusion and the worry but you can't look at her. "I should go it's getting late I-"
"If you want," she acknowledged, "You don't have to stay. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do."
"I'm sorry I-" you break off and swallow hard, taking a deep breath.
"Tell me what I did?" she coaxed, "If you're not ready-"
"You didn't do anything- I just. I have to go. I should go." You feel stupid. And small. And guilty. Like you tricked her into this. There's no way she could want you, right? This was a pity fuck. Or sunk cost- something.
The Amazon gets off the bed slowly, moving very carefully. Giving you space to move away from her. "Firefly," she murmured, "clearly something is wrong. You didn't get upset until-" She stopped, understanding and shook her head. She'd already known you were shy about your body. And she wasn't unfamiliar with all the ways people were made to feel horrible about themselves. Entire industries that existed solely to make people insecure to make them buy the "one thing" that would fix it.
"I'm sorry I just-"
"Do you know," she asked, smiling a little, "what I love most about you?"
"Your heart," she said, tipping your chin up, wiping a stray tear away as she kissed your forehead. "So much kindness and joy. All that empathy and compassion- and you think a plump, comfortable little belly makes that less?"
She kissed you quiet tenderly and gingerly took the jeans from your hands. "Let me love you?" she asked. "Let me admire you? Let me show you the care you give to everyone else until you can do it for yourself."
"It's just so-"
"Don't you dare," she scolded, tapping the end of your nose. "Be nice to my love."
"I can try-" For Diana you'd try just about anything as long as she didn't look at you sad. You could take anything but her wide-eyed and sad.
"Then I can do the rest," she promised, "As long as you come back to bed."
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Hello Ara Ara Anon here.
Kinda digging your profile Gun having a seriously face lol. Which made me think of what would Gun and Goo hate to see in thier Date or in fight.
And what would be thier auto "marry me" reaction during thier date/ situations.
Hello again Ara Ara anon! This is probably one of my fave expression this guy pulls. It's just so relatable. Thanks for the ask - and I could see Goo falling for the ara ara OC heh.
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Fight Reaction: Marry Me!
Gun values competent people, he would have needed to have heard of your reputation first to pique his interest. It would make sense if you were making a name for yourself as a high ranking executive in Workers, climbing to the top with a ruthless tenacity. You're efficient and ambitious and you wanted the crew business all to yourself. Because why do these little boys get all the fun?
Couple that with you being strong? What a way to get his attention. Gun's instant marry me though? This bastard... Daniel breaks 1 arm and this pervert can't stop thinking about him. Imagine if you broke all his limbs.
Goo is one sadistic fucker. Similar to Gun, you would need to overpower him during a fight but he doesn't need the context. He couldn't give a shit who you are, but where have you been hiding with your pretty claws and vicious grin? Having someone like you beat him up is hot. It eases the sting of the loss somewhat.
Goo is sitting there, bruised and bloodied by you, which is already a turn on. Then you lean in and grab his chin:
"Ara ara... What a disappointment you turned out to be, Goo Kim."
He genuinely would blurt out "marry me" in this moment.
Fight Reaction: Fuck You
Gun loves fighting. He really believes in the beauty of the it, the movement, the skill, the raw feel of throwing punches and kicks. Connecting and ripping through skin, breaking bones. He doesn't care if you fight dirty. Go ahead and grab some weapons. Adds more spice.
However anything that would ruin the fundamental of people beating the shit out of each other would upset him, more so if it's illegal.
"You dumb motherfucker. Are you ruining my fun with a gun"
and if you tried to jab him with a syringe full of questionable drugs like what happened to Samuel? He'll really show you what Shiro Oni means.
What can I say, this guy has his principles.
For Goo, you would have thought anything goes with this blonde maniac but he hates being underestimated or thinking someone is going easy on him. And combine that with you getting the upper hand? He loathes your trash talk.
"You call that a punch"
"What is that stance"
"Have you ever even used a sword before"
He would be going feral with rage, frothing at the mouth, aiming to kill. If you manage to get him to this stage and still nothing?
"Was that supposed to hurt"
Please also see the above scenario - he would likely have the most confused boner.
Date Reaction: Marry Me!
Apart from the obvious fighting prowess, Gun would love someone that could easily be playing 5D chess and challenging him.
He's smart and perceptive but if he tells you about his day and you manage to catch something he's missed? Or offer him a better solution? God. He's always done this on his own, but maybe it wouldn't be so bad with you.
You would need a pretty wicked and wild streak yourself to seriously be with someone like Goo. You 2 together are loose cannons and a general danger to society. And your ideas of a date aren't the most... traditional.
Someone pissed Goo off and you suggest some casual arson? Grand theft auto against a guy who parked too close to his precious car? Identity theft of someone that tried to rip him off? Yep babe, you're the one.
Date Reaction: Fuck off
It likely will never get to this stage if they get even a whiff of something amiss.
Casually sleeping around is one thing but Gun and Goo are pretty thorough with researching and scoping people out, and that's no different for a potential date. They know the kind of traits they like and respect. If you don't fit the bill, then this ain't happening.
The only real thing both Gun and Goo would hate is if either of them misjudged you. They thought they saw a partner and an equal but you're not measuring up. Either you're too nice or normal or moralistic or just naive. This would never work, they need someone that understands the way of their world. They would have no qualms breaking up or just straight out ghosting you.
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i-will-always-be-happy · 11 months
Ler Sanemi chasing and tickling Lee Giyuu?
Warning: This fanfic contains tickles. Also remind them that I don't speak English, so if they find any errors, let me know to correct it. I hope you like it!
Also, contains Sanegiyuu (Sanemi x Giyuu)
Ler: Sanemi Shinazugawa
Lee: Giyuu Tomioka
'I screwed it up!' 'Come here you moron!!', Sanemi yelled, hot on the heels of Giyuu, who was running around Sanemi's entire estate.
Let's put a little context, will you?
'I don't know what's up with Giyuu, he's been bitter. Today when he spoke, his voice sounded different, could you help me verify that everything is fine with him?', Sanemi looked at her confused, Shinobu asked him to take care of him?
'Why I should? He's an adult, let him take care of himself' 'I'm telling you as Oyakata-sama's request, I don't have much time right now, there are many injured patients and I have to take the medicine. Do it and I'll tell Aoi to make you whatever food you want'
Sanemi refused, but now he was waiting for Giyuu to arrive, he saw him. Shinobu was right, it seemed like he hadn't slept these days or months, he looked more unpleasant and dull than usual
'Good morning, Giyuu', he had no answer for a few seconds 'What do you want Shinazugawa? Be quick and brief, I want to get out of here', what? Giyuu?
'What's your fucking problem?!' 'That's how you always answer and I don't yell like that', oh wow... He really was in a bad mood
'Giyuu, are you feeling alright? You...', Sanemi tried to touch his shoulder, but Giyuu's look was different, it was as if he didn't want to be touched by even an insect. 'What do you want?'
Sanemi was confused, why was he acting like this right now? But... Something went through Sanemi's mind. A few words
'Ohhh is anyone angry? Come here!' 'Eahahahaha! Mahahama!', Sanemi felt bad for a moment, his memories, he felt, nostalgic
Sanemi tried to press Tomioka's hip, but Tomioka dodged and hit Sanemi's hand roughly.
'Don't touch me, Shinazugawa', Sanemi blushed slightly, it was a part of Giyuu that although he usually looked so serious, his tone of voice and new gaze surprised him.
Hey, but he hadn't slapped him?
'Did you slap me? Giyuu Tomioka', Giyuu wanted to keep his seriousness but when he turned to answer him, he saw Sanemi cracking his knuckles and laughing.
'Shit', Giyuu thought before running and being chased by Sanemi, which is what I was telling them when the story began.
'AGH!' 'GOTCHA!!', Sanemi played dirty, he really did, he pushed Giyuu hard, very cruel of him.
'Oh no, did you fall? What a problem! Calm down Tomioka! Now that I'm your friend, I'll worry about you, that's why... I'll see if you don't have a broken rib after this fall', well Giyuu, you asked for it
Sanemi and Giyuu fought, Giyuu holding Sanemi's wrists and trying as much as possible not to get
'Sa-Sanemi! No!' 'I won't do anything to you! Be a good friend and stay put!', well, Giyuu will probably win... Who am I kidding? Obviously not-
'DAHAHAHAMN!! SAHAHANEMIHIHI!!! STOHOHOP!!! I'M FIHIHINE!! QUIHIHIT IT!!' 'Mmmmm let's see, there doesn't seem to be a problem here, nor here, hey stop moving! You can get hurt!', Sanemi pressed between each space of his ribs, 'checking' that Giyuu wasn't hurt.
'STAHAHAP!! YOHOHOU DAHAHAHAMN DOHOHORK!!!' 'Oi, who are you calling an idiot, huh?', Sanemi positioned himself on Giyuu's upper ribs, digging right into that spot and smiling as Giyuu's laughter increased.
'What's up Tomioka? You should thank me for the fact that you're fine!' 'FAHAHAHAHACK!!! *gasp* SANEMI!!! *snort* *hipcup* ENOHOHOHUGH!!! *scream* WAHAHAHA!!!!', Sanemi smirked, but didn't stop
Giyuu kicked, begged, writhed, yelled, snorted, and squealed for mercy for almost 2 minutes, until finally Sanemi stopped and let him go.
'Well, now will you tell me why you were like this?', he received no answer. 'Tomioka?', nothing.
'Hey, I'm talking to you-!', Sanemi shook Tomioka, but still, he received no response.
'TOMIOKA?!', Sanemi got scared and the only thing he chose to do was give him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, maybe he had gone too far?
He approached willingly, until Giyuu opened his eyes and kissed him.
'I worry you, don't I?', Sanemi blushed and pushed him away, crossing his arms as Giyuu laughed and stood up.
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as someone who stumbled upon your panopticon kp meta and spent the last two days researching the surveillance theory while ripping my hair out, i need you to recommend me some books or even academic articles on social theory that you think are important or interesting. i’m still in undergrad and am finishing up my social psych class (which was very surface level, “i can google it and understand it” kind of stuff), anything that you think is interesting to look into, please tell me!!! doesn’t even have to be social theory, any books or journals that you liked, let me know because i will read the heck out of them 😵‍💫
Sorry this took me so long to answer, anon! I wanted to wait until I got back into my office and had access to my books.
Okay so first, this is THE BEST ASK I HAVE EVER RECEIVED. I am LOVING that you want to read social theory because of my kp meta, this is my crowning achievement, my glory in life.
Ahem. Okay. SO, a few selected recommendations for people wanting to dig a little deeper into social theory.
Note: Most of these are in the public domain and can be found for free by googling them with 'pdf'. Also available at libraries!
Discipline and Punish by Michel Foucault
If you loved the panopticon meta, this is for you. Foucault can be REALLY dense, so this isn't exactly an easy read, but it's utterly FASCINATING. While the focus is on the evolution of modern-day prisons, the theories are broadly applicable to the structure of our society more generally and how we monitor and control bodies. also good for analyzing kink in kinnporsche
2. Capitalism and Modern Social Theory by Anthony Giddens
If you're really curious about the three big classical social theorists (Marx, Durkheim, and Weber) but don't want to, say, read all of Capital, this is a great place to start. Giddens analyzes the main big ideas from each of these theorists and gives you some great context and background. You wanna engage with the Marxist debate around rich kid Mile funding his own gay mafia fantasy? Start here.
3. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life by Erving Goffman
This book changed my LIFE. It connects the personal, internal sense of self with the way that self-understanding is formed through society and social interactions. If you're intrigued by how Kinn presents one 'self' around his family and an entirely different one around Porsche, this is your book. It's got dramaturgical analysis, it's got looking-glass self, it's got it ALL. Note: For a slightly more confusing but equally enthralling take on this topic, see Mind, Self and Society by George Herbert Mead.
4. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism by Max Weber
If Giddens gave you a taste of Weber and you can't get enough, go here. Again, life changing. Connects dominant Western religious attitudes with the rise of capitalism. More fun than it sounds. Iron cage of rationality, enchantment, and Weber was definitely into religious erotica so go here for all your VegasPete needs. also go to Discipline and Punish
5. Gender Trouble by Judith Butler
Read everything and anything by Butler, but start here. If you think gender is a scam and biological sex might be, too, this book will speak to your soul. If you want to talk about how Kinn performs the role of 'mafia boss' in a very gendered way, takes after his mom, uses soft power, etc. this book is your best friend. Also gets into sexuality, here's an amazing quote: "heterosexual melancholy is culturally instituted as the price of stable gender identities" WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, READ THIS.
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incarnateirony · 1 year
You know aside from watching the rest of TW I’m looking forward to January 24th thru February to slowly watch pat 2po and everyone in that insane group fall flat on their faces multiple times when all the cards are turned over cough deans not straight he loves Cas etc coughs
Yeah it's kinda gonna be like watching someone try to stand on an ice rink by the time we come back, watching the inevitable slip and slide of confusion, excuses, and the shallowest of superficial readings come in. or the ones that magically pretend it gets boring right when they finally accept what's happening while it's smashing them in the face over and over.
Expect them to get more and more shrill as their psychic bubble of hallucinations is slowly put through a trash compactor. They'll look for any exit hatch, any hole to hide in, any sideways or backwards reading, they'll screech nothing can mean anything and plots and episodes dont connect, they'll turn over every rock to try to find some kind of word or take they can manipulate into their perspective, and they'll chain these weak pebbles together until the bitter end not realizing that's like, one small section of a huge mountain they're sitting on top of trying to rearrange, because they refuse to adjust perspective.
So yeah. It's gonna be fun just. Don't forget, these narcissists have, in fact, constructed a bubble they're reliant on at least psychologically, and many have come to be physically like the scripthunt mods for free gold passes or whatever. If they face the truth, they've been a villain against the creatives for years, and that's the plot. If they face the truth, they've doxxed fans and spent millions for nothing. They literally have dug their own box and instead of slowing down, they're gonna dig the hole all the way to china instead of learning.
I mean hell. Look at the Confession->Roadhouse-->Omission denialists. Same people. Who are also the Pilot script denialists. Same people. They swore up and down, they sent bad intel people at me I mhmed to screen data from that didn't even KNOW about other shit already locked in. These people spent THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS because they were SO SURE OF THE UNIVERSE INSIDE THEIR HEAD, and it turned out, that universe was fake, the one I had been talking about was real, just like all the other times.
They don't want to look at these patterns and contexts. They're going to do what they do to try to rebuild their wobbly jenga Tower not realizing the pieces don't fit together anymore but goddamnit so help them they WILL shove that square peg in a round hole until they get spanked for it.
Frankly the funniest subtext of all Robbie's writing is his own "I'm good with who I am, I know myself. And I know if there's a heaven, unless you assholes uncork your own self inserting ouroboros heads and start listening, you ain't gonna get there and I'll have peace. Blocked into the void you're gonna spend eternity in, and already do as an empty husk of a person"
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northwestofinsanity · 10 months
Interesting development tonight while trying to make Tumblr work a bit better on my phone while my tablet doesn't want to work with it -I figured out how to fix my blog URL from redirecting to in-dashboard view (tumblr.com/[user URL]) on my mobile browser, regardless of which URL format I use ...and I believe it's a workaround for the issue of Tumblr's login wall popping up in blog-view even for people who have chosen in their settings to keep their blogs viewable to everyone by being able to have your blog work in [User URL].tumblr.com format on mobile.
For anyone who wants the ending point first before the context, TL;DR -it has to do with THIS. If you're curious or need the visual of what exactly the difference the "Use Default Mobile Theme" setting makes, and why it might be a problem, context follows:
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So, for about a year now, the picture below is how my blog -and most other users' who use the basic Tumblr theme instead of a custom blog -comes up on a mobile browser:
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It displays under the dashboard header, like I opened it from a post, and the URL stays in the dash-view format - tumblr.com/[user URL]. I could tap on the highlighted, second link for my blog page I had enabled with [user URL].tumblr.com, and it would *still* revert itself into dash view, and the previous URL. Also, this rendered my blog unviewable to anyone without an account, as the login wall would pop up in short order after loading -and I do in fact have friends who I occasionally share some of my Tumblr posts with, but they do not have or want to make an account. (Yes, you may ask me "why not just go with a completely different custom theme so that it has to load properly?" -Well, I do have "custom theme enabled" selected -as one known step for allowing public view -but I stick with the "Official Tumblr Theme" because I like the simplicity and accessibility of it, and I've had a lot of menus not display right or be confusing to find on other people's custom themes, and while it's their choice to use what they like for their own blogs, I want *my* blog to be accessible and easy to navigate, for my own sake as well as anyone else. And it's not like this has always been a problem with my blog theme, right? So, why should it be?)
But then I also realized that I have a few users I follow using the Tumblr official theme for at least their mobile site who still had it loading the way it used to for me, and switching properly to [user URL].tumblr.com, and bypassing the login wall as far as I could tell. Now that I've finally figured out how to switch back after what changed about a year ago, when I tap on that second link on my phone browser, it looks like this:
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Look! It's the proper URL with the blog search bar at the top. I can share my own posts with my friends who don't have a Tumblr account, and they can *see* it without the login prompt blocking it up if their using a phone. Better yet, I haven't quite figured out this part, but ever since "featured tags" became a thing, my phone mobile browsers won't let me search anything other than featured tags on the search bar in tumblr.com/[user URL] view -I could tap "enter" all day after typing it in, and it just doesn't register or go anywhere at all, and I've yet to get any answers from help requests on that... (Note: I can search blogs on in-dash view just fine on desktop -that's only a glitch on my phone). But that search bar at the top in the proper URL view works like a charm for anyone lucky enough to be dealing with that same glitch, and is so much easier than having to manually type in search or tag URLs for non-featured tags.
So, that brings us to what changed:
I started digging through my blog and theme settings for *anything* that would possibly fix this, and was even about to resort to switching to a custom theme with the simplest layout possible if necessary (Again, I've had the "custom theme enabled" toggle on for as long as it's existed, as a known step for bypassing the log-in wall despite also allowing public views on blogs.) Then, I finally noticed an "Advanced" panel on the very bottom of the editing tray that led me to the solution
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The toggle for "Use Default Mobile Theme" was enabled on my advanced settings -something that did not exist when I designed my blog in 2017. (And aside from a minor tweak to my blog description, that theme has remained the same from that very night forward). As it states, "This will override your theme with a special layout optimized for browsing on mobile devices like iPhone and Android". What it doesn't say is that it will ALSO override the switch to [user URL].tumblr.com, and keep your blog opening in in-dash view on mobile browsers, regardless of your other view settings. As soon as I found that and toggled it off, one of my greatest headaches with using Tumblr on my phone over the last year was cured.
Now, I still can't navigate easily on other users' blogs who have that enabled, whether by choice, or by not knowing how to fix this issue, but again -their blog, their choice. Throwing this out there for anyone who's been as perplexed by this as I have been and might not know you *have* a choice.
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juleteinthrum · 6 months
He growled. He had heard it, he wanted to anger Alder with his alien-ness again. More importantly, he didn't want to answer.
He squinted nastily. "Zim is not sure-"
"Dude, i swear to god."
He clenched his eyes shut and shivered. "Fine!"
Alder crossed his arms, he had led them to the den and now plopped heavily into his recliner.
Zim clamped his fists tightly at his hips, arms straightened tensely.
"Zim hates this."
"I know. But you-"
"No. All of this. All of it. I am afraid." He admitted against his own will. He bit back the regret.
"Of what?" Alder softened ever so slightly, and anger flared up again.
"All of it. Stop being so warm!"
"I don't know, body heat-"
"No!" He gasped, suddenly dropping his guard at the joke. "I- why are you so kind?"
"Huh?" Color flickered into Alder's cheeks.
"Zim hates it. Stupid, grimy, icky-..." he fumbled his words, now uncomfortable at how much he was sharing. There was no way out of this now.
"You're mad I'm nice to you?"
"Filthy." He hissed the word, rasping it in the back of his throat and recoiling at the thought of it all.
"Oh." Alder replied dumbly. He looked confused, unsure.
"What?" Zim snapped.
"I should have thought of that."
"No more thoughtful! Attack me! Force me out, tell me i am stupid! None of this lies!"
Alder turned his head and blinked sadly up at him. "I'm not lying! Why would I do any of that? I'm too tired to fight."
"Tired? Then rest!" He insisted, disliking how desperate he sounded.
Alder chuckled and shook his head. "You still don't get it, do you"
Zim puzzled. "Get… get…?"
Alder motioned forward to the couch, and in bitter revenge Zim sat on the coffee table. He was internally thankful it was wooden, if it was glass he still might have attempted this and knew the human equipment was flimsy.
"You are not thinking clearly. You probably won't be for a while." He shrugged. "You simply don't have context for the depth of what's happening to you. You've lost a lot recently, haven't you?"
"Zim knows the location of all his belongings." He lied through bared teeth.
"You're struggling with something. Something hurt you before i met you. Why else would you act so terrified?"
"Zim said-"
"You wanna talk about what you've said?" Alder bit back negatively.
Zim recoiled and bit his tongue in response. He decided to just listen.
"Look. You owe me nothing. I owe you nothing. If you want, you can just pack your shit and go. But I'm not telling you one way or another. It just tells me something what you decide. I know next to nothing about you. You've been here 2 weeks and all I know is that you aren't human and your name is Zim. You are highly reactive and easily threatened. You react with a fight instinct rather than flight, fawn or freeze first. Something bad happened to you to cause something that intense."
Zim was flabbergasted at the words spilling from Alder. They'd talked, sure. They'd had their share of conversations and yelling spats. They'd exchanged jokes and formalities and mild embarrassments like Zim gagging out loud at a smell, and when he accidentally walked in on Alder in the bathroom. But no conversation had been this far digging into Zim's skin.
"W- what m-... what makes this-"
Alder shook his head, stopping him again. "Dude, I've been around. I've had a good 25 years being conscious and even longer that i was a little guy going through my own tough shit. Now i don't know how old you are, or what that means for your race or whatever, but you clearly haven't seen much of the world, as far as you've traveled across the universe."
"And you think you're wise, human?" He sneered.
"Wiser than you to run about in the woods in a frenzy one night."
"Yeah, how did you end up here again?"
Zim looked at the floor.
"Sorry. Again, i guess i really don't know anything about your situation-"
"You don't." He bit, glaring back up at Alder's sincere expression.
They paused, looking at each other like they waited for the other to strike. A peace offering settling them both for now in the stillness.
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