#Jean-Michel Casanova
philippesollers · 1 year
Le divin Philippe Sollers
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Par Alexandre Folman (La Revue des Deux Mondes)
MAI 18, 2023
Avec la disparition de Philippe Sollers survenue le 5 mai 2023, c’est une certaine idée de la littérature qui s’en va. Philippe Sollers y voyait une affaire  à prendre très au sérieux, même la plus importante qui soit.
Il tenait la littérature pour la plus secrète matrice de notre monde, celle qui transcende les contingences du présent et éclaire les mystérieuses ruelles escarpées et zigzagantes de l’esprit humain, forcément vénitiennes pour cet amoureux de la Sérénissime et du Tintoret. Sollers considérait que « l’existence est une illusion d’optique : la littérature est là pour la renverser. »Il avait compris mieux qu’un autre la valeur heuristique du roman. Elle l’habitait. Il y a consacré sa vie.
C’est-à-dire qu’il considérait vraiment la littérature comme le lieu de la vérité de l’être, au sens le plus heideggérien du terme qui soit, absolu, sans voile, tel qu’à lui-même. En ce sens, Sollers était donc déjà d’une certaine façon à lui tout seul un personnage de roman, parlant depuis et avec les livres.
En y repensant, c’est d’ailleurs l’impression fascinante qu’il pouvait donner parfois par son style extrêmement libre, d’une virtuosité constante dans son usage du langage. L’air madré et exégète, il semblait en permanence être détenteur d’ésotérismes jubilatoires ou d’apocryphes précieux. Il paraissait appartenir à un infra monde et arpenter ses lignes de force en voyageur du temps.
Joueur et rieur, il aimait les masques
Sollers naquit Joyaux, ça ne s’invente pas.Il incarna cinquante ans durant, en tant qu’écrivain et éditeur, la figure radicalement solaire de l’homme de lettres germanopratin, érudit en diable et à l’élan vital débordant. Deux traits de caractère foncièrement imbriqués pour celui qui s’était choisi pour pseudonyme quasi homophonique « tout entier art » en latin. Cela annonçait donc la couleur : chatoyante et intelligente, celle d’Éros et d’Hermès, des Lumières étincelantes du XVIIIe sa seconde patrie. Sollers ou le perpétuel hymne à la joie, donc Mozart. Sollers ou le gai savoir, donc Nietzsche. Et tant d’autres : Dante, Voltaire, Casanova. Joueur et rieur, il aimait les masques et être où on ne l’attendait pas.
Cela avait démarré avec ses deux improbables parrains à tout juste 20 ans, et pas des moindres, Mauriac et Aragon, pour Une curieuse solitude, premier roman qui marqua son entrée en littérature. L’Église et le Parti. Sollers d’emblée Janus, tout à tour maoïste puis ultramontain. Brouiller les pistes, toujours. L’art de la dissimulation, de l’esquive, du clair-obscur était chez ce lecteur averti des Jésuites, une seconde nature. Sa profession de foi. La guerre de Sollers, celle du goût comme il l’avait nommée, se voulait souterraine et subversive, à la fois patiente à travers l’édition dont il fut le condottiere au Seuil puis à « la Banque centrale » Gallimard, soudainement éclatante et gentiment machiavélique à travers les médias dont il fut l’enfant chéri (Apostrophes, Le Monde des Livres).
Mais une guerre qui était aussi et surtout exigeante. Sollers a été un véritable stakhanoviste. Et pour cette raison, son œuvre restera. Il a publié et fait publier plusieurs centaines de livres. Il y eut bien sûr aussi les revues, fondamentales. D’abord Tel Quel avec Jean-Edern Hallier au Seuil. Haut lieu expérimental de rencontre entre l’avant-garde et les classiques qui fédéra notamment Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Francis Ponge. L’époque qui s’y reflétait était au maoïsme, à la psychanalyse et au structuralisme. Puis vint L’Infini chez Gallimard avec ce même souci d’exploration esthétique, frondeur et précurseur au risque de fréquenter les infréquentable. La moraline ce n’était pas le genre de Sollers. Il eut le courage de regarder en face certains astres noirs de la littérature, qu’il s’agisse de Céline, de Sade, d’Artaud, de Bataille et d’autres antimodernes. Certainement pour mieux voir le monde ? Pari réussi.
Sollers fut à lui seul le centre de gravité de la vie littéraire et des idées des cinquante dernières années. Ce n’est pas rien et ce n’est pas si fréquent. Vite, la Pléiade pour le divin Sollers !
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lonesomemao · 5 months
Mort de Patrick Buisson
A l'âge de 74 ans
Cause du peuple
Contre lui
Jean-Paul Sartre ressuscité
Et la P Respectueuse
Il s'agit de l'aimer
Extrême-gauche Casanova idées
Mardi 26 décembre 2023
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terrecorse · 8 months
Notre réponse aux propos méprisants de la députée Chikirou.
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Fabien Roussel à Bastia à l'occasion de son tour de France 2023
L’indécente soumission des dirigeants LFI envers leur chef incontesté conduit certains d’entre eux à des surenchères verbales nauséabondes.
La députée Chikirou s’est ainsi laissée aller dans un tweet infamant à l’encontre de Fabien Roussel le comparant à Doriot collaborateur converti au nazisme dans la sombre période de Vichy et de l’occupation fasciste.
Le moment choisi au lendemain du remarquable succès de la fête de L’Humanité en dit long sur la rancoeur anticommuniste que cette personne cultive en son fort intérieur et sur l’objectif politique poursuivi par certains dirigeants insoumis.
L’insulte ne vise pas que le secrétaire national du PCF elle tend à salir également le Parti de Jean Nicoli, Danielle Casanova, Gabriel Péri, Guy Môquet et tant d’autres qui ont payé de leur vie le combat contre le fascisme dans la perspective de libérer la France et de mettre en œuvre le programme du CNR.
L’entourage proche de Jean Luc Melenchon, qui ne supporte pas le regain d’influence du PCF le fait savoir une fois de plus en perdant son sang-froid. Cette petite équipe, habituée des coups tordus, se réjouissait en 2017, pour l’élection à l’assemblée de Corse, de faire perdre la liste de gauche pourtant conduite par un candidat insoumis parce qu’elle découlait d’un accord avec le PCF. À ce moment-là, pour Jean Luc Melenchon ces trois lettres signifiaient « la mort et le néant ».
Nous n’oublions pas et ce d’autant plus que nous commémorons cette année le 80eme anniversaire de l’insurrection populaire du 9 septembre 1943 qui conduira à la Libération de la Corse le 4 octobre 1943.
Le rôle glorieux des communistes et du PCF dans la Résistance corse est notre réponse aux propos méprisants de la députée Chikirou. Ce rappel historique est aussi pour nous l’expression de notre fraternel soutien à Fabien Roussel.
Michel Stefani
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theloreofwhatilove · 2 years
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Thanks to this recent post I've been thinking about how I'd like Drag Race in Mexico to go down, and I don't have everything figured out but I've made some decisions:
**The Host**
I'd love for Paris Bang Bang to host because I think she's a great mirror of RuPaul, as in a lot of queens know her and respect her, she's iconic, she's been fighting for drag to be taken seriously and has been creating opportunities for drag queens.
If it has to be a Ru-girl I think they'll definitely choose Valentina to bring in the numbers (although I'd love to see Denali, Lolita or Crystal even more), if that's the case I want and need a local queen (Paris) to be her Michelle Visage.
**The Judges**
Whether this are guest judges or just special guests I don't care, I just want to see this people make an appearance:
- Alejandra Bogue
- Susana Zavaleta
- Tatiana
- Albertano
- El Capi
- Thalia
- Gloria Trevi
- Niurka
- Danna Paola
- Salma Hayek
- Angelica Vale
- Mario Ivan Martinez
- Gilberto Gless
- Maria Leon
**People I DONT want to be involved by any means**
- Yuri (homophobic and misogynistic even tho she says she ain't... 👀 if they invite her she will accept but don't be fooled)
- Ricardo Montaner (the whole Montaner family make me uncomfortable, including Camilo)
- La Guereja (homophobic)
- Jaitovich (I don't know how to explain this one but if you know him you know)
- Lola Cortes (I don't like her approach to "judging", she's rude even though very knowledgeable, I do think she'll be invited if we get the show tho)
**The Queens**
There are MANY mexican queens that are extremely talented and more than capable of doing Drag Race and succeed that I want to see but I think this ones specifically are great options for a strong first cast:
- Alexis3XL
- Jobstar
- Paty Piñata
- Paper Cut
- Rudy Reyes
- Deseos Fab
- Aviesc Who
- Iris XC
- Rebel Mork
- Soro Nasty
- Wynter
- Judas Love
- Danaconda
- Matraka Traka
**The Songs**
If there's something in La Mas Draga that really bothers me is the terrible lipsync song choices, so this are songs I'd like to see:
- Arrasando (Thalia)
- Dr. Psiquiatra (Gloria Trevi)
- Mudanzas (Lupita D'Alessio)
- Grande (Gloria Trevi & Monica Naranjo)
- Acelerar (Timbiriche/Paulina Rubio)
- La Vida es un Carnaval (Celia Cruz)
- Anything from Selena Quintanilla
- Suavemente (Elvis Crespo)
- La Incondicional (Luis Miguel)
- Mis Ojos Lloran Por Ti (Big Boy)
- Que Tire Pa'lante (Daddy Yankee)
- El Baile Del Gorila (Melody)
- El Aventurero (Pedro Fernandez)
- Suavecito Suavecito (Laura Leon)
- Que Nadie Sepa MI Sufrir (Margarita)
- No Me Arrepiento De Este Amor (Gilda)
- Asereje (Las Ketchup)
- Pepe (Jeans)
- De Mi Enamorate (Daniela Romo)
- Aún Lo Amo (Dulce)
- Querida (Juan Gabriel)
- No Querías Lastimarme (Gloria Trevi)
- Ven Conmigo (Christina Aguilera)
- Más Buena (Gloria Trevi & Alejandra Guzman)
- Dopamina (Belinda)
- Abranse Perras (Gloria Trevi)
- La Putivuelta (Manelyk & Karime)
- Bombom Asesino version reggaeton (Ninel Conde)
- Mermelada (Mariana Seoane)
- Quédate Con Ella (Natalia Jimenez)
- Baila Casanova (Paulina Rubio)
- Media Naranja (Fey)
- Lo Que Tenias Conmigo (Maria Jose)
- Como Tu Mujer (Rocío Durcal)
- Ingrato (Gloria Trevi)
- La Gran Señora (Jenni Rivera)
- Pobre Secretaria (Daniela Romo)
- Te Estas Pasando (Lupita D'Alessio)
**The Challenges/Runways**
We need a Telenovela challenge for sure. Also a mexican pink runway. A morning show parody challenge. A Diva challenge (Dulce, Rocío, Daniela, Marisela, etc). A News tv show challenge. 100 Mexicanos Dijeron which is our Family Feud. A typical regional folklore costume runway. Catrinas runway. Legends runway or challenge were they have to create their own mexican legend. A recycling challenge were they have to create an outfit with cardboard and plastic bottles. We can have our own sugar ball, we have tons of traditional mexican candy. Mayan and Aztec culture/heritage inspired runways would be cool and nice to see. A runway inspired on natuve animals like the axolotl and coati. An "if the states were outfits runway", this is different from the typical regional costume but I don't know how to explain it. A viceroyalty runway. A Quinceañera runway... the options are endless. Everything La Mas Draga has wonderfully done already and MORE.
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badmovieihave · 5 years
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Bad movie I have Detective Dee:and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame 2010
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nievesmorena · 3 years
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El 8 de septiembre de 1936 nace en Jesi, Ancona, Italia, Virna Pieralisi, más conocida como VIRNA LISI, fue una actriz italiana, famosa en el cine europeo tanto por su sobresaliente belleza como por sus actuaciones en el género dramático y de comedia.
Ya en la adolescencia y debido a su excepcional belleza fue descubierta por los productores Antonio Ferrigno y Pesce Ettore, quienes la introdujeron en el mundo del cine europeo.
Debutó en el cine con diecisiete años, en la película ...e Napoli canta (1953), y obtuvo su primer éxito junto a Totò en Questa è la vita (1954) a la que le siguió “Violenza Sul Lago” (1954) de Leonardo Cortese.
Después de afianzar su popularidad en Italia en producciones transalpinas y co-producciones europeas que incluían títulos como “Luna Nova” (1955), “La Donna Del Giorno” (1957) o “Felipe Derblay” (1959), consiguió llamar la atención internacional (especialmente por su físico) por films como el peplum “Rómulo y Remo” (1961), película de Sergio Corbucci en la que, interpretando a Julia, compartió protagonismo con Steve Reeves y Gordon Scott; “Eva” (1962), película de Joseph Losey basada en una novela de James Hadley Chase que fue protagonizada por Jeanne Moreau; “El Tulipán Negro” (1964), film de aventuras de capa y espada en tiempos de la Revolución Francesa con Alain Delon como co-protagonista; “Las Cuatro Muñecas” (1965) comedia de episodios con Virna dirigida por Dino Risi; o “Casanova 70” (1965) al lado de Marcello Mastroianni y dirigida por Mario Monicelli.
A mediados de los años 1960, Virna Lisi decidió hacer carrera en Estados Unidos, donde se la trató de imponer como una nueva Marilyn Monroe después del fallecimiento de la platinada actriz.
En Hollywood, los productores estaban buscando una nueva figura de reemplazo de Marilyn y la apariencia de Virna Lisi encajaba a la perfección.
Fue contratada por los estudios Paramount y participó en los mismos tipos de roles que le eran asignados a Monroe en el género de la comedia: trabajó junto a Jack Lemmon en Cómo matar a la propia esposa (1965), y con Tony Curtis en ¡Bromas con mi esposa, no! (1966).
Luego Virna Lisi pudo ampliar sus papeles hacia el drama al protagonizar junto a Frank Sinatra Asalto al Queen Mary (1966). También prestó su rostro para una rareza publicitaria: apareció con crema de afeitar en la cara en una fotografía que salió en la portada de marzo de 1965 del Esquire Magazine.
Décadas después, una imagen similar sería protagonizada por K. D. Lang y Cindy Crawford.
Pero Virna Lisi se cansó de su incursión americana porque fue encasillada en el medio hollywoodiense como una rubia mujer seductora, sin poder llegar a interpretar roles de carácter.
Rehusó posar desnuda para la revista Playboy y se cuenta que también rechazó el papel protagonista del filme Barbarella de Roger Vadim, decidiendo regresar a Europa. Este papel sería interpretado por Jane Fonda, contribuyendo a su despegue como estrella. La rescisión de su contrato con la Paramount causó problemas a Virna Lisi: se vio inmersa en un litigio y tuvo que pagar una multa.
Debido a su escasa relevancia en los Estados Unidos, Virna alternó su carrera americana con la europea apareciendo en títulos como “Señoras y Señores” (1966) de Pietro Germi, “La Hora 25” (1967) de Henry Verneuil, “Made In Italy” (1967) de Nanni Loy, “Problemas Extraconyugales” (1968) de Luigi Zampa, “Vidas Truncadas” (1969) de Terence Young o “Mejor Viuda Que…” (1969) de Duccio Tessari.
La mejor etapa de Virna Lisi acabó con el fin de la década de los sesenta.
Siguió apareciendo en bastantes films europeos (y algún que otro americano) en los años 70 y 80 pero en la mayoría eran productos de escasa calidad en los que intentaba salirse de su imagen de sex symbol.
Ejemplos de esta etapa son “Barba Azul” (1972) de Edward Dmytryk, “Colmillo Blanco” (1972) de Lucio Fulci o “El Serpiente” (1973) de Verneuil.
En los años 90 continuó trabajando, principalmente en el medio televisivo, pero sin descuidar sus contadas apariciones en la gran pantalla.
En 1995 tuvo una triunfal reaparición en el cine: ganó un premio en el Festival de Cannes así como el César francés a la mejor actriz secundaria por su participación en La reine Margot donde encarnó a Catalina de Médici. En este filme trabajó junto a Isabelle Adjani, Daniel Auteuil, Vincent Perez y Miguel Bosé, entre otros.
Luego participó en la película de comedia Las cien y una noches de Agnès Varda, con un reparto coral de lujo: Michel Piccoli, Marcello Mastroianni, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Alain Delon, Fanny Ardant, Catherine Deneuve, Robert De Niro, Jeanne Moreau, Assumpta Serna y Patrick Bruel.
En 2002 protagonizó el filme Il più bel giorno della mia vita, de Cristina Comencini, pero en la década de 2010 Virna Lisi se volcó en la televisión, con casi una decena de trabajos.
En 2013 murió la persona con quien pasó una vida entera, su marido Franco Pesci, arquitecto y ex presidente del equipo de fútbol Roma; juntos tuvieron un hijo, Corrado, nacido en julio de 1962 que les dio tres nietos: Franco, nacido en 1993, y los gemelos Frederick y Richard, nacido en 2002.
Virna Lisi murió repentinamente a la edad de 78 años 18 de diciembre 2014, a causa de un tumor que le habían descubierto un mes atrás.
La canción TV Caliente, perteneciente a la banda de rock argentina Sumo, está dedicada a ella, ya que la actriz era el amor platónico de su legendario lider Luca Prodan.
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faccia-d-angelo · 3 years
Torno al centro dell'arena come Silvio Berlusconi Il mago Silvan delle rime interessato alle estorsioni Ragazze psicopatiche che ballano il can can Candidate nel cha, cha, cha, cha, cha, ciarpame Non ci svegliamo neanche con le campane Anche se arriva Dio e ci dice "Raga, quello è un infame" E se ci tieni alla tua pelle, anch'io ci tengo alla mia Facci fare un altro giro a 250 sulla Kia Scena vera, c’e chi impara come c'è chi varia Ma la sera vesto Charro, Prada e Che Guevara
La sceneggiata della tipa interessata stressa E la musica in rete è come la ganja, compressa Non mi capacito, m'agito, quale magico? Michele Placido ha la figlia sotto acido Ho fatto un sogno con la moglie del Premier Mi raccontava tutti i retroscena Ho fatto un incubo, scopavo Mara Venier Lei stava sopra e mi ha rotto la schiena Io con le rime oltrepasso i cancelli Orrende le tue rime, meglio che le cancelli
Quando fumo questa roba io non parlo più Mi sento come Tommy Lee che suona a testa in giù E vedo ovunque fighe col culo nudo Che mi portano a letto per fare judo Rime banali, rime ormai tutte uguali Come le donne italiane con i jeans e gli stivali E con gli stessi occhiali e quel taglio dal parrucchiere Che oramai sembrano veline anche le fattucchiere Io con le rime faccio una carneficina Punto ad essere famoso come gli involtini in Cina Se non ti piace questa roba cambia droga Se vuoi cambiare il guardaroba cambia moda Se non ti piace casa vecchia falla nuova Se vuoi cambiare figa vai, Casanova Non mi interessa cosa fai nella vita Anzi rifaccio, mi interessa cosa fai nella vita Che magari sei un terrorista E fai affari uccidendo a vista il mio analista Non mi toccare l'analista, ti prego Lui risolverà il mio caso, puoi chiamarmi Cluedo
Ho parlato col diavolo, mi ha detto "Derego" Mi si è presentato in forma di Paola Perego Sopra una Peg Perego in un albergo (albère-go) Alter-ego (altère-go), nel mio gergo (gère-go) Ultimamente sogno gente famosa Che mi dorme in casa parlandomi in prosa La gente aspetta una rima che non esiste E più continui a spiegarlo più dice "Cosa?" Ho visto Giusy Ferreri guidare una Ferrari Con di fianco Ferrara che mangiava un Ferrero Io non voglio fare lo stagista Si guadagna a fare lo stragista? No, zero Carico la mia attività di mille sogni in rima Il siero e la serotonina in vena come il rap Attenzione che la palingenesi è vicina Dalla Chiesa arriva l'ultimo segnale, cioè?
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hiphopbeenybop · 5 years
The Birth of Hip Hop
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The hip hop culture has its roots in the Bronx, borough of New York, in the early 70s. At that time, no movement really existed. Many scattered performances were developing in the streets of the Bronx with no global leader.
DJ Kool Herc, Jamaican–American disk jockey, started organizing dance parties at his home. His parties soon spread throughout the Bronx. Quickly attracting a lot of young people, Kool Kerc made a name in the district, organizing more and more parties, indoor and outdoor, always in the Bronx. DJ Disco Wiz and Casanova Fly, Herc’s henchmen, were hacking the electric power of the street lights in order to party in the basket fields of the Bronx.
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This is the flyer of the Back to School Jam that took place August 11, 1973 at Kool Herc’s place. 1520 Sedgwick Avenue is an apartment building that was recognized on July 2007 as the birthplace of Hip-Hop. This is where the first parties organized by Kool Herc took place. It has been honored in June 2017 with an award. The moderate rent building is now standing on the newly inaugurated Hip Hop Boulevard, marking where it all began.
1- The Deejaying
Kool Herc created a new music with 2 turntables playing Disco music, hard Funk and other James Brown records combined together. By playing the drum beats of the songs alternately, he enhanced “the break”. This is the birth of Hip Hop Music. Without delay, a lot of young artists started Deejaying and creating new techniques around this new culture. 
In these new artists, Theodore Livingston. In 1975, he is only twelve, practicing turntabling in his bedroom when his mother yells at him from another room. The young artist, now known as Grand Wizzard Theodore, puts his hand on the spinning record to stop the music and causes the “shigi” sound. So the invention of the scratching technique was an accident !
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If the origin of the name Hip Hop is often disputed, some say that Keef Cowboy, member of the groupe Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five, teased a military-friend by faux-marching to the sound hip-hop-hip-hop. Or the name might come from Afrika Bambaataa, African-American DJ who largely influenced the creation of the Hip Hop movement. At that time, the gangs made the law in the Bronx. Violence and brutality were at every corner. Lance Taylor (Afrika Bambaataa), who used to be a member of the gang P.O.W.E.R and the leader of the Black Spades, started an Anti-Violence Movement (now known as the Zulu Nation). He soon understood that using the new performances of the youth would help canalize their energy. So, inspired by DJ Kool Herc, he started hosting parties in the city. Turntabling, organizing dance contests, inviting MCs to animate the show, welcoming graffiti writers… 
The four main pillars of hip hop appeared.
2- The Breakdancing
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While DJs like Grandmaster Flash and Afrika Bambaataa began building music on Kool Kerc’s innovations, the breakdown inspires bboys and bgirls. Breakdance is a street dance largely based on drums and funk music. This dance holds a major part in the urban culture and is full of athletic moves. This discipline also thrived in the 70s with bboys like Trixie or Dancing Doug. If he was already dancing before DJ parties were organized in the Bronx, Lauree Myers, better known as Trixie affirms :
“When we did go to Herc's parties that's when I took it to another level.”
3- The Spraywriting
Third element composing Hip Hop, the Graffiti, or Spraywriting. It is a form of artistic expression that primarily involves illegally painting walls in the streets and trains in the city. There are many different types and styles of Graffitis, ranging from words to drawings. This activity is the most controversial of Hip Hop elements. Widely considered as vandalists, the graffiti artists need to draw fast and run fast. Generally ran in public places, this business often involves running from the police, especially when a huge part of the graffitis were spelling “A.C.A.B” (All Cops Are Bastards). 
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Graffiti already exists for a long time, the first “graffitos” dating from the ancient Egypt or Roman Empire. But the Graffiti we are talking about here doesn’t originate from New York but from Philadelphia. In the 1960s, the first known graffiti writers Cornbread and Cool Earl used black markers to tag their nicknames on all public property throughout the city. In 1968, the rail transport between Philadelphia and New York intensifies. The wagons are moving frames, exposing the paintings from one city to the other. A train to success. In 1970, Topcat 126 copies their practices and brings graffiti tagging into the big apple.
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At this time, a bunch of buildings are popping up every week in the city. The youth wants to take over on these new walls and spaces. In the 70s, many issues of racial and social inequality were already taking place. The non white youth adopts this art as an expressive form of rebellion. One of the street art pioneers, Quik, explains to Widewalls : 
“Graffiti was intended as a “voice” to be heard; as we sought a broader audience than our immediate community.”
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In the first generation of graffiti artists, we can also cite Futura 2000 or Phase 2 who also largely influenced the discipline for decades. Everyone invents new styles, trying to make their tags more unique and noticeable. LEE 163 joins his letters together. Later comes the Stencil Graffiti with Blek le Rat in Paris. Groups such as United Graffiti Artists and the Fabulous Five start working together to make more elaborated canvas and to escape the scenes more discreetly.
This was all before graffiti became fashionable. At that time, graffiti artists were chased by the authorities. Only ten years later, a painting of Jean-Michel Basquiat, who started as a graffiti artist, was sold for over $110 Million. 
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4- The MCing
Last but not least, the rapping. If MCs (Masters of Ceremony) were originally at parties to animate the show and cheer the dancers, they were also here to communicate. To talk about the problems faced by the african-american community. Dancing and spraywriting were a great way to express the feelings, but rapping had no equal. Rap has its name from the slang word meaning “conversation”. Or maybe it stands for Rhythm And Poetry. Certainly both.
The 3 major components of MCing are the content, the flow and the cadence. The three are essential to deliver a message and get the listener to feel your melody and bounce their head. Rapping is the rhythmic spoken delivery of rhymes and wordplay usually over a beat. Rapping has its roots in Africa. Centuries before Hip Hop music existed, the griots (traditional communicator) of West Africa were delivering stories rhythmically, over drums. 
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At his beginnings, Grandmaster Flash was so focussed on his mix, breaks and scratching skills that he forgot one of the essentials. The mic. The occasion for some to propose their services. One day, Flash met Cowboy, an MC as charismatic as his word. 
His entry on Flash’s scene inspired two brothers : Melle Mel and Kid Creole. Creole was really good at freestyling, but little was Mel who decided to work his texts before the shows. Quickly, his sharp feather offset his ad lib skills. He becomes the leader of Flash’s new vocal trio and inspires others to work on their texts, ad style figures and play with words.
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The Last Poets were the first group to throw an album out in 1970. It coupled spare funk and aggressive delivery, combined with socially-conscious word. This is the basis of MCing. Social and racial awareness are the foundation to the vocal performance in Hip Hop.
It is hard to cover this whole rap period without talking about Kool G Rap, the Godfather of Gangster Rap, the Sugarhill Gang, first group to ever throw a rap album, the Treacherous Three, MC Hammer, the Funky 4+1, the Cold Crush Brothers…
Widely inspired by jazz, soul, funk and disco, the Hip Hop movement is multicolor. Created and lead by african-americans, it has a root in Africa, one in Latin America, one in Asia, another one in Europa… Hip Hop is a multicolor culture that assembles the people. 
According to Kurtis Blow, an MC from the outset who started as a Master of Ceremony for Flash’s parties : 
“I'm a firm believer that hip hop and rap is so malleable; you can shape it in any form. We have these fusions like rock n roll rap, reggae rap, country and western rap”
This is how Hip Hop, now a truly international cultural movement, had its start. 
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tina-aumont · 5 years
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The sulfur of Tina Aumont Flash appearances, unforgettable presence
Dominican origin by her mother, she is already doing the 4th cover - colors of A Week of Paris (n ° 44) of August 27, 1947 - with her father and her mother: "Jean-Pierre Aumont, already a happy father, comes Tina Aumont (born Maria Christina Salomon on February 14, 1946 in Los Angeles) died on October 28 in Port-Vendres from a pulmonary embolism.
Fifty films.
Beginnings in MODESTY BLAISE (Losey, Tina Marquand - then - is already stabbed in a funfair) followed by THE CURÉE, TEXAS NOUS VOILÀ with Delon, Dean Martin. The career wish will be foreign to Tina Aumont. One of the most beautiful movie actresses. Eyes and eyelids largely surrounded by black. Braising glares. Taciturn airs. Thick ebony mane or curly redhead. Icon of the sixties and seventies, underground musical scene, pictorial (Pardo, paintings of the CRYSTAL CRADLE), cinematographic (THE HIGHEST SOLITUDES the most beautiful Garrel - with Jean Seberg, Nico, it will be seen in NICO ICON, NECROPOLIS of the painter Franco Brocani with Viva, L. Waldon, Nicoletta Machiavelli), Tina Aumont turns quickly to Italian cinema.
PARTNER (1968, an aggressive film with Bertolucci's shocked story, in biting colors, fed by Artaud) with Clémenti coming with his double. Scene of eyes painted on the eyelids, bath in the foam of the washing machine. The same year the barefoot girl will be circled in a SATYRICON (formerly Fellini) by G.L. Polidoro, she turns ALIBI of V. Gassman and Adolfo Celi, then comes Bolognini (METELLO, THE GREAT BOURGEOISE), Samperi (MALICIA), Lattuada, ARCANA of These, G. Ferrara, B. Rondi, Patroni-Griffi, the last Minnelli (NINA) shot in Italy. Appearances as brief as they are dazzling. Laughing gaze of the girl in white dress smoking on the swing in the films of Pierre Clémenti, Tina or the madness of time at present. CASANOVA versions Comencini (the most beautiful), Fellini - his "little soldier" - beautiful (mischievous, bright) to curse a saint. Marie-Madeleine (LE MESSIE, Rossellini). The whore (witness) of ILLUSTRIOUS CORPSES (Rosi). Main role in little-known films. Many unpublished in France.
L'URLO's shock (T. Brass, 1968) erotic pop too daring to find an outlet. Undressed silhouette always moving pacing devastated colorful decors. Tina Aumont is less visible in SALON KITTY (Brass, 1975). Wife (in the shadow) of Wallemberg (Helmut Berger), her first appearance is the first smile of the film. With a kind of restraint, an economy in gestures, she introduces Teresa Ann Savoy to their home. This restraint is at the same time invitation. The invitation is reflected in the smile and the look. She serves them tea. She is the only smiles of a movie where the relationships between all the other characters are rather tense. The smile in the first scene where she opens the door is a moving smile, in several times. She goes with the music. Wallemberg is at the piano.
M. Lupo, S. Martino, Grieco, Canevari. Diversity fuels curiosity.  CORBARI (1970) beautiful film by V. Orsini with Giuliano Gemma, and the great Frank Wolff who will slit his throat the following year. Dance and cascading laughs of Carmen, last breath in a last kiss in the desert stabbed by Franco [Don José] Nero, MAN, PRIDE AND THE VENGEANCE (western of L. Bazzoni, 1967).
At the time of excesses, and the hectic filming SECRET DE LA VIE (A. Whitelaw, 1974) another beautiful film, crazy (theme death, so time - extensive program), shot in Amsterdam, with K. Kinski (Also in the previous one), Tina Aumont - still adept of the bicycle (between two knots with double helix) - made piquant remarks, aiming at the author of the film.
“I am compared to nicotine: I am oxygen. (...) They think I take, but I give: I am the breath. I stimulate. I provoke. People would like to love me dead. It would be so much simpler (for them): I disturb them. But I'm alive, and I intend to continue. To live. To make movies. (...) I am not invasive, but I am a presence that can not be ignored. Whether in front of a goal or in a room, it's like that. (...) I am not an actress. Cinema is my way of life. I can not consider life without making movies".
With the exception of Jacques Richard (REBELOTE in 1983) the cinema will ignore Tina Aumont for a quarter century. Tina Aumont detonates in French cinema, cloisonné where only a few friends (Garrel) have made it turn.
The 90s: Rollin filmed for a few minutes in TWO VAMPIRE ORPHANS who could have made a singular Bathory, a video film DINOSAUR FROM THE DEEP shot in a cellar under the director's video-club, N. Moutier, square de Montholon - the film more underground than I turned loose Tina Aumont descending underground, a fantastic short ... Ultimate appearance: LA MÉCANIQUE DES FEMMES (Missoltz, 2000). The best of a movie that we would forget without it. 50 seconds. A map. Warm tones. Black dress. Red lips. Sitting at the bar of a hotel. A monologue. Smoking cigarette between the fingers. The actress seems to have staged herself. To Rémi Martin: “You know who I am ... A debauchee. Rushed! Luxurious. Corrupt. Disorderly. Immoral. Libertine. Dissolute. Voluptuous. Naughty. Fucker. Depraved. Immodest. Vicious. And despite all that, I succumb. Two cups, please, boy!” Nice exit! To revise the plan, it's a royal exit! Discreet release of a large lady. We could have hoped for a fresh start.
2002, I see Tina Aumont in a feeding area. Mystery whole, intact. Idea of ​​a book taking her films one by one, involving a series of interviews. At first rough. She was not against it. We had to give it time. Cautious approach, like a cat. My calls refer to others. Insistent. She planned to write. Time seems to be very present for her. Saver of words. Hoarsely. Laughing gushing hoarse. It amused her when I mentioned Mary Meerson to whom she reminded me. She tells me about the streets of Briançon. Tina remembered if something was asked. I'm talking about the project to Michel Bulteau, leaving for some interviews. Time passes. The last thing considered, write these lines. Tina Aumont's life looks like a tragedy.
Alexandre Mathis
Interesting article although the translation is not much accurated (the original is written in French). Although I have this source, I really don’t know in which newspaper was it published nor when.
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1924: La Galerie des monstres, by Jaque Catelain and Marcel L'Herbier
1925: La Vocation d'André Carel, by Jean Choux
1925: Feu Mathias Pascal, by Marcel L'Herbier
1926: L'Inconnue des six jours, 6 by René Sti
1927: Casanova, by Alexandre Volkoff
1928: Tire-au-flanc, by Jean Renoir
1928: The Passion of Joan of Arc, by Carl Theodor Dreyer
1929: Pivoine, 7 by André Sauvage
1930: L'Enfant de l'amour, by Marcel L'Herbier
1931: On purge bébé, by Jean Renoir
1931: La Chienne, by Jean Renoir
1931: Baleydier, by Jean Mamy
1931: Jean de la Lune, by Michel Simon (signed by Jean Choux)
1932: Boudu saved from the waters, by Jean Renoir
1933: Miquette et sa mère, by Henri Diamant-Berger, D. B. Maurice and Henri Rollan
1940: La Comédie du bonheur, by Marcel L'Herbier
1941: Tosca, by Carl Koch
1941: Il ré se divertrte, by Mario Bonnard
1942: A Signora dell'Ovest, by Carl Koch
1943: Vautrin, by Pierre Billon
1943: Au Bonheur des Dames, by André Cayatte
1951: La Poison, by Sacha Guitry
1951: Vedettes sans maquillage, by Jacques Guillon
1951: La Cité du midi, by Jacques Baratier
1952: Le Marchand de Venise, by Pierre Billon
1952: Hôtel des Invalides, by Georges Franju
1952: Monsieur Taxi, by André Hunebelle
1952: La Fille au fouet, by Jean Dréville
1955: L'Impossible Monsieur Pipelet, by André Hunebelle
1955: Les Mémoires d'un flic, by Pierre Foucaud
1956: La Joyeuse Prison, by André Berthomieu
1957: Les Trois font la paire, by Sacha Guitry
1957: Un certain monsieur Jo, by Ren�� Jolivet
1958: The Bait, by Ladislao Vajda.
0 notes
thearrangment-phff · 6 years
Guest List Part 2
*Disclaimer- If you are looking at this list for a complete list of Isabella’s family many family members without titles were not included. Many distant family members were not included on both sides of the family.
Bride's Family
Archduke Carl Christian and Archduchess Marie Astrid, parents of the bride
Archduchess Marie Christine, Countess of Limburg-Stirum and Count Rodolphe de Limburg-Stirum, sister and brother in law of the bride
Count Leopold de Limburg-Stirum, nephew of the bride
Count Constantin de Limburg-Stirum, nephew of the bride
Count Gabriel de Limburg-Stirum, nephew of the bride
Archduke Imre and Archduchess Kathleen of Austria, brother and sister-in-law of the bride
Archduchess Maria Stella of Austria, niece of the bride
Archduchess Magdalena of Austria, niece of the bride
Archduke Christoph and Archduchess Adelaide of Austria, brother and sister-in-law of the bride
Archduchess Katarina of Austria, niece of the bride
Archduke Alexander of Austria, brother of the bride
Archduchess Gabriella of Austria, sister of the bride
Jean, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, grandfather of the bride
The Grand Duke and Grand Duchess of Luxembourg, aunt and uncle of the bride
The Hereditary Grand Duke and Grand Duchess of Luxembourg, cousin of the bride and his wife
Prince Felix and Princess Claire of Luxembourg, cousin of the bride and his wife
Princess Amalia of Nassau, first cousin once removed of the bride
Prince Liam of Nassau, first cousin once removed of the bride
Prince Louis of Luxembourg, cousin of the bride
Prince Gabriel of Nassau, first cousin once removed of the bride
Prince Noah of Nassau, first cousin once removed of the bride
Princess Alexandra of Luxembourg, cousin of the bride
Prince Sebastien of Luxembourg, cousin of the bride
Prince Jean of Luxembourg and Countess Diane of Nassau, uncle and aunt of the bride
*Prince Jean's ex-wife Helene was also invited, former aunt of the bride by marriage
Princess Marie Gabrielle of Nassau, cousin of the bride
Prince Constantin of Nassau, cousin of the bride
Prince Wenceslas of Nassau, cousin of the bride
Prince Carl-Johan of Nassau, cousin of the bride
Princess Margaretha and Prince Nikolaus of Liechtenstein, aunt and uncle of the bride
Princess Maria Anunciata of Liechtenstein, cousin of the bride
Princess Marie Astrid of Liechtenstein, cousin of the bride
Prince Josef-Emmanuel of Liechtenstein, cousin of the bride
Prince Guillaume and Princess Sibilla of Luxembourg, uncle and aunt of the bride
Prince Paul Louis of Nassau, cousin of the bride
Prince Leopold of Nassau, cousin of the bride
Princess Charlotte of Nassau, cousin of the bride
Prince Jean of Nassau, cousin of the bride
Archduchess Yolande of Austria, grandmother of the bride
Archduke Rudolf and Archduchess Helene of Austria, uncle and aunt of the bride
Archduke Carl Christian of Austria, cousin of the bride
Archduchess Zita of Austria, first-cousin-once-removed
Archduchess Priscilla of Austria, cousin of the bride
Archduke Johannes of Austria, cousin of the bride
Archduke Thomas of Austria, cousin of the bride
Archduchess Marie des Neiges of Austria, cousin of the bride
Archduke Franz Ludwig of Austria, cousin of the bride
Archduke Michael of Austria, cousin of the bride
Archduke Joseph of Austria, cousin of the bride
Archduchess Alexandra of Austria, aunt of the bride
Archduchess Maria Constanza, aunt of the bride
Princess Ladislaya von Aueresperg, cousin of the bride
Princess Eleonora von Auersperg, cousin of the bride
Other descendants of Charlotte, Grand Duchess of Luxembourg
Princess Anna von Hohenberg and Count Andreas von Bardeau, first-cousin-once-removed of the bride and her second husband
Gaetan de La Poeze, Count d'Harambure, 2nd cousin of the bride
Alix de La Loeze, Countess d'Harambure and Francois-Xavier Fraye, 2nd cousin of the bride and her husband
Gabriel de La Loeze, Count d'Harambure, 2nd cousin of the bride
Raoul de La Loeze, Count d'Harambure, 2nd cousin of the bride
Princess Sophie von Hohenberg and Jean-Louis de Potesta, first-cousin-once-removed of the bride and her husband
Eleonore de Potesta, 2nd cousin of the bride
Baron Charles de Potesta, 2nd cousin of the bride
Elizabeth de Potesta, 2nd cousin of the bride
Johanna von Hoehenberg, widow of the first-cousin-once-removed of the bride
Countess Laura Henckel von Donnersmarck, 2nd cousin of the bride
Countess Marie Henckel von Donnersmarck, 2nd cousin of the bride
Count Ludwig Henckel von Donnersmarck, 2nd cousin of the bride
Count Albrecht Henckel von Donnersmarck, 2nd cousin of the bride
Count Heinreich Henckel von Donnersmarck, first-cousin-once-removed of the bride
Count Tassilo Henckel von Dommersmarck, 2nd cousin of the bride
Countess Charlotte Henckel von Donnersmarck and Graf Christoph Johannes von Meran, first-cousin-once-removed of the bride and her husband
Count Johannes von Meran, 2nd cousin of the bride
Countess Anna von Meran, 2nd cousin of the bride
Countess Camilla von Meran, 2nd cousin of the bride
Princess Marie Gabriele of Luxembourg, Dowager Countess of Holstein-Ledreborg, great-aunt of the bride
Monica, 8th Countess of Holstein-Ledreborg and Henri de Dompierre de Jonquieres, first-cousin-once-removed of the bride and her husband
The Hereditary Countess of Holstein-Ledreborg and Martin Bergsøe, first-cousin-once-removed of the bride and her husband
*The Hereditary Countess' first husband Prince Eric of Bourbon-Parma was also invited
Princess Antonia of Bourbon-Parma, 2nd cousin of the bride
Princess Marie Gabrielle of Bourbon-Parma, 2nd cousin of the bride
Princess Alexia of Bourbon-Parma, 2nd cousin of the bride
Prince Michel of Bourbon-Parma, 2nd cousin of the bride
Prince Henri of Bourbon-Parma, 2nd cousin of the bride
Countess Veronica of Holstein-Ledreborg, first-cousin-once-removed of the bride
Countess Silvia of Holstein-Ledreborg, first-cousin-once-removed of the bride
Countess Camilla of Holstein-Ledreborg, first-cousin-once-removed of the bride
Baron Nicolas Bertouch-Lehn til Højbygaard-Lungholm, 2nd cousin of the bride
Baron Philip Bertouch-Lehn til Højbygaard-Lungholm, 2nd cousin of the bride
Countess Tatiana of Holstein-Ledreborg, first-cousin-once-removed of the bride
Countess Antonia of Holstein-Ledreborg
Princess Charlotte of Luxembourg and Marc-Victor Cunningham, first-cousin-once-removed of the bride and her husband
Charles Cunningham, 2nd cousin of the bride
Louis Cunningham, 2nd cousin of the bride
Donnall Cunningham, 2nd cousin of the bride
Prince Robert of Luxembourg, first-cousin-once-removed of the bride
Princess Charlotte of Nassau, 2nd cousin of the bride
Prince Alexandre of Nassau, 2nd cousin of the bride
Prince Frederik of Nassau, 2nd cousin of the bride
Alix, Dowager Princess of Ligne, great-aunt of the bride
Michel, 14th Prince de Ligne and Princess Eleonora, first cousin-once-removed of the bride and his wife
Princess Alix de Ligne, Countess de Dampierre and Count Guillaume de Dampierre, 2nd cousin of the bride and her husband
The Hereditary Prince of Ligne, 2nd cousin of the bride
Prince Wauthier and Princess Regine de Ligne, first cousin-once-removed of the bride
Prince Philippe de Ligne, 2nd cousin of the bride
Princess Melanie-Yolande de Ligne, 2nd cousin of the bride
Princess Elisabeth-Eleonore de Ligne and Baron Baudouin Gillès de Pelichy, 2nd cousin of the bride and her husband
Princess Anne de Ligne, first cousin-once-removed
Princess Christine de Ligne, Princess of Orleans-Branganza and Prince Antonio of Orleans-Branganza, first cousin-once-removed of the bride
Princess Amelia of Orleans-Braganza, 2nd cousin to the bride
Prince Rafael of Orleans-Branganza, 2nd cousin of the bride
Princess Maria Gabriela of Orleans-Braganza, 2nd cousin of the bride
Princess Sophia de Ligne, Countess de Nicolay and Count Philippe de Nicolay, first cousin-once-removed of the bride and her husband
Prince Antoine and Princess Jacqueline de Ligne, first cousin-once-removed of the bride and her husband
Prince Louis de Ligne, 2nd cousin of the bride
Princess Marie de Ligne, 2nd cousin of the bride
Princess Florence de Ligne, 2nd cousin of the bride
Princess Yolande de Ligne and Hugo Townsend, first cousin-once-removed of the bride and her husband
Other descendants of Charles I of Austria
Andrea von Habsburg The Hereditary Countess of Neipperg and The Hereditary Count of Neipperg, first cousin-once-removed of the bride and her husband
Count Philipp of Neipperg, 2nd cousin of the bride
Count Benedikt of Neipperg, 2nd cousin of the bride
Count Dominik of Neipperg, 2nd cousin of the bride
Countess Hemma of Neipperg, 2nd cousin of the bride
Countess Katharina of Neipperg, 2nd cousin of the bride
Prince Valerian of Lobkowicz, 2nd cousin-once-removed of the bride
Monika von Habsburg Duchess de Santangelo and Luis de Casanova-Cardenas y Baron, 5th Duke de Santangelo, first cousin-once-removed of the bride and her husband
Baltasar, 23rd Marquess de Elche, 2nd cousin of the bride
Gabriel de Casanova y Habsburgo-Lorena, 2nd cousin of the bride
Rafael de Casanova y Habsburgo-Lorena, 2nd cousin of the bride
Santiago de Casanova y Habsburgo-Lorena, 2nd cousin of the bride
Michaela von Habsburg Countess von Kageneck, first cousin-once-removed
Gabriela von Habsburg, first cousin-once-removed
Walburga von Habsburg Countess Douglas of Skenninge and Count Archibald Douglas, first cousin-once removed of the bride and her husband
Count Mortiz Douglas, 2nd cousin of the bride
Karl von Habsburg, first cousin-once-removed of the bride
Eleonore von Habsburg, 2nd cousin of the bride
Ferdinand von Habsburg, 2nd cousin of the bride
Gloria von Habsburg, 2nd cousin of the bride
Georg and Eilika von Habsburg, first cousin-once-removed of the bride and his wife
Margherita Dowager Archduchess of Austria-Este, great aunt of the bride by marriage
Archduchess Maria Beatrice of Austria Este, Countess of Acro-Zinneberg, first cousin-once removed of the bride
Countess Anna Theresa von Acro-Zinnerberg, 2nd cousin of the bride
Countess Margherita von Acro-Zinneberg, 2nd cousin of the bride
Countess Olympia von Acro-Zinneberg, 2nd cousin of the bride
Countess Maximiliana von Acro-Zinneberg, 2nd cousin of the bride
Countess Marie Gabrielle von Acro-Zinneberg, 2nd cousin of the bride
Countess Giorgiana von Acro-Zinneberg 2nd cousin of the bride
Prince Lorenz of Belgium Archduke of Austria-Este and Princess Astrid of Belgium Archduchess of Austria-Este, first cousin-once removed of the bride and his wife also a first cousin-once removed of the bride
Prince Amedeo of Belgium Archduke of Austria-Este and his wife Elisabetta, 2nd cousin of the bride
Princess Maria Laura of Belgium Archduchess of Austria-Este, 2nd cousin of the bride
Prince Joachim of Belgium Archduke of Austria-Este, 2nd cousin of the bride
Princess Luisa Maria of Belgium, 2nd cousin of the bride
Princess Laetitia of Belgium, 2nd cousin of the bride
Archduke Gerhard of Austria-Este, first cousin-once-removed of the bride
Archduke Martin and Archduchess Katharina of Austria-Este, first cousin-once-removed of the bride and his wife
Archduke Bartholomaus of Austria-Este, 2nd cousin of the bride
Archduke Emmanuel of Austria-Este, 2nd cousin of the bride
Archduchess Helene of Austria-Este, 2nd cousin of the bride
Archduke Luigi of Austria-Este, 2nd cousin of the bride
Archduchess Isabella of Austria-Este, first cousin-once-removed of the bride
Archduchess Maria del Pilar of Austria, first cousin-once-removed of the bride
Archduke Carl Philipp of Austria of Austria, first cousin-once-removed of the bride
Archduchess Kinga Barbara of Austria, first cousin-once-removed of the bride
Archduke Raimund of Austria, first cousin-once-removed of the bride
Archduchess Myriam of Austria, first cousin-once removed of the bride
Archduke Istvan of Austria, first cousin-once-removed of the bride
Archduchess Viridis of Austria, first cousin-once-removed of the bride
Archduchess Anne Gabriele of Austria, widow of Isabella's great-uncle
Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria and Prince Peter Galitzine, first cousin-once removed of the bride and her husband
Princess Xenia Galitzine, 2nd cousin of the bride
Princess Tatiana Galitzine, 2nd cousin of the bride
Princess Alexandra Galitzine, 2nd cousin of the bride
Princess Maria Galitzine. 2nd cousin of the bride
Prince Dimitri Galitzine, 2nd cousin of the bride
Prince Ioann Galitzine, 2nd cousin of the bride
Princess Olga Galitzine, 2nd cousin of the bride
Archduke Karl Peter and Archduchess Alexandra of Austria, first cousin-once removed of the bride and his wife
Archduchess Antonia of Austria, 2nd cousin of the bride
Archduke Lorenz of Austria, 2nd cousin of the bride
Archduke Simeon and Archduchess Maria of Austria, first cousin-once-removed of the bride and his wife
Archduke Johannes of Austria, 2nd cousin of the bride
Archduke Ludwig of Austria, 2nd cousin of the bride
Archduchess Isabelle of Austria, 2nd cousin of the bride
Archduchess Carlotta of Austria, 2nd cousin of the bride
Archduke Philipp of Austria, 2nd cousin of the bride
Archduchess Catharina-Maria and Count Massimiliano Secco de Aragona, first cousin-once-removed of the bride and her husband
Count Costantino Secco di Aragona, 2nd cousin of the bride
Count Niccolo Secco di Aragona, 2nd cousin of the bride
Count Rodolfo Secco di Aragona, 2nd cousin of the bride
Extended Family of the Bride in reigning monarchies
King Albert II and Queen Paola of the Belgians, great uncle and aunt of the bride
The King and Queen of the Belgians, first cousin once removed of the bride and his wife
The Duchess of Brabant, 2nd cousin of the bride
Prince Gabriel of Belgium, 2nd cousin of the bride
Prince Emmanuel of Belgium, 2nd cousin of the bride
Princess Eleonore of Belgium, 2nd cousin of the bride
The Prince and Princess of Liechtenstein, 3rd cousin-once-removed of the bride and his wife
The Hereditary Prince and Princess of Liechtenstein, 4th cousin of the bride
Prince Josef Wenzel of Liechtenstein, 4th cousin of the bride
Princess Marie-Caroline of Liechtenstein, 4th cousin of the bride
Prince Georg of Liechtenstein, 4th cousin of the bride
Prince Nikolaus of Liechtenstein, 4th cousin of the bride
Prince Maximilian and Princess Angela of Liechtenstein, 3rd cousin-once-removed of the bride and his wife
Prince Constantin of Liechtenstein, 3rd cousin-once-removed of the bride
Princess Tatjana of Liechtenstein, 3rd cousin-once-removed of the bride
Prince Philip and Princess Isabella of Liechtenstein
Prince Wenzeslaus of Liechtenstein
King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia of Spain, 3rd cousin-twice-removed of the bride and his wife
The King and Queen of Spain, 4th cousin-once-removed of the bride and his wife
The Princess of Austrias, 5th cousin of the bride
Infanta Sofia of Spain, 5th cousin of the bride
Donna Olimpia Torlonia of Civitella-Cesi, 6th cousin-once-removed
Infanta Pilar, Duchess of Badajoz, 4th cousin-once-removed of the bride
Infanta Margarita, Duchess of Soria, 4th cousin-once-removed of the bride
Extended Family of other royal houses
House of Savoy
Princess Maria Pia of Bourbon-Parma, first cousin-twice-removed of the bride
Victor Emanuele, Prince of Naples, first cousin-twice-removed of the bride
Princess Maria Gabriella of Savoy, first cousin-twice-removed
Princess Maria Beatrice of Savoy, first cousin-twice-removed
House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha-Kothary
Princess Marie Louise of Bulgaria, 2nd cousin-once-removed
Prince Boris of Leiningen, 3rd cousin of the bride
Prince Hermann Friedrich of Leiningen, 3rd cousin of the bride
Princess Alexandra of Kohary, 3rd cousin of the bride
Prince Pawel of Kohary, 3rd cousin of the bride
Simeon II of Bulgaria, 2nd cousin-once-removed
House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies
Princess Teresa Maria of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, 2nd cousin-once-removed of the bride
Princess Cristina of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, 3rd cousin of the bride
Prince Pedro of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Duke of Calabria 3rd cousin of the bride
Prince Jaime, Duke of Noto, 3rd cousin-once-removed of the bride
Princess Ines of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, 3rd cousin of the bride
Princess Victoria of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, 3rd cousin of the bride
Princess Ines Maria of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, 2nd cousin-once-removed of the bride
Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro, 6th cousin of the bride
House of Bourbon-Parma
Princess Irene of the Netherlands, 1st cousin-twice-removed of the bride
Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Parma, Duke of Parma, double 3rd cousin of the bride
Princess Maria Francisca of Bourbon-Parma, 1st cousin-twice-removed of the bride
Princess Maria Teresa of Bourbon-Parma, 1st cousin-twice-removed of the bride
Princess Cecilia of Bourbon-Parma, 1st cousin-twice-removed of the bride
Princess Maria de las Nieves of Bourbon-Parma, 1st cousin-twice-removed of the bride
Prince Sixtus Henry of Bourbon-Parma, 1st cousin-twice-removed of the bride
Prince Jaime, Count of Bardi, 2nd cousin-once-removed of the bride
House of Romania
Crown Princess Margareta of Romania, 2nd cousin-once-removed of the bride
House of Bourbon
Louis Alphonse, Duke of Anjou, 6th cousin of the bride
House Bonaparte
Jean-Christophe, Prince Napoleon, 5th cousin-once-removed of the bride
House of Braganza
Duarte Pio, Duke of Braganza and Isabel, Duchess of Braganza, triple first cousin-thrice-removed of the bride and his wife
Afonso, Prince of Beira, 2nd cousin-twice-removed of the bride
Infanta Maria Francesca, 2nd cousin-twice-removed of the bride
Infante Dinis, Duke of Porto, 2nd cousin-twice-removed of the bride
House of Wittelsbach
Prince Luitpold of Bavaria
Princess Auguste of Bavaria and Prince Ferdinand of Lippe-Weissenfeld
Princess Alice of Bavaria and Prince Lukas of Auersperg
Prince Ludwig of Bavaria
Prince Heinrich of Bavaria
Prince Karl of Bavaria
Belgian Nobility
Count Philippe de Lannoy
Count Jehann de Lannoy
Countess Gaelle de Lannoy
Leopold, 13th Duke of Arenberg and Princess Sophie of Bavaria
Prince Leopold of Arenberg
Princess Natasha of Arenberg
Prince Philippe of Arenberg
Prince Alexandre of Arenberg
Philippe, 22nd Prince de Chimay
Friedrich Christian, 7th Duke of Beaufort-Spontin
Count Christian de Beaufort-Spontin
Princess Marie Gabriele of Bavaria
Rudolf, 15th Duke of Croÿ  
Carl Philipp, Hereditary Prince of Croÿ  
Prince Marc Emanuel of Croÿ  
Prince Heinrich of Croÿ
Prince Alexander of Croÿ  
Prince Stefan of Croÿ  
Prince Lionel of Croÿ
Princess Sophie of Bavaria
Prince Leopold of Arenberg
Prince Karl Ludwig of Arenberg
Princess Marie Gabriele of Arenberg
Prince Heinrich of Arenberg
Prince Etienne of Arenberg
Stephane, 11th Duke of Ursel
Countess Anna Maria d'Udekem d'Acoz
Countess Elisabeth d'Udekem d'Acoz
Countess Hélène d'Udekem d'Acoz  
Count Charles-Henri d'Udekem d'Acoz
Prince Charles-Antoine de Ligne La Trémoïlle
Count Louis de Limburg-Stirum
Countess Belén de Limburg-Stirum  
Count Philippe de Limburg-Stirum
Countess Caroline de Limburg-Stirum
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vfmovies · 3 years
Regarder Mafiosa: Saison 2 Épisode 4 en streaming VF
New Post has been published on https://vfmovies.to/episodes/mafiosa-saison-2-episode-4/
Voir Mafiosa: Saison 2 Épisode 4 complet en franaçais, très bonne qualité et gratuit.
Informé de la promesse faite à Larcher, Jean-Michel s’oppose ouvertement à l’assassinat du nationaliste corse, Paul Bonafedi. A quelques jours de l’ouverture de la table ronde qui doit réunir les mouvances nationalistes corses, Sandra donne ordre à Andréani, avec lequel elle entretient désormais une relation amoureuse complexe, d’abattre… Larcher ! A Marseille, Sandra retrouve Coco Casanova qui a maintenant toute confiance en elle puisqu’elle a relevé le défi haut la main. Coco propose aux Paoli de récupérer le territoire de son ami et associé Serge Ben Mussa, détenu aux Baumettes depuis plusieurs mois…
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miguelmarias · 3 years
Violette Nozière (Claude Chabrol, 1978)
No puede decirse que la distribución en España de las películas de Chabrol esté contribuyendo a la comprensión de su carrera, ya que la vamos conociendo fragmentariamente, con lagunas graves —por limitarnos a los últimos diez años, aún no han llegado La rupture (1970), Nada (1974), Les magiciens (1975)... —, en el más absoluto desorden, con retraso casi siempre, a veces en malas condiciones y ahora, para acabar de fastidiar con títulos idiotas (Laberinto mortal para Blood Relatives / Les liens de sang, 1977) o vergonzosos (como el que aflija a Violette Nozière, 1977 también, pero posterior). Esto, que es siempre molesto, resulta particularmente incómodo con una obra tan irregular y abundante como la de Chabrol, ya que a los desconcertantes virajes y altibajos del autor se suman o se mezclan los que artificialmente crea su caótica llegada hasta nosotros.
En 1971, Chabrol llevaba tres años y medio de gran actividad, en los que había rodado seis películas claramente relacionadas entre sí, con el mismo equipo técnico y repitiendo a menudo actores y hasta nombres de personajes. Se trata de lo que se ha llamado «tercera etapa» de su carrera, que comprende Les Biches (Las ciervas), La femme infidèle (La mujer infiel, 1968), Que la bête meure (Accidente sin huella), El carnicero (Le boucher, 1969) y La rupture, y culmina, a mi juicio, con Juste avant la nuit (Al anochecer, 1971). Parecía que, gracias al productor André Génovès y al notable éxito crítico y comercial de estas películas, Chabrol había conseguido una espléndida madurez y un dominio creciente de la narración y la dirección de actores. Pero en ese mismo año, Chabrol realiza un proyecto que se había ido retrasando por compromisos o enfermedades de los actores previstos, La décade prodigieuse (La década prodigiosa), un film a mitad de camino entre Chesterton (El hombre que fue jueves) y Orson Welles (Mr. Arkadin) que, pese a ser admirable, suponía una clara ruptura con las películas precedentes y desconcertó al público y a la crítica en general. A partir de entonces, Chabrol parece estar buscando un nuevo rumbo sin acabar de encontrarlo; cada cierto tiempo, ante el fracaso de sus intentos de renovación, vuelve —a veces con fortuna, como en Les noces rouges (Relaciones sangrientas, 1973) y, sobre todo, Une partie de plaisir (Una fiesta de placer, 1974); otras, con menor acierto y un tratamiento entre caricaturesco y paródico, como en Les innocents aux mains sales (Inocentes con manos sucias, 1975) y Folies bourgeoises / The Twist (Locuras de un matrimonio burgués, 1976)— al terreno de sus mejores obras. Cada tentativa de hallar un nuevo camino, ya sin Génovès, y con actores muy diferentes —tanto Michel Bouquet como Stéphane Audran pierden importancia o desaparecen—, suele ser un fracaso de taquilla y de crítica, comprensible, a mi modo de ver, cuando el resultado es tan deplorable como Dr. Popaul (Dr. Casanova, 1972), inexplicable cuando se trata de films tan apasionantes como Alice ou la dernière fugue (Alicia o la última fuga, 1976) o Blood Relatives.
El caso es que Chabrol parece un tanto perdido, y su prestigio —rápidamente ascendente de 1968 a 1971— cae en picado, hasta que se olvidan sus obras maestras y se deja, prácticamente, de «contar con él». Alternando películas más o menos personales y conseguidas con buen número de trabajos para televisión e incluso con la realización de algún «spot» publicitario, Chabrol sigue trabajando sin parar, y sin que sus films llamen la atención hasta la presentación, en el festival de Cannes de 1978, de Violette Nozière.
Para algunos, Chabrol se ha reencontrado en esta película; es posible, pero pienso que, en todo caso, lo ha hecho con quince años de retraso: Violette Nozière tendría sentido, en la obra de Chabrol, justo antes o después de Landru (Landrú, 1962); no, creo yo, después de Juste avant la nuit, Une partie de plaisir o Alice ou la dernière fugue. Lo mismo ocurre, en ciertos aspectos —construcción en «flashbacks», estructura familiar opresiva, crimen provocado por los celos, investigador «distanciado»— con Blood Relatives, que enlaza directamente con Les cousins (Los primos, 1958), À double tour (Una doble vida, 1959) y Ophélia (Ofelia, 1962), pero, al menos, lo hace con un mayor dominio de la puesta en escena, en Montreal y con un estilo «americano» que supone una notable diferencia. Violette Nozière es una reconstrucción histórica de una célebre causa real, un film de época, construido en torno al proceso y narrado muy fragmentariamente, con breves y frecuentes «flashbacks» e «imaginaciones», y siguiendo constantemente a un personaje central, el del asesino «anarquista»; todo ello como en Landrú, pero con un par de diferencias que, a mi modo de ver, no representan progreso alguno, sino todo lo contrario.
Landrú era un film voluntaria y deliberadamente teatral, distanciado y lleno de humor, Violette Nozière, por el contrario, opta por el naturalismo preciosista del cine «retro» —un poco como Bertolucci en Il conformista (El conformista, 1970) o Visconti en La caduta degli dei/Götterdämmerung (La caída de los dioses, 1969), por poner ejemplos respetables—, Chabrol pretende «haberse enamorado» —nada menos— de Violette, y hace un film enormemente pesado y solemne, sin el menor sentido del humor. Para colmo, frente a la admirable y estrafalaria caracterización de Charles Denner como Landru, en Violette Nozière nos encontramos a Isabelle Huppert repitiendo por enésima vez su papel de siempre, con esa inexpresividad poco inteligente y nada enigmática que lo mismo le sirve para hacer de asesina que de ingenua o víctima (La dentellière, Le juge et l'assassin, Les indiens sont encore loin, etc.). En lugar de un reparto integrado por los mejores secundarios (y varias estrellas) del cine francés del momento, Chabrol nos obsequia con las peores interpretaciones que pueden hallarse en su obra —Jean-François Garreaud sobre todo—, desaprovecha a su ex-mujer y a Jean Carmet al encomendarles personajes esquemáticos y al mismo tiempo confusos; y todo ello, además, en un sentido inesperado: si su dirección de actores fallaba era, a veces, por exceso, por afición al histrionismo y a las muecas, y no, como en Violette Nozière, por sosería generalizada.
Lo más grave es que, además, Violette Nozière es una película mal construida y deficientemente narrada; más que de Chabrol parece de Bertrand Tavernier: no sólo el proyecto en si, su supuesto carácter «reivindicativo», la desangelada frialdad del conjunto y los fallos de estructura hacen pensar en Le juge et l'assassin, sino hasta el haber recurrido —como guionista— a Hervé Bromberger parece afán de reenlazar con une certaine tendence du cinéma français que denunció enérgicamente Truffaut en 1954 y que también Chabrol calificaba por entonces de cinéma de qualité. Lo que, afortunadamente, separa a Chabrol del autor de L'horloger de St. Paul es que el primero es mucho mejor director, y que eso se nota, de vez en cuando, en alguna secuencia, a menudo en planos sueltos admirablemente encuadrados y con una dinámica interna que no está al alcance de cualquiera, en gestos aislados, captados con reveladora precisión, en un uso del espacio —sobre todo en el interior del apretujado piso de los Nozière, que produce auténtica claustrofobia— que remite al Renoir de La chienne (1931), Toni (1934) o Le crime de Monsieur Lange (1935) y al Fritz Lang de M (1931); estos ratos, lamentablemente no muy frecuentes, discontinuos, dispersos en un conjunto casi ramplón al mismo tiempo que demasiado cuidado como para llegar a tener vida —y en eso no hay nada tan opuesto al Renoir de los años 30 como Violette Nozière—, es decir, casi ahogados por el academicismo, revelan inequívocamente la presencia de un director capaz de hacer cosas muy superiores, lo que serviría, al menos, para que no perdiésemos del todo la esperanza los admiradores de Chabrol. Por suerte, unos meses antes habla realizado Blood Relatives, su primera película «americana», y en ella demuestra que, si quiere, puede estar en plena forma, y hacer todavía películas inquietantes y emocionantes, y no confusas y gélidas ilustraciones de archivo o de museo de cera.
Miguel Marías
Revista “Dirigido por” nº71, marzo-1980
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filemp3 · 4 years
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📢 VA - Today Big Pack 67-2020 🏷️VA - Today Big Pack 67-2020 zippy free download, Genre: EP / Packs / Albums, Label: FiLEMP3, Released: 2020-07-06, BPM: 100, 320 kbps #va #today #big #pack #67-2020 #ep #packs #albums #filemp3 TRACKLIST: //195 TRACKS 2nd Phase - Operator (Original Mix) 2nd Phase - Simulator (Original Mix) Aguilar (Italy) - Get In Up Aguilar (Italy) - In Love Aguilar (Italy) - Move Your Body Al Chem - Metaphysics of Love (Michael Reinboth Remix) Al Chem - Metaphysics of Love (Shahrokh Dini Remix) Alex M (Italy) - Love Allies for Everyone - Coming Up (Original Mix) Allies for Everyone - Coming Up (Philipp Kempnich Remix) Allies for Everyone - Will It Scar (Original Mix) Andi Muller - Bubbles Andi Muller - Lowkey 95 Angelo Ferreri & Alessio Cala - Dance If U Want Audiense - Andromeda (Original Mix) Audiense - Erasure (Original Mix) Audiense & S.Birin - Rangiora (Original Mix) Audio Anonymous Ipcress - Helch (James Monro Remix) Audio Anonymous Ipcress - Helch (Original mix) Baham - You Are Simin Baham - You Are Simin (Gab Rhome Adisyn Remix) Bastian Bux - Inside Bastian Bux - Lagano Bastian Bux - Legacy Bastian Bux - The Vault Bayaka (IT) - Deli (Bayaka Remix) Bayaka (IT) - Deli (MoBlack Remix) Be Saint - Aiar Be Saint - Space Black Girl _ White Girl - Flexxulator Black Girl _ White Girl - Green Crack Black Girl _ White Girl - Telepathy Black Girl _ White Girl - Unfading Blazout - Station Bonetti - She Cant Luv Ya Booka Shade - Polar Lights (Chi Thanh Remix) Booka Shade - Polar Lights (Inta Remix) Booka Shade - Polar Lights (John Monkman Remix Extended) Carloh - One Moment Carlos Sanchez - Even Easier Cavi - Happy Days Ceas - Eden (Extended Mix) Ciclo & Jose M. - Tu No Va A Tocar CJ Art - Galactic Blues (Original Mix) CJ Art - Interstellar Travel (Original Mix) D.J. 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Hard Ton) Stefan Braatz - I Need U (Instrumental) (feat. Hard Ton) Stefan Braatz feat. Hard Ton - I Need U (A Jackin Phreaks Acid Xperience) Stefan Braatz feat. Hard Ton - I Need U (Joyce Muniz Remix) Stefan Braatz feat. Hard Ton - I Need U (Past Visions Dub Mix) Steve Slight & MXV - Return to Base Steve Slight & MXV - Return to Base (Anton MAKe Remix) Steve Slight & MXV - Return to Base (Donny Carr Remix) Steve Slight & MXV - Return to Base (Th;en Remix) Tom Hutt - Cloverfield (Original Mix) Tom Hutt - Cloverfield (Teenage Mutants Remix) Tom Wax - Check the Beast (Original Mix) Tom Wax - Music in the House (Original Mix) Two Sins - Atlantida (Marius Drescher Remix) Two Sins - Atlantida (Original Mix) Two Sins - Atlantida (Schwarzmatt Remix) Unique (CRO) - Destino (Original Mix) Unique (CRO) - Genesis (Original Mix) Unique (CRO) - Los Dos Corazones (Original Mix) Vincent Casanova - Secret Tourism Vincent Casanova - Watermelon Smash Vincent Casanova - Watermelon Smash (Birds ov Paradise Mescal Remix) Vincent Casanova - Zyasta Vincent Casanova - Zyasta (Dance Spirits IDM Interpretation) Yousef - I Dont Understand (James Organs Sundown Remix) Yousef - One Sunny Sunday (Impellizzeri & Stupia Remix) Yousef - Riches To Rags (Alex Kennon Remix) Yousef - The Mother Tongue (Wheats Remix) Zacharias Tiempo - Moon Racer (Original Mix) Zacharias Tiempo - Pappa (Original Mix) #filemp3 #audio #vibes #hifi #stereo #music #djs #clubbers #party #disco #exclusive #djmusic #housemusic #electro #freemusic 🌍 filemp3.net
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d2diamond · 7 years
Ship names
I’m bored and decided I want to come up with ship names.
Back in the days of when Harry Potter ruled the fanfiction sites, and Mary-Sues were all the rage, people would give actual names to their favorite ships.
Now people just smoosh names together. Which is okay, but not nearly as fun.
So I’m starting a list of ship names for shits and giggles.
For some, I will probably stick with what is already out there, only because it fits far too well, others... I may get creative.
This list is subject to change, and will venture out into as many fandoms as I want. (Or are suggested to me)
Yuri on Ice
Anya/Georgi Popovich = Purple Witch
Celestino Cialdini/Minako Okukawa = Drunken Dancers
Celestino Cialdini/Phichit Chulanont = 80s Crop top
Christophe Giacometti/Emil Nekola = Five O Clock Goatee
Christophe Giacometti/Jean-Jacques Leroy = Lustful Love
Christophe Giacometti/Mansumi Mystery Guy = Mystery Flavor 
Christophe Giacometti/Otabek Altin = Golden Champagne
Christophe Giacometti/Phichit Chulanont = Intoxicated Selfie
Christophe Giacometti/Seung-gil Lee = Red Husky
Christophe Giacometti/Victor Nikiforov = Chocolate Roses
Christophe Giacometti/Yuuri Katsuki = Tipsey Pole Dancers
Christophe Giacometti/Yuri Plisetsky = Sugar & Spice
Emil Nekola/Leo de la Iglesia = Mountain Lion 
Emil Nekola/Michele Crispino  = Brave Knights
Georgi Popvich/Jean-Jacques Leroy = Drama Kings 
Georgi Popovich/Kenjiro Minami = Nugget Lover
Georgi Popovich/Mari Katsuki = Lonely Hearts
Georgi Popovich/Mila Babicheva = Russian Rosette 
Georgi Popovich/Seung-gil Lee = Puppy Love 
Georgi Popovich/Yuri Plisetsky = Prince & the Pauper 
Guang Hong Ji/Jean-Jacques Leroy = Terracotta Phoenix
Guang Hong Ji/Leo de la Inglesia  = Lion Plushie
Guang Hong ji/Michele Crispino = Possessive Panda
Guang Hong Ji/Phichit Chulanont = SNS Assassins
Hiroko Katsuki/Toshiya Katsuki = Steamy Blossoms
Isabella Yang/Jean-Jacques Leroy = Beauty & the King
Jean-Jacques Leroy/Kenjiro Minami = King Nugget
Jean-Jacques Leroy/Otabek Altin = King’s Gold 
Jean-Jacques Leroy/Seung-gil Lee = Stoic Style 
Jean-Jacques Leroy/Yuri Plisetsky = Maple Kitten
Kenjiro Minami/Seung-gil Lee = Black Bean
Kenjiro Minami/Yuri Plisetsky = Toothy Goldilocks
Kenjiro Minami/Yuuri Katsuki = Silver Idol
Leo de la Iglesia/Otabek Altin = Eagle’s Song 
Leo de la Iglesia/Phichit Chulanont = Peaches & Cream 
Lilia Baranovskaya/Minako Okukawa = Opinionated Saké 
Lilia Baranovskaya/Yakov Feltsman = Screaming Ballerina 
Makkachin / Vicchan = Buns and Bows
Mari Katsuki/Phichit Chulanont = Smoking Hamsters
Mari Katsuki/Minako Okukawa = Bawling Fangirls
Mari Katsuki/Yuri Plisetsky = Eye of the Storm
Michele Crispino/Seung-gil Lee = Angry Wolf 
Mila Babicheva/Otabek Altin = Sassy Undercuts 
Mila Babicheva/Sara Crispino = Warrior Princess 
Mila Babicheva/Yuri Plisetsky = Amazon Fairy
Otabek Altin/Phichit Chulanont =  Midas and the Skater
Otabek Altin/Seung-gil Lee = Quiet Hurricane
Otabek Altin/Victor Nikiforov = Legendary Heros 
Otabek Altin/Yuuri Katsuki = Ace of Hearts
Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky = Golden Tiger
Phichit Chulanont/Seung-gil Lee = Happy Parrot 
Phichit Chulanont/Victor Nikiforov = Mischievous Legends
Phichit Chulanont/Yuri Plisetsky = Blond Ambitions
Phichit Chulanont/Yuuri Katsuki = Detroit Peaches 
Seung-gil Lee/Yuri Plisetsky = Solar Eclipse
Takeshi Nishigori/Yuuko Nishigori = Ice-Castle Babes
Victor Nikiforov/Yuuri Katsuki = Victuuri 
Victor Nikiforov /Yuri Plisetsky = White Tiger
Yuri Plisetsky/Yuuko Nishigori = Madonna’s Angel
Yuuko Nishigori/Yuuri Katsuki = Madonna and the Skater
Yuuri Katsuki/Yuri Plisetsky = Yuri Squared (Yu²)
Christophe Giacometti/Georgi Popovich/Phichit Chulanont = Pop Naughty
Christophe Giacometti/Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky = Dark Sugar & Spice
Christophe Giacometti/Phichit Chulanont/Seung-gil Lee = Romancing the Sun
Christophe Giacometti/Phichit Chulanont/Yuuri Katsuki = Naughty Eros Selfies
Christophe Giacometti/Victor Nikiforov/Yuuri Katsuki = Champagne Casanovas 
Guang Hong Ji/Leo de la Iglesia/Phichit Chulanont = Exotic Delight 
Isabella Yang/Mila Babicheva/Sara Crispino = Ladies Night 
Jean-Jacques Leroy/Isabella Yang/Georgi Popvich = Royal Court
Jean-Jacques Leroy/Leo de la Iglesia/Otabek Altin = The Tenors
Jean-Jacques Leroy/Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky = Majestic Golden Tiger 
Kenjiro Minami/Yuuri Katsuki/Yuri Plisetsky = Blonde Espresso
Otabek Altin/Phichit Chulanont/Yuri Plisetsky = Fire Dragon
Otabek Altin/Seung-gil Lee/Yuri Plisetsky = Lunar Eclipse 
Otabek Altin/Victor Nikiforov/Yuri Plisetsky = DJ’s Vodka 
Phichit Chulanont/Victor Nikiforov/Yuuri Katsuki = Triple Threat
Victor Nikiforov/Yuuri Katsuki/Yuri Plisetky = Podium Family
Christophe Giacometti/Phichit Chulanont/Victor Nikiforov/Yuuri Katsuki = Sophisticated Sequins
Guang Hong Ji/Leo de la Iglesia/Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky = Rhythmatic Champions
Otabek Altin/Victor Nikiforov/Yuuri Katsuki/Yuri Plisetsky = Power Quad
   Alexandre Leroy/Yuri Plisetsky = Savage Wolf
Allura/ Shiro = Royal leader
My Hero Academia
Camie Utsushimi/Katsuki Bakugo =
Dabi/Hawks = Hotwings
Dabi/Tomura Shigaraki =
Denki Kaminari/Eijiro Kirishima =
Denki Kaminari/Hanta Sero =
Denki Kaminari/Hitoshi Shinso =
Denki Kaminari/Mashirao Ojiro =
Eijiro Kirishima/Izuku Midoriya =
Eijiro Kirishima/Katsuki Bakudo = Pop Rocks
Eijiro Kirishima/Mina Ashido = 
Eijiro Kirishima/Shoto Todoroki =
Eijiro Kirishima/Tamaki Amajiki = 
Enji Todoroki/Hawks = EndHawk
Hitoshi Shinso/Neito Monoma =
Hizashi Yamada/Shota Aizawa =
Inasa Yoarashi/Shoto Todoroki =
Izuku Midoriya/Katsuki Bakugo = Wonder Duo
Izuku Midoirya/Ochaco Uraraka =
Izuku Midoriya/Shoto Todoroki = Snow Hare
Katsuki Bakugo/Shoto Todoroki = Freezer Burn
Katsuki Bakugo/Ochaco Uraraka = 
Katsuki Bakugo/Yuga Aoyama =
Kyoka Jiro/Momo Yaoyorozu =
Mirio Togato/Tamaki Amajiki =
Momo Yaoyorozu/Shoto Todoroki =
Ochaco Uraraka/Tsuyu Asui = 
Ochaco Uraraka/Tenya Iida =
Shota Aizawa/Toshinori Yagi =
Ejiro Kirishima/IzukuMidoriya/Katuski Bakugo = 
Hizashi Yamada/Shota Aizawa/Toshinori Yagi =
IzukuMidoriya/Katuski Bakugo/Shoto Todoroki =
Ejiro Kirishima/IzukuMidoriya/Katuski Bakugo/Shoto Todoroki =
Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter = Drarry
Draco Malfoy/Ron Weasley = Ruby Dragon
Harry Potter/Ron Weasley =
@crimson-chains / @lucycamui = CrimsonCamui and/or Pineapple Bird
@magical-mistral / @n3rdlif343va = Magical Nerds
@noon30ish / @etherealalchemist = Nethie
@otasucc / @yurisucc = Seccduction
@otayuri-oh-nice / @severeminx = Jinx and/or Unsteady Wine
@puppybek / @yuripliscatsky = Yin-Yang
(I need ideas)
This is what I have so far. Again, it may change as better suggestions are given to me, or I just change my mind on something. I may eventually add new fandoms if anyone would like me to extend the list and venture into new playgrounds.
Please feel free to send me an ask to add to the list, or make suggestions for changes.
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whileiamdying · 5 years
Dernière partie du débat d'Emmanuel Macron avec 65 intellectuels français, avec notamment Bernard Gazier, économiste français et membre de l’Institut universitaire de France, Dominique Reynié est professeur des Universités à Sciences Po et directeur général de la Fondation pour l’innovation politique, Denis Peschanski, historien et directeur de recherche au CNRS, Olivier Mongin, écrivain, essayiste et éditeur, Jean-Claude Casanova est l'ex-président de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques. Il dirige la revue Commentaire. Mais aussi l'intervention des ministres : Franck Riester, ministre de la culture, Frédérique Vidal, ministre de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation, Jean-Michel Blanquer pour défendre l'education et la mixité sociale.
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