#International Bagpipe Day
samtheviking · 3 months
I just found out! Apparently it's International Bagpipe Day today! Go eat some haggis and wash it down with a Guinness to celebrate! (Or celebrate in whatever fashion you choose, of course)
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subby-sab · 3 months
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Today is 10th of March.
Today is International Bagpipe Day, International Day of Women Judges, International Wig Day, Mario Day, National Ranch Dressing Day, National Skirt Day.
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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International Bagpipe Day
The sound of bagpipes filling the air as day dawns is enough to bring joy to the hearts of many. Others, they may not feel quite the same. It seems that one either loves the pipes or not at all. There is not very much middle ground. International Bagpipe Day is the time to find out where you stand and join those who love them!
History of International Bagpipe Day The Bagpipe Society has been sponsoring the celebration of International Bagpipe Day since 2012. They have helped to bring the bagpipe to new players since 1986. It is important to them that the history and playing of the bagpipes is not lost. Putting this day together was with the hope of bringing awareness of the over 130 different types of bagpipe throughout the world.
For the first International Bagpipe Day in 2012, there were reports of events held in some unique places. In South Africa, pipers gathered and played in an underground canyon. In Greece, they played on Athenian hill. The Society even heard of events in countries where previously it was thought that there were not many pipers or any at all!
If you aren’t familiar with this ancient instrument, bagpipe is a term that means a wind instrument that uses enclosed reeds to produce sound. Air feeds the reeds with a constant flow of air from a reservoir in the form of a bag. In each area that it is found, the bagpipe may change in sound and shape. This is an ancient instrument and is claimed to be represented on a Hittite slab dated to 1000 BC!
How to Celebrate International Bagpipe Day Celebrating the bagpipe when this holiday rolls around can take many forms. If you have ever wanted to try your hand at it, don’t wait! This is the time for you to find your local provider of the pipes and take a lesson. You could be the next great Piper! It could happen, you never know, right?
There is a multitude of information available about this instrument. A great idea to celebrate is to learn more about it. A quick internet search will bring up resources like The Bagpipe Society. You can follow the history of this unique instrument through the millennia to present day and from country to country! There is much more information than you could learn in just one day, but it’s a great time to start.
Another way to celebrate is to find out if there are any events planned in your local area. Grab the family or friends and go check it out! You may just find that you were missing out on all the fun. If you ask, it may even be possible to try it out and see if you can make a sound with it!
Bagpipes have a long history that spans the ages and spans many regions. It is an instrument that has weathered the test of time and surely deserves to be honored on International Bagpipe Day!
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murderousink23 · 3 months
03/10/2024 is Mothering Sunday 🌎, International Bagpipe Day 🌎, Pretzel Sunday 🥨🇱🇺, Mario Day 🇺🇸, National Blueberry Popover Day 🇺🇸, National Pack Your Lunch Day 🇺🇸, National Women and Girls HIV and AIDS Awareness Day 🇺🇸, Harriet Tubman Day 🇺🇸, Popcorn Lovers Day 🍿🇬🇧
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Happy International Bagpipe Day! 
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prose2passion · 1 year
International Bagpipe Day
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adventures-in-ai · 7 months
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For Coin's set, which is meant to encompass international folk with nods to Remembrance Day and the anniversary of the Battle of the Somme as well as Andean culture, I tried to get an image of a WWI soldier playing bagpipes with an Andean man playing drums or pan-flute. I never did get what I wanted but the resulting images are interesting at least.
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lantur · 2 years
Today is my last day in Nova Scotia. I'm heading back home tomorrow to be with Derek and Westin.
This was my second international road trip. The first was last June, when I rented a car and spent five days driving half the Ring Road around Iceland. This September, I drove in a circle around ~half of Nova Scotia, covering just over 1,000 km, and doing roughly 12 hours worth of driving. I took winding rural scenic roads through farmland, forests, fields, vineyards, and along the Acadian coast. I listened to my audiobooks along the way, and I only got lost once.
I saw golden sunshine, occasional gray skies that always cleared up later, green grass and leaves, golden grass, pink wild roses on occasion, the ocean, and the Bay of Fundy. I saw the leaves that were starting to change color too, and white sand and gray and black rocks on the ocean.
I walked along beaches and hiking trails and lighthouse walking paths in Peggy's Cove, Port Mouton, Yarmouth, along the Digby Neck, and Cape Split. I walked along the ocean floor during low tide at the Bay of Fundy. I did a 16k/~8.8 mile hike to the top of Cape Split and back.
I sat on the rocks near Peggy's Cove and listened to a distant volunteer play the bagpipes. I sat on top of Cape Split and watched the ocean and heard a nearby choir group that was doing the hike sing their songs.
I ate such good food - lobster rolls, Digby scallops, smoked salmon bagels and smoked salmon eggs benedict, seafood chowder, oysters, fried shrimp and scallops and so many fries or "chips." I ate homemade peach and coconut ice cream at a tiny fishing village and coconut cream pie in Digby, and a delicious chocolate eclair at a cafe in Kentville before embarking on a long hike. I enjoyed my meals while rereading Harrow the Ninth, and also reading Liane Moriarty's new book.
For the first time since my life took a fairly bad turn this summer, I had none of the anxiety, fear, pain, and agitation that has been a daily fixture of my life since mid-June. I felt relaxed and at peace.
There have been times this summer, even over the course of the past couple of weeks, where I felt that my spirit had literally been broken by the repeated, sustained pain that kept occuring. On my first day in Nova Scotia, while I was standing on the rocks at Peggy's Cove, looking out over the ocean, I realized that my spirit wasn't broken after all. I'm the same strong person I was 3 years ago. Stronger, even.
I haven't felt well in months, the way I did while I was getting this much-needed break. It's made me realize that I need to make some changes in my life, and I'll start to think through what those changes will involve.
I wasn't sure about going on this trip, considering everything that's been going on in my life. I'm so glad I did. I really, really needed this reminder that despite every internal and external struggle, I'm still capable of living a life with peace, joy, and wonder.
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uncaaj · 8 months
Fanfic: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Starring Donald Duck Chapter 2 - Enter Scrooge McDuckStar (DuckTales x JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
CHAPTER 1 | chapter 2 | MORE COMING SOON...
“Bless me bagpipes, I cannot fathom that I’m back in this country. I told myself I’d never forgive the Japanese for luring away me darling Holly. But I will admit…”
Joseph “Scrooge” McDuckstar reached for his hip and paused the tape. He yanked the Waddleman cassette player from his trench coat belt and perused it.
“They do make some fancy gadgets,” he remarked, before returning the Waddleman to his holster and lowering his headphones around his neck.
Having survived a 13 hour cross-country-ocean flight from Duckburg to Tokyo, Japan, Scrooge adjusted his fedora and took stock of his surroundings. Streams of people flowed through every pathway in Narita International Airport like blood cells through veins. Their chatter and clattering footsteps were a cloud of noise above the crowds. If Scrooge thought JFK Airport was busy, this was unfathomably busy. He had survived plunging a powerful warrior into a volcano and yet, finding Holly Duckjo in this jungle of plain-colored clothes and plain-colored suitcases was going to be the hardest task of his 68 years of life.
“Papa! Over here!”
The voice drew his attention in its direction and there she was. Leave it to his daughter to make it all fall into place.
“Holly!” He ran toward her, shoving a bystander by their face and meeting Holly in a tight embrace. All his predisposed grievances melted away and all he felt was joy.
“Thank you for coming,” she said.
“No trouble,” said Scrooge. “If you ever need me, give me a day and I’ll cross the globe for you.”
“And mom?”
Scrooge scoffed. “She made a fuss but family comes first. I told her it wouldn’t be longer than my business trips.”
“Good.” Holly tightened her hold on Scrooge. “Oh, papa.”
“Um, y-you can let go, Holly,” Scrooge chuckled. “I’m glad to see you too.”
“Papa!” she complained. “It’s been so long since you’ve held me.”
Scrooge pulled her away slightly and winked. “You’re 45, my dear. Act your age a little, eh?”
Holly playfully shoved him. “Oh, thanks for the reminder! I’m gonna tickle you for that!”
“Holly, wait-”
But he could not stop it. Holly and her devious smile had already reached his chest and began to work their magic. He felt the giggles well up from his belly and they cascaded out of him like a waterfall. “Kn-knock it off!” he protested.
All too suddenly, she tickled under his armpits and his spine locked up. It was the tickle spot that brought him to his knees, and she knew it.
Time seemed to stop as all eyes turned to them and every drop of chatter ceased. Holly blushed and even bowed in apology to a couple of people. Scrooge rolled his eyes. “What are you yahoos lookin’ at?!” he yelled. 
The crowds continued their movement and Holly bent down to pick up Scrooge’s suitcase. “I’ll take this, papa.”
“Don’t worry about them, dear,” said Scrooge, following his daughter to the exit. “By the way, remind me about Dontaro-did you say it was an ‘evil spirit’?
The color left her cheeks and tears started flowing as she gripped his coat. “Oh papa, my poor Dontaro! I saw it! It grabbed the gun! An…arm that wasn’t his!”
“And no one else but you saw this arm?” Scrooge asked, “Not even the police?”
“Yes!” said Holly.
“I know Dontaro says this came upon him not long ago, but…what about you, my dear? Has anything strange happened to you?”
Holly shook her head. “Not at all. Papa, what can we do? Dontaro says he won’t leave the cell until he finds out what’s causing this!”
Scrooge pulled Holly in close to him again. “There, there. Now that I’m here, everything’s going to be okay. First, we’ll go see my grandson. Take me to his cell.”
Holly nodded and took his suitcase to the door. Scrooge took one glance back at the swarm of people and snapped his finger. A pair of eyes atop a great red robe met him, and the man they belonged to rose from his seat by the near gate. He took long strides behind Scrooge and Holly as they ventured out into the city.
When Scrooge entered the detention block at the police station, he made sure to expect the unexpected. Each one of the inmates cowered in the corner of their cells, as far away from the far cell as they could muster. 
“I tell ya,” said the bailiff, “Somethin’s haunting him, and he’s violent! If word of this gets out, I’ll be on the street!”
Scrooge unbuttoned his coat and threw the length behind him. “Don’t worry, I’ll be taking my grandson with me.”
Scrooge took slow steps, the sound of his leather shoes echoing down the corridor.
“Sir, please,” the bailiff begged. “I can’t be held responsible for what he might do-”
“Stay out of my way,” Scrooge replied firmly. “I’ll take care of this.”
He continued down the way until he reached the cell and beheld his grandson. The cell floor was scattered with items-a bike, an electric guitar, various model kits finished and unfinished, and stacks of books on supernatural phenomena and the occult. And there sat Dontaro upon the bed, looking as cold as the stone that surrounded him.
“Dontaro!” said Holly, holding onto Scrooge’s coat. “It’s your grandpa! He’ll be able to help you. Please come out!”
Dontaro slid off the bed and walked over to them, hands in his jacket pockets. He stopped right before where the cold metal of the door met his feet and Scrooge faced his grandson, bills merely centimeters from touching.
“Come on,” said Scrooge, “we’re going home.”
“Get lost,” said Dontaro.
Holly gasped.
“I didn’t ask you to come,” Dontaro continued. “What can you ‘help’ me with? I’m sorry you came all this way, gramps…” Dontaro held up a metal cylinder with arcing wires dangling from one end. “...but I’m beyond help.”
Scrooge blinked and raised his left hand, his bad hand. The pinky was gone. He was less concerned that Dontaro had broken it off, and more so with when he could have done it.
Dontaro tossed it behind him as if it was salt to banish his evil spirit. “Did you see it? This spirit possessing me is no laughing matter. You need to leave, gramps. I don’t want you to lose what’s left of your life.”
Scrooge stretched his neck. As if he thinks I’m clueless, he thought. I know exactly what he’s dealin’ with. Still, it’s amazing that he could pull a stunt like that from the jump. Whether he wants me help or not, the lad’s gonna need a hard lesson if he’s going to survive what’s to come.
“Lad?” said Scrooge before stepping back and gesturing to the man in the red robe. “This is a dear friend of mine. His name’s Muhammad Avdol, but I call him Gyro. I met him in Egypt three years ago.” Scrooge pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Gyro? Make my grandson get out of that cell.”
Gyro stepped forward. “Mr. McDuckstar?” he said, turning to Scrooge. “I may have to get rough if he’s going to choose to leave. Is that okay?”
Scrooge nodded. “That’s fine.”
The bailiff stumbled back then bolted forward. “Wait, how rough?!” Scrooge stopped him with an arm. “I will not have a scene in my jail!”
“Shut it!” said Scrooge.
“Papa!” squeaked Holly, gripping Scrooge’s arm tight. “What are you doing?”
“Don’t worry, dearest,” Scrooge reassured. “It’s for his own good.”
Dontaro scoffed. “You really think I’ll leave with a threat like that? You look tough, Mr. Avdol, but you’ll only make me wanna stay to spite ya!”
Gyro stretched his hands out, making an unknown gesture. He closed his eyes and his robe fluttered from the force of an unseen wind. Opening them again, a hulking bird-being burst forth from his body and took its place behind him. Its strong muscles rippled and its beak shone in the cheap lighting.
Dontaro shuffled backwards, an awestruck look across his beak. “Is…is that…?”
“That’s right,” said Scrooge. “Gyro has an ‘evil spirit’ just like yours, and he can control it by his will alone. We call it ‘Scientist’s Red.’”
Dontaro marveled at the sight before him, but before he could think, streams of fire snaked out from the bird spirit’s wings and they wrapped around Dontaro’s arms and legs and dragged him off of the bed. He grunted as the heat burned his feathers away and seared his flesh. It was so overwhelming he could not scream.
“Papa! What are you doing to Dontaro?!” Holly exclaimed, too stunned to move.
“He’s in pain but there’s nothing there,” said the bailiff.
Dontaro gritted his teeth and sank his head low. Emerging from his form much like Gyro’s spirit, was his own, equally as muscular with a firm face and a bill similar to Dontaro’s own.
Scrooge smiled and crossed his arms. “There he is. Dontaro’s more powerful than I envisioned.”
The spirit grabbed Scientist’s Red by the neck and the two spirits locked themselves in a duel. Gyro’s brow dripped sweat with his effort. “He’s…just as powerful as me! I don’t want to seriously hurt him!”
“You see, lad?” Scrooge called. “Your ‘spirit’ stands beside you, created by your life force. Because of that, we call them ‘Stands.’ It’s not evil, Dontaro. It’s you!”
Dontaro panted heavily, surrounded by fire. “Having…trouble…breathing…”
“But you gotta watch out,” Scrooge continued. “As you weaken, so does your Stand.”
“Enough with this ‘Stand’ business!” Dontaro yelled suddenly, and his Stand withdrew from Scientist’s Red and griped the cell’s iron bars. Dontaro grunted as his Stand slowly pried them apart like matchsticks.
“Th-the bars are bending on their own!” howled the bailiff. 
Yet Holly could see the Stands plain as day. She was mystified, witness to a phenomena she never could have dreamed in her life. Dontaro’s Stand finished its job and Dontaro climbed out through the wide gap. Gyro’s arms fell to his sides and Scientist’s Red suddenly vanished from sight, and he took a seat on the stone floor.
“What are you doing?!” Dontaro declared. “You let me win?”
“Not exactly,” said Gyro. “I could’ve sent you to the hospital if I wanted. But I don’t think any of us expected you to pack a punch like that. Besides…” He nodded toward the ruined cell door and Dontaro looked back at what he had done. “I did what I was asked. Mr. McDuckStar? He’s out.”
Holly ran toward her son and squeezed his waist. “Oh, my darling boy!”
“Mom, stop…” grumbled Dontaro.
“Show your mother some grace,” said Scrooge. “She was worried about you. Now I think we’ll be on our way. Apologies for any trouble we caused.”
Dontaro was led out by his mother and Scrooge and Gyro bowed toward the bailiff, who looked like he had seen ghosts.
Once out in the sunlight, Dontaro shook out his school uniform. “Gramps?” he asked.
Scrooge turned to him. “Yes, lad?”
“You’re sure I can control this…Stand? It won’t attack if I don’t tell it to?”
“You got it.”
“Also, how do you know what they are? You’re not giving me the whole scoop.”
Scrooge cleared his throat. “Let’s go get some coffee.”
Holly raised her hand. “Ooh, I know a great café just down the street!”
“Gramps, what’s goin’ on?” asked Dontaro.
Scrooge placed a hand on his shoulder and guided him down the street. “I think you need to hear this story from the beginning.”
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mi6-cafe · 1 year
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Long Fic Readalong!
What: We’re going to celebrate longer fanfics by dedicating a few weekends to reading them. This means we’ll read one or two chapters each readalong session.
When: Every Saturday at 9pm eastern/6pm Pacific (your local time here)
Where: We’ll be reading on discord in the readalongs channel. (Invite to discord here, or message @spiritofcamelot)
Okay cool, but what fic? We are reading “Important Dates” by Ato_the_Bean. You can join us without any familiarity of the story and just ask for a recap on what you missed, or you can catch up by reading up to Chapter 11.
Please join us to read, to just hang out and listen, and to generally enjoy a good story together!
Chapters:  19/19 Fandom:  James Bond (Craig Movies) Rating:  Explicit Warnings:  No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships:  James Bond & Q, James Bond/Q Characters:  James Bond, Q (James Bond), Q Branch Character(s), Eve Moneypenny, Bill  Tanner, M | Gareth Mallory, Original Male Character(s), Original Female  Character(s), Original Non-Binary Character
Additional Tags:  Halloween, Holidays, Post-SPECTRE, won't be easy tho, Costumes,  Community: MI6 Cafe | mi6_cafe, Slow Burn, Thanksgiving, so much food,  Felix is originally from New Orleans, for culinary reasons, Christmas  Eve, Q volunteers, Ugly Holiday Sweaters, New Year's Eve, burns night,  bagpipes, haggis, Valentine's Day, Fake Dating, Paris (City), Boston,  St. Patrick's Day, Green Beer is terrible, April Fools' Day, Pranks,  Boffins will be boffins, Whump, may day, Hate Crimes, Towel Day, nerds  being nerds, Q is a fanboy, Charlie is side-eying this whole situation,  ALL THE FANDOMS, Cosplay, Original Character(s), World Tapas Day, (yes  it's really a thing), meeting the coworkers, Pride, Mission Fic,  Birthday, Presents, Jealousy, National Ice Cream Day, also talking, much  talking, Past Character Death, Past Relationship(s), Road Trips, More  talking, UST, International Day of Peace, Missions, Q is so very very  tired, First Date, james cooks, life is too short for bad wine, Paris  (again), Sex (finally), Halloween (again), Plans
Summary: After a brief attempt at retirement, James is back at MI6 and  working hard to rebuild working relationships with his colleagues and  friends. And he's making great strides.
Only Q continues to hold  him at arm's length, maintaining a stubborn professionalism in their  interactions that James remains unable to pierce.
But James  doesn't want Q at arm's length, and so he takes a risk. But even a spy's  instincts can run amok, and now James wonders just how long he'll be  reaping what he's sown, and how many holidays it will take to win Q  over.
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amagi2000 · 1 year
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International Bagpipe Day March 10 The Snake Charmer
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dotster001 · 2 years
Congrats on 500! I'd love a matchup if they're still open. Obey me, romantic please!
I'm not quite sure how to do this as ive never requested something like this before but I shall try.
I am 5'3, very pale with lots of freckles. Thick, curly, auburn hair, not quite orange enough to be qualified as a ginger but enough that I have to be wary on international hit a ginger day 😔 My hairs just past shoulder length and pretty messy so I usually tie it back, except for my bangs which are somehow even more messy, I tend to just brush them aside.
I'm a Sagittarius, INFP. I have a cat despite being severely allergic to them. My cat is my favourite thing in the wkrld. Literally my best friend, I don't care if that makes me a loser. She's great. And fluffy. And adorable.
I'm pretty sarcastic, sometimes I get carried away, to the point that I'm mean. I've been trying to do better though. I have pretty bad anger issues, I used to punch holes in walls when I was 3-14. Haven't done it in a while but I still feel anger most of the time. It's just that instead of reacting with violence I react with a cold sort of malice. I still have those out bursts of burning rage where I shout and throw things, but my last one was like a year ago so I'm pretty happy with how far I've come!
I've got ADHD. Common hyper-fixations include animals of all kinds. Crime, torture methods, serial murder etc... I've unfortunately become pretty desensitized to the kind of stuff I learn.
Ive always been creative. I love to read and write. I currently own over 500 books and I've read most of them. Recently I've been trying to get into gaming. I've only ever played games on the Wii and DS before. I love Kirby, the only two games I've ever finished are Kirby ones. I've even watched the anime.
I write mostly fantasy stuff, with magic and dragons. Love dragons. When I was younger I taught myself draconic just because I could. I do tend to write things a bit darker, I love a tortured protagonist. My current WIP shows an assassin joining a normal guild to maintain their cover (as they didn't kill a guild member who saw them and need to keep an eye on them to make sure they don't snitch). Then with time the assassin finds themselves getting attached to the guild and it's members, especially the younger ones. But oh no, their identity gets out and everyone turns against them! The whole things very convoluted honestly. Lots of blood and violence. I find it cathartic.
I also like to draw and paint though I'm not great at either. I tend to like to collecting things. I'm currently collecting the vintage Fear Street books- I started reading them like years ago now but since the movies come out they're so much harder to come by. I've only 40 or so to go though! I was probably too young to read them, won't go into details but there were deaths and scenes of violence in those books that I had no business reading when I was six.
I also collect Pokemon cards, though I'm not buying them as often. I wanted to get all the Eeveelotions, but then they came out with Sylveon and I quit because honestly how dare they? I was only two away and they made a new one. And it wasn't even a dragon type :( My big claim to fame is that I have a number of first edition cards, which is super fun!
I love music so much. I listen to pretty much every genre. My biggest are metal, indie and punk rock. But I also really like musicals. Right now my top songs are probably Ride the Lightning, Fleur de Lis, Ophelia, I Can't Decide, Don't Go Breaking My Heart, the other side of Hollywood and Mr Loverman. I play the baritone/euphobium- think a small tuba. I also play the guitar and harmonica (self taught!). I'm looking into getting an otamatone. My dream instrument, though, is the bagpipes.
My favourite movie of all time is How To Train Your Dragon. SAW III is a close second. Idk why I like SAW III so much, it makes me so angry I literally shake just thinking of it. But I also find it hilarious for the same reason it infuriates me. The main character is horrible. I make a point of watching it with every friend i make. All the homies hate Jeff.
My favourite season is winter because I love wearing toques and sweaters, curling up in fuzzy blankets, snuggling with my cat. I love the snow and the way it sounds beneath boots. I tend to dress mainly in black and red. Ripped jeans, steel toed boogs. I've got a ring in the shape of a snake and another with a bunch of eyes carved in it. I have a padlock necklace with an accompanying skeleton key necklace because I like things to fit together, y'know? I have a fairly eclectic earring collection. My favourite pair is a silver set made to look like meat cleavers.
So sorry for rambling, I have no idea what to say and ended up saying way too much but whatever. Thanks a bunch and congrats again! Go drink some water if you haven't in a while!
❄️☃️ anon
(Yo I feel your pain on the red head thing 😂 I'm strawberry blonde, and some people will fight to the death to say I'm a redhead. Stay safe out there 😂 Also, my cat's my best friend, so we can be losers together)
I match you with Lucifer.
To be totally honest, I could see you with every brother, and Barbs. But in the end, I feel like Lucifer just shone through. Especially when it comes to sarcasm. He can slice and dice someone in three words, so he'll give you a run for your money.
He loves how many instruments you know how to play, and may or may not be looking into finding the best bagpipes teacher to ever exist, so that you can both learn how to play together. Will make the other brothers play instruments as well so that you can all put on a concert for Diavolo.
He has all the ins and outs of everything, so he can help you build your collections. He makes it look like an illegal drug deal sometimes, and he's willing to pay waaaaay too much money for you to feel safe about your financial future, but he gets everything for you. Don't give up on your Eeveelution collection yet. He's got a lead.
He'll watch SAW III with you. He doesn't really understand why you continue to watch it if you hate Jeff so much, but it makes him feel soft inside to watch something you enjoy so much with you.
He birthed Satan from his wrath. He understands anger. If you get overly angry, he understands and will help you figure things out, calm down, or slice a bitch. He's flexible.
You'd gotten dressed to go out for the day, in your black ripped jeans and boots, a red blouse Lucifer had gotten for you, and that new pair of dragon earrings he'd also gotten for you. After finishing getting dressed, you headed to his office.
You knew he was the avatar of pride, but sometimes it was easy to forget until you saw him practically preening like this. He stood up from his desk, and took your hand, just staring at you for a moment.
"What is it, Luci? Is my beauty leaving you speechless?" You said with a playful eye roll.
He gave a booming laugh, before he drew you closer, and whispered, "Have you ever noticed how you tend to prefer my colors?"
"Huh, I guess I didn't," you said. "Anyway, where are we going today?"
He smiled, and again, his pride was staggering.
"We are going to practice your draconic, my love," he said, collecting a couple things and starting to leave the room.
"Wait, so that means..."
"Yes," he smiled. "I'm going to introduce you to my pet dragon."
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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International Bagpipe Day
The sound of bagpipes filling the air as day dawns is enough to bring joy to the hearts of many. Others, they may not feel quite the same. It seems that one either loves the pipes or not at all. There is not very much middle ground. International Bagpipe Day is the time to find out where you stand and join those who love them!
History of International Bagpipe Day The Bagpipe Society has been sponsoring the celebration of International Bagpipe Day since 2012. They have helped to bring the bagpipe to new players since 1986. It is important to them that the history and playing of the bagpipes is not lost. Putting this day together was with the hope of bringing awareness of the over 130 different types of bagpipe throughout the world.
For the first International Bagpipe Day in 2012, there were reports of events held in some unique places. In South Africa, pipers gathered and played in an underground canyon. In Greece, they played on Athenian hill. The Society even heard of events in countries where previously it was thought that there were not many pipers or any at all!
If you aren’t familiar with this ancient instrument, bagpipe is a term that means a wind instrument that uses enclosed reeds to produce sound. Air feeds the reeds with a constant flow of air from a reservoir in the form of a bag. In each area that it is found, the bagpipe may change in sound and shape. This is an ancient instrument and is claimed to be represented on a Hittite slab dated to 1000 BC!
How to Celebrate International Bagpipe Day Celebrating the bagpipe when this holiday rolls around can take many forms. If you have ever wanted to try your hand at it, don’t wait! This is the time for you to find your local provider of the pipes and take a lesson. You could be the next great Piper! It could happen, you never know, right?
There is a multitude of information available about this instrument. A great idea to celebrate is to learn more about it. A quick internet search will bring up resources like The Bagpipe Society. You can follow the history of this unique instrument through the millennia to present day and from country to country! There is much more information than you could learn in just one day, but it’s a great time to start.
Another way to celebrate is to find out if there are any events planned in your local area. Grab the family or friends and go check it out! You may just find that you were missing out on all the fun. If you ask, it may even be possible to try it out and see if you can make a sound with it!
Bagpipes have a long history that spans the ages and spans many regions. It is an instrument that has weathered the test of time and surely deserves to be honored on International Bagpipe Day!
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murderousink23 · 11 months
07/27/2023 is National Sleepy Head Day 😴🇫🇮, Bagpipe Appreciation Day 🌏, Watermelon Day 🍉🇯🇵, National Scotch day 🥃🇺🇲, National Chili Dog Day 🇺🇲, National Refreshment Day 🥤🇺🇲, National Intern Day 🇺🇲, National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day 🇺🇲
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bqstqnbruin · 1 year
my historical women’s college not posting anything for international women’s day but they post something for international bagpipe day of a dude describing what it’s like to be a bagpipe player but he doesn’t even say “niche” right 😩😔
That’s 💀💀💀
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butchboromir · 1 year
also everyone say happy birthday to him. i think it’s great that ben’s bday is on international bagpipe day. what a great coincidence 
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