#Jung Jinsoul scenarios
huhjxn · 1 year
NEWJINS: [33] past and present
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hi :) i was wondering if you could write a yvesoul (yves and jinsoul of loona) x fem!reader? where yvesoul comfirm they are a couple to the group and the reader gets really upset for a while bcs of her feelings for the other girls but eventually they confess to her? if not thats okay as well, i love your work <3
Yves x Jinsoul x Reader
It was Loona's fourth brithday, all the girls were happy to celebrate it together. This year no one was missing and they agreed to invite some more people, being one of their close friends they naturally invited you too.
It was tradition for the girls to take turns saying what they were grateful for. But this year Yves and Jinsoul, stood up together when their turn arrived and hand in hand gestured for everyone to be silent for awhile.
"Oh my god they're finally going to admit it !"
With one hand Heejin shut her girlfriend's mouth, giving Yves a thumbs up with the other one.
Yves muttered her a thank you before proceeding to the annoucement.
"We're together !"
"What ? It was taking too much time, now cheers people !"
And just like that Jinsoul blew up the surprise and at the same time crushed down your heart. You should be happy for them like everybody was but you just couldn't. It was too hard. How were you suppose to be glad when you just felt betrayed. You thought you had something going one with them but it was apparently only in your head.
The applause quickly became too much and you had to get out of the room immediatly, you were suffocating under your silent tears.
You rushed outside, trying to get any air down your lungs, with no success. You felt a hand carress the center of your back, tracing small circles to smooth you.
After some trouble you were able to look back at who it was, only for your cries to get louder when you find yourself being conforted by no other than the ones that hurted you.
You instinctively took a step back, hitting some stupid sign standing there. They both made a move to help you up but you rejected them, you couldn't stand their touch right now, you already couldn't stand their sight.
"Don't touch me."
Your words felt like daggers for the two idols but they complied, restraining themselves from just taking you in their arms.
"Baby it's not like that ..."
A silent tear rolled down your face at Jinsoul's words.
"Did you really just call me 'baby' after literally breaking my heart in there."
You pointed out the restaurant where she had just announce being in a relationship with the other love of your life.
She was about to answer but you didn't let her.
"You know what's really messed up ? Inviting me here to witness it all."
Your words were filled with hatred but only because you were hurting so much inside the pain was literally escaping by any means it could.
But it still crushed your down bringing you to your knees. You felt yourself getting lift up and carried inside.
You tried to fight it but as much as you wish you could hate them you couldn't.
"Baby listen to me, we love you and the only reason you weren't with us for that announcement is that we were afraid it'll make you uncomfortable."
Yves didn't stop caressing your back since they brought you in.
"But we now realise we should have thought about how it could hurt your feelings."
Jinsoul concluded.
"Please look at us baby, talk to us."
You slowly turned around facing them still half crying.
"Is that true ? You love me ?"
You voice was almost pleading.
"Yes we do, we really do. You can't imagine how many times we talked about you to each other before we could know it we were both falling in love with you."
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Hey, hope you like the request. Have a good day/night and remember to drink water even if it's not summer anymore -Ael
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chvrrycola · 1 year
greek mythology! au x jung jinsoul
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daughter of poseidon! jinsoul promising you that she’ll make sure your journey isn’t too bad the night before you have to get your boat.
shushing you as you wait at the ferry terminal and hugging you if you were still nervous.
watching as your eyes widened when you saw the waves breaking as you walked across the top deck, only to feel the boat’s swaying gently settle as soon as she stepped out after you.
guiding your head to rest on her shoulder as the rocking of the boat on the now calm sea lulled you to sleep.
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moostaronce · 3 years
You’re My Ideal Type
Request: I’m bad at thinking or suggesting scenarios but I really want a fluffy scenario of loona Jinsoul x fem reader if u r ok with it,thanks🥺💙
Pairing: Jinsoul x Fem Reader
A/N: Never a problem, I’ve got you. I hope you like it. Feel free to request more even if you don’t have specifics, it lets me try to be more creative. 
P.S I feel like it was a little rushed since I changed my mind the day of upload but I hope you like it because I’m satisfied with the concept as a whole. Also, if you can guess what song inspired this I’ll give you a virtual cookie. 💛
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“Hurry up Sol unnie or we’ll be late for practice.” Jungeun called out to her friend.
The two girls along with 4 of their other teammates were going to be late to their volleyball game if they didn’t hurry. They had been caught up talking and walking like turtles when Jungeun noticed the time on her phone. So now here they were running down the hall to their locker room. As soon as they enter, they are met by their coach angrily tapping her foot and their captain Sooyoung shaking her head while pinching the bridge of her nose. They didn’t need words to know they were in trouble. Before they knew it their worst fear came to be reality.
“Jinsol and Jungeun, you’re out for the whole match.” Jinsol’s jaw drops and Jungeun practically chokes on air. 
“But coach we’re supposed to start tonight!” Jungeun cried out almost in anguish.
“You should’ve thought of that before you showed up late so now the other six that showed up on time will be starting.” Coach left no room for argument or discussion and just walked away. Sooyoung followed behind her, having nothing more to add herself. 
The girls get changed in silence and make their way out to stand on the sidelines. The game begins and things go without a hitch. That is until someone comes off of the other team’s sidelines that Jinsol has never seen before. From the sound of the opposing crowd this girl sounded like bad news for her team for sure. She leans forward to get a good look at the girl’s face and actually gasps when she succeeds. 
“Wow. Who is that?” Jinsol doesn’t mean to say it out loud but her teammate Yeojin heard her loud and clear. Yeojin was probably too small to even be on this team but she had hops and strong arms so the coach kept her around. 
“Oh that’s Y/N she’s a transfer and apparently she’s become their secret weapon since she showed up. Why?” Yeojin leaned over to the older girl in curiosity.
Jinsol didn’t respond right away. The moment she looked at you she recognized it. You were exactly her ideal type. Her eyes fixed on you and they wouldn’t look any where else. She could’ve been in mortal danger but missing the chance of catching your eye was something she refused to do. The hope that you would look her way just for a moment was intense and as if it was by design, you did. Your eyes scanned the gym like you were looking for something, and in the back of your mind maybe you were. The search comes to an end when you spot her. 
The two of you are standing pretty far away but the space between you began to feel unusual. A bizarre kind of feel that can’t quite be named, stirring up electricity between you. Jinsol watches as your lips part and you remember to take a breath before your teammates nudge you to focus. At this moment Jinsol has decided, she needs to talk to you or even just to be in your immediate vicinity. Her eyes didn’t leave you the whole match, even when coach finally had mercy and put her and Jungeun on the court. The match ended with your team winning by a hair and all Jinsol could think about was getting to you before you got on your bus to leave.
“I have to have her.” She muttered it under her breath and Jungeun looked over at her in confusion. The blonde followed the brunette’s eyes until her own landed on you packing up your stuff to leave.
“Who? Number 25?” Jungeun squints at the number on your back but she’s so loud when she asks that you look up and around.
When you look over to the other side of the court you see Jinsol and can’t help the small grin that takes over. You planned to approach her but she comes to you first with a rare kind of confidence you aren’t used to seeing first hand.
“Hi, I’m Jung Jinsol.” Her smile is nervous but bright and it draws you in.
“Y/N, Y/N L/N. It’s nice to meet you Jinsol, that was an impressive match. If you had been in a little longer I think you could’ve killed us.” She smiles sweetly at you and goes against her better judgment. Jinsol touches your arm in as flirty a manner as she can, lingering on the touch to make it clear she was indeed flirting.
“Thanks but with your skills there is no way I could’ve come out on top.” 
You glance down to her fingers, daintily tracing your bicep then back up to her ridiculously pretty face. You can’t deny how attracted you are to her and she’s clearly throwing you signals so you decide to ask for her number. Jinsol beats you to it though, she grabs your coach’s sharpie off a discarded clipboard and writes her number on your bare forearm.
“You better call me. I really want to see you again Y/N.”
The look in her eyes shows nothing but hope and sincerity, so you give her your best smile and a kiss on her hand before taking your leave. Neither of you are usually the type to be so forward but there was just something about your chemistry that felt different. Something about each other that made you both a little weak just by meeting the other’s eyes. Jinsol heads  to the locker room with a newfound bounce in her step, nothing could possibly ruin her day now. She just hopes you’ll at least text her.
The next day during lunch period Jinsol is sat with her 11 teammates as usual but she picks over her pizza instead of scarfing it down as usual. At first no one really notices or pays any mind, until she feels someone rubbing comforting circles on her back. When she looks over it’s Kahei giving her a concerned look.
“Are you okay Sol?” At their oldest’s concerned voice, the other members look over to see if everything is okay. Jinsol just shrugs in response. Technically everything is okay but she can’t help feeling disappointed that you haven’t tried contacting her. Jungeun catches on rather quickly and gives her a questioning look.
“25 didn’t text you, huh?” Jungeun patted the older girl on the head after she practically does a faceplant on the table. The others look at each other in confusion.
“25? Who’s 25?” Hyunjin leans on the table with interest.
“Oh! You must be thinking of Y/N unnie. She’s the new member for the team we played last night, Southside.” Yeojin speaks nonchalantly and everyone looks over at her with curiosity, including Jinsol.
“Unnie? You know her Yeojinie?” Heejin speaks up with the question they all wanted to ask.
“Oh yeah, she’s a family friend. Our moms are best friends, so she comes over to my house sometimes. She’s basically my big sister.”
“Oh so I’ve been replaced, huh?” Haseul speaks up in mock offense
“You said your only sibling was a boy so yes, Y/N unnie would never disown me like that.” Yeojin crosses her arms and turns her nose up at Haseul while Jinsol burns a whole in the side of her head with her gaze.
“Yeojin,” the younger girl looks to her nervous from her tone.
“Hook. Us. Up.” She doesn’t break eye contact even when the rest of the table starts smirking at her.
“Oooh Jinsol likes Y/N.” Yerim’s tone is teasing but Jinsol really pays her no mind. All she’s seeing right now is Yeojin and a direct doorway to you.
“But didn’t you already give her your number?” Jungeun chimes in and gets a nod in response.
“I wrote it on her arm.” Jinsol confirms it but becomes nervous at Yeojin’s shake of the head.
“You should’ve put it in her phone. She probably went home and showered it off without thinking about it, so she couldn’t reach you even if she wanted to. Here let me give you her numb- oh.” Yeojin pauses looking at her phone when she sees a text in all caps from you.
YeoYeo: Actually I’m with her right now.
Unnie<3: NUMBER
Unnie<3: NOW
“I think I was right about her losing your number Sol unnie. Here I’ll send you her number and send her your number too. Save it as soon as you get it, okay?” Yeojin speaks while typing away at her phone screen.
Jinsol sits upright waiting for her phone to register Yeojin’s text with a new kind of energy. Not long after she finishes naming you in her phone, does she get a text from you. She looks up at Yeojin and thanks her until the younger girl gets tired of hearing it.
The two of you talk all day through text even transitioning to phone calls over the next few days. Without even realizing Jinsol finds herself wanting to to know every thing about you. What you’re doing, how you’re feeling. The two of you have even set up little training dates together and practice. One by one, little by little, day by day her feelings grow for you more and more until she decides she’s waited long enough.
You are on a walk holding her hand when Jinsol stops you in your tracks. She gets nervous under your curious gaze but she convinces herself that it’s now or never. The warm smile you give her only further assures her that this was the right move. You had to feel the same, right? Would you really be here with her smiling at her like this, looking at her like this, holding her hand like this if you weren’t the least bit interested? Surely not.
“What’s on your mind Sol?”
“Just…Y/N would you like to go out with me? Like actually date me?” She’s worried by the dumbstruck look on your face and the way you awkwardly release her hand to rub the back of your neck. Then you open your mouth and her jaw drops.
“Oh I um… I kind of thought we were dating already?” The sheepish look on you made her want to coo at you but she was lost for words.
“I mean I guess I should have said so but I mean think about it Jinsol. All my free time is yours, I practically hang off of your every word like I’m out of my mind. Any where you go I wanna follow and I pretty much do, I figured it was pretty clear that I thought we were in a relationship.” 
You can’t seem to make eye contact with her and Jinsol can’t believe you get cuter by the minute. She tries to meet your eyes but you keep looking the other way. Her hands reach up to hold your face affectionately and make you look at her her. Now is when you both start to realize just how close she’s gotten and this close you can really see just how pretty her brown eyes are. Jinsol smiles at you sweetly and gives you a small peck on your lips, shocking you stiff.
“From now it’s day one, okay?” Her smile infectious and you return it tenfold.
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st4rsoo · 3 years
Hi 👋🏻
Can you do a LOONA reaction to their S/O kissing them in public?
totally not writing this @ school . . . layout creds: @yoonk5ok #
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╰┈➤ pov: kissing loona in public
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・ would be really flustered because she doesn't expect it, holds your shoulders, tries to keep the kiss innocent, laughs it off but is really touched by it, might pull you aside to be more romantic (she doesn't want other ppl to see aww) " you know you can wait till we get home, silly "
・ kisses you back with way more energy, smiles against your lips, also would push up against you, doesn't mind that you are in public but still isn't too affectionate, pulls your shirt 100%, would try to embarrass you by making you flustered lol " all these people are watching us, i wonder what they think "
・ likes that you're in public, would kiss you several more times, wants to be held, tries to reassure you that its fine, makes you look at her even if you try to look away, would bring it up when you get home. " don't look at them- focus on us, focus on me "
・ just gushing with love, takes the move really to heart, holds your face when she kisses back (a/n: im gone), very very smiley, tells all her friends about it after, kind of surprised that you did it, thinks about it a lot " i've always dreamed you would kiss me like that "
・ just a little surprised but doesn't complain, lippie is a sucker for kisses </3, would give you a bit of a glare afterwards, gets mad if you point out her blush lol, really obsessed with kissing in public but doesn't want you to find out " you're so eager sometimes... "
・ smothers you in kisses, she's a total beggar for you to hug/kiss her more, doesn't feel all that embarrassed, gets pouty if you don't give her more, chuu is the type to make it really romantic so she probably acts like she's in a movie " another kiss please, cmon i've been nice ! "
・ also a sucker for kissing, in her head its only you two, gives you a lot of compliments in the moment, hugs you afterwards, doesn't mind if you're nervous she actually finds it cute, thanks you for always being there for her :( " the best thing i could have ever asked for "
・ makes it quick and simple but she's really flustered, tries to change the subject if you bring it up, ends out kissing you again just to get you to be quiet again, will never admit that she loves kisses, soft gf hyun wbk " it's just a kiss why am i so shy aaaa "
・ also really really flustered, holds on to you for wayyy too long, acts dramatic as a joke but she is really taken aback, demands hand holding lol, kisses you a lot more when you're alone because she wants to get back at you for making her shy in public " i'm not letting you get away with this ! "
・ totally wanted to kiss you, really smiley and excited bc you did (a/n: i <3 her jeez), calls you pretty or just compliments you in general, eye smile !, kisses your cheek as a thank you, probably talks about it for the rest of the day " i'm so lucky to have such a pretty girlfriend ! "
・ she likes it way more than she thought she would, surprisingly romantic, probably holding you close, i think she would be really intense with it, she's kind of quiet but you can tell it's something she wouldn't mind doing again " maybe i do wish you would kiss me more... "
・ doesn't want to embarrass herself but also desperately wants to kiss you, actually really clingy too, pretty much melts under you, really blushy and she doesn't want to be, she seems like the type to like getting kissed all over her face :( " what do you mean my face is red, idk what ur saying... "
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[A/N]: i wrote like half of this during a lockdown lol (also everything is fine no need to worry) but yes i hope you enjoyyyyy !!! gonna try to post as much as i can do this week so please stay tuned
(im also really happy with the growth of this blog yall are amazing mwah)
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tzuyuscloud · 2 years
I would like to request a scenario with LOONA’s Jinsoul where her gf is feeling insecure about her looks so Jinsoul comforts her and tells her she's beautiful and this kind of thing, please. As fluff as possible hahaha thank you in advance, I hope you have a great day :) 
Tw// crying
Y/n is neurodivergent
Jinsoul is the captain of her schools varsity scholastic bowl team, had the highest state test scores in her class, and tutored students several hours a day. All while she was busy being a brainiac she was also dating the love of her life, y/n. They have been dating since 8th grade and have been going stronger than ever, which shocked quite a few people considering they were on opposite sides of the scale.
Jinsoul was smart, whereas everyone judged y/n from her appearance and figured she was just a pretty, dumb girl.
It was the time where after school actives took place. Jinsoul was stationed in the school library where they had a scholastic bowl meet, and she had told y/n to drop by so that they could drive home together. Although y/n had a vehicle, Jinsoul loved picking her girlfriend up in the morning, and dropping her off at the end of the day. It made her happy knowing she got to see y/n's bright beautiful smile first thing in the morning and then again before she went home to go to bed.
As requested y/n walked into the library seeing everyone scattered around talking amongst themselves. Some stopped to stare at her, knowing exactly who she was and who she was there for. The whispering only happened when Jinsoul wasn't around. They'd call y/n names like himbo and scoff when she walked pass them.
"hey baby!" Jinsoul appeared out of nowhere taking y/n's hand into hers. "Ready to go? We can study for that English test?" She had asked.
"y-yeah. Um about that I actually-" y/n paused, "let's talk outside" once they've stepped outside y/n dropped Jinsoul's hand causing the older girl to stare with concern and sadness.
"what's wrong? Did I hurt you?" Jinsoul asked softly.
"n-no I just... I feel stupid next to you" y/n had tears threatening to spill out of her big black eyes. She bit her lip to hold back her sobs. She was never embarrassed to cry in front of Jinsoul, or show any emotion at that, but there was something about confessing insecurities to the girl that made her feel silly.
"elaborate, princess." Jinsoul caressed y/n's cheek with the palm of her hand.
Y/n felt her tears slip as she felt her girlfriend's hand on her face, moving closer to the touch. "You're so smart. Then there's me...a himbo." Jinsoul's eyes widened at the five letter words that escaped her girl's mouth.
"excuse me" jinsoul cough, "a what?" She asked, but not actually wanting her to repeat it. "You are nowhere near a himbo, y/n. Where'd you get that from?" Y/n felt the sudden chill in the air, the only chill she feels when Jinsoul is super angry.
"y-your teammates make fun of me and tell me I'm a himbo. They question why you date me...and I question it too.." jinsoul couldn't believe what she was hearing. She was so upset that she didn't know weather to hold y/n tightly, or storm back into the library to give everyone her wrath and fury.
Instead of cussing out her team she instead pulled y/n into her arms, rubbing her back smoothly. "You're not stupid, nor are you a himbo. You are my super smart girlfriend who I love dearly. Remember baby, you are smart in your own ways, just as I am smart in mine, okay? You have a beautiful neurodivergent brain which I love ever so deeply. And if people can't understand that, then that's their lost." Jinsoul had her face pressed against y/n's forehead. While y/n's face was buried in her shirt.
After Jinsoul got y/n to calm down she had dropped her off at home. She knew her team would be at their relaxing spot near the beach so she made her way there, not even needing to recite what she was going to say.
She stepped out of the car, drawing eyes towards her. All of her fake, smiley teammates. "which one of you called y/n a himbo?" Her eyes stone cold with fury causing the air to drop 20°.
"speak! Now." She raised her voice.
"it was Jae" the sub captain pointed fingers. After that they all started pointing at each other. And then it became a chaotic mess.
"I don't wanna hear the childish arguing. You're all guilty. Don't judge people based off of appearance. I'm not one to tell my girlfriend's business but she is far from a himbo. You all owe her an apology tomorrow morning when I walk her into school. And you better mean it, because I can report you all for bullying and harassment and you don't want that on your records now do ya?" The students all shook their heads no before Jinsoul walked off satisfied with the stern lecture. No one was to mess with her girlfriend, and she made sure of it.
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heeberry · 3 years
Let It Out
(Loona) Kim Jungeun x Female!Reader
Requested: yes!
Berry: Hiii can you write a Kim Lip x female reader where Lip gets jealous of reader (her friend) getting closer to Jinsoul and Chuu notices so she locks her and reader in a room together until Kim Lip confesses? Please and thank you !
A/n: I proof read this so many times, I hope it isn’t messy </3
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Jinsoul patted the side of your cheek as your head subconsciously laid on her shoulder comfortably. “Tired already?” She asked, making you nod. She giggled, “you just got here y/n”
Jungeun watched your interactions with her best friend. A part of her wanted to pull you away from jealously but you two are only friends, it’d make no sense for her to do so.
Instead, she sinked further into the couch, feeling sulky that she couldn’t do anything but watch the two of you.
It’s been months yet Jungeun never stirred up the courage to confess her love for you. She’s been watching as you got closer to Jinsoul day by day, afraid that you caught feelings for the latter instead. Jungeun was afraid of rejection so she never thought of her confession, burying the idea in the back of her head.
Jinsoul’s arm secured your shoulder whilst watching the movie you had put on. It almost made Jungeun crumble, at this point she wanted to cry out an “I like you” right in front of you and Jinsoul’s faces.
Jungeun knew Jinsoul was affectionate, and you were just the same. Putting two and two together, Jungeun quite literally assumed you both fallen for each other.
She frowned at the assumption, finding ways to excuse it. “It’s just platonic, not every ounce of affection has to be romantic” she thought, “but it could be”
“Quit mumbling” Jiwoo whispered in her ear, making the latter jump in shock. Jiwoo giggled, jumping onto the couch, “now what is going on with you?”
“Was it necessary to scare me like that” Jungeun hissed, clenching her chest due to her heart breathing rapidly.
“Yes, now what is going on with you?”
“What do you mean?”
“Oh Kim Jungeun don’t play it off, you were continuessly mumbling while looking at y/n and Jinsoul” Jiwoo said, smiling teasingly, “Are you jealous?”
Jungeun pushed Jiwoo away, “don’t jump into conclusions”
“Well you did jump into the conclusion that Jinsoul and y/n were together, which may I add, they aren’t”
“You heard that?”
“Of course I did, you aren’t a quiet person”
“Neither are you” Jungeun retorted, sighing when she saw you getting up to go toward the kitchen, you quickly glanced at Jungeun and Jiwoo, randomly waving excitingly.
Jungeun hesitantly waves back, her heart beating out of her chest from just a simple gesture. Jiwoo noticed a light tint of red spread across her friend’s cheek, “you’re blushing!”
“Keep it down!” Jungeun swatted Jiwoo away, “don’t yell that out”
The latter just giggled, “you should confess already, it’s not that hard to tell someone you love them”
“That’s what you think” Jungeun ran her fingers through her hair in annoyance, “it’s hard though, like where do I even start?”
“I think I just need a push, maybe it’ll naturally come out that way?” she questioned, facing Jiwoo. Jungeun leaned her head on the couch, watching Jiwoo’s face light up.
She squinted her eyes, “what are you thinking of?” She asked, Jiwoo’s face looking a tad bit suspicious. It made her anxious to know, knowing Jiwoo’s ideas are usually the unexpected.
You came back with a few sandwiches on your plate, passing them around. Once you were done you decided to sit next to Jungeun, seeing Jinsoul occupied with Hyunjin.
Her body tensed when you leaned onto her, “so what are the two of you talking about?” You asked, fiddling with her fingers.
Jiwoo shrugged, “nothing much, just nonsense”
You laughed and nodded, turning back to watch the never ending movie still displayed on the screen. Jungeun turned to Jiwoo in panick, but the latter was nowhere to be found.
She mentally cursed in her head, “she’s definitely up to no good” she thought. Jungeun glanced at you, admiring the different expressions you displayed as each scene was played. You went from surprised to happy, then happy to sad. Jungeun smiled to herself, finding how cute you were.
Her eyes quickly torn off you once she heard foot steps approach the both of you from behind. “Can you guys help me with something?” Jiwoo asked, her smile growing more when you immediately agreed.
“Jungeun aren’t you coming?” You asked before going with Jiwoo. Your heart dropping when she shook her head, “you two go on without me, I have to do something else”
Jiwoo held onto Jungeun’s arm, “come on Jungeun! I seriously need help”
“With what?” She responded suspiciously. Jungeun felt on edge, not letting her suspicion on Jiwoo pass.
“We’ll find out when we get to her room now come on!” You but in, pulling Jungeun up.
Jiwoo hid her smile when Jungeun let you drag her into the room. Once the two of you came in Jiwoo pointed at her bunk bed, “do you see that?”
“See what?” Jungeun asked, walking toward the bunk bed. That’s when Jiwoo quickly sprinted away, closing the door and holding onto it tightly.
“Jiwoo!” Jungeun screamed when she heard the door shut, “Iet us out!”
You ran up to the door and tried opening it, “Hey Jiwoo!” You called out.
“I’m not opening it until Jungeun tells you what’s been on her mind!” The two of you heard Jiwoo scream back. It made Jungeun want to dig in a hole and hide forever, why would Jiwoo do this to her?
She suddenly felt cornered, afraid that she’ll mess up her whole confession. “Jiwoo please can you not do this?” Jungeun asked, using all her strength to bust the door open.
She eventually gave up, walking backward in disbelief, “how are you this strong!?”
You sat on the bed, fiddling with your own fingers. “So what is it that you wanted to say?” You trailed off, feeling the atmosphere grow heavier with every word spoken.
The silence felt more awkward than comforting, you wished you could run away at the moment, the awkwardness was killing you.
Jungeun sighed, “it’s nothing honestly” she face palmed, regretting that she told Jiwoo how she had felt earlier.
“Well it must be something that Jiwoo had to lock us in here” You lightly giggled, in hopes of lifting the atmosphere.
She shook her head in denial, “Jiwoo’s just being an idiot trust me”
“Hey!” Jiwoo yelled out the door, making the two of you look and laugh.
Jungeun sat next to you, a sigh escaping her lips before she talked. “If I tell you, promise it won’t end our friendship or make it wonky?”
You gave her a reassuring smile, “of course Jungeun! I’m sure it isn’t bad, whatever it is I will never do such a thing!”
She felt slightly relieved at your words, but something still told her to stay shut. You watch Jungeun freeze up, the concern in your eyes only growing.
“Hey” you called, holding both of Jungeun’s hands, “I promise nothing will happen, don’t be afraid to tell me anything.”
You rubbed both of her hands with your thumb, sending her a reassuring smile that made her heart want to explode.
“Y/n we’ve been friends for awhile” Jungeun started, making you nod, smiling at how your slight convincing worked.
You still onto her hands as she talked, telling you how she felt the day she met you up until now. “When I first met you I felt so happy. You were so energetic and fun, you always lifted up my spirits just by your presence near me” Jungeun smiled, “and it always stayed the same”
Your heart began beating in anticipation, often feeling touched by her words. It felt like a warm hug, her constantly telling you such sweet things that made you flustered.
“Y/n I” Jungeun hesitated, gulping due to how nervous she was. You were okay with it, letting her take her own time with her words, you didn’t want to pressure her or anything.
She held her breath, “y/nIlikeyou” she blurred out before exhaling. You tilted your head in confusion, you did hear her words but you wanted to make sure what you heard was right, “what did you say?”
“I like you” she said it slow, so you were able to process her words. Jungeun sat there impatiently, watching your eyes widen in shock. “There it is Jungeun, here comes rejection” she thought. She was ready for the heart break, Jungeun was mentally preparing herself to be rejected until you finally responded.
“I like you too”
“WOOO” Jiwoo busted the door open in excitement, jumping onto the two of you, “I knew you had in you Jungeun! See? It wasn’t that hard! I gave you the push you wanted”
“There was no need to be jealous at Jinsoul! I was gonna tell you y/n liked you for awhile too but I didn’t wanna ruin it.”
You chuckled at Jiwoo, watching Jungeun’s face flush in embarrassment.
“I’ll leave you two alone for a little more” Jiwoo winked, “sorry for coming in by the way, I got too excited”
Jungeun sat back up, staring at the floor, her heart bursting in happiness. She held back a smile, “how long have you liked me?”
“For awhile actually, I’ve always wanted to tell you but I was afraid you wouldn’t reciprocate the same feelings.”
“I never even thought you’d like me because of how much you’ve hung out with Jinsoul lately” Jungeun simply replied.
You laughed, suddenly remembering what Jiwoo had said earlier. Getting off the bed, you stood in front of Jungeun and lifted her head. You smiled at her, “so you were jealous of Jinsoul?”
You laughed when Jungeun shook her head in denial, “no I wasn’t! Jiwoo was just putting words in my mouth.” You couldn’t contain the smile that spread across your face, leaning in to kiss her.
Jungeun was taken aback, her hands landing on your waist to pull you impossibly closer.
Everything felt great, Jungeun couldn’t help but to feel grateful toward Jiwoo, reminding herself to pay her back.
You pulled away, feeling euphoric by just looking at the girl you absolutely loved.
Jungeun still held onto you, “Y/n would you be be my gi-”
“But I didn’t finish my sent-”
“Whatever it is, it’s still a yes.”
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skzfairies · 3 years
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pairing: ravenclaw quidditch player jinsoul x non-ravenclaw quidditch player reader
warnings: some curse words
picture credits: @j3ongguk
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you made your way to your girlfriend, jinsoul, who was eating in the great hall of hogwarts, reading the daily news in the process.
as you slide in next to her, despite you not being in the same house, you leave a gently kiss to the side of her cheek, before stealing some food off her plate, which catches her attention.
“hey! go sit at your own table if you‘re going to steal my food.” jinsoul jokes, nudging you on the shoulder, smirking when she sees her ravenclaw quidditch sweater on you.
“that sweater looks good on you, although i think you got the house colors wrong.” jinsoul teased, smiling when you avoided her gaze in embarrassment.
you stole one of her sweaters a few nights before, without her knowing, but you couldn’t help yourself. her sweaters were always so warm and fuzzy, they made you feel safe, they reminded you of home.
“your going to so wish you were a ravenclaw this weekend, because we are going to beat your ass in this match.” jinsoul chuckled, causing you to roll your eyes.
“yeah yeah whatever you say, there’s no way my house isn’t going to take home a win, our couch has been riding our ass day and night. plus, we got some newbies on our team, and their really good.” you boasted, it was true, your house casted some new players, and they were really good. you were excited to finally play with them, and finally play against your lovely girlfriend.
and no matter how soft her sweaters were, you were going to make sure your team won.
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flooffybits · 3 years
Stay A While
Idol: Ha Sooyoung, Jung Jinsoul (Loona)
Anon: Yay. Okay so how about one with LOONA’s 13th member? Yvesoul are in a happy relationship and the 13th member who is especially close with them has feelings for both. She doesn’t say anything though, worried about making things awkward or interfering in what is already a happy relationship. So instead, she starts distancing herself to hide the symptoms. She doesn’t want to get surgery cause she can’t imagine not feeling the way she does but she also refuses to tell anyone so she starts getting worse and worse. Heejin, Lip and Chuu find out at some point by accident. The 13th member is really stubborn. Lots of angst and hurt feelings and protective members please. And a happy ending please (I was going for only angst but I’m too weak 😂) thank you so much in advance.
A/n: well since you asked so nicely 😂  i really tried to think of a way with making this interesting so i hope you enjoy! it’s really hard making this a happy ending but please ignore the crappy ending if you wish
Warning: blood, near death experience (sorta), heavy angst
☕buy me a coffee☕
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You were known to be Loona's biggest fan, aside from Jiwoo, and your members and fans knew just how much you'd practically do anything for all of them.
It was what made you so likeable and the fans loved it when you would also try to hype them up whenever you get the chance to see them, making them feel as though you were the one who came to see them instead. 
Your selflessness was one of your greatest strengths, but as time passed, it began to serve as your greatest weakness.
A little after Sooyoung and Jinsoul had officially informed all of you about how they were dating, you were beginning to feel a bit off whenever you saw them. It made your chest tighten and your throat itches as though something was stuck in there.
But you were extremely supportive of the pair even before they had gotten together. While they tended to act like cat and mouse, you were always there to make sure neither girls went too far or simply became the subject of their teasing when they wanted, claiming that you were the maknae of your unofficial subunit.
It took you time to understand what was happening to you. While you didn't think about it at first, you were actually very fond of the pair, enjoying their company and the way they took care of you. While they did love to annoy you, Sooyoung and Jinsoul did their best to take care of you and look after you whether or not you were aware of it.
When the first petal came falling on the palm of your hand right as the pair informed you how they were going out for a date, you brushed it off, confused as to where the yellow petal had come from. But a couple hours after that, you find yourself lightheaded and weak as your coughing begins to worsen.
Haseul was quick in giving you some cough medicines and ordered that you get some rest even as you assured her you would be fine.
"Stop being so stubborn and get some rest. I bet you were staying up with Jinsoul and Yves again." The mention of the pair caused another itching sensation in your throat but you had done your best to suppress it, at least until your leader had left you alone in your room.
As soon as she was gone, you quickly covered your mouth as you entered another coughing fit, one that made you feel even worse than you already were.
But as soon as you pulled your hand away, you stared, horrified at the blood stained petals that stared back up at you.
When everyone had gotten home, you made sure to stay in bed, pretending to sleep whenever someone came into the room, but no matter how much you tried, there was no ridding you of the thoughts that swam through your mind, all centered around the petals you had flushed down the toilet and the blood you had to wash from your hands.
You knew what the disease was, what caused it. But all this time, you had merely thought it was a myth, nothing but a made up fable.
And yet you were a living proof that the disease did exist and that it was slowly eating away inside of you.
You didn't dare tell any of your members about it because you know that they would fall into panic. And with Haseul having only just recovered, you didn't want to make her go through another difficult event, especially not one that involved you possibly dying if you didn't find a way to rid yourself of disease.
"Hey, is everything alright?" Sooyoung came up to you once when you were eating lunch, alone, and you honestly weren't too sure if you were in the mood to talk. "You've been awfully quiet lately and we were wondering if there was something bothering you." She explains while you poked your food and avoided her inquisitive gaze. "Yeah, just a little tired."
That had been your answer most days. And while that was true, you couldn't exactly tell her the whole truth.
Her expression becomes pensive without you looking because there was clearly much more that you weren't saying. "Y/n, if you need help, we're always going to be here for you. Jinsoul and I might be dating and everything, but that doesn't mean we don't have time for you anymore." She says while reaching out to touch your arm and you do your best not to recoil and tear your arm away.
Instead, you slap on a smile, one that doesn't quite reach your eyes, before nodding your head. "I know, Yves unnie. Don't worry."
Sooyoung stares at you for a moment, clearly saddened by your reply because, one, she knows that you were lying. It was clear as day. And, two, you had stopped calling her Yves two months after you had debuted and got to know all of them, unless it was during interviews and filming.
She mutters a quiet okay before watching you exit the dining area and head to the bathroom.
While Sooyoung left to find her girlfriend, you grip at the sink as your body shakes violently, yellow and red quickly filling your vision when more of the flowers come falling from your mouth and you desperately try to wash them away, getting rid of any and all traces of your suffering, before you sit on the cold floor, back against the door as you bury your face into your hands to muffle the sobs that replaced the petals that left your lips.
It had been nearly two months since you found out you were suffering from the disease. Nothing you tried was able to ease the pain nor was anything enough to help you get rid of it. Each day was only making you feel worse and weak that it was a surprise how none of your members had caught on yet.
Maybe it was because you kept your time away from your members, reading and searching about any known cures until you decided that asking a professional would be where you would get the best possible answer.
They were surprised when you revealed to them the truth. While they knew that it was a very rare disease, finding out that you, a young idol, was suffering from it had them all trying their best to help you in whatever help they could offer until the doctor you had consulted explained to you the complications of getting the surgery.
The surgery, you had no problem doing. You were more than willing to go through with it, but when he told you that you would grow numb toward the person, or in your case people, along with the potential of forgetting those who were the root of your unrequited love, the idea was quickly thrown out the window.
Even when you tried to deny the fact that maybe you were feeling much more love for Sooyoung and Jinsoul than you were supposed to, you couldn’t push through with it. To be numb and risk forgetting two of the most precious people to you? That would not only be too much for you, but it would be heartbreaking for everyone else around you. And in the event you do forget your members, that would cause much confusion to everyone else.
You quickly declined after that and simply settled with painkillers just so it wouldn’t affect you as badly whenever you had a coughing fit.
You avoided the couple as much as possible because, to you, the less you saw them, the slower the petals would fill your lungs. It also meant avoiding the rest of your members as much as possible because you weren’t so keen with anyone finding out.
But once during practice, the sound of Jiwoo’s voice calling your attention had nearly caused your heart to drop in your stomach. “Yah! I told you to stop picking at your lips!” You flinched at both her words and the volume of her voice before a hand pulled yours away from your lips when you quickly went to wipe away the bit of blood after another couple of petals decided to present themselves to you.
Whenever you were around others, you always opted to dress in either black or darker clothing in the event the blood tried to stain them, making it easier to avoid suspicions.
You blink owlishly toward the older girl and rubbed the back of your head. “Sorry, force of habit.” You apologize before Jungeun was grabbing a towel to wipe it away. Heejin was already shaking her head as the ‘99 liners started to lecture you about the stupid habit you’ve actually gotten rid of. “What’s wrong though? I know that you only do that when you’re anxious about something.” She asks while peering at your face, only to see that there was no wound present on your lip after Jungeun pulled her hand away.
She had to take a closer look and you felt yourself begin to feel nervous with how close she was being, your heart thudding against your ribs while Jungeun made a sound of surprise by the younger girl’s sudden bold move.
“Yah! What are you doing?” The blonde questioned as she shook your roommate’s arm, but Heejin was adamant to find out what was going on as she took your arm gently, concern now all over her face as she looked at you properly, ignoring the weird stares sent her way.
But her attention is solely on you when she doesn’t budge. “What’s going on?”
You aren’t sure what to tell her. Aside from being your roommate, Heejin was the next person you were closest to aside from Sooyoung and Jinsoul. When you weren’t with the pair, you were with her and Hyunjin or Jiwoo, thus the reason fans shipped you so much.
Majority of the time you don’t spend with either Jinsoul and Sooyoung, you spend with Heejin and you basically tell her everything. The first time you met, Heejin decided to take care of you the best she could, and the longer time she spent with you, the more that feeling grew because she saw you so much like a sister.
"Are you really okay? What's going on?" She asked quietly and you don't know what to tell her. Even if you did lie, it was easy for them to detect it and they would pry the answer out of you no matter what. You try looking around in hopes of distracting them, but when you find none, you know that there was no escape.
However when you notice Jinsoul about to come over, you squeezed Heejin's wrist before shaking your head. "Not here, please." You plead, and the three girls look even more worried with your panicked state, seeing that Jinsoul was getting closer, her eyes narrowed on you and Heejin.
Reluctantly, the latter accepted your request and Jiwoo pouted at you. "Y/n, you better be okay." She tells you. "I don't want anything happening to you." She adds and you smile weakly, because you know this would absolutely break her heart once she finds out.
"I'll explain everything, later." Unless they forget, you know that it was inevitable at this point.
When Jinsoul is close enough, she takes a quick look at you and you offer her a small smile. "Hey, is everything alright?" She asks curiously and Heejin wraps her arms around you with a smile. "Yep! We were just playing around like usual." She replies when she sees the slight panic in your eyes. Knowing your relationship with both Jinsoul and Sooyoung, the potential of you being in trouble was something Heejin knew you wanted to avoid bringing up with the two older girls.
But with the protectiveness Heejin was showing had only agitated the older girl as she stared at you and Jungeun cut her off quickly by stepping in front of you. “Unnie, come on. Let’s get back to practice. I think our break is almost done.” With one more look at you, you sent the blonde a thankful smile as she pulled Jinsoul away.
Jiwoo stared at you for a while before pulling you into a hug. “I’ll wait until you’re ready to talk about it.” She mumbled against your shoulder and you gave her a smile as well when she pulled away and squeezed her hands.
With Heejin left with you, her concern was still visible in her eyes, but she decided it was best to let you explain when you’ve collected yourself and that you were in a less crowded space.
Haseul quietly stared at you with her brows pinched together in worry. When she didn’t see you with the rest of the group, she quickly went to wake you up, thinking that you may have overslept, only to find you curled up in bed, shivering with a high fever.
“I think we should call our manager.” Kahei’s quiet voice broke through the silence and the leader nodded absentmindedly as she reached to fix the blanket around you. “She hasn’t been feeling well this whole week. Has she been skipping meals or anything?” But the older girl merely shook her head. “I don’t think so. She’s been spending a lot of time with Heejin, but I doubt she has.”
There’s a light knock on the door and Yeojin soon comes in with a basin filled with water and a towel. Chaewon and Yerim were quick to follow before they settled on the other beds inside the room.
“Thank you.” Haseul took the basin and placed it on your nightstand, wringing the towel before she was wiping your face and forehead, dipping it back in the water and repeating her earlier action before placing it on your forehead to hopefully bring down your fever.
“What about our schedules later?” Chaewon asked softly and Haseul let out a sigh. “I don’t think unnie is capable of even getting out of bed. She’s too sick.” Yerim whispered as she watched you from the side and Yeojin nodded her head. “But I don’t want to leave unnie alone, either.” The maknae voiced out before Kahei gently patted her head. “We’ll think of something, don’t worry. We’ll even get her some medicine and food on the way back.”
A little before your schedule, Haseul has already contacted your manager to inform them about your condition and they agreed to let you rest after being informed of how badly you were feeling. And while everyone was busy getting ready, Heejin sat next to your bed, taking the seat Haseul occupied that morning and stared sadly at you.
“We need to tell them, Y/n. This isn’t going to do anything but make you worse.” She whimpered while gripping your hand and you crack a small smile. “You know I can’t do that. And even if I did, it’s not going to change anything. I’d rather go through with this without making anyone feel bad about me dying.”
But your words had managed to force tears in her eyes as she shook her head. “Don’t say that. Please.” She pleaded while trying to keep her voice from cracking and you squeeze her hand the best you could. “I can’t lie about this, Heejin. You, Chuu unnie, and Lip unnie know that I refuse to get the surgery and that it’s probably too late already.”
“But what if there’s another way. There has to be another way.” She wasn’t sure who she was trying to convince; you or herself. Heejin has known you since for a good two years, but those two years has already cemented you into her life and she has never imagined losing you so soon, especially not like this.
You try to say something, but once again, a cough interrupts and Heejin tightens her hold on your hand when the other is colored with the blood stained petals of yellow Carnations. She tries not to look at them, bringing the trash bin closer after handing you some tissues to conceal the petals, and then wiping her cheeks from the tears that had trailed down her skin.
She grabs another towel to wipe your hand before she sets it down next to the basin with a heavy sigh.
The door quietly opens behind her and Jinsoul peers inside, surprised when she sees the girl before she offers a small smile while stepping in, her girlfriend following close behind with a frown on her face. “How is she feeling?”
Heejin looked over her shoulder and she tried to keep her composure when she spoke. “She’s okay, just really tired.” She replies when she turns back to you, watching the gentle rise and fall of your chest after finally calming down from your wheezing.
Sooyoung stays standing while Jinsoul sits down to look at you closer. There’s a pang in their chest when they see you looking so small and fragile. Your face lacked color - life. It was like staring at a corpse, minus the breathing and it was terrifying to imagine, yet they didn’t know better.
Not the way Heejin did.
And seeing the way the younger girl held your hand and looked incredibly distraught by your condition had caused the pair to be even more suspicious than they already were.
“She’s going to be alright, Heejin.” Jinsoul says quietly, the smile still present on her features while Sooyoung purses her lips and Heejin bites her tongue to stop herself from saying anything.
No matter how badly she wanted to tell them, the faint squeeze to her hand reminded her that this was your decision to make. She was merely there to be your support system when no one else could.
But to see both Sooyoung and Jinsoul be so clueless yet speak so optimistically about you getting better made her nearly forget that she had promised not to tell anyone about your illness.
So instead of saying anything, Heejiin merely kept her mouth shut while she waited for the rest to call the three of them or for the two to leave her alone with you. But it seemed like they had other plans.
“Is there… anything going on between you and Y/n?” Sooyoung suddenly questioned after a few seconds of silence and the girl seemed a bit taken aback by her question before Jinsoul quickly intervened. “We’re not trying to be nosy! We just noticed how you’ve been so close recently and wondered if, maybe, you were…”
Heejin seemed dumbfounded by the assumption. In other circumstances, she would have laughed because, while she did love you to bits, that love was merely platonic.
“No. Y/n and I are pretty much like sisters so I doubt we’d ever be anything more.” She answered and the couple looked a bit tense now that she properly assessed them. “I know that a lot of people think and assume that we might be together, but that’s really not the case.” She explains with a shake of her head before she noticed you shifting in bed.
The movement catches the couple’s attention and they immediately look at you when your quiet voice cuts in on their conversation. “Heejin, I’m cold.” Sooyoung’s frown deepens before she was already heading to your closet and grabbing the thickest jacket that you had, which was something Jinsoul had given you on your first birthday with all of them.
“Do you want something to drink?” Heejin asked while brushing your hair from your face, replacing the towel on your forehead with a new one and Jinsoul shifted closer to gently touch your arm. “It’s okay, you’re going to be okay.” She murmured softly when she saw the grimace on your face and Sooyoung came back to gently put your jacket around you without moving you too much.
Heejin makes sure the heater is working, and when it’s time for them to go, she’s hesitant to leave your side in fear of losing you when she’s away.
“Come on, we have to go.” Hyunjin called after her, but when she saw the way her friend couldn’t seem to move from her place, she could feel just what the other did. So, she quietly walked over and rubbed her arm in assurance. “Don’t worry, when we come back, we don’t have to leave her alone again.”
The promise, though having good intentions, was obviously empty for Heejin. In the event that your illness took you away, there was no guarantee that you would be staying for long.
Jungeun and Jiwoo came in with frowns on their faces as they saw you, but they quickly masked their worries upon seeing Hyunjin in the room with you. “Hey, we have to get going or else we’ll be late.” Jungeun informs them and Hyunjin nodded before she gave her friend another pat on the shoulder. “Let’s go.”
“We’ll be back before you know it.”
Jiwoo glanced beside her and Jungeun kept her phone in her hand as Heejin anxiously stared out the window. They were finally heading home after five hours and the three were quietly hoping to arrive back to the dorm sooner.
And amidst the chattering of everyone around them, the three have been oddly quiet, talking between themselves. “You should really stop worrying, Y/n unnie will be fine.” Hyejoo spoke up with an encouraging smile. “It’s just a fever, she’s stronger than that.”
It was no secret that the young girl looked up to you so much. She’d been intrigued by you since the first time they met you in Canada, and her fascination only grew the longer you spent together. Hyejoo always found herself learning things from you and she appreciated it every time. Whatever secret or worry she had, you were always one of the people she would first approach.
“Olivia is right. I’m sure she’s feeling much better by the time we get home. We even have her favorite soup and medicines to help her feel better just in case.” Yerim stated happily while Heejin pursed her lips.
Jiwoo squeezed Heejin’s hand and nodded her head, making the younger girl slowly lean back and sigh, forcing her worries down as she shut her eyes and prayed that you were alright.
“Heejin looks really worried about Y/n.” Sooyoung muttered from her place and Jinsoul shook her head. “Y/n doesn’t usually get sick, so I can understand.” But her girlfriend merely huffed and crossed her arms. “I know that, but don’t you think that maybe there’s more to it? We don’t even worry as much as she does.” Jinsoul frowned at Sooyoung and took her hand. “Whatever is going on between Heejin and Y/n is none of our business. If they aren’t ready to tell us, then let them. We didn’t tell Y/n as soon as we started dating, either.”
Grunting, Sooyoung accepted her defeat because what Jinsoul said was true. It wouldn’t be fair if she demanded answers on whether or not you and Heejin were dating when they kept their own relationship a secret, but she just didn’t like the feeling that crept up in her chest when she sees or even thinks of you together.
By the time they all arrived at the dorm, the three were the first ones out, forgetting the food and medicine they bought for you in their haste at getting to you as fast as they could. The rest of the members looked worried and followed after them.
Heejin quietly opened the door to your shared room, peeking inside to see if you were awake, but as soon as her eyes landed on your figure when she flicked the lights on, her heart dropped before she was running inside. “Y/n!”
Jungeun ran to your other side when Heejin tried to help you up from the floor and they gasped upon seeing the various bloodstained petals on the floor and the blood on your own hands. “Stop manager oppa! Tell him we need to go to the hospital!”
Sooyoung stopped dead in her tracks when she saw what was happening. She felt her blood running cold and she wouldn't have been able to move if Jiwoo hadn't ran past her, bumping into her by accident in her haste to call your manager and stop him from leaving.
Jinsoul pushed past everyone and ran to you, taking your face into her hands and shaking her own head as tears welled in her eyes as yours refused to open. "Y/n! Wake up, come on this isn't funny!"
She held a hand close to your mouth and nose before she pressed her head to your chest just to hear your heartbeat.
"Unnie, you have to move." Yerim said urgently while tugging at her friend's arm when your manager came running into the dorm. Haseul was doing her best to keep calm as she gripped Yeojin's hand in her own when they watched your manager pick you up from the floor.
He looked at all of them. "I'm not going to bother asking you if you'll be coming along, I just need you all to follow my instructions until we get help." They all nodded immediately and followed the man back down and to the van with Heejin insisting to hold you as your manager drove.
The poor girl was silently crying as she held your fragile form as close to her as humanly possible, Hyejoo holding your hand when she sat beside Heejin, willing back tears as the first girl wiped the blood from your mouth. 
The ride to the hospital was the longest and tense one they've all ever experienced, but as soon as they arrived, your manager quickly parked the van and went back to retrieve you from the girls before running inside with all twelve girls running after him.
"Y/n L/n." The man said quickly and the receptionist seemed surprised as she typed in your name, only to quickly rise to her feet, calling for the same doctor you had consulted with before nurses soon came over to get you and relieve your manager.
Seeing how quickly people were reacting with your appearance, all of your members looked on with confusion except for the three girls aware of your actual condition.
"What's going on?" Chaewon was the first to ask and all eyes turned to their manager, who looked just as troubled as Heejin, Jiwoo, and Jungeun. "What's happening to Y/n? What was that?" Sooyoung demanded, her voice growing more and more adamant as Jinsoul held her back.
"You know something and you aren't telling us. Y/n said it was just a fever." Haseul tried to keep her voice steady. "A fever doesn't make you cough out blood." The maknae said shakily, terrified of what she had seen.
All four of them exchanged glances before Jungeun let out a sigh. "Y/n is sick, but it isn't a fever or a flu." She crossed her arms to keep her hands from shaking. "She's suffering from Hanahaki. It's a rare disease that makes you cough up petals because of an unrequited love."
"Unrequited love?" Jinsoul muttered, her brows pinching together before she looked to Heejin. "Aren't you together? This isn't making any sense."
"Y/n isn't in love with Heejin!" Jiwoo cut in while hugging the said girl. "But we can't tell you who she's in love with either because she made us promise not to." She added with a grimace. "Y/n is dying in there! Whoever this person is needs to know and do something!" Sooyoung retorted and Heejin snapped to look at her. 
"It doesn't matter if the person she's in love with knows! They're happy and in a relationship. Y/n never wanted to ruin what they had so she kept her feelings under wraps no matter how much it was killing her! She didn't want to get the surgery because she didn't want to forget either of you!"
Jiwoo quickly took the younger girl by the shoulders when she had accidentally slipped up due to her emotions, but there was no stopping now as Sooyoung and Jinsoul went quiet after the sudden outburst.
“Forget us?” Jinsoul slowly released her girlfriend as she took a step forward and Hyunjin went to her best friend’s side to calm her down while Jungeun and Jiwoo decided to clear the situation up the best they could with their manager’s help. “We discovered Y/n’s condition a while back. And while it was the wise decision to pull through with the surgery, she declined for various reasons, the main one being that there was a risk of forgetting the person she has such strong feelings for.”
“She refused to do it, and it seemed like that there was no convincing her otherwise. It would also cause some trouble if she ever does forget both of you because that would be a major shift in your relationship and it won’t take long before people find out.”
“But what’s going to happen to unnie now? Are they going to operate on her?” Hyejoo questioned while the man shook his head. “I’m not too sure. We have to wait for her doctor to come back.”
The male paused, looking grim as he observed each girl, hesitating before finally breathing out. “In the event that this is the worst case scenario, I need all of you to be ready.”
They hated that he had opened up the idea of possibly losing you. While they all knew what this disease would entail, they just couldn’t accept the fact that they could permanently be losing you.
Led outside your room, the girls each waited anxiously for your doctor to come back and tell them what was the condition you were in. The overwhelming fear and anxiety bubbled in all of them and Haseul bit her lip as she did her best to keep a calm face whilst Kahei held her hand, running her thumb across her knuckles.
What seemed like years was only an hour and a half before the door slowly opened and your doctor came with a grim expression across his face. "How is she?" Your manager questioned and the man shook his head while glancing over his shoulder. "She's stable for now. It looks like she was choking on her own blood along with the fully bloomed flowers." He winced before letting a regretful sigh pass his lips.
"I highly advise that she get the surgery as soon as possible because at the rate we're going, there won't be much time left for Y/n." He informed them and Heejin slowly shook her head. "We can't… she doesn't want that."
No matter how much Heejin wanted you to get it, your wish was above her own in wanting to save you. And if she ever allowed it to happen without your consent, it would be in her conscience forever and she wouldn't be able to properly look at you, knowing that she had gone against your wishes.
"But what are we going to do?" Hyunjin questioned seriously. "Y/n is dying. If we don't go through with it-" 
"We know that, but this is Y/n's decision." Jiwoo cut in, a serious look on her usually cheerful face. "I want to help her. We all do. But Y/n made her decision clear ever since she found out. She doesn't want to be numb or to forget about Yves unnie and Jinsoul unnie and we can only respect that decision."
"Chuu is right. We tried to talk her out of it, but Y/n said she would rather die than forget the people she cares about. It isn't fair to you, but it isn't fair to her, either. She knows the risks and she knows the consequences but she chose to take her feelings to the grave rather than burden Jinsoul unnie and Sooyoung unnie with what she felt for them." Jungeun sighed while anxiously running her fingers through her hair.
"... Can we see her?"
The question was from Sooyoung as she stood stiffly next to her girlfriend, eyes trained to the door that separated you and them whilst your doctor nodded his head. "I recommend going in groups, just so she isn't disturbed or stressed out." He advised before excusing himself and giving the girls the time that they needed.
They didn’t need to discuss who would go first because the couple were already in front of your door as soon as they could and Jinsoul sucked in a deep breath before she slowly pushed it open and stepped inside.
Once there, they immediately spot your body laying on the hospital bed with various wires attached to your fragile form that it makes their own hearts ache at the sight.
Sooyoung quickly came to your side and instinctively reached to brush your hair, only to stop when she hears Heejin’s voice echoing in her head. Jinsoul looked worried before she placed her own over her girlfriend’s and gave it a squeeze. “We’ll be okay.” She whispered before pressing a kiss to her temple and then turning back to you.
Your face was peaceful, minus the lack of color and life in it. It was as though this was the first proper sleep you’ve had in how long and it pained them to know that you were enduring all of this for their sake.
“You’re such an idiot, I swear.” Sooyoung finally muttered as she let her hands fall to the sheets. “Stupid, stupid, stupid. Why couldn’t you have told us?” She tried to hold back a sob, but when you didn’t respond to her with your usual banter, it was getting harder for her to keep her composure. “You were pulling away from us because you didn’t want us to worry, now look at us.” Jinsoul sniffled as she wiped her cheeks.
“We could have avoided all of this.” She whimpered quietly while reaching for your hand, your usually warm skin now cold to the touch as she laced her fingers with yours. “Please, we’ll make it better. We’ll take the pain away, just please… please stay with us.”
“Don’t go, Y/n. We need you.” Sooyoung begged as she buried her face to your neck, clutching at the front of your hospital gown while Jinsoul placed her other hand on her back.
The clock was ticking and they knew that the other girls were wanting to see you as desperately as they did, Heejin most especially. So, forcing themselves to part from you, they held each other tight as they headed for the exit.
“... unnie.”
The pair stopped in their tracks as the weak rasp of your voice called out. Turning back, they saw that your eyes were still closed, but the small movement from your hands was all it took for them to know you were awake.
Running to your side, Jinsoul took your outstretched hand and pressed her face against your palm as her watery eyes watched you. “You’re okay.” Sooyoung breathed out as she stood behind her girlfriend.
You struggle to open your eyes, but as soon as you do, you immediately see them watching you with worry swimming in their own tear filled gazes. “Why are you-” You’re cut off by a cough and Jinsoul squeezes your hand when a bit of blood dribbles down your chin before Sooyoung wiped it away.
”Why are you crying?” You forced out, a frown on your features. But the question throws them off and Jinsoul can’t help but cry more. “What do you mean why are we crying? We found you nearly dead in the dorm, do you expect us to be fine?” Sooyoung snapped at you and you blink slowly while trying to properly decipher her words.
Their voices sounded so faint yet they were right there. Your vision was blurry and you had a great struggle with understanding everything they were saying. The only thing you could tell was they were crying, and you didn’t want that.
“I’m scared.” The words were hushed as they fell from your lips and Sooyoung squeezed her eyes tight just so she wouldn’t cry anymore than she already has. “D-Don’t be scared. You’re going to be fine. We’re right here.”
“We love you so much and it hurts that you’re going through this.” Jinsoul muttered against your palm, pressing a light kiss against it. “You should have told us, but we should have told you, too. We were just so scared of how you would think of us and-”
“Unnie…” Your breathing was growing weaker from all the flowers that have bloomed in your lungs. “It’s okay.”
It’s not your fault.
You don’t have to say it.
It isn’t your responsibility.
“Y/n, we love you, okay? We love you, too, just as much as you love us.” Sooyoung told you, desperate to make you believe that what they were saying was true. But the yellow carnations fell from your lips once more and she’s forced to wipe them away before Jinsoul stood properly to look at you.
They were desperate and time was running out. Either you believed them or they lose you forever. So, with a final resolve, Jinsoul leaned down, pressing her forehead against yours as her lips slotted perfectly against yours in a slow and tender kiss, one hand holding your cheek as you felt the wind knocked out of you.
She doesn’t give you time to respond because Sooyoung was quick to replace her, a little more aggressive, yet still gentle enough to not hurt you before she pulled away to kiss your forehead and the weight on your chest gradually began to fade away.
When they both give you enough space, your hand shoots to your mouth before your body is wracked by a violent coughing fit. Alarmed, the girls pressed the button on the wall to call for your doctor when blood slipped past your fingers and fell on the white sheets of the bed.
Everything happens fast as they’re basically thrown out of the room and your doctor hurries to check on you as the door closes. There are various things that they hear through the door but it dies down after a while, leaving a tense silence outside as the girls looked at the couple. “What happened? What did you do?” Heejin asked, terrified. But neither of them said anything as the door opened with your doctor looking perplexed but relieved.
“It would appear that Y/n will... no longer be needing the surgery.” He stated and Haseul’s shoulders tensed up as she came closer. “Why? Is she okay? What happened?” Your leader demanded and the male nodded his head before stepping aside.
“She’s coughed up quite a lot of the flowers, one of them containing the roots.” They were surprised by this as a nurse walked out of the room with the flowers in a plastic bag. “We’ll need an xray, but judging from that alone, it would appear that Y/n might be alright.”
Hearing that made Heejin’s knees buckle and she leaned on Jiwoo’s side for support whilst Hyejoo felt a lump forming in her throat when she gripped both Yerim’s and Chaewon’s arms and Kahei hugged Yeojin tightly as Junguen comforted her friends the best she could.
“We’ve taken off some of the machines and wires. She’s looking a bit better, just a bit more rest and food and I think she’ll be able to fully recover.” He informed them before turning to your manager, who smiled, feeling just as relieved from this whole ordeal.
All twelve girls entered your room when given the okay and you greet them all with a meek smile and a small wave of your hand. The color was back on your face and it looked like you have enough energy now compared to when they found you in the dorm.
Jinsoul and Sooyoung approached you with smiles on their faces. “You believe us now?” Sooyoung asked lightly and you blush, the red spreading to the tips of your ears as you slowly nodded your head. “I’m sorry you had to go through all of that. If we hadn’t been such cowards and assumed, this wouldn’t have happened.”
“To be fair, everyone else assumed we were dating.” Heejin piped up when she approached the bed to wrap her arms around you in a hug, kissing your cheek as she did, before Sooyoung gave her a warning glare as Jinsoul lightly pushed her.
Noticing the stare, your best friend laughed before she shook her head. “I mean, we do look good together. What do you say, Y/n? Will you date me instead?” You chuckled at your friend’s joke before giggling when you see the puppy eyes Jinsoul sent you and the slight huff that came from a pouting Sooyoung.
“I love you, Heejin, but you and I know that would be weird.” You give her a kiss as an apology, but she happily accepts it before turning to the other two. “Take care of her or else I’m really going to date her instead.”
Sooyoung rolled her eyes in good nature before she took your hand. “We’re not letting go of her, you can bet on that.” Jinsoul nodded in agreement, smiling softly at you before she pressed a kiss to your cheek and you were finally able to smile a real one, one that showed the spark in your eyes and emanated the life that flowed through your veins.
And with a promise like Sooyoung’s and Jinsoul’s, you know that you wouldn’t have to hide your feelings or worry about the petals blooming in your lungs.
You were saved and they make sure to remind you that your love for each other was always going to be unconditional.
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youaremorepretty · 3 years
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ᥪ⠀⠀◜⓸⌇ ⠀⠀░̸ ̈ㅤ⠀➯⃨⠀jinsoul messyㅤ﹙ℒ𓈒﹚ 🌱
If you save please like or reblog!
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k-comfyspace · 3 years
Star: Jung Jinsoul (Loona)
Idea: ➶No
Days and nights has been hard, but distance would truly test your love. Has she Got what it takes?
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Jinsoul couldn’t wait.
She didn’t know if she could contain herself. Sitting in her van, she bounced her feet on the carpeted floor. Even her manager could sense the joy coming out of the idol. It was practically radiating off her.
The way she smiled, while her eyes darted from the surroundings outside the window, she didn’t know what to look at that would lower her excitement.
Some would question her, wondering why she was so energized at three am. Was it because she was relieved to be off schedule? Or was it because she got to eat tteokbokki before she left?
As the van stopped across the street from an apartment, she didn’t wait any longer, taking her bag, and sprinted out. Thanking her manager as she ran as fast as she could.
From the door of the apartment, you came out, sporting a black coat while you looked at the ground, not paying any mind to your surroundings, but when you felt a sudden force knock into you, an apology was the first thing you planned to say to the person you had hit.
But when you felt arms wrapping around your body and a familiar scent of cologne, a smile replaced the worried look before hugging back.
"Did you just get here?" you muttered, nuzzling your cheek against the top of her head while Jinsoul pushed her head towards the crook of your neck.
You rested your chin against the top of her head. Seeing the black van, you waved at it. More of greeting her manager before it drove away,
"We've just arrived," she replied, her hug tightening before you turned around, almost carrying the girl inside until the doors to the elevator opened.
Jinsoul pulled away, keeping her hand intertwined with yours as you got inside the lift.
When both of you got back to your apartment, it was quiet, with only your stack of papers on the table that you had left, planning to finish them tomorrow before submitting them to your parents.
All you wanted, for now, was to be with Jinsoul in the quiet night, which was perfect as Jinsoul whisked you away to the bedroom, jumping to your bed while hugging you, trying her best to remove the space in between you two as possible.
There weren't many words exchanged, only basking in the cold night, only having each other to keep yourselves warm.
Due to the time you had spent so far away from each other, it wasn’t much of a challenge, as both of you felt warm in each other’s presence.
While you share your warmth, love, and comfort with the girl in your arms, your heart is content.
"Jinsoul unnie,"
The blonde opened her eyes, adjusting to the bright light before she groaned, "We have schedule today, get up," she shifted her eyes towards the voice, through her blurry eyes, noticing Yerim shaking her with a smile.
Jinsoul didn't respond until a few minutes later when she heard the rest already talking in the living room. So she sat up, stretching her body before standing up from her bed.
She shook her head, recalling her dream before a soft sigh escaped from her lips. It was a wonderful time to be alive, to be in a safe space with your loved ones; Jinsoul only wished it could have lasted longer.
Yet again, it was the distance that proved to be difficult. It’s been months since the last time she visited and she didn’t know if she could handle one more week without it.
But lucky for her, this was the last week of promotions before they would have a few days off. So, surely she will take advantage of it.
The week went by pretty fast, considering all the long hours the girls spent awake.
Now sitting in the black van Jinsoul once again had the same excitement she always felt when coming to visit with you. She didn’t mind that the girls came with her.
In fact, she was happy that every single one of the girls chose to come without Jinsoul even mentioning that she was coming to see you.
But with an extra stop at the flower shop before they continued their journey.
When Jinsoul saw the black gates, she could already feel her eyes watering. It’s been too long since she was in this place.
Stepping out, she inhaled deeply, the smell of the morning dew and the grass making her nostalgic. Surely she needed a lot of apologies for being gone so long, without any notice for that matter.
They walked down the path, Jinsoul first as she held the flowers, already memorizing the path like it was the back of her hand. Each step she took grew heavier and heavier, tears stinging her eyes until she turned, stopping near the stone benches before she crouched down.
Her parents must have arrived earlier, as she wiped her tears before placing the flowers on the grass next to the burnt out candles.
"Hey, baby," she muttered quietly, placing her hand on the cold stone as she closed her eyes.
"I know it’s been too long since I visited. You’ll forgive me, right?"
She spoke, each word further increasing the number of tears she shed while her members were standing behind her. Watching their member, feeling sympathetic with her situation.
Even though it had been four years since the news, the wound was still raw,
"B-but on the bright side, we have a lot of stories we want to tell you-you," Haseul took out the blanket, spreading it out, while the girls took out the candles and fixed each end of the blanket. Each of them takes their own spot while keeping silent.
Letting Jinsoul have her moment as she cleaned up the piles of wax and replaced them with new candles.
They knew how hard this hit their member, so they knew when the time was right that Jinsoul would answer or talk to them.
Jinsoul's worst enemy was distance. Four years she spent away from your touch, your warmth, your comfort that you brought to her when you held her in your arms.
She would give up anything to have another day with you, more time that she could use to tell you just how much she loved you.
But the world will always wait till the last second before it screws everything over, right?
So she could only sit there, quiet, as she let her tears out once more.
Eventually, she uncurled from her small bubble, turning to face the girls, who gave her encouraging smiles before she took out the food they had packed and ate it.
Then the stories came, each of them telling stories that they knew would get a laugh out of you, some stories teasing the other members, while some conveyed how much they would’ve wanted you to be there, especially now during their comeback.
"We love you, I love you," Jinsoul muttered, her hand still resting against the stone before she felt a gentle breeze against her cheek, a small smile gracing her lips before she stood up, turning to face her members before they walked away.
Each of them was already continuing the conversation where it had left off.
Jinsoul was in her mind at the time, reminiscing about the memories both of you had together.
It almost seemed like yesterday when she was with you in bed. Cuddling each other as you basked in each other’s warmth, only being pulled away when Yeojin called her, wanting to tell her a joke and trying to cheer her up once she saw the older drifting again.
And while she couldn't be more grateful to have the girls by her side, she secretly wished, almost desired, to travel back in time and tell you everything.
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writes-whump-at-3am · 3 years
Fever Dreams
Yes this is absolutely a kpop fanfiction. I am not sorry.
A whump one-shot in which Kimlip is sick as fuck and Jinsoul takes care of her. They're gay.
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Lip was falling.
She was falling, floating, sinking, drowning, falling... her eyes opened. Bubbling acid spilled into their sockets, into her skull, dissolving her brain, trickling down her throat. It ripped into her lungs. Boiled and churned in her stomach. Hot. Cold. Cold. Cold.
She trembled and writhed and moaned, suspended in space, in icy, black water. Maggots and blood poured from her eyes, her lips. She woke up. She fell away. She woke up. She was spinning, falling, dropping. Red. She couldn't sleep. She couldn't wake up.
Awareness came to her in hazy snippets that were impossible to pick out from the hallucinations that plagued her. A dog jumped onto her lap and licked her face. Her skin fell off in gory chunks. Jinsoul made her sit up to drink water. The bed beneath her melted, and she fell, and fell, and fell...
"You're sweating a lot..." A soft voice murmured near her face. "Can you hear me? Hey, Lip?"
Lip's face twitched when a hand rested on her cheek. It was warm. She opened her sticky eyes a little bit.
"Hi." Jinsoul's blurred form greeted her. "I think your fever finally broke."
Lip just swallowed, struggling to think.
"You should take your medicine one more time though, just in case." Jinsoul went on, turning and grabbing something from the bedside table. "And when you wake back up later you should try eating. Hey, sit up," She added in a louder voice, seeming to have noticed her starting to fall back asleep, "I can't just put in your mouth, Lip, you need to take it yourself."
Lip groaned quietly as she pulled her arms beneath her and dragged herself upright, slumping back against the headboard for support. Her eyes seemed to have an endless supply of watery tears to blur her vision with, no matter how many times she blinked.
Jinsoul handed her a small pill and a bottle of water. "It's almost midnight. I'm probably going to come to sleep soon."
Lip took several seconds to swallow it, cringing at the burning pain in her throat. She would have complained if her voice worked at all.
Jinsoul rubbed the back of her hand reassuringly. "Hopefully that was the last one you'll need."
Lip whined when Jinsoul started to leave. "No," She tried to force the word out, but it sounded more like a rasping wheeze than anything.
"No what?" Jinsoul frowned in concern. "Do you need something?"
Lip held her hand out and grabbed at the air emphatically. After a moment Jinsoul grabbed the water bottle and tried to give it to her. Lip closed her hand around Jinsoul's wrist.
"Me?" Jinsoul raised her eyebrows when Lip nodded. "Do you want me to just come to bed now? So I'll be here with you?"
Lip nodded again, the motion making her head spin. She reluctantly let her friend go so she could say goodnight to the others and wash up for bed. Her eyelids began to droop after a couple minutes and she could barely manage to keep her head from dropping forward as the medication kicked in, but she refused to lay down. She didn't want to give in until Jinsoul came back.
Unfortunately, that wasn't her decision to make.
A hand rubbed her back gently, dragging her from a vague hallucination about penguins. Jinsoul was laughing.
"You're so drunk," Her friend said between cackles. "Oh my god, I wasn't even gone for ten minutes. Get up."
Lip was on the floor.
Arms snaked around her waist and tugged upwards. Her friend grunted as she hauled her up and dumped her back onto the bed, recieving absolutely no help from the younger girl. Lip laid there for a second in a daze while Jinsoul rambled on about something, wondering what happened to the penguin she had just seen. But then Jinsoul was turning away again, towards her own bed on the other side of the room.
"No." The word felt like gravel surging up from her lungs, making her cough, making the pain even worse. She clumsily slapped the air near Jinsoul's hand, missing it completely.
"What?" Jinsoul laughed again. "Go to sleep."
Lip caught her hand this time and tugged on it. Come here, she mouthed.
"I'm already here."
She tugged again.
"Oh, you want me closer, huh? You think I want to catch your disease?"
Lip took a deep breath and let it out in a long, drawn-out whine that lasted for at least ten seconds.
Jinsoul sighed dramatically and flopped onto the bed, letting the younger girl latch onto her like a baby koala. "Happy?"
Lip just hummed and nuzzled into her neck, feeling herself start to dissolve the moment she closed her eyes again. The last thing she felt was a kiss being pressed to her forehead.
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I was thinking about how the 13th member also their girlfriend would be doing a sexy stage with other members from different irl group's and Yvesoul is just teasing the crap out of their girlfriend saying that she couldn't do the special stage because she's more of a cute type but still encouraging her. (Because, they're supportive girlfriends and that's what we love) but, when the 13th member does the special stage, she pulls it off perfectly. I don't want the ending to end in a smut because I don't know where you stand on that and I don't want to make you uncomfortable, but if you want to do it you can. So, can I settle with an ending that has Yvesoul shocked and the 13th member smug. Remember, if you're busy or just don't want to do my request than ignore it. I don't want you to feel obligated to do anything that I ask. Thank you❤️❤️
Yves x Jinsoul x Reader
"I'll show you !"
"Come on Y/N, you can't do a sexy stage, it's like asking a puppy to twerk !"
Yves bursts out laughing, you just told her about your collab stage with Sua from Dreamcatcher and Soojin from (G)I-dle. Knowing the two other idols, your girlfriend was shocked to know you were going to dance with them. After all they were known to be the sexiest of their individual groups when you were known as the cute and softest member of Loona.
Jinsoul entered the room, visibly curious about the loud fit of laughter.
"What's making you laugh that loud ? Hi cutie, didn't see you there."
She kissed your lips before facing Sooyoung, waiting for her answer.
You crossed your arms and gave a knowing look to your girlfriend, urging her to announce the news to your other girlfriend.
"Okay don't laugh yet, Y/N is doing a sexy performance soon."
Jinsoul looked at you then back at Yves.
"Who's Y/N ?"
And the laughs were back, your girlfriend almost rolling on the floor while the other one was confusingly looking at you.
"What ?"
"Babe what's my name ?
Jinsoul looked at you as if you grew a second head.
"No, my real name."
Realisation suddenly hit her and when you thought she was going to apologize she just started laughing too.
"Ha ha ha ! A sexy stage? Then what, learn poll dance ?"
"You know what ?! Fuck both of you ! I'll show you I can be sexy if and whenever I want to !"
After that sweet argument with your girlfriends they didn't stop teasing you. They were convinced you were way too cute to do a sexy concept.
You were determined to prove them wrong by showing them what you got and for that matter working with Sua and Soojin was a big help.
On one side you had Soojin showing you how being cute or shy didn't mean you couldn't be the sexiest on stage.
On the other side Sua was not just sexy but the most provocative person you might know and that was something you had to learn from her to get back at your girlfriends.
After weeks of training you were finally ready, you actually never been more confident in your all life. You only had few minutes but you were sure it’ll be just enough to make a show of how sexy you could be to your teasing girlfriends.
Luckily they both came to your performance because even though they didn’t think sexy suits you, they do want to see you perform and cheer for you. You coul see both of them standing near the cameraman, waiting with their lightsticks on, colored with your assigned shade.
As soon as you set foot on stage, you took a glance of them, witnessing the way they gulped at your outfit.
Their eyes were lingering on you even longer than expected, looking you up and down looking for your so called cuteness. Cuteness that was long time gone, erased during practice and hair and makeup.
As expected you nailed the performance your eyes made few contacts with theirs, piercing right through your girlfriends' dirty minds.
Jinsoul was wearing the usual smirk she'd gave off in bed when she was making you moan and you could see Yves' hand that was gripped tightly around her thigh, probably in attempt to prevent both of them to go take you off stage immediately.
They for sure weren't thinking about anything cute right now, you gave them a last teasing wink before you went change.
You didn't bother closing the door of the changing room, you were convinced you won't have time to change anyway.
But the idea of them thinking you'll change before anyone's eyes wasn't anything but alluring now that you were turning your back at the door and thinking about it.
The loud steps weren't long to come, the two pairs of feet hitting the floor in noticeable frustration but suddenly stopped as they reached the door.
You didn't bother turning around and opened the zipper of your top in a slow teasing motion.
If Yves was frozen in wow at the sight, not over the performance yet, your other girlfriend her, was fully awake and didn't let you slid the piece of clothing alone.
She had been longing for your skin since you appeared on stage and wasn't going to wait any more time before having a taste of it.
Her lips found your neck, gently nibbling on it just beneath your ear. You felt her hands circling your hips, brushing slightly the top of your shorts.
As Jinsoul turned you around in her arms, you could now see the fire burning in Yves eyes. Her eyes were admiring your torso, appreciating the last piece of cloth you had over your chest.
Obviously it was one of her Valentine's day gifts, the red material with flowery patterns that she chose was indeed accomplishing its purpose of turning her on even more.
Her hands were visibly shaking with anticipation, still standing in the door frame she didn't even enter the room completely yet.
You reached out for her hand.
"You might want to close that door and come closer."
As if breaking out of hypnosis she suddenly stepped in and smashed her lips to yours, not minding the opened door behind her.
"I'll like it to stay opened. You didn't mind turning us on in public while you were on stage, are you backing off now ? Want to go back to being a softie ?"
No way you were backing off now that you knew how being sexy affects your girlfriend. You never saw her this hungry before, not even Jinsoul would play it this risky with you on a regular basis.
Yet now one of them was still kissing and sucking on your neck while the other was unzipping your shorts with one hand and cupping your breast with the other all of this with the door still half opened.
You thought about stopping them but the kisses were too sweet, their touch felt too good on your skin and maybe the risk of getting caught was only adding fuel into the fire burning inside your stomach.
Yves cupped your face and brought you in for a second kiss while Jinsoul got rid of your shorts. She stood back up terribly slowly, her fingers brushing along your legs while doing so.
Her hands groped your butt, enjoying the laced red undergarment that you were wearing. Her mouth found the soft skin of your shoulder blades and traced kisses on it.
Sooyoung wasn't as slow as your first girlfriend was, she was needy and fidgeting. If you had hypnotized Jinsoul, Yves on the other side seemed rather electrified. She needed friction.
Her eyes weren't reflecting the same fire as earlier, they were rather pleading you now, pleading you to do something to the unstoppable wetness between her thighs.
Her tongue was not just fighting for dominance, it was claiming yours, caressing and sucking yours in an hurried request.
You were still kissing when you felt her take your hand in hers and push it in her pants, pressing on your fingers to play with her clit.
Witnessing how soaking wet she was, almost made you moan.
"See what you did to me ? I need you to fix it for me, can you do that for me, sexy ?"
Your only response was to push her hand away, wanting to touch her on your own. You slid your fingers further in her pants, opening the front to gain more access and space.
As your index finger brushed against her folds you saw how she was dripping for you. Her hands clunched on your shoulders at the sensation, a moan already half past her lips.
As you were caressing and teasing Sooyoung's sex, you felt your panties running down your legs.
"Can I get a taste ? I'm craving to feel you on my tongue right now."
It was actually the first words your Jinsoul was uttering and god you didn't wished for any other than those escaping her lips at the moment.
You looked over your shoulder, answering her with a kiss, your finger slowly entering your other girlfriend in the meantime, making her gasp.
She joined the kiss, kissing you and Jinsoul equally but biting down on your lip rougher. You had her on her knees for you right now.
Jinsoul got between you two enjoying looking up on you before making you open your legs wider.
She kissed your thigh and tummy before getting where you wanted her the most. When she kissed your clit, you heaved a sigh at the feeling. Your index finger joined your major in its thrust in your girlfriend, making her hiss in pleasure too.
The sounds of pleasure coming from you two spurred on Jinsoul's eagerness to make you feel good as she got a taste of your excitation with a lick.
Shivers ran down your spine, your hips bucking forward in want, making Yves moaned at your hips made contact against hers and getting Jinsoul to smirk, proud of herself.
The curves of her lips pushed against your clit, making you rolled your eyes back.
"God I could cum just by seeing you roll your eyes in pleasure."
The words had troubles escaping Yves' mouth as your thrusts became faster and deeper in her. She grabbed your face and kissed you roughly in an attempt to muffle her moans.
You felt her thighs shake as your other hand reached for her breast, pinching on her nipple the way you know brings her on edge.
In one last thrust Yves came undone in your hands, crying out her orgasm in your mouth. As on cue Jinsoul pushed a finger in your heat, her tongue still deep in and her thumb massaging your clit at a fast pace.
Everything felt too overwhelming, too hot and your orgasm too fast. Jinsoul held your hips knowing you wouldn't be able to keep standing.
Sooyoung attacked your neck once she got back from cloud nine, her teeth meeting your pulse point in a slight bite.
Blood rushed to your head in a great finally, your orgasm hitting you hard and making you grab on your girlfriend for support.
She patted your back, soothing your high.
Jinsoul got back up and smiled at you with her beamed afterglow smile. Which was odd since you didn't even heard her cumming, however Yves was faster at asking.
"How did you ?"
"Oh you know the regular."
She replied raising the hand that wasn't taking care of you previously with a chuckle.
You laughed with her and decided it was time to go home. You were getting your clothes back on while your girlfriends tried to make themselves presentable.
As you were about to leave Jinsoul burst out laughing, getting weird looks from you and Yves.
"Babes, neither of you closed the door right ? Because I didn't either and it's closed."
You looked at her in pure shame, your cheeks turning bright red from embarrassment.
Your girlfriends just brushed it off not caring at all about getting caught.
They cooed at you, engulfing you in a hug.
"Cutie Y/N is back !"
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Hey, here it is. Hope you'll like it, give feedback 😁 Also I'm still a baby smut writer so bear with me please 😅❤-Ael
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lovesanmotion · 3 years
First date w Jinsoul (loona)
💌 This is: Requested
• super shy and super confident on the first date • get ready because she'll be doing lots of cute gestures on you • would either take you to the company's recording room • or take you to a cafe as a first date • would offer to pay for everything • would want to get to know you • the date would be long and sweet • jinsoul would pay very attentively to you • the conversations aren't awkward!! • in between she'd also ask you a bunch of questions • " which artists do you listen to? " " do you like gundam? " • towards the end of the date, jinsoul would get an inspiration to write a song about you • would be shy to tell you but she would put great effort on the production and the melody • would probably kiss you before parting ways
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moostaronce · 3 years
Request: Hey wassup may I request a Jinsoul x fem reader where the reader was super loving and caring in the relationship but they suddenly saw the "Let me introduce idols" ep 5 where Jinsoul said she likes someone who isn't really interested in her. This makes reader get hurt and act cold towards Jinsoul bc she's scared she'll leave her and Jinsoul gets confused. Angst and fluff please, thank you <3
Pairing: Jinsoul x Fem Reader
A/N I hope this is to your liking!
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You come bounding into your girlfriend's arms the moment you see her and she receives you with even more excitement. The usual ritual that the two of you fall into without fail. The massive hug you share is only matched by the passion in the kisses you share when you get to see each other. She doesn't complain when you come crashing into her full force or when you dote on her 24/7. In fact, Jinsoul surprises herself sometimes with how much she loves being loved by you so hard. Not once has she ever had to question your love for her, because you show it in everything you do.
When you pull back, it's just enough to look into her eyes, chin on her chest, and a smile on your face. The other BBC staff brought the girls a little late so you and the rest of the makeup and hair staff have to move quicker than usual. Luckily for you, there were only 6 out of the twelve girls today. Unfortunately for you that also meant you needed to cover 3 different faces in less time than usual, but you're a pro so it's all good. Today you came up with a plan of action to move quicker, today you were in charge of the unnie line in age order while your colleague covered Heejin, Hyejoo, and Yeojin.
"Hey to you too." Her smile gives you warmth as you completely pull away. Now that your moment was over, you put on your game face and looked around until you spotted Kahei.
"See you later babe, duty calls." You give her a pack on the cheek before making your way to a clearly tired Kahei and gently guiding her to your chair.
"Why are you two so grossly adorable?" Jinsol turns her head to see Hyejoo looking mildly disgusted before Sooyoung puts her in a headlock from behind.
"Oh don't be such a love hater Hyejoo. They're just the right amount of cute." Heejin comments before sitting in the other makeup artist's chair.
"Yeah, don't be like that to your unnie." Jinsol squishes her cheeks when Sooyoung lets her go with a flourish of laughter.
"Seriously though you guys can be a little gross, I think it's cute." Sooyoung comments.
She watches Jinsol look over at you with adoration. In her mind, there was just no reason for you to be so perfect for her. She constantly finds things to love about you like right now. The concentration that takes over your face and the sweet smile she can catch you giving her members while you do your damndest to make them look even better for the cameras, consistently reminds her of how deeply she loves you.
"She has no business being that pretty," Jinsol grumbles under her breath, but Sooyoung definitely hears it. She nudges her friend fondly and just goes off into a different conversation.
Time actually seems to fly by as you finish up Kahei, then Sooyoung. You and your co-worker go pretty much at the same pace so when Jinsol finally sits in your chair, Yeojin sits in hers at the same time. You don't speak to her right away, you just give her a small peck on the lips before you get started. Jinsol looks up at you and pouts, trying to guilt you into another kiss.
"What's the face for?" You stand back, head tilted to the side.
"You call that a kiss?" She reaches for your hips to bring you down on her lap but you gently smack her hands away with a serious expression.
"You'll get kisses after work. Right now I have a job to do so be a good girl and hold still." You turn to start grabbing the products you use for her and Jinsol has to resist the urge to protest because she knows you're right.
The entire time you do her makeup Jinsol's eyes hardly ever leave your face. Periodically, she'll pucker her lips in hopes of you giving in but you don't pay her any mind. She doesn't try to speak because of the look in your eye when she tries to flirt with you while you're working. When you finally finish and start to pack up your things Jinsol stands and pulls you into her arms. You never mind when she wants to display her affection for you, but the moment she tries to lean in you aren't having it.
"Jung Jinsol!" She startles back and loosens her grip on you just enough for you to duck out of her arms and glare at her. She looks at you dumbfounded.
"If you mess up my hard work before you even get on set, I'm not kissing you at all."
Your threat shakes her up just enough to have her sputtering but she doesn't have time to properly respond before they are called in for their interview. They have another event with the full group after this is over so you pack up your bags except for your pouch for touch-ups. For now, you just have to watch backstage with the other staff before it's time to meet up at the next location.
For the most part, you just sat and relaxed. The atmosphere was pretty chill until Jinsol said something that hurt your feelings.
"I think I like people who are not interested in me," Heejin speaks up.
"Oh, that's right!" Jinsol nods along.
"It's a little much when someone expresses interest first." Heejin continues.
"Right." You're a little shocked to see Jinsol nodding and responding in agreeance.
You've never heard her even allude to being overwhelmed by you, yet right now you're overthinking every move you've ever made. Was she just pretending to like you back this whole time? Or if not, will she grow tired of you? You shift uncomfortably in your seat and nonchalantly glance around.
No one else seems to notice your discomfort so you just sit quietly until it's time to go. When the members make their way back, you're all packed up and ready to go. Jinsol comes to you immediately, lips puckered and hands around your waist. When she leans in, all she's gets is your cheek.
Jinsol steps back and looks at you sideways but you're too busy grabbing your things to look at her.
"Baby? What's wrong?" Your girlfriend begins to worry when you don't answer or look at her. Her mind races as you leave for the next location with the other makeup artist.
"Baby?" She practically whimpers at you but you're already out of earshot. She turns around to see the others looking at her concerned. You couldn't really be mad about earlier right? She was only playing around but what else could you possibly be upset with her about?
"Maybe she's just not feeling well?" Yeojin chimes.
"Maybe." Jinsol doesn't know what else to say.
When they arrive, you're already working on Chaewon. You're usually in charge of yyxy for ot12 events so Sooyoung and Hyejoo agree to try and figure out what's wrong with you. Jinsol on the other hand can't help the little feeling of jealousy growing inside of her while you giggle quietly with Chaewon. You hadn't even glanced her way when she came in but you looked up and smiled at Sooyoung and Hyejoo.
Deciding she had some time to spare before it was her to have her makeup redone, Jinsol slides up to you and asks what's wrong directly in your ear. You jump in surprise and turn your head only to realize just how close she is to your face. Seconds feel like minutes when you see her looking at your lips, and you almost kiss her. But then you remember your fears from earlier.
"Nothing, I'm fine." With that you turn back to Gowon, leaving Jinsol to pout at your side.
She leaves you alone for the rest of the day and is even more disheartened when Sooyoung and Hyejoo come back with nothing but shrugging shoulders. The hope that you'll be back to normal tomorrow stays with her but a week later and she's still confused. You never want to kiss or cuddle and when she tries you just avoid her. As a matter of fact, it feels like you're avoiding her period and it's making her upset.
It weighs on her mind until she can't take it anymore. She misses you and wants to understand how you're feeling so she calls you with a serious tone in her voice. It's not a request but a demand that you be home when she arrives at your apartment, so you are.
When she crosses the threshold you make no moves of intimacy towards her like you usually do and she huffs with frustration.
"Do you want to break up?" It's not the speech she had practiced and planned, in fact, it breaks her heart to even say. Her voice cracks but it seems to snap you out of whatever you were under.
"What? No!" Panic sets in so deeply, you feel it in your bones.
"Then why are you acting so weird Y/n? You just seem so uninterested lately." She gets worried when she sees the tears building in your eyes and the sniffles you let out.
"But I thought that's what you wanted. You said you like people that aren't interested in you, so I thought you might be getting tired of me."
At first, she's confused. When had she ever said that? It's clear that she said it because you look so sad just thinking about it. Then she thinks back to the first day you began acting differently and things start clicking into place.
"I didn't mean anything by that! I was just agreeing with Heekie because I know that's how she feels." Jinsol begins slowly closing the rather large gap of space you put between you. She moves as calmly as possible to give you time to back up if you want to, but she's really not sure her heart could take that.
"I love you and how you treat me. You have no idea how good it makes me feel when you get excited to see me. I love that you always want to show me love just like I do for you."
As she speaks and walks your head hangs low while tears spill silently down your beautiful face. When she's so close that her feet are right in front of your, Jinsol wraps you in her arms. It takes you a moment to reciprocate but you do. The hug you give back is so tight that it lets your girlfriend know very clearly how much you missed her. You're so warm that it brings tears to her eyes and soon she's crying with you.
"Please don't do this again. I thought you fell out of love with me." Jinsol's words were followed up with a gut-wrenching sobbing sound that made your own tears fall that much faster.
"I won't. I'm sorry baby." You whisper to her.
You continue to hold each other until you have just enough strength to lay down together on your futon. Jinsol is usually the big spoon but it was clear she needed to be held, so that's what you did. Before either of you know it, you're both knocked out. You're only awakened hours later by the call from Loona for Sol to come back to the dorm.
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st4rsoo · 3 years
hi, I was wondering if your request were open and if so, may I request Loona's reaction to getting caught kissing their s/o?
also, I hope you have a great day! ☺️
sorry for the delays lol layout creds: @waterrr + @sseungsmile
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╰┈➤ loona getting caught kissing you
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・ super embarrassed but i think she would be good at hiding it, expects you to say something so she doesn't have to, a little mad that she got caught, expect her to be a more aggressive kisser when the person leaves " i don't care if we got caught once, there's no reason to stop "
・ she would apologize calmly but would still stay near you, stops and waits for the person to leave before she continues, polite but also not ??, holding your hand for sure bc shes possessive " ah sorry,, that must've been embarrassing for you "
・ doesn't care at all, you would have to say something to the person because she just keeps kissing you, you both would laugh it off later, jinsoul likes affection so expect her to be really touchy even if she got caught " not my fault they had to interrupt our moment"
・ she would be really sorry for them even if it wasn't her fault, feels bad bc she thinks she embarrassed you, kisses you a bunch of times as an apology, more careful in the future because she's really embarrassed about getting caught " oh gosh nooo, i just embarrassed me AND you "
・ she would either be really embarrassed or would not care it depends who catches you, when they leave she keeps kissing you though, i could see her being really touchy so she would be extra embarrassed when the person walks in lol " it's too late to stop now, might as well keep going "
・ she would embarrass you, spends way too long talking to whoever caught you, would leave and go somewhere else after, does something nice for you to make up for the whole thing, bunches of little compliments (a/n: im soft :<) " sorry bout that,, maybe we could get ice cream, babe ~ ! "
・ she is just so cocky, literally full of herself, wouldn't be surprised if she straight up makes out with you in front of them, still makes sure if you're ok with continuing, might actually feel bad about it later and apologize tho " oh what- that's not gonna stop me from kissing you, dear "
・ a bit embarrassed, just enough for her to stop, might mumble a sorry or two, practically counting the time for them to leave, really pouty afterwards and demands kisses, even though she got caught she considers doing it again " you can still kiss me you know... even if we got caught "
・ if she made the first move she might not want to stop, gowon really likes kissing in general, i wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't say anything and just continues like nothing happened, laughs it off later " i can't believe we made out in front of that person haha-! "
・ apologizes for both of you, asks you if you still want to continue after that, she really wants your feedback on everything, might give you little "i'm sorry" kisses, just really caring in general, has no problem keeping it going if you want though wink wink " i'm so sorry !! we can stop if you want, sweetheart "
・ most people it wouldn't stop her one bit, she may actually like that you got caught, she's really intense especially if you're semi in public, kind of wants to embarrass you but also doesn't want to go too far, apologizes eventually " i feel like i'm losing my breath around you "
・ apologizes to the person but when they leave she acts like the victim, probably a lot of complaining, you have to keep going just to get her to be quiet, mad later because she wanted to be confident around you and getting caught made her lose it " i can't believe they had to interrupt us like that !!"
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[A/N]: yikes sorry that ive been literally dead for a week but im back !!! thank you for continuing to support me during the hiatus and i am really happy with how well the blog is doing ^^
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