#Just like what Ashera said
thesoundofanicefall · 2 years
The fact that Yuu after killing Ashera, felt no kind of guilty, sadness or anything else and even laughed happily over it...
He is turning to such a villain now...
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leowifefang · 2 years
jesus FUCKING christ
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kimigia · 6 months
my problem with owari no seraph's writing, from someone who's been reading it since 2016
finally decided to revive this blog after it sat untouched for years and collected copius amounts of dust.... just ignore my old posts LMAO
anyways, i have a small list of issues that i think i've already posted about before? but i wanted to compile them all, and add on anything i haven't mentioned before.
*small spoiler warning for recent chapters & light novel*
the countless neglected side plots and characters. i understand that every side story will eventually get its time to shine... but when? i don't think i'd have such a problem with it if the comic updated more often, but i understand that kagami has other scripts to write and it takes yamamoto time to draw the beautiful art. but it's been years since we last saw characters like lacus welt, rene simm, seishiro hiragi, chess belle, makoto narumi and horn skuld. i definintely think it's a huge shame that after being present for like, 50 or so chapters, they just... disappeared. hell, last time yoichi's plan to get revenge on lacus was mentioned was over 5 years ago. again, if the updates were faster i wouldn't have such a problem with it taking so many chapters to finally get to the side storylines. but i just feel like it's been way too long at this point... this has already been stated before, but the lack of mistuba, kimizuki, yoichi, and sometimes shinoa's respective stories being addressed is also really annoying. it feels like they've been completely forgotten and neglected and like the comic is just 'mika & yu + extras''. i want to see yoichi get his revenge on lacus, i want to see ferid's backstory, i want to see mitsuba's relationship with her sister branched out more, i want to see chess and horn and how they're relevant to crowley's story, i want to see where narumi ran off to, i want to see kimizuki's storyline with his sister, and i know these will be addressed eventually, but like... when? to add onto this, i feel like new storylines keep being added on without old ones being addressed. the whole thing with mika turning into a demon, turning into a sword, finding out the first's past, and all of that. but then again, it took us years to finally figure out the first's past, so i trust that these side plots will also eventually get addressed! it's just very messy, and all over the place.
2. the same lines being repeated over and over again. i swear to god every couple of chapters they go through the same dialogue of "we're going to revive everyone and save all of our family members and save the whole world" and i just feel like nothing really happens after that? just from chapters 100-130 it's been mentioned SO many times and i just. if i'm missing something i'd appreciate it if someone could just tell me at this point because i really don't see why the almost exact same dialogue has to be said so often. i am perfectly aware that the whole storyline revives around the importance of companionship, friendship, and love, but it just seems futile for the same exact thing to be stated so often. i think when it's SHOWN rather than just being told is really nice, like how krul and ashera's backstory was played out, or how the love between paimon and bael was shown. we can draw our own conclusions and interpret the story differently based on what we see rather than being spoonfed the same information over and over again. ashera basically cursed his sister because he couldn't fathom living without her, and bael ended his life because he couldn't fathom living without paimon. i think when the love and importance of the character's relationships with each other is shown like this, rather than the same dialogue being restated chapter after chapter, the story flows much smoother.
3. the lack of character development. again, if i've somehow missed it then please just tell me because i can't find it anywhere. specifically in yu's case, because it's been YEARS. i will say, in the early volumes of the manga i definitely saw him undergo a huge change, because before he got put in the demon army he had a very sour attitude and refused to make friends. but after he found his new family, he did a complete 180 and made it his life's mission to live for them and do anything to save them, mika included (later on) but again, that was years ago and since then i've honestly been unable to see much change in his behavior. despite the numerous times guren has shown himself to be a shifty, shady person that's hard to trust, it doesn't go through yu's head. even after they had that huge fight around chapter 112, his anger towards guren wasn't even about the fact that guren planned for his family to be murdered by ferid! he rarely listens to mika, and he generally just goes off and does whatever he likes. i UNDERSTAND that this is just part of his character and personality, but my god is it frustrating to watch... i will say though, him bowing to krul and requesting her help to save mika was a nice surprise that i didn't anticipate. i'd really like to see more of that! more of him listening to other characters who desperately try to help him, etc.
4. the way female characters are written and treated. i understand that this is a shounen manga, but the only female characters in the series being used for fan service gets on my nerves a LOT, especially since they're not really that well written in the first place. also the dialogue and interactions between them... i really really hate that majority of the conversations between just shinoa and mitsuba are played off as boob jokes or something when they could be having legitimate bonding moments and building their friendships. like i'm not gonna lie, shinoa is an absolutely FASCINATING character to me. but i want to see the girls interact with other girls outside of topics that have to do with a man or just making boob jokes!!! (i've only read volume 1 of the catastrophe manga,) but going off of that, the way there could've been so much more attention paid to sayuri's character for example but a lot of the spotlight on her just consisted of either a. her boobs being shown or b. somebody talking about her boobs. i'm not gonna lie, one of the first pages of the manga being a naked 14 year old girl was ....?? anyways. and how could i forget about chess and horn! they're vampires that're hundreds to thousands of years old, and they can't even fall in love or feel romantic desire, but the whole blushing thing while getting down on their knees to suck crowley's blood from his finger? chess getting jealous of horn for being able to suck his blood? hello? like... come on. i will say though, i really like how krul's character is written. in my opinion, she's an example of a well written female character.
an additional note that's not criticism: my opinions on the new art style are kinda 50/50... i feel like for the adult/older characters, the tiny eyes and sharper/more realistic features can make them look kinda weird sometimes, especially their front profiles. but for the younger/child/teen characters, i actually really like it and i feel like it suits them! not having their eyes take up half of their faces anymore looks good, and it can also be interpreted as physical growth.
anyways, there are so so so many things that i legitimately love about owari no seraph, so this isn't me just shitting on the entire series. i'm gonna follow it through to the end, and i'm excited to see how that goes! i just think the writing could use.... some work.
*please excuse any typos*
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lostsoulaltair · 2 months
With all due respect, Yuu is a hypocrite after chapter 136. Wdym you're going to be Shikama's successor... how many times before did he say that the past did not matter to him. I recall him saying something like that in chapter 74 to Ashera, chapter 113 with Shinoa and Guren and chapter 130 with Mika. I feel like he's chasing after ghosts atp and he's going to cause lots of hurt to the rest of the cast.
Maybe that's what he meant of how he's going to continue Shikama's circle of abuse lmao. He tricked his father's plan, but that doesn't mean it would have worked in the first place.
Also, kinda against it since vampires have their own motivation now and they're far different individuals as of their angel versions.
Hmm, that's a valid thought. I can't speak up for everyone but it is a valid to think that way towards Yuu's character.
Hmm, the thing with the main theme of the story is pretty much about love and how it can distort and take many shapes which we've seen along the yourney.
P.S: Might extent a little, sorry in advance.
It's true as you stated; he has stated he is living in the present but it is clear to which point his mindset aligns to.
What do I mean?
Shikama and Yuu have one similar type of love or well, rather, they share the same sentiment even back when Yuu had no recollection of who he was in the past. That said, such love is aligned to embracing the past, a disrespect towards life and living in the old days.
With this, there's a second factor when it comes to their mindset which is literally the very fact that both see that there shouldn't be repercutions or consequences to their actions.
What does this mean?
With Shikama. Shikama was never able to understand why his angels were punished; he considered that the sole sinner was him alone given that he pretty much did the three forbidden acts:
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Apothanasia standing for prolonging the life of those that are bound to die; of course, for angels in this case they were bound to accept that their time was over but Shikama sought more; furthermore, his angels believed ans crowned him as their God and King hence the weight of the punishment but still, Shikama didn't see the wrong of that.
When it comes to Yuu, he is falling in the same spot as Shikama did all those years ago which is highly visible in his fight with Asuramaru.
Asuramaru for sure was the most loyal to Shikama just like his previous life as an angel. But given how he was merely seen as a tool; he realized that those promises that were given to him were empty.
Allowing him to realize after such a long time that he really didn't treasure the fragility of life. Ashera concludes that making Krul an immortal was a terrible mistake whereas Yuu opposed saying that that's how humanity should be like.
This too is reflected on the point you stated.
Yuu might be the protagonist of the story; but that doesn't make him a hero. But that's the journey itself. How will it end this? Perhaps that angel that delivered punishment is likely to appear. After all, everything has a consequence.
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chiefwritesbook · 4 months
Hi hello this is my main WIP and book 1 is out and I'm !!!!!!
(have a moodboard first of all)
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Series title: Stories of the Ancient Lands (SOTAL) Genre: Epic fantasy/romance Themes: Justice (and prejudice), power & leadership, morality, self-identity, friendship & love
Blurb for book 1: War rages across the elven kingdom of Kies Tor. In the capital, the exiled crown prince has returned, seeking to usurp the throne. Midst the bloodshed and chaos, Talin Zylvaris II must take her place as queen and lead the kingdom to safety. It’s a heavy weight for the youngest Torrian ruler in a thousand years.
There is, however, a glimmer of hope in an unlikely alliance to the west. Against her council’s advice, Talin rides out with her mysterious royal bodyguard to seize it, oblivious to the dangers stirring at home. Caught between a court conspiracy and advancing Hellhounds to the north, Talin has only one chance to save her people. If it is not already too late.
About the main squad: Talin: Queen of an entire kingdom, inherited a war, trying her hardest not to screw up and also keep her people alive while everyone at court plots things behind her back. Probably needs to be fished out from the increasingly large pile of other people's bullshit.
Red Wolf: Lord Commander of the Royal Guard. Not a Werewolf™️ and definitely not a simp for the queen, not at all. Prone to getting stabbed or slashed by various sharp and pointy things - it's an occupational hazard.
Ettrias: Talin's twin brother, crown prince of Kies Tor, also very much exiled for murder. May or may not be plotting to assassinate the queen. People tend to forget he's highly competent with a sword and attempt to kill him for some reason.
Captain Golmin: Army vet who became head of the royal guard because it pays to be best friends with the Lord Commander. Really just tired of everyone's shit. Always ends up caught in the middle of a court conspiracy or another, possibly because he's dating the crown prince.
Ashera: A 12yo child who wound up as the Lord Commander's squire because the guy felt guilty about failing to save her hometown and subsequently promised her mother that he'd look after her. Looks like a cinnamon roll, can and will commit crimes.
Book 1 excerpt to finish off: Talin tried a different tactic. “Why did you allow the assassin to scale the walls?”
“We needed a man for questioning.” Red Wolf took the torch from her at the bottom of the steps and led the way onwards, past endless rows of black-barred cells. She could see some were occupied, though none dared come close to them in Red Wolf’s towering presence. A straggly youth with rags for clothes spat on the ground when they passed. Her bodyguard slammed the bars with a gauntleted hand, and he jumped back, eyes wide.
“You and Captain Golmin set this up?” Talin asked.
“The plan was my idea. Captain Golmin only helped because he had an obligation to his lord commander,” Red Wolf explained. “We organised a new night shift that left blind spots on the walls and allowed the assassin to observe the pattern. We also leaked false information that I would not be guarding you at night. I had been asking you if you required me to guard your chambers only because I did not want to go against your word, but you refused each time. We were running out of opportunities.”
“You mean to say that I was bait,” Talin said.
“Not the word I would use, but in a way, yes,” Red Wolf confessed.
“You have been on the throne for less than a year. If someone wants you dead this quickly, something is amiss. I’d like to find out what.”
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yuiphantomhive123 · 1 year
Thoughts on Chapter 126 and The Curse of Attachment
“The Root of Suffering is Attachment”- Buddha
Oh my God! Those angels look just like Urd, Saito, Krul, Ashera, the progenitors, and the black demons. I remember Saito saying something about them possessing the Michaela and how Sika Madu wanted to use them as a vessel for Michaela soul. I get it, they were angels in their previous life, that explains everything!
Also this manga not only captures the ending cycle of revenge and generational trauma but it also captures the never ending curse of love, attachment, and not letting go.
First, Sika Madu becomes attach to Mikaela and is reluctant to let him go.
Second, Paimon (Saito) is attached to the First and refuse to let him go.
Third, Bael (Urd) is attached to Paimon and refused to leave him behind alone.
This manga really introduces the theme of the curse of attachment and love. Almost all the main characters have a problem with not detaching themselves from others and they can’t grieve properly.
Buddha said that “The Root of Suffering is Attachment.”
This whole story and the suffering that the characters have gone through happened because of attachment and it all begin with The First becoming attached to Mikaela.
Basically, what I am trying to say is attachment, like trauma and revenge, is a never ending cycle that repeats itself and bring much more suffering.
Even Yu and Mika mentions how repeating this whole crap is while also trying to empathize with the First and the other angels.
I also like how Yu and Mika asked if Earth is hell.
I remember the First telling Ashera about that in chapter 79.
If the First and the other angels was banished to Earth/Hell as punishment, what did they do before all this to get banished?
The First obviously plans to not kill Mikaela and plans to run away with him.
The First: Have I ever broken a promise?
Me: Yes, you have. With Ashera for example.
Paimon is going to kill Angel Mika!!!! The next chapter is gonna be thrilling!!!!
What are your thoughts and theories on this chapter?? Let me know in the comments.
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shiningthundert · 1 year
Owari no Seraph: Why Yuu’s emotions probably aren’t manipulated/Fake *contains major spoilers*
I heard many people brush off Yuu’s feeling towards Mika as “manipulated/programmed” by Shikama Doji or “Survivor’s Guild” and after effects of Childhood Trauma (abandonment issues) but here is what actually speaks against this (I wrote a document file, with a lot of proof if you want to look it up later):
A) Yuu seems to know Mika even before he was dead. In chapter 122/123 we see Mika and Yuu still alive and kicking as angels (Seraph Mika and Cherub Yuu, it’s most definitely him), what proves this would be the to Mika seemingly familiar eye in chapter 106 and the fact Yuu “was created” out of this eyeball. That’s where we get to
B) Yuu wasn’t “created” but is a clone. As we already know from real-life, organs can be grown out of stem-cells or embryos and in Seraph of the end this “embryo” must be the original Yuu’s eye. You can’t replicate something without having the original and if Mika and Yuu were best Friends and together, even before Shikama had to make up this whole plan to revive his dead son, His current feelings and the fact (chapter 85) Yuu even went to the forbidden room, because he was drawn to Mika and didn’t even know he was in there, means they are real and Yuu isn’t programmed to feel that way. They are just remains of the feelings he had towards Mika from his original life.
C) And Yuu said those are his real feelings himself. While everyone is calling him “insane” or “manipulated” by Mikaela and the first, Yuu confirmed he was sane this entire time (Chapter 118) and isn’t doing what everyone says. (Page 34).
I also think Ashera saying “You’ve only ever had eyes for Mika” (Chapter 117) was foreshadowing to the fact, that he literally was an eye and with Mika even before humanity XD Someone also complained about Yuu’s “creepy eyes” from Chapter 113, which exactly look like the eye from Yuu’s original form. They probably weren’t meant as Yuu being a dead puppet, but probably as confirmation, that Yuu is “The Cherub” later on and only saw Mika ever since. You could also say, maybe these Cherubs were created by the first and fallen angels, as part of the Balu project (122) and Yuu was assigned to be Mika’s supervisor, but the first didn’t have his current plan in mind at that time, so of what use would be personal feelings if they could be a hindrance too (Maybe, telling Mika that his life could be in danger because of the project). Yuu’s feelings are 99% the real deal and Kagami, plus everyone involved in the ONS productions, confirmed Yuu’s feelings were romantically too what would go against “just a stupid obsession”.
Furthermore Yuu, was immediately starting to talk about himself going to die, if he can’t have Mika in his life (indirect suicide threat chapter 119) and explained how Mika always has been his reason to live, setting him apart from the rest of his family (Shinoasquad/Akane co.). When his parents abandoned him, Mika was there, when everyone died in the vampire capital, Yuu only lived on because Mika wanted him to and he wanted to get revenge for him and his dead family, when he found Mika again (1st/2nd) Reuinon he lived to protect what’s most dear to him and when losing him a second time, saving Mika was his purpose.
To this “He always lets Mika stand out from the rest of the family” we have A) The “I want to save my family, you’re family too” Mika: “You can’t have both” and Yuu suddenly saying “I don’t care for humanity” and even willing to risk the lives of the other children too, if it meant Mika would be safe. And B) The confusing translation of Chapter 119′s beginning:
“I always thought about myself and my Family” “I just had to save my family” “I just had to save you”, this sentence can be intepreted two ways 1. “I always thought I had to protect my family, but I only had to protect you” or 2. “Since I only have to protect my family, I only have to protect you” either way he is separating his feelings towards Mika from the others, meaning Mika is a special case. And remembering chapter 117/118 Ashera’s and Yuu’s fight, we learned that Yuu’s deepest desire, has not only something to with Mika, but also isn’t just wanting to save him(but this would be Shikama’s plan, so he is already acting out of order), although he only wants to save Mika if he claims, to want to save everyone.  Again there seem to be personal feelings not even Shikamadu expected. The ‘separating Mika’ can be seen as manipulation, but thinking back on that, all Shikamadu ever did, was putting Yuu into a life scarring situation, cloning him and telling Yuu his purpose was Mika, although he won’t be able to remember that at all. 
Last thing I actually wanted to say but forgot (sorry I have issues to concentrate, especially if I love the topic) was Yuu’s reaction to Mika and Shinoa’s confession. When he found out Shinoa loved him, he just rejected her, no further comments or reaction. But when Ashera told him, Mika was in love with him, he cried and suffered harder than before. He was already panicking  and in despair because Mika died a 2nd time, but having to hear “he was in love with you”, made it even worse. If it was just fake, an obsession or he was just a brother to him, he wouldn’t have reacted as if he just lost the opportunity to get together with the one he loved since forever or even harder than he already did. (You know what I’m saying? If not just tell me). And after hearing he could save him as demon, he even was all that “what are you doing to *my* Mika?” and randomly calling Mika pretty: “There was an angel that looked like you”, “They look like you, but even prettier”, “See? That’s you”. It almost looks like he’s flirting with him (and I can tell you, I was like that when realizing I was in love with my BFF and she was in love with me, before we got for 3 years separated from eachother and met again XD).
I also think there’s something weird anyways in everyone being scared of Mika’s life and thinking Mika must be sacrificed if humanity has to be restored, but that’s another thing I’ll talk about next time. I was just mentioning it because, that would defy first: Mika being turned into a vampire, as part of emotional manipulation and second: Turning Mika into a demon, if it means him having to perish, although Shika’s plan is reviving Mika.--->https://www.tumblr.com/shiningthundert/711601715786481664/owari-no-seraph-the-weird-thing-of-mika-having-to?source=share
Edit/Addition: I forgot to say that yes, there is emotional Trauma which can shape a child and that also, there's a certain emotional dependency if the last member of the family survived and you always thought they were dead, to the point you also wanted to die, but this same emotional trauma, is what gave them the ability to grow closer and develop a relationship in the first place. Sympathy and trying to be the other's emotional support is what love needs as well and Mika is the only one Yuu has this with. So of course will a shared trauma strengthen their bond, but that doesn't necessarily mean that romantic love needs to develop. However what we know is, Yuu is attracted to Mika (source: Shippingwiki Trivia/Manga/Game/Interviews) and also the feeling he's the only one who understands you, on your side and will do everything to make you happy, that's what most people look in potential partners for and who is more fit for this role, than the one that always gave you a reason to live and you feel attracted to even before humanity and their death itself?
Edit: Called it, Yuu is the Homunculus and Mika was the one who gave him name and heart. See his hyperfixation doesn't come from nowhere and also isn't manipulated emotions as he was never intended to feel love until Mika gave him his name😆♥️♥️
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Ons gets more absurd each chapter and I don't know what to think about it. So here are some points I'd like to discuss just to get it out of my head.
Beware, this is a lot of negativity. And despite all my criticism I will keep reading it because I still enjoy the story for the most part. For all I know, the things I don't like rn might lead to cooler plot points in the future.
Kagami is still trying to redeem Guren, which I'm tired of. Yes, I'm back on my hating Guren shit. "Guren is trustworthy", said Mika, after having found out that Guren played a part in the killing of their family just so he could then make the kids dependent on him to take advantage of them. If anyone, then Mika should understand that this is complete bs, since he's not attached to him. Guren the tragic hero. Idc idc, if you killed the people who mean most to me to manipulate me for whatever reason, even if it was to save the world, I'd still be pissed and never forgive you. Just let Guren be the bad guy and leave it at that. I like villains, I would like him. Just let him be unapologetically abusive and let the children taste the betrayal of their superior lieutenant. That would actually add so much delicious tension to the story. But it feels like the narrative wants me to love Guren for what he's done when in reality I just wanna call CPS on him for doing this to my children.
Shinoa's writing got worse and we all know it. She had so much potential but now she's just the potential love interest. Her personality is having a crush. Whenever she could have character development it gets reversed again. Also weird how she's a metaphor for desire. That's such a stereotypical female anime character trope. Not to mention that Mitsuba is barely even present. But what do I expect from a shonen manga written by a dude?
All the kids are forced by the narrative to always consider Yuu first because he's the main character. Why would they have their own wants and needs anyways, amirite? They initially went against him to get their families back, which wasn't the smartest approach but I blame that on Guren again because he immediately told them to raise their weapons, which was unreasonable, but then they started crying and apologizing to calm Yuu down and saying "oh we're so sorry for wanting our families back, even though you like Mika". The whole situation is laughable.
Yuu was teased to become villainous and selfish. He wanted to protect Mika. He wanted to save Mika and he had a plan. So much so that he devoured Ashera and what not. Now he wants to save everyone, which is another stereotypical shonen trope, so I'm not mad. But a little disappointed. Because it was predictable and I feel like this arc could've been so much more intense, exciting and angsty. About betrayal and learning to put yourself first. And Yuu being less of the happy go lucky, stupid protagonist. Like he was in the very beginning of the story, where he was like "I don't need family". He could've turned back into that! The angst!!
Basically, none of the characters have good development. Yuu and Mika started something because they had opposite development in the first arc, that happened in a flash. But then they stuck to that and never changed anything anymore.
Again, sorry for being so negative. I'm not trying to say I could do it better and I'm not gonna go off and write a canon divergent fanfic either. I'm just fed up rn.
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nayruwu · 10 months
I feel same way about ons as you :') I got into it because of gureshin it's been long since I already lost interest alas. I was wondering what do you think of characters like guren shinoa mika & krul? I really liked them back then but now I'm really disappointed with how author wrote them since past few years & weirdly fandom still tries to act as if nothing wrong with them but "people didn't read correctly"
hello!! :D
i'm sorry that so many others seem to be suffering the same way i am, but it's also a little reassuring. at least we're not alone in our misery.
and i think answering your question will be quite fun!
well guren, obviously i love guren. he's so sad and pathetic and tired and broken he's like a wet cat. the way he loves, the way he does terrible things and hates himself for it but does it anyway because he knows he has no other choice, it's so intriguing and painful. i love it. there's aspects that bother me when reading the novels, like when i cannot for the life of me grasp why he is doing what he's doing, or when he's being an arrogant asshole. but then i read the paragraphs my friends have written about him and love him with my whole heart again. i think they called it blorbo-in-law, that fits it quite well.
but i feel like i need to mention, i totally get why people got so mad with him recently. the way it was handled with the kids just immediately forgiving him again after one word was just... not good. i wasn't kidding when i said i wanted him to be more evil. it was a lot more exciting when him and mahiru first started that "let's betray everyone" stizzle and we weren't sure if he was actually going to harm anyone. it was serious, oh the suspense! now he's just our friend guren again. let him go batshit insane. please. he's not a saint, and he doesn't need to be.
at this point the only one i can trust to truly judge and be mad at him for more than half a panel is shinya. and that's a little odd. also he's currently in eeby deeby.
ohh shinoa! i used to like her a lot. it's only natural, i guess, since she is so similar to shinya. i always thought her to be a less extreme version of him - shinoa was also trained to be numb and hide herself behind jokes and smiles, but she seems to retain more of her emotions than he does. she's scared of dying, she's not much of a killing machine, and she is very much capable of developing actual romantic feelings for someone. wow, shinoa!
now, the problem is the toxic view of love that mahiru drilled into her head, and how the story will adress that, if at all. i don't mind her crush on yuu, it's her proof of not being dead inside or worthless or meant to be alone. but the way she acts on it is quite selfish. she's taking after her sister a little too much for my liking lately. "i will get yuu back, even if i have to kill mikaela to do it", alright miss mini mahiru. chill.
i would very much like someone to drill some sense into her head.
as for mika, he was my favourite for quite some time. i'm afraid i can't speak on him anymore, though, since he's kinda wiggled himself out of my field of interest. younger me would be going insane over his angel self... but now, i actually don't have anything to say about him. he exists. he's a massive scapegoat. i wish we could have seen him bond with shinoa squad.
krul is great solely because she's somehow the only female character who doesn't have a crush on some guy. hooray for vampirism! i don't have that many thoughts on her either, but i do adore her. she treated mika fairly well, she acted against vampire laws, she was more trustworthy than others. and god, that chapter where she was turned into a vampire was so awful, i loved it. more of an ashera-perspective probably, but still! as i've mentioned, i'm not a fan of her and all the black demons having been angels before, so i can't bring myself to look forward to their reunion as much as i used to. but i'd still like to see it.
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enbyleighlines · 1 year
if you’re still accepting drabble prompts: “devotion” for Ike/Soren
(Of course! Thank you for the request!)
People tended to think of Soren as the devoted one. They saw him ever at Ike's heel, eager to serve. "Ike's shadow," they called him. Some said it in that manner that was meant to be affectionate, the way the Greil mercenaries were always teasing each other out of love. Others said it with condescension, even disgust.
Perhaps it was to be expected. Ike was not especially charismatic, but he was dependable, honest, and kind. It was natural that people would be drawn to him. Meanwhile, Soren was caustic, bitter, broken. He didn't soften his words, didn't stick his nose where it didn't belong, didn't bother with small talk. It must have been amusing to them, to see someone as unfriendly as Soren follow Ike around like a lost puppy. They probably thought Ike was too nice to shake Soren off, the way he struggled to dodge Aimee's aggressive flirtations.
Soren didn't care what others thought of him. Their opinions didn't matter. They didn't know what they were talking about.
They didn't know that Ike was just as devoted.
Actions spoke louder than words. That was what both Ike and Soren believed. And it was through those actions that Soren felt the depth of Ike's warm regard for him.
He saw it in how Ike might bring him a cup of tea late at night, when Soren was finishing the last of his reports by dying candlelight. Or how Ike would listen silently, his attention fixed solely on Soren as the mage vented about the state of their finances.
If Soren was in a bad mood, Ike was the first to notice. He was the only one to care. Ike would gently coax answers out of him, never pushing too hard, never smothering Soren with his concern.
Ike didn't have a gentle tough. He was a blunt object, simple in both heart and mind, and clumsy with emotions. Yet with Soren, Ike would try. He didn't always say the right thing, but he tried. Oh, how he tried. And for Soren, the trying was more than enough.
Because it was just another sign of Ike's devotion.
Soren may have fallen in love first, but Ike was there to catch him. When they finally kissed on the top floor of the Tower of Guidance, Ike's lips clearing away the tears staining his face, Soren was so happy that he felt that his heart would burst. He might have laughed, if he hadn't already wasted all his air on his crying.
It wasn’t the right time. They were at the precipice of disaster, with the life of every mortal at stake. Yet Soren needed a shoulder to cry on, needed the reassurance that he was loved, and so Ike had provided.
And Soren did laugh, later. Though they were there to fight a literal goddess, Soren could feel the confused stares at his back that continued until Ashera's final dying gasp.
Soren still didn't care what others thought about him. Their opinions didn't matter.
And yet he couldn't help but savor the bright glow of smugness warming his chest. Because now they knew what he had known all along. When it came to devotion, Soren and Ike were evenly matched.
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freedomarrow · 11 months
— twenty one. a memory of the first time they did an activity they love
"Pssst. Hey, Leonardo."
His side is nudged with the other's elbow and he looks to Edward, before turning his head to look in the direction his friend is pointing towards, to see what has him so excited this time.
"You see that cart with potatoes up the road? If you shoot the wheel, you could probably send it rolling down the hill, right? Riiiight at those goons standing right there!..."
The young archer does not move. Only his eyes narrow slowly, steadily, into a thoughtful frown as they move between the cart and the group of five Begnion soldiers standing down the road.
"Come ooonnn, do it~"
But he keeps still. To an outsider, this might perhaps look like Leonardo is ignoring his friend's urging. An outsider unfamiliar with them would probably consider his face expression as a show of mild annoyance, in response to the silly excitement at the idea of sending a cart tumbling down at a group of men who could arrest and likely execute them for it. An outsider who does not know better might expect Leonardo to silence Edward, to point out how senseless that is, maybe even to leave...
But said outsider would be wrong, for the only reason the blond remains silent is because he is already running calculations in his head, and the frown is merely a show of focus -
before he quickly and fluidly pulls out an arrow, and fires.
The arrow bounces off the bottom of the wheel - which moves, turning. The weight of the potatoes on the carriage pushes the movement forward, and the wheels turn, faster,
"Come on Edward, we've got to hide—"
faster, faster,
"Wh-Whhhaatta heckaAAWAAAAAAAAA!!"
before a loud CRASH is heard, mixed with pained screams and wails of the soldiers. Through a gap between the buildings that conceal them, the boys can see the aftermath of Edward's idea and Leonardo's effort. They watch for a moment in silence, before turning to each other.
And then they both bend down as they break into stifled snorting and laughter; by Ashera, what was that?! Leonardo almost needs to duck down to hold himself together, trying not to laugh loud enough - however funny and ridiculous that is, he is well aware they cannot get spotted, but goddess above that was sooo. Oh he does not have the words, that does not happen often, but that was just sooo. Sooo good.
(He will only pause later, reflecting on how that might have been the first time Edward heard him laugh.)
"C'mon, let's go," he urges one more time, having finally recovered enough to manage a whisper, and the two retreat swiftly into the alley.
(They will later do this many times, in many situations, and make the best out of every one, and Leonardo would come to appreciate those moments dearly, for they were how he never truly forgot what it was like to laugh.)
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thesoundofanicefall · 2 years
Does Mika still trusts Yuu?
Something came to my mind after this new chapter was that, does Mika still trusts Yuu after all that happened?
Mika clearly betrayed by Yuu's perfect act of lie back on 115 even after he showed his the most pure emotions to him
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And later he saw that Yuu can be generally a very good actor and liar after that when he killed Ashera, and even kinda celebrated his death not feeling any kind of guilty after that,
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Like as Mika eat Ashera who was Yuu's desire, ok now it sounds super funny sorry Ashera lmao, he must clearly felt the poor demon's true feelings before his death and his deepest sadness and despair
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And yet he found Yuu not even caring for that... And so I think now Mika realized that this Yuu isn't his Yuu and that's why I think Mika doubts if Yuu isn't actually Shikama's puppet now and doesn't work for him just like how Ashera stated and for sure Mika also heard that loud and sound,
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Because yeah sure Yuu said he wants to have his own plan but Mika saw how Yuu can lie and act and manipulate people easily and in one word, he isn't also pure and a saint, too so could it be that Mika is now thinking about stopping Yuu by acting as if he is on his side but is actually not?! Yeah just like what Yuu did to him lol
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As we clearly see and know Mika doesn't want to get revived like this by letting his family and beloveds to go and actually get sacrificed for him
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so I am thinking now that what if Mika changed his mind about what he said before and now he is actually really thinking about possessing Yuu in order to stop him?!
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And yeah so what if this is Mika the one who has his own plan and is secretly just observing Yuu so if he isn't the Yuu he knows can betray, possess and even leave him forever now?!
What do you think about this theory now guys?! Please share your ideas I'll be glad to hear!
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urdgealesisbaby · 2 years
in your opinion who is/are the vampire(s) who shows more feelings?
Hello,dear anon!!
Thank you for the question and I do have some ideas for this! I also think I should make an opinion-topic masterlist so people can have access to that too!
I also must mention that I put multiple vampires here because I couldn't help myself to put just one!!:)
This is my opinion and people are free to either agree or disagree with me.Let me know what you also think in the comments!
So let's get into it:
So first of all I wanna say that I do think that the fact that vampires don't have feelings isn't true.Because if you take them one by one you can easily realize that they do have feelings more or less.
1)Rigr Stafford
I do think that Rigr is the most emotional vampire (ik he isn't really classified as a vampire now but hear me out) and I do have multiple reasons for that.
First off it’s the fact that he mentions himself to Shikama that he wants to be noticed by him.Also in the latest chapters he is shown to be very emotional about the fact that Shikama has created vampire-kind for selfish reasons.And he is very angry at his father because he did abandon him and Urd when they didn't meet his expectations.
Secondly, he is shown in all chapters to have some kind of connection with Urd.Like it seems like he genuinely cares about Urd.Not even mentioning the fact that in the last chapters he says with his own words that he thought about Urd almost everyday or everyday(I don't remember if he said almost or everyday everyday lol).
He also shows human hypocrisy because he doesn't like that his father left him alone with Urd,but at the same time he does the same thing with his son,Ferid.
2)Ferid Bathory
I do think that he is very emotional too and has a lot of feelings.
He has the same daddy-things just like his father. I also feel that he is even more invested on defeating and him getting noticed by his dad more than Rigr is in Shikama.
He also shows much more charisma and he likes to toy with humans most of his time.He likes manipulating Guren and other vampires too.
I also think that his charisma is resulted from his trauma and his desire to get noticed by Rigr.I don't really know if he wants to defeat Rigr completely or wants to mentally torture him too or just wants attention from him , I can't decide hehe.
Honorable mentions:
Urd Geales-I feel like if we didn't have the backstory chapters,we wouldn't even know if he cares for Rigr or not.And don't get me wrong,I don't have anything with Urd(I mean even my name here on Tumblr is Urd Geales is baby) but I think we need more chapters with him to know what kind of person he is.
Krul Tepes-She cooperates with humans and gets very emotional over her brother,Ashera.
Lest Karr-only here because we know that when someone mentions Rigr Stafford's name, he is very scared and that's unusual for a vampire.He also has a huge ego boost in my opinion.
Ky Luc-even though we don't know anything about him and his past at all, he shares the same charisma and eccentric thing like Ferid Bathory.
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I just realized something. While you said Sephiran isn't trying to end the world, there's still enough chaos going on that it would make sense if after all the arcs (excluding the Gen 2 ones), Ashera wakes up and attempts to end everything. It's the *one* thing that Validar, Manfroy, Thales, and Jedah might agree on working together on.
WAIT, that's giving me an idea. Like, canonically the deal is that if Yune is unsealed by Tellius becoming consumed by war, Ashera will awaken and put an end to the world, but if Yune awoken by someone singing the galdr, then Ashera and Yune will consult with each other on what to do with the world.
So now I'm thinking like, Yune accidentally gets released by Micaiah singing the galdr of release (not knowing exactly what the song is), and then Ashera wakes up and suddenly Sephiran, who was not on any level trying to orchestrate the end the world, has to work with Yune and Micaiah to convince Ashera that the world is worth saving. And specifically I think the funniest way for this to manifest is that, with all the chaos in the world that Ashera can sense, she demands to see the state of the world beyond Tellius, as well. She demands to know what has been happening while she's asleep.
(Micaiah, whispering to Sephiran: "Is the goddess insisting that we take her on a world tour?"
Sephiran: "...yes, I believe so.")
So begins the World's Worst Vacation, where Sephiran, Micaiah, Yune (swapping back and forth between being a bird and bodyjacking Micaiah), Sanaki (who was raised by Sephiran and just found out that Micaiah is her sister and that means this is almost like a family trip and she must come along as well), and Zelgius (who just showed up on the day of departure with a plane ticket and a bag packed) must convince Ashera that the world is worth saving.
This is half a sitcom premise as you cram the six of them into a rental car and they have to drive 12 hours straight across the desert in Jugdral or as Ashera and Yune bump into the gods of other continents who are hanging around, and half a heartwarming recap of all the various plot threads that have happened and how the indominable mortal spirit and people's love for each other has persevered through absolute chaos. Can beorc and laguz live in harmony in Tellius? Can humans and dragons live in harmony across the rest of the world? Harder to answer "no, they can't" after meeting Tormod and Muarim in Daein, or Ike and Ranulf in Gallia, or bumping into Lilith while she's babysitting her part-human niece and nephew in Hoshido. (Shoutout to Kana for attempting to bite a goddess.)
She does put some serious consideration into wiping Fodlan off the map, though. (Shoutout to Balthus for being the first person in recorded history to call a goddess a "milf" to her face.)
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regnumaves · 1 year
OK, what the hell was that.
Tibarn had heard that, amidst the Ethereal Ball preparations, a bunch of the Academy had been taken by the so-called Elementals and vanished off to somewhere else. Apparently they're still having a ball from the news he'd gathered, just... miniature size and as mandated by whatever those beings are. Which sounds crazier than what Ashera had pulled on them, and he never thought he'd say that, but hey, if the Academy isn't in a state of panic, neither is he.
Except when, as he's flying out on patrol, something grabs him mid-air like he's a sparrow, there's a flash, darkness, flash again, and next thing he knows he's been dumped right into this ball??
Oh, here's the actual sparrows. And mice. They're his size.
(They look tastier than the food they're preparing as far as he's concerned, but maybe that's best not said out loud here and now?)
Something other than his feather necklace appears around his neck. A Fire mark flashes up on his right leg, above the talons.
He supposes that at the very least he can look after everyone...
Here we go... A bit late, but Tibarn is open to ball prompts and interactions.
His element is Fire.
He is not in the best of moods, probably, but he'll try to be polite.
Not being entirely comfortable with this situation, he has chosen to remain transformed. Birb time.
Week 1 Prompts: ACCEPTING Week 2 Prompts: ACCEPTING Week 3 Prompts: ACCEPTING
Air — Alm
Earth — Arval
Water — Sephiran
Fire — Seteth
Lightning — Veyle
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old-scalebag · 5 months
abatina :   is there anything in life your muse has changed their mind about over time   (   due to becoming more educated on the topic ,   certain experiences  ,   etc .   ) ,    or that they   would   change their mind about under certain circumstances ? 
Some light headcanons before spoilers. Damn this became long, hope it makes sense. Putting it under read more because of spoilers at the bottom but also mostly because this got long>.<
I headcanon the old geezer as once having been much stricter. Stiffer and more serious kind of person who didn’t make jokes. Didn’t know when to let down and stoic as stoic comes. His educations was also bare bones when it came to the bird and beast laguz, along with the beorcs. The dragon tribes weren’t isolated way back then. They also weren’t united. However general attitudes were low towards the bird and beast laguz (Dragon superiority bells faintly ringing) and this attitude doesn’t change in just one or two generation of dragons. Easily perpetuated, it was taught to him. This is were some of his pride stems from. Dragon numero uno y’know.
So his time in Tellius, before the flood and after it, saw a change in this mind set. As he needed to interact with other kinds of people more. It had him see value in other things in life, other aspect. Other kinds of strength an individual could have and still be worthy. Of others mistakes. He gained wisdom and used it to further his own means. However, it was more with his interactions with the two other champions and Asheras companion that really mellowed him out. A little bit. Natural respect came to the goddess companion and her other chosen champions. But they earned more of it through their own merits. The kind of character they were. What he’d learn from them. They’re similarities. Their dreams. He adored them.
That said, the flood and the war that followed really cemented the “dragons cannot interact with other people equally.” It was a thought and a quite part of his ambitions while serving his duties. And throughout his attempt and labour in trying to unite the dragon tribes. Dragon to dragon conflicts were a lot simpler to deal with than a dragon to beorc or other laguz. As those were a lot messier and caused more heart ache when they occurred…
Although it was well and good for everyone to get along. A dragon could never be a true equal to others not of their kind. Violence would follow. So it was best for them to keep to themselves. To isolate themselves. A dragons business is a dragons business. Only another dragon could handle a dragon. Not the other short lived races and physically weaker ones. End of story. In the art book it mentions it was a way to preserver and keep their unique culture as well. Which tells me that he’s witnessed attempts to integrate into other laguz and beorcs cultures that he did not like. That stripped a dragon of who they are. Seen others people’s villages and home scorched to the ground. Other people killed. His people killed. Dragons were not always untouchable.
Now whether he soften just a little bit in his stance or double down on it during his time here. Time can only tell
Now for the spoiler! Wooo. Stop reading if you don’t want to be spoiled
part 4 rebirth 3, after you defeat him and in the base convo Ancient History. The lie of the branded that he created and perpetuated, In game it’s stated that they should have told everyone the truth. However given the chance to change the past. To change how the course of history went… he wouldn’t. Not because he prefers how things went but because of a kind of cowerdice and fear. Of not knowing how much worse it could have been if people did know. Of what worse things that could occur. Would occur.
Having stood at the sideline of history for a long while. Dheginsea knows how something can be twisted and used. After all if Dheginsea could do it, he doesn’t want to imagine in what ways the information could have morphed into. In what harsher and worse ways it could vilify and prosecute the branded then what history knows current.
Points at the civil war that occurred in Bengion and the origin of the term human and sub-human. Point at history in general.
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