#I need a tag for my oc stories
woolmasterleel · 2 years
Wrote a short little thing about Sophia and Demi.. Had to change some things about their story, such as Demi being unaware that he is a fungus, I felt it worked better for his god complex if he was aware that he was this dangerous fungus (❁´◡`❁)
This takes place a while after Demi is aware of his new state, so he’s a lot calmer and more in tune with human emotions (sort of)! Hope it’s a fun read!
Please ignore any typos, I’m too tired to edit..
  “Quite the peculiar human, she is…“ He hummed, gently stroking his feathered wings, “I will ask her the most pleasant of inquiries, yet receive nothing in response.”
  “M-my apologies Mr. Excleorn, sir… Dr. Synthaelda is…"
  Demiascareous chuckled, “now now, I understand. She is a solitary woman.”
  “Ha… y-yeah…” the worker scurried out the door, leaving Demi alone.
  “Well,” Demi softly brushed his levitating hand across his feathered hair, “how disappointing. Seems as though I am not a fit conversation partner.” He shook his head, spores fluttering gently around him, “no matter, there is always the next visitor.”
  He folded his uppermost set of arms neatly in front of him, staring intensely at the door. Demi waited, form unwavering. Having no concept of time, Demi remained still for hours.
  “Heart rate is 37 bpm, just lower than the average heart rate of a sleeping person. Though, you are hardly human, I suppose that isn’t compatible.”
  Demi jerked his head, swiftly twisting his form around.
  “And now it’s 98 bpm. Interesting.”
  “Haven’t the decency to come in through the main door?” Demi scoffed, irritated by his moment of vulnerability.
  Demi shook his head, turning away.
  “They told me you were in such a good mood a few hours ago. Are you upset that I’m standing above you? Oh, the mighty god of lies is beneath a mere human? The tragedy of it all.”
  “Sophia, don’t be so ridiculous, I am only-“
  “I don’t believe we are on first name basis,” Sophia spat, “listen to me, if your existence wasn’t so incredible, I’d pull the plug on you right now. Lose the attitude.”
  Demi moved to face her again, “I did not ask to be ripped from the Earth. I did not ask to be contained in this form. I did not ask to receive the means to communicate with humans. You and your followers disturbed my peace, yet you expect me to respect you?” He slammed a hand on the platform below him, “I was once deemed the largest threat to mankind. Now what? You’ve imprisoned me in this form, all for your own-“
  “Have you forgotten about the amount of workers you’ve infected here? I owe you no respect whatsoever, yet I do. It’s only fair that you give me the same.”
  Demi straightened his posture, “excuse me?”
  “A fungal sample labeled D3M-1 was obtained from the mounds of mushrooms which covered this place. Its behaviour was immaculate. Seemingly mindless yet extremely intelligent all at once. So fixated on its goal that it hardly needed to think, adapt.” Sophia pulled down on a lever, releasing the massive IVs from Demi’s form, “this specimen was extraordinary. I became obsessed. I spent countless hours studying this fungus, it’s properties, it’s past. This sample, this fungus, was extremely dangerous, able to plant itself in the mind of the living to achieve its goal.”
  Demi tilted his head, “and yet you’d be so foolish enough to tamper with me?”  
“Yes. That’s the life of science. My extensive studies have allowed me to develop an antibody which counteracts your… infectious spores.”
  Demi moved his face closer to Sophia, “that is all fine I suppose, however, explain to me why-”
  “You are still aware of your time as an organism living in the Earth. It just so happened that the sample I took from that cluster was the main source of it all…” Sophia gestured to the orange mushrooms that had begun to climb the walls, “therefore, you are the one who dictates where to spread your… well, you.” She narrowed her eyes at him, “now stop growing mushrooms in this facility. I didn’t pick you so you could make a garden out of this laboratory. ”
  Demi simply started at her for a moment, finally swatting away any extra spores which fluttered around. “You certainly love to interrupt me,” he said.
  “You no longer need to be hooked up to all this machinery,” Sophia hummed, disregarding his statement as she reeled in the IV tubes, “however, if you do leave this facility, do not leave the island. The last thing I need is the higher ups knowing about your existence.”
  “Soph- ah, Dr. Synthaelda… I suppose I should thank you for what you have given me.”
  Sophia sighed, “and now you’re getting soft…”
  “Would you rather I continue to snap at you, then?”
  Sophia rolled her eyes, “you’re only a little less annoying than before,” she moved closer, placing her hands on the railing, “still, I would say this experiment is a resounding success. I sincerely hope you are able to learn more with this new form of existence.” She spun around, stepping towards the exit, “good day to you, Mr. Excleorn.”
  Demi watched her carefully as the door closed, shaking his head once she was out of sight, “I have a feeling she still isn’t too fond of me…” His shoulders dropped, “though... why do I suddenly seem to care?”
  “Dr. Synthaelda, we have-“
  “Please, not now.”
  “But Doctor, this is an urgent matter, we need you-“
  “Can’t you see I’m in the middle of something?” Sophia spat, tossing her tools aside to face the worker, “out with it.”
  “Subject D3M-1 is gone.”
  Sophia rolled her eyes, “yes, I told him he was allowed outside for a moment.”
  “N-no, we mean he’s gone, missing, we can’t find him anywhere! There are no traces of the roof being opened, we don’t understand how he could’ve gotten out…”
  “There are no traces of him leaving or breaking out of the facility-“
  Sophia threw off her gloves, grabbing a nearby microphone, “Motherboard, initiate lockdown now and scan the premises for Subject D3M-1.”
  “Attention all personnel. Please be advised there is a lockdown in effect. Subject D3M-1 of containment 0 has escaped, remain in your current location until you are notified that it is safe to move.”
  Sophia sighed, “what an absolute pain,” she turned to the worker, “go to the lounge and stay there, if you happen to see anyone infected, you know the protocol.”
  The worker nodded, “y-yes Doctor!” She then scurried off.
  Sophia turned back to the nearby computer, typing furiously. Her eyes flicked from each screen to the next, studying them closely.
  “There are no traces Subject D3M-1 outside the facility. There are minor detections inside operating room 0-A. Shall I initiate extermination protocol?”
  “No, just keep the doors locked until I get there. Let me know if he moves again.”
  “Very well, Doctor Synthaelda.”
  Sophia removed the large syringe from her hostler, cautiously making her way to the operating room. She placed a hand on the biometric door lock, awaiting for it to open.
  “Seems as though I have some more studying to do,” Sophia said, slowly entering the room with the syringe in hand, “Mr. Excleorn, please explain to me how you, a forty meter tall entity, managed to get into this room and not destroy everything?”
  “Ah, Doctor, would you be willing to lower the syringe first?”
  “No,” Sophia scoffed, “now come out.”
  “Very well… I can assure you that I will not-“
  “Shut your trap and show yourself.”
  Sophia eyed the cabinets which the voice sounded from, keeping her weapon still as a figure slowly peered out from behind.
  “What the fuck.”
  Sophia stomped over to the figure, viciously pointing the needle tip towards his face.
  “Peculiar, isn’t it?”
  Sophia simply started at the now-human man. It was undeniably Demi; his hair mimicked the colours of his head feathers, his eyes gave the same demeaning stare, his voice, while no longer echoing with each word, resembled the more masculine voice of the tall entity. His skin, while far less grey, still resembled dusted stone. The once divine entity now appeared as a simple old man, fragile form wrapped haphazardly in a spare lab coat.
  Sophia’s eyes flicked to the hand he held up in defence, noting the eye shaped marking in his palm. Sighing aggressively sighed, putting away her large syringe, turning away from Demi. “Get up, sit on that operating table,” she demanded, swiftly organizing scalpels. She grabbed a microphone, “Motherboard, lift the lockdown. Notify everyone to avoid operating room 0-A.”
  Sophia tuned out the announcement which followed, focusing only on the tools in front of her. She moved the tray closer to the operating table, where Demi was now sitting, his hands folded neatly in his lap. She stared at him for a moment, then abruptly threw herself into a nearby swivel chair.
  “Before I start dissecting you,” she spat, “tell me how you’ve changed your form.”
  “Ah… you see, I’m not so sure myself.” Demi smiled, “I was hoping you’d find the answer.”
  Sophia sighed, standing back up. Grabbing a pair of scissors, she carefully cut strands of hair from Demi’s head. Without a word, she carried them carefully to the opposite side of the room. After preparing an analyzing solution, she dipped the hair samples, placing them in a machine to finishing the analyzing.
  “Such wonderful technique…” Demi laughed, “you’re very talented.”
  Sophia jerked her head at him, narrowing her eyes, “shut up.”
  Demi dropped his smile, shaking his head, “come now Dr. Synthaelda, I went through all this effort so I could learn more. That is what you wanted, correct?”
  “So you do know how you managed this.”
  Demi, now realizing his slip up, shook his head again, “no no, my apologizes… yes I intended to obtain a human state, however I am unsure as to how it worked…”
  Sophia simply stared at him, “right, sure…” she turned back to the machine, “ah, okay. You don’t have real hair, it’s some form of mycelium, or at least a structure very similar… though it is incredibly strong compared to real mycelium. I’ll have to run more tests.”
  Demi nodded, “I’ll assume my skin isn’t real skin either, then? Perhaps something similar to the skin on those mushrooms? It does make sense given how, at least I would assume, my new state of existence isn’t so different from the little mushrooms I used to sprout.”
  Sophia slowly turned to Demi, confusion in her stare, “now where did you learn to make such a hypothesis? Albeit it is quite a simple one, but still.” She moved closer to him, “you, being a clueless entity in terms of the world of science. You don’t even have a brain… how?”
  Demi grinned, “I just listened to what you had to say. Overtime, I started to piece together what you and the other lab workers have said… it all started making sense.”
  Sophia grabbed his shoulders. For once, her eyes were vacant of anger, replaced with wonder. “Tell me what else you’ve learned.”
  Demi, caught off guard by her sudden closeness, “well… you’ve been measuring my heart rate, however… I wouldn’t have blood, correct? Of course that doesn’t mean I don’t have some sort of blood substitute which would need a pumping mechanism…”
  Sophia stood up, staring beyond Demi.
  “I… I did it. It worked.” She suddenly held onto Demi’s shoulder’s again, “I was right. I…” her hands began to tremble, her eyes filled with tears.
  Demi, alarmed at her sudden vulnerability, held onto her, “Doctor, what’re you doing…”
  Sophia couldn’t help but laugh slightly, “it’s called crying, Demi,” she stood up, wiping her eyes, “you’ll learn about that and so much more.”
  Demi blinked, his eyes lighting up, “I’m certainly looking forward to it.”
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cloudvampire · 2 months
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redesigning some old hogs for my ocs story I’m planning 🦔
Just some notes to add:
-I tried to make sonic look more similar to uncle chuck, he is also experiencing quill loss
-wears compression knee pads
-the big scar on his chest resulted from a battle that will be told in my ocs story
- wearing 2 of shadow’s inhibitor rings 💍
- shadow has more black arms/black doom features like his tail and red markings on his legs
-both have new kicks to keep up with the modern times
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pythosblathers · 24 days
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Nine again. She’s been on the mind for uhhh reasons
Godfrey got kicked out on a quest to kill a clone of his toxic mother in law and definitely not develop fatherly feelings about this living weapon who is also a clone of his mother in law
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voidedjuice · 2 years
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Void maiden
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mediocredoots · 3 months
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Some Apollo studies 🏹☀
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skybristle · 5 months
my local group is done!!! short descriptions r below cut!!!! im so so excited guys omg. please ask abt them [also pls rb this took ages and im rlly proud of them!] toyhouse link here that also has full individual images!!! point out ur faves! im so excited to present them to you all [please like them please like them please l- /lh]
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without further ado, here we go! in seniority [and image] order
Plunging Flows of Ash [PFA] - he/him [woman!!] He’s definitely winning his senior of the cycle award! He’s been pretty depressed and poorly functioning from the jump, but would often rely on his partner, Sparks, for help and support. When she’s in her darkest hour, and his privileges as senior are needed, he consistently fails to deliver despite her constant aid in return… and after the mass ascension, he just falls off the face of the earth, sleeping through his own depression even as his dysfunctional group desperately needs him. The catalyst for everything- as he fractured his group in two with his actions and fails to rise to their needs, and he has a chronic inability to accept his own wrongdoings and the fact things have changed. Associated Slugcat: The Colorburst Countless Swirling Sparks [CSS] - she/any Well known among iterators for her many, many methods of iteration and other inventions, Sparks was built with an unusually large [and haphazard] structure that she uses to its full advantage. Always with countless screens pulled up around her, always on some project, eating up her own escapism. She was failed by her creators long ago, but is so desperate to see her fellow iterators happy she keeps pushing on. In lieu of Ash, she has risen to a faux senior status - though lacking any powers to enforce her position. Only about half of the group [Ochre, Chimes, and Aurora] answer to her with any respect of authority- she has not been able to reach the others. Her resentment for her situation with her former lover is festering, and may explode violently once things go awry… Associated Slugcat: The Brainiac
Erupting Maw [EM] - she/her She’s fucking crazy!!! Worshiped as a god by her colony, she has not coped with their loss well. Originally seeking to replace the void left by their departure, she created purposed organisms to inhabit her city and later her can… but watching them rip eachother apart was simply so much more cathartic. She has full control! Her ego and disdain for other iterators as lowly in comparison only grows. Over the cycles, her can has become notorious for having some of the most deadly creatures. She’s an expert of bioengineering… but is the danger in seeking her aid worth it? Associated Slugcat: The Gladiator
Budding Ochre Opportunities [BOO] - she/flor Based on solarpunk aesthetics, flors city and can truly is a delight! With a colony full of roof gardens and brilliant colors, she herself has taken to turning her puppet chamber into a garden. Kind and compassionate, though cutting and assertive, she has made peace with her situation as an iterator and is just trying to live a good life. As flor adds to flors collection, she doesn’t consider any of it may posit a danger to her structure. But she would be at peace with that, too, if it were to occur. The only question is if those who care about her, such as her dearest Chimes, would be. Associated Slugcat: The Recon
Resonant Chimes [RC] - he/him He’s really just chilling, hanging out. No secret problems here, no deep-seated depression over the loss of his colony that he hangs onto, no karma flowers being poured into his puppet coolant just to feel something, none of that! Collecting music, friends with slugcats and scavs alike, having a good time. He’s surprisingly intelligent and has his morals more sorted than just about anyone here, but he’s held back by general apathy and his losses. Maybe, so many cycles detached from their creators, he won’t have to worry about losing anyone again. As long as he drinks the tea, he doesn’t have to think about it, and can pull himself closer to those below who left him. Associated Slugcat: The Gardener
Reaching for Caged Starlight [RCS] - she/it/ast Frustrated endlessly, as most iterators are, by being locked in a box, she’s determined to put an end to this. Not by ascension, though. She’s determined to free them from their cans- allow an escape from this maze. Ast wants to remove the puppet from the umbilical, in a manner where they don’t lose themself completely. Much easier said than done! Its undoing, however, is its cautious and methodical nature. She is too light on her feet to simply dare and cut the wire, let alone having the experience to snap the mechanical arm entrapping her. But, she has all the time in the world, and she will one day see the stars they made her mocking name after. They’ll all see. Ast will get there, by any cost necessary, even if her fellow iterators are disposable to this goal. Associated Slugcat: The Seamstress
A Glittering Aurora [AGA] - she/he Need some gossip? He’s your guy, all right! She burns her endless time away on global chats, basking in the amusement and the knowledge. A bit of a nuisance to her own local group, as she simply can not keep a secret, but… what happens when technology degrades, the message board is silent, he no longer can block out his circumstances,,, and the drama reaches a bit too close to home? Associated Slugcat: The Copycat Wandering Whispers [WW] - they/them A very quiet, lonely iterator, Whispers strays to themself. Only allowed to speak to their fellow iterators for shipments, or, occasionally, their senior for guidance, there were few connections for them besides to the one who vanished off the face of the earth. With their personality thoroughly destroyed by the iron fist of their colony, they simply… quietly observe. But they may hear something they’re not supposed to, and, desperate for a replacement for their mentor, lead themself astray. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and they will glimpse the void in the end and take the plunge. Associated Slugcat: The Mercy
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robinfollies · 11 days
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some design comcepts for older lily + lewis!!! my latest and greatest headcanon for them is that in the future they get gems and can do magic of their own :33 i just think it’d be neat,,, something to do with their love of magic!!!! 🥺
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satellitedusterart · 2 months
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cayennecrush · 5 months
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some new characters (in their most humanoid forms) for Jackie & Evangeline's world 🙌
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yasmeensh · 1 year
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Finally got to paint something a little more proper for my project. Paleolithic kids see a dragon come down from the sky 🐉
a few more doodles of my OCs Tam Kujo below >>
drew this one in the span of three days during class time :p. A few lines here and there while I wait for the prof to set up the slides and start the class. Kept going until I felt like not adding anymore.
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two more
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rabbit-rays · 1 month
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a bird in the hand and so on
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beebfreeb · 5 months
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I love the protagonists of my OCverses
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spotsupstuff · 10 months
Aughaug Sparrows is very pretty.
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Euros VERY much agrees. tho he's really not doing her any favors by yanking her head towards him outta nowhere While she's eating too. let a woman eat her instant noodles, man, she fuckin loves 'em
here have some bonus doodles i ran off to sketch out while workin on ur ask
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moeblob · 29 days
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Deacon loves two things: Ymber and digging himself a grave.
Fulj hates one thing: Deacon.
#my characters#waiting on some info on the next commission so i indulged in ocs today bc i doubt i will have as much time for lil comics for a bit#deacon is so devoted hes like yeah i would kill for a deity that could easily kill anything himself but yknow teehee#and fulj just did you tell him you needed therapy also does he even know youd murder in his name#deacon caught red handed haha no of course i havent told him it should be obvious enough haha.... and its in his defense not his name :c#man really does have some issues but i love him so much and hes so devoted but like. unhealthily after a while#he does in fact need a chill pill and therapy but to be fair#ymber has needed therapy for centuries and yet he just bottles it all up and suffers so#its pretty unhealthy until they yell at each other one (1) time bc they are so insecure about things and get mad over very valid reasons#but then theyre like you know what that was necessary and i still want to stay by your side if you let me#and then fulj is like dude hey sorry you seem really happy did you fu- and ymber is like no please stop there we have not#fulj just squinting cause have not is very different than will not but whatever she doesnt wanna think about that with deacon involved ew#and eventually fulj is like hey ymber im sorry to say but i really do hate deacon and i dont even know why but he makes me uncomfortable#while deacon is just. in the room. hearing this and thinking how he knows she thinks hes weird but wow that wording hurts#and ymber doesnt wanna fill in memories better forgotten by fulj which she had forcefully removed#so he just says oh well his hair and clothing are black and you had someone in the past that you might see in him and its not a pleasant en#so you know maybe its that idk#and fulj is then WHATST i was rude to him for someone i cant even remember? lame im gonna try SO HARD to be nice to him now#and deacon just still sitting there with some food like this is v awkward and i wish i could not be here for it#and later he asks ymber about who he resembled and as ymber is descibing her it clicks in deacons head and he gets really sad#that he might somehow remind fulj of the woman she loved before she was punished for loving a mortal#and he feels kinda bad pestering her so much with his curiosities about deities and he kinda gets it#the fact hes close to ymber might remind her at the core that she was once that close with a mortal if not closer#anyway story time in the tags again#im so obsessed with these peeps and i have made them suffer so much but they do all end on a happy note#its still funny and nice to me that while fulj is creeped out by deacon and doesnt like talking to him#he still expresses the most emotions to her - he tries hard to remain serious around ymber and collected and obedient at all times#and when out and about with ymber he has to be intimidating and refuses smiling but fulj?? all sunshine and smiles and emotions easy to rea#and she is just that is so weird go away i hate you
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redkehlchen · 7 days
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Drew a couple of different outfits for my OCs! óvò
Also started working some more on the world building. Slowly making some progress!
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skybristle · 3 months
maw my beautiful wife i do not care who she killed they probably deserved it anyways...
can i maybe havw...just one maw drawing...pretty please...
sure buoss
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also @arsonstick either this IS you or you'd like to see this
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